1 minute read

Trash // Hannah Long

It’s almost as if my mind is a huge garbage can filled with the garbage of my thoughts. The what if’s and the why’s all swirling around in my mind like a twister Scattering the debris of irritation and apathy around like shrapnel, Cutting and stabbing at my mind. Dealing with the trash that is my inner thoughts can be so heavy My knees buckle from the weight, As if I’m walking around with an elephant on my shoulders. Sometimes all that’s left to do is walk right in front of those that care about you and just smile Because they’ll never truly know how suffocating the garbage of your mind really is; You wouldn’t be able to put it into words. All the things people say, their profanity and ignorance bounces off the walls of my mind, Becoming another article in the garbage. Like a crumpled up piece of paper, just sitting there, meaning nothing and doing nothing But taking up precious space and time. I deal with the worries and anxieties of the days piling high on the garbage pile of my mind. Eighty percent of these thoughts won’t even happen. Further explaining why these thoughts are completely useless. Complete rubbish. Trying to control outcomes and situations is utterly exhausting, Impossible. Thinking you have hold of this one thing, this one situation. Then everything shifts. Like the sands of the ocean. The truth is I have no control over life's circumstances, Yet I try anyway.

Photo by Campbell Walker

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