Bath Life – Issue 472

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Excellent - 4.9* out of 5


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ABOVE: Hand painted Love Life

©David Hockney;

BELOW: Celebrating 20 glorious

years of Bath Life


s luck would have it, given the theme of this issue, I actually moved to Bath 20 years ago. (well it was November 2001 but let’s not be a buzz kill). I moved here for love. Yes, the husband, but my ‘hilarious’ joke is that it was Bath that stole my heart. I was freelance and home-based then, and I can vividly remember picking up a copy of Bath Life from Moorland Road Library. Its beautifully laid out pages were bursting with local foodie news, a what’s on guide, the latest in the arts, highlights from indie retailers. It provided a glossy, informative, and entertaining snapshot of my new homeland, and I kept it, coffee-table style. To now find myself the actual editor of the mag is incredible – an absolute honour. Every two weeks, when we plan this magazine, I try and recall that surge of delight I felt when I first discovered Bath Life, and replicate that every issue. Fortunately it’s not so hard with a city this magnificent, vibrant, and forever evolving. However myself and the team knew we would have to go the extra mile to make this

magazine’s 20th birthday something extra special. Which is why, in this bumper 180-page edition, over on page 20 (I’ll repeat that, page 20 – we don’t just throw these things together you know) you’ll find 20 reasons why we ALL fell in love with Bath. Yes there’s the eclectic arts scene (page 62), the amazing indie retailers (page 126), the fab foodie havens (page 104), and the thriving businesses (page 150), but, and let’s own this, our city is a place of unique breath-taking beauty and character that never fails us, never gets old, and could do with being praised and appreciated on a regular basis. We also have special-edition columns from Mr Books himself Nic Bottomley (page 85), and the alwayswonderful David Flatman (page 53), plus our exclusive cover is from the book Love Life David Hockney Drawings 1963 to 1977, the exhibition of which is currently on at the Holburne Museum. And if that wasn’t impressive enough, DJ and everybody’s favourite New Yorker-turned-Bathonian Huey Morgan, has compiled a special Bath Life 20 Years playlist to help us party in style! (page 178). Enjoy, play loud, and we think you’ll find this issue is a coffee-table keeper!




Follow us on Twitter @BathLifeMag Instagram @bathlifemag I BATH LIFE I 3

38-41 Broad Street, Bath. BA1 5LP Tel. 01225 462227


Issue 472 / 17 –30 June 2022 COVER From the book Love Life David Hockney Drawings 1963 to 1977, exhibiting at the Holburne Museum until 18 September

20 REASONS TO LOVE THIS CITY 20 WE LOVE BATH We’re going the full touristy,

Instagrammable 20/20 vision here from Pulteney Bridge to Alexandra Park


62 ART IN BATH So many city centre venues, spaces and

galleries to soothe that creative itch


98 COVER STORY Freelance creative director and Bath Life


cover designer Trevor Gilham shares the secrets of his beautiful cover designs and selects 20 of his favourites


104 TIME FOR REFRESHMENTS We take you on a tour of

the best places in Bath to eat, drink, and be happy


126 EDITOR’S CHOICE The faves and the bestsellers from just

a few of Bath’s brilliant indies

20 WAYS TO MEAN BUSINESS 150 BATH WORKS The leading lights who are

helping make Bath such a dynamic, thriving and community-minded city




53 FLAT LINE David Flatman on loving Bath, and loving Bath Life 85 BOOKS Mr B’s Nic Bottomley share 20 great books with

a Bath-bias

178 HUEY MORGAN The BBC Radio 6 Music DJ on loving his adopted hometown and his Bath Life 20 Years soundtrack

Editor Sarah Moolla Deputy editor Lydia Tewkesbury Managing editor Deri Robins deri.robins@mediaclash. Senior art editor Andrew Richmond Graphic design Megan Allison Cover design Trevor Gilham Contributors Nic Bottomley, David Flatman and Trevor Gilham Group commercial manager Pat White Business development manager Annabel North Business development manager Dan Nichols Business Development Executive Kyra Hardy Production/Distribution manager Sarah Kingston sarah. Deputy production manager Kirstie Howe Production designer Matt Gynn / Gemma Bourne Chief executive Jane Ingham Chief executive Greg Ingham greg.ingham@ Bath Life MediaClash, Carriage Court, 22 Circus Mews, Bath, BA1 2PW 01225 475800; @The MediaClash © All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without written permission of MediaClash. We’re a Bath-based publisher, creative agency and event organiser Magazines Our portfolio of regional magazines celebrates the best of local living: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. Agency From the design and build of websites to digital marketing and creating company magazines, we can help. Events We create, market, promote and operate a wide variety of events both for MediaClash and our clients Contact: I BATH LIFE I 19

REASONS WE LOVE BATH Whittled down from the longest list of Bath love you’ve ever seen, we’re taking the plunge and going big, bold and audacious with our Bathonian top 20





Yes it’s everybody’s favourite Insta-shot but with very good reason. This horseshoe weir was first built in the 00s to prevent ooding in the ust turned town to city of ath 0). The weir, which controls water level and regulates ow, was then completely rebuilt in the early 0s and given a more effective and now distinctive -shape design. ust upstream is ulteney ridge, constructed in the early 0s and replaced the need for a ferry. esigned by obert dam and named after rances ulteney, who having helped secure the funding from arliament, named the bridge after himself. Two fun facts alert ulteney ridge is one of only four bridges worldwide with shops across the full span on both sides, and the weir featured in the 20 2 film Les Misérables, brie y playing the role of the iver eine.

“Pulteney Bridge is one of only four bridges worldwide with shops across the full span on both sides”





Set within Sydney Gardens, Holburne Museum, which has also been known as formerly known as the Holburne of Menstrie Museum, and the Holburne Museum of Art, was founded in 1882 with the gift of Sir William Holburne’s collection of 16th and 17th century Italian and Dutch paintings, silver, sculpture, furniture, porcelain, and diverse objets d’art, all of which have national and international significance. That founding gift has since been augmented with an impressive collection of 18th century paintings by such artists as Gainsborough, Lawrence, Ramsay, Stubbs and offany.

After undergoing ambitious renovation work, a contemporary, and later award-winning, glass extension by ric arry rchitects was revealed in ay 20 . Alongside the permanent collection and long term loans, the Holburne Museum also hosts many exhibitions, the most recent of these being The Tudors: Passion, Power and nfli t ssetti s rtraits ana ett aintin eni e; and currently, until 18 September 2022, is a id ne e i e ra in s t . This is based on the book of the same name, the cover of which can be seen on this issue’s celebratory cover. It features a selection of both wellknown and unfamiliar drawings which demonstrate the artist’s love of life, along with an introductory essay by the olburne useum’s director hris tephens.



“It was here, on Whitsunday 973, King Edgar was crowned King of all England”



ath bbey first appears in the historical record as early as , when sric, an nglo- a on king, gave land to the bbess ertana, to found a onvent of oly irgins, which means there was a community of women worshipping on this very site more than , 00 years ago. It was here, some 00 years later, on hitsunday that ing dgar was crowned ing of all ngland and in , ueen li abeth II visited to mark ,000 years since his coronation. round the ishop of ath and ells, liver ing, had a dream in which angels were climbing a ladder to heaven, and a voice said, et a ing restore the church’. The ishop took this as a heavenly message to destroy the old orman church and build a grand new edifice of a cathedral in erpendicular style. The angels on the front of the bbey are said to refer to his vision. ath bbey was to be the last great medieval church built before the issolution of the onasteries by enry III in . eaping forward to 20 0, the ootprint pro ect launched to repair the historic oor, create new spaces including a choir space, install a new heating system, and create a new iscovery entre to re-tell the story of the bbey all of which is near completion now.




This row of 0 terraced houses laid out in a sweeping crescent was designed by the architect ohn ood, the ounger and built between and , and while the interiors may have changed over the centuries, the eorgian stone fa ade remains much as it was when first built. uring the 20th century many of the houses were divided into ats and o ces and in 0 the whole rescent was designated as a rade I listed building. umber became a guest house that same year, and now goes by the name of The oyal rescent otel pa. The lawn below the oyal rescent, known as a ha-ha, was part of an archaeological investigation in 2002 for hannel ’s Time Team in which they e cavated a ditch containing ron e ge remains.


The first tenant in the first built part of the rescent was Thomas rock in and then in rince rederick, uke of ork and lbany. enry andford, a retired Irish ember of arliament, was the first permanent resident of o. and lived at the house with his family from until his death in ath in . ow o. oyal rescent is a historic house museum, owned and maintained by the ath reservation Trust, and designed, through original artefacts and immersive technology, to illustrate how wealthy owners and their servants might have furnished and occupied such a house in the late th century. The museum has also been the scene of many T programmes and films including ’s adaptation of Northanger Abbey by ane usten in , and more recently as the ighty eatheringtons’ front door in et i ’s Bridgerton. I BATH LIFE I 25


“Over 2,000 years ago, the people of Roman Britain, came to the site to worship the goddess Sulis Minerva”


More than 2,000 years ago, the people of Roman Britain would travel to this religious spa to worship the goddess Sulis Minerva and bathe in the waters of the natural thermal springs. After the Roman withdrawal from Britain in the early fifth century, the baths were neglected and fell into disrepair, before being destroyed by ooding, and disappeared completely from ath’s landscape. The magic of the waters lived on and in the th century, doctors began to prescribe the medicinal drinking of the thermal waters


with its minerals. The first ump oom, now the restaurant and tearoom, opened in 0 , allowing patients to access water directly from the spring. It wasn’t until that the city surveyor discovered the oman remains of the baths, with the site opening to the general public in . The oman aths have continued to be e cavated, e tended and conserved, with this year seeing the opening of the lore earning entre, enabling school parties to participate in interactive lessons and discover more about the omans, archaeology, and the hot springs of ath.

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Bath Rugby is one of the oldest and most successful rugby clubs in the UK and was formed in 1865 as Bath Football Club. Like many other rugby clubs at the time, it was formed as an offshoot of the local cricket club to keep the members occupied during the cricket off-season. radually increasing their fi ture list over 20 years, the season saw ath completing 20 fi tures, winning 17, drawing two and losing only one, with most games played against local opposition such as eston- uper- are, loucester, lifton and the e otically named rabs’ from ristol. With an original home base at North Parade, Bath then led a nomadic e istence playing at laverton own, ambridge eadows, Taylor’s ield and enrietta ark. They then in leased a plot of land at ulteney eadow, known locally as the ec. ince then, ath has won the nglish up inal at Twickenham an unprecedented ten times, and in ath ugby became the first ritish side to win the uropean up, beating rive - in ordeau , which is where the supporters’ now renowned chant of lle ath’ first originated.

“Bath Rugby became t e rst ritis side t in t e ur ean u i is ere t e ant e at rst ri inated” I BATH LIFE I 29




As Bath’s popularity as a spa resort began to wane, Royal Victoria Park was created as an additional attraction for the city. It was opened by an 11-year-old Princess Victoria in 1830, who would later become ueen ictoria, and was the first park to carry her name, with the park’s ornate obelisk dedicated to her. The park was initially managed by a committee of wealthy ath inhabitants and financed by voluntary contributions until being taken over by ath ity ouncil in 2 . It is now home to tennis courts, mini-golf, a skate park, designated barbecue areas, a bandstand, impressive playground, plus the beautiful Botanical Gardens created in 1887. These contain a scented walk, rock garden, American conifers, the Great Dell, shrub roses, and outdoor art sculpture. It also houses the Temple of inerva, which was originally designed to promote Bath stone at the 2 ritish mpire hibition in ondon. ow renovated, the Temple acts as an education centre for school groups, as well as a wedding venue.



ham astle is, as its name suggests, a bit of a fake. esigned to look like the entrance to a grand medieval fortress, the stone structure which sits along the ath skyline in laverton own, was actually built in 2. The purpose of it was purely so alph llen, the postmaster e traordinaire, uarry owner, and one-time mayor of ath, could en oy its view from his nearby estate. This isn’t the only famous rich man’s folly in Bath, with Beckford’s Tower, originally known as ansdown Tower, built in neo-classical style on ansdown ill. ompleted in 2 it was constructed for the novelist and art collector William Beckford to use as a study retreat and to house his literary and art collection, as well as en oy uninterrupted views of the countryside.

“Sham Castle is, as its name suggests, a bit of a fake” I BATH LIFE I 31




As our city’s name suggests, the thermal springs have been integral to Bath and up until 1978 the municipal swimming pool which sourced its water directly from the King’s Spring pipeline beneath the River Avon, served the residents. But the discovery of an infectious organism in the water meant its closure. It wasn’t until 2006, and the opening of the Thermae Bath Spa, that the ban on bathing in the Bath waters was lifted. The ‘Glass Cube’, designed by Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, has two natural thermal baths, an open-air rooftop pool and an indoor pool, a large wellness suite with two aromatic steam rooms, an ice chamber, infrared sauna and a celestial relaxation room. In addition there is a café, three relaxation areas, and 27 spa treatment rooms, including the 18th century hot bath. The separate Cross Bath, found on Hot Bath Street, is a Grade I listed Georgian building housing a small open-air thermal bath. It is estimated the spa brings at least 260,000 visitors a year to Bath, in turn contributing an extra £15 million a year to the city’s economy.


“It wasn’t until 2006 that the ban on bathing in the Bath waters was lifted”


“Originally called Bath Queen Square station, this was a hugely popular railway line for holidaymakers” 34 I BATH LIFE I



Built in the 1860s, and originally called Bath Queen Square station, this was a hugely popular railway line for holidaymakers travelling in the summer from the Midlands down to Bournemouth. Renamed Green Park Station in 1951, changes to British Rail led to services being slowly wound down, and the last train from Bristol pulled in on 7 March 1966. During the 1980s the derelict site was restored to provide a retail and market space and has been evolving ever since. The Ethical Property Company took over managing the station in November 2008. This includes the underground outh aults ces that currently provide a home to a variety of innovative and progressive local organisations working for social change in Bath and across the UK. bove ground you’ll find evolution ecords, Framecraft, Green Park Brasserie, and the Bath Pizza Co, the monthly Bath Farmers’ Market, Bath Contemporary Artists’ Fair, and the Vintage and Antiques Market, along with regular stalls and hut inhabitants, including Wolf Wines. I BATH LIFE I 35


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“Huge swatches of green teeming with wildlife including deer, buzzards and butterflies”




Managed by The National Trust whose clear markers help guide this circular six-mile trail, not only does the ath kyline alk afford incredible views of the city sprawled out below, but also takes in iron forts, sprawling countryside and undulating hills on the way. ou can also spot the glorious gardens of rior ark, which includes one of only four of the world’s alladian bridges, appreciate the trees of athwick ood and athampton Wood, spot the giant anthills near Rainbow Wood, and enjoy huge swatches of green countryside teeming with wildlife including deer, bu ards and butter ies. I BATH LIFE I 37



The Kennet & Avon Canal, on which construction started in 1718, is 87 miles long starting in Bristol and ending at Reading. The Bath stretch, which links down to Devizes, makes for a beautiful tour of some of Bath’s hidden gems including the locks and the picturesque wrought iron bridge over Wash House Lock, which got its name from the washing that local women did for wealthy visitors who came to Bath for the season. Cleveland House, which was built by the Duke of Cleveland as the headquarters for the canal company can also be spotted, and there’s Sydney Wharf, once the unloading dock for coal, slates and agricultural products, and now the perfect place to hire boats of you fancy messing about on the river.



If you’ve not been to Alexandra Park and taken in those 360 degree vistas, preferably with a chou bun and coffee in hand, then can say you know Bath at all? Alexandra Park, named in honour of Queen Alexandra and opened in 1902 to commemorate the coronation of Edward VII, was created as an open space for the residents of the newly formed Bear Flat. Spread out over 11 acres the park includes a children’s play area, boules pitches, and is surrounded by impressively mature trees and bordered by a circular path, but really it’s all about those views.


“Really it’s all about those views”




“After a brief period as a trout farm, BANES put the pools up for sale”





Built in 1815, The Cleveland Pools first opened as a river fed pool, and was much loved by the bathing ictorians, and later en oyed a heyday in the 0s. This was until competition from the newly opened indoor ath ports and eisure entre saw leveland ools close in . fter a brief period as a trout farm, put the space up for sale in 200 and the leveland ools Trust was formed to try and ensure this oldest lido in ritain could become a public swimming pool again. nd after much fundraising, eritage ottery grants, and restoration work, the pools are due to open later this year. I BATH LIFE I 41





Okay it’s our birthday and we’re allowed to blow our own trumpet just a little. Our glamorous, prestigious and community galvanising Bath Life Awards started back in 2003. Since then, once a year, in the glittering, historic Assembly Rooms (bar 2021 when the Awards took place in the fabulous Bath Pavilion), the great, the good and the go-getters of Bath gather to see who from the illustrious and always impressive list of nominations, the independent judges have deemed the winners. From newbies like the lettings agency Aspire to Move, who won in both 2021 and 2022, to old-school bastions like Bath Rugby, the Awards is an equal opportunity for all local businesses, organisations, and individuals to be recognised. Superbly hosted by Bath Life columnist, TV presenter, and former England and Bath rugby player, David Flatman, more than 400 Awards have been presented over the years, with many more to come.


“The Awards is an equal opportunity for all local businesses, organisations, and individuals to be recognised”





“The Parade holds the Guinness World Record for ‘The largest gathering of people dressed in Regency costumes’”

The Jane Austen Festival is the largest and longest running festival of its kind, with the first once taking place 200 at The ane usten entre on ay Street, lasting just one weekend. It has now grown into a ten-day programme and is believed to attract more than , 00 people from around the world. usten-inspired events include guided walks, costumed balls at the ssembly ooms, theatrical performances, and live music in venues all over the city. The highlight though has to be egency ostumed romenade, when the streets of ath are filled with more than 00 people dressed up in bonnets, bustles, uniforms, and mutton chops. This incredible spectacle even holds the uinness orld ecord for the argest gathering of people dressed in egency costumes’. I BATH LIFE I 45



“The Bath Festival has become a do-not-miss date in the Bathonian calendar”



From free parties to the biggest names in music and literature coming to the city, the Bath Festival has become a do-not-miss date in the Bathonian calendar. Along with the celebrity star dust it scatters, it is also a celebration of local talent like the annual Schools Voices choir at Concert for the People of Bath which takes place in Bath Forum. The same team behind this festival also look after the muchacclaimed Bath Children’s Literature Festival, which takes place this autumn. I BATH LIFE I 47




The Two Tunnels Greenway is a four-mile stretch for walking and cycling that connects the centre of Bath to Midford, and is set on the original Somerset and Dorset Railway Line. It opened on 4 April 2013 thanks to Sustrans, BANES, and the campaign group Two Tunnels, who initially saw the value in reopening the disused railway and turning it into a shared path. The route, which takes in wooded glades, views across the city, and Tucking Mill Viaduct, includes Combe Down tunnel which, at over a mile long, is the longest cycling and walking tunnel in Britain. Enhancing the experience halfway through the tunnel, is Passage, an interactive light and sound installation tucked into the refuges.

“At over a mile long, Combe Down Tunnel is the longest cycling and walking tunnel in Britain” 48 I BATH LIFE I

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Tucked away on new King Street is a small home of earthshattering importance – kind of. It was here at no 19 that William Herschel, using a telescope of his own design, discovered the planet Uranus in 1781. A gifted composer, William Herschel came to Bath in 1766 to try his fortune as a professional musician. He was later joined by his youngest sister Caroline, who journeyed from the family home in Hanover to run William’s household. Although somewhat eclipsed by her brother’s achievements, aroline also made significant contributions to astronomy including the discovery of several comets, including the periodic comet 35P/Herschel-Rigollet, which bears her name. he was the first woman to receive a salary as a scientist and the first woman in ngland to hold a government position. In 1846, The King of Prussia presented her with a Gold Medal for Science on her 96th birthday, two years before she died.

“William Herschel, using a telescope of his own design, discovered the planet Uranus in 1781” 50 I BATH LIFE I

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“Bath Life made me feel like I’d made a good choice in leaving London”

Living my best life


Flats on loving his Bath life, and loving Bath Life have comfortably more than 20 reasons for loving ath, but I haven’t the room here to write them all down. erhaps I’ll offer up a handful of them, and perhaps you might compare them to your own collection. Bath Life maga ine made me love ath and, little did I know as I scooped up a copy back when I first arrived in 200 , it was likely still classified as a start-up at that stage. It didn’t feel new and nervous; it felt established, reassuring, and classy. It made me feel like I’d made a good choice in leaving London, and that I hadn’t moved to an overgrown village where nothing much happened. I loved the mag then and I love it still. It is an institution and I still feel proud to see my (always very late) words on its shiny pages. I love ath because while it isn’t actually sleepy and slow-moving, it is sleepier and slower-moving than the aforementioned

capital, which pleases me. I want enough distance between my contemporaries and me that I can live without feeling observed, but I do not want visiting them to feel a chore. The simple things mustn’t require an excess of effort, and in ath they do not. I still chuckle internally when folks mention how awful the tra c is here. That godforsaken bridge aside, you ain’t seen tra c until it’s taken you an hour to pass Harrods on the way to an event in town, after which you know the congestion will be similarly awful, despite it being midnight. I love how ath is a bit of a ghost town before nine in the morning. There’s plenty of hustle happening, but there’s less rushing about it all. People living closer to work than perhaps they might in a bigger city and fewer people seeming to need to display their voracious appetite for graft adds up to an altogether healthier approach to opening times. In the interests of editorial balance,

though, too many cafés and eateries are shut on Mondays. Don’t get it. To all Mondayhating proprietors, I hereby pledge to make opening worthwhile. Take the plunge. I love that last week in ath I walked to the gym, stopping for a proper espresso en route and, after a frankly half-arsed workout, I walked home, collecting a beautiful sourdough loaf from ertinet, two bottles of i ot oir from the eckford ottle hop, and a few basics from the Co-op. Once home I was told I’d forgotten some baby eye drops (about which I was never actually told), so grabbed my funny little one-eyed dog and looped around the Royal Crescent (still cool, even when you’re used to it) and through Vicky Park, eventually popping into the chemists a few streets from home. It was all just a piece of cake. Life, I’m sure, isn’t meant to be hard work. ath does a good ob of reminding us that relaxing and taking pleasure in things is absolutely as valuable as supposed achievement. I once read ath being described as a graveyard of ambition. Well, one of my most prominent and aggressive ambitions is to have down time and to damn well enjoy it. I like working hard, I like being paid, I like being promoted. ut I also like sipping coffees in ath caf s, and I like the Valley Ranch baguettes from Intermezzo, and I like watching telly in my old house, sun bouncing off the golden houses opposite and through our wafer-thin, uber-ine cient, rattly, perfect old windows. I like my neighbours saying hi, I like that I can go to the Marlborough Tavern for a posh meal and pop into the t. ames ine aults for a somewhat earthier experience on the way home. ath doesn’t have everything but, having lived in London and left the place, I can safely say that I miss none of it whatsoever. To some upwardly mobile commercial torpedoes in the ig moke, ath may indeed resemble a graveyard, but it’s our graveyard and I wouldn’t be anywhere else. David Flatman is an ex-Bath and England rugby star turned TV pundit and rent-o-mic. Follow him n itter da idflat an and nsta dflat an I BATH LIFE I 53

Vicarage Street, Frome – Guide £2.25 million • Freehold | Council Tax Band = G | Grade II* Listed • A stunning and historic family home in the centre of Frome set in 0.75 acre.


Sharpstone, Freshford – Guide £3.5 million • Freehold | Council Tax Band = H | EPC = E • A charming country house with extensive gardens and far-reaching views over the Frome Valley.

THE MARKET IN FIVE Alistair Heather of SAVILLS BATH explains the five factors shaping demand...


lack of homes for sale, coupled with strong buyer demand fuelled by the experience of the pandemic, has turbo charged the property market over the past two years. Despite growing economic headwinds, we are still seeing a great number of buyers who are keen to secure a home in Bath. But what are buyers looking for now? Our most recent survey of buyers and sellers of prime property provides an insight on how priorities are evolving, and here we have set out the top five factors of significance in Bath.

1. THERE IS A SUSTAINED COMMITMENT TO MOVE There is still a high level of commitment to moving, with 22 per cent of those surveyed stating an intention to do so within the next 12 months, up from 15 per cent in September last year, and 28 per cent within the next two years, nearly double the percentage of respondents reporting the same intent in September.

2. LACK OF SUITABLE PROPERTY TO BUY REMAINS A CHALLENGE As has been the case for the last couple of years, buyers are feeling the gap in supply and demand, with 63 per cent reporting it to be

Gay Street, Bath – Guide £1.75 million • Freehold | Council Tax Band = G | Grade I Listed • A truly exquisite and beautifully presented five bedroom townhouse in the centre of Bath.

an issue. Despite more homes coming to the market now, the large pool of unmet demand means that competition for good quality, wellpriced properties is still prevalent – particularly in the most popular locations.

3. THE SQUEEZE ON HOUSEHOLD FINANCES HAS YET TO IMPACT BUDGETS In terms of interest rate rises, 80 per cent of respondents said that recent increases had no impact on their budget. Just 4 per cent said their budget had significantly decreased, although 25 per cent of those in London said their budget had decreased. For 74 per cent of respondents, the rising cost of living had no effect on their budget. However, 47 per cent of those looking at property below £500,000 said their budget had decreased.

radar for commuters, have become a genuinely viable option.

5. SUSTAINABILITY IS MORE IMPORTANT In terms of the property itself, buyers are paying more attention to energy performance. 64 per cent of those who responded to our survey see EPC ratings as an important factor in their decision-making. A third said they had become more important to them over the last year, indicating that increasingly, investing in the energy performance of our homes will be as much about future-proofing its value as reducing running costs.

4. HYBRID WORKING IS HERE TO STAY While many of us have returned to offices this year, we are less likely to be tied to a five-day commute. The survey indicated a notable shift in working patterns, with only 16 per cent of respondents commuting three or more days a week, compared to 58 per cent before the pandemic. This means that regional towns and cities, such as Bath, which were previously off the

If you’re looking to make the most of the market conditions this summer, we would be delighted to advise you. 01225 474500; I BATH LIFE I 55




jam-packed weekend of Americana influenced comedy, music and entertainment in a spectacular location on the edge of Bath, the Americana Fest is a new three-day summer festival of American culture, taking place in the American Museum & Gardens’ spectacular hilltop estate 1-3 July. The weekend will include over fifty performances from top names in comedy and the UK’s Americana music scene, programmed by Noah and the Whale’s Matt Owens and The 7 Hills, with performances across four stages; plus entertaining family activities including face painting, a scavenger hunt, vintage cars, and American-style food trucks and bars. There are three days to choose from – or buy a weekend ticket and enjoy all three at a reduced rate. Friday Festival Launch Night 1 July, 6pm to 11pm – Adult ticket just £25 Friday night is the festival launch party, with an all-American comedy line-up headlined


by Reginald D Hunter (Never Mind The Buzzcocks, QI, Have I Got News For You), with frank, funny and unapologetic New Yorker Abigoliah Schamaun and acclaimed political comedian Erich McElroy. Music includes alternative pop duo Blue Violet and the extraordinary award-winning folk duo Fellow Pynins, from Portland Oregon, appearing as part of their UK tour. Fourtime champion at the DMC World DJ Championships, Asian Hawk will be playing American soul and funk to kick off the festival weekend in style. Saturday music highlights 2 July, midday to 11pm – Adult ticket £39, family £90 (concessions available) Robert Vincent is one of the most acclaimed new voices on the Americana music scene and Saturday’s Main Stage headliner. He has performed alongside artists such as Elvis Costello, Robert Plant, James Blunt, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Beth Neilson Chapman and Paul Carrack. Vincent’s 2020 release, In This Town You’re Owned, charted at number two in the UK Americana Charts and American


Robert Vincent

PLUS MORE! Reginald D Hunter

The Magic Numbers

Songwriter Magazine named it in its top 20 albums (every genre) in 2020. Ethan Johns’ The Black Eyed Dogs headline the Amphitheatre Stage on Saturday. Ethan is known as the godfather of Americana music, having worked as a producer and touring musician for artists such as Crosby Stills and Nash, Ray LaMontagne, Kings of Leon, Joe Cocker, Tom Jones, Emmylou Harris, Paul McCartney and Laura Marling. Other performances include The Magic Numbers’ Michele Stodart. Irish Blues Rock band Crow Black Chicken, Morganway winners of Best Group at The British Country Music Awards, Bristol’s most influential woman of 2022, Lady Nade, and Katy Hurt, winner of UK Country Music Spotlight Awards for Female Vocalist of the Year.

“THE WEEKEND WILL INCLUDE OVER 50 PERFORMANCES FROM TOP NAMES IN COMEDY AND THE UK’S AMERICANA MUSIC SCENE” Sunday music highlights 3 July, Midday to 11pm - Adult ticket £39, family £90 (concessions available) Headlining the Sunday evening will be multi-platinum band The Magic Numbers, well-known for their unique harmonies, melodic hooks, songwriting craftsmanship and timeless sound. Also appearing will be rising stars Declan O’Rourke, Brit Award nominee Beth Rowley, folk rock band Treetop Flyers, Glastonbury Festival Emerging Talent winners, and Noah and the Whale founder member, and Americana Fest music curator Matt Owens, with his band Matt Owens and the Delusional Vanity Project.

FOR FAMILIES… The festival will have plenty of family-friendly activities over the weekend. The children’s garden will be open all day on Saturday and Sunday, with face painting and a scavenger hunt. The Mighty Kids Beatbox Comedy Show will be on the children’s terrace on the Saturday, and adults and kids can take part in country line dancing by Blazing Saddles on both the Saturday and Sunday. There will also be a collection of classic cars to admire, and festival fun and games.

FOOD & DRINK… Green Farm will offer a mouth-watering selection of barbecue food, there will also be vegan grazing boxes by Plant.Eat.Licious, plus Evie’s Mac and Cheese and the Burger Bus. On the Saturday and Sunday, there will be cooking demos from award-winning outdoor cooking duo Sam & Shauna, best-selling authors and stars of BBC One’s Sam & Shauna’s Big Cookout. On the drinks side, there will be vintage air stream bars, and Electric Bear will offer craft beer. Tickets:

Claverton Manor, Bath BA2 7BD 01225 460 503; I BATH LIFE I 57


35 YEARS OF WYLDE It’s a big year for NICHOLAS WYLDE – the Bath shop turns 35 in the jeweller’s 60th year


ith a team of talented goldsmiths who have many years of experience, Nicholas Wylde has created and repaired a wide variety of jewellery and objet d’art. Since realising his dream of starting his own business in 1987 and opening his first shop in Bath at 13 Northumberland Place, Nicholas Wylde has celebrated industry achievements for his reputation and service within the jewellery trade. He has been praised for his success as an independent jeweller and has been awarded a national UK Jewellery Award for the Bath boutique. In 2010 he opened a second branch in Clifton; both shops work well together and have established the brand name in the local luxury market. “I set out to stand out from the crowd, to bring 60 I BATH LIFE I

creative and unique jewellery to my clients and to give a professional yet relaxed service,” says Nicholas. “My motto is, if we can’t do it then no one can. We have been at the forefront of technology, always investing in the business and the staff. Over the years we have won two national awards for being the best independent jewellers in the UK, which I’m extremely proud of and work very hard to make sure we maintain that achievement.” Bath’s leading designer jeweller has built up a superb reputation for designing outstanding jewellery, from one-off commissions to larger corporate orders, all

handmade, with great passion, in the workshop on the premises. But the ‘Wylde effect’ encompasses many aspects – from pushing the limits of artistic expression with unique bespoke commissions to the pursuit of sustainable practice. The brand promotes ethical conduct by ensuring that all materials originate from reliable mining companies committed to the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility. Embracing the objectives of the No Dirty Gold campaign, which establishes standards for the extraction of gold that retail jewellers can use for responsible mining sources, and fully supporting the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme for all its diamonds, it ensures that Wylde creations are beautiful in every single way.


THE BLOOM OF THE WYLDE FLOWER DIAMOND Since launching the Wylde brand in 1987, Nicholas’s goal was to have his own cut of diamond – something very few jewellers in the world have, due to the huge cost and commitment involved. But Nicholas kept pushing – selling a diamond that millions of other stores sell was not what Wylde was about. The Wylde Flower Diamond® was born in 2012, just in time for Wylde’s 25th anniversary – when Nicholas linked up with a cutter in Antwerp and together they designed the amazing round diamond that sparkles like no other. With 81 precisely cut facets – 24 more facets than any other round diamond – the unique beauty of the stone lies in the stunning flower cut into its base.


THE UNIQUE CUT Table This clever cut means that its sheer fire and brilliance can often make the stone appear bigger than its actual size.

Pavilion The WFD is the ultimate token of true love. This sparkling gemstone brings together two symbols of love and romance – flowers and diamonds!

Together Every gemstone has 81 precisely cut facets including the eight perfectly cut on the base to reveal its stunning flower.

Each Wylde Flower Diamond® is hand-picked from hundreds of rough crystals before it’s handed to a world-class diamond cutter for spectacular transformation. Wylde employs Krochmal and Lieber, world-renowned diamond cutters who have been cutting stones for over 100 years in Antwerp. Each piece comes with its own unique number, and the Wylde Flower Logo laser-etched onto the girdle of the stone. Having his own bespoke cut established Wylde’s place among the top diamond designers in the world. “I have diamond number one, my wife has the 100th, and I have an order for the 1,000th,” says Nicholas. “It is cut from 0.25ct with the largest being, at the moment, 3.65ct “ Available from two bespoke shops in the world Heritage City of Bath and the exclusive Clifton Quarter of Bristol, this exquisite diamond is a testament to Wylde’s success, and truly a signature piece to be cherished by anyone lucky enough to wear it. Nicholas Wylde is proud to call Bath home of the Wylde Flower Diamond®.

Nicholas Wylde, 12 Northumberland Place, Bath, BA1 5AR; 01225 462826;;; Find us on social   I BATH LIFE I 61

WAYS TO GET YOUR CREATIVE BUZZ ON IN BATH From collectives to carnivals and from fairs to festivals – for a small city, we’re big on arts


ARTS MODERN ARTBUYER The online gallery the Modern ArtBuyer was started up in February 2012 by Jessica Lloyd-Smith, who has mentored art students at Bath Spa University, with the ethos of granting everyone access to the sometimes exclusive and elusive world of art buying. She looks for artists who are both creatively and technically e ceptional, respected in their field, or graduates who show considerable promise. The gallery currently represent more than 40 artists, ten from Bath and then a further seven from the surrounding area including Bristol and Cheltenham. On average it hosts two pop-ups in Bath, a recent one being in Milsom Place, along with an annual Limpley Stoke Open House, art fairs in Cheltenham and London, plus regularly shares gallery spaces with other Bath indie businesses. Victoria Topping is just one of the Bath artists represented by Modern ArtBuyer

EVENT Date xxxxxxxx


1A Forum Buildings, Bath; The Forum Bath was built as an art deco cinema in 1934 during a time of a huge economic downtown for the country, which was known as the Great Slump. It was seen as an accessible form of escapism for the impoverished of ath, and ourished as a cinema for three decades. ut by 1969 audiences were declining rapidly, mainly due to the rise of home televisions, and its doors were closed. The building later housed a bingo hall and a dancing school. The Forum is still owned by Bath and North East Somerset Council (BANES), but in 1988, it was let on a 700-year term lease to the Bath Christian Trust and became the home of Life Church Bath, which was formerly known as Bath City Church. Over the years, the Forum, which with 1,600 seats actually makes it Bath’s largest venue, has hosted thousands of concerts, performances, films and presentations.

Comedian Rhod Gilbert comes to The Forum Bath on 30 June with The Book of John I BATH LIFE I 63


16 Queen Square, Bath; ounded in 2 , ath oyal iterary cientific Institution in the heart of the city, exists to promote science, literature and the arts with exhibitions, talks and events for all ages, many of which can be accessed online and are free, such as the current Beyond Beastly: Creatures Natural and Imagined exhibition, which runs until ctober. It also houses a huge collection of ob ects, artefacts and books. The I was originally set up on Terrace alk after a devastating fire had destroyed ath’s ower ssembly Rooms. Bath at this time was considered to be the home of geology, and the initial site, designed by George Allen, was able to accommodate the iterary and cientific Institution’s vast collection of geological specimens, along with Roman anti uities. It was in , under ueen ictoria, that the oyal was added to the Institution’s name. In the 0s the public’s growing curiosity for science saw the founding within I of both a geological museum and natural history museum.

A wax impression of a Queen Elizabeth 1588 commemoration coin from the BRLSI’s permanent collection


SouthGate Bath; SouthGate Bath’s installations launched in 2016 and have since brought bright and vibrant spectacles to the city centre shopping space each summer. Following in the photo-worthy footsteps of the award-winning Umbrella Street in 2016 and 2017, as well as the hugely popular Wisteria Walkway of 2018 and 2019, and the beautiful rainbow bunting in 2022, this year’s canopy is made from 0 brightly coloured butter ies. Working with the SouthGate team each year on the installations are the corporate decoration specialists, Decx, while the hanging baskets and giant butter y planters are supplied by BANES Parks, and Bristol printers ESL Group provide the ummer t outh ate selfie backdrop. SouthGate brings art installations directly to the shoppers of Bath





The mural Nether by Stanley Donwood appeared on Walcot Street in 2017

Phaedra by Benjamin Britten, sung by Christine Rice, and Minotaur, choreographed by Kim Brandstrup, performs at the Ustinov 12 – 23 August.

Located on Walcot Street The impressive mural on Walcot Street, which appeared in 2017 and depicts a tunnel of trees with a powerful ball of light emanating through the centre, comes with pretty impressive credentials. Nether is by local artist Stanley Donwood who has worked with Radiohead on their album artwork since 1995. It is also the same image used by Glastonbury estival for their promotional and merchandising material in 2014. Stanley actually created Nether in 20 for his solo e hibition at the Outsiders Gallery in Soho. He later said that the painting was originally one of the most problematic he produced. “I really hated it for a long time. It was so di cult to get right. I spent so long painting twigs – thousands of them – to get what I wanted, but fortunately in the end this painting came together.”


Sawclose, Bath; Built on its current site in 1805, the Theatre Royal Bath is one of the oldest working theatres in the country. It was designed by George Dance, professor of architecture at the Royal Academy, and opened on 12 October 1805 with a performance of Shakespeare’s Richard III. hen a fire in 2 destroyed the building, plans were immediately made to build a new theatre on the old site and in arch a new theatre designed by hipps opened in awclose with a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In the Theatre oyal was purchased by eremy ry to be run as a registered charity and in 1982 major renovation work took place. Now the Theatre Royal Bath presents many pre-West End productions and is a regular date for the ational Theatre, the oyal hakespeare ompany, ambert and hakespeare’s lobe Theatre. Across its three venues – the Main House, Ustinov Studio and The Egg – the Theatre Royal stages more than 800 performances a year including plays, musicals, ballet, opera, dance, comedy, music concerts, literary events and pantomime. I BATH LIFE I 65

ARTS Britain’s Got Talent finalist Nabil Abdulrashid brings his N.A.B.I.L. (Nobody Actually Believed I’d Last) tour to the Rondo Theatre on 29 June

St Saviour’s Road, Bath; The Rondo was established in 1989 and is located in the former church hall of St. Saviours Church, Larkhall. The building was purchased in 1976 by Doreen and Wilf Williams, who subsequently founded The Rondo Trust for the Performing Arts, and made a gift of the building to the Trust. The space was then converted into a 105-seat theatre. The Rondo has built a strong reputation as a great venue for both established and up-and-coming comedians, presenting more than100 shows, and each year is visited by more than 10,000 people. It has hosted Paul Merton, Nina Conti, James Acaster, Dylan Moran, and Tim Key to name just a few – with shows from Sara Barron, Sophie Duker, Glenn Moore, Andy Parsons, Mitch Benn and Rob Newman on the horizon.




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Bridge Street, Bath; The Victoria Art Gallery, which opened in 1900, boasts an outstanding collection of paintings, sculptures and decorative arts. It houses more than 1,500 artworks, including many by artists who have lived and worked in the Bath area, such as Thomas Gainsborough and Walter Sickert, with the work spanning the 15th century to the present day. Many of the pieces on display demonstrate Bath’s importance as a centre for portrait painting during the 18th century, and then in the 20th century, enjoying a reputation as a city of artistic talent thanks to the innovative work being produced by the renowned Bath Academy of Art at Corsham Court. Alongside the permanent collections, admission to which is free, the Gallery hosts an exciting programme of exhibitions and events throughout the year with the next major exhibition, Mary Fedden: Simple Pleasures, opening on 9 July.

Thomas Jones Barker’s The Bride of Death is part of Victoria Art Gallery’s permanent collection


12 -–13 York St, Bath; Beaux Arts is a commercial art gallery in the heart of Bath showing contemporary paintings, sculpture, and studio ceramics. Opened in 1979, it is the longest established private art gallery in Bath, and for the past 40 years has presented an ever-changing roster of major exhibitions of leading contemporary artists. With eight shows per year, Beaux Arts presents a varied programme of solo and group exhibitions, as well as exhibiting at many art fairs nationwide. The gallery has been primary in the careers of many internationally renowned artists, giving early career solo shows to Dame Elizabeth Frink, Dora Holzandler, Norman Adams, Michael Ayrton, John Bellany, Sandra Blow, Lynn Chadwick, Mary Fedden, Sir Terry Frost, Patrick Heron, Josef Herman, Roger Hilton, Paul Mount, Bryan Pearce, John Piper, and William Scott. Most are now held in collections at The Tate and Royal Academy, along with a strong presence in other well-known collections including the National Portrait Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, The Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, Serpentine Gallery and internationally at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Guggenheim Museum, New York, The Centre Pompidou, France, and Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.

Anna Gillespie’s powerful work is often exhibited at Beaux Arts I BATH LIFE I 69

BATH CARNIVAL Bath Carnival was set up in 2013 to engage children, young families and vulnerable adults in a range of art forms, focusing on carnival arts. It has become the city’s largest free outdoor arts event, and after a two-year hiatus from the streets, Bath carnival returns on 9 July for a celebration of culture, creativity and diversity. Local schools, community groups, charities and freelance artists have been collaborating throughout May to July to prepare their costumes and performances. As well as hundreds of drummers and dancers, this year will see new giant puppets, professional carnival costumes, sound systems, and pedal powered structures. The annual party in the park also returns to Sydney Gardens with free entertainment, including main stage action from live bands including Afrocluster, The Scribes and Mellowmatic, eight-piece Afrobeat ensemble The Goddess Collective, and the Afro-Brazilian samba group Bloco B. As well as bars, food and drinks stalls, interactive workshops and free pitches for local charities, the Super Pirates will be curating an action-packed play zone with kid’s raves, giant in atables, messy play and group games. The grown-ups can then move indoors for an after-hours party at Komedia with DJs and headliners Jamma de Samba.


It’s a welcome return to the celebratory and creative Bath Carnival on 9 July

“This year’s carnival will see new giant puppets, professional carnival costumes, sound systems and pedal powered structures”

ARTS BATH SOCIETY OF ARTISTS The Bath Society of Artists, whose aim is to form an outlet for the creative activity of artists, professional and amateur in the city and surrounds, was founded in 1904 with 25 foundation members. Many distinguished 20th century painters have also exhibited and taken an interest in the BSA including Walter Sickert, John Singer Sargent, Mary Feddon, and Patrick Heron. Over the years the Society has grown and now has a membership of 120 diverse and talented artists including Marc Bodie, Sue Wales, and Ben Hughes. There is a deliberate cap on BSA membership numbers so they can include the works of non-members in the annual Open Exhibition at Victoria Art Gallery, which is currently on display until 2 July.


Sculptor Marc Bodie is just one of the many artists who make up the Bath Society of Artists


At The Little Theatre Bath on 22 June, Barry & Joan tells the fascinating real life story of two former vaudeville stars

St. Michael’s Place, Bath; The Little was built and opened in 1935 by Peter King and Consuelo de Reyes and is currently owned by their daughter Hilary King. It opened as a community theatre alongside a news cinema and then, from onwards, became a cinema screening feature films. Haile Selassie, the exiled Emperor of Ethiopia, came to the Little to watch newsreels and get updates on world events while he lived in Bath from 1936-1940. The balcony upon which he sat was refurbished in the early 1990s and named after him. The cinema went through a tough period in the 0s and was threatened with closure until the une pected hit film Ghostbusters saved the day with audiences pouring through the doors, providing the funds to allow the Little to remain open. owadays there is between 0- 0 screenings each week of the latest films alongside one-off cult classics, arthouse releases, and live event cinema, plus community strands for toddlers, children, parents and babies, dementia-friendly, autism-friendly, retired screenings, and dog-friendly screenings. I BATH LIFE I 71

ARTS Moscow Drug Club bring their jazzy, intoxicating, Berlin-esque and unique musical talents to the Chapel Arts Centre 1 July


St James’s Memorial Hall, Lower Borough Walls, Bath; Originally a Baptist chapel built in 1701 and only 38 x 20 ft in size, as the congregation numbers dwindled, it was demolished in 1819 and rebuilt a year later, but closed again in 1951. The Mormons then took it over and used it up until 1965 when again the building was taken over, this time by the Christadelphians. The space was then used for different purposes including as a ballet school and a youth club, and has had various names –The Central Club, Window Arts Centre, and Invention Studios. In 2008, Phil Andrews, who owns the legendary, subterranean bar, nightclub and music venue Moles on George Street, bought the lease, installed a bar, a professional Soundcraft mixing desk, a cinema screen, and increased the capacity to 200 standing. He renamed it the hapel rts entre, and since then the not-for-profit venue has firmly established itself a favourite in the arts scene, hosting between 40-120 shows, workshops, gigs, art exhibitions, and masterclasses per year.


4 Abbey Street, Bath; 44AD artspace is one of Bath’s leading contemporary visual arts venues. The award-winning organisation was founded ten years ago by atie ’ rien whilst in the final year of her ine rt degree at ath Spa University. Since bursting onto the scene in 2012, 44AD artspace has created a vibrant creative community within the heart of the city, with its first home at The Old Petshop, an old chapel building in Lower Borough Walls. Then in 2014 44AD relocated to its present home in Abbey treet. ere you will find two oors of gallery space which show contemporary e hibitions and events, and three oors of affordable studio workspace, home to some of Bath’s brightest visual artists. The 44AD team also collaborate with many artists, art groups, charities and educational organisations based throughout the city and actively supports new talent from all age groups and all backgrounds.

Something Like Colour, a solo exhibition of artist Robert Hayward, can be seen at 44AD 19 – 24 July I BATH LIFE I 73

ARTS From 27 June – 2 July, The Sweet Science of Bruising by Joy Wilkinson about a Victorian quest to find the Lady Boxing Champion of the World, is performing at The Mission Theatre


32 Corn Street, The Mission Theatre is a 200 year-old Grade II listed building originally built as a Catholic chapel, and in the 19th century became a Protestant place of worship. During World War II it was used by air raid wardens, and was then taken over by the religious group The People’s Mission until 1998 until it became derelict in 2004. It is now owned by the Bath council, which has granted Next Stage Theatre Company a lease to occupy and use the building as a theatre, arts centre and multi-purpose facility for community activities. The Mission plays host to a wide range of drama, opera, music, dance, festival events, youth productions, talks and performances including the Bath Comedy Festival, the Bath International Music Festival, the Mid-Somerset Drama Festival, The Jane Austen Festival and The Telegraph Bath Children’s Literature Festival. In 2014 Next Stage celebrated its 20th birthday with patron Alan Ayckbourn’s House & Garden. The complicated play is two stories performed simultaneously with one cast, and this production, which Sir Alan Ayckbourn himself came to watch, used both the Mission’s main auditorium and the smaller theatre upstairs.


3 Northumberland Buildings, Bath; Adam Gallery has been established in Bath for more that 30 years. The gallery, run by brothers Paul and Philip Dye also had permanent spaces in London for many years, but now operates solely from Northumberland Buildings in the city centre. It has participated at various art fairs around the world, including London, New York, Chicago, Geneva, Athens and Toronto, and normally hosts around six shows per year in its Bath space, with mixed selections of work in between. The gallery continues its presence in London with pop-up spaces to preview many of its shows.

Winter Penshiel II by Barbara Rae is part of the mixed show of work exhibiting at the Adam Gallery 24 June – 15 July I BATH LIFE I 75

ARTS See Lena Lenman as part of the Ministry of Burlesque at Komedia Bath on 24 June

22-23 Westgate Street, Bath; Housed in the beautifully restored former Beau Nash Cinema, Komedia Bath opened in 2008. It was set up by Richard Daws, Colin Grainger, and Marina Kobler, who had previously founded Komedia Brighton in the early 1990s. The venue was inspired by the founders’ experience of European Café Theatre venues. omedia transitioned to become ath’s first community owned venue dedicated solely to live entertainment after a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2017. It now operates as a Community enefit ociety with 2 0 members shareholders. From sold out main house events, to local band showcases in The Electric Bar, Komedia hosts 400 plus events per year and welcomes well over 120,000 visitors thanks to its packed and punchy programme of comedy. s well as live music, cabaret, film, spoken word, kids’ events, festivals and club nights, it hosts some of the biggest names in the comedy and music industries, with upcoming performers to include Gary Delaney, Milton Jones, The Damned, and Newton Faulkner.




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Venues around Bath; ilm ath previously ath ilm estival) is the heart of the film world in ath, and home to the - ating many award ceremonies including the I b wards ilm lub and its agship event The ilm ath estival, which is an annual showcase providing opportunities for new filmmakers and designed to reach a diverse audience from the local area and beyond. Around 4,500 attend the acclaimed festival, which runs over days and screens around 0 feature films and 40 shorts, with the next one happening 4 – 13 November this year. Founded in 1990 and joined by Holly Tarquini in 2010, memorable moments for FilmBath have included The Passion of Joan of Arc performed in Bath Abbey with a 24-piece orchestral accompaniment; pop-up screenings in Fox Hill powered by bicycles; and the magical Covidsafe film festival in reen ark tation in 2020 when the team ran not one but two film festivals.

For those who attended FilmBath’s outdoor cinema of 2020, it was a moment of absolute joy


Comfortable Place, Bath; The organisation was set up by Bath artist David Cobley in 1997 and was originally based in an abandoned school in Widcombe. Since becoming a charitable trust and moving to a much larger building in 2003, Bath Artists’ Studios on Comfortable Place, has grown to be the largest provider of studio space in the city, with 54 individual studio spaces housing over 60 local artists. Dedicated to advancing public appreciation and understanding of the arts, BAS also has a gallery space which hosts a range of exhibitions and events throughout the year, plus a large teaching space with many popular weekly courses covering life modelling, sculpture, art therapy, and school events. The annual Open Studios event, happening 23 – 25 September and marks BAS’s 25th anniversary, is a chance for all to visit, meet the artists, and join in with free workshops.

Bath Artists’ Studios open days runs this year from 23 – 25 September I BATH LIFE I 79


BATH CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS’ FAIR; This artists’ fair, which was started up by director and art curator Malachi Bogdanov in September 2020, is not a set group of artists as such, but is a way to bring together the huge talent which exists in and around Bath on a regular basis. Around 40 artists including locallybased Emma Rose, Kate Marshall, and Charles Minty, exhibited at the first reen ark tation event, which showcases everything from glassworks to ceramics and from traditional portraiture work to huge abstract paintings. Malachi coordinates the event with the help of Charles Beer of the thical roperty ompany which runs reen ark tation, to bring the fair to the vaulted space once a month. The next BCAF is Sunday 10 July, and long term, there are plans for live music, theatre, and to e tend ’s hours making it an evening social as well.


Emma Rose is just one of the artists who exhibits at the Bath Contemporary Artists’ Fair at Green Park Station, the next event being 10 July

“The fair is a way to bring together the huge talent which exists in and around Bath on a regular basis”

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Reading the classics Nic shares 20 acclaimed authors and books with a Bath-bias

nd ri ees ana noir series includes River Rats, set around at s stret the Avon”


ith at i e turning 20 I wondered if I could do something different this week to celebrate. Is it possible, within my allotted word count, to squeeze in 20 Bath writers or Bathbased books ot without losing significant review depth, but I feel momentous birthdays warrant momentous book lists, so with a glass raised and 20 candles shoved firmly into the icing, let’s give it a shot. ne of the first books I remember featuring in this column was Jenni Mills’ gripping 2007 novel Crow Stone which is an archaeological mystery novel set mostly deep beneath Combe own. ticking to crime, eter ovesey has set many of his eter iamond detective novels, beginning with The Last Detective, in and around the city. Although their settings are sometimes further afield this local thriller tradition is also kept alive by Tim eaver, whose latest book The Black Bird is out this month, and ndy riffee whose canal-noir series includes River Rats set on and around Bath’s stretch of the Avon. Even writers who don’t live nearby are drawn to feature the city in their work from time to time. Take ose Tremain’s absorbing atmospheric novel Islands of Mercy set in the nineteenth century city for example. Cotswolds based achel oyce also made sure that her eponymous lead character in the The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry passed through the city on his sudden pedestrian journey. e’re so lucky that the city remains a hotbed for literary talent and that writers seem constantly drawn to the place to live and work. e poached a orter, author of the incredible and transformative Lanny and Grief is the Thing with Feathers from ondon a few years ago, and of course author, presenter and general literary luminary Francesca Beauman is now based here alongside her family’s bookshop publishing house ersephone ooks. er Literary Almanac crams even more books between its pages than I’m attempting to shoehorn in here! You don’t have to go much further up and down river to find more literary talent on our

doorsteps. To name ust three of our favourites from nearby – there’s Andrew Miller whose latest novel The Slowworm’s Song was published in arch, amantha arvey whose last book was her remarkable memoir of insomnia The Shapeless Unease and Karla eblett whose sharp debut novel King of Rabbits is set on a Somerset rural council estate. Finally, of course Bath has always been well-served by classics and maybe it would be cheating to include Jane Austen here. But I feel more ustified in reminding everyone that the undisputed queen of regency romance, eorgette eyer, set the wit-crammed Bath Tangle here, and that ickens got his teeth stuck into ath life lower case) in The Pickwick Papers. More often-forgotten is that Austrian writer tefan weig most known for chronicling inter-war iennese society and being es Anderson’s inspiration for The Grand Budapest Hotel – spent six months in the city and even penned a short story set in impley toke which you can find in The Governess and Other Stories. I haven’t even touched on all the writers for young people who I wrote about here recently) nor some of those local authors who were amongst the first to appear in our shop such as the late great Miles Kington (My Mother, the Bearded Lady), his wife Caroline Kington (A Long Shadow) and travel writer Jeremy Seal (A Coup in Turkey). or have we dived into recent e amples of local folk turning their hands to writing for the first time to great effect such as ouglas estcott with Go Swift and Far and illiam eeling with his irrepressible nineteenth century social comedy Belle Nash and the Bath Souffle. But one way or another that seems to be 20, definitely the most books referenced in any of the columns I’ve been penning here for 15 of those years, and I’m sure absolutely something we’re going to be able to expand on when the big 30th comes around! i te

tt e is t e enera ana er r s eadin e i ts n treet at rbse riu

riu I BATH LIFE I 85

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SOMEWHERE TO BELONG ALL HALLOWS SCHOOL pupils share what they love about school


e asked our pupils on the spot, 20 Reasons why they love All Hallows Preparatory School, and this is what we got!

I really love the inclusive atmosphere, as everyone is encouraged to be themselves and you don’t have to worry about what others think because everyone just wants you to be happy – Year 5 The thing I love most about All Hallows is the atmosphere, the teachers are kind and supportive and all the pupils feel a massive sense of belonging – Year 5 We go on super school trips like on camp, the ski trip, and to Cardiff castle – Year 6 We do lots outside of our typical school day such as after school clubs and the summer fair, and this year for the first time we had a bonfire evening! – Year 6


I love All Hallows, they give me the support that I’ve always wanted – Year 6

The food! The fajitas are the best! And we always get a choice at mealtimes, including vegetarian and vegan options – Year 8

It’s a kind, warm, friendly place to be – Year 3 We get to change sport each term, this year we’re trying cricket for the first time – Year 3 I love running around in Forest School and break times with my friends – Year 4 I love playing clarinet and being part of the big band – Year 4 I love All Hallows because I like going swimming – Nursery I love All Hallows because I like learning about dinosaurs – Nursery We learn a lot and don’t have too many exams – Year 7 We get to use all the school facilities as boarders such as art classroom, creative design studio, tennis courts, and swimming pool – Year 7

I really like this school because it’s got big grounds, it has a swimming pool, tennis court, hockey pitch, and it’s really fun! I’ve also made by own band and the school arranges for us to rehearse – Year 8 I love all hallows because I love my friends! – Nursery I love running around in Forest School! – Reception Making leaping frogs in creative design and painting pictures in the art classroom. – Year 1 I love All Hallows because they help me, they teach me, and they are really kind! – Year 3 Taking part in Saturday sports and enrichment activities with my friends. This Saturday I get to go bouldering in Frome, and then I have a fixture in the afternoon! – Year 7


“THE THING I LOVE MOST ABOUT ALL HALLOWS IS THE ATMOSPHERE, THE TEACHERS ARE KIND AND SUPPORTIVE AND ALL THE PUPILS FEEL A MASSIVE SENSE OF BELONGING” All Hallows Preparatory School welcomes pupils from ages three to 13, day and boarding. A unique independent school, it pursues happiness through education. Nestled in the heart of rural Somerset, All Hallows is a traditional prep school with a modern approach. With Dr Richards at the helm, a qualified Educational Psychologist as well as an educationalist, it is a school which is doing things differently and distinctively: children’s happiness and well-being underpin its whole approach and pupils feel they truly belong. This, together with the inspirational teaching and an innovative and flexible curriculum, enables the children to do really well, often achieving above and beyond expectations. Believing that the different aspects of a child’s life are mutually reinforcing, All Hallows staff work in partnership with parents to develop each child emotionally, creatively, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. Children are busy, happy, energetic and share a love of

the outdoor life with a flexible timetable that allows them to study a broad range of subjects, enabling them to find their own particular strengths and passions. Alongside academic endeavour, All Hallows is known for its opportunities for creativity throughout the curriculum, whether in the state of-the-art Creative Centre, in performing arts, in the classroom and even on the sports field where a process driven approach sees pupils developing their sporting skills with long-term enjoyment and success in mind. A full and varied extra-curricular programme, including the optional Saturday morning enrichment sessions, and wrap-around care with attractive flexi-boarding packages means that All Hallows is well prepared to support parents with the demands of today’s life. “Every child at All Hallows has a contribution to make to our community and we celebrate them for who they are, as well as the milestones they reach along their exceptional educational journey,” says Dr Richards. “The ethos of the school is one that puts the children’s happiness, confidence, and wellbeing at the forefront of everything they do. As soon as you step foot in the school and meet the staff and pupils, this is apparent. Who wouldn’t want that for their child?” says an All Hallows Parent. Want to discover why All Hallows is doing education differently? Contact All Hallows Registrar, Jackie Truelove on admissions@ or by calling 01749 881609 for more information or to arrange a bespoke tour at a time to suit you.

Key reasons to choose All Hallows We understand that choosing the right school for your child is paramount. To make things slightly easier, we have developed a list of key attributes of All Hallows • We seek to develop the whole child via every aspect of school life • We aim to achieve strong outcomes for our pupils, including happiness, confidence, and self-efficacy, as well as more measurable outcomes such as Common Entrance, Scholarship, and academic progress • We partner with parents in the best interests of our pupils • Our pupils will tell you, All Hallows has a feeling of ‘family’ and ‘home’

All Hallows Prep School, Cranmore Hall, East Cranmore, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 4SF; 01749 881609; Find us on social   I BATH LIFE I 89

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For 20 years Bath Life has developed a stellar reputation for its innovative, imaginative, and beautiful cover designs. Here, we go behind the scenes with the man responsible for creating these cover stars since 2008, Trevor Gilham, to talk local photography, playful typography, and his own personal favourites.

How long have you been working on Bath Life? I started in 2008. Jane Ingham, CEO of MediaClash, the company that publishes Bath Life, was keen to move away from the magazine’s then formulaic, property-led approach and explore more creative design ideas and solutions. What lead you to this line of work? I have a BA Hons degree in Graphic Design from the School of Art and Design at UWE in Bristol. During my time there I fell in love with the South West, so I stayed. I became head designer at Chris Anderson’s start-up company, Future Publishing, which was then based in Somerton, Somerset and later moved to Bath.




Can you talk us through the Bath Life cover process... Each cover starts with a brief from the editor outlining the concept, words, pictures etc. Normally, there are several cover possibilities and I work up rough designs for each one. At this stage it’s just about the ideas and trying to identify something interesting out of the subject. These early designs vary in layout, image treatment, colourways and typography. I send the ideas to the editor and we liaise with the publisher about which direction to take the design. Over time we consolidate the options until we have the final design. Any challenges? The first aim is always to make a good, well crafted, well designed cover – something that appeals and stands out whilst still maintaining the brand values of the magazine. Certainly, when working on a magazine like Bath Life, with such freedom and possibilities to express yourself, keeping that all in tune to those values can be challenging. How have things changed in your time, techniques and trends for example? We probably use more local photography now on the covers than we did, certainly in the early days, during the transition from property-led covers. We’re lucky to have a number of good local photographers who capture some really great images from in and around Bath. What about the typography? I try to make the typography more playful and responsive to the image. Rather than just running the headline straight over the cover image, I’ll run it over or behind. Or I may make the text look as if it’s been moved or pushed aside by the image. It’s all fun and playful, part of the magazine’s personality and helps tie the words and image more tightly together. It also gives the covers depth and impact, and ultimately makes them more interesting. Any other tricks up your sleeve? Another technique is applying a transparent effect to the coverlines. This allows more of the image to show through, whilst still retaining readability to the words. It also allows us to put coverlines anywhere on the image without reducing its impact and keeping them readable. What other art work do you do? I get great satisfaction from designing for print and as such, most of my work centres around magazines and bookazines but I also work on company branding, logos, brochures, books and, more recently, web design. I particularly enjoy the challenge of working for start-ups and indie publishers.



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PLACES TO WINE & DINE IN STYLE Bath has it all – fine dining, pub grub, brunch clubs, street food, trendy bars, and stop-the-clocks, back-in-time watering holes. Our recommendation? Try a little bit of everything…


FOOD & DRINK Noya’s Kitchen, 7 St James’s Parade; Bath;

Noya Pawlyn has been cooking for most of her life – starting from childhood in a Hong Kong refugee camp, where she would make rice for her four siblings while her parents went out to work. She was seven years old and her family had just fled Vietnam by boat. After starting out hosting popular supper clubs, Noya opened her Vietnamese restaurant, Noya’s Kitchen in 2017 – where it has gone from strength to strength ever since – and in 2022 picked up two Bath Life Awards, in the restaurant category, and as the overall winner of the night.

LEFT: Noya’s Kitchen has been pleasing crowds since 2017; INSET: Noya was a double winner at the Bath Life Awards I BATH LIFE I 105

FOOD & DRINK Sleight Bar, 1 York Street, Bath;

If you think magic is for kids, clearly you haven’t visited Sleight, Bath’s only close-up magic bar. Run by Paul and Sarah Brookes, also of The Ale House next door, Sleight is a dark and dreamy cocktail bar where patrons can enjoy close-up card tricks from lead magician Paul and a cohort of talented tricksters until the wee small hours. Start the night upstairs at The Ale House in Krowd Keepers magic theatre where resident magician Billy Kidd and her magical friends perform full length, sit-down shows filled with magic and misdirection from 8pm every Friday and Saturday.

Chai Walla, 42 Monmouth Place, Bath;

They may have made international news last year after attempting to send a samosa into space (it reached France), but we’ve known Chai Walla is out of this world for years. Owned by Niraj Gadher, the veggie street food spot on Kingsmead Square is always busy and always utterly delicious, with a menu of tasty curries, delectable samosas and wraps. The menu is vegetarian, but attracts ‘nivores from carni to omni – and you know it’s good when even meat lovers are joining the queue.

The Bell Inn, 103 Walcot Street, Bath;

The music venue and freehouse at the heart of Walcot Street has been owned by around 500 of its customers, fans and workers since 20 and you’ll be hard pushed to find a friendlier spot in the city, whether you’re in for a dance or to prop up the bar. From Wednesday-Sunday you can also enjoy freshly made sourdough pizza courtesy of The Pizza Bike, the self-proclaimed ‘smallest pizzeria in the world’. And live music-wise, there’s a little bit of everything, from bhangra to ska, blues and rock.


TOP: Sleight’s Paul always has a trick up his sleeve; LEFT: Niraj Gadher, owner of Chai Walla; BELOW: The Bell Inn is owned by a collective of 500 customers, fans and workers

ABOVE: No night out is complete without a stop at The Grapes; BELOW: Everything is hand-picked at Corkage

The Grapes, 14 Westgate Street, Bath;

No night out in the city is complete without stopping at The Grapes. Perennially packed inside and out front, this freehouse is our go-to for top-tier drinks. The bar is stocked to the brim with the best grain to glass spirits and options outside the usual global brands, like Wheat Beer from the Bavarian State Brewery, which, at 1,000 years old, is the oldest brewery in the world. It’s a live music venue too, with a line-up encompassing straight-up rockers to clusters of folk singers just casual enough to beg the question – are they performing or just vibing? Whatever the answer, we’re into it.

Corkage, 5 Chapel Row, Bath;

A word-of-mouth success story, the restaurant, wine bar and bottle shop started life as a pop-up pro ect on alcot treet. t the first orkage there was no menu and no wine list – diners simply had a chat with the staff, then e cellent food appeared. emand led to a second site on hapel ow and though sadly the original alcot treet spot is no more a victim of the pandemic), the hapel ow site has e panded and serves an inventive and diverse small plates menu with a handselected wine list. The best part? The magical secret garden out back, lit by the gentle glow of fairy lights; a city centre oasis.

“Are they performing or just vibing? Whatever the answer, we’re into it” I BATH LIFE I 107


Green Bird Café, 11 Margaret’s Buildings, Bath;

You need only glimpse the queue for brunch every weekend to know: we all want what Green Bird is serving, and it is absolutely worth the wait. Truly, you haven’t ‘done’ Bath until you have experienced a Green Bird breakfast – crunchy homemade granola with sumptuous berry compote; sweet Isle of Wight tomatoes on crusty sourdough with roasted almonds for added bite; or mouth-watering French toast with maple syrup and bacon are just a few of the menu’s must-tries.

The Mint Room, Longmead Gospel Hall, Lower Bristol Road;

This Bath institution from brothers Luthfur and Moe Rahman offers modern Indian dining in a glit y atmosphere of wraparound padded white leather ban uettes, oors paved with crackled gold, light-diffusing mosaic lanterns, and a central glittering fringed waterfall. The Mint Room is high end, but not a bit pretentious or elitist, and the kitchen led by Soyful Alom serves beautifully spiced curry house favourites – elevated with a panache only The Mint Room can manage – and contemporary and street food-inspired dishes for its more adventurous diners.

LEFT: Brunch at Green Bird is a must; BELOW: The Mint Room’s chef Soyful Alom serves

up a mix of curry house favourites and adventurous street food-inspired dishes


“The Mint Room is high end, but not a bit pretentious or elitist” I BATH LIFE I 109

FOOD & DRINK The Bath Priory, Weston Road, Bath;

It may only be a short walk from the city centre, but The Bath Priory has an otherworldly vibe – and a 3 AA Rosette-awarded restaurant to boot. It’s a spot for a special occasion where diners are invited to go on a culinary tour of local producers with a selection of exquisitely seasonal modern French dishes. If you’re feeling extra fancy, treat yourself and book in for a Champagne afternoon tea of delicate finger sandwiches, cakes and meltin-the-mouth scones.

Café Lucca, 1-2 Barlett Street, Bath;

Café Lucca is our modern-day equivalent of a Georgian-style society gathering place. The gowns and interminably slow dancing are out, replaced by coffee and cake but the gossip remains. The cakes and pastries are to-die-for (the almond croissant lives on in our dreams) and, if you’re looking for something a little more substantial, the delicious Mediterraneaninfused brunch menu is fresh and beautifully served. RIGHT: Enjoy a taste of France at The Bath Priory;

BELOW: from the Mediterranean-infused brunch menu at Café Lucca

“Cafe Lucca is our modern day equivalent of a Georgian-style society gathering place”


Crescent Restaurant & Bar is nestled in one of the beautiful side streets of Bath, just a stone’s throw away from the famous Royal Crescent landmark. With a huge passion for food and service, you are certain to receive a warm welcome here. Whether it’s that first coffee of the day with breakfast, a working lunch, tapas and cocktails after work, celebrating an occasion with friends and family or the last glass of wine in the evening, we are your home from home. We have recently partnered with local charity Bath Mind. We are donating 10p for every hot drink sold to local charity Bath Mind - which provides mental health and well-being support to the local area. 2 Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP T: 01225 310 064 E:




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f 

Saracens Head, 42 Broad Street, Bath;

Charles Dickens is said to have been a one-time patron of Saracens Head


One of the oldest pubs in Bath, The Saracen’s Head dates back to 1713, when it started life as a coaching inn and was the last overnight stay on the journey from London to Bristol. According to local lore, before finding fame as a writer, Charles Dickens was a regular patron – and the pub even served as name inspiration for a fictional watering hole in The Pickwick Papers. A traditional pub, expect postwork hustle and bustle, sport on big screens, and a menu filled with crowd pleasing pub classics.

FOOD & DRINK Bar Breton, 28 Barton Street, Bath;

For a meal with ‘ooh la la’ impact, it’s got to be Bar Breton. Dine kerbside like a true European at this French bistro from the founders of Pintxo across the street. Inside, the atmosphere is decidedly Parisian, with accordion-accompanied light jazz thrumming low from the speakers, wax-dripping wine bottles as candlesticks, heavy marbletopped tables, and a laid-back buzz. Not everything on the menu is going to be familiar – but that’s part of the charm. Dine like a true tourist – with curiosity rather than certainty – and you never know what delicious dishes you might discover.

Robun, 4 Princes Buildings, Bath;

This is no sushi-on-a-conveyor-belt situation, Robun is Japanese dining as its namesake, Kanagaki Robun intended. Named after the author of the seminal ei r rits , the 1872 book that brought the concept of Yakiniku – grilled meat – to Japan. The restaurant has taken that history and run with it – with the Robata grill at the heart of the Robun kitchen, where head chef Jon Claro grills meat, seafood, and vegetables over the ames of a traditional charcoal fire. LEFT: Step into a warm Parisian evening at Bar Breton;

BELOW: The Robata grill is central to Robun’s delicious menu

e r bata ri is at t e eart t e bun it en” I BATH LIFE I 113



Sub 13, 14 Edgar Buildings, Bath;

Sub 13 offers three floors of fun that represent the progression of any good night out. On arrival you’re dressed to the nines and feeling yourself, so to the ground floor gin and cocktail bar you go – the spot to catch up for casual conversation. An hour passes; the booze hits. It’s time to step out for a breather into the summer-y covered terrace – the retreat and cool off phase – until the inevitable need to dance hits. Then it’s a short trip down the stairs to the basement where the crowd writhes in sync to the latest dance floor bangers. It all gets a bit blurry after that…

Damian Was, head bartender at Sub 13 kicks off your night in the gin and cocktail bar

“Sub 13 offers three floors of fun” I BATH LIFE I 115



The Scallop Shell, 22 Monmouth Place, Bath;

The fish and chip restaurant and seafood grill is famously a favourite of Marco Pierre White’s – a fact he has in common with most of the city. The cosy glow of The Scallop Shell beckons in punters for traditional favourites like lightly battered, flaky cod and haddock and beautifully prepared fresh coastal shellfish. The indoor-outdoor dining on The Upper Deck achieves a beachside feel on land with stone and wood-clad walls and twinkly fairy lights. With the squawk of nearby seagulls and the smell of chips in the air, its almost as if you’re sitting on a pier, waves lapping the shoreline below.

Lisa and Garry Rosser are in charge at the family-run restaurant


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THE PIG – Near Bath, Hunstrete House, Hunstrete, Pensford, Bath;

Good, honest food is the mantra at THE PIG, a philosophy realised with religious zeal. You’ll find nothing on the menu that can’t be grown or reared within a 25-mile radius. There’s a lot of talk around ‘farm-to-plate’ dining these days, but at THE PIG it’s no marketing ploy – it’s a lifestyle. Menus change by the minute, influenced by what’s growing in the hotel’s own kitchen garden, forager finds, and their own chickens and pigs.

Food at THE PIG is all sourced from within a 25-mile radius


FOOD & DRINK The Olive Tree, 4-7 Russell Street, Bath;

ou need to treat yourself to a wine ight at The live Tree, ath’s only ichelin star restaurant, at least once. The restaurant at The ueensberry otel led by hris leghorn is a fine dining e perience you’ll never forget so go the whole hog and order a full nine courses. The picture-perfect dishes are fresh and seasonal, showcasing the best of ritish with uni ue air.

The Old Green Tree, 12 Green Street, Bath; @OldGreenTree on Facebook

lassic and unspoilt, the 00-year-old building of The ld reen Tree comprises three oak-panelled rooms a cosy snug, northern-style drinking lobby where visitors will make friends with the pub’s friendly gaggle of regulars, and a comfortable back bar. Its own bitter The reen Tree itter is brewed at lindman’s rewery, on a farm a short distance from rome. LEFT: The nine-course wine flight at The Olive Tree is a must; BELOW: The Old

Green Tree has its own bitter brewed in nearby Frome

“At 300 years old, The Old Green Tree is classic and unspoilt” I BATH LIFE I 119


Mary Shelley’s House of Frankenstein, 37 Gay Street, Bath;

The bar at the creepy Gay Street attraction opens for special evening events, and can also be booked for celebration packages – think birthday parties and hen and stag dos. You’ll need the Dutch courage before venturing out into the house proper, filled with spine-tingling e periences drawn from ary helley’s dark world.


ABOVE: The bar at Mary Shelley’s House of Frankenstein opens for special events and can be book for private parties; OPPOSITE: The Elder was designed by renowned interior design firm Fettle

The Elder, 2-8 South Parade, Bath;

There are few more gorgeous spaces to eat in Bath than The Elder. The restaurant in Hotel Indigo was created by internationally known interior designers Fettle, and has a rich, sumptuous feel keyed into the romantic, mischievous elements of Bath’s history. Antique brass, traditional timber panels and bold colour-choices give a glamorous feel, and elevate dining into an occasion to dress up for.

�e George & Dragon Rowde, A 16th century coaching inn, combining modern day style with bundles of country character. We specialise in Fresh fish and seafood that comes up from St Mawes in Cornwall, we also o�fer a range of award winning meats from Walter Rose & sons. We now have a variety of heated outdoors spaces, including two new private al fresco tables, the potting shed holds up to 5 people and the pavilion up to 10, hot water bottles and blankets at the ready for those colder evenings. Awarded 2AA rosettes and an Egon Ronay star.

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Bikano's takes pride in serving authentic Indian cuisine. Our chefs have deep roots with Indian (especially Rajasthan) and its culinary heritage. This is our humble attempt to bring flavours from different parts of India to Bath. Indian food served at Bikano’s is honest inspiration from recipes and flavours experienced in several parts of India. We also support local suppliers for all our meat and vegetable supplies, so every bit at Bikano’s you enjoy feels more fresh and promising to satisfy all your gastronomical senses.

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S UG AR C ANE ST UDI O A cafe serving tasty french patisserie with an Asian twist! All of our patisserie is made on site, we brew tea from Taiwan, matcha and hojicha from Japan, and have a selection of art and homeware, bringing what we love to Bath! 1 Grove Street, Bath, BA2 6PJ

BEACH CLEAN ROUND PLACEMATS SET OF 4, £22 The easy to wi e clean each lean round lacemats from iga are made from sustaina le cork and a rain ow of recycled lastic which has been saved from our oceans. Beautiful, practical and ethical. From Homefront Interiors, 10 Margaret’s Building, Bath;

TIGER PENCIL POT, £25 This hand painted wild cat pencil pot from Quail Ceramics will add a grrrrreat and unique finishing touch to any desk or work area. From Rossiters of Bath, 38-41 Broad Street, Bath;


TETRAD FAIRY CHAIR WAS £965, NOW £825 A chair made for snuggling and stroking. Upholstered in lu urious high uality fau fur and detacha le olished hardwood feet in driftwood. Comes in two colours – a deep chestnut or the polar white seen here. From TR Hayes, 15-18 London Street, Walcot, Bath;

From Mont Blancs pens to pink Smeg uicers and from hi fidelity sound systems to Indian tote bags, we round up 20 bestsellers from Bath’s favourite indies

MONTBLANC PATRON OF ART HOMAGE TO QUEEN VICTORIA AND PRINCE ALBERT LIMITED EDITION FOUNTAIN PENS, £2,615 EACH The Limited Edition 4810 is a remarkable couple edition, one honouring Queen Victoria and another one her consort Prince Albert. The Victoria comes with a pearl white lacquered barrel as well as a cap in translucent mint green lacquer with a Victorian pattern underneath. The Albert’s clip shape is a tribute to his wife’s sceptre and the cap top is ins ired y the rystal alace dome. From Mallory, 1-5 Bridge Street, Bath;


EDITOR’S CHOICE WYCOMBE ARMCHAIR, £695 From the Arts & Crafts-inspired Wycombe collection, this armchair in oak with woven cord seat, is perfect for a bedroom’s corner, a hallway or even a bathroom, where the absence of fabric makes it doubly practical. From Neptune, One Tram Yard, Walcot Street, Bath;

RUARK R5 HIGH FIDELITY MUSIC SYSTEM, £1,099 This is the perfect ‘all-in-one’ system for music and design enthusiasts alike. Features include a CD player, bluetooth wireless connectivity and DAB and internet radio. Further connections for TV and a turntable make this a true all round player. From Moss of Bath, 45 St James’ Parade, Bath;

DIAMOND STAR SET PEARL EARRINGS, £300 These dainty recycled 9kt gold earrings are star set with con ict free diamonds and hung with freshwater keishi pearls. From Honey Willow, 8 Pulteney Bridge, Bath;

GOLD MONKEY PLANTER, £55 This characterful golden spider monkey planter will make a wild addition to any jungle-inspired interior. From Graham & Green, 92 Walcot Street, Bath;

AESTHETICA ISSUE NO 107, £6.95 Specialising in art and culture, Aesthetica explores the world’s most innovative practitioners across art, design, photography, architecture, music and film. From Magalleria, 5 Upper Borough Walls, Bath;

SMEG CITRUS JUICER IN PINK, £149.95 ntegrated on off ressure sensor for easy and safe juicing, no spills thanks to the anti drip stainless steel spout, and dishwasher safe parts for easy cleaning. From Coopers Stores, 13-15 Walcot Street, Bath; I BATH LIFE I 127

MARKILUX AWNINGS, PRICES START AT £1,000 Not only do Markilux awnings provide superb UV protection and comfortable, good-looking shade for patios and balconies, they can be personalised with LED lighting, infra-red heating, and rain and wind sensors. From Aspect Window Styling, 1 Saracen Street, Bath;

WABI BLUE DIAMOND RING, £185 A reticulated ring, classic and timeless in design and made of sterling silver and 18ct gold with a 0.01ct blue diamond. From Jody Cory Goldsmiths; 9 Abbey Churchyard, Bath;

SMALL PAVÉ DROP LEAF EARRINGS, £5,025 The 18ct white gold Leaf Collection, multi-diamond earrings have a eautiful ower design faceted on the pavilion. The Wylde Flower Diamond has 81 facets, 24 more than a traditional round brilliant stone, which gives it a unique sparkle. From Nicholas Wylde, 12 Northumberland Place, Bath;


FOLK SEOUL SHIRT, £165 rela ed fit, short sleeve shirt in a yellow and cyan check, crafted in a summery linen-cotton blend, with a square patch pocket at the chest. From Maze, 19 Green Street, Bath;

MARIE JO BRA, £94, AND BRIEFS, £48 Along with continuous comfort and support, this elegant black set by the lingerie experts arie o offers a chic look thanks to its luxurious and glossy embroidery. From The Dressing Room, 7 Quiet Street, Bath;

EDITOR’S CHOICE INDIAN TOTE FLOWER BAG, £45 hether you re headed to the each to chill, the ark for a icnic, or town to sho , this handy, layful, om om tote ag can carry all your essentials. From Sassy & Boo, 9 Bartlett Street, Bath;

THE ISLAND CLUB BLOCK ART, £500 This is a distinctive, colourful hotogra hic iece of art y artist and retailer Amanda rown, featuring o ular laces in Bath including The Island lu , The ircus, Theatre oyal, and rior ark ollege. Amanda has developed a uni ue way of turning hotos into art and has designed this iece as a collage on raised locks to create a effect. he then covers the entire picture in resin to give it a high gloss finish. From Flamingo, 7 Widcombe Parade, Bath;

MR FOTHERGILL’S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, FROM 99P rom frou frou ansies to towering sun owers and from home grown as aragus to candy oss kale, find a seed to sow anytime of year. From Francis DIY, 39 Moorland Road, Oldfield Park;

BLUE AND YELLOW PEAR SAPPHIRE RING IN SILVER, £375 This silver ring features a twist design and is set with a air of sa hires, one a vi rant yellow and the other a dee lue. From Gold & Platinum Studio, 19 Northumberland Place, Bath;

AMAZINGCONCEALER – HYDRATE, £24.99 This multitasking concealer glides on smoothly helping to disguise fine lines, wrinkles and lemishes, while also hydrating and nourishing the skin with anti ageing ingredients. From Little Lab, 20 Broad Street, Bath; I BATH LIFE I 129

Honey Willow handcrafts meaningful jewellery for loved ones and life’s milestones. All jewellery is handmade to order in central Bath.

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MEET THE ARCHITECT The creative minds behind our built environment





What’s the most important quality required to be a successful architect? Architects need to have a diverse set of skills. Being an adept designer is fundamental, but only by being a good communicator can those creative visions be realised. So much of our work requires collaboration and co-ordination and the old adage ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ is certainly true in our profession. Which project have you most enjoyed working on? We have recently completed a new café for Bath City Farm, a local charity. It was a challenge to design a simple, low-cost building that is robust, sustainable and, most importantly, a place people enjoy inhabiting. Seeing the café open, with customers admiring the space has been incredibly rewarding.

What’s your speciality in the field? Lynea Architects Ltd solely operates in the residential and recreational fields of architecture. We believe that focusing on a particular sector is tantamount to being an expert in it.

Amanda Henderson

What areas of architecture do you specialise in? Bespoke, sustainable design forms the foundation of all work we carry out, both new build and upgrading existing buildings, often historic. Clients come to us where a challenging planning consent may be required or they want a low-energy design with reduced carbon footprint that is still functional, beautiful and affordable. Jon Wendzina


STRIDE TREGLOWN 01225 466173; What qualities do you think make a great architect? For me there’s two: being a good communicator and curiosity. An architect needs to be able to communicate the specific vision for a project in a clear, visual way, and set out the expectations and responsibilities across the project team. You never stop learning as an architect, which is why curiosity is very important. It keeps the creative spark alive. What are your green, sustainable and environmental credentials? As a company, we are aligned with the message of our Sinking House installation: hope for the future requires action. Stride Treglown was the first large architectural practice to achieve B Corp accreditation. This means that we commit to work in an ethical way, designing projects that are environmentally, financially and socially sustainable. We are a carbon neutral company and we continuously look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. What’s your speciality? Schools – my most recent being Gilbert Ward Academy, a secondary special education needs school. It will be one of the first Passivhaus schools built using offsite construction.

What sets you apart from other architects? We offer our clients an efficient, transparent, and ethically sound service. Architectural design practices can vary so widely in terms of their output and quality, and we wanted to tackle this head on. We provide our clients with consistency, availability, and the highest quality of output from our work. We use technology throughout everything we do, allowing us to run an entirely paperless practice. We also believe in 3D for everyone, not limiting this experience for occasional high-end projects. This extends to Virtual Reality on everything from small extensions to multiple new builds. What are the particular challenges of being an architect in Bath? Bath is arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the UK, with a vast array of historic buildings. Creating contemporary designs to enhance the character of the local vernacular is a challenge that we enjoy on a daily basis.



Eirini Christofidou

What qualities do architects need to succeed? A social skillset is incredibly important in our industry. By this, I mean the ability to listen and to absorb lots of information, and then to unpick it and advise in a manner appropriate to your audience. Sometimes it needs one word, sometimes it needs lots. Sometimes it needs time, sometimes it doesn’t. But the ability to read your audience and communicate effectively is important for everyone to get the most out of the project. What are the most rewarding aspects of the job? Gaining trust in any aspect of life, whether personal or professional, is a wonderful feeling. Earning your client’s trust through your hard work and good advice is very empowering. To then see results from an open and collaborative approach is incredibly rewarding.

Daniel Lugsden

What advice would you give to an architect at the beginning of their career? Care about what you do. If you do, you’ll be OK. I BATH LIFE I 139



PRIME MERIDIAN 07905 898777;

SRA ARCHITECTS 01225 827444;

What areas of architecture do you specialise in? We undertake work across a range of sectors, including residential, heritage buildings, education, building restoration and healthcare in many locations across southern England. We do not have a particular specialism, but we have gained extensive experience in many areas over the past 30 years since the practice was formed. How are you investing in sustainable practices? We believe that we have to design and construct buildings that are sustainable both in the energy they consume and the materials from which they are constructed. We have invested in knowledge about sustainable architecture and low carbon building design. Two members of staff have achieved MSc degrees in the subject of sustainable design and one is researching for a PhD.

What’s the most important quality required to be a successful architect? The design of good buildings is fundamentally a team activity, with input from many interested parties: clients, engineers, sustainability consultants, planners.... Architecture is a juggling act which requires collaboration. Architects must co-ordinate much of this information. They must be good at listening and communicate well – through drawings, writing, or verbally. David Minns

What do you love about the job? Every project is different, and often the best design solutions are born from constraints – a difficult site or budget limitation, for example. Overcoming constraints with creative solutions from inception to completion is highly rewarding, especially when the story is shared with a happy client.

What plans does your practice have for the next year? Climate change is driving a fundamental and wholesale reconsideration about the production and sensible use of energy, together with a move to de-carbonise energy production, and to reduce the energy demand for transport, buildings and industry. The landscape is changing fast, and it is imperative to understand the implications for the construction industry, and implement the necessary construction measures.

Matthew Slinn





What sets you apart from other architects? We are a small female-led practice supported by a network of local specialists and consultants. I met my colleague Amy Jones four years ago at a parent and baby choir in Larkhall rather than through study or work, which gives our practice a fresh perspective and makes us expert multi-taskers. Another of our strengths is empathy, and we help clients explore their motivations so we can find a creative and efficient way to achieve what they want. What are the biggest challenges facing your profession over the next few years? Without a doubt the climate emergency. We have recently rebranded as Silvan, which means ‘consisting of or abounding in woods or trees’. We wanted to highlight not just the practical issues involved in responding to climate change but also reframing our cultural relationship with our environment. Our motto is ‘who cares wins’ and we take a fabric first approach which means even on the smallest of projects we’re considering the components and materials that make up the building fabric itself first. Alongside practice and family life Amy is studying for a master’s degree in Environmental Design of Buildings and I am training as a Passive House designer.

Where are your offices based? We are at Darlington Wharf with a fantastic spot right next to the canal with views beyond. It takes about 10 minutes to walk to the office from Pulteney Bridge. We should all be expert paddleboarders because in the summer months we can hear the lessons taking place right outside. How long has your practice being established for? BBA was established in 1992 and so celebrates 30 years this year.

Jenny Carlin

What are the hallmarks of a good building? The building must work well within its context, look right and be easy to navigate – but most importantly be a building people enjoy coming to and being part of. Buildings have a huge impact on our daily lives, especially those we live, work or study in. What are the most rewarding aspects of the job? There are not many jobs where you get to walk into and around something that you have spent time drawing either on paper or screen. I also really enjoy bringing new life back into old buildings, especially ones that have a bit of character or history. Ian Burridge


What’s your advice for new architects just starting out in the industry? If you are able, aim to complete university training as quickly as possible. Qualifying as an architect is just the beginning – the construction industry is ever changing and there is always more to learn in practice. Follow your gut instinct and don’t be afraid to challenge. There is no such thing as a stupid question.





What does Lord Architecture offer? We specialise in the re-imagining of historic buildings through contemporary architecture. A large portion of our work is in the high-end residential sector in Bath, London and across the south of England, however we have a strong commercial and mixed-use background and are working on projects in this sector in London and the south west, which we hope to expand on moving forward. What are you working on right now? There are a number of exciting live commissions including works to Grade I and Grade II listed buildings here in Bath. We are particularly excited to see our White Wood House scheme in Box, and Trinity Mews scheme in Walcot, completed in the coming months. On the drawing board we are designing a number of exciting projects in central Bath and further afield, which include a number of schemes for Tsuge House, an exciting new modular housing concept due to launch in the autumn, and in Royal Tunbridge Wells we are working on a contemporary private house on the site of Etherington Hall, which was lost in the mid C20.

What is your practice’s ethos and philosophy? At Batterham Smith Architects, we find inspiration in people and nature. We aim to design buildings that are a pleasure to make and a pleasure to use. We take time to listen to our clients so that we can shape the design together and ensure that the building sits elegantly within its site. Whether it is a home, a community or a school project, we aim to design buildings that are sustainable, inspiring and unique.

Mark Lord

What are your green, sustainable and environmental credentials? Our buildings are low energy and sustainable. We believe that there is an integrity to matching low energy design with using low energy materials and are close to completing a near Passivhaus design at Kelston in Bath which follows these principles.

What are you plans and hopes for the rest of the year? We are looking to continue on our current trajectory, working on new and exciting projects, winning awards and working with diverse clients across a range of scales and sectors. Ben Smith



DIRECTOR, DKA 01225 465 701;


What areas of architecture do you specialise in? As a practice we are diverse with a strong portfolio of work in the Education, Commercial, Healthcare and Infrastructure sectors. I lead all of our work in the Engineering / R&D sector and this has become a specialism for myself, and the practice generally over the last 15 years. What are the most rewarding aspects of the job? Delivering a project. We work with a lot of industry-leading clients on challenging and complicated projects. A lot of management and co-ordination goes into the planning and delivery of these projects from the outset, alongside the primary design work. It is always rewarding when projects are successfully completed.

Name the building that inspires you most... I am going to turn this around and say the architect who is inspiring me at the moment – Walter Segal. He was an architect who developed an ingenious method of self-build timber houses – a kit of parts, if you like. We are currently designing a series of garden cabins/studios which are inspired by his method – watch this space!

How long have you been an architect? I first joined Aaron Evans Architects on a student placement, qualifying as an architect in 1992. What sets you apart from other architects? In 1994 I left, with my young family, to work as an architect in Malawi, Africa for two years. After another six years at AEA, I studied for a qualification in Development and Emergency Practices. We then moved to Kenya, where I was country director for Habitat for Humanity, delivering community-led, self-built housing projects. Later, with the Swiss International NGO Medair, I was for eight years the shelter and infrastructure global advisor, which included leading emergency shelter responses to earthquakes in Haiti and Nepal. I now work on a flexible arrangement with AEA, which allows me to periodically take on contracts with Medair and other INGOs seeking short-term technical advice. Recently I was in Poland to help Medair teams in Ukraine respond to housing and health needs.

James Bastable

What sets you apart from other architects? We have a strong client base and a high percentage of repeat business. We achieve this through our approach and methodology, but also our ability to build strong working relationships with clients and to deliver an ‘above and beyond’ service. Ultimately, our people set us apart, and a strong team spirit helps steer projects through even the most challenging of times.

Mark Wooding

What areas of architecture do you specialise in? As an architect, I enjoy designing all types of buildings but keep returning to housing. These are challenging but exciting times in architecture as the UK strives towards becoming a ‘greener’, more sustainable country; for the last three years we have been building our own ecohouse in Bath. I BATH LIFE I 141

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DREAM LIFESTYLE SPACES Kelly Marie of KELLY MARIE KITCHEN INTERIORS talks about diversifying and developing her range of outdoor kitchens


ne of Bath’s leading independent kitchen designers, Kelly Marie Kitchen Interiors has recently diversified and expanded her business with several exciting new developments. Firstly she has developed an exciting range of outdoor kitchens, perfect for the summer months. With the increasing trend in modern living to connect the outdoors to the indoors, and with the growth of indoor kitchen clients requesting an additional exterior kitchen for al fresco entertaining, Kelly has created a template for stylish and practical outdoor kitchen spaces. German engineered and specified to the highest luxury standards, her beautiful range of outdoor kitchens are completely waterproofed throughout, with egg appliances, full wine coolers, connection points and accompanying garden furniture. Kelly will do a full survey, taking into consideration viewpoints and the flow from the main house ensuring that the al fresco kitchen complements and enhances both the existing living areas and the garden itself. Whilst her partnership with the exclusive German kitchen brand Hacker moves forward as strongly as ever, Kelly Marie Kitchens is also increasingly diversifying into more traditional handmade kitchen styles using oak carcasses and frames to provide her own modern take on the classic English country kitchen style. Whether for a barn conversion in a rural setting or for a townhouse in Bath, this strand of Kelly’s kitchen design style exudes a natural sense of quality and authenticity through details like hand-painted frontals, rough cut woods and natural stone “The kitchen has evolved over the last decade from being much more than simply the place where food is prepared to being the busiest multipurpose room within our homes,” explains Kelly. “It really is the heart of

your home and is often an entire lifestyle space that incorporates cooking, dining, relaxing and living.” As a consequence of this, Kelly Marie’s offering has recently expanded beyond purely kitchen design and installation to include a range of furniture including dining tables, stools, chairs and sofas, along with accessories like table sets. “I’m increasingly asked by customers to source a wider range of furniture and interiors,” says Kelly. “This seems a natural progression for my clients and helps them place the kitchen within the context of the wider home and their interior design aspirations.” With the growth of her offering, Kelly Marie has also expanded her team, recruiting an extra kitchen designer to join her long-standing team of kitchen fitters.“As a business owner I think it’s important to invest in local talent and create opportunities,” says Kelly. “And as well as our existing, highly-experienced team, we are constantly forging deeper relationships with a wide range of suppliers and professional partners such as architects, planning experts and all trades, ensuring that whatever the size, challenges and transformation required we can deliver on our client’s vision. At Kelly Marie Kitchen Interiors we have all the experience required to create that dream lifestyle space.” n

8 Pulteney Terrace, Bath, BA2 4HJ; 01225 481881; 07796 554466;;  kellymariekitcheninteriors I BATH LIFE I 145



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It’s the city’s business



People, businesses, organisations and charities give Bath its energy, passion and unique character. Here, we celebrate some of the movers and shakers, creators and givers that help make our city great 150 I BATH LIFE I





York Street, Bath; After 14 years in the shop on the Paragon, over one hectic weekend in the final months of 2021, Topping & Company Booksellers – Toppings to us locals – moved to its new home on York Street. An enormous, three-floor (two floors and a beautiful mezzanine) enclave packed to the rafters with books, which owner Hugo Topping calls “a physical manifestation of our belief in the printed word” – the new shop is a must-visit destination for book lovers. In addition to their extra-long opening hours – you can buy books until 9pm! – Toppings hosts events every week with authors covering everything from fiction to recipes.


new Toppings bookshop on York Street is a beauty; LEFT: Community is at the core of BA1; INSET: Zac Fennell, cofounder of BA1



5 Bartlett Street, Bath; Not only is Zac Fennell and Philip Thompson’s BA1 Hair a sure thing for the perfect ‘do, it’s community minded, too. Whether they’re championing Eddie’s Street Cuts, an initiative by BA1 team member Eddie Ilic, where he and Phil work with Julian House to give free haircuts to the homeless, or advising Mumbai-based charity The Hair Project, which gives refuge and hair skills to women affected by tra cking, prostitution, and e treme poverty they are creating a core purpose at the heart of the business. I BATH LIFE I 151



Unit 2, Pines Way Industrial Estate, Bath; After 23 years at its Walcot Street location, Minuteman moved to Pines Way Industrial Estate in December 2021. Unbeknown to each other, managing director David Ghent and marketing director Dave Dixon had both viewed the location separately and knew it to be the perfect place for their expanding design and printing business. Minuteman Press is also active and supportive within the Bath community working with a number of charities, and is long term sponsor of Bath Carnival, as well as print partners for Bath Festivals.


1 Saville Row, Bath; This PR, creative and digital agency bring positive energy with them wherever they go. The Clearly team are all about doing business the responsible way, and in 2021 they made it official, achieving B Corp status – one of only seven PR companies to do so in the UK. The status comes from their strong community ethos, demonstrated by their initiatives like the South West Creative Collective, a collaborative partnership between businesses in the sector to provide college and university students with knowledge, insights and experience that’ll give them the edge in the job market.


ABOVE: The Minuteman crew in their new Pines Way location;

BELOW: The Clearly PR team made doing good an official part

of the business by achieving B Corp status



BATH MIND Bath Mind provides mental health and well-being support to people living across Bath and North East Somerset with a diverse range of services. Entirely separate from the national Mind charity, Bath Mind is a charity in its own right whose funds go direct to the local community. Their scope is vast, and services encompass one-to-one support, non-clinical evening support for those at risk or in crisis, a referral service for professionals, supported housing services, a community support service offering practical assistance, youth-specific support and well-being groups including everything from gardening and cooking to sport and photography.

ABOVE: Michelle Leadbetter, Paul Cooper, Jodie Hoskin,

Mary Osborn and Vicky Creswell of Bath Mind; BELOW: Helen Rich [front centre] works with 35 producers to create Taste of Bath’s gift hampers


Founder and managing director of Taste of Bath; After a decade in retail management, Helen wanted a change – so she taught herself butchery and started her own pâté company. This would not be her final career transformation. Her pâté experience revealed a gap in the market connecting producers to consumers – and so Taste of Bath was born. Taste f ath hampers are filled with delicious goodies sourced from different local producers all from within a 2 -mile radius of the city. The company is also known for its popular corporate gifting service, and won a Bath Life ward in 20 .




10 Rossiter Road, Bath; Dr Lucy Middlefell is Bath’s secret beauty weapon. The facial aesthetics specialist and dentist in idcombe offers tweakments’ that give a refreshed and natural appearance – with not a Love Island look in sight. A practising dental surgeon since 1998, Lucy gravitated towards cosmetic dentistry – and then expanded into the facial aesthetics world, completing her training at the world-renowned Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute. er dentistry background takes ucy’s work up a notch with her intimate knowledge of the anatomy of the head and the neck, skill for detailed work and e pertise with a needle, her clients are in safe hands.


16 Royal Crescent, Bath; It doesn’t get much more quintessentially Bath than the Royal Crescent. The best way to experience the globally iconic piece of architecture? Stay in the five-star hotel at its centre, of course. The hotel is currently undergoing an exciting period of change after appointing a new general manager Lorraine Jarvie last year, and in January of 2022 they announced a brand-new head chef, Martin Blake, formerly of The Manor House in Chippenham, who has refreshed the hotel’s renowned six-course fine dining menu in his own unique style.

RIGHT: Dr Lucy is a skilled dentist and facial aesthetics specialist; BELOW: Luxuriate in the grounds of the Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa I BATH LIFE I 155



41 Milsom Street, Bath; When stomping up the high street, Milsom Place is the best detour one could ask for. Intriguing tunnels of eclectic shops, eateries, pop-up art installations, and even a yoga studio, all leading out onto a light and airy square, it has a level of intrigue not normally found in a city centre location. The happy home to designer shops, cool eateries and cocktail spots alongside unique local events like Fringe Arts Bath – it represents the balance of high end and artsy culture that give Bath its distinct personality. ABOVE: Milsom Place has a little bit of everything you fancy; BELOW: Share & Repair founder Lorna Montgomery is on hand to help in the George Street shop


3 York Buildings, George Street, Bath; One simple question: ‘what if I could fix this?’ inspired Lorna Montgomery to start Share & Repair, a Bath-based charity that helps mend what’s broken. What began as a series of pop-up repair cafés soon became a shop, a base of operations where local people could bring items to be fixed, but one that also housed a Library of Things – tools and household items – available for people to borrow rather than buy. In 2021 Share & Repair moved to its current George Street location, where in addition to its mending and borrowing services, the team run repair workshops where local people can learn how to mend things themselves.



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Chelsea House, London Road, Bath; Ripples’ luxurious bathrooms came to the city in 1988. Founded by Roger and Sandra Kyme, the company has gone from strength to strength ever since, picking up multiple awards – including a remarkable two lifetime achievement awards for Roger – along the way, launching franchises around the UK, exciting partnerships including an award-winning campaign with in uencer and ouTuber Lily Pebbles in 2018 – all the while crafting a never-ending stream of beautifully realised, bespoke bathrooms.


4 Georges Place, Bath; In their spare time, John Law and Nick Woodhouse had always created gorgeous homes for themselves – and after Nick’s father’s passing pushed him to re-evaluate his career and London life, the pair decided to go pro, retrain (and relocate) and start their interior and landscape design firm. A word-of-mouth phenomenon followed, that continues to this day, thanks to their reputation for delivering beautiful projects from concept to completion. Recently, W&L have launched their very own range of fabrics in collaboration with a young designer, Hannah Carson, enabling even those who can’t achieve the full treatment to take a little bit of John and Nick’s inimitable style home. ABOVE: Ripples has been crafting beautiful bathrooms since 1988; RIGHT: Nick Woodhouse and John Law moved to Bath to launch their interiors and garden design firm




RIGHT: Patrick Mill is the CEO of Novia; BELOW: A workshop organised by B in Bath, which was founded by Renée Jacobs, pictured far left

CEO of Novia Financial Plc, Cambridge House, Henry Street, Bath; Novia is stepping into a brand-new age, and Patrick Mill is at the helm. The CEO is leading the Bath-based investment platform into an exciting era of possibility with its new owner, AnaCap Group. From autumn it’ll have a new name, Wealthtime, and a different technology model that puts power back into the hands of financial advisors, allowing them to construct their technology stack for their particular needs.


Founder of B in Bath; The TEDx speaker, instigator and changemaker started B in Bath to champion Bathonians from minoritised backgrounds. B in Bath takes an intersectional approach to working with people from Black, Asian and UK minority ethnicities (particularly people of colour), LGBTQIA+ individuals, people with disabilities and people impacted by poverty to create an inclusive city for everyone. B in Bath provides actionable and impactful diversity and equality training, and most recently ran a series of workshops, elonging in usiness, about different aspects of inclusivity at work. Renée recently won a place on the prestigious BANES Social Entrepreneurs Programme, a four-month accelerator that will equip her with the tools to grow B in Bath. I BATH LIFE I 159


RIGHT: Former deputy mayor Dr Yukteshwar

Kumar was the first person of South Asian descent to take on the role; BELOW: Rachel Jones, CEO of Bath Cats and Dogs Home with one of their recent rescues, Max


Course director at University of Bath, former deputy mayor of Bath and independent councillor for Bathwick From the small town of Jagdishpur in India, where he grew up without electricity, Dr Kumar went on to study Chinese at Jawaharlal Nehru University in In New Delhi – basically the Oxbridge of India – gaining an MA and PhD in the subject. He moved to the city to take up a position at the University of Bath, where he is course director of the Chinese stream, the first person from outh sia to take on such a role at a reputed estern university. r umar was also the first deputy mayor of ath of sian heritage, and the first councillor in ath and orth ast omerset of Indian heritage to be elected.


The Avenue, Claverton Down, Bath; Bath Cats and Dogs Home is committed to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming all of the animals that come to them. They have a dedicated team of animal behaviourists and use training, play and environment enrichment to improve the pet-human relationship and nurture positive behaviours – they even have CCTV set up in the dog pens so they can see what the pups get up to when they think no one is watching. I BATH LIFE I 161


JULIAN HOUSE There are few charities in Bath so well known as Julian House. The scope of its work is huge, and supports at-risk and vulnerable people experiencing issues including homelessness and domestic abuse, as well as supporting adults with learning difficulties and people leaving prison. Using Home Office funding, BANES Council also commission Julian House to resettle people with refugee status through the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme, where it works primarily with families, many with significant medical issues or who have survived torture. There are many ways to fundraise for Julian House, including walks, quizzes and the Big Bath Sleep-Out.

ABOVE: Every year, Bathonians walk 20 miles to raise funds for Julian House in The Circuit of Bath; LEFT: Anna Sabine, founder of Cassia Collective and The Female Edge


Cassia Collective and The Female Edge;; Anna Sabine isn’t afraid of reinventing herself. She founded Cassia Collective, a café and co-working space with sites in Bath and Bradford on Avon when she realised, mid-lockdown, that she wanted a career change. The brand has gone from strength to strength, hosting events, coffee mornings and pop-up shops, and Anna has plans to expand, with further sites around the country. Most recently, Anna has launched The Female Edge, a members-only network for female entrepreneurs – those who have a business and want to start one – providing educational opportunities, mentorship and a space to develop ideas.




THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ONLINE As Bath Life celebrates 20 years, just consider how the digital world has evolved during that time – and how much we’ve come to expect to be able to connect to it


hen you are out and about enjoying life, visiting new places, staying in new cities or towns, on a business or leisure trip – how much is your experience impacted by the quality – or otherwise – of connectivity? Do you get frustrated or annoyed when you cannot connect to the internet? If you are moving around for business reasons, is it essential for you to get online? If you have a poor experience, will you visit that hotel/café/restaurant/venue again? Turn that thought on its head and think of your business. How important is it for your customers or clients to be able to access excellent WiFi on your premises? Did you know there is a debate raging on whether access to the internet is a human right?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the world wide web, published an article in 2020 arguing that it is. He said that the pandemic showed that starkly. There is no doubt that for many of us – as consumers and as business owners – connectivity is critical to a great customer experience. At Black Nova, we understand this, and we work with our clients at home and at work to design, install, secure, and even manage bespoke networks which work better for them, their clients and customers, and even their family members. We work with those brands, businesses and people who realise how important connectivity is, beginning with a site survey. Each business, family or person has different things they are trying to achieve, and we can help realise those individual goals through safe and secure technology and internet access.

We are accredited with Cyber Essentials security and we are also Ubiquiti Wireless Admin accredited; we have invested in our knowledge to provide the best solutions. We can even integrate a guest portal to connect with your customers or restrict the kids at home to certain access times. If you know that when it comes to WiFi you can do a lot better – and it’s losing you time, money and even sales – please get in touch.

Black Nova Technologies Tel: 01793 210045;



RIGHT: Marcus Whittington is MD of Bath Luxury Rentals and Flow Bar in Frome; BELOW: There’s a buzz of style and passion in the House of St John’s co-working space


Bath Luxury Rentals and Flow Bar;; arcus hittington, managing director of ath u ury entals, has created a eet of eclectic properties ranging from five-story townhouses to uirky apartments. The chic and edgy four-bedroom ot ath ouse was even voted ath hen property of the year by isit ath in 20 . hen he’s not working on the properties, he’s also managing director of low ar in rome. inner of best bar at the 202 Bath Life wards, the creative cocktail bar hosts live music, cocktail making competitions and even has its own low n The o van for hosting pop-ups.


1 Queen Square, Bath; Through the pandemic, the city’s co-working scene has established itself as a vital connecting hub for local business people. The latest addition, House of St John’s, is no different. The bespoke, stylish building offers a range of options from private, bookable spaces to casual communal areas, and creates organic access opportunities to a fresh network of businesses with regular events from a House breakfast to yoga classes and well-being workshops. The stylish new co-working space in the centre of Bath is a charity partner of the St John’s Foundation, with its profits gifted to the Foundation’s work with local children in need.


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A special publication event at the University of Bath will showcase up-to-the-minute feminist thought oin the University of Bath School of Management on 11 July to celebrate the publication of the Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism and hear the latest developments in feminist thought. f you re an academic in the field, a marketer looking to understand how gender and feminism relates to their work ractices, or a student or a member of the public interested in feminism, you won t want to miss this event. t will also e one of the first o ortunities to see the newly o ened chool of anagement uilding, so do come along and explore the facilities.

The ook, edited y auline aclaran, University of Bath School of Management’s orna tevens, and lga ravets, takes a fresh look at e isting scholarshi while

introducing new theories on feminism. This launch is a chance to learn about these ideas in an informal setting, and ru shoulders with e erts in the field who can offer insights on issues such as eco feminism, intersectionality, digital feminism and even selfies. PROGRAMME m rrival, refreshments and uilding tours m anel discussion m rinks and networking Lorna Stevens is an expert on gender issues and feminist ers ectives in marketing and consumer behaviour. She’s dedicated her career to researching these ideas, u lishing her first volume on marketing and feminism with auline and revious editor iriam Catterall 22 years ago. They decided to revisit the to ic and u lish a follow u ook due to the renewed interest in feminism and the rofound social changes that have taken lace since the u lication of the first edition. Their goal in u lishing this ook was to understand the rogress made in the last two decades, and give eo le the knowledge to understand and un ick the ways in which society continues to perpetuate inequality.

11 JULY The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism ook launch . m The chool of anagement uilding, , The avilion, University of Bath campus

Sign up today by scanning the QR code, or visit feminism-and-marketingbook-launch I BATH LIFE I 169

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Local legal expert HELEN STARKIE explains the new rules, effective from October 2023…


ealth care in this country is free under the National Health system, but much confusion surrounds what people believe to be covered by the NHS for those (primarily the elderly) suffering, not from a specific medical ailment, but from a general decline in physical and/or mental health and in need of ‘care’. At this stage distinctions have to be made between what is a medical condition requiring medical treatment available on the NHS and what is a social need. Social needs (perhaps help bathing, getting dressed, preparing food, or with mobility) are the province of the adult social care system, to which a different set of eligibility criteria apply. The NHS does have a continuing care system which can cover all costs where an individual’s primary care needs are nursing-based and are complex. But it is rare, nowadays, for funding to be granted except in clear-cut end-of-life situations. An individual’s social care requirements are identified by a needs assessment carried out by social services against strict criteria. Once needs are identified then a financial assessment is also undertaken and a ‘care plan’ prepared. Eligibility for a contribution towards or payment of care fees by the local authority is calculated by reference to the individual’s assets including their savings (and in many cases, their home) and income. Currently, anyone with assets of £23,250 or more must fund their own care costs without any assistance from the local authority. Anyone with more than £14,250 must still contribute towards their care fees, but will not be liable to pay the whole of them. Only those with assets of less than £14,250 will have their care costs paid for completely by the local authority. Many people have no idea what costs might be covered by the social care system and, against this backdrop, the government’s much publicised plan to increase the cap on the financial contribution required from a person towards their care costs from £23,250 to £86,000 with effect from October 2023, whilst improving things for many people, has done little to clarify things. Under the new scheme anyone with assets worth less than £20,000 will not be required to contribute towards their care costs. Anyone with assets valued between £20,000 and £100,000 will have to make some contribution but will receive some help from the local authority. In valuing ‘assets’, assumptions are

“MANY PEOPLE WILL UNDOUBTEDLY BENEFIT FROM THE NEW RULES – BUT NOT TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY MIGHT IMAGINE.” made about the notional income which they should be producing – basically £1 for every £250 between the figures of £20,000 and £100,000 above. Things are moving in the right direction, and many people will undoubtedly benefit from the new rules – but not to the extent that they might imagine. As always, the devil is in the detail. It will, for example, surprise many people that the new £86,000 ‘cap’ will only apply to ‘nursing-related’ care costs (a confusing label since the needs here are social rather than medical). Normal daily living expenses including the cost of residential accommodation, food, fuel, clothing etc. will not be included and must continue to be paid for by the individual throughout and even after the cap is reached. And for the purposes of eligibility, the government is setting a standard daily living expenses rate of £200. Can you protect assets against meanstesting, for example by giving them away? Not effectively, no. To gift things for this purpose will be to ‘deliberately deprive’ yourself of an asset which should have been means-tested in your assessment and you will be assessed as if the gifted property is still yours, even if there is

no chance of you recovering it. If you want advice on what steps you can take to provide yourself with a cushion against fees then you should seek the opinion of an independent financial adviser. There are financial products designed to help in these situations – and, as regards using your home as security you could consider an equity release scheme or, where the value of your home is included in your financial assessment and you are moving onto a care home, a deferred payment scheme. Your solicitor can help in both the latter scenarios, too, and advise on benefits for which you might be eligible – not all are means-tested.

Helen Starkie Solicitor 5 Gay Street, Bath BA1 2PH 01225 442353; I BATH LIFE I 173

Total care delivered with expertise and compassion for your loved ones A personal and fully tailored service to suit your situation and wishes. Mulberry Live in Care is a small family-run care company based in Wiltshire who offer some of the best value care packages available anywhere in the UK. So if you or a loved-one requires specialist at-home care, we are here to help. We understand that looking for the right care solution can be daunting and you will have lots of questions. Please contact us to discuss how we can build a package specifically targetted to meet your loved one’s requirements.

Since October 2017 my parents have had continuous 24 hour care in their own home all arranged by Sam. The lady we got first is still the primary carer and when she has breaks another carer swaps over until the primary carer returns. At no point have we been concerned for my parents welfare. David Chambers

Mulberry Lodge, 22 The Strand, Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire BA14 6EP 01380 870 270 | |


FOR THE HOME Our local businesses are poised and ready to help with all your home needs for Summer


ffering stylish, innovative ooring solutions to meet the needs of the savvy ath homeowner. irtuoso employ the largest team of e perienced fitters in ath. Their dedicated team are ready to turn your dream oor into a reality. all now for a free consultation or visit their new show room on oorland oad. en uire e ai in irtu s fl rin u r a 01225 972715;

WOOLF INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN create uni ue, client-focused contemporary


and traditional interiors, valued for their individual, beautifully tailored characterful design. ith 2 years of e pertise delivering space planning, detailed design, procurement, art curation and pro ect management. n award-winning practice with studios in ath ondon, are accredited designers of historic, period, listed houses and hotels. Tel 01225 445670;

ath’s leading fireplace, wood burner, gas fire, chimney and ue specialist. rom classic to contemporary, concept to completion, their team of e perts can work with you to achieve your perfect interior. rands include hesney’s, arbas elfires, wam, tuv and etmaster. et in touch or visit the showroom. endi ire a es ntn be at in endi re a esbat u Tel: 01225 722706;


bespoke, tailor-made, client-focused interior design consultancy service based in ath. pecialising in residential interior design and providing a truly personal service adapted to each client’s needs, ennifer’s uni ue style blends seamlessly between period and contemporary homes. The aim is simple to create spaces that bring oy, re ecting her clients’ lifestyles and personalities. Tel: 07738289189;

is a ath based family business specialising in painting and decorating, plastering, tiling, sash window restoration and other property restoration. e us have built a reputation for the highest standards of workmanship with e perience across a range of pro ects from listed buildings through to new builds, with a complete commitment to customer service and health and safety Tel: 01225 300414;






ased in the heart of ath and specialising in bespoke, handmade kitchens, ath itchen ompany become personally invested in every kitchen they design and build. It’s about attention to detail at every stage creating a beautiful space that enhances the way you live. rt arade ui din s at Tel: 01225 312003

roviding bespoke kitchens and made-to-measure interiors across the ath area for more than years, chmidt ath offers lu ury solutions for the home at affordable prices. ith a dedicated in-house fitting team, your pro ect will be completed to the highest standards. isit their showroom to see the latest ranges and more of what they can offer. ar ad at Tel: 01225 337276;

lair trong Interior esign is a bouti ue, creative company based in ath, providing a wide range of services for both residential and commercial clients. er portfolio of pro ects includes the design, pro ect coordination and sourcing for some of ath’s most beautiful residences, as well as hotels, sports clubs, o ces and other commercial venues. nta t air n r

oopers ome ppliances is an independent retailer trading continuously since and specialises in kitchen appliances. e have built an enviable reputation, delivering great products with an eye for the unusual. alue driven and customer focused. triving to make shopping a pleasurable and human e perience a real antidote to the soulless online shopping trip’. 01225 311811; I BATH LIFE I 177



TO BATH LIFE WITH LOVE FROM HUEY Huey Morgan’s top 20 tunes to celebrate 20 years of Bath Life When we asked superstar DJ and everybody’s favourite Bath resident Huey Morgan to help us mark 20 years of Bath Life – he didn’t hesitate and came up with a special compilation of uplifting, celebratory, and mood-enhancing 20 top tunes to share with our readers. The former Fun Lovin’ Criminals front man, songwriter, musician, presenter, and native New Yorker, moved to the city six years ago with his family, and in that time has fallen in love with Bath. He says, “I think Bath is not just one thing, there’s a bunch of different layers to it, and the more I look, the more I see – I really like that. “I just think Bath is an easy place to live, and is probably the place I feel most at home. I’m definitely not looking to go anywhere else, so I think that’s a sign that you’re home.”




by Shade Sheist feat. Nate Dogg & Kurupt, 2000

2 3


by Galaxy, 1983


by Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam, 1987



by Raydio, 1979

9 10


by Marvin Gaye, 1978




12 13 14 15


by Dr. Buzzard’s Original Savannah Band, 1976 ALL NIGHT LONG

by The Mary Jane Girls, 1983

6 7


by Mike Sanchez, 2019 WAVE

by Frank Sinatra, recorded 1969 and released 1971



by Def Leppard, 1987 TRY AGAIN

by Aaliyah, 2000


by Aaron Neville, 1993 EL CANTANTE

by Hector La Voe, 1978 SO FREE

by Alex Serra, 2019

16 17 18 19 20


by The Doors,1968


by Dorothy Moore, 1976 SUMMER BY WAR

by War, 1976


by Nicolette Larson, 1978 ANGEL EYES

by Roxy Music, 1979.

To listen to Huey’s specially compiled Bath Life soundtrack, visit the Spotify app and search for ‘Bath Life 20 years’. For more:

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