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Villa Maria College, Buffalo ​are very excited to have the governor with us here today there's a lot of ground to cover and not a lot of time governor is up since you've been elected and had a relatively short ten years since was just November your opponents have really worked hard to show obstacles in your way in a way of North Carolina citizens in terms of their ability to exercise the right to vote just yesterday we heard that the Supreme Court decided not to review a case that wouldn't have a case regarding one of the most comprehensive anti voter laws we've seen in a very long time maybe we could start with you talking a little bit about the dynamics around that but the other efforts that you've seen in North Carolina to restrict people's right to vote through North Carolina is an epicenter in the country for the fight for the right to vote when you look at what the North Carolina Republican legislature has done over the last few years it's been disastrous the Fourth Circuit said that the North Carolina Republican legislature discriminate against african-americans with surgical precision they actually asked for data on the habits of African Americans and how they voted and drafted their legislations accordingly and the court thankfully saw through that but this General Assembly doesn't stop this was a temporary win yesterday my Republican governor president's predecessor had appealed this case to the United States Supreme Court I would drew that appeal which helped us procedurally I think to get the Supreme Court not to hear it but this legislature probably within 10 days will pass another kind of law that will probably eliminate again same-day registration will still have some type of book type of ID requirement you know in there voter ID law but you couldn't even use a campus ID card from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill a state-supported University that ID wasn't good enough and we know where that was coming from but what they've done for my position is governor they tried to take away the ability of the governor to administer elections because what I want to do is to make it easier for people to register and vote not harder we want everybody to participate in the process so they passed legislation taking that authority away from the governor I vetoed it they overrode my veto because they have super majorities in both chambers I soothed them the Court struck it down so they again repackaged it put a little lipstick on it passed it again I vetoed it again they overrode it again and the court again slapped it down and you're going to see that with this voter law too and I'm certain that the courts would deal with it I feel confident that they will but it is important for us to realize what is happening in North Carolina in 2018 we're going to make some changes in this legislature but until then we're just going to have to keep fighting and this is an issue that they're a battle that's going on not just at the state level but also the county level as well right they're also tackling Election Commission makeup well that's what they were trying to do by taking the authority away from the governor who appoints the majority of the county boards of election and they wanted to make it bipartisan where each side had the same amount what was going to happen though is the default if there's a tie the default is for more restrictive voting requirements so we know what their mission is and we just have to fight it in the legislature we have defied it at the ballot box we have to find in the courts until we get it into a position where everybody has that right we make it easier for them to do we need online we need we need to expand people's abilities and we can't have state legislatures discriminating against certain people because who they are or what color they are and this issue really does highlight the importance of the judiciary which is another area where you've had to battle similar changes yes they tried to take the authority away from the governor in numerous areas and we have sued them in those areas we we believe that we will be successful at the end of the day the bottom line here is we're working hard to move North Carolina to a position where we know it should be North Carolina for decades was a beacon in the south we were the first state in this country to open our doors to higher education supported by the public we had the first early childhood initiative with smart start it was a public-private partnership that recognized that it was important to get the kids early in their life in order to get them the opportunity to be ready to learn when they went to school but in the last five or six years with the Republican super majorities and Republican governor in the last four years they have tried to take North Carolina in a different direction it's time for us to get it back we took the first step with my election for governor and we are winning some battles and I'm importing for example I can appoint a Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality who actually cares about clean air and water and we can appoint people to positions who can have influence over the process but you're continuing to see this legislature with what they're doing with their concentration on tax cuts for the wealthiest and for corporations on workers compensation on unemployment insurance hurting the everyday working people with these right social issues that has been the order of the day they just passed an amendment that took away a number of people's ability to enter the

SNAP program when it doesn't cost the state a dollar we just turned down federal money that will hurt kids who can qualify for school lunches that's just wrong so governor you mentioned education and that has been a cornerstone of your governing agenda and I've been very impressed by the way you've looked at that a comprehensive lens from investments in early childhood education and teachers Community College workforce investments could you talk a little bit about what your priorities are in that in that area and what your overarching goals are the economy overall has gotten better unemployment has improved but for that middle class family or that family that's working to try to get into the middle class a mom who's got two kids - she wants to educate them their wages are stagnant things really haven't gotten better for them and out of frustration a lot of them voted for Donald Trump hoping that some change would come to their lives and I think what we have to do as Democrats and as Democratic leaders we have to have a positive pocketbook message for them I want to make sure that we do that I'm going to emphasize education early childhood all the way through our great community colleges and universities the CEOs that I talked to about coming and expanding in North Carolina they were equipped what first question to me is not what your corporate tax rate even though announced our lowest in the southeast their first question is do you have the people who can perform the jobs that I create we can put more money in their pockets with those better paying jobs if we have the training and the skills and I'm going to make North Carolina a top ten educated state by 2025 and you can do that with empirical data you can do that by getting more kids in kay which my budget reflects we want to get to fifty five percent from the twenty two percent where we are now by getting more kids graduated from high school we need to be in the 90s and more people with advanced degrees and certificates that can help land them these better paying jobs in the new economy because it's chicken-and-egg these companies will come if you have the workforce and our state has the Research Triangle Park with the second largest banking state in the country we had the benefit of the foundation that we had built in North Carolina we're just fighting off these problems that we've had the last five or six years we can get it back we can speak to those middle-class families and those working families who are trying to get into the middle class through education as the cornerstone of more money in their pockets and plus you know we need to take advantage of all the help that we can get from the federal government our state has yet to expand Medicaid I tried to do it they sued me in federal court we could we could insure hundreds of thousands of those Carolinians create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs we can lower insurance premiums for businesses because guess what when you reduce the indigent population you're going to have better results and we're going to have a healthier in North Carolina but they've refused to do it and we've got to fight that in every turn yeah the last panel talked a lot about eating to help those who don't have any college or haven't graduated from college to get better paying jobs to pieces of your initiatives is to make Community College free but also to provide additional non college coursework for those who want to upskill and just want to go cents if you think those are ideas I could have traction with your Republican legislature similar proposals have made it through with bipartisan support and other states Tennessee want is one that comes to mind last out our free Community College is a way for those middle class and working-class families to get that education they need to get that better paying job college affordability is critical I proposed it and I've argued to the Republican legislature this is being done by Republicans because they see the economic benefit that results from it we're also going to work to try to get kids to understand if there are certain certificates now that can help them with advanced manufacturing and with other good-paying jobs a kid really who is having a hard time affording that - or even that 4-year degree could step into a job making 50 60 70 grand a year with a certificate but we have to have our community colleges and our universities that are nimble that are ready to customize training for these kinds of companies that want to come and expand in our state and it can be a very positive thing investment in education has got to be all the way from birth through higher education North Carolina has been known for that we've got a lot of catching up to do we read the national average in teacher salaries we drop significantly I have a plan to get back there our early childhood has been successful but it is dropped significantly since Republicans took over we're going to get back there because now more than ever it's a strong economic development argument and we've got to get there absolutely you mentioned that your political opponents have focused on some socially divisive issues before your 10 years government governor the state passed HB 1 - which was highly controversial law that limited transgender individuals ability to use the bathroom of their choice it's a big issue in your campaign and something you have prioritized seeking a repeal of that law we're able to get a repeal through the legislature that the ultimate legislation has been controversial in just wonder if you could talk through how to issues have played out at your state on your State House bill to was wrong because it wrote discrimination into the law to tell a transgender kid that you have to go to the restroom that corresponds with your birth certificate is not only discrimination it's humiliation what House bill two did was take away every right of LGBT citizens and prevented local governments from enacting anything since that law was passed and actually while it was being debated for the eight hours that it was debated I

have fought that law every single day because not only is it wrong not only does it discriminate but it also hurts the reputation of my state it has hurt our economy and our people but it all stems from the fact that this legislation was highly discriminatory my goal is statewide LGBT protections in North Carolina and I'm going to keep fighting every day until I get to that goal [Applause] with a supermajority legislature that's operating on the Hastert rule that you've got to have a majority of your own caucus in order to be able to consider anything on the floor even though I wanted clean repeal with no compromise and a lot of people wanted that it was not going to be possible over the next at least two years so I had a choice do I continue to make a statement and pound on the table and nothing happened or do I take a positive step make progress and continue to fight I chose the latter for my state because we got rid of the birth certificate requirement we opened up the ability of local governments to provide some protections now and some in the future I'm going to issue an executive order pretty soon that is that is comprehensive that helps with LGBT protections and we're going to keep working every day we've had a lot of businesses and sporting events and others to come back because number one they know we've taken a positive step but number two they know my commitment for this in North Carolina and although it would have been politically and probably emotionally easier for me to keep pounding the table and not accept a compromise I knew it wasn't right for my state I knew it wasn't right for LGBT citizens in my state although I have had hard conversations with a number of my friends about this who would have rather us go two years without spell - instead of taking the compromise but as governor as the leader of my state knowing what it has done to the reputation of my state and the signal that it sends to LGBT citizens and everyone I knew we had to make a step and that's why I did it I think is the right thing to do diversity is our strength North Carolina is a welcoming state we just got to make sure that our laws catch up with our people and we're going to get there we're going to get well Thank You governor okay talk for 13 hours not 30 minutes but we really appreciate you being here and you're the front lines they're fighting the fight and our behalf I think there's one out there for what you are doing fighting the fight I know it's hard to see what's happening in our country Kristen and I were at the National Governors Association hearing the president and that in the State Dining Room and I gazed up and there's a portrait of Abraham Lincoln and I thought where are we where are but you know that night when my wife and I are Rebecca the hotel she said you know then our country was more divided than it is now and we made it we're going to make it because of people like you in this room and all of us working to make sure that we have a North Carolina and a country that works for everybody and I think that's important but thank you all thank you [Applause] Gallatin School of Individualized Study.

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