1 minute read

Happy // Ashley Flores


Lots of things make me happy. I’m happiest when I’m with my friends, when I’m with family, when I’m alone. It all depends on the energy of the setting. Most of the time, when I’m with friends the energy, and environment is amazing. I truly am happiest with friends. I’m not even sure why. To be honest, I think it's because I can tell them things I can't tell anyone else. I don't think they are going to judge me, only because they are in the same position as me. I feel comfortable around them. Happy. Growing up I’d thought I’d never find that. I would see teenagers out with their friends all the time, and I never thought it would be me. I’m happy right now. And I have the people that have supported me no matter what, to thank. Although this year has not ended, I have made many great memories. I’m as happy as I can be. -Ashley Flores

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