Motor Neurone Disease Qld Newsletter_Winter 2017

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The Cornflower



HIGHLIGHTS Spotlight on our specialist MND Advisors Focus on Research – Latest News Essential Events National & Global MND Awareness now!


MAY & JUNE National MND Awareness Week — Activities continue during May MND Global Day — 21 June

How will you blue in May & June? Be part of the global & local push in May & June to raise awareness & funds — see Page 7 for more info!

ON THE COVER Head of Service Amanda Pavey (second from right) with our MND Advisory Team

Our Team

MND Advisory Team

MARK HOSKING Chief Executive Officer

AMANDA PAVEY Head of Service

LISA RAYNER Fundraising & Communications Manager

MND ADVISORS Brad Miller Sharon Gray Mark Whitley John Hart Chris Carroll

OFFICE AND SUPPORT SERVICES Telisa Sekona Mal Farrow Denise Plunkett-Mansell

Motor Neurone Disease Qld ABN 75 990 922 939 Established in 1983 and founded by Charles Graham (1925-1983) PO Box 407 Inala QLD 4077 P: 07 3372 9004 • F: 07 3278 9871 Freecall: 1800 777 175


The Cornflower is the Newsletter of The Motor Neurone Disease Association of Qld (MND Qld) for clients, donors, members, industry professionals and philanthropic givers wishing to support health causes that have a significant impact on many lives. The Cornflower is published with due care and attention to accuracy, however if you do find information that is inaccurate please contact us.

Feedback and contributions

Keep informed on our social media pages - your Likes, Follows, Link clicks and Shares all help raise awareness and crucial funds.

MND Qld Facebook

MND Qld Twitter

Walk to D-Feet MND Facebook

Send your Feedback and story ideas to

Walk to D-Feet MND Twitter



By credit card over the Phone - 3372 9004 or online at Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. 2

MND Qld Online



Changing times at MND Qld It is now about 12 months since the first National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) site in Queensland opened in Townsville. Since then, the Toowoomba region has commenced, with other regions following in ensuing months. From January 2018, the biggest Queensland region for NDIS, the south-east corner, will open for business. The staggered approach has enabled a controlled roll-out with experience from Townsville being useful for Service Providers, Clients and the Government Agency (National Disability Insurance Agency). The NDIS, available to those under 65, is the biggest disability reform Australia has ever seen. It is a massive logistical undertaking for State and Federal Governments. Even with limited Queensland release there have been some wonderful stories – examples of people who have never received assistance before but now have a management plan and supports. In setting up this scheme, the Government wanted a safety net for those who needed it most, giving Users “choice” of providers. You may have read media reports about aspects of the scheme that need review or modification. There have also been changes at Board level of the NDIA, and Government is addressing future funding through the budget process. I urge Users or potential Users of the scheme to block out the “noise” and forge ahead to reaping the benefits of this reform. We only have to look back at

“Major reforms like the NDIS are multilayered, complex and take time to get in place, but there have already been some wonderful stories – people who have never received assistance before but now have a management plan and supports.” MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE QUEENSLAND NEWS

the introduction of another massive reform in Medicare to understand that such reforms are multi-layered, complex and take time to get in place. In the previous Newsletter, Amanda Pavey outlined the basics around NDIS operations. In this edition she looks at a critical activity in moving towards your management plan – the pre-planning process. Time spent here will assist in smoothing the way to your plan approval. We work with a pre-planning template which addresses issues your Planner will be concerned with, and which you need to have thought about. Your Planner is interested in your life objectives, needs and aspirations– which can be difficult to articulate on the “spur of the moment”. We are here to assist – have a planning conversation with us to guide and support you through the process.

Mark Hosking Chief Executive Officer

Exciting research in Queensland by Associate Professor Trent Woodruff and his team in regard to the drug PMX205 and its impact on mice has recently received media exposure. We include in this edition a media release from MND Australia and a press clipping of the article “New Drug takes fight up to MND”. Dr John Lee, who is the Research Associate of Trent Woodruff will be the Guest Speaker at our AGM on 24 June. It will make for fascinating listening. (Details of our AGM are in this edition.) The 2016 year has been one of changes and development in the MND Queensland office and the year moved so rapidly. In the last few months we finalised our Easter Appeal and have just held two very successful Walks to D-Feet MND in Toowoomba and Brisbane. It was wonderful to see so many new supporters at these events as well as our devoted regular supporters who we all regard as part of the “MND Queensland Family”. The national campaign MND Awareness Week was held from 7 May to 13 May and the Global Day of Awareness is on 21 June. In addition to building awareness, a video project has been commenced and we will be sharing these videos with you later in the month. We encourage you to get involved and be part of fundraising and awareness efforts during May and June. Whether it’s an event at work or with your club, or simply sharing posts on social media to help raise awareness, it all helps. THE CORNFLOWER 3


Walk to D-Feet MND 2017 – smashed it! As this Newsletter is distributed, we are in Walks to D-Feet MND “Season 1”. The Toowoomba Walk was on 30 April in Queens Park, and we are fresh from the Brisbane walk in Roma Street Parkland on 7 May. Both attracted record crowds and Brisbane exceeded our fundraising targets. TOP LEFT AND RIGHT: Brisbane Walk to D-Feet on 7 May MIDDLE: Toowoomba Walk to D-Feet on 30 April

These walks are one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, and our supporters new and old gave it their all to make it a success. Thank you so much to all the supporters, volunteers, local organisers and skilled professionals who helped make the day a great one. A full report will feature in our next Newsletter edition, but we’ve included some early photos here. If you couldn’t attend the walks you can still support them after the events by sponsoring the MND team who are already Registered online, or by sponsoring someone you know. Just go to the links below for each walk.

Click on the “Support a Friend or Join a Team” button, and find the MND Team on the list (our team is on Page 4 on the Toowoomba online list, and on Page 24 on the Brisbane online list), then click on Donate. The Walk to D-Feet campaign runs for a month after each Walk. You can Donate online until Sunday 4 June and if you have walked you can still get last minute sponsors. And there’s more... we have more exciting Walks coming later in the year, most likely on the Gold Coast and Bundaberg – news on that soon. Plus - we are looking for someone who might be willing to do a 2 week walk – possibly Gold Coast to Bundaberg or vice versa, stopping in towns along the way. Call us if you are interested and we can tell you more – phone 3372 9004.

Go to these links to donate for each walk 4



Novel drug PMX205 reduces MND symptoms and extends the life of mice in a new study supported by MNDRIA MEDIA RELEASE: 6 March 2017

A study led by University of Queensland researchers Associate Professor Trent Woodruff and Dr John Lee has found a drug “PMX205” extends the life of mice that have a SOD1 mutation. The research, published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, also found PMX205 slowed disease progression and significantly increased the muscle strength of mice. In human terms, the researchers hope these findings could mean people with MND retain their motor function for longer and live longer, if treated with PMX205. More studies are now underway to determine the safety of PMX205 before it can be tested in humans. What is PMX205?

PMX205 is a novel drug that blocks a key component of the immune system called “complement C5a.” C5a is involved in inflammation – the body’s response to injury. C5a is increased in the brains and blood of people with MND, and is thought to speed up the death of motor neurones. PMX205 is an inhibitor of C5a and dampens down inflammation, preventing further damage to the body. What does this new research mean?

PMX205 now has clearly shown to be beneficial in mouse and (previously) rat models of MND. Therefore, this helps the case to take PMX205 further towards clinical trials for MND. Is it related to familial or sporadic MND?

To date, PMX205 has only been tested in the familial SOD1G93A model, however the inflammatory pathway is likely to be active in all forms of MND. Future studies are planned to test PMX205 in sporadic MND models. Is this a new treatment?

This research is expected to lead to clinical trials of PMX205. Formal preclinical safety and toxicity studies need to be successfully completed first, and this will take about two years before human testing can occur. The drug has obtained FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency) ‘orphan drug’ approval, which allows for an accelerated progression to human trials. The first clinical trials MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE QUEENSLAND NEWS

in healthy volunteers with PMX205 are currently anticipated to commence in Australia in late 2018. If PMX205 is found to be safe in healthy volunteers, clinical trials in patients with MND may be possible during 2019, with Australia as one potential site of these trials. This research was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council and the MND Research Institute of Australia.

New drug takes fight up to MND

3 March 2017

An inflammation-inh ibiting A degenerative disorder, drug could be the key to MND slowing affects more than 2000 Australthe progression of motor ians, according to the Motor neurone disease, new research Neurone Disease Associat ion, has found. and has no cure. In a significant breakthro Prof Woodruff said the ugh in study, the fight against the deb pu blished in the British Jou ilitating rnal terminal disease, Queen of Pharmacology, also sland found the inflammation-fightin researchers have shown the g drug drug do ubled the muscle str slowed the progression of ength MND of mice at certain stages of the in mice and prolonged their disease. survival. “(In humans) this poten University of Queen tially sland means they wouldn’t have to go associate professor of ph arma- into a wheelchair as soon as they cology Trent Woodruf f said would normally and certainly the drug, known as PM X205, would be able to retain a lot extended the life of the mice by of their motor function a lot up to 12 days. longer,” he said. “That could actually tra “If you translate tha t into nslate to a potentially good potentially what could clinical happen ben efit in patients.” in humans, it’s very dif ficult, He said they were now wo but it could be several months, rking towards approval for six months or so to a yea human r,” he trials , with results expect said. “In a disease that ha ed s quite within thr ee years. a rapid onset and death within The research was presen two to three years ted at extend- the Wesley Medical Resea ing anything would be rch quite neuroscience symposium in beneficial. Brisbane yesterday.


Spotlight on our MND Advisory Service áá They establish contact with or link the client with the specialist MND multidisciplinary community service in their area if applicable, or assist in organising alternatives where appropriate. áá Advisors deliver information with sensitivity, understanding and knowledge to people and families living with MND, and offer support and information to service providers managing their needs. We have a number of resources designed specifically for varying target audiences.

The MND Advisory Team L-R Sharon Gray, Mark Whitley, John Hart, Amanda Pavey and Brad Miller

One of the most important roles of MND Qld is to provide support and information to people who have been diagnosed with MND, their carers, families and local communities. Our MND Advisors reach out to hundreds of people across Queensland, and their job is incredibly wide-ranging, both geographically and professionally. There are advisors based in Townsville, Bundaberg, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, and the Gold Coast who also regularly travel to surrounding areas (e.g., Cairns, Mackay and Rockhampton 3-4 times per year). We shine a spotlight on the work of this amazing team. áá MND Advisors will visit, phone, email, Skype or text with clients to provide ongoing support and assistance to navigate and access local services as a need arises and in a timely manner. They offer support and a person to discuss issues with so that the person with MND and their family do not feel isolated. áá We run support groups across the state organised and facilitated by our MND Advisors. They also regularly attend multidisciplinary meetings, case conferences, or mediate at family conferences. áá The MND Advisor plays a pivotal role in establishing an understanding of the disease and its impact, monitoring needs and providing information to people diagnosed with MND (e.g. PEG/RIG, Communication or equipment aids or further house modifications). They also inform the person with MND and/or family about the range of support and services available in the community to address current or future needs.



áá The service facilitates and leads education sessions for health, aged, palliative, disability and community care professionals, tailored to suit the audience, so that all service sectors are equipped to provide the best possible care. áá We offer consistent support for the person with MND and family throughout the journey, from diagnosis and beyond, and assist with building a plan and support the person to action the various tasks (e.g., understanding the ACAT or DSQ system, planning for NDIS, end of life planning, advanced health directive, residential care placement, accessing allied health practitioners). áá MND Advisors are trained in approaching difficult conversations specific to MND, answering questions about the illness, preparing for what lies ahead, the dying process and supporting family and friends through their caring role. áá The MND Advisors work with people living with MND to ensure a person-centred, goal orientated approach to address the identified needs of the individual. They support family decision making and, where necessary, act as an advocate for the person with MND. If you have been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease or are caring for someone with the disease, we are here to support you and welcome your call on 33729004. If you would like to support this wonderful service you can donate over the phone on 33729004, post your donation to MND Qld, PO Box 1039, Inala East 4077, or donate online at


Essential Queensland Events –

Doing It Blue For MND We are lucky to have passionate supporters around Queensland who put their heart and soul into organising fundraising events in support of MND Queensland. We operate almost entirely on fundraising income, so your support is crucial for the work we do. We are so grateful to all who have made that commitment to support people with the devastating diagnosis of MND and help contribute to brighter futures.

Events in both urban and regional areas including Inglewood, Goondiwindi, and Samford have either recently taken place or are about to happen – morning teas, rural picnics, auctions, club fun days are just some of the events organised with vigour and supported with generosity. Below are some fabulous events coming up soon – choose one near you and get involved!

FOREST LAKE MAGPIES JRLFC FUN DAY OF GAMES 18TH JUNE - Kickoff 9.15am Warren Ritchie Sports Complex, 1449 Boundary Rd Ellen Grove This heartfelt club is raising funds in honour of their mate with a day of games. Seven games have been allocated for the day. There will be a raffle with prizes including a gift voucher from 5 Star Sports, chocolates and club merchandise. Website: Facebook: Contact: Club President, Farren Dicker for more information on 0419 131 896


If you would like to run an event or activity to support people with MND contact us on 3372 9004 or email



REPORT: Symptom Management Information Session

Awareness Helps Bring Peace of Mind management of the symptoms that may affect someone living with MND, and how they and their family can best respond. Areas covered included moods and emotions; speech, communication and swallowing issues; nutrition and alternate feeding; saliva issues; breathing issues – non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and medication management; upper limb and lower limb function – mobility, balance, safety, aides; pain, cramps, and stiffness.

The free information session held at Geebung RSL earlier this year

Following on from the success of last years event at Easts Leagues Club, In March this year MND Queensland and the MND and Me Foundation were proud to present another free information session for families affected by Motor Neurone Disease, hosted by the Geebung RSL. Last year, Neurologist Dr Robert Henderson of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital gave a general overview of the disease, how it is diagnosed and what research is being conducted throughout Australia and globally in the fight to find treatments and a cure. This time around, RBWH Clinical Nurse Consultant Nicole Hutchinson and Speech Pathology Team Leader Dr Anna Farrell discussed

MND can be such a challenging condition, and being prepared can be the key for both the person diagnosed and their carer, to help reduce any distress and frustration as symptoms arise. The information provided by Nicole and Anna, who have such experience and knowledge, was critical in raising awareness and alleviating concerns about what to do and in what circumstances. We would like our readers who are living with MND, and anyone who may have attended the session, to remember that MND is such an individual disease, so some symptoms may not play a part in every personal journey. However, the more information and education we can provide will hopefully assist with preparation, minimise fears and crisis situations, and allow greater safety and comfort for you or your loved ones. We warmly thank Nicole and Anna for their valuable presentation, and we look forward to delivering more of these events in the future.


MND Qld Membership – Renew or Join!

Membership of Motor Neurone Disease Association of Qld is now due for renewal. Your support is vital to continuing support for people living with MND and their families. Membership is just $5 a year for people living with MND and $25 for others wishing to support the Association and its work. To join for the first time or to check on new or renewal membership deadlines call us on 3372 9004. Forms and info about the process are also available online. 8


Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Motor Neurone Disease Association of Queensland Inc. to be held on Saturday 24th June 2017 at 10am at the Hub, Centenary Community Centre, Dandenong Road, Mt Ommaney. Morning tea will be served from 9.30am. Our Guest Speaker will be Research Associate Dr John Lee, who will speak about MND research, particularly the latest on the drug PMX205. Our Annual Report for 2016 will be presented, and positions falling vacant will be elected. Members – a full set of relevant documents required for the AGM will be provided to you separately, as an insert or separate mailing. Enquiries, or to register your attendance at the AGM, contact Telisa in our office on 3372 9004 by Friday 16 June for catering purposes. We look forward to your continued support and involvement with MND Queensland. MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE QUEENSLAND NEWS

NDIS Series

Preparing and Planning In our last newsletter we provided ‘Some Facts and Essential Information’ for clients and their carers about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which is being rolled out throughout Queensland in stages. We build upon this further with information about the preparation and planning stages. Time spent here will assist in smoothing the way to your plan approval. We work with a pre-planning template which addresses the issues your NDIS Planner will be concerned with, and which you need to have thought about. Your Planner is particularly interested in your life objectives, needs and aspirations and it really helps if you allow some time to consider these in advance and commit your thoughts to paper. Every person who enters into a funding arrangement with the National Disability insurance Agency (NDIA) is known as a ‘Participant’. This means you have a greater say over what goes into your individualised plan than ever before. The NDIS is a whole-of-life approach seeking to promote choice, control and social and economic participation, so a person with significant impairment can receive the support they need across their lifetime. You may find there is more available to you than before, and notice changes in how you access service providers, giving you more choice in how you access services. Your plan will include a ‘Statement of Goals and Aspirations’ regarding how you wish to live your life, and a ‘Statement of Supports’ which you require to enable this to happen.

“Your NDIS Planner is particularly interested in your life objectives, needs and aspirations and it helps if you consider these in advance. We can help you prepare through an individual pre-planning session with one of our MND Advisors.” MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE QUEENSLAND NEWS


As the NDIS rolls out in your area you will have the chance to undertake a pre-planning session. This will help you get organised and prepared when the time comes to submit your ‘Participant Plan’ to the NDIA for consideration. It is important to consider all the kinds of services and supports you need to function on a day to day basis, and for these to be included in the plan you submit. Here are some important points to consider in advance of your pre-planning session so you get the most out of your allocated appointment time with the planner: áá Who provides me with the most informal support? (e.g. Partner or spouse, close family or friends). There may be more than one source of support that is essential to you. áá In what ways do these people support me? And how often? áá What other forms of support do I utilise? And how often (e.g. Domestic or personal assistance)? áá What challenges do I face that make my day to day life, and achieving my desired goals difficult (e.g. physical symptoms or impairment, lack of financial means, lack of necessary equipment or community access)? áá What would help me overcome some of the challenges I face (e.g. equipment or house modifications to increase my independence, additional support in the home or to access the community)? áá What would I like to achieve in the next 12 months (e.g. maintain or improve my living arrangements, increase access to my community or social opportunities, increase my independence)? áá What supports would help me achieve this? The planning sessions you undertake will be undertaken with far more depth, however starting to consider questions like these will point you in the right direction for a productive session. If you would like to organise a pre-planning session, contact your MND Advisor, or call MND Qld on 3372 9004. If you would like to support the work of our MND Advisory Service, you can donate over the phone or online at: THE CORNFLOWER 9




STAFF PROFILE John Hart, MND Advisor Sunshine Coast

Making the most of every moment John Hart commenced with MND Qld early this year and brings rich life experience and extensive qualifications to his role. John speaks about his love of working with people and making a difference in their lives. What led you to apply for the role as an MND Advisor?

Simply – I love people, and wanted to pursue what I love the most - spending quality time with them. As a nurse I found it was too busy and rushed. I prefer to spend time getting to know clients and listening to their stories. I’m a happy bloke and I don’t like to see people uncomfortable and suffering. I like to help them reach a level of comfort and make the most of their life. Although it’s challenging, that is my goal with each person I support. Tell us about the qualifications that you bring to the position?

I have a Masters in Disability & Rehabilitation, a Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies, a Diploma in Exercise Science, Health & Fitness, a Diploma of Counselling and I am a qualified Nurse. Why did you choose this field of work?

I’ve done lots of things in my working life – from owning a resort, business consulting and CEO of a community organisation. Of all the things I’ve done, this role is the one where you can really make a difference for someone – each visit you can leave them a bit happier than they were when you arrived. What happens when you visit clients with MND?

I have a chat with them and sometimes their carer or a family member. I provide information

about MND, answer their questions, and let them know we supply equipment that helps make their living conditions more comfortable. I let them know about resources available and our support groups that they or their carers and family can attend. We can also advocate for them if they are running into brick walls when trying to access services. Some people ask about planning a good death, and I talk about such things as having a Health Directive in place. We often have a laugh and a chat about life in general. We reflect on their life and I say that their life isn’t over yet – there’s still a life to live for as long as you can – write your bucket list and start making great memories! What are the obstacles and challenges?

We can’t cure the disease so to help manage the symptoms we have to be creative and adaptive to get the best outcomes for day-to-day living and social engagement. No two cases are the same – each person is affected by a different combination, order and severity of symptoms. Everything is personalised and the needs are high. Working part-time means sometimes I get calls when I’m not working, but I always take the call. What inspires you?

My clients amaze me with their ability to still laugh, to make fun of themselves, to be stoic, and to make the most of every minute of their life. It makes me realise you never know when your time is up. I don’t know how I’d be if I got the diagnosis – I’d probably be kicking and screaming and complaining!

Upcoming appeals

Coming soon!

Thank you to the dedicated donors who supported our “We Care” Christmas Appeal and our “Helping Change Lives” Easter Appeal – your gifts have helped provide a wide range of support for those living with MND, including those newly diagnosed. Your gifts also help fund our work in raising awareness which ultimately leads to more funds raised for advocacy, care, support, equipment and research. Look out for our Tax Appeal in June – donations can be made over the phone on 3372 9004, or online at

In the next Newsletter, for clients we will continue our NDIS Series, and provide some helpful info on accessing allied health professionals. For donors and supporters we’ll be doing a bigger report on our Walks, a feature on the Gasoline Alley Harley Owners Group (HOGS) and more about upcoming events around Queensland. One of those is the HOG Ride, which will be returning on 15 October. If you would like to pillion on a Harley, save the date and look out for more info soon on our Facebook page!


John Hart MND Advisor Sunshine Coast (incl Caboolture & Gympie)


Are you living with MND, or a carer, close friend or family member?

MND Qld Support Groups are there for you We hold support groups for people living with MND and for carers and others who are close to a person living with MND.

held monthly and we post details of upcoming support groups on our Facebook page.

The groups can vary in format and type of venue and are tailored to the needs of clients and their families. They are a great outlet for connecting with others going through the same thing, a chance to share ideas and experiences, ask questions and learn about what to expect. Each group is coordinated by an MND Advisor, and will sometimes have guest speakers who can offer insights into specific aspects of MND. Get in touch with one of our Advisors today and find out about the format and focus of the groups available in your area. The groups are

MND Support Group calendar 2017 Cairns

South Brisbane

LOCATION: Cairns North – Community Health (Bayoo Room), 381 Sheridan Street, Cairns North 4870 FREQUENCY: Every 4th Wednesday TIME: 10.00am to 12.00pm RSVP: Anne Kavanagh – 07 4426 4481 or 0400 739 674

LOCATION: QLD MND Centre – 5/28 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo 4151 FREQUENCY: First Thursday of the Month TIME: 10.00am to 12.00pm RSVP: Brad Miller – or 07 3372 9004



LOCATION: Kirwan Health Campus – 138 Thuringowa Drive, Kirwan 4817 FREQUENCY: Every six weeks – contact Sharon for dates TIME: 10.00am to 12.00pm RSVP: Sharon Gray – or 0424 408 657

LOCATION: Ipswich Central Library – Corner East and South Streets, Ipswich 4305 FREQUENCY: Third Thursday of the Month TIME: 10.00am to 12.00pm RSVP: Amanda Pavey – or 07 3372 9004


Gold Coast

LOCATION: Contact Mark for venue FREQUENCY: Third Tuesday, bi-monthly TIME: 10am to 12pm RSVP: Mark – or 0450 212 010

Sunshine Coast LOCATION: Coolum Civic Centre – 2-4 Park Street, Coolum Beach 4573 FREQUENCY: Second Tuesday of the Month TIME: 10.00am to 12.00pm RSVP: John Hart –

North Brisbane LOCATION: Pine Rivers Community Health – 568 Gympie Road, Strathpine 4500 FREQUENCY: Fourth Saturday of every month TIME: 9.30am to 11.30am RSVP: Graeme & Liz Holyer 0458 021 783



LOCATION: Surfers Paradise Golf Club, Fairways Drive, Clear Island Waters 4226 FREQUENCY: Second Saturday, bi-monthly TIME: 1pm to 3pm RSVP: Dianne Brauer – 0411 742 265 or Lorraine Lovatt – 0408 661 212

Gold Coast Carers LOCATION: Italo-Australian Club, 18 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters 4226. FREQUENCY: Bi-Monthly first Wednesday (next one is June 7th) TIME: 11-1pm RSVP: Brad 0420 882 010 or Chris on 0421 252 455

Mackay Support groups will be coming to Mackay later in the year – more details coming soon!


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