Fall 2009 Brochure

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www.umt.edu/ce/plus50 or 406.243.2905

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UM

To learn more, see the back cover and enroll in Rafael Chacon’s Art and Insanity course fall 2009.

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that the painting Starry Night depicts a view from a window inside an asylum?

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Fall 2009

Welcome to MOLLI Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at The University of Montana (MOLLI) is pleased to announce programs that promote the lifelong learning and personal growth of older adults. We are looking for those +50 individuals who are curious and love to learn. Our goal is to create an accessible and innovative learning environment so that older adults from all backgrounds and levels of education may pursue learning. Neither exams nor grades are given, so it is truly learning for learning’s sake. MOLLI courses expose learners to Montana’s best teachers, including emeritus and current faculty, as well as professionals from the community. Program offerings include lectures, ongoing discussions, short courses, field trips, and interest groups that cover topics from the humanities to sciences and the arts, as well as community and regional issues. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UM Todd Building-Continuing Education 32 Campus Dr, Missoula, MT 59812

Schedule Fall 09 Courses The Power of Pictures: The Pulitzer Prize Photographs with Dobb, Leeson, Mayer, Swick & Rafferty 9:00 am-10:30 am: Todd Bldg-UM--Sept 10, 17, 22 - Oct 1, 8, 15 Natural Hazards & Disasters with Don Hyndman Tues. & Thurs. 11:00 am-12:30 pm: UM-Todd Bldg Note: Twice wkly for three wks--Oct. 27, 29, Nov. 3, 5, 10, 12 Biology of Bird Flight with Bret W. Tobalske Thurs. 9:00 am-10:30 am: UM-Todd Bldg Good Thinking! Logic & Illogic in Everyday Life with Burke Townsend Thurs. 9:00 am- 10:30 am: Todd Bldg-UM Note: Late start date Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19 Building a Nation Ireland 1530-1916 with Traolach O’Riordain Thurs. 9:00 am-10:30 am: Todd Bldg-UM Introduction to Biomimicry with Dona Boggs & Megan Schuknecht Thurs. 11: 00 am-12:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Food & Culture: Anthropology with Garry Kerr Thurs. 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

The Everyday Essay with Kathleen Clary Miller Thurs. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Nature Journaling with Nancy Seiler Thurs. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Russian Literature & Revolution with Laulette Hansen Thurs. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Cinema, Crisis & Conflict Management with Stan Roden & Phyllis de Picciotto Thurs. 3:00 pm-6:00 pm: Rm 210 Todd Bldg-UM This is Montana with Rick Graetz Thurs. 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Montana Native American History & Experiences with Linda Juneau & Vernon Carroll Thurs. 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Opera-The Ultimate Art Form with David Cody Thurs. 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Location TBA-UM Discoveries & Discoveries: Learning More about the Drugs You Take with Bridges, Beall, Colucci, Forbes, & Schlesinger Thurs.7:00 pm-8:30 pm: rm 169 Skaggs Bldg-UM--Oct. 8, 15, 29 The Many Facets of Communications with Printer Bowler Fri. 9:00 am-10:30 am: Todd Bldg-UM Getting to Know the Bible Again with Father Jim Hogan Fri. 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Let’s IMPROVISE with Margaret Johnson Fri. 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM What If? Turning Life into Fiction with Kate Gadbow Fri. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM The Naturalist Tradition with Diane Smith Fri. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Music Theory for Concert Goers with Nancy Cooper Fri. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Music Hall-UM Hamlet: A Backstage Pass with Teresa Waldorf Fri. 2:00 pm-3:30 pm: PARTV Bldg-UM Art & Insanity with Rafael Chacón Fri. 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM Women’s Comedy with Lois Welch Fri. 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

MOLLI Members Make a Difference MOLLI members can make a difference in their community by supporting lifelong learning and introducing their friends to MOLLI. On behalf of the Institute, we invite you to renew your membership as we need you and all your friends over 50 now!

MOLLI Awarded Osher Endowment In June, MOLLI was honored to receive a $1,000,000 endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation. The Osher endowment recognizes the significant achievements of the MOLLI program since its inception in January of 2006, including meeting their membership requirement of having 500 members at the end of three years. In fact, we achieved 500 members in mid-2007 and, this spring, at the three year mark, we had 795 members. However, Osher recognition was not based on membership numbers, it was also an acknowledgement of the breadth and depth of the program and the strong community and university support it has received. Some may wonder what this endowment means to MOLLI. By investing the $1,000,000 through the UM Foundation, interest funds will be generated that will give us operating money to carry us far into the future. In addition to the endowment, the Oshers provided an extra $50,000 in bridge funding to assist with revenue shortfalls until the grant interest becomes available. Even more exciting is that, if our membership grows to 1,000, we may be invited to apply for a second $1,000,000 endowment. Having the interest generated by the $2,000,000 plus the revenues generated by memberships and course tuition will ensure a stable financial environment. MOLLI needs your support now, more than ever, to help us meet the membership goal of 1,000. We hope that you will tell all of your friends over 50 about the amazing learning experiences that are available through MOLLI! Please join now to ensure our future. Thanks for your support, Cynthia Aten, Chair, MOLLI Council Sharon Alexander, Dean Continuing Education

In Conjunction with the MMAC’s Exhibit Capture the Moment: Pulitzer Prize Photographs, MOLLI is offering The Power of Pictures: The Pulitzer Prize Photographs

1964 - Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald in the police garage on November 24, 1963 in Dallas, Texas, by Robert H. Jackson, DallasTimes Herald


Edwin Dobb, David Leeson, Michael Mayer, Herbert Swick & Eileen Rafferty The Power of Pictures: The Pulitzer Prize Photographs Thursdays, 9:00 am-10:30 am, Todd Bldg

Note: Early start date Sept 10, 17, 22 - Oct 1, 8, 15 Each year, the Pulitzer Prize for photography is awarded to powerful, provocative images that have defined and changed history. This fall, the Montana Museum of Art and Culture is hosting a special exhibit of all the Pulitzer Prize winning photographs since the prize began in 1942. This course will explore these images and what they have meant to the world. You will immediately recognize some of these pictures, like raising the flag on Iwo Jima or the funeral of Martin Luther King, Jr. Others may be less familiar. All are powerful statements about the times in which we live, and they will move you and touch your soul. The course will include special lectures by prize-winning photojournalists and historians, as well as a special tour of the galleries just for the MOLLI class. About the instructors: Edwin Dobb is a film-maker and photojournalist whose recent film titled Butte, America, will be shown nationally on PBS this fall. Michael Mayer is a professor of history at UM and a specialist on the civil rights movement. David Leeson is a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer from Dallas, Texas. His images from war zones have helped define our understanding of conflicts. Eileen Rafferty teaches at the Rocky Mountain School of Photography, with a special interest in the history of photography and the art of seeing. Herbert Swick is intrigued by the many dimensions of photography and its impact on how we understand our world. To learn more about the exhibit Capture the Moment Pulitzer Prize Photographs, contact the Montana Museum of Art and Culture (MMAC) at 243-2019.

MOLLI Fall 09 Courses Oct. 1-Nov. 5 [unless otherwise noted] Tuesday & Thursday Oct. 27-Nov. 12 [twice weekly for 3 wks]

Don Hyndman Natural Hazards & Disasters Tuesday & Thursday, 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Note: Late start date Oct. 27, 29, Nov. 3, 5, 10, 12 (twice wkly for 3 wks) Natural disasters are frequently in the news -- the major earthquake in Wenchuan, China, in 2008 that killed more than 90,000 people in less than two minutes, the Sumatra tsunami in 2004, Hurricane Ike that devastated parts of the Texas Coast a year ago, the possibility of another eruption in Yellowstone. In this course, students will have the chance to help shape the course by choosing which natural disasters they want to learn about. The instructor will then provide expert analysis about what has happened, what will happen, what has led to these conditions, and how to avoid such disasters. Don Hyndman received his Ph.D. in Geology at the University of California, Berkeley. He taught geology at UM from 1964 to 2004, and won UM Distinguished Teacher and Distinguished Scholar awards. He has traveled the world in order to study natural hazards and disasters where they happen. During his travels he has given numerous lectures in countries including Switzerland, France, Mexico, New Zealand, and China. Don is co-author of several Roadside Geology books, and is also the author of Natural Hazards and Disasters 2nd ed. 2009, a college freshman textbook.

Thursday Courses Oct. 1-Nov. 5 [Unless otherwise noted]

Traolach O’Riordain Building a Nation: Ireland 1530-1916 Thursday, 9:00 am-10:30 am: Todd Bldg-UM

Colonial rule has, throughout history, brought resistance and resentment. Nearly four hundred years of English colonization of Ireland led to the confiscation of land, the removal of native people and the introduction of foreign settlers, and assault on the religion and on the indigenous culture of the Irish people. This course will examine the conflicts wrought by colonial rule and the internal battles between political and cultural forces, through the lives and work of Richard Stanihurst and Geoffrey Keating as well as poets and men of letters. We will look at the revolutionary parliament; the emergence of the United Irishmen; the growing Protestant interest in Irish Gaelic culture; and the emergence of a cultural movement uniting Protestant and Catholic for the preservation of

Irish cultural identity. Terry O’Riordain was born in New York but was reared and educated in Ireland. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Modern Irish Literature for his work on the Irish Language Revival Movement and the dynamics of cultural rhetoricism. Terry spent a number of years working construction before settling down to an academic career. He has taught at University College in Cork, Ireland, Notre Dame, and the University of Montana.

Bret W. Tobalske Biology of Bird Flight Thursday, 9:00 am-10:30 am: Todd Bldg-UM

Additional Transportation fee: $6.00 Field Trip Oct. 29 Metcalf Center (transportation provided) How do birds fly? This course will focus on the biology of flight. Topics will include: aerodynamics, the design of the flight muscles, skeleton and wing, the ecological and evolutionary patterns of flight, and mechanisms used to reduce the power required for flight including intermittent flight, soaring on thermals, and migrating with tailwinds. Two field trips are planned: one to the Field Research Station at Fort Missoula to observe the techniques used to study birds in flight, and the other to local bottomlands to observe birds in flight in the wild. Bret W. Tobalske is the Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Montana and Director of the Field Research Station at Fort Missoula. Tobalske earned his Ph.D. from UM in 1984, gained post-doctoral experience at Harvard University and in France on a Fulbright Fellowship, and was previously on the faculty at the University of Portland and Allegheny College.

Burke Townsend Good Thinking! Logic & Illogic in Everyday Life Thursday, 9:00 am-10:30 am: Todd Bldg-UM

Note: Late start date Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19 Text: How to Think about Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age by Theodore Schick & Lewis Vaughn “In a republican nation, whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of the first importance” — Thomas Jefferson. If judging by the quality of contemporary public discourse, the art of reasoning is not in a healthy state. While no single course could hope to make its students artists of reason, “Good Thinking” will attempt to introduce participants to the major areas in which reason tends to fall short, and provide some aids for avoiding common logical missteps in both public and private discourse. After an undergraduate degree in physics, Burke Townsend turned to a Ph.D. in philosophy, subsequently teaching logic and the philosophy of science for thirty-seven years, thirty-four of those at the University of Montana. He enjoys retirement life in Pattee Canyon with his wife, Karen, and two shelter dogs.

Thursday Courses Oct. 1-Nov. 5 Dona Boggs & Megan Schuknecht Introduction to Biomimicry Thursday, 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Text: Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine Benyus Biomimicry is an exciting and expanding new discipline that uses systems and processes found in nature to solve human problems in a sustainable way. What can termites teach us about energy-saving buildings? How can echolocation in bats lead to help for the visuallyimpaired? How have ant colonies improved traffic through airports? This course will provide an introduction to the exciting and currently expanding discipline of biomimicry through an exploration of biomimetic case studies, discussions of functional biology and biomechanics, and an overview of how natural principles can be applied to sustainable human design. Dona Boggs is an emeritus professor of Biology at EWU and faculty affiliate in the Division of Biological Sciences at The University of Montana. She taught comparative animal physiology for 28 years, and spent two years as a program director at the National Science Foundation’s Division of Integrative Biology. Megan Schuknecht is a biologist with an MS in environmental studies and a strong interdisciplinary background in ecology, environmental health, and issues of sustainability. She leads Biomimicry & Design workshops, lectures on biomimicry, and works with professors to incorporate biomimicry education into university curricula.

Giving Opportunities Gifts to the MOLLI Scholarship fund are welcome. Give now so everyone +50 has the opportunity to engage in lifelong learning. If you would like to contribute and/or to learn more call 406.243.2905. Garry Kerr Food & Culture: Anthropology Thursday, 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Food and Culture is an examination of the ways culture shapes the satisfaction of a biological need – eating. Food production, preparation, choices, customs, taste, taboos, spices and diets will be covered. Cannibals to vegetarians, America to Asia, we will again see the strong hand of culture. Garry Kerr has been teaching in the Department of Anthropology since 1988. His students range in age from 9 to 90’s and they each bring something unique to the classroom. He was voted “The Best Professor at The University” for the last three years. “I love what I do and am known for contagious enthusiasm.”-Kerr.

Nancy Seiler Nature Journaling Thursday, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Note: Art materials required see website for more information Do you wish you could observe the world around you more closely, to appreciate and capture its beauty? Nancy will show you the basic tools and approaches to drawing and journaling the world around you. Learn how to start, or continue, to create a journal of your daily walks or world trips. Record what you see through line and color, thoughts and descriptions. You’ll learn techniques and tricks to minimize the fear of approaching the blank page and have fun doing so! Nancy Seiler owns Seiler Design & Advertising, a graphic design firm here in Missoula. She received her certification in classical botanical illustration from Denver Botanic Gardens in 2003. She has taught botanical illustration as well as nature journaling through The Montana Natural History Center and The Yellowstone Association Institute since 2005.

Kathleen Clary Miller The Everyday Essay Thursday, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Everyone has interesting and intriguing experiences, but how can we best share them with others? Whatever your writing style, applying the art of the essay to real-life experience is a valuable exercise that improves the ability to focus. In this discussion seminar, you will learn to tighten narrative, anecdote and dialogue within a condensed space to transform any ordinary encounter into curious insight. Participants will bring their brief true stories to share and critique. No experience is necessary - only a desire to lift your everyday observation to a new level. Kathleen Clary Miller is the author of 200 essays and stories that have appeared in such publications as Newsweek Magazine, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, Hartford Courant, Los Angeles Times, and The Christian Science Monitor. She was a columnist for The Missoulian for two years and her column “Peaks and Valleys” appears in Montana Woman Magazine. She has contributed to National Public Radio’s On Point.

“Excellent and so knowledgeable!”

--MOLLI member comment spring 2009 The Dead Do Tell Tales: Forensic Anthrology with Garry Kerr. Photo by Liz Schmidt

Thursday Courses Oct. 1-Nov. 5 Laulette Hansen Russian Literature & Revolution Thursday, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Text: The Penguin Book of Russian Verse; Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak; The Short Prose of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn What is it like to live in and through a world revolution where, in the words of poet Anna Axmatova, “the slate is wiped clean, and not only the economic system, but history and the calendar itself stand like refugee children, waiting for new clothes?” This course will explore such issues through the poetry, stories and songs of major Russian writers of the 20th Century, including Boris Pasternak, Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, and others. We will limit our reading to selected pieces of poetry and prose plus recordings and film from the post war period. Laulette Hansen has been tracking Russian Literature and myth since 1967, when she was working on her dissertation in Leningrad on the poetry of Aleksandr Blok, and narrowly escaped falling into a story herself. In 1971, she returned to Montana, and taught Russian and Russian literature at the University of Washington and MSU in Bozeman. Over the past thirty years, she has fed her habit for Russia and Russian narrative by working as a translator and interpreter both in the USSR and at home. Laulette lives and writes in Missoula, and helped bring “Blue Nights of the KGB” from Moscow to theatres in Montana and San Francisco.

David Cody Opera-The Ultimate Art Form Thursday, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: TBA-UM

Opera is a dynamic blend of many different art forms which are skillfully combined to increase the emotional power of drama. This course will guide you to a better understanding of this rich and complex art form with beautiful and compelling examples from many of the great operas. You will experience the theatrical genius of Mozart, the grandeur of Verdi, the sparkle of Rossini, and the raw emotion of Puccini. Since opera is as much a feast for the eyes as for the ears, lectures will be accompanied by color slides, audio and visual recordings of operas, and occasional live performances of arias and scenes. Dr. David Cody is an Associate Professor of Musical Theory at UM where he teaches courses in Opera History and Musical Theater History. He also teaches voice, and is the musical director for UM Opera Theater. Professor Cody holds a D.M. and M.M. in vocal performance from Indiana University School of Music. He has sung many roles with professional companies across the US, and has served as chorus master and assistant conductor with Intermountain Opera and Montana Lyric Opera. He has taught on the faculties of Montana State University, Bellarmine College, and Truman State University.

Bernard Osher Foundation The Osher Foundation seeks to improve quality of life through the support of lifelong learning institutes such as MOLLI. The Bernard Osher Foundation was founded in 1977 by Bernard Osher, a respected businessman and community leader. The Osher Foundation has now funded more than 120 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes on campuses of colleges and universities from Maine to Hawaii. Funding for MOLLI is contingent upon membership growth goal, so membership matters. To learn more about The Bernard Osher Foundation visit online http://www.osherfoundation.org/

Financial Assistance & Scholarship Fund Financial assistance is available to ensure everyone +50 has the opportunity to engage in lifelong learning. To learn more call 406.243.2905.

Register for MOLLI Courses MOLLI Membership is a great way to support lifelong learning and is required to enroll in courses. Membership: $20 annual fee Course Fees: $60 per course + fees if applicable Step 1: Fill-out the registration form on the next page. Step 2: Fill-in the oval next to the course(s) you wish to enroll. Step 3: Payment Options: 1) Check: Mail to address on registration form 2) Cash: In person to MOLLI office 3) Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard Only): A. Include complete card number B. Full name as it appears on card C. Billing address for credit card



O Russian Literature & Revolution (Laulette Hansen).............................................................. 1:00 pm-2:30 pm

O Building a Nation: Ireland 1530-1916 (Traolach O’Riordain).................................................9:00 am-10:30 am O Biology of Bird Flight (Bret W. Tobalske)...[Field trip transportation fee $6.00]....................9:00 am-10:30 am O Good Thinking! Logic & Illogic in Everyday Life (Burke Townsend)....[Oct. 15-Nov. 19]...9:00 am-10:30 am O Introduction to Biomimicry (Dona Boggs & Megan Schuknecht).........................................11:00 am-12:30 pm O Food & Culture: Anthropology (Garry Kerr)........................................................................11:00 am-12:30 pm O Nature Journaling (Nancy Seiler)............................................................................................1:00 pm-2:30 pm O The Everyday Essay (Kathleen Clary Miller)...........................................................................1:00 pm-2:30 pm

Thursday Courses October 1-November 5, 2009 [unless otherwise noted]

O Natural Hazards & Disasters (Don Hyndman) ...................................................................11:00 am-12:30 pm

Tuesday & Thursday Oct. 27 & 29; Nov. 3 & 5; Nov. 10 & 12 [twice weekly for 3 weeks]

O The Power of Pictures: The Pulitzer Prize Photographs (Dobb, Leeson, Swick, Mayer & Rafferty)...9:00 am-10:30 am

Special Pulitzer Course: September 10, 17, 22, October 1, 8, 15, 2009

PLEASE SELECT THE COURSE(S) FOR WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO REGISTER Note: Courses are at the Continuing Education, Todd building at The University of Montana unless otherwise noted.

**Membership is required to enroll in courses.

City: Zip: E-mail:

Membership Fee: $20 per individual Course Fee: $60 per course * plus fees when applicable

Name : Address: State: Phone:

To learn more www.umt.edu/ce/plus50

MOLLI Fall 2009 Registration Form

Amount Enclosed Membership(s) $20 each $ _____________Course(s) $60 each $ __________________Donate $___________ Annual Membership: Please remit once yearly. Note: MOLLI Parking Pass for use in both the ‘Pay by the Hour’ & Decal Parking **Do NOT park in Reserved parking. Parking Pass $18.00 for Oct. 1-Nov. 20, 2009 ONLY $ _______ Total: $ _____________ ***Parking space NOT guaranteed. Payment Method: PAID O Check/Money order payable to The University of Montana Check #:____________Gift certificate #:_________ O Visa O Master card Card #:____________________________________________ Expiration Date:__________ Name on card & Billing Address if different from above: ____________________________________________________________

PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM & RETURN IT TO MOLLI: Continuing Education, MOLLI, 32 Campus Drive, Missoula, MT 59812 or fax it to 243.6224 or call 243.2905 to enroll.

O The Many Facets of Communications (Printer Bowler)..............................................................9:00 am-10:30 am O Getting to Know the Bible Again (Father Jim Hogan)................................................................11:00 am-12:30 pm O Let’s IMPROVISE (Margaret Johnson).....................................................................................11:00 am-12:30 pm O The Naturalist Tradition (Diane Smith)....................................................................................................................1:00 pm-2:30 pm O What If? Turning Life into Fiction (Kate Gadbow)..........................................................................................1:00 pm-2:30 pm O MusicTheory for Concert Goers(NancyCooper)-Music Hall............................................................................1:00pm-2:30pm O Hamlet: A Backstage Pass(TeresaWaldorf)-PARTV..............................................[Oct. 30-Dec. 1]...............2:00pm-3:30pm O Art & Insanity (RafaelChacon)..................................................................................................................................3:00pm-4:30pm O Women’s Comedy (LoisWelch)...............................................................................................................................3:00pm-4:30pm

Friday Courses October 2-November 6, 2009 [unless otherwise noted]

O This is Montana (Rick Graetz)..................................................................................................................................3:00 pm-4:30 pm O Montana Native American History & Experiences (Linda Juneau &Vernon Carroll).....................................3:00pm-4:30pm O Opera-The Ultimate Art Form (DavidCody)-TBA................................................................................................3:00pm-4:30pm O Cinema,Crisis & Conflict Management (StanRoden&Phyllis dePicciotto)..........................................................3:00pm-6:00pm ODiscoveries...LearningMoreabouttheDrugsyouTake(seedescriptionforprofessors)....Skaggs rm 169.......7:00pm-8:30pm

MOLLI Connecting the Circle Top: Digging for fossils during the Connecting the Circle summer camp. Left middle: Tactile experience in Buzz about Bees with Jerry Bromenshenk. Right middle: Monte & Sue Talbot at Connecting the Circle summer camp. Bottom: MOLLI staff at Missoula Out to Lunch. Photos by Michelle Gibson, Kelsey West, Liz Schimdt & Dannette Fadness

Experience MOLLI; Join Today! Left top: Let’s Act with Margaret Johnson spring 2009. Left middle: G. Wiz and participants during The Magic with Chemistry.

Left bottom two images: 1. Art discussion with MMAC 2. MOLLI student in class. Right top: Michele & Howard Hall award winning oceanographers. Right middle: To Be a Paleontologist with George Stanley summer 2009. Right bottom: Asia Beyond the Headlines with Steven Levine.

Thursday Courses Oct. 1-Nov. 5 Rick Graetz This Is Montana Thursday, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Text: This is Montana by Rick Graetz and Susie Graetz Montana is a grand package of time and space. Through ample photography, stories, and oral descriptions of the seven regions that make up this place in the Northern Rockies often called high, wide, and handsome. Rick Graetz, founder of Montana Magazine, and a University of Montana geography professor will offer a course titled This Is Montana. Rick with his wife, Susie, has authored almost 20 Montana books, plus titles for many other areas of the United States and foreign countries, especially many areas of Asia.

Linda Juneau & Vernon Carroll Montana Native American History & Experiences Thursday, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Course participants will explore the history and cultural traditions of the twelve Indian Tribes of Montana, gaining an understanding and appreciation of the contemporary lives of each of the tribes. Special attention will be given to geography, oral history, language, education and the sovereignty and special relationships with the State of Montana and the federal government. Linda Juneau, Tsa-nii-ta-pii-akii [Woman who Wonders], serves as a Tribal Liaison to address collaborative partnerships and communications between UM and the twelve Tribes of Montana. As a member of the Blackfeet Tribe, Linda holds a degree in Hospitality Management from Blackfeet Community College; a BA in Native American Studies and an MA in Social/Cultural Anthropology from UM. Her areas of interest and experience are in tribal histories developed through oral and written traditions, and research that leads to effective social and educational programs for the Blackfeet tribe. Vernon Carroll is an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Tribe and a long time resident of the Blackfeet Reservation as a cattle rancher. He is the Interpretive Specialist for Montana State Parks in Missoula and is a former director of the Glacier County Historical Museum in Cut Bank. He is currently a member of the Montana Archaeological Society and has presented two papers at their annual meetings titled: “Archaeology, An Amateur’s Perspective”, and “Sacred Landscapes of Northern Montana”. Carroll is also co-author of the Indian Education for All Curriculum for Montana State Parks.

Stan Roden & Phyllis de Picciotto Cinema, Crisis & Conflict Management Thursday, 3:00 pm-6:00 pm: Rm 210 Todd Bldg-UM

During this course students will watch selected films that focus on the most complex conflicts of our time, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan,

“the global war on terror,” globalization, climate change and oil, and Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East. After viewing each film, lectures and in-class discussions will provide a deeper understanding of the mechanics and power of film, the principles of critical thinking skills as related to that film, the principles of social, political, economic and cultural conflict, and how proven conflict management methods might be applied to manage complex global conflicts. Stan Roden is a former District Attorney & civil trial attorney, currently a private mediator/arbitrator; and a teacher of business, law and global conflict management and resolution. Phyllis de Picciotto is a film, media and marketing consultant; international educator and lecturer in film studies; and founder and former executive director of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.

In Conjunction with the President’s Lecture Series

A Special Three-Part MOLLI Course Richard Bridges, Donna Beall, Vincent Colucci, David Forbes, & Peggy Schlesinger Discoveries & Discoveries: Learning More about the Drugs You Take Thursday, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm--Oct. 8, 15, 29 Skaggs Bldg-Rm 169 MOLLI course tuition: $25.00

We have all benefited from recent advances in science and medicine. Today’s drugs offer effective treatment and hope to millions who, only a few decades ago, would have suffered and died. But how are those drugs developed? How does basic research make its way to the bedside? What ethical issues confront patients, health care professionals and research scientists? How do the major drug companies influence the decisions we make about our medicines? This short course is offered in conjunction with the President’s Lecture entitled The Truth about The Drug Companies by Marcia Angell, a distinguished physician from Harvard Medical School. In two sessions prior to and one following her lecture on October 19, explore some of the complex and fascinating challenges of today’s drugs. About the instructors: Donna Beall, Richard Bridges and Vincent Colucci are senior faculty in UM’s College of Health Professions and Biomedical Sciences, where they make important contributions to research, teaching and clinical patient care. David Forbes is Dean of Health Professions and Biomedical Sciences. Peggy Schlesinger directs the University of Washington medical student education (WWAMI) program in Missoula and also the Institute of Medicine and Humanities. She has practiced pediatric rheumatology for 26 years. President’s Lecture: Oct. 19, 8:00 pm The Truth about The Drug Companies by Marcia Angell

This special MOLLI Course is supported in part by President George M. Dennison and The UM President’s Lecture Series.

Friday Courses Oct. 2-Nov. 6 Printer Bowler The Many Facets of Communications Friday, 9:00 am-10:30 am: Todd Bldg-UM

The ability to communicate defines and shapes human existence. This course explores key aspects of communication, including the impact of technology (from the Gutenberg press to the internet), the use and abuse of information by government and the media, principles of clear thinking in written communication (including email), and the “natural laws” that govern how we communicate with others and with ourselves. A UM Journalism graduate, Printer Bowler was raised in a weekly newspaper family in Scobey. He served as captain, US Army, psychological operations in Viet Nam; returned to Montana, started a bakery in Big Fork and Montana’s first organic grain growers co-op in the 1970s. Now a Journalism School adjunct, he’s been a writer, editor, and writing skills teacher for 35 years.

Father Jim Hogan Getting to Know the Bible Again Friday, 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Room 210 Todd Bldg-UM

The Bible is a special book for those living in a world formed and shaped by Christian values. Even if seldom read, almost every household owns a Bible. It is the source of our images of God and the stories that shape our own lives and because of this, the manner in which we hear and understand the Bible is significant. In the 21st century, the culturally conditioned lens through which most of us hear and understand the Bible is being replaced, and many folks find the Bible less than persuasive. This course will offer opportunity to consider the Bible through new lenses and perhaps to hear and understand it for the first time. Father Jim Hogan is an Anaconda native and has been a Roman Catholic priest for forty-eight years. He was pastor of Christ the King Parish (Missoula) until July 2007. On campus he was an adjunct professor teaching “Gandhi, Martin Luther King: The Ethics of Nonviolence.” In the MOLLI program he previously taught, “A Spirituality of Nonviolence,” and “Ignored At Our Own Peril.” His recently published book, “YES WE ARE! The Living Body of Christ” is available in Missoula bookstores.

Margaret Johnson Let’s IMPROVISE Friday, 11:00 am-12:30 pm: Room 203 Todd Bldg-UM

Do you want to laugh? Do you have a secret desire to perform without memorization or hours of rehearsal? Let’s Improvise is the class for you. It is a theatrical format created without a memorized script. It is entirely ad lib using a variety of engaging techniques to explore topics,

themes and/or situations. We might even do a presentation for invited guests on our last day of class that will culminate these 6 weeks of learning and fun. No theatre experience is needed, everyone is welcome. After teaching theatre at Sentinel High School for 37 years and directing over 190 productions, Margaret Johnson has kept busy acting with Missoula Community Theater. In 2007 her book The Drama Teacher’s Survival Guide was published. In 2008 she added teaching for the MOLLI program to her retirement activities and blogging with her publisher, Contemporary Drama, sharing her experiences in the theatre classroom and her latest adventures in community theatre. You may have seen her recently as Old Sally in the play Oliver.

Diane Smith The Naturalist Tradition Friday, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

This learner-centered reading and discussion course will explore the naturalist tradition in American history, from William Bartram and James Audubon, to more contemporary writers such as Annie Dillard and Gretel Erlich. The discussion-based class will explore how individual writers describe the world around them and how their work has helped shape the way we view the natural world. By exploring the work of a variety of writers over time, we can all become better observers and gain new insights as we learn to see the natural world in new ways through their eyes. Diane Smith is the author of two award-winning novels about the American West. Letters from Yellowstone was the One Book Montana read for 2005, and Pictures from an Expedition won the first-ever Montana Book award. She is currently at work on a third novel set in Butte, Montana, as well as writing a critical biography of Andrew Garcia.

“Let’s Act was like a breath of fresh air! Light and full of laughs during troubled times!” -

MOLLI member Comment

Photo by Kelsey West

Friday Courses Oct. 2-Nov. 6 Kate Gadbow What If? Turning Life into Fiction Friday, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Why are stories so powerful? How can we better relate our own life experiences? This entry-level fiction workshop will develop skills in reading, writing, revising and responding to short fiction. We will read published stories and discuss them as writers, and we will craft our own short stories using life experiences as starting points. Kate Gadbow’s fiction has appeared in Epoch, Northwest Review, CutBank, and other journals. She co-edited The Quill Reader (2000, Harcourt Brace). Her 2003 novel, Pushed to Shore, won the 2001 Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction, sponsored by Sarabande Books. She retired in 2007 after 23 years in the UM English Department, twelve years as director of the Creative Writing Program.

“Love this whole concept-very relaxing and a great non-judgmental way to learn!” MOLLI member comment Nancy Cooper Music Theory for Concert Goers Friday, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm: Music Hall-UM

Sometimes the mind wanders in concerts. Let’s face it, staying focused can be difficult. This course will introduce you to the practical side of music theory and will help you become a more interested and involved listener. We will learn the structure of some of the most popular concert pieces: a fugue, the movements of a symphony, a solo concerto, a sonata, as well as various other forms common in 18th and 19th centuries and even dip our toes in the murky waters of 20th - and 21st - Century music. Come learn another way to listen and enrich your musical experience! Dr. Nancy Cooper has her Master’s and Doctorate from the Eastman School of Music; she has been a part-time member of the UM faculty since 1992, and has taught every music theory class at UM at least once! She loves theory and enjoys helping others learn to love it, too.

Teresa Waldorf Hamlet: A Backstage Pass Friday, 2:00 pm-3:30 pm: PARTV Bldg-UM

Note: Late start date Oct. 30- Dec. 1 Text: Copy of the play, Hamlet by Shakespeare What goes into preparing a play? How do the actors develop their roles? How do lighting, costumes, and set design influence our experience of the play? This class will go “behind the scenes” as the UM

Drama/Dance Department prepares Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Learn about the historical background of this play and Shakespearean drama. Attend rehearsals, hear from director Greg Johnson about his in-depth script analysis and how it informed his directorial decisions. Meet with the cast to learn about “being an actor,” learn about lighting, sound, and set design. Finally, students will attend the opening night performance, followed by a private talk-back session with the director, cast and designers. Teresa Waldorf is the Educational Outreach Coordinator for the Montana Repertory Theatre and adjunct instructor for the UM Drama/Dance Department. Teresa’s directing credits at UM include Gypsy, Batboy, Rocky Horror Show, and Still Life With Iris. Teresa received her MFA from UM in 1991 in Acting/Directing and continues to act as much as possible, most recently portraying “Nat” in the MRM production of Rabbit Hole. This last holiday season she could be seen on the MCT stage as “Sister Hubert” in Nuncrackers.

Rafael Chacón Art & Insanity Friday, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Room 204 Todd Bldg-UM

Is there a link between creativity and madness? Does artistic genius require at least a touch of insanity? This course explores the way scholars have historically described human creativity from genius to madness. In particular, we shall discuss case studies in the visual arts, poetry, and music that reveal the intimate tie between mental illness and artistic production, and we will consider recent theories about this fascinating linkage. Rafael Chacón is Professor of Art History and Criticism in the UM School of Art. He received his Ph.D in art history with highest honors from the University of Chicago in 1995. He writes, teaches, and lectures on a variety of art historical subjects. Dr. Chacón is the recipient of the College of Visual and Performance Arts Distinguished Faculty Award and, most recently, the Dorothy Ogg Award for Individual Contributions to Historic Preservation. He has recently published the definitive book on the life and work of influential Montana architect A.J. Gibson.

“Absolutely! A terrific experience to share with the kids!” Connecting the Circle summer camp comments

“I’ll never forget it!” Photo by Michele Gibson

Friday Courses Oct. 2-Nov. 6 Lois Welch Women’s Comedy Friday, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Todd Bldg-UM

Text: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Orlando by Virginia Woolf; The Comforters by Muriel Spark; Anagrams by Lorrie Moore; I Feel Bad about My Neck and Other Thoughts… by Nora Ephron; Poems New & Collected by Wislawa, Symborksa “Women not only have no humour in themselves but are the cause of the extinction of it in others.” This traditional--and obviously false-view of women’s comedy is the starting point for this class. In the past twenty years, as women comedians have become more visible in this country, women’s comedy has emerged as a significant field of study. We will investigate the meaning and function of comedy, its seriousness as well as its indispensable hilarity. Because comedy is largely culture-bound, we will focus primarily on British and American women’s comedy, using novels, essays and poetry. Jokes, film, TV and comic theory will enhance the context of our profound and delightful investigation. Men are welcome to register! Lois Welch is Professor Emeritus of English at UM where she taught Comparative Literature from 1966 to 2000 and directed the Creative Writing Program for eight years. She received her MA and Ph.D at Occidental College, then taught at Portland State University before coming to UM. Her publications include articles on Aristotle, Dostoevsky, Richard Hugo, Eudora Welty and women’s comedy. She is currently working on a memoir about her late husband, the author James Welch.

MOLLI Connecting the Circle summer camp

In June 2009, MOLLI hosted our first summer camp: Grandparents and Grandkids: Connecting the Circle. Thirty-two learning teams consisting of one adult and one child came together for two days of fun and learning. The first day started with G.Wiz Magic of Chemistry. Participants ate Cheetos straight from a vat of Liquid Nitrogen and exploded a volcano with flames shooting 4 feet in the air! Monte was on hand to cheer on the participants, after which they went to class to learn more about bees, fossils, stars, and the science of motion with puppets and robots. On the second day participants engaged in field experiences. A special thanks goes to EPSCoR for their grant funding of the very successful summer camp and SpectrUM for their great support and dedication to science learning. Also, thanks to the professors and their assistants for sharing their knowledge with the participants and for making this camp memorable for all! To learn more and see pictures from the camp go to www.umt.edu/ce/plus50

MOLLI Gift Cards Options Available at Fact & Fiction, & MOLLI office

Top Left: Winter scene black and white photo by Kitte Robins, MOLLI Council. Bottom Left: A Flathead Race from Dayton’s Dock by Dr. Bob Hawkins Top Right: Rainbow Tree, watercolor by Dorothy Patent, MOLLI faculty

MOLLI Membership and/or Course enrollment Gift Cards are wonderful presents for family and friends. The cards feature a winter scene, sail boats on Flathead lake, or a colorful watercolor “Rainbow Tree” by Dorothy Patent for other occasions. The cards are free except for the cost of the gift of membership [$20], MOLLI course [$60] or both [$80]. To learn more about giving the gift of learning and brain health, call 406.243.2905.

Support MOLLI with a MOLLI membership: $20 annually

Parking & Transportation Options $18 Special MOLLI Parking Pass for Oct. 1-Nov. 20 ONLY. The pass is good for use in pay-by-hour and decal parking lots at UM. To purchase a pass call 406.243.2905 or add it to your registration form. To learn more about where to park on campus go online to www.umt.edu/publicsafety/printpark.html or contact the MOLLI staff for a copy of the map. Please DO NOT park in RESERVED SPACES or your vehicle will be towed! UM Park n’ Ride FREE, easy, convenient, and environmentally friendly access to UM. Park n’ Ride maps are available online at http://www.umt.edu/ASUM/ot/gif/images/new_busmap.jpg

To learn more about this and other interesting information about art and insanity enroll in Rafael Chacón’s MOLLI course, Art & Insanity, Friday, 3:00-4:30 pm.


Van Gogh created his most famous work Starry Night while staying in an asylum in Saint-Remy-deProvence, France. http://www.visu-

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