STRONGER Initiative- 4 Pillars for 2024

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means stronger families and stronger communities.

Miami Valley Christian Academy is growing, with increasing enrollment and record interest in our uncompromising faith-based education. The focus of the STRONGER initiative is to enhance all of our programs to better prepare our students to thrive in an increasingly competitive world.

We are actively raising funds to expand our current facilities and to also strengthen all four pillars of our program – Faith, Academics, Athletics, and Fine Arts.

Planned improvements include more classrooms, an expanded gymnasium, a completely renovated theater, an outdoor prayer and reflection space, new locker rooms and training facilities, new band and music room, and better ingress and egress on our property.

These improvements will give more Christian families the opportunity to provide their children an affordable, Christ-centered education that exceeds what they can find elsewhere.

To fully fund the STRONGER initiave our goal is to raise $5 million dollars by the end of 2023, with plans to complete all improvements and open our newly expanded building by Fall 2024..

MVCA is strong, but if we are to continue to excel at our mission of preparing hearts and minds to impact the world for Christ, we must get STRONGER.

Will you join us to make this happen?


deserve a strong Christ-focused education for a secure future.

Miami Valley Christian Academy is steadfastly committed to an uncompromising Christian education. We are committed to helping our students grow spiritually, achieve academically, and develop their unique gifts and talents to fulfill their God-given purpose. Every day, MVCA’s faculty and staff engage and equip students to strengthen their minds, hearts, and faith. Our goal is to help them become wiser and more like Jesus.

By God’s grace, we are growing, and are working hard to strengthen the four pillars this Academy is built on: Faith, Academics, Athletics, and Fine Arts. At MVCA, we believe we are stronger because we keep God at the center of all of our decisions. We must continue building on that healthy foundation.

Yet, we cannot simply get bigger, we must also get STRONGER. That is why we have developed the STRONGER initiative. The STRONGER initiative will fortify an excellent educational experience, expand our facilities, and give many more families the same opportunity God has graciously given others for many years.

We believe every Christian family deserves the opportunity to develop their child’s faith and give them outstanding academic and co-curricular activities.

The STRONGER initiative will make the overall student experience even better, while also allowing other Christian families in our communities the same opportunity. God has given us the gift of MVCA. We must steward it well to care for the people He brings to our door.



MVCA was founded in 1996 by obedient servants who bathed its inception in prayer. As God gave direction, they faithfully followed one step at a time to bring us to where we are today. For 27 years God has provided the strength and wisdom needed to preserve the four pillars the Academy is built on—Faith, Academics, Athletics, and Fine Arts—the keystones of every MVCA education.

As God’s truth continues to dwindle from public life, our MVCA Family enjoys the benefits of stronger enrollment and a stronger financial position. We have accomplished major improvements like purchasing Founder’s Hall for our preschool and theater program, and adding the all-weather field that is used by our athletic teams and our students every day. We have also gained control of many of the surrounding properties around our campus. For such a time as this, God is blessing us with continued growth that is enabling us to plan enhancements and expansions for our future. We have also worked hard to keep tuition affordable. Since lowering tuition in 2017, tuition at MVCA has only experienced a net increase of 1.2%. We believe that families shouldn’t have to be wealthy to be able to provide their children with an excellent Christ-centered education.

Over the course of MVCA’s existence we have seen God’s hand perform mighty works! And we are excited to see what He will do next.


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~Jeremiah 29:11

We believe in these promises! We believe that through dedicated prayer, and faithful and generous donors, God will give us the ability to take our current state of strong faith and community, strong academics, strong athletics, and strong fine arts to an even STRONGER future!

We will fortify and strengthen these keystones that have made MVCA the educational source that it is today. We are planning a significant building expansion that includes a package of improvement projects in all four pillars that will roll out as we continue to receive funding. No matter which improvement excites your student and family, there is definitely something for every Lion.

Even now, dirt is being moved, plans are being laid, and concerted efforts are being exerted to bring God’s vision for MVCA into reality.


4 key pillars for a STRONGER tomorrow

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IMPROVEMENTS funded by the STRONGER Campaign

New Outdoor Prayer and Reflection Space to encourage more time with God.

• Complete with a covered pavilion, fireplace, and prayer labyrinth

• Classes will use this space for break out discipleship discussions, individual spiritual contemplation and transformation, and many other possibilities.

Updated Founder’s Hall (Upper School) and Worship Arts Center (Lower School) to improve chapel and worship times.

• Improved lighting for stage and house

• Sound system improvements

Additional office space to allow for an increase in our spiritual life/discipleship staff for our middle school and high school.


made possible by the STRONGER capital improvements

• Larger spiritual life / discipleship staff for our middle school and high school to facilitate a more robust program.

• More service opportunities for our students.


12 additional classrooms to eliminate overcrowding and facilitate expanded class options.

• Each classroom will be equipped with updated technology to allow for the best in modern educational experiences.

• New classrooms will offer maximum flexibility in space and seating so we can adjust our programs as needed.

• New classrooms will provide much needed space for innovation, collaboration, and alternative meeting space.


made possible by the STRONGER capital improvements

• Increased electives, including but not limited to, entrepreneurship, robotics, media arts, and financial literacy classes to expose students to skills critical for success in the modern workplace.

• On-campus college credit plus (CCP) offerings to allow students to earn free college credit for classes they take while at MVCA, greatly decreasing the cost of a college education.

• Finalization of a fully aligned K-12 curriculum that includes clear standards/benchmarks for mastery, and includes enrichment programming for lower school learners who surpass gradelevel standards, ensuring every student is sufficiently challenged in their education.


funded by the STRONGER Campaign

Expanded Gymnasium to eliminate overcrowding and create a better game day experience for student athletes and their families.

• 300 additional seats will also allow MVCA to serve as a site for athletic competitions, bringing increased exposure to our athletes and academy and driving more revenue to our programs.

• Designated student and pep band sections will bring more energy to our athletic events.

New weight room and training room to help all our student athletes train more effectively to increase performance and reduce injuries.

New, larger men’s and women’s locker rooms to make student athletes more comfortable.

• Locker rooms will be accessible from the all-weather field to allow for a visiting team area.

Improved concessions area to make it easier to get food and drinks and drive more revenue to our athletic programs.


made possible by the STRONGER capital improvements

• Additional sports programs to give more student athletes, both male and female, at all grade levels, the opportunity to use and refine their God-given athletic skills while learning sportsmanship, teamwork, and discipline.

• A more robust training and conditioning program to help all our student athletes increase performance, decrease injuries, and increase recovery times when injuries do occur.


funded by the STRONGER Campaign

Founders Hall theater upgrades to provide a best-in-class theater experience, on our campus, for both student performers and attendees.

• Larger stage area

• New curtains and lighting

• Upgraded sound system

• Relocated sound booth to create additional seating

• New seats

Better space for set construction and storage, improving the experience for our set building class and theater crews, as well as freeing up space for students in the upper school cafetorium.

New music/band room to create a better practice space for our student bands.


made possible by the STRONGER capital improvements

• New upper school theater productions beyond the three that currently run every year.

• Enhanced set building class as well as the addition of a theater crew class.

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Over 300 additional seats in the expanded gymnasium with a dedicated student and pep band section

Three additional classrooms

New and expanded men’s and women’s locker rooms with access to the gymnasium and the all-weather field (can be used by visiting teams as well)

Weight room

New restrooms for use by both indoor and outdoor events

Improved concessions area in the current upper school cafetorium to serve both the gymnasium and the all-weather field

New, additional parking lot and exit to better facilitate the student drop-off and pick-up process.

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10,000 square feet

Seven new classrooms

New music/band room (relocating this room creates two additional classrooms in current building)

Staff area and additional office space

Storage areas

Flex space for student collaboration



A new Outdoor Prayer and Reflection Space, complete with a prayer labyrinth, covered pavilion shelter, and fireplace. Classes will use this space for break out discipleship discussions, individual spiritual contemplation and transformation, and many other possibilities!

Fine Arts:

An enhanced theater experience in Founder’s Hall with new sound booth, full stage extension, 500 new seats, new lighting, stage curtain, and new mics.


The area alongside the Upper School building will eventually boast an additional entrance, exit, and parking for every on-campus event. More students = more activities = more automobiles = well...just more of everything!


We expect great things from God for the future of His school. This requires us to pause and ask, “What can we expect from God and what does God expect from us?” Indeed, He expects us to be faithful stewards and to use what He gives us to grow His Kingdom.

The Word encourages us: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things!” ~Matthew 5:21 Psalm 37: 5 - “ Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.”


• Carve out time to pray for the STRONGER Initiative and the future MVCA.

• Share the exciting MVCA news and STRONGER updates with your connections and circles.

• Connect Academy leadership to any contacts, foundations, businesses, and donors you know that might help expand God’s Kingdom in this way

• Give to the Stronger Initiative in whatever way God might be leading you.

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths.”

~Proverbs 3:6

Together, we will follow His leading to secure the future of an even STRONGER MVCA.

Thank you for your prayers and commitment as

we endeavor to make MVCA even STRONGER.

6830 School Street Cincinnati, OH 45244 51-272-6822
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