Newspaper Medellin 2018 - April edition

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1 Edición

Edition 3, april 2013

Candidate City for the Youth Olimpic Games After the videoconference before the IOC Evaluation Committee

Optimism is at its peak

With the joy of a job well done, the Medellin 2018 Candidature team, which works for Medellin to host the Youth Olympic Games 2018, participated in April in the video conference with the IOC evaluating body. In the end a vote of confidence for what will be the venue selection next July 4. Aquatic Complex of the Atanasio Girardot Sports Unit

The most inclusive venue


Read in Medellín 2018 Pag 2. Foreigners want an “Olympic Village” Remembrance of two decea sed leaders Pag 3. Recreation for all offers Inder Pag 4-5. The candidature passed the IOC test Pag 6. Tennis is also public

All athletes, swimmers and recovering people rica, the opportunity to carry out their theof all ages, conditions, and competition le- rapies, training and entertainment in twelvels have in the UDAG Aquatic Complex, ve pools that congregate nine sports. one of the largest complexes in South Ame-

Pag 7. A safe and inclusive Aquatic Complex Pag 8. A night race to give light to the poor

Foreign coaches comment

Why must Medellin be the Olympic City?


Because it experiences sports Fu Qiang “Medellin is very good choice because it has a lot of experience holding good games,” says Fu Qiang, an adviser to the Colombian Federation of Swimming in the diving category. “Achieving the venue would be great. I lived in Medellin and this city has a lot of sport and it is really well lived. The South American Games did a lot of good. Medellin wants

to hold the Youth Olympics and I see that it is among the top choices. I currently work in Canada and there I knew about the candidacy and people have asked me. I tell them that the people are very friendly and like sports. The city is very nice and there is a lot of culture. I want Medellin to hold the Games in 2018 because they will carry them out very well , “said the Chinese coach.

Because it is very European Junsuke Iwai

“When I arrived in the 70s, there was nothing in gymnastics. I said I would work to bring gymnasts to compete in world championships. They thought I was dreaming. My goal has been the Olympic medal and it is coming slowly. I have been seeking it for 40 years and I can see it is now so close. Colombia is now recognized in worldwide competitions. They see that we are doing well. “That is what Japanese gymnastics coach Junsuke Iwai says. “Everyone knows that the people from Antioquia are hardworking and thriving people. For me, Medellin is a very nice and clean city. Compared to anywhere in the world, it

is not far behind. In the South American Games 2010, all gymnasts and coaches were amazed at how well educated it is. People lined up in the coliseums to enter without making noise. In any other country this would be impossible. The impression that Medellin caused was that it seemed as if it were not in South America, but in Europe. Competitions here are organized very well and delegations are very well received. Everyone is happy after this experience. I think Medellin is the most suitable option to be the Olympic City. It just has to train a few days and it will be ready, because there are already many people who are ready for this. “

Because there is weather and people Michel y Liliane Taverniers Belgian spouses, Michel and Liliane Taverniers. They tell us that 40 years ago when they arrived as volleyball coaches, there wasn´t as much progress in infrastructure as there is now. “The city has greatly improved with the cables, with the Metro. There was considerable progress in everything and also sports. Now they are more organized, there is more money, there is more work done for the long term, “says Liliane. They agree that to host the Youth Olympic Medellin would be an advantage for Medellin, for its deve-

lopment and as a contribution to the good image that the city is acquiring thanks to what is happening in fashion, sports. And much more now when it was recognized as the World’s Most Innovative City competition against cities like New York and Tel Aviv. All this, coupled with good attention to visitors that 40 years ago fell in love with the city and today feel it even more because a niece of theirs has come to live in Medellin this year.

Sadness because they are not present, pride in their legacy

In her life in sports and as an administrative director, Alicia Eugenia Vargas Restrepo managed to get the citizens of Medellín to understand and take massive ownership of the venue’s and free city program’s sense of public and community. So much so, that weekly half a million inhabitants make use of at least one of the offers open by INDER, entity which she managed the past decade. For her meritorious leadership, she was the General Director of the South American Games Medellin 2010. Her capacity for work, knowledge and achievements made her deserve to be invited to the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games Rio 2016 and the Annual General Meeting of the Iberoamerican Network Women and Sport bestowed upon her in 2010, the International Women and Sport Award. All Alicia Vargas’s legacy is reflected in the strengths of Medellin as a finalist in its quest for the Youth Olympic Games 2018.

In the eighties, the very young director of the Basketball World Championship and First Banana Growers Games of Urabá, Hector Uribe Vélez, consolidated a management style known for its precision, successful management of resources and warm support to athletes and coaches. He brought social sense to the sport, for example when he promoted the Powerboating Marathon on the Magdalena River, in order to seek the recovery of navigation of the river that runs through Colombia, a fact that is now underway. He was President of the Colombian Federation of Powerboating and Executive Committee member of the Colombian Federation of Basketball.As manager of the Colombian Olympic Committee since 2009, he was the the best ally of the Colombian delegation in London 2012. His administration was vital in the comfort and tranquility for the competition and preparation of the Olympic medalists, some of them present at the funeral, where the president of the COC, Baltazar Medina, said that “a man does not die if not forgotten, and Hector Velez will always be remembered by those who were fortunate to know him and work with him. “

Director: Juan Camilo Quintero Medina. Editorial Staff: Esperanza Palacio Molina, Julián Ochoa Restrepo, Gabriel Buitrago Mejía, Luisa Villegas Bustamante. Editor-in-Chief: Esperanza Palacio Molina. Editing: Julián Ochoa. Photography: Gabriel Buitrago. Design: Eduardo Buitrago Echeverri. Official Medellín 2018 Newspaper Free Distribution Issue February 2013 Bid Address: Calle 48 # 73-20. Phone: 574-2606774 y 2606751 Publisher Address: Carrera 72 A # 45 E- 99. Phone: 412 87 83


A city that is fun for everyone

Remember the “recreational blocks”?

The Recreandos are 30 years old now

Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of Medellín born since the mid-seventies, have had the opportunity to spend free time during their childhood in the Recreational Blocks which first appeared on April 18, 1983. This strategy has been known as the “Recreandos” for over a decade and it gathers the work of 325 volunteers, led by INDER Medellin. With more than 12 000 children between the ages of 6 and 12 served each year, “Recreating Our Neighborhoods and Surrounding Villages” has been an international model, because it takes advantage of the recreational street customs of 16 communes and 5 rural districts and it manages to integrate the neighbor communities taking teachings for better cohabitation and enjoyment of public spaces. In addition to encounters between children, the recognition of a city at the confluence of immigrants from various regions, allows ethnic and cultural exchange, giving more wealth to the inventory of leisure expressions that are practiced in Medellin on every block.

“Recreandos” Programs

Educational Outings Of the Region Festival of Traditional Games Festival of Traditional Games of the World Recreational Carousel Looking towards 2018 Recreational Vacations Treasure Hunt or Adventure Races Journey of Love for my neighborhood: a clean home Myths and Legends: Tales from my land Cooperative Games Multiple Games

Elders have fun in Canas Al Aire

All people over 50 years old find in Medellin ways to freely exercise their right to physical activities, sports and recreation in any of the 556 groups located in all communes and districts. Canas Al Aire is directed by INDER and the Health Department of the Municipality of Medellín, three times a week. It provides an alternative for the proper

use of leisure time in outdoor settings. At the same time, many people have formed or have joined clubs to practice sports or recreational activities in their dynamics to participate in social life and community processes close to their residence.

The videoconference stren

4 The video conference between the Medellin 2018 team and the Evaluation Committee of the International Olympic Committee, held in April, sparked more optimism in Medellin’s quest to host the Youth Olympic Games of 2018. The talk took place at Plaza Mayor in the city center, which is the proposed site for the Main Press Center of the games, as well as being the venue for some sports competitions and hub for educational and cultural activities aimed at participants of the Third Youth Olympics.

Medellin’s team made a brief presentation highlighting the technical aspects of the candidature plan and then answered a series of questions raised by the commission of the International Olympic Committee.

It will be their best Youth experience

It is the perfect place

As official candidature ambassador for Medellin 2018, Mariana Pajón, winner of the Olympic BMX gold medal at London 2012, represented athletes in the video conference. “Since my childhood I know how much Sport represents in my city,” said the 21 year-old champion “Incredible venues have been built that would be perfect for the Youth Olympic Games. Athletes who come to the Games in Medellin will have the best experience that they have had in their young careers. The entire city will support this event, we will experience a festive environment that athletes will remember for the rest of their lives. “

Three finalists await The venue selection process for the Youth Olympic Games 2018 ends on July 4, 2013, when the International Olympic Committee will decide after seeing the presentations of each of the candidate cities before the IOC Session in Lausanne , Switzerland. The candidate cities after a process that began last year are Medellin, Buenos Aires and Glasgow.

Following the conference, Andres Botero Phillisbourne, bid chairman, said: “We have been able show the unique attributes of our project before the Evaluation Commission of the International Olympic Committee. We emphasized not only our modern venues to practice sport, culture and education, but also the true natural beauty of Medellin, where we have a spring climate all year round, a climate with perfect conditions for hosting sporting events like the Youth Olympic Games “.

“It was another great day for Medellin’s dream to bring the Youth Olympic Games in Colombia in 2018,” said the candidature’s president and chief of National COLDEPORTES Andres Botero Phillipsbourne, International Olympic Committee member.

“I think we have been able to show the IOC the passion we have for this project, and explain how sport has played an important role in the social transformation that Medellin has experienced in the past 15 years. It is time that people understand this is a beautiful place, that Medellin can ensure the safety of visitors, which is a perfect place to host the Youth Olympic Games, “said city Mayor Anibal Gaviria, not hiding his enthusiasm.

We have unique attributes


gthened the candidature

Optimistic attitude and complete confidence in the virtues of Medellin’s candidacy was shown by the main carriers of the flame of the Olympic dream: Baltazar Medina, of the COC, Andres Botero, of Coldeportes, the Olympic gold medalist Mariana Pajón,, Mayor Aníbal Gaviria and director of the Candidature, Juan Camilo Quintero, who summed up the presentation by saying that “this videoconference allowed us to exhibit with solid arguments that Medellin is ready and has enough to host the Youth Olympic Games. We have the venues, transport, hotel capacity, the health system and other aspects necessary to ensure ideal Games . Medellin is perfect for the Youth Olympic Games “.

The joy of the participants strengthened the confidence of a good presentation and the possibilities of Medellin and Colombia to answer the questionnaire impeccably and feel satisfied with the good preparation of the city. Olympic

medalist Mariana Pajón, went to embrace the Olympic adviser, Clemencia Amaya, who celebrated with the Director of Planning of Medellin, the former tennis player Jorge Perez.

Everybody, Silence! Ready to be on the air in … 5... 4… 3…

Well-behaved, prepared and optimistic, Medellin’s exhibitors listen to questions from members of the Evaluation Commission of the International Olympic Committee. From left to right, Carlos Raigoza, of marketing, Thomas Elejalde, of the Metro, Clemencia Anaya, advisor on Olympism; Mariana Pajón, Olympic

medalist, Juan Camilo Quintero, director of Medellin 2018, Andres Botero, of Coldeportes; Aníbal Gaviria, Mayor Medellin, Baltazar Medina, president of the COC; Gabriel Peña, of Inder; Paola Pizza, of the Medellin Convention Boureau and Jorge Perez, Director of Planning.

After complying with the city


Tennis went out to the towns Such is the acceptance of field tennis that if it had more promotion, there would not be enough courts in Valley of Aburrá for its practice. Therefore, the directives of the League prefer to accelerate the Antioquia Plays Tennis project, created in 2008, and promote this sport in more municipalities because the spaces in Medellin are very well used. In the 103 venues that exist in Medellin for tennis practice with 6000 fans, 1,100 users affiliated with League programs are highlighted, 800 of them are in sports training and competitions, informal schools and scheduled competitions ranging from sunrise to eleven in the evening. The rest attend free practices.

All those tennis players, plus those who attend community programs organized by INDER have the Atanasio Girardot Sport Unit at their disposal, with 10 tennis courts, 6 reglamentary and 4 for teaching . The Tennis League administers eight. INDER has 2 for their programs for Popular Schools for Sport and Sport Development. At the Juan Pablo Segundo Park there are 6 courts and space to build three more, a project that is under consideration. The municipalities respond Hector Monroy Escudero, executive director of the Tennis League, explains that the growth of the sport continues. “We do promotio-

nal activities, bringing tennis to sectors where there are no fields, generating quick connections with it. The League offers training and equipment. The municipalities have land and if more courts are needed, they can be built without as much difficulty as in the metropolitan area. “ While Sonsón and Yarumal plan for more courts, Marinilla has advanced in massification programs and has defined the athletes who will represent the city at the Final of the school games. Over 20 children under the age of 11 participated in the qualifying round. North of the Department, in Donmatías, the First Business Tournament was inaugurated, bringing together more than 30 “sportlovers”, belonging to the sector’s textile companies. Furthermore, it is the possibility of opening the Sports Initiation School in Tennis, which aims to recruit over 70 children from educational institutions. With the fulfillment of educational and competitive purposes in the municipality of Medellin’s public courts and fields, managed and offered by INDER and the League, plus the decentralization of the municipalities, tennis will bring life to the candidate city of the 2018 Youth Olympic Games.

At the Popular schools of Sport and Recreation or the initiation programs of the Antioquean League, the small children are having fun training.

The ten courts of the Atanasio Girardot Sport Unit and the six present in the Sports Unit of Belen, plus 7 that were built in the Juanes de la Paz Park for

the South American Games 2010 are part of the city’s supply and offer for tennis.

The best Aquatic Complex in South America


It is really for everyone’s use

The Aquatic Complex of the Atanasio Girardot Sports Unit is the largest in South America in water movement, with 15 thousand cubic meters in 12 water bodies and swimming pools. According to the International Swimming Federation, FINA, it fulfills the requirements for a world championship or the Olympic Games. It is also the first sports venue in Colombia certified in its safety protocols and emergency care. With 4 pools in the children’s zone, a diving pit, Olympic pool, two for teaching babies, one for underwater activities, one for synchronized swimming, and the others, for teaching. Rugby and underwater hockey, diving and free diving are also practiced in the Aquatic Complex. Every month 120,000 people are admitted between elite athletes and the general public who use this unit from five in the morning until 11 at night to live their “Aquaculture”, as it is called by the managers of the Sports Unit and the Aquatic Complex, Derlis Martinez and Hernan Dario Tobon, INDER.


Maintaining this complex active, running and in perfect condition for users, requires an annual budget of 4,000 million pesos because 2,500 million is the cost for surveillance, services, maintenance and

sustainability. Another 1,500 million goes to the payment of staff, about 60 people between operating work, surveilance and administrative tasks, including lifeguards, divers and professionals.

Inclusive At the Aquatic Complex also converge patients with cerebral palsy, people with reduced mobility disability, sensory and cognitive problems, users of the League for the Deaf and pregnant women. At the Aquatic Complex also converge patients with cerebral palsy, people with reduced mobility disability, sensory and cognitive problems, users of the League for the Deaf and pregnant women. “In addition to the swimmers, Inder provided in the Aquatic Complex its programs of Popular Schools of Sport, Sport Development, Sports Unlimited and Healthy Lifestyles. We also offer free programs for all ages. It is so inclusive that athletes from other countries who have been preparing at this complex for world championships and Olympic events, say that only here have they seen that any ordinary person can share a venue with high performance athletes, “ states proudly Derlis Martinez.

Energizer Night Race in Medellín


More lights to illuminate the world

In order to bring 13 million hours of light to rural communities around the planet, there is a worldwide competition named Energizer Night Race and Medellin was chosen as one of 25 cities to serve the dual purpose of gathering more than two male and a thousand female athletes to run at night in solidarity with those who work, study and play without electricity.In addition to the social purpose, Gerard Nicolás Giraldo and Muriel Coneo will be the Colombian couple that will be in the Latin American final in Sao Paulo on may 24. In the 10 thousand meter distance, Giraldo from Quindio won with a time of 33 minutes 44 seconds and Coneo from Cartagena arrived first with a time of 38 minutes 44 seconds.

In the male category, he was followed by Manuel Agudelo Cano (33:46), Juan Carlos Cardona (33:53), Wilberto Morelo (34:06) and José David Cardona (34:48). In the female category, Muriel Coneo was followed by Mónica Calderón (43:18), Aidet Anaya Correa (43:30), Rachel Baker (44:05) and Mónica Tangarife (46:48). As a result of participation, good organization, city collaboration and its colorful circuit, the world organization of the Energizer Night Race expressed its intention to formalize Medellin as a permanent venue of its annual race.

Recreational athlete and Internationalization adviser for Medellin, Juan Camilo Quintero carries out the symbolic delivery of light hours to the world’s rural communities.


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