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September 2017

By Lauren Reyna Hurtado

How tsunamis are dangerous But how dangerous?

Fun facts

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That is tsunami wave its different because it doesn't spread and break apart like a regular wave and its not the biggest either.The biggest wave was about 100 billion years ago!

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the barrier had fallen and broken and the tsunami had to keep moving it is not a living thing so it can control its actions of what it does and it can’t talk to warn us if it will come

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dangerous because they are waves that can go up to 100 feet high.also can go up to 800 miles per hour and WIll destroy anything in its sight. and even if we tried it is impossible to build a barrier


Tsunamis are

but people have tried in India but by how strong the tsunami was In india when the barrier broke because of the tsunami



How to stay safe in a tsunami Stay safe!!!!! There is no way to stop a tsunami from coming[the people have tried many times]. But there are some ways to stay a bit safer. one way is to listen to the tv or a radio to hear if there is a tsunami warning there will always be a warning, number 2 when you hear the warning rapidly do and try to disconnect all the electronics and grab any important information around your house and fast

This might be the scariest part of a tsunami if your child is in school do not go pick them up it might be scary but your teachers are prepared for things like this and dont be greedy if you see any of this going on at the beach tell everyone around yourself because they most likely the also want their lives

How to know when a tsunami will come

There are many ways to-know-how-a tsunami will come, one way to know is that the tsunami is coming in to see the water it might rise or fall suddenly. another way is you might,feel a very strong earthquake for more than 20-seconds scientists consider that-along earthquake,they know that earthquake is strong stay safe in a tsunami

There are signs where tsunamis are most likely to came

Tsunamis can be higher than buildings



A big tsunami higher than a mountain

How tsunamis are caused How are they made?

Tsunamis are caused by land underwater that moves and hit the tectonic plates and from that, the ground opens up energy moves into and through the water and the water moves, the speed is slow.or it could have been that a very strong earthquake hit nearby that's another way to know how a tsunami was caused.there could also be a volcano from underwater that erupted.that’s not all a very rare way a tsunami could be caused is by a large meteorite or an Asteroid that strike it is very rare when that happens but it does. the tsunami gets stronger when it's closer to shore it gets slower and stronger up to 16,404 feet high!! It is called wave shoaling



Tsunamis !!!!!! A



you know What tsunamis cause and their effects Now You know all you need to know The cause of tsunamis is that the tectonic plates move and hit against each other and it causes a similar thing to an earthquake only its underwater but only under the sea bouts can't feel it.the effect is that many people die about 200,000 from drowning and have in a sickness the water is dirty and full of salt but many people still drink that water!.after all of that

A place that was destroyed place also by a tsunami 9

it will take a lot of money and time to rebuild the state or where the tsunami happened and no only a lot of money but it's also a lot of time in some places it took 10 years!!!.wow that was long time to rebuild a place.

if you see at the beach symptoms by river or ocean that you think a tsunami will come welp now you know what to do if you think a tsunami will come and how to stay safe if a tsunami came!!.but the question is will you do what the text said if you are in a tsunami.

The destruction of a tsunami

Did You Know?

the tsunami that happened in Hawaii a billion years is that if it would have been 1 inch higher it would have been completely covered and there would not be any more Hawaii



This is only one at the zoo . why?there endangered

Of nine species of Giraffes , five are decreasing ,three are increasing , and one is stable . This means that one out of nine are stable . The giraffes that are in danger are the one that are in africa like the spotted ones . That is not good . If people keep killing these lovely animals there will never be able to create more . You do not see many at the zoo because there in danger right this day . In 1999 there was about one hundred and forty thousand , but now there is Only 80,000

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not mean to hurt them. The states of population went down 40 percent in 30 years . there is only about 30 -38 percent in africa , there used to be so much more . This Is happening for many reasons ……. population went down {his population keep going down because of the danger there In . It affects how they live and how this animal started to react about the change . }

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IN :

not but that does

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them and some

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people might like

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danger .Some


Have you ever heard of animal’s and just thought they were all the same . You might think you know alot about every animal . But do you really know every detail ? ……… you might hear about giraffes and think [there tall and a type of animal] . But do you know everything behind them .

By Adrianna Mahnken


No one actually knew they were endangered . They silently slip into endangered . There is only about not alot of them still alive . There is four times the amount of elephants then there is than giraffes . This is a problem across the usa . They are also getting killed by predators like lions . Every animal might get killed by a predator but these Giraffes are getting also killed by people . ‘Why did this start ? We dont people started this to help sicknesses or to relieve stress when they can go to a doctor for that. But thy chooses not to .

According:https://w ww.smithsonianmag .com/smart-news/gi raffes-silently-slip-e



It says how now people are unaware of why every time they go to the zoo there only about one [1] or two {2} giraffes there . They face two main threats , their habitats are now towns and cities How we can fix why there endangered : One reason this is happening is that there homes are turning into humans homes

there habitats are turning into houses peoples . According to the news some people are illegal hunting .” The only problem is that most of the type were wiped out from this area because , of poaching “ she say . And also because there body help a sickness called HIV.Header SomeGoes people Hereshot and kill these animals to get money , they sell one piece for about 130 dollars . eating these animals clear a disease called hiv no on wants to have this These people who have it people feel very bad for them but they are either buying this animal or killing it.

We can fix this by ,donating to organizations to try to save them .Which they use this money to help build more habitats and to help them be safe . You don't have to give them a lot of money a dollar helps a lot . “ Giraffes are forgotten megafauna . They're really not getting the attention they deserve “ says Julian Fennessy director Giraffe conservation foundation . They are not we have to try to fix it we can if we try . people can just look places up to donate


PLACES YOU CAN DONATE TO IS : â—? /west-african-giraffe â—? -you-can-do -Give

to GCF - Giraffe Conservation Foundation

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These are some foundations you can look into . These places will donate the money you give and it will help build knew places and home for them and it will provide these animals with food and water to survive and keep them away from people hew threat .


This is a giraffe with people bothering it when it did nothing to them ! why are they doing this and bothering them ?!!!


his is all about how giraffes

are endangered and that , We can

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fix that . I hope If you don't even like this animal now you do . I hope now you will finish reading and go try to save Giraffes and go to these organization . People now no why they don’t see them no more because of this reason …………….... . There is only one way we can fix it its by standing up to not do what others do , like killing them .”DO WHAT OTHERS WON’T “ we can have more of these animals but we have to help for it .

Did You Know? Giraffes can run up to 55 km/h =they can run fast



Alligator snapping turtle biting a man

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One defense that they have and can use is their number one most known for their sharp pointy beaks. Because of their beaks they can literally slice a whole finger strait off and they mostly use it to slice food for example, like fish leaves, and plants. It can also help them by slicing stuff for example things bothering them like humans threatening them.

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S ap g T le i c e re d h a t ef s b ho n li ri f ot s t an h an e f t er n e t t. Al i t n r es no t bu t o e n es g s . The v i t ti n ta .

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Al i ar t e pu at bu be be Sna pe aw de of The

Bec g e n pet c y no c u ot po w ki t t e fo ke t so . Whe p e r li r s ap t le el t ev ne l ak i n se p av m. How av t e s no r g o t e t i g m ne bo r a l or p g tu l .

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By Alexa Suratt




defenses Another defense that they have is their hard bony shell that covers most of their body. The Alligator snapping turtle also has more defenses and another one is their sharp pointy claws to help them grip something like fish or any thing hard. to hold that they eat. Those claws can also help them scratch things. When they scratch things that means their getting threatened or eating food. Another defense that they have is their very long strong neck


for biting things from far away and how it works is that it reaches out so it can bite something that's bothering it. Last but not least the last defenses that they have is camouflage to help them hide away from predators like humans.These defenses are known to people especially people who are experts on the alligator snapping turtles. so A woman from a video called Turtle Defense said “The Alligator Snapping Turtle has these defenses Because it’s body is to big to hide inside of its shell so it needs to have strong and tough defenses.” Said the woman who is an

expert on snapping turtles on the video. She also said “ They have many defenses but their not for getting attacked by an animal therefore getting threatened by a human to be eaten in their food.” As a result we could see that animals are in great danger because of humans hurting and threatening them.”

Living in extinction places Alligator snapping turtles live all around the world in some places. They live in many places because of hibernation. Most of these places are where there are swamps,

rivers, lakes, streams, shallow ponds, muddy places, reservoirs, marshes. There are more water places but there's too many to name. They like places with freshwater or brackish water. They love these places because it hides them from predators. I know that they don’t have predators like i said but i forgot to mention they have one predator and that is humans. Humans like turtle food but the turtles are becoming extinct and some people are trying to help them.


I am one of those people besides all of the workers that are experts on alligator snapping turtles and maybe other people. They hibernate a lot so they live in a lot of countries and states. Some countries and states they live in are Florida, texas, kansas, missouri, kentucky, tennessee, indiana, iowa, illinois, wisconsin, canada but every place they go they get threatened by humans the important


Text alligator Snapping turtle getting threatened by a human mage thing is that the humans want to eat food like turtle soup when the humans threaten them.the same woman who is an expert on snapping turtles from the same video, she said “Alligator Snapping Turtles live in many places but their almost going extinct because wherever the turtles go they are getting threatened by humans and i don’t want them to go extinct so people like me are trying to save these snapping turtles from becoming extinct.” After she told me that i see how they are in incredible danger and i

felt like i wanted to help her and other people who feel the same way about helping snapping turtles from becoming extinct. What surprises me about this is how they can be so vicious from what i heard but their making me want to help them and i noticed that their viscous with humans because they feel that their getting threatened and going to get hurt. I hope that what that woman said inspired you to help alligator snapping turtles from becoming extinct. CO al


O Al i t S ap g de s o g ay

hu s T al ve c o p s o li ne te k am , ri s, la , s e m , s al n , mu y ac , re v i , ma h . The s a c u r an t to in t ke t i g t. ma p e t k t ey us na vi u n ir w ut n ha h do ’t i p o b a t e t k ir t t e t e n in g ur h h et hu w ’t a no l in w . But if l an n el h h ec ha re A l a r p i g t le n t e l . Wil he p e l A li r Sna n T t e p s a t pe li sa li r ap g te f b o n ex c ?

te h m

Alligator snapping turtle about to bite something.


September 2017

By Alyssa Watson

Story Title


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Header Goes Here The base making

The titanic was the biggest ship in 1912, but the titanic end at the bottom of the ocean, you might be thinking how? The titanic was a hotel on the water but even better ,and you will have three spots which was 1st class which you will get whatever you wanted and go wherever. laborum." cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est

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But there is level’s which is A to G,There is also 2th class

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class which was not the best one, you get all the scraps,but if

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where you will be like 1st class but Not as special,And 3th

the titanic was the “unsinkable” ship how did the titanic end up at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean?

These people in the picture are a real picture on 3th class and if you can’t tell this is not like normal ship that’s because this is not a real ship now this is a 1912 ship so they needed classes with in the money you had.



Titanic Was the titanic prepared for a emergency? They said the ship was the “unsinkable” ship because

Plus there was the water will close in that's why they call

there was 16 water rights (which was on the last level)

the titanic the “unsinkable” ship. Plus the boat’s where

water right means that doors that close veticele and If

only to save other ship’s,but there was only enough for

there was a flood which there was the water will close in

half of the ship which the titanic had about 3,000 people

that's why they call the titanic the “unsinkable” ship. Plus

on the ship and only 20 boat’s that can fit around 40-65

the boat’s where only to save other ship’s,but there was

people. If there was a emergency they wouldn't be

only enough for half of the ship.Plus there was the water

prepared for emergency. They had decks with many

will close in that's why they call the titanic the

ways to be safe and that's also why they said the

“unsinkable” ship. Plus the boat’s where only to save


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other ship’s,but there was only enough for half of the ship.



Some question are still not revealed about Titanic

Fun facts Even scientists may not know what really happened like

The RMS Titanic was the world's largest passenger ship

if the titanic sunk at the middle of the night But now this research is even harder because there are no more

when it entered service, measuring 269 metres (882

survivors out there. The titanic has things that are still in

feet) in length, and the largest man-made moving object

the ocean that also have not been cracked open and

on Earth. The ship burned around 600 tonnes of coal a

some have things in the water are still legend.And researching on the titanic is not easy because adult for there jobs are to be on the ocean researching on the

day – hand shovelled into its furnaces by a team of 176 men.1,503 people total died, including passengers and

titanic.On the day september 1st 2001 science found the titanic which they are still working on.

crew. One of the first lifeboats to leave the Titanic carried only 28 people; it could have held 64 people. There were enough life-jackets for all 2,208 people, and

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most everyone was wearing one. 300 dead bodies were pulled from the sea the next morning.



The titanic artifacts are all here but when you research a little bit about titanic the beautiful ship you will keep on going and going and you will never stop learning about it.I wish I wa son the titanic but also not cause I can Die but I can be a survivor and be famous. But even those I may know a-lot about the titanic that does mean all of this is true but some of the fact are true about The Titanic.

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This picture is showing how the titanic started to go down and people were already leaving the titanic.





Roller coaster

By Anahi Lopez

A roller coaster is really fast. A roller coaster are fun to ride some people might be thinking how do roller coaster work? Are roller coaster safe? Well do you know how they work.You might want to know how they work. Are roller coaster work are they fun to ride for you. laborum." cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est

How roller coaster work

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How roller coasters work So when you get to the height drop and you are on the roller coaster drops

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there is something called gravity and a momentum

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the roller coaster drops gravity takes over. Like for example if you are in the top of the roller coaster goes down and it goes really fast then Gravity takes over the roller coaster.

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for the roller coaster and it goes on the chain. When

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to propel a string cars called a train a train is used

This is a picture of a roller coaster this shows the people are having fun on the roller coaster you can see that people are on the roller coaster and the train is hold them and you see that the people are sfe i the roller coaster because the train is holding them and the track is also hold them so they don’t fall out of the roller coaster. So there are nice and safe all the time when they have a loop they don’t fall out and it looks like they are having a really fun time on the roller coaster.

What is Free fall When you are in free fall, your back is not supported by anything so there is not a force pushing upward on you that what free fall means and Free fall is when nothing is behind your back and nothing is supporting your back. That what freefall means.

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sad why are and can

“This is a very big threat to the species.” Miguel Migueis, who studies river dolphins. In Yangtze river fishermen's pollute so they can sell river dolphins to a black market for money. Isabelle on explained “Once I saw a dolphin mother feeding her baby, it was such a rare experience that now people are trying to take it away.” commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate

There are reasons dolphins endangered hopefully we 2 stop them.

Dolphins also don’t have much of their population left. For example, Maui dolphins use to have a population of 111 dolphins but now they only have 55. Some fisherman's use big fishing nets to grab fish , but they don’t know it could kill dolphins.

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Why dolphins are endangered

Most dolphins are endangered because of pollution. Stephanie Warren says, “ If we don’t do something really fast, these dolphins will become extinct.”

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Most people think every animal are similar to humans, but there not. Dolphins are one of the most endangered animals on the planet . People really think everything around the world is gumdrops and candy but some things are not they are bad. Some people think they know what's going on around the world. But do you?

By Arissa Mourad


Endangered Dolphins


Endangered Dolphins Why fishermen hunt dolphins One of the many reasons fisherman's hunt dolphins is because of them being so rare. Like the Pink Amazon River Dolphin, is rare for the dolphin being gray when little and pink older and not that many are still alive. Their also rare because of their flexible spines. Catalina Gomex-Salazar said, “ Otherwise, they would get stuck.” Also fishermen hunt dolphins for


This is what fishermen do to dolphins

competition to get bait for fish. To add on to that they also use dolphins as bait to feed the fish. According to /why-are-dolphins-endang ered/ it says, “ Dolphins have also been sold as a form of meat that can be purchased at meat markets.” Also construction can get dolphins endangered. There also has been Global warming happening.

Also there has been a lack of fish in the world because of fishermen fishing to many fish. Also people are discovering dolphins habitat so they are also losing it.

How to Protect Dolphins

First thingGoes you can do Header Here is Reduce- Reuse Recycle so pollution don’t happen. Also you should buy paper products instead of styrofoam or plastic. Do not eat tuna or any dolphin meat if you are trying to save dolphins. You should also conserve water and prevent water leaks.

This connects to getting more involved in the marine animal world. And the most important is to adopt a dolphin. This website is donating now on olphin/what-you-can-d o . And become a defender of the water life. And also this one https://dolphinproject.c om/donate/ check it out now to get a dolphin now. According to ou.html it says, ” Save your kitchen scraps for the compost pile. Participate in a conservation project to do beach 4

By Celine Velarde cleaning and again it won’t cause pollution. You should boycott marine theme parks with dolphins doing tricks under there will and they get separated from their moms at a young age. It not just the chemical pollution it’s also all the air pollution around the world. So all the cigarettes and smoke from barbeques hurt the dolphins.

We should all be saving dolphins before fishermen take them away.


You should even join a marine animal team to save dolphins and other marine animals. According to ave-Dolphins “ Take action for polluters.” This means make sure you catch the person polluting and stop them. Arissa Mourad said, “If I can save the dolphins you can save any marine animal.

Conclusion This is all the information you need to know about endangered dolphins about why dolphins are endangered, Why fishermen hunt dolphins, and how to protect dolphins. We should all save the sealife from polluters and stop them now . Spread the word out to anyone that reads this article. SAVE THE DOLPHINS and donate now on the websites down below. And try to see if you could spread the word , then try to protect endangered dolphins with the paragraph above. I hope you can change the seaworld.

Resources phins dangered-dolphins/ -dolphins-endangered/



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Wolves are carnivores which means they eat meat from other animals. They normally eat mammals or anything that has meat in its body, even humans. When a wolf is after its prey they use their super speed to chase the animal down. Most of the time when an animal is to fast the wolf keeps on running until the animal is too tired to run and eventually gets weak and has to stop. When the wolf uses its sharp teeth chase down prey it’s when the prey is to strong or way bigger than the wolf, the wolf bites down on the animal and pulls it down with the weight of the wolf pack. Wolves mostly kill in packs they are able to kill animals easily when together and when they use teamwork and

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Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

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Wolves are very strong! And they are even more stronger when their in packs. They defend themselves by using their sharp teeth.

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Powerful wolves

They use these teeth to bite down on their enemy and also use the help of their sharp claws to scratch the enemy. These sharp claws can go right through the enemy’s skin. Another cool strength that wolves have is it’s sense of smell which is 100 times greater than a humans sense of smell.They can smell about 1.75 miles away.If you don’t run, don’t stare, don’t turn your back instead appear scary and act like you are the predator, once you’ve done that Breakfast, walk awayLunch, slowly.


Have you ever you ever wondered about the life of wolves, if you should think of them as a dangerous predator or a Super cool fascinating animal . Wolves are very strong and could be dangerous,on the other hand they can be less damaging and can seem really cool. They are very Loyal to each other and they hunt together with teamwork. If you love wolves as much i do than read on and i will teach you all about them.


Useful Wolf Senses

The pup way Wolf pups are born between March and May in a den.When pups are born they are completely blind and death and have very little sense of smell. After a couple weeks the pup can see clearer and have very clean sense of smell and hearing. Each week the pup ways 2.6-3.3 pounds. Once the pup is fully grown they weigh (Female weight:51-120 pounds) and (Male weight:66-180 pounds).



A Wolves Did u know that a full grown wolf can hear 6 miles away in a forest full of trees and 10 miles in open land. Wolves have a keen eyesight that is quick to find anything in front of them. Their eyesight is a little under 180 degree vision. A wolves eyes are in front of their heads so they know what’s in front of them. Wolf Habitat Wolves can live pretty much anywhere. They live in different states and different countries. Here are some of the places that wolves live, Europe,Alaska,Canad a,Asia and North America. A wolves environment is usually in a forest,

grasslands, and mountain areas. They usually have a den in many of those environments. Wolf Species There are many different types of wolves like the Eurasian wolf, Arabian wolf, Arctic wolf, Mexican wolf and the Grey wolf, but those are just the main types of wolves. There are many different types. Some represent the country name and some get their name for how they look or how they act.

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Though wolves are not too friendly to humans, they are terrified of us. They take us as their predator and that can be one reason why they hate us so much. Humans have been ruining wolf habitats for a very long time. Mostly building things in their habitat and when this happens the wolves are kicked out of their home. Soon there will be less places for wolves to live and that can lead to extinction.


Same Pack Wolves and dogs are from the same pack. Just like there are different wolf species dogs are different types of wolves. Wolves, bark, growl, wimper, and howl just like wolves do. They also have the same defenses of sharp teeth and sharp claws. Before humans started adopting dogs dogs hunted just like wolves did. In the past life wolves were people’s pets before dogs were. As you can see wolves are very fasinating creatures. Wolves represent, guardianship, ritual, and loyalty. We can think of them as beast that we should stay away from but we can also think about them as a wonderful thing. I enjoyed telling you all i know about wolves.



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September 2017

This Is a Picture of a shark.A big shark. This is a great white shark in action as you can see his teeth are really big.The shark is jumping out of the water and all the water is in the air with can see all of the blood on the rim of his mouth.As you can see his teeth are very pointy they kinda look like slices of pizza but white and very sharp.

By Chloe Arcuri

Story Title


Sharks Have you ever wanted to know why sharks attack people? Well today you will find out. Sharks can be very very dangerous. Sharks are very dangerous because they have millions of teeth and they are big and MEAN! Different sharks eat different kinds of things, even humans. Sharks can hurt you by thinking you are there prey. Watch out before you get bitten by these dangerous fish! Keep reading on to see how to keep safe and learn lots more about these scary,big and MEAN fish.

Different Types of Sharks There can be many types of sharks. Lots and lots!! There is over 400 types of these dangerous fish. There is hammer head,great white, megalodon, sand, bull, tiger, blue, nurse and whale shark. That is not all the sharks but that was a lot and if i named all of those sharks we will be here forever!! Different sharks can do different things like eat different thing and attack their prey in a different way then lots of other sharks.


All these sharks that i listed all look different and most do lots of stuff different. For example the hammer head looks a lot different than the megalodon. The megalodon is bigger than the sand sharks. People say that there was a megalodon but we don’t know if it is really true.All of these sharks are dangerous because they all can hurt you by biting you or stinging you. Some are big and some are small but they still can hurt either way because they all have really sharp teeth!! But most sharks bite with there very sharp teeth. The whale shark is one of the biggest shark in the ocean because it is almost as big as a whale!! That is why it is called a whale shark. A whale shark can grow up to 50 feet tall. Wow, that is bigger than 5 6ft men stacked on top of eachother. There have been a lot more different types sharks then 450 in the millions of years that sharks were invented!!

What Do Sharks Mostly Eat? Sharks eat lots of different things in the ocean like smaller fish,sea lions,other sharks,sea otters,sea turtles,dolphins and birds. But different sharks eat different things. Sharks teeth and mouth can be different like there teeth are not that sharp so they will look for a different prey to eat and that there teeth eat cut. Also if there mouth is not big enough and there teeth are sharp enough they will chew little pieces at a time. 3

Sharks try to hunt for the prey that they know that they will like and that they can eat. But sometimes it is not as easy as you think. It can be really hard finding a prey because most time when they see something coming there way they will swim away really fast or they will hide in a tight place that the shark can not fit or they will just find a really good hiding spot.

How To Stay Safe Shark Attacks are very rare.They don’t happen very often.But you still need to be safe. So 1st you can not wear all shiny stuff like jewelry. You can’t wear this because the sharks will attack you because when you are in the sun the jules stand out and sharks have really good eyesight. Next swim in a group.m You have to swim in a group because the shark will not know who to grab and who to hurt and the shark will get confused. Third don’t enter bloody water. You CAN’T enter bloody water because that means that something happened it doesn't always it is a shark it can be other things but it is still a very good way to stay safe. Fourth don’t go too far from the shore. You can’t go too far out because that is where sharks tend to hang out they like to hang out far away and they like to stay deep in.


Fifth don’t show your scardness. You can’t show that you are scared because the shark will think “I can do anything they are scared.” Lastley don’t go in at dusk and dawn. You can’t go in the ocean at dusk and dawn because that is when certain sharks tend to come out and hunt for their prey. Also sharks have very good eyesight so they can see if they see something. Sharks can see really good in the dark because sometimes that is only where they stay they only stay deep down in the ocean were if we went down there it will be pitch black we wouldn't be able to see anything or we wouldn't be able to breach because you can’t get back up in time. Only if you had a tank that helps you breathe underwater like super divers.

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Shark Attack: Bethany Hamilton Shark attacks are very rare .But for 13 year old surfer border Bethany Hamilton she got bit in the arm by a big shark.A tiger shark! This happened over 15 years ago!Bethany still followed her dreams by surfing. To this day she is still surfing. Isn't that amazing. Bethany got very hurt. She was rushed to the hospital as fast as they could get her. Even her board has a big chunk out of it on the side. With a bunch of blood you're probably wondering how well bethany wasn't


doing anything to get the sharks attenchon she was just relaxing in the ocean on her super cool surfboard and with her left arm in the water and her right are on the board. Then out of know where the tiger shark appeared and took a big chop out of bethany's surfboard and her whole left arm. Maybe the tiger shark thought that the shark was of its prey because when you are in the water and something is above you it will look like something else.Crazy right!? Bethney is 28 years old now. She still has the surfboard. Bethany was very brave when this happened. So bethany has been living almost all her life without a left arm.She still has a pretty big women on her arm where the tiger shark attacked. Bethney is very brave because even she has no left arm she still went and followed her dreams by doing what she loves witch is surfing. Bethany is now married and has 2 kids and she is living life normal like everyone else till this day.

This is bethany surfing a few years after the attack


Conclusion As you can see sharks are dangerous all right. I hope you learned more about Bethany Hamilton and how she kept on doing what she loves. So remember next time you in the ocean follow the rules on how to stay safe and do everything that is told so you don’t get attacked by those scary,dangerous and MEAN sharks!!Thanks for learning more about sharks with me!!

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This is a picture of different types of sharks


Full Size Image Try using making the color for title of the text one of the colors from the photo

Angler Fish Light From The Deep


The angler fish gets its light by bacteria, the Bioluminescence is the predominant source of light in the largest fraction of the habitable volume of the earth - the deep ocean. The fishing rod holds bacteria inside and there’s a small hole that lets bacteria inside the little pouch/pod. The angler fish habitat is at the twilight zone, there is barely any light, so it’s perfect for the

By Chloe Li

Light to glow on the rod while the body is not seen like it’s the same color as the darkness.

Header Goes Here Angler Fish Mate

and How They Work Male angler fish need to find a female or die of starvation, if the male angler fish finds a female, he will cling on to the female’s skin. Then the male will release a liquid that will melt the male’s mouth skin off and melt a bit

2 male angler fishes connecting onto the female angler fish.


of the female’s skin off & their veins will connect. The male will feed on the female angler fish and Reproduce. The angler fishes will reproduce once they link with a female angler fish.

What they eat, scientists researching about angler fish.


There’s different types of angler fish that has unusual body shapes, SCIENTISTS research about these special

creatures from the deep. They search about their sizes & shape. Angler fish eat Crustaceans, Shrimp, Other fish, And snails so survive the twilight zone (barely any light). The angler fish's diet is Small fish, Shrimp, Mantis shrimp, Small squid, Turtles, And in some cases, seabirds. The female can also lay more than millions of eggs in one day.

Facts of the ocean and deep sea creature: angler fish Why angler fish The ocean is 12,100 deep, have very sharp that is where clear teeth. CHALLENGER DEEP is at (at the bottom of the ocean/sea) the pressure at the bottom of the ocean is insanely strong that it can crush your Goes Here ribs Header and bones immediately! Also water is h20 because since its a liquid, it’s also for drinking, bathing, rinsing your mouth, & showers. Frogfishes is a poisonous/venomous angler fish (a type of anglerfish), angler fish compared to a human is 3.3 foot in length, often less than a foot.

Angler fish have sharp teeth that point inside so when the prey gets bitten, there is no escape from the deadly mouth. It’s also clear so it’s harder to see the creepy teeth in the darkness of the ocean. But when the light is in front of the angler fish’s face, it will show its horrifying face & how vicious it is. Fish get easily scared by its face! The fishing rod attracts the fish & they get interested into the4

Then the female angler fish strikes & gulps the fish straight away, the angler fish leaves nothing on the ground, not even bones of the remaining fish. The female angler fish will then swim away after the tasty meal and it will chill somewhere, it will wait to get a mate & reproduce to make a new kid/baby.


What a female angler fish looks like with the light on, and about bioluminescence.


What angler fishes look like, and their different shapes and sizes.

Fun facts about angler fish! Definition of hard words. Bioluminescence is the predominant source of light of the largest fraction of the habitable volume of the earth. Unusual - a special type of creature Reproduce - to make another same species type of baby.


Crustaceans the latin root, “having a crust or shell,” really doesn’t entirely narrow it down to crustaceans. They belong to the phylum arthropoda, as do insects, arachnids, and many other groups; all arthropods have hard exoskeletons or shells, segmented bodies, and jointed limbs.

Did You Know?

There are few creatures living in the sea that have a more atrocious and frightening appearance than angler fish. They are normally dark in color with a brown or dark shade and also have extremely large heads. Their size is a bit disproportionate due to their huge heads. Some Angler fish are so large that they can weigh up to about 110 pounds. Since they have such large heads, it only makes sense that they would be equipped with huge mouths. They have mouths that are crescent shaped and are filled with teeth that are extremely sharp and almost translucent. They can range in length from 3 and a half feet to just under one foot long. The angler fish is one of the most unique species of fish in existence. It has a very noticeable and even almost atrocious appearance that really sticks out. With a unique hunting method and appearance that can’t be missed, this is one fish you don’t see every day. 10

Foxes are cool Hunting strategies

The fennec fox eats scorpions,lizards,bugs and mice specifically a lesser jerboa so that gives the fennec fox an advantage with their big ears,small body and lots of energy. Their way of catching the lizards,bugs and mice are pretty basic chasing,catching then eating but the way they catch the scorpions fascinated me. The way they catch scorpions is they run around it and slowly pick at it until the fox bites of its tail and it is tired out then they take it to their den and eat it


By Donald Desiderio A redfox is the fox that you are most likely to see.In my paragraph about how the arctic fox hunts I said how the arctic foxes have a similar way of hunting compared to the red fox and the way that the red fox will sometimes do while hunting they will jump up in the air and. ponce on the foxes prey. The fox eats fruit,mice,rabbits squirrels,mus,crickets,crayfish and grasshoppers. The fox sometimes the fox will eat scraps from other animals and or humans and by that I mean that the food left over from there last mealor food left outside


The fennec fox eats scorpions,lizards,bugs and mice specifically a lesser jerboa so that gives the fennec fox an advantage with their big ears,small body and lots of energy. Their way of catching the lizards,bugs and mice are pretty basic chasing,catching then eating but the way they catch the scorpions fascinated me. The way they catch scorpions is they run around it and slowly pick at it until the fox bites of its tail and it is tired out then they take it to their den and eat it A redfox is the fox that you are most likely to see.In my paragraph about how the arctic fox hunts I said how the arctic foxes have a similar way of hunting compared to the red fox and the way that the red fox will sometimes do while hunting they will jump up in the air and. ponce on the foxes prey. The fox eats fruit,mice,rabbits squirrels,mus,crickets,crayfish and grasshoppers. The fox sometimes the fox will eat scraps from other animals and or humans and by that I mean that the food left over from there last mealor food left outside


An arctic foxes have a similar way of hunting compared to the red fox but the arctic fox is a scavenger but when they are very hungry they either go to a spot to catch fish they also eat lemmings when they try to catch lemmings they jump high in the air and dive head first into the snow in hope of catching a lemming this take lots of perceived jumps and when they do catch a lemming theHere go to a nice private spot and Header Goes the eat it


WELCOME TO SPACEChapter 1: The little

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If you search up on google “ habitable zone solar system “ you can find where the hot,cold, and just right planets land, well see if you go on images you can then see. These little facts are important, because then you have the little facts in your head so you can help others. Would you like to learn about neptune ? If you do turn to chapter 5.

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This article has very big words for mature students, that want to learn about space, space in fact what most of us like to call space is solar system. Different planets like cold and hot and just right. Read this story to find out about space ( solar system )




By Galaxy Kassel

This is neptune’s core 3

Welcome to SPACE What is mercury? So you ask. Well mercury is a hot planet, which means it’s close to the sun. mercury can be like mars or not because not many people landed and visited mercury, thought two spacecraft have actually visited mercury so far. During 1974 and 1975, Mariner 10 flew by Mercury three times and mapped about half of the planet's surface. Which is very cool in fact. But Mercury is

Chapter 2: what is mercury? not the hottest planet in the solar system. The hottest planet is Venus. Well most people thought that mars is the hottest planet because it’s the red plant but some thought it was mercury. See the sun isn’t a planet even though it’s super hot it doesn’t count venus is the hottest planet it’s super close to the sun. if you want to learn more on venus just turn to chapter 3.

Chapter 3: venus facts

So what we know is that venus is hotter than mercury but what’s hotter than venus? Venus rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets, why?All the planets in the Solar System orbit the Sun in a counterclockwise direction as viewed from above Earth's north pole. Most planets also rotate on their axes in an anti-clockwise direction, but Venus rotates clockwise in retrograde rotation once every 243 Earth days—the slowest rotation of any planet. Yeah that’s your answer on why venus rotates the opposite way. The average

temperature on Venus is 864 degrees.Venus is the second planet from the sun and the hottest in the solar system.

This is venus.


Welcome to space Chapter 4: cold as a cold planet

This is neptune, neptune is now the coldest planet. 4

There are alot of cold planets. Would you like to know some? yes‌ ok then. Here are some cold planets. Pluto is a dwarf planet made of ice and rock. This fact actually surprised me, because i thought pluto was a star and i also thought pluto was a water planet, i did not think this. If you want to learn about neptune turn to chapter 5. As the planets in our Solar System get further away from the Sun, they generally get colder. So what is the coldest planet of our Solar System. That would be Neptune, the 8th and final planet in the Solar System. If Pluto was still a planet, it would be colder, but now it's Neptune.


Welcome to space Chapter 6: it’s sunny outside What is the sun? The Sun is personified in many mythologies: the Greeks called it Helios and the Romans called it Sol. The Sun is, at present, about 70% hydrogen and 28% helium by mass everything else ("metals") amounts to less than 2%. This changes slowly over time as the Sun converts hydrogen to helium in its core.


What Does the sun revolve around?Yes, the Sun - in fact, our whole solar system - orbits around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. We are moving at an average velocity of 828,000 km/hr. But even at that high rate, it still takes us about 230 million years to make one complete orbit around the Milky Way!

How old is out need to research. sun? See we all different questions. Ok now here’s your answer, The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. How many light years is earth from the sun? 0.00001581 light years. Yes, although it looks like i put random numbers i didn’t. We all need to This is the sun in research things earth’s sky even people who make the research books



So all we need to know is the little facts and not just facts. I hope this book took your interest and made you get the facts that may have not knew. So now you got that Information and that info with your friends and tell them about this book.

This is the


This is the solar system. Not all the planets but most of them.

The real and ugly common sea devil lady

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hunting with their lure.The female lure can attract a male so it likes her. Male anglerfish is a lot smaller than the female anglerfish.The male and female anglerfish lives three thousand meters down on the ocean floor.People call the anglerfish the common black sea devil.The male anglerfish need the female anglerfish in order to survive.There are two hundred species of female anglerfish and male anglerfish.A group of anglerfish is called school. Only the female anglerfish has a lure.The male doesn't have a lure.

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Have you known the weirdest creature that lives on the ocean floor?It’s the anglerfish! The anglerfish has a lure on its forehead.The lure is like a fishing rod.The lure makes fish want to look at the lure more. When the anglerfish make sure the fish is close enough and the anglerfish will just swallow the prey in one gulp. Sometimes the prey is two times bigger than the anglerfish.The anglerfish can make it’s mouth bigger and make it’s stomach bigger too.Then it just swallow in one big gulp too.

Kyle Lin

cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est


About anglerfish



Anglerfish lure Female anglerfish lure’s light is made from millions of bacteria called bioluminescence.The bioluminescence make the female anglerfish lure light like a light bulb.The female anglerfish uses it’s lure to hunt for food.Females are one hundred percent perfect at


Animated anglerfish



This is how cold Antarctica’s waters are


Did you know that it is rare for a Leopard Seal to get the Emperor Penguin? It’s hard for the Leopard Seals to get the penguin because Millions of Microbubbles surround the penguin when it races up to the surface. Paul Nicklen said enthusiastically, “Scientists had came up with this paper saying that Emperor Penguins released millions of microbubbles around their entire body as they raced to exit the surface, the microbubbles acted like a lubricant to reduce the friction and the drag around their body so they.could increase speed to exit the water to gain height but more importantly to avoid the predation of Leopard Seals.” This is giving me an idea that, microbubbles help them survive, because without the microbubbles they’ll be close to extinct.

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cold Antarctica’s waters are? The Emperor Penguins environment is very cold. Paul Nicklen said, “Scientists used a powerful thermometer to see how cold Antarctica waters really are. The Thermometer said it was around -117.4 ˚F. This shows

Here is what microbubbles look underwater

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Do you know how

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cold.The temperature is -4˚ and colder as it goes through the Winter. As it goes through the Winter the temperature goes as low as -58˚F with winds up to 200 km per hour (124MPH). For instance, Paul Nicklen stated that, “During Breeding station it gets so cold the Female might even have to huddle up with the group to have the baby survive.” In other words, even though Breeding Season is mostly in the Summer it is still so, so cold.

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What bird doesn’t fly, lives on ice and water, and gets eaten by Leopard Seals? If you have not guessed it already it is the Emperor Penguin. Emperor Penguins can survive harsh weather, swim fast from predators, feels how cold it gets in the summer, population is Near threatened, cute, lifespan not as long as us humans, eats only seafood, has a scientific name.

me and the scientists that Penguins can survive harsh and cold weather.” As I say this, I’m realizing that penguins are brave. The Baby Penguin Did you know breeding season gets cold even if it's in the spring or summer? During Breeding Season, which is April-December, but the temperature there is so

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By Rebecca Poplawski

culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

Emperor Penguins


Emperor Penguins Oh My God!!! Did you know that the population, of the Emperor penguins, have not that much Emperors left? The estimated amount of Emperor penguins left is 595,000 Emperor Penguins left. Paul Nicklen told the world that, “The population is stable but it is also near threatened.” The thought I have about this is we have to do something to help these poor, and innocent penguins. PRETTY! Do you know what Emperor Penguins look like? Emperor Penguins have Black heads and backs and they also have a White belly with a Yellow trim around the whole neck. Starting from the Yellow neck it gets lighter until it can't anymore. Paul Nicklen said, “Emperor Penguins are


absolutely beautiful with the white belly and the black head and back with the yellow trim around the neck.” This makes me picture that penguins are beautiful. NOT AS OLD AS US, HUMANS Did you know that the Emperor penguins don’t live to 100 or less. Emperor Penguins have lifespan up to about 20 years old. Paul Nicklen said, “The oldest Emperor Penguin to ever live, lived to about 26 years.”

INCUBATE Do you know how long the incubation time period goes for? The incubation time period is about 63 days (about 2 months). Paul Nicklen said, “When I went to Antarctica, I went during the Incubation time period and one family of penguins was

right outside my tent. When I walked out, I saw the baby, and it was adorable.” To clarify, Emperor penguins as a baby is so cute. NUM, NUM!! Do you know what Emperor Penguins eat? Emperor Penguins eat a lot of things, but they all have one similarity, they all live in the Ocean. Fish is the Emperor Penguins main diet. Emperor Penguins have more foods they can eat, which are Krill, Cephalopods, and Crustaceans. Paul Nicklen said, “Penguins eat Fish mostly but they can eat crab, and other food.” This shows me that penguins don’t only eat fish. ANOTHER NAME! “Aptenodytes Forsteri” is the scientific name for the Emperor Penguin. It means “The Largest Penguin.”Paul Nicklen said, “As a scientist it is sometimes difficult to remember all the animals scientific names. For example, Emperor Penguins scientific name is……oh, “Aptenodytes Forsteri” is the scientific

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name for the Emperor Penguin. It means “The Largest Penguin.” WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Paul Nicklen states, “We are killing the Emperor Penguins home by making the world warmer than it needs to be, the ice is melting!” We are making the world warmer by global warming. In order to stop the ice melting in the future, we first have to stop global warming. “SAVE THE PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Let’s help the penguins survive because many people think that penguins are worthless, but I think that they’re the greatest.

The NT chart:


So Big!!!!!!!!! The Emperor Penguin is the largest Penguin in the world. Paul Nicklen said, “Emperor Penguins are the size of a 6ft man and I’m about 6 ¾ tall and this Emperor penguin walked up to my tent one day in Antarctica and when I walked out he was about chin height for me.” I used to think that all penguins are around the same size but now I think that they’re big penguins and small penguins. For example,





Adelie Penguin

Length: 2.3 ft. Height: 46 to 71 cm

Weight: 3.6 to 6.0 kg

Emperor Penguin

Height: 3.6 – 4.3 ft. (Adult) Length: 3.8 ft.

Weight: 51 IBS

Little Penguin

Height: 12 – 13 in. (Adult) Length: 17 in. (Adult)

Weight: 55 to 90 pounds

Here is a chart I will use to compare and contrast different penguins to the Emperor Penguin


Here is a picture of Penguins going in the water to catch Food for the Chicks!

Penguins coming out of water to escape their predators Leopard Seals.

Here is some more background information about Emperor penguins habitat.

Here’s what it looks like when they catch food.

Here’s what it looks like when they swim underwater not under pressure of Leopard Seals.


1.Emperor Penguins 1 2.Video clip of emperor penguin on youtube 3.E. Penguin article 2 4.E. penguin article 3 5.E. Penguin article 4 6.Documentary of emperor penguins (youtube) #2 7.E. Penguin article 5

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A Golden snub-nosed monkey has it hidden talent. The Golden snub-nosed monkey hidden talent is that it has a colobinae subfamily. That means that monkeys has a main source of it nutrition of leaves. A Silvery lutung monkey has one hidden talent but not just only one the Silvery monkey has two hidden talent.The other hidden talent the Silvery monkey have is that it has it is that it is a arboreal!!!That mean that the monkey is that it live on the tree.

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The Golden snub-nosed monkey live in the mountainous forest of southwestern china.A Silvery lutung monkey live in the Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo. Most monkeys live near the central and south america. They also live in the forest of Asia.

The monkeys life times

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Most monkeys live near the central and south america. They also live in the forest of Asia.

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Did you know that a Silvery lutung monkey know how to do math they are really cool and smart but even if the Silvery lutung monkey didn’t pass the math test or the math class. It has a hidden talent that helps show the mammalian brain encodes the values of numbers.

By Vivian Chong




Monkeys Life One main idea is that is like how the monkeys live where they live. For example most monkeys live in the central and south america. Another example is that monkey live in Peninsular Malaysia Sumatra Borneo forest of Asia Southwestern China.

Text about this image can go here in this text box. Change the color and size based on the image


Picture explanation here


Full Size Image Try using making the color for title of the text one of the colors from the photo

Monkeys Old and new monkeys through the world Golden snub-nosed monkeys is a primate monkey a Silvery lutung monkey is also a primate monkey too. Primate means that their names are before monkeys. Most monkeys are primate monkeys. For example according to encyclopedia. com it said “the two monkey groups probably evolved separately from ancestral primate.�Another main idea is like monkeys how they get smart and the species of monkey. The important thing

about this is Golden snub-nosed monkey is a new type of monkey they have 36 teeths. The old type of monkey have 32 teeths. It more by 4 teeths.

Types of monkeys That not all the monkeys there is in the world. There is about 260 types of monkey.

Did You Know? Spider monkeys 3-5 feet



These are just 10 types of monkeys here. There are a lot of species of monkeys in the world. I said there was about 260 types of monkeys. But there are actually more than 260 types of monkeys. Spider monkeys is most common. Everyone is talking about it. It is cool too. Spider monkeys live in tropical rainforest of central and south america and occur as far north as Mexico. Mandrill monkeys is really cool to but it might be ugly to some of you guys. Mandrill monkeys was found south Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Congo. They mostly live in the tropical rainforest.

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