2023 MCC Chamber Sponsorship Opportunities

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2023 OSponsorship pportunities Total Resource Campaign

The Chamber is proud to provide our members with opportunities to get

business in front of other

businesses, professionals



have a 12-month calendar of in-person programs in 2023.

first come,


Our intent is to fill all sponsorship and marketing opportunities during this campaign so we can focus on other efforts throughout the year.

choices early will allow you to prepare for the expense and maximize your recognition. There are various options for invoicing so please contact

staff to discuss options.

As a nonprofit, membership organization, we are funded by membership investments, sponsorship dollars, events and programming. We could not be successful without our members!

you for your continued dedication and investment in our organization




will be
with two, third party vendors this year TARGET MARKETING PROFILE DISPLAY Murray Calloway County MAP Project Advertising for our brochure cabinet & kiosk in the Chamber lobby
& community
This document highlights a
of sponsorship opportunities available. Please note: Sponsorships are
Making your
For more information, l t t t KRISTI HARVEY Office & Outreach Manager kristi@mymurray com 270 753 5171
References to the award as "This award is presented by (representative's name, title and business)" Representative on stage to hand out award Logo engraved on award Recognition on applicable digital and printed materials Photos submitted and printed in the local newspaper One reserved table (8 tickets) to ABC in premiere location Exclusive listing as the ABC Presenting Spon Five minutes to share about your compan Recognition on event logo and signage throughou Recognition on applicable promotional item Four reserved tables at ABC in premiere location (3 Event highlight video PRESENTING SPONSOR $8,000 (1 AVAILABLE) $1,750 (8 AVAILABLE) One reserved table (8 tickets) to ABC Recognition on event PowerPoint and signage Recognition on applicable digital and printed materi SPONSORS $1000 (15 AVAILABLE) Business of the Year | Emerging Business of the Year | Agriculturalist of the Year Woman in Business of the Year | Nonprofit of the Year | Young Professional of the Year Educator of the Year | Chair's Award Business & Chamber Awards The Chamber celebrates 96 years of commerce at our 2023 Annual Business Celebration! The ABC is the Chamber's largest annual event gathering members of the Chamber for an evening of networking, celebration and vision for the upcoming year. Sponsors enjoy excellent visibility to the largest and most distinguished audience of the year. Tentatively Scheduled for Friday, July 21, 2023 Non-members $100 Members $85 TICKETS
2023 DATES Dates subject to changeJanuary 10 February 14 April 11 August 22 October 12* November 14 BREAKFAST Non members $30 Member $25 TICKETS $40 BREAKFA ON THE FARM* LUNCH March 14 September 12 Exclusive listing as the event Presenting Sponsor Ability to bring a company banner for entryway Five minutes at the podium to speak & introduce the guest speaker Ability to place an item(s) at each table Company logo on promotions & special recognition during event Reserved table of 8 in prime location at sponsored event PRESENTING SPONSOR $1,500 (8 AVAILABLE) Company logo on PowerPoint Company logo on B@B & B@L schedule and digital media Special recognition at event Reserved table of 8 at each event in prime location (including Breakfast on the Farm) POWER TABLE SPONSOR $2,200 (12 AVAILABLE) Pack of 8 tickets one ticket per event (including Breakfast on the Farm) Tickets are non transferrable from event to event Ticket includes meal and programming Purchase a packet of 8 tickets for discounted pricing POWER PACKETS $199 Join an average of 175 business and community leaders by spending either the first hour of your day or your lunch hour networking, hearing pertinent updates and issues from national, state and local businesses & government leaders, and interesting topics within the region. LUNCH
Our annual Women in Business Luncheon is meant to support, develop and connect female business professionals in our community. The agenda includes networking opportunities, lunch & a keynote speaker. Sponsors will NOT represent competing businesses Exclusive listing as the WIB Presenting Sponsor(s) One reserved table in premiere location (8 tickets) Five minutes to share about company & introduce speaker Company logo on all digital and printed materials Handout or promotional item at each table PRESENTING SPONSOR $3,000 (2 AVAILABLE) One reserved table (8 tickets) to WIB event Business name and logo on marketing materials Special recognition during WIB event EMPOWERMENT SPONSOR $850 (MULTIPLE AVAILABLE) One reserved table (8 tickets) to WIB event TABLE SPONSORS $500 (MULTIPLE AVAILABLE) Non members $50 Members $40 TICKETS "Empowere Women, Empower Women" Tentatively Scheduled for Thursday, April 27, 2023
Exclusive listing as the event Presenting Sponsor Company logo on promotions & special recognition during event Recognition at Business@Breakfast Recognition in e Newsletter Four (4) complimentary attendee spots PRESENTING SPONSOR $1,500 (1 AVAILABLE) Community and business leaders will travel to Frankfort, Kentuc meet with key cabinet members, members of the General Assem and/or the Governor's office to advocate for the Murray Calloway County area and our community's legislative priorities. $100 Including transportation $50 Meet us there TICKETS Tentatively Scheduled for Day, Month Date, 2023 PRESENTING SPONSOR $1,000 (1 AVAILABLE) Exclusive listing as Presenting Sponsor Logo on all digital and printed materials Five minutes to share about business/organization Cost covers continental breakfast for attendees The purpose of this Legislative Preview event is for our large investors, member interested in legislative topics, and Board members to get a perspective on the upcoming Legislative Session and engage with our locally elected, statewide officials This event will be at no cost to attendees but will be capped at 50. Annual Legislative Preview
YPM membership for 2 employees Company logo featured on YPM digital communication Opportunity to speak about business at a monthly lunch YPM PARTNERS ONUTS & DEVELOPMENT SPONSOR Non members $20 YPM Members $5 LUNCH & LEARN TICKETS YPM Membership for up to 4 employees Company name and logo added to YPM retractable banner Company logo featured on YPM digital communications Recognition as the Presenting Sponsor of quarterly Lunch & Learns Opportunity to speak & introduce speaker at Lunch & Learns Free admission to luncheons for up to 4 team members Recognition as event sponsor & ability to speak to attendees Business name & logo on digital promotions Provides attendees with continental breakfast at event *Can host event at own place of business OR select a pre determined location/topic to sponsor YPM PRESENTING SPONSOR $3,500 (1 AVAILABLE) $200 (MULTIPLE AVAILABLE) $150 (4 AVAILABLE) The Chamber supports recruiting and retaining talent to our community The YPM program was created to help with this effort. YPM provides professional leadership development opportunities and networking for our future leaders between the ages of 21 40. The group holds monthly lunches at local restaurants, as well as hosts social, educational, and community service events throughout the year. Business recognized as the meal sponsor during luncheon Business name & logo on digital promotions Free admission to luncheon for up to 4 team members LUNCH & LEARN MEAL SPONSOR $500 (4 AVAILABLE) Sponsorship covers cost of quarterly service project Business name & logo on digital promotions Business recognized on social media and in local newspaper YPM SERVE SPONSOR $150 (MULTIPLE AVAILABLE)
One educator can reach hundreds of students daily LIFT is an opportunity for your business to meet educator needs and offer your knowledge and expertise to enrich the classroom experience LIFT is designed to spark innovative thinking and discussion between our community educators and business leaders. This experience will allow teachers to make classroom activities and discussions more relevant to the needs of students and better prepare them for emerging business demands. PROGRAM INVESTOR $850 (10 SPONSORS NEEDED) C ers the cost of a substitute teacher during program days Materials and swag for participants Business logo on website and program materials Exposure and immersion in local businesses, workplace cultures and languages provide educators with a frame of reference for the needs of individual career environments. It is our goal that teachers take this knowledge back to their classrooms and apply innovative teaching strategies to educate students on the true needs of local industry. HOW DOES LIFT BENEFIT OUR LOCAL BUSINESSES? LUNCH SPONSOR IN KIND DONATION Business name and logo featured on daily materials Recognition as Lunch Sponsor at Business@Breakfast Provide lunch for participants Lunch Sponsor is invited to join class for lunch on designated day


established with the assistance of the

Chamber of Commerce in 1983





and existing

of the strengths and

area, and the


based on


Leadership Murray organization was
Murray Calloway
Murray uses the community as a classroom to develop leaders who will effectively serve our community. The programs are designed to help a diverse group of potential, emerging,
community leaders acquire an understanding
the Murray Calloway County
skills necessary to motivate and engage others in collaborative
to address
The curriculum for each session changes
the needs
the community for that specific
Listed as program partner on all digital materials Cost helps cover expenses of program Partners invited to join class during program $1500 (ONE AVAILABLE) usiness name and logo featured on graduation invite Recognition as Graduation Sponsor at Business@Breakfast Covers the cost of meal for participants + guest Graduation Sponsor is invited to join class for ceremony & dinner PROGRAM PARTNER $500 Your organization benefits immeasurably by participation in Leadership Murray as a result of the lasting, quality relationships that develop between class members, alumni and community leaders. Businesses can get involved through sponsorships, class participation, educational opportunities and alumni engagement. WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF LEADERSHIP MURRAY? GRADUATION SPONSOR
SENTING SPONSOR $1,000 (1 AVAILABLE) ve listing as Presenting Sponsor mentioned on series promotional to share about business/organization continental breakfast for attendees These 60 minute seminars will cover a wide range of small business topics such as marketing, social media, customer servie, generational differences, and more. Chamber members, Board members, and other business leaders will be asked to lead these seminars depending on the topic Additional Sponsorship Opportunities SMALL BUSINESS SEMINARS LUNCH SPONSOR $250 OR IN KIND DONATION Reach is 15 20 businesses and community leaders Provide lunch for the monthly Chamber Board meetings with the ability to give flyers and get recognition through the Chamber social media channels. CHAMBER BOARD LUNCH (12 AVAILABLE) RELOCATION PACKETS $1,000 (1 AVAILABLE) Business logo on envelope of relocation packet Brochure or handout included in every packet onsorship covers the cost of packaging & shipping 8 10 Relocation Packets sent each month When people are looking to move to the area, the Chamber is always one of the first calls they make to get information on our community. Uniquely position your business & increase your visibility to newcomers.RELOCATION PACKET SPONSOR HOMEPAGE BANNER AD $2,400 (1 AVAILABLE) Ad dimension: 960 x 120 pixels The Chamber website is a key tool to keep members informed as well as serve as a portal of information for the community and visitors. With over 900,000 visits per year, your business is sure to be seen when you choose to advertise on our site. WEBSITE BANNER AD 1 AVAILABLE)

Coming Soon...

The Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce is excited to bring new programming to members in 2023. Additional information, pricing & sponsorships will be released soon for the following opportunities:


Business After Hours is a great way to let people know about your business. The Chamber will take care of the promotion side, while you open your doors for after hours tours & networking. Interested in hosting? Contact Chamber staff.


Members have asked so we are excited to be bringing extended Women in Business Programming to the table. Looking to get connected to a mentorship program, roundtable discussions and professional development? This opportunity may be for you!


Are you a graduate of Leadership Murray? Get connected by joining the newly formed Leadership Murray Alumni Network. Attend alumni meetups, help plan the current program days, and more!


"Murray Works" for short is our newly formed foundation which will serve as the workforce development arm of the Chamber. Is workforce an issue in your business? Investment in Murray Works allows our team to help tackle those challenges.

TotalResourceC SPONSOR OPPORTUNITIES SECURE YOUR SPONSORSHIP 270-753-5171 Michelle@mymurray.com Hailey@mymurray.com Kristi@mymurray.com WWW.MYMURRAY.CO 805 N 12th Street Murray, KY 42071 2023

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