Meriden Mag
Meriden’s New Garden Meriden Methodist Church
Wednesday 20th March
12.30 - 2.30pm
Come and join us for coffee and cake and find out all about Meriden’s new garden.
Donations of plants, compost, garden accessories etc and help are all very welcome.
Please contact Julie for more information
Films shows at the Village Hall
Saturday 16th March
Saturday 20th April
Saturday 18th May
Spring Programme 2024
Saturday 16th March – “One Life” (12A)
Starring Anthony Hopkins, Johnny Flynn and Helena Bonham-Carter, the film traces the amazing true story of Sir Nicholas Winton. As a young stockbroker, he travelled to Prague in 1938 and helped a rescue mission to save hundreds of mainly Jewish children from the Nazis. On the eve of World War II, the film opens 50 years later as Sir Nicholas, now in retirement, reluctantly re-opens his old documents and reflects on the possible fate of the children he rescued as well as the ones he was unable to save. In flashback, the film documents the events of such a dangerous mission undertaken by this “British Schindler”. It closes with a heart-warming outcome and arguably, is one of the most memorable films of the year.
Saturday 20th April – “The Miracle Club” (12A)
Three close friends who have never left the outskirts of Dublin, much less Ireland, receive a little help from their Parish Priest to win the journey of a lifetime – a visit to Lourdes – the picturesque town and place of healing and miracles As their individual stories unfold, they finally find the real miracle in their new-found compassion for each other. The cast which includes Dame Maggie Smith, Kathy Bates and Laura Linney, ensures there is humour and poignancy in turn. “….A golden-hued , heart warmer set in Ireland “ The Guardian .
Saturday 18th May – film tbc
Tickets are available from
Chris Copper - £6 each.
07721 342127
or Email -
NB. Dates may be subject to change so please check when booking.
Wewouldliketothank everyonewhoattendedoursell-out Christmasconcerts. Thisyearweincludeda Christmas story, toproducea ‘concertwithatwist.’ Weweredelightedtomakesuchalovelyprofit fromtheseconcerts, which will begoingtowardsthisyear’scharity, The Air AmbulanceService Asmanyof youmay know, the Air Ambulance receives no Governmentsupportandreliestotallyon charitabledonations, tomaketheirlifesavingmissions Overthe13 yearsthe FirebirdSingershave been in existencewehaveraisedover £51,000 for variouscharitiesand localgoodcauses, andwewouldliketothank allof oursupporters formakingthispossible.
Welook forwardtowelcomingyoutooursummer concert “Cartoon Heroes” on Sunday 9th Juneatthe Manor Hotel featuring favouritesongs frompopular moviesandshows. Thiswill beourlastconcertin supportof the Air Ambulance, soweaimtodothem proud
Tickets for our summer concert will be available very soon.
Please contact Anna Bird 07792525999 or Valerie Martin 01676 522963
See poster on the events page of the Mag for more details
Oneof ourmembers, John Cassidy, atthe incredible ageof 80, achievedhislifetimeambition of atandemskydiveon Sunday 28th Januaryat Langar Airfield, Nottinghamshire. The fund-raising jumpwas fourteen thousand feet, andwas in memoryof John and Claire’sson, John-Paul. John would liketothank allhis familyand friendswhohavedonatedto his fund forthe Air Ambulance. Atthetimeof goingto printthe figureisin theregion of £7,000.
07960 744468
07960 744468
ROGER 07880 637114
ROGER 07880 637114
Meriden Library News
Telephone :01676
Pleasenote,informationisaccurateat timeofwriting. Meriden Library is open to everybody – you can read and borrow books, access the internet and PCs, or just sit and relax, all for free. If you aren’t a member already, all you need to join is something official with your address on, like a utility bill or driving licence.
Opening Hours
Re-Opening After Building Works Asyoureadthis,thelibrarywillhaverecentlyreopened afterbeingclosedinJanuaryforessentialbuildingworks.
Theseworkshaveimprovedourfireprotectiontokeepour Grade IIListedhistoricalbuildingsafeaspartofMeriden’s heritage.Whilethelibrarywasclosed,wehadalovelytime visitingtheWarm HubatMeridenSportsParkPavilionand talkingtoeveryonethere. Thankyoutoeveryonewhohas waitedwhilewewereclosed,andeveryonewhohascome backtothelibrarynowweareopenagain.
Meriden Library has free computer & internet access Ifyouhavealibrarycard,youcanuseoneofthepublic computersatthelibrary. Ifyou’renotyetamember,joining thelibraryisfree,easyand quick.Upto3hoursfree internetaccessforlibrarymembersor15minutesuseof quickaccessPCforall (nolibrarymembershiprequired). Wealsoofferprintingfacilities (chargesapply),scanning facilitiesandWi-Fiaccess.Computersareavailableuntil15 minutesbeforethelibrarycloses,andstaffarealwayson handtohelpifneeded.
Stories & Painting - Ourexcitingchildren’sactivityisaimed atpreschoolchildrenandtakesplaceeveryMonday,2:153pm.Everyweekwereadoneofourfavouritestoriesand enjoypaintingpictures.Werecommendwearingclothes thatit’sokaytogetmessyin.
Easter Crafts - FromMon25th to Thurs28th March,ourcraft tablewillbefullofegg-cellentthingsforkidstomake.All craftswillbeappropriateforages5+ andyoungerchildren canjoininwithcolouring.
Keep up to date with news from Meriden Library by following us on Facebook at www.f or visiting our website at
A W arm Welcome - Aspartofofferingawarm welcometoeverybodywhocomesthroughourdoor, Meriden Libraryisprovidingbothwarmandcold drinkstolibrarycustomers. Thereisnochargefor this,butdonationsarewelcomeifyouwish.
Learn My Way - Wouldyouliketoimproveyour computerskills? Weofferfreetrainingusingthe LearnMyWaywebsitewithstafftoguideyou. Sessionscanbetailoredtomeetyourneedsandskill level,fromcreatingdocumentstostayingsafeonline. Youcanimproveyourworkplace IT skillswithour help.Sessionsrunon Tuesdayand Thursday mornings10am–11am,withbookinginadvance required.Contactlibrarystaffformoredetails.
Readers’ Circle Meetings
Wednesday 13th March
- A crime novel by an author you have never read before
Wednesday 10th April
- A recommended good summer read.
Wednesday 8th May
- An award winner from any category of book award. For further information and the venue, please call
Peter Moss on 01676 523590
Book Review by Chris Copper
‘Small Things Like These’
By Claire Keegan Short-listedforaBookerPrizein 2022,thisbeautifullywrittennovella saysmorebetweenitsslimcovers thanmanyoftheover-longand wordyworks currentlyonthe booksellers’shelves. Thestoryisset
1985inasmalltowninSouthEast Ireland,intheweeks leadinguptoChristmas.Asacoldsnapdescends,Bill Furlong,acoalmerchantandfamilyman,faceshis busiestseason.Earlyonemorning,whiledeliveringan ordertothelocalconvent,Billmakesanalarming discovery. Lockedinadarkandfreezingcoalshed,a nearnakedyoungmotherishuddledinthedirt,sobbing forherbaby. Thisdiscoveryforceshimtoconfrontboth hispastandthecomplicitsilencesofatowncontrolled bytheChurch.Shouldheexposethecrueltywithinthe conventorremainsilentforfearofsocialreprisal? Claire K eegan’sproseisexquisite.Shehastheskillin sayingsomuchinjustonesentence,paintingan authenticpictureoflifeinthispoverty-strickenand repressedcommunity,yetcontrastingitwiththewarm andlovingfamilyatmosphereinthe Furlongs’home. Thereaderisallowedintotheinnerdilemmasofour “GoodMan” ashereflectsonhisownpastandagonises overtheconsequencesofexposingthecruelinjustices soprevalentatthetime.Adeeplyaffecting,beautifully writtenwork. Buytwocopiesandgiveonetoafriend farmorelastingthanabunchoftulips
Together we are beating cancer
TheMeridencommitteehopethiseditionofthemagazinefindsyoufitandwell,eveninthesechallengingtimes wefindourselvesin,bothathomeandabroad.ButatleastSpringisemerging,bringingwithitgreenshootsof newlifeandtheprospectoflighterandlongerdaystoenjoy.
OurfundraisinglastyearendedwellwithourregularChristmasPartyatthe HeartofEnglandSocialCluband continuedwidespreadsalesofourknittedgoodiesat The Queens Head,Berryfields’ FatherChristmasExperience, localschoolsandgenerallyaroundthevillage. Thisraisedjustover £2,000andourthanksgotoeveryonewhowas involved.
Raisingfundsisimportanttousbecause,thankstoadvancesincancerprevention,diagnosisandtreatment,more thanonemilliondeathshavebeenavoidedinthe UK sincethemid-1980s.Butprogresslikethisdoesn’tcome easily. Therewasn’tonebigresearchbreakthroughthatmadethedifferenceforeveryone. Thestoryofhowone millionlivesweresavedisalmostfourdecadeslong,andourunderstandingofcancerhasgrown,momentby moment,overthattime. We’veseenimprovementsintreatments,suchasbetterradiotherapyandthe developmentofnewdrugs; enhancedscreeningprogrammes; progressinprevention,suchaslowersmoking rates; andresearchhighlightingtheroleofcertaingenesincancer. Butdespitethisprogress,cancerremainsthe numberonecauseofdeathinthe UK.We’rehopefulthatoverthenext40years,andwiththecontinued generosityofoursupporters,cancerresearchwillbringusclosertoaworldwhereeveryonecanlivelonger,better lives,freefromthefearofcancer.
Ourfirstfundraiserfor2024willbeheldatthe Heartof EnglandSocialClubonFridayMarch15th at 7.30pm. ClosetoStPatricksDay,itwillbeathemednightof comedy & musiccalled “TheShamrock & RollShow” . Itfeatureslivemusicfromthewell-knownmultiinstrumentalistandsinger KeithSlaterandcomedyfrom TV impressionistChristopherGee. Itpromisestobea greatnightandisanabsolutebargainat £10-comeand jointheCraic! Ticketsforthiseventareavailablefrom Sue,Carol,CommitteeMembersand TheClub.
Furtherfundraisingeventsareplannedforlaterinthe yearandwehopeyouwillbeabletojoinusatanyorall ofthem! Moreinformationwillappearinfuture editionsofthisMag. Ifyouwouldliketobecome involvedinanyofourfundraisingactivities,including sponsorshipordonationstofutureevents,Sueand Carolwouldlovetohearfromyou. Inthemeantime, wehopeyouwillhaveagreatSpring.
As recent events have shown, no one is immune from the threat of cancer.
Wewouldliketojoinpeoplefromallovertheworldin wishing KingCharles III asafeandsuccessfultreatment forhiscancer,andourthoughtsarewithhimandhis family.Wewouldalsoliketothankhimforhiswordsof supporttoalltheorganisationsthatsupportcancer patientsandtheirfamiliesacrossthe UK andthewider world.
NewGarden forMeriden
We have been making progress in the garden. Thanks to those who have donated pots and soil and all those who have helped. A special thank you to Martin who came and did a lot of strimming and cutting back, and to Richard for planting the pots with bulbs. Through our conversations around the village, people have said they like the idea of a peaceful space for garden gatherings, with some room for produce that can be shared. This is what we will work towards from now on.
As spring approaches, we will be happy to receive offers of support and goods. We particularly need, compost, some wood primer, and some outdoor paint. Bird feeders and bug houses would be a great addition. We will also be happy to receive plants and pots.
We will be holding a bring and drop off with coffee and cakes being offered as a thank you. This will take place at the Methodist Church on 20th March 12.30-2.30. Please come along and meet us. Any queries or comments you can reach us through Julie by email on
Worriedwhenreadingthehorrorstoriessurrounding thecaresectorwithitslackoffunding,inadequatecare packagesandcarehomesandjusthopingyounever havetofacethisdilemma? Well,wehereatSeniorCare SupportServices,understandthoseconcerns.As experienced,seniorcarespecialists,ourknowledgeof howtofundyourcare,whatbenefitsyoumaybe entitledto,andthedifferencebetweenapoorandgood carehomeorcareagencycanbeinvaluabletoyou. We cancutthroughthebureaucracyandthetimeconsuminghoursyouspendonthetelephonetryingto sourcegoodandappropriatecare.THEREISEXCELLENT CAREOUTTHEREIF YOUKNOWWHERETOFINDIT.
Why not have an initial, confidential, chat to see whether we canbe of help to you, and take a look at our website for further information.
Tel.Geraldine Davies on
01564743067 or email info@
MeridenSurgery 01676 522252
School House, 200MainRoad, Meriden, CV77NG Partners-DrMBhandal DrTNadeem DrRHorsley AssociatesGPs-DrAOmokanye, DrNHudders, DrJHothi, DrRNewman, DrFMufaz
Openinghours: Monday, Tuesday, ThursdayandFriday8.30amto6pm
Fordetailsonhowtoobtainmedical helpwhenthesurgeryisclosed, pleasephone 01676935000
Asyoumayhaveseenfromthenewsandsocialmediatherearearisingnumberofmeaslescasesinthe UK,including BirminghamandtheSolihullarea.
Measlesisverycontagiousandcancauseseriousillnessandcomplications. Vulnerablegroupsincludeunvaccinatedindividuals, pregnantwomen,immune-compromisedpatientsandthechronicallyill. Thesegroupsaremoreatriskofdevelopingsevere complications.
Measlesisapreventableillnessandallchildrenshouldreceive2dosesoftheMMR vaccine (Measles,Mumpsand Rubella) atage oneyearandataroundthreeandahalfyearsold.AdultscanalsoreceivetheMMR vaccine,iftheyhavenothadtheillnessasa child (thiswillensurenaturalimmunity) orhavenothad2measlescontainingvaccinesiftheyareconcernedabouttheirrisks. Ifyourchildhashad2dosesofMMR vaccinethenitisveryunlikelythattheywillcatchmeasles.
PleaseseetheNHSWebsite: Measles-NHS ( forfurtherinformation.
Ifyouthinkyourchildmayhavemeaslesorhasbeeninclosecontactwithsomeonewhohassuspectedorconfirmed measles DONOT attendthesurgery.
Pleasebookanappointmentwithoneofournursesifyourchildisunvaccinatedorhasnothad2dosesandyouwouldnowlike themtohavetheMMR vaccination.
Ifyouareunsureifyouoryourchildhashad2dosesofmeasles-containingvaccines,pleasecheckyourchildren’sredvaccination bookoremailyour queriestothesurgery
Pleasedonottelephonethesurgeryforvaccination queriesasthiscanblockthetelephonelines.
Thepracticearecurrentlycallingallpatientswhoareeligiblefora PneumoniaorShinglesvaccine.
Pneumoniavaccinesareforanyoneinspecificat-riskgroupsfrom2yrs64yrsandeveryoneover 65yrs.
• reachtheageof 65 or 70yearsofageduringtheperiod1September 2023and31August2028 Theseindividualsshouldbevaccinatedonor after (butnotbefore) their 65thor 70thbirthday
• areagedbetween 70yearsand 79 yearsoldonorbefore31August 2023andhaveneverreceivedashinglesvaccine,including Zostavax
• arecurrentlyaged 80yearsorover,butreceivedafirstdoseof Shingrix® beforeturning 80yearsoldandrequireasecondShingrix® dose tocompletethecoursebeforetheir 81stbirthday
• areaged 50yearsandabove
• areagedbetween18 and49 yearsandreceivingastemcelltransplant.
ThePracticehashadtosaygoodbyetoourSeniorReceptionist, Diane; wewouldliketowishhertheverybestforherfutureventures.
ThePracticewouldliketowelcome DrWassyaNuru. DrWasyaNuruwillbeworkingatboththeBalsallCommonand MeridenSurgeriesacrossMondayandTuesdayalldayandThursday mornings.
Congratulationsto DrRebeccaNewmanwhowelcomedababygirlin December 2023.
AsyourGPpractice,wehavebeenaskedby NHSEnglandtoprovideyouwithaccessto yourfullprimarycaremedicalrecordgoing forwardfrom31st October2023. Thiswillbe viatheNHSappandtheNHSwebsiteifyou haveasuitableNHSlogin.
Pleasenotethisaccessisonlytoyour prospectiveprimarycarerecord. Thisdoes notincludehospitalrecordsorresultsof investigationsrequestedanywhereelseas thesearenotavailableontheprimarycare record.
Thereislikelytobesensitiveandpersonal informationwithinyourmedicalrecord. Wearesupportiveofprovidingyouwith accesstoyourrecord,butwewishtodothis safely,andmakeyouawarethatthisis happeningsothatyoucanoptoutifyouso wish.
Itisimportantthatyouunderstandthe risksthatmaybeinvolvedinhavingsuch confidentialdata,eitheronyour smartphonewiththeNHSappinstalled, oronlineifotherpeoplemighthave accesstothatinformationthroughyour devices.
Thegovernmenthasbeenclearthatifa patientdoesnotwishtohaveaccess, thenwedonothavetoprovideit.
ThisyearEasteriscomingearly–almosttheearliestitcanbe–andthereforethechurchcalendarisveryfull. InLenttherewillbeaLentcoursethatboth StLaurenceandthe Methodistchurchwillbehosting–oneinthedayandatleast2intheeveningsandifyouwouldlikefurtherdetails thenpleasecontactusfortimings. ThereisalsoaMaundy Thursdayserviceat7pmattheMethodistchurch; thewalk ofwitnessonGoodFridaystartingon TheGreenat10.30andEastermorningservicesatbothchurcheson31Marchto whicheveryoneiswelcome.
EasterissuchaspecialtimeinthelifeofthechurchaswerememberourLordJesus ChristdyingforusonGood FridayandrisingonEasterSunday-burstingoutofthetombwherehe’dbeenburiedonFriday. WhatJesusdidwas foreachoneofus,noexceptions,butweallneedtochoosetobelievethatJesusdiedforus–likeasignedchequethat needstobebanked. Jesusgaveupeverythingforus,tocomeandliveandidentifyasoneofus. Hewasthenarrested, cruellytorturedandkilledandashisarmswerestretchedoutandnailedtothecrosshesaid‘Fatherforgivetheyknow notwhattheydo’.
PleasecomeandhearmoreofthestoryofJesusandhisloveforyou. Ourservicesareat10.30everyweekexceptthe firstSundayofthemonthwhichisat4pmandismoreinformal,andthefourthSundayofeachmonthwhichisajoint serviceatStLaurence. Wewouldlovetoseeyou.
IwouldliketotakethisopportunitytosayhowmuchIamgoingtomissMeriden. ThisSummerI’llbemovingbutI amgoingtobeonsabbaticalbeforethatsowillbeleavingmid-April. Ihavesoenjoyedbeingpartofthefellowship andcommunityhereinMeridenandIhavelovedeveryminute. FromSeptemberRevChristineCrabtreewillbethe newMethodistministerandIamsureyouwillgiveherthesamesupportandencouragementyouhavegivenme. I willreallymissMeridenbutIprayGod’sblessingonherandthattheOnewhoistheLightoftheWorldwillmake himselfknowninthisplace.
1st Sundayofmonth4.00pm “Café Church”withcoffee,cakeandadiscussion
2nd Sunday10.30am atMethodistChurch joinedbyfriendsfromSt.Laurencewith HolyCommunion
3rd Sunday10.30am atMethodistChurch
4th Sunday10.30am wejoinourfriendsat St.LaurenceChurch
5th Sunday whennecessary(as3rd Sunday)
A message to Jane from your congregation in Meriden
OurcongregationandfriendsfromtheAltogetherClubandWarm HubwouldliketothankJaneforherhardworkinMeridenover thelast8years.
JaneismovingtoSevenoaksinKent,whereshewillbe superintendentofthecircuit.InKentshewillbelivingcloserto herfamily,andweunderstandhowthiswillsuitherperfectlyand areallveryhappyforher.Shehasworkedsohardinthisareawith 5churches–Meriden,BalsallCommon,Fillongley,Arleyand RidgeLane.
Wethankherforhercontributioninforgingasharedandcloser relationshipwithSt.Laurence,andweshallmisshercaring,calm attitudeandwisdominhelpingus,asachurchto“moveforward” Methodist’scongregation
The Physiowillsupportyouinbeingreferredforfurthertreatment,helpingwithpainrelief,managing/improvingyourcondition anddiscussanyworriesorconcerns.
OurExtendedAccessServicehaschangedsite,theservicewillnolongeroperatefromtheBalsallCommon HealthCentre.The ExtendedAccessServicewillbebasedattheDorridgeSurgery,allotherarrangementsremainthesame,pleasecontinuetobook intothisserviceviaourReceptionTeamattheBalsallCommonandMeridenSurgeries.
Telephoneappointmentsareavailableasapre-bookableoption; however,thesearenowunabletobescheduledasanurgenton thedayappointmentoption.
1st Meriden Scout Group and Explorer
1st Meriden Cubs
the Green Hut
ThenewyearwelcomesthreenewCubs,Sophie, JamesandScarlett.Startingtheyearoffwithagames evening,somenewandsomeveryold,thebusiestonewasasnatchandgrab quickroundgame,butIthink thefavouritewastiddlywinks,ifyou’reyoungerthan30asksomeoneolder!
WestartedanotherChallengebadge (thesearehardertoearnthantheactivitybadgesandtakefarlonger)butwillgetthe CubsonestepclosertoearningtheirSilverChiefScoutAward.
Whatwehaveplanned….Avisitfromthe PoliceandavisittothelambingshedinFebruary,notforthefainthearted!We doScoutythingsalso,likemapreading,learningaboutplanetsandanewknotchallenge (whichwilltesttheCubs’patience andmemory)alongwithplanningforthesummerseasonandcamping.
Asever,abigthankyoutoallwhohelpmakeMeridenCubssuchasuccess,ifyouhaveanhouraweekandwouldliketo comealongandenjoytheantics,wegetuptowiththeCubspleasedropmealine,nopreviousScoutingexperience needed,youjustneedtolikewatching/helpingchildrenlearnandkeepingthemsafe.
Fundraising:weweregiventheamazingopportunitytosellonehundredticketstowatchtheSolihullBaronsversusThe DeesideDragonsIce Hockeyteamcourtesyof PBSports,whodoallourprinting.
Beetle Drive: Sunday 17th March starting at 2pm.£3 per entry- please support, everyone welcome.
Group Fun Day: 11th May. 12noon till 4pm- Theme ‘Wild West’ including burgers and a bouncy castle.
1st Meriden Scouts:
ThefinaltermoftheyearsawtheScoutsfinishofftheirEntertainerandModelMakingbadges,with quiteafewofthem alsofinishingofftheirAdventureChallengeandTeamworkChallengeawards.
NumbersintheTroophavecontinuedtogrowandwenowhavethreestrongpatrols. Highlightswerecookingacurryona campstove,theScoutsnavigatingthemselvesacrossthelocalcountrysidewithoutgettingtoolost,anda GlobalAwareness Challengebasedonthetradeinorangesindevelopingcountries.
The Patrolsbattleditout,tothelastweekbeforeChristmas,tobethebestpatrolandwinaprize.Thisterm'svictorswere theKestrels.
January,andthenewtermhasnowstarted.Thefirstweekbacksawusstartingworkonknifeskills (andhowtousethem safely),andthemakingofhazelkazoowhistles,Ifeartheschoolbuscouldbe quitenoisyoverthenextfewweeks. Wehavecampsalreadyplannedduring2024forAprilandMay,and,assoonasthenightsstartgettinglighter, preparationsandtrainingforthesewillcommence.
IfyouthinkScouting’sforyou,dogetintouchorpopalongonaTuesdayeveningandgiveitatry.IfBeardares, ‘whydon’t you?’. Scout Leaders
Meriden Scout Group Planning expansion of their meeting Hut
TheMeridenScout Grouphaverecentlyreceived Planning PermissionfromtheBoroughCounciltoextendtheScout Hut. Thepresentbuildingwasbuiltinthe1970’s,duetotheeffortsofthethenparentsandsupportersoftheCubsandScouts togetherwiththevoluntaryLeadersofthesections.
Beforethecurrent HutwasbuilttheScout Groupusedanoldwoodenhutonthesamesite. Wehaveaphotoshowingthat hutbeingdismantledandamodelofit,whichiskeptintheentrancehall.
Weareplanningtoextendthebuildingatthefarend,awayfromthemaindoors.Nowthatwehave quotationsforthe plannedbuild,weareseekingfinancialassistancefromgrantawardingbodiesandanyothersupporterswhocanhelpus. Wearenowplanningforafund-raisingBEETLEDRIVEinMarchandaFUNDAY inMay (pleaseseethepostersaboutthese events). YouareallwelcometocomealongtotheseeventsattheScout Hut Oncetheextensioniscompleteditisplannedthattherewillbeanextensionoftwofloors,withthegroundfloorbeingfor storageandtheupperfloorhavingasmallofficeroom.Thisextensionwillenableustomovethingsoutofthemainhallso givingmorespaceandletushaveameetingroom.
Ifyoucanhelpusinanywaywiththisnewchapterinthedevelopmentofthe1st MeridenScout Grouporwouldlikemore detailsofourplans,pleasedocontactme.
Daffodils by Julie Hyde
Every year I try and find a different way of painting daffodils so with this one I have tried to vary the background to make it different.
1.Draw the flowers and a rectangle in the background.
2. Outer Petals. With a small brush (No. 6 round), dampen one petal at a time and add:-
Lemon Yellow (weak) And then just a little:-
Cadmium Yellow
While this is still damp, to the shadow tickle in a little:-
Cadmium Yellow + Ultramarine Blue (light yellow green) Move on to another petal and repeat.
3. Trumpets. With a small brush (No. 6 round), dampen the outside of the trumpet and add:-
Lemon Yellow (weak) And then just a little:-
Cadmium Yellow
Cadmium Yellow + Ultramarine Blue (light yellow green)
Let some of the frilly edges stay white.
Dampen the inside of the trumpet and slightly stronger:-
Lemon Yellow
Cadmium Yellow
Burnt Sienna (weak)
4. Leaves. On the dry paper add the long leaves and stems with:-
Cadmium Yellow + Ultramarine Blue (light yellow green)
Cadmium Yellow + Prussian Blue (bright green)
Prussian Blue + Burnt Sienna (strong dark green)
5. Background. When all the leaves and flowers are dry, mix a large puddle of a strong colour, I used:-
Prussian Blue
Load a medium size brush (No. 10 round) with the colour. Working one area at a time fill the background with a puddle of colour, carefully painting between the petals. This may need two coats. If so, make sure the first one is completely dry before applying the second coat in the same way.
Julie is running Art classes in Meriden Village Hall and on Zoom. For more information email or phone 01676 523357
Friday8pm Bingo/ WednesdayBingo & Buffet£7.50-12.30pm
Saturday2nd March - "Elvis PresleyTribute" Tickets£10/£8members,7.30pm
Thursday7th March - " Country & Western" 7.30pmtickets£5.00 "PointonSuite"
Thursday14th March -St PatricksDay & GoldCup1-7pm "Jona'sBar" FreeEntry
Friday15th March-CancerResearch- "CharityNight" 7.30pm
Sunday31st March-" FamilyEasterEgg Hunt" & MiniDisco "GardenLounge"
Permanent Eyebrows – we have a range of styles appropriate for all ages (18+).
We also offer eyeli ner, lip blush and scalp micropigmentation.
Hair and Beauty Awards Finalist 2023.
Just book your FREE consultation on my website or give me a call on 07854 081644
StaceyAswecontinueintothenewyear,I wantedtotakethisopportunitytoupdateyouonsomelocal andnationalnews. I ampleasedtowelcomethegovernment’scutinNational Insurancetax.27 millionpeoplewillseethebenefitofthiscutintheir Januarypaysliporintheirself-employed earnings.Thecutmeansanaveragepersonwithasalaryof £35,400willsaveanextra £450per yearandtheaverageself-employedpersonwillsave £350peryear. I encourageeveryoneto checktheirpaysliptomakesuretheyarereceivingthisnewtax cut. Ourfocusremainson bringinginflationdownandgrowingtheeconomy, sopeoplehavemoremoneyintheirpockets.
I amcontinuingmycampaignagainsttheclosureoftheSolihullpolicestation. Despitearecorduplifttoalmost £800mandrecordrecruitmentofover1,300newofficers, successiveLabour PoliceandCrimeCommissionershave madeacommitmenttoclosethestationwithnorealplantoreplaceit. I amveryclear-allpartsofSolihullborough, bothurbanandrural, musthavethepoliceservicetheydeserve. A permanent, accessiblepolicebaseinSolihullis vitalgiventheextraresourcesgivenbythegovernmenttodetercriminals.
Noneofusshouldhavetofearforourlives, families, orourpropertyand I willcontinuetocampaignuntilwegetthe changeweneed.
FollowingmycampaigntosecurebetterhealthcareprovisionsacrosstheSolihullborough I ampleasedtowelcome theopeningofanewLocality HubatSolihull Hospital.Thehubwillberunbyateamofhealthcareprofessionalsfrom University HospitalsBirmingham, NHS FoundationTrustCommunityServicesandSolihealth GP andwillinclude GPs, nurses, andtherapists.Thefocusoftheservicewillbetooffersame-day, earlyinterventionandurgentresponsecare andtooffersupporttoindividualswithlong-termconditionssuchasCOPD, asthmaandfrailty.Theopeningofthe localityhubsfollowsthesecuringofan UrgentTreatmentCentreandnewsurgicalunitsatSolihull Hospital. Itisso importantthatthewholeboroughhasaccessto qualityhealthcare, and I willcontinuetochampionthiscause.
Lastly,I hopeyouandyourlovedoneshadalovelyNew Year.
Pleasenotemyofficeremainsopenasusualandweareconductingsurgeryappointments, sodonothesitatetobook aslot. Mycontactdetailsarebelow: 0207 219 3423
Best wishes and stay safe,
Mot Service
Tyres Exhausts
Courtesycar,collection&delivery options.
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CallMartinforaFree Quote
HappyNew Yeartoyouall. Itseemsanageagoalready!
Wehavebeenextremelybusysor ng, packing, loggingandloadingallthe wonderfuldona onsthatarenowin Ukraine. Wehavetogetpermissionto carrymedicalaidandequipmentfromboththe UK andthe Ukrainian Ministries.
Thewholevillagehasbeensosuppor veandgenerous, alongwitha hospitalandvariousothersupporters. I thankyouallfrommyheartasit enablesustocon nuetohelp Ukraine, forwhichtheyareenormously grateful.
Wesentaverylargevanandbox trailer filledtothegunnelswithitems. TheyweredrivenacrossonceagainbyCarl Roseand Jon Farmerwhodrove tothe Ukraine/Polishborderandtransferredtheloadtoourpartnerteam StaySafeUkraine, whomettheminvehicleswehadpreviouslydonated. Therewereover150boxesplusmobilityitemsand3beds.
Leaving justasdawnbrokeon a Friday night, theguysthendroveto FolkestonetocatchthetrainundertheChannelto France.Theythen drovethe1,300milestotherendezvouspointtohandoveronSunday morningto AndriyandTeresfromStaySafe Ukrainewhohadcomeover fromLvivwithspecialhumanitarianpermissiontocollecttheload.
Wehadonboardmassesofhospitaltheatre suppliesandequipmentwhichwillgoto selectedhospitals (wesupport9), toysanda beau fuldoll’shousewithfurniturewhich willgototheLvivorphanagefor3-6yearold warorphans, whowillreallyenjoyplaying withit.
Wealsohadlotsofindateprescrip on medicinesanddressings.Thebedsand beddingwillgototherefugeshelternear Bakhmutthatwehelpsupportandalsoto thosepeoplewhosehomeshavebeen shelledanddestroyed, especiallyinthemost recentbombingswhichhavele many homelessandinjured.
Theworkcon nuessadlyasthewarrageson, despitenot beinginthenewssomuchnow.Previousdeliveriesfromushaveenabledtheshelterto runwithfulloccupancyandvillagestobehelped.The teamarehelpingwithrebuildinghomesandthelorries wewereinvolvedinsendingoverhavebeenworth theirweightingoldwiththetranspor ngofmaterials.
Manyofthe4x4andlargervehiclesareusedastransporttoand fromhospitalsandtoevacuatepeople. Ourshelteralsorunsonline lessonswhentheycangetinternetaccessforthemanychildren whoaresobadlyaffectedbythewar.Theirliveswillneverbethe sameandtheywillcarrythiswiththemintoadultlifeand parenthood
Wecon nuetocollectandacceptdona ons, butwedoneedmonetarydona onstooasitcostsusapprox. £1500 togettheresourcesacrossto Ukraine.
I amcollec ngasusualindatemedica onsanddressingsplusoverthecountermedsforcommonailments. sanitaryandpersonalcareitems, toiletriesandwarmcoats, hatsandscarves. Pleasedonotsendopenedorused toiletriesorinhalers.Blanketsandtowelsareusefultoo.
Moneycanbeputthroughmydoorinanenvelope, everypoundhelps, believeme! Dona onscanbele inmy porch. I canbecontactedonemail– orbymobiletextorcall07734462000.
Thankyouallforyourcon nuedsupport. Itismakingadifference, andweshouldallgivethanksthat weliveinacountryatpeace.
SueStre on Director Healing Hands Network UK regd.Charity
Meriden Flower Club
We are a friendly club and welcome new members and visitors
The club meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at Meriden Village Hall, Main Road Meriden CV77NG and hosts a wide range of both local and national demonstrators.Raffle and sales table.
Doors open at 6.30pm for refreshments –demonstration commences at 7.30pm enquiries- email:
Future Meetings:
Monday 19th February - AGM - and talk by a local Bee Keeper
Monday 18th March Demonstration by Jane FoxHighland Glory
Saturday 23rd March - Special event "Spring into Easter" see poster on events page of Mag
Monday 15th April Demonstration by Claire BondSpring Gifts
Saturday 18th May -Plant Sale and Coffee Morning 10.00am - 12.00 - everyone welcome
Monday 20th May Demonstration by Shirley Henderson - Take a Piece of Wood
Are you a small Spor ng, Leisure or Recrea onal Group based in Meriden? If so, you may be eligible to apply for a small grant
Sofar, wehavehelped:
Mar al ArtClub
ArtandCra ac vi es
Model Making
Seniorci zenac vi es
Our professional and experienced instructor cares about each client and offers options to the exercises.
Class numbers are limited for your comfort and safety.
Mondays – St.Peters Church Hall, Balsall Common
09:15am Pilates Intermediate
10:15am PilatesandStretch
11:15am Beginner PilatesandStretch
Mondays – Heart of England School Dance Studio
6:00pm Dance Fit
7:00pm Pilates
Wednesdays –Reading Rooms, Berkswell
09:15amand10:15am Pilates
11:30am Youngat Heart–fortheover70s
Visit the website
call Sally on 07778 124034
Hope to see you soon.
11 Mini & Junioragegroupsfrom6-16 years
Girlsteams U/11 U/15 U/18
Contact DavidMorris.07557343639
Ourfacilitiesare1st classandallourcoaches are RFU QualifiedandCRBchecked
ealsohave4 Adult sides1st XVtoVets
Thereisnowanewand excitingwomen'steam coachedbyan experiencedgroupof playersledby
55752149 5
Comeanddiscoverhowthe beautifulflowingmovements ofthisancientartcanimprove yourwell-being. Relax andenjoysimplecalming relaxationandmeditation techniques
thebeautifulflowing movementsofthisancient artcanimproveyourwellbeing.Relaxandenjoy simplecalmingrelaxation andmeditationtechniques.
Meriden VillageHall
*Plumbing problems
*Broken Garden Tools
*Gates Fixed
*Sheds Felted
*Household Items Fixed
*Garden Tools Sharpened
*Security posts Fitted
Ifitcanbefixed,I'lldomybesttofix it. Collectionserviceavailable.
Public Liability Insurance: Simply Business MHGB2291989XB
ephone Pau
on 07889 789110 or 01676 521661
Weoffertailored made-to-measure blindsforany windowsolution. Wehaveawide selectionoffabrics, woodsandcolours atcompetitive
Weoffertailored made-to-measure blindsforanywindow solution.Wehavea wideselectionof fabrics,woodsand coloursat competitiveprices.
Date Service
3rd Mar HolyCommunion
10th Mar FamilyService –Mothers’ Day 10:15am
17th Mar HolyCommunion
24th Mar PalmSundayService
29th Mar Good Friday – meet at Village Greenat 10:30 andwalkuptochurch for 1 hourvigil
31st Mar HolyCommunion (EasterSunday)
7th Apr HolyCommunion
14th Apr United Serviceat MethodistChurch
21st Apr HolyCommunion
28th Apr FamilyService
5th May HolyCommunion
12th May Joint Serviceat MethodistChurch
19th May 11am Cyclists’ MemorialServiceat the Green
26th May FamilyService
Allservicesareat 10:30amand atSt. Laurenceunlessstated otherwise.
Pleasechecktheweb site.
Cyclists’ Memorial Serviceonthe Green
Sunday 19th May 11am
PriestinCharge: Rev Kevin Flanagan
Church Wardens: JonathanDouglas 01676 522455
CarolClarke07500 700679
Church Website:
Finduson Facebook: St LaurenceChurchMeriden
I wouldlovetounderstandscience butsomehoworothermy brainshutsdownwhensomeonestartstoexplainthemysteriesof theuniverse. I rememberwatching Professor BrianCox attemptto explaintheuniverse, and I mustadmit,I struggled. Itwasan engagingprogrammeinmanyways,beautifully filmedand I can see he hasarealgift formakingthecomplex understandable but still, when hestartedonnucleusand quarksto be honest,forme, itwastheend.
I did,however, pickuponething, and Ihope Ihaveitright, that everythingwascreated from 92elements. Thatis quiteathought. As I walkthedog,I seethe hedgerowtangledwith somany differenttreesandshrubs, someof them just beginningto bud andwith eachbudadifferentshapeandcolour. I ponderedthis thought, asthe heavydropletsleft bythemorningdewdangled fromthe branches, each one reflectingthecoloursaround.
That 92elementscreatedallthis, nottomentionmeandthedog .... Ijustcan’t helpthinkingthatthisisamiraclethatonly God couldpulloff
Asweapproach Easter, wegettothe biggestmiracleinthewhole Christianstory, that JesusChrist, thesonof God, cametoearth andwalkedamongstus, andmankind, inourprideandarrogance, put himtodeathbecausewedidn’tlikewhat hewassayingtous. Yetstill,henotonly forgaveus,henotonlyprayed forusaswe nailed him toacross,butthreedayslater herose fromthegrave, provingonceand forallthatdeath wasnotthe finalpower,he was.
I don'tunderstandeverything,I wouldnever bearrogantenough toassume I did,but I amconfidentaboutonething, thatwe have agreat God, whoisnotonlycreative,butwhoalsolovesuseven whenwedon’tdeserveit. Andthatisatrulygreatandexciting thing!
God Bless, Kevin
DOMINOES – Allthe28dominoes from0-0 to6-6have been placedonceontothegrid Can youwork outwhereeachof them Iis placed?
WORDBUILDER - Using these 9 letters, can you answer all the clues? Each answer must include the central letter L.
Can you also find the word that uses all 9 letters?
We hope that you enjoy doing these puzzles. If you want the answers, just email me
If you can offer any puzzles, please send them to me. Thanks.
It'seasytogetconfusedbythesteadyflowofHS2planningapplications,aseachoneaffects theneighbouringones,andmanyfeaturesareleftforlaterconsideration. Acommontheme isthedisparitybetweenwhatHS2Ltdcall "engagement" andthe "consultation" thataffected residentsexpect.
Intermsofthemajorviaducts,theBoroughisnowresignedtoaverybasicconcreteschemethatfuturevisitorswill comparesounfavourablywiththemorerefineddesignsprovidedforLondonandBirmingham. But,asaresultof pressurefromtheSolihullPlanningCommittee,residentsdoatleastgetasmallsayonwhattheviaductwilllooklike, throughconsultationeventsstagedbyHS2Ltd,wherewe'reshownsamplesof4differentpatternsforthedecorative frieze,andseveraloptionsfortheconcretebarriers.
However,it'ssmallbeerincomparisonwithwhatParliamentmandated-theSelectCommitteewrote: "Weexpectthat theviaductdesignandmaterialswillbethesubjectoflocalconsultation...particularlyatBerkswell,Hampton-in-Arden. Thecolourofthelipstickisn'tsoveryimportantifit'sgoingonapig!
HS2hasamajorimpactonpublicfootpathsandbridleways.10yearsago,theSelectCommitteewasunabletocomment onthedetailsoftheHS2proposals,reducingtheissuestoasimplestatementthat "thereshouldbesensible arrangementsonfootpaths" -aclearimplicationtheyweren'tthoughtsensibleaspresented. Becauseofthelackof consultation,SolihullPlanningCommitteehasimposedanotherdelayonaplanningdecision,forlandbetweenBurton GreenandBalsallCommon.
Thenextareaupforplanningconsentisfurthernorth,aroundMarshLaneandMercoteHallLane. Again,publicaccess hascomelowontheagenda. WehaveabridlewaybridgeoverHS2,andanotherlargeroundaboutonthedual carriagewaytomakelifeinterestingforcyclists,horse-ridersandwalkers. Forsomereason,HS2Ltdwanttomakethe bridlewaythreetimeswiderthanitisnow,so60-tonnequarrytruckscanuseit,notwithstandingthatthequarryisbeing back-filledandreturnedtoagriculture.
Withthelargeareaoflandnowunderthecompany'scontrol,thereisagoodopportunitytodevelopalternativesand improvethequantityandqualityofpublicaccess. TheHS2Actprovidesanenvelopeofimpact,withinwhichHS2Ltdhas towork. AllitneedsisawillingnessforconstructivedialogueandcontinuedsupportfromSolihullcouncillors.
Thepricetaghasnowrisento £67billion, justforthebitfromnearLondontowithinwalkingdistanceofNewStreet,and it'snothardtoseewhy. ThelobbygroupGreengauge21saiditwouldcostatenthofthat,buttheydidn'treckononthe meddlingoftheBlairandCamerongovernmentswhowantedagold-platedstandalonesystem-andwhogot it. GreengaugehadintendedHS2tofollowanduseexistinginfrastructurewhereverpossible. Gonearethelinkstothe ChannelTunnel,Heathrow,andanywherebeyondBirmingham,nottomentiontherailbudgetforyearstocome. PerhapsITVwillmakeadocudramaaboutitoneday. Richard Lloyd, Chairman.
Gary Franklin & Andy Hawkins
Weunderstandthateveryfamilyisdifferentandwewilltailorall arrangementstosuityourneeds,requirementsandbudget.
Springisdefinitelyintheairasatthistimeofyearonthefarmwehavelotsofnewlifebothintheplant andanimalworld.Thankgoodness,aswewritethis,therainhasstopped. Wewouldsoonerhave theraininthewinterratherthansummerbutbytheendof2023itwasridiculous. Asyouwalkthrough thecountrysideyoucantellbylookingattheflowofbrooksandpondshowwetordrythesoilreally is,astheyareournaturaldrainagesystem.
Sinceourlastcolumn,amongstotherjobs,wehavebeengettingreadyforlambing. Thetups(theboys!)are putinwiththeladies(theewes)inlateSeptember. Weleavethemtogetherforaboutamonthtosixweeks andthentakethetupsoutforawell-earnedrest–thereare10tupsand300ewes!
Overthewinter,thesheephavebeengrazingstubbleturnipswhichareplantedinAugustafterweharvest thewheat. Theturnipsareabrilliantalternativewinterfeedastheyarehighinenergyandthegrasshasa chancetorest.
InearlyDecemberwescantheewes. Amobilesheepandcattlescannercomestothefarm. Heusesa machinejustliketheonesusedinmaternitywards,toscaneachsheeptotellushowmanylambstheyare carrying.Eacheweismarkedwithacolouredspraythatdoesnotwashoffintherain. Thishelpsusinmany ways.Wecansplittheflockaccordingtowhethertheyareasingle,doubleortriple,whichenablesustofeed themaccordinglyand,whenthetimecomestobringthemin,toputtheminpensofthesamesowecan checkifaewehashadtherightnumberoflambsorifthereisaproblem.
Intheircosyshedtheexpectantmumsaretreatedtolushstrawbedding,adietofsheepnuts(extraenergyto ensurehealthylambsandagoodmilksupplyfromtheewes)andhomegrownhay. Itisasimportantnotto overfeedtheewesasitisnottounderfeedthem–overfeedingcanleadtoproblemswithlambinganditis muchbetterforaewetolambonitsownifatallpossible.Assoonasthelambsarebornandwehave checkedeverythingisokay,theyareputinapenwiththeirmumtobondandtobekeptaneyeonbyus. Itis essentialforthelambstogetthefirstmilkfromtheewe,whichiscalledcolostrum.Itisfullofnutrientsand anti-bodiestoprotectthelambthroughoutitslife. Theewewillcleanthelamb/sandwewillputmatching
Intheircosyshedtheexpectantmumsaretreatedtolushstrawbedding,adietofsheepnuts(extraenergyto ensurehealthylambsandagoodmilksupplyfromtheewes)andhomegrownhay. Itisasimportantnotto overfeedtheewesasitisnottounderfeedthem–overfeedingcanleadtoproblemswithlambinganditis muchbetterforaewetolambonitsownifatallpossible.Assoonasthelambsarebornandwehave checkedeverythingisokay,theyareputinapenwiththeirmumtobondandtobekeptaneyeonbyus. Itis essentialforthelambstogetthefirstmilkfromtheewe,whichiscalledcolostrum.Itisfullofnutrientsand anti-bodiestoprotectthelambthroughoutitslife. Theewewillcleanthelamb/sandwewillputmatching
numbersonthemallsoweknowwhobelongstowhom,whentheygooutside. Theewesandlambsare usuallyafewdaysoldwhentheygoouttothefields. Theyareallgivenafullhealthcheckbeforebeing turnedoutanditispreferabletoputthemoutonanice,sunnydryday. Wewillkeeptheminabitlongerif theweatherisatrociousbut,beingoutsideismuchhealthierforthemallandthereislessriskofanyinfection.
Sohopefully,bynowyouwillbeseeingthebrilliantsightoflambsbouncingaroundthefields. Asalwaysit issoimportanttokeepyourdogsonaleadaroundlivestockasitdoesn’ttakemuchforadistressedlambto curlupunderahedgeandgetlostbyitsmum.
Wewereluckyintheautumnandmanagedtoworkthesoilandplantmostofourcropsofwheat,barleyand oilseedrapebeforeitwastoowet,butexpecttoseequiteafewtractorsaroundagainforspringdrillingfor thosenotsofortunatefarmers.
Wealsohavenewcalvesonthefarm. Thecowsandcalveswillstayindoorsforawhileyet,untiltheweather improves. Atthemoment,theyareveryhappytobetuckedupinsidewithlotsofdrybeddingandfeedbut, assoonasthedaysdrawoutandthegrassstartsgrowing,theywillbeitchingtogetontopasturesnewand stretchtheirlegs. Itisareallysatisfyingjoblettingthemallchargeout,literallykicking-uptheirheels!
Ourlambboxsaleshavebeenreallybusyandwelovebeingabletosellourmeatdirectfromthefarm.Itis alotlessstressfulfortheanimalsasfromfieldtoconsumerisliterallyabout15foodmiles,whichour customersalsoappreciateandfeedbackhasbeenexceptional.
NotesfromNew Zealand…AmessagefromCharlie:
2024ishereandithasbeenabusycoupleofmonthsinNewZealand!MuchlikeearlysummerintheUK,it’s primetimeformakingsilage.ThepastfewmonthsIhavebeendrivingatractorforacontractor,goingfrom farmtofarmmakingsilage,andnowhaytoo.IamlivinginEastOtago,intheSouthIsland,inanareafullof dairyfarmsonthelowlands,andsheepandbeefstationsinthehills.I’vespenttimeonboth,usuallydriving thetractorandrake,rakingupthemowedgrassintorowsforeithertheforageharvesterorthebalertopick up.Thesteephillshavetakensomegettingusedto(it’sdefinitelydifferenttopographythanI’vegrownup with!),butthankfullyI’vehadnoaccidentsandendedupinthebottomofanygullies–yet!
We’reonlyacoupleofmilesfromthecoast(astarkcontrasttothecentreofEngland!!)andabout20minutes fromthecityofDunedin.Thecontractingworkisdryingupnow,soIamonthelookoutformynextjob.Ihad acoupleofdaysofflastweeksowenttovisitafriendfromEssexwhomovedoutherein2018,andnowlives inCentralOtagowithherpartneranddaughter,onherpartner’sfamilysheep&beefstation.CentralOtagois knownforbeingextremelydry,butthissummeristhedriesttheyhaveseeninaLONGtime–itwaslikea dustbowl!Ispentacoupleofdaysdrenchinglambs (givingthemmineralsandawormer)andonmy lastdaywiththemwewenttoaMerinoRamSale.
Merinosareapopularbreedoverhere,known fortheiroutstandingwoolquality.They’renota breedcommonlyseenintheUK,asoursheep productionsystemsfocusonmeatproduction overwoolandtheMerinobreedprefersadrier climatethanwehave,soitwasallabitforeign tome,butfascinatingallthesame.
MeridenFarmbuysany Merinosanytimesoon though…
Meriden WI welcomesallwomenover18. Wearea small, really friendlygroupandlovenewchallenges.So, if youarethinkingof poppingintooneof ourmeetings, docome. Thereisnocharge forthe firstmeeting. Wemeetonceamonth whenwesometimes havea guestspeaker, sometimesgames, parties, craftsora quiz. In fact, welovetryingallsortsof things. Thereare alsoothereventsgoingonthroughoutthemonth-darts practice, lunch club,bookgroupandwalkinggroup.
Lunch attheSaracen’s headin November. (photo below)
Late November, someof ourmembersvisited Chatsworth Houseandwe hada fabulousdayout. (photo)
In Decemberwe hadourChristmasparty. Wealso hadtheloveliesttime, asinvitedguests, at MeridenSchoolChristmasteaparty,beingentertained bythestudents.
The Januarymeetingwelcomed Ann Tysontellingus about herpassion-mosaic.
In February,Ian Davidson fromSolihull Beekeepers spoketousabout ‘Lifeina HoneybeeColony.’
If anyof ouractivitiesinterestyouandyouwish to knowmore, pleasephoneoremailthesecretary,
Della Mannix. 07920 014909 or email
Meetings are held at 7pm at Meriden Village Hall, Main Road CV77 NG
Upcoming events in winter are: -
4th March – Severn Trent Waterwill be talkingaboutwaterconservation. 1st April –Our AGM willreflectonthepast yearandwhatwe havetolook forwardto.
6th May – Wewelcome NickCole from WarwickshireSearch and Rescue Team whowilltellus howtheysupportthe communitywith theirexpertiseand voluntarywork.
Laterin May, weshall be supplying refreshmentsattheCyclists’M emorial event, which isalwaysgreat fun. Wewillalso belunchingatthe Bulland Butcherpub inCorley, discussinga romanticnovelof ourchoice, walking anotherlocalrouteandpreparing forour firstroundof theregional dartscompetition.
All Together Café
Meriden Sports Pavilion
Anytime between 2pm and 4pm
12th Apr
Drop in for tea, coffee, cake and chat. Meet your neighbours. Play board games.
We always have an enjoyable time.
Do j oin us soon – call 01676 522666 if you would like transport.
Berkswell Windmill (CV7 7GY)
The windmill is a Grade II star listed building and a ‘Scheduled Monument’ located within the village of Balsall Common, on Windmill Lane. It is a four bladed tower mill, constructed in 1862, on the site of a former post mill.
When you can visit this Spring.
Monday 1st April (Easter Monday) with Morris Dancers and
Saturday 11 th May with the U3A Swing Band
Open 12-4pm and cream teas will be served.
Entry is £5 per adult and £1 for 12 -16 year olds
Free for under 12s. Cash only.
Prices include a guided tour. NB No dogs allowed. All proceeds go towards maintenance of the windmill
You can find us on Facebook.
Just search for Berkswell Windmill
7th April 2024
Walk or run, solo or in a relay around the 40 mile countryside route starting and finishing at the Heart of England Social Club in Meriden.
We will be trialling the use of tracker to enable supporters to monitor participants’ progress in real time.
Walk for fun or charity and enjoy the atmosphere of “A Coventry Way Challenge” .
Food and drinks at 5 checkpoints. Food and drink at the finish for all participants and helpers.
For more details and how to enter, visit
Are you having problems getting to local doctor or hospital appointments?
MERIDEN TREEOF THOUGHT Manythanksonceagaintoallthosewho have donatedtothe TreeofThoughtthisChristmas, eitherviathecollectiontins, donationsand dedicationstothetreeorthrough the Xmasraffle.
Wearedelightedtosaythatthemoneyraisedthis yearwas justunder £2200and both charities have receivedthemoney,forwhich theyareextremely grateful.
Manyof ourappointmentsarescheduledatthe BalsallCommon surgery, with nopublictransportavailabletotravelthere. Gettingto otherappointmentsatlocal hospitalscanalso beaproblem. Meriden UnitedCharitieswassetupmanyyearsagotoassist residentsof the Parish of Merideninsmallwaysduringtimesof need. Oneof thewaysinwhich wecan helpisgiving assistance in the cost of getting to these important appointments
If you havenotransportoraccesstotransporttogettomedical appointments, pleasecontactustoseeif wecan help. Receiptswill beneeded forthe costsincurredtosatisfytherequirementsof the Charity.
Please contact us on
Wereallydoappreciate yourcontinuedsupport toenable Alan’slegacy tocontinue.
Carol Todd Cara Maclure (Trustees)
Quality Hand Car Cleaning
Find us off the A45 in Meriden
Phone 07538 238 005
Pricedependsoncarsize butstartsfrom £10forwashandleatherdry, or £20forinsideandout,includingfull vacuum,windowsanddashboard
Please note that we only accept Cash
**£2 O FF when you show the Meriden Mag **
Please be aware that the entrance from Shepherds Lane is closed. This means that motorists from
Meridenneed to drive to the Stonebridge Island and U-turn back towards Meriden to access us
from the A45.
Allworkundertaken No j
Fullymobile CallAlexon0
Used Stamps Wanted
AcharitycalledMedical MissionaryNewswouldbe verygratefultoreceivethe usedstampsoffyourenvelopes.Please leaveatleast1”allaroundwhencutting them.PleasehandtheminatCrest PharmacyontheGreen.Themoneyraised willbeusedtobuymedicalsuppliesfor war-torncountriesoverseas. Thank You.
Wasp NestTreatment £60
Rodent Control
Insect InfestationTreatment
Discreetunmarked vans Samedayserviceavailable
Berkswell & District History Group
Wednesday 24th April . –‘In the Footsteps of
White Monks’ . An illustrated presentation by Jan Cooper.
The talk begins with ashort history of theCistercian Orderof Monks followed by a pictorialtourof 6great abbeys:-Rievaulx,Fountains,Byland & Roche in Yorkshire; Stoneleigh in Warwickshire and Mount St.Bernardin Leicestershire.
This presentation will bepreceded by a brief AGM.
Refreshments will beprovidedatthis event
Meetings are held in the Village Hall, Station Rd, Balsall Common at 2 p .m. Entry is £5 for non-members and free to members. Why not join the History Group?
Membership is only £20 per year and gives you free admission to all meeti ngs. You can join at any meeting. Have a look at our web site.
www.berk swell-
We lookforward toseeingyou!
Days, weekends or longer.
In our home – stress free, non-
kennel environment.
Only limited numb ers of friendly dogs at any one time.
Highly experienced show
exhibitor /train er and dog
Excellent affordable rates.
TEL: 01676 5224 66 (Meriden)
Larch Tree Osteopathic Practice
We offer a gentle and effective method of pain relief, suitable for adults and children. Can help many conditions, including joint pain, arthritis, sciatica and sports injuries.
Liam Halton B.Sc. (Hons)Ost,
49Larch Tree Ave. Tile Hill,
TEL: 0247 647 0019
Balsall Common Writers
it t j i
welcomenewmembersandinviteyoutojoin them.
WeholdeveningsessionsonTuesdaysand ThursdaysinBalsallCommon.
Balsall Common Country Market First Saturday of the month in the British Legion.
Other Saturdays in the Jubilee Centre.
We have lovely home baking, preserves, plants, seasonal vegetables, crafts, home-made cards and a café.
Hampers can be ordered and delivered countrywide
Contact 01676 52300 7
TreesandWildlifeof Meridenand MillisonsWood
d i t
Mushroomsand toadstoolshave traditionally beenassociated withfairies, magic, decay, decompositionandancient taboos They lookunlikeother plants, seem toappear magically overnight indark, dampplaces growing on the remains ofotherdeadorganismsandsomeare poisonous It’snot surprising they’velong been misunderstoodand mistrusted!
Infact, fungiarenot plantsat all They ’reaseparate kingdom distinct from both plants andanimals Fungusis the Latin for mushroom (pluralfungi)whichitselfisderived from the Greek word sphongos (sponge). Mushroomsare justthefruiting body ofa species which mainly exist undergroundasroot likestructures called mycelium which consist ofa massof branching,thread-like hyphae Thehyphaesecreteacidsand enzymes todissolve theirfoodand thenabsorbtheresulting nutrients, ina broadly similar way toanimals Fungi play a criticalrolein breaking downdead plant matter whichfew otherorganisms would beable todigest. Atool that contributes to this ability is thesheer powerof thehyphae’s continual, rapid growthrate which can bea centimetrein 4 hours This pressure pushes their tip throughsolid matter breaking it up - somefungi canactuallypenetraterock! By decomposing someof the toughest natural materialsfungireturnnutrients to thesoil, making them available tonew plant life to thriveas wellas toanimals that eatthem (assuming they ’renot poisonous!)
A few sporesarespreadfrommushrooms,but fungi’s mobility is mainly by underground growth; the groundina wood, will beriddled with continuously expanding networksof mycelium, possibly up to 10km ina teaspoonofsoil Whilst theyperform anamazing functiondecomposing deadorganisms,they doso much more! Mycelium and treeroots entangle to createa complex, symbiotic relationship - a mycorrhiza. Firstly,there’sa trading relationship; treessupply the mycorrhizalfungi withsugars madefrommaterial created byphotosynthesisandinreturn they are passed water otherwise beyond their reach and mineral nutrients from soil, for example copper and calcium, which they need to thrive.
Butthefungialso provideotherservices The mycorrhizalfungi create protective websaround therootsof plants,blocking other, harmfulfungiand certain typesofharmful bacteriafrom infecting the plant Most extraordinary ofall,thefungi provide communicationandexport services through theirexpansivenetwork whichlinks many, many trees - The Wood Wide Web.Just asfoodandnutrientsare passed between thefungiand tree,theseandothersubstances can be passed through the mycorrhizalnetwork toother trees. Thereisevidenceofresource transfersfromplantsrichin certainnutrients toothersinneed Stresshormones become warnings when passedfrom injured tohealthyplantsandhave beenshown to trigger the productionofdefenceenzymesincreasing resistance to pestssuchasinsectsoffungalinfections (not allfungi are good!) inaslittleas 6 hours Why wouldfungidoall this? I’dassume becauseit nurtures theenvironment in whichit thrives; established woodlandisanexampleofecologicalinterdependence whereeverything dependsoneverything else Soundslike the plot of Avatar? Well,I’m guessing thatthedeveloping scientificunderstanding of mycorrhizalnetworks sparked theidea for Pandora's biologicalneuralnetwork. Plantslikely evolvedfrom simple greenalgae,withfungi forming theroot systems. Although there’snodirect link withanimals, you have toask if plants couldhaveended up creating theenvironmentwhichallowed us to evolve withoutthe vital partnership betweenfungiand plants
So,think aboutwhat’s going on beneath yourfeetwhen walking through the woods And makesure youknowwhat’s what if you ’re thinking of collecting wild mushrooms - pleasedon’t rely on the picturesabove!
The photographsabove were takenlocally by RichCopland,to whom I’m very grateful If you ’reinterestedinour trees, local wildlifeand conservationin general, itwould be greattohearfromyou. Collaborators very welcome!
Wehavemade aconcerted efforttoreduce the impactof the businessat the quarries.Therewere three big impacts – dust, trucksandthe state/safety of Cornets End Lane. We restarted workingwith companies basedthere through a liaison group including theparish counciland Solihull Officers.
A&ARecycling,were takenover byAWJenkinsonand have cleanedup theiropera on with ghtercontrol.They nowhaveplanningpermission for more concrete standing andanew loading“shed.”Both of thosewill alsoreduce the risk of dust. Wehaveworked with the operatorsto get truckstouse approvedroutesavoidingMeridenand Millisons Wood Therehas beenasignificantreduc oninoff route traffic butthere are s ll some rogue drivers. Youcanreportthemwith specificdetails (reg numberorcompany, date, and me andideally a photo) to reduc onsthrough ourcommunity shouldalso make“chea ng” lessa rac ve(See below). Workhas beenundertakenon Cornets Endtoimprove drainage and widenthe road withpavedovershootareas.Keeping the lane“visually narrow” discourages speeding butthe overrunareasallow trucksto pullapartif necessary.(Seepicture). This workwasundertakenatnocosttothe council/us!Weexpecta 30-mph limitthis yearas well.
Meridenand Millisons Woodare residen alareas,with theA45 bypassdesigned toreduce trafficdominance.50 yearson, itdidnotstay that way.Ini a vesare now beingputin place torecreate thatsense of calm andsafety.
Improvedcrossingslobbied for by theparish council andinstalledlast year.
The failed Orcas experimentreplaced by a 30-mph limit fromMillisons Woodto Meriden.Itadds 30 secondstoa journey butimprovessafety andthe residen alambiance.
The30-mph limitsto beenforced by average speed cameras.Atthe me of wri ng,SMBChasrequested the drawdownof the funding from the HS2Road Safety Fund, andthe cameras will be in by late spring.
An experimenttocloseLeys Lane inthe centre tostop ratrunning.A erit hasrun fora while, residents will be asked for feedback on whetheritshould bemade permanent.
Basically, calmeverythingdownandifyouwanttogo fastthenusethe bypass.
HS2 RoadSafety Fund
The HS2Road SafetyFund wassetup by the Governmentto improve roadsafety forcommuni esalong the route of HS2. Solihulldesignedand won funding forlocalschemesat Hampton,Balsall Commonand Berkswell parishes which are all directly onthe route,plusthe scheme in Meridenand Millisons Wood.TheSMBC share of the£30 million Fund wascirca £2.4 million
Howexcited wasthegardener
aboutspring? So excited hewet his plants!
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Thursday 7th Mar –“A DaybytheSeaside – Historyof Holidays” A talkby Alan Hill
Thursday 4th Apr – Big BandConcert withthe U3A Swing Division
Thursday 9th May – “ AdvancedMotorists” A talkby StevePrice
All meetings are held in St. Peter’s Hall, Holly Lane, Balsall Common at 2pm.
There is no charge and prospective members are always welcome to attend. Please also look at our web site to see all our interest groups and what they are doing – there’s something for everyone.
Allourtraining isadaptedandtailoredaround yourdog’sindividualneeds.Individualor group classesare available by appointmentandare fully flexible.Take alook atour Facebookpage
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Call Dorothy on
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To book your Session!
ADeathlyVision – AShortStory by Enid HintonofBalsallCommon Writers Group
‘Thatwasthe best hen night ever’ Sheilasang asshe waved herarmsin the air. Judith and Sheila were somewhatdrunk andtottered unsteadily, arm in arm, acrossthe bridge spanning the river, their high heeledshoes making aloud clanging noiseon themetalwalkwayastheytalked n onstop, relating their experiences on theghostwalk that evening.
‘Thatwas justsomuch fun. The actors weregreat butsomeof the talestheytoldwere definitely spooky. You don’t believe they could be true do you?’ Judith queried. Sheilasniggered ‘Definitely not. Butthatwasthe best idea fora hen nightyet! I’ve never enjoyeda hen nightsomuch before. Anditwas great endingup at Carol’s house for more drinks and nibbles. Notsurehow much I’ve drunk tonight but I definitely feelwoozyanda bit unsteady.’
As Judith stepped forwardshe slippedand grabbed hold of the railing. ‘Me too .’
‘You shouldtakemore waterwith it’ Sheilalaughedasshe fumbled f ora cigarette and flicked herlighter.
‘Andyou shouldn’t be smoking. It’s not good foryou.’ Judith slurred herwords.
‘Are you frightened I mightdie and come back tohauntyou?’
Their peals of laughterrangoutin the silenceof theearly morning.
‘Bitdark here isn’tit’ Sheilalookedahead.
‘It’s juststarting togetlightanyway.’ Judith cutin ‘It’sthe longestdaytoday. Midsummer’sday. Doesn’t matterthough. We’re notafraid of ghostsaftertonight’s outing are we. We knowthey don’t exist . Neverlaughedsomuch. I hope C arol managesto sober up beforeherweddingon Saturday.’
‘Yes - and howabout us? We’re supposedto beher ‘sensible’ bridesmaids?’
Gigglinghelplesslyatthoughts of their evening’s entertainment, they both turnedtheir heads as they heardascraping andtapping noise close by.
‘What’sthat?’ theysaidin unison, which causedthem to look at eachotherand giggleeven more.
Theyleaned overthe r ailing andlookeddown into the blackness of thegently moving river below.
Judith whispered ’Soundsasif the noise is coming fromovertheothersideof the bridge?’
‘Can’tsee. It’stoo misty.’ Sheila peeredinto the darkness
‘Oh shush. I’mgoing tohave alook.’
‘I wouldn’t. Could be anything.’ Sheilawhined.
‘Ah comeon scaredy-cat. Nothing to be afraid of. We kn owthere’s noghostsin thistown. We’ve justdone the tour. Well I’mgoing tohave alook.’
Theirlaughterrangoutagain asthey crossedthe bridge andstepped off theothersideonto the grass.
‘Ooh - it’sa cemetery’ Sheila glancedaround ‘What’sthat man doing? Bet he’sa ghost .’
‘Ooh yeah. Don’t be daft’ Judith saidasshemade ascary face andsk idded on the wet grass. Swearingunder her breath and pullingherself un steadily upright, she lookedtowardswhere Sheilawas pointing and called out ‘HeyMister. Whatare you doing to that headstone? Bit late to be working isn’tit. C an you see whatyou’re doing?’
‘What? Oh Yes. Suppose itis. It’s just mystupid family. No common sense. They’ve spelt my name wrong!’
After a six-year break, Heart of England Students have taken part in the Lion’s International Peace Poster competition. Last term, one of our students has had a picture selected to proceed to the next level of the competition.
The top three lucky students met with Lions Steve Meakin and June Leitch to for the local entry to the competition.
Tania, Charlotte and Emilia were given Hobbycraft vouchers to spend on art and crafts materials, hopefully helping them to produce more great works of art.
For several decades, the Lions have been sponsoring a special art contest in schools and youth groups. The hope is that creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. This
News highlights from Heart of England School
year with the theme of Dare to Dream, young people are being asked to show how they would turn their dreams of a peaceful world into reality.
forward to the international competition went to Tania. Emilia and Charlotte were runners’ up but the Lions admitted it was through.
Steve Meakin, chair of the Lion’s Service Committee said: “The overall standard is superb, with all three candidates showing great technical ability and insight.”
Tania spoke about her work with Steve and June saying: “No one wants war –our whole community is together on this. My piece represents the two halves of dream and reality.”
Emilia highlights the futility of war in her artwork and said: “It shows the pointlessness of war in light of the smallness in it.”
represent all the different countries of the world and there is a representation of climate issues too.”
Well done to our three great artists for their work and to all the students who took part. There were many excellent and thought-provoking pieces produced.
This 5mile walkwithintheMeriden Gapgreen beltincludes gentle rollinghills, streams,pondsand woods. Waterproofbootsare recommended.There are sheep inseveral fields, so pleasekeep dogsonleads
StartneartheSevern Trent watertreatmentstationonthe tight bendon Showell Lane.Follow thepublic footpath sign, through themetal gate beside the cattlegrid,headingeastalong the concrete track towards Alspath Hall Farm inthe dip.The long fieldtothe left hasthe distinctive undulatingpatternof ridge and furrow.This probably dates backmany centuriestothe open fieldsystem and was formed whenteamsof oxen pulleda single-sided ploughwhich repeatedly turnedthe soilovertoone side.Awizenedoak tree standsinthehedge line.The trunk is hollow so youcanlook through it.I’ve addedthisoak tothe Woodland Trust’sancienttree inventory. Youcanadd othernotable treesat Themedieval manorof Alspath Hall wassitedsomewhere inthisarea; however, there are nolongersignsof it Skirttothe leftaroundthe farm buildings, continuing onthegraveltrack. Walking downhill youarrive ata picturesque openstretch of water. Thepoolis markedon Victorian maps, but I couldnot find earlierrecords.I wonderif it mayhave beena medieval fishpond? Apairof moorhensusuallymakestheirnestof reedstemsin themargins Grey and pied wagtails bob aboutacrobatically intheir hunt forsmallinsects.Thepool feedsintoa clear watercourse rushing onthe rightof thepath.Thisisatributary of thePickford Brook, one of the feeder streamsof Coventry’s River Sherbourne.
Climb overthewoodenstilejust beyondthepool The footpath now stretchesup across wide open grassland Beyondthemetal gate isa moreextensivegreen hill. From this vantagepoint, look back at Meriden Shafts woodlandinthewest.Thisisa good place tosee buzzardssoaring overhead.Onthe descent, the typical Arden patchwork of small fields enclosed withhedgerowsreappears.Atthemetal gate setontree stumpsturnrightand godownhilltothe cornerof this field.Stop toadmire thepoplartreewith thehugegirth inthe ditch onthe right. Beyond thewooden gate follow thepath uphill.Agate and bridge inthehollyhedge opensontoa patch of scrubland Yellowhammerscanoccasionally be spottedalong thehedge tops.The next fieldisroughgrassland, wherekestrels hunt for mice and voles.Follow thegnarledoaksonthe leftup tothegap inthe blackthornand onto OakLane.
Grey WagtailThe square frontof Harvest Hill Farm appearson yourleft Just pastthe farm drive isthe footpath sign.The narrow track leadstoa paddock,with the footpathmarked by anavenue of
Himalayan birch saplings.Continue straightaheadacrossthe open pasture untilthe track narrows betweenthehousesand emergesonto Harvest Hill Lane.Crossthe lane andrejointhe narrowpath.Awooden walkway crossesanovergrown pond, then you are inopen fields again.Totheeastcan be seenthe distantspiresof Coventry city centre.The tall Scots pinesof Elkin Woodare straightahead.A detourintothewoodis recommendedin Maywhenthe bluebellsand woodanemonesare in bloom.
Walkcontinued. Awooden gate near ClayLaneFarm marksthe route. Headtowardsthe avenue of treeson thehorizon Just before the distinctivegatesof Hollyberry Hall, turnsharp left following thepath towardsthe single tree onthe horizon.Meriden Shaftsnow comesinto view acrossthevalley.The route dipsdown, across Pickford Brook andclimbsup to Harvest Hill Lane.Acrossthe road, asmall pond attracts mating frogsinspring.Reed buntings sometimesnest here.Beside thepoolthe sunken bridleway continuesuphill.Overthe left hand hedge atthehilltop isthe concrete control bunkerof a Second World War bombing decoy site usedtodeflect enemy bombing fromBirmingham and Coventry. Controlled fires were litduring anairraidtoreplicate atargetstruck by bombs.
The descentis enclosed by densehedges, thenaright turnleadstoa muddy section.Turnsharp leftandup the nextslope. Where the track divides, bearleftand downthrough another muddy stretch. Meriden Shafts woodlandisimmediately onthe right.Contrary to some locallegends, the namehasnothing todo with mining.As far back asthe 13th century "theShafts" were documentedasanarea wherevillagers kept pigs.A straight well-keptsectionofbridleway leads back tothe startingpointon Showell Lane.
CAMEO meets at the Village Hall, on the 4th Friday of each month at 2 – 4 pm
Please contact Joan Tel: 01676 522666 for more information. Everyone will be made very welcome.
A Very Happy New Year to you all.
Here’s what we’ve been up to:-
In December, we hadalovely Christmasmeeting. Weeach madeaChristingle. Joan Russellexplainedthe meaningof itas we putthem alltogether Weall helpedeach other ifw e hada problem andit was a very enjoyableexperience. Du ringthe making,w e sanga carolorhada reading relatingtothe meaningof Christingle Margaret and Tom Oliver p rovidedthe music,whichwas lovely Welitour candles intheChristingles andturnedoff thelights (see photo). It was a magical moment of togetherness. Itall went very quietand I think weall thoughtaboutthet rue meaningof Christmas,sittingtherein thelightof over20 candles. Wethen had refreshment s of mince pies,sausages on sticks etc. We finallyhadthe raffle drawwhich everyoneenjoys It was a really goodafternoon, enjoyed by all.
In January, we h ada quiz afternoon. We h adtogetourbrains ingear as there were some brainteasers amongst the questions. You h ad to knowyour flo wers and body parts,which causeda few laughs They are really quiteeasy (when you know theanswers). Anotherfunafternoon. Whetheryou knew theanswers or not was irrelevant, the meetingand sharingtheexperience w as the realexercise In February, we had ‘HatsGalore’ . Pamela Griffiths cameto giveus atalk on her experien ces of dressmaking, including making costumesfor pantomimeandother excitingthingsshe hasmade for. Shethengotinto making hats. This p artofher life was interesting,hencethetitleofher talk. Nice refreshments andanother lovely afternoon had by all Comeone Friday afternoonand joinus
Spring Meetings are planned as follows: -
March 22nd - Bringin baby pictures
ofyourselves and see howmu chyou
have changedorwhetherwe can still
see your little face shiningthrough.
Af unandamusingafternoon I think in store.
April 26th - Kudielela Santana from
CoventryResourceCentre f or the
Blindis comingtogiveus atalk
May 24th - Thiswill bearrangedin due course
Dates for Hoisting the Flag on
Meriden G reen: -
10th March – Birthday of the Duke of Edinburgh
11th March – Commonwealth Day
9th April – His Majesty’s Wedding Day
23rd April – St. George’s Day (St. George’s Flag)
9th May – Europe Day
19th May – Cyclists’ Memorial Service
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New Electoral Boundaries
Thenextgeneralelectioninthe UK w ill be foughtacross 650 new constituencies after boundary changesw ereapproved by parliament. Theold Meriden constituency becomesMeridenand East Solihullas shownin blue below
Therearea varietyofflowersthatcanbegrowningardensand whenpickedcanbedriedandusedin many ways. Herearetwo varietiesthatareeasytogrow,andtheydry well. Helichrysumandstatice.
Sow theseedsindoors. Perhapsona kitchen windowsill,sow 0.5 cmdeepinatrayofcompost, water
wellandplaceina warmposition.Seedlingsusuallyappearin 14 to 28 days.Transplantseedlings whentheyarelargeenoughtohandleintofurthertraysandgrow onincoolerconditions. Gradually accustomyoungplantstotheoutsideandplantout whenfrostsareover (Mayto June)
Theyshouldmakeacolourfuldisplaythroughoutthesummer. Pick inSeptemberorearly October.
Tieinloosebunchesandhangtodry.Thistakesabouta week to 10 days.
Theycanbeusedtomakedoor wreaths,decorategifttagsandcards,evenuseasChristmas decorationsor justasanarrangementinafavouritecontainer.
Ofcourse,otherflowersandseedheadsdry well,forexamplelavender,hydrangeaheads,grassesand poppyseedheads,youcanevendryroses
(Youcanbereally creativehere)
1 tbspmarmalade
500mlmilk and watermixedequally.
Mix bread,sugarmargarineandfruit.
Pourtheboilingmilk and wateroverthemand leavetosoak foratleast 2 hours.
Addbeatenegg,marmaladeandmixedspiceand mix well.
Putinagreasedrectangulardish 20 by 26cm.
Bakeforonehourat 160℃ fan, 180℃,gasmark 4. Sprinkle withcastersugarandservehot with custard.
Itis justas delicious cold.
TrySardinesontoast,oratoasted cheeseandchutneysandwichinthe airfryer.
A quick andtastylunchsnack
½ tspmixedspice
½ tspgroundnutmeg
½ lemon juiceandgrated zest
1 eggyolk
1 beatenegg whiteandcastersugar
Setovento 180℃ /160℃ fan /gasmark 4
Putalltheingredients,exceptcurrantsinfoodmixeror processorandcombine. Addcurrantsbyhandandformaballofdough.
Rollto 6mmthick andusea 7cmcookiecuttertocutoutthe biscuits. Useallthescrapsofthedough.
Bakefor 10-12 minutes.
Removefromovenandlightlybrusheachbiscuit withthe egg whiteandsprinkle withthesugar,placeback in theoven for 4-5 minutesuntilgoldenbrown.
Coolontrayfor 5-10 minutes andplaceona wirerack
StraBalsallCommon MemoriesCafe - Your questionsanswered
Severalpeople haveaskedusrecentlytotellthemmoreabout Balsall Common Memories Café,whoitisforandwhatitdoes. Hopefullythefollowingwill helpprovidesomeanswers:Whatis BalsallCommon MemoriesCafé?
Itisaplacewhereindividualswithmemorylossandtheircarers can meetinasupportive,safeandnon-judgemental environment.Itreducestheisolationoftenfeltbypeoplewith memoryloss,encouragesfriendshipandprovidesemotional support.Itissomewherewherepeoplecaninteract,laugh,cry andtalk openlyaboutproblems,withoutfeelingembarrassedor misunderstood.Itprovidesanopportunityto meetonaregular basiswith othersexperiencingsimilarcircumstances. Runby volunteers - oursessionsarefree
BalsallCommon MemoriesCafé
BalsallCommon MemoriesCafé
Dementia Friends Awareness Session
Dementia Friends Awareness Session
Thisisa 1-hourinteractivesessionopen toeveryone who wantstobecomea
Thisisa 1-hourinteractivesessionopen toeveryone who wantstobecomea
Dementia Friendorknow moreaboutdementia thesession willbetakenby
Dementia Friendorknow moreaboutdementia thesession willbetakenby
David Rees-Jonesfrom The Alzheimer’sSociety
David Rees-Jonesfrom The Alzheimer’sSociety
2 30pm Wednesday 6March 2024
2.30pm Wednesday 6March 2024
The Village Hall, Station Rd, BalsallCommon Any queries contact: Christine Hornsby 07974 140353
The Village Hall, Station Rd, BalsallCommon Any queries contact: Christine Hornsby 07974 140353
Balsall Common Memories Cafeisforanyonewhoisexperiencing memoryproblemsandtherelative/ friend / carer whosupportsthem.
Itisanon-threateningenvironmentwhereyoucan meetothers havingsimilarexperiences
Probablythe mostimportantaspectofBalsall Common Memories Cafeistheopportunityforsocialinteraction
Duringourafternoonsessionsactivitiesareavailabletotakepartinbutthereisnopressuretodoso. Both sessionsprovide achanceto haveateaorcoffeeandcake / biscuitsandchatwith friends.
Youaremostwelcometo joinusat BalsallCommon MemoriesCafe aplacewherepeoplelivingwithDementia andtheircarerscan meet, makefriends,enjoyreminiscing,shareexperiences,and havefun!
Whilstyoudon'tneedtobook itis helpfulto knowyouarecomingespeciallytoanafternoonsessionwherewe maybe runningacraft-basedactivity.Wealsowelcome volunteers,
GiveChristinearingon 07974 140353 ifyouwouldlike moreinformation
The Memories Café meetseverysecond Wednesdayofeachmonth from1.15-3.00, - inBalsall Common Village Hall, Station Road, CV77FF.
Coffeeand Chatsessionstakeplaceonthefirst Thursdayofthe month- between 11.00 and 12.30 inBalsall Common Library, KenilworthRoad, CV77EL.
Onthe weekendof 16th and 17th December, St Laurence Churchheldits first Christmas Tree Festival sincethe pandemic.Local organisationswereinvitedto decorateatreeinthe churchand visitors voted for theirpreference. Below are the three winning trees. The festival will be repeatednext Christmas, please check your next winter Mag for details.
Over thelast few monthsat Meriden Archery Club, as temperaturesdroppedandlight faded, members kepttheflag flying at many competitions, finishing off theoutdoorseason before heading indoors. Eventsincluded the National IndoorChampionships,WarwickshireCounty FieldChampionships,West Midlands Intercounty Challengeand the WarwickshireCounty IndoorChampionships,to name just afew Along the way, members claimednumerousCounty and Regional wins, and broke many County records Again,too many individuals to mentionin person Of particularnote though, Edward Gray and Emelia Hughesfinished 1st and 2ndrespectively in the Junior National IndoorChampionshipsin Decemberandhavesince beenselected torepresent Great Britainin the European YouthCup taking placein Aprilin Bulgaria. We wish them both muchsuccess.
Alsoin December, atthe ArcheryGB Recognition Awards, our very own Philippa Lowe,SeniorCoach,won the “PerformanceCoachof the Year 2023” On being presented with this prestigiousaward,Philippa (obviously beaming!) commented “Itisan honourtoreceivethisaward allthe coachesat Archery GB work hard to progressourarchersand it’ s a pleasureto be partof thatteam ” Huge congratulationsfrom everyone AsaClub,weareincredibly lucky tohavearchersand coachesacrossall levels, from grassroots, development andelite, and wereally look forward toseeing whattheoutdoorseason brings this year With thenew indoorrangenow fully operational, archers can train 24/7 in all weather conditions, furtherenhancing thefantastic facilities wealready offerin Meriden Fancy finding out a bit more, or keen tohavea go? Then why not pop along tosee us - weareafriendly bunch! Havea look atthe indoorrange, havea chatwithafew ofourarchersand coaches andhearaboutwhatwe canoffer toindividualsand groups Youcanalso make contactvia
Visitourwebsite, informationorcontact Jane Maugham (ClubSecretary) bytelephoning / texting 07905 377515 oremailherat
The RotaryClubofMeridenhadabusy December withthe AnnualSanta Fun Runtaking placeatthe beginning of December,withthekindprovisionof Lordand LadyGuernseytoutilisethePackington Hall Estate
Theevent was wellattended withmore Santastaking partthanlastyearfortheir designatedcharities. Toall whotookpart inthemarshalling, organisationandour mainsponsor,Andy Edwardsandthe distributionofSantaSuitsby Budgens,we sendourmanythanks Wecurrentlyhave totalsapproaching fourthousandpounds.
Anotherspectacle wastheSantaSleigh ResidentsfromMeridenturnedout with young andoldtoseethesleigh. The welcome wereceivedandtheexcitementof manychildrenmadetheraising offunds almostasecondaryconsideration, butthe generosityenabledustodonateinexcess ofthreethousandpoundsbetween Childrens' Dementia Researchandother localcharitiesthat wesupport Wethank everyone whoturnedouttohelpincluding T S Stirling SeaCadets
SomeofthetalksatourClubmeetingsincludedPeter Homafrom The DefenceMedicalServices, Katy Shore-Kapisfrom Lichfield Waterworks Trust, JohnMilesofGlobalSightSolutionsand VivienMorgantalking about "Ladiesin War " I wasparticularlyhonouredtolaythe wreathonbehalfoftheClubafterthe RemembranceServiceinMeriden
ThevisittoGood Hope HospitalChildren's Diabetic Unit withanumberofelves,whohelpedSanta, madea hospitalstayoverChristmasalittlemorefun. Onalighternote, theChristmasPartyattheManor Hotel was wellattendedas wasa FellowshipClubvisittothe TregennaCastle ResortinSt Ives
Wecelebrated Burn's Nighton 26th January which wasaided withtheexpertiseofa ChampionPiper whoaddressedthe Haggisin inimitablestyle
Finally,wemeetonceafortnighton 2nd and 4th Tuesdayofthemonthinpersonin TheCedars
Suiteat TheManor Hotel. The 1st and 3rd
Tuesdaymeetingsareheldusing Zoom where wealsohavespeakersfrommanydifferent areasandcountries.Youare welcometocome along and joinusinall wedo Ifyou wouldlike tovisitoneofourmeetingscontacttheClub Secretary, Jane Maugham, at
I amlooking forwardtoexciting eventsplanned for 2024
Malcom Leonard
President 2023-24
Out and About this Spring
April 25th- 28th
Utilita Arena, Birmingham
Birmingham Pen Museum
The Argent Centre, 60 Frederick St., Birmingham B1 3HS
Open Thurs-Sat 11am-4pm, Sun 12-4pm
Bread & Meat Close, Warwick, CV34 6HF 01926 493339
Open March Tues-Sat 11am-4pm
From April daily 11am-5pm
Hatton AdventureWorldA visit from Charlie Fogarty MBE
Charlie Fogarty MBE, a keen and talented footballer, suffered a severe brain injury at the age of 12 after being hit by an overtaking car whilst crossing the road. Charlie was rushed to Birmingham Children’s hospital, placed in an induced coma and spent 11 days in intensive care. He then was transferred on to a Neuro ward before completing a six-month rehabilitation programme where he learned to eat, walk and talk again.
We were delighted that Charlie came to speak to our children, encouraging everyone and reminding them that giving up does not have to be an option, no matter what. Our pupils in years 1 to 6 were totally engaged in the talk, with Charlie explaining that he had finished a four-year contract at Birmingham City FC’s Academy and was trialling for Milton Keynes Dons at the time of the accident. His love of football spurred him back to health and Charlie is now back playing football for Solihull Moors FC Community team and his beloved Northern Ireland CP team as well. Not only that, but he also achieved a degree in Sports Science, inspiring a lot of our children to say they want to go to university now too.
What an amazing inspiration to us all. Please go to for more information – you, too, will be moved by his courage and determination.
Year 2 have been learning about Islam as part of the RE curriculum and were excited to visit Birmingham Central Mosque in January to gain valuable insight and understanding into the religion, as well as building respect for differences around us. The Mosque is a wonderful representation of the diverse and united people of Birmingham and our local area.
Young Voices Concert 2024
Every year our school choir looks forward to joining the Young Voices concert at Resorts World Arena in January. Young Voices gives the chance for children to sing alongside approximately 6000 other children with some incredible artists and musicians, building a love of music that will last a lifetime! Family and friends who watched the performance thoroughly enjoyed the experience too. We can’t wait until next January!
Stone Age Survival
Our year 3 children have had such amazing experiences over the past few months. They took part in a ‘Stone Age day’ where they prepared vegetables and berries for their Stone Age design technology project. As part of this topic, they also visited Creswell Crags, where they toured a cave, had a ‘Stone Age Safari’ and also learned Stone Age survival skills, such as spear throwing.
Contact us:
Upcoming Events:
Spring Ball – Saturday 2nd March
Sports Day – Friday 24th May
Summer Fair – Friday 5th July
Although we have b een offering good quality ‘preloved’ uniform for some time, we now have a rail available to browse through in our reception area. With all items costing just £1 each, it’s a great way to help parents in these financially challenging times, and it also avoids adding to landfill with this easy form of recycling!
We also recycle batteries and pens. Please don’t throw them in your household rubbish, just drop them into the school office and we will safely recycle them for you.
Let’s all do our bit to look after our environment!
Useful Village phone numbers
Bickenhill W aste disposal site Pre booked slots only To book go to
Phone 0121 704 8000
Meriden Mag is online. Just visit In the search box, enter MeridenMag (no space) and you’ll see what we’ve published.
Meriden Mag is online. Just visit In the search box, enter MeridenMag (no space) and you’ll see what we’ve published.
This year’s Party in the Park will be Saturday 8th June
See Parish Council pages for more details
Monday to Friday 10.30 3.30
Meriden Post Office opening hours : Monday to Friday 10.30 –3.30
Saturday 9.30- 12 noon
Saturday 9.30- 12 noon
Closed Sundays
Closed Sundays
Looking forward to British Summer Time?
Looking forward to British Summer Time?
We have just introduced the option of advertising in colour. Rates per issue
Clocks go forward one hour at 1.00am on Sunday 31st March
Clocks go forward one hour at 1.00am on Sunday 31st March
Size Black and White Colour
½ page £50 £70
¼ page £25 £35
1/8 page £13 £18
Earlier this year Councillor Tony Diciccio visited Meriden’s warm hub as part of the council initiative to hand out slippers to those who may be at risk from trips and falls. The slippers are fitted to ensure a snug fit: ill-fitting footwear is a major cause of trips and falls. Thanks to Mary for agreeing to be in the photo – her new slippers really suit her. (Photo Facebook: Meriden News and Views)
Deadline for the Summer 2024 issue out by the beginning of June is 1st May
Val Martin (co-editor and treasurer) 01676 522963
Chris Bannister (co-editor and advertising) 07789 903021
Distribution Paul Green, Catherine & Kevin Smith
Sue Riley & Steve Chance
Proof readers Adrian & Jane Wood
Views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the co-editors. W e are unable to print anonymous letters but will withhold name and address on request