Letter Photography – A Great Trend for Your Home

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Letter Photography – A Great Trend for Your Home Letter photography is somewhat of a young concept, but it is one that has a fairly interesting history because it all started in 1999 when an author named Stephen T. Johnson decided to come up with a children’s book that consisted of nothing, but pictures of various objects that all looked like letters of the alphabet. Even though Johnson was the one who initially thought of this concept, another person was responsible for making the whole thing mainstream. That person’s name is Jennifer Blakely, a native of Canada who wanted to expand on what Mr. Johnson started and turn it into a work of art. Basically put, we all have Jennifer Blakely to thank for giving alphabet photography the exposure that it now enjoys. This concept of photography practically involves taking photos of objects that you would normally see every day. The catch is that these objects should all represent a different letter of the alphabet. It could be a bridge, a rail track, another person’s arm, or even a single letter off of a road sign somewhere. Whatever the case, the photographer’s imagination will be put to the test here because you need to make your alphabet photos as unique as possible. The thing with Jennifer is that she did not only stop at taking alphabet photography, but she managed to turn it into a household name. It became so popular that some of the world’s most recognized celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Ryan Seacrest were starting to endorse this unique art form and praised it for giving them something new to design their homes with. Both of these celebrities have admitted to using alphabet photography to help design their homes and they are also encouraging others to start doing the same if they can. This is because it helps offer a unique and personal way of letting you design your interior. You can spell out your name or the initials of a loved one using letter photography. You can even use it to spell out a message if you have enough space in your home. If you want more information, you can visit http://www.phototypewriter.com.

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