E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive Fall I 2019 Issue

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Couch Activism Outraged But No Action

Blogging Your Way to Becoming a Brand

Fogila Tonda A Fairytale

Tuscan Grape Variety Fall I Edition Volume 46 $20.95 USA (CAN $19.00) ETMMedia.net

As We Exchange These Truths, We Understand the Weight of Words. Honoring Dr. Toni Morrison

The White Shirt A Signature Piece for Highly Independent, Thinkers

Have the Courage to Write Badly Unblocking Writer’s Block

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Content Message From the Editors Desk

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The Holiness of Toni Morrison’s Fiction Couch 44 Activism

The White Shirt


74 26

Unleash Your Hidden Super Powers Page 7

Universal Skills of Success

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What I Know to be True


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Content She is NOT me!




Chef Jeff Henderson

No One Says the Same Thing Twice

Dr. Barbara Young Speaks


Foglia Tonda Italian Winery

Have the Courage to Write Badly Page 9

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do





Blogging Your Way to Becoming a Brand

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Columnist & Althea Ledford

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Cynthia Lardner, Esq.

Dr. Barbara Young

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Dr. Carol Soloway

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Editorial Staff Althea Ledford, Editor-in-Chief E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive ETM Media Hammond Bouldin, Editor-in-Chief M The Magazine with REAL Success Talk For Men ETM Media

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What is a Female Executive? I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life going-whether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. “I am the female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic.” I am ”THAT” female executive.

-Althea Ledford

Message From the Editor Welcome to this edition of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. This month E Magazine is honoring Toni Morrison, her life and legacy. Toni Morrison is known for being The first African-American woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1993. In this issue we will look at Professor Morrison’s work, her life and note some of the unique qualities making her so very special. We also have food, wine, fashion, awesome business coaching concepts and much, much more. But before we get started, here’s a question, “What would your life be, if you actually showed up in it?” If you showed up with your full talent, in your full capacity, laser focused, fearless and fully “heart” engaged? What would happen if you loved and lived and engaged, not holding back and completely committed? What would happen if in your own life you were really YOU? This is what would happen… You would fully experience success. Whether a successful WIN or a successful LOSE, it will be a successful experience. You would gain ground based on an authentic understanding of your own choices. You would learn from real mistakes and subsequently make real progress. Being fully engaged is the first step in gaining wisdom and understanding. So much of our lives are lived afraid to make mistakes, afraid to be exposed and leave ourselves venerable to imperfections. These are the very elements that cause others to like, love and understand us. Imperfections are the components of uniqueness, big eyes, big lips, talking too fast or walking too slow, being curious and unafraid. If you apply all that talent to a foundation of authenticity, you will be far more effective. When you’re authentic, the weight of your words carry the ring of truth. You will never have to remember your lines-you only have to articulate the brilliance streaming from your mind and heart. Show up in your life-Be You! I hope you enjoy this issue.

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Financial Literacy for Today’s C Suite Executives

A New Series - Coming This Summer By

Jon L. Bowles Financial Advisor

The White Shirt For the Empowered, Outspoken, Creative Women. The White Shirt may be the Ultimate Clue to an Independant Thinker.

Crispy, bright, white, starched, cuffs, collars and countless creative buttoning patterns, the white shirt is the ultimate power statement. We all have them and wear them occasionally during the summer with jeans or when we’re feeling open or free spirited-BUT, there is a particular type of women that consistently wears a crispy white shirt.

She may have dozens of variations in cuffs, collars, sleeves, baggy or fit but there is a definite “type” of personal power going on with this woman

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Here are four well known women

Diane Keaton, Whoopi Goldberg, Katherine Hepburn and Caroline Herrera. These women all wear “The White Shirt”

Amazingly enough, they all have similar characteristics in their careers and lives. Take a look! ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓

Free Spirited In Charge Non-Conformist While independent in their own thoughts, they respect everyone’s right to think independently as well. ✓✓ Ahead of their peers ✓✓ Big hearts ✓✓ Loyal to a Fault

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✓✓ They make their own fashion statements ✓✓ They refuse to be controlled by the opinions of others. ✓✓They speak their truth even if it occasionally step on toes while doing it. ✓✓Their intent is never malicious. ✓✓They are not afraid to support the underdog if they feel the cause is worthy. Page 22 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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If you asked them why they love their crispy white shirts, their answer would probably be based on how their favorite shirts make them feel. When everybody is herding in a popular direction, they will access a situation based on their own internal compass and they fiercely defend the right to do so.

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These women are all very comfortable in their own skin as people.


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Wake Up!

UNLEASH Your Hidden Super Powers Gay Thomas Wilson Life & Career Strategist

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life’s trajectory.

Q&A List What Are Your Super Powers? Where Are Your Super Powers Hidden? How To Access Your Super Powers? $49 Value - LIMITED OFFER - FREE

people and opportunities that will move you forward? Are you asking yourself, “ Why is every step I take so difficult or disappointing? How can I accelerate my progress? What more can I do?”

“The only mistake in life, is the lesson not learned”- Albert Einstein

Ok, if this is you, it simply means it’s time to elevate your perspective and make new choices about...well, everything.

If you’re anything like me your work and career is the one area of your life where you feel confident and inspired....or maybe not, but you are always aware of the somewhat uncomfortable desire to grow, be better, more productive and clearer about your Page 28 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

QUESTIONS: Are you attracting the

In the meantime here’s some encouraging advice: You are equipped to make this move to a higher and more satisfying life. You have the tools required to function in a elevated, TOC

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more fulfilling, and intuitive way, and to shift your mindset, so that you can turn your dreams into reality...You can step into the life you envision...the life that’s waiting for you NOW! There are, however, a few requirements you’ll want to meet: Wake up, and honor your current circumstances. Yes, the circumstances you’re trying so desperately to escape.

QUESTIONS: How do you wakeup? How do

you break free of the circumstances that seem to be incongruent with what you know is the life you want and deserve.

KEY: Remember this: Your life experiences Page 29 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

are NOT random! Your current circumstance are there to put a demand on you to wakeup and participate in the retrieval of the Super Power(s) that you need right now in order to move forward. You cannot move forward without them! Where you are right now is where you are being given the tools, courage, wisdom, tenacity, mindset and character traits - i.e., Super Power(s) - required to take the next steps toward the life you’ve decided you want; the life you’ve spent years dreaming about and applying your best efforts to create. Believe it or not... it’s really all about you! Your world is a direct reflection of where you are in your evolutionary process; to become, to TOC

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thrive and to function at your highest potential. Here’s the good news. Your experiences are the task masters that are preparing you for your next steps. In order to break through from where you are to where you want to be, begin paying very close attention to what your life is teaching you RIGHT NOW!

Start Here: Slow down and stop complaining

- stop the negative self talk.... get quiet and start listening. Listening from the inside. Find a quiet place to just breath and listen.

“This is where you are consciously required to participate in your unique and specific life curriculum. This is where you are required to wakeup”

It doesn’t matter if what’s happening to you is something you consider to be a negative experience. This is where you are consciously required to participate in your unique and specific life curriculum. This is where you are required to wakeup. The fact is, it’s not about the literal circumstances you’re currently experiencing, but rather the mindset, feelings & unconscious decisions you are making as a result. Rather than breaking through to your next step and accelerating your process, you may be creating and facilitating your Saboteur, which will keep you in your current emotional & mental state until you fall deeper and become stuck, indefinitely. Being stuck for 1 hour, one day or one week or sometimes years will only cause “time” to become your debilitating enemy - rather than allowing timing to be the deliverer of favor, opportunities and open doors. Most often we are so preoccupied with what we want, we rarely pay attention to the value of our current circumstances, and that’s a mistake. Page 30 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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before you can move forward. Your current circumstance are the perfect teacher. They administer the exact experience to remind you that you already have everything required to make the shift toward your higher self and a more fulfilling life. Within your experience, wrapped in blood, sweat and tears, is an invaluable gift; the Super Power(s) that will equip you to walk through your next door-way into the life that is waiting for you. Those Super Power(s) will accelerate your process by empowering your ability to release the fear and embrace your next level with clarity and courage. Ok, now you’ve increased your capacity, and made room for a new mindset and a fresh perspective. You have grown, you have more understanding of who you are and what you’re capable of doing. You’ve shifted in your understanding of your life’s trajectory... you become conscious of the possibilities and opportunities available to you out there in the world and surprisingly, right there in your own backyard. Yes, everything you need is already here within your current experience. Feel what you feel: the frustration, the disappointment, the anxiety, and then; breath and release.. shift your attention, so that you can go deeper and listen.

However, your current experience is not random, but rather is where you need to be Page 31

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KEY: Remember this:

Honor Your Life Experiences: Your Life Experiences, wether good, bad, ugly or indifferent, they are NOT random but rather possess an invaluable lesson and the Super Power(s) that you are required to retrieve and accept. Your Super Power will equip, inform and accelerate your next step toward success. Super Powers & Saboteur Q&A List What Are Your Super Powers? Where Are Your Super Powers Hidden? How To Access Your Super Powers? $49 Value - LIMITED OFFER - FREE

The only mistake in life, is the lesson not learned - Albert Einstein Einstein Fun Facts : https://www.chattyfeet.com/blogs/chattyfeet-

“Start an Online Business”


Gay Thomas Wilson - The Strategic Entrepreneur Personal Development & Business Strategist “Unleash Your Hidden Supers Powers MarketPlace Messenger www.gaythomaswilson.com

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Gay Thomas Wilson is a Keynote Speaker Certified Personal Development & Business/ Career Strategist Coach/Consultant. Links for article: Super Powers: https://www.gaythomaswilson.com/list-superpowers-saboteurs Saboteurs: https://www.gaythomaswilson.com/list-superpowers-saboteurs


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Get into the Summer Groove with Starbucks Tie Die Frappucino

The Holiness of Toni Morrison’s Fictional Worlds Faith, in Morrison’s novels, is about improvising a way toward freedom by Amy Frykholm September 23, 2019 Originally Published in https://www.christiancentury.org

In Toni Morrison’s 2012 novel Home, Frank Money and his sister, Cee, are physically and spiritually broken when they return to the rural Georgia town where they were raised. They have come home to try to save their lives. Key to their eventual salvation are the women of the town, who receive Frank and Cee in a way that recognizes the couple as in one sense nothing special and in another sense more precious than anything in the world. The women offer what Morrison calls a “demanding love,” a love that can heal what has been broken while helping the two tell the truth about their lives. They harshly criticize the choices Cee has made in her life. “Men know a slop jar when they see one,” they tell her. “You a privy or are you a woman?” But they also show her a delicate mercy and work to rebuild Cee in body and spirit. “You good enough for Jesus. That’s all you need to know.” Though different in “looks, dress, manner of speech, food and medical preference,” the women speak in a collective voice. They share a way of life that is holistic, connected to the earth, ethical, and deeply religious. There was Page 36 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

no excess in their gardens because they shared everything. There was no trash or garbage in their homes because they had a use for everything. They took responsibility for their lives and for whatever, whoever else needed them. The absence of common sense irritated but did not surprise them. Laziness was more than intolerable to them; it was inhuman. Whether you were in the field, the house, your own backyard, you had to be busy. . . . Mourning was helpful but God was better and they did not want to meet their Maker and have to explain a wasteful life. They knew He would ask each of them one question, “What have you done?” Almost every Morrison novel contains women like these: straight-talking, hardworking, and nurturing to a degree that is holy, perhaps divine. These kind of women are at the heart of Morrison’s religious vision. To locate Morrison’s understanding of the sacred, you have to sit for a while with these women. The Nobel Prize–winning novelist, who died in August at age 88, is not often thought of as a religious writer. She is celebrated instead as a writer on race and culture, whose TOC

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novels offer a haunting portrait of the legacy of racism and slavery in African American life and consciousness. Though Morrison was a convert to Roman Catholicism (and reportedly a regular attender at mass), it is hard to recognize in her fiction any distinctly Catholic elements. Her holy figures are not conventional Christian believers of any kind. Often they are people who have made their faith out of strands of Christianity, myth, hard-won wisdom, private reflection, and communal identity. Nevertheless, Morrison’s novels are deeply religious, and they became increasingly so during the 1990s, by which time she had already written the novels that made her famous: The Bluest Eye, Sula, Song of Solomon, and Beloved. In a 1996 essay titled “God’s Language,” first given as a lecture at the University of Chicago (and collected in The Source of Self-Regard, recently published), Morrison describes how she was inspired to embark on the novel Paradise (1997) by two images. One was a photograph of a group of women on the steps of an African Methodist Episcopal church in the early 20th century. Page 37

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The other was an image in her own mind of novices in religious habits running from the police who have come to arrest them. Paradise is about a group of women (the novel intentionally does not identify them racially) who live in an abandoned Catholic convent on the edge of an all-black town in Oklahoma in the mid-20th century. Morrison said the setting caused her to go deeper into “the characters’ reserves of faith, their concept of freedom, their perception of the divine, and their imaginative as well as organizational/administrative prowess.” She recognized that a deeply held and shared belief system was essential for the survival of the community, and she was critical of accounts of African American history that marginalized its religious aspects. Such accounts, she writes, are “more than incomplete.” They “may be fraudulent.” The question Morrison posed for herself was this: How can religious identity be rendered in contemporary fiction? Is it possible “to render expressive religious language credibly and effectively in postmodern fiction without having to submit to a vague egalitarianism, or to a kind of late-twenTOC

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tieth-century environmental spiritualism, or to the modernist/feminist school of the goddess-body adored, or to a loose, undiscriminating conviction of the innate divinity of all living things, or to the biblical/political scholasticism of the more entrenched and dictatorial wings of contemporary religious institutions.” That’s a long list of tendencies and vocabularies for a writer to be wary of. Though she names dictatorial rigidity as one hazard of religion, she appears even more keen on avoiding prominent liberal renderings of it— egalitarianism, environmentalism, feminism, God-in-everything. It’s not that Morrison is antiegalitarian or opposed to environmentalism. It’s that she objects to any religious vocabulary that is inauthentic to her subjects or that fits easily into a consumer culture. Morrison seeks to communicate through her characters a religious life that is at once mystical, practical, and communal—and that leads above all to spiritual freedom. Spiritual freedom is my term, not Morrison’s. Her term is simply freedom, and I assume that this is because freedom for her is never extricable from its social aspects. In America, slavery alPage 38 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

ways hangs in the background in discussions of freedom; and slavery, like freedom, has both personal and societal aspects. In Home, after Cee has gone through a long regimen of prescribed healing, Miss Ethel talks to her about freedom. “Look to yourself. You free. Nothing and nobody is obliged to save you but you. Seed your own land. You young and a woman and there’s serious limitation in both, but you a person too. Don’t let Lenore or some trifling boyfriend and certainly no devil doctor decide who you are. That’s slavery. Somewhere inside you is that free person I’m talking about. Locate her and let her do some good in the world.” The fact that Miss Ethel is the daughter of sharecroppers who were the children of slaves cannot be forgotten when she tells Cee to “seed [her] own land.” The land is a mystical place, but it is also a physical place. A person who is fundamentally free has to be “located” physically and spiritually; the identity has to be claimed to find full expression. In response to Miss Ethel, “Cee put her finger in the blackberry jar. She licked it. ‘I ain’t going nowhere, Miss Ethel. This is where I belong.’” TOC

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In putting her finger in the blackberry jar, Cee claims the goodness of the world for herself and claims her connection to others and to a particular place on earth. The place where she belongs is the place where she can learn to be free. Religion can have this elevating and liberating effect, allowing a person to claim the free person inside themselves. Morrison suggests that God is the source of this dignity. In “God’s Language,” Morrison struggles not only with what religious vocabularies are available but also with how to bridge the gap between the historical periods she writes about and a modern audience that might easily miss the significance of her characters. Reproducing the language of a previous generation is unlikely to communicate with the contemporary audience, but modernizing the religious language is likely to end up sacrificing “ambiguity, depth, and moral authority.” In the essay “Race Matters,” collected first in Playing in the Dark (1992), Morrison envisions the kind of home that might offer both location and freedom: “an open house, grounded, yet generous in its supply of Page 39 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

windows and doors,” one in which people can be both “free and situated.” She is trying to describe what might remain of racial identity once one is freed from racist reality. But the image might also be applied to other kinds of identities, including religious ones. A religious identity might also be open but grounded, “generous in its supply of windows and doors”—providing entry and exit points, and views on the wider world. Or to draw on another metaphor from Morrison’s fiction, being free and situated means living life the way a musician plays a piece of jazz. The musician is tied to an underlying melody or chord progression but is also creating something new. The religious dimension of this appears in A Mercy, a novel set in the 1680s. In order to survive in the New World dominated by Europeans, the spiritually liberated characters must improvise. A Mercy traces characters attempting to make a home in the chaotic and despotic social systems of early America. By far the most successful at this is a Native American woman named Lina. Her entire village has been wiped out by disease, and of necessity she has to make her way with the Europeans who now occuTOC

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py her people’s land. “Relying on memory and her own resources, she cobbled together neglected rites, merged Europe [sic] medicine with native, scripture with lore, and recalled or invented the hidden meaning in things. Found, in other words, a way to be in the world.” Lina’s capacity to find a way to be in the world sets her apart from other characters who find their losses too great to bear and who grow brittle from trying to reinforce their identities over and against others. Sometimes they retreat into more rigid forms of religion. Only Lina is able to successfully improvise in her new situation, using the land itself—however changed it may be—as her underlying chord. Perhaps the character in Morrison’s fiction who best embodies the themes of liberation and situatedness in her spiritual life is Lone DuPres in Paradise. Lone is a woman deeply embedded in the town of Ruby, where she has lived her whole life. But her experience as a midwife has allowed her to understand that the world is not the way the town’s leaders portray it. The purity rules the leadPage 40 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

ers extol do not govern as much in deed as in word. Her experience or life, “her secret skill,” has also made her suspect to those who wanted to control life and death in Ruby and how its stories are told. Even though she has been marginalized, Lone’s close attention to her society alerts her to the violence that the men of the town have planned. She contrasts her God with the God of the town’s ministers and their followers. Their God barked orders and put people in their places. Their God was interested in you only if you played by the rules and did as you were told. Her God “did not thunder instructions or whisper messages into ears. Oh, no. He was a liberating God. A teacher who taught you how to learn, to see for yourself. His signs were clear, abundantly so, if you stopped steeping in vanity’s sour juice and paid attention to His world.” Lone is a pragmatic mystic, an expert improviser, a woman who sees through social constructs to the hidden meanings behind them. Morrison’s fiction is attuned to a wide variety of slaveries and freedoms, both the internal and external kinds, the personal and the social. Her last novel, God Help the Child, TOC

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is preoccupied by inner slavery. The main character, Bride, is a woman with a painful childhood who has managed to turn her pain into success. She is, in many ways, Lone’s opposite: dislocated, with no place from which to even begin to think about identity, no spiritual life or inner communication with God. Her inner slavery is something she is blind to. A cosmetics designer, Bride has wealth and beauty, but she only dresses up; she is going nowhere. Her search for a livable life—for both location and freedom—takes her away from the city, away from her success, toward unknown places and people who live in ways she could not imagine. The novel is more fable-like than any of Morrison’s other work. Characters are less fully developed individuals and are more archetypal. Distinctions between good and bad, ugly and beautiful, country and city are more exaggerated. Even food is drawn into the stark moral language of the novel. A character named Brooklyn, who does not support Bride’s journey, “slurps” a “calorie-free, energy-filled, diet-supporting, fake-flavored, creamy, dye-colored something.” The good characters, in contrast, eat and share bisPage 41

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cuits, grits, eggs, sausage, and soup with big pieces of chicken in it. The contrast between biscuits and “dye-colored something” stands in for the contrast between wholeness and sickness, freedom and slavery. Bride has no Miss Ethel to guide her as she flings herself into the unknown. But something we might call grace intervenes. Magical circumstances seem to take Bride back to a childlike state in which she can, through love, be reborn and remade. God, a unnamed and unacknowledged source of wonder, does indeed reach through all of Bride’s self-imposed slavery to lead her toward salvation and freedom. Perhaps the novel is a parable of the human condition, a deeply theological reflection on how we, in the end, are freed by grace from our own narrowness and blindness to find a place in the world from which we can “do some good.” A version of this article appears in the print edition under the title “Improvising freedom.”


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Couch Activism

Outraged But No Action

Dr. Anissa McNeil

Have you ever watched the news, heard a horrific news story, and said Umh, Umh, Umh, that’s horrible? A loved one, friend, colleague, or the perfect dinner party or occasion comes, and you begin to discuss the horrific news event and how something has to be done about it. You feel a sense of relief and gratified that you discussed the topic and expressed your outrage. Yet, none takes actions. This is what I term Couch Activism. My family and I pride ourselves on having hearty discussions and debates on social atrocities, the marginalization of people, and atrocities which occur ethnicity and culture. After our hearty debate, what happens? Nothing! This is Couch Activism. If you feel strongly about an issue, social ill, or community matter. Please do more than practice couch activism. I am not against having a wonderful intelligent discussion about an issue, social ill, or community matter, but I plead with you to take action. Remember your couch is an innate object and does not have the ability to change, inform, or create concern about an issue, social ill, or community matter. Only you do! Page 46 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

How do you go from Umh, Umh, Umh and shaking our heads at a horrific news story to action? Identify the portion of the news story which creates a strong emotion or your feel really strong about. For example, if you read the news story that thousands of African American girls are missing in the United States and little to nothing has been done TOC

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Let’s demystify this mental model and demonstrate how to eliminate Couch Activism. You could contact National Human Trafficking Resource Center at www.traffickingresourcecenter.org and learn how to get involved. Also, contact your local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). If you do not know how to contact your local NAACP, please contact the National Office at www.naacp.org. You can also write a letter to your elected official. To find out the contact information and name of your elected official at www.usa.gov/elected-official .

about it. For every girl missing, if we merely sent out an Amber Alert there would be so many, we couldn’t use our cell phones for 5 minutes without an Amber Alert occurring. You may think, that’s massive. It’s bigger than me. I’m more comfortable on my couch and discussing it with my family and friends. Page 47

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This is one example of how to eliminate couch activism. We can no longer sit on our couches, be outraged by events which occur in our society and community, do nothing, and feel comfortable with Couch Activism. These events happen to members of our community and someone’s son, daughter, niece, or nephew. They happen to a person, a human being, and that’s the catalyst and very reason why we need to take action. It’s time to eliminate Couch Activism! TOC

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The Premier Success System for Women Entrepreneurs. We are the Premier Success System for Women Entrepreneurs. If you are looking to launch, grow and scale your business you have found the ultimate resource. We are a network of over 500,000 women connected through 118 chapters across North America. Page 50 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

We conduct nearly 1,500 events and host the #1 women’s entrepreneur conference, of its kind, in North America annually. We are dedicated to helping one million fulfilled women achieve one million in annual revenue.


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Meet Sandra Yancey

I had bills to pay and kids to raise.

I’m an ordinary woman Click to Watch … from a small town. My father died on my birthday When it comes to when I turned five years business, I’m an unlikely old. My mother, success story. I hated from Mexico, raised me and my two networking environments – you know, a older brothers on welfare until she bunch of small talk when I was focused on remarried. My step-father died six BIG dreams. And so, in a room above my weeks before I married the man I garage, I bootstrapped my way to create met my senior year in high school. one of the largest and most decorated (He was a drummer and no one business network organizations in North thought we stood a chance.) I lost America, eWomenNetwork, a one-stop my brother to a car accident when I complete success system for entrepreneurs. was 26 and he was 27. He was killed It’s a multimillion-dollar enterprise with over instantly. No goodbye, and no getting 500,000 women connected through 118 over it for a long time. My husband chapters spread across North America, and I are still together. We’ve had to Canada and Australia. overcome all the regular stuff couples deal with, not to mention shifting I am featured in Chicken Soup for the careers and paychecks. We’ve Entrepreneur’s Soul and have four other #1 raised two children, one of each. We bestsellers. I’ve produced a movie, are a close-knit family and fiercely The Glow Project, and because of it, I rang the protective of each other. These days NASDAQ bell and had my company’s logo make those teen years worth it. featured in Times Square. (Such a cool moment!) I invest constantly in my personal development. I earned my Master’s degree in Organizational Development from The American University in Washington D.C., and a twoyear post-graduate certification in Organization and Systems Design from the prestigious Gestalt Institute. I got all my education while working full-time. No sorority experience for me.

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I believe in giving back, too. My foundation has awarded cash grants to 115 non-profit organizations and scholarships to 167 emerging leaders of tomorrow. We provide free online business training to every non profit on the planet! CNN named me an American Hero for my philanthropic work. My principles for life are basic and practical. I don’t get distracted. I’m focused on what’s important and I’m not afraid to work hard for what I want. I’ve taken the lessons I’ve learned for building a milliondollar business and now spend my life sharing everything I know. I am an ordinary woman … who lives an extraordinary life. And I can help you live one too. TOC

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Take our three eWomenNetwork Orange County members spotlighted in this month’s edition... After being told by a school counsellor that her son’s dream - to become a brain surgeon was a ‘waste of time and money’ Shellee Howard put on her ‘mom face’, toured colleges, studied the admissions process for 20-30 hours a week on top of her day job, went back to college herself and secured seven full rides for her son before he finished high school.

Message from Diana Sabatino, Managing Director “Success is not for the chosen few, it’s for those who choose it. ~ Unknown

Success leaves clues.

She then wrote How To Send Your Kids To College Without Losing Your Mind Or Your Money to help other parents realise and fulfill their kids’ dreams; so they didn’t need to go back to school! Then there’s Dr. Carol Soloway, who is on a mission to raise enough funds from her national book tour of Gracie’s Gone to recover two, full classrooms of missing children.

Whether it’s a mom returning to high school to become a college counsellor after the system failed her son (read article here); or a celebrity chiropractor turned author bravely trekking 6500 miles in an RV to raise funds for the nation’s missing kids (read about Dr. Carol Here)… Success leaves clues. It leaves clues in our relationships, in our jobs, in our careers and in how we take care of ourselves and our families. It leaves clues in the actions we choose every day. Failure also leaves signs - which we can fix at any moment. Because it’s not enough to want to be successful, we have to choose to be successful and we do that by the actions that we take and the choices that we make each and every day. Page 52

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Dr. Soloway, who is also still maintaining her day job as a Qualified Medical Examiner while speaking and touring nationally, is donating 25% of the proceeds from the sale of Gracie’s Gone to Child Rescue, an organization that rescues and rehabilitates trafficked children. And then there’s Vaughn Fahie, who since age 16, has recorded and produced over 10,000 hour-long sermons, even creating iTunes type platforms for his church’s ‘Download Club’. Not to mention turning a car accident six years ago that stopped brain activity in part of his left lobe and his prefrontal cortex, into a way to help the elderly, the sick and the terminally ill. Success leaves clues. In high school. Across the country. In the recording studio. To be truly successful is about making a decision.

It’s about deciding what we truly want and then making a commitment to achieve that desire, to carve a timeline and outline of how we’re then going to track and measure our progress. Success is just a series of best practices, done every day. There are no limitations to what we can do. No matter what happens, because we are willing to do whatever it takes; whether it’s making our kids’ dreams come true, publishing a book, creating our signature talk, holding our first event, or simply just putting ourselves ‘out there’. It’s not about just making the effort. It’s about choosing, making the commitment and taking massive actions to set yourself up for success. Ask yourself each day, are the things I’m doing leading me closer to my goal? And don’t think you can do it alone. Find your community. We all need to surround ourselves with doers and believers, individuals that will empower us, support our ideas and shine a light upon our dreams. I’m so honored and privileged to introduce you to some of those amazing like minded women and men in this edition, and encourage you to contact your nearest eWomen Network Chapter.

Diana Page 53 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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school, let alone pre-med,” said Ms. Howard, best selling author of How to Send Your Student to College Without Losing Your Mind or Your Money. “And then I wrote a book about it so others could do for their children what I did for Ryan - he was offered seven full rides but chose Harvard - valued at $60,000 a year - for free; and graduated with zero debt in four years. “He’s now in his second year of Med School at the University of California, San Diego; next year he’ll decide if he wants to be a brain surgeon or orthopedic surgeon.”

Shellee Howard

High School Counselor Sends Mom Back to School

Ms. Howard, the founder of College Ready, based in Corona del Mar, who over the past two years alone has secured over $1 million in scholarship offers for B-average to Ivy League students, said sadly her experience with her son’s high school counselor was not uncommon - with just 1 counselor to 500 students on average, across the nation. And parents were not helping either.

When 13-year-old Ryan Ouillette’s high school “They often leave the entire transaction to college counselor dismissed - as a ‘waste of teenagers even though a college degree costs time and money’ - his dream to attend an Ivy as much as a first home,” Ms. Howard said. League College and become a brain surgeon, his mom did what all moms do... “College debts range from $30,000 to $350,000 and yet parents allow their 17-yearMother-of-two Shellee Howard put on her olds to effectively ‘buy their first home’ ‘mom face’, toured colleges, studied the without even seeing it. admissions process for 20-30 hours a week on top of her day job, went back to college “And they’re going into massive debt herself and secured seven full rides for her because of it.” son before he finished high school. “I did it because I was a single mom who couldn’t afford college and I had no idea how I was going to get my son into medical Page 54 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Ms. Howard said with 2300 accredited, nonprofit, four-year colleges and universities in the United States alone - and no uniform admission protocols - other common TOC

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mistakes included: • Leaving college planning until the senior year when it was too late to fix academic mistakes or meet the 200 hours of community service hours necessary. • Wrongly assuming it was better for a student to get all A’s in non-challenging classes that were not academically weighted, in lieu of a ‘rigorous’ curriculum. • Allowing children to pick subjects based on what their friends were studying or what their friends claimed colleges wanted. Parents also allowed students to apply for schools outside their budget and that did not offer aid - setting them up for disappointment even if they were accepted into the college

academically. Page 55 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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Ms. Howard said with high school suicides at an all-time high due to college application pressure, stress and overwhelm; parents needed to help students eliminate activities that made little to no difference on the success of their College applications. “Testing is the quickest way to get a free or reduced cost to college,” she said. “If a student tests well in their junior year on the PSAT, i.e. they score at the top, they can get into several colleges for free based on just that one test. “Students need to know the minimum they need to do to get into college to achieve their dreams - with or without the approval of their high school counselor.”


About Shellee Howard Based in Laguna Beach, Ms. Howard is the best-selling author of How to Send Your Student to College Without Losing Your Mind or Your Money - which hit No.1 within 24 hours of release. The mother-of-two has secured over $1 million in scholarship offers for her student clients over the past two years alone, ‘walking the talk’ with her own children, securing full rides to Harvard, University of Alabama worth some $369,000. She is a Certified Educational Planner, Certified College Counselor and is a certifier for the United States Presidential Service Award.

Watch Shellee Talk Kids & College On San Diego’s No.1 Morning Show Fox 5 here --> https://www.facebook.com/CollegeReadyPlan/

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Rockettes and Lisa Nichols of The Secret, said she also used the camaraderie exemplified at eWomenNetwork meetings to inspire ‘Book Club’ scenes inside the novel, as well set the set the closing scene. Gracie’s Gone, which comes on the heels of her novel Sex Happens, centers on the mall abduction of six-year-old Gracie Cain, has hit No.1 best seller on Amazon.

Dr. Carol Soloway

Real lives’ of OC eWomen hits bestseller A celebrity chiropractor turned erotic novelist has used the ‘real lives’ of Orange County business women as inspiration for her latest best seller.

Currently on a national RV book tour, covering some 6500 miles to raise funds for missing children, ahead of National Missing Children’s Day on May 25, Dr Soloway said Biker’s Against Child Abuse (BACA) volunteers who presented at an OC meeting inspired the book’s ending. “They demonstrated how they present comfort bears to children who had been abused, trafficked and taken,” Dr. Soloway said.

“It was so powerful that there were tears throughout the room and even though it was three years ago, it stuck in my mind so much, Qualified Medical Examiner, Judge Judy onthat when I wrote Gracie’s Gone, I had to camera expert and former English teacher draw upon that experience for the last scene Dr. Carol Soloway said she based characters and - the BACA going to the child’s house after drew plot lines for her latest book, she’s returned.” Gracie’s Gone, from real goings on inside the OC’s eWomenNetwork’s Chapter at Costa Mesa. Dr. Soloway, who last year received the International Association of Women’s “Woman Two of the police officers involved in the of Achievement Award”, is donating 25 search for Gracie - Sgt Sabatino and percent of each book sold to Child Rescue, an Officer Tanya Targett - are named after OC organization which helps to recover, rescue, eWomenNetwork’s Managing Director Diana and rehabilitate trafficked children. Sabatino and former Australian investigative news journalist, Tanya Targett, who is on the “Abductions and child trafficking are not issues OC eWomenNetwork leadership team. that occur only in poverty-stricken nations or underdeveloped areas of the world,” she said. Dr. Soloway, who has treated celebrities such “It happens in our own backyard. as Marie Osmond, the New York City Page 57 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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“In the United States alone, two full classrooms of children do not return home each school day and yet it costs just $1800 to rescue one child. “So, the goal is to recover enough children to fill one classroom and then from there, we’ll recover an entire school.” Orange County eWomenNetwork Chapter Managing Director Diana Sabatino urges American families to get behind Dr. Soloway’s ambitious 6500-mile RV trip around the country. “The story and characters grab your heart and put your attention on the reality of the nightmare of child abduction in our world,” Ms Sabatino said.

Watch Dr. Soloway on Tampa Bay’s Morning Blend (ABC News) on Fox News Charleston and on Daytime.

“Carol’s talent in writing, her dedication to a cause and her desire to really make a difference is inspirational.”

About Carol Soloway Dr. Soloway is a State Appointed Qualified Medical Examiner in chiropractic, a National Board of Chiropractic Examiner and Ms. Sabatino said the eWomenNetwork International Association of Women (IAW) was proud to support Dr. Soloway with nine chapters featuring her as their keynote speaker Orange County Chapter President. She is a chiropractor to the stars and this year at their monthly meetings in Arizona, Texas, received the IAW’s Woman of Achievement Virginia, New York, Connecticut and Vermont. Award. Author of the bestselling novel Gracie’s Gone. Dr. Soloway is a mother of “The eWomenNetwork is a women-focused three, grandmother of 12 and plays a mean organisation so the whole community rallied behind her to support her mission and to help game of competitive tennis. Dr. Soloway is donating 25% of proceeds from her get her message out,” she said. Gracie’s Gone to help rescue, rehabilitate and recover missing children. “And I just loved that she utilised a lot of her friends and community within the network as characters in the book and we will all be there to support her as she launches on her tour.”

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Four Ways Linkedin Can Excel Your Career

When you initially hear the word “LinkedIn” there are many terms that may come to mind - professional, business, resumé, etc. It may not even be the first platform you think of when it comes to social media. However, the times have changed and with the evergrowing evolution of online platforms, it’s about time to put more focus on your LinkedIn account. In fact, the platform has over 575+ million users with more than 260 million monthly active users.

Linkedin has been supporting its users for a longer time period than Facebook - the largest social networking site in the world today. Those looking to network and develop business connections know that LinkedIn is the best professional social networking site. Needless to say, if you don’t have a profile yet, now is the time to make one.We’re back with our eWNSocial Advantage team to show you just how beneficial LinkedIn can be when trying to excel and transform your career.

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20 years, the father of a teenage boy, and the talented audiobook and podcast producer who gives a voice to small business owners and entrepreneurs. His ability to play any song from ear alone, on piano, clarinet, or saxophone translates into an unrivalled talent to ‘cut silent gaps’ turning multiple recordings into one perfect podcast take. “The gift of being able to play by ear means my hearing and my listening is very attuned to the cadence, flow and pace of who I’m recording,” Vaughn said. Vaughn Fahie

As a 16-year-old he used a cassette deck to record and edit his pastor’s sermons. From cassette to CDs and MP3s, he’s since produced over 10,000 hour-long sermons, even creating iTunes type platforms for his church’s ‘Download Club’. But there’s more to Vaughn Fahie than sound bytes, there’s the car accident six years ago that stopped brain activity in part of his left lobe and his prefrontal cortex, which led to the meditative jazz ‘Peace of Mind’ CD and concerts he gives to the elderly as well as the terminally ill.

“Whether it’s a podcast, their audiobook or a sermon, it means I can guide and coach them to make their speech more musical, more flowing and more engaging to listen to.” He said the key was to put intention into every word, as he does himself with his music. “Music enters into the soul without your mind’s permission and it is a carrier of any message that the musician is delivering,” the

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And then there’s the dedicated husband of Page 60 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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48-year-old said. “My music, when I play it, I play to the soul and it heals and it inspires.

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“My music encourages and it changes and it sets the atmosphere in every single note that I play because I play with intention and purpose. “And I do that whether it is to lift up internally, set the atmosphere in the room or event, or when I do healing serenades for people at the hospital.” His music also healed his own body. Suffering severe concussion just six years ago, unable to drive and struggling to speak - but with six major concerts already booked - he discovered his brain knew music on autopilot. “Even though I couldn’t finish sentences or drive, my musical performances were never affected,” Vaughn said. From his realisation came another gift - the creation of his Peace of Mind CD - which he has given to those battling cancer, as well as sick children and elderly patients.

About Speakers Network

“I learnt that as musicians, 95% of our brain is activated while we are playing and that’s why I made my CD, to help others,” he said. “Because music activates hand, motor skills, rhythm, listening and coordination.

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“When I play at the senior centres a lot of patients that can’t even speak will start tapping, smiling and clapping even though they never have been able to before.

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“Instrumental music without words seems to help people reflect in their memories to interpret the music any way they like, making it their own. “My music affects your past, your present and your future all at the same time. “I might play your favourite song that triggers your memory, taking you back to a great time in your life.

of your life depending on what the song is. “That’s why I play music.” Website links: https://vaughnfahiejazz.com/ https://audionewbornproductions.com/ Facebook audiobooks: https://www.facebook. com/AudioNewbornProductions/ Facebook jazz music: https://www.facebook. com/VaughnFahieJazz/

“Or I might impact you present through listing your mood or attitude, or your future because I’ve set the tone for your day, week or even rest Instagram audiobooks: https://www. instagram.com/audionewborn/

Instagram jazz music: https://www.instagram. com/vaughnfahiejazz/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vaughnfahie LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ audionewbornproductions

Vaughn Fahie Page 62

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Universal Skil of Success By Catlin Chen


Whether you’re self-employed or a W-2 employee, there will be certain times in your life where you may need to network with others, conduct a speech or do some extensive writing in order to achieve your next level of success. H owever different our occupational skills may be, the ability to network, communicate effectively and write well are three of the most important skills to master, but most of us are either uncomfortable doing them or even scared of it. “Luck is a state of unconscious preparation, which you have already spent time on and worked hard for and will seem like second nature” Let’s keep in mind, the ability to master these skills cannot be achieved overnight so don’t wait to improve on them thinking you don’t need to, until you need it. Many of you probably have heard of the quote from the Roman Philosopher, Seneca who once said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” What this means is, success is being prepared so when the opportunity presents itself, you will be skillfully qualified to seize it. Luck is a state of unconscious preparation, which you have already spent time on and worked hard for and will seem like second nature.


Your network can be friends, colleagues, business connections or even family members. Building a network can take place anywhere. It is not about going out of your way to attend a networking function every week. Networking is simply being able to connect with people whether it’s at work, talking to your neighbors or simply taking your eyes off your phone to realize there are networking opportunities wherever you go. You can take the opportunity from the relationships you build to assist others in expanding their knowledge, and maybe others to help you expand yours.

Career Networking

Networking in the workplace with fellow employees in your own department as well as other divisions is a great career development opportunity. If there is a professional mentor program within your company, get involved. It’s a chance to possibly meet senior leaders who may help you build your career. If there are no professional mentor programs, don’t be afraid to ask for someone

Network Effectively

Networking is one of the most misunderstood concepts as it is often confused with selling. It is not selling, but a way to meet people and build long term trust and relationships that may be mutually beneficial. Page 68 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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to be your mentor or just to learn something new in order to prepare yourself for your next move. You can never be too prepared. Now remember, there are others who need to learn from your expertise and experience as well, so don’t forget to mentor others who will want to follow your lead by becoming your mentee. I firmly believe that teaching is the best way to learn.

Networking Tips

• Be a good listener -- You don’t want to be doing all the talking because the other person may think you are not interested in what they have to say. If you’re asking for their opinion, make sure you give them time to answer and pay close attenPage 69

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

tion and ask some follow-up questions. • Be prepared – Plan out what types of questions you would like to ask others and write them down in order of priority. By doing so, will avoid taking up too much of people’s time. After all, they are there to network with others as well. • Resume review – When you’re looking for work, a non-intrusive way to tap into possible opportunities is to have someone review your resume. By doing so, they will find out a lot about you that they may not already know such as your work history, skills and accomplishments. With this knowledge, they may think of a contact for a company that your skills and TOC

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experience may be suited for. • Leverage Social Media – Networking doesn’t have to be in person. With the increase in use of professional social media sites such as LinkedIn, a great way to start a conversation is to possibly comment on their post or maybe send them a message. • Show gratitude – When building long term relationships, it is crucial to always send a message of Thanks whenever someone offers you advice or introduces you to one of their contacts. A handwritten Thank You note always adds a special touch if you know where to mail it to. If not, a simple email will do the trick.

or self-employed, being comfortable doing public speaking is crucial. Yes, public speaking is still one of people’s top fears, and depending on which opinion poll you look at, it may even top “death.” Which means if you must go to a funeral, some may say you’re better off in the casket than delivering the eulogy. The reason public speaking is so important is because it is the most efficient way for you to get your message out. Whether you climb up the ladder in corporate or building your business, you must regularly speak to your employees, customers, vendors or shareholders. The more people you’re looking to impact, the more frequently you’ll have to speak in public. For those who vow to never speak in public, you will still have to get used to possibly speaking in front of a group or panel. Looking to secure funding for your business? Then you must conduct a sales pitch in front of a panel: Think of Shark Tank. If you’re looking for a promotion, most likely you’ll be doing a panel interview with some senior managers.

Communications Tips

• Speak Up - Start by speaking up in a group setting. Either ask questions or maybe comment on something the group is talking about.

2. Communicate Effectively

The ability to communicate effectively includes both public speaking skills and simply being able to get your point across and listen. If you want to take your career to the next level whether you work for others Page 70

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• Volunteer - Volunteer to lead a project or event. This will get you to practice speaking to a group of people. • Actively Participate - Join a local Toastmasters club. Since they are in 143 countries, I’m quite sure you can find a club TOC

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to attend. Toastmasters is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills. It is a great platform to practice speaking in front of a group.

3. Write Effectively

Having the skill to write effectively is more important than ever because people write more than they speak. Just think of all the emails and texts you send daily, not counting snail mail if you’re still one of those that use such form of communication. This blog post alone is more than a thousand words long in written form and I did not speak a word while writing it. Although we may not like to think so, but writing is the basis on which our work and intellect will be judged. The ability to write well will enable you to clearly articulate your thoughts on paper as well as anticipate what your readers are looking for. If you’re looking for work, you may need to write a cover letter or a counter offer. If you’re a business owner, you may need to write a letter to your customers. If you want to have a voice in your community, you may need to write a letter to elected officials and craft your words in a compelling manner.

• Write daily - Get in the habit of writing daily as a form of practice. • Language that resonates - Use simple language instead of big words and keep sentences and paragraphs short. This will make it easier for readers to follow your train of thought. • Correct tone - Be cognizant of who you are writing to and use an appropriate tone. For example, if you’re writing a memorandum at work, then you must use a professional tone. Give yourself a challenge, dive in and start practicing by taking micro actions daily. You’ll be surprised at how much you improve over a short period of time. Regardless of what you’re looking to accomplish in life, by mastering the skills of networking, communicating and writing, you will undoubtedly achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Writing Tips

• Proofread - Always proofread your writing to ensure punctuations and grammar are correct and no typos. • Use your own eyes -Do not solely rely on a grammar checker. There will be times when those auto checkers may not catch grammar mistakes. Page 71

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What I Know to Be True Do You See Me? Dr. Anissa McNeil

In my work with orphans and foster youth for 29 years, what I know to be true is that every child is important and yearns to be loved. To have the opportunity to hear “I love you” just because. Unfortunately, some children do not hear these words nor have the opportunity to live with their parents. They are orphans or foster youth. Not only are they estranged from their parents but often they are estranged from the communities in which they live. They live an existence in which everyone “assumes” that they are alright. They assume someone else is taking care of that child. Who is that someone? What kind of care are they receiving? How do we put “care” into the foster care system? Who really sees a child who has been abused or neglected? When they moved from their communities? School? Friends? Family? Do you see them? Many believe that an orphan or foster youth experiences love in an institutional setting. That is more than likely not the case and definitely not from the desired parent. Many grow up receiving food and shelter but not quality care and definitely not love! Unconditional love. Just because love from a parent, Page 76

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

guardian, or caregiver. This is the kind of love which all children want the most. What I know to be true is we can do better. I believe that each one of us can do something to help innocent children in the world who have been removed from their parents TOC

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If your response is, I see you! I care but how do I get involved? How can I help? What does help look like? There are a myriad of ways to get involved. They key is that everyone get involved!

They live an existence in which everyone ”assumes” that they are alright. They assume someone else is taking care of that child. Who is that someone? because of abuse or neglect live a better life. What I also know to be true is that every child deserves the best life we can provide and that everyone can help. They deserve to be seen by their communities, schools, foster home, and all of us. Page 77 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Some may decide to adopt. Please contact American Adoption- National Adoption Agency at www.americanadoptions.com. Some may decide to support local organization such as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) in your town or city (www.casaforchildren.org ). If you decide to volunteer at local organization to help orphans or foster youth (www.volunteermatch.com ).

Whenever your heart leads you, please get involved. What I know to be true is that the world seems very lonely and you feel isolated when your community members are not involved. Ultimately, an orphan or foster youth feels invisible. I ask that you please open your heart and mind, see a child, and get involved today! If you can just do one thing, together we can change the lives of foster youth and orphans worldwide.


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Our networking community provides a personal forum for you to grow your career promote your business, product or service, share ideas and expand your network. In person and virtual events allow you to learn from and share experiences with women around the world and your community who are recognized experts in their fields.


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onal Association of WOMEN Online Networking Benefits

Stay connected with our advanced online platform, where you can build your network, promote your brand, find new career opportunities, and network with other women through programs such as eChapter and eCoaching. IN-PERSON NETWORKING BENEFITS Maximize your network for career development, mentoring, and work–life integration through our local, regional, national, and partner events.

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Professional Development Tools Hone your skills by creating an online learning path and participating in seminars and online training sessions, including unlimited access to 1,000+ on-demand webinars facilitated by our partners and members Advanced Career Opportunities Your one-stop Career Center is here! Connect with employers, search for your next big opportunity, and achieve your career goals.

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About Dr. Carol Soloway Column Host


I have managed to change careers after each decade of my life. With writing, I synthesized of all of the knowledge and skills I’ve accumulated along the way. My first career was as an English teacher during which time, I completed a Master’s degree in English. Ten years later, I went back to school and became a chiropractor and established a rewarding practice which my son - also a chiropractor - now runs. Another decade passed and another career beckoned. I became a Qualified Medical Examiner and have been enjoying the challenges of that career for (of course) ten years.


Dr. Carol Soloway

Since writing has always been my passion, I returned to school and took numerous creative writing courses, including the Squaw Valley Community of Writers summer program. My first novel, SEX HAPPENS, became an Amazon bestseller. Now, I’ve written GRACIE’S GONE which is a novel about dark family secrets revealed when six-year-old Gracie is abducted. Percentage of proceeds go to Child Rescue, an organization that rescues and rehabilitates trafficked children. I live with my wonderful husband who is nothing like any of the characters in the novel. Together, we have five grown sons with families of their own, all of whom have promised not to read the sex scenes. Page 82 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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onal Association of WOMEN During her Consulate years Ruth met Jerry Azarkman, co-owner of Curacao. After her tenure in office, Jerry asked her to become the Advertising and Marketing Manager. For more than 17 years, during Curacao’s major growth period, as an expert in targeting markets she created many successful promotional campaigns. Ruth is the co-author of What it Takes, from $20 to $200 Million, Jerry Azarkman’s Memoir, available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Ruth Kline Ruth Garcia-Corrales Ruth was attending Tenth Street Elementary School in LA, when the six-year-old’s grandmother fell into a diabetic coma and changed the whole family’s destiny. After 10 long, tense days, the grandmother awoke and her first words were: “I want to die in Costa Rica.” The family started a 30 day odyssey by car from L.A. to Costa Rica. Ruth went to the University of Costa Rica, graduating as an engineer; grandma lived more than 20 years. Ruth was appointed Consul General of Costa Rica for the U.S. West Coast. Ruth co-founded the Central American Federation of Nations. Page 83 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Ruth is currently the Director for the VEDC Women’s Business Center and is a member of IAWomen, the International Association of Women with over 850,000 members across the country, and President of its Los Angeles Chapter; and is a board member for Women’s National Book Association. Ruth is the former President for SoCal AFCI Association for Creative Industries. ✓✓ What makes you different from other branding coaches out there? ✓✓ What are some of the successes your clients have experienced? ✓✓ Tell us about the book you’re writing. ✓✓ What inspired you to write this book? ✓✓ Contact information TOC

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women to handle the real stresses that they will face while climbing the corporate ladder, seeking clarity on their career transition because they do not know where to begin or fear leaving what is comfortable or they are in the throws of managing personal and / or business crisis and want to understand what next steps they should take. The game of life begins with your mindset and I help women who feel inadequate, burnt out, and straining under the yoke of too much to do in either their professional or personal life become unstuck from the mindset that plagues their success.

Paula Bridgewater The life of a woman has never been more celebrated as it is now. But rarely a blueprint is provided on how to manage the daily interior life that most women battle as they explore the frontier’s of career, entrepreneurship and the intense stress of balancing family and spouse. In the age of social media culture where successes are flaunted, few women have a safe space to talk about the things that are not going well. But for women, by nature our strength comes from being able to connect openly not only about our successes, but in particular about our failures large and small. For the past 10 years, I have coached Page 84 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

You can email me at pmbridgewater@gmail. com with the Subject Tag Line: Accountability Coach: Free Session. Please include the best number and time to connect with you. ✓✓ Tell me about the problem that you program, or service solves? ✓✓ What about a specific person that used your service? ✓✓ What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced? ✓✓ What would you say to someone who’s considering embarking on Entrepreneurship? ✓✓ Contact Paula Bridgewater TOC

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onal Association of WOMEN Barbara enjoys travelling, reading and networking. She’s always excited to go new places and meet new people. Barbara’s available for consulting and helping you maximize your profits. You can reach Barbara at Barbara@LoyaltyProcessing.com or 213.248.6787.

Barbara Cunningham Barbara Cunningham is the owner of Loyalty Processing and is an Independent Agent in the credit card processing industry. Barbara helps companies reduce the fees, fears and frustrations of accepting credit card payments. Barbara is a Certified Payment Professional and has over 15 years’ experience in the payment industry delivering the best possible solutions for her clients. Prior to the credit card processing business Barbara spent over 15 years in the garment industry working for Gimbels, A&S, Foxmoor, and JC Penney. As a buyer and merchandiser Barbara traveled extensively through Europe and Asia. Page 85 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

What pain points do you solve? How help customers Why are you passionate about this How are you different than your competieers What makes loyalty processing unique? Besides your profession how do you give back to your community?

✓✓ What pain points do you solve? ✓✓ Why are you so passionate about this? ✓✓ What makes you different from your competition? ✓✓ Why is the loyally processing so unique? ✓✓ What do you do to give back to the community? ✓✓ Contact Information.


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Help! She is NOT Me By Anna Corsareo and Daniel Djouder

“Criminals look at identity theft and say only 1 in 700 criminals gets convicted of it. And they look at check forgery and they know that for every 1,400 forgers arrested, only about 123 get convicted and about 26 go to jail. So the rewards are great, but the risks are very slim. I know that’s one of the reasons that make it very popular.” Frank Abagnale Abagnale’s life story provided the inspiration for the feature film Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo Dicaprio as Abagnale.

If you’re not among the millions of people whose identity has been stolen, it is time for you to take real steps to limit the risk that you may ever find yourself joining that unlucky crowd. Unfortunately, there is still no 100% foolproof way to prevent ID theft, but that does not mean you shouldn’t do anything in your power to make the criminals’ job as difficult as possible.

Nowadays, the methods employed to steal personal information are no longer a secret to the general public, yet we often forget or even plainly disregard to take adequate measures, often times because we are pressed by everyday concerns. And yes, since time is never enough for everything and anything, eventually we have to make a choice

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and give up on certain things. But, and wrongly so, we

give up too often on security, as-

suming that is not a priority because it does not yield us profits. Certainly, it is true that security in itself apparently does not put money into our pockets, but have you ever searched to get an idea of how much money and time regaining possession of your identity could cost you? Even worse, identities aren’t stolen exclusively to appropriate the assets of another person. These crimes are also committed to carry out other crimes using the stolen identity as a screen. Thus, you may find yourself in the situation of being deprived of the most precious thing for you in this world: your


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In fact, identity thieves have a long list of scams and frauds they resort to: credit and debit cards, checks, medical insurances, cable and satellite television services; gas, water, and electric services; Internet connections, home mortgages, rental housing; boat, car, and other forms of financing and loans; government benefits; employment and immigration. On top of that, they will also use stolen identities to evade arrest or to trick the police. I put together an ID

protect yourself no one will do it for you.” I can guarantee that if you refer back to my HANDBOOK and you try to put it into practice for a few days, then you will start to apply the concepts automatically and they will quickly become a natural thing to do without even thinking about it.

Theft Defense

Handbook with the main up-to-date

rules of protection against identity theft, hoping this will turn to be as handy for you as it is for me. Don’t forget, criminals are always looking for new creative ways to defraud people, so you should make sure to stay constantly updated on new protection systems. Always keep in mind “If you do not

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1 - Social Security Number (SSN)

Be aware that in the private sector the only ones who can ask for your SSN, or that of one of your family members – and only in order to fulfill legal obligations arising from the relationship you have with them – are: – Financial Institutions – Employers No one besides them has currently the need or right to ask for your SSN. If someone else requests your social security – some companies still have a habit to do so without really having the need nor the right – then you are entirely entitled to ask back why they need this information, how it will be employed and what would be the consequences of your refusal. If you are not 100% sure that they have a legitimate claim, then do not give them your SSN and call for information: the Social Security Administration or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-IDTHEFT. Page 90 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

2 - Credit Reports

Once a year you are entitled to a FREE annual credit report from each one of the three major credit reporting agencies at: www.AnnualCreditReport.com. Do not forget to ask for it by phone or via email, since it is crucial to verify that everything checks out. If you want to stay on the safe though, you should purchase a membership service to monitor your credit reports. For any question you can call the three credit reporting agencies at: Equifax (800) 525-6285 Experian (888) 397-3742 TransUnion (800) 680-7289

3 - Your Wallet

Do not put your medical care card and credit and debit cards that you do not need that day in your wallet. About the SSN, just memorize the number, you don’t need to bring the actual card with you. Keep everything in a safe place along with your documents containing your PII (Personal IdenTOC

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tifiable Information). Do not leave anything lying around the house or the office.

4 - Bin Raiders and Document Shredding

Identity thieves may search through your garbage. Bills, bank and credit card statements, personal letters, CVs, medical prescriptions, magazines received by mail, all of them contain valuable personal information that can be used to steal your identity. Use a shredder to break in microfragments all documents that you do not want to fall in the hands of a stranger, including those on a digital media such as: floppy disks, CDs and DVDs.

5 - Relocation and Change of Address

ID thieves can retrieve a large amount of information about you if after a relocation you forgot to communicate the change of address to the USPS. When relocating, make sure that all your mail is forwarded to your new address. Important cliff: even if you are not relocating you run a similar risk when you Page 91

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are away from your home for long periods. In those cases you should request a vacation hold through the official USPS website for the time of your absence. You can also call them at (800) 238-3150.

6 - Social Media

No matter how many bizarre stories we hear about people being scammed on the social media, all the world is in a race to put online as much as they can about their personal lives. Well, let me be forthright on this point, any sensitive data you decide to put on your social media profiles is at your own risk. Common information found on public profiles such as education history, dates of birth or work details are very valuable information to steal someone’s identity. Also, if possible, you should avoid to sign up to any website for old classmates or other similar services.

7 - Skimming

A textbook example of when this typically occurs is that of a shop assistant or waiter who copies the data of your credit card when you make a purchase. Then they could use this information or sell it to others. TOC

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Similarly to phishing, skimming can also be used to the purpose of only collecting information and using the credit card fraudulently without actually stealing your identity. You should pay with your credit card only if you can follow the transaction right in front of you. If for some reason the operation was repeated more than once, ask for all the receipts and take them with you at home, but do not leave them to the operator.

8 - Phishing

This term refers to the theft of information by email. Malicious users send out speculative emails requesting your personal information and claiming to be an employee of a bank, a credit card company or other popular organizations with which you could actually have relationships. Usually the email requires you to use a link to access a section on the institution’s site and insert your personal details, pleading security reasons or in order for you to collect prize money, receive technological goods, restore expired passwords, etc. Always check the portion of the sender’s email address after (at) sign. Make sure it Page 92 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

is the same as the institution they say they represent. Never click on a link inside an email you received, but rather open your browser and type the official address of the institution or go through a search engine. The only good reason to click a link received via email is if you have registered on a website and you were waiting for a registration confirmation. For example, a popular phishing attempt involves email messages of individuals posing as IRS officials. Know that the IRS does not send its communications via email. If you find a message in your inbox claiming to be originating from them, then report it to phishing@irs.gov. If you receive a phone call from someone impersonating an IRS agent, do not give them any information, hang up and report the incident to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at 1-800-3664484 or online at IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting.

9 - RFID Cards and Passports

It is possible to steal data from credit cards, TOC

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IDs and passports which contain RFID chips. This operation can be carried out with electronic scanners or even mobile phones. Criminals need to stay near your purse or wallet for almost 30 seconds to collect all the information on the card, so if you find yourself wondering why someone is hovering their cellphone over your purse then the likely reason is that they are trying to electronically pickpocket you. There is an ongoing debate about how to defend against this type of attack. For example, there’s a urban legend floating around stating that: “If you have two cards with RFID chips in your wallet, the scanner cannot read them because the information from each one gets mixed up and cancels each other out.” Be careful because that is completely wrong, they can still read both cards. You may also read on the Internet that aluminum foil can protect your cards and your passport, but this is only partially correct. Aluminum foil can reduce the transmission range, so that the e-pickpocket will have to get closer to your wallet to a distance of about two inches to be able to steal your data. I advise you to be careful if you hold your cards on you, especially in crowded places. Also, if you hold them in your purse, pay attention to where you leave it in public places and at work. Do not trust anyone ever! There are also special envelopes and containers for sale that prevent the transmission of data, but you should select the quality ones during your purchase. If you want to be absolutely sure that at least your credit card information can’t be stolen, then you just need to ask your bank to replace your Page 93 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

cards with ones without the RFID system. It will cost a few dollars, but perhaps you will be less stressed. Unfortunately, this last option is not available for passports.

10 - Electronics

Old computers and mobile devices contain a wealth of information for identity thieves. If you want to get rid of old electronic equipment it is best to erase the memory and then to permanently damage the device – i.e. you should smash them with a hammer. Incidentally, it is also a good way to blow off some steam, so if you happen to be stressed you may want to look if you have any old device you don’t need anymore!

11 - Constant Awareness

Every morning when I turn on my computer the first thing I do is to check my bank accounts to make sure everything is in order. You should do it too. If you can’t go through this routine every day then make sure to do it at least once a week. You may also want to regularly check with your medical insurance provider that no one has taken advantage of their services in your place.

12 - Prescreened Credit and Insurance Offers

Consumer Credit Reporting Companies report your name to be put in lists to be used for firm offers of credit or insurance, the so called preapproved or prescreened offers. It is your right as a consumer to opt-out of this process for 5 years or permanently. It is a good idea to take advantage of this option as you don’t want your details to be communicated to third parties. Keep in mind that this will stop only offers TOC

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coming from companies that use the prescreened lists, but it won’t bear any effects on those that don’t. You will find all the information you need on: http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/ To opt out you can visit www.optoutprescreen. com or call toll-free 1-888-5-OPT-OUT.

13 - Identity Theft Insurance

Make an insurance to protect your identity. This does not mean, of course, that if you get insured then you can ignore all the other precautions, just as like having an alarm system to protect your home does not mean you can leave your doors and windows open. Below you will find some selected insurance providers with a wide range of products to choose from according to your needs: https://secure.identityforce.com/ http://www.idwatchdog.com/ https://www.trustedid.com/ http://www.invisus.com/ http://www.protectmyid.co.uk/

14 - Cyber Identity

In case you were wondering, I haven’t forgotten about the protection of your Cyber Identity, but for that I refer you to my article appeared on the February issue of the magazine and titled: “OFF THE GRID Boost Your Cyber Security.” I would like to reiterate that there is no way to protect yourself 100%. Therefore, in the case someone manages to get a hold of your identity, do not feel guilty, do not feel ashamed, and above all react and react quickly. Go to the following site and ask for help from one of the federal agencies according to the specificity of your case: http://www.businessidtheft.org/Resources/ Page 94

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FederalResources/tabid/102/Default.aspx If you still have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Anna Corsaro

She is a Multilingual Senior Crisis and Homeland Security Advisor, with several years at the service of Governments and Corporations. Her Consultant Group and she provide Advice and Training in: Crisis Prevention | Intelligence Analysis | Counter-Espionage | Counter-Terrorism | Criminal Organizations | Man-Made Disasters | Corporate Crime | Union Strike and Negotiation | Crisis Communication | Crisis of Malevolence | Post-Conflict Recovery | Seminars | Workshops | Conference | Keynote Speeches Keep in touch with Anna: E-mail: anna.corsaro@aol.com LinkedIn: AnnaCorsaro Twitter: @AnnaCorsaroAdv

Daniel Djouder

He is a Multilingual Economic and Geopolitical Analyst who works as team-member for Anna Corsaro’s Consultant Group. He holds an MA in Law and Economics with honors, an MA in International Relations and a Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Security, Geopolitics and Intelligence. He writes articles for Geopolitical Monitor Intelligence Corp., The Daily Journalist, and Forbes. Keep in touch with Daniel: Email: danieldjouder@gmail.com LinkedIn: Daniel Djouder Twitter: @DanielDjouder TOC

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So, About Those Shitty First Drafts...

Have The Courage to Write Badly

The Writers Edge “Spin Your Words of Wisdom into Wealth” A New Series by Dr. Shira Bush, CEO “The Book Creator” an international speaker, author, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and developer of advanced book marketing sys


Welcome back… I trust you had a good month of writing and you enjoyed last month’s article on getting started and using quotes for inspiration. As promised, this month we are talking about “shitty first drafts” like Anne Lamott talks about in her book, Bird by Bird. As I was researching this topic of writing first drafts I found countless authors referencing her work of Shitty First Drafts over and over and over again.

[Be] willing to write really badly. It won’t hurt you to do that. Let it float away and the good stuff follows.

First, a little bit about Anne Lamott. She is the author of six novels, including Rosie (1983), Crooked Little Heart (1997), All New People (2000), and Blue Shoes (2002). She has also been the food reviewer for California magazine, a book reviewer for Mademoiselle, and a regular contributor to Salon’s “Mothers Who Think.” Her nonfiction books include Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son’s First Year (1993), in which she describes her adventures as a single parent, and Tender Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith (1999), in which she charts her journey toward faith in God. Anne argues in her popular book about writing, Bird by Bird, for the need to let go and write those “shitty first drafts” that lead to clarity and sometimes brilliance in our second and third drafts.

As she begins talking about the idea of “shitPage 102 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

ty first drafts,” she says, “All good writers write them. This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts. People tend to look at successful writers who are getting their books published and maybe even doing well financially and think that they sit down at their desks every morning feeling like a million dollars, feeling great about who they are and how much talent they have and what a great story they have to tell; that they take in a few deep breaths, push back their sleeves, roll their necks a few times to get all the cricks out, and dive TOC

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In all actuality, by having this belief or mindset allows us to justify not sitting down and writing those “shitty first drafts” at all. I would like to take a moment and share my experience of myself as I sit here working on this article, especially this paragraph alone; that I have modified the paragraph at least a half a dozen times if not more (I am not exaggerating) until I finally have it where I want it. I have changed the quote, that I ultimately chose to use to make my point on being willing to write badly at least 4 times while finally landing on a quote by Jennifer Egan author of the novel, A Visit from the Goon Squad, who won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction. in, typing fully formed passages as fast as a court reporter. But this is just the fantasy of the uninitiated.” [Sic] So, let’s look at her premise of “the fantasy of the uninitiated” where she is stipulating that there is a belief or mindset that successful authors just sit down, roll up their sleeves and write “elegant first drafts.” We know this is truly not the case, even though we would like to think it to be true. We just don’t want to have to suffer and go through the pain of sitting down and writing. Page 103 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

She says, “[Be] willing to write really badly. It won’t hurt you to do that. I think there is this fear of writing badly, something primal about it, like: ’This bad stuff is coming out of me…’ Forget it! Let it float away and the good stuff follows. For me, the bad beginning is just something to build on. It’s no big deal. You have to give yourself permission to do that because you can’t expect when you write regularly to always write well. This is when people get into the habit of waiting for the good moments, and that is where I think writer’s block comes from. Like it’s not hapTOC

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pening. Well, maybe good writing isn’t happening, but let some bad writing happen… She goes on to day that when she was writing The Keep, my writing was so terrible. It was God-awful. My working title for that first draft was, A Short Bad Novel. I thought; ’How can I disappoint?’” [Sic]

Very few writers really know what they are doing until they have done it

Anne Lamott, goes on to say, “Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something -- anything -down on paper. A friend of mine says that the first draft is the down draft -- you just get it down. The second draft is the up draft -- you fix it up. You try to say what you have to say more accurately. And the third draft is the dental draft, where you check every tooth, to see if it’s loose or cramped or decayed, or even, God help us, healthy.” I really believe that we forget that no one is going to see these rough drafts except for ourselves, not our editors, not the public so there is no way for us to be judged, except for ourselves or in most cases our own egos. I believe the core issue is we don’t want anyone to see us at one of our most vulnerable times while we are standing there “naked Page 104 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

and struggling” to put two sentences together let alone two thoughts together in order to express our ideas succinctly. For some novice authors they feel this is a license to “give up” and stop writing because they think that their writing isn’t any good. Instead of looking at it as an opportunity to stop writing, look at it as Cory Doctorow does, author of With a Little Help, For the Win, Makers, and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, “. . . You can’t tell if what you’re writing is good or bad while you’re writing it.” He goes on to say, “Write when the book sucks and it isn’t going anywhere. Just keep writing. It doesn’t suck. Your conscious is having a panic attack because it doesn’t believe your subconscious knows TOC

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what it’s doing.” No matter how painful it may seem at first, I believe courage and faith is what one needs to get through that first draft. I think when we start, what’s really going on is that we don’t believe or have faith that by the end of whatever we are writing will actually come together into a cohesive manuscript regardless of whether it’s an article, a blog or a book. I suggest at looking at it as a personal invitation, as Josh Shenk, author of Lincoln’s Melancholy says, “Get through a draft as quickly as possible… The old writer’s rule applies: Have the courage to write badly.” I know for me that I don’t really know where I am going with my writing including this Page 105 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

article until I have done it. Then, it is almost like magic that it all comes together in the end. I find it calmly reassuring for me that so many authors turn to Anne Lamott in her discussion of Shitty First Drafts, to give themselves permission to not know where they are going; “Very few writers really know what they are doing until they’ve done it. Nor do they go about their business feeling dewy and thrilled. They do not type a few stiff warm-up sentences and then find themselves bounding along like huskies across the snow . . . The right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time.” As author Anne Enright who has published novels, short stories, essays, and one non-fiction book to include, A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and her novel The Gathering, which won the 2007 Man Booker Prize says; “The way to write a book is to actually write a book. A pen is useful, typing is also good. Keep putting words on the page.” I know for me if I put enough words on the page, soon enough they will start to unTOC

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ravel and begin to magically move into a sequence that makes sense by creating a sequence of continuity. When Deborah Blum author of The Poisoner’s Handbook and Ghost Hunters was interviewed about Anne Lamott’s advice on “shitty first drafts,” she says, “I let my first draft suck. kind of the Anne Lamott advice on “shitty first drafts.” to me my first draft is just an attempt to start unfolding the flow and logic of the story. if I get stuck, I just put xxx in the draft (for figure this out later.) with one of my books (Sex on the Brain) I did this so often that I had literal nightmares about it, that people were coming up to me and asking me if I had adopted an avant garde writing style.” [Sic] The key is just getting as much as you can down on “paper” because you never know where there may be that “great something” in those “rambling-on-pages” that you would never have gotten to through logical and structured means. As Anne Lamott says, “There may be something in the very last line of the very last paragraph on page six Page 106 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

that you just love, that is so beautiful or wild that you now know what you’re supposed to be writing about, more or less, or in what direction you might go -- but there was no way to get to this without first getting through the first five and a half pages.” I invite you to take a page out of Seth Mnookin’s playbook, author of The Panic Virus and Feeding the Monster, he writes “… assume your book is going to completely tank commercially. That’ll help you remember that you’re not writing this for the purpose of writing a best-seller (at least I assume you’re TOC

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start at the beginning with at least a “Shitty First Draft.”

Ther key is just getting as much as you can down on “paper” because you never know wherethere may be that “great something” in those “rambling-on-pages” that you would never have gotten to through

not), but because it’s something that you care passionately about and excites you intellectually and because you hope to be able to share your thoughts and observations and conclusions with a group of people you respect and want to discourse with. Everything else is gravy. At the end of the day, what’s important is producing something you believe in…not producing something that’ll catch people’s eyes at B&N.” Even if you are “producing something that’ll catch people’s eyes at B&N,” we all have to

For this month, I invite you to put the fantasy of the uninitiated aside, Get through a draft as quickly as possible, and have the courage and faith in yourself to begin “Your Shitty First Draft,” and as the Kelly Clarkson song says, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” I look forward to next month when you are stronger, and standing a little taller because you produced “Your Shitty First Draft,” as we continue with “Gratitude is Good for Business: Learn How to Write that Way” so you can continue to “Spin Your Words of Wisdom into Wealth.”

Dr. Shira Bush “The Book Creator” Tel:818-209-1863


Featured Grilled Pineapple Salad


Chef Jeff Henderson



• 2 sliced pineapples • 1 tbs. olive oil • 1 cup fresh mint • 1 tbs. pepper • 2 cups low-fat Greek yogurt • 1 tbs. honey • 2 sliced mangos • ¼ cup blueberries

First, sprinkle olive oil, ½ cup of fresh mint, and a dash of pepper over sliced pineapple and grill in a hot pan for 4 minutes on each side. Next, mix together honey, Greek yo-

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gurt, and ½ cup fresh mint in a bowl. Then, add blueberries and mango and toss the mixture lightly. Remove the pineapple from the grill, chop into cubes, add it together with the yogurt and fruit before serving TOC

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Healthy Tips

Parsley: Pineapple is an excellent source of the enzyme bromelain which helps fight against arthtitis.

ABOUT CHEF JEFF HENDERSON Chef Jeff Henderson rose from humble beginnings in Southern California to become the first African-American executive chef at the Bellagio Hotel. He has gone on to become a successful TV host with a cable show on the Food Network, a nationally syndicated series of cooking vignettes called, “In the Kitchen”, and an upcoming half-hour daytime TV show called “Flip My Food”. When he isn’t cooking on TV he’s a highly sought-after motivational speaker, sharing the secrets of realizing your potential at schools, organizations, and Fortune 500 companies across the country. The American Tasting Institute has named him Las Vegas Chef of the Year. HarperCollins published his life story in the New York Times best selling book “Cooked”. His success as an author landed him on Oprah. Shortly after that TV appearance, Sony Pictures bought the rights to his book and his life story, which is currently being developed into a major motion picture. Jeff has taken advantage of his exposure to inspire disadvantaged young Page 109 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

adults and at-risk youth. In addition to his high profile speaking engagements, he works with inner-city youth programs all around the United States. Jeff shares his knowledge and excitement for food through his cooking shows and cookbooks. In 2009, Jeff published his first cookbook, Chef Jeff Cooks (Simon & Schuster). In 2011, he released his second cookbook America I AM Pass It Down Cookbook (Hay House/Smiley Books), a collection of recipes that have been passed down to preserve African Americans’ food legacy. His first cooking show, Beat The Chefs (premiered 2012), followed by Family Style with Chef Jeff (premiered 2013). He is also the author of the self-help book If You Can See It, You Can Be It (Hay House/Smiley Books). Jeff’s story has been featured on Oprah’s Life Class, Good Morning America, Today Show, CNN, ABC World News Tonight, USA Today, People Magazine, New York Times, Newsweek and the Washington Post. Jeff lives in Las Vegas with his wife Stacy and their five children. TOC

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Foglia Tonda

A Fairytale Tuscan Grape Variety By

Katarina Anderson.

Somolia, expert on Italain wine, and host of Grapevine Adventures

Foglia Tonda – A Fairytale Tuscan Grape Variety Foglia Tonda might be a grape variety that you have never heard of before. It is indeed a grape indigenous to Tuscany that perhaps does not have the global fame of Sangiovese, but even if lesser-known it is just as important as other grapes. It is a grape variety with a long history and in this article, we will explore it together. How come I am writing about Foglia Tonda now, you might wonder?

Well, some time ago I went to the first forum organized to focus on the Foglia Tonda grape at Fattoria del Colle in Val d’Orcia. One of the promoters of this forum is Donatella Cinelli Colombini, who in 2000 grafted 400 scions of Foglia Tonda on existing plants in their vineyard named Boschetto. The results were very positive even though this grape variety has a very vigorous yield but is slow to ripen. From 2001, they produce the by now well-known wine Cenerentola. This wine is a blend of Foglia Tonda and Sangiovese produced within the appellation Doc Orcia. For those of you who do not know who Donatella Cinelli Colombini is, she is a very well-known wine producer in Tuscany, Italy and abroad. She has indeed two family wineries in Tuscany; Fattoria del Colle in Val d’Orcia and Casato Prime Donne in Montalcino. Yes, she is a producer of Brunello di Montalcino wines as well as Doc Orcia and Chianti wines, and many more. Donatella Cinelli Colombini is a trailblazer when it comes to leveraging women’s potential at the workplace in the wine world. In fact, she employs only women in both her wineries. The story goes that back in 1998 when she decided to leave her family estate to set up her own winery on other family-owned lands, she needed a

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cellar manager. She phoned the University of Oenology in Siena to get the name of a student to hire. The answer was that they had a long waiting list, so no, they could not provide her with the name of a potential cellar manager. She was however informed that there were many female oenologists available because no larger winery really wanted to hire a woman in those years. That was how she step by step decided to open the door for women to work in her wineries, and today her staff is only made up of women. She has even instituted an international award – Premio Casato Prime Donne – that every year awards a woman that distinguishes herself within the areas of photography and journalism and acts as a global female role model. Let us now return to talk about Foglia Tonda…

Foglia Tonda – Recovery of a Historical Tuscan Grape Foglia Tonda is said to have been grown in the southern parts of Tuscany since ancient times but it was mentioned in a written context first in the late 19th century in the “Saggio per una ampelografia universale” by Di Rovasenda where it was referred to being cultivated in the vineyards of Castello di Brolio. In the 1960s, it was said to be grown mainly in the Chianti Classico area.

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More recently, the project Senarum Vinea that was designed by the University of Siena in collaboration with the Cittá del Vino association, Foglia Tonda was defined as one of the historical grape varieties within the walls of Siena. Basically, it was a project that went from 2007 to 2012 where they carried out research on old and often forgotten grape varieties native to Tuscany, which are a part of the viticultural heritage. Since 1970, Foglia Tonda is registered as a grape in the Italian National Registry of Grapevine Varieties and Clones. Further on, in 1978 the University of Florence also issued a type-approval for this grape variety.

Why is it called Foglia Tonda then? As you perhaps have already guessed because it has a round leaf that is similar to the shape of a small pan. It is a grape variety with a vigorous production, or rather an irregular yield. It is a lesser-known grape that has not been researched very much and there is very little data about it so far. (See Ian D’Agatha, Native Wine Grapes of Italy, pp. 289-291.) Foglia Tonda is considered to be a grape with a huge hidden potential both to make monovarietal wines as well as in blends. It gives fine wines with a certain body and characteristic floral, fruity, and spicy notes such as violet, often ripe red fruit, dried plums, cinnamon. In comparison to Sangiovese, it is, in general, a wine with a more Page 114 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

subdued acidity and softer tannins that might make it less prone for ageing.

Reflections on the Future of Foglia Tonda Well, rather than ‘future’ I wanted to mention some thoughts about possible developments of this grape that were discussed at the Foglia Tonda Forum. TOC

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The local journalist Gianni Fabrizi stressed that Foglia Tonda can perhaps become a grape variety for wineries in, so far, lesser-known areas to stand out. In areas where it might be more difficult to make one’s voice heard with Sangiovese wines in relation to more dominant Sangiovese appellations, such as Brunello di Montalcino or Chianti Classico. I agree with this reflection even though I still think that Sangiovese will continue to be an important grape variety also in the smaller appellations in Tuscany. However, Foglia Tonda can probably be a way to create a unique niche that can be linked to Tuscan history and to the viticultural heritage. I liked some of the blends as well as some of the monovarietal wines with Foglia Tonda. Still, I am not a strong believer in blending Foglia Tonda with international grapes. I think it shows its best side made as a monovarietal wine or in a blend with Sangiovese or any other local Tuscan grape.

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Donatella Cinelli Colombini drew the attention to the importance of collaboration, to share experiences, and challenges as the only way to move forward together. She strongly believes that the cultivation of Foglia Tonda is an essential heritage and a treasure to safeguard.

Producers of Foglia Tonda Wines at the Forum There were 9 producers from different areas all over Tuscany that participated in the Foglia Tonda Forum. We tasted both monovarietal wines and blends made with Foglia Tonda from these producers. (For a list of all the producers, see the end of the article.) I found all the wines very interesting and it was very educational to be able to taste Foglia Tonda wines from so many different areas in Tuscany. Below, I will mention three wines from three different Tuscan areas so that you can get a better picture of how the grape presents itself in wine. TOC

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Foglia Tonda 2017 IGT Toscana – 100% Foglia Tonda – from Sequerciani winery close to Grosseto.

This is a biodynamic winery that is Demeter certified and declare themselves as a producer of natural wines. On the website, they clearly state that they do not add anything, nor do they take anything away from the wine. The juice undergoes a wild fermentation and is then transferred to cement tanks. Thereafter, it is matured in terracotta amphoras and in tonneaux of French oak. It is a fresh and mineral wine with notes of dark fruit and spices. I also felt the presence of earthy notes and a touch of green, shrub herby notes, like taking a leisurely walk through a forest.

Poggio al Tempo IGT Rosso di Toscana – 20% Foglia Tonda, 10% Pugnitello, 70% Sangiovese – from Fattoria Santa Vittoria close to Arezzo. This is a winery with about 35 ha of vineyard where they also focus on some lesser-known Tuscan grape varieties such as Foglia Tonda and Pugnitello. They are not organic but in a low impact regime.

Poggio al Tempo is macerated on the skins for 10 days and then the juice is matured for 1 year in cement tanks to thereafter settle in the bottle for 1 year. It is a fresh wine with clean notes of fruit, such as plum, but also more red fruit, violet, spices. It has a sweetness that probably comes from the fruit. A light herby side is also perceivable.

Valénte IGT Toscana 2016 – a blend of Sangiovese, Foglia Tonda, Pugnitello, Page 116 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

and Ciliegiolo – from Podere Il Castellaccio Podere Il Castellaccio winery is located on the Tuscan coast in the Maremma area close to Castagneto Carducci. The estate does not only comprise of vineyard lots but also olive groves and forest. A part of the land is furthermore destined for horse breeding. When it comes to viticulture, they focus on the growing of Sangiovese, Foglia Tonda, Ciliegiolo, and Pugnitello.

Valénte is a wine where each grape is fermented separately in oak casks and the maceration on the skins lasts for about two weeks. The juice then continues to mature in oak casks for 1 year and in the bottle for 1 year. It is a wine where you feel the closeness to the sea and the Mediterranean flora. It has notes of sour cherry and other fruit, spices, such as a clear note of vanilla. The herby touch also comes forth clearly. A smooth and persistent wine with a good body.

A list of the 9 wineries: Podere Sequerciani, Grosseto Podere Ema, Grassina Mocine, Asciano Il Castellaccio, Castagneto Carducci Fattoria del Colle, Trequanda Mannucci Droandi Nuova Agricoltura, Montevarchi Podere Anima Mundi, Casciana Terme (Pisa) Santa Vittoria, Foiano della Chiana (Arezzo) Poggio al Vento Mascelloni, Castiglion d’Orcia (Parts of the article have been published before at www.grapevineadventures.com) TOC

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Blog: Grapevine Adventures www.grapevineadventures.com/ Twitter Link: www.twitter.com/ricasoli99 Instagram Link: www.instagram.com/thekatarinaandersson/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/KatarinaAnderssonTranslations/ LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/grapevineadventures/

Blogging Your Way To Becoming A Brand

By Tracy Repchuk

I am often asked ‘How can I get started online with little or no money?’ Obviously not the best to way to begin a business but there is one answer that most people will tell you and that is to start a blog.

A Blog (weB LOG) is a web journal/ log where you can quickly talk to your audience without any need for web knowledge. It is as simple as going

to Blogger.com or Wordpress.com and setting up an account for free. (I recommend Wordpress - despite the fact Blogger is owned by Google because it’s the industry standard.) The better strategy though is to secure a master domain name (ie. www.TracyRepchuk.com), install Wordpress and place your blog underneath your master domain name. (ie. www.TracyRepchuk.com/blog) This requires about $100 for domain name and hosting and is a little more difficult but in the long run will get you the Google benefits you crave and need. Most importantly though, this is your fastest way to get ranked for keywords with Google, and should become a central depository for all your articles, general announcements, and telling visitors what you are up to so you can help or advise them. The best thing is you don’t need to be technical. You Page 120 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

can quickly post ideas, interact with people, share photos, and start to establish yourself as a brand. The general strategy is to talk to your audience at every opportunity. Tell them what cool things you have discovered. In essence, it is your way to get personal. These people are possibly your future purchasers, so by letting them know who you are, and that you care, and are here, it allows them to feel connected to you. And an advanced tip is to distribute your posts quickly and easily through mass distribution sites for blogs such as www.pingomatic. com. This site lets you get proactive in your posts and instead of waiting for Google to find you, you push your post to hundreds of sites in minutes, telling Google you are here and ready for indexing. Now before we get into a blog you may be wondering how does this fit in with social media. The simple answer is it is social media, but unlike FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin and the like, if you build it on your website you benefit from the traffic and attention. In the case of social media, they are getting the rankings. However, both are required. Social media can feed you blog prospects, and you can post your blog link there and double the benefits.


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And lastly, the big question that rarely gets answered or addressed is “Why Blog?” Here’s the issue - most people drop blogging because you feel like you don’t have anyone that is reading your blog. Here’s the reality - most people aren’t reading your blog but one entity is and that is all that matters - Google. Your blog is a relationship between you and Google so that you can be found online, and you can gain authority on your topic. Readers come later.

when you link to previous posts you’ve made and in your title. This helps rank other pages when Google sees it. 5. Optimize your Blog and take advantage of RSS (Rich Site Summary) feeding options, social bookmark links, Title tags, Meta Tags, Meta Description and Meta Keywords. The advanced features of a blog need to be learned and used or else you won’t get the power a blog gives you. 6. Find authoritative blogs, web sites and portals and outbound link to them. Grab high ranking YouTube videos and do a post around them and their message. This gets you content, and links you to something that already has a jump start on interest.

Here are some tips to make your Blog a soaring success. 1. Avoid blog services that do not allow you to use your own domain name. 2. Make sure you purchase your name as a dot.com (i.e. www. AskTracyRepchuk.com) and redirect it to your Blog. That helps with the branding. You will notice the actual location is www.TracyRepchuk.com/blog but since that is awkward to say I use a domain name when talking to people. 3. Make your look stand out by customizing it with your picture, product offerings, websites you like, whatever is appropriate for the market and you. Simply select tools from the menu bar and optimize your design.

7. Format your archived posts, related posts and add Google Adsense and affiliate program links and make some money. 8. Make sure you are tracking statistics and monitor inbound traffic links. (You can use Google Analytics to do this.) 9. Take advantage of special features such as Podcast and video integration.

4. Research and use keywords in your Blog post title, in the body of the post and use anchor text (direct links) Page 122 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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10. Post regularly. If you post articles you have written, you aren’t necessarily creating new content every day but organizing where it goes. For a personal brand identity blog, daily is always good. If you are trying to become an authoritative blog, anywhere from a few times a week to daily is recommended. 11. Submit your Blog URL (Universal Resource Locator - i.e. domain name) to search engines. 12. Create and distribute a press release announcing your Blog. Continue to do this for major announcements that you post there as well. PR is an on-going animal, and is critical to the success of any campaign.

that link to you. Bloggers are a tight knit community and are willing to help once you establish yourself as a person who is serious about your topic. 16. Mention popular bloggers or people in your niche by name in your Blog, the traffic will help you and serve as a keyword. 17. If you want to make money with your Blog add Google Adsense, Clickbank. com, Amazon or Ebay affiliate integration to your blog and even find products and people you like and add their complementary affiliate product offerings, and you’ve got double the pleasure for your blog. (I have affiliate products that may work on your site, just ask and I can help you set that up.)

If you’re serious about reaching

13. Join relevant social groups, forums and discussion threads and post comments that are helpful on social media and other appropriate blogs along with a link to your blog.



14. Make a point of finding other industry related blogs or authoritative sites and participate on these too by leaving comments and links.

you need to talk to us.

15. Build a relationship with other bloggers, especially those Page 124 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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Tracy Repchuk, is a 5-Time International Bestselling Author and Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist and speaker. As an award-winning entrepreneur since the age of 19 with over 30 years of business, internet, SEO, and marketing she has helped thousands of clients develop your brand, and launch your message online fast and effectively. In addition she has appeared as a technology specialist in National TV segments with ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, NBC, HGTV San Diego Living, Good Morning New Mexico, CNBC, Report on Business TV, Vegas Inc, USA Today, Forbes, MSN, and over 50 publications, newspapers and magazines, 3 motivational movies, plus hundreds of speaking appearances in over 35 countries. For more information like the above get a copy of her #1 book 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles at: www.Just31Days.com Get Tracy’s gift Instant Online Impact for free at: www.FastActionResults.com

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No One Says the Same Thing Twice 5 incredible interpretations of the

Love Theme From Spartacus.

Certain melodies transcend time and simply convey with them an indelible emotion and indescribable energy that is universal at its core.

THE version, the gorgeous take by Yusef Lateef on his seminal Middle Eastern Melodies (as featured on Lexis Snow Jazz mix) It conveys the emotion we all sense when exposed to this song and is beautifully constructed. The version being available on 45 is a testament to it being the most popular cover. The late Japanese producer Nujabes offered a fitting tribute by sampling it on Final View and he exposed the composition’s depth and versatility. This

Such is the case with the Love Theme penned by composer Alex North for the soundtrack to the 1960 movie Spartacus (Directed by Stanley Kubrick). Powerful music is often quite melancholic. This melody of bittersweet love was so poignant that it inspired many covers and samples. With over a dozen cover versions it is rewarding to see that each is unique and most importantly profound in its own right. Open your ears and soul to the beauty that is Love Theme from Spartacus. Let’s start with what many consider to be is a melody that was so potent it inspired musical geniuses to give it new life which is undeniable with our next artist covering it 3 different times! For me, the version to really delve into is performed by Bill Evans. A tortured genius who lived an isolated life which he escaped through drugs and music. I can really relate to times where this song helped me through tough passages. In his Conversations with Myself LP, Evans stretched out the melody and played to the outright extent of what jazz standards allowed. His phrasing and Page 128 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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song once again featuring flute and the addition of vibes. Id love to see a vibes cover of this song as many legendary musicians (Terry Callier, Carlos Santata & Gabor Szabo) have tried guitar versions that are ultimately rather disappointing. That being said, you can do no wrong with this song on piano and Ahmad Jamal’s spiritual version is the perfect balance of solo ability and proper jazz backing. Truly gorgeous and flawless!

light touches give the song more light and fluidity. In his trio with jazz flutist Jeremy Steig, the cover is more somber, this time the hope is provided by the airy riffs from Steig’s flute playing. The one that gets me everytime, however, is another solo piano rendition nicknamed Nardis from the excellent Japanese compilation Solo Sessions.

Another composer/pianist/genius Ramsey Lewis covered it with his trio offering a meditative introduction (great use of bells) that veers into a crowd pleasing version as it was a live recording. And while I agree this song inspires both pain and joy in me, I find it ironically fitting that the jazz club version was sampled by grown man rapper A.G for his anti-club anthem

This version lets all the emotional weight transpire and the playing is absolutely marvelous. Staying in Japan, I was awestruck by a recent live performance of this song from the excellent Soil&Pimp Sessions ensemble which speaks to the contagious nature of the melody. I am sure everyone in the world is affected differently by the song, but it surely resonates with all people around the globe. The Soil & Pimp live version reminded me to dust off my copy of Italian jazz group Quartetto Moderno’s Ecco LP which offers a lighter almost poppier cover of the Page 129 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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(Fuck the Club). At that point in his illustrious career the NYC rapper released the incredible Everything is Berri album and this song is just raw and honest. Its that eery fuck it attitude that gives autheticity to the album and the song is a perfect illustration of melancholic pensive yet street rap. Which leads me to my first exposition to the melody through Shurik’n closer track Manifeste. The powerful sample is complemented by incredibly relevant (sadly to this day) lyrics about social inequality and its visceral damage. Pernicious as instutionalized racism may be, the song has a hopeful energy that permeates through the bassline even though the lyrics are truly depressing. It’s what I have always used this song and its covers for:to give me hope even if all seems dark or pointless. The french rap song uses the original soundtrack version which is glorious with its sublime string arrangements and even refers to the movie’s plot in the closing lyrics.

Love Theme is a song where despair and joy coexist and much like the movie’s slavery/love dichotomy, when we accept that life will pass we will surely find ourselves in this blissfull purgotary state where a beautiful melody will be hummed in the heavens above. Deeply powerful and intrinsically beautiful music that will live on and is not done inspiring musicians; that to me is what this music thing is all about.

Listening to these versions further entrenches my conviction that this song will be played at my wake. Indeed, the Spartacus Page 130 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success

13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice for a Life of Meaning and Joy

“Kick bad mental habits and toughen yourself up.”—Inc. Master your mental strength—revolutionary new strategies that work for everyone from homemakers to soldiers and teachers to CEOs. 1. Don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself 2. Don’t give away your power 3. Don’t shy away from change 4. Don’t focus on things you can’t control 5. Don’t worry about pleasing everyone 6. Don’t fear taking calculated risks 7. Don’t dwell on the past 8. Don’t make the same mistakes over and over 9. Don’t resent other people’s success 10. Don’t give up after the first failure 11. Don’t fear alone time 12. Don’t feel the world owes you anything 13. Don’t expect immediate results

In the time of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movement, international bestselling author and leading global expert on mental strength Amy Morin turns her focus to feminism, explaining what it means—and what it takes— to be a mentally strong woman.

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The emergence of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have awakened society and encouraged women to find their voice and claim their power. But to do this, women must learn to improve their own mental strength. Contending with a host of difficult issues—from sexual assault on college campuses, to equal pay and pay gaps, to mastering different negotiation styles—demands psychological toughness. TOC

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The New York Times bestseller, now in paperback and updated with a new introduction Confidence. We want it. We need it. But it can be maddeningly enigmatic and out of reach. The authors of the New York Times bestseller Womenomics deconstruct this essential, elusive, and misunderstood quality and offer a blueprint for bringing more of it into our lives. Is confidence hardwired into the DNA of a lucky few, or can anyone learn it? Is it best expressed by bravado, or is there another way to show confidence? Which is more important: confidence or competence? Why do so many women, even the most successful, struggle with feelings of self-doubt? Is there a secret to channeling our inner confidence? In The Confidence Code, journalists Katty Kay and Claire Shipman travel to the frontiers of neuroscience on a hunt for the confidence gene and reveal surprising new research on its roots in our brains. They visit the world’s leading psychologists who explain how we can all choose to become more confident simply by taking action and courting risk, and how those actions change our physical wiring. They interview women leaders from the worlds of politics, sports, the military, and the arts to learn how they Page 133 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

have tapped into this elemental resource. They examine how a lack of confidence impacts our leadership, success, and fulfillment. Ultimately, they argue, while confidence is partly influenced by genetics, it is not a fixed psychological state. That’s the good news. You won’t discover it by thinking positive thoughts or by telling yourself (or your children) that you are perfect as you are. You also won’t find it by simply squaring your shoulders and faking it. But it does require a choice: less people pleasing and perfectionism and more action, risk taking, and fast failure. Inspiring, insightful, and persuasive, The Confidence Code shows that by acting on our best instincts and by daring to be authentic, women can feel the transformative power of a life on confidence. TOC

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Silotech Group, Inc. 10100 Reunion Place, Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78216 O 210.569.0950 M 210.748.0707 ttremont@SilotechGroup.com


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