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September 2015


Virtual Reality A Start to A Dangerous Future

By Daniel Ortolano


Virtual Dangers By Daniel Ortolano Have you ever been playing

Virtual Reality also known

VIrtual Reality and saying to

as VR is a fun activity for

yourself “this is safe ,right?”

many people of all ages

Well i'm here to tell you…

around the world, but there

you’re wrong. You are

are some very bad health

COMPLETELY wrong. And you

risks that can be caused by

might regret buying that

virtual reality. From

headset that’s sitting on your

Dislocations to broken

dresser next to your tv.

noses, VR can be a very dangerous household item to have.

Virtual Info Virtual reality is the only way that makes gamers feel like they are in the game. But from the outside they are wired up to their tv with tracking controllers in their hand.

you might be thinking otherwise, and that's just fine! But i just wanna let you know that you can possibly get injured or killed by a tiny box with a screen in it. I know, I know, it sounds so stupid but i'm not lying. Not lying at all.



from the 90’s, 1995 to be exact.

Health Risks VR can cause bad HEALTH RISKS, VR can cause health risks such as dislocations and epileptic seizures. A woman was having her first time trying out the HTC VIVE a Virtual reality Item, and she was playing a horror zombie game called “The BrookeHaven Experiment” while doing this the woman fell down into the tv and dislocated her knee.

There is a shot of the video that has a man playing vr and in the background you can see EMT’s wheeling the lady on a wheelchair into the ambulance.didn’t seem like the guy cared too much VR can't always be

VR can also cause dangers to the people not even safe, A man in the wearing the headset. A elder on her 80th

mall was trying out

birthday was trying out the Playstation VR and

the Oculus Rift

she was playing a shark attack game called “Shark Encounter” and she got scared and grabbed a butter knife and started to hold it at people. Everyone was saying “it's just us, it's just us grandma” but she threw the headset off and


started to shoot the TV.

Roller Coaster and all of a sudden when the drop came the operating men pushed the

guy and he was flailing

When they were playing

everywhere. But the people

games they would say “it's a

were just holding him down.

whole new world” or “The

He was dropping to the floor

universe just

and screaming stop as the

changed”and sometimes they

cameraman was just laughing would freak out from how at him. When the man was

good it looked Now, for the

free he was screaming at the

kids. Kids would always say “ is

operators.VR can also affect

this the oculus?” or “is this an

people with their reaction

HTC?” and when they put it on

differently according to their they would say “Yesss! I saw on age. Elders that are trying out youtube I think” and they VR are always saying that it is would keep doing what they ‘’So high tech” and “the

remembered from the Youtube

definition of the future”.

video. They would also say how

Almost all of them would

they would always want to

compare it to the Virtual Boy, play one and see it in person. an old Virtual Reality headset


Virtual Dangers vie o m yer A ! la ed T P C A ady ircl F FUN d “ Re ovie c e call ” is a m One nd VR u aro


A child was playing “Resident Evil 7” which is a very frightening horror game and he threw the headset on the floor and he started to

cry from how scared he

was from the jumpscare he got.


Virtual Reality has Been Around since 1982 With the Atari™ 2600. surprisingly.

And from this it also broke the

Deal or NO Deal?

headset. Also some people can die from getting electrocuted and wounded. A woman was playing on the oculus and

Some people think that a

died from blood loss. Think

she fell into the tv and got a little shock

Virtual Reality headset is an

you should get rid of your

from it. It left her with cuts and burns

amazing thing to have but

headset? Well i'm just

down her back. Also a man was playing

they don't know if they

getting started! A good

on a google cardboard another VR

should accept the deal they

friend of mine Luca

item. He was playing a track game

made with their fellow

Liubicich told me that his

where you had to run in a race. After a

walmart employee.

little brother, Julian fell

short moment he ran into his wall and

According to.. Google a man

down his long staircase

the headset pushed into his face and

fell from playing Vr and he

while playing VR.

left him with bloodshot eyes and a broken nose.



A HUGE Problem

It is claimed by “TechZone360” That VIrtual Reality can change entertainment forever

Ok, now, I know I’ve been talking about other people getting hurt while playing VR but here is something bigger. Because of these people getting hurt now i'm not saying all of them but most of them got really hurt and almost died some actually did die though. The ones that died left a huge space in their family and got other family relatives depressed and some,.. Kill themselves. So all i want you to do is… stay aware of your surroundings because you can hurt yourself and possibly hurt or kill other people. And yes, vr is very fun, even for me! But I always make sure i'm safe. So, STAY SAFE!



Tim Cook… Rise to success Ever heard of Tim Cook? No!? Well, let me tell you!

Tim Cook was born on November 1, 1960, in a small town called Robertsdale in Mobile Alabama. He was the middle child of Donald and Geraldine. He graduated second in his class from Robertsdale High School and went on to graduated from Auburn University with a bachelor degree in Industrial engineering. Then later went to Duke University to get his M.B.A.


Against all the advice from the people who knew him he decided to join Apple. ”No more than five minutes into my interview with Steve I wanted to throw caution and logic to the wind and join Apple. My intuition already knew that joining Apple was a once in a lifetime opportunity to work for the creative genius and to be on the executive team that could resurrect a great American company.”

By Aiden Estrada

When at Apple... "Ever since he joined Apple one of his biggest accomplishments was closing Apple’s factories and warehouses and replacing them with contract manufacturers which means that devices could be made in larger quantities and get delivered faster.” Tim cook was also behind the merger of Beats Music and Beats Electronics ( Beats by Dre) and Apple “Music is such an important part of all of our lives and holds a special place within our hearts at Apple,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “That’s why we have kept investing in music and are bringing together these extraordinary teams so we can continue to create the most innovative music products and services in the world.”Mergers like this laid the groundwork for the future of the company,


Apple was on the path for growth and big profit. After the Beats and Apple merger Cook was starting to be known in the company for his management expertise and his relentless. He was the type of person have many meetings with his team until they got it right he once said about his role “You kind of want to manage it like you’re in the dairy business. If it gets past its freshness date, you have a problem”. He used that same energy to launch the Iphone 6 which debuted which was a huge success. The phone featured larger screens the iPhone 6 will get a split-screen function allowing apps to display several streams at once also as well as introducing new features like Apple Pay.

Giving Back “According to an April 2012 article in The New Yo4rk Times, Cook was the highest paid CEO among the large publicly traded company in 2012". Lastly checked his salary amounted to 4$12. Million.

After paying off his nephew's college education in 2015 he donates the rest of his fortune to philanthropic projects. It is noted that the donations to various charities from Apple have been a significant increase under Cook's leadership. “Recently they have donated to anti-hate groups in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville and Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.” Apple also has taken interest in the environment with work that includes clean energy and toxic reduction.

Keeping Apple Traditions Since the passing of Steve Jobs, many are uncertain whether Apple could keep the fire going under Cook's watch. After Steve jobs death he had the flags flown at half-staff in his memory. Cook kept a lot of apple's traditions alive like using steve jobs famous one-liners "one more thing" during product announcements. Cook still remains a private person and doesn't share many details of his home life.

Now that you're an expert on all things Tim Cook. you can probably work for Apple too! Maybe be the next Tim Cook!


"Keep your eye on your North Star, and keep moving." -Tim Cook, Apple CEO

September 2015

Child of the wolves

Wolves by Kevin Wu Wolves that are endangered and what can we do to help them out?

Red wolves

Wolves are endangered!!

Have you ever realize that wolves are getting less and less? Do you know why the wolves are dying? Do you realize that every kind wolves are dying? Like the red or gray wolves? That is because of people! They hunt the wolves down and they kill it like just for fun! That is so bad for the wolves. That is why the most rarest wolves are dying because of people!! Like the red wolves there is only two hundred of them left in the wild or in the wolf center.

Wolves are endangered Red wolves are endangered because of people they hunt the wolves down and use them for their own good. Also there are no more than two hundred of them in the world so they are the most rarest wolves because there are no more than two hundred of them left in the wild.



What kind of wolves are endangered and what can we do to help them out? The wolves that are endangered is the red wolves because there are no more than two hundred of them in the wild! So we have to somehow save the red and gray wolves! People are keep hunting the wolves down! What can you do to help the wolves help out?? We can tell people to stop hunting down wolves or protect the wolves with your lives! Also another way to save the wolves is that to bring them to a place that they will not kill wolves or make them into food for people.


Wolves are endangered because of people. Wolves are endangered because of people that is like the hunter of wolves! That mean we do not have to much red wolves left in the wild! But there are no more than two hundred of them left in the wild that is why the wolf center are trying to bring back more red wolves! Also that gray wolves are endangered before but not now that is because other wolves help the gray wolves out so they will not be endangered. Maybe the other wolves can help the red wolves out so the red wolves will not be endangered any more! We can not kill wolves because can you see a world without wolves? Some people are saving wolves and some people are killing wolves!! The one that save the wolves is the wolf center and someone that has guard dog. Also that they will try to save all the wolves ever the red and gray wolves because in the wolf center everyone over there love wolves and do not want the wolves to be die! Also that the wolf center do not want to see any die wolves because they want to make everyone happy not everyone sad. The one that do not want the wolves is the wolves hater and the one that do not want any wolves in the world. Also that people are keep trying to kill the wolves and they will run after the wolves. Also they do not get guard dogs because they do not want the wolves to live! 5

If people do not stop the killing of the wolves they will be gone

A lot of wolves are gone because of people and that make them into a endangered wolves and they will find every wolves that is endangered because they do not want to see any wolves left also that all the wolves will be gone for real if people will not stop killing the wolves. Also that if people will not stop killing the wolves the wolves baby will not be alive for a long time because who is going to get there food so that the little wolves baby will not live for long!! Because of people!!!


We need to save wolves!!!

We have to save wolves because if we do not save wolves all the wolves will be endangered and then they will be all gone. Also that red wolves are dying because of people cutting down tree that make the red wolves that less and less. Now there is no more than two hundreds of them in the world that show if we do not save the wolves are the wolves will be gone in the world! And that will make it so bad.


How are the red wolves endangered The red wolves are endangered because of people killing wolves and cutting down tree that is the habitats of red wolves! Also that there is not more than two hundreds red wolves in the wild and that make the red wolves super endangered. Also that the red wolves are very strong in the wolves pack

Gray wolves are endangered! Gray wolves are endangered for a long time because of people hunting them down for just there money! Also that gray wolves are out of endangered because of other wolves. Also the gray wolves are no more than 150,000 to 200,000 in the world right now. If we do not save them they will be all gone in the world!

Red wolves are one of the most fast wolves in the world but there are no more than 200 of them in the world that we live in. Red wolves are the wolves that are going out by there alone in the wild they will live for a six to seven years of lives in the wild almost all the wolves if they go out they will live for a six to seven years of life like the red wolves it is the save. Also that red wolves will get to be change every one years. The red wolf is a distinctly different species from the gray wolf because they both do different things and that red wolves and gray wolves have different color that the skin. Also the red wolves are one of the most fast in the wolves pack but the fast is the alpha wolves that is the leader of a pack!



hunter The wolves hunter!

The wolves hunter is the hunter that came and kill wolves! They kill wolves because they hate wolves so much! Also that wolves hunter do not think that wolves will be endangered because they want them all die! That is why we need to save the wolves or help the wolves out! The hunter will kill the wolves no matter what happened to them they just want the wolves be die!



Wolves are cute We can not kill wolves

We can not kill any kind of those wolves because they are kind and cute can you think you can kill one if you see them? Also that do you think we will let you kill any of them? We can not let you kill them because they are cute and they are kind and there are no more than two hundred of than in the world! So that is why we can not kill any wolves because if you kill one maybe you kill a lot and than it will be like the red wolves that do not have more than two hundreds of than!



Wolves howl at night because they are calling their team or being attacked.


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The next time if you see a wolves you need to save because maybe it is the less one of their kind. Also if you save one wolves that mean you save a whole family of wolves because there is only one mother that look at the baby!


So make sure if you see a wolves that is getting hurt or getting hunt down by people or wolves hunter. You have to save wolves in your life or tell other to stop killing wolves if they kill wolves.


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