Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association 7040 Lakeland Avenue N., Ste 212, Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 FOR THE FUN OF IT! FOR THE GOOD OF IT! • Protecting your right to ride at the Capitol & government agencies • Paying a full-time lobbyist to protect your sport • Providing full-time office staff that only works on snowmobile-related issues locally, state and nationwide • Supporting dedicated local clubs who volunteer their time and effort • Providing adult & youth safety training (MnUSA Volunteer Instructors) • Insuring the growth and future of Minnesota snowmobiling FOR MORE PERKS! • A subscription (7 issues) to Minnesota Snowmobiling • Exclusive invites to events and rides • Discounts on lodging and at snowmobile retailers • Informative website • Official membership card and decals • Minnesota Snowmobiling Rider Assist Directory (MNSNOWRAD) For when you need assistance on the trail, road, or planning a ride. • Family recreation • Trail rides & club trips • Discover new trails & destinations • Events, picnics and parties • Create new friendships & camaraderie • Share your passion with us NAME (Please Print) ADDRESS EMAIL CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP Number of Family Members Number of Snowmobiles MRM Number MnUSA Application for Membership INDIVIDUAL / MEMBERSHIPFAMILY $50 EXTRA MILER - 1 year ($20 Dues + $30 Donation) $25YEARONE $45YEARSTWO $65YEARSTHREE MEMBERSHIPBUSINESS(Please appropriatecheckboxes.) $75.00aYEAR Payment method: Check Enclosed Mail to: MnUSA, 7040 Lakeland Ave. N #212, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Bill my Visa MasterCard Card SignatureExpirationNumberDate Fill out the application and mail in or go to www.mnsnowmobiler.org to pay by credit card. Dues include ($14) subscription to Minnesota Snowmobiling magazine. Payments to MnUSA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes. WHY JOIN THE MINNESOTA UNITED SNOWMOBILERS ASSOCIATION? JOIN TODAY FOR ONLY $25! Call www.mnsnowmobiler.orgor1-866-811-7669goonlineto
September 2022 Contents 3
Dan Ferris ART DIRECTOR / COPY EDITOR Dena Gervasi ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Chuck Gekas ADVERTISING SALES Jim Gekas, Mark Hunkeler, Larry Ladowski,
Minnesota Snowmobiling (ISSN 1085-1054) is published seven times a year for $14 – September, October, November, December, January, February and March by MidWest Outdoors Limited, 111 Shore Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60527. postage paid through Brooklyn Park, MN, additional entries. Send address changes to: Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association, 7040 Lakeland Ave N., Suite 212, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428PUBLISHER
MnUSA Executive Board President Scott Wakefield Vice President Timothy Heinen Secretary Janet Widness Treasurer Gordon Heitke Director at Large Greg Sorenson
Minnesota Snowmobiling is the official publication of the Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association (MnUSA). publication is a benefit of membership in MnUSA ($25 annual membership).
Past Presidents Greg Sorenson, Rod Seibel, Mark Kavanaugh, Gayle Quistgard, Mark Steinmueller, Keith Twombly, Terry Hutchinson, Curt Berg, Harold Brace, Bob Linn, Diane Wallenta, Jeff Mausolf, Bob King, Larry Shepherd, Bill Kullberg, LeRoy Strehlo, Tom Decker, Mary Violett, Allen Eglinton, Al Lalim, Harold Tomkins
Roger Cormier, Greg Jones EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Scott Wakefield, Tim Heinen, Doug Franzen, Cheryl Clevenger CONTRIBUTIONS: Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials and photographs are welcome but cannot be returned unless sender provides a SASE. Minnesota Snowmobiling is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings. Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish in all or part. Sendwww.mnsnowmobiler.orgchuck@mwomedia.comPhone:MWOADVERTISINGMedia847-707-8511alladvertisingmaterials to: MWO Media, 111 Shore Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60527 Copyright © 2022 by Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without consent of the publisher. Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association u FEATURES 14 Highlighting Region 5 – Destina tion Winona 18 Hay Days 2022 u DEPARTMENTS 4 From the President 5 From the Vice President 6 Directors 7 Legisla tive News 8 MnUSA News 20 Club News 21 Calendar of Events 22 Youth News 24 Vinta ge News 26 Milestones 28 MnUSA Business Members UPCOMINGEVENTS » Aug. 26 & 27 Outlaw Grass Drags » Sep. 10 & 11 Sno Barons Hay Days » Sep. 17 Brainerd Snodeos Grass Drags & Swap Meet » Oct. 1 River City Snow Riders Swap Meet » Oct. 2 Great Southern MN Swap Meet and Vintage Sled Show » Oct. 21-23 MnUSA Fall Workshop Photo: Country Climbers
4 Minnesota Snowmobiling Scott Wakefield Wow! Those are some heavy words. I could spend forever and a day discussing why we should start each morning with that as our goal for the day; what a different and better world we’d live in if that was the case. Well, it was our goal for many days during the Legislative session as we worked with ATV Minnesota to carry a bill dealing with the issue of trespassing. And it worked. That we were able to get a standalone bill, in a do-nothing legislative session, passed by both houses and signed by the governor, is really saying something. Thanks to our excellent lobbyist and on both sides here, and everyone involved. I don’t want to name names for the sake of missing someone, but I do have to give a shout-out to Terry Hutchinson who really spearheaded this with his local sheriff and local C.O. And I think everybody knows by now that trespassing in the ATV world, as well as ours, needs to be remedied, and so those legislators also knew they needed to “collaboratively work together for a single cause” on this issue. Now to finalize some parts of the new law and get the changes out to the masses is the next step. The MnUSA spring meeting was held in Baxter again this year and we were able to get our budgets set and do the good business we need to get done as an association. In a broader stroke, we also discussed the impact of inflation, supply chain issues, and other issues outside of our control but impacting our members, clubs, and industry. And again, these items were discussed at our summer event hosted by Region 7 in Hinckley. What a great event and location. Thank you to the directors in Region 7 who made the event happen. With $6.00 diesel, what’s that Tucker grooming bill going to look like in February? Maybe it’s time for another club finance discussion, but we need to be thinking ahead, and looking at our club finances, and factor in $6.00 diesel, based on our trail system miles. Then “shock” your finances but using best case scenario, worst case scenario and then something in-between. Do the math; get those numbers put together and discuss with your executive board, then on to your membership at your fall club meetings and make the necessary adjustments as needed. Cash flows work too. Just like we do in the Ag sector, you spread your anticipated income and expenses over the season, which in our case is September to March. You can see the peaks and the valleys, and that will determine the timing of the needs. When I’m not up at night thinking about the finances of our MnUSA clubs, I do get a chance to meet with our members and new members. I made it to the Milbank show— 60 years of Arctic Cat was the theme; got to see number one all the way to 2023 (see more under Vintage News). I have also been attending landowner appreciation events. I’ve been invited many times to Scott County Trails’ big “chicken feed,” but hay season usually took care of that. With the drought we are experiencing in central Minnesota, the second crop looked sickly, so I went this year. Wow, what a yeoman’s job this is putting this event on, and I got to talk to landowners one on one. Also, I made it to the Blizzard Snowmobile Club in Fairmont for their landowner appreciation, and again, great turnout, great venue, and good discussion from the audience. Again, I was able to talk to landowners one on one regarding their concerns and inform them on the changes to trespass laws, and how it will benefit them. The overall consensus from my unofficial poll is we are doing an excellent job according to landowners I talked with. Is there room for improvement? Well yes, otherwise there wouldn’t be a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Off to more events, and make sure to stop by the MnUSA booth at Outlaw Grass Drags and Hay Days, let’s talk. forWorkingCollaborativelyTogetheraSingleCause From the MnUSA President
September 2022 5 Tired of the Heat From the MnUSA Vice President www.walkercountryinn.com218-547-1400 CHIPPEWA NAT’L FOREST/LEECH LAKE • Downtown Walker Bars & Restaurants Nearby • Easy Access to Heartland Trail System & Leech Lake • Clean, comfortable rooms and whirlpool suites Great Rates Snowmobilers!for
The State Fair will be here soon enough, the much-anticipated Hay Days in September, and of course the newly renovated Vikings season begins. Do I hear Superbowl? We’ll see, but first let’s get our 2022-23 season started. So, in the meantime, keep the lawn mowed, bushes trimmed, and finish up on the honey-do list. How boring. Maybe you can pull the cover off your sled, sit on it and pretend. You might even feel cooler.
Tim Heinen Hard to believe that just around the corner the weather will be changing to the cooler side. For me that is perfect, as I am a true Minnesotan who loves the cold. This summer has just been too hot and humid for me. I am looking forward to winter so I can relax. Relax you say? Yes, this summer has been just go, go, go, and soon I will be out there getting my section of trails ready. Speaking of trails, the new Trespassing Law has gone into effect with higher fines and more incentive to enforce. Hopefully this will discourage people from riding off trails, protect the land for the property owners and keep the trails open. You see, trespassing is one of our biggest issues for losing trails. So spread the word that trespassing isn’t cool, and it will cost trespassers more. I don’t know about your area, but here where I live, it keeps changing and it becomes more challenging to keep trails. Lots of road construction with more roundabouts and divided highways, more open land being lost to housing or industrial, and then we end up shifting trails again. Make sure you get out there and check your trail system to see if you have any changes happening. Check to see if land ownership has changed, because come November you don’t want to be caught with your pants down! So, the big question is what do you do all summer with yourself? I for one, spent the first month going through each of my sleds with a fine-tooth comb and polishing them. Lots of polish. For the people that know me, they know what I am talking about. Next up was I have an old friend that started working on a boat that has an in-board engine. Well, that was 35 years ago and now he wants to finish it. So, I spent a lot of time overhauling the engine and lower unit, plus in-between all that, helping people work on their classic cars. I try to keep busy, but my mind keeps wandering back to snowmobile season and what changes we can make. County fairs will be starting if they haven’t already. I need to go to a few of them and cut loose, but I just don’t like the feeling of being caged up to have an adult beverage. Kinda loses something. I like seeing all the displays that are set up, and looking at new equipment and machinery (aka snowmobiles) if there are any to see. I heard that production of new sleds is slowly ramping up. So, for those that “spring checked” a new sled, maybe you might see them before 2023. (Blame Putin). Still so much to see and do all summer.
More people are moving into your community, and they will be looking for a club to join. Now is the time to update your web page and Facebook page with the latest information about your club, where you meet, and what days you meet.
Dr Deerwood, 56444, Jasoncody30@frontiernet.netMilaca,Scottabeumer1845@gmail.comHillman,Allenlakejann@gmail.com218-839-1230Beumer,10234410thAve56338,320-355-2257Haley,14394105thAve56353,612-670-6027Hendrickx-XM,1853993rd St SE Becker, 55308, johnolmscheid@frontier.comElrosa,Johnjasonhendrickx@gmail.com320-292-5926Olmscheid,POBox16056325,320-250-3271 Region 4 Sheri Gades-XM, 103 5th St N Danvers, 56231, Rodneygades@fedteldirect.net320-760-3526Boesch,POBox337,Amboy 56010 507-340-2820 rod.boesch@boeschcrt.com Jeff Kack-XM, PO Box 55 Appleton, 56208, Dickjkack@mchsi.com320-289-1069Kuttner,522ShadyRidgeRd NW Hutchinson, 55350, richardk@hutchtel.net320-587-6536 Region 5 Mike Clevenger-XM, 7302 NW 97th Ave Morristown, 55052, Coycmclevenger3@gmail.com507-838-5713Borgstrom,20EVeteransMemorial Hwy, Kasson, 55944, pankratz.nicole@yahoo.comVirginia,Nicoleptmaruska81@gmail.comNewPaulwilliam_gehn@hotmail.comBillcoy3911@gmail.com507-251-1199Gehn,RedWing,651-388-7541Maruska,26276DrexelAve,Prague,56071,952-212-2293Pankratz,121218thStS55792,218-780-3853 Region 6 Bill Prinsen, 5011 121 St N, White Bear Lake 55110, 651-260-8508 Jeremyskidoo06-@hotmail.comGoebel112107th St S, Cottage Grove 55016 kjnbaa@frontier.netLakeville,Kengoebeljeremy1985@gmail.com651-308-0398Zak,20629KenrickAve,55044,952-469-2246 Region 7 Randy Laberge-XM, 5424 Lax Lake Rd Silver Bay, 55614, 218-830-1028,Scottlockettphillip@yahoo.comPhilliprick@teampro.netHopkins,Rickdanielhamilton@aol.comDanryanboe@hotmail.comDuluthRyandandrlaberge@hotmail.com218-353-7697Boe,5146JeanDuluthRd55803,218-349-5578Hamilton,Duluth,651-398-2461Johnson-XM,4353BriarwoodLn,55343,952-935-7249Lockett,218-348-9161Seely,TwoHarborssrseely@gmail.com Gary Vezina, Bill218-722-2852DuluthYlatupa-XM,43 Garden Dr Silver Bay, 55614, ylatupa2@gmail.com218-220-8189 Region 8 Ted Breeggemann, 6201 250th St W Belle Plaine, 56011, Markrbslawn@gmail.comCorcoran,Randybreeggemann79@gmail.com612-919-7811Baudler,9259FoxlineDrN55340,763-420-5526LaBaw-XM,1471Independence Ave Chaska, 55318, Dickmlabawstillafishn@yahoo.com952-221-2564Theis,20575CoRd10Hamel, 55340, dickt.barbc@gmail.com763-494-3838 Region 9 Charles Chadbourne, 30974 170th St Detroit Lakes, 56501, 218-847-6517 Donaldpeewee@arvig.netHansen,PO Box 94 Cyrus, 56323, 320-795-2741 Steve “Woody”Widness-XM, 43390 220th St Clitherall, 56524, jwstulk@prtel.com218-769-4243 94 8 5 7 6 123 MnUSA Office: 7040 Lakeland Ave N, Ste 212, Brooklyn Park faxph.763-577-018555428763-577-0186 MnUSA Directors
Region 3 Tom Jann, 21668 Peterson Creek
6 Minnesota Snowmobiling Executive Board ScottPresidentWakefield -XM 12620 Co Rd 30 Waconia 55387 612-483-5638 oliver1650@icloud.com Vice 20602TimothyPresidentHeinenKeystone Ave Lakeville 55044 952-250-6642 timothy@heinenzoo.com JanetSecretaryWidness - XM 43390 220th St Clitherall 56524 218-731-6126 jwstulk@prtel.com GordonTreasurerHeitke - XM 2270 300th Ave Mora 55051 763-234-6712 218-393-041366033GregDirector-At-Largegheitke@gmail.comSorensonBigPineRdFinlayson55735minnsnoman@aol.com Committee Chairs DeanBooth:Thompson · 763-441-8555 RickBy-Laws:Johnson-XM · 612-935-7249 ScottCommunications:Wakefield-XM · 612-483-5638 JanetCharity/Awards:Widness-XM· MarkWebsite/SocialMarkSiteOPENSafety:TedMerchandise:JerryMembership:TerryLegislative/DNR/Trails:OPENLandMarkFundGordonFinance/Audit:GregElections/Nominations:218-769-4243Sorenson·218-393-0413Heitke-XM·763-234-6712Raising:Steinmueller-XM·320-679-3653Access:Hutchinson-XM·612-581-6627Hanson-XM·763-536-0472Breeggemann·612-919-7811Selection:LaBaw-XM·952-221-2564Media:Kavanaugh-XM·218-330-7380 RegionDirectors1 Gary Gorden, 10837 Aure Rd NW Puposky, 56667, Dalemjb86@yahoo.comCrookstonMikeggordenparks@hotmail.com218-770-2180Boucher,27528230thStSW,56716218-280-3385Dahlen,2321PebbleBeachRd NW East Grand Forks, 56721, 218-791-6679 Gaildodahlen@hotmail.comFriborg,37857Fairground Rd Bagley, 56621, Jeffpfgf@gvtel.com218-694-2840Lovold,6032ndAveSE,Roseau 56751 218-280-1941 Region 2 Jack White, 11914 Main St, PO Box 514 Northome, 56661, Cindyjwhite@paulbunyan.net218-897-5764Hansmann,16871Highway 2 Warba, 55793, Troycindy.hansmann@frontier.com218-301-9496Johnson,5140CountyRd 4 Cromwell, 55726, Jerrytntjohnson547@hotmail.com218-390-0046Kujala-XM,4951SpiritLake Rd Mt. Iron, 55768, Dejdkujala@gmail.com218-735-8446LylePankratz,7756ElyLake Dr Eveleth, 55734, Stevedwpankratz@yahoo.com218-744-1375Thomopolous,3152County Rd 2 S International Falls, 56649, randy.vannet@gmail.comGrandRandygreekman1122@yahoo.com218-283-4025Vannet,28938ArboRdRapids55744,218-244-6797
the Conference Report was reported to the Senate floor at 11:59 p.m. on the last day the legislature could meet under the Minnesota Constitution. The Senate promptly adjourned at midnight. If there is a special session, it is likely that this bill will pass with the above two priorities intact. Further progress on getting rid of the numbers on the sled will likely need to wait until 2023.
While we did enjoy a significant victory, MnUSA still has important issues on the table. We must educate legislators and candidates if we are to prevail. Many of our legislative heroes are not running for re-election.
September 2022 7
The upcoming election is critical for the future of our sport. Educate your local candidates and be sure that you support candidates who support snowmobiling. MN,
Hopefully, this new law increasing penalties and the joint public education effort will significantly curb snowmobiler and other user trespass. If not, I suspect that MnUSA will work for even more drastic penalties in the 2023 legislative session.
The 2022 session of the Minnesota Legislature was one in which not much was accomplished by anyone except the marijuana lobby (gummies containing THC are now legal). The lack of many meaningful bills passed was again primarily caused by partisan bickering. Despite this atmosphere, we succeeded in passing our number 1 priority: Increasing penalties for Trespass. Trespassing on private land is a clear and present danger to our grant-in-aid trail system. Landowners become repeatedly upset and frustrated with snowmobilers leaving the trails to cavort in the field or in sensitive areas. It is understandable when landowners refuse to grant trail easements.
The trespass bill, which is now, law significantly increased penalties for snowmobile and ATV trespass. The fine has been increased from $100.00 to $250.00 for a first offense, from $200.00 to $500.00 for a second, and from $500.00 to $1000.00 in cases of a third and subsequent offense. The bill also gives Conservation Officers and other peace officers the authority to levy civil fines as well as criminal fines. As I write, MnUSA, other users and DNR are working on public education efforts to keep snowmobilers and other motorized recreational users on their respective trails.
The remainder of the MnUSA legislative agenda was tied up in the Environmental Finance Conference Committee. After much argument, the Conference Committee agreed on a bill containing some but not all of our issues. Included in the Conference Report were (1) permitting crossings of divided highways at intersections or at any safe location agreed to by the road authority and (2) amending the registration requirement for a used snowmobile from a bill of sale from the last registered owner to a bill of sale from the current owner. The Conference Committee did not agree to the DNR language (which we strongly supported) to update the registration stickers and remove the requirement that numbers be displayed on the Unfortunately,sled.
Legislative News Tresspass Bill Becomes Law A column by Doug Franzen JOIN TODAY FOR ONLY $25! Call 866-811-7669 or go online to www.mnsnowmobiler.org Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association 7040 Lakeland Ave. N., Ste 212, Brooklyn Park,
MnUSA WorkshopFall2022 October 21-23, 2022 Hosted by Region 5 HOLIDAY INN AUSTIN CONFERENCE CENTER For reservations call the hotel directly: 507-433-1000 SEE REGISTRATION FORM ON PAGE 31
One topic that was discussed by nearly all the groups participating in the ISC was trespassing/illegal off trail riding and how do we protect our access. Best practices were shared by the participants. Seminars provided something of interest for everyone including steps to decrease avalanche accidents, women in snowmobiling, behind the scenes of a snocross team, grant writing, groomer roundtable, how to work with your local police, fire and emergency management and Iowa spirits tasting. Much of the sharing at ISC occurs during the receptions each evening and Dubuque was no exception with hospitality on the outdoor patio along the Mississippi River. The off-site entertainment was a visit to the Field of Dreams movie location. In attendance, in addition to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs’ (AWSC) officers, AWSC also had several representatives from Kids and Adults on Sleds (KAOS) which is the AWSC youth organization. KAOS representatives participated in the discussions and spoke of the importance of getting their group involved in different functions, selling tickets, etc., and stressed using social media for communication. KAOS is considered a leadership training program for young snowmobilers and holds a leadership weekend each year. The weekend includes food and fun. If there is interest, MnUSA may send youth to this event. KAOS also has a Take a Youth Friend Snowmobiling Day to introduce their friends to snowmobiling. Ed Klim of the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA) gave his state of snowmobiling report. 130,644 new snowmobiles were sold worldwide in 2022, 53,821 were sold in the US and 50,943 in Canada. Snowmobile registration in the US is at 1,264,097, up 74,631 over last year. 63% of snowmobilers also ride ATV’s, 62% enjoy boating, 53% camp and 39% hunt. Outdoor recreation spends $689 billion annually in the US and snowmobiling provides $26 billion of that total. More of the statistics can be found at additionSnowmobilingWeekKlimdata-2020-2021.htmlhttps://snowmobile.org/snowmobile-sales-announcedthatInternationalSnowmobileSafetywillbeheldJanuary14-22,2023andTakeaFriendWeekwillbeFebruary11-20,2023.Intothesetwoannualevents,October29,2022will Snowmobile Day. The manufacturers will be working with their dealers to promote snowmobiling with fun events. They will be looking to partner with snowmobile clubs for this Makepromotion.plans to attend the 2023 International Snowmobile Congress, June 7-10, 2023 in Moline, IL. For information visit https://www.snowmobilers.org/isc/ past president Greg Sorenson
International Snowmobile Congress
This June snowmobilers8-11from all over the US and Canada made their way to the 54th Annual International Snowmobile Congress (ISC) which took place in Dubuque, Iowa. Past President Sorenson, President Wakefield and Business Coordinator Nancy Hanson attended ISC representing MnUSA. This year the includedattendance.toadministratorsmanyrepresentativesCanadianandofthesnowmobilewereabletravelandwereinTheCongressmeetingsoftheAmerican
8 Minnesota Snowmobiling MnUSA News MnUSA
Council of Snowmobile Association (ACSA), Midwest Chapter International Snowmobile Council (MWC), International Snowmobile Media Council (ISMC), International Association of Snowmobile Administrators (IASA), International Snowmobile Council (ISC), United Snowmobile Alliance (USA), International Snowmobile Tourism Council (ISTC), and Iron Dogs, educational breakout sessions and keynote speakers including Aaron Thomas whose presentation was on overcoming adversity. Thomas is the son of a beloved high school teacher and coach who was shot and killed by a former student suffering from mental illness. The Iowa snowmobile club members were great hosts to the event full of meetings and activities.
September 2022 9 MnUSA News What’s Happening
Fines collected from citations involving snowmobiles will go to the snowmobile trails and enforcement account. Rep. Rick Hansen (DFL-South St. Paul) and Sen. Carrie Ruud (R-Breezy Point) are the sponsors. HF2819*/SF3063/CH46 MN Snow Rider Assist Directory is a member benefit provided to all current MnUSA members in printed format to the snow season or with your membership card. If are willing to lend a helping hand to a fellow MnUSA member in need, consider adding your name to the MN SNOW RAD team. Who knows, the one in need could be you. it nice to know help is just a phone call or text away? on the program can be found at mnsnowmobiler. deadline to the upcoming winter season is October 1, 2022. at MnUSA? look
Go to our website and
Rider Assist Directory The
under events Also, past issues of the magazine are available to view on the website...check them out! mnsnowmobiler.org
Civil penalties increased for snowmobile and off-highway vehicle provisions New law effective August 1, 2022 In an effort to promote responsible snowmobile and offhighway vehicle use—and to protect individuals who allow their land to be used for trails—civil penalties will increase Aug. 1, 2022 for certain off-highway vehicle violations, and new civil penalties are created for certain snowmobile violations and violations of trespass laws involving an offhighway vehicle or a snowmobile. Fines for off-highway vehicle violations will increase from $100 to $250 for a first offense, $200 to $500 for a second offense and $500 to $1,000 for third and subsequent offenses. These increased amounts will also be the amounts for the new civil penalties for snowmobile violations and for trespass violations involving an off-highway vehicle or snowmobile.
be included for
org/discover/resources/mn-snow-rad. The
Ed Klim announcing the details on Snowmobile Day—October 29th, 2022.
At the International Snowmobile Congress the snowmobile manufacturers announced they were initiating Snowmobile Day, happening October 29, 2022.
Snowmobile Day—October 29, 2022
clubs are encouraged to begin the season with a party that might include games activities, and more. A “Show and shine” event featuring vintage and custom snowmobiles, towing and groomer vehicles could be another type of activity planned. Safety training, maintenance and winter check-ups for snowmobiles and trailers are other activities clubs and associations might hold during a Snowmobile Day Snowmobilecelebration.
The snowmobile manufacturers of ISMA want to support Snowmobile Day in North America by offering up to $400 to snowmobile clubs or associations that plan a Snowmobile Day Celebration. If your club would like to be considered for this offer, please go to https:// snowmobile.org/2022-snowmobile-day.html, click on the link and fill out the application. Questions contact Ed Klim, ISMA, 517-339-7788.
Snowmobile Day is a day to celebrate the snowmobiling community and begin preparations for the upcoming season. Snowmobile clubs, local dealers, associations, and snowmobile groups are invited to participate.
10 Minnesota Snowmobiling MnUSA News
Snowmobile Day is being patterned after the successful “Snöskoters Dag,” held in Sweden for over 45 years. The celebration in Sweden started in the 1970s and expanded rapidly through the 1980s as snowmobiling in Sweden expanded. The success of the event is traced to creating a fun family party, with involvement from clubs, associations, media, dealers, and other industry Snowmobilestakeholders.
Day should be a fun, family festival type event, where BBQ, refreshments, music, and an open house can get snowmobilers excited for the upcoming season. Snowmobile Clubs are encouraged to participate in the activities and serve food, coordinate special events, conduct safety classes, sell trail, riding permits, and registrations. This is a great opportunity for clubs and associations to increase membership and recruit volunteer for trail activities. Snowmobile associations and clubs are encouraged to contact local Chambers of Commerce, Visitor and Convention Bureaus, and regional media to support and help with a local event. Planning a Snowmobile Day celebration is a perfect opportunity to bring enthusiasts together in kicking off the season and enjoying the snowmobile family lifestyle.
Reminders from MnUSA Trails Committee Trail Improvement Grant Program. Grant applications for the second round of funding for the 2022 Trail Improvement Grant Program are being accepted from August 1, 2022 through September 15, 2022. $500,000 was set aside for projects in 2022 and six applications were received in the first round. The applications are being reviewed by DNR and clubs will be notified with results before September 1st. There are funds remaining for round two. The intent of this program is to provide funding assistance for your club’s major trail improvements that are not part of your normal trail installation, maintenance, grooming, and other trail expenses. Complete information for the Trail Improvement grants can be found on the Minnesota DNR website under Grant in Aid snowmobile snowmobile.htmlhttps://www.dnr.state.mn.us/grants/recreation/gia_funding. Corridor Trails. The corridor trail system was developed by MnUSA as a partnership with MN Department of Natural Resources to make our trails safer and more user friendly. Corridor trail signs are required under your GIA contract and you can order them through MnUSA. The next order for corridor signs will be submitted September 15th . Sign order forms can be found at www.mnsnowmobiler.org/clubs/information
MnUSA Summer Meeting Report Minnesota themembersdirectors8-10.weekendRVCasinoEventMnUSAthe7AssociationSnowmobilersUnitedRegiondirectorswerehostsfortheSummerattheGrandHinckleyParktheofJulyLeadership,andattendedmeetingsonSaturday morning at
September 2022 11
Look for Region 6 Highlights IN THE OCTOBER issue!
. If you have reroutes on your corridor trails, please contact Terry Hutchinson (snowman1049@gmail.com) . Club Trails. Your club’s non-GIA trails can be added to the DNR quadrant maps by sending the information to the DNR. Please copy Terry Hutchinson, MnUSA’s Trails Committee Chair, with the information so he will be able to verify that your trails are included on the maps prior to printing (snowman1049@gmail.com). Grand Casino 7 provided brats & burgers Friday evening and a BBQ dinner Saturday evening. The weather was perfect and a good time was had by all who Theattended.Minnesota Education and Advancement Fund (MSEAF) is planning the Veterans Appreciation Ride for January 14, 2023 In Bemidji. Tax deductible donations to this event are accepted at any time, payable to MSEAF and sent to 7040 Lakeland Ave N. #212, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428. Sponsor a Vet for $225.00. Donations can also be made by your purchases from Amazon. You can change your Amazon account to an AmazonSmile account, choose MSEAF as your charity, and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchases to the veterans appreciation ride. Registration for veterans to participate in the ride will be open in November. In addition to partnering with MnUSA on the veterans ride, MSEAF also provides educational and safety billboards, helmet stickers and medical information cards for helmets, trail signage for clubs, and printing of other materials.
Region 7 provided brats and burgers Friday evening at the Summer Meeting in July.
Hinckley. Region
MnUSA News continued on next page
The MnUSA membership approved a donation to the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame from MnUSA raffle Nominationsfunds. were opened for MnUSA officers. Nominated were incumbents: Scott Wakefield, President; Tim Heinen, Vice President; Janet Widness, Secretary; and Gordon Heitke, Treasurer. In addition, motions were made and carried to suspend nominations for MnUSA officers until the Fall Workshop. Snowmobilers are caring and involved people. Thank you to all clubs that provided information for the charity survey. The total raised for charity last season reported from the US and Canada was $2.160 million. Survey responses are still being collected. The form can be found at MnUSA’swww.mnsnowmobiler.org/clubs/information.membershipcommitteewillcontinue with the Snow Goer Magazine Promotion for clubs. For $49 your club can be listed along with an article promoting joining clubs in the December print version of Snow Goer, listed on their website and on the digital version of the magazine. Participating clubs will also be provided the digital version of the article for your club to use on Facebook, your club website, etc. For more information go to www.mnsnowmobiler.org/clubs/information . MnUSA is seeking a host and location for the 2023 Winter Rendezvous. Contact the MnUSA office for more Ainformation.completecopy of the summer membership meeting minutes can be found on the MnUSA website. Lottery for Snowmobile Access Program at Yellowstone The National Park Service guidedcoachYellowstonemostProgram.SnowmobileCommerciallyforannouncedrecentlythelotterythe2022-2023Non-GuidedAccessAlthoughwintervisitorstogobysnoworcommerciallysnowmobilerides, this program permits people to snowmobile in Yellowstone without the presence of a commercial guide. Up to four non-commercially guided groups of up to five snowmobiles are allowed to enter the park daily: one at each of the four park entrances from December 15, 2022 through March 15, 2023. Permits are awarded through a lottery system and cost $40/day plus a $6 application fee. Lottery applications are accepted August 1 to August 31 and awarded in midSeptember. Unclaimed or canceled permits are made available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning October 1 via www.recreation.gov. There is no waiting list. Cancellations may occur throughout the winter season, so check the website often for openings. Permit holders are considered non-commercial guides, must be 18 years old and are responsible for ensuring that everyone in their group complies with park regulations. They must complete the free online Yellowstone Snowmobile Education Certification course and use only Best Available Technology (BAT) snowmobiles. For the complete detailed information on the program, please see the Yellowstone Park Service website at withoutprocesssuccessfulvehiclesYellowstonetoForncgsap-logistics.htmhttps://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/overtwentyyearssnowmobilershavebeenworkingkeepsnowmobilingopentoridethesameroadsinNationalParkwhereothermotorizedareallowedinthenon-snowseason.Oneoftheeffortsduringthemostrecentwinterplanningwastohaveachancetoplanatripintotheparkacommercialguide. 12 Minnesota Snowmobiling MnUSA News friberglinnea • Connected to 100’s of Trails • Snowmobile Rentals Onsite • Cabins and Lodgerooms • Bar, Gas, & Lodging Packages On Rainy Lake • Area Trail Map #8 11 Miles east of Int’l Falls on Hwy. 1-800-351-5133info@thunderbirdrainylake.comwww.thunderbirdrainylake.com11 Thunderbird Lodge
September 2022 13 With more than 140 miles of groomed trails, The North Shore State Trail cuts through the backwoods along Lake Superior for hours of winter enjoyment. Make Lake County, MN your top winter fun destination. SPECTACULAR SPECTACULAR SleddingSledding www.rainylake.org | cvb@rainylake.org | 218.283.9400 Explore miles of beautiful groomed trails, a full-service community and snowmobileaccessible lodging.
Ski-Doo Snow P.A.S.S. grant program returns for 2022 The Ski-Doo Snow P.A.S.S. (Protect, Access, Sustain, and Support) grant program is back for another season to help fund community-led projects that improve the sport of snowmobiling. The grant program offers up to $5,000 in matching funds to national, provincial, state and local associations and clubs engaged in the many activities that ensure the health of the sport. Last season the program provided more than $580,000 towards more than 100 projects across North America. The objectives of the program set forth last year remain the same; protecting or increasing access to playgrounds; making snowmobiling more accessible to all; helping clubs reinvent themselves; trail development; and safety initiatives. Applications for the program are being accepted online through September 15, 2022, with organizations being notified in October 2022 if their request will be funded. Go to snow-pass-grant-program.htmlwww.ski-doo.com/us/en/formoreinformation.
MnUSA News
14 Minnesota Snowmobiling SUNDAYOct.2ND2022 Kasson Fairgrounds 1 Day Only - Rain or Shine Great Southern MN Swap Meet (Snowmobile/ATV/UTV) and Vintage Sled Show - Gates Open at 8:00 AM - General admission $5.00 (Under 16 Free) - For General Info Call: JimDarren507.951.0570-507.951.1314 Vintage Sled Show Call or Email wadeschroeder@kmtel.com507.269.2998Wade:Food&EquipmentVendors will be on site Highlighting... Region 5 Region 5 Executive Board members at the 2022 Summer Event. Left to right: Secretary/ Treasurer Cheryl Clevenger, Director Paul Maruska, Region 5 President Mike Clevenger, and Director Bill Gehn
Minnesota United Snowmobilers Region 5 is located in South Central and Southeastern Minnesota. Region 5 is one of nine regions in the state. It consists of 43 clubs providing opportunities for fellow snowmobilers to network with members sharing a like interest, providing social opportunities, doing charity work and having a sense of community. Highlighted in this article we will inform you of how our particular region functions, an example of the charity work that takes place and a desirable destination within our region to come and enjoy. Our Region officers consist of a President or Lead Director, a Vice-President, a Secretary/Treasurer and 4 additional Directors. It is our hope to expand this Executive Board with a couple of additional directors so that all clubs in the area can be served by a Director. Members of the Region meet at least two times per year with an additional meeting at the Region’s Fall campout. Directors bring information back to their assigned clubs from their attendance at the four State meetings held by MnUSA. Directors are also a good source for answers to questions posed by club members as well as non-club members. It is the desire of the Executive Board of Region 5 to gain membership and provide understanding of the benefits of belonging to MnUSA. This Fall MnUSA Region 5 will be hosting the Fall Workshop. The event will be held in Austin, MN on Oct 21-23rd and is open to any MnUSA members wishing to attend seminars related to snowmobiling as well as become a Certified Safety Snowmobile Instructor through the MN Department of Natural Resources. It is also a chance to build friendships with fellow snowmobilers from around the state. Seminar topics include Grant Writing 101, Youth Group from Start to Now, What is trespassing?, Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance, and a New Director Forum. During the General Membership Meeting there will also be election of State MnUSA Officers. You must be a member of MnUSA to vote. Along with the educational opportunities there will be plenty of time for FUN. Registration includes a Friday night Get-together with appetizers, Hospitality Room, Saturday night banquet, door prizes, an opportunity for a Veteran’s Ride Fundraiser, vendors and, of course, all the great people that love to snowmobile will be in attendance. Information can be found using this link along with a registration form, eventandPrevention.mentalnameTheevent.joinedbeentoride,MantorvillePreventiontimeAninvolved/mnusa/mnusa-events/mnusa-2022-fall-workshophttps://www.mnsnowmobiler.org/get-exampleofhowsnowmobilersalsocontributetheirandtalentstosocietyisthe‘RideforWyatt’,aSuicideCharityRide.WyattwasaSenioratKasson-HighSchoolwhenhetookhisownlife.Thisapproximately60miles,beganasawaytoshowsupportthefamilyofWyatt.CoincidingwiththeeventtherehasaChiliFeedandSilentAuction.TheByronSnowBearsWyatt’sfamilyandfriendsduringthe2ndyearofthisIn2022,theevent’s3rdyear,over$60,000wasraised.fundsweredistributedbetweenascholarshipinWyatt’sthatsupportsalocalstudentwhoispursuingacareerinhealthcareandtheAmericanFoundationforSuicideForadditionalinformationseeFacebookorTwitterfollow‘RideforWyatt’.Datesanddetailsregardingthiscanbefoundthere.
Country Climbers Snowmobile Club
September 2022 15
concern. Volunteers spend many, many hours promoting the sport of snowmobiling and Region 5 is no exception. Of course there is also time for club members to have Christmas parties, Sunday social suppers, Bingo, Summer picnics, Trailside Lunches, club rides and other fun activities that allow club members to enjoy being part of the club.
Interested in joining our club? Visit us on Facebook, email us at ccscsnow1@hotmail.com, or find us on the MnUSA website.
One of the bigger events will be happening Sunday, Oct 2 at the Kasson Fairgrounds. This is a one day event and the first year for the Great Southern MN Swap Meet (snowmobiles, ATV, and UTV) and Vintage Sled Show. Gates open at 8 a.m. with general admission being $5, under 16 are free.
Southeast Minnesota is unlike any other section of our state with beautiful hills and valleys making this a very scenic place to ride. Winona is an adventure that you won’t forget and are sure to come back and explore more than once. Winona has a population of 27,000 and many miles of scenic trails connecting to the MN trail network. With varying terrain the beauty is unmatched. MnUSA Region 5 invites all snowmobilers to explore our part of the state. We think that you will not be disappointed!
2022 ‘Ride for Wyatt’ charity ride
Just as many other Region host events, so does Region 5. Clubs participate in parades, winter festivals, vintage shows, and, of course, landowner picnic/suppers that show our appreciation for the land owners that allow us to have our fantastic trail system. Many clubs also host snowmobile safety courses. These riders are the future of the sport and safety is always a
Sakatah Sno-Cruisers Holidazzle float
The Country Climbers Snowmobile Club is located in the beautiful Driftless Area of southeastern Minnesota, known as Corridor 60. Our trail system conveniently connects with the multiple great hotel options in Winona. Each hotel will provide ample parking space and a variety of amenities to meet your needs. It’s easy to hop on the trails from the bottom of Hwy 43. We offer scenic riding and wildlife galore as you ride through our pristine bluffs and valleys; which, along with the numerous trout stream crossings, provide a challenge along the way. You can’t forget to stop at one (or all) of our breathtaking look-out spots over the mighty Mississippi River, from which you can see for miles and even provide a view of Wisconsin. Throughout your day on the trail you’ll inevitably need to make a few stops; our trails offer many local establishments to warm up and grab a bite to eat, along with fuel stops as well. Our club strives to keep our trails very well maintained throughout the year. We are also fortunate to connect to three other neighboring club trails.
With the opportunity to ride our trail system and having the trail meet up with other clubs, you’re sure to have a great experience, leaving you looking forward to your next visit. We can’t wait to welcome you to our neck of the woods.
The Kasson-Mantorville Snowdrifters and the Byron Snow Bears will be sponsoring the event and are hoping for good attendance. This is a chance to see part of our region as well as see some older snowmobiles. With the swap meet taking place you may even be able to pick up that item(s) you have been meaning to get but couldn’t find. Both sponsoring clubs have additional information on their Facebook pages.
Partnered with the Lewiston Sno-Sports, we host a Snowmobile Safety Training Course every year for youth 16 and under, averaging 25 + students every year. We also enjoy hosting an Appreciation Dinner for our landowners and club members every fall, along with many other activities throughout the year.
Destination Winona
The new 2023 Renegade X-RS is ready to ride whenever you want. With the all-new REV® Gen5 platform and features like unmatched LED lighting and a 10.25" touchscreen that brings enhanced connectivity, prepare for trips you’ll never want to end. Lucky for you, they don’t have to. REFINED & PRIMED. LET’S RIDE. 2023 RENEGADE ® X-RS ®
AIRTEC SPORTS RICE LAKE 203 MAIN ST., RICE LAKE, WI airtecsportsricelake.com AIRTEC SPORTS ROBERTS 801 WAGNER DR., ROBERTS, WI airtecsportsroberts.com BEMIDJI SPORTS CENTRE 1826 ANNE ST. NW, BEMIDJI, MN bemidjisportscenter.com BROTHERS MOTORSPORTS 7915 HWY 210, BAXTER, MN brothermotorsports.com CENTRE POWERSPORTS & MARINE 43164 COUNTY RD. 112, SAUK CENTRE, MN centersports.com DULUTH LAWN & SPORT 4715, GRAND AVE., DULUTH, MN duluthlawnandsports.com HILMERSON SPORTS CENTER 14731 IRIS RD., LITTLE FALLS, MN hilmersonsportscenter.com JAYCOX POWERSPORTS 1861 OXFORD ST., WORTHINGTON, MN jaycoxpowersports.com LOSSING’S POWER SPORTS 30 NORTH DR., BABBITT, MN lossings.com MIES OUTLAND 720 HWY 55, WATKINS, MN miesoutlandwatkins.com MIES OUTLAND OF ST. CLOUD 3653 32ND ST. SE, ST. CLOUD, MN miesoutlandcloud.com MILLER SELLNER POWERSPORTS 22024 STATE HWY 4 S., SLEEPY EYE, MN millersellnerpowersports.com MINNEAPOLIS MOTOR SPORTS 801 LOUISIANA AVE. S., MINNEAPOLIS, MN motorsportsmn.com MOON MOTORSPORTS 3613 CHELSEA RD. W, MONTICELLO, MN moonmotorsports.com MOTORSPORTS OF WILLMAR 4970 HWY 71 NE, WILLMAR, MN motorsportsofwilmar.com NEXTGEN POWERSPORTS CLEAR LAKE 235 US HWY 63, CLEAR LAKE, WI nextgen-powersportscl.com NEXTGEN POWERSPORTS WEBB LAKE 30336 COUNTRY RD. H, WEBB LAKE, WI nextgen-powersportswl.com NEXTGEN POWERTSPORTS CHIPPEWA FALLS 9443 HWY 124, CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI nextgen-powersportscf.com OLLIE’S SERVICE 111 DONNA AVE., ALEXANDRIA, MN olliesservice.com OLSON POWER AND EQUIPMENT 38560 14TH AVE., NORTH BRANCH, MN olsonpower.com POWER LODGE ONAMIA 33972 US HWY 169, ONAMIA, MN powerlodgeonamia.com POWER LODGE RAMSEY 6781 HWY 10 NW, RAMSEY, MN powerlodgeramsey.com RAY’S SPORT & CYCLE 20890 US HWY 169, GRAND RAPIDS, MN rayssportsandcycle.com ST. BONI MOTORSPORTS 4120 STEINER ST., ST. BONIFACIUS, MN motorsportsmn.com TOUSLEY MOTORSPORTS 1400 EAST COUNTY RD. E, WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN tousleymotorsports.com TRUEMAN WELTERS 1600 HWY 55 E, BUFFALO, MN trueman-welterstractor.com © 2022 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its affiliates. Products in the United States (U.S.) are distributed by BRP US Inc. Always ride responsibly and safely. SEE MORE AT SKI-DOO.COM
18 Minnesota Snowmobiling The Sno Barons Snowmobile Club invites you to the 55th Annual Hay Days September 10 & 11, 2022 at North Branch, MN! The Hay Days event has something for everyone with hundreds of vendors, huge swap meet, grass drags, freestyle jumpers, UTV racing, multiple food courts and cold beer in the beer gardens. Many of these activities have been expanded this year. New this year is a new app available through the Google play store which will help you locate vendors. Plan on great racing with full spectator days Saturday and Sunday. Last year’s speeds set world records in the top three classes so expectation is high for this year. For more information visit haydays.com. All this could not happen without many partnerships. The Sno Barons greatly appreciate the support of the Chisago County Sheriff’s Office, the Almelund Fire Department, Lake Region EMS, the North Branch Chamber of Commerce, their neighbors in Sunrise Township, and many snowmobile clubs from across Minnesota and Wisconsin. Each year, the Sno Barons set aside a portion of the profits from the September Hay Days Event and give it back to the andneedBaronsisforthereandbridgeexpansion,generallyunderaverage$150generallyimprovements.trailarecommunity.snowmobilingGrantsusedtosupportdevelopmentandGrantsrangefromto$1500.Thegrantisjust$1,000,andisusedfortrailre-routing,work,fencingsignage.Whileisalwaysaneedmoremoneythanavailable,theSnorecognizethefortrailexpansionfavorthoseapplications as well as first time applicants. Applications are available online on the club website and should be submitted by November 1st. Club News SHOP WWW.PITPAL.COM #420 RETAIL: $194.99 $15 SAVINGS ENCLOSED HELMET CABINET4COLORSAVAILABLE 3 GALLON SHELF FOLD DOWN WORK TABLE 44"W X 18"D HAY DAYS SPECIAL VISIT US AT HAY DAYS | BOOTH AB4 ONLY STARTS$180AT $300 HUNDREDS OF ALUMINUM STORAGE SOLUTIONS musttrailerhaves! 40 YEARS IN BUSINESS 6 GALLON CABINET Presented by HUNDREDS OF VENDORS freestyle jumpingGRASS DRAGS VINTAGE SNOWMOBILES n Sno Barons Snowmobile Club
September 2022 19
The SnowmobileBlizzard Club of Fairmont, MN held their annual thatheldmeal.agreatthisAppreciationLandownerDinnersummer,andhadaturnouttoenjoywonderfulcateredTheeventwasinanoldchurchhasgonethrough a tremendous restoration, and really is a crown jewel in downtown Fairmont. Scott Wakefield was given the opportunity to speak about his background and time as MnUSA President and then switched gears to what was important to those in attendance— enhanced fines for trespassing that passed both houses and was signed into law by the governor. In an unofficial survey of those landowners in attendance, the Blizzard Snowmobile Club of Fairmont is doing an excellent job working with their landowners, and Scott didn’t hear nary a complaint regarding noise, late night riding, or trespassing. It was noted that it’s been a while since they had decent snow to even ride in this area of the state, but the landowners nonetheless appreciated all that the club does for them, and vice versa. The Blizzard Snowmobile Club of Fairmont maintains 140 miles of trails and has 47 family memberships and 82 landowners.
Club News n Blizzard Snowmobile Club
20 Minnesota Snowmobiling Twenty-eight years of racing—Outlaw Grass Drags Princeton, MN—August 26th & 27th, 2022 Are you ready for snowmobiling drag racing? Two full days of racing starts Friday night at 5:30pm. Racing continues into the evening under the lights. You won’t want to miss this! Vintage & Pro classes will be racing together both days. You are sure to find a treasure with over 500 swappers and vendors. Food vendors and beer gardens will be on site to fuel the fun. Lawn mower racing starts at 10am on Saturday. Bring the kiddos and their Kitty Kat/120cc/200cc and let them race on the drag racetrack and the oval track Saturday starting at Allnoon.gates open at 7am both Friday and Saturday with free parking. Overnight camping is available for $30 for the weekend. Proceeds from this event benefit the area snowmobile trails. For more information visit www.outlawgrassdrags.com. Fun for the entire Thefamily!Outlaw Grass Drags are hosted by the Rum River Trail Association, a non-profit organization made up of the following four snowmobile clubs with trails located along the Rum River: • Mystic Riders, Princeton • St. Francis Sno Ghosts • Grandy Northern Lites • Cambridge Drift Dusters The association is dedicated to the development, maintenance, and the safety of snowmobile trails in the Rum River trail system and throughout Minnesota. Proceeds from this event assist in our goal of maintaining over 500 miles of local trails. Club News n Rum River Trail Association
September 2022 21 Wherever the trail leads, there’s an AmericInn nearby waiting to offer you friendly service, a comfortable and quiet night’s sleep, and always a place to park your sled . Fuel up every morning with a free homestyle breakfast Relax and enjoy our heated indoor pool. MINNESOTA 218-463-1045Roseau Silver 218-226-4300Bay 218-663-7899Tofte MICHIGAN Iron AmericInn.com906-265-9100River|800.634.3444 Comfortable, quieter rooms | Free, hot, home-style breakfast Hotel-wide, high-speed internet | Indoor pool Aug. 26 & 27 – Outlaw Grass Drags, Princeton, MN http://www.outlawgrassdrags.com/ Sep. 10 & 11 – Sno Barons Hay Days, North Branch, MN https://haydays.com/ Sep. 16 & 17 – International Snowmobile Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, Eagle River, WI https://www.ishof.com/ Sep. 17 – Brainerd Snodeos Grass Drags & Swap Meet, Crow Wing County Fairgrounds, Brainerd, https://brainerdsnodeos.com/grassdrags/MN Oct. 1 – River City Snow Riders Swap Meet, Sherburne County Fairgrounds, Elk River, MN www.rivercitysnowriders.org Oct. 2 - Great Southern MN Swap Meetand Vintage Sled Show, Kasson Fairgrounds, Kasson, https://www.facebook.com/events/971697143499548MN Oct. 21-23 – MnUSA Fall Workshop & Annual Membership Meeting, Austin, MN https://www.mnsnowmobiler.org mnusaoffice@popp.net Oct. 29 – Snowmobile Day Celebration https://www.gosnowmobiling.org/ & www.mnsnowmobiler.org Jan. 25-29 – Northland 300 Ride for Special Olympics Jan. 27-29 – Midwest Ride-In Vintage Show, ERX Motor Park, Elk River, MN https://www.mwvss.com/ Feb. 8-11 – Blackwoods Blizzard Tour for ALS https://www.neversurrenderinc.org/ Feb. 9-12 – MnUSA Winter Rendezvous, TBD https://www.mnsnowmobiler.org Calendar of Events Minnesota United Snowmobilers Assn. 7040 Lakeland Avenue N., Ste 212, Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 JOIN MnUSA ONLY $25! Call 1-866-811-7669 or www.mnsnowmobiler.org
2 4
essay question and response: What would you do to educate and stop riders of all ages and experience levels from trespassing and to stay on the trails? Anna: Trespassing is not only illegal, but also the biggest complaint that landowners have with snowmobilers that cross their land, fields and driveways. It is becoming increasingly important to bridge the gap between snowmobilers and landowners before it’s too late and landowners say, “no more” and trail land is lost. Meeker th
Saturday, October 1st, 2022
Free Admission with MnUSA membership card (1 G.A. Only) Swap prices: Vehicle swap prices start at $30 (Includes 2 G.A.). All large vendors, enclosed trailers, motor homes, or tents start at $80.
Snowmobile Swap Meet
Sherburne County Fairgrounds Swapper and Vendor open from 6:30 to 3:30 Admission gate open from 8 AM to 3 PM $5 General Admission
22 Minnesota Snowmobiling Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association is pleased to announce that Anna Meeker of Green Isle is the recipient of its 2022 scholarship. Anna graduated from Central High School in Norwood/ Young America in May 2022 and plans to study nursing at College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University in St. Joseph. She is an active member of the Belle Plaine Borough Riders Snowmobile Club and helps with fundraisers, trail maintenance and signage. Her high school activities include softball, Peers Program, Student Council, National Honor Society, Speech, Concert Band/Jazz Band/Pep Band (recipient of band awards and three-year Letter Winner) and Girl Scouts. Anna was an Academic All-Star, Academic Letter Winner, received the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, volunteered for many community events and programs and represented Norwood Young America as its community ambassador at local and statewide events. Anna is the daughter of Todd and Connie Meeker and is the recipient of a $1500 Thescholarship.MnUSA Scholarship Program was established to assist members and children of members in pursuing post-secondary education in college and vocational programs. Scholarship recipients are selected by a committee on the basis of their essay; academic achievement; leadership; participation in school, snowmobile and community activities; work experience; and two outside references.
Funds for the scholarship program are provided through donations and by the Fund Raising Committee. The MnUSA scholarship program will be continued in 2023. Details will be announced in November with applications due by February 28, This2023.year’s
Snowmobilers need to realize that landowners don’t have to lend their land for trails, they do it out of the goodness of their heart so others can enjoy the sport of snowmobiling. Snowmobilers also need to realize that the actions of one, can ruin the sport for all. Snowmobilers should have to take refresher educational classes that can be held informally at the fall picnic or before the riding season begins. They should be required to sign a pledge to uphold the laws of the state and the club regarding trail riding. Publishing trespassing statistics would be helpful and create awareness for those that are doing but think they are above the law. Another avenue to eliminate trespassing would be to have trail cameras to identify snowmobilers that are trespassing. It may be difficult to identify drivers and sleds, but registration numbers may be readable. Even if offenders can’t be positively identified, the pictures can be used for educational purposes at future meetings or even at youth snowmobile training classes.
The key to resolving trespassing is educating and informing riders. Education can take on many forms in this process. It would be beneficial to bring riders and landowners together for a summer/fall picnic prior to the snow flying and the trail riding season beginning. The purpose of this picnic is to introduce people and have landowners tell their stories why they choose to lend their land and unfortunately to tell their stories of why they may rethink that decision because of trespassing and the effects it has on their property, fields and fear of Also,liability.during this picnic, the club can do “trail and land tours.” The purpose of these tours is to educate riders by showing them where the trails are and how to spot posted and/or private land. It should be noted that just because land isn’t marked or posted as private, doesn’t mean that it is fair game for riding. One must make sure and if in doubt, ask the landowner. It is so important to build the relationships of snowmobilers and landowners by communicating.
September 2022 23
Snowmobilers need to be made aware of trespassing laws and the consequences. Trespassing in Minnesota can be a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor that comes with loss of snowmobile registration, monetary fines, and jail time. Many think these consequences don’t pertain to them and they think they won’t be caught. That’s not the attitude to have.
Other ideas to help with trespassing issues would be to mark trails with brightly colored, neon-colored flags or ties on posts periodically on the trail and especially in spots where trespassing is most happening. Although it takes more time and effort by the club, in the end, if it keeps sleds from veering off the trails, it is worth it. Also, clubs can have “courtesy patrols” working the trails and situated in high-traffic trespassing areas to identify and educate trespassers as well as reward the trail followers. These volunteers would be tasked with educating and directing riders to stay on the trails. They can hand out trail maps and even give rewards such as club stickers, food and drink coupons to be redeemed at local businesses. Education and communication are the keys to eliminating trespassing. Snowmobiling is an awesome sport, but it takes work by the clubs and the riders to ensure everyone is following the rules and riding safely to ensure the spot is around for generations to come.
DebKeithChrisDarrenJeffAndyAbearAkinsAlbertsAmdahl&DoreenAnderson&MichelleAndersonMarkAndersonMike&DeniseArcherEric&AngelaBachinskiPomroy&RayBarnesEdwardBarnickWallyBarryWilliamRBartholdTroyBeckersBruceBekkerusMichaelBelangerRichard&LillyBergTrentBernatzKeith&HeatherBerndtSteve&CarolynBlakeChad&ShellyBoegemanMichaelBogartTim&KarenBothunMikeBrandtJohn&LindaBraunwarthPaulBrecknerGordonBrekkenColin&JenniferBrownKellyBrownTonyBrownCharlie&CarolBrownBrianBrownJimBryantRichardBureshGaryButzJimCarlsonTomChamberlandDale&SonyaClementsonRick&DebColbergMark&LoriColemanJ.A.ConnellyRandyDemmerTrentDoreAllenDotyRaymondDriverJames&BethDucklessMike&KymDueaWade&MelissaDykemaMike&ChrisEckRustyEichornRick&ShelleyEvensonLawrenceFairesDanielA.&JanetFeeneyJim&BelindaFolzTerry&MaryFosterChristianFranzenRussell&SheriGadesMarkGarceaGreg&NancyGellertJoeGerritsJohn&WendyGetzBillGibsonAlexGouldEd&JudyGrelsonGrudellFamilyAllen&MicheleGruidlDonald&ThelmaHansenDanHartelDane,Barb&RebekahHasbrouck Brian & Rosanne Hauge Arne & Sharon Heggedal Joseph & Katie Heidelberger Dennis Steve,MarkTerryJasonGlenKasonHeimermanHeinecke&JaneHeinoBobHellerud&AngieHendrickxJack&JulieHensleyScottHilligJack&JulieHinsleyJenniferHoglundRobert&GayleHoltRex&ArleneHolzemerBruceHughes&DebbieHutchinsonWilliam&SherriJarvisMichaelJasanKevin&JulieJergensonRichard&JudithJohnsonJeffJohnsonTerryJohnsonToddJohnsonCharlie&SueJohnsonPaulaJones&MichelleJorgensonJeff&LouiseKackKathyKarkulaSteve&TerriKastJerryKastnerMark&SusanKavanaughJim&EllenKeeslingMichaelKillianBob&JudyKingPaulKirschtEarlKlersyBrentKlompsSteven&LindaKnoppMarlysKnutsonWilliamKuehnJerryKujalaKennyKukackaGregKunzMark&KathyLaBawRandyLabergeMarkLangevinOrv&DeeLangohrBrian&PaulaLarsonKenLarsonLevi&KristenLaValleeLaValleeIncKevin&LisaLearyTim&TammyLePageRoger&DonnaLetcherKevinLewisonJayLoefflerMichaelLommelGary&JudyLothenbachBrian&JaneenLuckerDan&RachelLundBrian&PennyLundPaul&BarbMakiMikeManderfeldDavid&DiannaMartinJoelMatterTerryMattsonShawnMayerPeterMcTieBrittni,Skylar,Sven&SerenityMeier Jim & Barb Mickow Mark & Linda Miller Rick Miller Dave & Patti Myers Eli Nelson Pete & Bonnie Nelson Alex Nelson Bill & Sharyn Nepsha Mike & Judy Nodsle Brent & Jenny Oberdieck PaulJeffOnkenOrth Tyler & Kristin Osiecki Daniel Osterkamp Jim & Kristina Paterson Brian & Cathy Pazzelli Lowell KeithNickCraigTerryDouglasPetersonPetersonRonPeterson&DiannePeterson&YvonnePetersonPetschlFamilyJeromePhelpsBillPlombonHeatherPotterJeffreyPriceRamieRamsdenDanReidEricReiersonNateReilleySteve&KimRenslowMark&SueRinghamMikeRoettgerRodneySalineMarkSampicaGrantScheibeChuckSchreiberDeanSeeckPatrickSheaDanSheltonLarry&JudyShepherdBobSkoglund&GretchenSlavicekSteven&JaneSpaethJohn&MelanieTevikJeffThomasMark&KarenThompsonOle&RuthTweet&JenniferTwomblyDavidVanWieKyleVoelzPaulVranishScott&LisaWakefieldJeffWalstromRonWarholMerleWeidemannGeraldWeilandKimWerkmeisterMarv&SallyWestRobWhiteSteve“Woody”&JanetWidnessArchieWiedewitschDave&TammyWolfBill&FranYlatupaRich&RuthZemanPaul&KaylynnZwakCraigZweber XM Members
The Twin Brooks Threshing Show grounds are starting to win me over. Don’t get me wrong; the old site for Milbank was pretty darn awesome too, but the remoteness and kitschiness of the grounds throws you back in time, regardless of if you’re hanging on tight to the Speakingpresent.
ISABELLA, MINNESOTA N47° 38.813 W091° 27.250 MOTORCYCLESWELCOMEATV’SSLEDSHUNTERSFISHERMEN • Modern Cabins • Gas/Oil • On/Off Sale • BWCA/Canoe Outfitting 9702 Hwy. 1 Isabella, MN (218) www.knottedpine.com323-7681 We’re right at the intersection of Tomahawk and Yukon Trails Vintage News Milbank Show If you’ve tried the rest... IT’S TIME TO TRY THE BEST! Ultimate Ultimate Jr. w/tool box Galesville, WI • ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.comgreg@ultimatesnowgroomerdrags.com608-539-4600 Over FeaturesDifferent10&Add-ons! » Ultimate Drag: 8’-12 1/2’ (W) x 20’ (L) » Ultimate Junior Drag: 6’ (W) x 12’ (L)
of hanging on tight, you’ve got to love the first Arctic Cat, a 1962 Polar Model 100-XX and the only sled to be exhibited at both the 50th Anniversary of Polaris and Arctic Cat. These old machines were not for the faint of heart, and you had to really muscle them around and hang on tight, albeit at minimal speeds. And then there was the new 2022 Arctic Cat with zero miles, and just about every other Arctic Cat produced in-between, as part of this year’s theme of 60 years of the Cat. One unique sled was the 1992 Prowler Special with zero miles on it. The guy bought it and put it in the garage and never rode it. Now that’s some willpower. I guess I’d ask, didn’t you ever want to ride it? What a cool sled. But there were so many cool sleds. I think that had something to do with the weather and the fact it was 105 last year and 78 this year; cool Cat’s ruled the day. Cal Moser and the crew will have a tough time topping this one for next year. And hats off to them for putting on a great show and catering to all of us who attended. The constant refills on the (root) beer was a nice touch. If you have never been, you’re really missing out. Make it part of your 2023 bucket list, you won’t be disappointed.
24 Minnesota Snowmobiling by Scott J. Wakefield
THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN THE WEST World Class Riding on: Buffalo Pass, Rabbits Ears, Gould, Rand, & SnowyVISITNORTHPARKCO.COMRange. 479JAC479JAC 483A 3M®www.VossSigns.com800-473-0698ReflectiveSheeting Custom Signs & Banners FRS6x6 sales@vosssigns.com DecemberAvailable14-March 18 STARTS AT PER NIGHT Scan QR Code to Book Now RESORT ON GULL LAKE • BRAINERD CRAGUNS.COMLODGING FOR UP TO 4CALL$140ITACRAGUN’SMN’S LARGEST RESORT SNOWMOBILE CENTER!Snow Day Novice to pro, enjoy touring 1,000 miles of snowladen forest trails, or speeding across the lit Gull Lake Trail. Bring your own sled, or rent one of our Polaris 1 or 2 person sleds with full & half day options. Plus, we have clothing & gear for the family! August Prize Winner City $25 Kevin Ahlm Annandale $25 Al Rinta Tamarack $25 Renae Halgren Zimmerman $25 Kevin McKeowin Cokato $25 Garrett Rhoden Taylors Falls $25 Donna Palmer Barnum $50 Darla Pollock Twin Valley $25 Denise Stender Young America $25 Jill Moore St. Michael $25 Barb Girten Lakeville $25 Krista Kommer Emily $25 Paul Doelz Prior Lake $25 Bill Taylor Fergus Falls $50 Alana Carnevale Woodbury $25 Randy Surprenart Hickson ND $25 Gar y Pumper Lonsdale $25 Gar y Dreger Eagle Bend $25 Dale Lee Lake City $25 Luke McMahon Prior Lake $25 Keith Geray Mahnomen $50 Jeff Miller Howard Lake $25 Dan Pederson Detroit Lakes $250 Jim Bianchi Hermantown $25 Jim Hoemberg Staples $25 Joe Lonzo Kasson $25 Patty Psych Bowlus $25 Rodney Aho Prior Lake $50 Jeff Picka New Prague $25 Gordy Johnson Big Lake $25 Steve Roepke Savage $25 Chad Vos Cologna July Prize Winner City $25 Mateo Rossini Prior Lake $25 Jim Rodewald Mahnomen $50 Larr y & Judy Shepherd Faribault $300 Jim Brandt Austin $25 Duke Wiesbrod Cambridge $25 Jacki Zahler St. Cloud $25 Chris Kihl Perham $25 Desiree’ Arnold International Falls $25 Paul & Maria Trebe Deerwood $50 Amber Stegman Grand Forks ND $25 Andrew & Brooke DeMars International Falls $25 Kevin Jergenson Benson $25 Bonnie Jacobs Becker $25 Jordan Notch Rochester $25 Dee Minnerath Alexandria $25 Tina Weinkauf North Branch $50 Charlotte Marble Ray $25 Kali Gaetke / Sean McCasey Lonsdale $25 Devan Schuler Fargo ND $25 Brian Larson Shakopee $25 Russell Evans Wadena $25 Cody Slark Jordan $25 Terry Akemann Inver Grove Heights $50 Stacey Stueness Gar y $25 Gar y & Judy Lothenbach Inver Grove Heights $25 Ray Iaquinto Siren WI $25 Brian Oaehs East Grand Forks $25 Mark Jaskowiak Eagle Bend $25 Helen Rix Apple Valley $25 John Love Floodwood $50 Joanne McLaughlin Gilbert SC MnUSA Raffle Calendar Winners September 2022 25
26 Minnesota Snowmobiling
Milestones PathBlazers Snowmobile Club
After five years of planning and work, the PathBlazers Snowmobile Club celebrated the completion of their new building in Chisholm with a ribbon cutting and open house to showcase their accomplishment. This building is important as the club needed a place to store, maintain and protect the equipment necessary to maintain the club’s 67 miles of trail. The club had looked for an existing building but wasn’t able to find anything suitable so decided to build. This wouldn’t have been possible without support from local businesses, many volunteers and the City of Chisholm and their city administrator, mayor and city council which allowed the club to secure two parcels of land for $1 each in their Industrial Park, adjacent to the club’s trail. The club paid for the project using funds received through volunteer work over many years. The PathBlazers Snowmobile Club, Inc. of today is the result of a merger in the early 2000s between the former Hibbing Trail Blazers and the former Chisholm Pathfinders Club. At the time the clubs merged, IRRRB elected to get out of the grooming business and the club received a Tucker Sno-Cat groomer from IRRRB to groom their trails. The grooming was done by an individual for several years and eventually the club acquired its own grooming Danequipment.Marich, president of the PathBlazers, joined the club in the late 1980s because he always loved the sport of snowmobiling and always tried to be a good volunteer to the community. According to Marich, “Volunteerism is so very important, and the club is very fortunate to have so many great volunteers. The true success of the club is its team effort and having a lot of fun along the Theway.”club has been growing and now has over 150 members. They are always looking for people to join the club. You can find it on Facebook or join through the website at https:// pathblazersclub.com/.
Homecoming July 15th
Former Arctic Cat employee Joey Hallstrom was the emcee and organizer of the event. PJ Wanderscheid of Country Cat, sitting on his race sled, looks like he could still be out there racing.
Greeting attendees outside the arena was “the” Arctic Cat International Semi. Imagine how many brand new Arctic Cat’s were delivered to dealers throughout the country with this rig. And it is looking better than ever with a recent overhaul and restoration by the Gottschalk Family.
November 2021 27 Milestones
Arctic Cat’s 60th & 16th at the Engelstad Arena in Thief River Falls
Island View Lodge International Falls, MN 218-286-3511
The Junction International Falls, MN 218-283-3339 Koerter’s Fuel International Falls, MN Rainy Lake Oil International Falls, MN Rainy Lake One Stop International Falls, MN 218-286-5700 Thunderbird Lodge International Falls, MN 218-286-3151
√ Arrowhead Lodge Resort & Outfitters Kabetogama, 218-875-2141MN Border Guide Service Kabetogama, 218-324-2430MN Kec’s Kove Resort Kabetogama, 800-777-8405MN
Galen’s Fresh Food Market & Hardware Hank Bagley, 218-694-6212MN
√ C’Mon Inn Motel Park Rapids, 800-258-6891MN Clancy’s on Island Lake Park Rapids, 218-732-5270MN Dorset Corner Liquor Park Rapids, 218-732-1770MN Emmaville Inn, Inc. Park Rapids, 218-732-8544MN Optic Connections Park Rapids, 612-599-0500MN Park Rapids Lakes Area Chamber Park Rapids, 218-732-4111MN
Littlefork Municipal Liquor / City of Littlefork Littlefork, 218-278-6672MN
Visit Grand Rapids Grand Rapids, 218-326-9607MN Wildwood Resort Grand Rapids, 218-328-5858MN
The Old Muni Gheen, MN BoomTown Woodfire Grill & Brewery Gilbert, 218-248-8381MN Camp Bluewater Grand Rapids, 612-284-8261MN Lakeview Behavoral Health Grand Rapids, 218-327-2801MN Ray’s Sport & Cycle Grand Rapids, 218-326-9355MN
Arrowhead Ultra 135 International Falls, MN Boise / PCA International Falls, MN 218-285-5312
Farmers Union Oil of Grygla Grygla, 218-294-6117MN Shorty’s Place Gully, 218-268-4199MN Lost River Trails Kelliher, 218-647-8142MN Knob & RestaurantKettle& Lounge Laporte, 218-699-3403MN Side Track Tap Bar & Grill Leonard, 218-968-2304MN Anchorage Inn Longville, 218-363-2236MN
Lakeside Lumber & Hardware Marcell, 218-832-3300MN
Bagley Motor Sports Bagley, 218-694-6911MN
Northern Sports Baudette, 218-634-1089MN
Lavallee Inc Longville, MN Longville Campground Longville, 218-363-2610MN
Lossing’s Power Sports Babbitt, 218-827-2635MN Big Falls Liquor Store Big Falls, 218-276-3333MN
REGION 1 REGION 2 MnUSA Business Supporters “√” Denotes Show Your Card Member Discount 28 Minnesota Snowmobiling
√ Pine Cone Lodge & Vacation Rentals Park Rapids, 320-491-6952MN Up North Power & Sports Park Rapids, 218-237-5670MN Wehrs AG Group Park Rapids, 218-867-6194MN Zorbaz of Park Rapids Park Rapids, 218-237-1969MN Visit Thief River Falls Thief River Falls, MN 218-686-9785 √ Country Inn - Walker Walker, 218-547-1400MN Lakes Area Power Sports Walker, 218-547-1558MN Carrot’s Auto Body Waubun, 218-473-2417MN √ Cedar Crest Resort Waubun, 218-473-2116MN Hilltop Supper Club Waubun, 218-473-2652MN 40 Club Restaurant & Bar Aitkin, 218-927-7090MN Aitkin Flyers Aitkin, 218-927-2527MN Barnacle’s Resort & Campground Aitkin, 218-678-3122MN Castaways Bar, Restaurant & Camp Aitkin, 320-684-2380MN Denny’s Lakeview Inn LLC Aitkin, 218-549-3580MN Farm Island Repair & Marine Aitkin, 218-927-6395MN Farm Island Store Aitkin, 218-927-3791MN Grill of Glen Aitkin, 320-684-2229MN Midwest Machinery Co Aitkin, 218-927-2140MN Northern Automation Aitkin, 218-670-0315MN One Stop Mini Mart Aitkin, 320-684-2664MN Paulbeck’s Country Market Aitkin, 218-927-6919MN Riverside Pub Aitkin, 218-927-3915MN Security InsuranceState Aitkin, 866-929-3712MN The Landing Aitkin, 218-927-9998MN Tire Barn Aitkin, 218-927-1444MN Ash SnowRiver-KabetogamaDrifters Ash Kabetogama,River/ 218-875-2841MN Ash Trail Lodge Ash River, 218-374-3131MN Frontier Resort Ash River, 218-374-3311MN Babbitt ATV Snowmobile&Club Babbitt, 218-393-6853MN
Boyum Performance International Falls, MN 218-324-0566
Loon Point Resort Bigfork, 218-245-1470MN Powell Auto Sales & Service Bigfork, 218-743-3795MN
Beckers Resort & Campground Bena, 218-665-2268MN Hoot-N-Holler Blackduck, 218-659-9225MN
Wahl Bros. Racing Inc. Greenbush, 218-782-2295MN
√ Lonesome Pine Rentals Naytahwaush, 218-935-5855MN NightridersNaytahwaush Naytahwaush, MN Pinehurst Resort Naytahwaush, 218-935-5745MN Sportsman’s Oak Island Lodge Oak Island, 218-223-8411MN
√ Lake Vermilion Resort Assn Cook, 800-648-5897MN The Landing Cook, 218-666-0221MN
Baudette L/W Area Chamber Baudette, 218-634-1985MN
Young’s Bay Resort Angle Inlet, 218-223-8031MN
Howard’s Oil Co Baudette, 218-634-2550MN
Sportsman Lodge Gonvick, 218-487-5295MN Roseau County Coop Greenbush, 218-782-2117MN
Longville Lakes Bottle Shop Longville, 218-363-3249MN SnowmobileLongville Club Longville, MN Musky House Marine & Arctic Cat Longville, 218-363-2044MN One ConvenienceStop Store Longville, 218-363-2252MN Olson’s Outdoor Sports Mahnonmen, 218-935-2355MN
Trails End Resort Buyck, 218-993-2257MN Wolf Bay Lodge Buyck, 218-666-6106MN Dawghouse Bar & Grill Canyon, 218-345-8830MN Reliable Insurance Agency Cloquet, 218-390-1161MN Mr. Furnace Cohasset, 218-328-6145MN
Arrowhead Builders Supply Longville, 218-363-2124MN Docksider Longville, 218-363-2565MN
Fireside Grill Bagley, 218-694-2132MN
CH Consulting Group International Falls, MN Howards Cenex East International Falls, MN Int’l Dental Arts International Falls, MN 218-283-4059 Falls CVB International Falls, MN 218-283-9400
Sunset Lodge Resort Oak Island, 218-223-8211MN TJ’s Tavern Oaklee, 218-796-5153MN
The Rocky Ledge Kabetogama, 218-875-3481MN
Bemidji Sports Centre Bemidji, 218-751-4477MN Philip & NyhusmoenAbbey Bemidji, 218-209-7973MN
Mel’s Corner Service Little Fork, 218-278-6670MN Cedar Point Resort Marcell, 218-832-3808MN Edge of the Wilderness Lodging Assn Marcell, 888-754-0011MN Edge of Wildernessthe Realty Marcell, 218-832-4000MN Frontier Sports Marcell, 218-832-3901MN
The Lodge at Giants Ridge Biwabik, 218-865-7170MN
VFW Post 2948 International Falls, MN 218-283-8777
Vermilion Hotel & Country Store Cook, 218-666-2272MN VFW Post No 1757 Cook, 218-666-0050MN El Toro Cotton, 218-742-2329MN Melrude Whistle Stop Cotton, 218-969-5632MN Wilbert Café Cotton, 218-482-3318MN Cromwell Sno-Gophers Inc. Cromwell, MN Bowstring Shores Resort Deer River, 218-832-3101MN Bowstring Store Deer River, 218-832-3123MN Riley’s Cannibal Jct Deer River, 218-832-3656MN Neighborhood Tavern Effie, 218-743-3286MN Christian Cavalier Ely, 218-820-7119MN Ely Chamber Of Commerce Ely, 218-365-6123MN Ely SnowmobileIgloo Club Ely, MN Fenske Tree Service Ely, 218-235-2435MN Grand Ely Lodge Ely, 218-365-6565MN Skubic Ely, 605-237-2565MN Marine & Repair Ely, 218-365-6264MN Kuehl’s Logging LLC Ely, 218-365-5504MN Keen State Farm Insurance Ely, 763-923-4066MN Ojala Heat Refrigeration& Ely, 218-235-7562MN OZFAB LLC Welding Ely, 218-220-8949MN Paddle Inn Motel Ely, 218-365-6036MN Patrick Knudson Ely, 218-235-3471MN R&R Transfer Ely, 218-365-2701MN Tim & CunninghamMonica Ely, 218-365-5831MN 5 Seasons Sports Center Inc Eveleth, 218-744-5871MN √ Iron Range Tourism Bureau Eveleth, 800-777-8497MN Margie’s Roosevelt Bar Eveleth, 218-744-2121MN Super 8 - Eveleth Eveleth, 218-744-1661MN The Event Center Floodwood, 218-591-4333MN Mainline Station Floodwood, 218-476-2222MN Eveleth SnowmobileTrailhawksClub Forbes, 218-780-5207MN
Bigfork Wilderness Bar Inc. Bigfork, 218-929-9307MN Golf on the Edge Bigfork, 218-360-9191MN
The Shop - Gordy Kinn Bigfork, 218-742-3666MN
√ Rox Speed FX, Inc Cohasset, 218-326-1794MN BIC Realty Cook, 218-666-5352MN
Boreal Builders LLC Baudette, 218-766-9963MN Cenex Co-op Services Baudette, 218-634-1313MN Darin & Shonna Dahl Baudette, 218-634-1038MN
Sportsman’s Lodge Baudette, 800-862-8602MN
Walleye SanitationCapital Baudette, 218-634-3151MN
North Country Hardware Clearbrook, 218-776-3615MN KnightridersLengby-Fosston Fosston, 218-280-9614MN
Gergracht Logging Bagley, 218-694-2132MN
September 2022 29
Northland Parts McGregor, 218-768-3132MN School House Cafe The Country House McGregor, 218-390-6525MN
√ Oveson’s Pelican Lake Resort Orr, 218-757-3613MN Palisade Super Sledders Palisade, MN MJ’s Lodge & Resort Pengilly, 218-838-0651MN
The Cedar Chest Crosslake, 218-692-2657MN Hillcore Plumbing Crosslake, 218-829-4855MN The Castaway Bar & Grill Cushing, 218-575-2089MN American Legion Post 557 Deerwood, 218-534-3215MN
√ Bann’s Bar & Restaurant McGregor, 218-426-3450MN
Minnesota National Golf Club & Resort McGregor, 218-426-4444MN
Floe International Inc McGregor, 218-426-3563MN Grand Timber Bank McGregor, 218-768-2410MN
Willeys Marine & Sports McGregor, 218-426-4350MN Moose ImplementLake& Sport Moose Lake, 218-485-4486MN Anderson Auto Service Mountain Iron, 218-290-2192MN
North Star Lake Resort Marcell, 218-832-3131MN
Hillcrest Resort McGregor, 715-505-8854MN Holiday Station McGregor, 218-768-4444MN
√ DistilleryCantilever&Hotel Ranier, 218-540-1932MN Loony’s Brew Ranier, MN √ Rainy Lake Grill Ranier, 218-540-1002MN Ranier Municipal Liquor Ranier, 218-286-3343MN
Swan River Redeye Swan River, 763-442-8012MN Boondocks Bar & Grill Ray, 218-875-2699MN Joe Kapsch Side Lake, 218-235-0266MN Hayslips Corner Talmoon, 218-832-3516MN Little Turtle Lake Store Talmoon, 218-832-3804MN City of Tamarack Tamarack, 218-768-0975MN Jackson’s Hole of Lawler Tamarack, 218-768-2162MN Meld Electric Tamarack, 320-267-8918MN Tamarack Sno-Flyers Tamarack, MN Village Pump Station Tamarack, 218-768-7867MN √ Good Ol Days Tower, 218-753-6097MN √ Pike Bay Lodge Tower, 218-753-2430MN Vermilion Club Tower, 218-753-6277MN Edwards Oil Virginia, 218-741-9634MN
Northern Pine Riders Snowmobile Club Willow River, 218-372-4077MN Stearns SnowmobileCountyAssn. Albany, 320-250-4800MN Brothers Motorsports Baxter, 218-829-6656MN Crow Wing SnowmobileCtyTrail Assn. Baxter, 218-829-8922MN Cub Foods Baxter, MN Bowlus Two Rivers Club Bowlus, 320-584-7480MN Katy & Matt Hamilton Braham, 218-343-5159MN √ Kavanaugh’s Resort Brainerd, 800-562-7061MN Motors-N-More Brainerd, 218-824-2277MN St Augusta Blizzard Busters Snowmobile Club Clearwater, 320-558-6158MN Canvasworks Sno Caps Cokato, 320-559-0165MN Cokato Ridge Runners Cokato, 612-220-4793MN
Hansen Sports on Bay Lake Deerwood, 218-678-2051MN Anderson Carpet Service Elk River, 763-286-2770MN Angell’s Hideaway Resort Emily, 612-290-3528MN Diners Chicken Shack Emily, 218-763-3555MN Emily Ace Hardware Emily, 218-763-2691MN SnowbirdsEmily/OutingSC Emily, 763-350-8987MN Lake Country Foods Emily, 218-763-7700MN Lake Country Properties Emily, 218-792-5200MN
Nickerson Bar & Motel Nickerson, 218-496-5613MN Zorbaz on Gull Nisswa, 218-963-4790MN RE/MAX Lake Area Realty Outing, 612-269-3490MN Village Inn Outing, 218-792-5186MN √ Nathe’s Marine & Sport Center Paynesville, 320-243-4517MN Pequot Brush Pilots Pequot Lakes, 218-568-4343MN Buckman Trail Blazers Pierz, 320-630-1810MN √ KC’s Saloon Pillager, 218-746-3328MN Hinckley/Pine City Flames Snowmobile Club Pine City, 320-515-0156MN Waste Partners Pine River, 218-824-8727MN Randall Twin Trails Club Randall, 320-749-2235MN RE/MAX Results Remer, 651-334-5000MN Country Snow Cruisers Richmond, MN Winter TechnologiesRecreationLLC Richmond, 812-229-3941MN East Central Towing Rush City, 612-270-6088MN √ AmericInn Sauk Centre, 877-352-1199MN BEAM Electric Sauk Centre, 320-352-5641MN √ Centre Powersports & Recreation Sauk Centre, 320-351-7669MN Country Cat Sauk Centre, 320-352-3534MN Phil Polipnick Insurance Sauk Westside Sports Wadena, 218-631-1113MN √ Power Madd Wyoming, 651-462-8465MN Grover Farm Amboy, 507-380-8324MN Linda’s Place Amboy, 507-674-9790MN Snowbirds of Amboy Amboy, 507-340-2820MN Appleton Ridge Riders Appleton, MN Blue Earth Snow Rovers Blue Earth, 507-893-4679MN Ruppert Oil Co Currie, 507-763-3778MN SnowmobileBlizzard Club Fairmont,
DemolitionDependable McGregor, 218-820-0174MN Fisherman’s Bay McGregor, 218-426-4662MN
Fisher’s Petroleum, Inc. Northome, 218-897-5249MN
Log Cabin Bar Emily, 218-763-2820MN
Big Sandy Lodge & Resort McGregor, 218-426-5040MN
Timberwolf Inn Marcell, 218-832-2390MN 202 Tavern McGregor, 218-770-3161MN
Northland Progressive Northome, MN Northome Municipal Liquor Northome, 218-897-9501MN Ridge SnowmobileRunner’sClub Northome, 218-897-5764MN
The Craft House on Lake Minnewawa McGregor, 651-338-1751MN Ukura’s Big Dollar McGregor, 218-768-2666MN
Centre, 320-352-6171MN Winters Recreation Sauk Centre, 320-351-7533MN Benton SnowmobileCountyClub Sauk Rapids, MN Bromy’s Storage St. Cloud, 320-743-2211MN Antique Snowmobile Club of America Stacy, 651-462-4497MN ATV Minnesota Stacy, 800-442-8826MN Swanville Sno Drifters Swanville, 320-547-2184MN Upsala Sno-Jammers Upsala, 320-360-4574MN Trail Breakers Inc. Wadena, 218-6319-4766MN
The Pickled Loon Saloon Emily, 218-763-4402MN Redding’s Sports & Spirits Emily, 218-763-2191MN √ Wigwam Motel Emily, 218-763-2995MN SwampstompersHillman Foley, 320-355-2370MN SnowdustersHarding/Lastrup Hillman, 320-277-3515MN Fishers Resort Isle, 320-684-2221MN Nitti’s Hunters Point Isle, 218-575-3295320-676-3227MN
Jack’s Shack McGregor, 218-768-3848MN Mark’s Bar McGregor, 218-426-8040MN McGregor Ace Hardware McGregor, 218-419-2020MN Meyer’s Service McGregor, 218-426-0026MN
507-238-2190MN Flying CampgroundGoose Fairmont, 507-235-3458MN Holiday Inn Fairmont, 507-238-4771MN Visit Fairmont Fairmont, 507-235-8585MN Thunder Bar & Restaurant Good Thunder, 507-278-4488MN C & A Pro Skis Hutchinson, 888-321-6789MN Hutchinson Area Chamber & Tourism Hutchinson, 320-587-5252MN Grover TruckingFarmLLC Lake Crystal, 507-720-8120MN Country Line Ag Madelia, 507-381-5017MN Madelia Snohawks Madelia, 507-642-3563MN Riverside AssociationTrail Madelia, 507-642-8981MN Deals & Steals Mankato, 507-380-0523MN Kaduce Tire Mapleton, 507-524-4999MN Pfeffer Tree Service Mapleton 507-317-0595MN Action Sports Inc Marshall, 507-532-9649MN Dick’s Sports Center Morgan, 507-249-3180MN Darryl’s Motorsports Ormsby, 507-736-4131MN Freedom’s Bar & Grill Redwood Falls, MN 507-637-5522 Weltsch Equipment, Inc Redwood Falls, MN 507-644-3566 Dranttel Sales & Service, Inc. St. Peter, 507-931-1363MN D Bar Vernon Center, 507-549-3153MN Best Western Plus & Willmar Conference Ctr Willmar, 320-235-6060MN J&M Parts Supply Chatfield, 507-867-4200MN Elba Valley Express Elba, 507-932-9957MN Mauers Bros Tavern Elba, 507-932-9957MN Tony’s Saloon Elba, 507-932-4969MN Harry Brown’s Family Automotive Faribault, 507-332-7441MN S&A Petroleum Lanesboro, 507-467-2121MN REGION 4 MnUSA Business Supporters “√” Denotes Show Your Card Member Discount REGION 3 REGION 5
2 Tall Tavern Lincoln, 218-575-3013MN Friendly Inn of LIncoln Lincoln, 218-575-3295MN Lincoln BusinessAreaAssn Lincoln, 218-575-3066MN Lincoln SnowmobileLakesClub Lincoln, 218-575-2282MN
√ Hilmerson Sports Center Little Falls, 320-632-4408MN Little Falls Sno-Dogs Little Falls, 320-360-3542MN Rich TrailbustersPrairie Club Little Falls, 320-630-4108MN Ripley Snow Riders Little Falls, 320-232-8934MN Sobieski Knight Riders Little Falls, 320-360-5933MN West Side Recreation Little Falls, 320-632-6547MN Merrifield Marathons Merrifield, 218-821-6208MN Rum River Sno-Riders Milaca, MN PTWLUBES.COM Monticello, 612-501-8992MN
Absolute Insurance Audubon, MN Pit 611 Audubon, 218-439-6121MN Barrett Farm Supply Barrett, 320-391-1435MN DHS Grain Ltd Barrett, 320-815-1043MN Spud’s Small Engine Service & Repair Barrett, 320-528-2299MN Richwood 218-847-6380MN 218-310-4105MN 218-847-8154MN 218-847-8049MN 218-847-9202MN 218-847-9304MN Club MN Lakes, 218-844-3283MN Co-Op. 320-246-3555MN Farm Credit Elbow Lake, 218-685-5311MN Agency Elbow Lake, 218-685-6880MN Cooperative Association Elbow Lake, 218-685-4491MN County Herald Elbow Lake, 218-685-5326MN County Lumber Elbow Lake, 218-685-5321MN Company Lake, 218-685-4466MN Seeds – Bloom Elbow Lake, MN Midwest Machinery Elbow Lake, 218-685-4438MN Marine & Powersports Fergus Falls, 218-998-4386MN Country Trail Assn. Fergus Falls, 218-739-3708MN Gas & Grocery Herman, 320-677-2300MN Telecom Assn Hoffman, 320-986-2013MN Woodle Trucking Kensington, 320-815-3992MN A-1 ServiceAutomotive Moorhead, 218-233-6161MN West TrailblazersCentral Morris, 320-589-3445MN Hearts Home Care New York Mills, MN 218-385-3466 218-640-0068MN 218-385-3991MN 218-346-5700MN 218-261-0949MN 320-284-2415MN 218-458-2265MN 563-547-2161IA
Union Hill Bar & Grill New Prague, 952-758-4239MN
Big Elbow Lake Lodge & Campground Waubun,
Detroit TourismLakesBureau Detroit Lakes,
Brewskies Bar & Grill Utica, 507-932-3485MN
√ Brandin’ Iron Inn West Yellowstone, MT 800-217-4613 Texas Crossing Bar & Grill Wahpeton, 701-642-1991ND Sledtrack Port Crane, 607-693-1031NY Custom Manufacturing Clinton, 608-676-2282WI Mag 7 Transport Ellsworth, 507-514-0385WI Lake FlowageChippewaResort Assoc. Hayward, 715-945-2511WI Track Inc. Monico, 952-888-7372WI Arrowhead Groomers St. Germain, 715-479-4200WI WestView Rental Lodge & Bunkhouse Dubois, 715-529-0898WY Visit Laramie Laramie, 800-445-5303WY MnUSA Business Supporters “√” Denotes Show Your Card Member Discount 30 Minnesota Snowmobiling REGION 6 REGION 9 REGION 7 REGION 8
Detroit Lakes,
Country Corner Bar Brookston, 218-391-5661MN Billy’s Duluth, 218-525-3465MN
Sonju Two Harbors Sports Center Two Harbors, 218-834-2181MN
Cedar Valley Resort & Outfitters Whalen, 507-467-9000MN
Otter Tail Riders Perham,
Lindeman Insurance Agency Inc. Woodbury, 651-739-9684MN Hugo’s Bar Brimson, 218-848-2220MN
Coborn’s Superstore New Prague, 952-758-2556MN
Trestle Inn Finland, 218-830-0523MN Cook SnowmobileCounty Club Grand Marais, 218-387-9392MN
√ RJ Sport & Cycle Hermantown, 218-729-5150MN Lutsen Trailbreakers Lutsen, 218-663-7305MN Duke’s Towing Proctor, 218-950-2508MN Hoss Construction Saginaw, 218-591-3829MN Saginaw Grand Lake Station Saginaw, 218-345-6266MN ConvenienceBri-Esa’s Store Silver Bay, 218-226-4694MN
Castle Haven Two Harbors, 218-834-4303MN Cooperative Light & Power Two Harbors, 218-834-2666MN
ULTRA Snowmobile
Haley Oil
Pearson & Stemper Electric St. Charles, 507-208-1968MN BJ’s Bar & Grill Theilman, 507-534-3590MN
OTHER MEMBERS V&V Insurance Agency, Inc. Cresco,
√ Hungry Jack LodgeGunflint Trail Grand Marais, 218-388-2265MN
Charlie’s on Prior Prior Lake, 952-226-5253MN Doherty’s Tavern Prior Lake, 952-292-5886MN Prior SnowmobileLake Assoc. Prior Lake, 952-484-3534MN Savage Sno-Pacers Savage, 612-567-6691MN Hennen’s Auto Service Shakopee, 952-445-2478MN Obrien Development & Holding Company Shakopee, 612-741-3945MN River Valley Trailblazers Shakopee, 952-403-7850MN
√ Print Central Blaine, 763-780-3333MN
Warner Garage Door New York Mills, MN 218-385-2853 54K LLC Norcross, 320-815-9720MN √ Osage Schoolhouse Vacation Rental Osage, 612-618-5846MN Ottertail Aggregatge Ottertail, 218-367-2581MN Volt Edge Electric Ottertail, 218-371-6830MN √ Grandstay Hotel & Suites Parkers Prairie, MN 218-338-3380 √ Grandstay Hotel & Suites Perham 218-346-2033MN New Horizons Realty Perham,
Danner Sales Inver Grove Hts, MN 651-451-0121
√ AmericInn by Wyndham Tofte Tofte, 218-663-7899MN American Legion Post 109 Two Harbors, 218-834-4141MN
Susie’s Roadhouse Ostrander, 507-657-0000MN
Duluth SnowmobileDrift-ToppersClub Duluth, MN Duluth Lawn & Sport Duluth, 218-628-3718MN Fish Lake Storage Duluth, 218-721-4243MN
Boats Inc Detroit Lakes, MN Dairy Queen of Detroit Lakes Detroit Lakes,
Bruce & Melissa Illsley Duluth, 218-251-6443MN
Winning Edge Graphics Alexandria, 320-763-7953MN Ashby Legion Post 357 Alexandria, 218-747-2858MN
Detroit Lakes Express Inc Detroit Lakes,
√ Leo’s South Lakeville, 952-435-5371MN
Anoka Area Chamber Anoka, 763-421-7130MN
Little Dandy Sports Bar Le Center, 507-357-6062MN
√ MotorsportLighthouse& Marine Rosemount, 651-322-4420MN
Snow Thrashers of Dalton Wendell,
Sno SnowmobileBarons Club Blaine, MN Caliber, Inc. Burnsville, 952-540-4709MN
Brewsters Bar & Grill Lonsdale, 507-744-2370MN
√ Marshall Hardware Duluth, 218-525-3638MN
Franzen Law & Policy Group Edina, MN Kassbohrer ATVPisten Bully Jordan, 952-345-3330MN Erickson-Larsen Inc. Maple Grove, 763-535-0055MN
√ Sette Sports Center Owatonna, 507-451-6922MN
Grand Stay Hotel & Conference Center Spicer, 320-347-1450MN Millers Market St. Charles, 507-932-3760MN
√ Country Inn of Two Harbors Two Harbors, 218-834-5557MN Danny’s Auto Two Harbors, 218-834-4524MN Harbor Insurance Two Harbors, 218-834-2114MN Judy’s Cafe Two Harbors, 218-834-4802MN Lake CommerceChamberCountyof Two Harbors, 800-777-7384MN
Todd Cardinal Andover, 612-685-4810MN
Offsale Callaway,
Carlson Ag Aviation Wendell,
MSPN Inc. Eden Prairie, 952-473-7870MN
J&H Auto Repair & Towing Silver Bay, 218-226-4447MN LaBerge Logging & Contracting Silver Bay, 218-226-3586MN Silver Sledders Trail Authority Silver Bay, 218-220-8189MN Silver Trail Riders Silver Bay, 218-226-4608MN
Ox Yoke Inn Maple Plain, 763-479-2522MN √ Tri-K Sports Maple Plain, 763-479-3719MN Carver SnowrunnersCounty Mayer, 952-466-2673MN √ CorTrust Bank Mayer, 952-657-2500MN
PSB MARS Anoka, 877-688-2268MN
TH Auto Inc. Two Harbors, 218-834-3089MN Two Harbors Federal Credit Union Two Harbors, 218-834-2266MN SnowmobileVoyageur Club Two Harbors, 218-830-8089MN Minnesota Snowmobile Education Advancement& Fund Brooklyn Park, 763-577-0185MN
The Doublewide New Market, 952-461-3682MN Snow Goer/EPG Brand Acceleration Plymouth, 763-383-4400MN √ St Boni Motor Sports St Boni, 952-446-1554MN Ollie’s Service Alexandria, 320-763-4455MN
Pequaywan Area Trailblazers Duluth, 218-591-3574MN Pequaywan Inn Duluth, 218-848-2201MN Scott & Lisa Pichette Duluth, 218-590-2967MN Sheet Metal Solutions Duluth, 218-391-6582MN
Okeson Offtrail Sales Detroit Lakes,
Johnson Supply Co. Duluth, 218-722-1717MN
Crooked Lake Resort Finland, 218-220-0211MN Finland Snowmobile Club Finland, 218-353-7337MN Friends of Finland Finland, 218-353-0300MN
APA Medical Equipment Inc Minneapolis, 612-722-9000MN √ Minneapolis Motor Sports Minneapolis, 763-634-0244MN Westonka Snoblazers Mound, 612-309-5882MN Moorhouse Motorsports New Germany, 507-491-6217MN
M&M Lawn & Leisure Rushford, 507-864-7781MN
Bleachers Sports Bar & Grill Detroit Lakes,
Venom Products Detroit
√ Lettertech, Inc. St Paul, 651-292-0738MN
√ AmericInn by Wyndam Two Harbors, 218-834-3000MN Auto Value Two Harbors, 218-834-2191MN Blackwoods, Inc Two Harbors, 218-834-3846MN
Stillwater Snowmobile Club Stillwater, MN Washington County Star Trail Stillwater, 651-430-3175MN
√ Motoproz Inc. Mazeppa, 507-843-2855MN
Perham & StockyardsTri-County Perham, MN United Community Bank Perham,
Superior Hiking Trail Assn Two Harbors, 218-834-2700MN
St. Patrick’s Tavern & Restaurant New Prague, 952-758-2380MN
The Spring meeting of the Board of Directors of MnUSA shall be held on the fourth full weekend of April, at the time and place designated by the State Board of Directors.
The Summer meeting of the Board of Directors ofMnUSA shall be held on the second full weekend of July, at the time and place designated by the State Board of Directors. General membership meetings shall be held in conjunction with the normal State Board of Directors’ quarterly meetings at the time and place designated by the State Board of Directors.
(Amended 10/26/03) Motions shall pass or fail based on a majority of those present or by telephone vote by region lead Alldirectors.meetings of MnUSA shall be conducted under the procedures prescribed in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. Summaries of all MnUSA and State Board of Directors’ meetings shall be published in the next issue of MnUSA’s official publication. 2022
An annnal Winter conference and State Board of Directors meeting of MnUSA shall be held on the second full weekend of February, at the time and place designated by the State Board of Directors.
(Amended 4/24/16) Any of the above weekend meetings may be changed with a 75% majority vote of the Board of Directors not later than two years prior to the beginning of the event. (Amended 2/10/07) Any of the above weekend meetings may also be changed with the approval of the Executive Board when required by circumstances beyond the control of MnUSA. Special meetings of Mn USA may be called by a majority of regions per lead directors of the State Board of Directors or by the President by giving at least fourteen (14) days written notice, or published in MnUSA’s official publication at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting, listing the place, and purpose of this special meeting. Full weekend shall be defined as Saturday and Sunday.
31 MnUSA Fall Workshop Registration Names: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Club/Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________________ Adult Number: _________ @ $75.00 (Early Registration) = $ _______________ Adult Number: _________ @ $90.00 (After September 10, 2022) = $ _______________ Youth (5-15) Number: ___________ @ $15.00 (includes separate meal) = $ _______________ Date: ______________________ Total Enclosed: = $ _______________ Reservations: 1-800-465-4329 (Ask for Austin, Mention “SNO” room rate code) Room Rates: Standard room $114/night King room $114/night Poolside/$134 Pool View/$124 (hotel rates applicable until 30 days prior to the event) Other Hotels: Days Inn: 507-433- 8600 AmericInn: 507-301-7472 Cobblestone Hotel & Suites: 507-433-9797 Note - all hotels are within one+ miles of Holiday Inn! Make checks payable to REGION 5 FALL WORKSHOP and mail to: MnUSA Region 5, 7302 NW 97th Ave., Morristown, MN 55052 Include ages of all youth(Priceattendingincludes: Registration Packet & Workshop Booklet, Friday Night Meet & Greet, Breakfast Item/Beverage, General Membership Meeting, Seminars, Banquet Meal Saturday Night with Entertainment.) Note: Saturday noon meal is not included – this is on your own. MnUSA 1701WorkshopFall2022October21-23,2022HostedbyRegionVHOLIDAYINNAUSTINCONFERENCECENTER4THStNWAUSTIN,MN55912507-433-1000 Notice of Annual General Membership Meeting Section 1 The annual General Membership meeting of Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022, at the Holiday Inn Conference Center, Austin, MN 55912. All MnUSA members are welcome to attend. The General Membership will elect state association officers and vote on the following bylaws change at its annual meeting. Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5
The annual meeting of MnUSA shall be held on the fourth full (4th) weekend in October in conjunction with a Fall Workshop, at a time and place designated by the State Board of Directors. A notice of the meeting shall be printed in MnUSA’s official publication at least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting.
New in-stock sleds arriving daily! Call your local dealer to schedule a maintenance appointment. Bemidji Sports Centre Bemidji bemidjisportscentre.com218-751-4477 Davis Motorsports Delano davismotorsportsdelano.com763-972-5045 Mies Outland St Cloud miesoutland.com320-253-7878 Northway Sports East Bethel northwaysports.com763-413-8988 Podein’s Power Equipment Stewartville podeinspowerequipment.com507-533-8841 Cannon Power Sports Inc. Cannon Falls cannonpower.com507-263-4532 Duluth Lawn & Sport Duluth duluthlawnandsport.com218-628-3718 Mies Outland Watkins Maplemiesoutland.com320-764-1000Tri-KSportsPlain763-479-3719triksports.com Chopper City Sports Fridleychoppercity.com763-572-2100 Hansen Sports on Bay Lake Deerwood hansensonbaylake.com218-678-2051 Northland Sports Center Eagle Bend northlandsportsmn.com218-738-2582WARNING:Professional rider on a closed course. Polaris® recommends that all snowmobile riders take a training course. Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your capability. Always wear a helmet and other safety apparel. Never drink and ride. Now is the time to service your sled for the upcoming season.