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Make your escape to Zagreb, your first step to renewal. Experience the excitement and exhilaration of the new gem at the tourist map of Europe. Indulge in refined, upscale comfort and enjoy all the spoils that await you in this capital city’s premier hotel. The Westin Zagreb is here to rejuvenate, relax and rediscover a better you. To make a reservation, contact, dial: +385.1.4892.000 or visit:
Poštovani putnici!
Bliži se kraju još jedna kalendarska godina u kojoj zbog vrlo složenih geopolitičkih, tržišnih i gospodarskih okolnosti u cijelom svijetu nije nedostajalo izazovnih trenutaka. No bilo je mnogo i onih lijepih.
Zadovoljstvo mi je podijeliti s vama vijest da je, s ciljem povećanja učinkovitosti poslovanja te daljnjeg jačanja konkurentske sposobnosti, donesena odluka o obnovi naše flote zrakoplova. Postojeća flota bit će zamijenjena novim zrakoplovima Airbus A220 do kraja 2026. godine.
Neprestano radimo na povećanju kvalitete naše usluge te osnažujemo i mrežu naših letova. Na jednom od najvećih i najpoznatijih svjetskih turističkih sajmova WTM u Londonu predstavili smo ljetni red letenja za 2023. godinu, kojim ćemo još više pridonijeti pozicioniranju Hrvatske na turističkoj karti svijeta. Tijekom ljetne turističke sezone planiramo povezati Hrvatsku sa 22 međunarodna odredišta, odnosno 23 europske zračne luke, a naši će zrakoplovi pritom letjeti na 47 međunarodnih linija. Ukupno je planirano više od 17.000 letova, a u ponudi će biti više od 1,820.000 sjedala. U vremenu smo adventskih sajmova, koji nas uvijek na najljepši način uvode u božićno raspoloženje. Među njima je zagrebački adventski sajam, prepoznat kao jedan od najboljih na svijetu, a ove je zime ugođaju i uzbuđenju pridonijelo i svjetsko nogometno prvenstvo u Katru. Ponosan sam što smo i ovaj put poduprli hrvatsku nogometnu vrstu, naše Vatrene, koje su upravo naši zrakoplovi doveli na odredište.
Vjerujem da ćete i vi, dragi putnici, biti s nama na brojnim našim letovima, koji će vas dovesti na atraktivna odredišta, i unaprijed se radujem tomu. Želim vam što više lijepih putovanja u godini koja je pred nama te mnogo radosnih trenutaka u krugu vaših najmilijih. Od srca vam zahvaljujem što letite Croatia Airlinesom. Sretan vam Božić i nova godina.
Dear passengers!
Another calendar year’s drawing to a close, in which − due to very complex geopolitical, market, and economic circumstances around the world − there was no shortage of challenges. However, beautiful moments abounded as well.
I’m happy to share with you the news that, with the aim of increasing the efficiency of Croatia Airlines’ operations and of improving the company’s competitiveness, we decided to renew our fleet, so by the end of 2026, Croatia Airlines’ existing fleet will be replaced with new Airbus A220 aircraft.
We’ve been continually working on increasing the quality of our service, and on expanding our flight network. At one of the world’s biggest and most famous tourism fairs, the World Travel Market in London, we presented our summer 2023 flight timetable, with which we’re looking to contribute strongly to Croatia’s positioning on the tourism map of the world. During the coming tourist season, we’re planning to connect Croatia with 22 international destinations or 23 European airports by operating flights on 47 international routes. Specifically, we’re planning to operate over 17,000 flights, and to offer over 1,820,000 seats.
Festive Christmas markets are a most beautiful way to put you in a festive mood. Recognised as one of the best Christmas markets in the world, the Zagreb Advent fair is amongst the many we recommend that you visit. Let’s not forget the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, which has contributed to the atmosphere and excitement of the winter season. I’m proud that we’ve continued to support Croatia’s National Football Team by flying them to the championship aboard our aircraft. I hope to see you on our flights, which will take you to fabulous destinations; I most certainly look forward to this. I also hope you have as many beautiful travels as possible in the coming year, and many a joyful moment in the circle of your loved ones. Thank you for flying Croatia Airlines!
Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!
Jasmin Bajić Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEOČestitamo sjajnim hrvatskim nogometnim reprezentativcima na novom nevjerojatnom uspjehu! Naši Vatreni opet su nam priuštili nezaboravne trenutke. Ponosni smo što smo bili sponzor i što su naši igrači i navijači s nama letjeli na Svjetsko nogometno prvenstvo u Katru.
Congratulations to Croatia’s great National Football Team on their latest remarkable feat! Our Vatreni afforded us an unforgettable experience. We’re proud to have sponsored, and to have flown our football players and fans to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
10 Razgovor
S Olegom Butkovićem, potpredsjednikom hrvatske Vlade i ministrom mora, prometa i infrastrukture, razgovaramo o ulasku Hrvatske u europodručje i schengensko područje.
We spoke with Oleg Butković, Vice-President of the Government of Croatia, and Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, about Croatia joining the Eurozone, and the Schengen Area.
Prirodne ljepote
Zbog iznimne ljepote cijelog područja kojim teče ova prava gorska rječica, kanjon Kamačnika zaštićen je kao značajni krajolik.
Natural attractions
Thanks to the beauty of the entire region through which this tiny gem of a mountain river flows, the Kamačnik canyon has been protected as nationally valued landscape.
Baština SJAJ ANTIČKOG STAKLA Muzej antičkog stakla u Zadru nezaobilazna je kulturna destinacija i turistička atrakcija koja na posve originalan način pripovijeda priču o antičkom staklu.
THE SPLENDOUR OF ANCIENT GLASS Zadar’s Museum of Ancient Glass is a mustsee cultural destination and tourist attraction which tells the story of ancient glass in its own, very unique way.
Zima _ Winter 2022/23
46 Gastro
Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa.
Uredništvo ne odgovara za sadržaj oglasa, promotivnih i plaćenih PR tekstova.
The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press. The editorial board cannot be liable for the content of advertisments, promotional texts, and paid PR texts.
Šibensko-kninska županija, sjecište gastronomskih poveznica proizašlih iz povijesno-zemljopisnih ishodišta, iznimna je u gastronomskoj ponudi Hrvatske.
At the crossroads to different culinary influences arising from its history and geographical position, the Šibenik-Knin County is exceptional on Croatia’s culinary map.
Aktivni turizam
Vrijeme je da se Virovitička Bilogora otkrije svakom namjerniku ili slučajnom prolazniku, ljubitelju šume i dugih boravaka na svježem zraku u prirodi.
Activity holidays
THE STEEP CLIFFS OF VIROVITICA It’s time for every intending traveller or random passer-by, lover of the forest and long outdoor activity breaks to finally discover Virovitica’s Bilogora Mountain Range.
Naša najveća utjecajna i nezaobilazna diskografska kuća slavi velikih sedamdeset i pet godina postojanja. U njoj se pisala povijest popularne kulture 20. stoljeća.
Croatia’s biggest and most influential record company, which produced much of the history of 20th century popular culture, is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary.
96 Moda
Hrvatska je to, ali još više kozmopolitska modna priča jer su u Lei Lou kreacijama svjetskim crvenim tepisima šetale najpoznatije holivudske zvijezde.
Telling a Croatian and above all global fashion story, Lei Lou creations were worn by Hollywood A-list stars at some of the biggest red-carpet events in the world.
Naše odredište
Grad kojemu su valceri u krvotoku, a Strauss u uhu, vrti se u tročetvrtinskom taktu od nove godine do Pepelnice i stalno se pripremaju novi kulturološki projekti.
Our destination
Check out the latest cultural projects being prepared in Vienna, a city in whose bloodstream waltzes flow, and which lives and breathes to the rhythm of Strauss.
Croatia Airlines
Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: +385-1-616-00-66 e-mail: URL:
Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof
Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak
Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg
Prijelom/Layout Miranda Herceg
Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo
Nevena Erak Camaj
Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković
Croatia Airlines
Gabrijela Lochert tel.: +385-1-616-00-17 e-mail:
Croatia Airlines tel.: +385-1-616-01-02
AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb
AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb
ISSN 1330-6278
LYKKE mirisni medaljoni / scented lockets
Lace of Pag medaljon predstavlja nakit koji se nosi i osjeća, a uz jedinstven spoj tradicije i modernog dizajna može se personalizirati notama omiljenog parfema i s graviranom posvetom. Dostupan je u Lykke Gift Shopu (Zagreb).
Lace of Pag locket symbolizes scented jewelry that awakens all of the senses. Modern design is inspired by the beauties of Croatian heritage. The jewelry can be personalized with the notes of your favorite perfume and with an engraved note. Find them at Lykke Gift Shop (Zagreb).
Zlatni licitar Golden Licitar Heart
Zlatni licitar predstavlja jedinstven spoj tradicije, simbola ljubavi i suvremenosti, pretočen u iznimno nosiv i efektan nakit s porukom. Kolekciju možete pronaći u zlatarni Lapidarium u centru Zagreba te svim boljim suvenirnicama.
Uniquely blending tradition, the symbol of love, and modernity, the Golden Licitar Heart is wearable and effective jewellery with a message. The collection is available at the Lapidarium jewellery store in Zagreb’s city centre, and other high-end souvenir shops.
One by Marlu
One by Marlu hrvatski je brend orijentiran prema sporoj modi. Misija brenda je stvoriti bezvremenske komade koji se lako iz dnevnih transformiraju u poslovne ili večernje odjevne kombinacije. Uz žensku kolekciju tu je i kolekcija za kućne ljubimce čiji su zaštitni znak usklađene kabanice za pse i njihove vlasnike. Not just for humans but for pets too!
One by MarLu is Croatian slow fashion oriented brand. Brand mission is to create timelles pieces that are easily transformed from casual to buisiness or evening wear. Aside women’s collection they design pet’s collection with trademark matching outfits for dog and owners. Not just for humans but for pets too!
STAŠA Design
STAŠA [STA-SHA] je suvremeni brend ženske odjeće. Poznat po svojim minimalističkim, čistim i geometrijskim krojevima, brend se usredotočuje na kvalitetu tkanine i krojeve, spajajući oblik i funkciju u svakom komadu.
STAŠA se ponajprije fokusira na održivost i ekološki prihvatljiv tekstil. Kolekcije su izrađene s pažnjom i ljubavlju u Hrvatskoj.
STAŠA [STA-SHA] is a contemporary womenswear brand. Known for its minimalist, clean, and geometric cuts, the label focuses on fabric quality and tailoring, bringing together form and function in every piece. STAŠA primarily focuses on sustainability and environmentally friendly textiles.
The collections are made with care and love in Croatia.
U trenutku kad se svijet suočava s velikim izazovima, Hrvatska je spremna za ulazak u europodručje i schengensko područje. O tome što taj ulazak donosi Hrvatskoj, a što Hrvatska donosi Europi razgovarali smo s Olegom Butkovićem, potpredsjednikom hrvatske Vlade i ministrom mora, prometa i infrastrukture.
While the world is facing great challenges, Croatia is ready to join the Eurozone, and the Schengen Area. We spoke with Oleg Butković, Vice-President of the Government of Croatia, and Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, about what this brings to Croatia, and what Croatia brings to Europe.
PIŠE/BY Ksenija ŽlofUlazak u schengensko područje, uvođenje eura kao valute i nedavno podizanje hrvatskog kreditnog rejtinga nedvojbeno su znaci da Hrvatska ide dobrim smjerom i ostvaruje svoje strateške ciljeve. Na početku našeg razgovora pitali smo potpredsjednika hrvatske Vlade i ministra mora, prometa i infrastrukture Olega Butkovića što za sve nas znači sinergija hrvatskih i europskih resursa. − Nažalost, živimo u vremenu kriza koje su došle jedna za drugom i koje su nas suočile s mnogim neizvjesnostima. Počevši od COVID krize pa do rata u Ukrajini i posljedično energetske krize, Hrvatska se, kao i ostale europske a i svjetske zemlje, našla u situaciji koja je tražila brzo i odvažno djelovanje. Osigurane su potpore
Krajem srpnja otvoren je Pelješki most, a njegovom izgradnjom Hrvatska je trajno i neprekinutim cestovnim pravcem, nakon više od 300 godina, konačno povezana. Dana 1. siječnja 2023. godine ulazimo u europodručje, a stigla je potvrda i o ulasku u schengenski prostor. Hrvatska je sigurna zemlja, prepoznaju to i svi oni koji dolaze u našu zemlju, koja bilježi i izvrsne turističke rezultate, a članstvo Hrvatske u Schengenu dat će još veći doprinos sigurnosti naše zemlje. Uz to, naši građani imat će slobodu kretanja, a velika je to dodana vrijednost i za naše izvoznike, hrvatsko gospodarstvo u cjelini. Izgradnja Pelješkog mosta, ulazak u europodručje i schengenski prostor − sve su to bili strateški ciljevi ove Vlade do kraja mandata i mi ih ispunjavamo. Privilegirana smo generacija koja tomu može svjedočiti i budućim naraštajima, našoj djeci u nasljeđe ćemo moći ostaviti Hrvatsku teritorijalno cjelovitu, integriranu i međunarodno bolje pozicioniranu.
Nema sumnje da je za budućnost hrvatskoga gospodarstva iznimno važna prometna infrastruktura. Što će nam u tom smislu donijeti ulazak u Schengen i koji su planovi pred nama?
širokopojasnog interneta koja će omogućiti brzi internet u svakom kraju Hrvatske pa sve do izgradnje željezničke infrastrukture, na kojoj će najveći naglasak biti u nadolazećem razdoblju. Iza sebe imamo i izgrađene i modernizirane tri zračne luke koje bilježe izvrsne rezultate, kontinuirani rast broja putnika. U posljednjih pet godina znatna su sredstva uložena u obnovu i modernizaciju zračnih luka u našoj zemlji. Koliko je tomu pridonijelo naše članstvo u Europskoj uniji s obzirom na izvore financiranja?
nizu sektora čije je poslovanje bilo najviše pogođeno pandemijom. Zatim se dogodio i rat u Ukrajini i vrijeme koje je uslijedilo iziskivalo je nove reakcije i odluke, a Vlada je nizom intervencija u cijene goriva nastojala ublažiti udar na standard građana i gospodarstvo. Ove godine donesena su i dva paketa mjera ukupno vrijedna više od 26 milijardi kuna. Unatoč svemu tome, izazovima koji su se dogodili na europskom i svjetskom tlu i posljedicama koje su još prisutne, za Hrvatsku će ova godina ostati upamćena kao godina isporuka.
− Tako je, prometna povezanost itekako je važna, i kad govorimo o segmentu svakodnevnog života jer nam praktički diktira životnu dinamiku i vrijeme kao sve važniji resurs, kojim sve manje raspolažemo. Isto tako, važna je i kada govorimo o razvoju gospodarskih aktivnosti. Iz pozicije ministra prometa, resora u kojem se grade neki od najvećih infrastrukturnih projekata danas, mogu reći kako projekti koje gradimo nisu sami sebi svrha. Jedan od važnijih doprinosa izgradnje prometne infrastrukture upravo je to da bude pokretač gospodarskog rasta svakog kraja u kojem se razvija. Zato mi je drago da mogu reći kako ulaganja u prometnu infrastrukturu Hrvatske danas iznose oko 25 milijardi kuna, a snažno podupiremo ulaganja u sve vidove prometa. Imamo suvremene autoceste koje nam danas daju velik doprinos, ne samo boljoj prometnoj povezanosti unutar Hrvatske nego i turističkom razvoju naše zemlje. Nakon što smo reprogramirali velik dug u cestovnom sektoru i stabilizirali poslovanje, okrenuli smo se novim investicijama pa danas gradimo nove dionice autocesta. Tu su i nikad veća ulaganja u infrastrukturu naših luka diljem Jadrana, razvoj infrastrukture
− Zračna luka Franjo Tuđman u Zagrebu, koja nosi ime po prvom predsjedniku samostalne države Hrvatske, izgrađena je kroz model koncesije, dok je novi putnički terminal u splitskoj zračnoj luci sufinanciran sredstvima zračne luke. Izgradnja i dogradnja ovih zračnih luka omogućila je prijeko potrebne dodatne kapacitete za prijem putnika, ali i promijenila vizure ovih gradova. Ne smijemo zaboraviti da su zračne luke mnogim putnicima prva vrata grada u koji ulaze i važno je da su funkcionalne, ali i reprezentativne. Mi smo zemlja koja je okrenuta turizmu i prometna infrastruktura mora pratiti i pridonositi razvoju turizma kao važne gospodarske grane Hrvatske. Svakako da nam je članstvo u EU-u omogućilo i nove izvore ulaganja, kako u sigurnost tako i u zaštitu zračnog prometa. Primjer toga jest i projekt razvoja Zračne luke Dubrovnik, koji je bio prvi zračni infrastrukturni projekt u Hrvatskoj sufinanciran europskim sredstvima. Uz to, projekt elektrifikacije i ekologizacije Zračne luke Zadar jedan je od rijetkih, ako ne i jedini projekt iz zračnog prometa u Europskoj uniji čije je financiranje predviđeno kroz Mehanizam za oporavak i otpornost. Dakle, Hrvatska koristi sva dostupna sredstva, i nacionalna i europska, kao i partnerske odnose kako bi kontinuirano ulagala u infrastrukturu zračnih luka i povećala kapacitete, poboljšala sigurnost, ali i iskustva putnika koji za dolazak na odredišta u Hrvatsku biraju upravo naše zračne luke. U ispunjavanje klimatskih ciljeva Europske unije, koji su u skladu s europskim zelenim planom i europskim propisom o klimi, uključen je i zrakoplovni sektor kroz potrebu smanjenja emisija ugljičnog dioksida. Valja potaknuti ulaganja u inovacije i upotrebu održivih zrakoplovnih goriva. Smatrate li da će
EU svojim mjerama i odlukama osigurati stanovnicima i dalje široku dostupnost avioprijevoza preko pristupačnih cijena?
− Jedna od najvažnijih međunarodnih obveza Europske unije, time i njezinih država članica pa tako i Hrvatske, jest smanjenje razine emisija štetnih plinova u sektoru prometa. Kad je riječ o zrakoplovnom sektoru, ove obveze odražavaju se i u globalnim ambicijama i ciljevima usvojenima na razini Međunarodne organizacije civilnog zrakoplovstva. No Europska unija i kroz niz inicijativa na domaćem terenu pokušava dati dodatan doprinos, primjerice kroz zakonske prijedloge kojima se na zračne luke uvodi infrastruktura za alternativa goriva. To su sve hvalevrijedne inicijative koje će pridonijeti zaštiti okoliša, no u implementaciji će biti potrebno voditi računa o tome da se prijevoznike zemalja EU-a ne stavlja u podređeni položaj u odnosu na one iz trećih država. Hrvatska stoga naglašava ovu problematiku i vjerujemo da ćemo zajedničkim naporima uspjeti doći do rješenja kojim će se pomiriti sve ove potrebe.
pno opravlja, neki dijelovi još uvijek se nisu vratili na one razine ostvarene u godinama prije pandemije. Na sreću, najteži dio krize je iza nas i mogu reći da je prošao bez većih posljedica u smislu gubitka radnih mjesta. Sigurno da je tomu pridonijela i spremnost države da stane iza nacionalnog zračnog prijevoznika, ali i njegova odgovarajuća reakcija u smislu internih mjera ušteda i optimizacije poslovnih procesa. Zračni sektor polako se opravlja, promet je normaliziran i vjerujem da ćemo se uskoro vratiti na rezultate prije pandemije. Iako je bilo izazovno, mislim da smo pokazali i kao država da imamo snagu nositi se s izazovima i odgovoriti na pravi način. Smatrate li da će hrvatsko gospodarstvo ostati stabilno u idućih nekoliko godina unatoč rastu inflacije i gospodarskim posljedicama sukoba u Ukrajini? − Spomenuo sam prethodno kako su ulazak u Schengen i europodručje bili priori-
Našoj djeci u nasljeđe ćemo moći ostaviti Hrvatsku teritorijalno cjelovitu, integriranu i međunarodno bolje pozicioniranu.
We’ll pass on to our children Croatia’s territorial continuity, Croatia that has been integrated, and Croatia whose international positioning has been improved.
teti, neki od strateških ciljeva ove Vlade. Danas vidimo da se to i ostvaruje. Unatoč dvjema globalnim krizama, prvo pandemiji, a zatim i ratu u Ukrajini, Hrvatska je u posljednje dvije godine ostvarila velik gospodarski rast, među tri najveća u EUu. Smanjili smo javni dug i istovremeno donijeli dva paketa snažnih mjera − paket za očuvanje radnih mjesta i mjere s ciljem zaštite građana i gospodarstva. Pokazatelj je to da je Vlada vodila ispravnu ekonomsku i fiskalnu politiku i vjerujem da ćemo tim smjerom snažno nastaviti dalje. Putovanja su, srećom, opet postala uobičajen i sastavni dio naših života. Nesporna je uloga Croatia Airlinesa u tome da ljudima učini udaljene desti-
01-02 Znatna sredstva uložena su u obnovu željezničke pruge na dionici Zaprešić − Zabok Considerable funds have been invested in the reconstruction of the railway line between the towns of Zaprešić and Zabok
U misiji Croatia Airlinesa, hrvatskog nacionalnog avioprijevoznika, potpora hrvatskom gospodarstvu zauzima važno mjesto. U tom smislu, nepredvidive godine korone koje su, nadamo se, iza nas pokazale su se uspješnijima nego što smo se pribojavali. Kako Vi ocjenjujete te godine?
− Cijelo razdoblje trajanja COVID pandemije i mjera koje su bile na snazi bez sumnje je bilo iznimno teško i izazovno. Pandemija je u svojim počecima u potpunosti paralizirala zračni sektor i oporavak je išao jako sporo. Iako se zračni sektor sada postu-
ULOGA SPORTA U PROMOCIJI HRVATSKE __ Croatia Airlines službeni je avioprijevoznik hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije. U trenutku dok radimo ovaj intervju, naša nogometna reprezentacija, naši Vatreni , kreću na nogometno prvenstvo u Katru. Kad časopis bude u našim avionima, već će se znati tko je pobjednik. Naravno, i naša su očekivanja velika, ali u ovom trenutku još ne znamo kako će sve završiti. No bez obzira na rezultat, važnost hrvatskih reprezentativaca, o kojem god da je sportu riječ, neupitna je za stvaranje pozitivne slike o Hrvatskoj. − Iako smo mala zemlja, možemo reći da smo sportska nacija i mnoge nas zemlje upravo po tim izvrsnim rezultatima poznaju. Je li to zato što smo tako srčani dok igramo i navijamo, teško mi je reći. Sjetite se samo Vatrenih 1998. i Davora Šukera, za kojeg se znalo na svakom kraju svijeta, pa do Modrića i Dalića danas. Tu je i Janica Kostelić koja je ostala ikona hrvatskog i svjetskog skijaškog svijeta, ma brojni naši sportaši, olimpijci. Vjerujem zaista da velika šansa za daljnju promociju Hrvatske leži i u samom sportu, ne samo u nogometu i nogometašima nego i u ostalim sportovima, a doprinos tomu vidim i kroz novi Zakon o sportu, kojim se predviđaju ulaganja u sportsku infrastrukturu od nacionalnog interesa.
THE ROLE OF SPORTS IN THE PROMOTION OF CROATIA __ Croatia Airlines is the official carrier of Croatia’s National Football Team. While this interview is being conducted, Croatia’s National Football Team, nicknamed Vatreni or the Fiery Squad, are on their way to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, whose winner will have been known by the time our magazine is aboard our aircraft. Naturally enough, Croatia’s expectations are high, although, at present, there is no way of knowing what will tran-spire, and how the tournament will end. Regardless of the result, and regardless of the sport in question, all of Croatia’s national teams, players, and squads play an unquestionably important role in building and creating Croatia's positive international image.
− Although we’re small, we’re a great sports country, and many peoples have gotten to know us precisely thanks to the excellent results that Croatia’s athletes have been achieving. Whether this is because we’re so spirited and fiery when our team’s playing and we’re cheering them on, it’s difficult for me to say. Just think back to our Vatreni in 1998 and our football player Davor Šuker, who was famous across the globe, or football player and team captain, Luka Modrić, and our team’s football manager and coach, Zlatko Dalić, today. Let’s not forget Janica Kostelić, who remains a skiing icon both in Croatia and the world, plus many-many other athletes and Olympians. I truly believe that sports in general, and not just football and football players, can play a major role in the promotion of Croatia. Foreseeing investments in sports facilities and infrastructure of national interest, our new Sports Act will surely, I believe, contribute to this.
nacije lako dostupnima. Nacionalni avioprijevoznik stvarao se paralelno s nastajanjem hrvatske države i u tim je godinama imao neizmjerno važnu zadaću, ipak drukčiju od današnje. Kako ocjenjujete važnost nacionalnog zračnog prijevoznika nekad i danas?
− Nesporno je da je Croatia Airlines u tim trenutcima bio vrlo važan, ako ne i ključan čimbenik za socijalni i gospodarski razvoj Hrvatske. No značaj Croatia Airlinesa
danas nije ništa manji nego što je bio u počecima stvaranja hrvatske države. Croatia Airlines i dalje zauzima vrlo važno mjesto, i u pogledu ekonomskog napretka i u osiguravanju povezanosti svih regija Hrvatske. Ključan nam je daljnji razvoj Croatia Airlinesa, a nedavno ugovorena obnova flote sigurno će dati obol tomu i osigurati bolji odgovor na potrebe putnika i na učinkovitiji poslovni model kompanije.
Joining the Schengen Area, the introduction of the euro as Croatia’s currency, and the recent raising of Croatia’s credit rating are clear signals that Croatia is heading in the right direction and achieving its strategic goals. At the beginning of our interview, we first asked the Vice-President of the Government of Croatia, and Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butković, what the synergy between Croatian and European resources means for all of us.
− Unfortunately, we live in a time of multiple crises that have hit one after the other, and that have made us confront and deal with many uncertainties. Starting with the Covid-19 crisis, and ending with the war in Ukraine and the attendant energy crisis, Croatia found itself in a situation, just like other countries in both Europe and the world, that required taking quick and bold action. A number of sectors whose operations were most affected by the pandemic were secured subsidies. Then the war in Ukraine started, after which there came a time that required new reactions and decisions to be taken. Accordingly, the Government of Croatia tried to soften the impact of fuel price changes on the cost of living and the economy through a series of interventions. This year, two packages of measures worth more than HRK 26 billion were introduced. Despite all the challenges that both Europe and the world have recently faced, and despite the consequences that are still being dealt with, Croatia will remember this year as a year of promises delivered. At the end of July, the Pelješac Bridge was opened. Its construction finally facilitated Croatia’s territorial continuity after more than 300 years. On 1st January 2023, we’re joining the Eurozone, and our joining the Schengen Area has also been confirmed. Croatia is a safe country. This fact has been recognised by all those who visit our country, which has been recording excellent results in the tourism sector. Croatia’s participation in the Schengen Area will contribute greatly to the level of safety of our country. Besides, Croatia’s citizens will have the right to move freely, and Croatia’s exporters and economy as a whole will surely recognise joining the Schengen Area as a great added value. The construction of the Pelješac Bridge, and joining both the Eurozone, and the Schengen Area were all strategic goals that this Government promised to achieve by the end of its mandate.
And we are delivering on these promises. We’re a privileged generation, and we can pass on to our children and to future generations this privilege, which includes Croatia’s territorial continuity, Croatia which has been integrated, and Croatia whose international positioning has been improved.
That transport infrastructure is extremely important for the future of Croatia’s economy is beyond question. In this respect, what will our joining the Schengen Area bring us, and what plans lie ahead?
− You’re absolutely right. Transport connectivity is very important, even in the context of everyday life, because it impacts, on a very practical level, the dynamics of our life and time as an increasingly important resource, which we have less and less of. Transport connectivity is also important in the context of economic activities and their development.
From the perspective of Croatia’s Minister of Transport, the department in charge of some of the biggest infrastructure projects today, I can say that the projects we are developing are not ends in themselves. Transport infrastructure and its construction are the drivers of economic growth; that is precisely the way in which developing transport connectivity contributes, and importantly so, I might add, to the development of any region. This is why I’m glad to be able to say that investments in Croatia’s transport infrastructure today amount to around HRK 25 billion, and that we strongly support investments in all segments of transport connectivity and infrastructure. We have modern motorways which have contributed greatly not only to improving transport connectivity within Croatia, but also to the development of our country’s tourism product. After we rescheduled the huge debts that were incurred in the road
Hrvatska je sigurna zemlja, prepoznaju to i svi oni koji dolaze u našu zemlju, a članstvo Hrvatske u Schengenu dat će još veći doprinos sigurnosti naše zemlje. Uz to, naši građani imat će slobodu kretanja, a velika je to dodana vrijednost i za naše izvoznike, hrvatsko gospodarstvo u cjelini.
Croatia is a safe country, which has been recognised by all those who visit our country. Croatia’s participation in the Schengen Area will contribute greatly to the level of safety of our country. Besides, Croatia’s citizens will have the right to move freely, and Croatia’s exporters and economy as a whole will surely recognise joining the Schengen Area as a great added value.
sector and stabilised operations, we turned to new investments. As a result, today we’re building new motorway sections. Let’s not also forget the investments we’ve been making in the infrastructure of our ports across the Adriatic, investments which have never been bigger, the development of broadband internet infrastructure which is to facilitate access to high-speed internet across Croatia, and the development and construction of Croatia’s railway infrastructure, which is what we will be focusing on the most in the coming period. Additionally, we’ve built and modernised three airports, all three of which have been recording excellent results, and continuous growth in passenger numbers.
Radovi na tunelu Omiš i mostu preko Cetine dio su projekta Multimodalne platforme splitske aglomeracije, jednog od najvećih infrastrukturnih projekata Splitsko-dalmatinske županije
Public works on the Omiš Tunnel and the bridge over the Cetina River are part of the Split Agglomeration Multimodal Platform project, one of the Split-Dalmatia County’s largest ever infrastructure projects
In the last five years, considerable funds have been invested in the reconstruction and modernisation of airports in our country. How much did our membership in the European Union contribute to this in terms of sources of funding?
− The financing model that was used to build the Franjo Tuđman Airport in Zagreb, which was named after the first president of today’s independent Republic of Croatia, was that of concession, while the new passenger terminal at Split Airport was co-financed by the airport itself. The construction and expansion of these two airports maximised their passenger reception capacity, which was much needed. These two projects also changed the cityscapes of Zagreb and Split. We must not lose sight of the fact that, for many visitors, airports are the first doorway to a city, which is why it is important that they are both functional and representative of the city. We’re a country orientated around tourism. This means that transport infrastructure must follow and contribute to the development of our tourism product and industry which is Croatia’s major economic sector. Croatia’s membership in the EU has unquestionably provided us with new sources of funding, including investments in air traffic security and protection. A great example of this is the Dubrovnik Airport development project, which was the first aviation infrastructure project in Croatia to have been co-financed by EU sources of funding. Moreover, the electrification and greening project of Zadar Airport is one of very few, if not the only, air transport projects in the whole of the European Union which will be financed through the Recovery and Resilience Facility. In other words, Croatia has been using all available sources of funding, both national and European, as well as public-private partnerships, whilst looking to continuously invest in airport infrastructure, to maximise capacities, to improve not just safety, but also the experience of passengers who choose Croatia’s airports to arrive at destinations in Croatia. The implementation of the EU’s Climate Target Plan, which is in line with the European Green Deal and the European Climate Law, includes the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, which is why the aviation sector is included in the target plan. Investments in innovation and the use of sustainable aviation fuels are encouraged and promoted. Do you believe that the EU will make sure that air transportation continues to be widely
available at affordable prices through the measures and decisions it will take?
− A major international obligation of the European Union and its member states including Croatia is the reduction of harmful greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector. As far as the aviation sector is concerned, these obligations are also reflected in the long-term global aspirational goal adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization. However, the European Union is also putting effort into making an additional contribution on its own through the introduction of a series of initiatives on the domestic front. A legislative proposal that introduces the need to build alternative fuel infrastructure at airports is an example of this. These are all commendable initiatives that will surely contribute to the protection of the environment. However, during the implementation stage, such proposals will have to make sure that airlines coming from EU countries are not put in a position which is subordinate to the position of carriers from third countries. Croatia has been raising this issue, and we believe that, with joint effort, we’ll find a solution that will satisfy the needs of all those who’re involved.
In the capacity as Croatia’s flag carrier, Croatia Airlines’ mission includes supporting Croatia’s economy. In this respect, the unpredictable years of the pandemic, which are hopefully behind us, turned out to be more successful than we could ever have hoped for. How do you rate those years?
− The Covid-19 pandemic, including the measures that were in force, was, without doubt, extremely difficult and challenging. At the beginning, the pandemic completely paralysed the aviation sector, whose recovery has been very slow. Although the aviation sector is now gradually recovering, some segments are yet to record the level of results achieved in the years prior to the pandemic. Fortunately, the worst part of the crisis is now behind us, and I can say that its consequences weren’t that disastrous, certainly not in terms of job losses. This was surely contributed to by the state’s readiness and responsiveness to back Croatia’s flag carrier, as well as by the carrier’s appropriate reaction which included in-house cost cutting measures and the optimisation of business processes. The aviation sector has been slowly recovering, air traffic is normalised, and I believe that we’ll soon start to record results on a par with those achieved
prior to the pandemic. Although it was challenging, I’m convinced that we, as a country, demonstrated that we have the strength to deal with challenges, and respond adequately.
Will Croatia’s economy, in your opinion, remain stable in the coming period despite rising inflation rates, and despite the economic consequences of the conflict in Ukraine?
− I’ve mentioned earlier that joining the Schengen Area and the Eurozone were priorities, the strategic goals of this Government. Today, this is reaching fruition. Despite two global crises, first the pandemic and then the war in Ukraine, in the last two years Croatia has achieved remarkable economic growth, and is ranked amongst the top three in the EU. We reduced Croatia’s public debt, and we adopted two packages of measures: job retention measures, and measures aimed at protecting Croatia’s economy and people. This clearly indicates that the economic and fiscal policies that the Government of the Republic of Croatia implemented have yielded great results. I believe that we’ll continue in the same direction.
Travelling has again, fortunately, become an integral and regular part of our everyday lives. The role of Croatia Airlines in making distant destinations easily accessible to people is indisputable. Croatia’s flag carrier was created in parallel with the creation of the Republic of Croatia. Albeit different from the one it has today, the task it was assigned at the time was extremely important. There’s a difference between the importance that Croatia’s flag carrier had back in the day and the importance it has today. How would you rate this difference?
− It is an indisputable fact that Croatia Airlines was a very important, if not key, factor in Croatia’s social and economic development at that time. And Croatia Airlines continues to be just as important today as it was at the time that today’s Republic of Croatia was being built. Croatia Airlines continues to play an important role both in terms of Croatia’s economic development, and in terms of ensuring that Croatia’s regions are connected. The development of Croatia Airlines is crucial for Croatia. The recently signed fleet renewal contract will surely contribute to this, whilst ensuring that passenger needs are met in a much better way, and providing the company with a much more efficient business model.
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Priča o euru
The Story of the Euro
Arhiva HNB/Croatian National Bank archives AKTUALNO CURRENT AFFAIRS
Kada svane prvo jutro 2023. godine, nova će godina, kako to već biva, donijeti brojne nove početke. Nadali se mi aktivnijem životu, češćim putovanjima, većem broju pročitanih knjiga ili nekim drugim promjenama, baš svi morat ćemo se prilagoditi na veliku novost − hrvatsku kunu zamijenit će euro. Tijekom 2022. polako smo se navikavali na preračunavanje na prodajnim mjestima i na bankovnim računima, a od siječnja se Hrvatska pridružuje više od 340 milijuna građana koji svakodnevno koriste euro. Ideja o euru puno je starija od datuma njegova uvođenja. Već je krajem šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća Europska gospodarska zajednica počela razvijati ambiciozni projekt europske i monetarne unije, a jedan od njezinih ključnih stupova bila je upravo zajednička valuta. Iako je već tada bilo jasno da jedinstvena valuta nudi brojne prednosti radi unapređenja gospodarstva, olakšanja prekogranične trgovine i omogućavanja većeg izbora za potrošače, za njezino uvođenje trebalo je svladati niz političkih i gospodarskih prepreka.
Naime, nestabilnost na međunarodnim tržištima valuta dodatno su pogoršavale naftne krize i drugi šokovi, sve dok 1979. godine nije uspostavljen Europski monetarni sustav. Tim je novim pristupom ostvarena koordinacija monetarnih politika država članica EU-a, a uspješno se primjenjivao više od 10 godina. Međutim, guverneri središnjih banaka država članica počeli su se s vremenom zalagati za uspostavu ekonomske i monetarne unije, a njihove su zaključke prihvatili najprije europski čelnici, a zatim i Europsko vijeće na sjednici održanoj u nizozemskome Maastrichtu u prosincu 1991. Nakon deset godina priprema euro je
01 Osim geografske karte Hrvatske, uz obod kovanice od 2 eura nalaze se poznati Gundulićevi stihovi
Apart from the map of Croatia, the 2-euro coin boasts famous lines by Ivan Gundulić
02 Lik Nikole Tesle predložili su građani putem online ankete
The image of Nikola Tesla was nominated by the citizens in an online poll
03 Na kovanici od 1 eura našla se kuna
uveden 1. siječnja 1999. godine. Prve tri godine bio je nevidljiva valuta, koja se upotrebljavala samo za računovodstvene potrebe i elektronička plaćanja. Kovanice i novčanice puštene su u promet 1. siječnja 2002., a tada je u 12 država članica − Austriji, Belgiji, Finskoj, Francuskoj, Njemačkoj, Grčkoj, Irskoj, Italiji, Luksemburgu, Nizozemskoj, Portugalu i Španjolskoj − provedena najveća zamjena valuta u povijesti. Euro su postupno prihvatili i Slovenija 2007., Cipar i Malta 2008., Slovačka 2009., Estonija 2011., Latvija 2014. te Litva 2015. godine.
Za prvo uvođenje eura u siječnju 2002. dizajnirano je sedam novčanica i osam kovanica. Novčanice su jednake u svim zemljama europodručja, dok su kovanice s jedne strane jednake u svim zemljama, a dizajn se s druge strane razlikuje od zemlje do zemlje. Kad je riječ o novčanicama, s godinama je postupno uvedena serija Europa. U toj se seriji s jedne strane nalaze prozori i vrata, koji simboliziraju otvorenost kao jednu od europskih vrijednosti,
a s druge su strane mostovi kao simbol komunikacije. Svaku obilježuje jedan od ključnih europskih arhitektonskih stilova, no prozori, vrata i mostovi nisu stvarni − to jest, nisu bili stvarni sve dok nizozemski dizajner Robin Stam nije došao na ideju da se jedan od izmišljenih mostova izgradi u nizozemskome gradiću Spijkenisseu. Hrvatsku kovanicu od 2 eura krasi geografska karta Hrvatske, dok su na njezinu obodu Gundulićevi stihovi O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo. Na kovanici od jednog eura nalazi se kuna, a na onima od 50, 20 i 10 centi lik Nikole Tesle. Ovoga su svjetski zaslužnog znanstvenika u online anketi predložili sami građani. Na malim kovanicama od 5, 2 i jednog centa ocrtava se glagoljica, izvor hrvatske pismenosti, i to u dvoslovnom znaku − HR. Da bi se hrvatske banke na vrijeme opskrbile kovanim novcem, pripremljeno je oko 3700 tona eurokovanica, što približno odgovara težini 88 zagrebačkih tramvaja ili 94 zrakoplova Croatia Airlinesa. Sve će se one polako uvući u naše džepove i novčanike i približiti nas još više europskoj obitelji. Hrvatska je dobar domaćin, a građani su ponosni na svoju gostoljubivost bez obzira na to je li riječ o primanju rodbine i prijatelja u svoje domove ili turista u hotele, kampove, privatni smještaj... Posljednjih godina buja i kulturna i gastro ponuda, i to ne samo na jadranskoj obali i otocima nego i u unutrašnjosti. Od 1. siječnja 2023. hrvatski će gosti imati značajno lakši i ugodniji boravak u Hrvatskoj: neće više morati razmišljati o osiguranju lokalne valute jer će euro, valuta koja će pridruživanjem Hrvatske europodručju biti zajednička za dvadeset europskih država, postati i službeno sredstvo plaćanja u Hrvatskoj. I zato, poželimo ovom ključnom simbolu europskoga zajedništva dobrodošlicu. Euro − naš novac!
After the first dawn of 2023, the new year will, as it always does, usher many new beginnings. Whether we’re hoping for a more active lifestyle, more frequent trips, more books read or other changes, we will all have to adapt to the big news − the Croatian kuna will be replaced by the euro. During 2022, we slowly got used to conversion at points of sale and on bank accounts, and as of January 2023, Croatia joins more than 340 million citizens who use the euro every day.
The idea of the euro dates back much further than the date of its introduction. In late 1960s, the European Economic Community began to develop the ambitious project of the European and monetary union, and one of its key pillars was precisely the common currency. Although it was already clear then that the single currency offered numerous advantages for improving the economy, facilitating cross-border trade, and providing greater choice for consumers, a number of political and economic obstacles had to be overcome before its introduction. Namely, turmoil in international currency markets was further aggravated by oil crises and other shocks, until in 1979, the European Monetary System was established. This new approach represented an unprecedented coordination of monetary policies between EU countries and operated successfully for over a decade. However, over time, the governors of member states’ central banks began to advocate for the establishment of an economic and monetary union, and their conclusions were accepted first by European leaders, and then at the European Council held at Maastricht, the Netherlands, in December 1991.
After a decade of preparations, the euro was launched on 1 January 1999. For the first three years, it was an invisible currency, used only for accounting purposes and electronic payments. Coins and banknotes were put into circulation on 1 January
2002, and in 12 member states − Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain − the largest cash changeover in history took place. The euro was also gradually accepted by Slovenia in 2007, Cyprus and Malta in 2008, Slovakia in 2009, Estonia in 2011, Latvia in 2014, and Lithuania in 2015.
For the first launch of the euro in January 2002, seven banknotes and eight coins were designed. Banknotes share the same design in all countries of the eurozone, while coins have a common design on one side, and a country-specific design on the other. When it comes to banknotes, the Europa series has been gradually introduced over the years. This series features windows and doors on one side, symbolizing openness as one of the European values, and bridges on the other, symbolizing communication. Each is characterized by one of Europe’s key architectural styles, but none of the windows, doors, and bridges actually existed until Dutch designer Robin Stam came up with the idea to replicate one of the fictional bridges in the Dutch town of Spijkenisse. The Croatian two-euro coin bears the map
01 Putujuća izložba Euro na kotačima Euro on Wheels travelling exhibition
of Croatia, and along its edges you’ll see the famous lines written by Ivan Gundulić − Oh beautiful, oh precious, oh sweet Liberty. The one-euro coin features a marten, whereas the 50-, 20-, and 10-cent coins feature the image of Nikola Tesla. This world-renowned scientist was nominated by the citizens in an online poll. The 5, 2 and one cent coins feature the the Glagolitic alphabet, the source
of Croatian literacy, outlined in the two-letter sign − HR. In order to supply Croatian banks with coins on time, around 3,700 tons of euro coins were prepared, which roughly corresponds to the weight of 88 Zagreb trams or 94 Croatia Airlines planes. All of them will slowly find their way into our pockets and wallets and bring us even closer to the European family.
Croatia is a good host, and its citizens are proud of their hospitality, whether it is welcoming relatives and friends to their homes or tourists to hotels, camps, private accommodation... In recent years, the cultural and gastronomic offer has flourished, not only on the Adriatic coast and islands but also inland. From 1 January 2023, visitors to Croatia will enjoy a much simpler and more pleasant stay in Croatia: they will no longer have to think about converting money because the euro, the currency that will be common to twenty European countries when Croatia joins the eurozone, will also become the official means of payment in Croatia. And so, let’s give a warm welcome to this key symbol of European unity. Euro − our money!
Mild quiet seaside towns for a peaceful winter getaway
In December, it's like everything somehow gets busier. Deadlines are shorter, and tasks must be completed by the end of the calendar year; people rush and have many obligations. In the end, everyone realizes everything could have been a little slower and calmer, and what was unnecessary could have been postponed. If at this moment, you have decided to stop, take a breath, and take a break from everyday life, you are in the right place. It is an ideal time to find inner peace and enjoy the silence in the cities along the coast. Now, as the hustle and bustle have died down, it's an opportunity to experience the simplicity and beauty of the coast from a different perspective. Spend your winter vacation along the coast, think about the year on the wane and get inspired for the new year.
Pula and history
Pula is a city full of history and stories. A rich cultural legacy is visible at every turn. It is a unique experience to explore stories and history in the winter. The streets are quiet, and the culture and memories of past times are on every corner. From the unavoidable Amphitheatre, The Hercules and Twin Gates, and the Small Roman Theatre to the Triumphal Arch of the Sergi, the traveller can follow the creation of a town in the south of Istria and watch the splendour of life at that time.
greatest Croatian and world artists in this open-air gallery. It is partially surrounded by drystone, with natural valleys and rich and diverse Mediterranean flora.
Rovinj and gastro
Although you will find the necessary peace in the cities along the coast, there is still life here during Advent. A visit to Rovinj is an opportunity for a good Advent party, without large crowds like in larger cities, and for tastings of Eno-gastro delicacies and local specialties. If you go to Rovinj, your mouth will experience a culinary awakening – exquisite and natural, wellness for the palette.
tain air. And together, they spread the intoxicating scents of aromatic herbs and sea salt drops.
Nin and the treasury of the history
Rich cultural heritage, fairy-tale beaches, and unspoiled nature make this an ideal destination on winter days. A pleasant climate and beautiful nature allow you to escape from everyday life and rebirth of body and mind. Exciting history and its remains will make your holiday enjoyable and will enrich your knowledge.
Kaštela - the starting point of your trip
Kaštela are one of the best-connected cities on the coast. If you stop in Kaštela, you will be delighted by the rich local specialties and famous Kaštela wines, and the friendly hosts are an additional reason for your arrival in Kaštela. After a gastronomic treat, it's time for culture. The Kaštela City Museum is located in the Castle Vitturi in Kaštel Lukšić, and the exhibition space in the former bishop's summer residence in Kaštel Sućurac. Stop in Kaštela and enjoy the beauty, peace and quiet.
Opatija and Wellness
Opatija has been a famous health resort since the 19th century and is a popular destination for tourists worldwide. Its mild and pleasant climate makes it a perfect year-round destination. Opatija is surrounded by unique natural beauty in which you will find inner peace. The hotel offer and wellness offer will delight even the most demanding.
Crikvenica & Novi Vinodolski
Labin and art
When you want to be inspired by art and take a break from everyday life, head to Labin. Galleries, a museum, and ceramic manufacture are the right place to calm down. The Celts called Labin Albuin, the place on the hill where light is born. Sunrises are a memorable experience in Labin. Therefore, make sure to wish a good morning to the sun with a beautiful sea view. End the day with a walk through the Dubrova Sculpture Park and see the works of the
Popular summer destinations for domestic and foreign tourists are the cities of Novi Vinodolski and Crikvenica. And while Novi Vinodolski is a town of one of the oldest European legal documents, the Vinodol Act of 1288, Crikvenica also has a rich cultural and historical heritage. There is also a picturesque village Selce attracts attention with the beauty of tradition. Charming Jadranovo captivates with its connection with untouched nature. At the same time, Dramalj reveals why the stars shine brighter here and the music sounds more melodic. Natural healing factors on the Crikvenica Riviera have been discovering the formula for health for more than 130 years – here, healthy sea air is mixed with fresh moun-
Ston is situated on a narrow isthmus that connects the Pelješac peninsula with the mainland. This strategic position was the reason for the construction of Ston walls, so Ston was left with a valuable historical heritage a unique fortification complex 5.5 km long from with numerous towers and bastions that are really worth visiting. Just like the walls, you will be delighted by the view of the surrounding south Dalmatian islands. Ston is an ideal destination for winter holidays and a break from everyday life.
If you want to escape to a breath-taking area with natural beauty and contrasts, descend to the south of Croatia. Contrasts of mountain and lowland, mountain and karst, blue and green, or as the people of Konavle would say Gornje and Donje bande. Preserved nature, unique and high-value rural architecture, numerous monuments of the thousand-year-old history of this region, centuries-old tradition preserved through folklore, unique Konavle costumes and Konavle embroidery, harmony of life of man and nature. Let Konavle be the place where you will find inspiration for the new year.
Blagi i tihi - gradovi uz obalu za bijeg od zime
U prosincu kao da sve, nekako, postane užurbanije. Rokovi su kraći, zadaci moraju biti gotovi do kraja kalendarske godine, ljudi žure i imaju mnoštvo obveza. Na kraju, svi shvate, moglo je sve biti malo sporije, smirenije, a ono što nije nužno, moglo se odgoditi. Ako ste u ovom trenutku odlučili zastati, udahnuti i predahnuti od svakodnevice, na pravom ste mjestu. Idealno je vrijeme za pronaći unutarnji mir i uživati u tišini u gradovima uz obalu. Sada, dok su gužva i vreva utihnule, prilika je da doživite jednostavnost i ljepotu obale iz drukčije perspektive. Provedite zimski odmor uz obalu, inspirirajte se i nadahnite za novu godinu.
Pula i povijest
Pula je grad pun povijesti i priča. Bogata kulturna ostavština vidljiva je na svakom koraku. Poseban je doživljaj istraživati priče i povijest u mjesecima kada gužva i buka nestanu. Ulice su tihe, a kultura i uspomene na prošla vremena, na svakom su uglu. Od nezaobilaznog Amfiteatra, Herkulovih i Dvojnih vrata, Malog rimskog kazališta do Slavoluka Sergijevaca, putnik namjernik može pratiti stvaranje grada na jugu Istre i gledati raskoš tadašnjeg života. Ako vas povijest nadahnjuje, Pula je vaše idealno odredište.
Labin i umjetnost
Ako inspiraciju pronalazite u umjetnosti i tražite predah od svakodnevnog života, uputite se u Labin. Galerije, muzej i keramičarske manufakture pravo su mjesto za pronalazak mira. Kelti su Labin zvali Albuin što znači mjesto u planini gdje se rađa svjetlo. Izlazak sunca u Labinu poseban je doživljaj. Zato, ne propustite priliku poželjeti dobro jutro suncu s predivnim pogledom na more. Za kraj dana prošećite kroz Dubrovu – park skulptura. Djelomično je okružena suhozidom, s prirodnim udolinama te bogatom i raznolikom mediteranskom florom. Ova galerija na otvorenom puna je velikih djela hrvatskih i svjetskih umjetnika.
Rovinj i gastronomski doživljaj
Iako ćete u gradovima uz obalu pronaći potreban mir i tišinu, to nikako ne znači da u vrijeme adventa ovdje nema života. Posjet Rovinju prilika je za dobar adventski provod, bez velike gužve. Osim toga, Rovinj je idealno odredište za degustacije eno-gastro delicija i lokalnih specijaliteta. Odlučite li se otputiti u Rovinj, vaša će nepca imati pravi gastronomski wellness.
Opatija i wellness
Opatija je poznato lječilište od 19. stoljeća i popularna je destinacija za turiste iz cijelog svijeta. Njena blaga i ugodna klima čini ju savršenom cjelogodišnjom destinacijom. Opatija je okružena neponovljivim prirodnim ljepotama u kojima ćete pronaći unutarnji mir. Ponuda hotela i wellness ponuda oduševit će i najzahtjevnije.
nevice i preporod duha i tijela. Zanimljiva povijest i njeni ostaci učinit će vaš odmor nadahnjujućim.
Kaštela – polazište vašeg putovanja Kaštela su jedan o najbolje povezanih gradova na obali. Zastanete li u Kaštelima, oduševit će vas bogati domaći specijaliteti i poznata kaštelanska vina, a srdačni domaćini dodatni su razlog vašeg dolaska u Kaštela. Nakon gastronomske poslastice, vrijeme je za kulturu. Muzej grada Kaštela smješten je u dvorcu Vitturi u Kaštel Lukšiću, a izložbeni prostor u nekadašnjem nadbiskupskom ljetnikovcu u Kaštel Sućurcu. Zastanite u Kaštelima i uživajte u ljepotama, miru i tišini.
Ston se smjestio na uskoj prevlaci koja spaja poluotok Pelješac s kopnom. Upravo takav strateški položaj bio je razlog izgradnje Stonskih zidina pa je Stonu u vrijedno povijesno nasljeđe ostavljen jedinstven fortifikacijski kompleks dug 5,5 km iz s brojnim kulama i bastionima koji zaista vrijedi posjetiti. Jednako kao i zidine oduševit će vas pogled koji se s njih pruža na okolne južnodalmatinske otoke. Ston je idealna destinacija za zimski odmor i predah od svakodnevice.
Novi Vinodolski i Crikvenica
Popularna ljetna odredišta domaćih, ali i stranih turista, gradovi su Novi Vinodolski i Crikvenica. I dok je Novi Vinodolski grad jednog od najstarijih europskih pravnih dokumenata, Vinodolskog Zakona iz 1288. godine, Crikvenica također ima bogato kulturno-povijesno naslijeđe. Tu su i živopisno mjesto Selce koje plijeni pozornost ljepotom tradicije, šarmantno Jadranovo koje osvaja povezanošću s netaknutom prirodom, dok Dramalj otkriva zašto ovdje zvijezde sjaje jasnije i glazba zvuči melodičnije. Prirodni ljekoviti činitelji na Rivijeri Crikvenici više od 130 godina otkrivaju formulu za zdravlje – ovdje se zdravi morski zrak miješa sa svježim planinskim, a zajedno šire opojne mirise aromatičnog bilja i kapljica morske soli.
Nin i riznica prošlosti
Bogata kulturna baština, bajkovite plaže i netaknuta priroda čine Nin idealnim odredištem u zimske dane. Ugodna klima i lijepa priroda omogućavaju vam bijeg od svakod-
Poželite li pobjeći u kraj koji oduzima dah prirodnim ljepotama i kontrastima, spustite se na jug Hrvatske. Kontrasti brdskog i nizinskog, gorskog i krševitog, modrog i zelenog, ili kako bi to Konavljani rekli Gornje i Donje bande. Očuvana priroda, jedinstvena i visokovrijedna ruralna arhitektura, brojni spomenici tisućljetne povijesti ovog kraja, stoljetna tradicija očuvana kroz folklor, jedinstvenu konavosku nošnju i konavoski vez, sklad življenja čovjeka i prirode. Neka Konavle budu mjesto na kojem ćete naći inspiraciju za nadolazeću godinu.
01 Dugačak drveni mostić omogućuje prolazak kanjonom Kamačnik
A long wooden bridge makes the Kamačnik canyon passable
02 Jedan od slapova koji prihranjuju Kamačnik One of the waterfalls that feed the Kamačnik River
U samo tri kilometara toka Kamačnik pruža neopisiv doživljaj ljepote, ali i prirodne vrijednosti. S obzirom na iznimnu ljepotu cijelog područja kojim teče ova prava mala gorska rječica, kanjon Kamačnika zaštićen je kao značajni krajolik.
Although it’s only three kilometres long, your experience of the beauty and natural value of the Kamačnik River will be unforgettable. Given the exceptional beauty of the entire region through which this tiny gem of a mountain river flows, the Kamačnik canyon has been protected as nationally valued landscape.
Kamačnik je kratka, ali jedna od najljepših rijeka ne samo Gorskog kotara nego i Hrvatske. Izvire i teče pored mjesta Vrbovsko, gdje se ulijeva u rijeku Dobru. Kamačnik je svoju sutjesku usjekao u masiv Velike Kapele, planinsko područje blizu slovenske granice. Lijepa planinarska staza prati rječicu i omogućuje otkrivanje njegovih draži. Staza počinje kod ušća i već na samom početku Kamačnik pokazuje svoje divlje lice. Nakon stotinjak metara brzaca, zapjenjene vode obrušavaju se niz nekoliko metara umjetnu branu. Nekad je ovdje bila pilana, koja je iskorištavala divlju snagu vode, no ona je s vremenom napuštena i potom srušena. No kapljice još uvijek pršte posvuda u veličanstvenom slapu, a sunčane zrake na finoj maglici čak stvaraju šarenu dugu. Drugdje voda poskakuje preko velikih prirodnih stijena koje su se ispriječile usred bujice. Bjelina uzburkane vode tada se jasno ocrtava na tamnom, vlažnom kamenu. Mjestimice visoki stjenoviti ka-
njon suzuje rječicu i tjera na divlje guranje među liticama. Stjerana u kut i s nagibom terena, voda nema druge nego svom silinom sukljati naprijed. U karbonatne stijene duboko usječena sutjeska Kamačnika odlikuje se nizom brzica, vrtložnih lonaca i manjih slapišta koji oblikuju krivudav splet stijenama zasjenjenih prolaza. Ovaj kanjonski dio Kamačnika dužine je oko jedan kilometar.
Zimi ovdje vlada prava snježna čarolija, kada stijene u rijeci imaju bijelu snježnu kapu, led zarobljava mirnu površinu vode, no brzaci i slapovi opiru se čvrstom stisku zime. Debele naslage snijega spojile su obalu i okolnu šumu, onemogućivši kretanje na ionako teškom terenu. Tamni, gusti sloj vodoljubnih mahovina poput tepiha prekriva vrhove stijena. Nerijetko se koja bukva prepriječila, izvaljena od starosti ili udara groma. U bistrim vodama Kamačnika vidi se potočna pastrva, kao i lipljen, obje brze ribe i izvrsno se snalaze u brzacima
02 Gusta šuma okružuje rječicu
03 Mahovine i paptari bujaju na velikoj vlazi Mosses and ferns thriving in high humidity
Drveće se nadvija nad Kamačnikom Trees towering over the Kamačnik River
A dense forest surrounding the river
rječice. Njima odgovara čista i hladna voda te obilje hrane koju pruža Kamačnik. Najuzbudljiviji način da ih se ulovi jest mušičarenje. To je pravi izazov jer mamcem u obliku mušice valja nadmudriti opreznu i brzu ribu. Ribe se hrane ličinkama kukaca poput vodencvjetova, obalčara i tulara. Uz obale se nerijetko vidi zmija bjelouška, a ponekad na obale gornjeg dijela doline doleti siva čaplja i patka.
Stjenovite litice nešto se uzvodnije razmiču pa Kamačnik ima više mjesta za svoj tok. Voda se ovdje smiruje. Na njezinoj površini ravnoj poput ogledala zrcali se šumska vegetacija. Kao da je netko zelenim i smeđim vodenim bojama oslikao staklo. Mjestimice se uopće ne osjeća strujanje vode pa se dobije dojam nekog izduženog jezera. Ovdje vlada tišina prirode. Ipak, kada se bolje osluhne, čut će se pjev ptica, šuštanje lišća i huk krošnje na vjetru. S lijeve strane dolomitnu padinu vlaže mali bočni izvori.
Isto tako miran je i njegov izvor. Voda ondje nečujno izbija iz podzemlja, stvarajući malo jezerce. Iz njega potom nastaje rijeka. Voda mirno, ali obilato iz modrozelene dubine izlazi na površinu kroz duboku usjeklinu u stijeni. Speleoronioci su utvrdili dubinu od najmanje 118 metara. Nakon izviranja voda se mirno razlijeva i polagano teče kroz čitav gornji dio doline. Izvorski je dio zanimljiv i zbog endemske podzemne faune koju u njemu tek treba otkriti. Dosad su prilikom nekoliko istraživanja uočeni endemski podzemni račići Monolistra i Niphargus, zbog čega je izvor Kamačnika uvršten i u ekološku mrežu Natura 2000. Vrlo je živo na obalama rječice. Posebice je bujno u proljeće kada se sve zazeleni. Ogromni listovi lopuha poput divovske se salate guraju uz samu vodu. Nešto podalje sva je sila oslada i drugih papratnjača, koji često rastu i na drveću. Šuma koja raste tik uz rječicu gotovo cijelo vrijeme pravi ugodnu sjenu. To je većinom bukva, no ima i jasena, johe i najbliže uz vodu vrba
01 Kamačnik je zimi zaogrnut snijegom
Kamačnik is blanketed with snow in winter
02 Restoran na ušću Kamačnika u rijeku Dobru
A restaurant at the confluence of the Kamačnik and the Dobra rivers
03 Ostaci stare pilane na rijeci The remains of an old sawmill on the Kamačnik River
U jesen se sve šareni od njihova lišća. Nakon kiše u šumi se motaju u pjegavi daždevnjaci. Zima je snježno idilična. Do Kamačnika nije teško doći. Putujete li automobilom, skrenite u to malo goransko mjesto s autoceste Zagreb − Rijeka. Zatim slijedite putokaze i stići ćete do rijeke Dobre i ušća Kamačnika. Može se putovati i vlakom do Vrbovskog. Kamačnik je izvanredno mjesto za jednodnevni izlet u bilo koje doba godine.
Although short, Kamačnik is one of the most beautiful rivers not only in the forested region of Gorski Kotar, but in the whole of Croatia as well. It wells near the town of Vrbovsko, its entire watercourse flows near Vrbovsko, and then it merges with the Dobra River. Kamačnik cut its canyon into the Velika Kapela massif, a mountain region near Croatia’s border with Slovenia. To discover the river’s charms, take the beautiful hiking trail that starts at its mouth, and follows its entire watercourse. You’ll see the river’s wild face already from the get-go. After about a hundred metres of rapids, its foaming waters crash down a few-metre-high artificial dam, where a water-powered sawmill used to be. Over time, the sawmill was first abandoned, and then demolished altogether. The magnificent waterfall persists in splashing droplets of water everywhere, while the sun’s rays paint colourful rainbows on the waterfall’s fine mist. Elsewhere, the water bounces over large natural rocks that have gotten in the way of the river’s torrent. The turbulent waters of Kamačnik leave a white, foamy trace on the dark, wet rocks in the riverbed. In places, the high rocky canyon narrows the river, forcing it to push its way through, and against cliffs. Backed into a corner, so to speak, and thanks to the way the terrain slants, the waters of Kamačnik have no choice but to swoosh and surge forward with all their might. Cut deeply into carbonate rocks, the Kamačnik canyon boasts a series of rapids, potholes, and smaller waterfalls which form a meander of passages shaded by rocks. This canyon section of Kamačnik is about one kilometre long. In winter, snow magic reigns supreme here. The river rocks are snow-capped, ice ensnares the calm surface of the water, yet the rapids and the waterfalls persist in resisting the firm grip of winter. A thick blanket of snow unifies the riverbank and the surrounding forest, making the terrain which is diffi-
Rječica je dovoljno kratka da je se lako može proći u pola dana. Uređena je lijepa i svima prolazna planinarska staza. Preko kanjona vodi drveni most pa je moguće diviti se prirodi ispod svojih nogu. Nakon višesatnog obilaska možete se okrijepiti i utažiti glad u restoranu na samom ulazu u kanjon. Osigurano je nekoliko klupa za okrijepu i odmor, a uz poučne table može se i naučiti o geologiji, flori i fauni područja.
Because it’s not that long, it takes only half a day to hike the entire length of Kamačnik, and this along a beautiful hiking trail accessible to all. There’s a wooden bridge that crosses the canyon, making it possible for you to admire nature under your very feet. After your hike of several hours, you can freshen up, and have a drink or meal at the restaurant where the canyon starts. There are several benches as well where you can take a break, plus you can learn about the region’s geology, and plant and animal life from the many information boards along the trail.
cult to pass under milder weather conditions − nearly impassable in winter.
Just like a carpet, a dark, lush layer of water-loving mosses covers the tops of rocks sticking out from the river. Every so often, a beech tree gets in the way either thanks to old age or because it was struck by lightning. The clear waters of Kamačnik are home to the river trout and the grayling. Both species of fish can manage the rapids brilliantly because they’re fast swimmers. They also love the river’s clean and cold waters, as well as the abundance of food that Kamačnik provides. Fly fishing is the most exciting way of catching them. It is a real challenge because all you have is a light-weight lure called an artificial fly to outsmart sharp-eyed and fast fish. The fish feed on the larvae of insects, such as mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies. Along the riverbanks you’ll also often come across the grass or water snake, while the riverbanks of the upper part of the valley will sometimes attract the grey heron, and the duck.
01-03 Biljke proljetnice uz rijeku
Spring flowers by the river
Veliki listovi lopuha uz rijeku
Giant butterbur leaves by the river
Further upstream the rocky cliffs start widening, providing Kamačnik with more room. Here, its waters calm down. The forest and its vegetation are reflected in the river’s flat, mirror-like surface. It’s as if someone has painted a green and brown watercolour painting on a shiny pane of glass. There are places here where the river doesn’t seem to be flowing at all, so the impression that you get is that of an elongated lake. Silence seems to reign supreme here. However, if you listen hard enough, you’ll hear birds singing, leaves rustling, and treetops roaring in the wind, while small side springs trickle down the dolomite slopes to the left dampening them.
The source of Kamačnik is also calm. Here, the water wells up from the underground quietly, and creates a tiny lake, from which the river is then born. Calmly yet abundantly, water rises from the blue-green depths to the surface through a deep ravine. Cave divers reached the depth of at least 118 metres. Once it reaches the surface, the water
calmly spills out, and slowly flows through the entire upper part of the valley. The underwater animal world native to the source of Kamačnik that has yet to be discovered makes the source all the more fascinating.
During the course of several cave diving field trips and expeditions, the endemic underground freshwater amphipods of Monolistra and Niphargus have been observed so far, which is why the spring of Kamačnik has been included in the Natura 2000 Protected Areas Network.
Life is lush on the riverbanks of Kamačnik, particularly in the spring when everything turns green. Like giant lettuce leaves, the leaves of butterbur push against each other and the edge of the river. Somewhat further away, there are bundles and bundles of the common polypody and other ferns, which often grow on trees as well. The canopy of the trees that grow right next to the river creates a pleasant shade more or less along the entire watercourse of Kamačnik. These are mostly beech trees, but there are also
ash, alder, and willow trees, the latter of which are closest to the river. In autumn, their leaves colour the entire landscape. After rain, fire salamanders hang around in the forest. Winter is snowy and idyllic. Getting to Kamačnik is not difficult. If you’re travelling by car, get off the Zagreb-Rijeka motorway at Vrbovsko in the region of Gorski Kotar. Then just follow the road signs to the confluence of the Dobra and the Kamačnik rivers. Alternatively, to get to the town of Vrbovsko, catch a train because Kamačnik is a brilliant spot for a day trip at any time of the year.
PIŠE/BY Melani GlavinićUdruga Biom, organizacija za zaštitu prirode u Hrvatskoj, zajedno s projektnim partnerima kroz projekt Dinara back to LIFE aktivno radi na oživljavanju bavljenja stočarstvom te obnovi zaraslih travnjaka kako bi omogućila bolje uvjete za opstanak ugroženih vrsta.
Together with partners on the Dinara back to LIFE project, the Biom Association, a civil society organisation dedicated to the conservation, promotion, and popularisation of nature, is actively working on reviving livestock farming and restoring overgrown grasslands on the Dinara Mountain Range, the ultimate goal of which is the creation and provision of conditions necessary for the survival of endangered species.
01 Volonterska akcija obnove suhozida na visoravni Vrdovo na Dinari
Volunteers restoring a dry stone wall on the Plateau of Vrdovo at the foot of Dinara
02 Ručno uklanjanje drvenaste vegetacije na prvom volonterskom kampu za studente na Ježevićkom suhopolju u rujnu 2021.
Student volunteers from the first Ježević Dry Field student volunteer camp in September 2021 removing low woody vegetation manually
Visoka magična planina Dinara, kruna Dinarida koje možemo nazvati i balkanskim Alpama, oduvijek je imala važnu ulogu u životima ljudi i životinja koji obitavaju na njezinu području. Prostrani travnjaci po kojima je Dinara posebna stoljećima su se razvijali kroz suživot ljudi i njihove stoke koja je ondje bila na ispaši; zimi u najnižim dijelovima, a dolaskom ljeta penjući se prema najvišim vrhovima. Upravo je ta ispaša bila važna ne samo za ovce, krave, magarce i konje te ljude koji su držali životinje nego je na prirodan način očuvala i održavala travnjake. Stočari napasivanjem svojih stada čine teško zamjenjiv pozitivan utjecaj na prirodu, a travnjaci koje na taj način održavaju važan su izvor hrane i stanište za mnoge divlje vrste, kukce i ptice. Velik broj vrsta koje ovise o otvorenim staništima nestaje, a na području Dinare najugroženije su ptice poput ćukavice (Burhinus oedicnemus), kratkoprste ševe (Calandrella brachydactyla) i vrtne strnadice (Emberiza hortulana), koje preferiraju upravo otvorena staništa bez velikog raslinja. Posljednjih desetljeća, uslijed iseljavanja i smanjenog bavljenja stočarstvom, ova važna staništa na Dinari smanjuju se
ili nestaju zbog zarastanja grmolikom vegetacijom. To za posljedicu ima daljnje otežavanje bavljenja stočarstvom te postupno smanjenje broja, a u konačnici i potpuni nestanak ovih ugroženih vrsta ptica, ali i drugih organizama ovisnih upravo o otvorenim prostranim travnjacima. Udruga Biom, organizacija za zaštitu prirode u Hrvatskoj, zajedno s projektnim partnerima kroz projekt Dinara back to LIFE aktivno radi na zaustavljanju tog negativnog trenda te obnovi zaraslih travnjaka kako bi omogućila bolje uvjete za opstanak ovih ugroženih vrsta. Kako bi spriječili daljnje zarastanje suhopolja, ali i održali dosad restaurirane travnjake, neprocjenjiva je suradnja s lokalnim stočarima s područja Vrlike, Civljana i Kijeva. Kroz projekt ih se potiče na proširenje stada novim grlima magaraca, konja i buša, kako bi učinak ispaše bio potpuniji i bolji za biološku raznolikost. U protekle nešto manje od tri godine provodilo se ručno uklanjanje i čišćenje zarasle drvenaste vegetacije te je dio travnjaka Ježevićkog suhopolja i dinarske visoravni Vrdovo vraćen u prijašnje stanje. U radnim akcijama sudjelovale su i ruke predanih, vrijednih volontera koji su prepoznali važnost zaštite prirodnih
vrijednosti Dinare. Kako bi se olakšalo dugotrajno i održivo stočarenje na Dinari, obnovljeno je šest urušenih bunara i dvije lokve kako bi se stoka i divlje životinje tijekom suhih ljetnih mjeseci mogla napojiti, a obnovom suhozida očuvat će se vrijedna kulturna baština dinarskog kraja.
Ove aktivnosti, kao i doprinos lokalne zajednice te suradnja Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Hrvatskih šuma, Lokalne akcijske grupe Cetinska krajina te Udruge Biom kao vodećeg partnera, omogućit će bolji suživot ljudi, stoke i divljih životinja na Dinari − kako je oduvijek i bilo. Dodatan vjetar u leđa projektu Dinara back to LIFE daje priznanje hrvatskog izdavača National Geographica, koji mu je dodijelio uglednu nagradu Žuti okvir za promoviranje održive poljoprivrede, kao i Europska komisija, koja ga je uvrstila među samo 19 uspješnih projekata restauracije prirode iz cijelog EU-a.
Stočarica sa svojim blagom A shepherdess and her herd
The mighty and magic Dinara Mountain Range, the crown of the Dinarides, which are also commonly referred to as the Dinaric Alps, has always played an important role in the lives of both the people and animals that live on the mountain. The Dinara Mountain Range is home to spacious grasslands, which came to be as a result of centuries of the coexistence of people and their livestock that graze there; in the winter, the livestock would pasture in the lowest parts of the mountain range, and with the arrival of summer they would gradually start climbing towards the range’s highest peaks. This is what makes Dinara so special. Grazing was important not only because it fed the sheep, cows, donkeys, and horses, and the people whose animals these were, but also because it preserved and maintained Dinara’s grasslands in the most natural of ways. By grazing their herds, the impact of pastoralists and farmers on nature has been irreplaceably positive, considering that the grasslands they maintain in this way are habitats and an important source of food for many wild
species insects, and birds. In general, great many species that depend on open habitats have been disappearing. Accordingly, the most endangered species of birds that prefer open, tree-less habitats living on the Dinara Mountain Range are the Eurasian stone-curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), the greater short-toed lark (Calandrella brachydactyla), and the ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana).
As a result of emigration and a decrease in the number of livestock being raised, these important habitats on the Dinara have in recent decades decreased or disappeared altogether because they’ve been overgrown with low woody vegetation. This, in turn, makes engaging in animal husbandry increasingly more difficult, which then gradually starts decreasing the number of the already endangered species of birds, which can ultimately lead to their complete disappearance, including that of other organisms whose very existence depends on such open and spacious grasslands. Together with partners on the Dinara back to LIFE project, the Biom Association, a civil
society organisation dedicated to the conservation, promotion, and popularisation of nature, is actively working on stopping this negative trend, and on restoring Dinara’s overgrown grasslands, the ultimate goal of which is the creation and provision of conditions necessary for the survival of these endangered species. With a view to preventing Dinara’s dry fields from getting overgrown even more than they already are, as well as to maintaining the grasslands previously restored, collaboration with local livestock breeders from the villages of Vrlika, Civljane, and Kijevo is indispensable. Through the project, they’re encouraged to expand their herds with additional donkeys, horses, and Busha cattle because the larger the herd of animals grazing, the more complete the effect of grazing on biodiversity. Restoring a part of the grassland in the Ježević Dry Field and the Dinaric Plateau of Vrdovo by clearing them of low woody vegetation and removing the overgrowth from them manually has taken nearly three years. Dedicated, hardworking volunteers who recognise the importance of protecting Dinara’s natural
Udruga Biom dio je globalne mreže organizacija za zaštitu ptica i prirode BirdLife te u njoj predstavlja Hrvatsku i njezinu prirodu. Zaštita prirode ne bi bila moguća bez volontera, članova i donatora koji svojom podrškom daju glas prirodi i bore se za njen boljitak. Svatko tko smatra da je priroda važna i da je treba očuvati za generacije koje dolaze može postati Biomov podržavatelj. Više možete saznati posjetom stranici
Representing Croatia and its nature, the Biom Association is a member of a global network of organisations for the protection of birds and nature called BirdLife. The conservation of nature wouldn’t be possible without volunteers, members, and donors who give nature a voice and fight for its betterment with their support. All who believe that nature and the conservation of nature are of paramount importance now and for future generations can become a Biom supporter. For more information, please visit
value also took part in this work. To facilitate long-term and sustainable animal husbandry on Dinara, six collapsed water wells and two puddles were also restored. This will ensure the watering of livestock during the dry summer months. Furthermore, within the framework of the project, dry stone walls will also have been restored, which will contribute to the preservation of Dinara’s valuable cultural heritage. These activities, as well as the contribution made by the local community, and the collaboration between the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Zagreb, Hrvatske Šume d.o.o. (Croatian Forests Ltd.), the Cetinska Krajina Local Action Group, and the Biom Association as lead partner, will facilitate and improve the coexistence of people, livestock, and wildlife on the Dinara Mountain Range − by restoring things to the way they have always been. The Dinara back to LIFE project has been provided tailwinds by the Croatian publisher of the National Geographic magazine which recognised the significance of the project and awarded it the prestigious Yellow Frame Award for promoting sustainable agriculture, and by the European Commission which ranked the Dinara Back To LIFE project amongst the group of only 19 successful nature conservation projects from the entire EU.
PIŠE/BY Berislav Štefanac FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS MAS foto arhiva/photo archivesStaklene boce, 1. stoljeće Glass bottles, 1st century
Staklena bočica varalica ili čaša na nozi, 1. stoljeće A glass trick bottle or a footed beaker, 1st century
Posebnost i atraktivnost grada Zadra privlačna je za poklonike i ljubitelje povijesnih spomenika i kulturne ostavštine, umjetnike, turiste i njegove građane. U staroj jezgri, na istočnoj strani zadarskog poluotoka, smjestio se i Muzej antičkog stakla u Zadru, posve originalan muzej u kojem se na svojstven način pripovijeda priča o staklu.
The city of Zadar has a very specific and unique character which attracts devotees and lovers of historic monuments and cultural heritage, artists, and holidaymakers, and in which its residents take great pride. You’ll find the Museum of Ancient Glass − a one-of-a-kind museum that tells the story of glass in its own, very unique way − in Zadar’s historic city core; on the east side of Zadar’s Peninsula, to be precise.
Muzej antičkog stakla u Zadru otvoren je za javnost 2009. godine i jedinstvena je kulturna ustanova na prostoru Hrvatske posvećena očuvanju i prezentaciji staklene građe iz rimskog razdoblja. Povijesnu vrijednost ima i zgrada domaćin, klasicistička palača Cosmacendi, podignuta 1877. godine na mletačkom bastionu sv. Marcele. Kako bi zadovoljila svoju novu funkciju, palača je prethodno adaptirana i proširena. Tijekom obnove izgradilo se i novo krilo zgrade prekriveno staklenim oplošjem koje asocira na karakter i novi sadržaj. U arhitektonskom smislu glavno pročelje palače i danas plijeni posebnu pažnju,
usklađeno s neposrednim okolišem i općim ambijentom stare gradske jezgre. Muzej antičkog stakla u Zadru specijalizirani je arheološki muzej, a glavna mu je misija prezentacija, valorizacija i proučavanje antičkog stakla. Arheološka zbirka stakla proistekla iz fundusa Arheološkog muzeja u Zadru sadrži više od 5000 staklenih primjeraka, koji obuhvaćaju 2000 godina povijesti staklarstva. Stalni postav, u kojem je izloženo 1500 raznorodnih artefakata, po habitusu je jedan od najvećih i najopsežnijih na području Europe. U muzejskim dvoranama eksponati iz rimskog razdoblja izloženi su na poučan i zanimljiv način. Raznorodnost staklenih formi
Arheološka zbirka stakla proistekla iz fundusa Arheološkog muzeja u Zadru sadrži više od 5000 staklenih primjeraka, koji obuhvaćaju 2000 godina povijesti staklarstva.
Originally from the holdings of Zadar’s Archaeological Museum, the archaeological collection of glass artefacts and glassware now kept at the Museum of Ancient Glass contains more than 5,000 pieces that span 2,000 years of glassmaking history.
Stakleni riton s brušenim linearnim ukrasom, 1. stoljeće A glass rhyton featuring wheel-cut linear decoration, 1st century
koje datiraju od ranog 1. do početka 5. stoljeća omogućuju pogled na ekonomski razvoj rimskih naselja i životni standard stanovnika koji su nekad naseljavali prostor Zadra i okolice. Izložbene vitrine čuvaju raznovrsne uporabne predmete, pretežno korištene u svakodnevnom životu u svojstvu stolnog posuđa i ambalaže za kozmetičke i farmakološke pripravke. Među repertoarom oblika koji krase postav brojni su raritetni i luksuzni primjerci, zamjetne kakvoće i
kreativnosti s prepoznatljivim antičkim motivima i uresima. U raznolikoj tipologiji posuda koje su ukrašavale antičke interijere posebnu pažnju privlače reljefno ornamentirani vrčići i zdjele od mozaičnog stakla koje su imitirale rukotvorine od dragog i poludragog kamenja. U kolekciji su zamjetni i brojni ukrasni i nakitni predmeti te inventar za društvene igre (kocke, žetoni, astragali). Gotovo sva prezentirana arheološka građa potječe iz Zadra i neposrednog zaleđa, iz arheoloških
konteksta s prostora nekadašnjih naselja iz rimskoga doba i nekropola. Osim stalnog postava tijekom cijele godine u Muzeju antičkog stakla djeluju staklarske radionice u kojima se može svakodnevno uživati u demonstraciji izrade raznovrsnih predmeta. Umijećem staklara na velikim pećima za taljenje izrađuju se posude od stakla po uzoru na izložbene eksponate tehnikom slobodnog puhanja i metodom modeliranja. Vještina i kreativnost sadržane su u oblikovanju niza nakitnih
predmeta na plameniku gdje se izrađuju ogrlice, naušnice i prstenje kao imitacije po stilskim odlikama antike. Uz suvremenu i bogato opremljenu suvenirnicu u kojoj se mogu kupiti brojne publikacije i atraktivni suveniri izrađeni u muzejskim radionicama, u muzeju se nalaze i dvije polivalentne dvorane gdje se osim izložbi odvijaju razna tematska predavanja, tribine, predstavljanje knjiga te projekcije dokumentarnih filmova o izradi stakla. Bogatstvo ponude i originalnost
sadržaja čvrsto pridonose činjenici da je Muzej antičkog stakla u Zadru postao nezaobilazna destinacija na turističkom itineraru kulturnih ustanova Hrvatske.
Aone-of-a-kind cultural institution in Croatia dedicated to the preservation and presentation of glass artefacts and glassware dating from the period of Ancient Rome, the Museum of Ancient Glass in Zadar was opened in 2009. Historically valuable is not only the museum's collection, but the very building that houses the museum as well. More specifically, it is housed in the classicist Cosmacendi Palace built in 1877 on top of the Venetian Bastion of St. Marcella. To serve its new purpose, the palace was first renovated and extended. During renovation, a new, fully glazed wing was built, whose choice of material is a direct reference to the museum’s character and collection. Architecturally speaking, the palace’s main facade is blended in perfectly with its immediate environment and the general ambience of Zadar’s historic urban core, and continues to attract much attention.
The Museum of Ancient Glass in Zadar is a specialised archaeological museum, whose main mission is to present, study, and evaluate Ancient Roman glass artefacts and glassware. Originally from the holdings of Zadar’s Archaeological Museum, the
Stalni postav, u kojem je izloženo 1500 raznorodnih artefakata, po habitusu je jedan od najvećih i najopsežnijih na području Europe.
The 1,500 different glass exhibits on permanent display at the Museum of Ancient Glass in Zadar represent one of the largest and most extensive archaeological glass collections in Europe.
01 Šalica oblika šišarke, antička nekropola, 1. stoljeće
A cone-shaped cup, ancient necropolis, 1st century
02 Stalni postav − Staklo u obredu pokapanja
On permanent display − Burial Ceremony Glassware
Staklo puhano u kalup, 1. stoljeće
Mould-blown glassware, 1st century I. Jukić
U muzeju se, povrh primarne djelatnosti koja obuhvaća prikupljanje, dokumentiranje, čuvanje i istraživanje muzejske građe, ostvaruju razni stručni programi, predavanja, okrugli stolovi i kolokviji, interdisciplinarni projekti te razne druge inicijative. Putem stručnih vodstava, kreativnih radionica, edukativnih programa i tečaja intenzivno se radi i na izobrazbi učenika i studenata. Djelokrug rada obuhvaća i znanstvenu valorizaciju i prezentaciju antičkih, srednjovjekovnih i novovjekovnih staklenih artefakata. U svrhu obrazovne i znanstvene zadaće provode se nova, originalna i eksperimentalna istraživanja o znanosti i tehnologiji stakla. Muzej je otvoren za brojne kulturne manifestacije, tako da se u dvorištu kroz čitavu godinu realiziraju koncerti, kazališne predstave i druga kulturna događanja. Putem organizacija niza tematskih, vlastitih i gostujućih izložbi prezentira se raznovrsna staklena građa iz svih povijesnih razdoblja. Isto tako, muzej je domaćin i mnogim samostalnim umjetnicima koji svoju kreativnost oplemenjuju u mediju stakla.
The Museum of Ancient Glass in Zadar is a place where − besides collecting, documenting, preserving, and studying museum materials and collections, which is indeed the museum’s primary activity − various professional programmes, lectures, round tables, conferences, interdisciplinary projects, and various other initiatives are also launched and held. The museum is also actively involved in teaching pupils and students through guided museum tours, by holding creative workshops, and offering educational programmes and courses. The museum’s scope of work also includes the scientific evaluation, and presentation of ancient, medieval, and modern glass artefacts. Moreover, at the museum, novel, original and experimental research in the field of glass science and technology is carried out for educational and scientific purposes. The museum welcomes the organisation of cultural events, so numerous concerts, theatre performances, and other cultural and arts events are held in its courtyard throughout the entire year. Likewise, different glass artefacts and glassware from all the periods in history are also presented at the museum given that the museum either organises its very own thematic exhibitions or hosts them. And last but not least, the Museum of Ancient Glass in Zadar hosts many freelance artists who use the medium of glass in their creative process and expression.
archaeological collection of glass artefacts and glassware now kept at the Museum of Ancient Glass contains more than 5,000 pieces that span 2,000 years of glassmaking history. The museum’s 1,500 different glass exhibits on permanent display represent one of the largest and most extensive archaeological glass collections in Europe. The Ancient Roman exhibits are displayed in an educational and interesting way in all the museum halls. The sheer variety of glass artefacts and glassware that date from a period spanning four centuries (i.e., from the early 1st to the early 5th century) allows us to study the economic development of Ancient Roman settlements and the standard of living of the people that once lived in the area of today’s Zadar and its surroundings. The museum showcases various everyday items made of glass, consisting mostly of items used in everyday life, such as glass tableware, glass cosmetic containers, and pharmacological substance and remedy bottles and jars. An impressive inventory of rare and extravagantly shaped glassware of outstanding quality and hallmarked by high levels of creativity featuring recognisable Ancient Roman motifs and ornamentation is displayed. From the many different pieces of glassware and glass artefacts that decorated Ancient Roman interiors, mosaic glass pitchers and bowls ornamented in relief that copied handcrafted items ornamented with precious and semi-precious stones deserve
special attention. The collection also boasts numerous decorative items, pieces of jewellery, and board game pieces, such as dice, chips, and knucklebones. The vast majority of the archaeological glassware exhibits and artefacts on display come from Zadar and its immediate hinterland. In other words, their archaeological context is that of Ancient Roman settlements and necropolises discovered in the area of today’s Zadar and its immediate surroundings. Besides its permanent display, the Museum of Ancient Glass in Zadar also houses a glass workshop which operates throughout the entire year, and which offers you the opportunity to see at first hand how different items of glass and glassware are made every day. There, glass is first melted in large glass melting furnaces, after which the museum’s glassmakers skilfully make different pieces of glassware modelled on the museum’s exhibits by using the free-blowing and mould-blowing methods. They also make pieces of jewellery directly on the burner, whose designs require a lot of skill and creativity. The end products are copies of Ancient Roman necklaces, earrings, and rings.
In addition to a modern and richly equipped souvenir shop where you can buy many publications and fabulous souvenirs made in the museum’s glass workshop, the museum also boasts two multipurpose halls where, besides exhibitions, various thematic and public lectures, and book presentations are
held, and documentaries on glassmaking are screened. The Museum of Ancient Glass in Zadar has indeed become a must-see cultural destination and tourist attraction on any travel itinerary encompassing Croatia’s major cultural institutions thanks to the museum’s original collection and rich events calendar.
01 Stakleni balzamarij, 1. stoljeće A glass balsamarium, 1st century
02 Set staklenih posudica za kozmetiku, 1. stoljeće A set of cosmetic containers made of glass, 1st century
Šibensko-kninska županija sjecište je gastronomskih poveznica proizašlih iz povijesno-zemljopisnih ishodišta, što je čini iznimnom u gastronomskoj ponudi Hrvatske.
The Šibenik-Knin County is situated at the crossroads to different culinary traditions and influences, a fact which arises from its history and geographical position. This makes the county exceptional on Croatia’s culinary map.
Zanimljive ture s vodičima po Šibeniku Fascinating guided tours around Šibenik
Sitna riba iz koće i slane srdele
Small fish caught by trawling and salted sardines
Preduvjet iznimnosti Šibensko-kninske županije zemljopisni je sklad brdovite unutrašnjosti koja se rijekom Krkom i pripadajućim slatkovodnim svijetom slapova i jezera dubeći kraški krajolik spaja s morem, završavajući na razvedenoj obali. U turističkom smislu tu poveznicu simbolički čine nacionalni parkovi NP Krka (sliv rijeke Krke s impresivnim slapovima) i NP Kornati, taj čudesni niz nestvarnog otočja. Cijela je Hrvatska bogato prostrt stol iz ponude venecijanske, turske i austro-ugarske kuhinje, s presudnim lokalnim dodacima koji te delicije dopunjuju. Turbulentna povijest i utjecaj kuhinja − od bivših susjeda-osvajača do sadašnje susjedske koegzistencije − zamijesili su jela koja su se i ovdje udomaćila kao naša. Gradine iz antike i srednjovjekovlja, polja i vinogradi, tisućljetni grad Šibenik i njegova čudesna katedrala ukrasili su tu iskonsku prirodu skladnom graditeljskom baštinom. U gastronomskom smislu ostvarena je poveznica gdje se pršut i sir (iz mišine) uz orijentalne arambašiće šibenskog zaleđa konzumiraju jednako kao i morsko i slatkovodno blago po mletačkoj gastronomskoj tradiciji. Pidoče (dagnje) morski su znamen ovog kraja, jednako kao i drniški pršut u mesnoj kategoriji. Posebne lokacije na spoju slatke i slane vode, poput Skradina i Prokljanskog jezera, daju vrhunske delicije podvodnog svijeta riba i mekušaca − brancina, raznovrsnih cipala (oštrica, glavata), bižota (jegulja), škriljuna (prukljanske kozice), čokalica (vrsta sitnija od gavuna), sipica, lignjica, školjki (pidoče, kunjke, kamenice, rovanice, jakobove kapice itd.). Na daljoj, južnijoj morskoj strani tu je bogati otočni svijet riba i
VINOVA LOZA U HRAMU __ Ako je igdje vinova loza stoljećima bila hraniteljica i čuvarica narodnoga duha, onda je to zacijelo bila u drevnome Krešimirovu gradu Šibeniku i njegovoj okolici. Nigdje polja i škrta zemlja nisu obrađeni i oplemenjeni s toliko znoja i muka težačkoga truda, nigdje priroda, zahtjevna i podatna, ne pripovijeda tako burnu i časnu priču o jednoj kulturi koja je hranila generacije tijekom stoljeća, ali i rađala, i u najtežim razdobljima, bogatim duhovnim plodovima. Nigdje vinova loza i vino nisu tako neraskidivo povezani nježnim viticama sa svim oblicima komunalnoga života kao u gradu što ga najsnažnije simbolizira najljepša hrvatska prvostolnica − katedrala sv. Jakova, remek-djelo majstora Jurja Matejeva Dalmatinca. Šibensku katedralu, svjedočanstvo ustrajnosti, odricanja i postojanosti vjere, gradile su, punih stotinu godina, one iste ruke koje su vjekovima u jalovim kamenjarima krčile vinograde. Katedrala i vinograd himne su nebu i zemlji, Bogu i čovjeku. Stoga će majstor Juraj u galeriji likova na apsidama katedrale ovjekovječiti i lica svojih suvremenika sa šibenskih ulica i polja. U unutrašnjosti katedrale isklesat će majstor Juraj na mnogim mjestima lišće loze koje kao da treperi i drhti. U smiraju dana Sunce, kroz čipkasto tkanje rozete na pročelju, obasjat će lišće loze kao simbol života što se obnavlja i bujajući rađa novi život.
(Milivoj Zenić, knjiga Šibenik, srcem i umom)
THE VINE IN THE TEMPLE If grapevine has been an ageold nurturer and guardian of the national spirit anywhere in the world, then it’s in the ancient King Krešimir’s town of Šibenik and its surroundings. Nowhere have the fields and sparse land been cultivated and enriched with so much sweat and toil; and nowhere does the nature, so demanding and supple, tell such a remarkable and illustrious story of a culture that has nourished generations over the centuries, and born, even in the most difficult periods, rich spiritual fruits. Nowhere are the vine and wine so inextricably linked by delicate twines to all forms of communal life as in the city most strikingly symbolised by the most beautiful Croatian cathedral - the Cathedral of St Jacob, a masterpiece by master Juraj Matejev Dalmatinac. It took a full hundred years for the Šibenik Cathedral, a testament to perseverance, sacrifice, and steadfast faith, to be built by the same hands which had for centuries been clearing barren rocks to make way for vineyards. The cathedral and the vineyard stand as hymns to heaven and earth, to God and man. Therefore, in the gallery on the apses of the cathedral, Master Juraj will immortalise the faces of his contemporaries from the streets and fields of Šibenik. Inside the Cathedral, Master Juraj will in many places carve out vine leaves that look as though they quiver and tremble. At sundown, through the lacy rosette at the front, the sun will light up the vine leaves as a symbol of life which is renewed and flourishes giving birth to a new life.
(Milivoj Zenić, from Šibenik, with Heart and Mind)
01 Jastozi Lobsters
02 Vezice grančica smrike (borovice), masline i bora tradicionalne su oznake vina (crno, bijelo i rosé)
Ties of twigs of the common juniper, of the olive tree, and of the Scots pine tree are traditional wine labels for red, white, and rosé
rakova dubljeg mora, otoka Murtera, Zlarina, Prvića, Kaprija, koji svoj klimaks doživljava u niski kornatskog otočja.
Nekada, ne tako davno, u obitelji se kuhalo i za ručak i za večeru. Zato je uz raznovrsnost morskih plodova postojala i mesna strana ponude − svinje, goveda, kozlići, janjad, ovnovi, fazani, kokoši, pijetlovi, patke, guske… A građanski štih Šibenika ogleda se i u tradiciji marende kao posebnog obroka svakodnevice bogatih i siromašnijih, koja i danas živi u konobama s domaćom kuhinjom. U skladu s vremenom ugostiteljska ponuda uzdiže se do restorana fine dininga i Michelinovih zvjezdica (Pelegrini), od Šibenika do uvala Kornata.
Pitoreskni gradići (poput Primoštena), skrivene konobe po uvalama brojnog otočja, čokoti u sjenama suhozida i masline koje daju zelenilo kršu iz kojeg se uzdižu mjesta su i razlozi za hedonističke užitke.
Od brojnih hrvatskih autohtonih vinskih sorti (njih više od 150!) šibenska regija posebno je mjesto za takvo uživanje − uz sorte autohtonih crnih vina poput babića, lasine i plavine te bijelih kao što su debit i maraština. Impresivna čipka vinograda i suhozida, u kontrastu bijelog krša i boja listova koje se mijenjaju u godišnjim dobima, posebno je lijepa na lokaciji Bucavac kod Šibenika. Povijesni podaci kazuju nam da su se nekad davno, u doba peronospore, pjenušava vina izvozila iz Skradina u Francusku!
Uz mogućnost istraživanja kraškog krajolika autom četrnaest marina u ovoj županiji poziva nautičare da iskušaju razne vjetrove i uvale razvedene obale, bilo ljeti ili izvan sezone. Kornatsko otočje neizostavni je dio tog itinerara. Šteta je propustiti…
01 Pidoče (dagnje) karakteristična su namirnica šibenskog primorja Called pidoče by the locals, Mediterranean mussels are an ingredient typical of the cuisine of Šibenik and its surroundings
02 Srdele se pripremaju za soljenje Sardines being prepared for salting
Stražnice 2, Jadrtovac 22000 Šibenik +385 99 5475005
04 Vodice
The Šibenik-Knin County is exceptional on Croatia’s culinary map thanks to a geographical harmony between the county’s mountainous hinterland and indented coastline − the mountains and the sea are brought together by the Krka River and its freshwater world of waterfalls and lakes that carve the county’s karst landscape ending in the sea. Touristically speaking, the county’s two landscapes are symbolically joined, in a manner of speaking, by the Krka National Park (the Krka River basin with its impressive waterfalls) and the Kornati National Park, a stunning string of surreal islands.
Croatia as a whole is a richly spread table serving Venetian, Turkish, and Austro-Hungarian cuisine that features local ingredients and interpretations that complement the delicacies served brilliantly and critically. Croatia’s turbulent history and the influence of other cuisines and culinary traditions − ranging from the traditions of those who were once Croatia’s neighbouring conquerors to its present-day neighbours − concocted dishes that have become Croatia’s very own. The Šibenik-Knin County’s elegant architectural heritage sites − its ancient and medieval castles, fields and vineyards, the centuries-old city of Šibenik and its dazzling cathedral − are nothing but ornaments enriching the county’s pristine nature. Gastronomically, the fact that the Šibenik-Knin County lies at the crossroads to different culinary traditions and influences means that there you’ll enjoy prosciutto and sheep milk cheese aged in sheepskin called mišni sir, Turkish-style meat-stuffed grape leaves from Šibenik’s hinterland called arambašići, as well as seafood and
Cijela je Hrvatska bogato prostrt stol iz ponude venecijanske, turske i austro-ugarske kuhinje, s presudnim lokalnim dodacima koji te delicije dopunjuju.
Croatia as a whole is a richly spread table serving Venetian, Turkish, and Austro-Hungarian cuisine that features local ingredients and interpretations that complement the delicacies served critically.
freshwater fish prepared the way they used to be by the Venetians in the Middle Ages. Called pidoče by the locals, Mediterranean mussels are the region’s symbol of the sea, much like the way in which prosciutto from the town of Drniš is in the category of meat. Special localities where freshwater meets saltwater, such as Lake Prokljan and Skradin, boast fabulous delicacies from the underwater world of fish and molluscs, such as the European bass, different mullets, the European eel which the locals call bižot, prawns from the brackish Lake Prokljan which the locals call škriljuni, the
Put Gaćeleza 1c 22211 Vodice + 385 95 5197866
02 Meso pod pekom Meat roasted under the bell called peka
Bilini 22202 Primošten Burnji @prginwinery +385 98 236885
Posebne lokacije na spoju slatke i slane vode, poput Skradina i Prokljanskog jezera, daju vrhunske delicije podvodnog svijeta riba i mekušaca.
Special localities where freshwater meets saltwater, such as Lake Prokljan and Skradin, boast fabulous delicacies from the underwater world of fish and molluscs.
Mediterranean sand smelt called čokalica, the dwarf bobtail squid, the European squid, and shellfish (the Mediterranean mussel, the Noah’s Ark shell, the European flat oyster, the warty Venus clam, the Mediterranean scallop, etc.).
Further down south along the coastline of the county, there’s a rich world of deep-sea fish and crustaceans caught on the islands of Murter, Zlarin, Prvić, and Kaprije, a string which climaxes with the Islands of Kornati.
Once upon a time, although not that long ago, families used to have a cooked meal for both lunch and dinner. This is why, besides seafood and fish, meat was also on the menu − pigs, cattle, goats, lambs, rams, pheasants, chickens, roosters, ducks, geese... Šibenik’s middle class flair is also reflected in the tradition of brunching
which the locals call marenda. It’s a special everyday meal had by both the rich and the poor, which can still be found on the menus of taverns serving local dishes. On the other hand, and in line with the dictates of today’s world of gastronomy, the Šibenik-Knin County also boasts fine dining and Michelin-starred restaurants (Pelegrini), all the way from Šibenik to the many bays of the Islands of Kornati. Picturesque towns such as Primošten, hidden taverns in the bays of the county’s many islands, grapevine arbours in the shade of dry stone walls and olive trees that green the karst landscape from which towns rise are reason enough to enjoy hedonistic pleasures. Croatia is home to many native varieties of grape; as many as 150, to be precise. Šibenik and its surroundings stand out in this respect, and are a special locality where your enjoyment of wine is guaranteed. Red grape varieties native to the region include Babić, Lasina, and Plavina, while Debit, and Maraština are fabulous local white grape varieties. The impressive interlacement of vineyards and dry stone walls, the contrasting interplay of white karst landscape and the colours of the leaves that change with the seasons, is particularly beautiful in the vineyards of Bucavac near Šibenik. Historical records show that, in the late 1800s when the European viticulture and wine industry were decimated by the grapevine downy mildew, France imported sparkling wine from the town of Skradin! You can explore the Šibenik-Knin County’s karst landscape by car, or you can visit one of the county’s fourteen marinas inviting and welcoming boaters to test the winds, as it were, and take pleasure in the many coves of the county’s indented coastline, regardless of whether in summer or off-season. The Islands of Kornati are an absolute must on this itinerary!
Kapela sv. Jurja u Svetom Đurđu. Pogled s vinorodnih obronaka Virovitičke Bilogore na plodna polja uz rijeku Dravu
The Chapel of St. George in the village of Sveti Đurađ. A view of fertile fields along the Drava River basin from the wine-growing slopes of Virovitica’s Bilogora Mountain Range
It’s time for every intending traveller or random passer-by, lover of the forest and long outdoor activity breaks to finally discover Virovitica’s Bilogora Mountain Range.
01 Drveni molić, omiljeno odmorište i fotospot na pješačkoj stazi Dabrov put oko Virovitičkih ribnjaka A wooden jetty, a much loved spot on the Beaver Hiking Trail in the vicinity of Virovitica’s fishponds where you can rest and take photos
02 Kako pogled preko bilogorskih pašnjaka leti prema Papuku, litice oko Virovitice postaju strmije The closer the view of the pastures of Bilogora gets to Mount Papuk, the steeper the cliffs around Virovitica become
03 Ergela arapskih konja Bonata Arabians na bilogorskim brežuljcima u blizini Virovitice
The Bonata Arabians Horse Farm on the Bilogora Mountain Range near Virovitica
Virovitica leži u nizini. Najviša kota u gradu jest maleni brijeg pod perivojem s kojega se uzdiže Dvorac Pejačević. Rijeka Drava, po kojoj se može ploviti kajakom ili u njoj okupati, protječe hrvatsko-mađarskom granicom sjeverno od grada, udaljenom tek pola sata vožnje biciklom. No da biste proširili doseg pogleda, ne trebate se popeti na bundevu. Dovoljno je obrnuti smjer iz grada i nakon polusatnog pješačenja ili još kraće vožnje biciklom prema jugu uživati u pogledu koji s Bilogore puca sve do Baranje, Mecseka i Vilanjske planine. Ili Papuka i slavonskog gorja na drugu stranu. Poznati kantautor Đorđe Balašević svojim je stihovima opjevao Viroviticu
u kojoj je, kaže, često pjevao i dobro prošao i mada su strme litice svud oko Virovitice, opet bi došao . A žive li u Virovitici mirno svi kao hipici , o čemu također Balašević pjeva u svojoj poznatoj pjesmi, trebalo bi vjerojatno pitati nekoga baby boomera , čiji su roditelji možda pripadali generaciji hipijevaca pa znaju nešto više o tome.
No da su strme litice svud oko Virovitice, može potvrditi već i onaj tko se popeo do kapelice sv. Jurja na Virovitičkoj Bilogori. Ambijent je najčešći razlog zašto se primjerice trkači zaljubljuju u trail trčanje, biciklisti u cross-country , a jahači u terensko jahanje. Brdovita okolica Virovitice obrasla šumom nudi ga na
pretek. Dugoprugaši i biciklisti to su već prepoznali pa organizirana natjecateljska outdoor događanja poput biciklističke utrke Put Šarana i trail trke Litice oko Virovitice bilježe već cijelo desetljeće. Iz vinograda oko kapelice sv. Jurja putevi vode dalje prema šumi. Možete ih i zaobići pa slobodno lutati proplancima, penjati se i spuštati šumovitim strminama ili mekim jarcima gacati uz potoke. Nećete se izgubiti. No šteta je ne poći Virovitičkim vidicima , jednom od triju kružnih staza koja će vas uz travnate pašnjake s bijelom ogradom ergele arapskih konja odvesti na ribnjake. Do njih možete i cestom, ali previše je ljepote na tom pješačkom putu da bi ga se zaobišlo pogonom na struju ili neko fosilno gorivo. Brzina ljudskog hoda nekome se čini presporom, no uz mirnu stajaćicu s čije se uglačane površine rogoz i jesenji oblaci odražavaju kao od zrcala djeluje nezaustavljivo poput prolaznosti. Povećanje razine tjelesne aktivnosti hodanjem pomaže zdravlju, smanjuje pretilost i povišeni krvni tlak, a blagotvorno utječe i na stanje duha. Svježi šumski zrak bogat kisikom nakon prvih jesenjih kiša širi svijest i potiče hodača na zapažanja kakva možda nisu uobičajena na gradskom asfaltu. Tapkanje zemljanom stazom prošaranom korijenjem grabova drveća nadopunjuje oštar kljun velikog djetlića koji kvrca negdje o hrastovo deblo u potrazi za potkornjacima. Podsjeća tako hodača da svoju duplju ne napušta poput ptica selica svake jeseni. Virovitička Bilogora
01 Pogled prema Papuku s bilogorskih padina otkriva prepoznatljivu brdovitu vizuru Virovitičko-podravske županije
A view of Mount Papuk from the slopes of the Bilogora Mountain Range reveals the Virovitica-Podravina County’s recognisable landscape of rolling hills
02 S pješačke staze Virovitički vidici pucaju najljepši pogledi na grad. Crkva sv. Roka s franjevačkim samostanom u središtu Virovitice
Some of the most spectacular vistas of Virovitica are offered from Virovitica’s Vistas Hiking Trail. The Franciscan Monastery and Church of St. Rocco in Virovitica's town centre
03 Idilična predvečerja uz mirne vode Virovitičkih ribnjaka na pješačkoj stazi Dabrov put
An idyllic evening scene by the calm waters of Virovitica’s fishponds along the Beaver Hiking Trail 01
Stisnuti među bilogorske humke obrasle gustom listopadnom šumom pružaju se Virovitički ribnjaci. Oko njih vodi 9 kilometara duga pješačka staza Dabrov put s postajama koje će fotografe i likovne zanesenjake posebno nadahnuti. Nazvana po najvećem glodavcu Europe koji i ovdje svoja staništa priprema pregradama na vodi, staza sasvim prikladno počinje na brani. Ovdje se drveće, voda, nebo i šaš spajaju u neodoljivu sliku.
Virovitica’s fishponds are squeezed between Bilogora’s hills covered with dense deciduous forests. The 9-kilometre long Staza Dabrova (Beaver Trail in translation) hiking trail takes you around them all. It includes stops that’ll provide inspiration for photographers and art enthusiasts. Named after Europe’s largest rodent that builds its den by constructing partitions across water, the trail rather appropriately begins at a dam. Here, the trees, the water, the sky, and sedges paint an irresistible picture.
obiluje izvorima pitke vode. Jedan takav, Paulov izvor nalazi se i na pješačkoj stazi Dabrov put . Nakon okrepe s vrela izvorsku vodu možete ponijeti kući. Hodajući pješačkim stazama, na nekim mjestima siječete i one druge, biciklističke, trail , planinarske. Nezaobilazni su posjetitelji Virovitičkih ribnjaka naravno i oni koji uz sasvim drugačiju vrstu štapova od vaših gojzerice mijenjaju za gumene čizme, a ruksake za tronošce. Ako imate strpljenja kao oni i dovoljno kondicije za penjanje i spuštanje, krenite još dublje u šumu. Nakon sata pješačenja uz izvore i šumske potoke put će vas na kraju dovesti do planinarske kuće Brusovi Ne opterećujte se previše pitanjem može li se sve to u jednom danu. Ako ne može u jednom, sigurno može u dva. Bit će to onda dvostruki užitak jer boravak u šumi puni ispražnjene baterije i liječi umor,
a ne košta gotovo ništa. A i Virovitica, samozatajna i neotkrivena, nakon svega toga može pružiti neočekivane čari. Za kraj još i ovo. Zbog blizine Drave mnogi Viroviticu svrstavaju u Podravinu. Iako je na njezinu sjeverozapadnom rubu, ona je već prava Slavonija. No točno je da se Bilogora pruža, a Drava teče i Podravinom i Slavonijom. Otkrivajući stoga njihove čari, iznenađenja i izazove, otkrivate istovremeno i Podravinu i Slavoniju!
Virovitica is a lowland town. Its highest point is a small hill inside a park, from which the Pejačević Family Manor rises. The Drava River, which you can kayak on or swim in, flows along the Croatian-Hungarian border to the north, and is only half an hour away by bike. However, to enjoy a wider panoramic view of the
01 Rana jesen pravo je vrijeme za duge šetnje i boravak u prirodi oko Virovitičkih ribnjaka
Early autumn is a perfect time for long walks in nature surrounding Virovitica’s fishponds
02 Najstrpljiviji posjetitelji Virovitičkih ribnjaka u zagrljaju gustih bilogorskih šuma
The most patient visitors to Virovitica’s fishponds in the embrace of Bilogora’s dense forests
region, you don’t have to climb a pumpkin, as the old, local saying goes. All you have to do is change directions, and head away from the town. After a half-hour walk or an even shorter bike ride to the south, you’ll be enjoying views stretching from the Bilogora Mountain Range all the way to the region of Baranja, the Mecsek Mountain Range and Villány Mountains in Hungary. Or a view of Mount Papuk and the mountains of Slavonia on the opposite side. The famous singer-songwriter Đorđe Balašević wrote and sang about Virovitica, where, he says, he often performed and did well, and
where I’d always return regardless of the steep cliffs surrounding Virovitica . To find out whether or not everyone in Virovitica lives their life in peace as a hippy , which Balašević also sings about in a famous song of his, I should probably ask a baby boomer, whose parents may have been hippies. They’re the ones who may know a little more about this.
Those who’ve climbed up to the Chapel of St. George on Virovitica’s Bilogora can confirm that Virovitica is indeed surrounded by steep cliffs. The beauty of the landscape, which Virovitica’s wooded hilly surroundings
abound in, is the most common reason why runners fall in love with trail running, cyclists with cross-country cycling, and horse riders with off-road riding. Long-distance runners and cyclists have already recognised this, which is testified to by the fact that competitive outdoor events, such as the Put Šarana (Carp Trail in translation) cycling race and the Litice oko Virovitice (Steep Cliffs of Virovitica in translation) trail race, have been taking place on Bilogora for a decade already.
The Chapel of St. George is surrounded by a vineyard, from which there are trails that
lead into the forest. You can also bypass them altogether and wander freely in the glades, climb up and down the wooded slopes or wade through the soft runnels along mountain streams. Either way, you won’t get lost. Be sure to take the Virovitički Vidici (Virovitica’s Vistas in translation) trail, one of the three circular trails that’ll take you to Virovitica's fishponds along the fenced off grasslands and pastures of an Arabian horse farm and stables. You can get there by car as well, but this hiking trail bristles with so much beauty that bypassing it by car, regardless of whether it’s powered by electricity or fossil fuel, would be a real shame. Man's walking speed may seem
too slow to some, but hiking along serene, standing water − in whose polished surface cattails and autumn clouds are reflected as if from a mirror − will seem as unstoppable as the transience of time. Increasing the level of physical activity by walking improves your health, reduces the risk of obesity, reduces high blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on your state of mind.
Fresh, oxygen-rich forest air after the first autumn rains expands your awareness, and stimulates you to make observations that you may not make surrounded by city concrete. The sound of your shoes treading along a dirt road streaked with the roots of hornbeams is complemented by the sound
made by the sharp beak of a great spotted woodpecker pecking somewhere at an oak tree in search of bark beetles. It reminds hikers not to abandon their home like migrating birds do every autumn. Virovitica’s Bilogora abounds with sources of drinking water. One such source − namely, Paul’s Spring − is found on Staza Dabrova (Beaver Trail in translation). After you’ve refreshed yourself, bottle some spring water for home. While walking along these trails, in some places you’ll cross other paths − cycling routes, and mountain biking routes. There are, of course, other visitors who also frequent Virovitica’s fishponds. While hikers have trekking poles, they have fishing rods; while hikers
wear hiking trainers, they wear fishing boots and waders; while hikers carry rucksacks, they carry three-legged stools. If you’re as patient as they are, and are fit enough to climb up and down, head even deeper into the forest. After an hour of hiking along springs and forest streams, the trail will lead you to the Brusovi Mountain Lodge. Don’t worry too much about whether you can do it all in one day or not. If you can’t do it in one, you can certainly do it in two. It’ll then be double the pleasure considering that staying in the forest recharges your batteries, fights fatigue, and it costs next to nothing. And after you’ve taken this hike, head back to quiet, undiscovered, picturesque Virovitica.
And last but not least. Because the Drava River is so close to Virovitica, many place it in the region of Podravina. And yet, although Virovitica is in the very north-western corner of Slavonia, it is still − Slavonia proper. And, yes, the Bilogora Mountain Range extends across, while the Drava River flows through − both Podravina and Slavonia. By discovering their charms, surprises and challenges, you’ll be discovering both Podravina and Slavonia all at the same time!
01 Ambijent je najčešći razlog zašto se primjerice trkači zaljubljuju u trail trčanje. Virovitička Bilogora nudi ga napretek
The beauty of the environment, which Virovitica’s Bilogora abounds in, is the most common reason why runners fall in love with trail running
02 Trail trka Litice oko Virovitice The Steep Cliffs of Virovitica trail race
Croatia Records i Croatia Airlines potpisali su sporazum o suradnji. Obje kompanije ubuduće će pružati brojne pogodnosti kod kupnje zrakoplovnih karata, albuma, vinila, knjiga o glazbi i ostaloga glazbenog sadržaja, a zajedničke akcije objavljivat će preko društvenih mreža.
Croatia Records and Croatia Airlines signed a collaboration agreement, which will enable the two companies to provide many benefits, including discounts on purchases of airline tickets, music albums, vinyl records, music books, and other music-related content. The two company’s joint promotions will be publicised on their social media sites and platforms.
Croatia Records, naša najveća diskografska kuća, slavi velikih sedamdeset i pet godina postojanja. Prva diskografska kuća u regiji primjer je socijalističkog diva izraslog na krilima industrijalizacije i modernizacije u razdoblju od 1947. sve do 1991. godine. U svojim najsjajnijim danima imao je milijunske naklade, ugovore s mnogobrojnim domaćim autorima i izvođačima, ali i mnogo licencnih izdanja, direktorski i urednički tim snova, ljude s karijerama prije i poslije rada u bivšem Jugotonu, iz kojeg je izrastao Croatia Records. Prvu ploču objavili su brzo nakon osnutka 1947. godine, singlicu pod kataloškim brojem J-1001, na kojoj se nalaze dvije dalmatinske skladbe Ti tvoji zubići i Jedan mali brodić u izvedbi Zagreb Male Quinteta.
U proizvodnju gramofonskih ploča od vinila (10-inčna ploča) krenuli su 1956. godine, a iste godine objavili su i prvu solističku ploču zabavne glazbe, Pjeva vam Ivo Robić. Godine 1957. započeli su s objavom singlica (45 okretaja u minuti) i EP-a (33 okretaja i više mjesta na ploči za duže skladbe).
Samo tri godine kasnije proizveli su više od 1,400.000 ploča, a usporedno s prodajom ploča rasla je i potražnja za gramofonima, zbog čega je zagrebački RIZ (Radio Industrija Zagreb) proizvodio 100.000 gramofona godišnje. Sve veća potražnja dovela je i do rasta kompanije pa je njezino tadašnje vodstvo odlučilo postaviti kamen temeljac u zagrebačkoj Dubravi za novi Jugotonov pogon i svoju specifičnu proizvodnju. U svojih prvih deset godina Jugoton je objavio oko 700 domaćih i 120 licencnih izdanja na pločama. Popularnost festivala zabavne glazbe koje su prenosili radio i televizija pridonijeli su medijskoj prisutnosti izvođača i grupa zabavne glazbe, a velika slušanost domaćih (Po vašem izboru) i stranih radijskih postaja (Radio Luksemburg) dodatno su popularizirali pop i rock glazbu. Godine 1960. Jugoton
objavljuje ploču Elvisa Presleyja, Takav je Elvis Presley, 1962. godine EP singl Bijelih strijela, a 1968. godine prvi dugosvirajući rock album, LP Naši dani Grupe 220. Krajem šezdesetih i početkom sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća LP je dominirao tržištem na koje stižu danas kultni albumi, među kojima su oni Arsena Dedića, Josipe Lisac te grupa Time i Bijelo dugme. Sjajno dizajnirani omoti i fotografije glazbenika čine ih i danas jednako interesantnima. Najveće diskografske uspjehe nizali su pjevači zabavne glazbe: Mišo Kovač, Novi fosili, Krunoslav Kićo Slabinac, Zdravko Čolić, Oliver Dragojević, Magazin i mnogi drugi. Naklade ploča pojedinih izvođača
kretale su se u nakladama od 400 i 500 tisuća primjeraka, a rekorder je svakako Danijel Popović, čiji se album Bio sam naivan s eurovizijskom pjesmom Đuli prodao u više od 700 tisuća primjeraka. Osamdesete godine donose i najjače pop rock doba i nastanak novovalnih grupa: Haustor, Idoli, Električni orgazam, Azra, Šarlo akrobata, ali i grupa Prljavo kazalište, Parni valjak, Leb i sol, Aerodrom, Crvena jabuka, Dina Dvornika, Tajči i mnogih drugih. Danas upravo ova reizdanja kultnih albuma na vinilu svjedoče o njihovoj važnosti u diskografiji, ali i generaciji novih slušatelja koji ih otkrivaju. Današnji direktor Želimir Babogredac pobrinuo se za digitalizaciju svih pjesama u bogatoj arhivi Croatia Recordsa, a pokretanjem glazbenih kanala CMC (Croatian Music Chanel) i Jugoton TV, glazbenici su dobili i najbolje mjesto
01 Naslovnice novovalnih bendova, arhiva Jugoton/ Croatia Records New Wave bands’ album covers, Jugoton/Croatia Records archives
02 Boško Petrović & Neven Frangeš Duo − From Moscow To L.A., naslovnica albuma objavljenog 1987. godine / the cover of an album released in 1987
01 Arsen Dedić − Čovjek kao ja, prvi LP velikog skladatelja, objavljen 1970. godine Arsen Dedić − Čovjek kao ja, the great singersongwriter’s first LP, released in 1970
02 75 for 75 − 75 najboljih albuma klasične glazbe za 75 godina Croatia Recordsa jedinstveni je box set: popularne opere, dirigenti i skladatelji, pjevači i solo instrumentalisti
75 for 75 − 75 best classical music albums for 75 years of Croatia Records, a one-of-a-kind box set: popular operas, conductors and composers, singers, and solo instrumentalists
03 Kultni album Dnevnik jedne ljubavi, prvi konceptualni album objavljen 1973., nagrađen je i Porinom za antologijsko ostvarenje hrvatske glazbe The cover of the cult album Dnevnik Jedne Ljubavi, the first-ever concept album released in Croatia in 1973, awarded a Porin Music Award in the category of albums that made Croatian music history
za predstavljanje svojih pjesama i albuma, prvu glazbenu nacionalnu televiziju koja je s emitiranjem započela 2005. godine. - Diskograf kakav smo mi, sa 75 godina tradicije, širinom repertoara i velikim brojem izvođača, mora nastaviti njegovati tradiciju i dalje biti lider u svim segmentima ovoga posla. Velika je obveza poštovati sva velika i uspješna imena koja su s nama dugi niz godina, ali u isto vrijeme ulagati u nove, mlađe izvođače i autore koji su tu i koji su budućnost − zaključio je Babogredac.
Croatia Records, Croatia’s biggest record company, is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary. The first record
company in the region was a socialist giant that, in the period between 1947 and 1991, grew on the wings of industrialisation and modernisation. In its heyday, it produced and sold millions of copies of albums, numerous local musicians, singer-songwriters, and performers signed with them, it had many licensed album releases, and a dream team of managers and music producers, people with careers in music both before they joined and after they left Jugoton, the record company out of which Croatia Records grew. They released their first record soon after the company was established in 1947, a single whose catalogue number is J-1001 with two Dalmatian songs on it − namely, Ti tvoji zubići (Your Pearly Teeth) and Jedan mali
brodić (A Small Boat) − performed by the Zagreb Male Quintet. They started producing vinyl or 10-inch records in 1956. It was in the same year that they released their first pop music record by a solo artist − namely, Pjeva vam Ivo Robić (Ivo Robić Singing For You). In 1957, they started releasing 45 RPM single records, and extended play records or EPs (33 RPM or more for longer tracks). It took the company as little as three years to produce as many as 1,400,000+ records. Naturally enough, the demand for turntables grew in parallel with the sale of records, which is why the Zagreb-based RIZ (Radio Industry Zagreb) produced 100,000 turntables a year. Increasing demand led to the company’s growth, so its management at the time decided to lay the foundation stone in Zagreb’s Dubrava neighbourhood for Jugoton’s new vinyl pressing plant and its specific music production needs. In the first ten years of its existence, Jugoton released around 700 records by Yugoslav musicians and singer-songwriters, and 120 licensed releases. First, popular music festivals started gaining in popularity thanks to being broadcast by both radio and television. That, in turn, increased the media presence of popular music performers and bands. Concurrently, an increase in the listenership of national (Po Vašem Izboru / Of Your Choice) and foreign radio stations (Radio Luxemburg) translated into a big rise in the popularity of pop and rock music. In 1960, Jugoton released Elvis Presley’s record, Takav je Elvis Presley (That’s Elvis Presley), in 1962 an EP single by the rock band Bijele Strijele, and in 1968 the first LP rock album by the rock band Grupa 220 called Naši
dani (Our Days). In the late sixties and early seventies of the last century, LPs dominated the market, which saw the release of records and albums that are today considered to be cult, albums such as those by the Croatian multi-award-winning singer-songwriter Arsen Dedić, the Croatian multi-award-winning singer Josipa Lisac, by the Croatian rock band Time, and the rock band Bijelo Dugme from Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are just as interesting today as they were back then thanks to their brilliantly designed album covers and photography. The greatest recorded music successes were had by popular music singers and bands, such as Mišo Kovač, Novi Fosili, Krunoslav Kićo Slabinac, Zdravko Čolić, Oliver Dragojević, Magazin, and many others. Individual albums recorded by individual artists were, on average, produced in 400 and 500 thousand copies. The record holder is Danijel Popović, whose album Bio sam naivan (I Was Naive) featuring the song Đuli (Julie) with which he participated in the Eurovision Song Contest sold more than 700 thousand copies. The 1980s were a great pop rock era, and saw the emergence of New Wave bands, such as Haustor, Idoli, Električni Orgazam, Azra, and Šarlo Akrobata. It was a period that also saw the emergence of bands such as Prljavo Kazalište, Parni
others. The fact that many of their cult albums are today re-released on vinyl testifies not only to their importance in the music industry, but also to the existence of a new generation of listeners who've discovered them. Today’s CEO at Croatia Records, Želimir Babogredac, took care of the digitalisation of all the albums in the rich archives of Croatia Records. Moreover, thanks to Croatia Records having launched two music channels − namely, CMC (Croatian Music Channel), and Jugoton TV − local musicians were given a brilliant place to present their songs and albums. More specifically, they were given the first nationally televised music channel that started broadcasting in 2005.
− A record company like ours, one that boasts a 75-year-old tradition, a wide repertoire, and a large number of musicians, must continue to nurture its tradition, and continue to be a leader in all segments of its business operations. Respecting all the big, successful names that have been with us for many years, as well as investing in new, younger musicians and authors who are making music now and who are the future is a great responsibility to have − concluded Babogredac.
Vremeplov za život u ritmu muzike za ples
A time machine taking you back to a life lived to the rhythm of dance music
Novi val je širokopojasni žanr suvremene glazbe koji kombinira elemente punk rocka, power popa, art rocka, synth popa, funka i reggaea. Bendovi novog vala uglavnom su se pojavili tijekom punk i post-punk ere kasnih sedamdesetih i ranih osamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća, a njihov je utjecaj osjetan i danas. Zajednička je odrednica novog vala smanjeni utjecaj bluesa za razliku od prevladavajuće rock glazbe sedamdesetih, punk eksplozivnost, naslijeđena ili kombinirana s izrazom srodnih izvođača koji produciraju intenzivnu energiju i tekstove koji se mogu izvikivati i pjevati, ritmičko eksperimentiranje s tradicijama Jamajke, Kube i zapadne Afrike, sve veća
Muzej novog vala presjek je kroz audio i video stvaralaštvo od 1977. do 1987. u Zagrebu, mjesto na kojem su dostupne autentične rock’n’roll memorabilije, instrumenti i vinilna izdanja. Možete poslušati ploču i osjetiti autentični duh tog vremena. Muzej je smješten u centru Zagreba, u Vlaškoj 67.
Showcasing original rock’n’roll memorabilia, instruments, and vinyl records, the New Wave Museum was conceived of as a place that brings a cross-section of the audio and video recordings created, and music-related materials produced in Zagreb in the period between 1977 and 1987. It’s a place where you can play and listen to vinyl records, and where you’ll get to experience at first hand the authentic spirit of the time. The museum’s located in Zagreb’s city centre, at no. 67 Vlaška Street.
Bilo je to razdoblje iznimne glazbene živosti, razdoblje u kojem se ovdašnja rock-scena najviše približila glazbi koja je bila popularna na zapadnim koncertnim prostorima, top-listama te radijskim i televizijskim programima. Novi val u Hrvatskoj i u bivšoj državi bio je u mnogim elementima ravnopravan novom valu na Zapadu i ne čudi što su o njemu pisali ugledni mediji poput NME-ja i Melody Makera, a omoti ploča iz tog razdoblja izlagani i u znamenitom newyorškom muzeju MoMa.
The New Wave era was a period when the local music scene was exceptionally lively, a period in which the local rock music scene came closest to the music that was popular at the concert venues, on the charts, and the radio and television programmes of the West. The New Wave played and performed in Croatia and former Yugoslavia was, in many ways, on a par with the New Wave played and performed in the West. It isn’t therefore surprising that it was written about by reputable media outlets, such as the NME and Melody Maker, and that the album covers from that period were exhibited in New York’s famous MoMa or the Museum of Modern Art.
upotreba klavijatura, osobito sintesajzera kao nosećeg instrumenta u bendu te privlačnost mainstream okružja, ponajprije video nadgradnje. Na ovim prostorima novovalna glazba inicijalno je bila nastavak punkerskih strujanja, što je očito i u nastavcima karijere prvih punk bendova, Parafa i Prljavog kazališta, koji su već na svojim drugim albumima prihvatili novovalne tendencije. U glazbenom i kulturnom smislu novi val se ponajviše manifestirao na relaciji Zagreb − Beograd od 1979. do 1984. godine. U Zagrebu su djelovale grupe Film, Haustor, Azra i drugi, a u Beogradu Idoli, Šarlo akrobata, Električni orgazam i ostali. Zagrebački klupski i ugostiteljski prostori kao što su Kulušić, Lapidarij, Jabuka, Kavkaz, Zvečka, SKUC, Dom omladine i
drugi, omladinski mediji − Polet, Studentski list, Radio 101, kao i mnoštvo pojedinaca, od dizajnera kao što su Igor Kordej, Nino Kunc i Mirko Ilić, do modnih kreatorica poput Matije Vuice, čiji su kreativni nemiri oblikovali to razdoblje, umnogome su nadogradili glazbenu scenu. Muzej novog vala vremeplovski je ulaz u razdoblje kad je bilo manje svih blagodati suvremenog života, kad smo svjedočili redukcijama struje ili ograničenju vožnje automobilima, ali kad je glazba svima mnogo više značila i kad su, kao što kaže tekst jednog hita iz onog vremena, prave stvari bile stavljene na pravo mjesto Dvorišni prostor, koji je također dio postava muzeja, posveta je zagrebačkim klubovima i popularnim mjestima za izlaske iz osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Otvoreni su svaki dan od 11 do 21 sat.
New Wave is a broad contemporary music genre featuring elements of punk rock, power pop, art rock, synth-pop, funk, and reggae. It was during the punk and post-punk era of the late 1970s and early 1980s that most New Wave bands emerged, with their influence continuing to date. What is typical of all New Wave bands is that the influence of blues on them was reduced. By contrast, what did influence the New Wave music genre − and greatly so − was the rock music of the 1970s, the explosiveness of punk as such, the expression of artists associated with punk whose performance energy was intense and whose lyrics could both be sung and shouted, rhythmic experimentation with the music traditions of Jamaica, Cuba, and West Africa, keyboards gaining in popularity, particularly synthesisers in the role of lead instrument, and the appeal of the mainstream and its environment, particularly the advancements and upgrades made available by the art of video.
In former Yugoslavia, New Wave music was initially a continuance of punk music trends and currents, which became apparent thanks to the direction that the careers took of the first punk bands; namely, Paraf, and Prljavo Kazalište. More specifically, by their second album both bands embraced the New Wave tendencies. In the period between 1979 and 1984, it was mostly Zagreb and Belgrade that saw the different musical and cultural manifestations of the New Wave movement.
Prolific New Wave bands that emerged and were based in Zagreb include Film,
Haustor, and Azra, while those that were Belgrade-based include Idoli, Šarlo Akrobata, and Električni Orgazam. Zagreb’s night clubs and other venues, such as Kulušić, Lapidarij, Jabuka, Kavkaz, Zvečka, SKUC or the Student Cultural Centre, and Dom Omladine (Youth Centre in translation), youth media outlets, such as the weeklies Polet and Studentski List, Radio 101, as well as many individuals, including, amongst others, designers Igor Kordej, Nino Kunc, and Mirko Ilić, and fashion designer Matija Vuica, whose creative unrest helped to shape the period − were all great extensions of the local New Wave music scene. The New Wave Museum is envisioned as a time machine that’ll take you back to a period when the gadgets without which life today is inconceivable hadn’t been invented yet, a time when we experienced periodic emergency measures such as electricity consumption restrictions and limits on the use of private cars and stricter speed limits, but also a time when music meant much more to everyone, and a time when, as the lyrics of a hit song from the time say, all things were found in their proper place
The courtyard, which is also part of the museum’s exhibition setup, is dedicated to Zagreb’s night clubs and other popular places where the youth of the 1980s used to hang out. The museum opens at 11 am and closes at 9 pm every day.
01 Dizajn prostora uređenog u stilu i duhu zagrebačkih klubova iz osamdesetih potpisuje Davor Antolić Antas
The museum’s interior was designed by Davor Antolić Antas in the style and spirit of Zagreb’s night clubs from the 1980s
02 U muzeju su izloženi rijetki osobni predmeti i artefakti rock glazbenika
Rare and original rock’n’roll memorabilia, privately owned by rock musicians themselves, on display at the museum
03 Izložbe fotografija vrhunskih fotografa Photography exhibitions by top photographers
Postoje mjesta na koja se uvijek rado vraćamo, mjesta koja nas inspiriraju i koja se ne zaboravljaju. Hrvatska je zemlja koja se ne zaboravlja, a u kojoj se naizgled nespojivo savršeno nadopunjuje. Tu se dodiruju more i planine, zeleni pojasi i kristalno čisto plavo more, ostaci srednjovjekovnih zdanja i građevine moderne arhitekture. Ljepota kontrasta Hrvatske odražava se i u hotelima unutar Storiesa, lanca jedinstvenih hrvatskih hotela.
Svaki hotel priča jedinstvenu priču o samoj lokaciji, ali i nudi profinjeni luksuz kroz cijelu godinu autentičnim lokalnim doživljajima, vrhunskim smještajem i interijerom, slikovitim pejzažima i prirodnim ljepotama, tragovima prošlosti te nezaboravnim gastronomskim iskustvima. Umirujući šum valova i netaknuta priroda omogućuju vam da se opustite, odmorite i obnovite duh i tijelo. Bogata i živa prošlost uvodi vas u život kakav je ne-
kada bio te potiče na istraživanje. Ovdje nećete otkriti samo kulturna i materijalna dobra nego i okuse izvornog Mediterana. Naši vrhunski chefovi vješto i precizno pretvaraju svježe, domaće namirnice u gastronomska remek-djela. Tradicionalni okusi obogaćeni su mediteranskim začinskim biljem i izvanrednim maslinovim uljem kako bi jela koja nastaju bila skrojena za sva osjetila. Izvanredna hrana savršeno se sljubljuje s vrhunskim vinima
nastalima od domaćih sorti grožđa. Ovdje ste pozvani biti autori vlastite priče inspirirane opipljivom prošlošću, bojama, mirisima i okusima te toplinom ljudi. U ovom izdanju ponosno vam predstavljamo: Hotel San Rocco − Brtonigla, Istra, Bevanda Hotel, Restaurant & Bar − Opatija, Heritage Hotel Bastion − Zadar, Heritage Hotel Life Palace − Šibenik, briig boutique hotel − Split.
There are places we always gladly return to, unforgettable places that inspire us. Croatia is an uforgettable country, where the seemingly incompatible complement each other perfectly. Here you’ll find the meeting point of the sea and mountains, green belts and crystal clear blue sea, remains of medieval buildings and modern architecture. The beauty of Croatia’s contrasts is also reflected in the hotels within Stories, a chain of unique Croatian hotels. Each hotel tells a unique story about the location, but also offers refined luxury throughout the year with authentic local experiences, superb accommodation and interior, picturesque landscapes and natural beauty, traces of the past, and impeccable gastronomic experiences. The soothing sound of the waves and pristine nature allow you to relax, rest, and renew your mind and body. The rich and vivid past introduces you to life as it used to be and encourages you to explore. Here you will not only discover cultural and material heritage but also the flavors of the original Mediterranean. Our top chefs skillfully and precisely transform fresh, home-made ingredients into gastronomic masterpieces. Traditional flavors are enriched with Mediterranean herbs and extraordinary olive oil so that the resulting dishes are tailored for all senses. Exceptional food goes perfectly with top wines made from local grape varieties.
Here you are invited to be the author of your own story inspired by the tangible past, colors, smells and tastes, and the warmth of people. In this edition, we proudly present to you: Hotel San Rocco − Brtonigla, Istria; Bevanda Hotel, Restaurant & Bar − Opatija; Heritage Hotel Bastion − Zadar; Heritage Hotel Life Palace − Šibenik; briig boutique hotel − Split.
01 Bevanda Hotel, Restaurant & Bar, Opatija
02 Hotel San Rocco, Brtonigla, Istra/ Istria
Doživite čari stoljetnog obiteljskog nasljeđa
Experience the charm of centuries-old family heritage
Brtonigla je idiličan primjer malenog, povijesnog istarskog gradića, a Hotel San Rocco i njegov vrhunski restoran idiličan su primjer slikovitog, mirnog, lijepog istarskog imanja. Obiteljskim imanjem San Rocco rukovodi obitelj Fernetich više od 160 godina. Maslinik koji okružuje hotel uzgaja se dulje od 100 godina, a posadio ga je Fernetichev pradjed. Svake jeseni masline se beru i tradicionalnom metodom hladnog prešanja pretvaraju u božanstveno maslinovo ulje San Rocco. Boravak u hotelu San Rocco, smještenom u građevini iz 18. stoljeća, doživljaj je prepun boja, mirisa i tekstura bogate istarske zemlje; svaki trenutak poziva da osjetite čari stoljetne obiteljske baštine.
Brtonigla is an idyllic example of a small, historic, Istrian town, and the San Rocco Hotel with its famous gourmet restaurant is an idyllic example of a picturesque, peaceful, beautiful Istrian estate. San Rocco is a family estate and has been run by the Fernetich family for over 160 years. The olive grove surrounding the hotel has thrived for over a century and was planted by Fernetich’s great-grandfather. Each fall the olives are harvested and turned into San Rocco’s divine olive oil using the traditional cold-press method.
Staying at San Rocco Hotel, set in 18th century building, is an experience full of the colors, scents, and textures of Istria’s rich land; every moment invites you to feel the charm of this centuries-old family heritage.
Jedinstveni Jadran
Unique Adriatic
Hotel Bevanda nastao je na temeljima istoimenog restorana osnovanog 1971. Slavni je brend obogaćen sa 10 elegantno uređenih soba, a svaka je nazvana po slavnoj osobi koja je kroz povijest boravila u Opatiji i nadahnula se njezinom popularnom društvenom i kulturnom scenom. Osebujno i pomnjivo dizajniran interijer restorana djelo je hrvatskih arhitekata i izvođača. Na temelju svježih namirnica s kontinenta i mora suvremena Bevanda stvara klasična i svestrana jela osvježena modernim dodirom, posvećujući posebnu pozornost na čist i prepoznatljiv okus.
Bevanda Hotel was built on the foundations of a restaurant of the same name, established in 1971. The famous name was enriched with 10 elegantly furnished rooms, each named after a famous person who stayed in Opatija throughout history and who had been inspired by its trendy cultural and social scene. The interior of the restaurant, distinctively and carefully designed, is the work of Croatian architects and suppliers. Based fresh ingredients of the continent and the sea, the Bevanda of today creates classic and versatile dishes refreshed with a modern touch, making the focus of their kitchen pure and distinct food flavoring.
Ukras Zadra
The ornament of Zadar
Brojni su svjedoci transformacije Zadra iz zatvorenoga, obrambenog grada u današnju otvorenu, južnjačku metropolu. Ipak, ovu priču najbolje priča Hotel Bastion. Smješten u očuvanim ostacima obrambene kule na gradskim zidinama, Hotel Bastion nudi luksuzno iskustvo u okruženju ispunjenom osjetnom poviješću, promjenama i kontrastima. Nadahnut strašću prema jedinstvenim okusima i stalnom težnjom za savršenim sljubljivanjem hrane i vina, Kaštel, restoran Hotela Bastion, oživljava izgubljene zadarske recepte na moderan i atraktivan način. Svaki trag prošlosti, svaka priča i svaki ožiljak u kamenu ukrasi su koji govore o bogatstvu iskustava koja se ovdje nalaze. A među svim tim brojnim ukrasima posebno mjesto sačuvao je Hotel Bastion, ukras Zadra.
There are many witnesses of transformation of Zadar from a closed, defensive town into today’s open, southern metropolis. However, this story is best told by Hotel Bastion. Situated in the preserved remains of a defensive corner tower on city walls, Hotel Bastion offers a luxurious experience in an environment filled with palpable history, change, and contrast. Inspired by passion for unique flavors and constant striving for perfect food and wine pair-
ing, Kaštel, hotel Bastion’s restaurant, brings lost recipes of Zadar to life in a modern and attractive way.
Every trace of the past, every story, and every scar in the stone are ornaments that speak to the richness of the experiences found here. And among all these numerous decorations, a special place has been preserved for Hotel Bastion, the ornament of Zadar.
Život usred srednjovjekovne palače
Life in the middle of the medieval Palace
Grad Šibenik, čije su nezaboravne znamenitosti pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, izgrađen je na jadranskoj obali u srednjem vijeku, što ga čini prvim pravim hrvatskim gradom. Do danas su tragovi zlatnoga doba grada i bogatstva njegovih patricijskih obitelji preživjeli u obliku veličanstvenih, raskošnih kamenih palača. U jednoj takvoj palači, palači Draganić-Marenci, nalazi se Heritage Hotel Life Palace, mjesto suvremenog luksuza i uživanja smješteno u okružju tisućljetne povijesti. Doživite povijest s privatnim pogledom s prozora svoje sobe, crvene krovove srednjovjekovnih kuća, raskošne palače nekadašnje elite i azurno mediteransko nebo. Ovdje se još uvijek može uživati u stilu života renesansnog plemstva.
The town of Šibenik, whose unforgettable sights are protected by UNESCO, was built on the Adriatic coast in the Middle Ages, making it the first truly Croatian town. Today, traces of the city’s golden age and the wealth of its patrician families have survived in the form of magnificent, gorgeous, stone palaces. In one such palace, the Draganić-Marenci Palace, is the Heritage Hotel Life Palace, a place of contemporary luxury and enjoyment set amid a thousand-year history.
Experience history with a private view from the window of your room, red tile roofs of the medieval houses, luxurious palaces of the former elite, and the azure Mediterranean sky. Here one can still enjoy the lifestyle of Renaissance nobility.
Iznad očekivanja
Beyond expectations
BRIIG BOUTIQUE HOTEL, SPLIT briig nije ono što očekujete od hotela iznad plaže Bačvice. briig nije ponajprije samo plažni hotel iako je smješten tik uz jednu od najpoznatijih plaža Jadrana − briig je gradski, urbani hotel kakav Split treba i zaslužuje. Arhitektura briiga hrabra je, robusna i intenzivna u profinjenom, apstraktnom primitivizmu bijele geometrije, moderna i beskompromisna i impozantna poput brijega − odatle mu i ime briig. I interijer nadilazi očekivanja − elegantni, profinjeni volumeni ispunjeni klasicima skandinavskog, talijanskog i ostalog dizajnerskog namještaja i umjetninama velikana poput Knifera, Bućana i Srneca, sobe koje se otvaraju prema moru velikim prozorima poput balkona, teksture i plohe u sinergiji s umjetnošću i ugodom − uvijek ugodom. U svakom slučaju i iz svakog kuta, briig je iznad očekivanja.
BRIIG BOUTIQUE HOTEL, SPLIT briig is not what you expect from a hotel above Bačvice beach. briig is not just a beach hotel − briig is a city hotel, one Split needs and deserves. briig’s architecture is bold, robust and intense. It is modern and uncompromising: impressive, like a rising hill. In fact its name comes from the Dalmatian word for hill, brig. Inside you will also find a space that exceeds expectations − elegant, Scandinavian, Italian and other designer furniture and works of art by greats such as Knifer, Bućan, and Srnec, rooms that open to the sea with large windows like balconies, textures and surfaces in synergy with art, comfort, convenience, and superior service. In any case and from every angle, briig is beyond expectations.
Neodoljivi šarm Opatije za najljepši odmor uz more
Današnja ubrzana svakodnevica sve nas više prisiljava da pronađemo svoju oazu mira i opuštanja koja će nam pomoći da se u dnevnu rutinu vratimo ispunjeni pozitivnom energijom i elanom. Jedna je takva oaza i elegantna Opatija, čija je savršena klima prirodni wellness za tijelo i um, a blagotvoran učinak morskog aerosola savršen je recept za zdravlje. Uz uživanje u prirodnim blagodatima i šetnjama morskim i šumskim šetnicama, današnjim gostima su na raspolaganju moderni wellness centri koji Opatiju pretvaraju u destinaciju dobrog osjećaja i wellbeinga Najveća hotelska kompanija na Kvarneru, Liburnia Hotels & Villas, u modernim wellness centrima svojih hotela Ambasador***** i Palace Bellevue**** nudi opuštanje koje će obnoviti tijelo, um i dušu. Wellness & Gourmet paketi uključuju posebne wellness programe koji blagotvorno djeluju na tijelo, ublažavaju napetost i uljepšavaju vašu kožu. Ako
ovome dodamo najfinije lokalne delicije čitave Liburnijske rivijere koje se mogu kušati tijekom doručka i večere, nekoliko dana bijega od svakodnevnih briga idealan su recept za vlastito dobrostanje. Romantična atmosfera elegantne Opatije, predivne vile i parkovi te jedinstvena šetnica Lungomare Opatiju su stavili na kartu najromantičnijih gradova u cijeloj Europi. Prošle se godine našla na popisu 15 ideja za najromantičnije putovanje za Valentinovo popularnog travel portala Trips to Discover, a na popis najromantičnijih gradova u Europi uvrstili su je i Forbes i European Best Destinations. Romantični odmor s voljenom osobom u šarmantnoj Opatiji nude i hoteli Ambasador***** i Palace Bellevue****, a posebno osmišljeni paketi uključuju romantičnu dobrodošlicu uz pjenušac i slatka iznenađenja, vrhunski
doručak u sobi, romantičnu večeru u četiri slijeda, opuštajuće masaže i neograničeno korištenje wellnessa.
Today’s fast-paced, everyday life has been forcing us to find our very own oasis of peace and serenity that will help us to get back into our daily routine positively energised and invigorated. One such oasis is elegant Opatija, whose ideal climate is a natural source of wellness for both body and mind, whilst inhaling natural sea salt aerosol saturating Opatija’s atmosphere is a perfect health-promoting recipe. Besides enjoying the benefits of nature itself, and of taking walks along seaside promenades and forest paths, guests today have at their disposal modern wellness and spa centres that make Opatija a destination of good feelings and wellbeing. In the modern wellness and spa centres of its hotels Ambasador***** and Palace Bellevue****, the biggest hotel company in the Kvarner region, Liburnia Hotels & Villas, offers relaxation treatments that will reset your body, mind and soul. Its Wellness & Gourmet package deals include special wellness programmes that have a beneficial effect on the body, relieve tension, and beautify your skin. If we add to this the finest local delicacies of the entire Liburnia Riviera that you’ll savour for breakfast and dinner, it becomes a perfect escape from your everyday worries for a few days, and a perfect recipe for your own wellbeing.
Elegant Opatija’s romantic atmosphere, beautiful villas and parks, and its stunning Lungomare Promenade have put Opatija on the map of the most romantic cities in all of
Opatija’s irresistible charm for a most beautiful seaside break
Europe. Last year, Opatija was included on the list of top 15 destination ideas for a most romantic getaway for Valentine’s Day by the popular travel discovery platform Trips To Discover, and on the list of Europe’s most romantic cities by Forbes, and European Best Destinations. Hotels Ambasador***** and Palace Bellevue**** offer romantic getaways to charming Opatija as well. These specially designed package deals include a romantic welcome starring sparkling wine and sweet surprises, a fabulous breakfast served in your room, a romantic four-course dinner, relaxing massages, and unlimited use of the spa.
Svi putnici Croatia Airlinesa imaju priliku ostvariti 10% popusta na cijenu smještaja za boravke od 2. siječnja do 3. ožujka 2023. u Liburnia Hotels & Villas! Kako biste ostvarili popust, posjetite službenu internetsku stranicu ili kontaktirajte rezervacijski centar te koristite promo kod CROAIR10. Popust nije moguće primijeniti na već snižene cijene.
Liburnia Hotels & Villas are offering all Croatia Airlines passengers a 10% discount on accommodation for stays from 2nd January to 3rd March 2023. To receive the discount, visit the official website or contact the booking centre of Liburnia Hotels & Villas, and use the promo code CROAIR10. The discount cannot be redeemed against purchases of packages and deals that are already discounted.
Terapije za jačanje zdravlja prilagođene samo vama
Health-enhancing therapies tailored to your needs Maša Hrelec Patrlj, vlasnica Poliklinike Holistera, liječnica je koja već tri godine vodi Centar za integrativnu medicinu i zajedno sa svojim timom nudi pacijentima holistički pristup koji je prilagođen njihovim potrebama. Riječ je o liječenju pacijenta, a ne samo bolesti. U integrativnoj medicini liječnik sagledava tjelesni, mentalni i duševni aspekt zdravlja, a pažnja je najviše usmjerena pronalaženju razloga zbog kojih je tijelo uopće postalo bolesno. Integrativna medicina razvila se tijekom zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća kao potreba integriranja i drugih terapija osim farmakoloških pripravaka koji su postali isključivi način liječenja, no opterećeni su mnogim nuspojavama koje često dodatno loše utječu na zdravlje. Poliklinika Holistera, jedini Centar za integrativnu medicinu u Hrvatskoj, nastala je po uzoru na slične centre u Europi, a prema sveobuhvatnosti i ponudi može se svrstati u sam vrh. Autohemotransfuzije ozona koriste se u svrhu jačanja imunološkog sustava i revitalizacije, a lokalno se ozon primjenjuje u svrhu cijeljenja rana i protiv bolova. Netoksične onkološke terapije u vidu infuzija visokih doza C vitamina, kurkumi-
na, tzv. biološke terapije uz hipertermiju, savjetovanje o prehrani i suplementima integriraju se s onkološkim terapijama koje pacijenti primaju u bolnici. Posebna pažnja pridaje se interakcijama lijekova i suplemenata te se savjetuje izbjegavanje samostalnog kombiniranja različitih pripravaka, što često dovodi do pogoršanja, a ne poboljšanja zdravlja. Nude se antistresni i detoksikacijski programi u vidu hidrokolona, kava klizmi te nutritivnog detoksa pod kontrolom liječnika. Barokomorom se postiže revitalizacija organizma, poboljšanje kondicije sportaša i brži oporavak od ozljeda i napora, a u raznim
preventivnim programima i zdrave osobe mogu naći nešto za sebe. Akupunktura, biorezonanca te moderni tretmani protiv bolova odvijaju se pod vodstvom anesteziologa, a psihoterapijsko savjetovanje kao neizostavni dio integrativnog pristupa budi veliki interes klijenata. U Poliklinici Holistera pacijenti nauče da gotovo 85 posto zdravlja ovisi o njima. Iz poliklinike izlaze osnaženi i motivirani da nastave živjeti zdravim životom jer osjećaj zdravlja, uz energiju koja se tada osjeća, ono je što svaki čovjek najviše treba i želi.
Polyclinic Holistera, a Centre for Integrative Medicine, was established by Maša Hrelec Patrlj MD, PhD, three years ago in Zagreb, Croatia. Together with her team, Hrelec Patrlj offers patients a holistic approach to health adapted to their specific needs −focused on comprehensive treatment of the patient, not just on fighting the disease. In integrative medicine, the doctor considers physical, mental and spiritual aspects of health, and the attention is focused on finding the reasons why the body became ill.
Integrative medicine has developed over the last few decades as an answer to the need to integrate other therapies besides pharmacological, which have become the most prominent method of treatment of the modern era, but are unfortunately burdened with many side effects that often have additional negative impacts on health.
Polyclinic Holistera, the only Center for Integrative Medicine in Croatia, can be ranked at the very top among the similar centers in Europe, in terms of comprehensiveness and offer.
At Polyclinic, ozone major autohemotherapies are used for the strengthening of the immune system, revitalization, and ozone is also applied locally, for wound healing and pain relief. Non-toxic oncological therapies in the form of infusions of high doses of vitamin C, curcumin, so-called biological therapies with hyperthermia, nutritional counseling and supplements are all carefully
integrated with oncological therapies that patients receive in the hospitals.
Special attention is paid to the interactions of drugs and supplements, and patients are advised on correctly combining different substances in order to avoid negative effects to their health.
Hrvatska je to, ali još više kozmopolitska modna priča jer su u Lei Lou kreacijama po svjetskim crvenim tepisima šetale najpoznatije holivudske zvijezde.
Telling a Croatian and above all global fashion story, Lei Lou creations were worn by Hollywood A-list stars at some of the biggest red-carpet events in the world.
Malo je hrvatskih modnih brendova koji se mogu podičiti činjenicom da su svoj dizajn ne samo prikazali i plasirali na inozemnom tržištu nego se na njemu i zadržali ostavljajući neizbrisiv trag. Jedan od njih svakako je Lei Lou by Alex, koji je prije gotovo dva desetljeća pokrenula kreativna direktorica i poduzetnica Aleksandra Dojčinović. U njezinoj viziji to zapravo nikada nije ni bio brend omeđen samo granicama države u kojoj je rođena i odrasla; Lei Lou uvijek je bio svevremenska modna priča, hrvatska, ali kozmopolitska prije svega. Nije čudo, stoga, da su baš u Lei Lou kreacijama po
svjetskim crvenim tepisima, na nekim od najprestižnijih događanja šetale svjetske zvijezde s holivudske A liste, poput Kaley Cuoco, jedne od najplaćenijih televizijskih glumica današnjice i zvijezde serije Teorija velikog praska. Osim nje, bivša Spice Girl Mel B u Lei Lou haljini zablistala je na snimanju popularne emisije America's Got Talent, Eva Longoria na jednom humanitarnom događaju, a jedna od najpoznatijih mladih pjevačica današnjice, Camila Cabello, na dodjeli MTV Music Awardsa. Aleksandrine kolekcije nikada nisu bile pomodne niti su slijepo slijedile trendove; uvijek su, iako svaka drugačija i nova, u suštini imale dozu klasike, ali klasike s twistom, zbog čega ih vole žene svih generacija jer ih je lako ponavljati, a samim time i uklopiti u svačiji stil i ormar. Aktualna, netom izašla jesensko-zimska kolekcija zahvaljujući brojnim inovacijama, ali i činjenici da je zadržala sasvim dovoljnu dozu senzualne ženstvenosti i modne odvažnosti, Aleksandrina je jedna od svojih najljepših i najsvestranijih do sada. Riječ je o kolekciji čija su perjanica besprijekorno ukrojeni kaputi koji, kreirajući najljepšu žensku siluetu, prizivaju neka divna prošla vremena zlatnog doba haute couturea, kada su modne osnove ugravirali pioniri visoke mode Dior, Chanel i Saint Laurent. Ovim kaputima Aleksandra se okrenula nešto oštrijim linijama, ali i napravila savršen zimski komad, koji u kombinaciji s trapericama, pletenom vestom,
Lei Lou torbom Zoey i čizmama postaje ultra chic outfit dostojan street stylea svih svjetskih modnih prijestolnica. Upravo tim koketiranjem s različitim stilskim etapama postignut je savršeni balans klasičnog i futurističkog, u kojem će na svoje doći kul cure i gradske fashionistice, ali i klasičarke novog vremena, na čijim će se wishlistama sigurno naći sva ta divna odijela, bandeau haljine i svilene košulje ukrašene perjem s pripadajućim hlačama. Vratila se Dojčinović ovom kolekcijom, koja je već dostupna u Lei Lou butiku u Ilici 15 i na web shopu brenda, na svojevrsne tvorničke postavke budući da je novi život udahnula rastezljivim haljinama uz tijelo, po kojima je i postala prepoznatljiva, kada je prije gotovo dva desetljeća osnovala Lei Lou. No nova bodycon haljina više nije bazičan komad; danas je ona redizajnirana u zavodljivu malu haljinu, izrađenu od najfinije svile i viskoze, s detaljima koji laskaju svakoj figuri. Kolekcija upotpunjena naočalama iz Aleksandrine Optice La Vie savršeno se uklopila u divan zrinjevački interijer u kojem je kampanja snimana, inače urede našeg proslavljenog arhitekta Ante Vrbana. Nekoć prostrani građanski stan čarobna je, reći će i sama dizajnerica, kulisa za ono što radi jer ocrtava njezine dvije najveće ljubavi− prema modi i prema rodnom Zagrebu, osobito građanskom Zagrebu kakav je bio nekoć i o čijem povratku sanjaju svi, pa i ona sama.
Izreka kaže da žene koje nose crno vode vrlo raznobojan život, a crna postaje posebno čarobna s vibrantno narančastom torbom Zoey
Women who wear black lead a very colourful life, as the old saying goes. Black becomes all the more magical when complemented with the vibrant orange Zoey bag
01 Nova je Lei Lou zvijezda Vivien, predimenzionirani kaput savršenog kroja za najljepše zimske priče The latest Lei Lou star is Vivien, an impeccably cut oversized coat for the most beautiful winter stories
02 Mala crna haljina vječni je klasik, a upotpunjena pravim detaljima postaje glamurozna i senzualna opcija rezervirana za najljepše trenutke
The little black dress is a timeless classic. When complemented with the right details, it becomes a glamorous and sensual choice reserved for the most beautiful of moments
01 Sreća se nalazi u detaljima, ali i u novoj torbici, a Lei Lou torbe odlična su investicija jer su povoljne, klasične i chic u isto vrijeme Happiness is in the detail... and in a new handbag. Lei Lou bags are a great investment because they’re affordable, classic, and chic − all at the same time
02 Luksuz nikad ne izlazi iz mode, a Lei Lou kreacije dašak luksuza uvijek nose u pomno biranim detaljima, kao što su perje, čipka ili nakit Luxury never goes out of fashion. A touch of luxury is added to all Lei Lou creations using carefully chosen details, such as feathers, lace or jewellery
Only few Croatian fashion brands can take pride in the fact that they not only presented and marketed their designs on the international market, but also stayed there whilst leaving an indelible mark. One such fashion brand is Lei Lou by Alex, which was started almost two decades ago by the creative director and entrepreneur Aleksandra Dojčinović. Her vision never allowed the borders of the country in which she was born and raised to limit her fashion brand; Lei Lou has always been a timeless fashion story, both Croatian and global, all at the same time. Accordingly, it should not come as a surprise that Hollywood A-list stars, such as Kaley Cuoco, one of the highest-paid actresses on television today and the star of The Big Bang Theory, walked the world’s red carpets at some of the most prestigious events in Lei Lou creations. Besides Kaley, former Spice Girl Mel B also wore a Lei Lou dress on the set of the popular America’s Got Talent show, Eva Longoria at a charity event, and one of the most famous young singers of today, Camila Cabello, at the MTV Music Awards.
Aleksandra’s collections have never been fashionable nor have they ever blindly followed trends. Although each of her collections is different and novel in some way, they’re always imbued with a touch of the classical style, but one with a twist, which is why Aleksandra’s collections are loved by women of all generations given that her pieces are timeless, and fit into everyone’s style and wardrobe.
Aleksandra’s latest autumn-winter collection, which has just been launched, is one of her most beautiful and versatile collections to date. This is thanks to the many innovations it brings, and the fact that she has preserved a sufficient dose of sensual femininity and boldness in the way she’s expressed herself in her designs. Impeccably tailored coats are the flagship of her latest collection. By creating the most beautiful female silhouette, her coats evoke the golden age of haute couture, when the foundations for fashion were laid by high-fashion pioneers Dior,
Naglasak na ljepoti i senzualnosti žena svih dobi i afiniteta Lei Lou oduvijek čini jedinstvenim i drugačijim Accentuating the beauty and sensuality of women of all ages and affinities is what makes Lei Lou unique and different
Aleksandrine kolekcije nikada nisu bile pomodne niti slijepo slijedile trendove, iako je svaka drugačija i nova.
Although each of Aleksandra’s collections is different and novel in some way, they’ve never been fashionable nor have they ever blindly followed trends.
Chanel, and Saint Laurent. To create these coats, Aleksandra turned to somewhat sharper cuts and lines. What she ultimately created is a perfect winter piece, which − once paired with jeans, a knitted jumper, the Zoey bag by Lei Lou, and boots − becomes an ultra-chic outfit worthy of the street style of all the fashion capitals of the world.
By flirting with different styles, a perfect balance between the classical and the futuristic has been achieved, thanks to which cool and urban fashionistas will come into their own, as well as women in love with the classics of fashion, whose wish lists will surely include all those wonderful suits, bandeau dresses, and silk shirts decorated with feathers and paired with matching trousers. With this collection, which is already available in the Lei Lou store at no. 15 Ilica Street and the brand’s web shop, Dojčinović has returned to her factory settings, in a manner of speaking, given that she breathed new life into her stretchy bodycon dresses, which she became famous for when she established Lei Lou nearly two decades ago. However, Aleksandra’s latest bodycon dress is no longer a basic piece; she redesigned it into a seductive little dress, made of the finest silk and viscose, featuring details that flatter any figure. Aleksandra’s latest collection, completed with glasses and frames from Aleksandra’s La Vie eyeglass store, fit perfectly in with the wonderful interior of the offices of Croatia’s celebrated architect, Ante Vrban, in Zrinjevac Park where the campaign was shot. What was once a spacious bourgeois apartment is, the designer herself admits, a magical backdrop to what she does because it embodies two of her greatest passions − one for fashion, and the other for her native Zagreb, particularly bourgeois Zagreb, the way it once was, and whose comeback many dream of, Aleksandra included.
Zima u Dublinu prepuna je zanimljivih događanja. Prosinac je u znaku blagdana s čitavim nizom manifestacija koje se odvijaju tijekom cijelog mjeseca, kao što su Zimska svjetla Dublina, magično iskustvo Divljih svjetala u Dublinskom zoološkom vrtu te Novogodišnji festival u Dublinu. Siječanj slavi kulturu i kreativnost, čiji je vrhunac glazbeni i kulturni festival Temple Bar TradFest. Za dodatne informacije posjetite
Winter in Dublin is packed with amazing events. December’s all about the festive season with a whole host of activities happening throughout the month, such as the Winter Lights display, Dublin Zoo’s magical Wild Lights experience, and Dublin’s New Year Festival. January celebrates culture and creativity, whose highlight is the Temple Bar TradFest. For further information, visit
Iz Zagreba možete letjeti u Dublin četvrtkom i nedjeljom do 29. siječnja 2023. You can fly to Dublin from Zagreb on Thursdays and Sundays until 29th January 2023.
Iznenadit ćete se koliko zanimljivih iskustava zimi možete doživjeti u Amsterdamu te prednostima koje pruža zima: muzejima bez gužvi, klizalištima na kanalima (ako temperature padnu ispod ništice) i najukusnijim zimskim poslasticama kao što su Snert (krepka juha od graška) ili Oliebollen (ukusne pržene okruglice od tijesta, omiljeni tradicionalni novogodišnji desert). Tijekom prosinca i početkom siječnja u Amsterdamu ćete uživati u čaroliji impresivnog Amsterdamskog festivala svjetla, u šarmu božićnih sajmova te u nezamislivoj količini svježeg cvijeća na Nacionalni dan tulipana, koji se održava svake godine treće subote u siječnju.
You’ll be surprised by the sheer number of fascinating things you can experience in winter in Amsterdam and a slew of winter perks: crowdfree museums, skating on the canals (if it gets cold enough), and the most delectable wintertime treats, such as Snert (a hearty pea soup) or Oliebollen (scrumptious, deep-fried dough balls and a much-loved New Year’s tradition). In December and early January, you’ll witness the magic of the impressive Amsterdam Light Festival, charming Christmas markets, and more fresh flowers than you can count on National Tulip Day, held each year on the third Saturday in January.
Zagreb i Amsterdam povezani su svakodnevnim letovima. Zagreb and Amsterdam are connected by daily flights.
Zürich je okružen mnogim veličanstvenim brdima s kojih se pruža pogled na zadivljujuće pejzaže grada. Jedno takvo brdo je Uetliberg. Na nadmorskoj visini od 871 metar, Uetliberg je savršeno mjesto na kojem ćete uživati u zavodljivom pogledu na dolinu rijeke Limmat, Ciriško jezero i švicarske Alpe. Tijekom zimskih mjeseci velika je navala posjetitelja na brdo jer se pješačke staze do njegova vrha pretvaraju u staze za sanjkanje. Ako ste u potrazi za zimskom avanturom u Zürichu, duga zimska šetnja Uetlibergom zaslužuje biti na vašem popisu.
Kopenhagen je savršeno mjesto za zimski odmor! Tu su kanali Nyhavna čije su šarene kuće okićene vijencima i borovim granama. Iza svakog ugla naići ćete na božićni sajam s primamljivim mirisima gløgga (slatko kuhano dansko vino s grožđicama i bademima), pečenih kobasica bratwurst (tradicionalne njemačke svinjske kobasice sa začinima, češnjakom i lukom dimljene na drvu jabuke) i pahuljasto mekih ≥bleskivera (popularne danske okruglice). Klizanje na ledu još je jedna nezaobilazna zimska aktivnost. U Kopenhagenu je nekoliko javnih klizališta na otvorenom. Ulaz je besplatan, a klizaljke se iznajmljuju na sat.
In winter, Copenhagen is a holiday dream come true! There are the canals of Nyhavn dotted with colourful houses, adorned with wreaths, and pine boughs. There’s a Christmas market around every corner, featuring the tantalising smells of gløgg (sweet mulled Danish wine with raisins and almonds), sizzling bratwurst (traditional German applewood-smoked pork sausages with spices, garlic, and onion) and fluffy ≥bleskiver (popular Danish pancake puffs). Another quintessential winter activity is ice skating. Copenhagen’s home to a couple of public outdoor ice skating rinks. Admission is free, and ice skates are rented by the hour.
U Zurich možete letjeti iz Zagreba dva puta na dan, a iz Splita i Pule srijedom i subotom do 14. siječnja 2023. You can fly to Zurich from Zagreb twice a day, and from Split and Pula on Wednesdays and Saturdays until 14th January 2023.
Zurich is surrounded by many gigantic hills offering stunning cityscapes. One such hill is Uetliberg. At an altitude of 871 metres above sea level, Uetliberg is a perfect spot from which to admire alluring views of the Limmat Valley, Lake Zurich, and the Swiss Alps. It sees a massive influx of visitors during the winter months as the hiking trails to its summit turn into sleighing runs. If you’re looking for a winter adventure in Zurich, a long winter walk on the Uetliberg deserves to be on your bucket list. C. Beutler
Specijalna bolnica za dijagnostiku i liječenje karcinoma
U šest godina djelovanja, Radiochirurgia Zagreb izrasla je u jedan od vodećih regionalnih i europskih centara za liječenje karcinoma.
Stručni tim Radiochirurgije Zagreb za liječenje karcinoma koristi nekoliko metoda od kojih je jedna stereotaksijska radiokirurgija. Ona predstavlja značajan pomak u liječenju karcinoma, a od posebne je koristi u slučajevima kada klasičnim kirurškim metodama nije moguće izvršiti zahvat zbog pozicije tumora. Posebnost radiokirurgije je u tome što se liječenje obavlja visokoenergetskim zrakama koje ciljaju u središte tumora i uništavaju ga bez rezanja i bez krvi.
Za radiokirurgiju su opremljeni linearnim akceleratorima Varian Edge i CyberKnife S7, linearnim akceleratorom koji omogućuje liječenje karcinoma uz pomoć umjetne inteligencije. Ponajviše se koristi za primarne tumore i metastaze u glavi, toraksu i abdomenu, a za čije se liječenje upravo CyberKnife S7 trenutno smatra vrhuncem svjetske tehnologije.
Osim navedenih uređaja, stručni tim na raspolaganju ima vrhunski opremljenu onkološko-kiruršku dvoranu uz pomoć koje je Radiochirurgia Zagreb prva u ovom dijelu Europe u praksu uvela suvremenu adaptivno-hibridnu kirurgiju koja kombinira klasičnu kirurgiju s radiokirurgijom.
Liječnici Specijalne bolnice najviše su ponosni na rezultate liječenja neoperabilnog lokalno uznapredovalog karcinoma gušterače gdje su za dio pacijenata postigli stopu preživljavanja dužu od čak četiri godine što je po dostupnim podacima trenutno najduža stopa preživljavanja od ovog oblika karcinoma na svijetu.
Uz sve navedeno, pacijenti mogu na najmodernijim CT i MR uređajima napraviti probir tj. screening pregled koji možerano otkriti karcinom, prije pojave simptoma.
Pravovremeno otkrivanje ključno je za uspješno liječenje karcinoma.
Sarajevo je grad duge i bogate povijesti te brojnih vjerskih i kulturnih raznolikosti. Taj grad, koji se često naziva i Jeruzalemom Europe, mnogi opisuju kao mjesto gdje se susreću Istok i Zapad, a najveći su utjecaj na njega ostavile nekadašnje dvije svjetske sile − Osmansko Carstvo i Austro-Ugarska Monarhija. Do danas je Sarajevo sačuvalo i prihvatilo najbolje od ova dva naroda, što je vjerojatno i proizvelo neprikosnoveni sarajevski šmek koji mnogi mogu prepoznati ali ne i objasniti. Kad
Zima u Sarajevu − muzeji, Baščaršija, mostovi
Winter in Sarajevo − Its museums, Baščaršija, and bridges
Kazandžiluk, jedna od najstarijih i najpoznatijih sarajevskih ulica smještena u istočnom dijelu Baščaršije Kazandžiluk, one of Sarajevo’s oldest and most famous streets, located in the eastern part of Baščaršija
god dođete u Sarajevo, nećete pogriješiti, ali ovaj put za zimski vam obilazak predlažemo posjet kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima, šetnju mostovima i Baščaršijom. Najviše spomenika smješteno je u starom i središnjem dijelu grada. Krenete li redom, predlažemo da posjetite: Inat kuću, Vijećnicu, Carevu džamiju, Muzej Sarajevo 1878-1918, Brusa bezistan, Gazi Husrev-begovu džamiju, Sahat kulu, Muzej Jevreja, Despića kuću, Staru pravoslavnu crkvu, Katedralu Srca Isusova, Bošnjački institut, Sabornu crkvu, Gradsku tržnicu Markale, Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti, Narodno pozorište, Vječnu vatru, Zemaljski muzej, Historijski muzej. Najbolji način da obiđete što veći broj kulturno-povijesnih objekata jest uz turističkog vodiča. Posebna su sarajevska priča mostovi na rijeci Miljacki koji svjedoče o različitim povijesnim razdobljima Sarajeva. Ima ih dvadesetak − Kozija ćuprija, Šeher-Ćehajina ćuprija, Careva ćuprija, Latinska ćuprija, Festina Lente, Eiffelov most, Most
Suade i Olge, Ars Aevi… samo su neki od mostova odakle se uz Miljacku mogu vidjeti dijelovi grada te zabilježiti najljepše fotografije za uspomenu iz Sarajeva. Naravno, kada dođete u Sarajevo, ne možete zaobići Baščaršiju jer je ona srce grada. Baščaršija je najpoznatiji dio Sarajeva, smještena na sjevernoj obali rijeke Miljacke u općini Stari grad. Sagradio je u 15. stoljeću Isa-beg Isaković, koji je osnovao cijeli grad te čaršiju učinio kulturnim centrom. Riječ baščaršija potječe od riječi baš koja na turskom jeziku znači glavni pa tako Baščaršija u prijevodu znači Glavna čaršija. Na Baščaršiji je smješten i jedan od najprepoznatljivijih simbola grada − Sebilj, pa je fotografiranje pored sarajevskog sebilja jedna od lijepih uspomena na posjet ovom gradu. Obilazak zanatskih trgovina i kupovina nekog od ručno izrađenih unikatnih djela sarajevskih zanatlija najčešće uslijedi na baščaršijskome putovanju. Na Baščaršiji su smještene brojne ćevabdžinice, buregdžinice, ašči-
01 Bosanska kava (kahva), temelj društvenog života
Traditional Bosnian coffee, called kahva in local dialect, without which social interaction of any kind is inconceivable
SARAJEVO CITY CARD __ Dobro je prilikom dolaska u Sarajevo kupiti Sarajevo City Card (, karticu koja će vam otvoriti vrata Sarajeva. To je jedinstvena kartica s kojom turisti na jednome mjestu imaju sve usluge potrebne za ugodan, ispunjen i kvalitetan boravak u Kantonu Sarajevo. Kartica obuhvaća javni prijevoz, žičaru, ulaznice za muzeje i kulturne ustanove te popuste u restoranima i smještajnim objektima, povezujući sve dionike koji čine turističku djelatnost i centraliziraju turističku ponudu, istovremeno povećavajući atraktivnost i konkurentnost glavnoga grada Bosne i Hercegovine kao turističke destinacije i pružajući posjetiteljima digitalno iskustvo uz uštedu vremena i novca.
SARAJEVO CITY CARD __ When arriving in Sarajevo, be sure to buy a Sarajevo City Card ( It’s a unique card that opens the doors of Sarajevo for you, making sure that you have all the services you need for a pleasant, fulfilling, and awesome stay in the Canton of Sarajevo − in one place. The card includes public transport services, the cable car service, tickets for museums and other cultural institutions, as well as discounts redeemable in restaurants and accommodation facilities. The Sarajevo City Card brings together all tourism stakeholders, centralises tourist offers and services, while increasing the attractiveness and competitiveness of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a tourist destination, and providing visitors with a digital experience that saves both their time and money.
02 Gradska vijećnica nedaleko od Baščaršije na Mustaj-pašinom mejdanu najljepši je i najreprezentativniji objekt iz austrougarskog razdoblja građen u pseudomaurskom stilu
The City Hall not far from Baščaršija on Mustaj-Pasha’s Square, the most beautiful building dating from the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, built in a style highly characteristic of Moorish Revival architecture
03 Planina Bjelašnica, staze na Babinom Dolu smatraju se nekima od najljepših europskih skijaških terena Bjelašnica Mountain, Babin Do and its slopes rank amongst the most beautiful ski resorts in Europe
nice, slastičarnice te tradicionalne kafane iz kojih se širi miris jedinstvene bosanske kafe, koja je još jedan od prepoznatljivih simbola grada. Na Baščaršiji vlada posebna atmosfera opuštene užurbanosti, dobronamjernosti i susretljivosti, a nemojte se iznenaditi lijepim riječima ugostitelja i prolaznika, prožetima bosanskim humorom. Središnje mjesto okupljanja i fotografiranja na Baščaršiji svakako je Sebilj, gdje ujedno možete i hraniti brojne golubove okupljene na Baščaršijskom trgu.
Sarajevo is a city that boasts not just a long and rich history, but tremendous religious and cultural diversity as well. Often called the Jerusalem of Europe, Sarajevo’s a place where the East and the West meet, given that the biggest influence on the city was exerted by two world powers of old − the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Sarajevo accepted − and
has proudly preserved to this very day − the very best of these two peoples, which very likely resulted in what is referred to as Sarajevo’s special and incontrovertible character and mindset that many can recognise yet cannot explain. Any season is good for a visit to Sarajevo. For your winter tour, however, we recommend that you visit its cultural and historic monuments and landmarks, its bridges, and Baščaršija. The vast majority of Sarajevo’s monuments and landmarks are located in the old and central part of the city. Starting at the beginning, we recommend that you visit: the House of Spite, the City Hall, the Emperor’s Mosque, the 1878-1918 Museum of Sarajevo, the Brusa Bezistan Museum and building, the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, the Sarajevo Clock Tower, the Jewish Museum, the old merchant Despić House, the Church of the Holy Archangels
ly, the word baš , which translates as main or central from the Turkish language, and čaršija , which translates as bazaar. Hence, Baščaršija is the Main Bazaar. Baščaršija is also home to one of the most impressive landmarks of Sarajevo − namely, Sebilj, which is an Ottoman-style wooden fountain. Be sure to take a photo or two standing next to Sarajevo’s Sebilj, another memento of your visit to Sarajevo. On your tour of Baščaršija, be also sure to check out the many traditional craft shops, where you’re unlikely to resist buying a unique and artisanal, handmade souvenir from Sarajevo. Baščaršija is home to many fast-food establishments serving Balkan-style grilled minced-meat specialities called čevabdžinica , fast-food establishments serving Balkan-style minced-meat-filled filo pastry (other fillings include cottage cheese, potato, squash, apple, etc.) called buregdžinica , restaurants serving traditional
Michael and Gabriel also known as the Old Orthodox Church, the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Bosniak Institute of culture and scholarship, the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos, the Markale City Market, the Academy of Fine Arts, the National Theatre, the Eternal Flame, the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The best way to visit as many cultural and historic landmarks as possible is with the help of a tourist guide. Bearing witness to the different periods in history, the bridges across the Miljacka River tell a very special story of Sarajevo. There are about twenty of them − the Goat’s Bridge, Šeher Ćehaja’s Bridge, the Emperor’s Bridge, the Latin Bridge, the Festina Lente Bridge, Eiffel’s Bridge, Suada and Olga’s Bridge, the Ars Aevi Bridge, etc. These are just some of the bridges from where beautiful views of Sarajevo along the Miljacka River are afforded and should be photographed as a memento of your visit to Sarajevo. During your stay in Sarajevo, Baščaršija is, naturally, an absolute must since it’s the very heart of the city. Located on the northern bank of Miljacka in the Old Town, Baščaršija is the most famous part of Sarajevo. It was built in the 15th century by Isa-Beg Ishaković, the founding father of Sarajevo, who made the then Ottoman bazaar, locally known as čaršija , a cultural centre. The word baščaršija combines two words of Turkish origin; name -
Bosnian food called aščinica , pastry and cake shops, and traditional coffeehouses from which the intoxicating smell of the one and only Bosnian coffee spreads, yet another unmistakable symbol of Sarajevo. Albeit characterised by a hustle and bustle typical of bazaars, the atmosphere surrounding Baščaršija is much more relaxed, benevolent, and friendly. Don’t be surprised by the very specific Bosnian sense of humour which will unavoidably imbue the social niceties you’ll be exposed to by both restaurateurs and passers-by. At Baščaršija, Sebilj is the rendezvous point, a point at which you’ll meet friends, at which you’ll take photos, and where you’ll feed the many pigeons gathering at the square.
Želite li posjetiti Sarajevo, glavni grad Bosne i Hercegovine specifičnog šarma, svakodnevni letovi zrakoplova Croatia Airlinesa omogućuju vam to iz Zagreba dva puta na dan.
To visit Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and explore its specific charm, fly Croatia Airlines that offers daily flights to Sarajevo from Zagreb twice a day. _
PIŠE/BY Davorka Vukov Colićje koronavirusa kao što se to događalo protekle dvije sezone. Navratite li u austrijsku prijestolnicu prvi put nakon početka epidemije koronavirusa, domaći prijatelj odmah će vas obavijestiti o tome da se na krov Muzeja Leopold, najveću zgradu u sklopu Muzejske četvrti (MuseumsQuartier ili MQ), odnedavna spustio Vilin konjic, prozračni vidikovac s kojega puca pogled na samo srce grada, na sve ono što Beč čini starim Bečom. Nakon otvaranja 2001. MuseumsQuartier izrastao je u najveću kulturnu četvrt u Europi i jednu od najambicioznijih u svijetu. To je dobar primjer kako se staro može pomiriti s novim, kako može dobro funkcionirati postmodernistički spoj bivših baroknih carskih konjušnica i zgrada suvremene arhitekture, objedinjujući na 90.000 četvornih metara izložbenog prostora šezdesetak samostalnih kulturnih institucija vezanih uz slikarstvo, arhitekturu, glazbu, modu, film, kazalište, ples, književnost, dječju kulturu, uličnu umjetnost, dizajn, fotografiju, digitalnu kulturu... Muzej Leopold, primjerice, do kraja veljače 2023.
rad kojemu su valceri u krvotoku, a Strauss u uhu vrti se u tročetvrtinskom taktu od početka nove godine do Pepelnice krajem veljače. Na četiri stotine balova pleše pola milijuna Bečana, ali i stranaca iz cijeloga svijeta koji samo zbog te prigode stižu u austrijsku prijestolnicu. Za dolazak na 67. Operni bal zakazan 16. veljače 2023. jedna je turistička agencija već prošloga ljeta nudila poseban aranžman vjerujući da ga organizator neće morati otkazati zbog epidemi -Vilin konjic nad Bečom A dragonfly over Vienna
01 Muzej povijesti medicine
Josephinum nakon četiri godine obnove ponovno je otvoren u zgradi nekadašnje Akademije vojne medicine iz 18. stoljeća
After four years of renovations, the Josephinum Museum of Medical History reopened its doors in the building of the former Military Academy of Medicine and Surgery built in the 18th century
H. Hurnaus
02 Muzejska četvrt (MQ), čije carske konjušnjice i zgrade suvremene arhitekture čine najveći kulturni kompleks u Europi
Bringing together what were once imperial stables and contemporary architecture in one place, Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier is the largest cultural district in Europe
03 Izložba o Tilli Durieux u Muzeju Leopold. Glumica iznimne osobnosti i života oblikovanog političkim prevratima plijenila je pozornost umjetnika njezina doba, od Oskara Kokoschke do Augusta Renoira
The Leopold Museum is holding an exhibition about Tilla Durieux, an actress of exceptional character whose life was shaped by political upheavals, and who caught the eye of many an artist of her time, including Oskar Kokoschka, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Beč živi od kulturnog turizma, od plesa, glazbe, izložbi, arhitekture i mita o carici Elizabeti Austrijskoj, zvanoj Sissi, po kojoj se danas naziva baš sve, od bombonijera do pizzerija. U njemu ima više od stotinu muzeja, što znači da biste u gradu morali ostati više od tri mjeseca ako biste željeli dan za danom barem poviriti u svaki od njih. I da se pritom osjećate očajnički zakinutima jer ako, recimo, u Prirodoslovnome samo ovlaš pregledate zbirku minerala na prvom katu, ne ostaje vam vremena ni za obilazak čuvene Willendorfske Venere, figurice stare 29.500 godina, koja svjedoči o početku naše kulture.
Vienna lives off cultural tourism, dance, music, exhibitions, architecture, and the myth of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, also known as Sissi, after whom all sorts of different things are today named, things ranging from chocolate shops to pizzerias. Vienna’s home to over one hundred museums, which means that you would have to stay in the city for more than three months if all you wanted to do was just peek into each. And yet, you’d still feel like you’re actively depriving yourself of the full experience. Take Vienna’s Museum of Natural History, for example. To view its Mineral Collection displayed on the first floor quickly and in passing you need an entire day, which means that you won’t have time to do as little as cast an eye over the famous Venus of Willendorf, a 29,500-year-old figurine that testifies to the very beginnings of our culture.
starim Praterom, tim šumovitim žarištem zabavnog i društvenog okupljanja, dominira golemi Riesenrad. Za razliku od pogleda s Vilinog konjica koji ne doseže puno dalje od Hofburga, s Riesenrada puca pogled na cijelu prijestolnicu nekada moćnoga austrougarskog carstva, carstva kada je Beč Franje Josipa imao dva milijuna stanovnika, jednako kao što ih ima danas.
From the 1st January until Ash Wednesday near the end of February each year, Vienna − a city in whose bloodstream waltzes flow, and which lives and breathes to the rhythm of Strauss − dances to the waltz. In that period, as many as four hundred different balls are held, at which half a million people dance the waltz. The ball-goers are not just Viennese, but foreigners as well who flock to the capital of Austria from the four corners of the world just for the occasion. A travel agency, for example, started offering special, all-inclusive travel, accommodation, and ball ticket deals and packages for the upcoming 67th Vienna State Opera Ball timetabled for 16th February 2023 as early as last summer, convinced that the
organiser wouldn’t have to cancel the ball again due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as was the case in the last two ball seasons. If this is your first visit to the capital of Austria following the Covid-19 outbreak, the very first thing that the locals will inform you about is that a massive Dragonfly has recently landed on the rooftop of the Leopold Museum, the largest building of Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier (MQ for short) or District of Museums. The Dragonfly is, naturally enough, an airy viewing terrace offering breath-taking panoramas of Vienna’s urban core, vistas of all the things that make Vienna exactly what it has always been − old Vienna. Since its opening in 2001, the MuseumsQuartier has grown into the largest cultural district in Europe and one of the most ambitious in the world. The MuseumsQuartier demonstrates brilliantly that there are indeed ways in which the old and the new can be brought
both social and cultural perspectives, a series of events that bring together art and medicine were launched immediately after the opening. At any given time, there’s always a cultural project or two being prepared, completed or upgraded in Vienna. After the viewing terrace on the rooftop of the Leopold Museum was completed, having very appropriately been given the ethereal name of Dragonfly, it’s the Prater Museum’s turn now. To be opened in 2024, and to be built entirely of wood, this new museum building will be, naturally enough, completely environmentally sustainable. The Prater Amusement Park, Vienna’s three-hundred-year-old wooded entertainment hub and centre of social life, continues to be dominated by its giant Riesenrad Ferris wheel. Unlike the views offered from the Dragonfly viewing terrace which can’t reach much further than the Hofburg Imperial Palace, from the Riesenrad Ferris wheel you’ll be afforded
together in a harmonious way, and that a postmodernist approach to combining Vienna’s once imperial stables built in the Baroque style and contemporary architecture can work well alongside each other. What the MuseumsQuartier has done is bring together and under the same roof, so to speak, approximately sixty independent cultural institutions dedicated to painting, architecture, music, fashion, film, theatre, dance, literature, children’s culture, street art, design, photography, digital culture, etc., spreading them across 90,000 square metres of exhibition space. The Leopold Museum, for example, is holding a very special exhibition until the end of February 2023 about the Austrian theatre and film star of the 1920s, Tilla Durieux. The Museum of Modern Art (MUMOK) is concurrently running The Animal Within, an exhibition which showcases a selection of five hundred works from the museum’s holdings featuring an animal motif, and which seems to prove that If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Likewise, Kunsthalle is holding a large retrospective exhibition of Sanja Iveković’s Works of Heart. Closing in mid-March, the retrospective is exhibiting works from the many different stages of creativity of this contemporary Croatian artist. After being closed for four years, the Josephinum Museum of Medical History reopened its doors this autumn. Given the fact that the museum sheds light on the history of medicine from a wide range of
Klupe za predah u ljetnom izdanju Muzejske četvrti svake godine mijenjaju boju, a o boji odlučuju posjetitelji putem ankete
For the summer edition of Vienna’s MuseumsQuartier, its benches are painted in a different colour each year, and the colour is chosen through visitor surveys
a view of the entire capital of the once powerful Austro-Hungarian Empire, a capital which has been home to two million people ever since the reign of Franz Joseph I.
Beč, grad kulture, plesa, glazbe, izložbi i arhitekture uvijek je atraktivan za posjet. Povezan je sa Zagrebom letovima Croatia Airlinesa dva puta na dan.
Vienna, a city of culture, dance, music, exhibitions, and architecture, is always worth a visit. You can fly Croatia Airlines to Vienna from Zagreb twice a day. _
Ove godine zagrebački nam se Advent vraća u punom sjaju na 20 zagrebačkih lokacija od kojih su tri nove − Trg dr. Franje Tuđmana, Park Grič i Stara Vlaška. Žive jaslice ove godine bit će uprizorene na Opatovini. Tijekom Adventa u Zagrebu očekuju vas prigodni program i bogata ugostiteljska ponuda kojima se nastoji očuvati duh najboljeg božićnog sajma u Europi.
ZAGREB ADVENT − FILLED WITH JOY Zagreb Advent is making a comeback this year in all its glory! Out of the 20 locations in Zagreb that it’ll be staged at, three are new − Dr Franjo Tuđman Square, Grič Park, and Old Vlaška Street. The Nativity scene will again be staged live, but this year in the historic neighbourhood of Opatovina. Boasting a rich programme of festive events, and a rich offer of foods and drinks, this year’s Advent in Zagreb will do its best to recreate the spirit of the best Christmas market in Europe.
12. 2. 2023.
U vremenu oko Valentinova doživite Carmen, strastven i dramatičan balet izvanredne dinamične koreografije nastao na temeljima priče Prospera Mériméea i nezaboravne glazbe Georgesa Bizeta, koju je za balet aranžirao i prilagodio Rodion Ščedrin. Ovaj spektakl u dva dijela ostavit će sve ljubitelje kazališta, drame, glazbe i baleta bez daha.
Close to Saint Valentine’s Day, you’re invited to feast your eyes on Carmen, a passionate and dramatic ballet performance, whose extraordinarily dynamic choreography is based on Prosper Mérimée’s novella and Georges Bizet’s exceptional musical score, arranged and adapted for ballet by Rodion Shchedrin. This twopart spectacle promises to leave all theatre, drama, music, and ballet fans − breathless!
10. − 21. 2. 2023.
Ovaj je fašnik jedna od najstarijih pokladnih svečanosti u Hrvatskoj, kojom se Samoborci i njihovi gosti opraštaju od zime i otvaraju proljeću i predstojećoj godini. Desetak dana ulicama toga lijepoga grada vladaju maštovite maske i veselje.
This is one of the oldest carnival festivities in Croatia, with which the residents of Samobor and their guests bid the winter farewell, and welcome the season of spring and the coming year. During the ten days or so of the carnival, the streets of this picturesque town are filled to overflowing with fancy carnival masks and much merriment.
Riječ je o jedinstvenoj manifestaciji ispraćaja stare i dočeka nove godine na Silvestrovo točno u podne u Fužinama, slikovitome mjestu u središtu Gorskog kotara. Gastronomska ponuda, glazbeni sastavi i vatromet jamče vam nezaboravan doček.
What makes this New Year’s Eve party in Fužine, a picturesque townlet in central Gorski Kotar, one of a kind is the fact that it’s held − at midday on New Year’s Eve. The offer of foods and drinks, live music performances, and fireworks display promise to create an unforgettable New Year’s Eve party.
17. 1. − 22. 2. 2023.
Pridružite se mnoštvu maski i prepustite izvrsnom raspoloženju na ulicama Rijeke. Dječja karnevalska povorka održat će se 4. veljače, a međunarodna karnevalska povorka, koja će se održati 19. veljače, kruna je karnevalskih svečanosti na Kvarneru i šire.
You’re invited to join a myriad of masks and be part of the good mood on the streets of Rijeka. The two highlights of the carnival season in Rijeka are the Children’s Carnival Parade taking place on 4th February, and the jewel in the crown of carnival festivities in the region of Kvarner and beyond − the International Carnival Parade held on 19th February.
DO / UNTIL 8. 1. 2023.
Ovogodišnji Advent u centru grada Rijeke i Trsatskom kaštelu održat će se u punom sjaju i bez ograničenja. Pripremljeno je više od 100 programa u kojima mogu uživati Riječani i posjetitelji. Trsatska gradina najčarobnije je mjesto koje privlači veliki broj posjetitelja. A na radost najmlađih Korzom će i ove godine voziti vlakić Djeda Mraza.
This year’s edition of the Advent season in Rijeka’s city centre and Trsat Castle is back in all its glory, and without any restrictions! This year’s festive season boasts a rich programme of 100+ events for your enjoyment, featuring two highlights − the magical Trsat Castle attracting a large number of visitors, and Santa’s train ride along Rijeka’s Promenade called Korzo to the delight of the youngest.
31. 12. 2022.
Mnogi posjetitelji Dubrovnika dočekat će novu 2023. godinu na Stradunu uz bogati glazbeni program, koji započinje već u jutarnjim satima Silvestrova kolendom i dječjim dočekom. Kao uvertira dočeku nove godine na Stradunu će se održati nekoliko sjajnih koncerata.
Starting as early as the morning hours of New Year’s Eve with traditional carolling called kolende, and a children’s New Year’s Eve party, many visitors to Dubrovnik will welcome New Year’s Day on Stradun, Dubrovnik’s main street, whilst enjoying a packed programme of music performances. As a prelude to the New Year’s Eve party on Stradun, several phenomenal concerts will be held.
3. 2. 2023.
Sv. Vlaho zaštitnik je grada Dubrovnika, a Festa svetoga Vlaha nematerijalna je svjetska baština UNESCO-a. Jedinstvena je to proslava koja se više od tisuću godina obilježuje katoličkim obredima i procesijom ulicama stare gradske jezgre te raznim događanjima.
Having made it to UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and accompanied by a series of festive events, the Feast of St. Blaise is a one-of-a-kind festivity that has been celebrated for over a thousand years with Roman Catholic ceremonies, and a procession through the streets of the old town of Dubrovnik. St. Blaise is, not surprisingly, the patron saint of Dubrovnik.
Okusi zagrebačkog stola koji se pamte
The unforgettable flavours of Zagreb’s dining table
Zagrebačka je gastronomska scena dinamična i privlačna pa mnogi gosti ovaj grad pamte i po prepoznatljivim okusima te srdačnom gostoprimstvu.
Gastronomska prijestolnica Gastronomija je važan dio identiteta Zagreba, grada osobite atmosfere i privlačnog načina života. Očekuju vas restorani bogate ponude i pažljivo uređenih interijera, od fine dining restorana, fusion restorana, tradicionalnih restorana, bistroa,
fast casual restorana, pivnica… izbor je doista velik, a ukupnoj je ponudi zajednički nazivnik ukusna hrana, kvalitetna usluga i srdačna dobrodošlica. Za okrepu i kratki predah u šetnji gradom tu su i kavane kao i poznate i brojne zagrebačke slastičarnice. Zagreb je i svojevrstan glavni grad hrvatske gastronomije koji jednako uvjerljivo nudi jela iz svih dijelova Hrvatske kao i nacionalnih kuhinja mnogih zemalja. Bogata ponuda jela i pića hrvatskog podneblja kreće se od one autohtone, tipične za Zagreb i njegovu vinorodnu okolicu do izbora iz drugih kontinentalnih regija. Posebnost Zagreba jest i to što je u gastronomskom smislu i pravi mediteranski grad s odličnim izborom svježe i cijenjene jadranske ribe i plodova mora. Jednostavno, birajte! Odlični okusi potvrđeni su mnogim priznanjima i nagradama, uključujući i Michelinove zvjezdice i preporuke, kao i preporuke Gault&Millau, ali jednako tako iskustvima gostiju iz cijelog svijeta.
Tradicionalno i moderno
Iako je izbor velik, za mnoge će goste prilikom prvog posjeta to biti tradicionalna hrana ovoga podneblja. Zagrebačka se gastronomija u dugom povijesnom razdoblju razvijala pod utjecajima drugih kuhinja, ali im je i dodala mnoge lokalne specifičnosti te je, u skladu sa suvremenim nutricionističkim trendovima, kreirala novu ponudu. Među tradicionalnim zagrebač-
01 Tržnica Dolac Dolac farmers’ market
02 Topli napitci Warming winter drinks
kim specijalitetima čest je izbor purica s mlincima, jelo koje se nekada na jelovnicima Zagrepčana nalazilo samo u svečanim prilikama, a danas je nerijetko u ponudi zagrebačkih restorana. Izdvajamo također slane ili slatke štrukle, pripremljene od tijesta nadjevenog domaćim sirom i vrhnjem, a potom kuhane ili zapečene u pećnici. Zanimljive su, svakako, i vrlo ukusne zagrebačke slastice među kojima dominiraju tradicionalne savijače s orasima, makom, jabukama, sirom, ali i drugi kolači koji privlače suvremene sladokusce. Što god od delicija odabrali, savjetujemo uz njih odlična vina čija je kvaliteta potvrđena međunarodnim nagradama, priznanjima struke i vinskih znalaca.
Izabrao je vaš chef Tajna kvalitete zagrebačke gastronomije svakako je u izboru svježih i zdravih namirnica koje na zagrebačkim tržnicama nude ekološki osviješteni lokalni proizvođači. I nemojte se stoga iznenaditi ako prilikom obilaska središnje zagrebačke tržnice Dolac susretnete chefa koji je jučer za vas u restoranu
pripremao specijalitete… to on ovdje, u tradicionalnom trbuhu grada, ponovo bira najbolje i najsvježije namirnice za svoje današnje goste.
Postoji li uopće bolja preporuka?
Zagreb’s dining scene is dynamic and exciting, which means that many guests remember it for its distinctive flavours and warm hospitality.
Culinary capital
regions. Another culinary detail, so to speak, that makes Zagreb stand out is that it’s also a proper Mediterranean city that takes great pride in its excellent selection of prized fish and seafood, fresh from the Adriatic. All you have to do is − choose.
Zagreb’s excellent foods and drinks come with many recognitions and awards, including Michelin stars and recommendations, recommendations by Gault&Millau, as well as by guests from all over the world, testified to by their first-hand experience.
desserts are dominated by traditional walnut, poppy seed, apple, and cheese strudels, as well as other cakes that those who have a sweet tooth are regularly delighted with. Whichever delicacy you choose, we recommend that you pair it with a glass of excellent wine from Zagreb’s wine-growing surroundings, whose quality has been confirmed by international awards and recognitions coming from wine experts and connoisseurs.
Selected by your chef
Culinary culture is an important part of the identity of Zagreb, a city imbued with a special atmosphere and boasting an amazing lifestyle. Zagreb is home to restaurants whose menus are extensive and whose interiors are carefully decorated. You’ll find fine dining restaurants, fusion restaurants, traditional restaurants, bistros, fast casual restaurants, pubs... the choice is really wide, with delicious food, quality service, and a warm welcome being the common denominator of them all. If all you’re after is refreshment and a short break from your stroll around the city, there are plenty of cafes, and Zagreb’s many famous pastry and cake shops. Zagreb is Croatia’s culinary capital of sorts. It’s a city where you’ll find traditional dishes from all parts and regions of Croatia, as well as from different ethnic cuisines from around the world. More specifically, as far as Croatian cuisine is concerned, in Zagreb you’ll find not only a rich offer of foods and drinks typical of Zagreb and its wine-growing surroundings, but also a selection of foods and drinks from Croatia’s other continental
Traditional and modern
The secret of the quality of Zagreb’s cuisine is in the selection of fresh and healthy foods, and produce sold by environmentally aware local producers on Zagreb’s many farmers’ markets. So don’t be surprised if you bump into the chef who made your delicious meal at a restaurant the night before while you’re strolling through Zagreb’s urban belly − the Dolac farmers’ market in the city centre. What he’s doing here is selecting the best and freshest ingredients for his guests today. Could the recommendation be any better? D. Rostuhar, Arhiva
Even though there’s quite a selection to choose from, during your first visit your choice will very likely be the traditional foods of this region. Zagreb’s culinary culture of today developed under the centuries-long influence of other cuisines and culinary cultures. However, this influence was reciprocal, meaning that Zagreb’s culinary culture and scene are imbued with many local specificities and flavours. Furthermore, in line with contemporary nutritional trends, new menus have sprung. From amongst Zagreb’s traditional specialities, roast turkey with a side of mlinci (blanched and greased thin dried flatbread-like pasta typical of the northern regions of Croatia) is a common choice. Although traditionally prepared only for special occasions, today it’s a dish that’s often on the menu of many of Zagreb’s restaurants. Other dishes worth singling out include savoury or sweet štrukli, cooked or oven-baked cottagecheese-and-cream-filled homemade pastry made of pasta-like dough. Zagreb’s delicious
Festival svjetla Zagreb
Zagreb Festival of Lights
Kad grad postane slikarsko platno Zamislite ulice, parkove i pročelja zgrada na kojima nastaju i nestaju raskošni svjetleći vrtovi, u prekrasnoj se igri svjetla i umjetničkih vizija izmjenjuju povijesne mijene, broje otkucaji srca ili pak pred našim očima nastaju bajke, a djecu u sretno djetinjstvo vode svjetleće ljuljačke…
Umjetnici svjetla najavljuju proljeće Kao grad prepoznatljive arhitekture, mnoštva događanja i ugodne atmosfere, Zagreb cijele godine privlači brojne turiste. No u jedno posebno vrijeme, kad zima ustupa mjesto proljeću, Festival svjetla Zagreb dobar je razlog više da dođete, itekako dobar razlog... Festival svjetla Zagreb u ožujku 2023. godine, kao i četiri puta dosad, najavit će i pozdraviti proljeće, a grad pretvoriti u slikarsko platno na kojem se svjetlom, bojama i oblicima ispisuju snažne poruke ljepote i optimizma. A započelo je 2017. godine kada je Festival svjetla Zagreb, u organizaciji Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba, prvi put svjetlosnim efektima uljepšao prostore povijesnoga Gornjega grada. Prvo su festivalsko izdanje, baš kao i u drugim metropolama, stanovnici Zagreba i njihovi gosti dočekali s velikim zanimanjem i oduševljenjem pa su sljedeće festivalske godine bile u znaku novih i sve maštovitijih, tehnološki atraktivnijih instalacija čija je estetika popraćena snažnim porukama i zadivljujućim vizualnim efektima.
Korak dalje…
Nakon dvogodišnje pauze zbog pandemije, u 2022. godini Festival svjetla Zagreb na čak tridesetak atraktivnih lokacija postaje izložbeni prostor oblikovan inspiracijom i kreativnošću domaćih i inozemnih umjetnika. Vrijeme je to kada grad obojen romantičnim svjetlima i njima formiranim prizorima, motivima pa i pričama dobiva nove boje i iznimna uprizorenja. Mašta, umjetnost i svjetlosna tehnologija na impresivan način šalju nikad potrebnije poruke zajedništva i vode nas u vedar i razigran svijet kakav priželjkujemo.
Pozivnica s razlogom Najstariji i svakako najromantičniji dio Zagreba, Gornji grad, prva je popularna lokacija Festivala svjetla, da bi festival 2022. godine osvojio i petnaestak lokacija
samoga središta Donjega grada uključujući središnji Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, Europski trg te povijesne, znamenite zgrade hrvatske kulture − Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta, Muzeja Mimara i Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt. Domaći i inozemni umjetnici svjetla jedinstvenim su svjetlosnim doživljajima ispričali priče o poznatim ljudima, snazi i ljepoti prirode, povijesnom naslijeđu i životnoj radosti. Pročelja Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta i Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt ukrasili su gosti, organizatori poznatog Festivala svjetla iz Berlina, a njihov je potpis bio i na instalacijama Marsa i Zemlje u Tkalčićevoj
ulici kao i na Cvjetnom trgu uz snažnu poruku: Očuvajte naš jedini dom, onaj gdje smo svi jednaki. Na Festivalu svjetla Zagreb mnoštvo je sadržaja posvećeno djeci, čije je bezbrižno djetinjstvo naša zajednička odgovornost. A njemu nas vode prekrasne cvjetne livade, bajke koje se maštom i svjetlom ispisuju pred našim očima, svjetleće ljuljačke kao prisjećanje na najljepše trenutke djetinjstva. Pozivamo vas da krenete na putovanje ususret proljeću kako biste uživali u još jednoj dimenziji ljepote grada jer, podsjećamo vas, Festival svjetla Zagreb za vas kreira jedinstvene priče. Vidimo se u ožujku!
Više informacija na
When the city becomes an artist’s canvas Picture Zagreb’s streets, parks, and facades on which luxuriously luminous gardens appear and disappear, where historical changes and periods alternate in wondrous light displays and artistic visions, where heartbeats are counted, or where fairy tales are created before your very eyes, and children are taken to a place of joy and happiness in childhood on candescent swings...
Artists of light announcing the arrival of spring
Boasting remarkable architecture, great many events, and a pleasant atmosphere, Zagreb attracts many tourists all year round. However, there’s a very special time of year
in Zagreb’s events’ calendar. It’s the time when winter gives way to spring, and when the Zagreb Festival of Lights becomes a brilliant reason for a visit, a brilliant reason indeed. Like on four previous occasions, in March 2023 the Zagreb Festival of Lights will announce and welcome the arrival of spring by transforming the city into an artist’s canvas on which powerful messages of beauty and optimism will be written in light, colour, and shapes.
It all started in 2017 when, organised by the Zagreb Tourist Board, the Zagreb Festival
of Lights lit up and draped, so to speak, the facades of buildings and other spaces in Zagreb’s historic Upper Town with the help of light − for the first time. Just like in other cities, the first edition of the festival was warmly welcomed by the residents of Zagreb and their guests. Having generated great public interest and enthusiasm, each new edition of the festival outdid the previous one in terms of creativity, whilst continually featuring technologically captivating installations whose aesthetics are accompanied by powerful messages and stunning visual effects.
01 Kula Lotrščak Lotrščak Tower
02 Hrvatsko narodno kazalište
The Croatian National Theatre
One step further...
After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the 2022 Zagreb Festival of Lights transformed as many as thirty delightful urban locations into open exhibition spaces shaped by the inspiration and creativity of both local and foreign artists. The festival is a time when Zagreb − coloured with romantic lights, as well as the different scenes, motifs, and stories shaped and created by these lights − is given new colours and gifted extraordinary spectacles, sights to behold. The message that the festival is looking to communicate in an impressive way with the help of artistic imagination, art, and lighting technology is that of much needed togetherness and unity, inviting us to step into a bright and playful world we aspire to.
An open invitation
The first-ever location that the first edition of the Zagreb Festival of Lights was held at was the city’s oldest and certainly most romantic neighbourhood − Zagreb’ popular Upper Town. By 2022 some fifteen locations in the city centre or the Lower Town were taken over, in a manner of speaking, by the festival. These locations included the central Ban Josip Jelačić Square, the European Square, and many famous historic buildings that today house pillars of Croatian culture − the Croatian National Theatre, the Mimara Museum, and the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Thanks to their extraordinary mastery of light, both national and foreign light artists told stories about the lives of famous
people, the power and beauty of nature, historic heritage, and the joy of life. The facades of the Croatian National Theatre and the Museum of Arts and Crafts were lit up by the festival’s guests − the organisers of the famous Berlin Festival of Lights − who also authored the Mars and Earth installations in Tkalčićeva Street, and the Flower Square looking to communicate a powerful message: Preserve our only home, one where we’re all equal. The Zagreb Festival of Lights pays special attention to children and the idea that having a carefree childhood is our collective responsibility. You’ll be taken to experience a carefree childhood through
beautiful wildflower meadows, fairy tales created before your very eyes with the help of artistic imagination and light, and on candescent swings that are looking to take you back to the most beautiful moments of childhood.
We’re inviting you to embark on a journey that welcomes spring. Why not enjoy another dimension of Zagreb’s charm because the Zagreb Festival of Lights will be creating remarkable stories just for you. See you in March!
For more information, visit Welcome!
Osječka zima
Winter in Osijek
skih terasa inače punih studenata i školaraca, priča nam glasno svoje legende iz prošlosti tri stoljeća stare utvrde. Legenda kaže da je tijelo graditelja Tvrđe Johanna Stephana von Beckersa sazidano u zidine pokraj Vodenih vrata, a njegov duh vječno luta mračnim ulicama utvrde koju je sagradio. Tvrđa je kao najsigurnije utvrđenje jugoistočnog dijela Habsburške Monarhije poslužila i u vrijeme Napoleonovih ratova, kada je u nju premještena carska riznica iz Beča, a vjeruje se da je jedna škrinja puna zlata i dalje zakopana u njezinim neistraženim tunelima.
Što pomislite kada čujete riječi zima u Osijeku? Je li to najljepši advent u Hrvatskoj i njegov prepoznatljivi panoramski kotač te tisuće lampica koje obasjaju grad u prosincu? Ili pak topla slavonska gostoljubivost i uživanje u specijalitetima regije koji ugriju i one najzimogroznije? Možda je to ipak snježni pokrivač koji prekrije brojne perivoje i parkove inače najzelenijega grada u Hrvatskoj?
Predstavlja li, pak, Osijek u zimskom ruhu za vas potpunu nepoznanicu koju tek trebate otkriti, donosimo četiri iskustva koja ne smijete propustiti.
Adventske radosti u gradu
Tijekom prosinca grad prožmu mirisi slatkih i slanih uličnih jela i toplih napitaka i ispune zvuci žive blagdanske glazbe i veselja. Čarolija adventa može se pronaći u svakom kutku grada, a posebno mjesto u blagdanskoj priči zauzima božićni tramvaj koji svake godine nanovo oduševljava svojim inovativnim dekoracijama. Doček Nove godine na glavnom osječkom trgu i produžetak zimskih radosti poput panoramskog kotača i klizališta do sredine siječnja savršeni su za početak svake godine.
Smiraj u bajkovitoj Tvrđi
Ljepota stare barokne jezgre dobiva posebni izražaj u vrijeme prvih pahulja, toplih napitaka i ranog popodnevnog paljenja šarmantnih uličnih svjetiljki. Smiraj u osječkoj Tvrđi, kada se stišaju zvuci vanj-
Gastronomski užici Zanimljiva prošlost i geografski položaj Osijeka očitavaju se u tradiciji jela koja su nastajala pod utjecajem različitih kultura. Neka su se jela danas prilagodila modernijim izričajima pa se za ručak možete počastiti vrhunskim mesnim proizvodima regije ukomponiranim u, primjerice, prepoznatljive i pristupačne burgere i wrapove, a od brze hrane tu je i nadaleko poznata slavonska pizza. No poželite li počastiti svoja nepca okusima domaćih i starijih recepata, probajte, primjerice, fiš paprikaš, perkelt od riječne ribe i domaće tjestenine ili specijalitete od crne slavonske svinje, autohtone pasmine križane u okolici Osijeka. Ne propustite sljubiti jelo s čašom vina vinara s osječkom adresom koji svoje vrhunske sorte uzgajaju u erdutskim i baranjskim vinogradima. Kako je Osijek grad piva okružen vinogorjima, saznajte i što nudi lokalna craft scena u jednoj od gradskih pivnica.
Kulturno uzdizanje Bijeg od niskih temperatura potražite istražujući visoku kulturu. Poznati grad sporta diči se muzejskim institucijama i galerijama koje čuvaju neprocjenjivo kulturno i povijesno blago grada na Dravi. Samo u staroj baroknoj Tvrđi pronaći ćete čak četiri muzeja: Muzej Slavonije, Arheološki muzej, Muzej vodenog svijeta i školjaka te Muzej osobnih priča. Ispunite žeđ za znanjem i novim iskustvima, a zatim se zaputite u Muzej likovnih umjetnosti u najljepšoj ulici u gradu, Europskoj aveniji. Mnogi su veliki umjetnici potekli iz Osijeka ili u njemu pronašli inspiraciju. Posjetite skulpturu najvećeg osječkog kipara Oscara Nemona u istoimenom parku ili otkrijte hrvatskog Paganinija Franju Krežmu, čiji je kip iznjedrio veliki Vanja Radauš.
What picture does your mind paint when you hear the words winter in Osijek? Is it the picture of Croatia’s most beautiful Advent fair, its Ferris wheel, and thousands of Christmas lights setting the town aglow in December? Or is it the warm hospitality that the Slavonians are widely known for, and your enjoyment of the delicacies of the region that’ll warm up even those who’re not that fond of the winter chill outdoors? Or is it, perhaps,
the picture of the many parks of Croatia’s otherwise greenest city blanketed with snow?
If, however, you have yet to discover Osijek’s winter attire, we’re giving you four reasons to experience the joys and cheer of the festive season in Osijek.
Osijek’s Christmas cheer
During December, Osijek’s infused with the scents and smells of sweet and savoury foods, and warming drinks sold at Christmas market stalls, whilst its streets and squares resound with the sounds of joyful Christmas songs and cheer. The magic of Advent spreads across the whole city, in whose Christmas story Osijek’s Christmas tram plays a special role − its innovative Christmas decorations delight year after year. Osijek’s main square hosting a New Year’s Eve party and the fact that you can enjoy the joys of winter, such as a ride on Osijek’s Ferris wheel and ice skating, for an extended period of time well into January are a perfect way to start the New Year.
The serenity of Osijek’s magical Citadel
Osijek’s beautiful Baroque urban core comes to the fore when the first snowflakes start to fall, when the first warming winter drinks are had, and when the Citadel’s charming street lamps are lit already in the early hours of the afternoon. It’s a time when − once the many surrounding cafes’ outdoor terraces, normally packed with students and schoolchildren, quieten down − the serenity of Osijek’s three-hundred-yearold Citadel gets to tell its many legends. Legend has it that the corpse of the general Johann Stephan baron von Beckers, who was put in charge of the construction of the Citadel, was built into the Citadel’s walls right beside the Water Gate, and that his spirit has been wandering the dark streets of the fortress that he had built − ever since. Being the securest stronghold in the South-East of the Habsburg Monarchy, Osijek’s Citadel was put to good use during the Napoleonic Wars as well, when the Imperial Treasury was moved from Vienna to Osijek.
01 Indijska heroina Sakuntala u istoimenom parku
The Indian heroine Shakuntala in a park named after her
02 Trg Svetog Trojstva, srce barokne gradske jezgre
The Holy Trinity Square, the heart of Osijek’s Baroque urban core
According to local lore, one chest full of gold remains buried in the Citadel’s unexplored tunnels − to this day!
The region’s culinary delights
Osijek’s fascinating history and geographical location are reflected in the region’s culinary tradition and dishes that were concocted under the influence of different cultures. Today, some of these foods and dishes have been reinterpreted and given a modern twist, so for lunch you can treat yourself to the region’s top-quality meat products incorporated into, for instance, brilliant and affordable burgers and wraps. As for fast food, the widely known Slavonian pizza is always a good choice. If, by contrast, treating your taste buds to the flavours of local and somewhat older recipes is what you’re after, be sure to try, for instance, freshwater fish stew called fiš paprikash, the Hungarian-style freshwater fish perkelt stew served with homemade pasta, or any of the local pork specialities starring the Black Slavonian pig, a breed of pig native to Croatia which was crossbred in the surroundings of Osijek. Be sure to pair your meal with a glass of wine produced by Osijek’s winemakers who grow their top varieties in the vineyards of the regions of Erdut and Baranja. Given that Osijek is a town of beer surrounded by vineyards, find out what the local craft beer scene has to offer in one of Osijek’s many pubs.
Enjoyment of culture
You can always escape the cold temperatures of winter by exploring Osijek’s high culture. Famous, amongst other things, as a city of sports, Osijek boasts many museums and galleries that hold the priceless cultural and historic treasures of Osijek, nicknamed The City on the Drava River. The old Baroque Citadel alone houses as many as four museums; namely, the Museum of Slavonia, the Archaeological Museum, the Water World and Shell Museum, and the Museum of Personal Stories. Once you’ve satiated your thirst for knowledge and new experiences, be sure to head to the Museum of Fine Arts on Osijek’s most beautiful street − the European Avenue. Many great artists were born in Osijek or found inspiration there. Be sure to check out the sculpture of Osijek’s greatest sculptor, Oscar Nemon, in a park named after him, and to discover Franjo Krežma, nicknamed Croatia’s very own Paganini, whose statue was sculpted by the great Croatian sculptor, Vanja Radauš.
Odletite kući!
Zimsko razdoblje odlično je za posjet Slavoniji i Baranji, regiji dobre trpeze i nesvakidašnje gostoljubivosti. Ima neke čari u zimskim putovanjima u nepoznato. Kada pohodimo novo odredište u doba godine koje vezujemo s domom i drijemežom ispod dekice, iskustvo boravka u njemu kao da dobije posebnu draž. Putnik i destinacija zimi kao da se bondaju brže i jače nego tijekom uobičajenih ljetnih putovanja. Ovo posebno vrijedi za destinacije u kojima iskustvo doma nije tek marketinška poza nego temeljno obilježje i vrijednost. U ovaj malobrojni klub spadaju i Slavonija i Baranja. Skrivena regija pošteđena masovnog zimskog turizma i pomodnih ski-resort ambijenata. Umjesto toga, na svakom koraku duh neusiljenog zajedništva i spontane panonske gostoljubivosti koja svoje lice otkriva kroz obilje domaće trpeze, živopisna događanja i ljubomorno čuvane običaje.
Autentičnost ide kroz želudac
Bez obzira na to hoćete li se po slijetanju u ravnicu uputiti prema nekom od ugodnih hotela, pansiona ili kakvoj kući za odmor na rubu usnulih vinograda ili šuma, na svakom od ovih mjesta dočekat će vas jednako neprocjenjivo iskustvo. Zalogajčići dobrodošlice spravljeni od vrhunskih domaćih namirnica; mesne plate složene prema normativima naših baka (Ne smije da usfali!); sporo kuhani gulaši, čobanci i fiš-paprikaši kojima se nikad ne biste nadali u, recimo, srijedu popodne u krčmi uz cestu. Slavonsko-baranjski street-food najbolje je kušati tijekom Adventa u Osijeku, manife-
stacije koja u posljednjih nekoliko godina u slavonsku metropolu privlači sve veći broj posjetitelja. Nakon kulinarskog prosinca slijede siječanjske vinske radosti. Bez obzira na lokalne varijacije u nazivu, Vinceška, Vinkovo ili Vincekovo središnji je datum zimskog vinskog hedonizma. Nakon što ritualnim obilaskom vinograda prizovete duhove obilja, ne propustite kušati plodove prethodnih berbi. Malene vinarije razasute između neba i zemlje, po blagim padinama baranjskog, feričanskog, dakovačkog i erdutskog vinogorja, pune su ih. Slično je i na festivalu WineOs (13. − 14. siječnja), velikoj enološkoj priredbi koja osječki siječanj čini sve samo ne depresivnim.
Jeste li znali? Enogastronomsku, kao ni svaku drugu autentičnost u Slavoniji i Baranji nije potrebno fingirati. Ona je tu, uvijek i posvuda, svetkom i petkom, tijekom maglovite južine i snježne vijavice. Ovdje svaki zalogaj i gutljaj pripovijedaju priču o minulim vremenima, okusima djetinjstva i običajima koje se čuva neovisno o njihovoj isplativosti, mukotrpnosti ili nekom trećem opravdanju za napuštanje starih tradicija.
S vremenom ova filozofija iznjedrila je brojne fascinantne rezultate. Jeste li znali da se pravi slavonski kulen ili kulin po istoj recepturi spravlja već pola tisućljeća? Da se u baranjskim Kneževim Vinogradima nalazi najveći povijesni vinski podrum u Hrvatskoj? Nešto niže uz Dunav nasadi tri stoljeća stare Erdutske vinarije čine najveći
Priredba se održava u bajkovitom Karancu, a otvara tamošnju zimsku sezonu. Nekoliko mjeseci kasnije onu proljetnu najavljuje tradicijski sajam Proljetni vašar. Duh proljeća prizivaju i buše, baranjske maškare čija se tradicija čuva u nekoliko mjesta. Ipak, najpoznatije maškare one su iz Đakova (Đakovački bušari), još jednog slavonskog bisera koji itekako vrijedi posjetiti. Na vama je samo da poletite − Slavonija i Baranja čekaju!
Winter is an ideal period to visit Slavonia and Baranja, a region known for its pronounced hospitality.
There is something special about winter travels into the unknown. Visiting a new destination at a time of year associated with home and dozing under a blanket, seems to shed a deeper light on the experience of staying in that place. As if, during the winter, the traveler and a destination bond faster and stronger than during the usual summer trips. This goes especially for destinations where a homey experience isn’t just an advertising trick, but rather the core feature and value. Not without pride, one can say the region of Slavonia and Baranja belongs to this club of few. A hidden country free from winter mass tourism or a fancy ski-resort atmosphere. Instead of that, the spirit of unity and spontaneous Pannonian hospitality, presented through a plenitude of the dining table, vivid events, and cherished traditions.
Authenticity Goes Through the Stomach
After landing in the Slavonian plain, you may head to one of the pleasant hotels or guesthouses. You may as well choose to stay in a lone house at the edge of a sleepy vineyard or a forest. Wherever you decide to dwell, the same priceless experience will await you. A welcome snack made from top quality local ingredients; meat plates arranged by the standards of our grandmas (There has to be enough for everyone!); slow-cooked goulash, game- or a fish-stew, one would never expect to be able to try on, say, a Wednesday afternoon in a roadside tavern. The best period for a Slavonija & Baranja style street-food experience is during the Osijek Christmas Fair. It attracts a growing number of visitors to the biggest Slavonian city.
The culinary December is followed by the wine joys of January. Regardless of the local name variations, Vinceška, Vinkovo, Vincekovo, or, internationally, St. Vincent’s Day, is the focal date of winter wine hedonism.
After a ritual vineyard walk invoking the spirits of fertility, don’t forget to try the fruits of the previous vintages. Small wineries scattered between the sky and the horizon of the slopes of Baranja, Feričanci, Đakovo, and Erdut wine sub-regions are full of them. Likewise is the feeling during WineOs (13 − 14 January), the big wine event that makes Osijek January all but depressive.
Did you know?
In Slavonia and Baranja, the enogastronomic or any other authenticity doesn’t have to be artificially constructed. It is there, always and everywhere, no matter rain, sleet, or snow. Here, every bite and sip tells a story of the past, childhood flavors, and customs preserved regardless of the cost of doing so.
With time, this philosophy has enriched us with various fascinating fruitions. Did you know that for half a millennium, the Slavonian kulen (or kulin) sausage has been made according to the same recipe? Or that our region is home to the oldest historical wine cellar in Croatia (located in Kneževi Vinogradi, Baranja)? A bit down the Danube, you’ll find the Erdut winery tricentennial vineyards, the largest in Croatia. Even today, the ancient kadarka wine variety grows here, while the unique festival dedicated to cracklings (čvarci) flourishes as well. The event is held in the magical village of Karanac, opening a winter season there. A few months later, spring is invoked by the Karanac Spring Fair (Proljetni vašar). The same is the task of buše, a folk carnival play from Baranja. Although several places cherish this tradition, the most renowned bušari are from Đakovo, another pearl of Slavonia and Baranja worth visiting. What you have to do is simply to take off − we are waiting!
To je Hrvatska
Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2021. godine, 3,888.529 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije.
This is Croatia
The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2021 census, Croatia’s population was 3,888,529. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013.
Nacionalni parkovi
Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,
treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova.
National parks
Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.
Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturnopovijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËkosakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka.
Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine.
A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is cha-
racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik.
The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.
Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hitodrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata.
Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success
Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and inter national experts in tourism.
Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its
national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland.
Novac i naËin plaÊanja
Ku na je na ziv novËa ne je di ni ce Re pu blike Hrvat ske. U optje ca ju su novËa ni ce ku na (kn) i kova ni novac ku na i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 ku na). Mo gu Êe je pla Êa nje
kre ditnim kar ti ca ma (Di ners, Vi sa, Ameri can Ex pre ss, Eu ro card i Ma ster card) i eu ro Ëe kovi ma. Novac se moæe po diza ti i na ban ko ma ti ma.
Currency and payment methods
The cur ren cy of the Re pu blic of Cro atia is cal led the Ku na (kn). In circu lati on are ban knotes in Ku na and co ins in Ku na and Li pa (lp) ∑ one hun dred th. Pay ments can be ma de by cre dit card (Di ners, Vi sa, Ame ri can Ex pre ss, Eu ro card and Ma stercard), as well as eu ro-chec ks. Ca sh can be withdrawn from AT Ms.
ZEMLJOVI D HRV A T S K E MAP OF CROATIAOdrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular
sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer
motorway, fast roads toll stat on tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks internat onal border crossing petro stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage
Zamjena flote Croatia Airlinesa U skladu s Post-covid strategijom Croatia Airlinesa usvojenom u kolovozu prošle godine, s ciljem obnove flote i povećanja učinkovitosti poslovanja te daljnjeg jačanja konkurentske sposobnosti, donesena je odluka kojom ćemo do 2026. godine zamijeniti sve postojeće avione novom unificiranom single type flotom na mlazni pogon. Za obnovu flote odabran je zrakoplov tipa Airbus 220, europskog proizvođača Airbus. Zamjena flote Croatia Airlinesa realizirat će se kroz narudžbu 6 novih A220 zrakoplova, koji su ugovoreni kao dodatak postojećem ugovoru koji je kompanija zaključila 2008. tada za A319 zrakoplove, koji su potom 2015. godine zamijenjeni u A320 neo tip, da bi se konačno danas nakon usvojene strategije za novi razvojni ciklus odabrao tip A220, kapaciteta 127 i 148 sjedala. Prigodom donošenja odluke posebna je pažnja posvećena kretanjima na visoko konkurentnom zrakoplovnom tržištu, cijenama goriva i emisijama CO2, ciljevima zelenih politika Europske unije te zahtjevima naših putnika. Novim i kvalitetnijim zrakoplovima A220, kapaciteta 148 i 127 sjedala, osigurat će se bolji odgovor na konkretne potrebe putnika i učinkovitiji poslovni model, zahvaljujući kojem će se otvoriti i dodatne prilike u našem poslovanju, osiguravajući našim putnicima, našem vlasniku Republici Hrvatskoj i našim zaposlenima unapređenje i održivi razvoj.
Croatia Airlines renewing its fleet
In accordance with Croatia Airlines’ post-Covid-19 strategy, which was adopted in August last year, and with the aim of renewing its fleet, of increasing the efficiency of its business operations, and of improving the company’s competitiveness, Croatia Airlines has made the decision to replace all its existing aircraft with a single-type fleet of jet-powered aircraft by 2026. For this purpose, the A220 aircraft, manufactured by the European Airbus company, was selected.
Croatia Airlines will replace its existing fleet by ordering 6 new A220 aircraft, which was agreed on in the form of an addendum to the pre-existing contract between Croatia Airlines and Airbus agreed on in 2008 for A319 aircraft, which were then replaced in 2015 with the A320 neo variant. Now that the strategy for a new development cycle has been adopted, these will be replaced with A220, whose seating capacity is 127 and 148 passengers.
When making the decision, special attention was paid to the current trends in the highly competitive aviation market, fuel prices, CO2 emissions, the goals of the European Commission’s Green Deal policies, and the needs of Croatia Airlines’ passengers. The new, higher-quality A220 aircraft, whose seating capacity is 127 and 148 passengers, will meet the specific needs of passengers in a better way, and provide a more
efficient business model, thanks to which additional business opportunities will open up to the company, ensuring advancement and sustainable development to Croatia Airlines’ passengers, the owner of Croatia Airlines the Republic of Croatia, and the company’s employees.
30. obljetnica članstva u IATA-i Naša je kompanija 20. listopada obilježila 30. obljetnicu aktivnog članstva u IATA-i (International Air Transport Association), najvećoj međunarodnoj udruzi zrakoplovnih prijevoznika. Među 290 aktivnih članica IATA-e nalaze se sve vodeće zrakoplovne kompanije koje ostvaruju 83 posto ukupnog svjetskog prometa robe i putnika, a osnovna zadaća udruženja jest poticati razvoj civilnog zrakoplovstva i omogućiti što povoljnije operativno, financijsko i regulatorno okruženje kompanijama članicama.
30th anniversary of IATA membership
On 20th October, our company celebrated the 30th anniversary of active membership in IATA, the International Air Transport Association, the largest trade association of the world’s airlines. At present, IATA represents 290 airlines, including the world’s leading passenger and cargo airlines carrying 83% of the world’s air traffic. IATA’s mission is to encourage and support the development of civil aviation, and provide the most favourable operational, financial, and regulatory environment for its member airlines.
Predstavili smo naše nove linije u Zürichu
Croatia Airlines, Turistička zajednica Istre, Turistička zajednica Splitsko-dalmatinske županije i Turistička zajednica grada Splita održali su 26. listopada u Zürichu zajedničko predstavljanje švicarskim poslovnim (B2B) novinarima i turističkim agentima.
Na prezentaciji je predstavljen zimski red letenja Croatia Airlinesa 2022./2023. u sklopu kojeg smo uveli dvije nove međunarodne linije, Split − Zürich i Pula − Zürich, kojima će se uz postojeće svakodnevne letove Zürich − Zagreb još snažnije povezati hrvatsko i švicarsko tržište tijekom zimskog razdoblja. Na obje nove linije naši zrakoplovi lete od kraja listopada do sredine siječnja 2023. godine,
dvaput na tjedan − srijedom i subotom. Tijekom aktualnog zimskog reda letenja planiramo povezivati Hrvatsku i 13 međunarodnih odredišta s ukupno 19 međunarodnih linija. Pritom planiramo obaviti više od 8500 redovitih letova i ponuditi 28 posto više letova i sjedala u odnosu na zimski red letenja 2021./2022.
Croatia Airlines presented its new routes in Zurich
On 25th October in Zurich, Croatia Airlines, the Istria Tourist Board, the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, and the Split Tourist Board gave a joint presentation to Swiss business (B2B) journalists and travel agents. Croatia Airlines presented its 2022/2023 winter timetable, within the framework of which we’re introducing two new scheduled international routes. These are, namely, the Split-Zurich, and the Pula-Zurich routes, which will, in addition to the existing daily flights between Zurich and Zagreb, help to create even stronger connections between the Swiss and Croatian markets during the winter period. On these two new routes flights will be operated twice a week − on Wednesdays, and Saturdays, to be precise − and this in the period between the end of October this year and mid-January 2023. In the 2022/2023 winter timetable, we’re planning to connect Croatia with 13 international destinations, and operate flights on a total of 19 international routes. More specifically, we’re planning to operate more than 8,500 scheduled flights, and offer 28 percent more flights and seats than in the 2021/2022 winter timetable.
Sudjelovali smo na WTM-u i predstavili ljetni red letenja
Hrvatska turistička zajednica i Croatia Airlines predstavili su se 8. studenoga na jednom od najvećih i najpoznatijih svjetskih turističkih sajmova WTM.
Tom prigodom predstavili smo i ljetni red letenja za 2023. godinu u sklopu kojeg ćemo mrežom izravnih međunarodnih letova pružiti snažnu podršku razvoju hrvatskog turizma i gospodarstva te pridonijeti još većoj privlačnosti Hrvatske na turističkoj karti svijeta. Tijekom sljedeće ljetne turističke sezone Croatia Airlines planira izravno povezati Zagreb i 15 europskih odredišta s više od 120 tjednih rotacija, odnosno 240 tjednih letova. Zagreb bi trebao biti izravno povezan s Amsterdamom, Atenom (via Dubrovnik), Barcelonom, Bečom, Bruxellesom, Dublinom, Kopenhagenom, Frankfurtom, Londonom, Münchenom, Parizom, Rimom (via Split i via Dubrovnik), Sarajevom, Skopljem i Zürichom.
Split bi se trebao izravno povezati sa 20 europskih odredišta, odnosno 21 zračnom lukom − Amsterdam, Atena, Beč, Berlin, Bukurešt, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Kopenhagen, London Gatwick i London Heathrow, Lyon, Milano, München, Oslo, Pariz, Prag, Rim, Skoplje, Stockholm i Zürich. Pritom je planirano ukupno 70 tjednih rotacija, odnosno 140 letova.
Iz Dubrovnika su planirani izravni međunarodni letovi u sedam europskih metropola − Atenu, Frankfurt, München, Pariz, Prag, Rim i Zürich, s ukupno 26 tjednih rotacija (52 tjedna leta).
Iz Rijeke u München planirane su tri tjedne rotacije, na liniji Osijek − München dvije tjedne rotacije te jedna rotacija na liniji Brač − München.
Tijekom ljetne turističke sezone planirano je povezivanje Hrvatske sa 22 međunarodna odredišta, odnosno 23 europske zračne luke, a naši će zrakoplovi pritom letjeti na 47 međunarodnih linija. Ukupno je planirano više od 17.000 letova, a u ponudi će biti više od 1,820.000 sjedala.
Croatia Airlines participated in the WTM and presented its summer timetable
On 8th November, the Croatian National Tourist Board and Croatia Airlines made a presentation at one of the world’s biggest and most famous tourism fairs, the World Travel Market (WTM) in London.
At the London WTM, Croatia Airlines presented its summer 2023 flight timetable, looking to contribute strongly with its network of direct international flights to the development of Croatia’s tourism product and economy, and to increasing the attractiveness of Croatia on the tourism map of the world. During the coming tourist season, Croatia Airlines is planning to connect Zagreb directly with 15 European destinations by operating more than 120 return flights (i.e., 240 one-way flights) a week. Zagreb should be directly connected with Amsterdam, Athens (via Dubrovnik), Barcelona, Vienna, Brussels, Dublin, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, London, Munich, Paris, Rome (via Split, and via Dubrovnik), Sarajevo, Skopje, and Zurich. Split should be directly connected with 20 European destinations or 21 airports − namely, Amsterdam, Athens, Vienna, Berlin, Bucharest, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, Lyon, Milan, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rome, Skopje, Stockholm, and Zurich. A total of 70 return flights or 140 oneway flights a week are planned.
From Dubrovnik direct international flights are planned to seven European cities − namely, to Athens, Frankfurt, Munich, Paris, Prague, Rome, and Zurich − by operating a total of 26 return flights or 52 one-way flights a week. Croatia Airlines is planning to operate three weekly return flights between Rijeka and Munich, two weekly return flights between Osijek and Munich, and one return flight on the Brač-Munich route.
During the coming tourist season, Croatia Airlines is planning to connect Croatia with 22 international destinations (i.e., 23 European airports) by operating flights on 47 international routes. More specifically, Croatia Airlines is planning to operate more than 17,000 flights, and to offer more than 1,820,000 seats.
Star Alliance proglašen vodećim zrakoplovnim savezom
Star Alliance treću je godinu zaredom proglašen vodećim zrakoplovnim savezom na dodjeli nagrada World Travel Awards koja je održana 12. studenoga u Singapuru. Na dodjeli nagrada održanoj u Sjevernoj Americi u kolovozu putnički je salon Star Alliancea u Los Angelesu ponovno proglašen vodećim putničkim salonom u Sjevernoj Americi također treću godinu zaredom.
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Star Alliance named the World’s Leading Airline Alliance
For the third consecutive year, Star Alliance was named the World’s Leading Airline Alliance at the World Travel Awards held on 12th November 2022 in Singapore. At the North America 2022 edition of the awards held in August, Star Alliance’s Los Angeles airport lounge was again named North America’s Leading Airport Lounge for the third year running.
Nagrađena naša djelatnica Hrvatska turistička zajednica svake godine dodjeljuje nagradu Čovjek − ključ uspjeha, djelatnik godine. Nagrada se dodjeljuje kako bi se podigla kvaliteta usluga i gostoljubivost djelatnika u turizmu i u drugim djelatnostima koje su vezane uz turizam, što izravno utječe na podizanje stupnja zadovoljstva gostiju, širenje pozitivnog imidža hrvatskog turizma te ukupni doživljaj Hrvatske kao poželjne turističke destinacije. S ponosom ističemo da je u kategoriji djelatnik godine u prijevozu najboljom proglašena naša djelatnica Azra Pavlaković, zaposlena u našem Operativnom i hub centru kao operativni kontrolor prometa. Ova prestižna nagrada uručena je našoj djelatnici na Danima hrvatskog turizma, najvećem skupu turističkih djelatnika u Hrvatskoj, koji je ove godine održan u Šibeniku od 6. do 8. listopada.
Croatia Airlines’ employee receives an
The Croatian National Tourist Board awards the annual Employee of the Year award called Man − The Key To Success. The award is given to raise the quality of service and the hospitality of employees in the tourism and other related industries, which directly affects the level of visitor satisfaction, the maintenance and promotion of the positive image of Croatia’s tourism product, and the overall experience of Croatia as a desirable tourist destination. We’re proud that our employee Azra Pavlaković, an operations control officer at Croatia Airlines’ Operations Control and Hub Centre, was announced the winner of the Employee of the Year award in the category of transportation employee. This prestigious award was presented to her at the Days of Croatian Tourism, the largest gathering of tourism employees in Croatia, which was held in Šibenik from 6th to 8th October this year.
powered by Naša nagrađena djelatnica Azra Pavlaković Our employee, Azra Pavlaković, receiving her awardSweet moments
Okusi Zagreba u našem zrakoplovu
The flavours of Zagreb in our aircraft
U ovim, za mnoge, najljepšim danima u godini, potrudili smo se da i naši putnici uživaju u blagdanskom ugođaju. Od početka adventa pa sve do proljeća ugođaj u našim zrakoplovima u znaku je glavnoga hrvatskoga grada zahvaljujući suradnji s Turističkom zajednicom grada Zagreba. Naši zrakoplovi dočaravaju blagdanski i zimski ugođaj naljepnicama zvončića, borića, klizaljki, poklona te drugim ukrasima i znakovima ovog posebnog vremena. Putnici mogu osjetiti i okuse Zagreba preko nekih tipičnih specijaliteta ovog podneblja kao što su, primjerice, orahnjača, samoborska salama s bučinim sjemenkama, umak od hrena s jabukom, keksi s cimetom i krekeri s bučinim sjemenka. Ukratko, putnici na našim letovima osjećat će se već pomalo u Zagrebu i prije nego što slete u glavni hrvatski grad, a i oni koji putuju u druge gradove osjetit će tračak zagrebačke dobrodošlice već u našem zrakoplovu.
Koliko je zagrebački Advent popularan, najbolje svjedoči podatak da je tri godine
zaredom nosio titulu najboljeg u Europi. Nakon što je CNN uvrstio Advent Zagreb na listu najboljih božićnih sajmova u 2022. godini, i britanski Mirror pisao je o zagrebačkom Adventu. Tako je, prema provedenom istraživanju, Zagreb zauzeo drugo mjesto kao grad s najboljom vrijednošću za novac za posjet ovog prosinca, a vijest su prenijeli i ostali najpopularniji britanski mediji: Daily Mail, Telegraph, Independent, i drugi. − Kao što i u samom članku piše, zagrebački se Advent u posljednje vrijeme učvrstio među najboljima u Europi, stoga nas ovakve objave posebno vesele jer dodatno pozicioniraju naš grad na europskoj karti božićnih sajmova − ističe direktorica TZGZ-a, Martina Bienenfeld. No raznovrsni sadržaji Zagreba i njegove okolice privlačni su za posjetitelje tijekom cijele godine. Odmah poslije novogodišnjeg slavlja i zimskih praznika još je mnogo toga što vas očekuje u našem gradu, stoga vas pozivamo da isplanirate skori posjet Zagrebu i okolici. Dobrodošli!
Hrvatska, puna okusa − Slavonski zalogaj Ako s vašeg sjedala u našem zrakoplovu s visine promatrate raznovrsnosti najistočnije hrvatske regije, Slavonije i Bara e Slavoniju i Baranju, prošećite tim krajevima i uvjerite se da je gurmanski doživljaj ondje uistinu savršen.
Croatia, Full of Flavours − Slavonian snack
If from your seat in our aircraft you notice from a bird’s-eye view the diversity of landscapes of the easternmost region of aircraft. Visit Slavonia and Baranja, and take a walk in the region. The region’s gourmet
This is, for many, the most beautiful part of the year, which is why we’ve done our best to ensure that our passengers also get a taste of the festive season. From the beginning of the Advent season until spring, our aircraft will be decorated with the symbols of Croatia’s capital thanks to our collaboration with the Zagreb Tourist Board. Our aircraft will evoke the holiday season and create a festive atmosphere with stickers of Christmas bells, pine cones, ice skates, gifts, and other decorations that symbolise this most special time of year.
Passengers will get to savour the flavours of Zagreb’s cuisine via a number of specialities typical of the region served in our aircraft, including, for example, walnut rolls called orahnjača, Samobor salami with pumpkin seed, horseradish sauce with apple, cinnamon biscuits, and pumpkin seed crackers. In short, passengers on our flights can expect to feel as if they’re already in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital, even before they land, while those continuing their travel to other cities will, in our aircraft, get a feel for what it’s like to be welcomed by Zagreb.
Just how popular Zagreb’s Advent market is is best evidenced by the fact that it won the title of Best Christmas Market in Europe for three consecutive years. First CNN included Advent Zagreb on the list of the best Christmas markets in 2022, and then the British Mirror published a research piece about Europe's Christmas markets, in which, according to Mirror’s research, Zagreb took second place on the list of Best Value European Christmas Markets to visit this December, which was also reported by the UK’s other most popular media outlets, such as the Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Independent, etc. − As Mirror writes, Zagreb’s Advent Christmas Market has cemented itself among Europe’s finest in recent times. We’re particularly happy with such advertisement, because it strengthens the position of our city on the Christmas market map of Europe − Martina Bienenfeld, Zagreb Tourist Board’s CEO, pointed out. The experiences on offer in Zagreb and its surroundings have been attracting visitors throughout the entire year. More specifically, following New Year’s Eve celebrations and winter holidays, there’re plenty of experiences in store for you in our city, so we’re inviting you to plan a visit to Zagreb and its surroundings soon. Welcome!
Prometni pokazatelji nadmašili očekivanja
Traffic indicators exceeding expectations
Nakon jarkih nijansi plodonosne jeseni i s dolaskom zime boje u prirodi poprimaju hladnije tonove spektra. Zimski prometni smiraj u Zračnoj luci Split vrijeme je kada se možemo osvrnuti na godinu koja je na izmaku, pritom obaviti nužne radove i aktivnosti koji se mogu izvoditi samo za vrijeme niske prometne potražnje te započeti pripreme za iduću ljetnu sezonu. Prometni pokazatelji u ovoj godini nadmašili su očekivanja tako da je sa 2,9 milijuna putnika ostvareno gotovo 90% prometa putnika iz rekordne 2019. predpandemijske godine. Međutim, proteklu sezonu obilježio je izraženi entuzijazam svih pedesetak zračnih prijevoznika koji su letjeli u Zračnu luku Split, a posebice je bila primjetna radost i zadovoljstvo putnika koji su konačno bez ograničenja mogli doći u svoja omiljena odredišta.
Na tragu dobrih rezultata tijekom ljetne sezone zimski red letenja obogaćen je s dvije nove međunarodne destinacije. Croatia Airlines uveo je četiri leta tjedno za Zürich, a KLM pet letova tjedno za Amsterdam, što uz postojeće letove Croatia Airlinesa za Frankfurt, München i Rim te Eurowingsove letove za Düsseldorf, Köln i Stuttgart čini solidnu ponudu tijekom zime. Pored uobičajenih jesenskih poslova zaposlenici zračne luke uz ugodno su druženje obavili i tradicionalnu berbu vlastitih nasada maslina. Iako iscrpljene ekstremnim ljetnim
žegama, masline su ponovo pokazale svu svoju snagu i postojanost. Preradom je dobiveno 1000 litara ulja vrhunske kvalitete uz izniman prinos od gotovo 20%.
Following the bright hues of a fruitful autumn, with the arrival of winter, the colours of nature take on the cooler hues from the colour palette. The winter traffic calm at Split Airport is a time when we can look back on the year which is about to draw to an end, whilst carrying out the necessary work and activities that can only be done during low demand for travel, and whilst commencing with preparations for the next summer season.
This year’s traffic indicators exceeded our expectations. More specifically, 2.9 million passengers passing through Split Airport in 2022 equals nearly 90% of passenger traffic recorded in the pre-pandemic, record year of 2019. What stood out during this year’s tourist season is the tremendous enthusiasm shown by all the fifty airlines that fly to Split Airport, and the joy and satisfaction of pa -
ssengers who could finally get to their much desired destinations without any restrictions. In the wake of the excellent results that were achieved during this year’s summer season, the winter flight timetable has been enriched with two new international destinations. Croatia Airlines introduced four flights a week to Zurich, and KLM five flights a week to Amsterdam. Together with Croatia Airlines’ existing flights to Frankfurt, Munich, and Rome, and Eurowings’ existing flights to Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Stuttgart − this makes for a solid offer of flights from and to Split Airport during the winter season.
Besides their regular work activities conducted in autumn, the employees of Split Airport partook, as a team building activity of sorts, in the traditional harvesting of olives growing in the airport’s very own olive grove. Albeit exhausted by the scorching heat of summer, the olive trees have demonstrated, yet again, just how robust and resistant they are. The olive fruit harvested this year yielded 1000 litres of top-quality olive oil with an exceptionally high yield of almost 20%.
flight tells a story
Joy, love, adventure. The moments when we connect are often the most special, especially at festive times of the year. As the world’s largest airline alliance, we come together to connect you with your loved ones, no matter how long the journey. So you’ll always be close, even when you’re thousands of miles apart.
Share your travel moments with us using airport codes, and tag #MyStarAlliance.
Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica
-5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja -2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike
- 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana - Putno osiguranje
- Milje ne zastarijevaju
- Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela
Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica
-5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja -Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. -2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.
VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 16 kuna uHrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenih 8 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja
Visa Gold Croatia Airlines card
-5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile
- 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users
- Travel insurance
- Miles do not expire
-Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel
Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card
- 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile
- Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad
- 2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account
Više informacija možete pronaći na:
VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 16 HRK spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 8 HRK spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account
Please find detailed info at:
Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm)
Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu:
- 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm - putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe
- bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave
The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following: - 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in); - each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food;
- disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.
30 cm 40 cm
10 cm 20 cm
U zrakoplov se smiju unositi:
- tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta - tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre
- tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi.
The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:
- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination; - liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre);
- liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.
Help us protect your health and safety by following these important guidelines:
- Start your journey only if you feel
If you have a fever, if you’ve lost your sense of smell and taste, if you’ve got a bad cough or if you’re experiencing shortness of breath, and if your health is poor, please postpone your flight.
- Take as little hand luggage as possible into the passenger cabin to reduce physical contact. Take only personal items and valuables of the size allowed (handbags, smaller backpacks and laptop
- The wearing of medical face protective mask covering your mouth and nose is recommended on all our flights.
- Hand disinfectants are available in the lavatories of all our aircraft.
- We provide each passenger with wet wipes with which to wipe their seat (backrest, armrest, ventilation openings, etc.).
- While coughing or sneezing, make sure you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or you cough or sneeze into your elbow.
- Avoid touching surfaces and using ventilation openings unless necessarily.
equired to complete either onic or a paper version of the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) or Health Declaration Form (HDF) prior to getting on some international flights. PLFs and HDFs are used for the purpose of collecting information about the close contacts of a passenger who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 by subsequent diagnostic tests and procedures, and may not be used for other
- Passengers are strongly advised to contact, before their flight, the embassy of their country of origin, and/or visit the official website of ficial authorities of all the countries that they are flying to or
opean countries have travel estrictions in place, including: the ement to submit a completed Passenger Locator Form (PLF), quarantine, and mandatory COVID-19 testing for passengers, or COVID-19 vaccination certificates, or COVID-19 ecovery certificates. Make sure that egularly and frequently check the estrictions in place at your destination before your flight.
- While exiting the aircraft try to maintain social distancing.
ZAGREB, Sjedište Voćarska Podružnica Mandlova Podružnica Vinogradska
SPLIT, Podružnica Split RIJEKA, Podružnica Rijeka OSIJEK, Podružnica Osijek ČAKOVEC, Podružnica Čakovec
Nuklearna medicina Radiologija Interna medicina - Kardiologija, Gastroenterologija, Pulmologija Pedijatrijska kardiologija Neurologija Dermatovenerologija Oftalmologija Ginekologija i opstetricija Urologija Ortopedija Onkologija Plastična, rekonstrukcijska i estetska kirurgija Anesteziologija, reanimatologija i intenzivno liječenje Medicinsko-biokemijski laboratorij Citologija Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija s fizikalnom terapijom
Mobilna aplikacija za lakši način putovanja!
Mobile app for an easier way to travel!
Preuzmite našu mobilnu aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga...
Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku.
Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more... Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.
AMSTERDAM (AMS) Schiphol Amsterdam Airport terminal 3
ATHENS (ATH) Athens International Airport main terminal BRUSSELS (BRU) Brussels Airport Zaventem terminal B
PARIS (CDG) Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport terminal 2D COPENHAGEN (CPH) Copenhagen Airport terminal 2
DUBLIN(DUB ) Dublin Airport terminal 1
DUSSELDORF (DUS) Düsseldorf Airport terminal A
ROME (FCO) Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport terminal 3
FRANKFURT (FRA) Frankfurt Airport terminal 1
LONDON GATWICK (LGW) Gatwick Airport terminal S
LONDON HEATHROW (LHR) Heathrow Airport terminal 2
LYON (LYS) Lyon Saint-Exupery Inter national Airport terminal 1 MUNICH (MUC) Munich Airport terminal 2
SARAJEVO (SJJ) Sarajevo International Airport terminal B
SKOPJE (SKP) Skopje Alexander the Great Airport main terminal BERLIN (BER) Berlin Brandenburg Airport terminal 1
VIENNA (VIE) Vienna Airport terminal 3
ZURICH (ZRH) Zurich Airport terminal 2
Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information
Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00
Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00
Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094
Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.
Specifikacije / Specifications
Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)
Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)
NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)
NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)
Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)
NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)
Pogonska grupa / Power-plants
Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet
Airbus A320-200 35,8 / 117 37,6 / 123 77.000 11.900 / 39.000 122,40 / 1318 834 (450 KTS) motori / engines x 2 CFM 56 2
Airbus A319-100 35,8 / 117 33,84 / 111 64.000 / 75.500 11.900 / 39.000 122,40 / 1318 834 (450 KTS) motori / engines x 2 CFM 56 5
Dash8 - Q400 28,42 / 93,24 32,83 / 107,71 29.257 7620 / 25.000 63,08 / 679 667 (360 KTS) motori / engines x 2 PW 150A 6
Broj sjedala / Number of seats 144/150 76 174
Airbus A320-200
Airbus A319-100
Dash8 - Q400
Bergen Helsinki
Stockholm Oslo Stavanger
Dublin Lyon
Hamburg Gdansk
reb Zag Milan
Osijek Rijeka
Pula Rome
Lisbon Istanbul
Napomena: Sve navedene informacije podložne su promjenama ovisno o trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom virusom COVID-19.
Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Code Share Partners
Ai r C a n a d a
Ai r F ra nc e
A i r I nd i a
A sia n a
A us t ri a n A i r li n e s
B ru ss e l s A i r li n e s
Montreal Toronto Vancouver Calgary Ottawa Trade Air
L OT Pol i sh Ai rl i ne s
L uftha n sa
Sarajevo Athens
linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines' services u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama / in cooperation with partner airlines sezonske linije / seasonal routes Singapore
Star Alliance Members
Aege a n
A i r C ana d a
A i r C hi na
A i r I nd i a
A i r New Zeala n d
A N A - All N i p p o n A i rw a y s
A s i ana Ai r l i ne s
A u st r i a n A i r l i ne s
Avi a nc a
B r us s el s A i rl i ne s
E v a Ai r
LO T Pol i sh Ai rl i ne s
L u f tha n sa
Sca n d in a v i a n A i rl i ne s
S h e n z he n A i r l i ne s
S i ngap o re Airl i ne s
S o ut h A f ri c a n A i rw a y s
Swi s s
TA P A i r Po r tug a l
T h a i Ai r w a ys In t e r n a ti o n a l
Tu rk i sh A irl i ne s
Cop a A i rl i ne s
C ro a tia Airl i ne s
U n i ted Ai r l i ne s
Swiss International Air Lines
S AS Tur ki s h A i rl i ne s
S i n g a p o re Airl i ne s U nite d A i rli n e s
E g yp t Ai r
TAP P or t ug a l
E t h iop i a n Ai r l i ne s
Direkcija / Head office
Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153
E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses
President’s Office/ Public Relations/ Marketing/ Sales/ Cargo/
Kontakt centar / Contact Center
072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00
Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52
Miles & More kontakt centar /
Miles & More Service Team
072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia
Informacije o prijevozu robe /
Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573
Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46
Travel centri u zračnim lukama
Travel centar Dubrovnik
Zračna luka Dubrovnik 20 213 Čilipi Tel. (+385-20) 773 332
Travel centar Osijek Zračna luka Osijek Vukovarska 67, 31207 Klisa Tel. (+385-31) 284 611
Travel centar Pula
Zračna luka Pula Valtursko polje 210, Ližnjan Tel. (+ 385-52) 550 927
Poslovnice / Town and airport offices
Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012
Brussels Belgium
Tribes Brussels Central Station Koloniënstraat, 56 1000 Brussel - België Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132
Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520
Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye
BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00
SlovaËka / Slovakia
71 000 Sarajevo
ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600
Skopje 1000 Skopje
ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969
Split 21 000 Split
ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298
Zadar 23 000 Zadar
ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101
Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb
Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215
Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930
CK Blue Sky Travel
Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375
Srbija / Serbia
Travel Centar d.o.o. Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 202 80 46 Španjolska / Spain
Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775
Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140
Indija / India
STIC Travel Group 2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) 4595300
Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840
Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents
Europa / Europe
»eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235
GrËka / Greece
Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Marathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli − Greece Tel. +30 210 371 6381 Fax + 0030 210 324 9152
APG Portugal
Rua Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 Bolembre 2705-553 São João das Lampas Portugal Tel. +351 211 930 226
Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108
51 000 Rijeka
JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757
Global Russia Marketing//GRM Bolshaya Sadovaya str. 10, office 20 (V), 2-nd entrance, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel.: +7 (495) 727-05-66 Konnogvardeysky blvd, 19, office 47, 190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (921) 905-88-73
Contact person: Gurpreet Sangar Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Mmarathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli - Greece, Tel. +30 210 3716381 Fax + 30 210 3249152
Novi Zeland / New Zealand
CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897
Air System Inc.
Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740
Koreja / Korea Bohram 1901-1, 19F Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro Jung-gu, Seoul South Korea (04535)
Tajvan / Taiwan
Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371
Kina / China
Pacific Aviation Marketing 12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032
Hong Kong
Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030