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September 2015

By Aiden Santana


How do hurricanes cause so much damage

Sub Header Goes Here I am going to tell you how a hurricanes can affect . people. One is if the hurricane hits land the water

A lot of people died in a hurricane. Storm surge is the worst part

. of a hurricane because that is how flood start and that is then the hurricane is on land and this is how a lot of stuff get damaged.

can go up to 20 feet . Another one is if the hurricane is a five star level the wind speeds can go up to 156 mile per hour and that is how a lot of trees fall down. And the aftermath of a hurricane

The cause is that a lot of people can die the effect is for people to get to worn people faster. Winds (and the effects on people)A

Header Goes Here

hurricane can go up to 156 wind speeds and with all that wind it can damage house and now people can not have shelter. And when they do not shelter where are you going to get food and water. And then people are going to starve to death The wind speed are sow fast that the wind can make a tornado. And that is how the wind speed affect people.




The aftermath of a Hurricane

This is a hurricane is in space.

he work of repairing after a hurricane. When they are repairing the other people need to go a clean up everything on the street so cars can go on the streets.The aftermath of a after the hurricane is probably the worst part because they will need to rebuild everything and when you rebuild stuff you need money for the stuff you need to build with The cost of repairing after a hurricane. When the hurricane are over it will be a lot of money to rebuild the houses. It affect people my not have power for a week or a month The effects on your health after a hurricane. After a lot a people can get infection and then it can spread and that is how a lot of people can died because they are sick.




The aftermath of a hurricane

That are s something how a hurricane can affect people. One thing is that if the hurricane hit land the water can go up to 20 feet. Another thing is if the storm is a five star the wind speed can go up to 156 mile per hour and that is how a lot of thing get damaged. Another one is how much damage can a hurricane cause and the last one is the aftermath of a hurricane. And those are some thing how a hurricane can affect people.

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This is a hurricane hitting the land.

The History of Nintendo By Amin Jahaj Nintendo’s big surprise Nintendo is the biggest video game company in the world. But it wasn’t always. You see Nintendo used to be a playing card company. It wasn’t just any though. This playing card company made handmade cards. When I say handmade I mean they made the cards with his own hands. The his is for the founder of Nintendo. He was no other then Fusajiro Yamauchi. At this time Nintendo was very popular. There is a lot of differences from Nintendo to now. Like the name it was Nintendo Koppai. Nintendo Koppai continued to grow more bigger and popular. The cards As you already know the cards were handmade. But there's more information about these cards. The cards were Hanafuda cards. This means they can be used to play multiple games. Also these cards were made from the bark of mulberry trees. So on these cards were very popular. You might be thinking these cards were like pokemon cards well no. You see these cards are actually used as gambling cards. So it was only for adults. But later on in the article you will see a change in these cards. A pretty big change that was really good for Nintendo. Disney and deals This is where I have to say I told you so there really was a big but good change. In 1959 Nintendo made a deal with Disney. That made them a lot more popular. The deal was that Nintendo would start putting Disney's characters on their cards. This upped their variety of buyers. Since these hanafuda cards were used for gambling. So now many ages were buying their cards. Not just adults. Books Nintendo was already pretty huge and popular but after that period you’ll see what I mean. It was the books that made them huge. That’s right they started selling books. These books tell you about all the games you could play. With their playing cards. It was incredible how viral this went over 600,000 books were sold in the first year. Pretty crazy right and it’s all just for a book.

Video Games Nintendo started to take interest in video games. Nintendo has made many video game consoles and video games through history. Also many important ones. But still Nintendo won’t stop getting more and more popular from their products. Believe it or not this isn’t even the point with the more better video games and consoles like the Nintendo switch. So you're still in the past. But don’t worry present day will come. (The following paragraphs are in timeline ord Gunpei Yokoi and toys In 1962 Nintendo decided to go public worldwide. To make this even better they started selling toys. You might be surprised but for some reason no one one bought their products anymore. This was a huge problem for Nintendo. Until they hired Gunpei Yokoi. Apparently Hiroshi (the current president of Nintendo at that time) saw Gunpei playing with an extending arm he had made. Hiroshi told him to make it a product. So that’s the backstory of the ultra hand. This toy made a lot of money and a million units were sold. This saved Nintendo. After that Gunpei and Nintendo made many other toys. (Later on in the article Gunpei Yokoi will come back). That became very popular. Soon Nintendo became more popular than it ever was.

NES The NES is basically Nintendo’s first video game console. This video game console was released on July 1983 in Japan. In North America it was released on October 1985. After that was Europe on September 1986. Last was UK in 1987. This system is actually called Famicom in Japan. But NES stands for Nintendo Entertainment System. NES just for short. This system was very iconic for the time. Though it was outsold in Europe because of the Sega Master system. This console had a line up of a few 17 excellent games. This showed the world Mario, Zelda, and more. To this day the NES is remained as a classic.

Gameboy The Gameboy was more popular than the Nes. It outsold it by times two. This classic was released on April 1989 in Japan, July 1989 in North America, and September 1990 in Europe. This classic is probably the number one classic console. This console introduced the world to one of the most best video games Pokemon. But that’s not all the reasons it’s so special. The fact that it was a handheld console (probably the first one) made it irresistible. Remember the paragraph Gunpei Yokoi. Well do you also remember how I said that you will find out about other stuff that Gunpei made with Nintendo. Well I want to say one thing I told you so. Guess who made the Gameboy no other than Gunpei Yokoi. The Gameboy was a huge success in history. As well as it’s companions. Nintendo also made a newer one. Everything was the same except now the actual console is in colors and a bigger size. Usually the Gameboy is pocket size. Although Nintendo didn’t stop from their they made the Game and watch series which included of course the Gameboy. Super NES The thing about Nintendo is most of the time they make sequels to consoles like the DS and Wii. But amazingly the NES too. The Super NES, or Super Nintendo Entertainment System, even Super Famicom. But those are just the names of it not the information about it. This console was released in Japan on November 1990. In North America on August 1991 and in Europe on April-June 1992. This console positioned itself on the chart of Nintendo’s finest consoles. The Super NES was also the console to platform Super Mario World. At this time Sega just released a console called Mega Drive or just Genesis. From their it was a battle. A battle to see which console outsold the other. After a long tough war gladly the Super NES won. This whole battle just made Sega and Nintendo rivals even more. Virtual Boy The virtual boy probably was Nintendo’s biggest ever fail. It was released in Japan on July 1995 and North America on August 1995. Now back to the Virtual boy being a huge fail. You see this didn’t also fail Nintendo it also failed completely on Gunpei Yokoi. Gunpei was also the creator of the virtual boy. This virtual boy is basically a really old version of the VR headsets. It was such of fail because apparently it gave you huge headaches and many other motion sicknesses. The buyers got really mad at this. So Nintendo had to recall every single virtual boy ever bought. So Europe never got a launch date. People said it was to ahead of it’s time. No one was ready for it neither was Nintendo and neither was Gunpei Yokoi. To this day the virtual boy is remembered as Nintendo’s biggest failure.

Did you know ● ● ●

Did you know that Nintendo has been out 129 years. Did you know that Nintendo owned some love hotels. Did you know that Fusajiro Yamauchi had no son so he adopted.

Nintendo 64 The Nintendo 64 was truly amazing and it’s very memorable today. This console was released on June 1996 in Japan, September 1996 North America, and March 1997 Europe. Everything about this console was amazing and surprisingly still amazing today. Well everything except the launch date. Nintendo was very troubled by it. It was the wait it was agonising for them. But when it did come out it went viral. The 3D, graphics, games, and most importantly something no one will forget Mario 64. You see Sony Nintendo’s rival had already got the playstation released. But sadly the launch for nintendo 64 got delayed by six months. Wasn’t good for business many people were waiting. In the end the lifetime sales were respectful. Gameboy advance I told you they made the game and watch series because the Gameboy advance is one of them. It’s also the sequel to the Gameboy. This console was released on March 2001 in Japan and June 2001 in North America and Europe. It was a nice replacement for the ageing gameboy and nicely designed. Nothing was risky about it even the price was pretty okay. This was the platform for Super Mario bros 2. But what made it so it couldn’t fail. Was one of it’s games Po after the Game boy advance. Some fans complained about it. This was because apparently it had a very dim screen with no back light and it already looked a little bakemon. This console wasn’t launched that far from the game cube. Which was madeckward. But nothing really could stop it mostly because of Pokemon. Game cube The game cube had a very solid good start when it was first released. This old fashioned console was launched on September 2001 in Japan. It was also launched on November 2001 in North America and May 2002 in Europe. Everyone couldn’t wait for this console to release especially they always have to wait the longest. But anyway everyone was excited for it. There were some really good games. When Nintendo released luigi's mansion for it. Fans got mad. Apparently with their new console they wanted something with mario. But really mario’s mansion doesn’t sound that good. There was a tempting price for it. But that didn’t help that much. Kids didn’t like it they thought it was uncool. At this time sony launched there playstation 2 so the gamecube lost badly. While everyone else thought the playstation 2 was col so they bought that. This was a horrible disaster for Nintendo. But don’t worry after this Nintendo started making new consoles that were amazing and some of them still are. Including their latest console still amazing and always will.

DS Everyone doubted the DS but boy were they surprised when they got it. This system was surprisingly released first in North America on September 2004 then November 2004 in Japan and March 2005 in Europe. Everyone had their eye on this console because Nintendo just got a new president. So they wanted to see if he was good or not. The new president was named Satoru Iwata. Anyway on the of launch everyone was surprised when Nintendo wasn’t lying especially with the touch screen. The console ended up being a huge success. With many awesome games like the new super smash bros, Animal crossing: Wild world, and Pokemon diamond and pearl. People weren’t doubting Nintendo well until the Wii came out. Wii Well nobody learned there lesson from the DS. When fans heard all about the Wii they started doubting it again. This console was launched on November-December 2006 in Japan, North America, and Europe. But then it all changed just like the DS when it launched. Everyone loved it outselling xbox 360 and ps3. It ended up being Nintendo’s most best home console well for that time. The fans just loved it the motion sensored controllers, the games, and more. This console was favorited by families, kids, teenagers, and all ages. Another thing is the games they were wonderful like The legends of Zelda: Twilight Princess or Mario Kart. But the most popular game was Wii sports. 3DS Let’s see a newer version of the DS the 3DS. This exciting console was made on February-March 2011 for all Japan, North America, and Europe. Well this console was pretty good. But the price some people wouldn't buy it. Gladly there were was a good amount of people lined up to buy it. But over the years people started to open up to it and actually started to like it. In fact the 3DS is a big thing (but not the biggest). In fact Nintendo is still making games for it. Though another thing people started getting was the 3DS XL. This is barely different from the 3DS the only difference is the size. The XL is much bigger. That’s what the XL stands for extra large. That’s the only difference. Everyone is treating this console like it’s not that old. Which is actually a really good thing. Wii U

This console is actually pretty hard to say if it's amazing or not. So let’s just say it’s good. The Wii U is the newer version for of course the Wii. Now you probably thought the Wii was pretty good well it is but not as good as the Wii U. This good console was on November-December 2012 in Japan, North America, and Europe. This console didn’t have that muc games so it didn’t have the Wii effect on it. Especially since there was no Wii sports or Wii U sports. But it did have some good games like Super Mario Bros U and Super Smash Bros. Before the Wii U’s launch Nintendo try to excite fans by telling them some cool stuff about it. LIke how there’s going to be a mini controller screen. But nothing really excited the fans. This ended up being Nintendo’s poorest performing home console. But it wasn’t horrible. It wasn’t really a success but not really a failure. There was a success with it though. Nintendo made Splatoon. It was a big success. So now they have new Nintendo characters.

Nintendo Switch Probably the best video console in the world so far is the Nintendo Switch. This launched on March 3 2017 in most areas worldwide. This console has over a thousand games. When it first released so much people got it that when a store just gets shipment they’ll out before it’s even dark outside. For some people it took months. Nintendo releases like five games a month for the nintendo switch. The nintendo switch has many accessories and games soon to be even more. Like pokemon let’s go pikachu and Eevee launching on 11/16/18. Or Super Smash Bros Ultimate launching on 12/7/18. Fans are going crazy for these games. Throughout history technology evolved but the Switch is the future. Some consoles are amazing and maybe a little crazy. But the Nintendo SWitch is super amazing and crazy. The nintendo switch focuses on the area of amount of players and stuff like that. This console is truly amazing. I bet that if you know anyone that has a switch or even you. I want you to ask them or you if it’s amazing and you and them will say yes. We don’t know Nintendo’s plans. But we do know that the switch will never end and has a bright future. Where it all ends this article not Nintendo Where it all ends. When I say that I mean this article not Nintendo. Nintendo will probably still be the biggest video game company in a hundred years. But all we know is Nintendo isn’t going to end anytime soon. Not anytime soon with the games and stuff there making all the time. Like Pokemon Let’s go Pikachu and Let’s go Eevee. Nintendo is making history with technology and video games. Especially with their most recent console the Nintendo Switch. Goodbye new and old Nintendo fans.

The US Navy Seals Career

By Andrew Fisher

The Navy Seals and what they do.

In this article I will be writing about the

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The US Navy Seals Career

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The Navy Seals are getting muddy before they crawl through the sand and swim in the ocean during early morning training and to prepare themselves for the day after eating and showering while the trainers go next to them to demonstrate what to do or to yell at you to get up.

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He talked about going through boot camp and all the schools.

If you failed something to much times then they will either make you restart everything or they will just kick you out of boot camp or any of the schools. Becoming a Navy seal is not easy or just becoming a normal Navy member is really hard. There are 8 weeks of boot camp and then a additional month in two other Military schools. In the other schools if you want to be a navy member then you learn stuff underwater like breathing and swimming underwater for a really long time. You also learn how to put scuba gear on and putting scuba gear together under water so you can breath underwater so you don't drown when you run out of oxygen in your lungs. They make you swim 1000 meters when you are close to graduating. You have to be really strong in the head and your whole body has to be strong to make it to the seals or just the Navy. “It might be a long drive there but once you get there the long journey was all worth it.”


United states navy seals what they stand for their training and what they do to stay in the Navy seals. the United States Navy Seals stands for Sea land and air because that's all the things that they work on and in. The Navy is one of the United States and Americas very important armed forces and personally my favorite. They have different ranks if you are the highest rank and you're in the seals you will go in to a battle as seal team leader. There are many different Navy seals groups. The different groups are numbered. My dad almost made it to the Navy but then he tore his shoulder. I am obsessed with the Navy and I want to be a Navy seal when I grow up. “Not only your muscle has to be strong but your brain has to be strong to make it into the United States Navy”Said retired Navy Seal Clint Emerson. He was a Navy Seal for 6 years and went from seal team three to seal team six. He taught about what training and what you would have to go through to to become a Navy Seal.


The US Navy Seals Career It is hard to do missions and the career is really hard to say goodbye to your When you become a Navy seal you have hard.

t’s really best friends in battle. You have to be fit and you have to be fast enough and strong enough to keep up with our team in the navy and so you can get through work every single day. You have to learn how to wake up on the right time and do everything at work properly. You have to go through a lot of training to get and stay in the Navy and its twice as hard to become and stay a navy seal.


There a lot of thing to do everyday and you hardly get any sleep because you work late and get up early.They have to carry really heavy armor on missions while swimming and running fast so thats alot of work.They also have to do a workout every day and the exercises that they do are really hard. Some do cardio then the workout but some other Navy just do really hard and long workouts. It's also hard saying goodbye to your loved ones before you get deployed and go. When you get deployed you have a good 3 to 9 months of hard work till you get 4 to 5 months to spend with your loved ones Until your deployed again. You will barely get a break of work the only break you get is when your sleeping.

to work extremely hard to stay there. There could be people that are better in the schools. It may seem like it is easy when the pros do it so you think that you can do it but that person has been there for a extremely long time. They are the ones that to do it to teach and show you how to do it because of how good they are at it. There are people who are really eager to make it into the Navy. They could train harder then you get better grades then you and even be stronger than you and they'll be in the Navy Seals.. In

this paragraph I will tell you what the Navy seals Missions are.One of the things they do in there missions is they sneak up on bad guys underwater. They also have to defuse bombs and place bombs under the enemy. The us navy is not all about water they also work on land and air if you did not see earlier the Navy seals stand for Sea Land and Air because that's all the things they work on. They have done rescue missions in helicopters and normal battles on land.

It is hard to do missions and the career is hard There where many many battles were a lot of our soldiers died but there have been a bunch of battles where a lot of our soldiers lived. These have been very sad battles we have fought where we had to say goodbye to a lot of our Navy and if you are in the Navy it’s hard to say goodbye to your friends. The job may see easy when your there for a long time but just remember how you felt when you first got into the Navy. It is really hard moving up ranks but you work hard and you achieve your goal and even more. They have many ranks you go up a rank when your captain sees you are working very hard and never giving up. There are many different types of missions the U.S Navy can do all of them. They are getting up early because they have to work out and some of the Navy actually cook the food. The commander always wakes up the earliest to take a shower and get ready for work he is also the one that shouts to wake the Navy up in the morning to get ready.

The job could be harder. The reason is that they don’t make you work 24/7 and they give you breaks they don’t have to do that. The job could just be you not eating till your starving and they can make you be extremely thirsty and not give you water till you really need it but do they do that nope Those were my main ideas of the U.S Navy seals career and my main ideas were that you have to work hard and the second one is that it is hard to say goodbye to friends and family. You should help the Navy instead of siding against them. Oh yeah and it might be a long trip there but once you get there the long ride was all worth it.


The US Navy Career

The Seals are carrying heavy logs while running during their training on the beach early in the morning. Text about this image can go here in this text box. Change the color and size based on the image


The Navy Seals are preparing to swim through freezing cold water 7 during training.










Did you know that a hurricane can be up to 157 mph and more

By Angel Mercado




HOW TO SURVIVE A HURRICANE Hi i’m Angel and I will be telling you the steps of how to survive a hurricane and the different hurricane categories like :Hurricane Sandy/Prevention and Community support . Please follow these steps that you will see in this article also provided by authorities when a hurricane comes. Did you know that it is estimated that 10,000 people die each year worldwide due to hurricanes and tropical storms.The majority of human deaths are caused by flooding.

How to survive a hurricane Header Goes Here PREVENTION

nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor


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Before a hurricane comes you need to…(1) have to stay informed by monitoring the storm via radio, TV, and internet…(2) Secure your home, close storm shutters, and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors or go to a nearby shelter..(3) Turn off tech if told so by authorities to do so (4) Turn off any propane tanks immediately (5) Avoid using the phones except for serious emergencies or told by authorities and According to official advice. An emergency preparedness kit should include (1)Copy of all household members' IDs or driver's licenses (2)Copy all family members birth certificates (3)Have Clothes (4)Have Food and water (**for at least three days**) (5)Must have Cash or traveler's checks (6) Maps of your evacuation route, alternate routes and a way to get to local shelters (7)Extra set of car keys, along with a full tank of gas (8) At least three flashlight with extra batteries (9) First aid kit and Medications you may need (**for at least three days**) (10) Just in case for some people Extra glasses or contact lenses if needed.please have in mind these things to have and do before a tornado also these steps are probably going to be instructed when a hurricane comes.

ARE YOU PREPARED Are you prepared for hurricane season if not you must be prepared make sure the most important thing of being prepared to be safe is always get and have supplies ready and waiting before a hurricane warning even comes because then when a hurricane warning comes the all stores will be emptied.please always have these items before it’s to late.


How to survive a hurricane Community support After a hurricane hits someplace there can be (2) options you can go to a shelter or wait for relief supports. The best 12 relief supports for after a hurricanes are: (1) american red cross American Red Cross (2) FEMA =Federal Emergency Management Agency (3) Samaritan's purse SamaritansPurse.org | Samaritan's Purse | U.S. Disaster Relief (4) All hands and hearts all Hands And Hearts - Smart Response (5) Team Rubicon Team Rubicon (6) Americares Americares (7) Catholic Relief services Catholic Relief Services (8) St. Bernard project St. Bernard Project (9) Carter blood care Carter BloodCare (10) Operation Blessing International https://www.ob.or.org/ ( 11) Episcopal Relief and Development support.episcopalrelief.org/ (12) CDEMA=caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency Link for CDEMA Adgrahamschoolinfo.uchicago.edu/MScTRM/Learn-More





HOW TO SURVIVE A HURRICANE THE FIVE STEPS WHEN A HURRICANE HITS LAND When a hurricane hits land there are five important things to do if you can't do it please make sure you have the materials before the hurricane comes 1 Stay inside and keep away from all windows, skylights and glass doors 2 Go to a safe area, such as an interior room, closet or downstairs bathroom. 3 Never go outside the protection of your home or shelter before there is confirmation that the storm has passed the area. 4 via,radio.tv,or internet 5 never panic and calm yourself.

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Not panicking is the most important step of when a hurricane hits land

65 percent shows Meditating can calm people in hard situations




n conclusion i hope you will follow the steps provided when a hurricane comes and before. I will leave you

with some questions that is if you were a congressman or a relief support group how would you help after a hurricane? Do you think my steps would be useful? I hope you have learned some important tips and I have helped prepare you in an emergency situation.

If you were a congressman how will you help after a hurricane? 6


By Besim Koxha

How to become a cartoonist

than when your done with that,you’ll put all your drawings in order and flip,then you’ll see the creativity come to life!now i

Do you like to draw?Do you like to sketch?Do you want to

know what your thinking,’’making a cartoon is the same thing

be a cartoonist? well,if you do,then read this book because In

as making a flipbook’’.well,you're right,you're also wrong.you

this book,your going to learn the most wonderful thing in

see,for cartoons,people use computers and devices to

humanity,can you guess what it is,it is is all you’re creativity

organize and put stuff together,basically the same as google

coming to live.a name for this is animation.animation is such a


fun and amazing thing to do.also. your going to learn how to become a cartoonist!.

your going to learn some tips,how to make you a better animator.number one:revise your artwork,just because you made a flipbook doesn't mean you don’t have to leave it like

So,you are going to first learn how to make a cartoon. So the


that.try making your work,the best ever!number two:watch

first step is to make a funny,fictional,and interesting story,but

cartoons or drawing turalials,now if you do this everyday,then

you don’t have to really do that, you don’t have to really add

you’ll get ways to draw something you're having trouble

anything at all.second step,which is the wonderful and amazing

with,number three:get ideas from other animators,now this not

part,animate the story!.now,the secret on bring art to live is to

stealing,actually it’s really fine to draw somebody’s idea’s,now

draw a picture for example,let’s make a stick man,so draw

if you do this,then you’ll get ideas that are actually completely

another picture of the same thing but the arm is a little higher,

different from the idea you drew.

than you draw another picture but a little bit more higher,than


cartoonist?’’,well,the answer to that is seattle schools.there are alot of art schools but mostly computer animation schools.second question:’’what degree you need to get to at least become a animator!’’.answer:well,you need to get at least a bachelor's degree to become animator.final question:’’how many years you have to stay in college to What your going to learn in this section is a great way to help you starting

become an animator?’’.final answer:’’it depends on what

to be a cartoonist,so the first thing you’ll need is index cards.you can use

animation you want to work on,for example computer

postit’s if you can’t get index cards but I would recommend them,just

animation would be about 18 months and a regular

because there not sticky and there better to flip,so the next thing you need is something to hold your index cards organized and neat.now you don't

animation would be about 3-4 years.

really need this step but its just to keep your drawings in place,so you put a piece of paper on something bright so you can see through your drawings so then you will trace over it and then it will perfectly match.so you put all of the drawings together and flip it,then you’ll see your drawing’s moving! So in this paragraph,there are some answers to some questions

For the conclusion,in this book,you learned animation and how to make animation I think that you should try it because it's really fun,also it builds your creativity,so try it and have fun with it.

you people might have,so,the first question is’’what type of college’s you need to go if you want to be an



September 2015

By Bryan Penaflor

9/11 It’s just the beginning... September 11th 2001, a clan known as Al Qaeda sent 19 terrorists to hijack airplanes. They’ve planned to destroy the twin towers and etc because there’s lots of people in there. The terrorists hijacked the planes and successfully crashed them into one of the twin towers so far. Everyone thought that the pilot just had troubles until the other plane crashed in the middle of the the other twin tower. Most people realised that we were getting attacked. People started jumping off the towers because there was no escape, floors were on fire and they couldn’t pass so they just ended it there and not feel the suffering. Most people said “I’m sure it’s all over now” but, oh, were they wrong.


There's more to it... Soon after that more fire spread because on the plane the terrorists announced that there was a bomb on the plane. That bomb made the floors weaker and then it happened.... The Towers collapsed because of the fire weakening the floors. Everyone who was still in the towers or near had died from the sudden collapse. People were running from the huge clouds of dust from the paper and others in the towers. It would make them die of lack of oxygen and they wouldn't be able to see. Now that only happened in New York City/ Manhattan...



It's not just one place.


The third plane wasn't going to Manhattan, they were traveling to Washington. They were going to hit the Pentagon. It was caught on footage on the security cameras. ALSO on the fourth hijack the passengers were not just going to sit there and watch themselves die. Some passengers fought back to save other lives. But sadly the plane crashed in an empty field in Shanksville Pennsylvania due to all the action and pressure inside the plane. The weight was too much and the plane was out of control. Too bad those people who died couldn’t save others lives.

Most people know about this, most people don’t and that’s why i’m writing this article. People need to know about the sad day that is September 11th. To this day we all wonder ‘Why did Al Qaeda want to do that?’ ‘Why were they thinking about crashing into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon?’ We ask these questions to know the answers but some questions would not be answered by those who caused them. Everyone is most likely to be curious on 9/11, but I don’t blame them. It’s a very tragic event and need to know what happened. Al Qaeda has various hideouts and it’s a very big group. Around 3000 people died and 6000 injured, either around or inside the twin towers and pentagon. There are memorials of those who lost their lives in 9/11. Never forget the horrific day, day of loss, September 11th 2001. Always be prepared because you’ll never know when that could happen again, Al Qaeda sends threatening messages that they would do something bad similar to what they have done before…



Lesson of 9/11 All of this is because of no metal detectors. But now there are metal detectors to check your body for weapons, possibly because of 9/11, also they have this hand machine you get searched by a staff member and it beeps when it finds the metal object. It’s been 17 years, no hijacks yet because of the metal detectors, the safety of people.

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The memorial of the crash on Pennsylvania Shanksville.


The crash at the Twin Towers. The North tower getting hit.

By Daniela Rivera Herrera

September 2015

Flexible Seating: A New Way Of Learning

What Is Flexible Seating?

Have you ever sat in class during a test not being able to concentrate on your work but on how uncomfortable you are sitting? A lot of issues are going on because of this uncomfortable seating. A lot of kids at home will improve more on their homework than their actual school work because they are more comfortable on their seats at home and where their environment is they are used to being in. To teachers it might seem that the student or students are just fooling around not wanting to do their work and slack off their work. But to the students it’s not because they don’t want to do their jobs, it’s because they are uncomfortable. That’s why now a lot of schools in America have put in a new seating arrangement called flexible seating.Flexible seating is where students throughout the classroom try new seats (couches, bungee chairs, yoga balls, etc.) and make them work better. Flexible seating can allow students to focus more.


Students Enjoying Flexible Seating

Flexible Seating Lets Students Focus In schools in America a lot of students have a problem of focusing on school and their work. This is a problem that a lot of students have and can’t have a solution. The main problem is some students can’t focus more on what they are doing and get distracted a lot. The problem is that their chairs are uncomfortable for them and can’t focus on their work. Some teachers are just trying to put them in a different area where they won’t get distracted and try to get their attention when they need it.But a solution to this problem can be to get different seats rather than the plain desks. Some teachers started this method this school year. So far it has brought great results for the students who haven't focused.The teachers put in a lot of effort to help their students as much as possible to help them learn better. A lot of teachers make a fund page to pay for the flexible seating.Parents whose children weren’t focused have seen an improvement between last year and this year. Teachers say if the students are uncomfortable, it makes them distracted and unproductive on their work. Also the chairs are a problem. If they are in a uncomfortable spot then they work less. Scientist say a uncomfortable chair can affect the brain as much as skipping breakfast. If the students are more focused on how uncomfortable the chair is, then they can’t hear what the teacher is saying and won’t get their work done. The flexible seating can help prevent the problem and let the children focus more on their work instead of focusing on how uncomfortable it is.


Flexible Seating Let’s Children Have Power Flexible Seating empowers the children to work hard. Before when there were desks in schools the grades of NY were very low and parents were worried about their child’s grades. A lot of kids were struggling working and trying to keep their grades up flexible seating to let the children learn how to empower their learning and help themselves . By flexible seating a lot of kids feel more comfortable in school and go more deeper into their work. Instead of staying in the shallow they go deeper and try their best because they know flexible seating is a privilege. Lots of kids know have the power to make sure they know where they work best and how they work best. The other 50%, is those schools that have made no improvement in their seating and have been using desks. The teachers have just changed the seats and that isn’t helping which is causing for the student to get in trouble which does not help the student in any way. In fact it makes it worse and they begin focusing more on how uncomfortable it is and how much they had got in trouble. The students can try to see where they work best which makes themselves responsible for their work. Sometimes they go over where there friends are and start talking instead of doing work. Than if they get in trouble it impacts them. But others stop and think and ask themselves “Is this seat right for me?” or “Is this a good choice for my work today?” . That makes them to power over their decisions. It helps them clear their mind and relax for a little.


Flexible Seating Is A New Way Of Learning Flexible Seating Is Different From normal desks. They are a new change from last year to this school year. flexible seating is a new way of learning is instead of the normal plain desks you can get more comfortable seats.For example you can try something new rather than sitting in the desks. One reason flexible seating is a new way of learning is in flexible seating you have more control over your learning. One example is rather than having a plain old desks, not being able to focus more it’s harder for students to concentrate. But with flexible seating the students can find a spot where they work best and can focus the longest.Another example is if they can’t find an option where they work best in the desks they just focus more on how they can start doing their work. Rather than in flexible seating they can start focusing right away but then again try their best not to get to comfy. Another reason why flexible seating is a new way of learning is it’s not a bigger problem than desks. One example is in desks it makes a lot of noise if the students start to get distracted. But in flexible seating, the seating options are quieter and they don’t mind on what’s happening around them. Another reason is if they have to switch desks they take more time on taking out their stuff instead of doing more work. Also if there is organization than there is papers everywhere. But in flexible seating you can have bins and then you can put your stuff in the bin and it won’t have a hassle, or if there or organizing than it could be a smaller mess and it would be easier.


Flexible A New Way Of Learning Do You Like Flexible Seating Too? Flexible seating is helping schools better and better. The grades, so far, have improved.That’s why now a lot of schools in America have put in flexible seating. A lot of teachers have been doing this for a few months and have seen a huge improvement. Now you see that flexible seating has rules and are a lot better than desks. Maybe if you haven’t seen a classroom with flexible seating than you can see a few images. Flexible seating has helped the teachers in school. It can also work in lower grades. Maybe some people will try this seating arrangement? But the big question is, will YOU try flexible seating?

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These Are The Different Seating Options


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By Jennifer Sanchez

Marine pollution! Story Title


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Marine pollution: what is is it?

Have you ever seen so much garbage on land, and sea, that make you scream and holler, ‘’ Look there is dead sea creatures on the sand, and so much garbage that the glass bottle shard’s are getting in my toes!’’. Many studies have shown that too much of garbage or anything for that matter.. That too much garbage and the sea can cause.. ‘’Marine pollution. ‘’ and Dangerous dead zone’s for marine life and use humans as well and the environment all around the world.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmoid te’’ why does the ocean matter?? The ocean

matters in many different ways. ‘’Why does the ocean matter?’’ a child asks. ‘’ Why should we care??’’ ‘’US HUMANS ARE NOT IN DANGER!!’’

cididunt labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." tt

Coral has been home to 830,000 marine creature’s every year, and they are suffocating and loosing their home’s As the dead zone’s get bigger and.. Bigger . every single year, The ocean matter’s, and we need to treat The ocean just like our beloved homes. respected.



Why does the ocean matter?

The ocean matters to our world because all of our oceans provide us 50% of our oxygen in the entire world. Without fresh water, we cant breathe very well, or we won’t have any water for us humans all around the world to drink. The ocean also matters because the ocean provides protein for 1 billion people. The ocean also matters because coral is home of 830,000 species of fish. All


The effects of marine pollution: Around The world. But in 1998 bleaching killed 16% of coral in the ocean. And 80% of life lives in the ocean.

image , bleached white coral sighting

Marine pollution has very serious effects on marine life not just marine life , but us humans as well. Marine pollution causes marine life to SUFFOCATE because the fact that the fish need fresh water to breatthe underwater. This can cause death areas in the ocean. When eating fish for dinner , be careful because some of the fish you may eat be from polluted seas , with toxin’s inside.. consequences may include: a trip to the hospital and serious cancer. Without stopping marine pollution, NO MARINE LIFE CAN EXIST.

Marine pollutions cause of death zones.


Marine pollution: a second chance Considering the Fact that there will be more plastic Than Fish By 2050, because of Marine pollution There is Still hope. ‘’ Us humans can make history. ‘’Us humans can make history’’. Us humans Deserve a second chance on how we treat our enviroment. And the way we treat marine life, without marine life... we will have no protein, And No water because The water is polluted!!. We need to be thankful for all the Living things and land, God makes us to be A healthy Human being,


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A quote, By captain charles moore, About Marine pollution.


What can we do to help?? Us humans can stop Marine pollution by:

● ● ● ● ●

Rethinking the way where and how we throw out garbage If theres Any garbage On the sand, pick it up before it gets trown away. Convince your friends to help to community with you. Volunteer To pick up garbage on weekends at The beach. Visit national geo graphic For more details on how YOU can help the community.

Did You Know? 10

That all fisheries will Be gone Before Fish get extict in 2050 [if we dont stop marine pollution] 11

September 2015

By Luca Liubicich



The causes of chernobyl Chernobyl disaster happened due to testing at the plant, to see how the plant would operate if power was lost. The power level Do know what went too high and just stopped, chernobyl is? it took place on then boom one of the reactors April 26,1986. Chernobyl was part of the Soviet Union in exploded, then they all exploded. Ukraine. Chernobyl was a “Chernobyl was the product of a nuclear power plant in badly flawed Soviet-era reactor ukraine and they in the design, combined with human main lab that control error.” then they ran over to the everything all the reactors. reactor and they found the They were using reactor for reactor exploded keep in mind when they used too much this is the fourth reactor. power the disaster The test went terribly wrong happened. due to the lack of training within the people in the lab. Also automatic shutdown mechanisms were disabled, causing no time for shut down of the reactor.


They were doing tests in the Chernobyl killed lab, all went perfect. They tested thousands of people, so the fourth reactor a couple of many kids were injured or times. The last test, there was an terribly affected. It’s sad explosion and fire in reactor #4, how they had to live. The which released radioactivity into person who caused the atmosphere. When a nuclear Chernobyl disaster, was reactor blows up, nuclear fall out found hanged in house follows. Nuclear fallout is April 30 1988, so that radiation that spreads in the air for affected his whole family. miles, people die of radiation The disaster affected the sickness. status of the Soviet Union. After the accident, people Soviet union owned were exposed to radiation directly Chernobyl. Many who from radioactive clouds and resided in ornear Chernobyl radioactive died from cancer or Materials deposited on the radiation sickness. Another ground, through contaminated effect, the accident caused food and breathing contaminated major changes in safety air. culture and industry cooperation between the East and West before the end of the Soviet Union. 3


This is a close up picture of the reactor

This photo is taken from the city Pripyat The city is now abandoned due to radiation. That's why it affected so much and also did you know Pripyat is the capital of Ukraine And also the hole city is filled with animals. You can still die from radiation in chernobyl. Just so you know the animals are radioactive if you get bit you can die from radiation



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September 2015

Lionel Messi: Soccer Player By. Muallim Fazal

Lionel Messi Introduction:

In his 50th season of soccer he scored more than 300 goals. He was unstoppable from playing from all the 50th seasons.

have you ever heard about lionel messi? Read more information in this book to find out

When lionel messi started to play soccer He

more about lionel messi.

started to play soccer when he was 4-5-6 years old. Many people are surprised because they

Lionel Messi Lionel messi is the fastest player in the hole soccer world. But he scores to much goals in 1 hole soccer game, His total was more than 6 everyone especially the audience was shocked because of messi. He is famous and he has the best soccer players to play with him. The soccer players are named ronaldinho and neymar.


didn't know lionel messi could play soccer, for example people and kids thought lionel messi was bad at soccer but when they saw his skills they tried to pick lionel messi on every team. Don’t judge a book by it's cover. Everyday lionel messi plays soccer to practice for the soccer team. When lionel messi is gonna grow up he will be in many tournaments and will be going to other countries to play soccer tournaments.


He at least scores more than once in every game. Lionel messi does like to be fair with everyone in the

Lionel Messi is Addicted to Soccer

soccer game, he dribbles and passes it to every of his teammate.

He won't stop playing soccer because he is addicted to soccer.

The Best Soccer Player

But if he tried out for

basketball or any other sports he would probably need coaches to help him play his second sport.

They call him the best player in the soccer history.

Lionel messi would maybe refuse because he will

Because he scores at least more than 6 times in 1

only get to play soccer. Many people might want

game everyday. Around 500,000 people like to

to ask, lionel messi why don't you want to play

watch lionel messi because he is the best player

other sports?

and he is kind. But some people come to watch him

tournaments, he only plays soccer and nothing

play soccer everyday in the tournaments, and the

else. 1 fact about lionel messi is that he’s married.

fields. Lionel messi’s fans call him an expert in

He has a son that looks like him. A fact is that

soccer. Question: But why does lionel messi have to

messi is the top player in the world but he has the

play soccer everyday? Answer: so he can be the

best skills ever.

Because whenever he is in the

best player and he could earn more trophies.



Why won’t lionel messi stop playing soccer and not try out for other sports?

In my opinion i think lionel messi is better than any soccer player because he can dribble fast and kick fast, for example he’s the fastest player in soccer and he has enough strength to kick hard.

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September 2018

The Answer Is NO

By Olivia Surratt

Story Title


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The answer is no Guide on Peer pressure

How to Recognize Peer Pressure PEER PRESSURE CAN MAKE YOU FEEL

Peer pressure. We all have heard of it. But what is it? It


is when people-friends and tweens pressure you to do


something like drugs, alcohol, stealing and lying. BUT THAT


IS NOT IT it can be hard to recognize and effect your parents


and family but make sure you really trust your friends . so


make your own solution, say no, and use the five step list on


the bottom of the article. READ MORE TO FIND OUT HOW


to say no!.using five simple letters.


Pressure can come from anyone but peer pressure is most common


List to say no Steps to help you


Talk to someone you trust and care about

Make an excuse about life and parents

Distract them and then walk away to class or

against you. they will PRESSURE YOU INTO things that can affect you and others . THEY CAN PUT GUILT ON YOU NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE LIKE THIS BUT BE CAREFUL. YOUR

were ever it is that you feel safe


Alert other children that there are bad


possibilities to saying yes this can help others as well


Five steps to avoiding peer pressure 1 recognize peer pressure this means you use your


instincts to tell if something feels right


2 listen to your inner voice listen to your inner voice


you know that it supports your instincts and it is


almost never wrong


3 talk to someone outside the group this means take


time to leave the group to get someone else's


opinion they can help you notice peer pressure


4 imagine your parents can see you this means


think of the possibility that your parents know


what's going on if your parents would not approve


you know that it is not safe


5 ask if it is worth the risk this means you think of all


the good ways it can turn out and all the bad ways it can turn out then you decide if it is just too risky to go through with

Solving the Problem of Peer Pressure Remember these steps in a situation like peer pressure with every problem which is peer pressure in this case comes a solution but you have to choose whether you want the problem to be solved or just affect you more than it already has people all over the world are trying to provide you pieces like this one so you have encouragement and steps

These children are best friends but they must have real trust because one might start pressuring one another

to memorize that will help you say no so instead of not recognizing peer pressure, still sticking with that friend or friend group, and letting it affect your parents and family members so just keep these facts in mind. What is your answer ?.

There is a time to think and a time to blurt out what you believe is right - olivia suratt

Did You Know? Peer pressure can be wanted to be good for you but it can all have a bad outcome in the end if not is not thought out properly


peer pressure tune Remember this song

Peer pressure can be good peer pressure can be bad but say no tell your parents the experience you've had This songs lyrics are about what to do when you are in a peer pressure situation remembering and learning this songs lyrics can help you and theses pictures can be inspiring for some or all

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Don't be fooled theses are friends but they could always take advantage of the friendship


Roller coaster safety dangers and fun facts by Sophia Outerie. Introduction Introduction: Roller coasters can be really dangerous in a lot of ways that are not safe for anyone not even a professional. I will be explaining all the dangerous things about roller coasters. I chose roller coasters because it is for the safety of people and I wanted to learn more about them and the cause and effect. Read more to learn about roller coasters.

Dangers L : One way roller coasters can be really dangerous is that in can break down. Story one In this case the operator fixed the ride wrong the first time and it got worse. The way you get down is either restarting the ride or go down steep steps one at a time with a special fireman that makes sure that you are okay and that you don't fall down. The reason you can't go down all at once is because you may trapel each other down the steps and you can't fall and either die or get badly hurt and never walk again. Safety tips Story two : calm if you get tuck or if something happens because then you get all hyped and worked up that you won't get down u will because like i said before there is a special man who helps. Another safety tip is to call for help right away because it can be to high and you can pass out or even have a heart attack and die witch is real dangerous. You can get the heart attack because you will be real high up and some people Some safety tips i learned about roller coasters are to stay can't take it if you can't then just close your eyes or just go into someone's arms or anything that makes you Feel safe . That's all the safety tips that i got for you in this Btw the videos i Watched were really giving you deep info so that were im getting all of this great Evidence. The links to the video will be in the end of the my feature article draft in the did u know topics.

Accidents can happen: Most of you guys know the term Accidents can happen if not everyone says that when something bad or accidentally happen well with roller coasters i'm gonna be explaining how on roller coasters roller coaster accidents can happen. Like if it shuts down it's not always the operators that it can be cause of the weather or a slow down roll back also it can be a really old ride. More into the topic of accidents can happen is that in an article it said that a lady fell out of a seat belt it was not her fault the cause or that was maybe her body wait but the effect if that she can get badly hurt because you can just fall right out of the roller coaster and maybe die or even survive but still get hurt either way. It is very rare to not get hurt in a situation like that. Also you can get a heart attack because of the hight or because u get real scared of scary things like if someone scared you or anything other that scared u. . Lots of acadians can happen during roller coaster ride. Even when you don't think it can happen anything can happen anytime of the day or anywhere.

Conclusion:. The three subtopics i wrote about were all about roller coaster and different thing on them. But like i said for your own safety don't do something that will put you in danger. Hope that this article helped you and gave you a little lesson. So remember next time you go to a theme park think before you put yourself in danger for a while until you get back on those feet for a while and

This is a rollback of a roller coaster that did not make it up

Conclusion The three subtopics i wrote about were all about roller coaster and different thing on them. But like i said for your own safety don't do something that will put you in danger. Hope that this article helped you and gave you a little lesson. So remember next time you go to a theme park think before you put yourself in danger for a while until you get back on those feet for a while.

Did You Know?

Did u know that many people die on roller coasters each year. You may be asking how many people pass away/die every year. Well about 500 each year. That’s a lot of people each and every year.

W Here i will be talking about jazz , how it got popular and that jazzmaster i will tell you all the resources that i used . After you read this i hope you learn something .

H Jazz got very popular in 1920 . People enjoy watching jazz dancers . “Mainly do to its popularity is tv shows ,music videos , and commercials . Jazz became popular in recent years more people do jazz now days . Jazz lets you ,get your mind of things it is very relaxing . It will also get you moving and your body

loves Eeryyone dance and aspeshalley jazz .”Jazz is fun way to get moving .” if you wach shows Everyone loves dance and aspeshalley jazz .”Jazz is fun way to get moving .” if you wach shows According to

By Valentina Mahnken

https://www.howc ast.com/ they said “If you are attending your first jazz class get ready to move” . “IN jazz you have to wear clothing that allows you to

This is a picture of how jazz was in the 1920 3


If you ever walk into a jazz class you are . going to say “wow this is cool “. You can learn new dance moves everyday. More and more people join jazz classes there are a lot of good dance schools around the .U.S.A. . Jazz is a great way to relax

jazz you don't want to leave it . There a lot of people that diss like jazz and there are some that love jazz. There are always two sides . You should love it . Because it is something to do, If you join the world of jazz you don't want to leave it .

There a lot of people that diss like jazz and there are some that love jazz. There are always two sides . You should love it . Because it is something to do, If you join the world of .

According to Howcast .COM” the greatest jazz master on earth his name is Luigi “. “Luigi was in a car accident in his 20s and lost his body us .“He was devastated” .According to howcast.COM they


said “And what he did was develop a form of therapy with his dance movement “. his life story was inspiring

“His style of movement is graceful “. “ He still teaches at his studio in New York City called studio Master. “A expression that he used to this day is never stop movin and it is M-O-V-I-N-G . Right now Luigi is in his 90s and he still teaches according to howcast.COM “everyone of his students say he is super inspiring “. He is one of the a kind jazz master

This is all the information that you will need to know about the jazz world . I hope the people that read this and did not like jazz change their minds and wants to join the jazz world . I hope you can make a in how the population can go up .. You will love it trust me you will have the time of your life . I also hope that the story of the jazz master was inspiring . Down below will be resources that I used ..


That was about the jazz master life story . If you go to https://www.howcast.com/ you can wach the interview of one of his old students that tells you his life story . you can also go to https://www.thoughtco.com . This is where you can go to see all the videos ,an article that i used .Howcast . is where you can wach the video about This is a picture of how dance is now this is a real picture it is from dancing with the stars juners . 4

the jazz master . thoughtco ..is where you can see the article about jazz ,. 7

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