Wednesday, 22 January 2025
10:30 am to 1:00 pm (followed by lunch) LRC GRAND STAY HALL NEAR ATTUR BUS STAND
10:30 AM 12:50 PM 01:00 PM Vote of Thanks Lunch

Introduction of the Speaker

Address by the Speaker Concluding Remarks
Mr M Selvam Chairman, MMA Attur Chapter & Sri Saravana TVS, Attur
Mr P Sabareesha Raja Co Chairman - Admin & Coordination MMA Attur Chapter
Mr S Ramachandran Advisory Member, MMA Attur Chapter & Attur Xray
Mr Desingurajan M Chairman, Green Park Institutions & Ideashare
DTM Ramki Vijayan Director- Groline Consulting Leadership Coach & Motivational Speaker
Mr Sanjeevi V Managing Director, Namagiri Agencies
Mr A Shankar MMA Attur Chapter Co Chairman Student Chapter Development, MMA Attur Chapter
Director of Groline Consulting, Leadership Coach & Motivational Speaker
Coaches CEOs, COOs and Managers of many Leading Organisations in India & Abroad.
Prolific speaker bother in English and Tamil and taken part in various TV shows and discussions
Post Graduate Mechanical Engineer and had received Executive Management
Education from IIM Calcutta
Certified Green Belt in Six Sigma quality systems; Pedagogy and Andragogy system of education from Miramichi University, Canada
DTM citation (Distinguished Toastmaster) from Toastmasters International, USA
Served as Course Director and Head for Management and Leadership development programme for a 8 Bn US $ company at Middle East