1 minute read

Learning for life

Objectives: What we will do by 2023

1. Work in partnership with the private and community sector to develop the skills needed to support sustained economic development in the Borough.

2. Encourage our people to realise their potential through awareness, training and lifelong learning.

3. Develop a joined-up approach to the delivery of education and training programmes in schools and in the wider community.

4. Enhance opportunities for volunteering, work experience and apprenticeship programmes to develop social and employment skills.

Key achievements

• More than 400 Primary 6 pupils from across Mid and East Antrim took part in an innovative online Business Masterclass during which they had the opportunity to learn about what a business is, how a business communicates with their customers, packaging and branding, plus much more. Funded by Council and delivered in partnership with Young Enterprise Northern Ireland, those taking part had the chance to grasp key business concepts such as marketing and environmental sustainability through online resources and fun interactive tasks.

• Council celebrated Northern Ireland Apprenticeship Week with a week-long programme of interactive and informative events. This year’s theme was ‘Apprenticeships –Tomorrow’s Talent Today’ which reflected on how apprenticeships can help individuals develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career and fulfilling future.

• Over 350 secondary school students were inspired to consider careers in science and engineering

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