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September 2015

By Michael Cintron

Why you should always do physical activity Some reasons why you should always do physical activity is because it can reduce the risk of you getting diseases or any other illnesses. Also it can have good effects on your mood and weight. Physical activity also can improve your ability to do more productive activities. These things all effect on your health and actions. Why does physical activity help your body? This is because it can have good effects on how you live and how it helps your hippocampus ,(which is especially important for your child that goes to school) because this part of your brain helps your focus and memory. Find out more in this article.


Benefits of exercising It can reduce the risk of getting illnesses because physical activity can strengthen your organs, especially your immune system, so it can fight off the bacteria before it even starts to invade your body. But if you do not do physical activity your body doesn’t have a good immune system. While you are not exercising and maybe just playing video games, the bacteria forms in the body and starts to invade, your immune system will not be strong enough to defeat the bacteria. You would be on edge of almost dying to an unexpected illness Exercising can also have good effects on your weight. If you are doing this you are preventing from the body to turn

calories into fat, in fact you are burning calories before your body can turn it into fat. The benefits of you not doing physical activity can lead to bad things. The calories sit there, the body eventually turns it into sugar. It turns that into fat and then the body stores the fat making another person gain weight. Exercising, as we all know, strengthens your bones and muscles. For example, when you apply for a job like a construction worker, you would need a lot of strength in order to carry things like beams. Also flexibility is important because when something falls on you or it’s at the risk of falling, you have all that flexibility to make a 90 degree angle with your body, combining that flexibility with strength can really help also because then you can manage to straighten yourself out and put the heavy object back in place. Now if you don’t exercise on a daily basis, you would not have the ability to lift things. First of all you wouldn’t feel comfortable with the job when your a construction worker or a crane operator, you wouldn’t like how hot or cold it is. Plus, your muscles or your bones wouldn’t be half as strong enough to lift things so you would be at risk of falling off the lack of support that a, just being built, building has or you might break a bone. For example, if something was to fall on top of you and you manage to catch the falling object, the object would put all it’s wait on you and might break your spine bone and then the weight of the object can push you into the void and then you might not have made it.


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Mental Benefits of exercising Physical activity can also help your mood because while you are doing a certain type of exercise, called meditation, (which is a brain exercise) that can help you feel relaxed. It also helps for you to get more flexibility. If you don’t do this exercise for at least 30 minutes this can lead to stress and depression. Exercising can help produce more brain cells that are fresh and new, they can also increase the volume of the hippocampus. These brain cells are not like the ones that you used to have. For example, when you weren’t doing any current exercising (and you might still not be) your brain cells were not really strong they might have been dull and gloomy. But those brain cells can immediately be replaced with the ones that are formed differently that can improve your mood. This exercise can also improve your memory on something that happened a long time ago. For example, if you’ve aged, even a little, and a special occasion like when you got your first dog, you will remember that, even if it was about 10 years ago, exercising can help you remember these things. But if you do not work out to much these types of memories can be a blur in you mind. Is this probably because your whole mind is occupied on only one thing, the television or a video game?


Doing physical activity can also protect your mind. A disease that might try to enter you mind will need a lot of time before it can start doing damage because all this exercising is making you mind stronger and by the time that the illnesses does start affecting the brain it would be taken out before it starts doing fatal damage, because all that time that the bacteria was trying to get through the brains defences it was getting damaged to and then the white blood cells could take it from there because the disease was getting weakened while traveling to the corps of your brain.And that’s why when you’ve exercised, you feel like you accomplished something important, because then when it comes to work and that stuff, you feel like you’re more focused than you would usually , and what’s making you feel focused is because that 30 minutes of exercise generated new brain cells in the hippocampus making your focus 10x better than it was when you didn’t exercise. When you didn’t exercise it probably was hard to have active focus and maybe difficult to concentrate on some of your main chores, like work or homework. But when you start to exercise, it has an immediate effect on the hippocampus and when your boss tells you that the article you wrote was perfect you start feeling happier. And that’s how you start to feel not half as much as depressed as you used to when you didn’t exercise.


Sub Header Goes Here Sub Header Goes Here Practice makes perfect Most people don’t like to exercise. But as that person that has a different modo then someone that does go to the gym everyday, starts to exercise and maybe purchase some exercise equipment, they start and after that they feel like they accomplished something important. They start out as doing most of the exercises quite wrong, but they keep on doing this for a long period of time. For example, when someone starts do push ups for the first time, they might not have their arms at a full 90 degree angle, or not be as strait, or not have their feet put together. But when they keep doing it or keep spectating someone else that is doing push ups they might get slightly better at it every day. This is how most people started out exercising, those people that can do almost 200 push ups were just like someone that just started doing push ups.


Why not exercising can have bad effects on your body and brain If you do not exercise, then you might be weigh a lot or be lazy, but those aren't the only things that can affect your body, there can also be a terrible disease lurking inside of you. For example, do you ever feel like you have trouble sleeping at night or you wake up early in the morning, that means that you might have insomnia. Or when you might have cardiovascular

disease and it could block arteries in your brain and this can cause such little blood to get through arteries causing stroke or other very bad causes. People that don’t exercise also have attitude or their mood could be naughty or rude, this because the blood cells in your brain can be weak and can cause a lot of stress. People that do not exercise also crave for unhealthy food, and this obviously affects the body in a variety of bad ways. For example, all this junk can give you a stomach virus causing diarrhea and vomiting, all this sugar can also be stored as fat, making you gain weight. So to you folks that don’t usually exercise, now you know how important it is to do physical activity. Get your mood rating up by generating new brain cells. If you wished that you could remember something good that that happened then you need to start doing physical activity to improve one of the most important parts of your brain or to humankind, the hippocampus. This part of your body helps your focus and helps you remember something special that happened to you, like when you were married, or when you had your first child. But most importantly physical activity can protect you from diseases like, cardiovascular disease or 2 types of diabetes and insomnia because when you exercise, your whole body improves, this can also form (a new) series of types of stronger white blood cells and red blood cells that can keep improving every workout that you end and they can help prevent these diseases. This is why you should be doing physical activity, even just for 30 minutes 5

activity, even just for 30 minutes. So a big suggestion is to start going to the gym and other productive act

Go to this site to see a video on how the brain starts to improve when you exercise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq8aAIWzGSg New York University™

Very big improvements occur when you go the gym, walk on the sidewalk, go bike riding, or go swimming in the pool, as shown in the picture.

Did you know?

Everytime you go to the gym and finish your work out, your hippocampus grows, like a tree. This is how your focus gets better and how your memory gets better after every workout.




has a lot of negative effects


Technology is changing the world 4-5 Technology can affect people’s health 6-7 The positive side 8-9

By Sara Andersen How technology has negative effects on people

How technology has negative effects on people Have you ever thought that technology has changed throughout the years? When someone says technology you think iphones, computers and ipads right? Most people rely on those things to tell them the weather for entertainment and to communicate with friends and family. Most people think that these pieces of technology are great!! They don't think that there is anything bad about them but there are so many things about technology that has bad humans such as lack of sleep, lack of depression . These are only some of the many bad effects that technology has on us. Even if technology has a lot of bad effects it also has good effects such as easy access to information.

Technology has a lot of negative effects As i said before technology has a lot of negative effects but it also has positive effects too. For example people don’t interact face to face enough witch causes lack of social skills.


This happens because people text instead of talking face to face.But this can also be a good thing for instance if someone is sick they can talk without the other one getting sick too. Another way that this is helpful is if one person was not in school they could text what they need to do for homework. Another negative effect is lack of sleep. This happens when you go on your phone right before bed. two things happen when you do this 1: you go on your phone all night and before you know it is morning 2:the blue light from your phone keeps you up. Another negative effect of technology is lack of privacy. people can get lots of information about you and sell it for a lot of money. These things could be things that you don’t want people knowing about you and they could also be things you just didn’t tell people.

Technology is changing the world You probably already know that technology is changing the world but it is and not in a good way. You may think that it is changing the world by making life easier right?That is true but it is also 3 changing the world in bad ways too.

That is true but it is also changing the world in bad ways too. For example while an iphone is getting made the machine admits carbon monoxide into the atmosphere and pollutes the earth. Also it can make people text while drive which causes people to die from the car crash. Also because most schools have computers it can affect the kids. Since we use computers so much it has made its way into school. When taking a test they can google the answers and cheat. Technology can also destroy relationships. This is because when you and your friends are together you can be on your phone and not talking to each other.when this happens your new best friend is your phone. Another thing is that technology can keep us from living. This means that people will stay on there phones and not pay attention to the world around them. Also people stay inside on technology and they don’t enjoy life. Another reason for why technology is changing the world is it makes people lazy. This happens because people can do everything with just simple clicks and it doesn't help that you can order food from home. You can order food then have it delivered straight to your house. Causing you to not do not exercise


Technology can affect people’s health

You may not think that technology can affect people’s health but it can! People can develop cancer from sitting for so long and dew to most thing about technology like playing video games involves sitting it has become a bigger threat. Also people refuse to exercise because they want to play video games or watch TV. also obesity is another thing that could happen. This happens because food is so easy to find that while you are playing video games or watching TV you eat a lot. Another thing is that it is scientifically proven that that to much time on electronics can make you nearsighted. This means that you won’t be able to see things that are far away. Also it can affect you by giving you depression. This happens because people cyber bully you. Technology can also affect your memory.This happens because people think that they need to remember information found on google. Which decreases the amount of information that the brain can hold. Also technology decreases the strength of the memory and how long the brain can hold that information.


The positive side

Even if there are a lot of negatives effects to technology there are some pro’s too. Some are communication over long distances and easy exas to information. one of the pro’s ,communication over long distances helps people if they have friends that live far away they can still talk instead of spending money trying to meet them in person. The other pro easy exas to information helps people if they need to research something for school or work they don't need to go searching through books to find what they are looking for all the information is at your fingertips. Also due to the many different pieces of technology scientists have been able to find more ways to prevent type 1 diabetes and found cures that won't hurt so much.


Over all technology is good in some ways and bad in other ways. To get both people should have about 2-3 hours of screen time a week and 30 minutes of screen time a day. Be aware that to much time on technology can be very hurtful to your body and keep in mind that technology is not as good as you thought it was before. See how you feel after you are not on your iphone ipad computer and TV for a while.



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By Victoria Berrios

Power of TECHNOLOGY! introduction Do you think technology is a good thing for you? How about bad? Possibly both? Well, technology can be both bad and good, in many different ways. It can help impact businesses/stores in good ways, and your communication and also daily news, but it can be bad for your health. Technology can impact your life in a bad way by people making new games that attract people, and can get you away from doing all the important things. Read on to find out more about how technology is both positive and negative, and how it can make an impact on your life.

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This picture shows everyone holding up technology for good and bad things 2


Power of TECHNOLOGY Positive technology

Technology can be a positive thing. One way that technology is positive is that it can help you to communicate with your friends and family. Think of this, without technology, we would have to write out letters to everyone, and it might not get to that exact location and person in the right time you need it to be there to that person. With technology, we can get messages in a snap. Now that we have phones, computers, ipods and ipads, we can text people the things that you need and it will get to them quick! Also, you can call people that you need. You can ring them up and if they don’t answer, just text them! If the people that you call do answer, just talk right through the phone, they will hear you, and you will


hear them. You can text or call people from close or far away. My last reason is that you can also communicate on social medias! You can video chat, comment and stuff like that! My last and final reason why technology is a positive thing is because it can keep you updated with daily news. For example, we would never know when storms would be hitting, or what accidents go on around us. We would have to find out all of that by ourselves. On the tv, we can watch the news to see what is happening around where you live. We can get prepared for things easier. This is why technology is a positive thing.


Power of TECHNOLOGY Negative technology

Technology is a good thing, but it also can affect you in many different ways. People are making new things on technology that kids or adults can get addicted to. Video games, new apps on the phone are being made, that people won’t get off. Even the old video games or apps, people still get addicted to it, and never get off. This can cause you to get sick, lazy and not get the exercise you need. One reason technology is a negative thing is because of video games and apps being made. Games are fun for everyone, but sometimes they can get so addicting, you can’t take your eyes off the game. While your playing, your being so pulled Text aboutcall this image can in, you don’t even hear your parents you for go here in this text box. dinner, you just keep on playing your that Change thegame color and size you must win. Also, people getbased addicted to social on the image 4

medias or new apps on the phone, ipod, and ipad. Social media is a big thing, and you must be careful on it. Millions of people go on facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat a day. Some people pretend to be someone they are not. So if you are on social medias a lot, make your account private, because people that pretend to be someone they are not can follow and catfish you. Also, watching videos on youtube can get to people. For example, you watch one video, and then you watch another. This can go on until you watched all the videos you liked. Another reason technology is a negative thing is because it can affect your health. Think of this, if your always on your phone, computer, ipod or ipad, your having too much screen time. This can affect your eyesight. Also, being on technology to much can make you lazy, but fall asleep later at night. You wouldn’t want to do anything besides lay down and be on technology, you don’t want to get up. 7

Technology can affect your time with family and friends. Playing video games, going on your phone all the time, and not talking to them.

Technology can also help people work when they are sick! They can work on their computers or phones

Also, being on technology to much can make you lazy, but fall asleep later at night. You wouldn’t want to do anything besides lay down and be on technology, you don’t want to get up. Also, since some some people are on technology too much, you can fall asleep later than usual. Your stuck on that game you were playing, or that video you were watching on youtube. You try to shut off your brain, but it just wants to stay on. Another reason why technology is bad for your health is because you won’t get the exercise that you need. You would rather stay on technology instead of going outside to play with your friends, or to play a sport, cause technology is so much more important than playing and getting exercise, right? My last reason why technology is bad for your health is because it can hurt your neck. For example, when you look down at you phone or your electronic for too long, you can get a cramp in your neck. You don’t want that do you??

Hmmm…. What do you think about technology now?? Now after reading this, do you think technology is positive or a negative for you? I like technology because without technology, i wouldn’t be typing this right now! I also don’t like technology because with it, people can get sick and not spend time with family and not getting exercise. Technology is so important in life and you need it, but it’s also so bad. What do you think about technology?

Did You Know?

There is a new thing on your phones that you can see how long you have been on technology for! I recommend you use it to see how much screen time you had!!

By Danielle Larson How technology has improved overtime 4-5 How technology was made 2-3 How How Technology was made and found

technology is considered a good and bad thing 6-7 How technology makes relationships worse 8-9

How Technology was made and found This text is about old technology devices and how it was upgraded and changed over time

How technology was made


Different types of technology

and big. Charles Babbage said, “This is it, this is the day

Have you ever sat down and had a moment and said to yourself why does everyone love technology, wait where did technology even come from? Technology can be important to all.

that we live with more advanced things in our lives.” He

The first iphone was made on January 9th, 2007 by Steve Jobs and at least 1.2 million people got it. Steve jobs said, "Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone." A lot of people liked it because all other phones had buttons that you had to physically push for it to work and this iphone had a touch screen. The first computer was made in 1822 by Charles Babbage. This was the first mechanical computer and it was very heavy and big. Charles Babbage said, “This is it, this is the day that we live with more advanced things in our lives.” He said in front of at least 50 people. The computer was made for the military and military purposes. The first computer was way different from our computers today but it still did the job back then.The first TV was made in November of 1929 by Bernard Natan. It was big bulky and heavy

the job back then.The first TV was made in November of

said in front of at least 50 people. The computer was made for the military and military purposes. The first computer was way different from our computers today but it still did

1929 by Bernard Natan. The first channel that was made on the television was on February 13th, 1935 The program showed the actress Béatrice Bretty and it was mostly made for entertainment purposes. Bernard Natan said, “ Don’t go to work any more just go and watch your new TV.” Then as they made more progress they upgraded TV’s.

How technology has improved overtime Technology has improved over time because phones used to be used just to talk and get in touch with people.


How technology is considered to be bad and good Now we have Iphones and they have lots of games and


Technology is bad thing because it takes kids lives

entertainment on them. Also now they have touch screens

and they go outside and play basketball anymore they just

so you can push on the screen. Also overtime people have

go on their phones and text their friends and go on

improved computers because computers were used for

youtube. Also it takes away from family time with your

information and communication, and because it can teach

parents and siblings. Also by looking at technology can be

you and there are also amazing websites that can help you

bad because little kids might learn bad things and bad

not just physically but mentally too because you might be

things that aren’t right.You can also lose your privacy from

having trouble with something or you might be having a

technology from people that hack other people's privacy

bad day you can just take your mind off of it with a

and private information. It is a bad thing also because a lot

computer know they are used for entertainment. Also now

of people care about their social media and they don’t get

they have gmail on computers so it is way more organized

off of it. People also like to text or go on their phones while

and efficient also easier to use. Also TV’s have changed a

they are driving and people can dye from doing that. A lot

lot because they used to only have a couple adult

of teenagers also focus on social media and not the rest of

channels and no kids channels and now there is a whole

their life. Another bad thing is that people can not only take

channel for kids and there is news adult channels and

people's information but they can use their information

different types of channels in different languages.

against them. Also kids can get smarter from technology but in a bad way.


Like with gun violence or physical abuse. A lot of adults have also been trying to sneak guns onto planes. Technology can be a good thing because if someone is having a bad day they can use technology to take their mind off of it or to make them calmer or less stressed.Technology can also help with education and health too.Also if you are home all the time then technology like phones and computers can help with your social life. Technology can save people's lives and also cure bad diseases or viruses. Technology can not only help you physically but it can help you mentally to. Technology can also provide advice or

This is an Apple computer from the 1980’s. It was one of the first personal computers

opinions if you need them for something.It also provides fun activities and entertainment. Also people can learn things from technology like technology tells you what is happening

This is a very big and heavy computer from a while ago. 4

around you and can inform you if there may be a natural disaster or something dangerous happening in your neighborhood or in your state.


Old Cell Phones

How technology makes relationships worse Screen time can take away from family time and it shouldn’t. Family time is way more important. A lot of kids are on their phones a lot now and they don’t go on nice walks with their family’s or go to see their grandma’s in the hospital. Each time you say no to spending time with your family you get farther away from them. Kids are so into their electronics that they pass up doing more important things. Back then there was no technology and all of the kids would just go outside and play but now that there is technology that's what everyone goes on and it is not good for you. Kids can take drugs and have them and go crazy and hurt their families very badly after their families have supported and helped them with everything that they have done.

So the next time you are on your phone or different type of electronic make sure that you are on there for a reasonable amount of time. Also make sure you spend more time with you loved ones more then being on your electronics because they are more important.

Old computers

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