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Key Performance Indicators

Performance Summary:

Major awards secured and maintained

In 2022/23, we monitored the achievement of the following environmental awards: ISO 14001; Green Flag; Blue Flag; Gold Anchor Award; NI Environmental Benchmarking and Seaside Awards.


Between April 2022 and March 2023, Council successfully secured 3 Green Flag awards, 3 Blue Flag awards, 3 Seaside Awards, Gold Anchor award, recertification of ISO14001, and Platinum status at the NI Environmental Benchmarking awards.

22 targets achieved/on track.

8 delayed but progressing.

1 target not achieved.

1 not due yet/not available.

Level of external investment secured per annum for regeneration projects

• In November 2022, Council delivered a COP27 event entitled “Helping the agri and business sector on the journey to net zero” to help raise awareness of COP27 and educate local businesses and stakeholders on the journey to net zero as well as funding opportunities within the agri and business sector.

• Council secured funding to develop a new ‘Community RePaint’ project whereby residents can drop off un-used and partially used paint tins to our five Household Recycling Centres where they will be redistributed to local community groups and schools for projects.

• In March 2023, Council joined Love Food Hate Waste for its third ‘Food Waste Action Week’ focusing on the theme of ‘Win. Don’t Bin’.

• In May 2022, Council was extremely proud that our Climate and Sustainability Manager was awarded ‘Local Authority, Individual or Team of the Year’ at the UK Awards for Excellence.

• Council secured funding from Keep Britain Tidy’s Chewing Gum Task Force Grant to purchase two new mobile power washers to tackle gum staining across the Borough. The funding also provided anti-gum staining signage to promote positive behavioural change.

• Council delivered Carbon Literacy Training to over 60 staff members to provide further understanding of climate change, carbon footprint, mitigation and adaptation.

• 33 individuals, businesses and community groups were recognised via the Mid and East Antrim in Bloom Community Awards this year.

• To mark the beginning of National Tree Week in November 2022, the Mayor joined pupils from Woodburn Primary School, Carrickfergus, at a tree planting event at the Keeran Moss restoration site.

• For the fourth year running, Council worked in partnership with Habitat for Humanity, East Belfast Mission (Restore) and local community groups to deliver a toy donation scheme. The project diverted an impressive 5.2 tonnes of toys from landfill.

During the lifespan of the Corporate Plan 2019-2023, Council has successfully secured £6,234,354 from DfC and other stakeholders for a variety of regeneration projects.



Total funding received from November 2018.

The funding received has supported the delivery of 9 key regeneration projects including, Ballymena Public Realm Linkages, Larne Jaunting Car Sculpture, Greenvale Street Public Realm, Carrickfergus Public Realm, Lower Mill Street Public Realm, Pats Brea Public Realm Scheme, the COVID Recovery Scheme, the COVID Recovery Small Settlements Scheme and the Shared Island Fund in partnership with Waterford City and County Council.

‘Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful’ Cleanliness Index

Scores closer to 100% indicate better performance and 66% is the point at which performance is considered acceptable.


Council scored 72% for the period between April 2022 and March 2023 against a target of 66%.