Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Stories: Neoclassicism Refashioned

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主辦 Presenter

捐助機構 Funded by

場地夥伴 Venue Partner

展覽夥伴 Exhibition Partners






有關「賽馬會樂.憶古蹟人.情.事」 ABOUT THE JOCKEY CLUB MUSICUS HERITAGE STORIES 誼樂社自 2019 年獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐

With support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club


Charities Trust, Musicus embarked on an exciting


new chapter in 2019 with Jockey Club Musicus

五十週年活動「2022 全球世界遺產教育創新案例

Heritage Alive program. This program won the


Star of Outstanding Award at the 2022 Global


Awards for World Heritage Education Innovative


Cases in an international sharing forum online. The forum was organized by the World Heritage

於 2022 年,誼樂社再度獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基

Institute of Training and Research-Asia and


Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO.

計劃,透過大師班、走訪校園、專題音樂會及導 賞活動等,為世界知名藝術家及香港年青樂手提

In 2022, with renewed funding from The Hong


Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club


Musicus Heritage Stories was launched. Year-


long heritage activities include master classes,


school visits, tailored-made performances, and


heritage guided tours. In addition to serving as a


platform for international artists to nurture local musicians and young talents, the program also creates an enriched and meaningful concert experience for the public at large. The new series also invites artists from other art forms to create new works, bringing in new perspectives on historical sites.


音樂會簡介 ABOUT THE CONCERTS 德奧作曲家鼎立


大提琴家李垂誼聯同多位菁英演奏家,在前北九龍裁判法院第一法庭內舉行音樂會,演出陣容包 括德國小提琴家寬達,以及本地傑出的弦樂好手。 在經歷一戰之後的歐洲,若干作曲家等為了抗衡個人情感和隨性手法氾濫的浪漫主義音樂,向巴 洛克和古典樂派取經,發展出曲式著重客觀理性、克制抒情的新古典主義音樂風格,迸發另類活 力。另一邊廂,法院大樓採用簡約古典建築風格(Stripped Classicism),其對稱結構和俐落線條 的外型,與法院的司法功用相得益彰。《歷久裳新》的音樂會曲目圍繞新古典主義音樂及與之呼 應的古典時期作品和古蹟建築風格:12 月 1 日,海頓的 D 大調弦樂四重奏和理察.史特勞斯作品 《變形》的弦樂七重奏版本相映成趣;而在 2、3 日週末每天兩場的音樂會中,會選奏亨德密特和 布拉姆斯的弦樂室樂小品。

Music meets architecture and fashion in a stimulating concert experience The Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Stories continues with an exciting series of concerts at the historic Former North Kowloon Magistracy. The concerts, led by Musicus Artistic Director and cellist Trey Lee, feature both classical and 20th century neoclassical pieces, ranging from Haydn to Hindemith and Brahms to Richard Strauss. Also accompanying Trey are German guest violinist Martin Funda and talented local musicians. Neoclassical music harks back to the music of the early modern period, rejuvenating the classical idiom, and getting concert music back to basics. In line with previous editions of the Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Stories, the concerts showcase the nexus of music, architectural heritage and Hong Kong’s cultural production, taking place in Court No. 1 of the historical building, which dates from 1960 and represents a stripped classicism architectural style.



House Rules

為了令大家對這次的音樂會留下美好的印象,請勿在場地內攝影、 錄影或錄音;吸煙或飲食。在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他 響鬧及發光的裝置。多謝合作。

In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating, drinking in venue. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your consideration.

任何情況下,捐助機構皆不會對任何人或法律實體因此載內容而作出或沒有作 出的任何行為負上任何法律責任。

In no event shall the Funder have any liability of any kind to any person or entity arising from or related to any actions taken or not taken as a result of any of the contents herein.

曲目 PROGRAM 所有音樂會由成俊曦擔任司儀。每場音樂會結束後粵語導賞團隨即開始,長約 40 分鐘。 Shing Chun-hay will be the emcee. The Cantonese guided tour will begin shortly after each concert ends. Duration is approximately 40 minutes.

1.12(五 Fri) 7:30pm 海頓 HAYDN

D 大調弦樂四重奏,作品 33 之第 6 首,「俄羅斯」,Hob. III:42 String Quartet in D, Op. 33, “Russian”, No. 6, Hob. III:42 I. II. III. IV.

非常活潑 Vivace assai 行板 Andante 詼諧曲:快板 Scherzo. Allegro 終曲:稍快板 Finale. Allegretto

小提琴 Violins: 陳倬朗 Aaron Chan* | 寬達 Martin Funda 中提琴 Viola: 劉子正 Born Lau 大提琴 Cello: 賈楠 Jia Nan* 理察.史特勞斯 RICHARD STRAUSS

《變形》,TrV 290(利奧波德為弦樂七重奏改編) Metamorphosen, TrV 290 (arranged by Rudolf Leopold for string septet)

小提琴 Violins: 中提琴 Violas: 大提琴 Cellos: 低音大提琴 Double Bass:

寬達 Martin Funda | 陳倬朗 Aaron Chan* 劉子正 Born Lau | 郝立希 Jeremy Hao* 李垂誼 Trey Lee | 賈楠 Jia Nan* 李文瀚 Marco Lee#*

12 月 1 日音樂會全長約 1 小時,不設中場休息。 Duration of the 1 Dec concert is approximately 1 hour, without intermission. * 樂.誼獨奏家樂團成員 Member of Musicus Soloists Hong Kong # 承蒙香港中樂團允許參與是次演出 With kind permission of The Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra


2-3.12(六、日 Sat, Sun) 2:00pm 亨德密特 HINDEMITH

《為樂器合奏的教學作品》之八首弦樂小品,作品 44 之第 3 首 Eight Pieces for Strings No. 3, from the Schulwerk for Instrumental Ensemble Playing, Op. 44 I. II. III. IV.

稍快 Moderately fast 快 Fast 稍快 Moderately fast 愉快的,稍快 Gay, moderately fast

小提琴 Violins: 中提琴 Viola: 大提琴 Cello: 低音大提琴 Double Bass: 布拉姆斯 BRAHMS

陳倬朗 Aaron Chan* | 寬達 Martin Funda 劉子正 Born Lau 賈楠 Jia Nan* 李文瀚 Marco Lee#*

G 大調第二弦樂六重奏,作品 36 String Sextet No. 2 in G, Op. 36 I. II.

不甚快的快板 Allegro non troppo 詼諧曲 : 不甚快的快板 - 戲諧的急板 - 回到原速 Scherzo. Allegro non troppo-Presto giocoso-Tempo Primo

小提琴 Violins: 寬達 Martin Funda | 陳倬朗 Aaron Chan* 中提琴 Violas: 郝立希 Jeremy Hao* | 劉子正 Born Lau 大提琴 Cellos: 李垂誼 Trey Lee | 賈楠 Jia Nan*

4:00pm 亨德密特 HINDEMITH

《為樂器合奏的教學作品》之八首弦樂小品,作品 44 之第 3 首 Eight Pieces for Strings No. 3, from the Schulwerk for Instrumental Ensemble Playing, Op. 44 V. VI. VII. VIII.

快 Fast 稍快 Moderate fast 活潑的 Lively 稍快,隨意的 Moderately fast, carefree

小提琴 Violins: 中提琴 Viola: 大提琴 Cello: 低音大提琴 Double Bass: 布拉姆斯 BRAHMS

陳倬朗 Aaron Chan* | 寬達 Martin Funda 劉子正 Born Lau 賈楠 Jia Nan* 李文瀚 Marco Lee#*

G 大調第二弦樂六重奏,作品 36 String Sextet No. 2 in G, Op. 36 III. IV.

慢板 Adagio 甚快板 Poco allegro

小提琴 Violins: 寬達 Martin Funda | 陳倬朗 Aaron Chan* 中提琴 Violas: 郝立希 Jeremy Hao* | 劉子正 Born Lau 大提琴 Cellos: 李垂誼 Trey Lee | 賈楠 Jia Nan* 12 月 2 及 3 日音樂會全長約 30 分鐘,不設中場休息。 Duration of each concert on 2 and 3 Dec is approximately 30 minutes, without intermission.



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李垂誼 ( 藝術總監 / 大提琴 ) Trey Lee (Artistic Director / Cello)

李氏致力探索發揮大提琴表現情感的潛能,例如曾改編皮 亞佐拉《布宜諾斯艾利斯的四季》大提琴版本,並與特隆 赫姆獨奏家樂團首演後,再巡迴挪威演出;而李氏參與改 編王立平原創的《紅樓夢大提琴隨想曲》,則與底特律交 響樂團在斯拉特金指揮下首演。李氏對樂曲精闢的理解及 演繹亦備受作曲家欣賞。著名作曲家盛宗亮將靈感來自聯 合國教科文組織世界遺產——敦煌石窟的大提琴協奏曲《燦 影》題獻給李氏,並由李氏作世界首演及灌錄唱片(由拿 索斯唱片公司發行);芬蘭作曲家利蒂寧的大提琴協奏曲, 由李氏與 Avanti !室樂團作世界首演。 李氏是首位獲得國際楊尼格洛大提琴比賽冠軍的亞洲人。 多張李氏灌錄、由百代 EMI 唱片公司發行的個人專輯,均 榮登古典音樂暢銷榜。最近的錄音包括德國國際廣播公司 的【德國之聲】電視台獨奏會。 李氏演奏用的大提琴為 1703 年製的哥佛利拉名琴「格比利 亞舒伯爵」。

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李氏 2023 至 2024 年的演出包括與薩爾斯堡室樂團巡演、 亮相英國室樂團的倫敦樂季開幕音樂會、在全國 11 個城市 舉行獨奏會、及在巴黎、柏林、米蘭、維也納、布達佩斯 等地與樂團的協奏曲演出。他曾與世界各地德高望重的指 揮家合作,如阿殊堅納西、巴舒密特、法朗克、林圖、梅納、 米高安捷奴、羅法利、辛奈斯基及斯羅伯狄努克;並與各 大樂團同台演出,包括:倫敦愛樂管弦樂團、英國廣播公 司愛樂管弦樂團、荷蘭愛樂管弦樂團、法國電台愛樂樂團、 塔皮奧拉小交響樂團,莫斯科及挪威特倫赫姆獨奏家樂團, 以及倫敦、曼托瓦、慕尼黑、斯圖加特、羅馬尼亞電台室 樂團等。

Hailed as a “miracle” by Gramophone , Trey Lee enthralls audiences with a virtuosity that combines intellectual sophistication and a profound depth of emotions. His concerto debut at Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage earned him a standing ovation, with The New York Times critic Anthony Tommasini declaring him “the excellent cellist...with enveloping richness and lyrical sensitivity.” The late Lorin Maazel praised him as “a marvelous protagonist...a superb cellist” after conducting Trey in Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C with the Philharmonia Orchestra. 2023 and 2024 highlights include touring with Camerata Salzburg, the season opening concert in London with the English Chamber Orchestra, a recital tour of 11 cities in China, and concerto performances in Paris, Berlin, Milan, Vienna and Budapest. Notable musicians Trey has worked with include conductors Vladimir Ashkenazy, Yuri Bashmet, Mikko Franck, Hannu Lintu, Juanjo Mena, Santtu-Matias Rouvali, Vassily Sinaisky and Dima Slobodeniouk; the philharmonics of BBC, Netherlands, Radio France; the Tapiola Sinfonietta; the Moscow Soloists; and the chamber orchestras of London, Mantova, Munich, Stuttgart and Romanian Radio, among others. 2

李垂誼憑着深刻的情感、成熟而充滿睿智的演繹與亮麗的 技巧吸引無數樂迷,國際權威音樂雜誌《留聲機》更譽為 「奇蹟」。他首度亮相紐約卡內基音樂廳,即贏得觀眾站 立鼓掌,而《紐約時報》樂評人湯瑪斯尼更讚揚為「優秀 的大提琴家…演繹豐滿宏亮,情感表達細膩」。已故指揮 大師馬捷爾在指揮倫敦愛樂管弦樂團與李氏合作演出的海 頓 C 大調大提琴協奏曲後,盛讚他是「令人驚嘆的獨奏家 ……極為出色的大提琴家」。



香港 Hong Kong

Seeking to increase the expressive possibilities of the cello, Trey has re-arranged Piazzolla’s Four Seasons of Buenos Aires , which he debuted with the Trondheim Soloists followed by a tour of Norway. Wang Liping’s The Dream of the Red Chamber Capriccio , co-rearranged by Trey, was premiered with Leonard Slatkin and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Furthermore, Trey has given world premieres of two pieces dedicated to him: Bright Sheng's The Blazing Mirage (recorded for Naxos) and contemporary Finnish composer Kirmo Lintinen’s Cello Concerto. Trey is a laureate of major international competitions, including First Prize at the International Antonio Janigro Cello Competition. His debut and recital albums were distributed by EMI with critical acclaim; recent recordings include a recital by Deutsche Welle television, the German public international broadcaster. Trey plays on the 1703 “Comte de Gabriac” cello by Venetian master maker Matteo Goffriller.



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寬達(小提琴) Martin Funda (Violin)

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Funda combines tradition with modern relevance, consistently proving how stimulating a multi-faceted and varied career can be and how it can bring about great musical flexibility, whether as a soloist, guest concertmaster, play-lead musician, artistic director or pedagogue. Chamber music remains, however, his core focus, primarily as the leader of the Armida Quartett. It is this form of music-making that he always draws inspiration from, in order to communicate effectively with other musicians and to establish the place of music in other settings.

作為教授,他以傳授年輕音樂家必要知識技能為首要任務, 在他們通往成為獨立自主的音樂家的道路上給予支持。 寛達是一位室樂及管弦樂音樂家、獨奏家和教育家。他以 阿密達四重奏創始成員和領奏身份贏得國際稱譽。2011 年 贏得日內瓦國際音樂大賽後,四重奏在 2012 年 ARD 慕尼 黑國際音樂大賽勇奪第一名、觀眾獎,以及其餘六項特別 獎,令阿密達四重奏成為世界上最受歡迎的四重奏之一。 阿密達四重奏是 G. Henle 出版社新版莫札特弦樂四重奏的 藝術顧問,四重奏更於 2021 年為新版本錄製全集專輯,他 們所採用的指法和弓法可於 G. Henle 應用程式瀏覽。 他現時亦有擔任柏林德意志歌劇院、北德廣播愛樂樂團、 巴斯克國家交響樂團、斯圖加特國家歌劇院、柏林巴洛克 獨奏家樂團和科隆室樂團的客席樂團首席。作為獨奏家, 寛達常與不同的德國樂團同台演出,合作的指揮包括費爾 茨、魏爾和維倫等。




寛達緊扣傳統與現代,無論作為一位獨奏家、客席樂團首 席、領奏、藝術總監抑或導師,均能貫切反映其激勵人心、 豐富多元的演藝事業,並展現出音樂無窮的靈活性。而阿 密達四重奏領奏的身份則一直是他演奏生涯的焦點所在。 這種音樂形式正是他的靈感泉源,令他能有效地與其他音 樂家溝通,並在其他場合中為音樂定位。

Martin Funda has been a Professor of Violin and Chamber Music at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart (HMDK) since the winter semester of 2018/19.

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寛達自 2018/19 冬季學期起擔任斯圖加特音樂與表演藝術 州立大學(HMDK)的小提琴及室樂教授。



德國 Germany

As a professor, he sees it as a key priority to pass on to young musicians the necessary knowledge and skills required for a versatile musical career and to support them on the path to becoming individual and self-reliant musicians. Funda is a chamber and orchestral musician, soloist and pedagogue. He achieved international acclaim as a founding member and leader of the Armida Quartett. After winning the Concours de Genève in 2011, they were awarded the First Prize, the Audience Prize and six further special prizes at the 2012 ARD International Music Competition. This established the Armida Quartett as one of the most sought-after quartets worldwide. The Armida Quartett is the artistic consultant for the new edition of the complete Mozart String Quartets by the publisher G. Henle. This edition was presented by the quartet in a new complete recording of the works in 2021. Their fingerings and bowings are available in the G. Henle app. He also works as a Guest Concertmaster with Deutsche Oper Berlin, NDR Radiophilharmonie, Basque National Orchestra, Staatsoper Stuttgart, Berliner Barock Solisten and Kölner Kammerorchester. As a soloist, Martin Funda performs with a variety of German orchestras conducted by Gabriel Feltz, Bruno Weil and Niklas Willén, among others.


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陳倬朗(小提琴) Aaron Chan (Violin)

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Aaron Chan was the 2023 winner of Musicus Society's Young Artist Audition. A resident of the Rebanks Family Fellowship and International Performance Residency Program at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, Aaron Chan has wowed the critics with his “singing tone…bravura technique and poetic imagination.” A two-time winner of the Sylva Gelber Award – a prize given to exceptional young Canadian musicians – Chan had also won the all-important concerto competitions at every music school he attended: Cleveland Institute of Music and McGill University for his bachelor’s and the Shepherd School at Rice University in Houston for his master’s. Chan especially loves playing chamber music, finding total joy in communicating with other musicians through sound alone. He has spent summers at the McGill International String Quartet Academy, the ENCORE Chamber Music Festival in Cleveland and the Verbier Festival’s Soloist and Chamber Music Academy in Switzerland. Chan studied with Korean violinist Jinjoo Cho at Cleveland and McGill. 1

陳倬朗是誼樂社 2023「年青音樂家招募」的優勝者。 陳倬 朗現為多倫多皇家音樂學院里班克斯家族基金獎學金及國 際演出駐留計劃藝術家。他曾兩度贏得專為優秀年輕加拿 大音樂家而設的基爾伯基金會大獎,並於在學期間贏得所 5.5 有重要協奏曲比賽(克里夫蘭音樂學院、蒙特利爾麥基爾 大學及休斯頓萊斯大學謝帕德音樂學院)。陳氏尤其喜愛 演奏室樂,完全享受與其他音樂家透過樂音溝通的樂趣, 並曾參與麥基爾國際弦樂四重奏學院、克里夫蘭安歌室樂 3 節和韋爾比亞音樂節獨奏家及室樂音樂學院。他曾受教於 韓裔小提琴家趙珍珠。 B



香港 Hong Kong


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郝立希(中提琴) Jeremy Hao Lap-hei (Viola)




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Jeremy Hao Lap-hei is a strong believer in the communicative power of music and seeks to engage with communities. Winner of the Musicus Society’s 2020 Young Artist Audition, he has lived and performed around the world, from Asia to Europe and the United States. His recent engagements include performances at the Toronto Summer Music Festival, the BigLake Festival in Canada and the Thy Chamber Music Festival in Denmark. He studied at the Mannes School of Music, the Juilliard School and the Yale School of Music. Recently, he has joined the New Haven Symphony first violin section. 7

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郝立希深信音樂具有強大的感染力,因此致力讓音樂走進 社區。他是誼樂社 2020「年青音樂家招募」的優勝者,曾 先後在亞洲以及歐美等地居住和演出,近期演出包括加拿 大的多倫多夏日音樂節和大湖區音樂節,以及丹麥的泰爾 室樂節。他畢業於曼尼斯音樂學院、茱莉亞音樂學院及耶 魯大學音樂學院,最近加入紐黑文交響樂團,擔任第一小 提琴樂師。



香港 Hong Kong


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劉子正(中提琴) Born Lau (Viola)

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Praised for his “immaculately refined” playing (The Philadelphia Inquirer), violist Born Lau has appeared internationally as a soloist, chamber musician and principal violist. A prizewinner of the Primrose International Viola Competition and the Astral National Auditions, he enjoys a career spanning three continents. Career highlights include performances as a soloist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia and Trondheim Soloists, performance at the Henry A. Kissinger Prize ceremony in Berlin, and a concert with the esteemed Tokyo String Quartet in Los Angeles. Lau has served as Principal Violist of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, as well as Guest Principal Violist of San Diego Symphony, Curtis Symphony Orchestra, and Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra. Lau received his education from the Curtis Institute of Music and the Colburn Conservatory of Music. 1

劉子正以獨奏家、室樂音樂家及首席中提琴身份活躍於國 際樂壇,其演奏獲《費城詢問報》盛讚為「精準優雅」。 5.5 他是普林羅士國際中提琴大賽及美國星光藝術家全國面試 的冠軍得主,其演藝足跡遍及三大洲。焦點演出包括以獨 奏身份與香港管弦樂團、費城室樂團和特倫赫姆獨奏家樂 團同台、在柏林基辛格頒獎禮上獻藝,以及在洛杉磯與享 3 負盛名的東京四重奏舉行音樂會。劉氏曾任上海交響樂團 B 首席中提琴,並曾擔任聖地亞哥交響樂團、寇蒂斯交響樂 4 5 團和哈利斯科愛樂樂團的客席首席中提琴。劉氏畢業於寇 3 蒂斯音樂學院及柯爾本音樂學院。 2.



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賈楠(大提琴) Jia Nan (Cello)



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Jia Nan is an active performer who appears regularly with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Gustav Mahler Orchestra, the Hong Kong String Orchestra, the Hong Kong Orchestra and the Bauhinia Trio. She has also given many recitals in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Having won 1st Prize (Chamber Division) and 2nd Prize (Cello Solo) at the inaugural Schoenfeld International String Competition and 3rd Prize at the 3rd International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians, she had studied at the Central Conservatory of Music, the Bard College (New York) and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, where she was awarded the Master of Music degree with distinction. 1

賈楠熱衷演奏,經常與香港管弦樂團、香港馬勒樂團、香 港弦樂團、香港樂團和紫荊三重奏合作演出,並於香港和 中國內地舉行過多場獨奏音樂會。她曾於第一屆勳菲爾德 國際弦樂比賽榮獲四重奏第一名及大提琴獨奏第二名,並 於第三屆柴可夫斯基青少年音樂大賽贏得第三名。她過往 在中央音樂學院和紐約巴德學院接受音樂教育,並於香港 演藝學院以優異成績取得音樂碩士學位。



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李文瀚(低音大提琴) Marco Lee Man-hon (Double Bass)




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First Runner-up at the 2021 London Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, Marco Lee Man-hon was selected to perform at the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam in 2018. He has collaborated with such orchestras as the London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and Hong Kong Sinfonietta. He completed his Bachelor of Music degree at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the tutelage of Zong Xiaoqian and graduated from the Master of Music program of the Royal Academy of Music, majoring in double bass under Graham Mitchell and minoring in conducting, supported by the ABRSM Scholarship. He has recently joined the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra as a Bass Gehu (double bass) player. 7

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李文瀚是 2021 年度倫敦交響樂團協奏曲大賽的亞軍得主, 曾於 2018 年獲選到阿姆斯特丹皇家音樂廳管弦樂團參與演 出。他曾與多個樂團實習和合作,如倫敦交響樂團、皇家 愛樂樂團、蘇格蘭室樂團、倫敦愛樂樂團、香港管弦樂團 及香港小交響樂團。他於香港演藝學院完成其音樂學士學 位,師承宗小謙,其後獲英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會獎 學金前往英國皇家音樂學院修畢音樂碩士課程,師隨米切 爾主修低音大提琴,副修指揮。他最近加入香港中樂團擔 任低音革胡一職。



香港 Hong Kong


香港長衫協會 The Hong Kong Cheongsam Association 香港長衫協會於 2019 年成立,宗旨是保育、傳承和推廣傳統長衫文化。「香港中式長衫製作技藝」於 2017 年列入香港非物質文化遺產代表作名錄,2021 年列入中國國家級非遺代表性項目名錄。作為中國 傳統代表服飾之一,長衫具有悠久的歷史和文化意義。如何保護這門逐漸消逝的手藝是一個持續的挑 戰,香港長衫協會承擔起非遺傳承人的責任和使命,並在學術界、業界、社區和文化從業員的共同努力 下,積極推廣長衫文化,舉辦各種文化活動,如長衫製作技藝研究、講座、研討會和展覽等,確保這個 非遺文化寶藏得以保存並傳承給新一代。 The Hong Kong Cheongsam Association was established in 2019 for the preservation, inheritance and promotion of the cheongsam-making tradition. Hong Kong Cheongsam Making Technique was recognized and inscribed onto the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Hong Kong in 2017 and the Fifth National List of ICH in 2021. Cheongsam is one of the traditional Chinese clothing bearing a long history and cultural significance. It is an ongoing challenge for the Association to preserve the fading craftsmanship. The Association has taken on the responsibility and mission, striving together with the academia, industry, community, and cultural practitioners to promote cheongsam culture by organizing activities, such as cheongsam-making workshops, talks, seminars and exhibitions, and to ensure that this valuable cultural treasure is preserved and inherited for generations to come.

時裝設計師及展覽策劃團隊 Fashion Designers & Exhibition Curators

李頌詩女士 Ms. Eunice Lee | 吳國禧博士 Dr. Haze Ng 鄭秋虹女士 Ms. Quinn Cheng | 蔡少琦女士 Ms. Katrina Tsai | 楊曉琦女士 Ms. Frona Yeung


委約藝術作品 COMMISSIONED ARTWORK 傳統與創新的結合 五四運動後,女性知識分子為打破男女不平等,開始穿着男性長袍,女裝長衫正是由男裝長衫演變過來的。 而法庭上法官和律師所穿着的袍服,也是去除性別標籤的形式,長衫與法袍一樣均能反映人們對男女平等的 追求。 這兩件由誼樂社委約、為《歷久裳新》音樂會特別設計的長衫,圖案上糅合前北九龍裁判法院簡約古典風格 建築線條和光影對比的抽象效果,以精湛提花技術讓圖案更立體和富質感,充滿動態。結合傳統長衫採用「T」 字形平面剪裁,連肩平袖,承傳統漢族服飾形制,在右邊開襟。加上一字直紐作點綴。 雖然男女長衫貌似相同,但其實蘊含着長衫兩個階段重要的演變。 The Marriage of Tradition and Innovation After the May Fourth Movement in China, educated women donned male cheongsam as a symbol of challenging gender bias. The cheongsam for women has evolved from the male cheongsam. The robes of the judges and lawyers in court are of a similar degree of formality to avoid any gender labelling. Both cheongsams and robes reflect people's pursuit of gender equality. The two cheongsams were specifically designed for Neoclassicism Refashioned concerts on commission by Musicus Society. Its pattern blends in the architectural lines of the Stripped Classicism of the Former North Kowloon Magistracy with the abstract effect of light and shadow in contrast. The exquisite Jacquard weaving techniques add extra vividness and tactility to these dynamic cheongsams. Combining the T-shaped structure typical of traditional Chinese robes, with neither shoulder seams nor armhole seams, it inherits the classic form of Han Chinese clothing. It is characterized by a wrap-over closure fastened on the right side of the body, embellished with straight fastenings. Male and female cheongsams may be visually alike, however, they signify two significant phases of development.

( 左 ) 男裝長衫是五幅剪裁結構,具前後中縫,整件長衫以六對紐 承托。 (Left) The men's cheongsam adopts a five-panel cutting and is formed by one continuous panel of front and back bodies with centre seams, fastened with six sets of straight buttons.

( 右 ) 女裝長衫為保留衫身完整圖案,沒有中縫,改以偷襟結構, 流露女性自然修身的線條。 (Right) The women's cheongsam omits the central seam and uses a toujin ("shift-closure") to keep the pattern intact and accentuate the natural shape of the female figure.


展覽簡介 ABOUT THE EXHIBITION 前北九龍裁判法院建於 1960 年,屬二級歷史建築,是該年代典型的公共建築,見證香港司法制度 的發展歷史,極具社會及歷史價值,設計上可見其簡約古典主義建築風格的特色。建築物樓高七 層,設有四個裁判法庭、一個少年法庭及政府部門的辦公室。北九龍裁判法院過往審理旺角、深 水埗、石硤尾、長沙灣及何文田的案件,後來因合併於 2005 年正式關閉。 Built in 1960, the Former North Kowloon Magistracy is a Grade 2 historic building, which is representative of the public architecture of that era. It bears witness to the judicial development of Hong Kong and has significant social and historical values. Marked by design features of Stripped Classicism, the seven-story building was formerly the home of four Magistrates’ Courts, a Juvenile Court and offices of government departments. The North Kowloon Magistracy, responsible for cases from Mong Kok, Sham Shui Po, Shek Kip Mei, Cheung Sha Wan and Ho Man Tin, ceased operations in 2005 because of a merger program.


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關於誼樂社 About Musicus Society 誼樂社於 2010 年由一群音樂愛好者為實踐著名大提琴家李垂誼的理念而成立,旨在成為立足國際、以 優質的演出及世界級的本地藝術家稱譽的音樂機構。樂社是個香港註冊的慈善機構,並得到榮譽贊助人 董建華先生的慷慨支持。 樂社的使命為聯繫國際與本地頂尖藝術家,透過演出及培育新秀樂手,實現國際間跨文化音樂交流。樂 社的年度活動包括四個主要項目: 「樂.誼國際音樂節」夥拍世界各地國際級藝術家同台演出,展現樂社音樂家的出色才華,並與本地青 年樂手合作,精進技藝,提升水平。 「樂.憶古蹟」 除了貫徹「樂.誼國際音樂節」的理念,還會精選本地古蹟舉辦音樂會,以音樂喚醒 香港歷史文化。 「樂.啓夢想」教育項目,旨在培育社會各階層的年青音樂才俊。內容包括為新晉樂手提供由音樂大師 指導的培訓,以及與大師同台演出的機會;透過「作品徵集」發掘年輕作曲家;舉辦「年青音樂家招募」 及「樂團培訓」培育具潛質的樂手;還有「樂訪校園」,讓學生探索音樂的無限可能。 「樂.誼獨奏家樂團」雲集世界各地的新一代香港音樂菁英,由藝術總監李垂誼構思及策劃,冀望發展 成為一支代表香港踏足世界各地演出的室樂隊伍。 Musicus Society was founded in 2010 by a group of music lovers as the vision of cellist Trey Lee to become an international music organization with quality performances and world-class home-grown artists. It is a Hong Kong registered charity with the Hon. Tung Chee-hwa as Honorary Patron. The Society’s mission is to promote cross-cultural collaboration of music internationally between top local and overseas artists through performances and by nurturing the next generation of talent. Each year, the Society presents four major programs: Musicus Fest An international partnership for world-class artists to collaborate, showcasing our exceptional artists and working with our young talents to bring their artistry to new heights. Musicus Heritage In addition to the objectives of Musicus Fest, Musicus Heritage enhances the public’s knowledge of our culture and history by presenting music programs that reflect their heritage settings.

Musicus Inspires! is an educational program that aims to cultivate young talents from all social backgrounds. The initiative provides training and performance opportunities for emerging artists with great musicians, such as the “Call for Scores” for young composers, the “Young Artist Audition” and the “Ensemble Training” for instrumentalists. It also organizes “School Visits” for students to explore various aspects of music. Musicus Soloists Hong Kong Directed and initiated by renowned cellist Trey Lee, Musicus Soloists Hong Kong (MSHK) comprises some of Hong Kong’s top next-generation artists who gather from all over the world. MSHK is focused on becoming a leading chamber ensemble representing Hong Kong throughout the world.


榮譽贊助人 Honorary Patron 董建華先生 The Hon. Tung Chee Hwa, GBM 榮譽會長 Honorary Presidents 蔡關頴琴律師 Mrs. Janice Choi*, BBS, MH, JP 紀文鳳女士 Ms. Leonie Ki*, GBS, JP 羅君美女士 Ms. Elizabeth Law, MH, JP

藝術總監 Artistic Director 李垂誼 Trey Lee

榮譽顧問 Honorary Advisors 陳達文博士 Dr. Darwin Chen*, SBS, ISO 羅啟妍女士 Prof. Kai-yin Lo*, SBS 榮譽藝術諮詢 Honorary Artistic Panel 李垂誼先生 Mr. Trey Lee* (主席 Chairman) 德布斯先生 Mr. Johannes Debus 傅人長先生 Mr. Renchang Fu 李貞熙女士 Ms. Elissa lee 潘素拉女士 Ms. Minna Pensola 蒂卡寧先生 Mr. Antti Tikkanen 榮譽藝術顧問 Honorary Artistic Advisor 徐霞女士 Ms. Xu Xia

理事會 The Council 會長 President 李垂音女士 Ms. Chui-Inn Lee* 主席 Chairman 羅君本先生 Mr. Ken Lo 義務司庫 Honorary Treasurer 邱毅麟先生 Mr. Alan Yau 義務秘書 Honorary Secretary 黃仲賢先生 Mr. Patrick Wong 教育委員會主席暨節目委員會聯席主席 Education Chair & Programming Co-Chair 林杏儒女士 Ms. Sophie Lin 人力資源委員會主席暨籌款委員會聯席主席 Human Resources Chair & Fundraising Co-Chair 宋安真女士 Ms. Tiffany Soong

公關委員會主席暨前理事 Publicity Chair & Former Council Member 陳嵐女士 Ms. Lilian Chen *創社成員 Founder member




前北九龍裁判法院建於 1960 年,屬二

Built in 1960, the Former North Kowloon Magistracy


is a Grade 2 historic building, which is representative


of the public architecture of that era. It bears witness


to the judicial development of Hong Kong and has


significant social and historical values. Marked


by design features of Stripped Classicism, the


seven-story building was formerly the home of four


Magistrates’ Courts, a Juvenile Court and offices


of government departments. The North Kowloon

2005 年正式關閉。

Magistracy, responsible for cases from Mong Kok, Sham Shui Po, Shek Kip Mei, Cheung Sha Wan and Ho Man Tin, ceased operations in 2005 because of a merger program.


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