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MOTORCYCLE TYRE SAFETY MAINTENANCE INFORMATION(CONTINUED) (CONTINUED) (CONTINUED) Motorcycle TyreTYRE Safety & Maintenance Information MOTORCYCLE SAFETY & INFORMATION MOTORCYCLE TYRE SAFETY &&MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Tyre TyreStorage Storage TYRE STORAGE Tyre Storage Tyre Storage Tyres Tyres and/or and/ormotorcycles motorcyclesshould shouldbebestored storedindoors indoorsinina a

CARE AND USE AT LOW TEMPERATURES Care Careand and Use Use at atLow Low Temperatures Temperatures Care and at Low Temperatures Care and Use Usetyres at Low Temperatures Motorcycle Motorcycle tyres may may crack crackininthe thetread treadarea areafrom from

Tyres and/or motorcycles should be stored indoors in a Motorcycle tyres may crack in the tread area from Tyres should be stored indoors incause a Motorcycle tyres mayat crack in the tread area from cool dry place. Water collecting inside the tyres can cause impact deformation lowambient ambient temperatures; cool dryand/or Watercollecting collecting inside thetyres tyres cancause impact orordeformation deformation atat low ambient temperatures; cool dry place. Water inside the can impact or low temperatures; cool dry place. Water collecting inside the tyres can cause impact or deformation at low ambient temperatures; damage. The tyres and/or motorcycles should be placed handle and store tyres with care. Additionally, always damage. The tyres and/or motorcycles should be placed handle and store tyres with care. Additionally, damage. The tyres and/or motorcycles should be placed handle and store tyres with care. Additionally, always always damage. The tyres generators and/or motorcycles should besources placed of handle and store tyres care. Additionally, always away from electric generators and motors and sources ofof ridewith with caution (avoidwith sudden acceleration, maximum awayfrom from electric generators andmotors motors and sources ride caution (avoid sudden acceleration, maximum away electric and and ride with caution (avoid sudden acceleration, maximum away from electric generators and motorsshould and sources of ride withand caution (avoid sudden acceleration, maximum heat such as hot pipes. Storage surfaces should bebeclean clean braking and hardcornering) cornering) until thetyres tyreshave have warmed heatsuch suchas ashot hotpipes. pipes.Storage Storage surfaces should clean braking and hard cornering) until the tyres have warmed heat surfaces be braking hard until the warmed heat such as hot pipes. Storage surfaces should be clean braking and hard cornering) until the tyres have and free of grease, gasoline, or other substances, which up to operating temperature, particularly in lowwarmed ambient and free of grease, gasoline, or other substances, which up to operating temperature, particularly in low ambient and free of grease, gasoline, or other substances, which up to operating temperature, particularly in low ambient and free of grease, gasoline, or other substances, which uptemperature to operating temperature, particularly in low ambient can deteriorate rubber. Improper storage can damage tyres conditions. candeteriorate deteriorate rubber. Improper storage candamage damage tyres temperature conditions. can rubber. Improper storage can tyres temperature conditions. can deteriorate rubber. Improper ininways ways that may not bebe visible. ways thatmay may notbe visible. storage can damage tyres temperature conditions. in that not visible. in ways that may not be visible.


Safety SafetyWarning Warning SAFETY WARNING Safety Safety Warning Warning Break-In Break-InPeriod Period Period Break-In BREAK-IN PERIOD

Break-In Period In orderto provideoptimal optimalperformance, performance,new newtyres tyres should should be riddenvery verycautiously cautiouslyfor forthe thefirst first160km’s 160km’s(( 100 ( 100miles) miles) InInorder order totoprovide provide optimal performance, new tyres should beberidden ridden very cautiously for the first 160km’s 100 miles) In order to provide optimal performance, new tyres should be ridden very cautiously for the first 160km’s ( 100 miles) (the (the “Break-In “Break-In Period”) Period”) while while the the tread tread surface surface is is “Scuffed-In.” “Scuffed-In.” During During the the Break-In Break-In Period, Period, avoid avoid sudden sudden acceleration, acceleration, (the “Break-In Period”) while the tread surface is “Scuffed-In.” During the Break-In Period, avoid sudden acceleration, (the “Break-In Period”) while the tread These surface is “Scuffed-In.” During the Break-In Period, avoid sudden acceleration, maximum maximum braking, braking, and andhard hardcornering. cornering. Theseprecautions precautions will willallow allow the the rider rider to adjust to the “feel” “feel” and andhandling handling maximum braking, and hard cornering. These precautions will allow the rider totoadjust adjust totothe the “feel” and handling maximum braking, hard cornering. These precautions will allow the rider toin adjust the “feel” and handling characteristics characteristics of the thenew newtyre tyreand andfor for the thetyre tyreto “Scuffed-In” correctly correctly order orderto achieve optimal optimal grip griplevel. level. characteristics ofofand the new tyre and for the tyre totobe bebe“Scuffed-In” “Scuffed-In” correctly inin order totoachieve achieve optimal grip level. characteristics of the new tyre and for the tyre to be “Scuffed-In” correctly in order to achieve optimal grip level. Motorcycle MotorcycleStreet StreetTyre Tyre TyreSize Size Motorcycle Motorcycle Street Street Tyre Size Size Front Front

Metric Metric Metric Metric 80/90 80/90

80/90 80/90 90/90 90/90 90/90 90/90 100/90 100/90 100/90 100/90 110/90 110/90 110/90 110/90 120/80 120/80 120/80 120/80 120/90 120/90 120/90 120/90 130/90 130/90 130/90 130/90

Metric Metric Metric Metric 110/90 110/90

110/90 110/90 120/80 120/80 120/80 120/80 120/90 120/90 120/90 120/90 130/80 130/80 130/80 130/80 130/90 130/90 130/90 130/90 140/80 140/80 140/80 140/80 140/90 140/90 140/90 140/90 150/80 150/80 150/80 150/80 150/90 150/90 150/90 150/90

Front Front Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha MH90 MH90

Inch Inch Inch Inch 2.50/2.75 2.50/2.75

MH90 MH90 MJ90 MJ90 MJ90 MJ90 MM90 MM90 MM90 MM90 MM90 MM90 MM90 MM90 -- MR90 MR90 MR90 MR90 MT90 MT90 MT90 MT90 Rear Rear

2.50/2.75 2.50/2.75 2.75/3.00 2.75/3.00 2.75/3.00 2.75/3.00 3.25/3.50 3.25/3.50 3.25/3.50 3.25/3.50 3.75/4.00 3.75/4.00 3.75/4.00 3.75/4.00 4.25/4.50 4.25/4.50 4.25/4.50 4.25/4.50 4.25/4.50 4.25/4.50 4.25/4.50 4.25/4.50 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10

MN90 MN90 MP85 MP85 MP85 MP85 MP85 MP85 MP85 MP85 -- MT90 MT90 MT90 MT90 -- MU90 MU90 MU90 MU90 MV85 MV85 MV85 MV85 MB85 MB85 MB85 MB85

Inch 3.75/4.25 3.75/4.25 3.75/4.25 3.75/4.25 4.50/4.75 4.50/4.75 4.50/4.75 4.50/4.75 4.50/4.75 4.50/4.75 4.50/4.75 4.50/4.75 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.00/5.10 5.50/6.00 5.50/6.00 5.50/6.00 5.50/6.00 5.50/6.00 5.50/6.00 5.50/6.00 5.50/6.00 6.00/6.25 6.00/6.25 6.00/6.25 6.00/6.25 6.00/6.25 6.00/6.25 6.00/6.25 6.00/6.25

Rear Rear Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha MN90 MN90

Inch Inch Inch

Street StreetTyre TyreSize SizeDesignations Designations Street Tyre Size Designations Street Tyre Size Designations Inch InchDesignations Designations Inch Designations

Inch Designations H 4PR HH 16 1616 4PR 4PR H 16 4PR Casing Casingstrength strength strength(ply (ply (plyrating) rating) rating) Casing Casing strength (ply rating) Rim Rim diameter diameter Rim diameter Rim diameter Speed Speed rating rating Speed rating Speed rating Section Section width width (inches) (inches) Section width (inches) Section width (inches) LPHABETICAL LPHABETICAL ESIGNATIONS ESIGNATIONS A A D D A LPHABETICAL D ESIGNATIONS LPHABETICAL A D ESIGNATIONS M M T T 909016 16 Load Load Range Range M T 90- 16 Load Range B BB M T 90- 16 Load Range B Load Loadrange range range Load Load range Rim Rim diameter diameter Rim diameter Rim diameter Aspect Aspect ratio ratio (90)% (90)% Aspect ratio (90)% Aspect ratio (90)% Tyre Tyre width width code Tyre width code code Tyre widthcode code Motorcycle Motorcycle code Motorcycle code Motorcycle code

5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

Metric MetricDesignations Designations Metric Designations

Metric67 Designations 130 130// / 9090- 16 H 130 901616 67 67 HH 130 / 90- 16 67 H

Speed Speedrating rating Speed rating Speed Load Loadrating rating Load rating Load rating Rim Rimdiameter diameter (inches) (inches) Rim diameter (inches) RimAspect diameter (inches) Aspectratio ratio (90)% (90)% Aspect ratio (90)% Aspect ratio (90)% Section Sectionwidth width width (mm) (mm) Section (mm) Section width (mm)

Load Load Rating Rating - A- numerical A numerical code code which which corresponds corresponds to to thethe total total load load Load Rating - A numerical code which corresponds to the total load carrying carrying capacity capacity at at thethe speed speed indicated indicated byby the the speed speed symbol. symbol. Load Rating - Acapacity numerical which corresponds to the total load carrying at code the speed indicated by the speed symbol. carrying capacity at the speed indicated by the speed symbol. Section Section height height Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio = =Section height X 100 X 100 Aspect Ratio = Section height Section Section width width X 100 Aspect Ratio = Section width X 100 Section width


Motorcycle MotorcycleKnobby KnobbyTyre TyreSize Size Motorcycle Tyre Motorcycle Knobby Knobby Tyre Size Size Front Front

Metric Metric Metric Metric 70/100 70/100

Front Front Metric Four-Stroke Four-Stroke Metric Four-Stroke Metric Four-Stroke 80/90 80/90Metric

Metric Metric Metric Metric 90/100 90/100

Rear Rear Metric Four-Stroke Four-Stroke Metric Four-Stroke Metric Four-Stroke Metric 100/80 100/80

70/100 70/100 80/100 80/100 80/100 80/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100

90/100 90/100 100/90 100/90 100/90 100/90 110/90 110/90 110/90 110/90 110/100 110/100 110/100 110/100 LI KGS LBS LBS LI LI KGS KGS LBS LI 21 82.5 KGS LBS 21 82.5 82.5 182 182 21 182 21 2222 22 22 2323 23 23 2424 24 24 2525 25 25 2626 26 26 2727 27 27 2828 28 28 2929 29 29 3030 30 30 3131 31 31 3232 32 32 3333 33 33 3434 34 34 3535 35 35

82.5 8585 85 85 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 9090 90 90 92.5 92.5 92.5 92.5 9595 95 95 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 100 100 100 100 103 103 103 103 106 106 106 106 109 109 109 109 112 112 112 112 115 115 115 115 118 118 118 118 121 121 121 121

182 187 187 187 187 193 193 193 193 198 198 198 198 204 204 204 204 209 209 209 209 215 215 215 215 220 220 220 220 227 227 227 227 234 234 234 234 240 240 240 240 247 247 247 247 254 254 254 254 260 260 260 260 267 267 267 267

Inch Inch Inch

80/90 80/90 90/90 90/90 90/90 90/90 90/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 Rear Rear

Inch 2.75/3.00 2.75/3.00 2.75/3.00 2.75/3.00 3.00/3.25 3.00/3.25 3.00/3.25 3.00/3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25

100/80 100/80 110/80 110/80 110/80 110/80 120/80 120/80 120/80 120/80 130/80 130/80 130/80 130/80

Inch 3.60/4.10 3.60/4.10 3.60/4.10 3.60/4.10 4.10/4.60 4.10/4.60 4.10/4.60 4.10/4.60 4.50/5.10 4.50/5.10 4.50/5.10 4.50/5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10

LoadKGS Index LI LBS Rating LI KGS LBS LBS LI LI KGS KGS LBS LBS LI LI KGS KGS LBS LI36 KGS LBS LI51 KGS LBS 36 125 125 276 276 51 195 195 430 430 36 125 276 51 195 430

LI KGS LBS LBS LI LI KGS KGS LBS LI 6666 KGS 300 300 LBS 661 661 66 300 661

Inch Inch Inch

Load LoadIndex IndexRating Rating Load Index Rating

36 3737 37 37 3838 38 38 3939 39 39 4040 40 40 4141 41 41 4242 42 42 4343 43 43 4444 44 44 4545 45 45 4646 46 46 4747 47 47 4848 48 48 4949 49 49 5050 50 50

125 128 128 128 128 132 132 132 132 136 136 136 136 140 140 140 140 145 145 145 145 150 150 150 150 155 155 155 155 160 160 160 160 165 165 165 165 170 170 170 170 175 175 175 175 180 180 180 180 185 185 185 185 190 190 190 190

276 282 282 282 282 291 291 291 291 300 300 300 300 309 309 309 309 320 320 320 320 331 331 331 331 342 342 342 342 353 353 353 353 364 364 364 364 375 375 375 375 386 386 386 386 397 397 397 397 408 408 408 408 419 419 419 419

51 5252 52 52 5353 53 53 5454 54 54 5555 55 55 5656 56 56 5757 57 57 5858 58 58 5959 59 59 6060 60 60 6161 61 61 6262 62 62 6363 63 63 6464 64 64 6565 65 65

195 200 200 200 200 206 206 206 206 212 212 212 212 218 218 218 218 224 224 224 224 230 230 230 230 236 236 236 236 243 243 243 243 250 250 250 250 257 257 257 257 265 265 265 265 272 272 272 272 280 280 280 280 290 290 290 290

430 441 441 441 441 454 454 454 454 467 467 467 467 481 481 481 481 494 494 494 494 507 507 507 507 520 520 520 520 536 536 536 536 551 551 551 551 567 567 567 567 584 584 584 584 600 600 600 600 617 617 617 617 639 639 639 639

66 6767 67 67 6868 68 68 6969 69 69 7070 70 70 7171 71 71 7272 72 72 7373 73 73 7474 74 74 7575 75 75 7676 76 76 7777 77 77 7878 78 78 7979 79 79

300 307 307 307 307 315 315 315 315 325 325 325 325 335 335 335 335 345 345 345 345 355 355 355 355 365 365 365 365 375 375 375 375 387 387 387 387 400 400 400 400 412 412 412 412 425 425 425 425 437 437 437 437

661 677 677 677 677 694 694 694 694 716 716 716 716 736 736 736 736 761 761 761 761 783 783 783 783 805 805 805 805 827 827 827 827 853 853 853 853 882 882 882 882 908 908 908 908 937 937 937 937 963 963 963 963

Speed SpeedRating Rating Speed Speed Rating Rating MM axaixm im um umDD eseisqin q/nT/e TsetstSS pe ped ed

Maximum Desiqn/Test Speed Max(Mph) im um Desiqn/(km/h) T(km/h) est Speed (Mph) (Mph) (km/h) (Mph) (km/h) F pe 5 50 8 80 FFtty ytp pye e 50 0 80 0 F p e 50 J Jttyytp ye pe 6 2 62 180 0 100 00 J 6 2 1 J Lttyytp 6 1 L pe 7 5 75 2 10 20 L pye e 72 5 10 2 0 LMttype ytype pe 75 12 0 M 81 81 130 130 M type 81 130 M 81 130 N type 87 87 140 140 NNtype type 87 140 N 87 140 P P type type 94 94 150 150 P type 94 150 PRtype 94 150 R type 106 106 170 170 R type 106 170 R 106 170 S type 112 112 180 180 SStype type 112 180 SHtype 112 180 H type 130 130 210 210 H type 130 210 H 130 210 V type 149 149 240 240 VVtype type 149 240 V 149 240 Z y pe 1 19 4+ 9+ 2 20 4+ 0+ ZZtttype ytp pye e 14 4 9 + 24 4 0 + ZW ttype yp e 14 9+ 24 0+ W type type 168 168 270 270 W 168 270 W type 168 270 (W) (W) type type 168+ 168+ 270+ 270+ (W) type 168+ 270+ (W) type 168+ 270+ 50 50 80 80 (Low (Low I.P.) I.P.) Flotation Flotation Type Type 50 80 (Low I.P.) Flotation Type 50 80 Flotation Type (Low I.P.) Warning: Warning:Only Onlyproperly properlytrained trainedpersonnel personnelshould shouldmount mounttyres. tyres. Warning: Only properly trained personnel should mount tyres. Warning: Only properly trained personnel should mount tyres. Motorcycle Motorcycleuse use Motorcycle use Motorcycle use

*All prices are subject to change. Errors and omissions excepted. *All retail prices include GST.

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