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SUNY Community Colleges ​Canadian patients waited longer than ever this year for medical treatment this according to the findings of a study just released today by the Fraser Institute there a study reports a median wait time of get this 20 weeks that's the longest recorded and more than twice the nine and a half weeks Canadians waited in 1993 let's weighed in on this with our guest Heather Santora she's the CEO of inno care a neural care Canada it's a global health care and technology company which partners patients with clinics Heather I use the word patients sounds like Canadians need to exercise a lot of patients when they go to the doctor today what the hell is going on it's it's shocking how much is increasing in NBC in particular every single year they're they're experiencing more of a weight the week you gave we're actually the national median BC is actually twenty five point two weeks it's pretty it's pretty shocking especially when there's other alternatives available and are we talking GPS emergency care all across the health care spectrum here they actually research three different excuse me six different disciplines but GPS in particular across Canada one-third of patients said it takes six days or more just to see their GP and then for a specialist it's actually 41% of Canadians said that they had to wait two months or more so you know I don't know if people generally know this but half of patients who end up in a GPS office actually have a musculoskeletal injury like a sprain or a muscle ache or something like that and that can actually be dealt with outside the GPS office through physiotherapists chiropractic Accession and you know these are people who've already received a master's degree in clinical care are held to a regulatory standard and they could be easing the burden and helping get Canadians that are faster except you know the way the healthcare system is set up it really funnels everything through the GP GP when that's actually not what's required anymore well I'll tell you something I haven't had a GP since 2000 2006 my doctor in Ottawa a career and then I was moving at 2005 and I was moving to Toronto the following year and so I couldn't get one there good luck with that and I haven't gotten one here so there are a lot of Canadians who don't even have a GP mm-hmm yeah I mean and that's that's probably a whole other topic for a whole other research paper right like it it's especially when you think about the elderly and children and you know our right to nationalized healthcare system is exactly that a right but I do think that what we're not doing as a nation is a good job of publicizing the fact that there's actually a whole bunch of primary care clinicians so what that means is you could actually go to a nurse practitioner you can actually go to a physiotherapist with an ache or sprain and you don't actually need to see the GP first and in fact because their scope of care is so specialized they can actually get you better faster and yet that's not how we communicate things when we you know we get information from Health Canada or even the way we talk about it as a nation we very much think of doctors first in fact we have an entire array of clinicians available to us and I think it's just a lack of understanding that there's there's a whole source of primary health care clinicians out there ready to help and yet were everything's being funneled to the GP just because historically that's how Health Canada communicated it and his story I want to get to the back to the study in a moment but historically is well we Canadians have had a lot of taken a lot of pride in our health care system and certainly it's better than the system that's in place for our neighbors - to the south but you know I hear a lot of the stories of people waiting waiting hours at the hospital hours of their GP go to a day day clinic you know and you're waiting and waiting and waiting they close them up because there aren't enough doctors do we sort of inflate how good our healthcare system is in your opinion because we take pride in it but sometimes it lets us down I'm I'm a very proud Canadian and that includes a lot of pride in our nationalized health care system what I actually think where we've we've gone a little bit wrong and is that we've actually increased the amount of people work required for physicians now well that's good too the guards patient safety and it ensures quality standards with these heightened regulatory requirements and privacy laws the requirement in terms of their paperwork in charge has increased so actually doctors today are actually giving less direct patient care and more time is spent on in direct patient care such as charts making phone calls filling out you know paperwork for ICBC for MSP etc so I actually think what we need to do as the country is find allow doctors to use back office solutions so for example one thing that my company does is we have electronic charts they're very efficient and intuitive if that saves a doctor an hour a day that's three more patients that they could fit in a day if every doctor did that we'll our week times it decreased dramatically wouldn't they so I actually think it's about putting technology into the healthcare system to allow our doctors to be more efficient and therefore treat more Canadian yeah that has been a really a buzz topic I want to correct myself I think I might as a day care when I was trying to say a walk-in clinic so I don't know my brain is a lot of people are concerned though with the use of the the you know the electronic

venue to send their files they're worried about privacy issues is that a concern for you you know we are so closely governed i and in terms of the privacy law our data for example cannot leave Canada and so it's held in servers in Canada those servers are backed up encrypted tokenized we go above and beyond in the Canadian IT world is to make sure that everything's protected because our legislation is stronger than other countries and that is something to be proud of but the pita and the other privacy laws by province do require a huge investment in privacy so as long as we're adhering to that then there really isn't much to be concerned about okay our guest is Heather Santora she's the CEO of in Eau Claire Canada we'll take a quick break when we come back I'd like to hear your horror stories folks to five three eight six one one six one star ten seventy or by email talk at Ceefax 1070 dot-com the doctor is in there'll be no waiting we'll continue our conversation just a second Heather well we'll start off about how BC now for four years in a row has seen an increase in the time that people are waiting in the waiting rooms can we do that mm-hmm okay perfect among the provinces Ontario recorded the shortest wait times last year fifteen and a half weeks and New Brunswick whoa you got to wait a long time to see a doctor there 38 almost 39 weeks on average to see a physician a medical practitioner BC 40 in a row now there's been an increase in the wait times the medium sitting time is now xx half weeks that's the longest ever measured in this province this is according to a study that was released today by the Fraser Institute our guest he is from in Eau Claire Canada she is Heather Santora she's a CEO of in Eau Claire Canada which gets patients and practitioners together speaking of that Heather how does one try to get together what their practitioners are there some sort of health care tips where you could sort of make better use of your time absolutely and you know the challenge though with the Internet is that there's so much out there I know that sites like ours and there's plenty of them in Canada are very content heavy so that you can find what it is you're looking for I think the biggest thing is to make sure on are kind of credible site what I would advise is that if for example you about arthritis go into something like the arthritis Society site and then from there being directed to trusted health care providers I think that's the best way to go so you make sure first of all that you're within a Canadian site but you're also getting quality information from the association's that are deep in the details of those conditions and then they can refer you to the correct type of care that you need with the correct clinician so you're doing your own triage via the Internet what Canadians are doing it anyways it's not even that we're encouraging it I don't know if you knew this but the most-searched thing on the internet now is health and among health apps millions are actually downloaded every single day it's the number one downloaded and searched on App Store's is health apps because people are they're really doing their own research now yeah they're tired of waiting okay have you got a horror story from the waiting room two five zero three eight six one one six one star ten seventy or by email you can go talk at Ceefax ten seventy dot-com that's what Ron did Ron says it would help if our Medicare was covered remember brother if our Medicare covered chiropractor osteopaths etc I think it does cover physio somewhat and that's a good point that Ron makes Heather because you mentioned earlier instead of going to see your GP for something one half of patients who go to GPS it could have gone to see another health care practitioner such as a physiotherapist what do you say to that when Ron says well yeah but that's not covered I'm you know he's right so a lot of these things used to be covered and as health care budget swells they Godsey listed so in BC low-income families are covered by MSP and they're entitled to physiotherapy as an example to use his example in other provinces that typically is the same case but there are it depends how you're injured if it's if it's a work injury you're going to go through W CB you don't need a doctor's referral you can go straight to video cards massage and it's actually covered by workers compensation however in the case of ICBC and you actually do need a doctor's referral to get rehabilitation now that does strike me as odd and and one of the things that the co-authors of this research study puts out offers up is that you know policy makers need to consider reforming outdated policies that are contributing to these long wait times in Canada so if they do want to alleviate wait times you're right some of these services should be relisted internationalized health care but also why make a requirement to go to the doctor's office only to be for it somewhere else because that should created congestion in the system yeah I completely agree how many times have we done this TJ just told me a story off the air very same story last summer he knew what was wrong and you have to go see the doctor first before you go to go see the specialist or the physio yeah it's crazy Alex you've been waiting for quite some time go ahead Alex hey Mark other guys doing good hi so three years ago I fell off the bike landed elbow first on the pavement how many shattered the elbow required surgery to put it all together because it was in multiple pieces but get this when it first happened I went to the emergency room they put me in this after the x-rays into terminal doors they put me in this like half cardboard castling didn't even wrap around my arm it was like a cup shape that just kind of held it in place and sent me home for three days because the surgery kept it and pushed and pushed and pushed don't eat or drink anything because when I call you any time what a nightmare so for three days you're on pins and needles waiting for the phone to ring and you don't know whether you're allowed to eat

and that sort of stuff yeah and my arms just kind of like I said chilling yeah cardboard what ended up happening oh they called me in three days later and I had the surgery it took eight hours like five screws and some other bits of steel to put it all together but I'll tell you this my elbow has healed quite nicely I've got almost full range of motion there's no strength problems with it that was great it was just the waiting for ya the waiting's the waiting is tough appreciate the story Alex thank you sir be careful on that bike out there and wear your helmet if you do bike thanks Alex Heather you hear a lot of stories like that absolutely again this is where I think technology can play a role like if you think about any other service you go to seek so let's say you're booking flight or you're booking anything you can book ahead you can look online things are efficient why is it in the health care system we can't determine when we're going to treat you or you know send you home for three days on pins and needles not knowing if your neck I think if we kind of got with the 21st century in the healthcare system and really adapted technology we would be in a much better positions brakes all of these things because scheduling would be automatic you could actually predict the inputs to determine the schedules and predict the outputs like in any other industry it is so organized and efficient now it's remarkable really with the use of technology and yet we haven't adopted that into healthcare either because the policymakers are slow to make those recommendations or it's down the budget they don't want to spend the budget but in fact it would make the system more efficient listen we we gotta go I don't want to make you wait any longer we gotta fly for the newscast but I appreciate your time yeah that's what we do here Heather Santora thank you very very much for your time very much appreciate it thank you Mark take care Heather Santora CEO you know care Canada Fashion Institute of Technology, Chelsea, Manhattan.


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