CGC24 Information Pack

Page 1

9am Arrival & registration

9.45am Welcome & introduction

10am Strategy & state of the game update

10.30am Gainline launch

11am Breakout workshops (Round 1)

12pm Breakout workshops (Round 2)

1pm Lunch & partner exhibition

1.45pm T1 Rugby introduction & demonstration

2.30pm Breakout workshops (Round 3)

3.30pm Youth performance pathway update

3.50pm Looking ahead to next season

4.15pm Finish



Andy Boyd Athletic Development Manager Claire Cruikshank Edinburgh Rugby & Edinburgh University Women Head Coach Stuart Corsar Performance Coach Women & Girls Pathway JP Doyle High Performance Match Officials Head Coach Jared Deacon Academy S&C coach David Drummond Regional Director, East Region John Fletcher Head of Pathways & Elite Coach Development Ross Ford Alan Falconer Regional Director, Glasgow South Stuart Ferrier Performance Pathway and Talent Manager, sportscotland Neil Graham Head of Game Sam Grove-White Professional Referee Pete Horne Scotland Men Assistant Coach Ben John The Rugby Trainer Edward Hall Assistant Professor, Sociology of Sport, Northumbria University Caroline Blair (Host) Presenter, Podcaster and Event Host


Toni Lamb Performance Nutritionist Mike Legget Academy S&C Coach Kenny Murray Scotland U20 Head Coach & Head of Player Transition Craig McCann Senior Match Official Development Manager Chris Laidlaw Performance Coach Women & Girls Pathway Danny Newcombe Coach Development Manager – Premier League Head Coach – Hockey Wales, Senior Men Fergus Pringle Scotland U20 Assistant Coach Chris Pacey Regional Director, Caledonia Midlands Rosy Ryan Lead Development Manager for Women & Girls Lindsey Smith Performance Coach Women & Girls Pathway Drew Scott Womens Pathway S&C Coach Gav Scott Director of Rugby Development Steve Turnbull Head of Rugby Development Operations Rudi Urbach Regional Director, Caledonia North Pieter De Villiers Scotland Men Assistant Coach Keith Wallace Scottish Rugby Vice President Jason Lewis Director of Participation, World Rugby Keith Lewis Laws Coordinator, World Rugby Greg Woods Participation Programmes Manager, World Rugby Andy Cummins Regional Manager, Caledonia Midlands



Theme Round 1


Rugby Skills

Girls Blueprint Curriculum

Rugby Skills

Boys Blueprint Curriculum

Physical Skills

Boys & Girls

Blueprint Curriculum

Blueprint coaching


Set-Piece Skills

Creative Attack – Girls Curriculum

Claire Cruikshank & Chris Laidlaw (P)

Creative Attack – Boys Curriculum

Pete Horne (P)

Strength & Power – Physical Curriculum

Mike Leggett, Drew Scott, Ross Ford (P)

Speed & Agility – Physical Curriculum

Jaren Deacon, Andy Ryan, Dave Cowan (P)

Planning for action: rethinking practice


Danny Newcombe & John Fletcher (I)

Scrum Fundamentals

Pieter de Villiers & Stuart Corsar (P)

Mini Rugby



Developing Handling Skills for Minis

Ben John (P)

Developing your Game Sense

Sam Grove-White & JP Doyle (I)

Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

Relentless Contact – Girls Curriculum

Claire Cruikshank & Lindsey Smith (P)

Relentless Contact – Boys Curriculum

Fergus Pringle & Pete Horne (P)

(R) Strength & Power – Physical Curriculum

Mike Leggett, Drew Scott, Ross Ford (P)

(R) Speed & Agility – Physical Curriculum

Jaren Deacon, Andy Ryan, Dave Cowan (P)

How to effectively Co-Coach

Edward Hall (I)

Building the Scrum

Pieter de Villiers & Stuart Corsar (P)

Mini Rugby Bug Busting

Stuart Ferrier (P)

Improving your Positioning

Sam Grove-White & JP Doyle (P)

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

Dictating Defence – Girls Curriculum

Lindsey Smith & Chris Laidlaw (P)

Dictating Defence – Boys Curriculum

Kenny Murray (P)

Enhancing your physical performance environment (insights & opportunities)

Toni Lamb & Andy Boyd (I)

Planning for inter-action: we still need to coach

Danny Newcombe & John Fletcher (I)

Lineout Fundamentals

Fergus Pringle (P)

Developing Mini Rugby Tackle & Contact


Ben John (P)

Scrum Set up for Success

Sam Grove-White, JP Doyle & Pieter De

Villiers (P)

T1 Rugby – a game for everyone

T1 Rugby

(P) Practical workshop (I) Indoor workshop

Jason Lewis, Greg Woods, Keith Lewis (I) (R) Repeat workshop



Workshop Theme Creative Attack – Girls

Curriculum (Claire Cruikshank & Chris Laidlaw) PRACTICAL

When is this workshop happening?

Further Workshop


Round 1


Relentless Contact – Girls

Curriculum (Claire Cruikshank & Lindsey Smith) PRACTICAL

Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

This workshop will focus on the Creative Attack elements within the Girls Blueprint Curriculum (download here).

Coaches who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of the Blueprint principles, and ideas on how to coach these within their own club or school setting.

This workshop will focus on the Relentless Contact elements within the Girls Blueprint Curriculum (download here).

Coaches who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of the Blueprint principles, and ideas on how to coach these within their own club or school setting.

Dictating Defence – Girls

Curriculum (Lindsey Smith & Chris Laidlaw) PRACTICAL

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

This workshop will focus on the Dictating Defence elements within the Girls Blueprint Curriculum (download here).

Coaches who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of the Blueprint principles, and ideas on how to coach these within their own club or school setting.


Workshop Theme

When is this workshop happening?

Further Workshop


Creative Attack – Boys

Curriculum (Pete Horne) PRACTICAL

Round 1


Relentless Contact – Boys

Curriculum (Fergus Pringle & Pete Horne) PRACTICAL

Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

This workshop will focus on the Creative Attack elements within the Boys Blueprint Curriculum (download here).

Coaches who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of the Blueprint principles, and ideas on how to coach these within their own club or school setting.

This workshop will focus on the Relentless Contact elements within the Boys Blueprint Curriculum (download here).

Coaches who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of the Blueprint principles, and ideas on how to coach these within their own club or school setting.

Dictating Defence – Boys

Curriculum (Kenny Murray) PRACTICAL

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

This workshop will focus on the Dictating Defence elements within the Boys Blueprint Curriculum (download here).

Coaches who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of the Blueprint principles, and ideas on how to coach these within their own club or school setting.


Workshop Theme Strength & Power – Physical Curriculum (Mike Leggett, Drew Scott, Ross Ford) PRACTICAL

When is this workshop happening?

Further Workshop Information

Round 1


Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

This workshop will focus on the Strength & Power elements of the Blueprint Curriculum (download here).

Coaches who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of the Blueprint principles, and ideas on how to coach these within their own club or school setting.

Speed & Agility – Physical Curriculum (Jaren Deacon, Andy Ryan, Dave Cowan) PRACTICAL

Round 1


Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

This workshop will focus on the Speed & Agility elements within the Blueprint Curriculum (download here).

Coaches who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of the Blueprint principles, and ideas on how to coach these within their own club or school setting.

Enhancing your physical performance environment (Toni Lamb & Andy Boyd) INDOOR

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

This workshop will support club and school coaches and directors of rugby to understand more about how to enhance their environment to support player development.

Workshop Theme

When is this workshop happening?


Planning for action: rethinking practice design (Danny Newcombe & John Fletcher) INDOOR

Round 1 11am-11.50am

Further Workshop Information Our players will be as good as the problems they interact with. In this workshop Danny and Fletch will support you to build practices to support players in solving problems presented by the game.

The session will link to the Blueprint coaching skills and session design principles available here.

How to effectively Co-Coach (Edward Hall) INDOOR

Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

Edward will explore ways for multi-disciplinary teams of coaches to work collaboratively and maximise time on task.

Through research into professional coaching practice, Edward will draw on experience and research in Rugby and other sports to provide insights in how coaching groups can be more effective.

Planning for inter-action: we still need to coach (Danny Newcombe & John Fletcher) INDOOR

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

Life raft or armband? In this workshop Danny and Fletch will explore a coaching toolbox to support players to solve the problems the game presents to them.

The session will link to the Blueprint coaching skills and session design principles available here.


Workshop Theme Scrum Fundamentals (Pieter de Villiers & Stuart Corsar) PRACTICAL

When is this workshop happening? Round 1 11am-11.50am

Further Workshop Information Pieter and Stuart will demonstrate how to effectively coach players into good individual body positions – the fundamentals of any scrum.

Throughout the workshop coaches will gain knowledge of coaching activities that can be delivered to players at all levels.

Building the Scrum (Pieter de Villiers & Stuart Corsar) PRACTICAL

Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

Lineout Fundamentals (Fergus Pringle) PRACTICAL

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

Pieter and Stuart will progress from the round 1 workshop and focus on building a full scrum.

The session will look at areas of binding and alignment, and consider how to get the best out of your players.

Fergus will demonstrate how to effectively coach the fundamentals of the lineout including movement, finding space, and the basics of jump and lifting mechanics.

Throughout the workshop coaches will gain knowledge of coaching activities that can be delivered to players at all levels.


Workshop Theme Developing Handling Skills for Minis (Ben John) PRACTICAL

When is this workshop happening? Round 1


Mini Rugby Bug Busting (Stuart Ferrier) INDOOR Developing Mini Rugby Tackle & Contact Skills (Ben John) PRACTICAL

Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

Further Workshop Information

Throughout the session Ben will look at simple handling activities for mini rugby players.

Throughout the workshop coaches will gain knowledge of coaching activities that can be delivered to players at all levels.

Stuart will share his learnings from several years coaching Mini Rugby at Perthshire RFC and provide hints and tips for coaches currently active within mini rugby.

The workshop will also be an opportunity for coaches to share their own learnings and solutions to the common challenges within the mini game.

Throughout the session Ben will look at how to effectively coach the tackle at mini rugby level, providing hints and tips on building confidence and technique.

Throughout the workshop coaches will gain knowledge of coaching activities that can be delivered to players at all levels.


Workshop Theme Developing your Game Sense (Sam Grove-White & JP Doyle) INDOOR

When is this workshop happening?

Round 1


Further Workshop Information This workshop will support referees at all levels to consider how their officiating can add value to the game and player experience. The workshop will explore how referees can alter their refereeing approach depending on the game and players needs.

Improving your Positioning (Sam Grove-White & JP Doyle) PRACTICAL

Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

Scrum Set up for Success (Sam Grove-White, JP Doyle & Pieter De Villiers) PRACTICAL

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

A practical session delving into the intricacies of how movement and positioning can help you improve your refereeing.

Sam and JP will draw on their experiences at all levels of the game to demonstrate how movement patterns change and evolve.

A unique opportunity to explore the scrum through the lens of both a referee and coach.

JP and Sam will dissect the scrum and look at how a referee’s set up for success at the scrum, with Pieter providing a coaches insight.

Workshop Theme T1 Rugby – a game for everyone

(Jason Lewis, Greg Woods, Keith Lewis – World Rugby) INDOOR

When is this workshop happening? Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

Further Workshop Information

A follow up on the T1 demonstration delivered after lunch, Jason, Greg and Keith from World Rugby will provide additional information about the T1 Rugby format. This will include information on the T1 Rugby laws, background on how and why it was developed, and experiences from other countries who are engaged.


For further information on T1 Rugby please visit click here


Workshop Topic Facilitators

State SchoolsInspiring the next generation

Developing your facilities with Scottish Gas

Rudi Urbach

Regional Director Caledonia North

Steve Turnbull

Head of Rugby Development Operations

Andy Cummins

Regional Manager Caledonia Midlands

Harnessing the growth of the women and girls' game

How to market your club

Rosy Ryan

Lead Development Manager for Women & Girls

David Drummond

Regional Director East

Fraser Walker-Pearce

Communications Manager

Keeping players in the game for longer

Embedding the values of the game in your club

Alan Falconer

Regional Director Glasgow South

Case Studies Timings

Craigie High School & Bucksburn Academy Round 1 11am-11.50am

Strathmore RFC Round 1 11am-11.50am

Lochaber RFC & Biggar RFC Round 2–12pm-12:50pm

Perthshire RFC & Dumfries Saints RFC Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

Strathendrick RFC & Dalziel RFC Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

Chris Pacey

Regional Director Caledonia Midlands

Dalkeith RFC, Annan RFC & Montrose RFC Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm



Workshop Theme State Schools - Inspiring the next generation (Rudi Urbach) INDOOR

When is this workshop happening?

Round 1 11am-11.50am

Further Workshop Information Empowering attendees to embed the key principles of developing rugby programmes in State Schools environments.

Developing your facilities with Scottish Gas (Steve Turnbull & Andy Cummins) INDOOR

Round 1 11am-11.50am

The purpose, value and latest progress of Scottish Gas' engagement with Scottish Rugby via Retro-fit Surveys and facility developments.

In exploring the "how?", we'll discuss the strengthening our State Schools workforce, ways to engaging and inspire those new to the game and how Scottish Rugby are supporting Schools to progress through the ASIDE model.

Featuring Craigie High School & Bucksburn Academy Strathmore RFC


Workshop Theme

When is this workshop happening? Round 2

Further Workshop Information

Harnessing the growth of the women and girls' game (Rosy Ryan) INDOOR

How to market your club (David Drummond & Fraser WalkerPierce) INDOOR

12pm-12:50pm Round 2 12pm-12:50pm

Join us in our workshop as we dive into how rugby clubs are transforming the sport through positive introductions to Rugby by creating strong connections between schools and clubs.

The workshop will explore how through this growth, clubs are establishing girls' teams to create sustainable playing pathways for all.

Featuring Lochaber RFC & Biggar RFC

Game plan for growth - transforming vision into action through strategic marketing and communication.

This workshop aims to equip rugby clubs with the tools and strategies needed to breathe life into development plans, fostering engagement, growth, and success through effective marketing and communication strategies and techniques.

Perthshire RFC & Dumfries Saints RFC


Workshop Theme

When is this workshop happening?

Further Workshop Information

Round 3

Keeping players in the game for longer (Alan Falconer) INDOOR


Join us in our workshop as we dive into how rugby clubs are transforming the sport through positive introductions to Rugby by creating strong connections between schools and clubs.

The workshop will explore how through this growth, clubs are establishing girls' teams to create sustainable playing pathways for all.

Embedding the values of the game in your club (Chris Pacey) INDOOR

Round 3 2:30pm-3:30pm

Game plan for growth - transforming vision into action through strategic marketing and communication.

This workshop aims to equip rugby clubs with the tools and strategies needed to breathe life into development plans, fostering engagement, growth, and success through effective marketing and communication strategies and techniques.

Featuring Strathendrick RFC & Dalziel RFC Dalkeith RFC, Annan RFC & Montrose RFC

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