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Effervescent (in fact)

There aren’t enough adjectives to begin to explain Jango Flash , this started out as an interview, but as soon we I arrived I was hit by a wall of pure energy and enthusiasm so much so that I felt like some kind of energy vampire, because when we eventually left them, let’s just say we felt way better than when I arrived. This will be from now on referred to as the JANGO FLASH EFFECT. They are (almost) all sitting with their manager at 3 Tanners Bank North Shields enjoying a pint in the sunshine

As I said it started as an interview, ME: Hey everybody, want to tell me who’s who?

JF: Hi I’m Jack singer and front man, I’m Ollie I play bass, I’m Jake I play guitar, there is no need for an introduction for the sweetheart and long- time friend of NE Love, the drummer Ed who I am reminded was responsible for drums on Sam Fenders breakthrough single ‘Play God’, but we are still a man down at this point, and I’m told by Jack that it’s the ‘flamboyant’ rhythm guitarist Sam. He wasn’t wrong, as I soon saw when I got to meet the angel faced, although as I suspected anything but, angelic, Sam. We move on to more questions, and I’m excited to hear that they believe in (as do I) kismet; or fate or whatever you want call the invisible force that has brought them together. Its even more incredible sat here looking at them because they, so look the part, they look every inch the part in fact they are in fact dedicated musicians with bags of charisma and just enough cheek, it’s the perfect recipe.

These band members have played in all kinds of other bands before, coming together. Jack has also played with Sam (Fender) and is a childhood friend of his, you may remember’’’’ we spotted Sam first too, way before he ’made it’

In 2018 Jack started writing songs and in telling me quips, there’s no one I would trust more than this guy (Ed) so he immediately got him onboard, the rest as they say was fate, Sam first then Ollie and Jake. With Ed spotting someone with a flex peddle on a bus and a conversation that went from “nice bit of kit mate” to band mates. Divine intervention claims Jake :)

Another friend we all have in common is Kristian Atkinson, who, when he pops up in the conversation, one of them calls “the Robin Hood of punk… how cool is that? And it’s exactly what I’m gonna think every time he’s mentioned now.

I manage to get in a few more questions and Darin asks them, what venue would you most like to play in?

JF: Paradiso Amsterdam (Ed) Electric Ballroom (Sam) and The Moth Club (Jake) and Glasto crops up of course as well as festivals in Belgium (Ollie)

ME: Ideal band to go on tour with?

JF: The Strokes, This answer seems pretty unanimous and I have to say I concur, having heard them I can see how that would work.

I cannot wait to see them live, I’m more excited than they are, and considering this energy that’s saying something.

The single “Tired Eyes” will be released after the summer rounds of gigs and festivals in September. I loved it, that’s actually why this meeting came about. And with an EP due out at the very end of the year it’s a really exciting time for these guys and we highly recommend that you have them on your radar l

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