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United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point ​I am Griff hall I'm senior professional faculty instructor here at Carrie I teach courses in the areas of strategy and leadership for example strategic management otherwise known as capstone effective teams leadership and organizations creative business thinking those kinds of courses well the syllabi and the instructional materials are constantly changing and I think that's one of the strengths about Carrie is that we're not static we don't stay in one place so what are the things that I start off with is I look at the course standard syllabi look at what the cases what the reading materials what the exercises are then I go back and I review let's say if I've taught that course before i review again the student feedback I also make notes after every class and every course is concluded and a review what those notes say what the student feedback has said then what I do is I review what's going on in the field and one of the things I find very fascinating about both strategy and leadership is the field is new both fields are new and they're always changing new things are coming up so I want to look for ways that I can relate maybe some new developments to the course material or some of the applied theory and those are ways that I begin to prepare myself for that for that semester one of the things that I think we're very strong at carry of with is our students are from all over the world and from all kinds of different backgrounds so engaging them really is different for each student and so I think that real strength of our approach requires a mindset on the part of the instructor or professor to come and show up with a very curious mindset what is unique about each student what will open up the doors for them to learn about the course materials various cultures obviously have various norms and we adjust to that the key thing is to treat each student individually so looking at that curiosity from a curiosity standpoint helps me prepare for if someone is quiet for example they may need to write questions for the answer before they share them with the class many cultures are not used to for example either raising questions we're challenging your professor whereas those in other cultures that's part of what you're supposed to do so what we have to do is not just set up norms in the classroom that make that setting okay but then we have to look at exercises that might help cultures where that's not a normal or an accepted practice and one of the things that I find for example is if you have people write answers to a question and then share those with the class that will help some of those students who are either a little bit more introverted shy or they may be from a culture where you just don't question or challenge the professor or the instructor one of the common elements among both strategy and leadership is both can only be done with other people so when I look at a class that's coming up I want to think think about how can we take the theories that we have and make them applied in the kind of situations that the students might be in or might be from or they may go to at some point some day so one of the things that I like to do is the first say first third of the class is we look at our assigned readings and I like to have a rich discussion about that I like to encourage my students again in the setting of the classroom to have a mindset of challenging the standard assumptions or challenging any assumption in there and those are the key things to really critical thinking and business thinking that are important so there again you may find yourself with a group or an individual student that might be introverted or shy or that culture is not conducive to challenging the instructor so there's where you use exercises that will help you know do a little bit of writing beforehand and then sharing but I want to hear various ideas around the class because at the end of the day we're really there to use the classroom as a container that really helps all students learn including me and I really say at the beginning of the class we're all learning about these fields in the course of leadership and strategy they're relatively very very new fields in the course of world history we are still learning there are very very few certainties so if we're all learning together that's the kind of mindset that I'd like to see in the classroom and then challenge the students to also do that in that first third then we will get to some cases or some in-class exercises where they can begin to apply some of that thinking in terms of a brief or real life life exercise and again it's really an important piece where we want opinions we want experiences but they can't leave facts they can't leave logic fine you've got to bring those two combined with opinions and it's very important to point out I think to students that part of being an agile leader part of being a jewel business practitioner or even a study of business is to bring an agile mind that's able to really not only move between what's going on and be able to apply it but even able to change your thinking in a way that really reflects what you've really encountered from research from the truth from whatever it comes out of our discussions and then to be able to apply it so that's the second third and then we wrap up what's really important I think in business it's especially important leadership and strategy is to uncouple doing with reflecting so part of the last part of the class is about reflecting what did we just do what did we just learn and what does it mean about the future

obviously students want to review future assignments they want to know what to do know that needs to be covered it's also very important to do a little bit of reflection so that we're not just doing mindlessly but we bring a mindset of thinking about what it is and really digesting that in terms of what its implications are future actions one of the first things that I like to say at the beginning of the semester is that just because I'm at the front of the room please don't believe what I say you should make me prove it and the reason for that is I'm going to do that as well for everyone in the class we have to hold ourselves accountable in the cases of leadership and strategy again those those those fields are so new that we're still learning and because they're very rare few certainties things will be different in 10 years 20 years than they are today in terms of our knowledge about what works what doesn't work or new findings that have come up in the field so the first thing is to make it an open container that anybody can with respect challenge an idea out there and and then the to explore it so when for example a student might challenge me what I will invite that into now I'm a partner with them and we explore what the truth might be both of us might change our mind or one of us might change our mind or neither of us may change our mind and that's true of one one on one as well as the entire class so it's that idea of exploration of being curious of really always being hungry for what can we find out what can we learn about this if you're a partner with them then it makes you far less defensive about what you know or don't know one of the challenges that I think is particularly true for all institutions of higher learning but also particularly those like Kerry who have students from all over is that we have a students that have been very successful in other areas and we also have the very different backgrounds that we have and there of course is the advent of Technology just a few years ago when I would raise something into class students might go back and they might look it up and I might bring questions back to the following class now that's instantaneous so whatever you say they're looking it up as you're saying it so what you want to be sure as you as you prepare for each class is that you really know the material and the sources I'd like to be very strong on holding students accountable for citing sources whether it's in a PowerPoint a paper or even in their thought in the classroom what are your sources where are you getting that how are you putting that source than that material into some frame of logic that's what i want to hold them accountable and I really challenged them to hold me accountable to that too because again we're all learning in this so one of them that's one of the very key pieces is to really keep that open and be prepared so that as you're speaking and they're looking up you are sourcing what you're saying you're you know you're you've thought this through you're prepared so that preparation is a huge part of it and I would say that's one of the biggest parts is just making sure there will be times when we're looking up a current assignment or we're looking up a current element and I'll say let's take a look at what's out there and within three minutes or so we can come up with a whole lot of material so you really want to be careful that they're not just scouring the internet for what that ever Google can come up with but you want to point them towards sources that are credible that have some level of academic rigor so that they can just not find out what's on google it and we go to some places that will provide some insight and look at some research that will provide them some sort of path that will help them understand material well we have you know electronic the phone that you know we've got wonderful of avenues with which to do that and students are operating at a time that's you know they expect immediate feedback so one of the key things is to tell them when you can expect that feedback a lot of professors a lot of instructors can get overwhelmed with their inbox or texts or whatever it might be but i like to use all of those in terms of getting back to students we've got blackboards a wonderful resource we can send out all kinds of emails but sometimes texts work better too so there's a way that you just kind of keep continually electronically connected and let them know that you're available my own rule of thumb is I want to get back to them as soon as I practically can at least knowing them when I'm going to make a decision it's about a grade or if it's just a response to something when I can take some time to thoughtfully respond to them I think that's one of the key and the electronic side of things is to make sure that I allow some space so that I can give them a thoughtful response not just a quick response well this past semester the winter of 2014 has probably been one of the most challenging I've ever experienced here in cary and we've done it a number of different ways generally if it's a class that has a case at the end we'll add on a class that's typically what students prefer if it's more of a debrief of some kind of material it's an Adobe Connect or some similar type of a situation that way so we've got a lot of different options on how we make up classes using the Kerry guidelines and student preferences it's a it's a relatively easy thing to do one thing I would say is a professor as an instructor you really have to make sure what the guidelines are if you're going to you know make a extended class that's within what the guidelines suggest and that we hold students accountable for actually either showing up electronically or in person whatever that might be I think the biggest thing is to stay open in the classroom to realize that we are all here to learn together and we're learning about the whole field of business again is not as old as the field of mathematics or physics or medicine or any of the other more established field so we are all still learning and we as professors and we as instructors are still learning to one of the things that makes it fascinating

for me is the again in my fields at leadership and strategy is just the new research that's coming out the new material things are changing all the time so it's just fascinating you have to be a learner yourself in order to help other people learn and so keeping up with that and keeping up with various forms of research kiri have wonderful researchers resources through the library system through all kinds of journals through all that we have other faculty are very giving of their time we've got a wonderful staff that's able to help out so make it take advantage of all those those areas in keeping the classroom open the other thing that I think is important for especially those of us who have one foot inside of the academic world in one foot inside of the practical business world is to make sure that we often want to bring the stories of what just happened to us and it's very important to always be asking why am I about to say what I'm about to say is it interesting to me or is it important to the students to learn I think that's one of the key things they want to hear the stories they want to hear about what works or what's worked in your real world but you have to distinguish between what's going to help them learn and what's been interesting to you that's one of the key pieces it starts with the students the students are just you know it's wonderful to engage them as partners in learning about about business in my case about leadership about strategy it's wonderful to help coach them it's wonderful to help them learn you're really a partner and that's that reward of knowing that you're helping somebody on their journey is really where it starts and that's the that's the bulk of it certainly for me but there's more to that and I think the other side is that you know as a as a school Kerry is at a unique intersection where we've got the wonderful resource and history and prestige of the hops Hopkins community and we also have this direction and will to integrate business within that and so we're in a wonderful intersection so to me where Kerry is where Kerry is going is very very exciting and that's that's rewarding to the third part has to do with the fields again I'm interested in leadership and strategy and so for me being able to use the Kerry library system and to keep up with all the week not all the research but as much of it as I can the research that's going on in my fields hearing wonderful avenues for that and that's really exciting it's it just these two subjects to be are just thrilling in many ways and so being able to continuing to explore them and learn about that myself is it is rewarding I would say the other side is that we've had we have very helpful staff I've just been helped you know in so many different ways by different staff members that it's uh it's a wonderful community I think the answer is to be stay hungry stay hungry about your fields stay hungry about your students learning stay hungry about advancing the whole school it's really about staying hungry it doesn't matter how old you are or how long are young you are or what your particular discipline and business is but if we collectively stay hungry and keep advancing like that there's who knows where we can go you School of Industrial and Labor Relations.

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