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Food Review: Jellyfish // Scarlett Warren

Food Review: Jellyfish

Are you the type of person who likes to venture out when it comes to food? Well I am. With that said, being so open to trying new foods has ended in me eating some very strange and sometimes unpleasant foods. Recently I had the opportunity to try jellyfish, my mother had seen a pack of jellyfish at foodmax, they were spicy flavored, not that it makes it any better but she thought it would be a great idea to get it and make me and my dad try it. Me and my dad had been putting off eating it for as long as possible but soon we couldn't stall her anymore and she made us try it. Off the bat it had an awful smell, I'm not sure how to explain it but the easiest way to put it would be rotting fish and the ocean. To my surprise it tasted better than it smelt. I thought jellyfish would be tough and chewy and I didnt think it would have too much of a taste. When I finally built up the courage to eat the jellyfish I first noticed the texture, it was easy to bite but was chewy at the same time. Very unique texture to say the least. The taste is what really got to me. It tasted like the very bottom of the ocean and I hated it, the spicy sauce that came with it did make the sea flavor a little less noticeable but not enough for me to like it. I can easily say I didn't like the experience of eating jellyfish but I did finish the small piece I took. I rate jellyfish a 3/10. -Scarlett Warren

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