3 minute read

The Vampire // Oliver Friend

The Vampire

Taylor woke up on a foggy evening in his Washington cabin ready to start his day. He walked down the stairs to the living room and pulled on his jacket, hat, and sunglasses, and walked out the door. He walked toward the nearby lake where people often camped hoping there was someone there to provide him with his next meal. As he walked he saw a young boy who looked a lot like he did when he was younger. He began to think about how he became a vampire. He remembered walking home after a football game and cutting through an alley, then hearing something from above his head. Before he knew it he was fighting off a tall pale man, and the man bit him, but Taylor managed to hit him in the face with a metal pipe that was laying on the ground, allowing him to escape.


The next few days he felt very sick and every time he went out in the sun he would get a burning feeling that would get worse the longer he was in sunlight. Soon the burning got so bad he could no longer leave the house on sunny days, and he developed a strange craving for blood. His parents began to worry as they saw him eating raw meat from the freezer. He then started to realize that he was developing all the traits of a vampire. He began experimenting with his powers at night to find out what he could do. He ran a mile from his house to a gas station in 1 minute and 4 seconds and did this while wearing a backpack full of bricks. He was also able to lift up the front of a car and completely lift a motorcycle. He realized that living with his parents wasn’t going to work if he didn’t want them to find out he was a vampire, so he asked them if he could stay in his grandpa’s old cabin north of town. They agreed as they wanted him to be happy and he had seemed different lately.

Taylor’s thoughts broke as the headlights of a car going by shined in his eyes. He realized he was arriving at the lake, there were tents but as he moved in to take a look he saw two young children no more than 3 years old playing at the edge of the forest behind the tents. He decided to keep looking for another victim. One without anyone accompanying them. He didn’t want to kill someone he knew had young children, so he moved on to a gas station another few miles down the road. As he approached the gas station it was completely dark and the sun had set. A perfect time for him to make a kill. He walked up to the gas station and saw a tall man push a woman into the back seat of his car and begin to drive off. Taylor ran up and held on to the back of the car. When they arrived at the man’s house he got out of the car, looked around to make sure there was no one to see him, and then dragged the woman towards his house. He opened the door and saw Taylor standing behind it. At first, he was startled and backed up but he then looked at Taylor and realized he was much smaller than him. He then threw a punch but Taylor caught it and crushed the bones in his hand. Before he could cry out, Taylor bit him on the neck and sucked the blood out of him until he was paper white. Once he finished, he saw the woman had gone to hide in the shed. He told her not to be afraid, gave her the keys to the man’s car, and disappeared into the shadows..

-Oliver Friend

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