Proceedings 2021 - Behind the Barbed Wire 2021

Page 13

The prisoners’ hospital in Majdanek women’s concentration camp Marta Grudzińska

What made Majdanek exceptional could be observed in things like the fact that it had a hospital which wasn’t a death house. W. Grzegorzewska-Nowosławska1


n Lublin (Majdanek) concentration camp the German words Krankenrevier, Krankenbau, or their Polonised form rewir stood for the isolation barracks where sick prisoners received medical treatment. Officially, German SS physicians were in charge of the work that went on in

the prisoners’ hospital, but in fact the real providers of medical care were the pris

About the author: Marta Grudzińska is a historian and a curator, employed at the Research Department of the State Museum at Majdanek. The author of articles and books on the history of Majdanek concentration camp, the Lipowa slave labour camp in Lublin, and individual and collective memory in the accounts of witnesses. Co-author of museum exhibitions, including Prisoners of Majdanek, Doctors in striped uniforms. The medical service in Majdanek concentration camp. Her work at the museum is concerned with the camp’s oral history preserved in the statements made by survivors and their families.


APMM (Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek, hereinafter APMM), VII/-466, W. Grzegorzewska-Nowosławska, 10.

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