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Winter I Edition Volume 40 $20.95 USA (CAN $19.00) ETMMedia.net

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42 Women Power Brokers

20 What Happens when we Possess a Desire to Climb higher


48 Act or Be Hacked


Financial Wellness and Communication Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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By T.D Jakes

Why It Pays toGive aSh-t!

7Practices that Transform Your Life and Space

That Little Black Dress

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Terri Wildemann

Culinary Artist

Katie O’Reilly

Speaker, Author and Financial Coach

Daniel Djouder Economic Page 10 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Tracy Repchuk Social Media Ex-

Leslie Pogue Author,Speaker

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I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer Welcome to this issue of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. This month’s theme is: All Things Wise and Wonderful Featuring Dr. Barbara Young.

Before we get started, I wanted to take a moment and ask you to consider “Perspective”. In life, we tend to chase things instead of appreciating what we have right where we are. Read this poem written by Robert G. Ingersoll about the Tomb of Napoleon. And be grateful for the small, simple yet wonderful qualities of our life. A little while ago I stood by the grave of Napoleon, a magnificient tomb of gilt and gold, fit almost for a dead deity, and gazed upon the sarcophagus of black Egyptian marble where rests at last the ashes of the restless man. I leaned over the balustrade and thought about the career of the greatest soldier of the modern world.

I saw him walking upon the banks of the Seine contemplating suicide; I saw him at Toulon; I saw him putting down the mob in the streets of Paris; I saw him at the head of the army of Italy; I saw him crossing the bridge at Lodi with the tricolor in his hand; I saw him in Egypt in the shadows of the pyramids; I saw him conquer the Alps and mingle the eagle of France with the eagles of the crags. I saw him at Marengo, at Ulm and Austerlitz. I saw him in Russia, where the infantry of the snow and the cavalry of the wild blast scattered his legions like winter's withered leaves. I saw him at Leipsic in defeat and disaster, driven by a million bayonets back upon Paris, clutched like a wild beast, banished to Elba. I saw him escape and retake an Empire by the force of his genius. I saw him upon the frightful field of Waterloo, when chance and fate combined to wreck the fortunes of their former king. And I saw him at St. Helena, with his hands crossed behind him, gazing out upon the sad and solemn sea. I thought of the orphans and widows he had made; of the tears that had been shed for his glory and of the only woman who had ever loved him pushed from his heart by the cold hand of ambition. And I said I would rather have been a French peasant and worn wooden shoes. I would rather have lived in a hut with a vine growing over the door and the grapes growing purple in the kisses of the autumn sun. I would rather have been that poor peasant with my loving wife by my side, knitting as the day died out of the sky, with my children upon my knee and their arms about me. I would rather have been that man and gone down to the tongueless silence of the dreamless dust than to have been that imperial impersonation of force and murder known as Napoleon the Great.

I hope you enjoy this issue. -Althea Ledford

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A New column coming this Winter. Hosted by Ingrid Fields, Certified Health Coach , e Page 14 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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entrepreneur and Author Page 15 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Who Puts the Page 16 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

in Whimsical and Wo Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

onderful Page 17 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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It all began in 1989 with a stop in Cazenovia, Madison County. Browsing through a trendy gift shop, Olivia Cornell stumbled upon a whimsical, colorful line of tableware and gifts and picked up a small piece as a gift. It was the beginning of a long relationship with the lively home furnishings maker MacKenzie-Childs. "It's fun and it makes me happy," Cornell says. Twenty-five years after its inception, MacKenzie-Childs still resonates with collectors who enjoy decorating their homes with the company's signature black and white checkered tiles splashed with colorful designs. Some use the furnishings as accent pieces such as a small colorful tuffet stool to complement traditional decor, while others fill entire homes with MacKenzie-Childs wares. The upscale, eclectic look has bucked trends and continues to be popular in home design.

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Since its inception, the brand expanded nationally, with retailers around the country carrying the line. The company also operates its own retail stores in Manhattan and Palm Beach, Fla. Cohen declines to reveal sales at MacKenzie-Childs, but Jeanine Klee, owner of Parkleigh gift shop in Rochester, says her MacKenzieChilds sales have increased each year since the store began carrying the line in 1985.

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Coming this Winter ETM Arts presents Hosted by Kendra Moore: Performer, A Page 22 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Kindred Connections Arts Management & Author Page 23 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Getting yourself financially fit isn’t just strictly about making money and saving money. A large part of it involves the process of improving yourself both personally and professionally to be better equipped with the skills necessary to get a promotion, expand your network, or to use those skills to build your own business. One of the most important ways to enhance your personal value is to develop your communications skills by practicing public speaking. According to many surveys, fear of public speaking ranks at the top of most people’s fears. So, you’re probably wondering why improving on this scary subject can lead to financial success. Below are 5 benefits of honing your public speaking skills. •

Boost Self-confidence - Overcoming your fear of public speaking can empower your mind and boost your selfconfidence. This new level of trust in yourself can help you expand your

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social network and allow you to not be afraid to seek others out for advice. You never know who you might meet at a social gathering who may have the knowledge and resources you’ll need to help build your skills and knowledge.

Career Advancement - It is one of the most important ways to prepare yourself for future promotions and showcase your leadership abilities. The higher you rise up the ranks in any corporation, the more you are required to speak in front of a large crowd whether it be employees, shareholders or customers. Just ask yourself, how many CEO’s of large corporations do you know who are afraid of public speaking? Even if you don’t aspire to become the next CEO of your firm, just simply getting a promotion may require you to interview in front of a panel of senior executives, which may be quite intimidating if you tend to be fearful of public speaking. So prepare now, practice and overcome those obstacles. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

Deliver a Clearer Message - Enough practice speaking in front of a crowd, will help you become more aware when you use filler words. So, what is a filler word? It is a meaningless word, phrase or sound to fill the silence in a speech and often drowns out your real message. Some most common filler words are: ah, um, you know, like, right, okay. These words are often used during times of high stress and anxiety and words can get ahead of our thoughts. Frequent use of filler words can make the speaker seem less confident or just simply lazy about language. However, with consistent practice, one’s tendency to use them will slowly dissipate. Improve Critical Thinking – Crafting a powerful speech takes a lot of research and organization. This process is a great exercise for the mind which you

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may otherwise not have an opportunity to do, unless your occupation requires you to constantly write reports. Audiences usually have a short attention span and using critical thinking to organize your speech will better prepare you to capture your audience with an organized and memorable message. Inspire Change – Change happens when we all work together for a common cause. This can only happen when we inspire others to take action by communicating thoughts,

opinions and beliefs through words. In politics, utilizing your skills as a public speaker is a great way to motivate others to seek political change through non-violent activism. When you use your voice to communicate effectively, you enrich, not only your own personal and professional growth, but inspire others to challenge themselves. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

In addition, you will indirectly move yourself closer to financial wellness as many opportunities may open up as a result of stronger leadership and communication skills. An organization that I’ve been involved in for the last five years which has greatly fostered my personal and professional growth is Toastmasters. Toastmasters will give anyone willing to learn and take action, the opportunity to improve on public speaking and leadership abilities. Please check out their website at www.toastmasters.org. Before delivering any type of speech whether it be in front of your peers, shareholders, friends or family, for example, at a wedding, it takes a great deal of practice and planning. I have outlined below 7 easy tips on how to craft a speech and deliver it effectively. Crafting your Speech Organize your thoughts - Prepare your opening, body and conclusion. Every speech needs an interesting opening to capture the audience’s attention. Then prepare the body to support your main idea by using stories, anecdotes or examples to make your message more memorable. Deliver only three to four points in the body of the speech so as to not overwhelm your audience. Lastly, deliver a strong ending. A well-organized Page 28 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

message allows your listeners to easily understand and follow your thoughts and words. Know your Purpose – Every speech has a purpose and the four general purposes are: To inspire, entertain, inform or persuade. You must craft your speech to make it compelling enough to move your audience into action. Once you have decided on a general purpose, narrow it down to a more clearly defined point of view. For example, instead of giving a speech on “How to interview for a job,” narrow it down to “Effective questions to ask during your interview.” Setting up this type of foundational phrase will not only help you organize your Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

school on a hot day,” you can say “I drenched in sweat as I dragged myself towards the school’s entrance in 103degree weather.”

thoughts, but your audience will better understand, visualize and follow your presentation to keep them engaged. Choose your words carefully – Whether or not you inspire your audience rests solely on the power of your words. When you don’t understand something you read on paper, you can always go back and read it as many times as you want to. However, when speaking, you only have one opportunity to capture your audience’s understanding. Keep it simple by using shorter words and sentences as well as making descriptions vivid so your audience can experience the journey through their senses. For example, instead of saying “I walked to Page 29 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Vocal Variety – Engaging your audience requires vocal variety. This means not sounding monotone and having the right volume, rate, pitch and quality to adequately match your message. The volume is how loud and soft your voice can be. The rate at which you speak is a fine balance between speaking fast enough to keep your audience interested, but slow enough so they will understand and follow. Having the right pitch will keep you from sounding monotone and adjust your voice based on your message. For example, a high-pitched voice will most likely convey excitement. The quality of your voice when speaking should be relaxed and confident and not tense. Communicate through Body Language – Your body language should always match and enhance your message. Having the right amount of hand gestures and movements will give some variety to your audience which will keep them more engaged. Most importantly, your body language will convey to your audience how you are feeling as the speaker. Are you confident or shy? For example, having the right eye contact, movements and facial expressions will convey your confidence, but fidgeting your legs or looking Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

down can show a lack of confidence or shyness. Know Your Topic – One of the most important aspects when delivering a great speech is to know your topic and have a sense of passion towards it. This is not just about picking a topic and trying to memorize the facts, but to have a strong feeling about your topic which may be personal to you or is something you had experienced which makes you want to talk about it. Just by having a personal connection to your topic, you will exude a strong sense of enthusiasm that will keep your audience interested for the entire duration of your speech. Use of Visual Aids – Visual aids can be a very effective tool not only to enhance the understanding and retention of the Page 30 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

material for your audience, but it can also help you, the speaker, control your nerves. It will allow some physical activity to help absorb some of the nervous energy. Some of the most common visual aids are PowerPoint presentations, flip charts, whiteboards and overhead projectors. Keep in mind that regardless of how well you implement these tips, it will never substitute for the art of practice. When rehearsing your speech, it is always more effective to speak out loud and visualize yourself standing in front of an audience. Don’t forget to always stay within an allotted time by practicing with a stop watch in hand, and adjust your message as appropriate. Nothing is worse than listening to rambling speech which seems to have no end. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

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Coming This July

A New Column by Kimberly Ferguson is an entrepreneur, learning & develo career development facilitator, trainer/speaker and certified educator an

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opment consultant, nd T.V. Host

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The first of a new series by Ani Wilson: Speaker Page 34 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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r, Author, Coach Page 35 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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We pass in the corridor, in between meetings and smile, casually asking, “how are you?” Our expectation for response is only a flippant “fine thanks”, thus we keep moving with purpose and speed toward our destination, hardly registering the other person’s words. What would we do if their response was different? Would we react any differently if they were to tell us that they were “lousy, really stressed”? Unfortunately this is in fact a common response in the corporate world these days and yet we don't stop to spend a few moments with the respondent. We mirror their sentiments with a quick “me too!” rolling our eyes in agreement, and continue on our way. Have we changed so intrinsically that our own common values are now so misaligned that someone’s feelings are not worthy of our time? No, I don't believe so. There is light in us still; our values and personalities haven't changed, but something more sinister has happened. Page 36 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The neural chemistry that inspires us to feel compassion and empathy has altered. According to calculations done by Dr Martin Hilbert and his team at the University of Southern California, the average working man in the 1940’s processed about 1 newspaper worth of info on any given day. It's now estimated that we're inundated with the equivalent of 174 newspapers a day (at least back in 2011 when Dr Hilbert’s findings were published) and yet our brains haven't changed or developed to change the way in which we cope or process this information. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

But our brains have changed: not as an evolutionary change, but as a coping mechanism. When I was a relatively naïve 23 year old walking in to my first corporate office job, I realised that I needed to excel above everyone's expectations of me (a dumb blond in heels) and thus I looked for every opportunity to do more, achieve more, take on more. The more I achieved, the more I wanted to do. The more promotions I was given, the higher my expectations became. What I didn't realise at the time was that I was fuelling my tolerance levels for adrenaline. Page 37 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

You see, every time we reach a goal, the reward centre of the brain celebrates by giving us a small burst of norepinephrine and epinephrine. This is a wonderful mesolimbic function that inspires us to stay motivated and to want to get out of bed in the morning, both essential for living a happy and fulfilled life. The problems arise when years of chronic stress are mixed in to this same process and muddy the outcome. The more we achieve, the more we invariably take on and the more we want to do, until one day our high performance is simply who we are within our core personality. Like anything we do habitually, over achieving becomes a natural personality trait and we find it hard to stop. Like an addict we seek positions that allow us that increased risk, challenges and inevitably, stress. Look around you in the office and you’ll easily find an army of high performing but stressed out monkeys. As a corporation, we want those high performers, but as a nation, our preference is to promote balanced, compassionate, empathetic, creative leaders who inspire us to follow them. There is a disconnect. The more adrenaline, cortisol (a stress hormone) and norepinephrine that flood our brain and blood stream, the less inclined we are to feel the effect. Much like anything Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

else, the more your brain is subjected to something, the more likely it is to discount it, considering it normal. And thus, the hippocampus and limbic system (including the adrenals) exhaust themselves by trying (successfully) to stay ‘switched on’, flooding you with the neural chemicals it thinks you deserve, until it becomes a 24x7 process on overload.

The higher our levels of daily chronic stress, the lower our limbic resonance: a fancy term to describe our empathetic connection with others. Not only do we no longer care about how others are feeling, our passion for both our romantic partner and career fly out the window too. This isn't caused by being too busy to care; it's a neurological deficiency that worsens with time. Staff members start to feel less connected to their leaders, raving clients start to look elsewhere, and management teams work longer hours just to get the same results due to less delegation options and support. Empathy is a key driver to management performance and yet often overlooked Page 38 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

when seeking a solution. Thankfully it's never too late to rebuild your chemical store. All we need is a big fat juicy portion of Oxytocin to kick-start our emotions and get us feeling like a normal human being again. The best news I can give anyone in this situation, is that your brain is one fantastic working beast. It wants to be in optimal health and will bounce back quickly if you treat it like any other working muscle in your body, with care, dedication and respect.

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 Block your right nostril with

Restarting the oxytocin floodgates is a two -fold process: Send a loving message to your parasympathetic nervous system telling it that it’s ok to take the reigns for a while. Trick your brain in to thinking that you're already socially happy. Can't be too hard can it? Nothing about the human brain is rocket science. It craves simplicity, not duplicity or multiplicity (despite popular belief!) In fact, the simpler our strategy is, the more successful we will be.

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your finger (go on, I know you want to!) and breathe slowly in via your left nostril. Continue breathing slowly this way for a few cycles. Doing so activates a command to your parasympathetic nervous system that causes it to take control from the sympathetic nervous system, thereby reducing the force of the stress cycle.  Now smile like a looney tune! There are more muscles in the face than anywhere else in the human body. But as Tony Robbins says, it's the most vacant real estate on the block! Each muscle triggers a different neural connection. The simple act of smiling has a direct correlation to the production of oxytocin. I challenge you to be conscious about how many times an hour you smile. Start counting: in the car, walking the corridor, when you’re talking, standing or sitting. All day, every day, smile and you will feel a swift change in your psyche.  Laugh like no-ones watching. We often lose our ability to find humour well before we lose our empathy, but the two are intrinsically linked. Go out of your way to watch funny videos, listen to comedies, fill your ‘blank time’ (the hours spent travelling to and from the office and home) with opportunities that are primed to inspire laughter. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

 It might take a few days before you crack

a real smile, but it will happen eventually. And when it does, the floodgates will open and laughter will once again become a natural state of being.

And the biggee; the action that always gets people squirming;Get social. When our oxytocin stores plummet, so do our interest levels in being with others. The thought of a dinner out with friends fills us with dread and we pull out every excuse in the book to avoid the occasion. Over time, the invites dry up and we’re left feeling ‘dumped’ and resentful that everyone else is actually ‘able’ to have fun whilst we suffer in our silence. This is the time to be everywhere; accept invitations, create your own, take your work to crowded cafes, join social clubs or community Page 40 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

groups. Little by little the energy and laughter of others will sink in. The more time you spend in a social group, the more limbic resonance you build, meaning that instead of detracting people, people will magnetise to you and offer their assistance. What happens around us, to us, within us is controllable when we go back to the basics and strip off all the layers of excuses. Our brain is not manipulating us; it’s awaiting our instruction for the next move. Our impact on others is entirely in our control. So, the next time someone tells you they’re “lousy, really stressed”, why not stop and give them 2 minutes of your day and try to make them laugh or give them a compliment to help them get through. Wouldn't you appreciate it if someone did the same for you? Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

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Want to know and work with a woman who is high energy, as well as spiritual, powerful and impactful with her inspiring dynamic presentations to worldwide audiences that have changed the lives of millions of men and women? You must meet Dr. “B” as she is called, who is passionate about everything she does in helping individuals to transform their lives and take action steps to become successful personally and professionally. She loves her family, seafood, being near water, strength-training, high-heels, and clothes shopping when she can. She loves to read, cook, entertain and is an accomplished pianist and singer. Her first book, “Dancing on

Broken Legs: Journey of a D.I.V.A.” just published in July, 2017 is on Amazon and in Barnes and Noble and also via her new APP, Dr. Barbara Young.

This inspiring book shares “tell-all” vignettes about her journey of trials,

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s s s c b s

D m p t t h

S f c m w e f f a h g e s e

p E m

setbacks, betrayals, broken relationships and obstacles she overcame personally and professionally with the principles she learned and put into action to become the successful human being she is today.

Dr. Young has a goal of changing ten million of individuals lives before she departs this earth, one step at a time through the “how-to” principles she mastered in her own life experiences that led her to successfully transform her life.

She is an entrepreneur, transformation for success expert, dynamic speaker, coach, consultant, author and Radio/TV media personality. She has traveled world-wide and has worked as a speaker/consultant with women and men professionals, world leaders and executives from Fortune 400 and 500 companies, academic institutions, city municipalities, health care agencies and non-profit organizations. She is a re-careered higher education administrator and professor serving for well over 30 years in higher education. In 2003, Dr. Young launched her company, Young Enterprises — now BJY Enterprises. She founded and implemented Personal Best Success

Seminars targeted to women that provided compelling life-empowerment growth seminars nationally and internationally for well over 15 years. In 2015, she founded and implemented the premier Women Power Brokers seminars with hard-hitting coaching sessions. These were tailored to help women learn specific goaloriented tools and the success habits needed for their optimal growth in influence and leadership. Her view is that “it’s about women surrounding themselves with women of power moving forward, engaging, encouraging, elevating, and educating while they LEARN together.”

Her expertise in transformation success has set her apart from many and have led to her teachings and books on how people can break the cycle of negativity, fears, disappointments, and tragedies to forge new strategies for lasting results that lead to more successful and productive lives personally and professionally. She has received numerous awards, honors and accolades, including receiving an honorary doctorate of Theology in 2015. Dr. Young received the Lifetime Award of Excellence from President Barack Obama in 2016. Her mantra is to “be better and not bitter.”

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Dr. Young’s Women Power Brokers Seminar Series AN EX CL U SI V E E V EN T F OR PR OF E S SI ON A L WO M EN


In the Elite Women Power Series on Leadership and Performance they will learn: • Excellent presentation and performance skills for TV, Radio, Groups, and Conference Stage speaking with a live video presentation. • How women leaders can leverage public policy to effect change. • How to develop Culturally Conscious Leadership. • Challenges women face in Leadership Roles today. • How leaders will understand what makes Millennials different and how to implement strategies to help them succeed. • How to lead from your inner self? • How you lead and build relationships and trust with peers, colleagues, and those you manage. • How to become the authentic leader you envision. • How to engage men in the workplace as allies. • How to build your own coalition of women allies. Elite Series Seminar II Saturday, March 24, 2018 Elite Series Seminar III Saturday, April 28, 2018 Sign up for the ELITE Series Seminar I-III by JANUARY 10th to secure your seat for the price of only $297.00 by clicking on the link below! (Financing options are available) SIGN UP HERE! Page 44 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Want to be inspired and motivated to turn your intentions into actions? I offer a variety of speaking workshops and coaching sessions around leadership strategies and techniques, how to express your excellence and about practices you can use to transform values into action, putting vision into realities, and removing barriers, and turning obstacles into innovations, taking risks with rewards that will help you choose to live your life in the knowledge that you are unique and designed to be the ‘exemplary leader’ and bring success in your personal and professional life. I also customize talks and personal coaching sessions around all topics to do with leadership styles and behavior change to suit the needs of your organization. All programs are flexible in length and can be tailored to meet your needs whether that is a one-hour presentation or a full-day workshop. Learn more here! Are you ready for a change? Are you still searching for your purpose? Page 45 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Do you want to multiply your income three or more fold in 2018? Learn how by checking out my Women Power Brokers Seminars NOW!

Coaching Get control of your life, live better, sleep better, and live a more productive, happy, successful, and prosperous life. Dr. Young will help you in one or more sessions to help you get started on the transformation for success road today! •Coaching for skills – focusing on an individuals’ specified current task to meet a current or future responsibility more effectively. •Coaching for performance – focusing more broadly on enhancing an individual’s effectiveness in a career to better meet professional goals. •Coaching for self-empowerment – focusing on an individual’s personal growth, self-esteem, confidence, and mastery of self. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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or be HACKED: A Leading Expert’s Proactive Strategies to Prevent Cyberattacks By Cynthia Lardner Page 48 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Cyber Security is always too much – too much money and too much time - until it just isn’t enough. Consider today’s news where a ransomware infection infiltrated organizations in 99 countries, including China and Russia. This should be enough to garner everyone’s attention about implementing simple rules for managing personal and professional privacy. I had the opportunity to interview an internationally-recognized cybersecurity expert who, for security purposes spoke only on the condition of anonymity, about preventive measures to thwart cyberattacks that employers should mandate and that individuals should voluntarily follow. Is it true that anything transmitting information via the internet is capable of being hacked? “Anything transmitted can be intercepted. Thus liable to hacking,” Are there any limitations? “There are no limitations.” Where are the greatest vulnerabilities? “There're vulnerabilities everywhere.” Whether you are an individual, a corporation, critical infrastructure or a government entity, isn’t the biggest vulnerability email accounts which are subject to spear phishing, i.e. sending emails that appear to be from an individual or business that you know? Page 50 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

“Email are valuable information for attackers. But there're more. Targeting email through spear phishing emails is the primary method for hacking into a computer system. Spear phishing is very used nowadays, simply because it's simple to implement. But no method can be defined as primary or the best. Each attack requires specific study and approach.” Does the email need to include an attachment? If so, does the recipient need to open the attachment? “Usually yes, but - again - it depends of the attack type.” Are older systems more vulnerable to spear phishing? Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

found that 2016 was the worst year in history for spear phishing scams - a 65% increase over 2015.

“It's not a rule. Each system comes with specific vulnerabilities. Something perfect doesn't exist - since their made by humans.” An email can include malware, viruses, spyware, adware, worms, or Trojans. How are these hacker tools different? “Different names specify slightly different behaviours about functionalities and the way the backdoor works, e.g. autoreplication, data collected or not, data erased or not, etc.” This is important information to consider when opening attachments as a report from the Anti-Phishing Working Group Page 51 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Let me give you a hypothetical. If a hacker interested in a public utility, they could visit the local coffee shop or restaurant patronized by its employees who mindlessly drop their business card in a fishbowl to win a free cup of coffee and swipe those cards. From there they could go through and identify persons of interest and engage in spear phishing, right? “Absolutely right. This is just one good example of Social Engineering; that is - nowadays - the most dangerous attack.” Does hacking a computer or even a smart phone gives the hacker access to more than just the initial device targeted? For instance, if my computer was hacked and I send an email to another computer do I infect that system? “It depends. If the worm has auto-replication capabilities YES.” I read that Target, Sony Pictures, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) were attacked because they relied on passwords alone for authentication. How important is the complexity, duplicity and age of passwords? Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

“It's very important. But keep in mind that even a very strong password can be hacked using specific attack types - like brute force or dictionary attacks.” Is it true that even eight character passwords can be hacked in under a second? “Yes, even less.” What is a dictionary password hack? “A dictionary-based attack uses a pre-filled file that contains thousands or hundreds of thousands, or more words. Each word is used as password tentative.” Verizon’s 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report found that “63 percent of confirmed data breaches involve using weak, default or stolen passwords.” What is your advice about passwords? “Use at least a 16 characters password. And change it every week.” Can you offer an example and explanation of a good password? “%-xGaY%p2Rv@Pcx_! A password should be 16 characters minimum and include symbols, numbers, lowercase and uppercase characters.” This means that you are inviting unwanted intruders into your business or home when you use the pre-installed default passwords, such as “admin” or “1234”, or when a single password is used for multiple accounts. Page 52 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

What is a multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution? “It means that one password is no more enough to be authenticated.” Can you give me an example? “A 2 factor authentication, for example, requires, first, a password and then, second, a randomly-generated code that changes every X seconds.” Is MFA an effective strategy? “Better than only one password, for sure. Online banks, for example, nowadays use this mechanism by default.” Would you agree that protecting one’s email addresses is almost or as important as protecting one’s passwords? Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

less simple than accessing a home computer. Even if you already attacked/infected a company device, you have to consider that the company has in place network barriers (like firewalls, IDS, etc.) that may prevent to access easily from external network to internal network. That way, usually, modern backdoors prefer communications only "moving" FROM attacked device (internal network) TO remote server (external network). The IN-toOUT transmission is always better than OUT-to-IN.”

“On password-based systems, password protection should always been considered at first place, from user perspective. Possible systems vulnerabilities can be managed only by ISP itself (not the user).” How about another hypothetical. An employee uses their personal email address on LinkedIn. If a hacker wanted to hack into the company they worked for they could spear phish their home computer, which is likely used to login to work. Under what circumstances would that give a hacker access to the company’s system? “Accessing a company network is in general Page 53 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

This is where I am confused. Once hacked, access to the internet signal is obtained. Does this impact hacking other systems? Does it matter if an individual has separate devices and computers for personal and professional use? “When a system is hacked, it means that something is "going to happen". Connecting to Internet in order to transfer something is most probably something that will happen, but it's not mandatory (you may just want to duplicate data and keep them on the disk, for a later physical retrieval, or you may want to delete/alter something, or just opening a communication port for an OUT-to-INT communication, etc.). During an attack, the attacker wants to minimise the impact of suspects around 0%, so the idea that other systems may be impacted or "considered" during the attack... it's something bad. An attack is usually studied, tested and then Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

implemented SPECIFICALLY for the target device. No other systems should be even touched to accomplish this. Of course, large scale attacks require multiple systems to be compromised.”

If you connect as attacker to a public WiFi, you can actually retrieve almost everything (visited websites, user, password, PINS) that users think "it's safe".

Photo Courtesy of the National Security Administration Do you have any thoughts on using Wi-Fi at home or in public? “If you want to have a "safe" network (at home or at work)... do not use WiFi. If I was a hacker couldn’t I login into a public Wi-Fi and intercept signals from all devices logged onto the internet connection? If you connect as attacker to a public WiFi, you can actually retrieve almost everything (visited websites, user, password, PINS) that users think "it's safe". What is your general advice about using Wi-Fi? “If available, the use of a Wi-Fi network is probably one of the first attempts to try an attack.” Restraint on the use of Wi-Fi is statistically supported. According to a report published by the Chertoff Group: • Mobile web adoption is growing 8 times faster than web adoption did in the 1990s and early 2000s. • By the end of 2017, over two billion mobile phone or tablet users will make some form of mobile commerce transaction. • By 2018, 25% of corporate data traffic will bypass the corporate network and flow direct from mobile device to the cloud. • 84% of people have experienced difficulty completing a mobile transaction.

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62% of “checkout abandonments” in mobile commerce happen due to friction in the login process. I have another hypothetical for you. A personal smart phone has been hacked. If the hackers have installed key loggers or other malware doesn’t this mean they can see every keystroke made, including password and messages believed to be encrypted, whether by specialized software or common apps such as WhatsApp? “Yes. A malware running directly on the device doesn't care about encryption: it is installed ON the system, so it's capable to read everything BEFORE encryption (or after decryption).” What is your advice on selecting a search engine? Does Google, Yahoo and Bing create a greater vulnerability than TOR? •

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Energy published a report saying that the nation’s electrical grid “faces imminent danger” from cyber-attacks. The report concluded that grid modernizations would require a total investment ranging from $350 to $500 bn. What are the drawbacks to linking newer technology to older Linux or legacy systems? Where is the greatest vulnerability when two systems are linked together? “When a system is "connected" it automatically becomes vulnerable. It's not a matter of old or new technology, it's a matter of how the system is "exposed". But EVERY system is exposed in some way, or it cannot serve anything.”

“Everything is traced and monitored. Search engines and the TOR network, as well.” A lot of critical infrastructure relies heavily on legacy or outdated software that was never intended to be used with more modern technology to control their product. A lot of legacy software lacks the ability to manually override a cyberattack. This is a major issue in the United States and in some parts of the European Union where public power and transportation are controlled by thousands of companies many of which lack the resources to address vulnerabilities. Many companies have failed to make capital investments in its computer systems preferring to link legacy software to newer technology thereby is opening the floodgates for cyberattacks. The U.S. Department of Page 55 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The Cloud is not less secure than an internal system. The vulnerability is in the internet or intranet connection. Systems managers should focus on securing cloud workloads and not the Cloud. The cloud does not make a system less secure, it’s when the internet or intranet connection has a vulnerability that opens the Cloud to attacks. Are there any signs the people should watch for that are indicative of hacking? “A well performed attack, leaves no trace. If we speak about people, 99% of them are vulnerable and not capable to understand that they've been hacked. Speaking about companies, the percentage changes, but not so much.” As it’s been in the news later, one last question how are other things like the television, thermostat and garage door opener hacked? Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

“Again, if something is "connected"... it becomes vulnerable. The IOT - Internet of Things - will be one of the most catastrophic phases of this era, from hacking, information theft and safety point of view. It has been already proved that it's possible to completely take control of a modern car, hacking it from thousands of miles of distance. And this is only the beginning.” Another area in which companies can be proactive is by employing multiple-level redundancy. This means you have created multiple back-up copies of your data to prevent loss in the case of a single disk or server failure and that the data is stored across multiple geographic locations. Page 56 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

When considering whether to make organizational or personal internet safety changes, along with today’s immense ransomware attack consider these statistics: • 70% of U.S. critical infrastructure suffered a cyberattacks in 2016. • The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre revealed that Britain was threatened by 188 high-level cyber-attacks in just three months. • The average attack on a financial institute costs $20.8 mm even though the response time has been shortened to an average of 17.5 hours. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

Ransomware attacks rose by 50% in 2016 with 61% of victims now being companies with less than 1,000 employees. • Up to 286 mm viruses are detected annually by Symantec. For more information visit the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s webpage on cyber security at https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/ cyber and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which provides a policy framework on computer security guidance to assist private sector organizations in assessing and improving their ability to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber-attacks at https://www.federalregister.gov/ documents/2017/01/25/2017-01599/ proposed-update-to-the-framework-forimproving-critical-infrastructurecybersecurity.

About the Author Cynthia M. Lardner is an American journalist living in The Hague and a contributing editor to Tuck Magazine, E – The Magazine for Today’s Executive Female Executive, and the International Policy Digest. Her blogs are read in over 37 countries. As a thought leader in the area of foreign policy, her philosophy is to collectively influence conscious global thinking. Ms. Lardner holds degrees in journalism, law, and counseling psychology. Page 57 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Types of Stress Part 1

a 2-Part Series

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r Brain” by Karla Maree Page 59 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Types of Stress Click to Listen

What is Good Stress Click to Listen Page 60 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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What is Hidden Stress Click to Listen

What is Toxic Stress Click to Listen Page 61 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The first of a new series by Leslie Pogue, Chie Page 64 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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ef Happy Officer, Speaker, Author, Coach Page 65 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Do you feel like crap? Are you pissed off, all the time? When you’re not pissed off, are you crying for no good reason? I know – it sucks huh? You’re probably saying, “What the hell is wrong with me?” You’re human! Shocking I know. You may have moments when it feels like everything is falling apart and your life has spiraled out of control. It’s what you do in those moments that count. These days the magic buzz word is HAPPY. Everybody is HAPPY. Are they? You don’t just wake up with that Kool Aid smile kinda happy without doing some internal work. Then there is the fake it ‘til you make it school of thought. That is like putting a cork in a seltzer bottle and shaking it. I just don’t wanna be around when they blow. And trust me, it’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when. Webster’s defines HAPPY as; favored by luck or fortune; enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment. That’s great, but how do you get there?I define HAPPY as: Hearing your truth, Acknowledging feel better, Purging the past, your feelings, giving yourself permission to and Yielding to Page 66 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

your new life. Happy is not just grinning and being ok with everything all the time. Authentic happy is living a lifestyle that is rooted in YOUR truth (not the reality television version of truth). To get to that truth you have to be honest with yourself first if no one else.

Be honest about your feelings. I AM MAD! I AM CONFUSED! IAM PISSED OFF! I AM HAPPY! (Never feel guilty for feeling the way you feel.) Ever feel guilty about feeling happy? When everyone around you is Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

Everything is something. The same is true for your feelings but sometimes it is hard to identify them. In that case, you are “uncomfortable”. Over the course of this series you will get tools to get to your happy. You will think about the life you’ve built so far and the life you want. This first article is to shake the cobwebs loose before you really start working toward living in your happy. Also, let me warn you, if you decide to really go for it, it may take a little more than 28 days.

Day 1 – What’s really going on? Hear your truth. Make a list of all the major life changes you have experienced over the last 3 – 5 years. Think about marriages, divorces, layoffs, illnesses, births, deaths, and even world travels. If it was a big life event, it goes on the list.

Day 2 – What are you denying your-

complaining about everything under the sun don’t feel bad for feeling so good. You earned your happy so own it. So… WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON? If you are having a hard time figuring out how you really feel, I want you to embrace this phrase, “I FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE.” You don’t feel bad, you feel uncomfortable. Here’s why. Feelings are neither good nor bad, they always have meaning. For those of you who work in an office and have a “miscellaneous” file; there is no such thing. Page 67 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

self and for yourself? Write out how you’d like your life to look in your personal, professional, financial, and spiritual life. Be very descriptive. “I step out of my white LR4 and walk into my office in culver city and see the wood administrative desk against a turquoise wall with a wall fountain behind it….etc.” Talk about the awards and degrees you have (want) and describe everything you want.

Day 3 – Why are you so angry? Anger is a manifestation of fear. So, in addition to the question, why are you so angry, also ask what are you afraid of? Also consider that you may be afraid to be successful. The expectation of Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

success is that it must be maintained. That can be intimidating and overwhelming and may shut you down. You can do your own deeper dive into that one if it applies.

Day 4 – The power of “No.” Say NO for the next week to anything you do not really want to do. Think “value added.”

Day 5 – Self-inflicted or thrust upon you. Look at your list of life changes and next to each one, mark whether it was selfinflicted (SI) or thrust upon you (TH). This will shed some light on your decisions. If you have more that are self-inflicted you may need to think through your decisions more or stop reacting to the things that happen in your life. If they are thrust upon you like an illness, still look at your lifePage 68 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Day 6 – Break – Free day! Day 7 – Meditate on all the truth and acknowledge you have achieved so far. Exhale.

Day 8 - Kick the blues with accomplishment. Pick a task that has a start and a finish. A task you can complete every day, i.e., make your bed, do the dishes, put things away, etc., and for the next week as long as you do that one thing, your day is successful. Everything else is just cake. Day 9 – List your current financial balance sheet. Don’t build your dreams on a false reality. Work from here. This is a great time to gather all of your accounts and passwords and balances and track spending habits.

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Day 10 – Create a budget based on your

Day 14 – One of my favorite lines from The

ACTUAL status. This is to give you a clear picture of how much you need and how much you need to make up.

Wizard of Oz is at the end when Dorothy is explaining to everyone about Oz. She talks about the things she learned. She ends by saying, “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look further than my own backyard; because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.” So….What have you learned about yourself so far?

Day 11 – Say this out loud, “The one thing I will not accept is defeat! I will never give up!” Say that all day today!

Day 12 – Break – Free day! Day 13 – Today there are NO EXPECTATIONS! Approach today with openness not predictions. Allow today to unfold naturally and don’t say things like “I know what’s going to happen.”, “I know what they are going to say.” Just move through the day and let the world operate around YOU. Page 69 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Day 15 – Now that you are feeling good about you, it’s time to start forgiving others. Today, make a list of wrong doers. (just their name) Anyone you feel has wronged you, put them on the list.

Day 16 – Now write what each wrong doer did to you. (remember this is your list – be transparent) Be very specific. Include dates and times if you can. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Describe the situation and how it made you feel and how it ultimately impacted your life. If you can’t remember what they did wrong but they are on your list, just start a side list for those folks.

Day 17 – Write a letter to each wrong doer. If you feel like mailing it, go ahead just recognize the potential outcome. If not just write it. You will need it for the forgiveness ceremony.

Day 18 – Break! Free Day! Day 19 – Plan your for-

Incorporate exercise, cook some type of schedule no and remember to schedule

giveness ceremony. Here’s where you may need my book. You can go to www.thehabitofhappy.com/ book-sales to get the full 28 Days to Happy Book.

Day 20 – Create a Mantra. I have many but one of my favorites is, “it takes all kinds to make a world.” This allows me to just walk away from nonsense. Have

how loose, and remember to schedule some fun. Day 23 – Don’t wait until next week to start your new habit – Start Today!

Day 24 – Break! Free Day! Day 25 – See what is working and what isn’t. Adjust where necessary.

Day 21 – Time for your Forgiveness Ceremony (see 28 Days to Happy to learn how to throw your Forgiveness Ceremony) fun with it and keep it positive.

Day 22 – Time to design your lifestyle. Create your schedule or free form. Try to incorporate exercise, cooking real food, some type of schedule no matter Page 70 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Day 26 – Plan the celebration of YOU! Again, you will need my book. You can go to www.thehabitofhappy.com/book-sales to get the full 28 Days to Happy Book.

Day 27 – Have a private celebration of you. Take yourself to dinner or brunch. Have a movie night on the couch or a Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

king real food, matter how loose, e some fun! champagne bubble bath. Just honor you in your own special way!

Day 28 – Celebrate the new you with the people in our life! Go Party!Now that you have Acknowledged, Accepted, Forgiven, and started to Heal the things in your life you are ready to grow from a solid foundation of truth which is the “H” in your happy. You have now heard your truth. Welcome to the start of your HAPPY! Look for new and exciting ways to discover your happy in future articles.No matter how great we’re doing, we will all have those times that SUCK! Repeat your 28 Days as you need to knowing that you have implanted happy into your core. Get excited about what’s next. Want a soft copy of 28 Days to Happy? Go to Amazon.com. Until next time…Go! Be! Do! Page 71 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Part of a new Series by Dr. Jason Carthen, Coach ,Au Page 72 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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uthor, speaker and President of Jason Page 73 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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In the early 1900’s Fredrick Taylor created the notion that organizations should function like machines and that followers represented cogs in the machines. Cogs to be replaced when worn out or no longer of lasting value. Fastforward to today and that notion of being expendable is still alive and well! Why? Because many traditional business schools still perpetuate that same idea of a mechanistic approach to leadership. However, much has changed, most notably, today’s followers and their preferences for leadership styles.

A New Breed of Follower Followers today prefer a more diplomatic and relational environment that fosters the ability to grow into a position while clearly offering alignment with the leader and the company’s mission and vision. Traditional business schools would balk at this description and roll their eyes at the notion of catering to followers over profits, but the research doesn’t lie as you can see in this Harvard Business Review Article. Followers have a strong desire to follow as much as a leader has a strong desire to lead depending upon the situation and context.

The Leader Needs to Grow Too I have to admit in my early years of leading, I was often trying to find my way when interacting with followers and was driven Page 74 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

more by what I thought a leader should look and act like, rather than what best served the follower. It wasn’t until I began to see the tremendous capacity for influence upon others that I began to understand the importance of developing my own leadership philosophy. You see, I understood that my philosophy could be informed by the examples of others, the theories I researched and my own personal experiences, however, it became clear to me that the true test would be found in developing my own perspectives on leadership behaviors through experience. I use the word test because it would involve risks associated with leading well or failing miserably Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

not limited to the presence of what I call, “Relationship Cultivation” or the belief that followers should be first over the company’s bottom line profits. I share this with you today, because it is my strong belief that a leader should develop both a servant mentality and a high level of ethics in order to foster a well rounded and healthy leadership philosophy. The servant leader embodies many of these "Relationship Cultivation" characteristics and seeks to serve followers as they grow and develop.

A Leadership Path Forward

when I interacted with my followers. For that reason, I began to think deeply concerning my own values and what I hold dear or what I regard with disdain in terms of leader behaviors.

Developing a Leadership Philosophy That being shared, my own personal philosophy of leadership is still evolving based upon situational occurrences with followers and my faith. However, there are certain values and beliefs that must be present when formulating my leadership style preferences these values include, but are Page 75 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

How can leaders destroy this myth that followers are expendable and should be replaced at the very first sign of trouble? At a very practical level, leaders can be the catalyst in their respective organizations by fostering an organizational culture of hope that creates more followers who are actively engaged and bought into the mission and vision of their respective companies. This is a core concept of my high value I Speak Life Academy Private Coaching™ program. When followers are bought into the culture and mission and vision of the organization, they are more likely to be productive which creates a selffulfilling prophecy of the company being more profitable and successful in both the short and long-term.

The Case for Hope as a Catalyst So, what is this ethereal thing called hope Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

and how can it be the catalyst for creating an organizational environment where employees are valued in a significant way? The positive psychological constructs of hope can be defined as a process or endeavor to think about one’s goals and the motivation to take action to achieve them. The Positive Psychology literature reveals this as an overall process that requires two components of goal-directed thought…“agency and pathway.”

Agency and Pathway Thinking Agency thinking is the ability of an individual to compartmentalize their actions, behaviors and desired path forward with a strategic way of thinking to overcome a problem or achieve a certain level of success. While pathway is the concrete plan to take action on the necessary steps to bring that agency thinking to life. When you have agency thinking and the necessary pathway, hope becomes manifest and is birthed forward. So, you see when a leader creates a culture of hope by deputizing followers and mobilizing their followers own internal resources, they have become valued and actualized members of the organization who have a stake in the overall functioning and long-term success. Page 76 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

In today’s society, with an unstable job market and an up and down economy there has never been a greater need for followers to hold on to hope regarding their work contexts. Furthermore, a work environment built upon hope provides a roadmap for a follower to realize internal desires to achieve goals and reach success and selfactualization. For example, while two followers may have similar natural abilities and talent, the more hopeful one is likely to be more successful, especially in moments of stress in a workplace context.

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communication style, they are intentionally .creating a framework for followers to understand how they too should engage one another. Followers who then engage hope and then enact hope in their broader organizational cultural context create a positive movement for existing employees and other followers who may be on boarded to the organization as well. How? In this Harvard Business Review Article the impact of a leaders actions is explored even further. Make no mistake, followers will either rise to the occasion to be successful or remain low, dependent upon how they are perceived and treated by the leader. In my free Pillars of Success Course, key behavioral characteristics are revealed that point to what both leaders and followers can do to best position themselves to rise rather than remain low.

to desired goals and become motivated to use those pathways, which impacts the well-being and overall success of their particular situation. Therefore through a leaders cultivation of hope, they not only assign a high value to their followers, but they create a lasting legacy of influence

Hope is Contagious What is the impact of a leader that instills hope in their followers over the longterm? The impact is tremendous. When a leader creates a regular atmosphere of hope through their actions and Page 77 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

At the end of the day and in my estimation, the true measure of a leader’s impact is found in the health and productivity of his or her followers. Are they fulfilled, healthy and productive? If so, then the leader is on to something special and it should be cultivated, celebrated and modeled for others to see. After all, if you have something of value, shouldn’t it be shared with others? Interested in learning how you can immediately grow and scale your business? Or maybe you want to grow as a leader or business owner? Connect with Dr. Jason for a

No Obligation Strategy Session to explore the possibilities. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Hi, Ingrid here! Your chocolate eating, wine drinking health coach! So, let’s talk about this ugly four letter word… DIET What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear that word? Deprivation? Starvation? Inconvenience? I’ve done them all. Low carb, no carb, counted points, prepackaged meals. You name it, I’ve tried it. I think the most extreme diet I ever tried was around 31 years ago. I had just had my first child and was really impatient about getting back down to what I called my “fighting weight”. I went on this low calorie (700 a day) and low carb diet. I was literally starving myself. I had to pee on this little stick each morning to make sure that I was in ketosis. And to keep my energy up (because of

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course I was starving myself) they gave me B vitamin injections in my behind. I remember like it was yesterday, bracing myself on the wall to prepare for what felt like an explosion of bee stings in my butt!!! Any of this sound familiar? We as women go to such extremes to live up to what society deems as “beautiful” and “acceptable”. Health is rarely even taken into account, all that seems to matter is the number on the scale.

We deprive ourselves, sometimes to the extreme ( knowing that it’s not sustainable) to get temporary results, so that we can fit into that cute little black dress, look good for our high school reunion or whatever that special occasion may be. This method falls apart and inevitably we fall right back into our old habits, sometimes even to the point of that ”screw it all binge” that leaves us feeling guilty and defeated. It’s a vicious cycle that wreaks havoc on our health, our metabolism and at times even our self-esteem. We’ve all heard the statistic that 95% of all dieters can’t keep the weight off, and when they gain it back, they often gain more than they lost, therefore weighing even more. It’s a proven fact that with extreme dieting, when you lose weight, you’re losing Page 81 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

fat and MUSCLE, and when you gain the weight back, it’s all FAT! Then you try something new with the same results. It’s this yoyo dieting that slows our metabolism, making it even more difficult to lose weight. So, why am I dissing on diets? Because there is no “One size fits all” diet. Every person’s body is unique, beautiful and different, and requires foods that nourish and energize their particular body. And the goal should be to focus on being healthy, not a number on the scale. In my coaching practice I help find out what those foods are for your unique body. I help you make small habit changes that have a HUGE impact on your health, your body and your life. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

I teach you how to “count chemicals” not calories. Just ridding your body of all the chemicals that are in our foods these days will have a huge impact on your health. Your body can operate at optimum levels and you’ll gain energy that you didn’t know was possible! And… you can still have those chips (it’s true) Hey, I love my dark chocolate and wine! They have polyphenols, resveratrol and antioxidants. Who knew chocolate and wine could be so good for you! So you see, you don’t have to give up all of your favorite foods to be healthy. Being healthy doesn’t mean that you have to be deprived. The most important thing is to feel good in YOUR body. To feel energized in your body so that you can manage the daily stresses of being a busy business professional, mother, wife. To have your body operating at its best, because when you’re at your best, you’re able to give others your best.

Chances are good that these paradigms will work for you too!

In my coaching practice there are 8 ways to start to discover the perfect approach to eating for YOU and create ideal health for your mind, body and soul. And you won’t find it in any diet book.

2) The body has an innate wisdom beyond any book or authority. The body is constantly talking to us about what it needs for optimal healing, peak performance and high energy. The problem is, we don’t take time to REALLY

1)What’s healthy for one person may not be healthy for you. Every person’s body is different with different needs. The key is finding out what foods are best for you to make you feel healthy in YOUR body.

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activity levels, weight loss or even weight gain goals. If a person goes from being sedentary to working out 5 days a week, then their nutritional needs will change based on their lifestyle change and their goals. 5) Your body is the most powerful, least expensive and BEST dietary experimentation lab. You’re like your own guinea pig. You can play with and experiment with foods until you know what works best for your body. This is a good way to train yourself to listen to your body. 6) Your RELATIONSHIP with food & your body impacts your health more than the food you eat. This is a tough one for most people to understand. If every time you pick up something to eat, your mindset is fear of gaining weight, self-criticism, or self-loathing when it comes to your body, it affects your health tremendously. listen to our bodies. We’re moving at warp speed, we’ve gotten used to and adjusted to a “new normal”. 3)Your body is the ultimate dietary authority for every phase of your life. What we ate at 25 may not be the best for us at 40 or 55. Our nutritional needs change with age. There’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” when it comes to eating and nutrition. 4) Your diet changes as YOU change. There are several factors that could influence how and what we eat. Aging, Page 83 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

7) Symptoms, cravings and behaviors are not the problem, they have just been your best solution up until now. There is actually something unconscious inside that’s asking to be nourished. Sometimes it’s easier for chronic dieters, binge eaters and people with body issues to use food to deal with those issues, rather than to ask loved ones to fulfill their desires Women have a tendency to use foods, especially sweets to substitute for love, physical touch or sex. 8) Nourishment is about much more than just food. We get nourishment from all of our senses. The good and the not so good. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

that puts YOU at the center stage of your life. Now that’s empowering! When we look at a beautiful sunset, when we smell the scent of beautiful flowers, when we hear the crash of the ocean, it is all nourishment for our bodies. It is the same when we are stuck in traffic, listening to harsh music or watching a violent movie. It may be scary at first to think that YOU actually have more control of your health than a “diet” does. Most of my clients (once they really open up to this possibility) find it totally liberating and start to feel empowered instead of fearful. Page 84 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

So what now? I get that this is a whole new way of looking at your food and your life. It is in essence, a huge paradigm shift. How great is that? Now you get to look at things that weren’t working before through a whole new lens! One that puts YOU at the center stage of your life. Now that’s empowering! If you are tired of false promises of the latest diet fads and sick of following health and wellness trends that don’t work for you, then click here www.goodhealthgreatlifenow.com Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

now to schedule a time to talk to me about diving deeper into these revelations And what it really means to be healthy and living in YOUR body.

Or cut and paste this link


I guarantee that you will walk away feeling empowered to choose the way forward for you that feels right in your whole body, and you will strengthen your relationship with the one person that matters most in your life-YOU! Make The Rest of Your Life The Best of Your Life! Page 85 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Podium

A New Column by Kelly Race: Founder of Race Executive Public Speaker Coach, Writer and Str Page 88 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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to the Podium, rategic Leadership Innovator. Page 89 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Bad speeches. I’ve seen it. Everyone has seen it. If you’ve made it through school and into your first ‘real’ job, you’ve seen it. Just imagine: there you are, watching a supervisor speak on the company’s newest directive. Maybe they’re nailing it, or, more likely, you’re cringing, realizing how much sympathy your body actually holds. Why is it that some people like Tony Robbins and Steve Jobs can make speeches that get us so fired up we are ready to do whatever they ask? Why do they have us ready to subscribe in five minutes, yet executives can’t get through a department meeting without putting us to sleep? I know what you are thinking. They are born to be public speakers, have a gift, or are just naturally dynamic and engaging people. Something beyond this world and beyond their control has made them an excellent orator. Fortunately, while this may be true for an extremely small percentage of the population, most often this is not the case. In fact, if you asked most of societies prolific speakers, they would tell you it wasn’t true for them –they had to work at their craft. Being able to give an amazing, dynamic, and engaging speech is a learned skill. Anyone can do it. I once coached a young man who was so nervous even Page 90 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

talking about giving a speech that he had to excuse himself to the bathroom. But he didn’t give up, worked hard, and (with a little help) he became a very competent public speaker. At some point in everyone’s life we are going to be called on to give a speech. It can be to a group of shareholders as an executive, to thousands as a keynote speaker, or to your family at greataunt Edna’s funeral. Employers often tell me that they would be more interested in an employee with public speaking skills than one with specific office experience. There is enormous power in being able to stand in front of a group of people and speak confidently about a topic. In the business world, you’ve been told that if you are trying to get ahead you should be volunteering to take the lead on projects even Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

when you aren’t the most qualified. Public speaking can have the same effect. This is actually what lead me to my passion for public speaking… I volunteered.Many years ago, I was working for a local government agency. At the time, I was perfectly content, sitting in a corner answering phones, and being invisible. Then one day while sitting in a meeting our director asked for a volunteer to go out into the community and talk to the general public about a new law and its implementation. There we sat, waiting in uncomfortable silence for someone to step forward and take the project for the team. Finally, feeling very uneasy, I volunteered just to make the awkward moment end. It’s still hard to believe I took the lead on a project while being the least qualified person on the team. Page 91 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

I quickly got on my computer and searched for any information available on the new law. After learning everything possible, I began putting together my presentation. When it was time to head out into the community, I was so nervous I began questioning my own sanity. But, duty called and I was too proud to admit defeat, so I did it. And, to my surprise, I wasn’t horrible. I engaged my audience, and knew my topic. They were interested in the information about the new law, asked a lot of questions, and were happy I was there. It was the best feeling. Fast forward a few months, and I was managing a team of 50 employees -training and coaching each of them on how to speak in public. So why am I telling you all of this? Because my guess is that you will be asked to speak in public. Or to shareholders. Or at your great-aunt’s funeral. We all are. And I know you can do it confidently with only moderate physical pain. That was a joke. (Kind of.) The truth is, if you are reading this magazine you are either already a successful business woman, or well on your way to becoming one. Being able to publicly share your message is not just important in today’s business world, it is a requirement for success. Now let’s get back to being a great public speaker. First, of course, you need to prepare. Don’t skimp on content, do your research, and create an amazing presentation. Each piece is vital to a successful speech and I will talk about these elements in later columns. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

When you have your presentation complete and you are ready to give the speech you have to ask yourself one important question: Who are you going to practice your speech on? I know this might sound silly, but you HAVE to practice your speech. Most people admit practicing will make them a better speaker, but surprisingly few actually make the effort ahead of time. And then the day of your speech comes around and guess what? You end up practicing your speech, but instead of your bathroom mirror, your audience gets to see the awkward first run. In my coaching business, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard very engaging and dynamic executives or professionals say, “I don’t need to practice, I always just wing it.” I have watched these men and women stand in front of hundreds and thousands of people and practice their speech.

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They weren’t joking when they said they wing it -and it showed. How do I know they were practicing on their audience? Because these executives were giving the same speech 10 times over a week to group after group of employees. The first speech and the final speech are very different every time. By the final speech the speaker had a different presence, they had their timing down perfectly, and had inserted the perfect jokes with expert timing. Only the last group of employees got to hear the speaker’s best work! So what happens when you practice your speech? You own it. Imagine that you were introduced to a new colleague and this person asked about your kids. Would you stumble on your words? Pause and say loads of ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’? Maybe lose your train of thought and have to start over?

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Not a chance. You know your kids better than anyone. You could probably talk about them for an hour without taking a breath. This is how well you have to know the topic of your speech. If you practice, you will master the flow of your speech and know the content like it’s your ‘baby’. You should know your PowerPoint (or presentation in any form) better than what you had for lunch. (Remember a PowerPoint isn’t a substitute for what you are saying!) What if there is a technical difficulty and you aren’t able to show your presentation? You are going to have to talk. Are you ready for that? You must become the subject matter expert on whatever topic you are talking about. All these “worst case scenarios” are resolved through practicing your speech. So, you have a choice to make. Are you going to be practicing your speech on your Page 93 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

kids, dog, cat, your mirror? Or will you be practicing on your audience? If you don’t schedule enough practice sessions of your speech (at least 10 times all the way through -no stopping) you will be practicing on your audience. Now for a piece of bonus advice: video tape yourself giving the speech. Smart phones have made this so easy that there is absolutely no excuse not to do it. Although there are dozens of apps designed to make you a better public speaker, you can literally just turn on your phone camera and start talking. When you videotape yourself giving the speech you will see how you move. Are you pacing like a wild animal across the stage or moving just enough to keep people’s attention? You will hear your filler word. Most people use ‘ummm’ or ‘ahhh’ but others rely on ‘so’. One executive I worked with ended every thought by asking ‘do you get me?’. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

You might be surprised by the filler word or phrase you use. And, you may not have realized it, but you probably have a tick as well. Many people do. If you videotape yourself speaking, you can find out if your nose wiggles or left eye twitches. Let’s take a moment to talk about timing. Even famous speakers are given a specific amount of time for their speech. Practice will help you gauge the length of your speech and keep you on track. Just as you expect respect from your audience, you want to be respectful of your audience’s time. Finally, let’s talk about being nervous. Even professionals get nervous, and I think it’s a good thing. A little nervousness keeps us on our toes! But common sense tells us that the more we practice our speech, the more we own it, and Page 94 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

the less we will have to be nervous about. No visualizing the audience in their underwear required! I’ve given you a lot to think about when it comes to practicing for your next (or first) speech. Remember: practice before you are in front of your audience, people notice. The first book in my "Race to the Podium" series launches this April. This book is a comprehensive how-to-guide for anyone who is ready to Own the Podium. For more details or contact information please visit me at: ardentleadership.com.

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Magic!- “RUDE” Parody-corporate Version http://youtu.be/j4WvsJQhJxQ

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Now Airing on WBTVN.TV

Contact Katie Katie O’s Food Carnival, 108 W. Germania Place, Chicago, IL 60610 Email Katie@ktofoodcarnival.com* Phone 312 787 01490 Website: ww Page 96 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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About Katie Culinary Artist Katie O’Reilly is famous for her over the top culinary designs, complex and layered flavor profiles, global range, and creativity. Katie’s weekly TV show “Katie O’s Food Carnival” features inspired living and culinary adventures. Her variety show like segments keep viewers constantly entertained, with interesting guests, exciting food, and insider culinary tips.

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Finding Purpose Ordered Steps

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Finding Purpose Ordered Steps

Listen NOW

I recently sat down for a discussion with the author of The Reminder, Dunamis and The Real Secret, Sonia Huh (nee Bangura). As one of the individuals who escaped a civil war that ravaged her country of origin, Sierra Leone, Huh discusses what happened to the land that she loves and still hurts for. Huh says, "the pain does not go away Tora." She reveals ..... I recently sat down for a discussion with the author of The Reminder, Dunamis and The Real Secret, Sonia Huh (nee Bangura). As one of the individuals who escaped a civil war that ravaged her country of origin, Sierra Leone, Huh discusses what happened to the land that she loves and still hurts for. Huh says, "the pain does not go

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away Tora." She reveals how that experience led her to, at the time, undiscovered purpose in life. Huh recalls sitting on steps behind a church while in Sierra Leone, weeping and crying out to God, asking, "Why all this suffering? Why all this pain? Why all this poverty, sickness,disease and agony?" She had witnessed the indescribable suffering of fellow Sierra Leoneans and had realized what they had to do in order to survive. Things which she did not have to do. Unbeknownst to her, while sitting tearfully on the steps behind that church with the weight of her questions, those steps and her candid conversation with God that day, began ordering her steps. Subscription link www.female-

toward the world and my fellow human beings. I have no regrets for my experiences; I believe I am a better person" Huh feels blessed to have escaped the rape, torture, mutilation and death that many of her fellow Sierra Leonean sisters endured during the civil war that took place in Sierra Leone.

As an African child, Huh, was fortunate enough to attend elite boarding and international schools, create lifelong friends with people from all races, religions and non-religions, and walks of life. Upon arriving in the United States, Huh experienced life as an immigrant and the hardships, fears and loneliness that came with it. She had lived her life as a protected child of diplomats, gone home to Sierra Leone only to witness the sickness of poverty, and then found herself rooted from her sheltered life, in America, a nation she had never imagined she would one day call home. "The tables turned on me Tora, and I had one choice. To live or to die. I chose to live! But not just to live, but to do so without bitterness, anger, malice and depression Page 101 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

"I do not, and will never take my life for granted." Huh now resides in America, which she calls her unexpected home. It was never a part of her plans while growing up to live in another country and call it home. Her plans had always been to live in Sierra Leone and to use her vast education to assist the poor and uneducated. In speaking with her, she revealed, "I attribute my being in here to a Divine Plan, which is still unfolding day by day as I mature spiritually, mentally, and emotionally." While listening to this brief video, Episode 1 - From the Author's Perspective Finding Purpose (The Reminder: Quiet Power Peaceful Confidence), look for opportunities in your life that will allow you to discover who you truly are and what your purpose in life is. No matter what may be going on in your life, find the power to uncover the blueprint for your life, discover your Quiet Power, Peaceful Confidence, and become who The Reminder describes as "The Synonym Assistant". {excerpt from "The Reminder"} As Huh puts it, "Our world needs as many Synonym Assistants as possible."

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At an event last night two like -minded retired senior Navy Officers - one in his late 70's and another in his 50's could not stop speaking when they found out about my upcoming leadership book, The

Enchanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader, (Sept. 13th). It

was as if a door was unlocked and they could speak freely without being judged.

recognizing that they are powerful messages. Instead of running away you run towards them, incorporate needed insights to complement the facts. Both sides are critical to solid decision making. Leaders throughout history refer to working with intuition to lead wholly and completely. Yes, it's time to get this message out and liberate those amazing leaders who already use these tools, and are too scared to admit it, because of the fear of being judged and labeled "not all there. " In fact, they are the ones who are all there .... so exciting!

You see, in the book, I dispel the mystery of merging the practical, tactical and logical with the intuitive, emotional, spiritual and physical sides of ourselves to provide whole leadership. It's about listening to those images, those disembodied words one hears, and those goosebumps and innate knowing and and work with the messages that come because they give you

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A Grape Variety with a Long History

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Uva di Troia or Nero di Troia is a grape variety that dates to Ancient Greece. It is a trendy grape and wine nowadays. Or perhaps trendy is not the right word; rather it has reached the level of being one of the more well-known wines produced in Puglia at the moment, next after Primitivo and Negro Amaro. I tasted a lot of Nero di Troia wines at the wine event #Radicidelsud2017 in Bari, Puglia, that took place in the beginning of June. It is a yearly wine event that aims to showcase southern Italian wines from the regions Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Sicily, and Puglia. The event week started out with a press tour where we travelled for three days to visit different wineries and meet with local wine producers in northern Puglia and in Basilicata. We started out in Manduria where we were introduced to several Primitivo producers at the local wine cooperative (Produttori Vini Manduria). The same afternoon we then continued to Gravina where we met with the owners of Botromagno winery. The next day, we had a wine tasting with Aglianico del Vulture producers at the Page 106 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

hour, we were already back in Lucera in ncastle of Melfi in Basilicata. At the aperitif orthern Puglia where we met with a group of Nero di Troia producers. The tour ended in San Severo and a visit to another couple of wineries, such as D’Alfonso del Sordo, Valentina Passalacqua, and D’Araprì winery. The last few days of the event week were dedicated to blind tastings where we acted as a jury to select which wines to award and, of course, to the wine tasting days open to the public.

Nero di Troia has an interesting history There are different theories about the origin of the name Uva di Troia. Subscription link www.female-

British wine journalist and wine critic Ian D'Agata in the monograph Native Wine Grapes of Italy, started being mentioned officially in documents about wine production in Puglia. (See pp. 457ff.) Uva di Troia was generally used as a blend in wines such as Rosso Barletta, Rosso Cerignola, and Rosso Canosa to add freshness, elegance, and structure.

Some say it has its origin in the town Troia that is situated close to Foggia in Puglia. Others say that it stems from the small town Cruja in Albania. However, if we want to be more romantic and believe in the legend about Diomedes, then Uva di Troia owes its name to him and his grand role in the Trojan War. He is said to have brought Uva di Troia vines with him when he migrated to Puglia and Italy after the Trojan War. There are surely many other legends and stories about this grape variety. According to historical sources, it is, for example, supposed to have been a wine liked by Frederick II, the Holy Roman Emperor and consumed at his court. If we move forward to the 19th century, that is when Uva di Troia, according to the Page 107 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

During the last 20 years, Nero di Troia has risen to stardom in Puglia becoming so much more than a grape variety to use as a blend in other local red wines. Now, it is more used to make monovarietal wines and for rosĂŠ wines. The main production zones of Nero di Troia are the northern parts of Puglia in the province of Foggia and in the Castel del Monte area. Furthermore, Ian D'Agata says that around the year 2000, there were only a few wine producers who made 100% Nero di Troia wines, while just a few years later the number of producers had significantly increased. Some statistics Did you know that there are 84,200 ha (208,062 acres) of vineyard in Puglia (Istat 2015), of which 2,512 ha (6,207 acres) are vineyards with Uva di Troia (Istat 2010, see I numeri del vino)? To read more about this, Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

see the article Radici del sud 2017 by the wine writer Giampiero Nadali who gives a good overview of the statistics regarding the wine production in Puglia on his blog Aristide.

Tasting Nero di Troia Wines On the second day of our press tour with #Radicidelsud2017, we arrived in Lucera in the late afternoon. Shortly thereafter, we gathered for an aperitif and dinner with producers of Nero di Troia wines. It was a perfect opportunity to taste and learn more about this grape variety. The typical characteristics of Nero di Troia wines are the notes of geranium, violet, and clove, as well as red fruit, such as cherries. It is a well-balanced wine with smooth tannins. When we visited D'Alfonso del Sordo winery, it was said in a talk over the lunch table that Nero di Troia wines are more like the wines of northern Italy due to their balanced acidity and elegant touch. We tasted Nero di Troia wines from producers such as Cantina Sociale di Barletta, Borgo Turrito, Elda Cantine, Tenuta Coppadoro, Valentina Page 108 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Passalacqua, Cantine Antonio Pisante, Rivera, Antica Enotria, and Cantine Pallotta. Nero di Troia wineries we visited‌

I do not want to single out any winery, because they all produce very interesting Nero di Troia wines. I will say a few words, though, about the two wineries we visited who produce Nero di Troia wines. Subscription link www.female-

yeasts during the fermentation processes. She produces wines with mainly the Bombino Bianco, Fiano, Falanghina, Negroamaro, and Nero di troia grape varieites. See a live video I did with Valentina in Lucera on June 1 here.

D’Alfonso del Sordo The D'Alfonso del Sordo winery produce Nero di Troia wines first and foremost. This is a winery that goes back to the early 19th century with the noble family Del Sordo. Later, they united forces with the D'Alfonso family who were viticulturists, thus continuing the wine production up until today.

Valentina Passalacqua Valentina Passalacqua is an organic and biodynamic wine producer close to the town San Severo in northern Puglia. She is into an holistic approach where it is important to have respect for the land and a production in symbiosis with nature. Valentina uses the spontaneous fermentation technique and does not add any Page 109 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Apart from Nero di Troia, they also cultivate Bombino bianco, Trebbiano, Malvasia bianca, Moscato bianco, Montepulciano, and Negroamaro. Some Concluding Thoughts about Nero di Troia Nero di Troia wines are fresh and elegant with both fruity, floral, and spicy notes. This grape variety used to play a significant role as a blend in other red wines in Puglia to give them structure and make them elegant. It is only more recently that it has become a grape variety making it on its own. Today Nero di Troia wines have become one of the three top wines in Puglia together with Primitivo and Negro Amaro. All photos with the Radici del sud logo are by Vito Gallo. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

translator. My interest in wine has been running as a connective thought all through these years, leading me to become a sommelier.

My Wine Story

From Sweden to Chianti From a small town in southern Sweden to the heart of Chianti and Florence in Italy, my journey started in Ystad, which used to be known as a smugglers nest during the Hanseatic Era, while today it is the place where the police inspector Wallander solves crimes. It is an idyllic small town by the seaside. My journey thus started in Sweden, bringing me to Florence a bit more than 15 years ago to do a Ph.D in history at the research institute of the European Union. After receiving my Ph.D. and teaching Modern History at the university for a couple of years, I decided to stay in Florence, changing my career path by using my second degree in languages and becoming a freelance

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My interest in wine has always been there throughout my years in Italy, however it was only roughly 5 years ago that I decided to try out a sommelier course. I had seen an advertisement on Facebook about the local Fisar course in the center of Florence, and I thought it sounded very exciting. (Fisar is one of the Italian sommelier associations and they organize courses where you get accredited as a sommelier.) Therefore, I convinced a friend to come with me, even though she actually didn’t drink much and still does not. This turned out to be one of the best ideas I have had in recent years, as it brought us to discover a new and fascinating world of oenology, wine history, wine tastings, and much more. It all lead us to continue the course, attending all three levels in one sweep. For about three years now, I have been a sommelier and it is a genuinely fulfilling passion where you learn something new and meet interesting people in the Italian wine world almost every day.Fresh as a sommelier, I started elaborating my idea about combining wine and translation. Together with some fellow sommeliers from Fisar and a British translator colleague, we developed the concept Words & Wine. This one-day seminar on wine terminology in Italian and English was held in Florence nearly 3 years ago. I continued to develop this wine and terminology concept to better fit a translator-

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dominated audience together with a couple of translator colleagues, changing the course name to Words at the Winery. The first of these seminars was held at the wine estate Il Borro (near Arezzo) in June 2014. In the autumn of 2014, we organized another Words at the Winery seminar at the winery Feudi di San Gregorio, near Avellino. During last year, I held smaller informal mini-courses about wine in Tuscany and a wine tasting every now and then together with my fellow sommelier, Nadia Padrin, and for Fisar Firenze. At the moment, I am working on putting together a new seminar on wine terminology in English for translators and people in the wine and tourism sector. Page 111 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Connect with Katarina Blog: Grapevine Adventures

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Entertainment foods, Drinks and Desserts Carrot Cake Parfait

Chef Rich Mancini

Ingredients Vegetable-oil cooking spray 8 ounces carrots, peeled and grated (about 4 cups) 2 large eggs 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar 1 cup safflower oil 1 tablespoon grated peeled fresh ginger 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 cup apricot jam Cream-Cheese Filling (see recipe below)

Rustic Pizza

Fold flour mixture into carrot mixChef Rich Mancini ture. 2. Spread batter in pan. Bake until golden and a toothpick comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Let cool in pan on a wire rack 20 minutes. Invert onto rack; let cool completely. Cut out 16 cake rounds to fit in an 8-to-10-ounce glass, piecing together scraps as necessary. 3. Spoon 2 tablespoons jam into each glass; layer with 1/4 cup filling, then 2 cake rounds, pressing to compact. Top each with 2 tablespoons filling and serve. DOUGH: Related: Delicious Desserts in 15 Minutes or Less 1/2 cake compressed yeast Cream-Cheese Filling 2 c. strong bread flour 1 tsp. salt 16 ounces cream cheese, room temperature 2 tbsp. olive oil 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 2 tablespoons grated orange zest FILLING: Pinch of coarse salt 2Lbs Ricotta Drained 1 cup heavy cream 2 Eggs 1. Beat cream cheese on medium 1 Lbs Cooked Italian sausage until smooth. Beat in sugar, zest, 8 Oz Chopped Supersatta and salt. Fold in cream. Use immeRomano Cheese diately. Salt Pepper Chopped Parsley

Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 12 1/2-by-17 1/2-inch rimmed baking sheet with cooking spray. Line with parchment; spray parchment. Whisk together carrots, eggs, sugars, oil, and fresh ginger. In another bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and ground ginger.

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Entertainment foods, Drinks and Desserts Granny Smith Apple Waldorf Salad with Walnuts & Grilled Chicken Chef Steve Cazel

Poached Pear stuffed with Gorgonzola Cheese, On Proscuitto Toast Chef Steve Cazel

Fill piping bag and pipe filling into cooked cored pears one by one. Serve sliced with Proscuitto Toast Points. See Demo.

Ingredients Serves 4-6        

2 ea. 8 oz. skinless, boneless chicken breast 2 ea.Granny Smith Green Apples 2 ea. Washington Red Apples ½ c.Mayonnaise 1 ¼c.Whipped Cream (stiff peaks)** ½ c. Raisins ½ c.Walnut pieces Salt & Pepper to taste

Whipped Cream:  

¼ c.Sugar ¾ c.Whipping Cream

Method: 1. Add ½ c. sugar and ¾ c. whipping

cream in a small bowl. 2. With a stiff wire whisk, whip cream to stiff peaks (approx. 10 minutes). Hold in refrigerator. 3. Grill chicken over broiler and set on high heat. Lightly oil chicken before grilling to ensure nice marks and no sticking. Cook thoroughly. Dice chicken into ¼” cubes and refrigerate. 4. Dice apples into ¼” cubes, removing core as you cut the apples. Add the diced apples to the whipped cream and chicken. 5. Add mayonnaise, toasted walnuts, and

raisins, mix well. 6. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Chill for 20 minutes before serving.

SPECIAL NOTE: For best results, chill mayonnaise, walnuts, apples and raisins before mixing together. This dish can be made one day in advance.

Ingredients 6 ea. Small Bartlett Pears, slightly firm (Peel & Save Tops, remove core) 3/4 c. Gorgonzola Cheese ¼ c. Chopped Parsley ½ c. Bread Crumbs 2 tb Milk ½ c. Dried White Figs, Chopped Fine 4 c. Water ½ c. Corn Syrup 24 ea. Proscuitto Toast Points (see recipe) Salt & Pepper to Taste


Ingredients for Proscuitto Toast Points (makes 24 pcs): 1 6 ea. Large Slices of Whole Wheat Toast, Buttered, Toasted to a Golden Brown 2 8 oz. Thinly Sliced Proscuitto 3 ¾ c. Cream Cheese 4 ¼ c. Cantaloupe, chopped 5 2 tb. Sugar 6 1 tb. Chopped Basil 7 ½ c. Carrot Curls

Method for Toast Points:

Apple Corer Piping Bag

1. Cut 6 sliced of bread into 24

Method: 1. In a medium sized saucepot,

bring 4 cups of water & corn syrup to a boil. 2. Carefully place peeled pears in saucepot and bring to a rapid boil (1 minute). 3. Turn to low heat and simmer 5-10 minutes until soft. 4. Remove from water. Let cool to room temperature. Set aside. 5. In a small steel bowl, mix gorgonzola cheese, milk, parsley, bread crumbs, salt & pepper. Stir well and chill.

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pieces, creating triangle shapes (see demo). Place on sheet pan. 2. In a medium sized steel bowl, mix melon & sugar & 2 tb. water if necessary (depending on consistency of melon), until mixture turns into a pulp. Add cream cheese & half of the basil. Mix until smooth. Spread evenly over toast points. Lay shaved proscuitto carefully & evenly over toast points (1-2 layers maximum). Garnish with carrot curls & chopped basil.

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Entertainment foods, Drinks and Desserts Chestnut Crusted Pork Loin stuffed with Cranberry Cornbread, served with Red Pepper & Sweet Corn Relish Chef Steve Cazel

Ingredients: 1 ea.Pork Loin, Boneless, appox 3-4 lbs.  4 tb.Salad Oil  3 c.Cornbread, cooked & crumbled  ½ c.Dried Cranberries, reconstituted  ¼ c.Chopped Parsley  2 ea.Whole Eggs  ½ c.Cut Corn, cooked & drained dry  ¼ c.Red Onion, Chopped Fine  2 c.Sweet Corn Relish, see recipe  2 c.Chestnut Crust (see recipe)  4 tb.Dijon Mustard  Salt & Pepper

Chestnut Crust Recipe & Method: 1 c. 1 c. ¾ c. ¼ c.

Toasted Ground Chestnuts Bread Crumbs Whole Butter, Melted Chopped Parsley

Method for Stuffed Pork Loin: 1. In a thick bottomed sauté pan, add 4 tb. salad oil, turn to high heat until oil is smoking. 2. Season Pork Loin with Salt & Pepper. Place in hot sauté pan. 3. Cook Pork Loin on all sides until all sides are brown. Remove from heat. 4. Cut Pork Loin length-wise from end to end, using a butterfly style cut (see demo). 5. In a large bowl, crumble cornbread into a sandy consistency. Add cranberries, parsley, eggs, cut corn, onion, salt, pepper & mix well. Chill in refrigerator, 5-15 minutes. 6. Lay Pork Loin on a clean dry surface. Place chilled stuffing evenly down the middle of Pork Loin (see demo). Truss the Pork Loin by tying it with butcher twine (see demo). Smear tied pork loin with Dijon mustard. Roll the tied pork loin in chestnut breading, pressing down firmly allowing the crust to stick evenly.

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1. Place pork loin on a well oiled sheet pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until center reaches 155 degrees. Let rest 10 minutes. Slice and serve with sweet corn relish, steamed vegetables and garlic whipped potatoes. HINT: Raw spinach can be used in the center of the pork loin for a more colorful roll.

Ingredients & Method for Red Pepper & Sweet Corn Relish (serves 4-6 ppl) 1 c.Cut Corn, canned or fresh ½ c. Rice Vinegar ½ c. Chopped Cilantro 1 tb.Garlic, Minced 1tsp Sesame Oil 1/8 c. Red Onion, Diced Fine ¼ c.Red Bell Pepper, Diced Fine ¼ c.Pineapple, Diced Fine 2 tb.Soy Sauce 2 tb.Sugar 2 tb.Sweet Thai Chili Sauce

In a small steel bowl, mix all ingredients well. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Serve with pork loin.

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Entertainment foods, Drinks and Desserts Pumpkin spiced Chocolate Liqueur Cheese Cake topped with Maple Whip Cream Chef Steve Cazel

Ingredients for Cheesecake: 2 ½ # Cream cheese (Philadelphia 5 blocks @ 8oz each)  18.6oz White Sugar  6ea. Whole Egg  3ea. Egg Yolk  1tsp.Puree Vanilla extract  10.6oz Heavy Cream  Pumpkin Paste (see recipe)  5ozHershey’s Chocolate Syrup (in a squeeze bottle)

Ingredients for Graham Cracker Crust 2c.Graham Cracker Crumbs (you can make with store bought crackers by using a food processor.)

Method for Pumpkin Flavor for Cheesecake: 

Method for Crust: 1.Using a medium bowl mix 2cups Oreo cracker crumbs together with 2cups Gram Cracker crumbs. 2.Melt the butter in a saucepot over low heat. 3.Pour the butter into the crumbs, and mix together well using your hands. 4.Let sit for 1 minute and re-mix together with hands, then set aside. 5.Pack the 10” spring form mold evenly with the crust mix, all bottom corners and walls, as well as the bottomed. Do this as evenly as possible to create a nice sealed crust. Concentrate on the corners as to prevent leakage during the cooking process. Set aside the mold is ready to fill with the Cheesecake batter.

Ingredients for Pumpkin Flavor:   

1 ¼ c.Libby’s Pumpkin Pulp 1/8 c. Whole Butter 1ea. Zest of Orange (chopped fine)

Add during last 3 minutes to the pumpkin mix and turn heat off: 4tb. Chocolate Liqueur or Kahlua

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In a thick-bottomed Teflon saucepot cook the above ingredients over medium high heat for 15 minutes, stirring often. (Reduce heat if browning starts in the first 5 minutes). After all steam has subsided and pumpkin paste is cooked down, add the Liquor and cook for 3 minutes. Cool and set aside.

Method for Cheesecake: Using a large mixing bowl with a paddle, soften the cream cheese. Approx. 3 minutes at ¾ speed until softened, scrap down sides and mix well for 1 more minute (this will eliminate any chunks or clumps). Set aside at room temperature.  In a separate bowl mix sugar, vanilla, cream, orange zest and cold, cooked pumpkin mix. Stir well until well incorporated using a wire whisk.  In a large food processor place ¼ of the soften cream cheese with ¼ of the (sugar, cream, pumpkin mix and zest mix).  Turn on high speed with the standard blade in place. Add 2 whole eggs (one at a time) continue high speed until well mixed. Pour into a separate large round bowl. Repeat process until all whole eggs and yolks are mixed with the cream cheese and liquid cream mixture. Pouring the mix into the separate bowl each time. Be sure to only add one egg or egg yolk at a time when blending the cream cheese mix or it will separate. (It is very important to 

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Entertainment foods, Drinks and Desserts 

 

 

have completely softened cream cheese before you start the process to prevent clumps from forming). When you have blended all ingredients together, mix with a spoon as to evenly disperse the ingredients all together as one batter mix. Pre-heat oven to 275 degrees. Using a 3” deep by 12” square (or round) ovenproof container create a Bain Maire by filling it ½ way with warm water. To prevent over browning the crust in the long cooking process you will need to wrap the spring mold with a wellmoistened towel. Do it evenly around the entire mold. Then wrap the wet towel with tin foil to hold it in place. Press down on the foil to firmly set in place. Pour the cheesecake batter mix into the Cracker packed foil and towel wrapped spring mold. Place in the water bath and cook at 275-degree pre heated oven. Fill the water bath up using a cup, as high as possible AFTER you place it in the oven. Cook at 275 for 15 minutes. Slide the cheesecake out on the baking rack, and decorate the top using the Hershey’s syrup in the squeeze bottle. Create a spider web design (SEE demo in class). Continue to cook at 280 degrees for 2 ½ hours or until stick pulls out clean. The cake should dome on top and have two to three cracks on top if it is cooked properly.

One very important note:

Do not open oven to check or move the cake after you decorated it in the first 15minutes. Let it be, do not touch it. Look through the window to check it if you want to see it. If you do not

Nana Anna’s Golden Sesame Cookies Chef John Paul

follow this process, it could result in a flat, under-cooked cheesecake. 

    

Check it after two and one half hours have passed. Do not use a convection oven as this will burn the cake before it is done. When the cake is finished, remove it from the water bath, but leave the towels and foil wrapped around it. Let cool to room temp before unwrapping the towels and foil. Place in the refrigerator in the mold for 4 hours before opening the spring mold. This will ensure that the cake has set up. Unwrap mold and remove. Cut and serve with maple whipped cream.

1 ¼ c.Heavy Whipping Cream ½ c.Pure Maple Syrup, cooked to one-quarter cup 1/8 c. Sugar 1tsp. Vanilla extract ½ tsp Maple Extract, if available

On high speed using a wire whip, whip the cream to stiff peaks with all ingredients. Garnish plate with whipped cream and your favorite berries.

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        

1 1/2 cups of shortening 1 1/2 cups g. sugar Sesame Seeds 1/4 cup Orange juice 5 ts Baking Powder 1/2 ts Baking Soda 1 TBS flavoring 4 Eggs 4 cups flour


Maple Whip Cream:



Beat shortening with sugar,Add eggs and beat,Then gradually add juice and dry ingredients,mix well.Roll pieces of dough the size of a walnut.Then take dough and roll into sesame seeds.Then place on an ungreased cookie sheet an inch apart.Bake 8 minutes at 350 degrees.

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Entertainment foods, Drinks and Desserts Baked Ziti Chef John Paul

Ingredients 2 qt of ricotta cheese 2 cups grated romano and parmesan 1 bunch flat leaf Italian parsley 2 large brown or white eggs 2 pds shredded mozzerella 2 TBSP granulated sugar Salt and Pepper to taste 2 pounds of barilla ziti 2 Cans Pastene kitchen ready tomato's 2 TBSP of chopped garlic 1 Lg white onion 1 Lg can of Pastene tomato paste 1 TBSP dry oregano 1 TBSP dry basil 1 tsp garlic powder 1 TBSP Vegetable Oil

Directions Mix Ricotta,chopped parsley ,2 eggs, 1 1/2 cups of grated cheese,2 cups Mozzerella and salt and pepper to taste in a mixing bowl and set aside in refridgerator.In an 8 qt Sauce pan add vegetable oil let simmer and add the finely diced white onion and the chopped garlic and carmelize them.Then add the two

Albondigas cans of kitchen ready tomato's and can of paste.For each can add half of can of water.Wisk all together until the paste is all thinned out.Add basil,oregano,garlic powder,1/2 cup grated cheese ,sugar and salt and pepper to taste.Mix all together and let cook for 2-3 hours.Stirring periodically. In the mean time boil the 2 pds of pasta in another pan with a little salt and oil until al dente'(strain).Add one cup of tomato sauce to the cheese mixture and mix together. In a large mixing bowl add the pasta and the ricotta mixture together.Get a large throw away pan or a 2in hotel pan and before you add the pasta into the pan put two laddles of tomato sauce on the bottom of the pan and spread around the whole bottom of the pan then add pasta.On top of the pasta add two more laddles of sauce and remaining mozzerella cheese and bake in the oven until cheese is golden brown.When done put stripes of tomato sauce on top and garnish with parsley and serve.

This recipe feeds about 10-15 people enjoy.Great for the holidays!

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Makes about 15

Ingredients 1 lb. lean ground beef 1/3 cup fine dry bread crumbs ½ cup sofrito 1 tsp. salt ½ tsp. black pepper 1 large egg, beaten 3 tbsp. hot water ½ bunch of cilantro finely diced 1 quart beef broth 1 tbsp. sofrito (for sauce) 8 oz tomato sauce ¼ cup olives 1 tsp. capers

Directions Mix the first 8 ingredients together and form balls about 1½ inch in diameter. In a medium caldero, brown the abondigas in a bit of oil. In a medium bowl mix broth, 1 tbsp. sofrito, tomato sauce, olives, and capers, and stir well. Add this to the caldero with albondigas. Let this simmer, covered, for about 25 minutes until done.

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Entertainment foods, Drinks and Desserts Modern Zeppole's and The Nightwatch for the Holidays! Barcardi Rum Balls

Nightwatch Chef Kevin Chenes

Modern Zeppole's

Sometimes a little more is needed to make it through. The KEEL Vodka keeps things low calorie while the espresso provides the boost needed to help you keep a sharp lookout as you navigate the night…

Ingredients 1 box vanilla wafers, crushed 3 tbsp. cocoa 1½ c. finely chopped walnuts 4½ tbsp. corn syrup 1/3 c. rum 1 c. confectioners sugar (also extra for rolling balls)

Directions Mix together wafer crumbs, cocoa, nuts and confectioners sugar. Add syrup and rum. Mix well and form into balls. Roll balls in confectioners sugar. Finely chopped coconut may also be added if desired. Makes 50 to 60 balls.

Ingredients 3lbs-ricotta cheese 6-eggs 3/4c-sugar 2tsp-vanilla extarct 3c-Flour 3T-B.Powder



• 1.5oz of KEEL Vodka • 0.5oz of Kahlua • 1 shot of espresso a splash of fresh lemon juice

Wisk eggs well then mix with vanilla and sugar and mix well again.


Now add all ingredients together and lightly mix or fold together until well blended but do not mix hard or the integrity of the ricotta will be lost.

1. add ingredients to a rocks glass filled with ice and stir. 2. garnish with a twist of lemon, and away we go!

Special Thanks To Gillian Larson, and the Reality Rally Chefs For Event Tickets and More information Visit www.realityrally.com

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Ambassador's Punch recipe 1 qt chilled eggnog 5 oz brandy 4 oz dark rum 3 oz dark creme de cacao 1 whole nutmeg Whisk together the eggnog, brandy, rum and creme de cacao together in a large punch bowl. Add a large block of ice. Grate a little nutmeg over the top of each drink when serving. Makes 8 (6-ounce) punch cups. Read more: Eggnog recipes: 20+ appetizing drink recipes. http:// www.drinksmixer.com/ cat/23/#ixzz3KDKvbGWE

Bourdon Egg Nog Recipe 12 eggs 3 pints heavy cream 1 cup granulated sugar nutmeg 1 cup bourbon whiskey 1 cup cognac 1/2 tsp salt

6 seperated eggs 1 oz rum 1 cup sugar 1 pint heavy cream 1 pint milk 1 pint bourbon whiskey

Beat yolks until light in color. Slowly add bourbon, cognac, while beating at slow speed. Chill 3 hrs. Add salt to whites, beat to peaks. Whip s cream until stiff. Fold whipped cream into yolk mixture, then fold in the beaten egg whites. Chill one hour. Serve with nutmeg sprinkled on top. For thinner mixture add 1 or 2 cups of milk. Serve in a punch bowl or another big bowl. Read more: Eggnog recipes: 20+ appetizing drink recipes. http:// www.drinksmixer.com/cat/23/ #ixzz3KDspFUst

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Bourdon & Rum Egg Nog Recipe

Separate 6 eggs. Beat yolks well. Beat in 1/2 cup sugar. Clean/degrease beaters and bowl. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Beat in 1/2 cup sugar. Fold in yolks to whites. Gently stir in 1 pt heavy cream, 1 pt milk, 1 pt bourbon, and 1 oz rum. Serve as is or well chilled. Double recipe to fill a punch bowl. Read more: Eggnog recipes: 20+ appetizing drink recipes. http:// www.drinksmixer.com/cat/23/ #ixzz3KDu0Mkgf

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Baltimore Eggnog recipe 1 oz Jamaican dark rum 1 oz brandy 1 oz madeira 1 whole egg 1 tsp powdered sugar 3/4 cup milk Shake all ingredients well with cracked ice and strain into a collins glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top and serve. Read more: Eggnog recipes: 20+ appetizing drink recipes. http://www.drinksmixer.com/cat/23/ #ixzz3KDpooFjP

Apricot Brandy Egg Nog Recipe 6 large eggs freshly

ground nutmeg 1 cup powdered sugar 750 ml dark rum 4 cups whipping cream 1/2 cup apricot brandy

Separate eggs and refrigerate the whites. Beat ylks until light in color. Gradually beat in sugar, then slowly beat in 1 cup of rum. Let stand covered for atleast 1 hr. Add rest of liquor, cream, and peack brandy, beating constantly. Refrigerate, covered, for 3 hours. Beat egg whites until stiff, fold in. Serve sprinkled with nutmeg. Serve in a punch bowl or another medium sized bowl. Read more: Eggnog recipes: 20+ appetizing drink recipes. http:// www.drinksmixer.com/ cat/23/ #ixzz3KDw1JGJy

Bourdon & Light Rum Cooked EggEgg Nog Recipe nog with 6 egg yolks Hazelnut 1 tsp vanilla ground nutmeg Liqueur 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 tsp salt 2 cups milk 1 cup whipping cream 1/2 cup light rum 6 egg whites 1/2 cup bourbon whiskey 1/4 cup sugar

In a small mixer bowl beat egg yolks till blended. Gradually add 1/4 cup sugar, beating at high speed till thick and lemon colored. Stir in milk, stir in rum, bourbon, vanilla, and salt. Chill thoroughly. Whip cream. Wash beaters well. In a large mixer bowl beat egg whites till soft peaks form. Gradually add remaining 1/4 cup sugar, beating to stiff peaks. Fold yolk mixture and whipped cream into egg whites. Serve immediately. Sprinkle nutmeg over each serving. Serve in a punch bowl or another big bowl. NOTE: For a nonalcoholic eggnog, prepare Eggnog as above, except omit the bourbon and rum and increase the milk to 3 cups. Read more: Eggnog recipes: 20+ appetizing drink recipes. http:// www.drinksmixer.com/ cat/23/#ixzz3KDwo9zhr

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1cup granulated sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla 1 tbsp sugar 1/2 cup water 1/8 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp lemon juice 1/8 tsp salt 6 eggs 3/4 cup heavy cream 4 cups milk 2 tbsp hazelnut liqueur Here's an egg nog recipe using cooked eggs, so no one has to be paranoid about salmonella. Mix granulated sugar, 2 Tbl. of water, and lemon juice in a med. sized sauce pan. Let boil, cook 5 min, until it turns dark amber. Remove from heat, and slowly stir in remaining 1/4 c. of water. Beat eggs and milk together in a bowl. Stir into sugar mixture, cook over med.-low heat for about 10 to 12 minutes. (It should thicken enough to stick to spoon) Poor into a clean bowl (punch bowl or something), stir in vanilla, nutmeg and salt. Refigerate, covered, until cold. Before serving, beat together cream, liquer, adn 10x sugar, until soft peaks form. Pour chilled eggnog into a serving bowl, fold in whipped cream with a whisk. Read more: Eggnog recipes: 20+ appetizing drink recipes. http://www.drinksmixer.com/cat/23/ #ixzz3KEIvvdZ4

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A New Series coming this FALL to ETM Media. H Speaker & Certified Nutrition Consultant, Certifie Page 124 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Hosted by Karla Maree: Writer, ed Neuronutrient Therapy Specialist. Page 125 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The Use of Fragrance in Personal Care Products

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The First in a New Column By Michael Baines: Entrepreneur, Speaker and Inventor. Page 127 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Smell is one of the five primary senses. It’s also one of the most easily manipulated. For example, I could write, “Wow, somebody just popped a bag of popcorn in the breakroom”. You can smell that. You can because your sense of smell is connected to memory. Natural gas has no smell, but since a gas leak is dangerous the gas company adds the smell of rotten egg as a warning. That is an ethical use of smell manipulation. What if I wanted to add fragrance to a product that has no real fragrance in order to cause you to associate with something good? What if that added fragrance is harmful, but it adds so much revenue that I justify the use?

The Science of Sensory Marketing Sensory marketing is not new. It involves hijacking your senses normally associated with something natural and replacing them with an artificial sense. It is a science and big business. Here’s a quick example, “Fruity Peebles”. There is no fruit, but saying that allows the manufacturer to hijack a child’s sense of color, taste, and maybe smell. This science even manipulates unconscienced sensory choices. To help you? No. To help you spend. That may not be as ethical as adding smell to natural gas. https://hbr.org/2015/03/the-science-of-sensorymarketing Much of the new research centers on “embodied cognition”—the idea that without our conscious awareness, our bodily sensations help determine the decisions we make. For example, people who had briefly held a warm beverage were more likely than people who had held a cold one to think that a stranger was friendly; this was demonstrated in an Page 128 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

experiment by Lawrence E. Williams, of the University of Colorado at Boulder, and John A. Bargh, of Yale. And warm ambient temperatures prompted people to conform to a crowd, a finding of researchers led by Xun (Irene) Huang, of Sun Yat-sen University. Many companies use scent to keep you in their stores. Here is a link to an article worth reading on the subject. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/ media/advertising/the-smell-of-commerce -how-companies-use-scents-to-sell-theirproducts-2338142.html “Smell has a greater impact on purchasing than everything else combined,” says Alan Hirsch, neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment & Research Foundation in Chicago. “If something smells good, the product is perceived as good.”

The Veil of Secrecy I hope I have your attention now. If you feel like you are being assaulted. You are. But there is more. Much more. As manipulative as this seems, it is still benign. I mean, remember when you used Lemon Fresh Pledge before guests arrived? However, what if instead of adding it to a page, advertisement, or the air, you were putting Subscription link www.female-

it in your hair, skin or mouth? What if those added fragrances were known to be harmful? I am not suggesting people are necessarily evil or good. However, the goal of a company is to return revenue to its shareholders, not to make you their friend. Many companies use KPI’s or Key performance Indicators to measure efficiency. Efficacy is not one of those Indicators. Law suits and product image do come in to play but are often mitigated as a cost of business.

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In other words, the dangers of some added ingredients are far outweighed by the dramatic increases in sales that result from their use. Mitigation consist primarily of hiding the ingredients in the first place. In their place using the much more favorable blanket term of “Fragrance”

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There is a Bill to unveil this term and provide real information to

the consumer. It was sponsored by Diane Feinstein d California in 2015 https://www.congress.gov/bill/114thcongress/senate-bill/1014 The Hill.com sums provides a good overview: http://thehill.com/blogs/congressblog/273097-fragrance-ingredientdisclosure-and-the-personal-care-productssafety-act The Personal Care Products Safety Act (S. 1014) is a bill that aims to improve the safety of cosmetics by increasing the regulatory authority of the FDA and requiring manufacturers to substantiate the safety of their products. These are important

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tools, but the bill also needs to close the loophole on fragrance ingredients, which by law are allowed to be kept secret from both consumers and cosmetic manufacturers. The only required disclosure for personal care products labeling is that the ingredients list includes the word “fragrance”. Unfortunately, a “fragrance” can include dozens to hundreds of individual chemicals, some of which are known carcinogens, neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors, or known to cause allergies. Toxic fragrance ingredients, like styrene, phthalates and musks, which would raise eyebrows if they were listed on a package label, can legally be hidden from view by being collectively listed as “fragrance.”

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I would be surprised if this bill went anywhere simply because of the money at stake. Fragrances have such a powerful effect on you, manufactures would spend millions to defend its use and its secrecy.

An Unregulated Chemical Soup The whole idea of listing ingredients on a label is to inform the public. Having a blanket term to hide ingredients seems to walk that backward being the opposite of disclosure.

Famed scientist David Suzuki writes

http://davidsuzuki.org/issues/health/ science/toxics/fragrance-and-parfum/ Of the thousands of chemicals used in fragrances, most have not been tested for toxicity, alone or in combination. Many of these unlisted ingredients are irritants and can trigger allergies, migraines, and asthma symptoms.

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Fragrance is a term created to protect a company’s “secret formula.” But as the consumer you could be putting on a concoction that contains tons of chemicals that are hazardous to your health. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Skin Deep Database, fragrance mixes have been associated with allergies, dermatitis, respiratory distress and potential effects on the reproductive system. It can be found in many products such as perfume, cologne, conditioner, shampoo, body wash and moisturizers. In fact, fragrance can pretty much contain anything. It’s a loophole. The only thing a company is required to list on the ingredients is the word ‘fragrance’. EWG blames the U.S. government in part, pointing out that the Food and Drug Administration “has not assessed the safety of the vast majority” of secret chemicals used in spray-on products such as fragrances. “Fragrance secrecy is legal due to a giant loophole in the Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1973, which requires companies to list cosmetics ingredients on the product labels but explicitly exempts fragrance,” reports EWG. As such, the cosmetics industry has kept the public in the dark about fragrance ingredients, “even those that present potential health risks or build up in people’s bodies.” https://

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Most personal care items use many of the same items found in the perfume industry. Soaps, shampoos, lotions, body washes, deodorants and so on. Please remember, your skin is porous. Many of these chemicals are absorbed through the skin. The bottom line is that smell is not a good indicator as to the effectivity of a product. In most cases smell is there to be marketed to you. It’s there to ‘sell’ you the product and as I have shown, possibly at the detriment to your health. One semi political statement. ‘Small government’ is a loaded phrase. I believe the government is actually too small. Let’s say bill S.1014 were able to pass. The government would have to have enough inspectors to police production. It doesn’t. If a corporation were found guilty the corporation could fight it in court with a large bank role of lawyers. Nobody wants to preside over an agency that loses money fighting law suits. That may be too skeptical, but I wanted to illustrate the dynamics involved. Passing a bill helps. It’s just more to it than that. Of course, there is much more to this than an article of this size could cover. What I hope you retain is that there is a scent is very powerful. That companies hijack your sense of smell in both conscience and unconscious ways for you to spend money with them. That in the personal care industry the use of ‘fragrance’ is a catch all term to mask a variety of chemicals. And finally, many of those chemicals have proven to be harmful to you. Page 132 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

So now that you’ve read this and had a little time to peruse the links how does that make you feel? Yeah, there’s a lot to feel, but powerless should not be one of those feelings. Remember these ingredients are in a product to entice you to purchase. But what if this tactic didn’t work? What if you became, and should become repulsed by anybody so heartless as to profit from the endangerment of your health?

You see every time you purchase a product so labeled it just encourages them to continue. It also gives them money to invent new ways of deception. The answer is easy. Don’t buy them. Distribution has always hampered small producers. Fortunately, we live in a renaissance period where small producers can reach markets utilizing social media and the internet. This gives you the alternatives. If you had a choice of fruit or fruit flavored, choice fruit. If you have a choice between natural scented or unscented, choose them over the word ‘fragrance’ this article or any link sim-www.femaleSubscription

on the label. I love to stop by craft festivals and purchase the handmade soaps. Most, use essential oils which not only smell good, they are good for you. Another benefit is that the person who made the product is accessible. Most natural product crafters are small. You can develop a relationship and investigate their creative process. Large corporations do not want you to know what you’ve just read. Well, they really don’t care if you read it. They care if you act on it. This gives you a lot of power. What would force them to change more than government regulation is a steady decline in their quarterly or annual report. When you share what you have just learned and act on it with your dollars, things will change. Demand better, for yourself and those you care about. Share this article or any similar to the ones that are quoted. Demand better.

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The Importance of Compassion in Business

Melissa Steach, PhD. I-O Psychologist.Author/Artist.Glo Page 134 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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obal Speaker.Curious Person Page 135 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Compassion can count in design in how it impacts and influences company culture An Introduction

About a year ago, I was challenged to give an improvisational business speech as part of a presentation workshop. The guidelines were simple: one topic, three points, two minutes. I’ve always enjoyed these sort of exercises; ones that challenge your wit and stretch your confidence. The likelihood that the exercise itself will be done “correctly” is null, but the likelihood that you’ll get to the truth of your passion is high. I’ve therefore always viewed such challenges as a great learning opportunity.

Next in line to present, I quickly jotted down: “I believe that compassion and beauty are intricately linked to positive work outcomes.” Page 136 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Compassion can count in business in ways that benefit the individual Compassion can count in design in how it impacts and influences company culture Compassion can count toward the bottom line as a combination of organizational and leadership practices I then added, “why it pays to give a shit” as a sort of exclamation point to the truth that I have passion for compassion at work. I simply give a shit about what I bring to, and take from, work. Like any relationship, the one we have with our employer is a reciprocal engagement; more transactional than an intimate one perhaps, but in many ways similar in its deficits and rewards. Assuming the average American’s working life spans from Subscription link www.female-

18 to 67 years of age, most will work a total of 92,120 hours in their lifetime. If you live to be 76 years old, work will account for 21% of your waking hours. If you live to only 50 years of age, work will account for as much as 35%! ¹ It is therefore imperative to our collective well-being that organizations create holistically healthy work place environments. A holistically healthy work place supports the whole person through consideration of the built, intangible and human environments to create a thriving culture. The red thread tying it all together is compassion. This column’s intention is to help uncover how best to create such a culture by encouraging you to ask: What drives your people? What are their ergonomic needs? What is your company’s desired futurestate? How will leadership get you there?

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My peripatetic life has granted me the opportunity to live and work in many different environments and socio-economic classes. At times, I’ve been a minority and at others, I’ve appeared to fit right in. What has surprised me the most is not how different people or workplaces are. (We’re all essentially motivated by the same intrinsic needs which in-turn inform our behavior in, and structuring of, our organizations.) What’s surprised me is the role the built environment plays as a mediator. From these experiences, I’ve come to personally understand, and really respect, the built environment’s profound ability to engage, empower, even shape us. In part two of this column, we will therefore explore how compassion counts in the business of design and how this all impacts your organizations’ bottom line. Essentially, I want to inspire you to truly give a shit about the workplaces you create.

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By Lillie Sanders

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We crawled on our hands and knees in a plastic tube, shaped in the form of a maze. The maze was immersed in and surrounded by a thick body of water. The only place for oxygen that we knew of, was in this bubble-like tubing. The echoes of the water bounced off the sides of the plastic as we swooshed through the tube without sight beyond it. The plastic tube was white, although it did not light the way. We couldn’t see the water, but the awareness was there. There was a sense of vastness in the water surrounding us. At every intersection of the maze, we scattered to the right, and then to the left, never knowing which way was safe. Like tiny ants in combat, we scurried one behind the other. The tubing was barely wide enough or high enough to house more than one body on all fours. When the one in the front of the line crawled left at the intersection, we all crawled left. If the front crawler scrambled right at an intersection, we all scrambled right. The goal was to escape the witch that was not too far behind us, as we heard her shrilling voice get closer and closer towards me and my siblings. I was at the end of the line and closest to the witch. This was my recurring dream as a little girl growing up. It visited many nights per week and went on for years. Going to sleep was dreadful, and trying to fall back asleep after the upsetting of this nightmare was an even bigger challenge. I don’t recall ever telling Page 140 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

my parents the dream. I do recall, however, many times well before dawn running into their bedroom and hopping aboard the blanket between my mom and dad. I remember this nightmare vividly and can recall each episode. Only now it does not haunt me. I don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that it was obvious I was feeling afraid in my home growing up, having emotional problems coping with it, and having difficulties resolving it. I found that this is what most PTSD phycologists may even tell you. Although this may be relatively true, it was not absolute truth. I interpret this nightmare today much differently and use it as a teacher. The body of water that hugged us was not the external unknown outside our home but was the internal formless presence. The plastic tubing appears to be our home, however, it actually represents the costume that we wore growing up. Let us call this costume victim. The witch was not my father, rather, the witch was fear. The action was expressive in its desire

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to escape fear but as unconscious as the turns we made. The intersections were not choices but were decoys from truth. Because this was my dream, I can tell you that the nuance of it embodied a desperate journey in search for love. It is interesting to me how I included the siblings in my personal quest to escape fear. I imagined that because we were all in it together, we all had the same fear, the same needs, and the same problem to resolve. Within the dream, I chose to follow the path of the ones ahead of me, which never got me anywhere, except at a new intersection for tomorrow night’s sequel. I imagine if I were conscious enough to envision myself outside of the maze, I may have discovered at an earlier age that I could pierce through the scary plastic encasement and swim to uncertainty, leaving the witch to drown in her own environment. I could have done this if I saw myself as one with the water…the internal formless presence. I would have glided beneath the ocean’s surface, and battling the ripples atop would no longer drown me. Page 141 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The ever changing waves of impermanence on the surface can be understood as relative, but not absolute. Just as one wave ends a new one begins. There is nothing solid about it. In fact, it is completely unsustainable. Because of this, it is not absolute. The only thing that is absolute is this moment. And at this moment, there is undoubtedly an opportunity to experience the infinite and formless ocean so to speak, that can only be described as presence. This is my metaphorical description of the difference between the form and the formless. The external world, and internal presence. When we come to this point in life where we can connect both, there is opportunity for wisdom to enter, and mindful actions to be taken. When you can see, breathe, and live life beneath all of the layers of the external world, which I will call labels and life situations, then you will know what actions to take in the external world, because the answers are coming from a present, highly acute state of awareness that tells you, okay, this situation may be relatively true but it is not absolute. What do I mean by that? Well, the current situation is never permanent, just as the waves are ever changing on the ocean’s surface. The only thing that is real is the present moment. The present moment does not lie behind or ahead. It is as it is. And so in this moment of acceptance to what is, you can choose to release yourself from the suffering in a situation. In that knowing, the right choice will be made because it will be the conscious choice. I beat

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myself up for a few years wondering why I made bad choices in relationships. But the truth is, I was not conscious during those years and so, I kept manifesting that which my mind was already conditioned to knowing. If I were conscious, I would have been able to see clearly and make fruitful choices. What I found is that we tend to stay stagnant when we are uncertain, but the truth is that we can never really be certain of any outcome. Instead, know that there is great wisdom in uncertainty. I heard this from many spiritual leaders in the past years and it wound up being some of the best advice I had come across, especially when it comes to releasing fear in one’s life. Use challenges as opportunities for growth and make conscious choices for change. Don’t get caught up in the mental drama of it all. See the waves, but don’t dwell there. Be in the calm of the ocean. Most of us walk around reacting to every life situation unconsciously and then blame everyone and every circumstance for our suffering. We chose our suffering from dwelling on the story that we add onto what has happened. So how can you change this? Stop thinking, and start feeling. You can only feel what is at this moment. You cannot feel something that has come and gone. Don’t dwell behind you. Dwelling on something that has already happened is buying into what the thinking mind, which is always the ego, is telling you. Stop concentrating so much on your future, as it can be a recipe for fear. You must feel from this instant, or you will not transcend the suffering. you always focus on what is wrong, or that which does not express love, you will never emerge from it. The goal, my dear readers, is to transcend. Be in this moment with clear vision.


And in this moment is where miracles begin to happen. Remember, the goal is always to transcend. In the Book of Matthew in the Bible, three days after the crucifixion of Jesus, it reads, “He is not here. He has risen.” This is a beautiful story of transcendence. He manifested glory in His darkest hour. It shows the powerful transformation of a spiritual being in its human experience. You can honor the cross and what it represents, but focus on how Jesus transcended it all. It is always the miracle of rising out of Page 142 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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the darkness that matters. It sends a powerful message of how we can all rise from whatever the external world brings us when we live our truth in the light. So don’t dwell in the past. Stop focusing on someone or something that was there, when you are here. Be open to all of the glory the present moment has to offer. Instead of manifesting what your unconscious ego has convinced you of as your fate, manifest love and peace in your life today. And for today, let go of all guilt or regret for the choices you’ve made in the past. Just as you should not dwell behind you, you shouldn’t dwell on your mistakes either. The truth is that you have made no mistakes. Every choice you have made is the exact choice you needed to make in order to get you to where you are now. When I was that child living in a domestically violent home, of course, the pain was to be inevitable. How could it not be? As I grew older in years, I harbored the pain, which was also inevitable. We all suppress past pain in different degrees. None of us are free from pain. Pain, however, is not our enemy. Pain is our natural path to enlightenment. When life as you knew it has suddenly dissolved, there is an amazing portal that begins to open. Should you choose to enter, will determine if and when you evolve. Conversely, if you do not learn how to transmute pain into enlightenment, it can spiral downward into intense suffering. What blocks us from this spiritual transmutation and inner self-growth is the unwillingness to let go of the added, unhappy story. When we hold onto the added unhappy story, we hold onto ego. That holding on allows ego to take over, and the only thing gained from all of it is suffering. This took me decades to learn. Looking at the nightmare with the witch under water now, I realize that the very thing that kept me running within the walls of that tube was the very thing I was trying to escape. Fear. Fear of what, you might ask? Fear of injury? Risk? Not being protected? Maybe death? All of it. There is no safety in fear, however. Safety is not found behind walls, although fear will tell you it is. Fear will actually convince you that it wants to keep you safe. This is a lie. Love tells you that you are already safe. There is no risk or danger with love. Love cannot die because it is as eternal and formless as the galaxies above and beyond. For more spiritual guidance, pick up a copy of “Truth To Triumph”. And know that I love you. ~Lily Sanders Page 143 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The TheIntuitive IntuitiveLeader Leader--

Smart Whole


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At an event last night two like-minded retired senior Navy Officers - one in his late 70's and another in his 50's could not stop speaking when they found out about my upcoming leadership book, The En-

chanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader, (Sept. 13th). It was as if a door was unlocked and they could speak freely without being judged.

You see, in the book, I dispel the mystery of merging the practical, tactical and logical with the intuitive, emotional, spiritual and physical sides of ourselves to provide whole leadership. It's about listening to those images, those disembodied words one hears, and those goosebumps and innate knowing and recognizing that they are powerful messages. Instead of running away you run towards them, incorporate and work with the messages that come because they give you needed insights to complement the facts. Both sides are critical to solid decision making. Leaders throughout history refer to working with intuition to lead wholly and completely. Yes, it's time to get this message out and liberate those amazing leaders who already use these tools, and are too scared to admit it, because of the fear of being judged and labeled "not all there. " In fact, they are the ones who are all there ....

so exciting!

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As we welcome the New Year, I’d like to start with an invitation for you to “Write Your Book This Year.” You know the one. The one that you have been thinking about forever--or as New York Times Bestselling Author, Joseph Finder says, “Just Write the Damned Book Already.” He even has a sign hanging in his office that reads, “JUST WRITE IT.” He goes on to share that it’s a reminder to himself not to let that annoying critical voice inside him — the one that says, “Oh, man, you can do so much better than that!” — win. Stop talking about it and just sit down and write it. You wouldn’t believe how many people I meet at event after event who tell me they have a great idea for a book… if only they had time to write it! Let’s face it, we all have excuses and circumstances that get in our way. However, have you ever stopped to ask yourself what is important to you and your business? If the commitment is important enough to you, you will make the time. I

f you are thinking, “I can’t write. What should I write about? Who’d want to read anything I’ve written?” — Please keep reading. Page 148 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Becoming an author of a published book, considers you an expert, provides you with massive credibility, and celebrity. If you write a book related to your profession, the book is a way to generate new business by serving as a calling card for potential clients. The bottom line is you are viewed as an expert in your industry. In Bird By Bird, Anne Lamott genuinely apologizes for not having a secret formula to help her writing students get started, however, she offers support to all writers in this way: “ Subscription link www.female-

Step 1: Determine Your Goal and Define Your Concept

The good news is that some days it feels like you just have to keep getting out of your own way so that whatever wants to be written can use you to write it … the bad news is that if you’re at all like me, you’ll probably read over what you’ve written and spend the rest of the day obsessing, and praying that you do not die before you can completely rewrite or destroy what you have written…” Instead of continuing to stand on my soapbox, I am offering you the best recommendations I have for getting your book written this year. Page 149 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Think about how your book best serves your readers, which in the end, best serves you. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to get you started. Are you writing a book for fun? To promote your business? To build your credibility? For now, don’t make your goal relative to earning millions of dollars. See this first book as a marketing project and a way for you to transform yourself and your business while delivering to your clients the education and information that they need to improve themselves and their businesses. The main point is for you to produce a professional, well-written book. Keeping sight of your goal allows you to establish your overall concept for your book. If you’re writing non-fiction, think about exactly what you’re attempting to communicate or impart with your book. Rather than covering a broad overview, go deep with your concept. Delving deep allows you to share much more information with your reader, and gives you the opportunity to write additional books related to your overall concept. If you are writing fiction, weave your story and characters around a narrative that you know something about, or are passionate about. If you’re a history buff, you may want to write historical fiction set in a time-period that interests you. Doing so can give you a basis for various ideas that you may use for a potential novel(s). Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Step 2: Do a Mind/ Data Dump

For a non-fiction, once you have your overall concept established, begin writing a list of all the ideas, key concepts, topics, and sub -topics you want to share in your book. In one sitting, just make a list without priorities, organization, or groupings of ideas; just one idea after the other. If you repeat yourself, that’s fine just keep going, until your list is complete. Over the next few days keep adding to the list - do not read or review the list, just keep adding to it. Once the list is complete, organize it by grouping like ideas, topics, or sub-topics together. Now, organize each group separately, and give each group a distinct label. This list will ultimately create the chapters and/or sections of your book. Now, think about the end of the book first. What do you want your readers to walk away with? Once you have a general idea of your ending, formulate a sequence for the groupings you have just created, with the end in mind. At this point, you may want to support or enhance your material with notes for stories, quotes, or examples. . You may have another outlining style that works well for you; however, I find that Page 150 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

this process is a quick and easy way to get your ideas on paper as you first get started. When outlining a fiction book, it is a little bit different because you’re developing a narrative/story. Make a point to devote some time to brainstorming and taking notes, allowing your imagination to create a story in your mind. Creating an outline allows you to decide on your characters and the roles that they play. Once you have an idea of the main characters, you can build a framework for the story. An alternative option is to write a brief summary of the story, and then determine how to break down the story into chapters; bear in mind, you need to determine how you want the story to end.

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having it transcribed, which is my preference. As a side note, this is how I wrote my doctoral dissertation and it worked like a dream. I finished my dissertation in five weekends - not five weeks, five weekends!

Step 4: Set Up a Writing Schedule with Goals

Step 3: Determine Your Writing Process

When I work with my clients writing their books, I have them use Word for PC users and Pages for Mac users or whichever word processing software you choose, make sure you use something that allows you to easily make revisions without wasting time. Eventually, you need to send your manuscript for editing. It is much faster and less expensive if you send it in a format your editor can easily read and edit. If you are one of those people who really enjoys writing in longhand because it inspires creativity, just know that you will have to go back and type it on your computer, unless you hire a transcriptionist. The way I look at it is that you might as well start typing. You may even prefer speaking your book content and Page 151 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

As I mentioned before, I wrote my 100plus page doctoral dissertation in five weekends because I didn’t have time during the week. I believe this is the most important part of writing your book because you can’t write only when you feel inspired or motivated. You must form a writing habit, whether it is daily or five days a week or just the weekend schedule as I did. In an ideal world, it’s best if you can write at the same time every day. I wrote all day Saturday and Sunday, taking regular breaks for meals and snacks, hiking, and some casual, fun hanging out time. Some authors commit to a number of words produced at each sitting; in my case, I committed to a certain number of pages per sitting. Commit to a specific start time for each sitting. I started after breakfast, and worked until lunchtime (whatever time that was on the clock). I picked up immediately after lunch, and wrote until it was hiking time. Then, I took time for dinner. I established my daily page Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

count based on how many pages I wrote on the first day of the project. Then, I attempted to write at least as many, if not more pages moving forward. It almost became a competition against myself to see how many pages I could write on any given day. Eventually, you will develop your own writing habit that works for you. If you choose to write daily, I suggest starting small with writing 200– 300 words each day for the first week or two. Incrementally increase the number of words until you reach 1000-1500 words a day, which seems to be the standard guideline. In the big scheme of things (a.k.a. an entire book), it’s really not that much! . On average, non-fiction books are approximately 30,000 words, which means you can complete them in just over a month, presuming you are consistently writing. Alternatively, a work of fiction with a 90,000-word count will take you approximately 90 days of writing, or 1000 words a day to complete.

Step 5: Create a Writing Environment

Find a spot in your home, office, or outside on your patio that you feel is most conducive to writing. Be prepared every day when you sit down to write with music, candles, or a cup of tea or coffee; whatever you need, have it in place so that you can get started and enjoy your new writing habit/ritual.

Step 6: Write, Don’t Analyze

As you’re writing, do not constantly review and analyze your work. Just write. You can always go back through the book as many times as you want later to edit and re-write if you don’t like something. However, you will have a huge breakthrough to stay committed to the process of writing and just finish the book. Creating that consistent writing habit is so very important. Let’s face it, we as authors are our own worst critics. We may think that what we write is crap and needs re-working or editing. However, you have to start somewhere. Write it out, and then deal with the crap. Read writer Anne Lamott’s book, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing

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you’ve written. Don’t get stuck in the editing process. Once you review your manuscript a couple of times, give it to an editor for “professional polishing.”

Step 8: Find a Professional Editor Even the most experienced authors use editors. You don’t want your book to be full of grammatical errors and misspellings. You also want to make sure the book flows properly and is consistent, with word usage correct. A good editor will polish and refine the writing before it is published. Be sure to pay for a good editor. If your book has errors and inconsistencies, it will damage your credibility as an expert authority in your field and as an author. The editor should be watching for consistency and logic, and should be reviewing with the needs of the reader in mind. You can have your editor check facts and verify headings, statistics, graphical data, and footnote entries. Always consult with your editor that this level of proofing/ editing is part of your package. and Life, and you’ll learn the value of “shitty first drafts.” As Anne points out, , even the most experienced writers have them.

Step 7: Rewrite and Refine

One of the best techniques for rewriting and refining your book is to set it aside for a few days, or even a couple of weeks once it is finished because you need to create some distance. Later, go back and read the entire book aloud, correcting mistakes, rewriting sections, and cutting out wordy passages that aren’t central to your message or story. This process needs to be completed a couple of times until you feel good about what Page 153 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Step 9: Publish Your Book Get your book out there, so that others can read it … so that you can experience the satisfaction of having your first published book!

Step 10: Book Launch - Revel in your Glory Truly acknowledge yourself, and celebrate with your friends and family, your triumph of having the title of the book with your name as the published author on the cover. Join us next month to answer the question, “Does this conversation require my presence?” Dr. Shira Bush, “The Book Creator” can be reached via email DrShira@TheBookCreator.com or Tel: 818209-1863 Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Financial Literacy

For Today's C Suite Executives

A New Series-Coming This Summer By J Page 154 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Jon L. Bowles Financial Advisor Page 155 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Part of the “Feel Good Space” series by Sherry Burton W Environment Coach and Feng Shui Consultant Page 156 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Subscription link www.female-

Ways, Author, Certified Interior Page 157 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Yoga unifies the body, mind, and soul and it is also recognized as a form of exercise that boosts your physical and mental wellbeing. We all go through major life transitions and how you deal with the transition determines how you adjust and cope with the new changes in your life. Here are some practices that you can do daily in your space that can support you during a major transition period. Meditation I know what you’re picturing – you are settled cross-legged on the floor humming OM. Meditation goes beyond that, and you can develop your own style of meditation as long as your body is ease and your mind is at peace. You can sit in a quiet place and stay still for ten minutes simply being aware of the present moment and nothing else. Take deep breaths and you enjoy the meditative state that you develop. Create a special place for you to do Page 158 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

your meditation in a room that is away from the noise and you can paint the walls with a relaxing cool color such as shades of blue. Decorate this space with shells or candles and have soft lighting to help you relax. Yoga Yoga is a discipline that integrates practices such as breath control, simple meditation and varying body poses for relaxation and overall wellness. Yoga unifies the body, mind, and soul and it is also recognized as a form of exercise that boosts your physical and mental wellbeing. Yoga is a soothing practice that helps to stimulate and clear your mind and open up your body. Select a dedicated area where you will be doing your yoga every day with minimal distractions. A room with open space is ideal. Have as little furniture as Subscription link www.female-

Cooking is a process and trying out new recipes is more fun when you have all the tools in place, possible. Put up French windows to let in a lot of sunlight and air. Have hardwood floors instead of carpets and put up mirrors and candles in strategic areas around the room to make it warm and stylish. Brush up your culinary skills We all appreciate good food and cooking can be a way to immerse yourself in a fun activity with a delicious output! Cooking is a process and trying out new recipes is more fun when you have all the tools in place, and you’re doing it in a beautiful kitchen space. Lighting is important in the kitchen. In addition to the overhead lights, also include under-cabinet lights that shine directly on countertops to prevent shadows on your workspace. Invest in a range hood that helps ventilate cooking odors. Get a Page 159 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

stainless steel garbage container to handle all your trash and spruce up the kitchen floor with beautiful hardwood that is easy to clean and maintain. You can also go for a hard natural stone floor that has an earthy feel to it and is pleasant to walk on. Journaling Journaling is a great way for preserving memories and releasing pent up emotions in a safe way. Journaling encourages your creative spark and provides a cathartic outlet for expressing what you are experiencing during a major life transition. Regular writing helps release the stresses of daily life and improves your mental and emotional wellbeing. You can either use a paper notebook or your phone or laptop. Your writing space needs to be clear of clutter so get Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

A daily dose of dance improves your outlook, is good for your heart, boosts your brain power, and you lose some calories in the process. rid of stuff that you don’t use and store things neatly in their proper places. Get a good sturdy desk with a good surface and drawers so that you can store your stationery neatly. Invest in a comfortable chair which is good for your back and posture. Have a vase of flowers on your desk and a delicious candle to make your space smell great. Get a beautiful lamp by your desk with right lighting for your late night jotting. Music and Dance Great music is a balm for the soul and lifts your mood instantly. Hearing your favorite song is enough to bring a smile to your lips and chase the day’s blues. Dancing is an entertaining way to keep in shape whether it’s ballroom, Latin, Page 160 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

hip hop or aerobics. Dancing is a whole body workout and an alternative to going to the gym. A daily dose of dance improves your outlook, is good for your heart, boosts your brain power, and you lose some calories in the process. Select a room that is open with no furniture and hardwood floors. Lighting is important. You can invest in bright spotlights or the little twinkle lights on Christmas decorations as well. Brighten up dull and plain walls with pictures of dance scenes. You can also have a music room where you can play your favorite musical instrument. Have strong colors for the walls, a vibrant red that is distinct and welcoming at the same time. Showcase your favorite musical instruments such as guitars on the walls creating your unique identity or a set of drums or a classical piano to play beautiful music. Subscription link www.female-

Detox baths range from baking soda detox that helps you destress to ginger detox baths that get the body to sweat more so as to eliminate toxins from the body, leaving you feeling cleaner, more energetic and getting rid of the symptoms of a cold. Detox Baths Detox baths are an excellent way to relax, rejuvenate and cleanse your body and your mind. Detox baths range from baking soda detox that helps you de-stress to ginger detox baths that get the body to sweat more so as to eliminate toxins from the body, leaving you feeling cleaner, more energetic and getting rid of the symptoms of a cold. Have wall-mount lights on each side of the mirror for a beautiful glow. Refurbish your tub with a fresh new color or install a freestanding bathtub either a soaking bathtub or whirlpool tub for maximum relaxation. Include

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flowers, shells, or beautiful glass vases with an aesthetic appeal. Spruce up your bathroom with a color that energizes and soothes your spirit. Expand your hobby You can scale your hobby to the next level by spending some time every day on doing something that you love. Explore your artsy side by doing your DIY crafts creations, crocheting or starting your very own books collection. Whatever your hobby, have a sturdy table with lots of work space. Create lots of storage areas for materials and decorate shelves with your favorite items.

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Landing on Your Feet and Putting Down Roots 21 Rituals to Transform Your Life and Interior Space

by Sherry Burton Ways

Click Here Available Now

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For 10 Days you take a "VACATION" (not the kind you're use too) A VACATION FROM PROCESSED FOODS. I know your thinking what does that mean? Here’s what it means. Before you start telling yourself why you can’t do it, let me tell you why you should.

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Paths to a Healthy Lifestyle By: Alina Estrada & Coralean Chavis Page 165 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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betterment of ourselves, our communities, and the world. We have the opportunity to have a global relationship not just with others globally but The WGC Internation- also to network amongst ourselves al Adventure Summit to create projects was created to bring individuals together for far beyond anything any of us the

could do as individuals. There are members attending from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and more. We will be doing our own business expansion with other global experts, sharing our knowledge

and brainstorming with each other. We will serve as global citizens as the lives of the children you will meet during the WGC Humanitarian Aid project, whose lives will be changed forever as will ours.

The WGC Gateway Training Program provides service to women of all race, creed, religion and circumstance to support them in becoming part-time or full time business owners and entrepreneurs. We assist women in becoming active participants and leaders for themselves, their communities, and the world. The Program helps them uncover their talents and discover ways that they can contribute to society and the workforce. It engages all aspects from self-esteem, image, communication, business strategy, product development, to marketing and exposure. This unique 90 day program also provides them with opportunity, tangible skills and techniques from opening their own LLC to creating their business plans and all the way to customer sales. Page 173 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Founder/CEO of The Women of Global Change Female Executives joining together to lead the new economy. The Year of the Woman is 2016 and female executives are on the rise in America and beyond. Many organizations and publications are ushering in the new wave. It is not too long ago that women received the right to vote, coming so far, and still there is a long way to go for equal rights. Such organizations and top companies that are known for having higher percentages of women employed includes Bright Horizons, Nordstrom, Mayo Clinic, and Starbucks. Many other organizations offering women in training in business have appeared on the horizon as well, such as The Women of Global Change Summit and WGC Gateway Program, STEM, LeTIP, NAFE (National Association of Female Executives) and also publications of additional support can be found in E Magazine (Female-Executive), Ms. Magazine, Avant Garde, and Entrepreneur Magazine. With the majority of the workforce currently being women, and with women being 80% of the consumers in the US, this gives incredible power for standing up and stepping in for the year of the women: 2016. Ladies, it is time for us to lead united... YOU are the change the world is waiting for.

More about Dame Shellie Hunt can be found at

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Michal Mael Michal’s worldly experience and exotic background makes her the perfect ambassador for Nature’s gems. From international businessmen and women, to Beverly Hills celebrities, and everyone in between, Michal uses her expertise to place the exact crystals needed giving them what they desire in both home and work environments. She designs pieces specifically based on what’s missing, giving them access to it, and energizing their lives, and has developed her own technique and system of Energy Positioning Placement ™. Michal travels from continent to continent several times a year to hand pick the best gems from mines in China, Viet Nam, Brazil , Peru, Morocco, to Timbuktu for our clients.

Elle febbo From Foster Homes to Harvard Law, Elle Febbo, now a best selling, award winning author, is also the CEO of Febbo Media, Associate Producer of the Emmy acknowledged, “Project: Forgive”, keynote speaker, globally published journalist and child advocate. Last year, Elle was acknowledged by Jane Seymour and the Open Hearts Foundation for her work with Big Brothers Big Sisters, receiving high honors with an award for service and a check for $10,000. in support of her efforts, which she donated to Big Brother’s Big Sisters of Ventura County. Elle serves as a Contract Adviser for the National Writers Union and was recently elected as the Southern California Chapter Chair in recognition for her efforts to reach the masses and open doors for the voices of writers from around the globe in association with the International Authors Coalition. Her company, Febbo Media is designed to make books, products and business matter, through collaborative cause marketing, and her workshops, seminars and lectures are designed to take business leaders, authors and entrepreneurs to the next level through service and collaborative affiliation, with the message that anything is possible when the like-minded and likehearted come together to make it happen.

Munni Irone

Founder of Peace 4 Arts Awards

Munni Irone has received numerous civic and global awards such as The Philanthropist Queen of Beverly Hills, Adame Commander Award by the royal family of Europe, and teacher of the year award along with several philanthropist awards. Even though, she much prefers to be know as “Munni the Philantropist”. She is CEO of MJD Film Productions and is associated with multiple charitable organizations in the United States and worldwide. Munni conducts workshops to help leaders find their purpose, defining self-images, getting deep into their core with honesty in their lives. She believes that this is the only way that they can attain balance within themselves.

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Changing Lives Shellie Hunt Founder & President


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You don't have to be an entrepreneur to think like one and take flight with your dreams. Too often we remain in jobs that stifle our souls and leave us on the runway of opportunity with the engine of our deepest passion stalled, watching others make their personal vision a reality and build a legacy for their children-the opposite of what God intends for us. But it's never too late to get your dreams off the ground! If you long to maximize your unique abilities and aptitudes, if you strive to combine personal fulfillment with professional satisfaction, if you dream of creating exceptional goods and offering transformative services and fulfilling God's destiny for you, then you are ready to SOAR! In SOAR! T.D. Jakes reveals how to build the uniquely personal vision

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within each of us into our special contribution to the world. Blending the practical business acumen of a successful, global CEO with the dynamic inspiration of a life coach, SOAR! provides the tools needed to ignite our imaginations into action and challenges us to embrace our God-given purpose as we align our character and creativity with our careers. Bridging both the corporate and nonprofit worlds, SOAR! is a practical and easy-to-follow flight plan for launching the entrepreneurial drive inside each of us. It provides an inspiring look into the mindset of people who don't wait to see what will happen but strategically build the wings that will take them to new heights. So buckle your seat belts and prepare for liftoff-you have been cleared to fly beyond your fears, to absolutely SOAR!

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Available now

In 1938, just after publication of his alltime bestseller Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill reveals that he broke the Devil’s Code, forcing him to confess his secrets. The resulting manuscript— Outwitting the Devil—proved so controversial, it was hidden for more than seventy years. Now Sharon Lechter brings us this important audiobook, annotating and editing it for a contemporary audience. Using his legendary ability to get to the root of human potential, Hill digs deep to identify the greatest obstacles we face in reaching our personal goals— including fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy—as tools orchestrated by the Devil himself. These hidden methods of control can lead us to ruin, and Hill reveals the seven principles of good that will allow us to finally triumph over them and succeed. Fascinating, provocative, and empowering, Outwitting the Devil shows how to create your own path to success, harmony, and fulfillment in an age of uncertainty and fear. “My simple faith is this: If we are created in God’s image, then we were born to create, and to create is to prosper. [This] previously unpublished Napoleon Hill manuscript…. I’ve read it and recommend it.” —Rich Karlgaard, Publisher of Forbes magazine

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Think and Grow Rich - Over 80 Million Copies Sold This edition of Napoleon Hill's Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill's personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937. The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book. In Think and Grow Rich, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. This book will teach you the secrets that could bring you a fortune. It will show you not only what to do but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success. Money and material things are Page 181 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Available now essential for freedom of body and mind, but there are some who will feel that the greatest of all riches can be evaluated only in terms of lasting friendships, loving family relationships, understanding between business associates, and introspective harmony which brings one true peace of mind! All who read, understand, and apply this philosophy will be better prepared to attract and enjoy these spiritual values. BE PREPARED! When you expose yourself to the influence of this philosophy, you may experience a CHANGED LIFE! Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

About NAFE

Nafe is the largest global network for women with thousands of members. They recently celebrated their 42nd anniversary, headquartered in New York they have many affiliate networks across the country. Would a group of women sharing their dreams… supporting, encouraging and mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $39.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits, Information on the Southern CA networks can be found at www.wrnafe.com The network meeting fees are $10.00 for Nafe Members and $15.00 for guests then you pay the restaurant direct for your meal.like eating right now? Using this simple technique, my choices changed to a healthier fare. Instead of a cheese tuna melt, coke, and french fries, I’d glance through WWW.NAFE.COM

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The NAFE Success Up conference tickets are selling and all the vendor slots are sold out, you can go towww.wrnafe.com and see all the bios of the speakers and the entertainers all whom are amazing, we also set up a nafe facebook page where we post items on the conference as well that link isLink for conference page https://www.facebook.com/ NAFECONFERENCE2017/?fref=ts Subscription link www.female-

The cost for the tickets are $90.00 and include continental breakfast, lunch, snacks all the speakers and entertainers and shopping with the vendors, opportunity drawings and door prizes. If you are using a credit card you can purchase your ticket on thewww.wrnafe.com website if you are using a check make it payable to Robbie Motter dba SuccessUp Conferences and mail to Robbie Motter 27701 Murrieta Road #216 Menifee, CA 92586 that wrnafe.com website has all the speakers and entertainers bios for you to view as well they are all amazing.

We also have a nafe facebook page where nafe members can go and introduce themselves as well as tell us what you do and if you have some specials to share let us

know that as well here is that link https:// www.facebook.com/ groups/197601170355640/

Congratulations to Tiffany Tremont the Director of nafe San Antonio, Texas and her company, check this out Governor Abbott's State of the State address Please visit the link 85th Session Chamber Archived Broadcast for January 31, 2017 @10am, Duration 02h 31min below. http://tlchouse.granicus.com/ MediaPlayer.php? view_id=39&clip_id=12511 Page 183 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If you advance to mark 1:23 of the Governor’s State of the State Address, you will see that Governor Abbott honored Silotech and Tiffany Tremont on the House floor. As a Service Disabled Veteran, Woman, Minority Owned Small Business, she was honored and humbled to represent San Antonio (Military City) in Advanced Cyber, Enterprise IT, and most importantly job growth in Texas. These are some of the other awards she and her company Silotech have received 2016 Inc. 5000 Ranked #1065 2015 Inc. 5000 Ranked #2178 2016 San Antonio Business Journal Best Places to Work – Small Business 2016 AFCEA International Women in AFCEA Appreciation Award 2015 San Antonio Business Journal – Tech Flash Titans Award – Cybersecurity 2015 San Antonio Business Journal CEO - C-Suite Award – Small/Medium Business 2015 San Antonio MED Week – IT Firm of the Year 2015 San Antonio Business Journal Best Places to Work – Small Business 2014 San Antonio Business Opportunity Council’s (SABOC) MED Week Award for Excellence in Contract Support 2014 San Antonio Business Journal Women’s Leadership - Business Leader of the Year & Entrepreneurial Leader TO contach Tiffany Tremont Silotech Group, Inc. 10100 Reunion Place, Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78216 O 210.569.0950 M 210.748.0707 ttremont@SilotechGroup.co m Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Congratulations to Murrieta nafe member Reatha Reedus who with her daughter Dr. Desiree Reedus recently help to put together with the GFWC Riverside Women’s Club a very successful GO RED Event at the Riverside Women’s Club. Also congratulations to NAFE/Women In Networking in Indiana who has become partner with the National Women’s History Project (NWHP), which recognizes and celebrates the diverse and historic accomplishments of women by providing informational services and educational and promotional materials. The network President said “One of the benefits of being a partner with the NWHP is we can post our events with them, and they have the capability to publish them on a broader scale for us, e.g., in Indy and other states! NAFE/WIN is currently in their Women’s History Newspaper “The Gazette”. We are looking for different avenues to expand knowledge about our 501 ( c ) (3) organization and to grow. This along with other venues hopefully will put us further on the “map”. Our website is currently under construction and being updated by NAFE/WIN’s Webmaster Jay Fitzsimonds” Robbie Motter, nafe global coordinator is putting together a quote book and is looking for your favorite quote, here is the information that is needed and who to send it too, you can send up to three quotes, the quotes should cover Business, Fun or Health. Here is where you send them and you have until March 1at to get them in.This book is a nafe Western Region Conference Fundraiser As a nafe member I would like you to be a part of “Heartfelt Sayings” a spiral-bound book that includes your favorite quote about business, health or just plain fun. Simply submit your quote (it can be your own or someone else’s) in 50 words or less by March 1st . Also include your name, business name, e-mail and Website. Page 184 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

E-mail the info to JoLynn Vensel at jmv9465@gmail.com. The book will be available for purchase at the April 22, 2017, Success Up nafe Women’s Conference. Please take this free opportunity to share your tidbits of wisdom with like-minded professional women! Don't delay get them to JoLynn today and in subject of the email add Quotes for nafe book. The deadline is firm so take time today and get your quote in. You may send two or three quotes. If you have any questions on this please don;t hesitate to give me a call 951-255-9200 You know what my two quotes will be: It's All About "SHOWING UP" as showing up is like a treasure map, you never know what treasure you will find. My second one is "The POWER IS IN THE ASKING" Magichappens when you ask and opens doors you never even imagined. So Members SHOWING UP in this book is a great opportunity for YOU! So don't delay do it today. A large group of nafe members are off to Catalina and Mexico on a cruise so watch for photos in next months From the Desk of Article and March 8th I am on the way to Hawaii to celebrate my 81st birthday and also to meet our Hawaii active and inactive nafe members. My birthday also falls on International Women’s Day and I always knew I was an International Women. Until next issue I wish you Health, Happiness and continued success. And please know you can call me anytime at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com, as I am always here for our nafe members across the globe. Robbie Motter, nafe Global Coordinator

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Angel believes we should never stop educating ourselves. For her first leg of education at the beginning of college she chose psychology once she had satisfied that education she pursued business and law. Currently she is in pursuit of a marketing education when that education is satisfied she is sure she will find a new education interest to pursue.


Angel Toussant I first met Angel through my Riverside nafe director Joan E. Wakeland and was very impressed as to what a dynamic women she is. She also recently joined our Riverside nafe network. I also had the opportunity to hear her speak at several locations and she is amazing. I asked her to speak for some upcoming nafe meetings, which are in Menifee, Murrieta and Temecula and I am looking forward to those presentations. Angel Toussant was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and at age 37 moved from Anchorage to Northern California. She remained in Northern California until April, 2016 at which time she found her new home in Murrieta,California. She said “my proudest life accomplishment is raising two phenomenal daughters. I love to say I can die a happy person if I accomplish nothing else in life because of the relationship I have with my girls. I am confident my relationship with my daughters is well above average and I am confident they feel the same way, despite the many parenting mistakes I made along the way”. Page 185 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Her career choices are as varied as her education choices She has held positions from teachers aid to police officer and many careers in between. Currently, she is providing monitoring services for parents who are required by the courts to have supervised visits. She consider myself a serial entrepreneur, because she continually invests in endeavors that provide her the opportunity for her to grow a healthy income while doing what she loves to do, which is to always find new ways to help others around her, be it family, friend, or stranger. She has written and published two journal books. The first was for recovering addicts (out of print) and the second one is for goal‑setting. She is currently writing a personal growth book which she plans to publish by year end. She owns an online store (LifesPowerStore.Com) thttp:// lifespowerstore.com/ hat sells, educational/ personal growth books, and other educational, inspirational, motivational tools and products. Her hobbies, like her education and careers are varied. She enjoys golf, horseback riding, photography (nature and wildlife), snow skiing, boating, jet skiing, jewelry making, hiking, bike riding, and graphic design. Angel can be reached by email angel@atsmartdecisions.com Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Come and join us at one of these monthly Nafe affiliate meetings: Please contact the Director of the network below. Any Nafe questions you may contact me Robbie Motter Nafe Global Coordinator at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. ARIZONA Phoenix Impact for Enterprising Women – A Nafe affiliate network contact director Joan Howard 602725-3246 email joanhoward@cox.net website www.impactforenterprisingwomen.com CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Nafe meets the 2nd Thursday starting in January 2016 at Mimi’s Café 4025 California Avenue, Bakersfield, Director Cheryl Hughley Phone 661-421-5861 Email Cheryl_hughley@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Bel Air (coming soon) Director LaDonna Roberts 323-806-3433 email ladonnaroberts@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon Central Orange County Nafe meets the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm, at Coco’s Restaurant 14971 Holt Avenue, Tustin, CA, Director, Sheila A Caruso, 949 -330-0927 email sheilaacaruso@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/fj2iy3x5i9E

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Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:00 am at, Ramano's Macaroni Grill 12380 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Director Lynne Martin, 714-357-4159 email lynneCmartin@gmail.com http://www.meetup.com/wwwnafecoastal-com/ U Tube Video coming soon Los Angeles Nafe Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm at Marie Callendar’s 5773 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90232 . website is www.nafelosangeles.com Director Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.comPlease check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/RkSuoZaGrJc Menifee Nafe Network meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Merna’s Café & Grill (formerly Boston Billie’s Restaurant ) 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Director Robbie Motter, NAFE Global Coordinator 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/ cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ HspfWnbAI4w Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter,951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WmClfV9VcMA

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North San Diego County Nafe Network (Carlsbad/Vista/San Marcos) Coming in January 2016 contact Director Luz Paez 951-966-8277 email marketingwithluzpaez@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm Mimi's Cafe 10909 Foothill Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. Contact Director Vivian Haire, Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector Phone 951-229-8343 or email vvnhaire@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Riverside Nafe Connector meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm Canyon Crest Winery 5225 Canyon Crest Drive #7a Riverside, CA 92507 contact Joan Wakeland Director 909-7217648 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/vQT80UAUm-k San Fernando Valley, starting in January , contact Director Carol Pilkington 661-3134578 or email carol@carolpilkington.com for more information U Tube Video coming soon San Francisco/Bay Area Network 4th Thursday 6:15 PM Call Director for meeting location. Director Stone Love Cell 510 565 4425Home office 510 972 0528 or emailStonelove@stoneologys.com Meet up Page http://www.meetup.com/SAN-FRANCISCO-BAYAREA-NAFE/events/225941823/ U Tube Video coming soon South Bay Nafe Network, meets 4th Tuesday 6:30 pm @ Double Tree 1985 E Grand Ave El Segunda, CA 90245 contact CO-Directors Alina Estrada 562-313-1190 or emailinfo@nafesouthbay.com or Eleanor Oliver Co-Director email Eleanor.oliver12@gmail.comjoin us on Meetup.com/southbay-nafenetwork www.nafesouthbay.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/UY9kHIy1o34

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South Orange County Nafe Network Morning Coffee meeting, 2nd Wednesday of each month, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Microsoft Store, 578 The Shops at Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA (Upstairs in mall) For information and/or to RSVP Contact Director Mikki St Germain, 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/nafe.soc U Tube Video Coming soon Ventura County Nafe Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 11:45 AM at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91360 Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-794-4005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com Meet up page: http:// www.meetup.com/members/159937202/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/OZqKdhKUf5o Wildomar Nafe Network meets 4th Thursday 6:00 PM D’Canters Restaurant 32100 Clinton Keith Road, Wildomar, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter Nafe Regional Coordinator 951-255-920 or email rmotter@aol.com http://www.meetup.com/MenifeeMurrieta-Wildomar-Nafe-networks/ events/224726252/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ okj-UzaTbM4 COLORADO Denver Coming soon contact Director Nancy.i.gaines@gmail.com 314) 378-1611

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DC Washington DC Greater Washington DC Women’s Network, Mary Greene, Executive Director 202=5808884, email gwwenet@gwwn.org Website www.gwwwn.org meets Sept thru June GEORGIA Atlanta Nafe Atlanta Network, Executive Director, Lisadouglas 404-913nafe email contactus@nafeatlanta.com ILLINOIS Chicago Coming soon Zsyke Tusa Director, 331-212 -0585 email ztusa@ecologicsolutions.com INDIANA Indianapolis Nafe Women in Networking (WIN) Mary Aurtrey, Director 317-894-9421 or 317-4137197 email m.aurtrey@sbcglobal.net Co Director Lotti McCallistor 317-905-3666 e,ail bes10@iquest.net meets 1st Wednesday each month at 11:30- 12:30 at Defense Finance & Accounting Services (DFAS) Center 8899 E 56th Street Indianapolis. IN 46249 Check out their Utube Video

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LOUISIANA Gretna Women on the Go, Director Rose Mary Ceasar, 504-366-6889 email rosemarycadam@bellsouth,net, regular meetings 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm MARYLAND Baltimore Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com, meetings at 1300 Mercantile Lane Ste 100 Largo Maryland 20774 Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net Facebook page www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Howard County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location

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Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Pikesville Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network , Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com Denise Laws, Co-Director 443-527-7403 contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Prince George’s County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/ Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com

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MICHIGAN Detroit Women Empowering Leadership & Legacy (WELL) Director Donna Stallings 313-999-2211 email donna@syncfoundation.com. Contact Director for meeting location and time. MISSOURI St Louis The Professional Women’s Alliance STL, Director Ninoska Clarkin 314-991-6144 NEW JERSEY Northern New Jersey Professional Women New Jersey, Dee Marshall, Director 862-218-0076 email nafenewjersey@gmail.com NEW YORK New York City, Roxanne Natale, Director 917 -952-0681 cell, 646-647-2148 work, email rnatale@ewsnyc.com North Carolina Nafe North Carolina, Director Michele Rogers, 919-621-3310 Email nafenorthcarolina@gmail.com website is www.nafenc.com Utube video https://youtu.be/snLmjMtGS7A PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh Women Interactive Network WINN< Director Dawn Pomaybo 412-963-6311 email info@Winpitt.org SOUTH CAROLINA Coming Soon, contact Director Jayne Jordan 843-532-1123, email ladyjj2u@gmail.com

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ttremont@silotechgroup.com VP of Events: Jacqueline Jackson, Jacqueline.jackson@utsa.org 210-458-2483 VP of Communications: Chris Slowey, sloweyrcpoa@yahoo.com, 210-569-0953 VP of Finance: Natasha Robles, nrobles@silotechgroup.com, 210-5690959 Our website address is www.nafesa.org.

TEXAS Dallas P-31 Women Inc, Contact Connie Mitchell 214-404-6462 Midland Successful Women’s Alliance, Diector Mary Elena Duron 432-978-2009 San Antonio

NAFE San Antonio Network (Formerly We Lead) Meets at Norris Conference Center @ North Park 618 NW Loop 410, San Antonio TX 78216 2nd Wednesday of every month 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM President: Tiffany Tremont, ttremont@silotechgroup.com, 210-569-0953

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Women’s Information Network, Max Nolen Director 254-717-5188 max_nolan@us.aflac.com E The Magazine for Today's Female Executives edited by Althea Ledo who runs the LA Nafe Nework has 4 pages dedicated to Nafe so be sure and send her your news. allyledo@aol.com and mark in subject News or even stories for Nafe section. Here is the website for the Magazine www..FemaleExecutivweMagazine.com Also send news to Paula Damiano for the Nafe E Newsletter her email is pauladamiano@hotmail.com We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Global Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200

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