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North Country Community College ​n today's episode we will consider the most effective way for you to research and take notes as part of your history project this will be useful for those of you undertaking national 5 and higher assignments but it's especially useful for the advanced tired history dissertation in order to consider how best to do this we will look at different topics we'll start off by considering ways that you may want to plan your research before we go on to look at all the different types of sources you can use from there we will consider the ways that you should record your sources so you haven't know of where they came from and we'll also think about how you use those sources to find your information after this we'll consider the obvious issue of how to actually take notes and last but not least we'll consider ways of organizing those notes so that you are allowed to easily access all the facts you are looking for when you come to write up your project let's start off by considering ways to plan your research it's important to think about applying as you might do a road map it's unlikely that during our journey you would start off without knowing firstly where you are going or secondly have to get there similarly if you try to undertake research without having a heat line of the facts you're looking to find out it's unlikely you'll succeed you're going to have more success if you actually know where you're going before you stop so planning is fatal before you start your research you need to think about the key topics you want to investigate this is important for different reasons firstly it's going to make easier for you to take relevant notes if you don't have a clear idea of what it is you want to find out you may instead simply write down lots of general fact which aren't really of any use to you and of course it's going to make easier for you to find the information in the first place if you have an idea of how to use and index in a book this is most effective if you know the specific issues you might be looking for of course this brings us to the question of how you identify faqs the research before I've actually started researching well there's different ways you can do this one of the baseman's you can do is general background reading this may involve you reading books or specific chapters of books it could involve your camp magazine articles or perhaps even films of documentaries by doing this you would gain a general understanding of the topic and in doing so this may identify the particular factors or sub factors that it would be what researching further you may also doing this by discussing ideas with your classmates perhaps other people are considering similar topics or know something about the issue and thus can suggest possible options and finally you can obviously review the issue with your teacher discussing with them the possible issues to research and trying to see if they have any further suggestions whatever you do though you're trying to identify two things the factors which are your main issues and also the sub factors the sub factors being the issues which relates you mean factors and we'll help you find out more detail let's look at an example if you were researching the policies which helped the Nazis keep power in Germany between the in fairly free and fair dinnae there are different factors you might consider you might look at economic policies you might look at foreign forces social policies Ruby delvin and you may also look at military courses these are the main factors vessel can still be quite general so to help you in your research you might then want to identify the sub factors which you'll consider these quakes some point other points which relate to each individual factor but develop the point a bit more for example when looking at economic policies you might consider the different ways that the Nazis tried to boost employment you might look at how they tried to enhance what conditions and finally you might consider their support for businesses you would identify subtitles for each of your main factors you can see the way that having the sub factors makes it much easier to envisage the type of facts you might want to look up when conduct your research you may even want to make a spider diagram of your research plan you would start off by identifying the different types of policies to research and then you would identify next to them the sub factors this visually it might make easier for you to identify possible gaps in your topics let's now consider the types of sources that we might want to use obviously it's important to do use a wide range of sources and in particular you should also try and use a wide range of types of sources as well this could include books magazine articles academic journals and also film clips and documentaries your project especially if its advanced side of history will also benefit from primary sources and these are in fact compulsory for the advanced I of course primary sources of which they are many to choose from include things such as newspapers speech as deities or government documents using primary sources not only gives you a more in-depth understanding of the topic which shows a real commitment to research let's now think about how you record your sources so do you have a North where you find your information it's really important that when you take notes you explain exactly where you found it not only does this allow people to check if what you've said is accurate it also stops plagiarism as it is you acknowledging that some of

the comments you're making in fact came from other people if you read a book you want to in basic terms think about who wrote it the author the title of the book the publication date and there will be different ones for different books depending on if it's the second edition and also the publisher for articles if you kind you would identify the name of the person who wrote it the title of the article the title of the magazine or journal and which is published and finally the publication date if you're looking at websites that are definite facts to faint if there is an offer then it'd be good to take a note of this name you should also take a note of the title of the article and also the title of the website on which you found it you should also take a note of the web address and also the specific date that you accessed it on in case in future that website is perhaps amended if you watch documentaries the main things to look for would be the title of the specific show the individual name of the episode and also the day that it was originally should and also the channel if you can find this information for retin sources there's another thing you have to make sure you do when you take your notes quite simply page numbers make sure the f somebody was to want to check up your research they can easily identify it simply seeing the name of a book on an offer will be very difficult to find an individual files if the book happens to be three or four hundred pages long let's consider now that we've identified our sources how we go about actually finding out information using them in the most effective way remember the first thing that we need is a plan because once we've got our plan we know the factors and sub factors that we're looking for and by doing this it makes it much easier to find the facts we need instead of just simply reading general sections this will allow you to work for specific facts and the following tips will help use this for different types of sources if you use books you should think about the following firstly and obviously read the chapter list at the front it may be that there are certain sections of chapters which you should read the entire detail however if you want to be more specific then use the index at the back of the book this will allow you to look in much more course detail as specific topics or issues that you're investigating if you use the internet there's also different things to use firstly it's important that you only use reliable and recognizable websites perhaps university websites or recognized organizations such as the BBC when conducting a search if you use quote marks around your fries this can allow you to search for an exact for this which might be useful if you're looking for very specific information in particular Google score is a very good way of searching and finding a range of different sources from that an academic level and a relatively simple with if you're watching films and documentaries think about these actions firstly plan beforehand identify the topics you want to research from there don't try and write out entire quotes what you want to do instead is focus on keywords or phrases that are abused to you and of course remember make sure it's easy to pause the phone pausing the phone to take notes is useful because it stops you for getting the facts and in particular possibly missing something else which would be helpful now that we've identified the type of sources reviews and how to find it our actual fact we have to think about the most effective way to take notes those different ways you can do this you can write data exports this means you rate them the exact fit is which the original offer bro down what's better and probably easier in terms of air maintaining your notes and fitting them into your final dissertation is part of raising this means when you try and put the comment from the historian into your own works identifying only the relevant flat facts again in all cases though you should properly identify who the original commenter was it's also possible to consider your own interpretation and opinion adding your own faults to those which have been made before is an important part of any history project but you have to make sure that you don't confuse your own parts with those of the historians this would be very similar to plagiarism the different ways to do this some poor way of taking notes is using bullet points simply write the title of the book or other source at the top of the page and then if there's a page number rate that the side before writing the key facts you may want to use different things you may want to consider actions such as mind maps mind maps work in a similar way you can settle to protect your facts that you're looking for I never be time you find a fact you draw a lane off the main map along with the relevant page number and rate it from there again of course it's important to you remember to write down the name of the sorcerer using finally another approach can be to use tables divide your page up into the key topics that you're trying to find write any of your source at the top and everything you found a relevant fact under each heading you rated there this is an especially good way to ensure that the work you've research is already organized you may also want to leave space to write your own opinions next to research facts for example if you're taking your notes you would write the comment from there stood in and then under you the personal for its heading you could perhaps linked list the general ideas as far as you've been having about the overall topic the personal fourth section will be of great use to you when you come to write the final project think about these hints and tips as well when you walk firstly make sure you don't just write them lots of notes to make yourself feel good try to focus on what you specifically need and will help you don't weave your research to it make sure you do it well in advance to give you plaintiff thing to write and rewrite your project try and use a range of different sources and source types and also above all else make sure you have a research plan to make it easier to carry out the research in the first

place finally let's think about how you go about organizing those nodes once you've conducted of your research you'll probably have lots and lots of pages of paper some of it may be organized but some of it not you don't want to lose out important facts and thus waste your time so lates of a system organize those nodes you might have a ring binder with section dividers for each factor your reception and each thing you find that they are in fact it goes in a particular page in that section has the advantage at with a ring binder have been able to open in clauses and remove pages as required or add them you might have specific books or jars the use of each individual topic you mean for one paint for another blue for another and again each time your research and specific fact that you would only rate the five shoe phone denier as well as identifying the source you might do all of this but have electronic files taping up the nordstrom phoned each night into a particular fail or you another approach which can be used and is especially for the ring binder is to use different colors of paper for each individual topic this is the advantage that if you lose one or drop them for any reason feel easy to put back together remember though if you use some of these approaches it might mean you multiple loads for the same source to a separate piece of paper with the source of the top put each of your different sources and each of your different factors looking at this system you can see that there are three facts which have been identified in the same source this simple stay at pain is to put them under the correct heading and obviously you'll have more than one under each adding another way to do it can be highlighting once you've identified at the end think about the key factors you're researching and highway that I often course one final approach you can take is the use of a mind map this would help you organize the main points that you've identified in your research as well as identifying the specific facts for each you would simply identify the factors and then draw legs coming off them where you like the facts that you found out for this this is quite a simple way for you to organize the main points before you consider how you're going to go about writing your final project Wesleyan.

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