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Columbia College ​hello so I'm back again and this time with a spring ways to update your wardrobe kind of trends type video it's not necessarily a haul because a lot of these things I am yet to buy but basically the weather's been getting a little bit brighter sunnier not warmer if you're in the UK we're about to get a polar vortex next week so that's going to be fun but it is brighter it is Sonya it's getting lighter at the end of the day I think a lot of our minds are going to spring so I have been creating a spring wish list I have a couple of things already but there is some serious shopping to be done so without further ado let's have a look at some spring trends once again I have my phone here with some notes on it because apparently my brain doesn't function as soon as the camera starts recording so I had to write things down so some of these things you might already have in your wardrobe some of them may be just a slight update maybe one or two items that you can add to your wardrobe which will just make the whole thing kind of spring/summer 2018 appropriate and if you really feel like it you might just want to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe in which case fair enough so to start off with the 80s is a huge trend for spring/summer 2018 Princess Diana was the inspiration for off White's collection this year which I thought was absolutely brilliant I really like the clothes so it's all about nipped waist elongated legs very strong shoulders some bright colors and you know just having a bit of fun with your clothing with your proportions with maybe some graphic tees mom jeans obviously or a huge one for this one graphic tees kind of strong Blazers also and if you really brave maybe getting into some white shoes clothing wise something that is very 80s but something that you might already have in your closet would be a statement blazer such as this one in bright red with gold buttons absolutely amazing so chances are you might already have something like this in your wardrobe it's very slow Ranger it's kind of bowel Man esque this one I actually founded a charity shop and it is Marks and Spencers from God knows how many years ago it might even be from the 80s but a blazer is a great jacket to have for spring because it's quite light you can just throw it on over a dress or a t-shirt and it's Martin's up a bit but it also will keep you warm if it does get a bit breezy which in the UK it probably will so for this trend I'd say head to the charity shops you're very likely to find some original 80s pieces in your local charity shop if you're looking for something a bit newer Zara has some really cool 80s inspired pieces another trend for spring/summer 18 that is particularly appropriate for Britain is the trench coat trench coats are everywhere be they very very structured or very deconstructed I would personally be looking to find a vintage Burberry trench coat I've been keeping my eye out in my local consignment store and having little browse online I think that would be probably my favorite way to get into that trend just look look for something vintage Burberry a lot of the trench coats that you've seen on the runways have been that very traditional kind of tan beige sandy caramel color so that is what I personally will be looking for trend number three is bum slash belt bags you might have seen these on the runways or kind of starting to hit the shops now but both ya bum and belt bags a really kind of interesting take on them as well we're not talking kind of the usual ugly nylon ones that your mum used to make you wear on school trips when you were a kid a lot of the really nice ones that I've seen in the shops now have been leather really nice black leather bomber belt bags obviously Gucci started doing these in the Marmont style in 2017 but I think the updated versions and the fact that a lot of other designs have picked up on them now is really cool because I've seen some that I really like in my wardrobe currently I do have this which you guys would have seen in my first video which can actually be worn as a kind of belt slash bum bag and it looks really cool but I will also be on the hunt for maybe a new one as well I feel like vest EA would be a very good place to look for things like this maybe find some vintage kind of like 80s bum bag and then you're killing two birds with one stone really you've got the 80s trend and the bun back trend all-in-one but they're a great way to really start with very simple outfit you could be wearing something really really simple and then having kind of like belt bag going on adds a bit of something-something to the outfit it's a conversation piece and I think they look really interesting the next trend I'm going to talk about is gingham obviously gingham had a bit of a moment in 2017 as well but I've been seeing a lot on the runway this year in particular these pieces from Zara which I think are really really cool and I will probably be buying them very very soon but they're these amazing yellow gingham pieces the trousers and the shoes I think they're absolutely beautiful and they are probably top of my wishlist I would say go for very bright ginghams black and white gingham was really popular in 2017 but what I've been seeing a lot of is very bright ginghams like obviously the yellows a bit of red maybe if you don't want to go as far as you know yellow and black obviously it's quite bright a bit of red maybe some other kind of pasty colors as well but go bright try and do something a bit bold with it while we're on the subject of patterns polka dots are huge this season

absolutely massive I've been seeing them everywhere already I've been seeing them in other people's halls I've been seeing them in the shops and I may or may not have to jump on that bandwagon Topshop perhaps some really great polka dot pieces personally my favourite is this one from ASOS it is a kind of maxi not quite maxi as it hits the ankle but a maxi dress polka dotted and the reason I like it I feel like it's very flattering and also you could wear it now under a chunky knit as kind of a skirt and I think that that kind of versatility is really important especially if you're in this country and you're shopping for spring/summer things I think having that versatility is important because it's not always so nice here even in the height of summer this next trend kind of needs no introduction but vintage florals obviously the vintage floral tea dress had a huge moment last year and that trend is showing no signs of dying out whatsoever they've been everywhere on the runways they've been everywhere on the high street and I just think you can't really go wrong with a good vintage floral wrap dress or tea dress or midi skirt this one from Zara I actually got in the sale they're winter sale I'm not really sure why it was in their winter collection but there you go and it's got these lovely covered buttons on air and a little slit at the front it's very pretty again it will work well with a t-shirt and it will work well with a jumper and a pair of boots so it's very versatile another honorable mention would go to this from new look which I think I also got in the sale actually from the ACE or sale and again vintage frawls it's a very nice spring color with this mustard yellow with the blue flowers it's designed to be worn more like a robe than a dress but it would look great over a t-shirt with a pair of kind of light blue mum jeans and maybe a pair of ankle boots or sandals going into the spring a really easy way to hit on this trend would probably be to head again to your local charity shop you are bound to find some vintage proper granny florals down there that you can update and give them a more modern twist on I'd say if you were to mix this trend for vintage florals with the 80s trend maybe get some white ankle boots to wear with a vintage floral dress I think you are golden the next thing I'm going to talk about is cowboy boots now I was quite determined not to jump on this trend because I think when I've seen them before I've always thought they were a little bit tacky a little bit ugly they reminded me of just being in the wild wild west then I saw these boots from Topshop in black and white and all of a sudden I've gone from not wanting to jump on that trend at all to desperately wanting these boots and I think that's the way things go for me usually the trends lie most dead against I end up finding one piece and then I'm like right I'm on board I'm on board so they also come in lilac which is a huge color trend for spring/summer 2018 lilac is absolutely everywhere so again you can kill two birds with one stone with one item I think I will definitely be buying these boots because ever since I saw them for the first time I cannot get them out of my head and that's usually a good sign I think maybe great dressed down with like a nice little summer dress for the day or you could wear them with jeans and a t-shirt or jeans and a jumper now and then probably right through into autumn winter 2018 I will say and I probably should confess I do already own these these are Topshop I bought them in a sale in December 2017 and I suppose they are a cowboy boot in a way they're not a very stylized cowboy boot which is what is currently trend but they are they're pretty western and they are pretty damn cool so I think if you can find a nice bright interesting color all the better because they are great for adding some interest to and otherwise very simple outfit let's talk about another trend that I hated when I first saw it and I'm now utterly in love with and that is kitten heels I would say probably a year ago kissing heels were still a massive faux pas from the early 2000s but all of a sudden they are absolutely everywhere and again I found one pair fell in love with them and now I'm in love with the whole trend so this is the pair that I found Christmastime in 2017 these are kissing heels from Marks and Spencers which ended up being really hard to find because I kind of delayed getting them and then I had to drive quite some distance to find the only pair left in my size in store their velvet so obviously that is more of a wintry style but these from Topshop are a fantastic spring update for this trend they're definitely Balenciaga inspired I would say if I had 800 pounds to throw about I would probably get a pair myself but I don't so i think these Topshop ones are a great alternative and there are loads of these around on the high street at the moment as well these kind of kitten heeled jewel-toned either mules or slingback so I think swing backs are great if you're worried about maybe the shoe flying off your foot if you're a very vigorous Walker but jewel tones are a really really great update on this trend for spring/summer I love them in satin in particular I think it looks so kind of luxurious and again they can really spice up something very simple so watch this space because you will definitely be seeing more kitten heeled mules in my life probably on my Instagram actually if you don't follow me yet on Instagram please do I'll leave it all but oh but yeah that's probably where you'll be seeing them and finally a trend that has been brewing I'd say for about maybe 18 months or so maybe two years but that is bag straps and I'm going to show you this one which actually only came into my life this week it is this beautiful faux snakeskin bag strap I've currently got it on my Lu on Alma VB if that's what it's called I forget but it is absolutely amazing and it's from a brand called Gabrielle by P there are a very small Swedish I believe brand and I'll leave their details down below and a link to their site and everything but they did I just started following them recently on Instagram and really really liked their bag straps and then they did 20% off red

styles for Valentine's Day so I mean I was basically forced to buy it I mean my hands were tied there was a gun to my head I had to buy it and these bag straps good thing to know if you are a vegan they are vegan they've got lots of different styles they've got a few different colors of the snakeskin and then they've got some with kind of like like flowers on them and some studs they're really recall but obviously this trend has come all the way down from the top it started I think with Fendi I think Fendi were the first people to start doing these kind of very interesting separate bag straps that you could collect and then it filtered down through you know Louboutin Valentino and then I'd say they probably started hitting the high street towards the end of last years when I started seeing them on the high street but I absolutely love them I'd actually been looking a lot for a way to kind of snag up this bag for a while obviously it's a very nice beautiful very simple black evening bag and I had actually been eyeing up the Louboutin straps but they're about three hundred and something pounds and I thought I'm not paying that much money just for a strip of leather but I did definitely want to jazz up this bag I'm still looking around for kind of charms and stuff it's maybe snazzy it up a bit I think this is just they look so good together you obviously need to find one preferably with matching hardware to your bag so for example this one has the little silver silver Clips it just clips on the loops here and I just took the long strap off and added that one on but I am absolutely in love with this trend I want to buy all of the bag straps from everywhere and charms etcetera etc etc there's been a bit of a thing and I think it definitely started with Fendi for adding lots of different charms and straps and dangly this that and the others onto your bag I think it's such a fun way to update a handbag that you already own particularly if me you bought the black bag because in this case it was my first ever designer bag purchase I didn't want to do anything too extreme I wanted it to be something that I could wear quite easily whereas now I kind of want to jazz it up a bit give it a bit of a new lease of life add a bit of color and excitement to it and I think for spring that is perfect so thank you so much for watching this video guys everything that I've mentioned here there is in the shops now I will link below if not I will try and link to kind of similar items as well for the kind of vintage items I've shown thank you so much for the feedback so far I really really appreciate it thank you for everyone who did watch my last video I know it was a really really really long one but I just wanted to talk and talk and talk I feel like that's something that I really wanted to put the detail into and to talk about kind of all the places that I go all the places I shop give all of the tips I possibly could for each of them so thank you for everyone who did watch it if you haven't seen it yet then I'll leave a link to it down below and you can it's a long one get a cup of tea but I do think it's worth the watch again make sure you leave me lots of lovely feedback on this video guys and get in touch with me on socials if you'd like to thanks for watching and I'll see you next week Rose Hill campus, The Bronx.

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