University Symphony Orchestra and Pacific Choirs

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University Symphony Orchestra and Pacific Choirs

Concerto Competition Winners:

Emma Northcutt, violin

Kailey Diggs, soprano

Kylie Ward, trumpet

Sacramento City College Choir

Daniel Paulson, director

Saturday, April 27, 2024 7:30 pm

Faye Spanos Concert Hall

Eric Dudley, conductor

Vu Nguyen, conductor

Darita Seth, conductor


APRIL 27, 2024, 7:30 PM

Violin Concerto No. 1 in D major, op. 19 (1917)


Emma Northcutt, violin

Eric Dudley, conductor

Nun eilt herbei from The Merry Wives of Windsor (1849)

Kailey Diggs, soprano

Eric Dudley, conductor

Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major (1803)

Allegro con spirito

Kylie Ward, trumpet

Vu Nguyen, conductor


Sergei Prokofiev (1891–1953)

Otto Nicolai (1810–1849)

Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778–1837)

Gloria (1960)


Laudamus te

Domine deus

Domine fili unigenite

Dominus Deus, Agnus Dei

Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris

Kailey Diggs, soprano

Pacific Singers University Chorus

Sacramento City College Choir

Darita Seth, conductor

Francis Poulenc (1899–1963)

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Nicolai: Nun eilt herbei

Nun eilt herbei, Witz, heitre Laune, Die tollsten Schwänke, List und Übermut!

Nichts sei zu arg, wenn's dazu diene,

Die Männer ohn' Erbarmen zu bestrafen!

Das ist ein Volk! So schlecht sind sie, Dass man sie gar genug nicht quälen kann!

Vor allem jener dicke Schlemmer,

Der uns verführen will! Hahahaha!

Er soll es büssen!

Doch wenn er kommt, wie werd ich mich benehmen müssen?

Was werd ich sagen? halt! Ich weiss es schon!

Verführer! Warum stellt Ihr so

Der tugendsamen Gattin nach?

Warum? Verführer!

Den Frevel sollt' ich nie verzeihn, Nein, nie!

Mein Zorn müsst' Eure Strafe sein.

Jedoch des Weibes Herz ist schwach!

Ihr klagt so rührend Eure Pein.

Ihr seufzt mein Herz wird weich.

Nicht länger kann ich grausam sein, Und ich gesteh es, schamrot, Euch ein:

Mein Ritter, ach! Ich liebe Euch!


Er wird mir glauben!

Verstellen kann ich mich fürwahr; Ein kühnes Wagstück ist es zwar, Allein den Spass kann man sich schon erlauben.

Frohsinn und Laune Würzen das Leben, Und zu vergeben

Ist wohl ein Scherz

So zum Vergnügen

Darf man schon lügen, Bleibt nur voll Liebe, Voll Treue das Herz.

Drum voll Vertrauen

Wag ich die Tat:

Listige Frauen, Die wissen sich Rat!

—Ritter von Mosenthal, Salomon Hermann, after William Shakespeare

Now Hurry Here

Now hurry here, jokes, bright humour, the greatest pranks, cunning and bravado. Nothing is too wicked, if it serves to punish men without pity! That is a group, so awful, that one cannot complain enough about them!

Before all others that fat glutton [Falstaff], who wants to seduce us. Ha ha ha ha! He should pay the penalty. But when he comes, how will I have to behave? What will I say? Stop! I already know!

Seducer! Why do you set a trap for a virtuous spouse?

Why? Seducer!

The outrage will never subside. No, never, my anger must be your punishment. However, a woman's heart is weak. You complain so pathetically about your pain. You sigh, my heart becomes weak. No longer can I be cruel, and I confess it, shamefully blushing, to you, my knight. I love you. I love you. Ha ha ha ha!

He will believe me, performing I can do very well. A bold risk is it indeed, only for fun may one allow it herself.

Happy sense and humor spices up life and to forgive is well a joke. So for pleasure may one lie.

Real love and faithfulness stay in the heart. Therefore full of trust, dare I to do the deed.

Happy women, yes, who know their own advice.

—trans. Lisa


Poulenc: Gloria


Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.

Laudamus te

Laudamus te, benedicimus te adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam.

Domine Deus

Domine Deus, Rex caelestis Deus Pater omnipotens. Gloria.

Domine fili unigenite

Domine fili unigenite, Jesu Christe.

Domine Deus, Agnus Dei

Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris, Rex caelestis, Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.

Qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram.

Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris

Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis.

Quoniam tu solus sanctus, Tu solus Dominus.


—Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Mass

Glory to God

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.

We Praise Thee

We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we adore Thee, we glorify Thee. We give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory.

O Lord God

O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty, Glory to God.

O Lord, the only-begotten son

O Lord, the only-begotten son, Jesus Christ.

O Lord God, Lamb of God

O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, heavenly King, Thou who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.

Thou who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer.

Thou who sittest at the right hand of God the Father

Thou who sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For Thou only art holy, Thou only art the Lord.


—trans. Book of Common Prayer, 1662



Eric Dudley (conductor/music director) joined University of the Pacific’s Conservatory of Music in 2019. He previously taught at Mannes College/The New School for Music in New York and at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.

Dudley leads a multifaceted career as a conductor, composer, vocalist, and pianist immersed in the creation of music both past and present. As an original member of the Grammy Award–winning vocal octet Roomful of Teeth, Dudley toured worldwide with the group and appears extensively on their acclaimed recordings.

Dudley moved to the Bay Area from New York in 2016 as interim music director of the orchestra program at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. He is currently in his sixth season as artistic director of the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, the largest and longest-standing ensemble dedicated to the performance of new music on the West Coast.

While in New York, Dudley performed and conducted with organizations as diverse as Ekmeles and Tenet vocal ensembles, the Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Ensemble Signal, Bard Summerscape Opera, the American Symphony Orchestra, and the New York Philharmonic. Prior to that he was an assistant conductor for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra under Paavo Järvi. His guest-conducting engagements have included the Ojai Festival in California, Ensemble L’Instant Donné in France, the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center, and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra in Australia.

As a pianist and chamber musician, Dudley has performed with members of Novus New York and the Cincinnati and Princeton Symphony Orchestras. His own music has been premiered and recorded by Roomful of Teeth and Quey Percussion.

Vu Nguyen is an associate professor of music and director of bands at University of the Pacific. He conducts the Pacific Wind Bands, and he teaches courses in conducting and music education. Nguyen maintains an active schedule as a clinician and has served as guest conductor with military bands as well as honor bands across the country. Ensembles under his direction have performed at state music educator conferences, at the Midwest Clinic, and at the College Band Directors National Association Conference.

A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, Nguyen holds degrees in conducting from the University of Washington and the University of Oregon, and he earned a Bachelor of Music degree in music education from University of the Pacific. Prior to his appointment at Pacific, he served in similar roles at the University of Connecticut, University of Indianapolis, and Washington University in St. Louis. He began his teaching career in the San Ramon Valley Unified School District. In addition to his academic career, Nguyen recently retired as an officer in the Air National Guard (ANG) where he was the commander and conductor of the ANG Band of the West Coast.

Cambodian-American conductor, haute-contre, and composer, Darita Seth was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. He is founder, president, and director of Choral Audacity, a chamber choir advocating for QBIPOC voices. Currently, Seth is interim director of choral studies at University of the Pacific. Seth’s prior conducting credits include: director of music at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Long Beach, California; director of music at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Danville, California; associate director of the Danville Girls Chorus, associate director of the Cantabella Children’s Chorus; and interim director of the Grammy Award–winning Pacific Boychoir Academy.

In 2016 Seth concluded his tenure with Chanticleer, the Grammy Award–winning San Francisco–based men’s vocal ensemble and is currently a member of the Grammy Award–winning Los Angeles Master Chorale. A Sigma Alpha Iota distinguished member, he has made appearances as guest soloist with the Bay Area Rainbow Symphony, Light Chamber Choir, Reconciliation Singers Voices of Peace, and the Philippine Saringhimig Singers. An active choral clinician, Seth has presented at conferences on topics such as “Nurturing and Embracing Ethnic Diversity within the Choral Ensemble,” “Mysteries of the Countertenor Voice,” “The Aging Voice,” and “How to Change Your Church’s Singing Culture.”

Seth holds a Bachelor of Music degree in vocal performance from Capital University’s Conservatory of Music and a Master of Music degree in choral conducting from California State University–Long Beach.



Daniel Paulson holds a Bachelor of Music degree in voice performance from Sacramento State University and a Master of Music degree in choral conducting from the Three-Summer Masters of Music degree program at California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA). He is a doctoral student in music education at Teachers College, Columbia University. A student of William Belan, professor emeritus of choral studies at Cal State LA, he also studies with Donald Brinegar, professor emeritus of choral studies at Pasadena City College and codirector of the Three Summers master's program at Cal State LA. Paulson's extended education includes studying early music with the Western Wind Ensemble, the King’s Singers, and with the American Bach Soloists. In the summer of 2014 he spent a month teaching vocal-choral music as a guest lecturer at the National University in Costa Rica.

Hailed as an “astute programmer” and a conductor who can “coax urbane performances from his singers,” Paulson has been a featured conductor on the International Festival of New American Music in Sacramento, the Old First Concert Series in San Francisco, the Northern Zone Music Educators Association’s High School Honor Choir in Nevada (California), and the American Choral Directors Association’s 2011 National Convention in Chicago. He was awarded the American Society of Composers and Publishers (ASCAP) 2015–16 National Award for Adventurous Programming.

Paulson is professor of voice and choral music at Sacramento City College and a resident artist with the Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. He also serves as founder and music director of Vox Musica.


Praised for her artistry and originality, violinist Emma Northcutt is a leader in Northern California and Bay Area musical communities. Currently located in Stockton studying at University of the Pacific, Northcutt is concertmaster of the University Symphony Orchestra and president of the Pacific Repertoire Orchestra, Pacific’s student-run chamber orchestra. She is a member of the Stockton Symphony and an alumna of the internationally renowned San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra. Northcutt's studies have led her around the world, to locations ranging from Vienna, Austria, to the heart of rural Texas.

Kailey Diggs, soprano, approaches singing with passion and dedication. She will graduate with her bachelor’s degree in vocal performance from University of the Pacific, where she studied under the vocal mentorship of Daniel Ebbers. She recently made her opera debut in the title role of Handel’s Alcina. Post graduation, Diggs plans to record an album for soprano and guitar and continue her studies at the master’s level. Beyond her individual accomplishments, she toured Europe with the Sacramento Master Singers, excelling in the “Laudate Dominum” from Mozart’s Solemn Vespers. With over a decade of experience in musical theater, Diggs has portrayed leading roles in timeless classics like The Sound of Music and West Side Story.

Kylie Ward is graduating with a Bachelor of Music degree in music education with a minor in jazz studies. She studies trumpet with Michelle Brown, Leonard Ott, and Joe Mazzaferro. She is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Kappa Lambda, and Phi Kappa Phi; president of Pacific’s chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME); and a member of 28/78 New Music Ensemble. Ward performs with many of Pacific’s ensembles and hopes to continue performing and teaching instrumental music in the Bay Area before pursuing a master’s degree.

Pacific’s University Symphony Orchestra (USO) performs an inclusive range of contemporary and historically significant symphonic works, performs annually with Pacific Opera Theatre in fully staged productions, and partners frequently with Pacific Singers in choral-orchestral works. Pacific faculty, students, and guest artists perform with USO as concerto and aria soloists and as guest conductors. The Conservatory faculty serve as coaches for each concert cycle. Participation is open to all Pacific students by audition.

Violins I

Emma Northcutt*

Jamie Lue†

Mereth Niemoeller

Lizzie Mendoza

Samuel Gaccione

Violins II

Emma Young, principal

Erick Sariles

Kiersten Hogue

Timothy Chau


Abby Van De Water, principal

Ealaph Tabbaa

Cierra Evelyn

Kylie Trenhaile


Hasina Torres, principal

Bailey LaBrie

Nicholas Trobaugh

Jordan Hendrickson

Frances Florentino

Jane Damon


Joshua Gutierrez, principal

Miguel Velarde


Bobby Singh‡**††

Jasmine Valentine

Riko Hirata‡‡


Jenna Bosnick‡‡

Apollo Parish Mitchell‡

Hannah Estelle


Walker Austin

Emily Zamudio


Abigail Miller, principal

Audrey Ewing

Joseph Schwarz

Bass Clarinet

Andrew Seaver


Jordan Weir, principal

Justin Silva

Nadege Tenorio


Mary Denney

Don Parker

Jada Ramos

Owen Sheridan**‡‡

Skylar Warrenࠠ


Parker Deems

Alayna Ontai

Yukina Shimokawa‡**


Bronson Burfield

William Giancaterino‡‡

Miguel Palma


Alejandro Villalobos


Matthew Kulm


Jacquelyn Venter***

*concertmaster on Poulenc

†concertmaster on Prokofiev, Nicolai, Hummel

‡principal on Prokofiev

**principal on Nicolai

††principal on Hummel

‡‡principal on Poulenc

***community member



Darita Seth, conductor

Patricia Grimm, Monica Adams, collaborative piano

Molly Bolewski, graduate assistant conductor

Pacific Singers is a select, mixed-voice chamber choir who collaborate with the University Chorus for two choralconcerts each semester and perform at major university events and ceremonies. They also work with the University Symphony Orchestra and the Stockton Symphony to perform major choral and orchestral pieces.

University Chorus ia a large, mixed chorus collaborating with other choirs for two performances each semester and performing both a cappella and choralorchestral works in a wide variety of genres.


Gabby Campitelli

Rachael Cross

Juliette Frédière

Judy Kim*

Shannon Lyons

Michelle Miracle

Ria Patel

Charlize Price*

Katie Pelletier

Olivhea Ross

Jordan Yang

Sydney Zucco


Jade Anderson

Liza Bagdasarian

Magdalena Bowen

Alexis Bondoc

Sarah Burke-Baker

Huey Chan

Natalae Gong

Maggie Juarrez

Jasmin Hernandez

Mia Janosik*

Zoie Macapanpan*

Stella Mahnke

Rebecca Mahon

Karlie Makhoul

Elizabeth Neumeyer

Claire Petersen

Clarice Yoon


Miranda Duarte*

Leo Hearl

Jayden Laumeister

Michael Megenney*

Matthew Miramontes

Ian Orejana

Christopher Penn

Patrick Bartholomy

Davis Robinson

Aiden Valdez


Walker Austin

Chaz Cisneros*

Jordan Guitang

Severyn Kurach

Landon Horstman*

Robert McCarl

Austin Nie

Sean Powell

Lilac Robertson

Sevastian Schlau

Aiden Webb

*section leader

Instrumental Faculty and Coaches

Brittany Trotter, flute

Kyle Bruckmann, oboe, English horn

Patricia Shands, clarinet

Nicolasa Kuster, bassoon

Sadie Glass, horn

Leonard Ott, trumpet

Bruce Chrisp, low brass

Jonathan Latta, timpani and percussion

Ann Miller, violin

Igor Veligan, viola

Vicky Wang, cello

Kathryn Schulmeister, bass

Voice and Choral Faculty

Daniel Ebbers, program director

Eric Dudley

Robin Fisher

James Haffner

Darita Seth

Jonathan Latta, ensembles program director



Lisbeth Andrez

Sky Carlos

Marina Garduno

Alexa Irvin

Johanna Johnson

Lilly Lerch

Lori Petite

Clarisa Solorio

Shari Winkler

Jill Wood

Daniel Paulson, director

Kristen Campbell, instructional assistant

Vulu Nguyen, collaborative pianist


Anastasia Kozlowski

Alyx Ottenhoff

Ginger Spurlock

Alex Vareljian

Jennifer Yee


Ruanak Aujila

Devon Marra

Mercedes McCoy

Daniel Ostrom

Dennis Saenz

Jordyn Watts


Warren Chen

Dujon Currington

Zeplin Glover

Andrew Hodge

David-Larry Petite

Juan Portillo-Sandoval

Kobi Posey

Wade Tambara

Robert Whelan


Every gift to the Conservatory from an alum, parent, or friend makes an impact on our students. Our students rely on your generosity to enable them to experience a superior education.

Please contact the Assistant Dean for Development at 209.932.2978 to make a gift today. You may also send a check payable to University of the Pacific:

Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific

Attn: Assistant Dean for Development

3601 Pacific Avenue

Stockton, CA 95211


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