The all-female firefighting team taking on Antarctica
Inside a revamped abode complete with an indoor jungle
WHAT THE HEALTH? The perfect time for a refresh and a reboot
Teachable moments from the education experts
ISSUE 231 / JANUARY 2021 / £3
Carys Rees is addicted to the freedom of solo hiking (page 31)
’m guessing pretty much every person in the world is glad to see the back of 2020, and, as with every January, many of us are shaking off last year’s dust and are feeling hopeful for what the forthcoming months will bring. I’m personally not a fan of resolutions; they are so often associated with giving something up – be it alcohol, food you love or things that make you happy – and when I’ve made them in the past, I’ve just ended up kicking myself a few weeks later for having ‘failed’. And add to that, it’s cold and dark outside, the Christmas decorations have just come down, January is one of the most depressing months of the year, and not to mention the terribly restrictive time we’ve all had to collectively endure of late – why would I want to impose yet another downer on myself ? Instead, I’d rather feel inspired and encouraged and add excitement and joy to my life in a way that’s not compulsory or enforced, just something I want to do, whenever I feel like doing it. A story that has inspired me recently is the one about the Antarctic Fire Angels: a group of female firefighters training to ski coast-to-coast across one of the most inhospitable places on the planet. On page 8, Cardiff-based firefighter Georgina Gilbert tells us about the team’s forthcoming world record attempt which they’re undertaking to prove that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things. The motivational, influential women we have in this issue don’t stop there, there’s also: Carys Rees who’s on a mission to empower women to experience the freedom and euphoria of solo hiking and wild swimming in Wales (page 31); Lucy Richardson, an engineer who is the brains behind many of today’s household appliances (page 66); and Tams Ford, a beekeeper and environmentalist whose ethos is to look after nature so it can look after us (page 24). As Jeanette Winterson says, “Whatever it is that pulls the pin, that hurls you past the boundaries of your own life into a brief and total beauty, even for a moment, it is enough”. Happy New Year, Cardiff
wy’n tybio bod bron bawb yn y byd yn falch o weld diwedd 2020, ac fel sy’n wir am bob mis Ionawr mae’r rhan fwyaf ohonom yn dod atom ein hunain ar ôl y llynedd ac yn teimlo’n obeithiol am yr hyn a ddaw yn ystod y misoedd nesaf. Yn bersonol, dydw i ddim yn hoff o addunedau; maent yn ymwneud yn aml â rhoi’r gorau i rywbeth – boed yn alcohol, yn fwyd yr ydych yn ei hoffi neu’n bethau sy’n eich gwneud yn hapus – a bob tro ar ôl eu gwneud yn y gorffennol rwyf wedi teimlo’n siomedig ychydig wythnosau’n ddiweddarach am ‘fethu’. At hynny, mae’n dywyll ac yn oer y tu allan, mae’r addurniadau Nadolig newydd gael eu tynnu i lawr, mae mis Ionawr yn un o fisoedd mwyaf diflas y flwyddyn, ac rydym i gyd wedi gorfod goddef bod dan gyfyngiadau difrifol yn ddiweddar – pam yn y byd y byddech am osod rhagor o gyfyngiadau arnoch eich hun? Yn hytrach, byddai’n well gen i wneud rhywbeth sy’n fy ysbrydoli ac yn fy nghalonogi, ac ychwanegu rhywfaint o gyffro a llawenydd i’m bywyd, yn rhydd rhag gorfodaeth – rhywbeth rwy’n dymuno ei wneud, pryd bynnag rwy’n teimlo fel ei wneud. Un stori sydd wedi fy ysbrydoli’n ddiweddar yw’r un am yr Antarctic Fire Angels, sef grŵp o fenywod sy’n ddiffoddwyr tân ac sy’n hyfforddi i sgïo o’r naill arfordir i’r llall ar draws un o fannau mwyaf gerwin y blaned. Ar dudalen 8 mae Georgina Gilbert sy’n ddiffoddwr tân yng Nghaerdydd yn sôn wrthym am ymgais arfaethedig y tîm i dorri record byd – rhywbeth y maent yn ei wneud er mwyn profi bod pobl gyffredin yn gallu cyflawni pethau anghyffredin. Ac mae yna ragor o fenywod ysbrydoledig a dylanwadol yn y rhifyn hwn. Rydym yn rhoi sylw hefyd i Carys Rees sy’n ceisio grymuso menywod i brofi’r rhyddid a’r ewfforia sy’n gysylltiedig â heicio ar eich pen eich hun a nofio yn y gwyllt yng Nghymru (ar dudalen 31); Lucy Richardson, peiriannydd sy’n gyfrifol am ddyfeisio llawer o’r teclynnau sydd yn ein cartrefi erbyn heddiw (ar dudalen 66); a Tams Ford, amgylcheddwr sy’n cadw gwenyn ac sy’n credu mewn gofalu am fyd natur er mwyn i fyd natur allu gofalu amdanom ni (ar dudalen 24). Fel y dywed Jeanette Winterson, mae beth bynnag sy’n eich rhyddhau ac yn eich hyrddio y tu hwnt i derfynau eich bywyd i brofi harddwch llwyr am ychydig, hyd yn oed am eiliad, yn ddigon. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i ddinas Caerdydd
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Issue 231 / January 2021 COVER Take the plunge like Cardiff’s Carys Angharad Rees and try wild swimming, see page 31. Photo by Sin Hart @sin_hart_
8 FIRE AND ICE Meet the all-female firefighting team
set to ski across Antarctica
27 FOR THE HEALTH OF IT It’s that time of year to
focus on wellbeing
31 TIME TO EXPLORE Take a walk on the wild side
with solo hiker Carys Angharad Rees
certainly learn a few things from these teachers and pros
Welbourne’s creations
16 WHAT’S ON Arts, shows and activities, it’s all going
on in Cardiff
21 INTRO At The Box Edit Boutique, fashion isn’t just
about clothes
22 EDITOR’S CHOICE What do you think of
Pantone’s Colours of the Year for 2021?
24 TALKING SHOP Chatting with beekeeper and
businesswoman Tams Ford
15 INTRO We’re potty for ceramic artist Jack
37 FOOD NEWS Tasty morsels for you to chew on 38 DELICIOUS DUO A collaboration between
Matthew Jones Ceramics and chef Simmie Vedi
62 CARDIFFWORKS News and views from the
region’s professionals
46 PROPERTY NEWS Our pick of the most
interesting stories on the scene
48 RESIDENCE A Lower Penarth property overhauled
into a Scandi abode complete with an indoor jungle
information on the new trends
pooches and Snoopy
19 WYBURN & WAYNE A look back at a crazy year 41 IN HER WORDS Andrea Byrne talks babies 66 CARDIFF LIVES Meet head Dyson engineer
Lucy Richardson
Editor Lisa Evans lisa.evans@mediaclash.co.uk Managing editor Deri Robins deri.robins@mediaclash.co.uk Senior art editor Andrew Richmond Graphic design Megan Allison Cover design Trevor Gilham Contributors Nathan Wyburn, Wayne Courtney, Andrea Byrne and Sin Mei Lam Advertising manager Mark George mark.george@ mediaclash.co.uk Account manager Claire Hawkins claire.hawkins@mediaclash.co.uk Production/Distribution manager Sarah Kingston sarah.kingston@mediaclash.co.uk Deputy production manager Kirstie Howe kirstie.howe@mediaclash.co.uk Production designer Gemma Scrine gemma.scrine@mediaclash.co.uk Chief executive Jane Ingham jane.ingham@mediaclash.co.uk Chief executive Greg Ingham greg.ingham@mediaclash.co.uk Cardiff Life MediaClash, Circus Mews House, Circus Mews, Bath BA1 2PW 01225 475800 www.mediaclash.co.uk @The MediaClash © All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without written permission of MediaClash. We’re a Bath-based publisher, creative agency and event organiser Magazines Our portfolio of regional magazines celebrates the best of local living: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. Agency From the design and build of websites to digital marketing and creating company magazines, we can help. Events We create, market, promote and operate a wide variety of events both for MediaClash and our clients Contact: info@mediaclash.co.uk
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6 SPOTLIGHT The royals, Cerys Matthews, plenty of
Nicky performing at Brewhouse Cardiff back when the world was ‘normal’
Kate and William soaked up the festive spirit at Cardiff Castle
Royal visit
Students from Cardiff University, Cardiff Metropolitan University and the University of South Wales had the honour of meeting Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Cardiff Castle last month. As part of a 48-hour whistle-stop tour, Kate and William visited the city to meet local university students to hear about some of the challenges they have experienced during the pandemic, with a particular focus on mental health. For more: www.cardiff.gov.uk
One of Wales’s most popular children’s characters, Sali Mali, is back; Cardiff-based film and TV production company Calon has announced plans for 26 new episodes, and Cerys Matthews is on board too. Originally created as books by author Mary Vaughan Jones, the first TV series was made almost 20 years ago. This new series – which will once again feature Cerys Matthews singing the theme tune, and have Hollywood star Rhys Ifans providing narration in both English and Welsh – has seen the team behind it working tirelessly during lockdown to make the magic happen. It will run on S4C up to February 2021. Cerys Matthews says, “To revisit this song so many years apart was something else. I loved it then and I love it now, though so much life has passed and changed from when I was first presented with this gem of a tune. It was right in the middle of the earliest lockdown when I recorded this new version with its new words and arrangements. I’ve got to say it was pure pleasure; it was a refreshing change of scene – we all had to keep socially distant of course but to enter a studio to do something so familiar and enjoyable in the midst of something so unusual was great.” Calon’s managing director Robin Lyons adds, “Every person involved, from the writers to the director and the production team across Wales, worked remotely, and I’m very proud to have achieved this end result in these different circumstances. It was absolutely great to have Rhys and Cerys on board.” For more: www.calon.tv
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Cardiff Bay-based former X Factor singer Nicky Pendry has founded a free online game enabling families and friends to come together virtually during the pandemic and beyond. In Go Fetch Stuff, players are challenged to ‘fetch’ one household item – from a list of 1,200 – with just 45 seconds to find it. Since its launch, 13.8 million items have been ‘fetched’. For more: www.gofetchstuff.com
Cerys Matthews will once again be singing the Sali Mali theme tune
Strike a paws
Cardiff artist Matt Joyce with his Snoopy sculpture
We just had to share these pooch portraits by Nathan Roach of Coal Poet Photography, shot at Motel Nights in Cardiff. Houndthemed Christmas photoshoots proved to be extremely popular for 2020; and these are some of our favourites we won’t fur-get… For more: www.coalpoetphotography.com
The Welsh National Opera has commissioned and created a series of films under the collective title Creating Change, which challenge and explore the role of the arts in a time of crisis. Conceived in response to the pandemic, each film holds a mirror to some uncomfortable truths about financial, social and racial inequality that have become all the more prevalent during these times, but also with a positive message about making change for the good. The five writers involved have all
been working with WNO on Migrations – a new opera commission which was due to open in Autumn 2020, but has been postponed to Autumn 2021. For Migrations, the writers were influenced by their own personal experiences of migration to create a series of stories. Creating Change expands on this by raising awareness around issues of social inequality and injustice that have been deepened through the Covid crisis. Two of the films have been set to music by Welsh singer-songwriter sisters Eädyth and Kizzy Crawford. The films were released in December and are available on WNO’s website. For more: www.wno.org.uk/creatingchange
Two of the films have been set to music by Welsh singer-songwriter sisters Eädyth and Kizzy Crawford
Paws for effect
Cardiff artists and school children are invited to unleash their creativity on a pack of blank-canvas Snoopy sculptures. Dogs Trust charity is gearing up for its first-ever public art trail in Cardiff in Autumn 2021, and it’ll showcase local talent like never before. A Dog’s Trail with Snoopy, in collaboration with creative producers, Wild in Art, will see over 50 supersized Snoopy sculptures displayed across the city for 10 weeks from September to November 2021. At the end of the trail, the Snoopys will be auctioned off to raise vital funds for Dogs Trust to continue to improve dog welfare in Wales as they prepare to open their newest rehoming centre in Cardiff in summer 2021. A ‘hero’ Snoopy was recently unveiled at the trail’s virtual launch event at the end of 2020 which was created by Cardiff artist Matt Joyce. In addition, up to 130 smaller Snoopy sculptures, designed by schoolchildren, will form a key part of the trail. At the end of the trail, these Snoopy sculptures will be returned to their young creators. Artists and schools can complete submission forms on the A Dog’s Trail website. Designs must be submitted by 22 February 2021. For more: www.adogstrail.org.uk
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The Antarctic Fire Angels: Nakita Ross, Georgina Gilbert, Nikki Upton, Bex Newton, Rebecca Rowe and Alison Kibblewhite
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ICE AND FIRE Meet the local firefighters striving to become the first all-female emergency services team to ski over one thousand miles across Antarctica Words by Lisa Evans Images Back the Brave; www.amitandnaroop.com
n an effort to raise awareness of mental health issues and to help eradicate gender stereotypes, six UK firefighters want to become the first ever female emergency services team to ski a 1,900km route across Antarctica. The team, who call themselves the Antarctic Fire Angels, is made up of Georgina Gilbert and Alison Kibblewhite, who are both local to Cardiff, as well as Rebecca Rowe, who is from Bridgend, and England-based Nakita Ross, Nikki Upton and Bex Newton, all aged between 34 and 51. They intend to use just mind and muscle power alone as they ski from coast to coast across the southern continent, which has not been completed by a female team before and will be a world record. They estimate it will take 70 days to complete, each carrying heavy supply sleds in 60mph winds and in temperatures as low as -50. Here, Georgina, who currently serves with South Wales Fire and Rescue service, tells us why the team has chosen to travel to one of the most hostile environments on the planet and what they hope to achieve from the expedition. Take us right back to the start, how did this all come about?
The Antarctic Fire Angels was born at the Women in the Fire Service (WFS) training and development event in 2019 where keynote speaker Sophie Montange from the Army’s Ice Maiden team said, “Show women what women are capable of ”. And it was this statement that inspired the idea. Team leader Nakita Ross and myself, Wales team leader, then set in motion what has become a truly inspiring adventure.
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Why have you chosen one of the harshest environments in the world?
It’s one of the most inhospitable places on the planet, so what better place to prove that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things?
The team wants to prove that “ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things”
What does your training regime look like? It must be gruelling…
It’s busy that’s for sure! We have an overall conditioning regime as a base; this includes cardio, weights and circuits. We try to mix it up to keep things interesting. Training with our colleagues is great fun, and it’s great to get them involved too. Hopefully when we’re away, they can take part in their own daily challenge – we’ll be covering approximately 27km a day so we’re hoping they’ll match us and raise some charitable donations at the same time. There are also tyre drags, this will become our bread and butter, day after day of pulling to simulate the daily challenge when we’re out there. We need to be able to pull 85 to 100kg pulks, and three tyres in soft sand is the equivalent of this. We’re also having exposure days on cold, windy mountains, and learning personal admin is also essential – such as taking care of your feet; even though you may only be a couple of hours away from removing your boots, if a blister starts to form, then it must be treated right away. Having the strength to say “I need to stop” is vital, too. It’ll happen to us all at some point. Norway is our go-to for our specific training as well as Svalbard and the Greenland Icecap. Myself and Alison run ultras, which adds to endurance, but ultras aren’t essential, we do them because we enjoy them! Nakita does Brazilian Jiu-jitsu which helps with mental endurance, and Nikki and Bex love strength work, so we all bring something different to the training table. For the challenge, what will you need to pack, and what experts have you called upon for advice?
Research has been the key on this one, plus some
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knowledge of outdoor kit and clothing which has helped a lot. Knowing which brands cater for this type of environment is essential. We’ve been very privileged to be supported by Helly Hansen, SunGod and Mountain Equipment so far who have been key in kit selection and advice. We also turn to our expedition manager Steve Jones at Antarctic Logistics and Expeditions (ALE) who is the font of all knowledge when it comes to Antarctica. He has real life experience on expeditions and kit including what happens if kit fails or breaks. Knowing what to pack will come from two sources: firstly, from people who have been there, and secondly from our Norway training itself. We all have different requirements, from dietary to cold tolerance so each pulk will be slightly different. What will remain the same for all of us though is the importance of keeping weight to a minimum. Sawing a toothbrush in half and cutting labels out of kit can, believe it or not mean the difference between taking an extra meal. The challenge will take an estimated 70 days to complete, could you tell us about all the little things that we do daily – like cooking and going to the bathroom – and how these things will be carried out in such harsh conditions?
“We want to show women what women are capable of”
The little things become extremely important. Personal admin is not just a physical thing, it’s a mental thing too. Keeping a daily routine going and sticking to timings on the good days will be essential, and setting goals such as a five-minute break every hour will become the routine that will keep us from over-reaching while giving us small frequent goals to aim for. We’ll start the day with breakfast – most probably porridge with dried fruit and extra fibre – then through the day we’ll snack on the go to try and make good time. Then, once we’ve hopefully reached our daily goal, we’ll stop for supper, which will be freeze-dried food of personal choice. We need to melt ice to cook, and every ounce counts, so everything is measured carefully. We can’t replace the gas canisters
They’ll each need to be able to pull 100kg pulks through the snow for 70 days, so weights, cardio and circuits are essential training
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THE ALBANY GALLERY WINTER SHOW 14th January - 6th February 2021 A mixed show of work by more than 20 artists
View images on our website www.albanygallery.com 74b Albany Road, Cardiff, CF24 3RS | T: 029 2048 7158 | E: info@albanygallery.com Gallery open: Monday - Wednesday by appointment only, Thursday - Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 11am-4pm
once we run out. Then there’s the personal treats – from Turkish Delight to Twiglets and pork pies; each member of the team will have a calculated number of treats to look forward to. As for toileting, well it’s simple, we dig a hole for the solids, and at ‘night’ (it’s 24hr daylight at that time of year) it’s peeing into a bottle. There is an invisible 20km perimeter around the pole which is a specially protected area to protect against human development, damage and pollution, so when we enter this, we have to take everything with us [yes, everything], but, at these temperatures, it freezes almost straight away so it’s not as terrible as it sounds.
The group wants to help eliminate gender stereotypes with this journey
Aside from actually completing the challenge, your other aim is to showcase that ‘ordinary women can do extraordinary things’, why is that an important message for you to spread?
You want to help eliminate gender stereotypes with this journey, can you tell us more…
We aim to eradicate the gender stereotypes that can stop women from entering male-dominated industries. We want to support women and girls to have a career in whatever they choose. Roles should not be defined by gender; all roles should be gender neutral. There are women out there who think ‘Oh I couldn’t do that’. My response to that is ‘Have you tried?’ If the answer is no, then how do you know you can’t? Be the person that you needed when you were growing up.
What sorts of comments (negative or positive) have you had over the years as female firefighters?
Positive comments include: You’re an inspiration; Wow I wish I could be as strong as you; How do I get my daughter to see that she can do any job she puts her mind to?; How do I become a visible role model just like you? And some of the negative comments have been:
You’re lucky you’re here; We didn’t want a woman; Go check she’s done that properly; You go out on the fire engine?; You drive a fire engine?; You need to put some meat on; Your uniform’s looking a bit tight; You’re not strong enough; You’re strong for a girl; I want to speak to the officer in charge, not you, the real officer; Are you allowed to do the same as the men?; You’re too aggressive; It’s not a job for a lady.
“It’s one of the most inhospitable places on the planet”
It’s important to us that we leave a legacy. It’s not just about one expedition, or ‘our’ expedition, it’s about everyone who’s ever wanted to find their extraordinary. No matter what it is you’re aiming for or aspire to, you can do it, and we can help you get there. That’s why we set up our Community Interest Company (CIC) called Ordinary Extraordinary – a platform for anyone looking to be inspired or find someone who’s looking for a team mate to achieve a common goal. What females empower and inspire you?
Emma Watson, Virginia Woolf, Vita Sackville-West, Rosa Parks, Michelle Obama, Wonder Woman. n The Antarctic Fire Angels will ski coast-to-coast across Antarctica in November 2023 and need to raise £500,000 to support them with training, equipment, nutrition, technology and specialist technical support. To find out more and to donate, visit www.antarcticfireangels.co.uk / www.ordinaryextraordinary.co.uk
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Connaught Mansions HENTONS ESTATE AGENTS bring you Connaught Mansions in Roath, a project that has turned four Victorian townhouses into 18 luxury boutique apartments
onnaught Mansions are located in Roath, with an almost village-like vibe going on and with everything you need right on your doorstep. Extremely close to the city centre but with a quieter more relaxed atmosphere, and with independent shops, restaurants and coffee houses, this tree-lined area is perfect. The moment you arrive at Connaught Mansions you will see the detailed care of the restoration that has taken place of four beautiful Victorian townhouses back to the market as 18 boutique apartments. The restoration has created modern apartments whilst retaining the original features in a Victorian home such as high ceilings and bay windows. Phase one, which was completed just in time for Christmas, included three two-bedroom apartments. Phase two has now just been launched and includes a mixture of 15 studio and onebedroom apartments. When buying an apartment, we would argue the communal areas are just as
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important than the apartment itself. With each communal area carefully considered by the interior designer from the outset with the highest attention to detail, the commons parts ooze luxury. Farrow & Ball paint colours, stair runners, framed artwork, feature lighting and designer tiles puts this development into a league of its own. The apartments themselves come fully finished to a high standard with floor coverings throughout. The living areas have been fitted with a light oak luxury LVT flooring in a Herringbone pattern which provide a robust and durable finish that brings warmth to the properties. The kitchens are a modern twist on a traditional design. With fully integrated appliances, Shaker doors and a marble effect worktop, the kitchens provide a luxury finish. Laura Ashley and Metro London brick tiles help the bathrooms create a timeless look. Contrasting matt black fittings modernise the design whilst respecting the Victorian history of the property. The properties are well suited to first-time
buyers with prices starting from £94,500 for a studio apartment and rising to £200,000 for a two-bed with outdoor space. A typical one-bed will be £120,000 - £150,000 depending on size and outdoor space. Two-beds start from only £175,000. For an investment buyer, a very attractive gross yield of 5.5-6.5% can be expected with almost endless demand for high quality apartments in this location. In the current climate where you can expect less than 1% interest in the bank this makes a very attractive investment where all the hard work has been done and tenants can move right in! ■
Hentons Estate Agents, 382 – 384 Cyncoed Road, Cyncoed, Cardiff CF23 6SA; 029 20 750360 www.hentons.co.uk
After training in Cardiff and Sweden, Jack Welbourne set up studio in Adamsdown, Cardiff, where he produces wheel-thrown stoneware in red Cornish clay, gas-fired using glazes mixed in-house, sometimes using materials dug locally, combined with potash, chalk, iron oxide and flint. Jack is inspired by the concave curvatures of Neolithic Chinese and early Korean clayware.
For more, www.jackwelbournepottery.etsy.com and @jwceramics on Instagram
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Foals are on their way to Cardiff Castle
From 9 January onwards
Always check Covid-19 restrictions and instructions with venues before your visit
CHAPTER FROM HOME: SINGING THE SUBJECT Ancient Greek and Sumerian love stories shared through the West Walian choral tradition Canu’r Pwnc form the heart of Singing the Subject: a fascinating music trilogy presented by August 012. Chapter Arts; www.chapter.org
23 February
KERRY GODLIMAN After Life and Call The Midwife’s Kerry Godliman’s back on tour after what she thought would be a little ‘she’ time. No chance. Her bosh-like nature will never let her rest. Well, that and a needy cat, a constantly disappointing camper van, ever-raging feelings of mum guilt and bewilderment at the phasing out of thimbles. The Glee Club; www.glee.co.uk
27 February
THE SKINTS The London four-piece have clawed their way up from the depths of the underground punk/ska scene to a
unique fixture on the global reggae stage. Tramshed; www.tramshedcardiff.com
BECOMING RICHARD BURTON This exhibition will feature Burton’s diaries, papers and personal objects – displayed for the first time – from the Richard Burton Archives held at Swansea University. National Museum Cardiff; www.museum.wales
14 January – 6 February
and associated prize is presented across Cardiff in partnership with the National Museum Cardiff, Chapter and g39. The exhibition will feature work in a diverse range of media. National Museum Cardiff; www.museum.wales
ANTON AND ERIN – SHOWTIME Join the nation’s favourite ballroom couple, on their new tour coming for 2021. St David’s Hall; www.stdavidshallcardiff.co.uk
GROUP WINTER SHOW A changing exhibition of paintings and ceramics,with original pieces starting under £100. The Albany Gallery; www.albanygallery.com
1 and 2 May
13 February – 6 June
THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Since it first opened in London in 1973 at the Royal Court’s Theatre
ARTES MUNDI 9 The ninth edition of the critically acclaimed Artes Mundi exhibition
16 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
INSIDE OUT FESTIVAL 2021 will be the biggest yet. Get it in the diary ASAP! Bute Park; www.insideoutcardiff.co.uk
3 – 8 May
Upstairs, Richard O’Brien’s Rocky Horror Show has become the world’s favourite Rock ‘n’ Roll musical, having been performed worldwide for over 45 years in more than 30 countries and translated into 20 languages. This critically-acclaimed new production is now back by huge public demand. New Theatre; www.newtheatrecardiff.co.uk
21 May
FONTAINES D.C A Hero’s Death by Fontaines D.C was one of the best-received albums of 2020, debuting at #2 on the UK charts. They’ve recently announced Cardiff as part of a run of spring 2021 UK tour dates, most of which have which have already sold out. Cardiff Great Hall; www.fontainesdc.com
30 and 31 May
GERRY CINNAMON AT CARDIFF CASTLE The singer/songwriter says, “Alright my pals. We tried for Autumn [2020]but the world’s still sorting itself out. Gutted but
After a year in which so many have faced isolation and loss, two producers from Cardiff have put their own stories and struggles into a moving new track. Sometimes is the new song produced
above: Cardiffborn reggae artist Aleighcia Scott will perform at the castle left: See Kerry Godliman at The Glee Club right: Only Men Aloud will perform as part of the castle’s Live Under the Stars
it pales in comparison to the sh*t other folk are going through. As long as everybody’s safe and well we’re winning regardless. Love you all, until next time.” – and ‘next time’ is just a few months away! Cardiff Castle; www.cardiffcastle.com
acts in the world headline that phenomenal castle stage. The headliner has been announced as Kaiser Chiefs. Cardiff Castle; www.depotcardiff.com
5 June
ERASURE Erasure (Andy Bell and Vince Clarke) are back to celebrate the release of their 18th studio album. Taking inspiration from pop music through the decades, The Neon brings warmth and a brilliant brightness, connecting us to our pasts and our futures, creating beautiful places where our imaginations can roam. Motorpoint Arena; www.motorpointarenacardiff.co.uk
FOALS This headline city gig for has been organised by DEPOT Live and has been rescheduled from 2020; rock out in an iconic setting with this soulbaring band this summer. Cardiff Castle; www.cardiffcastle.com
10 July
DEPOT IN THE CASTLE After an incredible 2019, the event returns to Cardiff for its fourth year, and 2021 will see some of the biggest
12 October
By James Hoare and Ben Banjo Field, featuring the vocals of Duke Al and Rachel Allen. The track has just been released worldwide on all digital and streaming platforms. www.jnl-entertainment.co.uk
22 March – 11 April
Get ready for an eclectic mix of family entertainment to get our nation singing again, featuring big names such as Only Men Aloud Only Men Aloud plus musical theatre stars from West End and Broadway... Following on from the announcement that Sophie Evans and Mike Doyle will lead an all-star cast in a new production of Sleeping Beauty (25 March – 11 April) set within Cardiff Castle, event organisers have announced further shows to be held as part of the first Live Under the Stars season at Cardiff Castle during Easter. The opening concert on 22 March will be Bring Them Home – a celebration of Wales in the West End and on Broadway, starring Caroline Sheen (Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang), David Thaxton (Les Misérables and Phantom of the Opera) and Sophie Evans (Wizard of Oz, Wicked). Wales’ most celebrated choir Only Men Aloud will perform on 23 March. For fans of Jersey Boys, Walk Like Man will be held on 27 March. And MY MY – Abba Live at the Castle will be boldy coming to life on 28 March. Two local acts have been offered the opportunity to showcase their talents, too; Blue Evolution, a five-piece electric blues band will perform on 31 March, and you’ll see Aleighcia Scott, a Cardiff-born reggae artist on 7 April. Enthusiasts of The Temptations, can look forward to a world premiere of a new production when Just My Imagination takes to the stage on 2 April. And on 5 April, singers from the Wales International Academy of Voice will bring opera to the Castle. Finally, from a recent West End run and a record-breaking UK tour, the Whitney Queen of the Night show rolls into the castle on 9 April. Cardiff Castle; www.cardiffcastle.com
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WYBURN & WAYNE Move over Ant & Dec. Make way Edina & Patsy. Stand aside Batman & Robin. Our dynamic duo are in town and they’re here to give us the low down on the Cardiff high life
hat’s a wrap on 2020! The year the world stood still, a year of intense ups and downs, with experiences and memories that I guess we all never imagined. We are starting this new year very hopeful that we will begin our new normal soon, we can freely see our loved ones, travel, enjoy and embrace each other once again. We personally ended 2020 on a high – mostly with full stomachs from gorgeous meals and full hearts from our charity work. There really is no better feeling than helping someone, is there? Perhaps none more than children. When we saw all the Christmas grottos getting cancelled around the city, we knew we had to jump in and save the day. So we did.
Hub Box opening night!
We relied on the generosity of our local community, to gather together tonnes of empty wrapped up boxes, and we made a beautiful grotto at St Andrew’s URC in Roath. We opened every Saturday for up to five hours, with families allowed to enter for just a small £3 donation to the church. With a distanced, one-way system, they took their own photos and didn’t have to touch anything. The pure joy on the children’s faces as they got to meet the big man himself was magic. The year was tough enough on youngsters missing out on so much and seeing their friends, they had to have magic at Christmas, right? Along with the grotto and our successful online Dragged to Church fundraiser, we donated £2,000 to the church, continuing our ongoing campaign and friendship with the building and its patrons, to keep it open
Our grotto at St Andrews URC
Sunday dinner from The North Star
and fully functional. Thank you to everyone who donated and supported us again, especially in such trying times. Bigger and better (somehow) next year! So, we mentioned full stomachs... well let’s talk food for a moment. Cardiff Bay has a new restaurant called Hub Box. It is stunning. If you like burgers, smothered dirty chips and nachos etc, this is your place. And the cocktails and extensive selection of beers is a bonus. However, did we mention we can’t drink like we used to? Who are we?! Also, we have to give a huge shout out to our friends at The North Star pub. Their Sunday dinners are, in our opinion, the best in the city. We have had one every Sunday for eight weeks running – I know, that good! We even considered ordering some and freezing them in boxes for Christmas dinner. Maybe a little lazy and wrong, but who cares. In all seriousness, check them out. Super friendly atmosphere if you sit in the venue too (we collect ours, they kindly allow us to as we are shielding our housemate as best we can). We hope you had an amazing Christmas and New Year, now let’s smash 2021! To keep up to date with the Radio Cardiff DJs Wyburn & Wayne follow them on Facebook, Twitter @WyburnWayne and Instagram @wyburnandwayne
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Owners Ashley and Helen say you should feel fantastic in your clothes
Ashley and Helen’s top tips •K eep styling simple and invest in key pieces such as denim, it will see you through the year. • Consider a statement dress that you can pair with boots and coat as well as strappy heels when the weather lifts. • A good-quality wardrobe is filled with quality seasonless pieces and elevated by on-trend key items such as a statement collar shirt, wide-leg jeans and a jumper.
WEAR O WEAR At Box Edit Boutique in Goodsheds, Barry, you’ll find a curated collection of womenswear, and quality is key, as owners Ashley McMath and Helen Rozel Molitika – who both previously worked for fashion head offices including Topshop, Warehouse and All Saints – tell us. “We spend considerable time curating a range of clothing that you will wear year on year, reducing our fast fashion quota,” they say. “As well as our signature Danish labels such as Ichi and Vila, we offer an independent edit which aims to support labels based in the UK, including Molby, Hanndyed and Carrot Top Threads. Fashion isn’t just about clothes, it’s about confidence. Someone can be dressed head to toe in the latest must-have pieces, but unless they feel fantastic in it, it’s not worth the investment. Finding a key shape and style that works for you can be the best formula to feeling great; and if we feel great, we look great.” www.boxeditboutique.co.uk
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MOJAVE GLAZE MUG, £9 The rustic texture and dip ombré effect are created from the reactive glaze which forms subtle variations in colour tones. From Sadler Jones, Barry; www.sadlerjones.com
Swatches of Illuminating and Ultimate Grey
IHAMARA RIB KNIT, £45 Can you even have too many cosy jumpers at this time of year? From Box Edit Boutique, Goodsheds, Barry; www.boxeditboutique.co.uk
For 2021, the powers at Pantone Colour Institute have selected two shades as the new Colour of the Year: ‘Ultimate Grey’ and ‘Illuminating’ yellow. Sunshine and fortitude are on the trend forecast, and here’s our pick of local products to match…
ORIGAMI STICKY NOTES, £2.50 Turn your old sticky notes into fun origami models; each pad has instructions for 10 different shapes, from pigs to penguins. From The SHO Gallery and Shop, Castle Emporium, Womanby Street; www.thesho.co.uk
CASA SAFFRON CHAISE SOFA, £1,599 A contemporary, sumptuous three-seater which makes a bold statement. From Leekes, Llantrisant; www.leekes.co.uk CANDYLAB TAXI, £9.99 Crafted from solid beech wood, this desktop-sized figurine would make a beautiful addition to any collection. From The Honeycomb Toys & Books, Grangetown; www.thehoneycombtoys.com
22 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
MOOSE & CO OVEN GLOVE A cottage-feel oven glove in the sweetest Welsh blanket print. From Bodlon, Whitchurch; www.bodlon.com
ED’S CHOICE FARROW & BALL PAINTS, £47.95 FOR 2.5 LITRES Farrow & Ball’s thoughtfully created, highly pigmented palette brings walls to life. Featured here are Worsted No.284 and Strong White No.2001. From Homebase, Newport Road, Cardiff; www.farrow-ball.com
LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK PRINT, £10 Perfect for the little one’s room. From Shnwcs, The Heath; www.etsy.com/uk/shop/shnwcs AN ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS WATER BOTTLE, £20 An insulated bottle, featuring a hand-drawn design, which keeps your drinks ice cold for 24 hours or hot for 12. From Illustrate, Morgan Arcade; www.illustrate.co.ukhone
NECKLACES, £45 EACH These ceramic necklaces by Beth Lamont can be length-adjusted to suit any outfit’s neckline. From Anne Morgan Jewellery, Penarth; www.annemorganjewellery.com
FLAT POUCH, £19.99 This Bombay Duck pouch is for the essentials of your choice – from make-up to notebooks and pens. From Nest, Heol-Y-Deri, Rhiwbina; www.nestcardiff.co.uk
PLAITED HEADBAND, £38 Add a pop of colour and chicness to your outfit. From Madog Millinery, Cardiff; www.madogmillinery.co.uk
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SHOW ME THE HONEY In our new, regular Talking Shop feature, we visit local businesses that add colour and creativity to our city. Here, we buzz around Blossom & Nectar in Pontcanna Mews and get to know beekeeper and environmentalist Tams Ford Photography on this page and words by Sin Mei Lam
roupes of bees dance between the leaves of my mint garden every summer; they never bother me and their presence makes me feel as if I am in the middle of a wild flower field. I love bees; they are hardworking and the amount of goodness they bring us is unlimited. According to Greenpeace, you have a bee to thank for one in every three bites of food you eat, and bees perform about 80 percent of all pollination worldwide. The bee population worldwide is in sharp decline though, for reasons including pesticides, air pollution and global warming. A huge supporter of their plight is Tams Ford, an ethical beekeeper and the founder of Blossom & Nectar in Pontcanna Mews. Many of the products at her store are made by Tams using products from her hives based in two sites in Cardiff, and the wellbeing of her free-range bees always come first. “We believe in treating our bees with complete respect and they are free to fly as far as they wish 24 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
to forage and we only use the surplus reserves,” she says. “We do not add anything to our honey or pasteurise it, this keeps all the natural health benefits in the honey, know as raw honey. Our labels are made from plantable paper that contains native wildflower seeds to help keep growing a food source for our pollinators. We are all about nature, being kind, wellbeing and looking after nature so it can look after us.” Some of the other products they offer – a mixture of self-made items and a curation of goods made by local businesses, so there is little to no carbon footprint – are beeswax candles, natural air purifiers which can clean the air of allergens; fine china featuring hand-applied bee motifs; soaps blended with raw Welsh honey; and their own honey-infused Blossom & Nectar gin made at the Gower Gin distillery. The shop is bright and airy, and, when I visited, the interior design featured a blossom display in the window, an eye-catching beehive ceiling decoration and a large bee house shelf at the front of the store. Walking towards the back of the shop, I found a chunky barrel full of pure honey
in the corner; I could almost imagine Winnie-thePooh digging in. During my visit, Natalie, the warm and welcoming face at the shop that day, told me that Tams is inspirational, artistic, thoughtful and a true environmentalist. Tams once had a longstanding corporate career but she decided to take a step back from her work life. She started looking into the benefits of honey and bee keeping, and Blossom & Nectar was born. Her passion as an environmentalist is truly reflected in every bit of the store; all of their packaging is recycled, recyclable and is entirely plastic free. Bees may be small but they are mighty. Their importance to the world is, in my view, almost second to none. If we made some small changes to our lifestyle such as using fewer pesticides or planting bee-friendly flowers in our gardens, we may be able to reverse some of the damage to the colonies and our collapsing ecosystem. Bee the change you want to see. With thanks to Cardiff-based photographer and blogger Sin Mei Lam; www.cardifflocal.co; @cardifflocal
OPPOSITE: The products at the shop are a mixture of
Tam’s self-made items and a curation of goods made by local businesses, so there is little to no carbon footprint; THIS PAGE: Tams at the shop
Tams tells us the story behind Blossom & Nectar… “We had bees when I was younger on a city farm in Cardiff. The next 35 years consisted of being in a high-level corporate job, London commuting, European travel, raising a family and then setting up a business with my Father in 2011. In 2012 my father was diagnosed with cancer; my life changed dramatically and I took some time off to care for him. We researched the health benefits of using local honey and beeswax; I found being around the bees in the hospice gardens more and more relaxing and started drawing them. I researched more and learnt all about bees. I discovered beekeeping is great for anxiety, something I developed after my father had passed away. I joined the British Beekeepers Society and took some courses, I loved it. I studied the health benefits of beekeeping, using bee products from the hive and also creating a chemicalfree pollen and nectar-rich garden. I learned that cleaning products and scented candles aggravate our health and breathing, so I created some pure beeswax candles to help, and they worked a treat. Now I concentrate on the natural superfood created in the hive to develop wellness products that keep us and the bees super happy and healthy.” www.blossomandnectar.co.uk
“We believe in treating our bees with complete respect”
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“Our float tank contains 10 inches of super high-density salt water”
Revival is Cardiff’s first floatation centre
SURE AS HEALTH January is the time to be kind to yourself. Whether you’re craving a luxurious massage, spa treatment or fancy a jumping on the fitness bandwagon, these are the local places that will pick you up and get you feeling revitalised ready to start 2021... By Lisa Evans www.mediaclash.co.uk I CARDIFF LIFE I 27
Meanwhile House, Cardiff Daniel Streeter, owner Tell us about Revival…
It’s the city’s first and only floatation centre, based just around the corner from Cardiff Central Station. I first tried floating in 2017 and I was very keen to bring the experience to Cardiff. What exactly does floating involve?
Otherwise known as R.E.S.T (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique), it offers immense potential for personal growth and healing. It’s a healthy and natural way of achieving a deep physical and mental state of relaxation. Think of floating as a way of hitting pause on the hectic world around you. By giving yourself a break from the endless input of sensory experiences, your mind has a chance to recharge, rest and emerge with a renewed perspective and energy. Tell us about the tank…
Plas Pilates is a safe way to It contains 10 inches of super high-density gain strength and tone the body salt water (400kg of high-quality Epsom salt is added) which is heated to the same temperature as your skin. This allows you to float effortlessly on the surface and achieve a state of deep relaxation. The high amount of magnesium sulfate in the water deeply relaxes muscles and offers many health benefits. www.revivalfloatationcentre.co.uk
Based in Cardiff Layla Fear, managing director
Tell us about the business in a nutshell…
We are a training company that delivers emotional, financial and mental
Emotional Fitness’s vision is to live in a world where mental and physical health are equally as important
“Just you, a quiet room, and no disruptions” health training to your organisation. We also offer the internationally recognised Mental Health and Suicide First Aid qualifications. Our vision is to live in a world where mental and physical health are equally as important and supported. Why would you recommend it?
It gives you the confidence to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health, as well as the skills and knowledge to effectively engage appropriate help; it promotes awareness of mental health and helps to reduce stigma; it provides financial wellbeing education; and it helps you take better care of your own wellbeing and resilience. Top tip for the new year?
Personal wellbeing and self-care need to be high on everyone’s agenda, especially in those cold, dark months at the start of the year. Stay connected with family, friends, work colleagues and the community – connection with others plays a huge part in our wellbeing. Also, get more sleep, stay hydrated, make healthy food choices at least 80 per cent of the time, and be sure to have some “you time”. www.emotionalfitness.training
Cardiff Metropolitan University James Mayley, fitness instructor Tell us about Met Active…
It’s the health and wellbeing department at Cardiff Met. We offer gym facilities, exercise classes, educational workshops and activities aimed at promoting mental and physical wellbeing. Since March 2020, we have broadened our offering to include virtual classes to offer our members greater flexibility in these ever-changing times.
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HEALTH AND WELLBEING When starting a new fitness regime, what small changes can people make so that the transition to a healthier lifestyle is bearable?
Always to pick an activity you enjoy. Fun is essential when looking to start a healthier lifestyle and bringing about a long-term change. There is no point aiming to spend an hour on the treadmill three times a week if you hate running, such a change is unlikely to last very long. The best training programme in the world is pointless if you don’t actually do it. Also, set yourself an achievable target – say exercising twice a week – which will give you a sustainable platform to build from. Look to make changes or adaptations every four to six weeks and track your progress along the way. You’ll be amazed how far you’ve come in that time. www.cardiffmet.ac.uk
Tell us about your business…
I offer one-to-one PT sessions online and outdoors across Cardiff and I teach classes at SOS Athletic Excellence on Lamby Way. Can you give us your top fitness tips for the year ahead?
As we enter 2021, take back control of your health and fitness; increase your daily activity – even if that’s simply going out for a walk to boost your step count – regain dietary control, especially after the indulgences of the festive period, and create a new fitness routine that can be sustainable and adaptable, whatever the circumstance. I’ve seen a surge in people asking for online and outdoor training as gyms are vulnerable to last-minute closures and lockdown measures; that way, they can still progress and retain that all-important routine while hitting fitness goals. @kinetic.strength
Morgan Arcade Sasha Cadell, studio director
Why would you recommend Pilates, instead of, say, a gym?
It’s a very safe way to gain strength, tone the body and become more flexible. Pilates teachers help their clients to breathe more effectively, and
Clear out the blues and recharge at Voco St David’s spa
A spa break couldn’t come soon enough in our opinion. Here are a handful we love: The Laguna Spa Offering a range of treatments – from seaweed wraps to mud massages – that will help you feel relaxed and fully pampered. Greyfriars Road, Cardiff; www.lagunahealthandspa.com The Marine Spa You can start at the gym for an invigorating swim or a yoga class, then walk through the water corridor to stand beneath swan-neck fountains, relax on a bubbling water bed or sit in the hot tub, opt for a treatment, or a sauna, or the deep relaxation lounge. Voco St David’s Cardiff, Havannah Street; www.stdavids.vocohotels.com/spa Vale Spa After being pampered, take a soak in the whirlpool bath, unwind in the sauna and steam rooms, or plunge into the 20-metre pool. Hensol Park, Vale of Glamorgan; www.valeresort.com
use the body’s deeper, smaller muscles to developed a balanced, strong body from within. Physiotherapists and osteopaths often refer patients to Pilates to help rehabilitate common problems like lower back and shoulder pain. Who is it specifically good for?
Everyone can benefit, whether you’ve just had a baby, want to improve your posture, or are planning to run a marathon. Lots of clients want to strengthen their core, walk taller and feel more at ease in their bodies. It also helps with balance and co-ordination, making everyday activities from walking a dog to carrying the shopping more comfortable on the body. Who should avoid it?
Honestly, no one! Pilates can help and be enjoyed by everyone from teens to retirees. www.plaspilates.com
RHIAN PITT HOLISTIC MASSAGE Neptune Court Rhian Pitt, owner
Tell us about your offering…
I’m a massage therapist specialising in holistic massage, pregnancy massage, baby massage and Indian head massage. I also run small wellbeing workshops which are ideal for hen dos, workplace wellness activities, NCT groups and more; topics include DIY cosmetics, massage and meditation. Your recommended treatment for the new year?
Just a simple massage – back to basics, nothing fancy. Just you, a quiet room, and no disruptions from your phone, laptop, children, boss or cat. I think last year really did highlight how important basic touch is for our physical and mental health. n www.rpholisticmassage.com
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THE WILD SIDE Cardiff ’s Carys Angharad Rees is on a mission to empower women to experience the freedom and euphoria of hiking alone. Here she tells Lisa Evans why no one should fear solo adventuring or wild swimming, and she shares her advice on what to pack, what to wear and where to go Photography by Sin Hart
We don’t know what’s more dramatic: the backdrop or that hair flip. Here’s Carys at Henrhyd Falls – the location of Batman’s cave in The Dark Knight Rises
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Carys says some of her favourite walks are in Cardiff, but she often ventures further afield too; here she is at Talybont-on-Usk
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olo adventuring can intimidate the best of us. If you get lost or injure yourself, help could be a long time coming. If you find yourself unprepared, there’s no one to turn to. But for female hikers, there are often added psychological barriers to overcome on the trail. Many women are taught that being alone can be unsafe, and from an early age, we’re advised not to travel unaccompanied. But Carys Angharad Rees, an experienced hiker from Birchgrove in North Cardiff, says we needn’t fear the unknown; the outdoors, she says, is for everyone and you will never regret being brave. Here she tells us more…
Tell us about the power of solo adventuring…
I’ve been walking alone for such a long time that I don’t think I noticed quite how rare people think it is. I enjoy it, it gives me time to just think, clear my head and go at my own pace. It encourages you to focus on your surroundings more and perhaps notice things that you may have missed had you been with other people. There is a big difference between loneliness and solitude. It’s empowering, it’s freedom, it’s euphoric, it’s excitement and ends with a real sense of accomplishment that you just don’t get when you hike with others. I understand reservations people have but trust me, the outdoors is for everyone and you will never regret being brave. Are you ever worried about being alone?
I’m pretty good with my own company and have never had any issues in going anywhere by myself. I completely understand the reservations women may have but I want to reassure you that I have never felt threatened by anyone while out alone. Most “outdoorsy” people are very friendly and I often stop and chat along the way; these people will help you if you are lost or unsure. Of course there are risks associated being out there alone such as injury and getting lost, but those are the same risks that men have and there are certain steps you can take to keep yourself safe. Things such as telling someone where you’re going and what time you’ll be back, and listening to your gut – if something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it, and carrying the right gear in your backpack. The only worrying moment I’ve had was when I decided to do the Castell Coch route after work; it was a new route that I had plotted, so some bits were new to me. It started off well but then I started to lose light. I was in Fforest Fawr, with no torch in the pitch black. It wasn’t so bad as I had the light on my phone, but there was definitely a lot of cursing going on! Why would you recommend it?
Studies have shown that being content with alone time has been linked to increased happiness, better life satisfaction and improved stress management. Apparently, people who enjoy alone time experience less depression. Spending time outside can not only help to relieve anxiety and stress but it can also help to lower blood pressure, the risk of diabetes, heart disease and asthma. And why would you recommend wild swimming?
“It’s empowering, it’s freedom, it’s euphoric, it’s excitement”
There is nothing else quite like wild swimming; it’s exhilarating and not just because of how cold the water is! It releases endorphins, it’s thrilling, invigorating, refreshing and definitely gives you a wakeup call if you’re feeling a bit lethargic. It increases your metabolism, and the cold water makes your body work harder which increases the number of calories you burn. It also boosts your immune system – apparently the cold water shocks the immune system and helps produce more white blood cells and antioxidants. Make sure you stay safe though; do your research about the places you choose. I haven’t been wild swimming in Cardiff yet, I always go for the more remote spots in the Brecon Beacons but there is a fantastic group called the “Taffy Dippers” who do groups swims in the area. What are some of your favourite local walks in and around Cardiff?
I have loved every one of my walks around Cardiff and they all have something different to offer. One of my favourite walks recently was around Coed Ruperra. There is so much history there. Another much www.mediaclash.co.uk I CARDIFF LIFE I 33
St Mary the Virgin Church, Caerau
loved route of mine is Castell Coch; the route takes you over Craig yr Allt, past Castell Coch and through Fforest Fawr. The hardest walk you’ve ever done?
In 2019 I took part in the Macmillan Mighty Hike in the Wye Valley. It was a 26.2 miles and almost killed me off; I had a mini meltdown around mile 22 where I was convinced my little toe was falling off – in fact it was a blister that had formed under the toenail and was pushing the nail off. I swore I would never do that sort of distance again, but in 2020 I signed up to the (virtual) London Marathon, and I decided to hike it. The original plan was to go along the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path, but Storm Alex made an appearance, then it was going to be in the Brecon Beacons but Cardiff went into a local lockdown so I ended up walking up and down the Taff Trail. It took 10 hours in the rain. What have been your most memorable moments while walking?
I once climbed Table Mountain in South Africa. We hired a guide and took the India Venster route which involved narrow ledges, scrambling and some pretty imposing cliffs. However, the views were sensational. What are your ambitions?
I recently watched Wild [in which Reese Witherspoon plays Cheryl Strayed, who hiked the Pacific Crest Trail]. I googled everything I could find about Cheryl afterwards. I’m not sure I could even contemplate doing what she did, but I would love to take the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Maybe 2021 will be the year that I actually get around to doing it. Animals often follow Carys around during her travels
What gear should we invest in if we want to follow in your footsteps?
The main things you need is a good pair of walking shoes and a coat – both should be waterproof. A hiking backpack is also a good purchase but a normal backpack is fine too, just remember to put your things in a plastic bag inside it as it won’t be waterproof. And what should we pack?
I always carry at least two litres of water in my bag. Food is the other thing to think about as you will use up a lot of energy out on the mountains especially. I also carry a ‘survival pack’, which has things in it such as splints, emergency shelters, torch, a power bank etc. It’s something that will get me out of immediate danger should the worst happen while I’m out. I have a lot of people messaging me about these items so I have created my own mini survival packs for those who are new to hiking which people can purchase directly from me. They’re inexpensive, small and a donation from every purchase will go directly to the Brecon Mountain Rescue Team. What adventurous women inspire you?
Tori James, the first woman to climb to the summit of Mount Everest as well as being a member of the first all-female team to ski to the Magnetic North Pole. She also holds the record for the longest open sea kayak in UK waters. Maria Leijerstam is the first person to cycle to the South Pole which she did in 10 days! And Lowri Morgan who is an adventurer, and an elite ultra-endurance marathon runner; she is one of only eight who has completed the 6633 Ultra in the Arctic (350 miles non-stop) and the Jungle Ultra Marathon in the Amazon Forest. ■ For more, www.thisgirlwalks.co.uk and @this.girlwalks 34 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
“The outdoors is for everyone and you will never regret being brave” BEST WALKS FOR… VIEWS? Either Garth Mountain or Craig Llysfaen; both have fantastic views over Cardiff. Not forgetting the Castell Coch route which goes over Craig yr Allt.
SEEING ANIMALS? I come across plenty of farm animals such as horses, cows and sheep. I get followed constantly through fields like some kind of pied piper. I grew up in a fairly rural area so I’m not particularly fazed but it can be quite intimidating when a horse comes galloping towards you across a field. Always keep an eye on what the animals are doing and don’t come between them and their young. If you like animals, St Fagans circular route is the one for you.
SPECIAL SIGHTS? Caerau Hillfort is probably the most historic. You come across the ruins of St Mary the Virgin Church which was built around 1254, then you realise that the church is actually built on the site of an Iron Age Hillfort – the third largest in Glamorgan and was once a stronghold of the powerful Silurian tribe who inhabited this part of Wales before the arrival of the Romans. The route also takes you down to Salmon Leaps which is very pretty.
EXTREME EXERCISE? The Wenallt – Craig Llysfaen is probably the toughest one I have done in the area, it’s 10 miles with a lot of hills.
BEGINNERS? The shortest walk I have on my site is around 4.5 miles, and that’s the Craig Llysfaen loop. To begin with, just walk part of the routes or even start by walking around your local parks and increasing your mileage each time.
Exploring St Fagans
Views for days from Garth Mountain
Horsing around: Carys isn’t fazed by the companions that join her on her rambles at St Fagans
Caerau Hillfort
Castell Coch
Pentyrch Circular
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A handful of juicy food news morsels for you to chew on
Estrella Galicia has announced a pair-up with Cardiff-based Owen Morgan’s Asador 44 Experience Box. The Spanish beer brand has revealed the onboarding of five ambassadors to support its gastronomy initiative in the lead up to the inaugural Estrella Galicia Gastronomy Month in 2021, celebrating the best of Spanish food paired with Estrella Galicia. Among the five is Owen, founder and director of the 44 Group, incorporating Bar 44 and Asador 44 restaurants in Wales. Off the back of this, Owen has launched the Galician-inspired If beef and beer are your thing, the Asador 44 Experience Box is a must try Experience Box, showcasing some of the Cardiff restaurants’ most popular dishes which you can cook from home, complete with access to an online cookery demonstration by Owen. Inside the box you’ll find: four Estrella brews to pair with a 1kg chuletón of 10-yearold, 50-day dry-aged rare native Galician breed beef, coal-roasted peppers, patatas a lo pobre (a Spanish potato side dish), romesco sauce, gordal olives and jamón ibérico butter to melt on top of the beef. The Asador 44 Experience Box is available to purchase through the website for nationwide delivery, priced at £110 for two people. For more: www.bar44.co.uk
Rocket & Rye will be serving on crockery by Matthew Jones Ceramics in Barry
New restaurant and bar Rocket & Rye is set to launch in Cowbridge High Street, and probably will have swung open its doors by the time this issue of Cardiff Life hits the shelves. They’ve been busy refurbishing and transforming the venue into a beautiful space featuring a glasshouse with a starlit canopy ceiling – dinner under the stars, anyone? The dining will be focused on simple, seasonal plates, with dishes such as beef with creamed potato and seaweed peppercorn, and pork and butterbean curry on offer. For more: www.rocketrye.co.uk
Chronic Fried Chicken is making a name for itself in the city. Run by Richard Tyler (who goes by Tyler), the idea behind the business, which was only set up during the first lockdown in May 2020, is ‘dirty fried chicken done properly’, and its model is based on popups, but a new shop may be on its way. “I set up the project in Sully’s and Blue Honey Night Café,” he says. “We had a very successful three months but then the venue got taken over. We are currently in Kongs on St Mary Street but are now looking for our own shop, and have more pop ups planned in the city when lockdowns ease, and big plans for the future. “Why chicken? I spent time in California, and loads of time in London, where there is real good fried chicken. Cardiff was lacking in this department; I saw a gap in the The menu features market and took the risk. Our chicken is brined to keep it dirty burgers moist, cooked fresh to order – no hot holding, ever – and is like this Korean American- and street food-inspired. one with house For more: @chronicfriedchicken fermented kimchi
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clockwise from left: Matthew getting ready to create another batch of ceramics; Simmie is a chef at Pasture Cardiff; dishes created by Simmie, presented on MJC plates; Matthew at his workshop
Design-led studio pottery company Matthew Jones Ceramics opened at Goodsheds Barry in December. As well as creating high-quality, bespoke tableware and home décor, MJC also offers workshops and has a growing body of local chefs and restaurants that use their plates – including Nook in Cardiff, and newly opened Rocket & Rye in Cowbridge. And one of their newest collaborations is with local chef Simmie Vedi, who works on cold starters and pastry at Pasture on Cardiff’s High Street, and was previously the head chef at Dusty Knuckle Pizza and assistant manager of a theatre bar in Cardiff Bay. MJC and Simmie have teamed up to bring the public delicious recipes, all served on MJC’s handmade plates. “Simmie is a brilliant talent and loves using our plates to display her food,” says Rob Davies, who runs the operational side of things at MJC. “We’ve given her a space to use to create and show off her skills and recipes and it’s a great partnership and something we hope will grow.” Simmie adds, “My blog can be found on Matt Jones Ceramics’ website. Matt and Rob approached me a few months ago asking about a collaboration as I’d been buying and using Matt’s plates since the first lockdown. The blog is essentially a space for me to host recipes and hopefully connect with people who follow mine and Matt’s work in a more substantial manner. I really enjoy the creative process behind putting together this kind of blog.” For more: www.matthewjonesceramics.com
38 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
GOCHUJANG BAKED CHICKEN WINGS WITH MISO MAYO By Simmie Vedi, chef at Pasture Cardiff, serves four Ingredients CHICKEN WINGS 20 chicken wings, drums and flats separated For the marinade/glaze 3 tbsp gochujang paste (use 1½ tbsp if you prefer less heat) 2 tbsp runny honey 1½ tbsp light soy sauce ½ tsp fish sauce ¼ tsp sesame oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed 70ml water MISO MAYO Home-made aioli 4 egg yolks 1 tbsp dijon mustard 10ml cider vinegar 250ml neutral-flavoured oil Lemon juice and salt to taste
GARNISHES 4 spring onions, cut into strips and plunged into ice water Black and white sesame seeds, toasted Method • Mix all marinade ingredients together and marinate the chicken wings for at least an hour. • Preheat oven to 210°C. Prepare an elevated, wire rack with a baking tray underneath it ready for the wings to be cooked on. The wire rack will ensure the wings are crispy on all sides. • While the oven is heating and the wings are marinating, make your miso mayo. If making your own aioli, whisk together the yolks, mustard and vinegar, then add a drop of oil and incorporate it into the yolk mixture. Pour a slow stream of oil until your aioli has emulsified to a consistency where it holds its shape. Add your miso paste, then adjust
seasoning with lemon and salt if necessary. Using a KitchenAid or hand whisk with appropriate attachments will get this job done faster, but it can also be done with a manual whisk. • Place the chicken wings on the wire rack. Reserve the marinade for glazing. Brush some onto the wings before they go into the oven. • Bake wings for 25 minutes, glazing every 5-8 minutes. • Toast off your sesame seeds until the white seeds get a little colour to them. • Remove wings from the oven and let rest for 5 minutes. • Plate up and enjoy! For more on Simmie Vedi and Matthew Jones Ceramics’ collaboration, see www.matthewjonesceramics.com
Miso paste Add 3 tsp dark miso for miso mayo. Alternatively, mix 200ml good quality mayonnaise with 3 tsp miso
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INTERIORS EXPERTS From flooring to fires, the pros tell us what’s new and exciting for 2021
MANAGER, BROADLEAF CARDIFF 01446 771 375 www.broadleaftimber.com How important is flooring to interior design? Flooring is key to a beautiful interior. It’s the foundation for everything else, so it sets the tone. What should people consider when choosing a floor? Flooring is almost certainly the thing you will change least often so choose something that you love and that is versatile. It also takes a lot of wear, so buy the best quality you can afford and something that feels good underfoot. Why wood? Beautiful wood flooring ticks all of the boxes above, and unlike most things it gets better with age. Why Broadleaf? As manufacturers we have an unrivalled choice of quality products and are real experts. We are also a Wales-based family business who offer a genuinely personal service. How has 2020 been for you? Although our showrooms have obviously been closed due to Covid, we’ve continued to manufacture and look after our clients. People have spent a lot of time at home this year, which has motivated them to invest in them and to use quality local suppliers.
LEAH GRIERSON & SARAH WATTS LIMEGREEN 029 2066 6622 www.limegreenuk.com
How has 2020 been for Limegreen? Somewhat of a roller coaster. The showroom closed during lockdown and more recently with the fire-break. However, our central heating and maintenance teams have been working throughout. Making sure people are not without essential heating or hot water. Since the re-opening we have seen record months, so all has not been doom and gloom for the business. Roll on 2021! What is your most popular product? It has to be the Gazco Riva2 Gas Fire. It offers a sophisticated and contemporary look. The customer can choose from a variety of styles with this fire. It’s a real showstopper and we love it. Do you have any new products on the horizon we should know about? Yes, The Reflex 105 3-sided Gas Fire Balanced Flue ‘showroom exclusive’.
40 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
This has hit the showroom for the new year and we cannot wait for everyone to see it. What do you enjoy most about your job? Every day is different. We love helping customers’ ideas become reality. Speaking to and seeing so many different people from all walks of life is great too. Christmas is always one of the best times at Limegreen. We enjoyed warming our mince pies up on the showroom woodburners, and we listened to endless Christmas jingles – who wouldn’t enjoy that! Why choose Limegreen? We pride ourselves on achieving the highest standard in installation and customer satisfaction in everything we do. We offer a huge range of fires, fireplaces and surrounds to suit everyone’s budget and needs. We do business with a smile. So come on down! We’ll have the kettle on ready. Where’s your favourite place to eat in and around Cardiff? We have recently been to the Botanist and there was a wide variety of options on the menu – the hanging kebab was amazing!
BABY TALK After spending an ‘excruciatingly isolating’ seven years trying to conceive, Andrea Byrne has started a podcast talking about all things fertility
“I’m on a mission to try to demystify the world of fertility”
his January, to enthusiastically herald the new year feels more necessary than it’s ever been. The year 2020 is one that will go down in history for all the wrong reasons, and so, making the right promises to ourselves and each other in 2021 takes on a whole new level of poignancy. After all, the resolutions we make will play their part in the world’s big recovery. For me, 2021 is about honesty. That’s not to say I’m casual with the truth. Far from it. The very code which dictates my job as a broadcast journalist orders that each and every story I tell is fair, balanced and accurate. That goes without saying. Honesty is at the heart of what I do. But, while I am constantly asking viewers to sit down and open up to me about all sorts of sensitive and often traumatic elements in their lives, sometimes it’s not so easy to be honest when it comes to my own story. Now, with the hope of helping others, I’ve decided to practice what I preach, and I’ve started a podcast talking about all things fertility. My husband, Lee, and I spent seven years trying to have our daughter Jemima, and while we kept it very private at the time, we found the experience excruciatingly isolating, because infertility is still considered a pretty awkward conversation at the office watercooler – or these days, at the virtual coffee break, I guess. However, more than one in six couples has trouble conceiving and so, for everyone who finds themselves one of those statistics
– and for their friends, families and work colleagues – I’m on a mission to try to demystify the world of fertility a little and create a wider understanding of both the exhausting treatment couples go through and the spiralling feelings they’re forced to deal with. My podcast series, Making Babies, will have a mix of professional expertise and personal stories and I’ll try to tackle issues across the whole spectrum including miscarriage, male infertility, surrogacy and polycystic ovaries. Jemima is almost two now; to hear her giggles echo round the house this holiday season was nothing short of miraculous. She is living proof that fertility science still has so much to learn because, in the end, she was conceived naturally. And we are thankful for her every minute of every day. That gratitude is a constant reminder that so many other couples are navigating the isolating road of fertility, with no guarantees of what their ending will be, but if we talk more openly about infertility, maybe we can all make their trauma a little easier for them to bear. This year, let’s act upon those tidings of comfort and joy we have all been singing about. The statistics say that you will know someone dealing with infertility. So, let’s normalise the fertility conversation and get chatting about all the ways to ‘make babies’. To hear the podcast, visit: www.anchor.fm/andrea-byrne Follow our Cardiff Life columnist Andrea Byrne, news broadcaster, on Instagram and Twitter: @andreabyrnetv
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Howell’s School has a strong focus on mental health, and even has a wellbeing dog at the ready
“We have a wellbeing dog, Disney, who is very in demand for walks at lunchtime”
Here we speak to experts at a medley of local schools, unis and tutoring services about glass-half-full optimism for 2021 and what’s upcoming in the near future 42 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
Kelly Cumiskey, marketing and communications officer
Tell us about your part-time courses for adults at the uni…
There’s a wide variety; courses starting this spring will be taught online in lively, interactive classes which will run at set times each week. People from all walks of life and all ages can study with us. Some want to improve their CVs, others may have a love of arts and culture or a desire to discover the past. Many are enthused by science, have an interest in social studies, a passion for languages or feel the need to improve their business and computer skills. Why is the new year a good time to start?
Our courses could be a brighter start to 2021, an optimistic choice during the bleak winter months, a chance to increase your knowledge, achieve long-held learning ambitions and meet new friends. www.cardiff.ac.uk/learn
EDUCATION right now?
For parents of children already in school, this is the time when you would have noticed if they have settled in to their new class well and if they are coping with the level of expectation for their year. For those looking to start school in September, get your child excited; walk past the school a few times and let them order the uniform with you. Does the school have a New Year’s resolution? Experiment time in the science class at Cathedral School Llandaff
Ellie Townsend, admissions registrar Tell us about your open day...
Our Virtual Open Evening on 28 January will be an excellent way for children and families to discover what it’s like to be a pupil with us and get a glimpse into the many opportunities and facilities we offer. What’s new for 2021?
The launch of our fully co-educational Monmouth Prep School in September 2021. The school, for boys and girls aged between three and 11, will build on the many strengths that we currently have. www.habsmonmouth.org
We give students an educational edge and arm them with the knowledge, the skills and the confidence they need to excel in both science and maths. 2020 changed the way we all do things, how so for you?
We have evolved our business and taken all of our classes online. A huge amount of investment and training has been undertaken and we’ve ensured that our high-quality teaching is available to students irrespective of Covid and geographical limitations. www.theacademic-coach.co.uk
Joanne Chinnock, head
What should parents be thinking about
To keep growing our FaB (Forest and Beach) School. We have a permanent base in a local farm where we have a fire circle, mud kitchen, timber trails and so much more.
How’s your January looking?
January is always a busy month for admissions enquires. We have a Nursery Open Day on 27 January, a Prep School Open day on 28 January, and a Whole School Open Day on 3 March. Does the school have any resolutions for 2021?
The focus this year must being the wellbeing and mental health of our students. We hear a lot about the impact that the lockdowns have had on mental health, and young people are especially vulnerable. We are very lucky to have our school counsellor, as well as a wellbeing dog, Disney, who is very in demand for pastoral walks at lunchtime. www.howells-cardiff.gdst.net
Clare Sherwood, head
How important is January in the world of education?
Having enjoyed the wonderful Christmas concerts, carol services and other festive celebrations, January is focused on mock examinations for those sitting GCSEs and A Levels, and entrance testing for those looking to join Year 7 in September. We look forward to preparing for the Eisteddfod, the Lent Term Concert and seeing the new shoots spring up in Forest School – our fantastic outdoor learning space for our youngest pupils.
What should parents be thinking about right now?
We’d encourage prospective families to contact our admissions office as soon as they start to consider schools. Our next open day takes place on 6 February for Nursery to Year 2, and there will also be a Senior Open Morning in March for those considering Year 7 or 12 in 2022. www.cathedral-school.co.uk
THE ACADEMIC COACH LTD Nyree Myers, founder
Lessons are anything but dull at Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools
Tell us about your tutoring services…
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What does a fair redundancy process look like? Sarah Alford of BERRY SMITH LAWYERS explains...
he Office for National Statistics has reported that the unemployment rate at the end of September 2020 was 4.8%, an increase of 0.7% over the previous three months. This means that 1.62 million people were unemployed. The government’s economic watchdog anticipates that by the middle of 2021, around 2.6 million people in the UK could be unemployed. If you are faced with redundancy, it is crucial that your employer follows the correct process because otherwise you could have a potential claim for unfair dismissal or discrimination (if you can demonstrate that your selection for redundancy was because of a protected characteristic, such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity amongst others). So, what does a fair redundancy process look like? It will depend on how many individuals the employer proposes to make redundant. If 20 or more employees are to be made redundant within
90 days the employer must carry out a collective consultation exercise. However, below, we will focus on the process to be followed where there are less than 20 redundancies proposed over a 90-day period. In short, an employer should: l Establish a genuine redundancy situation – the statutory definition of redundancy identifies three sets of circumstances: • Business closures (closure of the business altogether); • Workplace closure (closure of one of several sites or relocation to a new site); • Diminished requirement of the business for employees to do work of a particular kind. l Decide upon the pool for selection and conduct a fair selection process l Carry out a consultation process – this process should consist of a series of meetings and employees should be given adequate time and information to prepare for each meeting. l Explore alternative employment – the employee should be informed of any alternative
Sarah Alford
vacancies within the business prior to any decision to dismiss. l Provide the employee with a right to appeal Where an employer has a redundancy policy in place, then it should be followed. Where an employee has less than 2 years’ service, a less thorough redundancy process can be followed as long as the employer still follows a fair selection process. It is common for employers to ask employees to sign settlement agreements prior to making them redundant in consideration for an enhanced financial package. In order for a settlement agreement to be legally binding, the employee must receive advice from a relevant adviser, such as a solicitor. n
For more information about the issues raised in this article or if you have been given a settlement agreement please feel free to contact our team on 029 20345511 or employment@berrysmith.com
FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT US ONLINE AT: WWW.VALEVETCENTRE.CO.UK Cardiff: 233 Cathedral Road, Pontcanna, Cardiff, CF11 9PP. E-mail: cardiff@valevetcentre.co.uk | Phone: 02920 004007
Barry: 7/8 Ty Verlon Ind Est, Cardiff Rd, Vale of Glamorgan, CF63 2BE. E-mail: info@valevetcentre.co.uk | Phone: 01446 739739
Where girls learn without limits HOWELL’S SCHOOL has been teaching Cardiff’s daughters to learn without limits for well over a century, encouraging them to believe that nothing is beyond consideration
ould your daughter thrive in an environment where she is free to be herself? A place where she is encouraged to believe that nothing is out of reach? Howell’s School, Llandaff GDST has been teaching Cardiff’s daughters to learn without limits for 160 years. A Howell’s girl is free to be ambitious, to be competitive, to be creative; to be a sports captain or a scientist, a poet or an engineer. Howell’s girls mature into young adults in a culture free from gender bias, encouraging them to believe that nothing is beyond consideration. All this develops a self-confidence and resilience that stays with them throughout their lives. Research currently shows that girls’ confidence starts to decline at the age of 8, and it only improves from the age of 80. Howell’s instils in girls the confidence they need for a successful future, and their teachers delight in watching them grow to become more assertive and willing to ask questions, make mistakes and take risks. At Howell’s School, Llandaff GDST, girls thrive from the age of three in a single-sex environment where academic achievements are always celebrated, and these go hand-inhand with co-curricular activities that inspire and challenge them. From playing chess to performing in a rock band, debating current affairs to playing cricket, everyone at Howell’s believes that education doesn’t stop when the bell rings at the end of the school day. The school’s founder, Thomas Howell, wanted to create greater opportunities for
young women, and Howell’s School has been changing lives since it opened its doors in 1860. His generosity gave many young women access to an education that would elevate and inspire them, and in 2021 Howell’s still creates opportunities for students from all backgrounds. The GDST Bursary Fund provides assistance to enable students whose parents could not otherwise afford the fees to enter the school in Year 7 and Year 12. This summer, 60% of all GCSE grades were at A* or level 9-8, and 82% were at A*-A or level 9-7. Truly exceptional results in exceptional times.
The five-acre site has an incredible feeling of space for a city centre school, with significant green space, a swimming pool and sports complex with modern pavilion and floodlit, allweather pitches. A fleet of school mini buses brings in students from Cowbridge, Penarth, Newport and across Cardiff. To discover what makes Howell’s so special, book your place at the Virtual Prep School Open Day on Thursday 28 January. To register, contact admissions officer Chrissie Hall-Davis on 029 2056 2019 or visit www.howells-cardiff.gdst.net n
Cardiff Road, Cardiff, CF5 2YD; 029 2056 2019; mail@how.gdst.net; www.howells-cardiff.gdst.net www.mediaclash.co.uk I CARDIFF LIFE I 45
The finalists at the second Cardiff Property Awards have now been announced – and anticipation is building with places on offer at the prestigious symposium event celebrating the best of Cardiff’s property sector. The Cardiff Property Awards plus Property Symposium will be held on 26 March and will celebrate all aspects of the dynamic property market. Benefiting from the Awards are category sponsors: Marsh Commercial, Sanctuary Financial Planning, Specialist Security, TSR Legal, Willmott Dixon and Cardiff Life itself. For remaining sponsorship opportunities, contact Annie Kelly annie. kelly@mediaclash.co.uk or Mark George mark.george@mediaclash.co.uk For more: www.cardiffpropertyawards.co.uk
Quin & Co are developing seven sumptuous townhouses in the grounds of Suffolk House, which is within the Conway Road Conservation Area. Suffolk House itself is a locally listed villa built in 1865 by Benjamin Wright as a wedding present for his daughter and son-in-law, Elizabeth and James Herne, which is being restored and extended to form 10, one- and two-bedroom apartments. The seven townhouses, however, all four- and five-bedroom, are collectively named Suffolk Mews and will be luxe to the core – think Crittall-style windows and doors, landscaped gardens, balconies, handleless kitchen designs, integrated wine fridges, rainfall showerheads and off-road parking. The project will be completed in Autumn 2021 with pre-registration for early marketing now being accepted. The houses start at £600,000 and are 1,464 square foot plus external space. “Being a local development firm, we
were excited about this development as soon as we heard Cardiff Council were disposing of it and jumped at the opportunity to acquire it,” says John Pinn, director of Quin & Co. “We love bringing old buildings back to life to ensure they continue to flourish for many years to come. “The villa at Suffolk House gave us the perfect opportunity to produce the 10 apartments along with the construction of the really high-quality townhouses; which have been designed to fit into the conservation area with the Portland stone, red brickwork and gabled features. “With Suffolk House being in a conservation area and so close to Thompson’s Park and Pontcanna fields, the design of the extension to the restored villa and the townhouses was a key driver to the development which we have tied in with the rebuilding of the listed original stone wall along Romilly Road and the comprehensive tree-planting scheme across the site to ensure they can be enjoyed for many generations to come.” For more: www.QuinCo.co.uk
all images: The Suffolk Mews townhouses will fuse luxurious glamour with conservation and sustainability
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PUTTING DOWN ROOTS Aga Tomaszek shows us around her overhauled property, her first home, which she has transformed into a Scandi, modern abode complete with an indoor jungle Words by Lisa Evans Photography by Aga Tomaszek
“I have finally realised my dream of an indoor jungle” 48 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
hen Aga Tomaszek set out to buy her first home, she knew she wanted a doer-upper that she could overhaul and firmly put her stamp on. When she found a never-before-modernised house in Lower Penarth that was built in the 1950s, she set to work. Here she tells us about the revamp, which is still ongoing whenever she has a creative spurt, and how her job as a photographer – mostly working within the wedding industry – plus her background studying a degree in architecture has been the perfect combo to help her achieve her first ever regeneration project. What did the house look like when you moved in?
We got the keys in March 2018 and moved in just in time for Christmas 2018 following a nine-month renovation. The house was built in 1953 and it was never modernised; it needed a total overhaul. The elderly lady who lived in it was its first and only owner.
With Aga’s degree in architecture, planning the renovation proved rather easy
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RESIDENCE What was your vision for the house?
My partner, Andrew, and I were on the lookout for our first property; we wanted a project in a highly sought-after area, a doer-upper we could thoroughly modernise and adapt to our family needs. Our dream was to build an extension and inject new life into a tired, rigid layout. Both my partner and I are self-employed running our own businesses in creative industries, but I have a degree in architecture so I guess planning the renovation came rather easy to me. We started with exploring the council’s website and browsing through dozens of approved planning applications by our neighbours; becoming familiar with what the planners allowed in the area was extremely helpful. We quickly assessed what was possible with similar properties to ours and recognised the ideas that appealed to us. I prepared the planning application myself and we had it swiftly approved. What inspired the design and look?
My inspiration has always been modern, Scandinavian architecture with an abundance of natural light. Even before putting an offer on
Natural light floods into the kitchen via skylights
50 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
the house, I was obsessed with my future house’s orientation and aspect. We rejected all houses without southerly gardens as well as those with closed-in aspects. I was determined to move away from the pokey character of the 1950’s British housing, therefore I planned for large open spaces and intended to make the most of uninterrupted views. How would you describe the look of the house now?
We have definitely moved away from the compartmentalised, tired property we purchased. We removed all of the internal walls (except the shower room which we built in place of the existing kitchen) and built a large, single storey extension at the back, maximising the use of natural light by incorporating two large skylights. Style wise, it’s a creative mix of everything I love – there are elements of modern, boho, Scandi and mid-century. I offset monochromes with pops of colour, used layers, geometry and textures, and I have finally realised my dream of an indoor jungle – my mum used to have one in my family home and I’m proud to be carrying on the green-thumb gene.
clockwise: Nala is a big fan of the calming space; it’s the little things that make a house a home; Aga isn’t afraid to experiment with décor; Aga’s pride and joy in her indoor jungle, just like her mum used to have; sleek finishing touches
Lotti enjoys the garden as much as her people do
52 I CARDIFF LIFE I www.mediaclash.co.uk
RESIDENCE Could you take us room by room on a brief tour?
We added a small porch at the entrance to the property – to help with the curb appeal – however, building this meant we took away the natural light from the hallway which in turn determined its décor; we decided to embrace it and go dark and moody with wooden floor panels and a deep grey wall. Turning left, you enter the open space where we work from (the front room has been converted to a home office), eat (the back living room is now serving as dining room), chill and spend time as a family (the living room is located in the extension) and finally prepare meals and socialise in the newly created kitchen. The existing, small kitchen has been converted into a downstairs shower room and utility. What is your favourite room?
Most definitely the extension! I love the extra headroom, the light we get in there and the connection with the garden; I’m surrounded by green and brightness, it’s impossible to feel down in this space. My top favourite feature is the four-metre bifold that we open every day in the summer, as well as the skylight above the kitchen; I’m so glad we stretched the budget to get these, they seemed extravagant at the time, but they’ve been the best decisions we made. What local businesses/shops did you visit for your décor?
John Lewis, St David’s and shops like Swoon, The White Company and Homesense. I also used local tradesmen (my builder was my neighbour!), purchased my flooring at Number 1 Flooring on Penarth Road, found my tiles at Royal Tiles on Penarth Road, and selected furniture from FW Homestores, also Penarth Road. What were the biggest challenges, and most rewarding parts of the revamp?
The hardest part for me was project managing; my lack of experience was really put to the test. Many decisions were made prematurely without any consideration for the design, because at certain stages of the process we simply had no idea what we wanted the spaces or functions to be like – the realisation came much later. For example, the location or even colour of the radiators, and one of my biggest regrets: electrics. If I could do it all again, there would be some serious change arounds. One of the most rewarding (and also most unexpected) parts of the revamp was getting creative with the garden. I’ve never had myself down as a gardener, but, with the start of pandemic in particular, the garden revamp was what kept us busy.
A porch was added to help with curb appeal
“Our dream was to inject new life into a tired, rigid layout” www.mediaclash.co.uk I CARDIFF LIFE I 53
RESIDENCE Homes have come to mean so much more to us since we have been confined to them for the most part of 2020, what advice would you give people who want to make their home more of a joy to be in?
I would say don’t be afraid to experiment and change things around, even if others judge you for trying. For me, a can of paint and a roller in my hand is a fun way of spending an afternoon. Who said we should only repaint a room when walls get dirty after decades of usage? I repaint whenever I feel creative or feel like I can improve the space. It’s no news to anyone that greenery makes us feel good, therefore we should surround ourselves with living green – but I think I might have taken this approach to another level with my houseplants! A tip to those who are about to embark on a self-build or renovation: the more natural light you invite into your house, the more plant-friendly it’s going to end up! What’s the nicest thing anyone has said about your home?
I run a little home account on Instagram – @thishousewemade – where my passion for photography meets the need to document the house’s progress; when my friends visit in person they often exclaim ‘it looks even better than in the photos!’ We live in a world where everything appears better online than in reality, so a reality exceeding Instagram couldn’t be a greater compliment. See more of Aga’s home on Instagram, @thishousewemade or see her photography website, www.agatomaszek.com
It’s all Scandi-chic in the bedroom
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Industrial Scandi styling from Kutchenhaus Cardiff
It’s the hub of the home after all, so we’ve asked local experts what kitchen designs they love for the year ahead
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rom dark materials to a focus on the small stuff, the latest kitchen looks are striking, sophisticated and anything but bland. As we leave 2020 in the past, one of the things that’s noticeable is how our interior design choices have been affected by the changes a tumultuous year has brought about. There has been an amplified desire to ensure our homes are not only comforting and relaxing – our very own sanctuaries away from the stresses and anxieties of the outside world – but are great to look at too, considering we’re spending a lot more time inside them. The ways in which we cook, entertain, work and relax in our abodes have changed significantly, and there has been a shift towards braver and bolder styling choices as we attempt to bring some cheerfulness, individuality and functionality into our décor. Here, local kitchen pros share their reasons to look forward to the future: warm, welcoming, flexible kitchens with staying power.
“Try mixing up the textures to add interest”
Our kitchens are following the fashion for taking surfaces to the dark side. Viewed by many as an accent colour, shades such as black and dark grey can be used across the whole room – on worktops, floors, walls and splashbacks – and can, surprisingly, make a room feel very inviting, as well as très chic, liveable and luxe. According to Ceri Hill, design director at Chalkhouse Kitchens on Bessemer Close, Cardiff, a rich, shadowy palette is one to consider if you’re going ultra modern. “Dramatic and dark kitchens are very much a key trend, but try mixing up the textures to add interest. Cupboard doors in a shade of off-black with just a hint of blue or green in it, cool marble worktops and a sprinkling of pale wood accents to warm things up are the essential elements for this latest on-trend vibe.” Shahab Bari, director at Kutchenhaus Cardiff, Queens Arcade, agrees that dark intensity is a way to go, “Think deep walnut, black concrete and graphite finishes. Mixing concrete and wood finishes is really on trend too.”
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An Autograph blush kitchen, from Leekes, Llantrisant
When it comes to paint-colour pairings, feel free to throw the rulebook out of the window and properly embrace the unexpected. “I feel we will see an upsurge in more rich colours such as indigo blues and bottle greens,” says Steve Drewitt, design director at Avantgarde Designs Ltd – a familyrun company offering Italian, German, British and handmade kitchens all under one roof – on Sloper Road, Cardiff. “But less is often more; a kitchen is a piece of furniture in its own right; classic lines and quirky details create a real statement.” Dakeney Fox, photographer and marketing manager at Newport’s Cymru Kitchens, which designs, handbuilds and hand-paints bespoke kitchens, says that while minimalistic and traditional looks are still sought after, the bold, textured aesthetic is one for the brave. And Jo Littlejohn, director of buying at Leekes, which has a store in Llantrisant, says that adding pops of colour from patterned tiles can give your kitchen an instant refresh, and is a pretty inexpensive way of rejigging things. “Blue is big for 2021,” says Jo. “We have seen sales increase dramatically on blue kitchens and we see this moving into the year ahead also. Blue also looks great with brass and gold accents.”
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A sophisticated aesthetic from Adam Elliot
A turquoise Tunstall look by Cymru Kitchens
“It’s easy to add individual touches to make your kitchen something special”
You of course don’t have to spend thousands and have a complete overhaul in order to freshen your kitchen. Jo at Leekes suggests statement lighting to add a new focus to an existing kitchen, which is an affordable – but expensive-looking – way of updating your space. Feature pendants are being used to dress the aesthetic up, and the use of spotlights or down-lights are still key. Often overlooked, striking taps, hinges, knobs and handles can transform a kitchen design; Ceri at Chalkhouse Kitchens agrees that revamps don’t have to cost the earth and says it’s the finishing touches that can make or break a scheme. “The first thing people notice in your kitchen are cheap handles, so splash the cash on new, quality hardware. Declutter
your worktops, ditch the mismatched mugs, and add cute wooden chopping boards and a dash of fresh greenery for a quick freshen up. As someone who loves to cook, I like to design kitchens that not only look beautiful but work superbly as well. As our kitchens are handmade in our workshop in Cardiff, it’s easy to add those really individual touches to make your kitchen something special.” Shahab at Kutchenhaus says that using wall panelling to replace dated wall tiles or to create a new feature is a simple but effective quick fix. “We can even do them to match perfectly with our worktops for a clean and modern look.” And Steve at Avantgarde Designs adds, “A change in handles, worktops and or even the whitegoods can give a new and fresh feel without being budget busting.” ■
YOU’VE BEEN READING Cymru Kitchens Ltd, Old Mineral Water Factory, Turner Street, Newport; www.cymrukitchens.com Leekes Llantrisant, Cowbridge Road, Pontyclun; www.leekes.co.uk Chalkhouse Kitchens Ltd, Kitchen Studio, Bessemer Close, Cardiff; www.chalkhousekitchens.co.uk Kutchenhauas, Queens Arcade, Cardiff; www.kutchenhaus.co.uk Avantgarde Designs Ltd, Gripoly Mills Retail Park, Sloper Road, Cardiff; www.avantgardedesign.co.uk Adam Elliot, Vale Business Park, Cowbridge; Vale of Glamorgan; www.adamelliot.co.uk A bold Chalkhouse Kitchens design
It’s the city’s business
Imagine that moment – ‘and the Winner is…’
LEFT TO RIGHT, Carla and Cleo, Ellie
and Mabel, Bethany and Olive
Three times the fun
hat do you do if you’re a trio of sisters who’ve all had babies around the same time? Start a kid-themed business of course. Moro Mou, was set up by sisters Ellie, Bethany and Carla Johnson at the latter end of 2020, selling children’s toys, books and essentials. “We all had babies very close to one another and were inspired to start Moro Mou because we found that so many baby toys are not very environmentally friendly,” says Ellie, who lives in Roath. “We also wanted to start our own business for flexible work so that we could spend as much time with our babies as
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possible, although we have realised that we are working more than ever at the moment! “We all live in different areas – Cardiff, Bournemouth and Cyprus – so it isn’t easy to run a business from separate locations, but thankfully we can video chat. What sets our business apart is that we are trying to be as environmentally conscious as possible; we only use sustainable packaging; we source sustainable products from ethical companies (mostly wooden toys); and we are also planting a tree with every purchase.” For more: www.moromou.co.uk Moro Mou’s toy collection is environmentally friendly as well as very pretty
Nominations are now open for the 2021 Cardiff Life Awards and, following an exciting virtual event in 2020, organisers are anticipating many individuals from the Cardiff business community putting themselves forward for the chance to win. Traditionally, the prestigious Awards have sold out many weeks in advance, with 450 attendees and dozens on the waiting list. Businesses bring their best case forward for an Award if they wish to attend – with the chance to sweep up a glamourous trophy. The deserving winners receive coverage in Cardiff Life, a hand-crafted trophy, window stickers to proudly display, plus the long-lasting memory of an award-winning moment. Already on board through sponsorship is platinum sponsor Marsh Commercial, along with category sponsors Genero, HawkinsThomas Wealth Management, Park Plaza, Regus, WSET; and, of course, Cardiff Life itself. Category sponsorship opportunities remain, please contact annie.kelly@mediaclash.co.uk for more details. For more: www.cardifflifeawards.co.uk
A big thank you to Harding Evans’ head of employment law Dan Wilde who was the guest speaker on our first ever Cardiff Life Business Surgery in December 2020. We’re keen to help Cardiff businesses by showcasing their professional expertise via our upcoming Business Surgeries, if you’d like to know more, get in touch. For more: www.linkedin.com/company/mediaclash
CARDIFFWORKS Hijinx in action
Hamlyn Williams has taken a new office space at 101 St Mary Street, Cardiff. Savills, and joint agent Knight Frank, on behalf of Aegon Asset Management, completed the letting of 101 St Mary Street in Cardiff to Hamlyn Williams, a specialist recruitment firm, which has agreed a fiveyear lease. www.hamlynwilliams.com
Legal and General Investment Management, in partnership with Cardiff-based Hijinx – one of Europe’s leading inclusive theatre companies – have been awarded the 2020 Arts, Business and Employees award from Arts & Business Cymru. Hijinx runs an innovative programme for learning disabled and neurodivergent actors who play out scenarios that depict a range of communication challenges, encouraging managers to develop greater understanding and empathy for their employees. For more: www.hijinx.org.uk
Innovative support has become available to scale up businesses amid Covid-19 recovery. A number of new business support models are available to small businesses, providing a one-stop shop of support and facilitating their growth, according to a new study by ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). ACCA’s new report Space to Grow examines how new and emerging business support models are being used to allow more SMEs to achieve rapid growth. www.accaglobal.com
A local entrepreneur has received an award from Jacqueline Gold CBE, the CEO of Ann Summers. Alice Ojeda, the founder of Cardiff-based Authentic House, was recognised with a prestigious #WOW badge for her at-home business, based in Splott, which makes and shares plastic-free home refills, products for a sustainable lifestyle and eco-friendly subscription boxes. Alice was one of three winners selected by Jacqueline after she entered ‘Women on Wednesday’ (WOW) – a competition launched by Jacqueline in 2011 to celebrate the growing number of female entrepreneurs and businesswomen in the UK. “Authentic House is a wonderful business striving to help people protect the planet from their own homes ith plasticfree refills and self-care products,” says Jaqueline. “Sustainability and self-care are a vital focus right now, and the two make for a perfect mix. Alice’s efforts towards helping make a change in the world are something to be admired.” For more: www.authentichouse.co.uk
Alice Ojeda’s local business has been recognised by Jacqueline Gold (RIGHT), CEO of Ann Summers
Virtual one hour sessions, all free to attend Search Cardiff Life on LinkedIn for upcoming dates and registration If you would like to get involved, please email events@mediaclash.co.uk
Golden years A couple at a Cardiff care home have been reunited in a ‘Covid proof’ pod for their golden wedding anniversary
woman living at a Cardiff care home was able to celebrate her 50th anniversary with her husband in a ‘Covid-proof’ family visitors’ area. Anne Milne has been living at Tŷ Llandaff, an ‘all-inclusive’, residential, nursing, palliative and respite care home in Conway Road, Pontcanna, and it had not been possible for her to receive visitors due to the coronavirus outbreak. However, care home staff created a ‘Family Visitor Pod’ inside the home back in the summer which has been designed to defy the pandemic and allow its residents to have face-to-face contact with their families. The ground floor Library Room has been converted to dual accessible area with a large vinyl screen and partition. Tŷ Llandaff has remained free of Covid-19 for the duration the crisis of the pandemic and there are strict infection control guidelines being followed, including use of PPE by staff. All visitors are required to wear face coverings and have to have their temperatures taken on arrival.
Anne was able to see her husband, John, and speak with other family members via video calling on his laptop in emotional scenes at the home. It was the first time the couple had seen each other in months. Staff at Tŷ Llandaff also bought them a special anniversary cake and put banners up around the room. Tŷ Llandaff service manager Lisa Cristina said, “We were delighted that Anne and John were able to celebrate their 50th anniversary in some way at the home. All the staff at Tŷ Llandaff have worked extremely hard to keep our residents safe. That is why we are so pleased to enable visits to take place when they’re allowed which follow Government guidelines in our Family Visitor Pod. “We’ve been keeping things as normal as possible at Tŷ Llandaff and keeping our residents busy but we know the importance of family connection. Anne was overjoyed to see John again and spend some time talking to other family members on video calling. It was a truly wonderful occasion.” n
John Milne
Anne Milne
For more information about Tŷ Llandaff call Lisa on 02920 600 100, email info@ tyllandaffcare.com or visit www.tyllandaffcare.com
“KEEP MOVING, CHANGING AND GROWING” uncertainty. The best way to step out of fear is to take action. Start planning now to remain stable in your sector and plan for challenges you may face. Be aware and stay conscious of what your competitors are doing. Also, identify who you can collaborate with so you can keep winning.
What have you found to be the best tools for business growth?
Self-development. In order to meet the ever-changing needs of businesses and the economic climate, you have to keep learning and staying in touch with current trends and shifts in sectors you are consulting in.
Catherine Demaid We sat down with Cowbridge-based business consultant and coach Cath, to chat about start-ups, job leaps and going skiing every year just for the après Tell us a little about Cath Demaid Consulting…
I love being able to roll my sleeves up in a business and get right in there, either to the root of a problem holding them back or to develop strategies to catapult growth, or facilitate transformational change. Being able to work onsite with clients locally, feel the culture and get to know the people is really important to me. That said, due to Covid I’m rolling my sleeves up on Zoom calls right now!
When did you set up the business?
I first started consulting in 2005 after having my second daughter. It was a huge leap after 13 years in the corporate environment of Lloyds Bank, but I’ve never looked back. Then and now, I still very much rely on word of mouth and recommendations from clients. I always encourage business start-ups to develop a network of clients and customers who are happy to recommend you. It’s the best and most effective PR exercise.
Talk us through a recent example that best illustrates the work you do…
Flexibility and adaptability is absolutely key in the role of a consultant. Adapting to change and uncertainty, particularly in these challenging times is key. I’d never podcasted before lockdown,
however in these times we need to pivot and flex to move with new ways of working, changing employee needs, dare I say it Brexit, and obviously the pandemic. So, when one of my clients – Andrea Callanan from Inspire Me – asked me to podcast about all things leadership and management with her, I was delighted.
How might you describe your key clientele?
I support business leaders and owners on a 1-2-1 coaching basis, helping them to develop, sustain and drive their businesses forward. In the corporate, training provider and HR sector I am regularly approached to design and deliver leadership and change programmes and set up accredited and approved learning solutions.
Is there someone in business that you admire?
developing them for clients at the start of lockdown in March 2020 – with January 2021 in mind for any sort of normality to return – some of them laughed at me; I’m writing new ones for them now to start 2021 as positively as possible.
What advice would you give to businesses and start-ups in the current climate? Keep moving, changing and growing. Fear is high at the moment due to
The last director I worked for at Lloyds had a huge influence on me. He encouraged me to be true to my values, behave ethically and morally and remain steadfast to this when faced with immoral and unethical behaviour.
Help us get to know you…
I’m a huge clay pigeon shooting fan; and I go skiing every year with my daughters – I never actually ski though, everyone always seems quite shocked at that. I just love the Aprés…
For more, find Catherine on LinkedIn or email her at cathdm@outlook.com
What’s your mantra?
Just do it, and be positive. There is always a solution.
How has your sector coped throughout the pandemic?
During the pandemic, I’ve supported businesses with home working, employee issues, business growth and sustainability, redundancy projects and contingency planning. Contingency planning is key in the current environment. When I started
Cath speaking at the ‘Creating Superstars at Work’ Podcast with Inspire Me
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“It’s important to have female engineers; the way we use and experience products is so personal”
The Dyson engineer, who’s from Cardiff, is the brains behind many of today’s household appliances. Here she tells us why her job has endless possibilities... At Dyson, Lucy leads a team of noise and vibration engineer specialists; she is one of the engineers behind the revolutionary Supersonic hairdryer and was involved in inventing quiet, bladeless fans. Here she speaks to us as part of the This is Engineering Campaign created by the Royal Academy of Engineering which aims to bring the career to life for young people and highlight how engineering is making a difference, despite it being one of the most misunderstood jobs in the country. At Dyson, you’re the brains behind many of today’s household appliances. What’s your role exactly?
I manage a team of acoustics and vibration engineers. We
come up with ingenious ways of making products quiet without compromising on their performance. My personal favourites are the Airwrap hair styler, the new 9kJ hand dryer and the Pure Cool Me fan. For each of these products we engineered bespoke silencers to absorb and control noise they make. Why is it important for businesses to employ female engineers? It’s
important to have female engineers in all sectors, but especially so in product design. The way we use and experience products is so personal, it’s important we have a diverse team developing them. I’m lucky in that Dyson really acknowledges this and are paving the way to improve the gender split for future generations.
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How would you ‘sell’ engineering as a job?
It’s brilliant for anyone with a creative imagination, who has a passion for solving problems and creating new things. With endless possibilities, it’s a job you can never get bored of doing.
just 10 minutes’ walk from Roath Park lake, and the WMC always fascinates me with its impressive architecture and interesting acoustic features. I’ve got some great memories performing on various stages there too so it’s extra special for me.
What are your hobbies and passions?
What jobs did you have when you lived here?
I’m a keen violinist, and I am also a ballet dancer. I love to bake and have recently taken up sewing too. What are your memories of growing up in Cardiff?
I’m from Lakeside, and most of my memories revolve around residential orchestra courses and concerts in and around Cardiff with what are now life-long friends. Music played a big part of my childhood. Favourite places/views in the city?
I can’t pick just one; it’s a tie between Roath Park lake and the Wales Millennium Centre. It took me moving away from Cardiff – to work at Dyson in Wiltshire – to really appreciate quite how lucky I was to grow up
Mostly playing the violin as part of wedding quartets and at functions. Before I joined Dyson, I was also a violin teacher. Tell us a fond memory from your life…
A few years ago, James Dyson challenged us to create some musical instruments out of Dyson machines. My team and I had great fun creating our own violin out of bits of a hand dryer and vacuum cleaner. It was certainly an unusual day in the office to stand on stage and perform to James himself, along with a room full of colleagues. n
www.dyson.co.uk; www.thisisengineering.org.uk