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Key Performance Indicators

Performance Summary:

Number of participants securing employment as a result of employability programmes

128 participants

Between April 2022 and March 2023, Council supported the delivery of a number of employability programmes including the Hydrogen Academy, Get into Childminding, Access All Areas, Community Led Skills, Get into Retail, Health and Social Care, Female Manufacturing Academy, ‘Rise Women Returners’ and more. To date 128 participants have secured employment against a target of 140. A number of programmes were delayed awaiting funding, and hence are still ongoing.

Number of days per employee spent on training

3 targets achieved/on track.

1 delayed but progressing.

During 2022/23, an average of 3.5 days were spent on employee training, the vast majority of which was delivered online. Council are transitioning towards a more agile approach to learning and development, which will take the form of a Learning Platform.

3.5 days after attending the prestigious ‘Science Summer School’ event in Ballymena. The project, held for the first time in Northern Ireland, was co-founded by Professor Brian Cox CBE, and provided students with an enjoyable and challenging daytime programme of activities including interactive workshops and presentations.

• The “Little Free Library” continues to be successfully rolled out across the Borough. The scheme is a worldwide phenomenon aimed at inspiring a love of reading, building communities, and sparking creativity by fostering neighbourhood book exchanges around the world.

• Council’s Climate and Sustainability team continue to promote the Eco Schools Education Programme across the Borough. All 76 MEA schools are engaged in the programme.

• 1,975 young people were engaged with via a range of enterprise, skills and careers activity.

• Council’s Economic Development team delivered a series of pre- employment programmes including Hydrogen Academy, Transport 2, Transport 3, Get into Childminding, Access All Areas, Community Led Skills, Get into Retail, Health and Social Care, Restaurant Academy Cohort 1, Manufacturing Academy Cohort 1, Female Manufacturing Academy, and ‘Rise Women Returners’. The programmes resulted in 225 qualifications.

• In August 2022, Council hosted three weeks of Biodiversity University to inspire and galvanize the Borough’s young residents to discover more about the incredible species and habitats on their doorstep and how to help these through varied fun and environmental activities.

• Our Management Development Programme was successfully launched with a cohort of managers from across Council. The intention of the programme is behavioural change, increased psychological safety and increased people management skills.

Number of apprenticeship/work placement/work experience opportunities delivered by Council

11 participants

A total of 11 placements were organised and delivered. Students attended work placements in a range of work areas including Waste, Environmental Health, Marketing /Communications, Corporate, Museum, Transport and Climate and Sustainability. Council’s Senior Management Team are continuing to actively seek opportunities which it can provide for additional participants.

Number of education and training programmes delivered by council

41 programmes delivered

Between April 2022 and March 2023, Council delivered 41 education and training programmes to schools, businesses and community groups across the Borough. Programmes were delivered on a variety of subjects including environmental awareness, employability skills, outdoor safety and ‘Autism Friendly’ awareness sessions.