1 minute read

Drained // Harper Johnson

My brain is a void Filled with darkness That never seems to end The light upon which my resolve relied on Has been extinguished

As have I I am a burnt out flame It feels as if time is both my enemy and friend As I trudge through day by day


I wish for the burdens I bear to be remedied by the night But simultaneously hope for time to stand still On hopeless days the sun no longer shines

And I am drowned in despair I feel like a soldier in battle Constantly barraged with Task upon task upon task

All of which I have no will to complete Motivation ceases to exist when my mind falls into a bottomless pit

Sometimes there is a light at the end of the tunnel When it seems as if the chaos has calmed But this fleeting moment of satisfaction Of peace

Is once again engulfed by dread At times it feels like everything is against me I am knocked down and before I stand to try again

I fall once more

The bullets of life appear to be unaffected by The protective vest that encapsulates me It feels as if the answers are forever lost Hiding somewhere in a forest of questions

Always escaping my searching gaze Pressure constantly finds new ways To tighten its grip on my life Squeezing harder and harder

Until I feel like a lost soul That is entirely overwhelmed My head aches with the notion Of everything that looms over me

My stresses follow me like shadows Perpetual reminders Of everything that haunts me Everything that I have to do

I wait for the day when it will all fall to the background When the noise in my mind will turn to quiet But am not sure it will ever come -Harper Johnson

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