Decorating with Custom Alphabet Photography

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Decorating with Custom Alphabet Photography Letter photography, also known as alphabet photography, basically involves taking pictures of ordinary things that you can see everywhere on a daily basis. Based on the description there’s nothing special about it, right? Well that is where you are wrong because the beauty of this art form lies in being able to find objects that look exactly like the letters of the alphabet. These photos can then be used as decorations in your home where you can have them spell out your name, your initials, or anything else that you can think of. Suffice to say, custom alphabet photography is a trend that seems to be gaining a lot of momentum. This concept was first thought up by a woman named Jennifer Blakely, a Canadian native. She started to take pictures of various everyday outdoor objects until she was finally able to compile an entire album consisting of all 26 letters of the alphabet. The trend would soon catch on and it even managed to grab the attention of Ryan Seacrest and Oprah Winfrey, two of Hollywood’s most well-known celebrities. Oprah and Ryan endorsed letter photography and praising its uniqueness as a way of designing your home’s interior. The photographs are usually taken in black and white. They are also unique in a sense that no two letters are ever the same. This very special and unique art form can basically meet the needs of just about any location or room inside your home. They also make for some pretty excellent gift ideas as well. If one of your friends is about to get married, then you can give something that spells out their last names or their initials. Letter photography is a gift idea that a lot of people are truly going to appreciate. It is a versatile form of art and one that will truly be able to stand the test of time as long as there are people out there who have a creative and artistic imagination. If you want to give someone a unique gift idea, then you should look no further than letter photography. You can get more info at

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