E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive Summer III 2017 volume 36

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Summer III Edition Volume 36 $20.95 USA (CAN $19.00) ETMMedia.net Digital edition Page 1 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Jerry Lewis

March 16, 1926 - August 20, 2017 Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Owned Las Vegas with their infamous comedy routine. Take a Look (1951)!

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After not speaking for several years Frank Sinatra brought them back together WATCH their heart felt reunion! E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Jenn Colella (right) and Real Life COME FROM AWAY Pilot Beverley Bass (left)

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48 Navigating Gender Stereotypes in Leadership






76 What Happens when we Possess a Desire to Climb higher

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Two Must Reads

By David Drum

Chef 7Practices that Transform Your Life and Space Reasons Why Employee Onboarding is Crucial for


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Terri Wildemann

Culinary Artist

Katie O’Reilly

Speaker, Author and Financial Coach

Daniel Djouder

Economic and Page 10 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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President Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization

Tracy Repchuk

Social Media Expert

Kim Kasparian Author, coach

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I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer Welcome to this issue of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. This month’s theme is: Turning on a Dime :The Art of Reinventing Yourself. So often we get a nudging to shift into a greater experience and we hesitate. Life, being the temporary experience that it is, doesn’t always give us the long luxurious runway to the next step. Sometimes, you get a NOW word which requires a NOW action and if you hesitate, you could abort or sabotage that divine timing. If you keep hesitating, you could miss the “opportunity trolley” altogether. Develop a sense of present timing and instinct to your own life’s path. Learn to hear from within and always understand the “knowingness” of the characteristics of your journey . Features of fate don’t always disclose logical linear details. They present themselves as an undeniable nudging and relentless calling. Sometimes our fate is an abrupt disruption of our lives from ordinary and safe to extraordinary. This message isn’t telling you to jump but it is telling you to pay attention to your life’s path and calling. And if you’re brave and/or strategically prepared, don’t miss the call. Don’t hang back in ordinary and don’t every blend in. The sun sets everyday and it has never set the same way twice. When you consider the clouds, the birds, the sounds and the changing constellations, you realize each day is a masterpiece of nature. As you experience your own life, you should likewise consider all the impossible wonderful miracles.

This month we are also featuring Alvin Ailey dance studio and their 2018 calendar. For over 50 years Alvin Ailey has been astonishing audience with dance and a soulful ballet that not only entertains but touches the spirit as well. . I hope you enjoy this issue. -Althea Ledford Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Simone Rocha Summer 2017

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Valentino Summer 2017

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Lavin Resort Summer 2017

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Coming This July

A New Column by Kimberly Ferguson is an entrepreneur, learning & develo career development facilitator, trainer/speaker and certified educator an

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opment consultant, nd T.V. Host

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Part of a New Series “Inner Wisdom” by Kimberly An Page 28 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Do you remember when you were young, and if you have young children, then you’ve also had this conversation. The deep, intense conversation, about if you could have a superpower what would it be? Of course, invisibility is always discussed, as well as, ex-ray vision, shooting fire out of your hands, the ability to fly, and telekinesis – the power to move things with your mind. Those seem to always be the top ones discussed, how you would use it, what you could do, and how you could rule the world if you just had these powers. Well, you do have superpowers, you were born with superpowers. And, once you learn to use this superpower, you can rule YOUR world. The main one I am going to talk about is your intuition. The subject of intuition is becoming a main-stream conversation. Intuition is your ability to know, to feel, and to hear; however, your intuition comes to you, is unique to you. It is one of your greatest superpowers. When you learn to tap into it, and listen, it will guide you in all aspects of your life. From relationships, to business, to daily decisions you make. Page 30 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

We all have this power, and you’ve likely experienced it. Perhaps you knew who was calling before you answered your phone. Or, maybe you knew what someone was going to say before they said it. Just as you might have experienced knowing the outcome to a situation before it happened. Have you ever done something that you Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

knew you shouldn’t or should do? Where your intuition told you not to or go for it? Did you listen? This has happened to me a few times in my life. Sometimes I listened and sometimes I didn’t. The outcome always happened as my intuition warned me, good and bad. I remember one time when I was in Page 31 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

my teens, I was going to sneak out of my house. My intuition very loudly told me, not to go, I was going to get caught. I ignored it, then it felt like Spirit punched me in the gut, really trying to get my attention, which definitely got my attention. I paused for a moment, thought about it, but I snuck out anyway. I got caught and was in huge trouble. So your intuition will talk to you, and sometimes, it will come to you in a multitude of ways. So, how do you tap into your superpower, your intuition? There are many ways to listen to it, to feel it. First, you must recognize and acknowledge that you do have this ability. Everyone does. Second, you have to figure out, how your intuition talks to you. Do you just have a knowing? Do you get a feeling in your body? Do you hear it in your mind like someone is talking to you? Try this exercise, sit quietly, and breathe, breathe deep and long intentional breaths for a few minutes. Feel your mind and body connecting to your breath. Sit with the intention to tap into your intuition and acknowledge that you have this ability. Notice where your body reacts to your thoughts. Do you feel it in your stomach? Is it in your mind? Be grateful for however it shows up. It is ok if you don’t get anything on the first try, know that it is still there, and that your intention is to connect to it. You might just go along on your day, and zap, your intuition will show up. This is your inner voice. This is your intuition, it is your superpower. You will start recognizing it as you go along in your daily life. Ask yourself a question and wait to “hear” the answer. Sometimes it could be an actual sign you see, such as a billboard you drive by, or a stop sign that stands out, or even a song that comes on the radio. Being open to your intuition and how you receive information can come in many different forms. You can practice this simply by asking

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yourself what street to take to work that day, or what to have for dinner, what to wear for the day, or what you want. Now be aware that your ego likes to jump in and answer you. Pay attention to the answers you get. Do they feel ego based or do they feel intuitively based? There are a couple of different ways to tell which is which. One, is how does the answer feel to you. How does it resonate within your body? Does it feel light, guided, and helpful? Or is it a thick, heavy feeling and more of a me, me, me thought. Practice using your intuition, the more you use it, and start to rely on it, the more you’ll start to see positive changes in your life. Meditation is an excellent way to connect with your inner voice. Meditation is excellent for many aspects of your inner health and wellbeing. It is a powerful way to connect to your intuition. Do you have something going on in your life that you are struggling with? Take five minutes of your day, Page 32 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

and breathe, set the intention that you want clarity on your situation. Allow yourself to connect to your high self, your intuition, and wait. You might get a picture in your mind of a solution, or a word, or just a thought will come to you. Perhaps you’ll get a vision. Maybe you won’t get anything but a blank, empty, thoughtless moment. This is still good. You are allowing yourself to be open, and to connect, that message could simply be to stop worrying about it, and allow the situation to unfold as it will. Maybe you are to learn from it. There are lessons in everything. If you think you are having a hard time connecting to your intuition, don’t worry, it is Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

3. Yoga. Part of awakening into your consciousness and opening yourself up to be guided by your intuition is through the flow of energy. Yoga helps with that.

within you. I promise you at some point in your life you have experienced this, even if you don’t remember. It is a part of you, it is your superpower. Here are 5 ways to help you tap into your intuition, there are more; however, we will start with these. 1.Breath. Like the exercise above, breathe deep for a few minutes, and set the intention to connect to your intuition. 2.Nature. Get outside and sit in nature. Connecting to “Mother Earth” and allowing all of the natural life cycles of earth to come into your consciousness will open you up to connecting to your inner voice. Page 33 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

4. Music. Listen to soft music, meditation music, any music that feels good to you and allows you to open up and relax. 5. Prayer. When you pray, or talk to the universe, you open yourself up to receiving information back. Don’t have a plan of what to say, or pray about, just allow it to move through you, coming from your heart, not your mind. It might surprise you what comes out of your mouth. So welcome to being a superhero with your awesome superpower and live your life with the guidance of your intuition. There are so many aspects of your intuition that you can tap into. It is a magical place to be in. I encourage you and empower you to take ahold of this awesome gift and use it in your life. It is truly fun to witness people realize this power that is within them. I know some people that at this time can only predict an earthquake. UH WOW! Some people only get partial information, some get information only in their dreams. Some people get information for other people and not Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

themselves, and others that only get information on themselves and not others or situations. I know people who just have a sense of something only in the moment and others before something happens. Your intuition is there, it is within you, it will come to you as you allow yourself to be open to it. You might just get bits and pieces, or you might get lots of information at once. Just allow it to come to you, don’t be afraid of it, don’t get upset of how it might show up or how it talks to you, and don’t get frustrated if you think you don’t “get” it, as well as, don’t be upset if you repeatedly get nothing on a question or situation. Sometimes, we truly have to live it with “blinders on” so we can fully experience the lesson. Sometimes, it is our path and our destiny to go through a situation that we don’t want to, because it is part of our life lesson. Know that it is ok. Just be grateful for how it comes to you, be grateful for this superpower, and allow yourself to be open. It is there, it is within you, it is your superpower and your gift. Check my calendar on my website for my tele-series on “You Were Born with Superpowers”. We dive into and grasp the full capacity of our awesome selves. How to recognize your top 5 superpowers, how to tap into them, and how to live a fuller life because of them.

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Kimberly Anderson is an intuitive life coach, author, certified intuitive reader, relationship coach, tantra educator, yoga instructor, and Goddess within Retreat Leader. Kimberly lives in California with her husband, together they have 6 children. After three failed marriages, feelings of defeat at every level and living through domestic violence to having met and married her soulmate, and having joy and success in her life. Kimberly enjoys working with singles and couples to discover and connect them with their twin flame and helps them to attain the ultimate joy in their relationships, empowering them in tantric wisdom and techniques. In her couples retreats she teaches not only how to understand yourself and help you achieve a deeper connection in your relationships, Join Kimberly in any of her programs, whether it’s a teleseminar, personal reading, live seminar or her various coaching programs that are uniquely personalized to you, and you will feel lighter, leave with inner wisdom and guided on your own path to joy and happiness. Page 35 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Part Partof ofaaNew NewSeries Seriesby byAni AniWilson, Wilson,Author, Author, Stress StressMaste Mast Page 38 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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ery eryCoach, Coach,Executive ExecutiveLife LifeCoach Coachand andMeditation Meditationteacher teacher Page 39 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Photo by Warner Bros.

I used to think I was special. You know, the kind of special where no-one else in the world, let alone my city, would understand how I felt, the pressures I had, the enormity of the workload and parenting tasks. I was a modern day Wonder Woman; but with a few added features… Known as the ‘Energizer Bunny’ amongst my friends and colleagues, I had only 3 known speeds; Fast, faster, and OFF. I had no fail-safe, no slow mode. Perhaps you can relate? If I was a newer version of Wonder Woman, then Linda Carter was now taking steroids! It is only now, in my middle age reflection that I can laugh at such an analogy. For roughly 15 years however, it was a moniker that touched a nerve deep within me, as I knew that although the term was used in gest to lovingly set me apart from others, it was also a recurring warning from friends that the pace of my life was not normal. Sadly, these are the same friends who are now following quickly in my footsteps, making the same mistakes, feeling the same pains and faltering under the pressure of simply being ‘average’.

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Where once the term “Wonder Woman” set you apart from others in a heavily masculine workforce, the same term these days offers nothing except to welcome you in to a largely growing club for overworked overachievers struggling to keep up. A few years ago I took it upon myself to investigate what being a Wonder Woman really meant, settling in for a night of nostalgic review of that famous TV show (with a generous glass of oaked NZ Chardonnay in hand, my phone set to silent and kids safely tucked away in bed). I prepared myself mentally for a night of light entertainment with an expectation of being transported in to a different world, safely away from the stressors of the day. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

But in true nonjudgmental form, I ignored my angst at how Wonder Woman’s visible body remained unseen as she piloted her invisible plane through the clouds above and came to realize 3 very important truths about why the moniker still suits in this day and age, and why we were forever idolizing the very boots she famously donned in each episode.

Truth One:

The Lasso was her secret weapon. When wielded with confidence, WW always got her man. Unfortunately, those expectations lay sadly unmet. It seems our brains really have changed over the past 40 years. Our natural state of expectancy has increased exponentially to want something dramatic to occur quickly, with passion and impact. Decades of time dependent deliverables, and expectations of quick wins has impaired our ability to simply let things play out naturally. And thus I painstakingly watched as the baddies slowly and clumsily performed their evil deed, and giggled as Linda twirled around and around, magically transforming herself from office lady in to the savior of mankind in spandex and star studded boots. Page 41 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

We all have one; a tool in our armory that gets results. When the proverbial hits the fan, if we can stop and reflect at what our ‘super-power’ is; one that marries our highest values, then results are always guaranteed. As we move in to adulthood, our habits and the needs of our working environment changes how our brains function. We primarily feel stress when we try to hold on to our childhood personality and don’t embrace our experiences and changing mindset. There are certain attributes that are locked deep within our subconscious from a young age (by the age of 7 to be precise, such as our values and social beliefs) but most of Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

our personality and strengths can be molded and manipulated through repetitive stimuli up to the age of 37, which is the age that over 95% of our personality is firmly set in place as shown through recent studies in neuroscience.

Wonder Woman embraced who she was, her alter ego, and pulled out her trusted lasso at every applicable moment. As women leading the new age of management, it’s imperative that we also find our inner strength and embrace who we’ve become, not who we were or still crave to be in secret. Anthony Robbins inspires us to redefine our values every 7 years, as, just like most other animals on earth, we certainly do follow cycles of evolution and life. If I kept the same values from when I was 21 (in search of fun and a muscular dimwitted boyfriend), I would struggle with my wonderful life as a mother and coach. So I charge you today to put down your armor for a moment and reflect on what your highest values in life are, and search deeply and without judgment to find your biggest strength that makes you a winner every time. Page 42 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The simple act of recognizing your greatness and making sure it marries your highest value ensures your brain is optimized for results. In my case, even when all else seemed lost, my ability to build an army of dedicated followers to carry the load in the office meant success was only a request away at any time. My awareness of the Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

Truth TWO: WW was a gentle

needs of others and being able to meet that need was a strength I’d willingly harnessed early in my career as it met my highest value of contribution to others. Whatever it is that defines your success above anything else - take pride in your strength and know that you can call upon that secret tool at any time to secure success. Page 43 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


but confident leader who commanded attention wherever she went. Leave your ego behind. Although you may indeed be the savior of mankind, people are social creatures by nature and follow those who they believe in and resonate with. Studies have shown that when people live in the same household, body rhythms and even heart rate speeds progressively become in synch with each other over time. The strongest force of energy will change the heart rhythms of those around them meaning when you feel stressed, anxious and chaotic, your children internally and silently suffer also. This also works for you in reverse; when you’re feeling under pressure and the last thing you want to do is socialize, this is precisely what you should do. Either be the light that others want to follow in the darkness, or find someone who lights your flame and feed off that energy. There is something to be said about becoming the leader that others trust, fall in love with, and want to follow. The simplicity of a smile, or a gentle unsolicited thank-you can change worlds.

Truth THREE: Simplicity was the key to Woman Woman’s success. In today’s hyperkinetic world, simplicity almost becomes a dirty word. We laugh at the term, believing that simplifying is easier Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

said than done. We’ve spent decades mastering the art of multi-tasking and achieving the impossible by taking on the workloads of others when they fail to keep up. Research has, time and again, shown us that for every interruption we have, it takes another 6 minutes for our brain to reach the same level of focus when we get back to the task at hand. When we focus on a singular task, our left prefrontal cortex lights up like a Christmas tree, reducing the impact and activity within our Amygdala (being the fear/stress center of the brain). The more we focus on one future outcome, the weaker our fear response within the brain over time Page 44 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

hence the less stress we feel to daily irritations. Simplifying doesn’t have to mean that we get rid of processes and applications that we’ve spent our careers building, but reducing the interruptions and finding a way to focus forward on a singular outcome for a period of time will inevitably get us results in quicker fashion. So is the term ‘Wonder Woman’ now redundant simply because being exceptional is considered status quo? Or is it a term that is just misunderstood, as truly you are all manifestations of Wonder Woman at her greatest peak. You’ve just forgotten how WONDER-ful you are. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

Having spent 20 years in highly stressful management positions all over the globe, Ani was diagnosed with Stress induced stage three cancer for the 2nd time in her career. Ani was a manager who was told to slow down - to “chill out”. But being a Type A overachiever, Ani knew that slowing down would go against her very nature and was determined in finding a more fitting answer. Qualifying as a Stress Mastery Coach, Executive Life Coach and Meditation teacher, Ani quickly realized that mindfulness was not enough. Leveraging her neuroscience background, Ani reignited her passion for the human brain and began her own research only to find that ‘slowing down’ was actually detrimental to the circuitry within a high performers brain. Ani now travels the globe mentoring and speaking to audiences about the merits of their own high performing personalities, teaching business owners and managers how to change their stress from fear based to a level of excitement; to harness that energy to physically rewire their brains to promote exponential mental performance. Ani has a book coming out in June, and provides Elite Coaching to overachievers on the brink of burnout.

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A New Series coming this FALL to ETM Media. H Speaker & Certified Nutrition Consultant, Certifie Page 46 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Hosted by Karla Maree: Writer, ed Neuronutrient Therapy Specialist. Page 47 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Part of “The URBAN Series” By Demetri Page 48 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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ius Mithell II Page 49 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Our future is dependent on balance and the ability to thrive within that balance. US agriculture, as in most countries, remains confined to rural areas far from the commercial marketplace. This means farm products have to be transported to rather robust and dense urban areas. Advances in social dynamics and the reconditioning of urban areas across the country continue to drive urban, "inner-city", populations skyward. Hipster/artists types are credited with kicking off the surge, along with an eclectic mix of white-collar suits, bluecollar skilled laborers, and students splitting the tab. As a result, urban areas that were once considered undesirable to live or invest in are now the fastest growing sector in major cities, such as Los Angeles and New York. Page 50 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The continuous flow of new residents and businesses, such as boutique coffeehouses and restaurants has dramatically increased the demand for high quality food products at a reasonable price. Diversity plays a major role in all of this; as the population in these Urban Utopias increases so does the diversity of the people and, of course, the food. The upward expansion of already dense metropolitan areas is creating an interesting mathematical circumstance. If we take into account the basic idea of supply and demand and relate it to the rising cost of food, where is the ceiling? People are returning from far-flung sub-cities to live in more densely populated areas largely due to the economy and newly built urban amenities. When most of these cities began rampant Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

expansion, building apartments and office buildings to serve the growing population, agricultural production increased to match the demand. Although new technological advances, preservatives, and transportation helped usher in a new day of efficiency and profit, those areas were never designed to support a "super-sized" metropolis. As the growth of these populations began to taper off and later reseed, agriculture companies were able to keep pace. Starting in the 1960's and continuing throughout the ‘80's, these companies began to market pre-packaged, pre-cooked, and preserved food products along with the advancement in manmade fibers, such as polyester. The tactics employed by the agricultural Page 51 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

industry, which was being systematically bought out by Wall Street, acted as an insurance plan to cover the increasing risk. After the dust bowls of the ‘20s and ‘30s agriculture looked to set the deck by overproducing and preserving, which lead to the explosion of food-related health problems in the US. Agricultural technologies developed for this growing industry severely lowered the quality of food available to most of the American public. The difference in nutritional value between an affordable loaf of bread priced at around $1.50, and a high-quality alternative priced closer to $6 is remarkable. Although it may seem as if all the blame should go to powerful food corporations, it is the general population's fault for not advocating local agricultural solutions. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Before the global net boom, sending and receiving information was rather slow, considerably crude by today's standards. Advancements in file sharing, data processing, and our social media presence should push us as a community to be just as efficient in critical civic functions as we are, say, using Snapchat from a trendy restaurant. This unveils a new issue, how can we use all of these new gadgets and processing power to make our lives better as a global community. Efficiency in management, labor, production, civic and personal health is mandatory. In today's market collecting, preparing, and transporting agricultural goods cost more to the producer and buyer than the actual cost of the product; increasing the price while lowering the quality. At the current growth rate the cost of food will eventually outpace every other living expense. Our quality of life is largely dependent on access to a quality diet and shelter. The rising cost of food can be linked to the low standardized test scores associated with poverty-stricken areas. For the better part of the last half century this pertained largely to densely populated urban areas with little to no political influence. Perceptions have changed, demographics have changed, the investors Page 52 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

are back and the population is as diverse as the sneakers they wear. They need food but not just any food. They demand fresh, safe, organic, self-sustaining, gluten-free, kid-friendly, preservative-free, authentic, and local agricultural products. Restaurants struggling to compete within this growing market are attempting to maintain a $10-15 dollar plate with a few dishes around $20 bucks. This optimal price range keeps the jetsetters out throughout the week buying coffee and possibly catching dinner with their folks. People are trying new types of foods and recipes that require access to fresh food at an affordable price. The days of frozen meat and vegetables thawing on the Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

kitchen counter are over. People want to cook what they ate last week at the new fusion restaurant, or what they saw on the food network, or a fresh take on a traditional classic. Color, spice, and flavor drives the new urban palette through creative design spaces and open office layouts. Although quality food is readily available in most big cities in America, the price point exceeds the limitations of a middle class budget. Poverty projections start by analyzing a demographic's access to a quality diet throughout the year. Critical nutrition markers are used to track child development and those results are Page 53 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

directly related to academic success. People in demographics classically affected by this circumstance are often attached to a negative stigma. A stigma which raises the value of any foreseen risk, investors and/or government agencies must bet against to provide adequate funding. The question is funding for what? Social reform, commercial reform, or government backed projects. A revolution must take place in the hands of people affected by the current situation. Lowering the critical cost of a living expense, such as fresh food, will help repair the tarnished relationship between the average citizen and investors. Increasing the availability of basic opportunities across the board, especially the middle class, raises the standard of living for everyone in the country. Improving the efficiency of middle class economics makes the wealthy richer. The increase in consumer spending, along with a surge in tax revenue, will push key economically challenged demographics above the poverty line. Sounds like a great solution to some of the biggest issues that plague a “rich” country, in which half of the prepared food is discarded, while people nearby struggle with the effects of hunger. These facts highlight the logistical failures of our agricultural supply and demand system. In sports, for example, if an athlete’s success rate per minute is high he is a greater asset to the team. If the same, Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

athlete gets the same result but uses twice as many chances he is a greater risk to the team's success. Agriculture overproduces most products brought to market, while the demand for fresh product has exploded over the last decade creating the "foodie" all organic bubble. Demand and production are high but supply has become a complete failure. Mark-ups on every product has tightened the belts of the American family causing products to sit on shelves longer, requiring the extensive use of harmful preservatives. As the industry changed, farms were subsequently owned by corporations/ banks and became Wall Street investment packages. The American market was flooded with overly processed food to increase profit margins. Researchers have recently connected the use of low fat artificial butter with the rise in heart disease per capita in America. Obesity rates among those who cannot afford high quality food is much higher.

The Answer Imagine, if instead of an army of trucks delivering food to the sprawl of stores throughout a city from every conceivable direction, freight elevators delivered food from a few floors above. If the entire agriPage 54 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

the city limits without the need to re-classify or clear the land. This can be done without disturbing the look and feel of a modern urban landscape by converting pre-existing buildings into “hot house” farms. These farms use indoor ecosystems to recreate the effects of a natural system so as to grow a diverse crop of food products. New buildings and conversions can support the method, which uses basic water and electrical systems. The entire building acts as a filter to grow and process food products. Light enters through semitranslucent solar paneling, reaching crops that are arranged in layers depending on the amount of desirable light. These levels will be Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

populated with bees and other supporting insects. Below the grow trays will be a water system populated with fish and other aquatic produce. The layer below the water system will act as a filter releasing the water onto a layer housing small live produce, such as poultry. The “free range” layer will also house bees and system-supporting agriculture. These basic layers will repeat, one supporting the next. This is a simple example of a possible configuration which can be customized for the consumer base. Imagine this type of selfcontained hydro-electric self-filtering Vertical Farm existed in the center of a major city. Developers can choose the type Page 55 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

of configuration required to maximize production. The logistics of the supply chain would reduce the price of food dramatically. Smaller trucks could be used to transport goods locally, and shipments would be smaller because of the access to a “local” farm. Similar systems could be put into use in regions where the natural resources are scarce. A successful configuration recycles the water and electricity throughout the farm, reducing the need for outside resources. Additional electricity can be created using a gym floor with workout machines rigged to electric generators. The idea is to configure the farm to fill the local demands. Vertical Farms not only help lower the cost of food but allows for new urban development, which creates jobs. The New Economy will be built on multiple platforms with one thing in common: efficiency. Creating a platform rooted in reliance to provide food would redefine political relationships in impoverished areas. Artificial poverty accounts for most of the world’s poverty. Powerful people corrupting the land, displaced peoples due to war/enterprise, and harsh growing environments. Vertical Farm systems will revolutionize the agricultural industry around the world. Governments would be able to provide for the people using an efficient, eco-friendly farm system that, with the proper configuration, produces a surplus of electricity. Vertical Farms will dominate agriculture in the near future of our all organic world. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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History Highlights First Performance of Alvin Ailey American Theater

the Ailey company throughout her 15 year tenure as a dancer.

The Company travels on what Alvin Ailey calls “the station wagon tours” in a vehicle driven by a longtime friends of the Company, Mickey Board.

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater receives its first grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

On March 30, 1958 Alvin Ailey and a group of young, black modern dancers perform for the first time as members of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at New York’s 92nd Street YM-YWHA.

1960 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater becomes a resident company of the 51st Street YWCA’s Clark Center for the Performing Arts—the Company’s first official residence. Alvin Ailey choreographs his classic masterpiece Revelations, which brings the Company international acclaim. 1962 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is chosen to go on an extensive tour to the Far East, Southeast Asia and Australia as part of President John F. Kennedy’s progressive “President’s Special International Program for Cultural Presentations.” 1965 On October 30, Judith Jamison dances with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater for the first time. She will be one of the most recognized and lauded members of Page 60 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

1971 Alvin Ailey sets Revelations on Ballet Folklorico for the opening ceremonies of the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. This becomes the only performance of Revelations by a company other than Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater or Ailey II.

1980 Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater performs at the White House for President Johnson. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble and Alvin Ailey American Dance Center relocate to four new studios built to their specifications in a building on Broadway. 1995 Judith Jamison choreographs Riverside, set to music composed by Kimati Dinizulu, for the Company. Two more studios are added to expand the capacity of Alvin Ailey American Dance Center and provide more rehearsal space. Judith Jamison and the Company are featured in a very successful American Express ad campaign. Advertising Age calls it “the campaign of the decade.” Masazumi Chaya stages Alvin Ailey’s The Riverfor Ballet Florida and the National Ballet of Prague.

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2010 On February 1, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden host a reception at their home in honor of Judith Jamison and the Company. Guests included members of the Cabinet and Congress, as well as students from DC’s Duke Ellington School for the Arts. On February 4, The Smithsonian‘s National Museum of American History announces the donation of Judith Jamison’s costume from Alvin Ailey’s The Mooche to the Museum’s permanent collection. Dance Teacher magazine names The Ailey School’s Horton Pedagogy Demonstration DVD the Video of the Year on DanceMedia.com. Executive Director Sharon Gersten Luckman is the 2010 recipient of the University of Wisconsin Alumni Achievement Award, the highest honor bestowed by UW’s School of Education. The Ailey Extension celebrates its 5th birthday. Since its inception in April 2005, over 35,000 “real people” have taken classes at the Extension, which offers over 75 classes each week in 25 techniques. Judith Jamison is the 2010 recipient of The Montblanc de la Culture Arts Patronage Award. On April 28, choreographer Robert Battle is named Artistic Director Designate, to succeed Judith Jamison upon her transition to Artistic Director Emerita in July 2011.

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2013 For the first time in over a decade, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater performed at Lincoln Center. Seven performances featured the world premiere of Four Corners by Ronald K. Brown, as well as encores of recent premieres and repertory favorites. Ailey’s historic return to Lincoln Center after 13 years is the culmination of Artistic Director Robert Battle’s second season. Though it is the first visit under his leadership, the Company made special appearances at Lincoln Center in 1976, 1996 and 2000 at the then New York State Theater, as well as in 1984 at the Metropolitan Opera House. "The engagement is a momentous occasion for Ailey and so personally meaningful to me. Lincoln Center is where I started my journey in the New York dance world, first experiencing the genius of Garth Fagan and so many others while a student at The Juilliard School.” — Robert Battle

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Alvin Ailey 2018

TIVOLI BALLET THEATRE The Pantomime Theatre is home to the Tivoli Ballet Theatre, Tivoli's in-house ballet company led by Artistic Director Peter Bo Bendixen The company consists of 20 classically trained dancers from all over the world – including three character dancers from Denmark. Aside from the Royal Danish Ballet, the Tivoli Ballet Theatre is the only classically-based ballet company in Denmark.Teach summer, it stages almost 300 performances in the Pantomime Page 62 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Theatre, with genres spanning classical ballets, fairy tale ballets, modern works and traditional pantomime. Most have been created specifically for the company. he Tivoli Ballet Theatre also produced the magical Christmas ballet, The Nutcracker. Performed in the Tivoli Concert Hall in 2012 and 2014, this production features Queen Margrethe II of Denmark as set designer, and can be enjoyed once more in December 2016. Our partnership with the Queen dates back to 2001, when she became affiliated .with the Pantomime Theatre as in-house set designer. She has since created décor and costumes for a variety of fairy tale ballets. www.alvinailey.org Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

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Financial Literacy

For Today's C Suite Executives

A New Series-Coming This Summer By J Page 64 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Jon L. Bowles Financial Advisor Page 65 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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B Page 66 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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My My Scam Scam Fiancé Fiancé Part 5 The End

By Anna Corsaro & Daniel Djouder Page 67 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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WARNING <All the pictures portray a real American serviceman during the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), which was a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan. His last name is Jones. His children and he are to be considered victims of the scam. If you know him, please contact me. If we could manage to track down the scammer and lead the authorities to him it would be an amazing result and teamwork.> “When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.” ― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

There is a common saying that states reality defeats imagination. That not only is true, but far too often it is true with the most negative connotations. Leonardo was too confident in himself as if it were granted that I should believe his every word. For three weeks after receiving his emails in the morning and evening and after speaking with him several times in Skype, it was obvious that his initial goal was to enact and elicit virtually all situations and emotions that one usually experiences at the beginning of a new sentimental relationship. His emails and his chat messages were comparable to that of a stalker. . Page 68 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

However, a woman looking for love, when receiving such attention from a man who has a hidden agenda, probably does not realize the danger of such behavior. I may dare saying that even if the same attitude came from a man who was not running scam, it should still trigger an alarm in your head After having made him believe I had bought his justifications and having accepted that he was in Afghanistan, I complied with all his demands to allow him to be confident that I was in love with him. After three weeks in which my main job was “Leonardo Jones”, I was under the expectation that soon it would be the time he would have started asking for money. But it was not so. Leonardo was not one of those scammers that will settle for a few hundred Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

Leonardo, my executioner, had decided it was time to let me know that I could no longer live without him.I imagine the anxiety of his victims to see him disappear knowing he was in Afghanistan. I had no number to call to ask for news about him. I knew I had to make him think I was giving in to his control. I did exactly what a victim would have done and began to send him where-are-you emails in the morning and the evening.

While I was evaluating the cruelty of the act of Leonardo towards his victim, I was wondering in what mental state the latter could find herself after not receiving any news. After weeks in which the days were marked by the arrival of his emails and our chats, suddenly the victim found herself alone again. The spell was broken and life went back to be dull and gray. dollars. He is one of the most dangerous types, that goes after the big prize with no qualms about robbing his victims of all their belongings and destroying them psychologically and financially. What Leonardo was trying to do was to make me totally dependent on him. For three weeks his mantra was “you would take care of me forever.� For a daydreamer, it is probably the same as living in the most wonderful love movie.

A Rude Awakening

One morning I woke up and I found no morning message from Leonardo. After 24 hours of absolute silence, I realized he would have not showed up for many days. He began the first psychological torture of his victim. Page 69 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

This time the loneliness became unbridgeable for the lack of that love she had felt for days. A love that now no longer she believed it was possible to live. The wonderful man whom she would have never imagined to meet had disappeared without an explanation. The fact that the man in question was a soldier in a war zone could only lead to imagine the worst scenarios, which hour after hour produced a strong state anxiety resulting in a devastating depressive state. The victim cannot reach out to anyone and does not want to either, because Leonardo isolated her from everyone. In the previous weeks, he had convinced his victim that he is the only person on whom she can and must rely. Through manipulation, he made also her believe that only he can make her happy, and he will. That others do not want their happiness and therefore care must be taken to keep them away. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Going through the tragedy of his death even before they had lived a happy life together is Leonardo's cunning, yet masterful, touch. The sole idea for the victim becomes more unbearable by the hour. Impossible to sleep while searching for a solution to be able to get news. Checking and re-checking her email obsessively in the hope of a message is the only thing that she can do. Eating becomes impossible, anxiety kills the appetite and it is hard to swallow anything, possibly leading to vomiting. If you have ever lost someone you love, or just thought the worst had happened, then you know these feelings. Sleeping is impossible without compulsively thinking about an email of his that could arrive and make everything be back exactly as before. That “before” the victim had troubles accepting because of the distance suddenly becomes an island of happiness. The victim begins to long for those moments and to tell herself that she would give anything to have them back, and if that happens she will not ask anything more.

Leonardo was torturing his victim with the same cruelty of Cameron Hooker. Exactly as the latter, I feel these scammers deserve 104 years in prison.

The Return I thought the wait would have been much longer, but after three days I received an email. This time I will let you read it all without interrupting, because it is really worth it. Spelling and spacing are as in the original message. Page 70 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

“My dear Anna i don't know why your not receiving any of my emails..The one i sent on thursday morning and the one i sent today too..I am forwarding it to you again.. here goes.. Good Morning darling,How are you today? I don't know if you got my letter which I wrote you Thursday morning or not. The one I told you that we were moving out to make an attack. Well, we did Honey--on Thursday Afternoon. We took two villages and a high mountain.My dear, you'll never be able to understand how horrible it was. We fought all day and advanced about two miles. And we paid for it Honey, in life and blood. I don't think I'll ever be the same again after that. I went through it in a daze with a prayer and Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

fell down. a piece of rock. I dug it deep eThen he started to crawl for the ditch. They saw him crawling and I think they all started using him as a target. Then there was nothing left of the lower part of his body. And for a few minutes, Darling, I know I went out of my head. I dug a trench as I was laying down with my bare hands and nough to get my head and neck into it. Pretty soon our tanks arrived and opened up, which knocked out the enemy position and forced the rest to run away.

the enemy was more than Headquarters expected. And if we didn't have the tanks with us, we never would have made it. One of my squad leaders got cut in half by machine gun bullets right before my eyes. We were all pinned down to the ground by the fire from the hill. I lay down on the side of the road and pretended I was dead. Bullets whizzing all around me. This soldier was in front of me and to my right. He got hit in the leg and Page 71 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

But I thank God darling that we got through it and did our job as we did. At the present time, I have twelve men with me and am guarding 80 enemy prisoners. My company is further up front holding the high ground. We are back here at our main camp. It's a break for us Darling and I hope it lasts for a while. Don't worry about me Dear. For as far as soldiering goes and maneuvering around the enemy, I can well take care of myself. These people are not as smart and can't shoot as straight as us…Just got back to the camp and I really need some rest.Hope we Skype tonight darling..Have a nice day darling.. Leo.”

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After three days in which I tried to do everything to put myself in the victim's shoes, reading the beginning of his email left me flabbergasted. It was trivial to pretend that he had sent me an email before disappearing. It was clear to me that it was a poorly made-up excuse that only a woman in love could buy while closing both her eyes. However, that tells us something about his expectations for his victims, which are probably based on his past exploits. Essentially, the women he scams and steals from lost their heads to the point of ignoring evidence in only three weeks. In such a short period Leonardo was able to give them everything they needed to fall in love. I don't know about you, but that sends chills down my spine when thinking about it.

In such a short period Leonardo was able to give them everything they needed to fall in love.

The Law Of Attractions My research on Leonardo lasted almost two months. Eventually, he disappeared without asking me for money. For the last two weeks I had been trying to sabotage his plans to see how he coped with the unexpected. It was evident that Leonardo was not alone and that his team was composed of at least two people. If in the early days that was only a strong suspicion, at some point it became a certainty. A teacher and a student. When I gave the apprentice a hard time, the master took over and managed to find a way out, even if he Page 72 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

often displayed a choleric temper in the process. When the student was alone and I pushed him to test his skills, he either interrupted the communication with an apology, or pretended not to understand and went on as if nothing happened. Surely, the typical victim does not hinder the manipulation attempts as I was doing, otherwise that would be a clue she noticed something was amiss. In reality, victims often enjoy that manipulation, because it puts them in situation that they wish to live. There has been a good amount of research carried out about the psychology of attraction. I find the following scientific observations to be very applicable to

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2. Specific Cues: A particular feature of the other may spark particularly strong attraction (e.g., parts of their body or facial features). 3. Readiness: The more you want to be in a relationship, the lower your self-esteem and the more likely you are to fall in love. 4. Isolation: Spending time alone with another person can also contribute to a development of passion. 5. Mystery: If there is some mystery surrounding the other person and uncertainty about what the other person thinks or feels, wondering when he or she will initiate contact 6 The Aftermath If you want to discover more about Leonardo and his scam, you can check the follow links: http://www.craigsdating.com/ dynamics of romance scams and to illustrate what weak points scammers can exploit.


Berit Brogaard D.M.Sci., Ph.D wrote:


“The five factors seem to be required for the love to be truly passionate as opposed to being a kind of friendship love (Aron, et al. 1989) 1. Arousal/unusualness: Being in an unusual or arousing environment can spark passion, even if the environment is perceived as dangerous or spooky (Dutton & Aron, 1974). can also contribute to passion.” Page 73 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

http://www.zoosk-dating.us/profile/5395342 https://twitter.com/ScottMullerjon2 282082770.htm As you can see, he is still on the Internet looking for preys. Stay far from him and from predators like him. If you have any doubt about somebody you have meet exclusively online and you would like to know if it is a scam, you should ask an expert to investigate. However, always stay vigilant, there is plenty of “Leonardos” in the real world as well. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

PeopleKeys Business Profile Started over 35 years ago, PeopleKeys has become the internationally recognized expert in personality assessment, behavioral analysis, and people analytics. Their products are available in over 33 languages, and have been helping individuals and businesses around the world to unlock their people potential. PeopleKeys’ resources and assessments are based off of the DISC system for personality and behavioral analysis. This highly validated and reliable system has been utilized since the 1920’s to help categorize and understand human behavior. The system is operated off of an ipsative, or “forced Page 74 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

-choice” testing system that is fundamentally positive in nature. This means that it offers people a selection of equally positive choices to choose from when they taking the personality profile. The use of this approach, in conjunction with the repetition of different lines of questioning, makes the DISC system uniquely suited to accurately predict behavior. Using the DISC system as its foundation, PeopleKeys has created dozens of products, profiles, tools and resources that can be used to improve interaction in truly any field. PeopleKeys’ application of DISC includes, but is not limited to: Improving communication in both personal and corporate environments • Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

A New Column by PeopleKeys Coming Soon...

Talent Management Hiring the right person for the job. • Placing employees and/or volunteers where they will be most productive and content • Avoiding and resolving conflict Building strong and cohesive teams • Managing stress Training managers and leaders in communication techniques, organizing and working with people, and increasing productivity Training sales people in styles of selling and meeting the needs of the client • Motivating staff and improving morale • Increasing understanding in combination with counseling technique • Improving student performance •

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These applications apply to:   

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PeopleKeys’ DISC products and resources reveal the secret to understanding personality and human behavior. This key to unlocking human potential can be applied in nearly any circumstance, and serves as an indispensable resource for improving people’s lives.

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The First in the new series “The ROOT” by Sony Page 76 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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ya Brooks: Author, Coach and Speaker Page 77 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Many years ago, I was blessed with the privilege to work in the pharmaceutical industry. When I entered the industry, I knew I loved it; and my desire was to stay put, for the rest of my working life. I was a young, energetic, enthusiastic woman, who desired to climb the corporate ladder. I knew after my first 2 years in the industry, I wanted nothing more, than to get promoted. And I would do whatever it took, to make my dream of being promoted, come true.

By my third year in the industry, I had started to become disenfranchised. I began to believe, I was being overlooked for a promotion. I worked hard, and brought in great numbers. I was consistently at the top; but my name wasn’t placed in the hat, to become a candidate for promotion. One day, I became so feed up with the company overlooking my tremendous talent, I requested a meeting with my manager. I decided to take the bull by the horns, and ask him the question that was eating at my heart, “why was I being overlooked?”

On the appointed day of our meeting, I arrived armed with a box filled with accolades and “atta-boys.” I arrived before my manager, so it provided me with ample time, to place the stack of materials on the table. Page 78 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

I strategically placed them in such a way, my manager couldn’t help but see the wealth of written evidence documenting, why my name, should be placed in the hat.

My manager arrived, and sat at our table. He glanced over, and saw my stack of wellplaced “atta-boys.” I noticed, as he seemed to become aware of the material he was seeing, he looked at them with a frown. I immediately became smug, because I believed he was mentally trying to create an excuse. I became even more smug, because whatever excuse he offered, I would be able to immediately refute it. I had a pile of evidence to the contrary, for any reason he would provide, denying my name being placed in the hat. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

I composed myself, cleared my throat, and then replied, “Murl, I sent you an email message requesting this meeting, and I believe I was very clear, in defining my need for an explanation as to why I have been consistently, overlooked for an opportunity to interview for promotions.” I pointed at the large stack of paperwork before him, and went on to say, “As you can see, I have a very large stack of memos, many of them from you and our Regional director, congratulating me on my outstanding sales success.” “Might I also add, the numerous correspondences from Home Office, congratulating me on successful field visits, they experienced while working with me.”

My manager looked at me, and then asked, “Can you explain to me the reason for this meeting?” I was taken aback, and totally aghast, as to how he could form his lips, to ask me that question! I had been quite clear, on my email communication with him, as to my reason for desiring this, one on one sit-down. I then became angry, because I believed he was stalling for time. I believed, since he didn’t possess a legitimate reason for denying my opportunity for promotion, he was attempting to slowly drag this thing out! But he had messed with the wrong woman today! I was not going to take it, no, not today… Page 79 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

I concluded by saying, “I have been able to consistently attain numbers, much better than some people who were recently promoted; so, I am at a loss, as to why I am yet, to receive, even an opportunity, to interview for a promotion.” My manager shifted in his seat, looked me straight in the eyes, and then said, “I see you are very well prepared for this meeting, and I love what I see.” “Keep it up, and you will receive an opportunity to have your name placed in the hat, for the next promotion that becomes available.” I almost fell off my chair! “What in the world was he saying?” “Had he suddenly lost command of the English language?”

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“Did this man not understand the words coming from my mouth?” “Was anybody home?” C’mon man! Has he completely lost it?” My manager must have obviously noticed the shock and disdain on my face. (No readers, I was never good at Poker, let’s be clear!) He smiled and then said, “Sonya, you are an incredibly talented sales person, but the positions you are desiring, take more than great sales ability.” “The position you are desiring, takes a much greater level of product and disease state knowledge, planning, building alignment with internal and external team members, but most of all, this position requires a “real team player.” He went on to say, “You are wonderful in your current role, because it depends greatly upon your ability. As an “individual contributor”, you are outstanding, but the next level, requires more finesse, and a greater appreciation of self-sacrifice for the team.” I sat back in my chair, jaws slack, mouth opened, but humbled greatly, by the words Murl had spoken to me. Until this moment, I didn’t understand, that as we move up the corporate ladder, or in

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the body of Christ; success, depends less and less on our individual gifts, but much more on how we are to use our gifts, to build something much greater than ourselves. You see, that day, I came into the meeting, armed with information showing how great I was, but never inquired of my manager, how my skills could be used to help build the new team, I desired to become a part of. I came to brag on me, and Murl, so eloquently illustrated to me, gifts are good, only if they are used appropriately. And, many times, the gifts we are given, need to Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

I need to accomplish in the next six months, will you then throw my name in the hat for a promotion?” He smiled, blue eyes twinkling, and said, “If you do those things for the next six months, I will not only throw your name in the hat, I will write you a letter of recommendation.”

That day taught me a lot regarding secular life, but also our spiritual journey. Jesus didn’t begin his ministry until he was 30 years old. He was born as the Messiah, so why didn’t he begin His ministry before the age of 30? Could it be, even with Jesus, God wanted His skill level to be excellent, so he waited humbly until the appointed time. be sharpened, for them to help everyone else. I learned so much that day, by having ears that truly hear. I heard his words, and then asked him, “Murl, do you believe I could do the next job, and become an asset to the team?” He responded and said, “Yes, you can, and I believe you would be great; but understand, you will be part of a team, and sometimes you have to learn to pass the baton.” He concluded by saying, “For you to be the best asset to the team, there are some areas you need to enhance.” I humbly accepted his words, and then asked, “If I am devoted to what you believe Page 81 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

And even when the appointed time arrived, for Jesus to enter the city of Jerusalem. Jesus didn’t arrive with trumpets blaring, chariots driven by fine horses, and a parade of men to announce Him. Jesus arrived humbly on a donkey to the city of Jerusalem. But when he arrived, in the humblest fashion. He didn’t need to arrive with fanfare, because everyone already knew who He was. Jesus had already been anointed for his position as King of Kings, and now the Lord appointed Jesus to his rightful position. In business or in the church, we should understand, just because we believe, we are Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

ready, it doesn’t mean that we truly are. We might have been anointed with skills to serve the body of Christ, but is it time to be appointed to serve? God wants to promote us, when we possess all the skills we need, to be our most effective selves in our role. We must also recognize, if we are chomping at the bit to be at the forefront, what is the root of that desire?

Do we desire to truly serve others, and be part of the collective team, or has pride made us desire to exalt ourselves? Pride is always the sneaky sin that lurks around, but you don’t see it, until it becomes full blown. As believers, we should make a habit of beginning our words with phrases like, “the Lord told me, or

the Holy Spirit led me.” Giving credit to the Lord up front, keeps us humble to understand, “it is God who gives us direction, courage, grace or whatever else. When we make a choice of beginning and ending sentences with the word “I”, we could very likely share the same experience that is described in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 14 “For you have said in your heart; “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne . Page 82 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

pr mo a ne

above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” If you do not recognize these words, these words were spoken by Lucifer, shortly before his fall. The fall of Satan, formerly known as Lucifer is written in The Book of Luke, Chapter 10. “I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.” Remember, pride comes before the fall. The stronghold of pride is very deep, and can wreak havoc in your life, if you fail to recognize it. If you don’t want to experience the fall, be honest and acknowledge pride, if the seed is Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

I received the romotion after 6 onths, and more afterwards, but I ever forgot Murl. Murl loved me enough, to help me to see I had right ambition, but wrong motives.

planted in you. Pride might be the stronghold that is driving your desire to exalt yourself. And if you discover pride is the cause, dig up those roots, and burn them! Dig them up and burn them, before they become too deeply entrenched in your spirit, and cause you to not only fall from grace, but to burn in your eternal life as well….

P.S. I received the promotion after 6 months, and more afterwards, but I never forgot Murl. Murl loved me enough, to help me to see I had right ambition, but wrong motives. Pride is a terrible stronghold. Be thankful for all the Murls’ in your life. They know the difference between “promotion and ascension!” Promotions come when the timing is right for everyone, and is not based solely bodies become scattered in your rise… on your desire to rise. Promotion is met with humility and grace, and your desire is to become an integral part of a body that serves others. Ascension is based upon your desire to move up, no matter if you are qualified or not; and no matter how many bodies become scattered in your rise… Page 83 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Now Airing on WBTVN.TV

Contact Katie Katie O’s Food Carnival, 108 W. Germania Place, Chicago, IL 60610 Email Katie@ktofoodcarnival.com* Phone 312 787 01490 Website: ww Page 84 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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About Katie Culinary Artist Katie O’Reilly is famous for her over the top culinary designs, complex and layered flavor profiles, global range, and creativity. Katie’s weekly TV show “Katie O’s Food Carnival” features inspired living and culinary adventures. Her variety show like segments keep viewers constantly entertained, with interesting guests, exciting food, and insider culinary tips.

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We live in an increasingly complex world. Globalization, technology, economic shifts and changing markets have created a need for an adaptive workforce. Maintaining a clear vision for the future is essential, because in this quickly shifting environment, if we do not see what is coming, we will fail. To guide a company through this complex environment requires not only vision, but leadership; and excellent leadership requires incorporating diversity. As a business, how do you know when you have the type of leadership necessary to weather the storm? What are the characteristics of this workforce? The top qualities that excellent leaders bring to the table are integrity, vision, dedication, assertiveness, and decisiveness. There are so many important qualities that are necessary in a leader, but these qualities are indispensable. Skills can be acquired, experience can be gained, but these qualities are part of a person’s very fiber and character and are not easily taught. A company has to have integrity at its core, and so must its leaders. `social media, and an increasingly diverse Page 88 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

workforce regardless of the industry Although core leadership qualities have not changed in the past few years, the rise of technology, globalization, remote working, has encouraged leaders to be more adaptive and openminded. Companies that utilize teams and less hierarchical management styles are the most successful in this current environment, and that is one trend that is not expected to change.

Women in Leadership

Dr. Sandy Kulkin, CEO of PeopleKeys, said in an Aspatore Special Report that

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Many stereotypes have perpetuated the idea that there are intersections of gender and leadership traits. While some people have proposed that personality traits for both genders were limited by the jobs they have fulfilled historically, that is no longer considered accurate. Out of necessity, these roles may have facilitated a nurturing, encouraging, and cooperative disposition. Men have historically occupied roles outside of the home, and these may or may not have involved the same level of consensus and cooperation. But of course, these are historical trends that no longer reflect the reality of the workforce, and people of both genders have always been capable of expressing any and all personality and leadership traits. This serves to further affirm the idea that traits such as gender do not impact leadership abilities, and that hiring decisions should be made based off of an individual’s experience and personality.

“Performance has little to do with gender, and more to do with how well an employee is matched to their role. Therefore, our female leaders who are well matched are our benchmark for top performance in their respective roles. If people are placed in their areas of strength, then they will naturally succeed and as many women become more specialized and skilled in their fields, more and more will naturally move into and continue to succeed in leadership positions.” Page 89 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

PeopleKeys believes that when evaluating the specific needs of a job, it is essential to create a benchmark and look at the candidate's or employee's natural leadership traits, both innate and learned. To take everything into account when promoting, managing, and hiring people. They believe it is the CEO's job to create the best work environment and to accurately communicate about that specific environment. Dr. Kulkin continued “I believe if CEOs and managers would assess the strengths of their employees, and place people according to their strengths and natural preferences, people will be more likely to succeed in their roles, regardless of gender. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

An employee is successful when they are productive, effective, and fulfilled.” PeopleKeys emphasizes the importance of placing people in roles where they can be surrounded with teams of complementary personality styles. They also emphasize cultivating an environment which reduces miscommunication and allows for all employees with all personalities and leaderships styles to thrive. PeopleKeys DISC theory based assessments have created complex personality profiles for over 2 million people. Their assessments are highly customizable to incorporate benchmarks for hiring. These validated assessments foster a hiring process that can create an environment such as this.

Cultivating Women Leaders

Dr. Sandy Kulkin continues “Each occupation has a requirement for task vs. people skills. Some occupations require more people skills than others. Knowing how to inspire, influence, delegate, collaborate, and coordinate effectively are essential because a leader works through people and if a leader does not have the support of the people he manages, then he will have little effect. Over time, women have proven that they deserve equal

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opportunity, respect, and pay by showing that they are skilled and educated in their fields and are very effective in leadership positions. While some fields still have glass ceilings, all it takes is one woman to successfully break through before other women can follow. The best way to cultivate women leaders is to lead by example. This means placing women in leadership positions. Finding the right remote working, child care, and family leave. Old notions of how, where, and when work is accomplished are giving way to more flexible and Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

“Our market is shared by companies who do behavioral analysis, so pigeonholing women runs contrary to my own beliefs on fair and equal treatment. William Marston, who founded DISC, the engine behind PeopleKeys behavioral analysis, was an advocate for women's rights so much that he was the creator of the Wonder Woman cartoon character that we know and love today. It is my duty to carry forward what he began by advocating for women as strong champions and role models. We can do this by educating people, promoting women to leadership positions, hiring women into leadership positions, and using behavioral analysis to replicate top performers in companies are all ways to build best practices,” said Dr. Kulkin.

Cultivating Female Leadership & The Importance of Asset Management

differentiated working approaches.” This more flexible, diverse, and adaptive approach to work is one of the ways that Dr. Kulkin believes businesses can adjust to the changing dynamics of the workforce and economy. He also advocates for the merits of including women and multiple perspectives and personalities when seeking counsel to ensure that your business is meeting the needs of all of its customers and employees.

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Dr. Sanford Kulkin, CEO of PeopleKeys, discussed the top qualities that excellent leaders bring to the table: integrity, vision, dedication, assertiveness, and decisiveness. He enforced the idea that skills can be acquired, experience can be gained, but these qualities are part of a person’s very fiber and character and are not easily taught. A company has to have integrity at its core, and so must its leaders. The Importance of Asset Management “As a corporate consultant and industrial psychologist, I have helped thousands of companies to unlock the potential in their workforces. I am retained by the management of many companies all over the world to hire and Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

promote talent. A company's talent is their greatest asset. I have been studying behavioral styles, occupational benchmarks, and leadership qualities for over 30 years. In working with talent in companies, I have observed that each corporate culture and occupation has unique needs and each employee (male or female) has unique needs. My role is to assess the specific company and job, then find an employee who fits that criteria. I always advocate for a diverse workforce, and while this includes women in leadership positions, the most important thing is to hire only the best candidate in that role,� said Dr. Kulkin. PeopleKeys engages in a process designed to assess the corporate culture, the specific work role, and the candidate. This diagnostic work forms the basis for informed decisions and can replicate top performers, reduce turnover, and increase productivity. Dr.Kulkin stated that he and his company worked to benchmark the best styles relevant for certain occupations. The system PeopleKeys has created works for so many companies, saving them money and time, and creating a happier and more productive workforce. Page 92 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Each leadership role, regardless of industry and corporate culture has a certain leadership skill set that is essential. These are natural traits shared by every leader, some are innate, and others can be learned. If your leadership has been challenged to the extent that you have to tell someone that you are a leader, you probably aren't acting like one. PeopleKeys has developed an assessment designed to identify leadership qualities. This is an indispensable tool for management and for team building. Excellent leadership takes many forms, and is of course not distinguishable by gender or any other identity category, but rather by different personality and behavioral styles. It is important to understand what behavioral style Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

The benefits are clear, but how do you cultivate more female leadership within your company? Some Fortune 500 companies have opted to incorporate diversity through workshops and mentorship programs. These systematic approaches to incorporating more women leaders is an excellent start, but their success hinges on transparent and honest communication from the top down. They also require a system for enforcing accountability, or, in isolation, they just end up doing lip service toward incorporating diversity in leadership.

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PeopleKeys advocates for incorporating diversity initiatives in hiring practices by making hiring decisions based not only off of skills and experience, but by utilizing personality assessments and Behavioral Analysis resources to find the person who is the best fit for the team’s culture. They also are strong works in a particular role and what behavadvocates of promoting from within- yet anioral dimensions are necessary for longeviother arena in which Behavioral Analysis rety, productivity and success. That becomes sources and customized hiring benchmarks the benchmark for that role. are indispensable. They also advocate for the creation of targeted development opporStrategies for Cultivating Female tunities. This type of individualized leadership development can be based off of the Leadership person’s unique personality. By understandA recent study by the Catalyst advisory ing and recognizing that leadership takes and research organization indicated that many forms, different personalities can feel the Fortune 500 companies with higher as though their approach to leadership is percentages of C suite female employees supported and valued. This encourages all “enjoyed a 35.1% average higher return on people to feel as though they can move into equity and a 34% higher return to sharePe leadership roles with more administrative cat holders than companies with the lowest support, increasing diversity in the workrat percentages of female corporate officers.” place. tiat practices by making hiring de Page 93 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html works in a particular role and what behav-

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The Work Trotter Where Work, Fashion, and Travel Gallop

New Column Coming in June by Staci Hargraves Page 95 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Iconic R&B Historian, distinctive radio host, motivational speaker, and philanthropist Tyrone DuBose hails from Cincinnati, Ohio. Growing up wanting a career in entertainment, he began his lifelong pursuit in 1985, when he became the host for a television program in the South Bay area of Southern California. Because of his incredible knowledge of R&B history and the national R&B singles charts, DuBose created and hosts the radio program “Timeless Traxx”, a syndicated radio program that reaches over 40 stations and has went aboard to the International market in five countries.

Click to hear more about Tyrone Debose.

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On the show, DuBose counts down the top R&B songs in America according to the National R&B Charts. The show is a smash hit, and Tyrone's years of experimenting with the format and approach keeps him consistently not only at the top of his industry, but with a program considered to being the fastest growing old school R&B countdown program in America. Emerging from the show is “Do You Know”, an award-winning YouTube webisode series that gives fans a visual of the radio show, with trivia about history of R&B. His extraordinary knowledge of R&B history landed him a job as a show contributor for the popular TV One program “UNSUNG”. UNSUNG is the acclaimed award-winning series of one-hour biographies that celebrates the lives and careers of successful artists or groups who, despite great talent, over the years have been under-recognized or under-appreciated. On the show he shares unknown facts and commentary about legendary artist such as Martha Wash, Kashif, Hi-Five, The Manhattans and others. With admirable work ethics and determination to educate music lovers about behind the scene facts about their favorite artist, DuBose earned the title of R&B Historian after astonishing fans as well as producers with knowledge that took devotion and exploration to discover. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/

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Click to hear a Rod Stewart Hit!!

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Click to hear a Brothers Johnson Hit!!

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Remember the dreams we had when we were little?

The First in a New Series by Carol Solowa Page 98 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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ay: Author, Educator and Speaker Page 99 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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I was recently at an elementary school in Compton, California, and an adorable little girl and I were talking. I told her, “If you work really hard and do all of your homework, you can be anything.” She agreed. Then I asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up. She answered, “A princess.” I corrected her and said, “No, what do you want to DO with your life?” She looked at me with big brown eyes, put her hands on her hips and shook her head, certain I just didn’t understand how life worked. She explained, “To be a princess you HAVE to marry a prince.” It made perfect sense when you think about the stories we were told and are still telling our daughters: Snow White had to cook and clean for Dopey, Grumpy, and Sleepy. And believe me, I’ve dated them all. Cinderella had to scrub floors and wait on her ugly sisters—that is until Prince Charming returned her glass slipper. Remember that glass slipper because it will return in my story. Then, of course, the prince arrives and she never has to cook or clean any more. And, the prince and princess have a storybook Page 100 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

wedding. Weddings--the Super Bowl for women. There was this wedding that was “over the top:” The sun was getting ready to set, the waves were roaring, and then to “Here Comes the Bride,” she walks down the aisle—radiant. As the couple says, “I do,” two doves are released. It was magical! A few years later, the couple had a daughter. Then they divorced, and I heard the father got custody of the daughters. A year after that, I saw the father and daughter —at the funeral of that beautiful bride. No one knew what she died of, but I knew. I too had been close, dangerously close, to Subscription link www.female-

enough, you name it, I wasn’t enough. Can anyone relate? I remember watching him pack: Every tie, every shirt, every suit, a confirmation I’d failed. But mostly it was the one thing he didn’t take—our wedding picture. I was no longer part of his story, and he was the only story I’d had.

That is KEY 1: Finances

giving up. I’d like you to take a minute and think about a time when you faced something which was too difficult, maybe even too disappointing or too horrific, and you too thought about giving up. Maybe not ending your life but giving up. For me, it happened like this: My husband, a physician, got a fabulous job offer to move from New York to Brea, California. I could transfer to complete chiropractic school; so, we moved with our three children. A few months later, my husband announced he wasn’t happy. You know they always say, “It’s not you.” But I knew it was. I believed I wasn’t pretty enough, sexy Page 101 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

We need to know our finances-business and personal. We often, too often, turn the finances over to the men in our lives— you know we’re too busy, it isn’t feminine, etc., etc.. I’m ashamed to admit this, but I did the same. I got married at 19, by 20 I was teaching English and going to grad school. Then one baby after another. My husband took care of everything financial. Nothing, absolutely nothing, was in my name—oh, I did have a $10,000 student loan for chiropractic school. That was all mine. Key 1 is not only knowing our finances, but it’s also asking for what we deserve. Women usually ask for what we think the other person will give us. We make seventy-one cents on the dollar compared to men. But when it comes to asking for our children—nothing stops us. We’ll corner our Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

relatives and co-workers trying to get them to buy those subscriptions to magazines no one wants, terrible chocolates, etc. But when it comes to taking care of ourselves, asking for what we are worth, we don’t. My former husband offered me the family home—mortgaged of course. He offered me my car—a Datsun Maxima. And what seemed like a fabulous amount of monthly child support for each child. If my children were taken care of – that was all I needed. I did consult an attorney, but his fee was two thousand dollars. There was no way I could find that amount of money. I had none of my own and no other resources. But if the children were going to be fine, everything would be okay – or so I thought. Then the roller coaster that was my life careened off the tracks. One Sunday night, the children came home from a visit with their dad. They told me all about his new house with the swimming pool and even an adorable puppy. Then they told me their dad said they could live with him. The happily-ever-after dream was continuing–without me. Page 102 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Feeling like a failure again as I watched them pack, I let them go. That was my secret—the thing I was most ashamed of. The thing I didn’t want anyone to know. The thing that kept me up at night. But I couldn’t fall apart. I had to finish chiropractic college, then I’d do something. I’d get a job, hire an attorney, fight for the children.

Chiropractic college graduation fell on a weekend when I didn’t have the boys. I asked my former husband to allow them to attend, but he said they had plans. When my name was called, I walked onto the stage, Subscription link www.female-

And that is Key number 2: Over-deliver For all of us, especially women, whether it’s building a practice or succeeding at business, over-delivering is key. Let me give you a picture of over-delivering in practice. One day, parents brought their teenage son who was suffering from neck pain to my office. The teenager had dropped out of sports, refused to see friends; basically, he stayed in his room. For one year, their managed care physician prescribed medication, referred him for PT, acupuncture, epidural injections, and then psychological counseling. But the pain kept worsening so the parents decided to try chiropractic. accepted. my diploma, looked out at the audience and saw not one familiar face smiling back at me acknowledging my years of sacrifice and hours of studying. I took my diploma, walked right off the stage, and went directly to my car instead of going back to sit with my class I went home and packed everything—every remaining reminder of a family, a life. I sold the house which netted $50,000—enough for equipment and opening and operating a new chiropractic practice for one year (and not a day more). I had no fallback plan. I had to make it. Thirty-three percent of businesses fail within the first year. Page 103 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

After two adjustments, he was no better. I told them they needed to have an MRI done. They argued since the M.D. had never recommended an MRI, they were going to just go back and get their son more drugs. The MRI wouldn’t be covered by insurance they argued. Well, I spent the next three days – every minute of lunch—calling MRI facilities. I finally found one that agreed to a reasonable fee. It turned out that teenager had a tumor which fortunately was benign. The managed care facility did the surgery without any co-pay. He was fine—back at sports, back with his Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

friends. They got their son back. I got a Christmas card every year and tons of referrals from that boy’s parents for over-delivering. Over-delivering is more important for women than men. It’s a fact! I recall years ago, my son joined my practice. The patients referred to him as “the doctor,” and to me as, “the mother.” One day, he left to go to his son’s little league game, and I covered. The patients kept telling me how wonderful it was that he was such a great father. Years before that, I left the practice early and went to his ball games, and the patients were irate. One patient even told the receptionist, “If the doctor— then I was still the doctor— If she isn’t serious about the practice, I’m going elsewhere.” So after that I stayed, missed my sons’ ball games, missed their award ceremonies, missed my children’s lives, but I stayed in the office and over-delivered. Over-delivering worked. I had an amazing house in Laguna Beach overlooking the ocean. I treated celebrities. I flew to Mexico with the Flying Samaritans, physicians who donate time to the desperately poor. But my outer story didn’t match my inner story. I wanted the happily-ever-after dream—you know, the

one where the family stays together forever.

That’s Key 3: Authenticity

I was growing in my practice/my business, but not in my personal life. Did you ever have a terrible regret/a secret? You know, a thing that gives you that sick feeling. I had it. Although I was a business success, I was that little girl who wanted to be married to the Prince.

And now that I finally had money for an attorney, it was too late. The children had their friends, school, new family, a new life. I was ashamed. I didn’t have my children, didn’t have the strength to fight for them. That was

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But my outer story didn’t match my inner story. I wanted the happily-ever-after dream—you know, the one where the family stays together forever.

the secret that I didn’t want anyone to know. That was the secret that prevented me from enjoying my success. Then something happened. This one I couldn’t even make up if I tried: I was getting my mammogram, in the gown, getting ready to shut off my phone when there was a call. My dermatologist said, “The little spot on your leg is melanoma!” Shock went through me. We moved to California only because the practice my ex-husband took over was available because the owner had died quickly from melanoma. I steeled myself, and I had the spot removed from my leg. Then a year Page 105 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

later, there was yet another melanoma on my arm. It was then I realized divorce was devastating, more devastating than cancer. True, I’d lost a piece of my leg, then a piece of my arm, but with divorce, I’d lost a piece of my heart. I couldn’t forgive myself for failing at happily-ever-after. It was then I decided I had wasted too much time. And, I also lost 20 years of my life punishing myself. It was then, and only then, that I decided I had to do something to help other women who’ve been disappointed, disillusioned, maybe even devastated by love and robbed of their self-esteem. After that melanoma, I had to show women we can’t lose our self-esteem, our worth, our being, maybe even our will to live— as I had done—just because a man rejects us—or our inner demons, our secrets hold us captive. Nora Ephron of “Sleepless in Seattle” and other fabulous movies said, “Marriages come and go, but divorce lasts forever.” I became committed to helping woman.

Key 4: Commitment I’d been writing a novel about a woman who had everything and then lost it. It’s not my story since it’s much more exciting, steamy sex scenes, way more twists and turns. After the melanoma, I turned my desire to write into a commitment. The difference between commitment and desire is huge. When we desire something, we go after it. But if something else comes in the way or it gets difficult, we stop. When Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

we’re really committed to something, nothing gets in the way. We will do anything for it. Nothing stops us, not fear of what others say, not challenges, nothing. SEX HAPPENS, as gut wrenching as EAT PRAY LOVE, and because it is not an autobiography, as titillating as FIFTY SHADES, was born. It’s about a woman who loses custody of her children and faces the other side of marriage where dreams implode and no one is who he seems. It’s about marriage, motherhood, sex and what we’ll do for each. It will surprise and delight readers. In SEX HAPPENS, the main character wants custody of her children but so does her husband and he’ll stop at nothing. Their custody battle is so poisonous it becomes murderous. But she develops strength. If only I could give one women strength to stand up for herself, refuse to be destroyed by a spouse’s or partner’s decision that she isn’t enough, then I’ve succeeded.

for the first time in my life. When you read it, you’ll see, I over-delivered on my promise to write a page-turner that will make women take back the power which they too often give away. We too often allow men to determine for us whether we are smart enough, pretty enough, sexy enough. Enough.

SEX HAPPENS is getting five star reviews on Amazon. I’m so excited to have achieved my dream, and it was only because I was committed, was authentic

We are enough, and sometimes, maybe we can even have it all. Remember the glass slipper I spoke of earlier? Well, fifteen years ago, I decided I wanted

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to find Prince Charming. I joined an internet dating site—maybe not the place where Prince Charmings usually hang out, but my internet dating site heading was “Looking for Prince Charming.” One evening, I had a date. He was a very handsome man—tall, blue eyes, a great smile. After a lovely dinner, he opened his attaché case and offered me a pair of pink slippers. Really, he brought a pair of pink slippers in his brief case! After twelve wonderful years, I can say he really turned out to be my Prince Charming! If you want it, create it. And, my Prince Charming is so committed to helping me fulfill my dream that we are going on what we call our “frontal lobotomy tour”. I call it that because no one with a working frontal lobe would be doing this. We are going across the country in a motor coach, and I’m speaking at various women’s groups.

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Here’s my favorite line that I’d like to leave you with: “Sometimes when we lose the ones we love the most, we find ourselves.”

Dr. Carol Soloway, author of SEX HAPPENS. Available at Amazon and Kindle. Page 107 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Valuing My Attention and Time. Page 111 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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While I was hiking with a friend this past summer, we started talking about topics for my column for this upcoming year. My friend said that he had a really great title for an article: “Does This Conversation Require My Presence?” I agreed that it was awesome, and I immediately asked if I could borrow it for one of my columns. He of course, said yes. Then, I stopped dead in my tracks and asked him what the intended content following the title would be. That title could be used in so many ways. As we continued to speak, he told me that the title, “Does This Conversation Require My Presence?” really addresses the age-old question, “What’s in it for me (WIIFM)?” Let’s face it, “What’s in it for me?” is a question that makes many people cringe. People who ask this question are often seen as having a narcissistic, self-serving view of life.

Now, stop and think about this for a moment. “What’s in it for me?” is a question that drives almost every decision we make. help us choose which clothes to wear, Page 112 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

which people we choose listen to…or not listen to, how to prioritize our work, which From the moment we wake up in the morning, “What’s in it for me?” is the subconscious mantra playing quietly on repeat in the back of our minds. These words calls to make, which profession we work in, and so on. “What’s in it for me?” is not always about what we will get out of doing something; it can be about how something makes us feel too. We naturally avoid doing things which make us feel bad, so when we’re faced with deciding between eating an extra hot chili pepper or a bowl of cornflakes for breakfast Subscription link www.female-

rewards and risks. That’s why we often do silly things after having a few drinks! The restraint w usually exercise when we are sober is severely diminished, and we generally don’t end up making the greatest choices in the world!

What’s The Point of Writing?

, it’s pretty clear that we’ll take the action that will help us avoid experiencing negative feelings…which in this case, translates to pain, at least for some of us! Some other feelings which inspire us to take action are pride, recognition, enjoyment, a sense of achievement, and so on. Very rarely will we choose to do something that we ultimately know will cause us to feel embarrassed, upset, disappointed or useless. Our subconscious mind helps us to make appropriate decisions based on our experiences, motivations and predictions of Page 113 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

By asking ourselves, “What’s in it for me?” we are better able to clearly understand what the benefits of writing are. If we can understand how acknowledging what’s in for us will prove to be advantageous to us, we are far more likely to make the decision to initiate the process of throwing ourselves into writing. Unfortunately, a clear “What’s in it for me?” is often overlooked in the business world. Professionals usually think that they have better things to do than to sit down and write, and that writing shouldn’t interfere with their other priorities. They are not explicitly aware of how enormously beneficial it is to them to write by harnessing their writing skills along with their other entrepreneurial skills. What a tragedy! Thinking this way can cause many problems in the long term. Business professionals who don’t progress and sharpen their writing skills will fall behind and fail, which could cause their organization to fail too. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

On the other hand, organizations that encourage business professionals to write on a continual basis will become far more successful over time– doing this will allow your company to grow, change and cultivate new talent and ideas along with new professional opportunities. That’s why it’s vital for you as a business professional to see what’s in it for you to write. In other words, you as a business professional should be able to see the direct relationship between writing and success. You shouldn’t be wondering if writing would “kind of, sort of, maybe” benefit you – I am making it explicitly clear — writing will benefit you! It doesn’t matter what you write, whether it is a blog, an article or even a book. The bottom line is that opportunities you never would have expected to occur will open up for you, if you just put yourself out there and start writing. Now let’s take a moment and go back to the beginning question, “What’s in it for me?” as it is the starting point of any decision-making process that involves you, has to be you. How can you possibly make the right decisions unless you know the reason for what Page 114 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

you are doing in your career, business, or personal life? Simon Sinek, author of the 2009 book, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action motivates us to act by asking us, “Do you even know your WHY and what it is that you want?” First and foremost, you should have enough belief in yourself, in your dreams, and in your vision for your business and personal future. That vision is yours and yours alone — until you understand this and are willing to embrace it, your ability to move forward will be hampered! You need to look Subscription link www.female-

after the inner-self first; only then can you give the best of yourself to others and further enhance yourself with an openness to receive. You will find Simon Sinek’s question to be particularly relevant to your business life, as it definitely becomes a question of selfleadership in this case. If you can make firm choices about what you want on a personal level from your career and your business success story, chances are you are going to be an effective and prolific leader, who can engage in productive, value-connected work. Page 115 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Jim Rohn, personal development legend said, “Formal education will make you a living; selfeducation will make you a fortune.” What Jim Rohn is speaking about here is continuous personal development, which is an absolute must for those who wish to collaborate and leverage themselves and their businesses. Why? Because personal development leads to: • Curious and creative thinking • Continually growing and becoming more self-aware of your capabilities, the things that are happening around you and the possibilities of what you could leverage • Improving skills and knowledge to become an expert at what you do on a continuous journey to self-actualization • Being generally more effective and productive • A greater understanding of what you have to offer as a leader In my opinion, one of the best ways to develop personally is to write. Asking, “What’s in it for me?” creates a plan, a journey and provides you with your own inbuilt decision-making tool. It helps to permanently ground your individual values. Knowing what you want is a critical part of collaboration, and it gives you the option to ask for the right help and support while writing. Knowing what you want creates Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

the direction of the journey; it allows you to see and hear opportunities as they present themselves, and equally to take control of decisions that you make both in business and while writing.

F r o m Yo u r Reader s Perspective

“The reality is that there are a lot of people with their own needs and their own responsibilities,” says Susan Mason, a principal of Vital Visions Consultants. You want something from your reader. You want your reader to like the content they read; yet more importantly, you trust that your reader will recognize you as an expert in your field and want to do business with you. So, it is crucial that you figure out how your services and writing material will benefit your reader and ask, “What’s in it for them?” 1. What reason will I give to justify using your (the reader’s) valuable time to pay attention to my message? There has to be some benefit for them to pay attention to my message. Time is money. Maybe one benefit of paying attention to you is that you know how to get to the solution or goal quickly. 2. What will my message do for you (the reader)? How is it of value to you (the reader)?

3. How does my message compare with what you (the reader) already know? Is it telling you (the reader) anything new? Start with an understanding of what they already know and speak from there. Doing so makes the reader want to actively process along with you. 4. Does my message offer a solution to a current challenge? In business, if you approach a potential client or customer with a challenge, you must have a solution. Make it clear that your message offers the best solution possible. This is an opportunity to show them “What’s in it for them. ”Marketers and advertisers understand this more than just about anyone else. Almost every advertisement or marketing/print copy today includes some method of communicating to the potential customer, “What’s in it for you.” This same simple

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concept can and should be employed in your writing efforts as well. Otherwise, the reader will stop reading, and fail to recognize the value that you bring to the table and choose not to work with you. When it comes to marketing yourself or your work — or building your career — you have to assume there is no such thing as altruism. You must always identify and convey how the other person will benefit/gain by doing what you ask. So go on. Take a deep breath. Ask yourself... “Does This Conversation Require My Presence?”, or at least “What’s in it for me?” Dr. Shira Bush, “The Book Creator” drshira@thebookcreator.com 818-209-1863


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The TheIntuitive IntuitiveLeader Leader--

Smart Whole


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At an event last night two like-minded retired senior Navy Officers - one in his late 70's and another in his 50's could not stop speaking when they found out about my upcoming leadership book, The En-

chanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader, (Sept. 13th). It was as if a door was unlocked and they could speak freely without being judged.

You see, in the book, I dispel the mystery of merging the practical, tactical and logical with the intuitive, emotional, spiritual and physical sides of ourselves to provide whole leadership. It's about listening to those images, those disembodied words one hears, and those goosebumps and innate knowing and recognizing that they are powerful messages. Instead of running away you run towards them, incorporate and work with the messages that come because they give you needed insights to complement the facts. Both sides are critical to solid decision making. Leaders throughout history refer to working with intuition to lead wholly and completely. Yes, it's time to get this message out and liberate those amazing leaders who already use these tools, and are too scared to admit it, because of the fear of being judged and labeled "not all there. " In fact, they are the ones who are all there ....

so exciting!

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and the care for the vine is indeed central in this winery’s philosophy. ’A Vita winery is owned by Francesco Maria De Franco and he manages it together with his wife, Laura Violino. Francesco started out less

In the last article, Cirò Marina and Strongoli in Calabria were very much in focus. This will also be the case here, where I will start out in Cirò Marina at ’A Vita winery and then head towards Strongoli and Fattoria San Sebastiano that produces olive oil and has an agritourism. Last, but not least, I will talk about Gal Kroton, which is a consortium giving support to local agricultural projects in the rural area around Crotone. The idea was to write a series of three articles about wineries in this area of Calabria, but the third and last article I will only publish at the end of the summer after, hopefully, having visited there again.

´A Vita Winery in Cirò Marina ´A Vita in the Calabrian dialect means vine

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than 10 years ago when he took over the family vineyard and began focusing on an organic method and approach. His aim is to re-evaluate the local territory, the soil, and the cultivation of the Gaglioppo. Sergio Arcuri, who I talked about last month, only cultivates Gaglioppo, while Francesco produces both Gaglioppo and Greco Bianco in his vineyards. Francesco has four different vineyards to a total of 20 acres, namely Vigna Muzzunetto, Vigna Sant’Anastasia, Vigna Feudo Terreno, and Vigna Frassá (Greco Bianco). The oldest one, Muzzunetto, dates back to 1967 and the others were planted in 2003.

A bit of history... Francesco has not always been making wine in Calabria, in fact, as mentioned above, he only recently returned to take over the family winery. He studied to become an architect in Florence and then worked as such in San Marino for several years. At a certain point, he decided to change the direction of his life and go back to his roots in Calabria to start making wine. However, he first returned to the school bench studying oenology for four years in Conegliano in Veneto, and thereafter got hands-on practice in wine making in Chile and Friuli Venezia Giulia. Just as many other small

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wine producers in Calabria, Francesco is against the new rules that were implemented recently that allow the use of up to 10% of international grapes in Cirò Doc wines. He believes that it is important to valorize the Gaglioppo grape, which is known for being typical of Calabria, and further stresses that the addition of international grapes makes the Cirò Doc wine into something unnatural. Furthermore, he is convinced about the importance of an organic cultivation process and that the strength of the small wine makers is to produce a wine that tells a story about the soil and the territory. Thus, a Cirò Doc made with 100% Gaglioppo is a must. (See further, Luciano Ferraro’s article in Corriere Della Sera, January 31, 2014.) The above mentioned article in Corriere Della Sera in early 2014, was published after the mention of ’A Vita’s wine earlier that year, on January 8th, by The New York Times wine critic, Erik Asimov. He had tasted the ’A Vita Ciró Rosso Classico Superiore 2010 and described it more or less as a new and fresh interpretation of Cirò with elegant tannins. Of course, several other mostly Italian wine writers have written about ’A Vita’s new version of Ciró wines before, as well as after, the above mentioned articles, but perhaps the international recognition helped put Francesco’s wines even more on the general wine map. Francesco is a part of those dynamic Cirò Doc producers who have been nominated Cirò Boys, on

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the model of a group of innovative producers in Piemonte in the 1980s who were defined as the Barolo Boys.

My visit to ’A Vita winery Almost two years ago, a dear friend of mine from Lamezia Terme brought me to meet some friends of hers in Strongoli, a part of Calabria where I had never been before. Apart from Francesco De Franco, I was presented to Piero Romano (the owner of Fattoria San Sebastiano), Martino Barretta (a pivotal person in Gal Kroton), and Gianfranco Blandino. During the 2-3 days in Strongoli, I think I nagged all of them incessantly, my friend included, whether it would be possible to visit the ’A Vita winery, of which I had already read a lot. The last day we were in Strongoli, they took me to meet Francesco and his wife, Laura, in their winery. The feeling was a bit the same as entering the ’workshop’ winery of Sergio Arcuri, as ’A Vita’s so-called ’workshop’ is also small and every angle is

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used in an optimal manner. Francesco showed us around and talked about his production. We then had the opportunity to taste two of his Rosso Classico wines, still not ready, and another, the 2014 that still had to do the malolactic fermentation. Francesco and Laura produce a Calabria IGP Rosato, a Ciró Rosso Classico, a Ciró DOC Rosso Classico Superiore, and a Ciró DOC Rosso Classico Superiore Riserva. The Ciró DOC Rosso Classico Superiore is a mineral and slightly sapid wine, with elegant notes of flowers and red fruit. The tannins are present but with an elegant touch. Erik Asimov also described hints of hazelnut and rose in the Cirò Doc Superiore wine. Just a few weeks ago, at Vinitaly in Verona, I tasted ’A Vita’s wines again and liked them just as much as two years ago. Fattoria San Sebastiano

with my friend. The first stop there was in the late afternoon at his restaurant, where we chatted while waiting for other people to drop in. At a certain point, he asked us if we wanted a light snack. This snack in the end turned into a whole dinner with lots of typical dishes for this area and they were paired with wine from local producers. The following evening, we enjoyed a dinner with different fish courses that was even more elaborate and tasty. This is just a small example of his generosity and kindness, as well as all the other people I met there. Also last year when I visited that part of Calabria, we went to Piero’s agritourism and enjoyed a very nice evening with lots of delicious food with a pugliese theme accompanied to a musical group from Puglia playing traditional music.

A bit of background… Piero Romano belongs to a family that started out as a mail coach business in the early 20th century, which then over time has developed to the Page 124 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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largest private bus and coach company in Calabria, namely Gruppo Romano (consisting of F.lli Romano S.p.A. and Romano Autolinee S.p.A.). Returning to talk about the farm estate, it dates back to the mid18th century and since then it has changed owners a couple of times before being bought by the Romano family in the early 20th century. Cereals, oil, and wine were produced here for most of the 20th century, turning the farm into a key place in the local economy. Since the 1990s, Piero Romano has been managing the farm estate where he has also turned the old farmhouse into an agritourism. Here, he and his wife Nadia together manages he restaurant all year round. It is a lovely place with a

tview of the countryside from the terrace and in the summer, it offers a cool breeze from the oftenpressing heat. They also have a separate hall being both a sort of agricultural museum with, for example, an olive press from the 1920s, and functioning also as a conference space.

The olive oil production They produce olive oil, as mentioned, since around 100 years back and for 20 years they have also been certified for organic and biodynamic farming. Their olive tree grove comprises of 86 acres where around 60% of the olive trees are more than a hundred years old. Tonda di Strongoli, Carolea, Nocellara del Belice, Nocellara Etnea, Biancolilla, Leccino, Frantoio, and Coratina are different cultivars growing in their grove. Their three main Extra Vergine Olive Oils are Monocultivar ( with olives handpicked from the Tonda di Strongoli cultivar), Blend, and Tre Cime. In addition to these, they also produce a series of aromatized olive oils where the Tre Cime is used as the base olive oil.

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Gal Kroton The Gal Kroton is a limited liability consortium, which was founded in 2002 as a part of the European Union program, Leader II. Public and private actors joined together with the aim of promoting the development of rural areas in Alto Crotonese and Presila Crotonese. An important factor is that the local territory, its culture and traditions, is at the heart of every incentive and initiative promoted by the Gal Kroton. These initiatives include support to local farmers, entrepreneurs, artisans, and the valorization of the local cultural heritage, Gal Kroton The Gal Kroton is a limited liability consortium, which was founded in 2002 as a part of the European Union program, Leader II. Public and private actors joined together with the aim of promoting the development of rural areas in Alto Crotonese and Presila Crotonese. An important factor is that the local territory, its culture and traditions, is at the heart of every incentive and initiative promoted by the Gal Kroton. These initiatives include support to local farmers, entrepreneurs, artisans, and the valorization of the local cultural heritage, as well as offering education and training where needed, and much more.

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Some of the people I have talked about in these articles, such as ´A Vita, Birrificio Blandino, and Piero Romano are an integral part of the Gal network. The president of the Gal Kroton is Natale Carvello, however Martino Barretta is the person I got to know two years ago together with the others and who seems to be a key figure in the daily work of Gal Kroton. Martino brought us to other different local realities supported by the Gal Kroton, such as the small towns of Caccuri, with its fairly new nature area, Serra Grande, and Santa Severina with its beautiful castle that can be traced back to a prehistorical era. The work of the Gal Kroton is dynamic and important for the development of the local area, which is quite isolated at times from other parts of the country. If you will be in this part of Calabria and want to visit any of these local activities, you can either write to me or contact them directly. When I go there, I have often stayed in the vacation flats offered by PR Immobiliare. This part of Calabria and the beaches are very beautiful and still quite “untouched”, so it is definitely worth a visit if you have the occasion to do so. English revision by Susie Holman.

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translator. My interest in wine has been running as a connective thought all through these years, leading me to become a sommelier.

My Wine Story

From Sweden to Chianti From a small town in southern Sweden to the heart of Chianti and Florence in Italy, my journey started in Ystad, which used to be known as a smugglers nest during the Hanseatic Era, while today it is the place where the police inspector Wallander solves crimes. It is an idyllic small town by the seaside. My journey thus started in Sweden, bringing me to Florence a bit more than 15 years ago to do a Ph.D in history at the research institute of the European Union. After receiving my Ph.D. and teaching Modern History at the university for a couple of years, I decided to stay in Florence, changing my career path by using my second degree in languages and becoming a freelance Page 127 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

My interest in wine has always been there throughout my years in Italy, however it was only roughly 5 years ago that I decided to try out a sommelier course. I had seen an advertisement on Facebook about the local Fisar course in the center of Florence, and I thought it sounded very exciting. (Fisar is one of the Italian sommelier associations and they organize courses where you get accredited as a sommelier.) Therefore, I convinced a friend to come with me, even though she actually didn’t drink much and still does not. This turned out to be one of the best ideas I have had in recent years, as it brought us to discover a new and fascinating world of oenology, wine history, wine tastings, and much more. It all lead us to continue the course, attending all three levels in one sweep. For about three years now, I have been a sommelier and it is a genuinely fulfilling passion where you learn something new and meet interesting people in the Italian wine world almost every day.Fresh as a sommelier, I started elaborating my idea about combining wine and translation. Together with some fellow sommeliers from Fisar and a British translator colleague, we developed the concept Words & Wine. This one-day seminar on wine terminology in Italian and English was held in Florence nearly 3 years ago. I continued to develop this wine and terminology concept to better fit a translator-

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dominated audience together with a couple of translator colleagues, changing the course name to Words at the Winery. The first of these seminars was held at the wine estate Il Borro (near Arezzo) in June 2014. In the autumn of 2014, we organized another Words at the Winery seminar at the winery Feudi di San Gregorio, near Avellino. During last year, I held smaller informal mini-courses about wine in Tuscany and a wine tasting every now and then together with my fellow sommelier, Nadia Padrin, and for Fisar Firenze. At the moment, I am working on putting together a new seminar on wine terminology in English for translators and people in the wine and tourism sector.

Connect with Katarina Blog: Grapevine Adventures

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Magic!- “RUDE” Parody-corporate Version http://youtu.be/j4WvsJQhJxQ

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Bruschetta  6

   

Chimichurri  1      

bunch fresh basil  8 cloves garlic  1 cup extra virgin olive oil  1⁄4 cup red wine vinegar  1 lemon wedge (juice of)  1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper  1⁄2 teaspoon salt

Mince garlic in processor. Add basil to chop. Add remaining ingredients and blend. Page 131 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

or 7 ripe plum tomatoes seeded and coarsely chopped  1 cup black olives coarsely chopped  1 baguette French bread sliced  ¼ cup shaved Parmesan (optional)  1 lb. of extra firm tofu sliced 1/4 inch thick

Top tofu steaks with Chimichurri sauce and allow to marinade for several hours (or overnight). Using a basting brush gently remove Chimichurri sauce from tofu. Save into a bowl. Grill tofu steaks for 2 minutes on each side at 450 degrees. Brush baguette with oil from Chimichurri. Bake at 450 until golden brown. Add half of remaining Chimichurri to tomatoes and black olives mixture. Use other half to drizzle over tofu steaks. Spoon bruschetta over baguette and garnish with shaved Parmesan. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


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Reasons ReasonsWhy WhyEmplo Empl is isCrucial Crucialfor forTEAM TEAM

Part of a new Series by Dr. Jason Carthen, Coach ,A Page 134 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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loyee loyeeOnboarding Onboarding MSUCCESS! SUCCESS!

Author, speaker and President of Jason Carthen Page 135 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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New Roles Create Uncertainty I had just signed as a rookie to play for the New England Patriots and needless to say, I was bright eyed and filled with expectation about what the future would hold. In fact, going through that tunnel headed to the Boston airport for the first time was an amazing experience. It wasn't until we bypassed security and walked out on to the tarmac in New England that I realized this was going to be life changing. As we boarded the plane, I watched and realized everyone had their “own routine” and method of doing things which varied greatly from player to player and coach to coach with no particular rhyme or reason. While this was intriguing to me, it left me with no choice other than to adopt my own individual process as we boarded that plane...whether right or wrong. How often does the same scenario take place in organizations that do not have a replicable onboarding plan or process? Organizations that adopt, implement and test onboarding processes create greater certainty for new hire and in the process remove quite a bit of uncertainty for existing and new team members.

Why Role Clarity Improves Team Success

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According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) employers who allow new hires to come into an organization without expectations or clearly defined roles increase the likelihood of their failure. This failure is also linked to limited manager interest or involvement, and information overload for new hires. To increase the probability of success in organizations, organizational leaders must adopt an onboarding process that offers the most effective method for new team members, a methodology which can be repeated and offers the best chance for retention of the new employee. Over the course of a career helping various types of organizations reach their goals and build successful teams, I have witnessed four things that make a difference in a successful on-boarding process: 1. Assessment: Leaders must be armed with substantive information prior to an interview to determine and fashion the right type of questions to pose to the potential hire. They also must be able to identify the new team member’s strengths, skill sets or personality on the front end of the relationship to help predict success & proper placement.2. Orientation: New team members must do more than become familiar with themission, vision and trajectory of the organization. They need to be placed in situations that require critical thinking if they arthem during e to get a full picture of what is

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expected of normal job activities. In other words, they cannot get passionate about something they do not understand. 3. Training: This cannot be overstated enough for a new team member. Give someone the blueprint of what you want them to do and then create repetitive opportunities for them to experience it. A weekend retreat or even a week-long training period will only serve to inundate them with information. However, the right type of ongoing training reinforces mental markers they will remember and draw upon later. 4. Mentoring: One of the greatest predictors of success as identified by The Association for Talent Development (ATD) is found via shadowing, or individual support and encouragement when a new team member is brought on board. To have another pair of eyes to encourage and point out positives will make a difference. Shadowing not only offers the new hire with an example to model, but a direct point of contact that allows immediate feedback about questions or uncertainty. Take the time to institute a mentoring and accountability program to make sure your investment pays off in the long term. Practical Steps for Retention All leaders and followers will do well to remember the business of work can get messy and new hires that have not been

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battle tested are bound to experience some challenges when problems arise. For that reason, it’s vitally important to include real life activities or other situational aspects of the job that can immerse new hires into scenarios with real clients or low level accounts to help them gain momentum. There is nothing quite like the feeling of “pressure” that comes from the responsibility of closing a deal or maintaining an existing client relationship. Remove Barriers to Success While quite some time has passed since I boarded that flight bright eyed and filled with expectation to go and play against the Green Bay Packers, one thing that I have not forgotten is the team experience. Leaders who create positive experiences and lasting memories built around camaraderie, a powerful vision or a tangible and memorable mission create mental markers in followers that are not easily forgotten. In contrast, leaders who let followers come into an organizational setting haphazardly to either sink or swim instantly create barriers to success. For that reason, do your part and create a lifechanging moment that is immediately replicable and unexpected, so that future hires will hear about it. As a leader, what type of memory are you creating for those that you bring on board and how can you make sure you are being intentional with your on boarding process? Interested in learning how you can immediately grow and scale your business? Or maybe you want to grow as a leader or business owner? Connect with Dr. Jason for a Breakthrough Coaching Session to explore the possibilities.

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The first in a New Series by Tensie Taylor, Author, T.V. Personality, Speaker and “Stop The Bullying” Advocat Page 140 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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te Page 141 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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“Oreo!” “Geek!” “Shorty-by-nature!” “Goody-two-shoes!” “Sell out!” “Ugly!” “Big-eyed Freak!” “Geico Direct!” “Squirrel!” “Light bright damned near white!” These are names that students shouted and called me during my time in elementary, middle, and high school. Students made fun of my physical appearance and picked on me by saying I was skinny and short with a big forehead and big eyes. Several students constantly picked on my clothes and shoes because they were not name-brand. I did not wear name-brand clothes until I was in middle school because my parents could not afford to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes and shoes.

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They put their money on more important items, such as paying the mortgage on the house, having food to eat, and a comfortable home to live in. For thirteen years of my life, I was bullied by students and a teacher at school. Not only was I verbally and emotionally bullied, but students physically bullied me, as well. On August 25, 1992, I stepped off of school bus 144 and began walking to my kindergarten class. Immediately, my gait came to a halt as a bully grabbed my pink, Barbie book bag from my back, unzipped it, and threw all my articles on the floor. My pencils, pens, coloring books, notebooks, and paper came tumbling to the ground. I knew that a student would come to my aid, reach down, and help me up. Unfortunately, no one did. Other students gathered around Subscription link www.female-

me and began pointing, teasing, and laughing at me. I was mortified and embarrassed, but extremely disheartened that not one person came to my rescue. I bent down on the ground, picked up my belongings, placed them back inside my book bag, and walked to my kindergarten teacher’s class, trying so desperately not to cry. That was my first day of kindergarten; that was the first day of being bullied for the next thirteen years of my life. From that moment on, I was bullied and threatened. In the third grade, a student constantly picked on me, and I told my teacher. The student became furious that I told on him that he threatened me and said

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that if I told on him again, he would kill my family and me. In middle school, a bully demanded that I open the locker room door for her, and when I refused to do so, she bent back my arm and tried to break it. During PE classes and recess, students threw the ball and hit me in the head when the teacher was not looking. Kids made fun of me for being short and small. In one instance, a girl dangled me from a two story building and threatened to drop me because she thought it was funny to watch me suffer. Another time, a student deliberately invited me over her house for a sleepover and tried to smother me to death with a pillow. In high school, students relentlessly called me an “Oreo” and said that I “acted Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

white” because I was in Honors and Advanced Placement classes because I made A’s and because I knew how to play the piano and enjoyed listening to classical music. According to my black peers, I wasn’t “black enough.”

I became so low from the words and actions of students that I contemplated suicide when I was 16 years old. Often times, I found myself alone or by myself on the playground, and when I was around a group of students, I still felt alone because I did not fit in with them. I thought to myself, “What is the point of going on with life when students are so mean to me?” Thankfully, I had a strong support system at home with my parents, and they kept me grounded and encouraged me. No matter how I was treated at school, when I came home, I knew I was loved and appreciated, and having that positive influence around me kept me alive. Despite the obstacles I faced, the way students treated me, or the words bullies

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told me, I kept persevering and was determined to succeed. I came out triumphant! I graduated from high school with a 4.4 GPA in 2005, graduated from North Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a minor in Psychology in 2009, graduated from the University of Southern California with a Master of Education in Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs in 2014. I have worked at three universities: the University of North Carolina’s General Administration System, North Carolina State University, and the University of Southern California. I am a red carpet host for an

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online network, Rich Girl Network.TV, where I have met and interviewed more than 300 celebrities at more than 175 red carpets in Hollywood. I always enjoy interviewing powerful and dynamic women! I have attended the Grammys, Oscars, BET Awards, NAACP Image Awards, galas, charity functions, and more. I have been a contestant on Wheel of Fortune and been in two movies: Whitney and CainAbel, which is a feature film and will release in June. I have been on television shows, in commercials, and have been published nationally and internationally. I have won more than 330 awards in the areas of academics, sports, extracurricular activities, community service, church, and more. I play piano, trumpet, and omnichord, and sing alto and soprano range. I have played the piano internationally in Europe and Africa. Even though those who bullied me tried to bring me down and told me I would not amount to anything, I showed and proved them wrong. I have accomplished many feats, and I am only 28 years old.

I became saddened with hearing stories of students being bullied at school that I decided to be vulnerable and share my story in hopes of helping those who have been bullied or are currently being bullied. In January 2016, I released my memoir

entitled BULLIED From Terror to Triumph, My Survival Story. In this book, I recount the physical and verbal abuse I experienced for thirteen years from students at school. From the shame and humiliation of having my arm almost broken to students throwing food at me in the cafeteria and on the bus, this book takes the reader on a journey into the pain, suffering, and heartache of one being bullied. Readers will be inspired when they discover how I am victorious in overcoming these challenges, difficulties, and hardships, and in the end, I turn terror into triumph. Celebrities support my cause to end bullying, and I received endorsements from Jayne Kennedy, Carl Anthony Payne, Porscha Coleman, DeVon Franklin, Amy Newmark, and more. My book is available for purchase online through Ama-

zon, Books-a-Million, and Barnes and Noble. I believe many people will find my

story inspirational. I want to help give a voice to those who are bullied and to raise further awareness.

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In addition to writing my book, I have had psychologist Dr. Gloria Morrow on my Online Talk Show talk about bullying and the psychological aspects of it. Furthermore, I share my bullying experience in the form of a rap to the theme song of the Fresh Prince of BelAir. I am currently working on an anti-bullying song and dance, and I hope to speak at more churches, schools, universities, and conferences to bring light on bullying because it is an epidemic. Bullying not only takes place at school, but it transpires in the workplace, church, online, everywhere. In my book, I not only share my story, but I provide statistics and resources that people can use if they are being bullied or think about contemplating suicide. When students realize they have a support system and know that they have someone who cares, it helps with coping and dealing with bullying situations. For those who are bullied, I encourage you to speak out, stand up, and reach out. I made a

presentation to the Santa Barbara AntiDefamation League a couple months ago, and I learned this technique.

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If someone is hurting you, speak out by yelling, “Stop!” “Leave me alone!” “Don’t do that!” If someone is watching the bullying take place, please do not stand by and do nothing about it, stand up and become an ally to that individual who is being bullied. Lastly, reach out by telling a teacher, principal, administrator, adult, anyone who can help you. To those who are in the education system, please take it seriously when a student comes to you about being bullied. Students sometimes feel that they do not have a support system or that if they confide in a teacher or adult and that person does not do anything, they feel that the only way out is suicide. Please help those who reach out to you. You just might save a life. I pray for the day that people will stop bullying and will not be malicious and evil with their words and actions. We need to be more tolerant, loving, and kind to those who are different from us. I pledge to do my part to stop bullying by being an ally, speaking out about this topic, and giving hugs, advice, and resources to those who are bullied. Let’s all do our part and be more uplifting, supportive, and encouraging! **** Links: Tensie Taylor interviewing Dr. Gloria Morrow about the psychological effects of bullying: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dbkRaEVNW6I Rap about my bullying experience to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’s Theme Song: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3vX7jiYqB8 Speaking at USC about my dream of ending bullying: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=7CFF39apiqQ

Magic!- “RUDE” Parody-corporate Version http://youtu.be/j4WvsJQhJxQ

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At an event last night two like -minded retired senior Navy Officers - one in his late 70's and another in his 50's could not stop speaking when they found out about my upcoming leadership book, The

Enchanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader, (Sept. 13th). It

was as if a door was unlocked and they could speak freely without being judged.

recognizing that they are powerful messages. Instead of running away you run towards them, incorporate needed insights to complement the facts. Both sides are critical to solid decision making. Leaders throughout history refer to working with intuition to lead wholly and completely. Yes, it's time to get this message out and liberate those amazing leaders who already use these tools, and are too scared to admit it, because of the fear of being judged and labeled "not all there. " In fact, they are the ones who are all there .... so exciting!

You see, in the book, I dispel the mystery of merging the practical, tactical and logical with the intuitive, emotional, spiritual and physical sides of ourselves to provide whole leadership. It's about listening to those images, those disembodied words one hears, and those goosebumps and innate knowing and and work with the messages that come because they give you

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Part of the “Feel Good Space” series by Sherry Burton W Environment Coach and Feng Shui Consultant Page 150 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Subscription link www.female-

Ways, Author, Certified Interior Page 151 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Yoga unifies the body, mind, and soul and it is also recognized as a form of exercise that boosts your physical and mental wellbeing. We all go through major life transitions and how you deal with the transition determines how you adjust and cope with the new changes in your life. Here are some practices that you can do daily in your space that can support you during a major transition period. Meditation I know what you’re picturing – you are settled cross-legged on the floor humming OM. Meditation goes beyond that, and you can develop your own style of meditation as long as your body is ease and your mind is at peace. You can sit in a quiet place and stay still for ten minutes simply being aware of the present moment and nothing else. Take deep breaths and you enjoy the meditative state that you develop. Create a special place for you to do Page 152 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

your meditation in a room that is away from the noise and you can paint the walls with a relaxing cool color such as shades of blue. Decorate this space with shells or candles and have soft lighting to help you relax. Yoga Yoga is a discipline that integrates practices such as breath control, simple meditation and varying body poses for relaxation and overall wellness. Yoga unifies the body, mind, and soul and it is also recognized as a form of exercise that boosts your physical and mental wellbeing. Yoga is a soothing practice that helps to stimulate and clear your mind and open up your body. Select a dedicated area where you will be doing your yoga every day with minimal distractions. A room with open space is ideal. Have as little furniture as Subscription link www.female-

Cooking is a process and trying out new recipes is more fun when you have all the tools in place, possible. Put up French windows to let in a lot of sunlight and air. Have hardwood floors instead of carpets and put up mirrors and candles in strategic areas around the room to make it warm and stylish. Brush up your culinary skills We all appreciate good food and cooking can be a way to immerse yourself in a fun activity with a delicious output! Cooking is a process and trying out new recipes is more fun when you have all the tools in place, and you’re doing it in a beautiful kitchen space. Lighting is important in the kitchen. In addition to the overhead lights, also include under-cabinet lights that shine directly on countertops to prevent shadows on your workspace. Invest in a range hood that helps ventilate cooking odors. Get a Page 153 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

stainless steel garbage container to handle all your trash and spruce up the kitchen floor with beautiful hardwood that is easy to clean and maintain. You can also go for a hard natural stone floor that has an earthy feel to it and is pleasant to walk on. Journaling Journaling is a great way for preserving memories and releasing pent up emotions in a safe way. Journaling encourages your creative spark and provides a cathartic outlet for expressing what you are experiencing during a major life transition. Regular writing helps release the stresses of daily life and improves your mental and emotional wellbeing. You can either use a paper notebook or your phone or laptop. Your writing space needs to be clear of clutter so get Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

A daily dose of dance improves your outlook, is good for your heart, boosts your brain power, and you lose some calories in the process. rid of stuff that you don’t use and store things neatly in their proper places. Get a good sturdy desk with a good surface and drawers so that you can store your stationery neatly. Invest in a comfortable chair which is good for your back and posture. Have a vase of flowers on your desk and a delicious candle to make your space smell great. Get a beautiful lamp by your desk with right lighting for your late night jotting. Music and Dance Great music is a balm for the soul and lifts your mood instantly. Hearing your favorite song is enough to bring a smile to your lips and chase the day’s blues. Dancing is an entertaining way to keep in shape whether it’s ballroom, Latin, Page 154 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

hip hop or aerobics. Dancing is a whole body workout and an alternative to going to the gym. A daily dose of dance improves your outlook, is good for your heart, boosts your brain power, and you lose some calories in the process. Select a room that is open with no furniture and hardwood floors. Lighting is important. You can invest in bright spotlights or the little twinkle lights on Christmas decorations as well. Brighten up dull and plain walls with pictures of dance scenes. You can also have a music room where you can play your favorite musical instrument. Have strong colors for the walls, a vibrant red that is distinct and welcoming at the same time. Showcase your favorite musical instruments such as guitars on the walls creating your unique identity or a set of drums or a classical piano to play beautiful music. Subscription link www.female-

Detox baths range from baking soda detox that helps you destress to ginger detox baths that get the body to sweat more so as to eliminate toxins from the body, leaving you feeling cleaner, more energetic and getting rid of the symptoms of a cold. Detox Baths Detox baths are an excellent way to relax, rejuvenate and cleanse your body and your mind. Detox baths range from baking soda detox that helps you de-stress to ginger detox baths that get the body to sweat more so as to eliminate toxins from the body, leaving you feeling cleaner, more energetic and getting rid of the symptoms of a cold. Have wall-mount lights on each side of the mirror for a beautiful glow. Refurbish your tub with a fresh new color or install a freestanding bathtub either a soaking bathtub or whirlpool tub for maximum relaxation. Include

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flowers, shells, or beautiful glass vases with an aesthetic appeal. Spruce up your bathroom with a color that energizes and soothes your spirit. Expand your hobby You can scale your hobby to the next level by spending some time every day on doing something that you love. Explore your artsy side by doing your DIY crafts creations, crocheting or starting your very own books collection. Whatever your hobby, have a sturdy table with lots of work space. Create lots of storage areas for materials and decorate shelves with your favorite items.

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Landing on Your Feet and Putting Down Roots 21 Rituals to Transform Your Life and Interior Space

by Sherry Burton Ways

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betterment of ourselves, our communities, and the world. We have the opportunity to have a global relationship not just with others globally but The WGC Internation- also to network amongst ourselves al Adventure Summit to create projects was created to bring individuals together for far beyond anything any of us the

could do as individuals. There are members attending from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and more. We will be doing our own business expansion with other global experts, sharing our knowledge

and brainstorming with each other. We will serve as global citizens as the lives of the children you will meet during the WGC Humanitarian Aid project, whose lives will be changed forever as will ours.

The WGC Gateway Training Program provides service to women of all race, creed, religion and circumstance to support them in becoming part-time or full time business owners and entrepreneurs. We assist women in becoming active participants and leaders for themselves, their communities, and the world. The Program helps them uncover their talents and discover ways that they can contribute to society and the workforce. It engages all aspects from self-esteem, image, communication, business strategy, product development, to marketing and exposure. This unique 90 day program also provides them with opportunity, tangible skills and techniques from opening their own LLC to creating their business plans and all the way to customer sales. Page 159 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Founder/CEO of The Women of Global Change Female Executives joining together to lead the new economy. The Year of the Woman is 2016 and female executives are on the rise in America and beyond. Many organizations and publications are ushering in the new wave. It is not too long ago that women received the right to vote, coming so far, and still there is a long way to go for equal rights. Such organizations and top companies that are known for having higher percentages of women employed includes Bright Horizons, Nordstrom, Mayo Clinic, and Starbucks. Many other organizations offering women in training in business have appeared on the horizon as well, such as The Women of Global Change Summit and WGC Gateway Program, STEM, LeTIP, NAFE (National Association of Female Executives) and also publications of additional support can be found in E Magazine (Female-Executive), Ms. Magazine, Avant Garde, and Entrepreneur Magazine. With the majority of the workforce currently being women, and with women being 80% of the consumers in the US, this gives incredible power for standing up and stepping in for the year of the women: 2016. Ladies, it is time for us to lead united... YOU are the change the world is waiting for.

More about Dame Shellie Hunt can be found at

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Michal Mael Michal’s worldly experience and exotic background makes her the perfect ambassador for Nature’s gems. From international businessmen and women, to Beverly Hills celebrities, and everyone in between, Michal uses her expertise to place the exact crystals needed giving them what they desire in both home and work environments. She designs pieces specifically based on what’s missing, giving them access to it, and energizing their lives, and has developed her own technique and system of Energy Positioning Placement ™. Michal travels from continent to continent several times a year to hand pick the best gems from mines in China, Viet Nam, Brazil , Peru, Morocco, to Timbuktu for our clients.

Elle febbo From Foster Homes to Harvard Law, Elle Febbo, now a best selling, award winning author, is also the CEO of Febbo Media, Associate Producer of the Emmy acknowledged, “Project: Forgive”, keynote speaker, globally published journalist and child advocate. Last year, Elle was acknowledged by Jane Seymour and the Open Hearts Foundation for her work with Big Brothers Big Sisters, receiving high honors with an award for service and a check for $10,000. in support of her efforts, which she donated to Big Brother’s Big Sisters of Ventura County. Elle serves as a Contract Adviser for the National Writers Union and was recently elected as the Southern California Chapter Chair in recognition for her efforts to reach the masses and open doors for the voices of writers from around the globe in association with the International Authors Coalition. Her company, Febbo Media is designed to make books, products and business matter, through collaborative cause marketing, and her workshops, seminars and lectures are designed to take business leaders, authors and entrepreneurs to the next level through service and collaborative affiliation, with the message that anything is possible when the like-minded and likehearted come together to make it happen.

Munni Irone

Founder of Peace 4 Arts Awards

Munni Irone has received numerous civic and global awards such as The Philanthropist Queen of Beverly Hills, Adame Commander Award by the royal family of Europe, and teacher of the year award along with several philanthropist awards. Even though, she much prefers to be know as “Munni the Philantropist”. She is CEO of MJD Film Productions and is associated with multiple charitable organizations in the United States and worldwide. Munni conducts workshops to help leaders find their purpose, defining self-images, getting deep into their core with honesty in their lives. She believes that this is the only way that they can attain balance within themselves.

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Changing Lives Shellie Hunt Founder & President


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You're likely familiar with Jesus' prayer that His followers would be one. Less well-known is how strategic and timely this prayer is, as well as how instructional the prayer is about the kind of unity Jesus is praying for. Combine Jesus' prayer with the Apostle Paul's citywide analogy, and you have a gift that provides powerful direction for how the body of Christ is supposed to operate in every city - direction that could provide the very societal transformation we so desperately seek and need.

Available now

Unity for any group requires work and intentionality. Building on Jesus' prayer and Paul's analogy, Jesus' Surprising Strategy examines five levels of unity, each building on the previous one, and each providing a practical, biblical means for the roles you can play to fulfill Jesus' prayer in our day, in your relationships, and in your city. It concludes with a case study of how this is beginning to be realized in Tucson, Arizona. David Drum encourages, instructs, and reveals his personal journey toward seeing Christian unity as a mandate worthy of your very best effort.

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Does the body of Christ resemble Jesus’ prayer? Are we praying with Jesus that it would? It isn't easy. Jesus’ John 17 prayer is far more strategic, central to the New Testament, and instructive than we realize—and it’s working! In the largely unchurched city of Tucson, AZ, countless people are turning to the Christian Church as an expression of the love of God for everyone in the city in areas such as foster care and places like the public schools. In an increasingly divided and immature world, Jesus prayed the answer. This second book from David Drum details new challenges and insights to his role of being an “employee” of John 17. He’ll unpack the blessings that have emerged through six years of full time devotion to seeing Jesus’ prayer answered in his city. Join the adventure as he shares unexpected trials, while expanding your understanding of exactly what unity/harmony is, how it works in multiple settings, and how you can draw even closer to Christ in the process. Page 165 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Available on

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Sent to the most violent battlefield in Iraq, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin’s SEAL task unit faced a seemingly impossible mission: help U.S. forces secure Ramadi, a city deemed “all but lost.” In gripping firsthand accounts of heroism, tragic loss, and hard-won victories in SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser, they learned that leadership―at every level―is the most important factor in whether a team succeeds or fails.Willink and Babin returned home from deployment and instituted SEAL leadership training that helped forge the next generation of SEAL leaders. After departing the SEAL Teams, they launched Echelon Front, a company that teaches these same leadership principles to businesses and organizations. From promising startups to Fortune 500 companies, Babin and Willink have helped scores of

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clients across a broad range of industries build their own high-performance teams and dominate their battlefields. Now, detailing the mind-set and principles that enable SEAL units to accomplish the most difficult missions in combat, Extreme Ownership shows how to apply them to any team, family or organization. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic such as Cover and Move, Decentralized Command, and Leading Up the Chain, explaining what they are, why they are important, and how to implement them in any leadership environment. A compelling narrative with powerful instruction and direct application, Extreme Ownership revolutionizes business management and challenges leaders everywhere to fulfill their ultimate purpose: lead and win.

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About NAFE

Nafe is the largest global network for women with thousands of members. They recently celebrated their 42nd anniversary, headquartered in New York they have many affiliate networks across the country. Would a group of women sharing their dreams… supporting, encouraging and mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $39.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits, Information on the Southern CA networks can be found at www.wrnafe.com The network meeting fees are $10.00 for Nafe Members and $15.00 for guests then you pay the restaurant direct for your meal.like eating right now? Using this simple technique, my choices changed to a healthier fare. Instead of a cheese tuna melt, coke, and french fries, I’d glance through WWW.NAFE.COM

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The NAFE Success Up conference tickets are selling and all the vendor slots are sold out, you can go towww.wrnafe.com and see all the bios of the speakers and the entertainers all whom are amazing, we also set up a nafe facebook page where we post items on the conference as well that link isLink for conference page https://www.facebook.com/ NAFECONFERENCE2017/?fref=ts Subscription link www.female-

The cost for the tickets are $90.00 and include continental breakfast, lunch, snacks all the speakers and entertainers and shopping with the vendors, opportunity drawings and door prizes. If you are using a credit card you can purchase your ticket on thewww.wrnafe.com website if you are using a check make it payable to Robbie Motter dba SuccessUp Conferences and mail to Robbie Motter 27701 Murrieta Road #216 Menifee, CA 92586 that wrnafe.com website has all the speakers and entertainers bios for you to view as well they are all amazing.

We also have a nafe facebook page where nafe members can go and introduce themselves as well as tell us what you do and if you have some specials to share let us

know that as well here is that link https:// www.facebook.com/ groups/197601170355640/

Congratulations to Tiffany Tremont the Director of nafe San Antonio, Texas and her company, check this out Governor Abbott's State of the State address Please visit the link 85th Session Chamber Archived Broadcast for January 31, 2017 @10am, Duration 02h 31min below. http://tlchouse.granicus.com/ MediaPlayer.php? view_id=39&clip_id=12511 Page 169 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If you advance to mark 1:23 of the Governor’s State of the State Address, you will see that Governor Abbott honored Silotech and Tiffany Tremont on the House floor. As a Service Disabled Veteran, Woman, Minority Owned Small Business, she was honored and humbled to represent San Antonio (Military City) in Advanced Cyber, Enterprise IT, and most importantly job growth in Texas. These are some of the other awards she and her company Silotech have received 2016 Inc. 5000 Ranked #1065 2015 Inc. 5000 Ranked #2178 2016 San Antonio Business Journal Best Places to Work – Small Business 2016 AFCEA International Women in AFCEA Appreciation Award 2015 San Antonio Business Journal – Tech Flash Titans Award – Cybersecurity 2015 San Antonio Business Journal CEO - C-Suite Award – Small/Medium Business 2015 San Antonio MED Week – IT Firm of the Year 2015 San Antonio Business Journal Best Places to Work – Small Business 2014 San Antonio Business Opportunity Council’s (SABOC) MED Week Award for Excellence in Contract Support 2014 San Antonio Business Journal Women’s Leadership - Business Leader of the Year & Entrepreneurial Leader TO contach Tiffany Tremont Silotech Group, Inc. 10100 Reunion Place, Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78216 O 210.569.0950 M 210.748.0707 ttremont@SilotechGroup.co m Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Congratulations to Murrieta nafe member Reatha Reedus who with her daughter Dr. Desiree Reedus recently help to put together with the GFWC Riverside Women’s Club a very successful GO RED Event at the Riverside Women’s Club. Also congratulations to NAFE/Women In Networking in Indiana who has become partner with the National Women’s History Project (NWHP), which recognizes and celebrates the diverse and historic accomplishments of women by providing informational services and educational and promotional materials. The network President said “One of the benefits of being a partner with the NWHP is we can post our events with them, and they have the capability to publish them on a broader scale for us, e.g., in Indy and other states! NAFE/WIN is currently in their Women’s History Newspaper “The Gazette”. We are looking for different avenues to expand knowledge about our 501 ( c ) (3) organization and to grow. This along with other venues hopefully will put us further on the “map”. Our website is currently under construction and being updated by NAFE/WIN’s Webmaster Jay Fitzsimonds” Robbie Motter, nafe global coordinator is putting together a quote book and is looking for your favorite quote, here is the information that is needed and who to send it too, you can send up to three quotes, the quotes should cover Business, Fun or Health. Here is where you send them and you have until March 1at to get them in.This book is a nafe Western Region Conference Fundraiser As a nafe member I would like you to be a part of “Heartfelt Sayings” a spiral-bound book that includes your favorite quote about business, health or just plain fun. Simply submit your quote (it can be your own or someone else’s) in 50 words or less by March 1st . Also include your name, business name, e-mail and Website. Page 170 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

E-mail the info to JoLynn Vensel at jmv9465@gmail.com. The book will be available for purchase at the April 22, 2017, Success Up nafe Women’s Conference. Please take this free opportunity to share your tidbits of wisdom with like-minded professional women! Don't delay get them to JoLynn today and in subject of the email add Quotes for nafe book. The deadline is firm so take time today and get your quote in. You may send two or three quotes. If you have any questions on this please don;t hesitate to give me a call 951-255-9200 You know what my two quotes will be: It's All About "SHOWING UP" as showing up is like a treasure map, you never know what treasure you will find. My second one is "The POWER IS IN THE ASKING" Magichappens when you ask and opens doors you never even imagined. So Members SHOWING UP in this book is a great opportunity for YOU! So don't delay do it today. A large group of nafe members are off to Catalina and Mexico on a cruise so watch for photos in next months From the Desk of Article and March 8th I am on the way to Hawaii to celebrate my 81st birthday and also to meet our Hawaii active and inactive nafe members. My birthday also falls on International Women’s Day and I always knew I was an International Women. Until next issue I wish you Health, Happiness and continued success. And please know you can call me anytime at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com, as I am always here for our nafe members across the globe. Robbie Motter, nafe Global Coordinator

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Angel believes we should never stop educating ourselves. For her first leg of education at the beginning of college she chose psychology once she had satisfied that education she pursued business and law. Currently she is in pursuit of a marketing education when that education is satisfied she is sure she will find a new education interest to pursue.


Angel Toussant I first met Angel through my Riverside nafe director Joan E. Wakeland and was very impressed as to what a dynamic women she is. She also recently joined our Riverside nafe network. I also had the opportunity to hear her speak at several locations and she is amazing. I asked her to speak for some upcoming nafe meetings, which are in Menifee, Murrieta and Temecula and I am looking forward to those presentations. Angel Toussant was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and at age 37 moved from Anchorage to Northern California. She remained in Northern California until April, 2016 at which time she found her new home in Murrieta,California. She said “my proudest life accomplishment is raising two phenomenal daughters. I love to say I can die a happy person if I accomplish nothing else in life because of the relationship I have with my girls. I am confident my relationship with my daughters is well above average and I am confident they feel the same way, despite the many parenting mistakes I made along the way”. Page 171 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Her career choices are as varied as her education choices She has held positions from teachers aid to police officer and many careers in between. Currently, she is providing monitoring services for parents who are required by the courts to have supervised visits. She consider myself a serial entrepreneur, because she continually invests in endeavors that provide her the opportunity for her to grow a healthy income while doing what she loves to do, which is to always find new ways to help others around her, be it family, friend, or stranger. She has written and published two journal books. The first was for recovering addicts (out of print) and the second one is for goal‑setting. She is currently writing a personal growth book which she plans to publish by year end. She owns an online store (LifesPowerStore.Com) thttp:// lifespowerstore.com/ hat sells, educational/ personal growth books, and other educational, inspirational, motivational tools and products. Her hobbies, like her education and careers are varied. She enjoys golf, horseback riding, photography (nature and wildlife), snow skiing, boating, jet skiing, jewelry making, hiking, bike riding, and graphic design. Angel can be reached by email angel@atsmartdecisions.com Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Come and join us at one of these monthly Nafe affiliate meetings: Please contact the Director of the network below. Any Nafe questions you may contact me Robbie Motter Nafe Global Coordinator at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. ARIZONA Phoenix Impact for Enterprising Women – A Nafe affiliate network contact director Joan Howard 602725-3246 email joanhoward@cox.net website www.impactforenterprisingwomen.com CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Nafe meets the 2nd Thursday starting in January 2016 at Mimi’s Café 4025 California Avenue, Bakersfield, Director Cheryl Hughley Phone 661-421-5861 Email Cheryl_hughley@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Bel Air (coming soon) Director LaDonna Roberts 323-806-3433 email ladonnaroberts@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon Central Orange County Nafe meets the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm, at Coco’s Restaurant 14971 Holt Avenue, Tustin, CA, Director, Sheila A Caruso, 949 -330-0927 email sheilaacaruso@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/fj2iy3x5i9E

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Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:00 am at, Ramano's Macaroni Grill 12380 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Director Lynne Martin, 714-357-4159 email lynneCmartin@gmail.com http://www.meetup.com/wwwnafecoastal-com/ U Tube Video coming soon Los Angeles Nafe Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm at Marie Callendar’s 5773 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90232 . website is www.nafelosangeles.com Director Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.comPlease check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/RkSuoZaGrJc Menifee Nafe Network meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Merna’s Café & Grill (formerly Boston Billie’s Restaurant ) 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Director Robbie Motter, NAFE Global Coordinator 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/ cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ HspfWnbAI4w Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter,951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WmClfV9VcMA

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North San Diego County Nafe Network (Carlsbad/Vista/San Marcos) Coming in January 2016 contact Director Luz Paez 951-966-8277 email marketingwithluzpaez@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm Mimi's Cafe 10909 Foothill Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. Contact Director Vivian Haire, Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector Phone 951-229-8343 or email vvnhaire@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Riverside Nafe Connector meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm Canyon Crest Winery 5225 Canyon Crest Drive #7a Riverside, CA 92507 contact Joan Wakeland Director 909-7217648 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/vQT80UAUm-k San Fernando Valley, starting in January , contact Director Carol Pilkington 661-3134578 or email carol@carolpilkington.com for more information U Tube Video coming soon San Francisco/Bay Area Network 4th Thursday 6:15 PM Call Director for meeting location. Director Stone Love Cell 510 565 4425Home office 510 972 0528 or emailStonelove@stoneologys.com Meet up Page http://www.meetup.com/SAN-FRANCISCO-BAYAREA-NAFE/events/225941823/ U Tube Video coming soon South Bay Nafe Network, meets 4th Tuesday 6:30 pm @ Double Tree 1985 E Grand Ave El Segunda, CA 90245 contact CO-Directors Alina Estrada 562-313-1190 or emailinfo@nafesouthbay.com or Eleanor Oliver Co-Director email Eleanor.oliver12@gmail.comjoin us on Meetup.com/southbay-nafenetwork www.nafesouthbay.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/UY9kHIy1o34

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South Orange County Nafe Network Morning Coffee meeting, 2nd Wednesday of each month, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Microsoft Store, 578 The Shops at Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA (Upstairs in mall) For information and/or to RSVP Contact Director Mikki St Germain, 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/nafe.soc U Tube Video Coming soon Ventura County Nafe Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 11:45 AM at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91360 Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-794-4005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com Meet up page: http:// www.meetup.com/members/159937202/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/OZqKdhKUf5o Wildomar Nafe Network meets 4th Thursday 6:00 PM D’Canters Restaurant 32100 Clinton Keith Road, Wildomar, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter Nafe Regional Coordinator 951-255-920 or email rmotter@aol.com http://www.meetup.com/MenifeeMurrieta-Wildomar-Nafe-networks/ events/224726252/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ okj-UzaTbM4 COLORADO Denver Coming soon contact Director Nancy.i.gaines@gmail.com 314) 378-1611

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DC Washington DC Greater Washington DC Women’s Network, Mary Greene, Executive Director 202=5808884, email gwwenet@gwwn.org Website www.gwwwn.org meets Sept thru June GEORGIA Atlanta Nafe Atlanta Network, Executive Director, Lisadouglas 404-913nafe email contactus@nafeatlanta.com ILLINOIS Chicago Coming soon Zsyke Tusa Director, 331-212 -0585 email ztusa@ecologicsolutions.com INDIANA Indianapolis Nafe Women in Networking (WIN) Mary Aurtrey, Director 317-894-9421 or 317-4137197 email m.aurtrey@sbcglobal.net Co Director Lotti McCallistor 317-905-3666 e,ail bes10@iquest.net meets 1st Wednesday each month at 11:30- 12:30 at Defense Finance & Accounting Services (DFAS) Center 8899 E 56th Street Indianapolis. IN 46249 Check out their Utube Video

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LOUISIANA Gretna Women on the Go, Director Rose Mary Ceasar, 504-366-6889 email rosemarycadam@bellsouth,net, regular meetings 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm MARYLAND Baltimore Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com, meetings at 1300 Mercantile Lane Ste 100 Largo Maryland 20774 Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net Facebook page www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Howard County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location

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Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Pikesville Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network , Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com Denise Laws, Co-Director 443-527-7403 contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Prince George’s County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/ Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com

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MICHIGAN Detroit Women Empowering Leadership & Legacy (WELL) Director Donna Stallings 313-999-2211 email donna@syncfoundation.com. Contact Director for meeting location and time. MISSOURI St Louis The Professional Women’s Alliance STL, Director Ninoska Clarkin 314-991-6144 NEW JERSEY Northern New Jersey Professional Women New Jersey, Dee Marshall, Director 862-218-0076 email nafenewjersey@gmail.com NEW YORK New York City, Roxanne Natale, Director 917 -952-0681 cell, 646-647-2148 work, email rnatale@ewsnyc.com North Carolina Nafe North Carolina, Director Michele Rogers, 919-621-3310 Email nafenorthcarolina@gmail.com website is www.nafenc.com Utube video https://youtu.be/snLmjMtGS7A PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh Women Interactive Network WINN< Director Dawn Pomaybo 412-963-6311 email info@Winpitt.org SOUTH CAROLINA Coming Soon, contact Director Jayne Jordan 843-532-1123, email ladyjj2u@gmail.com

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ttremont@silotechgroup.com VP of Events: Jacqueline Jackson, Jacqueline.jackson@utsa.org 210-458-2483 VP of Communications: Chris Slowey, sloweyrcpoa@yahoo.com, 210-569-0953 VP of Finance: Natasha Robles, nrobles@silotechgroup.com, 210-5690959 Our website address is www.nafesa.org.

TEXAS Dallas P-31 Women Inc, Contact Connie Mitchell 214-404-6462 Midland Successful Women’s Alliance, Diector Mary Elena Duron 432-978-2009 San Antonio

NAFE San Antonio Network (Formerly We Lead) Meets at Norris Conference Center @ North Park 618 NW Loop 410, San Antonio TX 78216 2nd Wednesday of every month 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM President: Tiffany Tremont, ttremont@silotechgroup.com, 210-569-0953

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Women’s Information Network, Max Nolen Director 254-717-5188 max_nolan@us.aflac.com E The Magazine for Today's Female Executives edited by Althea Ledo who runs the LA Nafe Nework has 4 pages dedicated to Nafe so be sure and send her your news. allyledo@aol.com and mark in subject News or even stories for Nafe section. Here is the website for the Magazine www..FemaleExecutivweMagazine.com Also send news to Paula Damiano for the Nafe E Newsletter her email is pauladamiano@hotmail.com We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Global Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200

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