Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Stories Concerts: Ebb and Flow

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16.9 2023 六 SAT




A marine-themed program featuring Baroque pieces and a new commission


捐 助 機 構 FUNDED BY



以音樂喚醒香港歷史文化 Awakening Hong Kong’s History with Music 香港獨有的歷史背景及文化魅力,令其於一眾國際都會中 突圍而出,深深地吸引著本地人及海外旅客。日常生活裡 傳統與現代景象的重疊交錯,彷彿音符之間靈活萬變的對 位效果,為藝術家提供無窮靈感。因此,我們選擇以流動 的城市為背景,將音樂會搬演至古蹟建築,讓觀眾透過精 心挑選的曲目以及以古蹟為靈感的新作,細味和深思香港 今昔。 誼樂社自 2013 年起,藉「樂・憶古蹟」音樂會系列將世界 級的演奏家帶到香港不同角落,利用音樂凸顯古蹟的歷史 文化意義。我們在 2019 年獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐 助,拓展「賽馬會樂・憶古蹟」計劃,於大館及其他香港 古蹟建築搭建舞台,為觀眾呈獻全年的精彩節目。此計劃 更於聯合國教科文組織紀念《世界遺產公約》五十週年活 動「2022 全球世界遺產教育創新案例獎」國際分享會中, 在全球近百個案例中脫穎而出,獲得「卓越之星」獎項, 成為三十個獲獎案例之一。 一向獲觀眾及大眾的好評,誼樂社於 2022 年的夏季繼續獲 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的捐助,推出「賽馬會樂・憶古 蹟人・情・事」,這個古蹟推廣計劃為期三年,邀請作曲 家及不同的演藝人才,以新的視角去認識古蹟。此計劃亦 包括古蹟導賞、藝術家駐場計劃及樂訪校園等活動,惠及 觀眾、學生及社區。

Unique in its history among world cities, Hong Kong's cultural heritage makes for a singular and compelling story for locals and visitors alike. The city's dynamic counterpoint between the traditional and the ultra-modern provides ample inspiration as a backdrop upon which audiences can appreciate and reflect on Hong Kong's enduring legacy. And what better way to accomplish this than to transform the heritage sites into ad hoc concert stages with thematic programs and new works inspired by the history of the venues! Since 2013, Musicus Heritage has taken world-class performers to various locales and settings in Hong Kong, thus putting the music in context with the historical and cultural significance of the surroundings. With support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, we embarked on an exciting new chapter in 2019 with “Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Alive” program - an extended series at Tai Kwun and other heritage venues of note. This program won the Star of Outstanding Award at the 2022 Global Awards for World Heritage Education Innovative Cases on an international online sharing forum. The forum was organized by the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO. Having met with a positive response from audiences and the community, Musicus is supported by funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in summer 2022 for another three years, with the project named as “Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Stories”. The new series invites composers and artists from other art forms to take part, presenting new perspectives on historical sites. The series also includes heritage guided tours, artist residencies and school tours designed to benefit concert audiences, students and the community at large.


音樂會簡介 ABOUT THE CONCERTS 南區的香港仔原本是一條漁村,早在開埠前便有人定居。130 多年以來,在山崗上的舊香港仔警 署聽著漁歌晚唱,見證戰亂、填海和人口遷徙,伴隨殖民時期和當代香港歷盡風浪。

在歷史悠久的香港警署建築物裡欣賞音樂會 誼樂社把古蹟音樂會節目帶到採用新古典主義風格的紅磚建築(現由蒲窩青少年中心活化用途)。 藝術總監及大提琴家李垂誼,精心挑選韓德爾、泰利曼和韋華第啟發自西方海洋和漁民神話傳說 的作品,與樂手演繹巴洛克音樂的室樂版本。 舊香港仔警署先後改為偵探訓練學校、水警訓練學校、南區水警警署,現時則是蒲窩青少年中心, 每每帶來新氣象和注入活力。「作品徵集 2023」優勝者李健強,以駐場作曲家身份實地考察和譜 寫新作,加上穿梭香港仔及鴨脷洲避風塘社區感受街頭巷尾的人情味和漁民傳統信仰習俗,化印 象為音符。其委約作品由弦樂四重奏加上琵琶,糅合中西弦音首演。 19 世紀以來,沿岸傍水而居的生活各有特色,船隻在浪裡浮沉,人在岸上看潮起潮落。一首首樂 章迴盪在被歲月磨蝕的木地板和遊廊上,連結起過去、現在、將來。 For more than 130 years, the Old Aberdeen Police Station, situated on a hill overlooking the fishing village in the south-west of Hong Kong Island, has witnessed wars, land reclamation and repeated migrations as it weathered the ebbing and flowing tides of colonial and modern Hong Kong.

Enjoy a concert in one of Hong Kong's oldest police station buildings Musicus Society presents this heritage concert program in the Old Police Station’s historic red-brick building (now occupied by The Warehouse Teenage Club). With a nod to local fishing traditions, Artistic Director and cellist Trey Lee has selected works from Baroque composers Handel, Telemann and Vivaldi inspired by Western maritime myths and fishermen’s tales, and will perform the pieces as part of a string quartet. The program will also premiere a new commission composed by Kenneth Li, winner of Call for Scores 2023. It is inspired by the rejuvenation of the Old Aberdeen Police Station, as it has evolved in step with the neighbouring fishing community of Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau. The new contemporary piece combines the sounds of Chinese and Western string instruments. Hope you will enjoy this enchanting concert where the music sails across the aged wooden floorboards and verandas of the historic surroundings.



House Rules

為了令大家對這次的音樂會留下美好的印象,請勿在場地 內攝影、錄影或錄音;吸煙或飲食。在節目進行前,請關 掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。多謝合作。

In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating, drinking in venue. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your consideration.

任何情況下,捐助機構皆不會對任何人或法律實體因此載 內容而作出或沒有作出的任何行為負上任何法律責任。

In no event shall the Funder have any liability of any kind to any person or entity arising from or related to any actions taken or not taken as a result of any of the contents herein.

曲目 PROGRAM 2:00pm | 4:00pm 韓德爾 HANDEL

詠嘆調〈 小船在海上嬉水〉, 選自《洛塔里奧》,HWV 26 Aria “The little boat swims playfully in the sea” from Lotario , HWV 26


C 大調組曲《水上音樂》「漢堡的潮起與潮落」樂章選段,TWV 55:C3 Selected movements from Water Music “Hamburg Ebb and Flow” Suite in C, TWV 55:C3 II.

薩拉邦舞曲:睡眠中的忒提斯 Sarabande: The sleeping Thetis


布瑞舞曲:睡醒的忒提斯 Bourrée: Thetis awakening


魯爾舞曲:陷入愛情的涅普頓 Loure: Neptune in love


嘉禾舞曲:嬉戲的泉水精靈 Gavotte: Playing Naiads


英國喜劇風格:戲耍的崔坦 Harlequinade: The joking Triton


風暴:狂吹的埃俄羅斯 Tempête: The stormy Aeolus


吉格舞曲:潮汐 Gigue: Ebb and flow


卡納利舞曲:快活的水上人家 Canarie: The merry boat people

李健強 《波彼倫組曲》(世界首演) KENNETH LI Bobbylon Suite (World Première) I. II. III. IV. 韋華第 VIVALDI

〈漁光〉Promenade 〈暖窩〉Casa Coppa 〈波彼〉Bobby 〈歡慶〉The Extravaganza of Now

小交響曲,選自歌劇《奧林匹克》,RV 725 Sinfonia from L'Olimpiade , RV 725 I. II. III. IV.

快板 Allegro 行板 Andante 快板 Allegro 很快的快板 Allegro molto

音樂會全長約 1 小時,不設中場休息,並由成俊曦擔任司儀。音樂會結束後導賞團隨即開始,長約 1 小時,以粵語進行。 Duration of concert is approximately 1 hour without intermission. Shing Chun-hay will be the emcee. The guided tour will begin shortly after each concert ends. Duration is approximately 1 hour. Conducted in Cantonese.


委約新曲 COMMISSIONED WORK 李健強 《波彼倫組曲》(世界首演) Kenneth Li Bobbylon Suite (World Première) 「慰我波彼,呼聲永留」是人們在 1950 年為警犬波彼留下的墓誌銘,波彼的墓碑就安放在蒲窩的後山。 在《波彼倫組曲》中,波彼的靈魂將帶領聽眾遊走香港仔及鴨脷洲,感受這個社區的風土人情。 第一段〈漁光〉由漁民的鹹水歌掀開序幕,漁船、海、老店、生活,佻皮的波彼和所有遇見的人都熱情 地打了個招呼,再輕鬆地走到蒲窩──從前的香港仔警署。 這所警署除了是警察辦公的地方,更是他們的宿舍,實為街坊的一分子。在這〈暖窩〉中,除了嚴肅但 和藹的警員,還可聽見鹹水歌和市民的對話,竟然也看到波彼神氣地加入步操,與所有人打成一片! 夜幕低垂,活躍了一天的波彼慢慢回到自己的墓碑。聽著鐘聲響起,波彼的靈魂也必須休息了。回眸一 看,在波彼的眼中這個世界是如此的美麗善良。依依不捨的牠,眼瞼漸漸下垂。 很快又是新的一天,今天的蒲窩依舊充滿活力,多姿多彩地〈歡慶〉著,擁抱著這裡的歷史和文化並傳 承下去。之前出現過的主題都會再次露面,但節奏會越來越緊湊,就像這個社會─瞬息萬變。 Erected in 1950, the gravestone of police dog Bobby is inscripted with the words, “May Bobby rest in peace and his cries ring forever,” and can still be found on the hill behind The Warehouse Teenage Club. Through the Bobbylon Suite , Bobby’s spirit will lead a musical tour around Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau, experiencing local customs and culture. The first movement, “Promenade”, begins with a “salt-water” song, traditional ballads sung by the local fishing community, and opens to a scene of fishing boats, the sea, old shops, and people’s lives. The playful Bobby greets everyone cheerfully, then casually strolls towards The Warehouse, where the Old Aberdeen Police Station was located. The police station not only served as the office but also the living quarters of the officers, making them a part of the neighbourhood. In “Casa Coppa”, you can hear, along with the stern yet genial police officers, the conversations between the fishing ballads and the residents. Surprisingly, Bobby joins the foot drill, blending in and looking proud! As night falls, Bobby has been out and about all day and slowly heads back to his grave. The bells clang to signal it was time for Bobby’s spirit to rest. Bobby glances back. This world seems so beautiful and kind through his eyes. He wishes he could stay, but his eyelids are growing heavy. Soon, another new day has arrived. The Warehouse is still full of vigour and vibrancy, celebrating and embracing its history and culture to carry them forward. In “The Extravaganza of Now”, the earlier themes reappear with the rhythms becoming more and more intense, just like this ever-changing society.

聽到這個旋律,就是波彼出現了。 When you hear this melody, Bobby appears. 樂曲介紹由李健強提供 Program notes by Kenneth Li


李垂誼 ( 大提琴 ) Trey Lee (Cello)

獲已故傳奇指揮家馬捷爾讚揚為「令人驚嘆的主角」,國 際權威音樂雜誌《留聲機》宣稱為「奇蹟」,以及《紐約 時報》譽為「極之出色的大提琴家……演繹豐滿宏亮,情 感表達細膩」,李垂誼與世界各地德高望重的指揮家、作 曲家合作,如阿殊堅納西、史拉健、法朗克、斯拉特金、 梅納、巴舒密特、林圖、盛宗亮;並與各大頂尖樂團同台 演出,包括:法國電台愛樂樂團、底特律交響樂團、倫敦 愛樂管弦樂團、BBC 愛樂管弦樂團、荷蘭愛樂管弦樂團、 塔皮奧拉小交響樂團,莫斯科及挪威特倫赫姆獨奏家樂團, 以及斯圖加特、慕尼黑、羅馬尼亞電台室樂團等。 李氏經常亮相全球重要演出場地,包括紐約卡內基音樂 廳、林肯中心、聯合國總部、米蘭威爾姆劇院、北京國家 大劇院、阿姆斯特丹荷蘭皇家音樂廳,又活躍於各地音樂 節:庫赫莫、班夫、馬寶路、首爾春天及澳洲室樂音樂 節,更曾與費莎、法蘭、古西薛托、薛高維斯基等現今炙 手可熱的演奏家合作。最近更成為加拿大著名鋼琴四重奏 Ensemble Made in Canada 的一員。 李氏是首位獲得國際楊尼格洛大提琴比賽冠軍的亞洲人, 自此便隨即獲各大媒體爭相訪問,包括《金融時報》、美 國有線新聞網絡 CNN、中央電視台等,並為港台電視節目 《傑出華人青年音樂家系列》重點介紹的人物之一。李氏 與鋼琴家郎朗及王羽佳等同時被意大利最具權威的報章《Il Corriere Della Sera》選為華人古典音樂界的「四大金童玉 女」。 百代唱片公司(EMI)為李氏發行了多張榮登古典音樂暢銷 榜的唱片,廣受樂迷與樂評激賞。近期的唱片包括由盛宗 亮為他度身訂造的《燦影》及王立平的《紅樓夢大提琴隨 想曲》。 李氏是誼樂社的創辦人之一兼藝術總監,他於 2013 年創立 開創先河的「樂.誼國際音樂節」。自 2012 年起,他獲聯 合國兒童基金會委任為香港區大使,代表基金會四出宣揚 兒童權益,2014 年獲邀出席聯合國總部慶典與小野洋子及 曉治積曼等同台為《The IMAGINE Project》揭幕。其他別 具意義的演出,包括為加拿大原住民部落演出,亦為南非 英雄戈德堡及其「希望之家基金」的籌款音樂會獻藝。 李氏演奏用的是 1703 年製的哥佛利拉名琴,名為「格比利 亞舒伯爵」。

Hailed “a marvelous protagonist...superb cellist” by the late Lorin Maazel, a “Miracle” by Gramophone and “the excellent cellist… with enveloping richness and lyrical sensitivity” by the New York Times , Trey Lee works with esteemed conductors, composers and orchestras worldwide, such as Vladimir Ashkenazy, Leonard Slatkin, Mikko Franck, Vassily Sinaisky, Yuri Bashmet, Hannu Lintu, Bright Sheng; the Chamber Orchestras of Stuttgart, Munich, London and Romanian Radio; Moscow and Trondheim Soloists ensembles; Philharmonia Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra Radio France, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, BBC Philharmonic, Netherlands Philharmonic, and Tapiola Sinfonietta among others. Trey appears often at major venues and festivals around the world, including the Carnegie Hall, United Nations, Teatro dal Verme Milan, Beijing National Centre for Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Kuhmo, Banff, Marlboro, Seoul Spring, and the Australian Festival of Chamber Music. On stage, Trey partners with many of today's most sought-after stars such as Julia Fischer, Vilde Frang, Pekka Kuusisto, Alexander Sitkovetsky, and most recently became a member of Canada’s leading piano quartet, Ensemble Made in Canada. As the first Asian winner of the prestigious International Antonio Janigro Cello Competition, Trey has been featured in Financial Times , on CNN and China’s national television CCTV, and Radio Television Hong Kong’s award-winning documentary series “Outstanding Young Chinese Musicians”. Italy’s Il Corriere Della Sera heralded Trey as one of China’s classical music “Golden Boys & Girls” alongside pianists Lang Lang and Yuja Wang. Trey has released several albums under EMI which topped the classical charts. His recent albums include Bright Sheng’s The Blazing Mirage dedicated to Trey, and The Dream of the Red Chamber Capriccio under the direction of composer Wang Liping. As the founding Artistic Director of Musicus Society, Trey established the groundbreaking Musicus Fest in 2013. As an ambassador of UNICEF Hong Kong, he was joined on stage at the United Nations General Assembly Hall in 2014 by Yoko Ono and Hugh Jackman among others to launch The IMAGINE Project. Other inspiring projects Trey has undertaken include performances at the indigenous First Nation communities of northern Canada and a fundraising concert for South African hero Denis Goldberg and his House of Hope Foundation in South Africa. Trey plays on the 1703 "Comte de Gabriac" cello by Venetian master maker Matteo Goffriller.


范曉星(小提琴) Fan Hiu-sing (Violin)

范曉星是誼樂社 2021「年青音樂家招募」的優勝者。早年 他贏得紐約國際藝術家小提琴大賽及艾德菲室樂團協奏曲 大賽後,已成為國際樂壇上一顆耀眼新星。他曾在不少短 期深造學院和國際音樂節演出,包括馬伏音樂學院、菲比 耶音樂節、菲羅音樂節及學院、國際大山音樂節及學院和 綠山室樂音樂節等。他畢業於茱莉亞音樂學院和慕尼黑音 樂及戲劇學院,獲艾克斯坦獎學金,現正在美國西北大學 畢恩音樂學院修讀音樂藝術博士學位。范曉星現為樂.誼 獨奏家樂團成員之一。

Fan Hiu-sing was the 2021 winner of Musicus Society’s Young Artist Audition. Winner of the New York International Artists Violin Competition and the Adelphi Chamber Orchestra Concerto Competition, he has established himself as a rising star on the international concert circuit. Institutions and international festivals at which he has performed include the Marvão Music Academy, the Verbier Festival, the Festival e Academia Verão Clássico, the Great Mountains Music Festival and School, and the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival. He graduated from the Juilliard School and the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich. As the recipient of the Eckstein Scholarship, he is pursuing his Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree at Bienen School of Music, Northwestern University. Fan Hiu-sing is a member of Musicus Soloists Hong Kong.

黃沛盈(小提琴) Wong Pui-ying (Violin)

黃沛盈是誼樂社 2022「年青音樂家招募」優異獎得獎者, 2018 年首度亮相「樂.誼國際音樂節」。她曾與各大樂團 合作,如新香港交響樂團、泛亞交響樂團、廣西樂團和美 國德州沃斯堡青少年樂團。她是世界華人音樂家協會最年 輕的會員,最近贏得的獎項包括第五屆中國音樂學院協會 國家大賽第十級冠軍、第三屆珠海莫札特國際小提琴大賽 (組別 B)第二名及第四屆楊克列維奇國際小提琴大賽初 級組第一名。黃氏現於格拉茨音樂及演藝大學隨世界知名 的庫斯奇尼爾教授學藝。黃沛盈現為樂.誼獨奏家樂團成 員之一。


Wong Pui-ying was an Honorable Mention of Musicus Society’s Young Artist Audition in 2022. She made her Musicus Society debut at Musicus Fest 2018 and has worked with various orchestras, including the New Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra, Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Guangxi Orchestra and the Fort Worth Youth Orchestra in the US. She is the youngest member of the World Chinese Musician Association and has recently won the Fifth China Conservatory of Music Society National Competition, Grade 10, the Second Prize of group B of the 3rd Zhuhai Mozart International Violin Competition and the First Prize of the IV Yankelevitch International Violin Competition (Junior Group). Wong is now studying with world-renowned Professor Boris Kuschnir at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. Wong Pui-ying is a member of Musicus Soloists Hong Kong.

劉子正(中提琴) Born Lau (Viola)

劉子正以獨奏家、室樂音樂家及首席中提琴身份活躍於國 際樂壇,其演奏獲《費城詢問報》盛讚為「精準優雅」。 他是普林羅士國際中提琴大賽及美國星光藝術家全國面試 的冠軍得主,其演藝足跡遍及三大洲。焦點演出包括以獨 奏身份與香港管弦樂團、費城室樂團和特倫赫姆獨奏家樂 團同台、在柏林基辛格頒獎禮上獻藝,以及在洛杉磯與享 負盛名的東京四重奏舉行音樂會。劉氏曾任上海交響樂團 首席中提琴,並曾擔任聖地亞哥交響樂團、寇蒂斯交響樂 團和哈利斯科愛樂樂團的客席首席中提琴。劉氏畢業於寇 蒂斯音樂學院及柯爾本音樂學院。

Praised for his “immaculately refined” playing (The Philadelphia Inquirer), violist Born Lau has appeared internationally as a soloist, chamber musician and principal violist. A prizewinner of the Primrose International Viola Competition and the Astral National Auditions, he enjoys a career spanning three continents. Career highlights include performances as a soloist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia and Trondheim Soloists, performance at the Henry A. Kissinger Prize ceremony in Berlin, and a concert with the esteemed Tokyo String Quartet in Los Angeles. Lau has served as Principal Violist of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, as well as Guest Principal Violist of San Diego Symphony, Curtis Symphony Orchestra, and Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra. Lau received his education from the Curtis Institute of Music and the Colburn Conservatory of Music.

林灒桐(琵琶) Mavis Lam (Pipa)

林灒桐 2003 年參與成立無極樂團,現為團長。林氏畢業於 香港演藝學院中樂系,經常以琵琶及阮琴演奏家身份,與 編舞家、劇場導演及不同藝術團體合作,擔任現場演奏及 即興音樂創作。林氏活躍於不同的音樂節及舞台製作,曾 參與庫赫莫室樂節 2016、香港舞蹈團《紅樓.夢三闋》及 《觀自在》、江蘇省演藝集團歌劇舞劇院《香君.夢》、 多媒體音樂劇埸《致最相似的人》及無極樂團爵式無極之 《一任逍遙》音樂會等。林氏現場演出經驗豐富,亦熱衷 教學,以及參與過多齣電視劇配樂的錄音。近年,她積極 參與音樂靜心活動,希望用由心而發的樂聲引領大家重覓 內心的逸靜。

Mavis Lam Tsan-tong helped found Wuji Ensemble in 2003 and is currently its concert leader. A graduate of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Chinese music, Lam is a seasoned and versatile pipa and ruan soloist, and has collaborated extensively with choreographers, theatre directors, and arts groups in live performances. She is particularly known for her improvised contributions. Recent performances include Finland’s Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival 2016; the Hong Kong Dance Company’s Reveries of the Red Chamber and Vipassana ; Jiangsu Performing Arts Group Opera and Dance Theatre’s Xiangjun-Dream ; Wuji Ensemble’s Boundless Groove: A Sonic Journey in Nature ; and the multi-media music theatre performance To Someone Alike . In addition to her career as a performer, Lam is also active as a music educator, and as a frequent recording artist for the soundtracks of television dramas. Recently, she has also become involved in music meditation activities, hoping to use music played from the heart to help audiences find their inner peace.


李健強 (作曲家) Kenneth Li (Composer)

李健強是誼樂社 2023「作品徵集」的優勝者,亦為土生土 長的香港人。他曾遠赴英國進修爵士樂、森巴敲擊及作曲, 獲得跟隨多位爵士樂大師如舒姆爾、洛克赫特及克洛斯拜 師學藝的機會,並展開全英各地的表演,亮相倫敦爵士音 樂節、Vortex 爵士俱樂部、Kansas Smitty's 音樂展演空間 及巴比肯藝術中心等。 告別英國後,他將其迷幻音樂及融合不同樂種的現代音樂、 留英生活期間創作的迷你專輯《Hey.》、以及對音樂的熱 誠亦一併帶回香港。他加入了本地新室樂組合海島小輪, 創立香港唯一爵士弦樂四重奏 Korvi 弦樂四重奏,並考獲香 港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金,在李允琪教授指導 下於香港中文大學研修作曲博士課程,繼續開拓其於音樂 世界的歷險旅程。


Kenneth Li is the winner of Musicus Society’s Call for Scores 2023. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Li went to the UK and studied jazz, samba percussion and composition, where he opened doors to shadow masters like Barak Schmool, Mark Lockheart and Trish Clowes, and took ample stages including the London Jazz Festival, Vortex, Kansas Smitty’s, the Barbican Centre and more all over the country. With his return to Hong Kong, Li has brought with him his psychedelic, genre-blending modern music, his EP <Hey.> written during his UK-bound days, his commitment to joining local neo-chamber ensemble “Sea Island and Ferry” and establishing Korvi Quartet, the only jazz string quartet in Hong Kong. As a recipient of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund Scholarship, he went on to pursue a doctoral degree in composition at the Chinese University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Professor Wendy Lee to extend his adventure in the musical world.

關於誼樂社 About Musicus Society 誼樂社於 2010 年由一群音樂愛好者為實踐著名大提琴家李垂誼的理念而成立,旨在成為立足國際、以 優質的演出及世界級的本地藝術家稱譽的音樂機構。樂社是個香港註冊的慈善機構,並得到榮譽贊助人 董建華先生的慷慨支持。 樂社的使命為聯繫國際與本地頂尖藝術家,透過演出及培育新秀樂手,實現國際間跨文化音樂交流。樂 社的年度活動包括四個主要項目: 「樂.誼國際音樂節」夥拍世界各地國際級藝術家同台演出,展現樂社音樂家的出色才華,並與本地青 年樂手合作,精進技藝,提升水平。 「樂.憶古蹟」 除了貫徹「樂.誼國際音樂節」的理念,還會精選本地古蹟舉辦音樂會,以音樂喚醒 香港歷史文化。 「樂.啓夢想」教育項目,旨在培育社會各階層的年青音樂才俊。內容包括為新晉樂手提供由音樂大師 指導的培訓,以及與大師同台演出的機會;透過「作品徵集」發掘年輕作曲家;舉辦「年青音樂家招募」 及「樂團培訓」培育具潛質的樂手;還有「樂訪校園」,讓學生探索音樂的無限可能。 「樂.誼獨奏家樂團」雲集世界各地的新一代香港音樂菁英,由藝術總監李垂誼構思及策劃,冀望發展 成為一支代表香港踏足世界各地演出的室樂隊伍。 Musicus Society was founded in 2010 by a group of music lovers as the vision of cellist Trey Lee to become an international music organization with quality performances and world-class home-grown artists. It is a Hong Kong registered charity with the Hon. Tung Chee-hwa as Honorary Patron. The Society’s mission is to promote cross-cultural collaboration of music internationally between top local and overseas artists through performances and by nurturing the next generation of talent. Each year, the Society presents four major programs: Musicus Fest An international partnership for world-class artists to collaborate, showcasing our exceptional artists and working with our young talents to bring their artistry to new heights. Musicus Heritage In addition to the objectives of Musicus Fest, Musicus Heritage enhances the public’s knowledge of our culture and history by presenting music programs that reflect their heritage settings.

Musicus Inspires! is an educational program that aims to cultivate young talents from all social backgrounds. The initiative provides training and performance opportunities for emerging artists with great musicians, such as the “Call for Scores” for young composers, the “Young Artist Audition” and the “Ensemble Training” for instrumentalists. It also organizes “School Visits” for students to explore various aspects of music. Musicus Soloists Hong Kong Directed and initiated by renowned cellist Trey Lee, Musicus Soloists Hong Kong (MSHK) is comprised of some of Hong Kong’s top next-generation artists who gather from all over the world. MSHK is focused on becoming a leading chamber ensemble representing Hong Kong throughout the world.


榮譽贊助人 Honorary Patron 董建華先生 The Hon. Tung Chee Hwa, GBM 榮譽會長 Honorary Presidents 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs. Janice Choi*, BBS, MH, JP 紀文鳳女士 Ms. Leonie Ki*, GBS, JP 羅君美女士 Ms. Elizabeth Law, MH, JP

藝術總監 Artistic Director 李垂誼 Trey Lee

榮譽顧問 Honorary Advisors 陳達文博士 Dr. Darwin Chen*, SBS, ISO 羅啟妍女士 Prof. Kai-yin Lo*, SBS 榮譽藝術諮詢 Honorary Artistic Panel 李垂誼先生 Mr. Trey Lee* (主席 Chairman) 德布斯先生 Mr. Johannes Debus 傅人長先生 Mr. Renchang Fu 李貞熙女士 Ms. Elissa lee 潘素拉女士 Ms. Minna Pensola 蒂卡寧先生 Mr. Antti Tikkanen 榮譽藝術顧問 Honorary Artistic Advisor 徐霞女士 Ms. Xu Xia

理事會 The Council 會長 President 李垂音女士 Ms. Chui-Inn Lee* 主席 Chairman 羅君本先生 Mr. Ken Lo 義務司庫 Honorary Treasurer 邱毅麟先生 Mr. Alan Yau 義務秘書 Honorary Secretary 黃仲賢先生 Mr. Patrick Wong 教育委員會主席暨節目委員會聯席主席 Education Chair & Programming Co-Chair 林杏儒女士 Ms. Sophie Lin 人力資源委員會主席暨籌款委員會聯席主席 Human Resources Chair & Fundraising Co-Chair 宋安真女士 Ms. Tiffany Soong

公關委員會主席暨前理事 Publicity Chair & Former Council Member 陳嵐女士 Ms. Lilian Chen *創社成員 Founder member





Located at the former Aberdeen Police


Station, a grade 2 historic building, The


Warehouse Teenage Club is a registered


charitable non-profit making youth centre for


youngsters between the age of 13 and 25, to


develop multi-talents and contribute to the

客空間 (Maker Space) 的非牟利青年機構之一。

society by organizing different programmes, such as Arts, Cultural Heritage Conservation and Maker Space, etc. The Warehouse is one of the first non-profit making youth organizations that provides Maker Space in Hong Kong.

蒲窩青少年中心地址: 香港仔大道 116 號 Address of The Warehouse Teenage Club: 116 Aberdeen Main Road


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