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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, North Shore, Long Island ​okay hey guys so I asked you on snapchat this morning if you would rather see a cover FX video or an elf pilots video and surprisingly most of you said elf so I'm gonna do that so I'm gonna go through each of the pallets show you how I use them talk about them a bit and you know that's how things usually happen so let's just so I'm going to start by using the contour palette I have talked about this a bit before but I figured I would just go through all of them so you get a bronzer shade a contour shade a somewhat kind of shimmery highlight and then this kind of banana color so you've got three matte and one slightly shimmery so if I am gonna bronze in contour I like to think of the bronzer as being the transition color of the face so I like to bronze and then do contour and the rest now I don't think that this bronzer would be I mean if you are anywhere near this shade or darker it's obviously not going to work for you I don't know if they have other colors that you can get this in but hopefully they would bring that out but who knows so so that's one side done as you can see this has no definition and then this side is a little more chiseled if you are around my skin tone I think this is a really awesome palette especially for the price yeah I mean as you saw it wasn't exactly difficult I just kind of smeared it around my face and I think it looks good so I'm gonna do with the other side because it would be stupid not to so like I said I really like this bronzer I think it's just very easy to work with I know a lot of people are like you can't contour with a warm shade but you can bronze your face in a way that does give you a little bit more definition on the cheekbones and that's without using an ashy tone so I think as long as it is a suitable shade like the Too Faced why are they called chocolate soy is that what the bronzers are called anyway those are fairly warm right and you can use them to bronze contour it so I'm just throwing out there and I hope you can so I'm gonna go ahead and use this shade and I'm gonna be a little bit more precise with it with that same brush and just kind of chisel in down here as well as under the jewel and then I might run a little bit through up towards the hairline as well so I won't know how this is showing up until I edit it but on the viewfinder it's looking fairly dramatic which is why I want cuz I want to show you guys you know how it actually shows up so and when I first start using contour I keep it back towards the ear the guide would be to not bring it past the outside of your eye but obviously that depends on the structure of your face because not everyone's the same so I do keep it mostly back here and once I've worked most of the product in then I might bring it down towards the cheek a little bit more so with the bronze and contour shades both very easy to work with I think if you are around my skin tone these are both going to be good colors you might want to go in with this very lightly first and it's gonna look darker on one side because I have more Sun here you know basic concepts of like so yeah I think never 8 to apply with a more dense brush as well as a fluffier brush and I do like the bronzer because I think if you use it on a big fluffy brush you can just kind of like dust it around and it just kind of lightens up your face a little bit so I really like both of their shades and I'm gonna go ahead and show you how I use the highlight shades so with this banana powder I like it because I think it's a little bit less stark yellow than some it does have a slight kind of peach enos to it I think that's how my eyes see it anyway so the round pan is the Anastasia of banana powder from a contour kit and then obviously this is the elf one and I don't again I don't know how it's picking up on camera but this one is just a little bit peachy so I think if you have a hard time using the Anastasia one or if you just find a bit stark this one might be easier to blend out so with this I like to set my under eye with it because I just think it's a great shade for that and also I like to take it down the sides of my nose to kind of blur back a little bit as well as I like to kind of do it in the center of my forehead just to create a little bit of light in there so I kind of do it not diamond D shape I guess but a circle would do and then again litter it on the chin and this is also really good color to use if you have kind of messed this up because you can just trace it underneath and it will kind of clean everything up if you do want to go stronger and then with the somewhat shimmery shade there's no kind of glitter particles in it per se but it does have a slight sheen to it and it catches the light so um I like to use this down the center of my news I think that this is good for down the nose because it is just a sheen it's not glitter so I think with a very thin little swipe down the nose it can make a big difference as well as you could do a bit on the end if you wanted to and also so yeah I love this to set the under eyes create a little bit of light around the face wherever you want it and then this too just gonna get a hint of a highlight without shimmer I have said it before about this palette I think it's awesome especially for the price I will say don't wipe don't wipe it with rubbing alcohol because you'll take the heel you'll take yeah this thing off the thing will come off but all of their makeup is vegan they do have a few brushes that are not synthetic and they are cool free their logical harmony approved and this one is also good across the cheek bones to kind of brighten up the area a bit but I

do to show you the highlight or illuminating palette - so I don't want to put too much on so moving on to the next one this is the blush palette so when I look at this these are fairly similar right and then this one does have gold flecks in it and then this to me looks like a bronzer but I think it's more of a peachy terra cotta almost I will just quickly swipe the three pink ones on my finger so you can see a little bit of difference so as you can see this one is a much more cool kind of powdery baby pink this one it's a little bit more fuchsia II and then this one is much kind of peachy er of a shade and this is the one with the gold flecks in it so I'm gonna start by applying this one and they are a little bit powdery so just make sure you tap with your brush before you go crazy so I do you like this shade I think it would quite wearable for anyone I think it's probably a bit more wearable than this one just because that is a little bit lighter and more powdery and then I might add a pop of this too just because I can and then with the bronze shade in this this is what it kind of looks like when I put some about them as well I do think they could have picked more varying shades I think this one is good if you want to use it as blush for a very bronzy look you don't want to have like that pink blush you would rather it just be bronzy I think this one would be awesome I think the glitter in this is a little bit pointless because it doesn't do anything and then these two I think they are fairly similar but I just don't see the purpose in this one maybe for very pale skin that would be good but I just feel like they could have done a better range of blush shades but they do apply well I think they look nice and obviously for the price if you do want to just mess around with some blushes it's a pretty good one and with all of these you can pop the pans out so you can make your own little quad of whatever you wanted and then moving on to the illuminating palette I think this is the most recent one of their palettes so they are all a little bit shimmery they're not like glittery per se I'll show you quickly so as you can see they do they are very pigmented you get a lot of payoff and I really like that the colors are all different enough that I think you would use them all logical harmony actually did a great kind of comparison review on this versus the hourglass ambient light palette obviously very different ends of the price range so I will link that below if you want to have a look at axe I found that really interesting but I'm just gonna go ahead and show you how I would use these so with the whiter or slightly yellow tone shade I like to apply that just here I don't kind of do the c-shape I don't know why but that's where I like to put this one and I think putting that just there really kind of lifts your cheekbones because it's kind of so pinpointed it's not just like an all-over flow it is kind of like you know highlighting your face versus contour sense not in a shimmery sense so just going to put that there and I again I don't know if it's picking up on camera but it does reflect some light it's just not super shimmery so I really do like this if you want a month baloney look and not a shimmer you want it to look more natural I think this is a really good one and then I'm going to apply a little bit the bronzer shade just to kind of like the top of the cheek area these are quite powdery products so you will this and fall out so just make sure that you tap your brush off before you smash on your face you know I'm also going to apply the bronze E one right here I think if you're a bit darker and you want a bronzer your highlight this would be a great one and I'm just gonna keep layering with the crap out of this pinky shade I'm gonna put kind of around the front of the cheeks if you do have a lot of texture here and I do but I'm just trying to kind of demonstrate avoid this because if the shimmer is gonna pick it up a bit more and then with this shade this is the last shader haven't used yet I am gonna just kind of like pinpoint highlight some areas again so I did use the one from the contour palette but I do just want to kind of show you this one and I think that they all are very similar to hourglass ambient light shades but I don't think you can use them the same so I'm like I said I will link the logical harmony comparison video because I think she made some really good points so obviously I have put a lot of products on my face but I did just want to show you them I think these all are very wearable shades I think if you are just kind of getting into highlights or you're interested in the hourglass ambient light powders but maybe you don't want to just jump in and spend that much right away I think this is awesome to kind of get to grips with it as I said they are sharir than the hourglass ambient light powders but I do think it's just fun to kind of play with these and I think it would give you an idea of the colors that you might be interested in which suit you where you want to put different things and just if you would get much use of them so I think these are all very wearable shades I think that they would suit a variety of skin tones probably not super dark skin but anyone up to like medium or ten I think would be okay if you are a lot darker skin tone wise let me know how you liked any of these because I am always obviously curious as to how they work for everyone so yeah I really do like this one so I think out of all three it's kind of hard to choose if you are someone who liked to contour or your gonna try and get into contour go for the contour one if you are really into highlighting or you just want to start getting into it and don't want to spend a ton I think this is an awesome kit probably my least favorite is the blush one just because I think that they could have picked a better variety of shades but that's personal preference you might love these colors but the one good thing obviously is the price you know even if you did buy all three you could just pop pans out and make your own you know ultimate palette out of these so you could have a contour shade you could keep the bronzer in there you could swap out these too if you wanted

to for a blush and a more shimmery highlight so I do think that it's awesome that these pans just pop out from underneath you literally just like push them out it's not like trying to get them out with a pair of tweezers like some pans are so then you can just kind of pop them you know pop them out and make your own ideal palette and then they do just snap back into place afterwards I'd say I like the contour and the illuminating ones equally and then the blush one is probably my least favorite but I do still think that it's probably worth having if you do have a little bit of money to spend and want to make your own ideal palette and then I guess the only thing left to cover is how they last I have found that the contour palette lasts really well it stays kind of fairly strong on your skin and doesn't go patchy the same with the blushes especially if you put as much blush on as I have right now they do last really well and the illuminating palette I think also lasts well too but you can really go quite heavy on some of the shades if you do want it to kind of stay very strong you can build it in its really buildable so I'm really a fan of all of them honestly and especially for the price I think that's like a steal so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this if you have any of these palettes definitely let me know what you think below how they work for your skin tone your favorite ones once you hate and give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it but I'll see you next time bye Molloy College.

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