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Key Performance Indicators

Performance Summary: 46 targets achieved/on track. 12 delayed but progressing. 5 targets not achieved.

Average escalation rate of complaints

Our aim is to resolve any complaints received at the earliest point of contact in line with good practice.

Between April 2022 and March 2023, Council exceeded its target of resolving at least 70% of complaints informally, achieving a figure of 88%.

Net cost of council services per head of population

This indicator is reported annually to the Association of Public Sector Excellence. £285 2021/22 figure ranging from big screen broadcasts, to community grants and activities for local schoolchildren.

The net cost of council services per head in 2021/22 was £285, an improvement on the 2020/21 figure of £310. The figure for 2022/23 will be reported to Full Council once the figures have been audited.

• Council’s Capital team led on the successful delivery of a number of projects over the year, most notably the Sullatober Household Recycling Centre in Carrickfergus. This state-of-the-art recycling facility is one of the most modern in Northern Ireland and will allow Council to process record amounts of waste for the Borough.

• In September 2022, Council were shortlisted under two categories at the APSE Annual Service Awards and was awarded ‘Best Collaborative Working Initiative’ for successfully delivering a series of circular economy and carbon emission reduction projects at a UK level.

• Council continues to take an innovative and forward-looking approach to how it delivers events and where appropriate, maximises all opportunities to use events as key economic drivers. Almost 30,000 people attended Council’s various major events between

April 2022 and March 2023. Corporate-run events have noted an approximate 30% attendance increase since pre-Covid, and feedback is overwhelmingly positive in terms of the provision of positive experiences and value for money.

• To ensure continuous improvement, Council officers have pro-actively participated in various working groups and best practice visits these have included participation in the Strategic Alliance, the Local Government Performance Improvement Working Group, the regional Environmental Health NI including subgroups, the Building Control Northern Ireland Standards Panel and many more.

• In February 2023, Council was pleased to once again mark Democracy Week. Celebrating democratic heritage and values across the Borough and beyond, the week-long programme of events included talks, an exhibition, a Council roadshow and fun-filled outings such as a democratic table quiz and a democratic heritage bus tour.

Customer Satisfaction

During the summer of 2022, Council carried out a comprehensive survey of 810 local households.


The survey found that 53% of residents indicated they were satisfied with Council services, with 19% indicating they were dissatisfied. The remaining 28% stated that they were niether satisfied nor dissatisfied. The results were used to shape the new Corporate Plan 2023-2027.

Staff satisfaction

The ‘Listening to Staff Survey’ was completed between November and December 2022. Complete

The results of the ‘Listening to Staff’ survey have been carefully analysed and numerous focus groups have taken place with the Interim Chief Executive, Senior Managemet Team and Council officers to establish a way forward.