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Happy // Angel Bautista-Perez

Photo by Celine Reyes



When I think of the word happy I think of something someone wants to keep and never let go of. I think of people enjoying festivals or events like a massive party that never ends, or a group of friends hanging out and having fun. Fun can be described in many different ways, everyone has their idea of fun, and mine would be with my birds, watching them go crazy and talk to each other. It’s a little weird but they make me laugh somehow. They even started eating my book for some reason which didn’t bring a smile on my face. Other types of fun I enjoy are hanging out with my friends and talking about random things or just playing video games with them while we hear them talk to each other about the other person’s flaws or just hearing them get mad. This is sometimes funny except when they’re serious about it. I have a good laugh listening to them even though I know they’re joking (sometimes). I also enjoy going out and buying things, (mostly food), with my mom because she has taken me with her so much that I got used to going out. I also love pastry food and that’s the main thing I mostly buy, whenever we go to Harrisonburg we almost always stop by the bakery to buy bread. 17 -Angel Bautista-Perez

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