Proceedings 2021 - Behind the Barbed Wire 2021

Page 171

The dentist Jeremias Barth: “medical treatment means dealing with patients’ problems and surviving” Marie Judille van Beurden Cahn


he Polish claimant Jeremias Barth, referred to in Section 2, Part 1, was born in 1894 in Rzeszów, Poland. He came to our country in 1938 and has integrated here. During the war years, the claimant proved to be deserving of Dutch citizen-

ship. Employed as a dentist at the Jewish Theater in Amsterdam, where Jews were incarcerated before deportation, he enabled several other Jews to escape. He was arrested in

1943. However, he soon managed to flee and remained in hiding for the rest of the war. The claimant is married to a Dutch woman. After the war he graduated in medicine in the Netherlands and has an adequate income from his medical practice.

National State Publication on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Juliana, Queen of The Netherlands.1

About the author: Marie Judille van Beurden Cahn, historian and head of History of the Treegenes Study into the (epigenetic and psychosomatic) Consequences of the Shoah on the lives of Children of Survivors. She gives Teacher Trainer courses on the Holocaust and other Genocides, has a teaching and research position at The Descendants of the Shoah Holland, Dutch part of the international movement of 2/3/4 generation children of Holocaust Survivors. For her ongoing research, she compiled a database of 67 oral-visual testimonials from children of (Dutch) Jewish survivors with the primary aim of distilling the individual and collective memory in the accounts and to complement the historiography of the post-war period.

1 [Accessed June 29, 2021]. [Accessed June 29, 2021].

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