2024 Summer Camps Guide

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2024 Summer Camps Guide


Dear Readers,

On behalf of New Hampshire Camps, welcome to this publication focused on all things summer camp! Thank you to New Hampshire Magazine for bringing these expert voices to life through this resource.

NH Camps represents day, resident, nonprofit and private camps across the state. Our association has more than 90 member camps licensed by the state of New Hampshire. Serving as the collective voice for camps throughout New Hampshire, NH Camps is proud to collaborate with organizations across the state. We are thrilled this year to be partnering with the New Hampshire Department of Education in the “Rekindling Curiosity” program, which offers financial assistance for camp to qualifying children. For information about which camps are participating, what the qualifications are and how to apply for this assistance program, please click here (rekindlingcuriosityeducation.nh.gov).

Our member camps relish the opportunity to spread the word about the value of camp to prospective and current camp families. In this publication, several camp professionals offer timely words of wisdom to support you in planning for this summer.

The theme for this special issue is “Why Camp?” Our belief is that camp can be the antidote for challenges that youth face across society. For those who have attended a summer camp program before, this concept will likely make sense. Others may think it is a bold statement, but it is one we wholeheartedly believe in. We hope this collection of articles will identify the many ways a summer camp experience can benefit your child and inspire you to start planning for this summer.

Organized summer camp programs began in New Hampshire almost 130 years ago and that long, rich tradition continues to this day. We at NH Camps are proud to say there truly is a camp program for everyone!

For more information on member camps, please visit our website (nhcamps.org).

Enjoy your summer!

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Photo courtesy New Hampshire Camp Directors Association

You Can’t Create Real Memories with a Smartphone Camera

I grew up in rural Southern Vermont, with a rather famous trout stream running practically through the backyard and acres upon acres of woods to get lost in. I was about 11 when my first computer came into my life, a simplistic and laughably low-memory (by today’s standards) Commodore VIC-20. While I quickly became obsessed with it, learning to code so I could try and recreate the simple video games at the arcade and the even more rudimentary ones on the Atari 2600 game console, none of these things were imbued with the dopamine-hijacking superpowers of a modern smartphone or game console.

As a result, even after that technology came into my life, I still shut it off sometimes and went outside. I recall taking the cassette tape I stored my programs on (that’s how it was done back then), dropping it into a standard portable audio-tape player and then climbing the tall fir tree in the backyard with a best friend.. The computer program played aloud, provided a science-fiction backdrop of beeps and bloops and chirps to serve as a soundtrack, while we pretended to be astronauts venturing to a distant, dangerous planet.

I now have four kids of my own. The youngest is 12. Their lives have been immersed in a sea of increasingly sophisticated technology since they were born. It’s a technology that is marvelous beyond imagining compared to that of 1981, and designed very strategically to capture its user’s attention and never let it go.

I’m grateful that, despite that, they’ve all grown up with a penchant for being outdoors. As a family, we’ve spent a lot of time in the mountains, rambling through the woods and wading through streams. But we all, myself included and perhaps especially so, struggle to unplug these days.

Sometimes the best way to do that is to go somewhere unplugging is an intentional part of the program.

According to Curtis Hines, in “Embracing a Screenfree Summer” on page 8, “There is one last refuge in our chronically online world, a place still holding the line and keeping technology at bay: overnight summer camp. Most overnight camp directors have been saying the same thing for more than 30 years: leave your phone/iPod/electronic games at home, because too often they distract from the community and nature around us.”

The magical gift we’re given when we do unplug is attention. We pay attention to ourselves, our environment, the people around us. And they pay attention to us, as well.

Some of the most powerful experiences of social development I recall were at camp. And some of the most exceptional examples of mentorship. There are great moments of kindness and wisdom I recall from counselors that still move me, and resonate with me as fundamental truths, more than 40 years later. Check out “Role Model Magic at Camp” by Doug Sutherland, on page 14, for more.

No matter which you choose, a summer camp is one place where we don’t need our smartphone cameras to create indelible memories. In fact, putting away the phone may be exactly what’s needed to truly have the experiences that last a lifetime.

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Photo courtesy Camp Merriwoo d


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2024 SUMMER CAMPS GUIDE is published by Yankee Publishing, Inc., 250 Commercial Street, Suite 4014, Manchester, NH 03101, (603) 624-1442. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is not allowed. Articles and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. We do not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors. The acceptance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services or information. We do not knowingly present any product or service which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. Please forward any inquiries or correspondence to 250 Commercial St., Suite 4014, Manchester, NH 03101.

THE SUMMER CAMP ARTICLES in this issue were provided by the New Hampshire Camp Directors Association under the direction of committee member Marcy Kornreich, former director of Camp Young Judaea in Amherst. NHCDA is a nonprofit that works with camps and the state of New Hampshire to help member camps ensure safety and best practices. The organization provides resources for families, camps and businesses. Go to www.nhcamps.org for more information.

NEW HAMPSHIRE GROUP 100% Employee-Owned www.nhmagazine.com | SUMMER CAMPS GUIDE • 2024 3 4 Why Summer Camp ? 6 Which Camp is Right for My Child? 8 Embracing a Screen-free Summer 10 What Does Going to Camp Feel LIke? 12 The Opportunity of Camp 14 Role Model Magic at Camp 17 Will My Child Be Okay at Camp? 19 Summer Camp Directory 2024 CONTENTS Photo courtesy Camp Merriwoo d

Why Summer Camp?

The Top 8 Answers

With all the different choices that children and young people have today, why would they (and their families) choose summer camp? The best camps provide a LOT of good answers to that question. Here are my favorites.

1. Camp is fun! This may sound frivolous, but having real fun is good for kids in the short term and the long term. Biologically, having fun releases dopamine, which produces positive feelings and relieves stress. And at camp, that leads to creating better bonds with others, feeling connected and creating lifelong memories.

2. Camp is a place you belong. All of us want and need that glorious feeling of belonging.

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It’s about feeling comfortable, accepted and celebrated for who you are, and being able to contribute to the group, to give and receive support. Belonging feels right and it’s an experience that camp is known for.

3. Camp is filled with learning and growth. There are so many opportunities to learn at camp. Maybe it’s skills in swimming, archery or ceramics. For most campers, however, really valuable learning and growth comes from the process and can be carried into other areas of life. To be open to learning is to admit that you don’t know how to do something. Falling short sometimes happens, but being supported in practicing reevaluation and problem-solving leads to an even bigger win — confidence, a sense of perseverance and the powerful deep knowledge that “I can do hard things” — true life skills.

4. Camp builds awareness. That can mean awareness of others, yourself or nature. Maybe it’s getting in tune with others’ interests, needs and unique gifts. Or becoming sensitive to the track of the sun, the changes in the air before a storm, or the multitude of living things all around us. From awareness comes empathy and appreciation.

5. Camp is about service. All camps are communities — they are like little villages where everyone plays a part in the community’s success. That success is linked to giving “service.” It may be a little thing like a camper helping another learn how to do a craft, or volunteering to help weed the garden. It may be helping a homesick friend, or truly celebrating someone else’s accomplishment. Some would say this is kindness, yet the deep meaning of service is the

dedication to helping someone have a better life. Daily life at camp is filled with service.

6. Camp is unplugged. The opportunity to be unplugged is a gift to children, young people and adults. For many, it is a giant stress reliever. Since everyone is doing it at camp, it’s an easier adjustment than some people might assume. It creates a focus on what is actually happening around a person: Real “face time” happens when people are unplugged, and strengthens skill sets for interacting with and experiencing the world.

7. Camp is a place to make lifelong friends. These are friends that share so many moments. They see each other when they are brushing their teeth in the morning, or dirty and wet from jumping in mud puddles. This jump-starts a shared history that grows exponentially. Anyone who has been to camp will tell you that their camp friends can always be counted on, no matter how far apart — and that they laugh harder, louder and longer with their camp friends than with anyone else.

8. Camp is filled with joy. Feeling happy and content is great. But add in feeling balanced, accepted and right in your world, and you get joy! Camp at its best provides moments of unparalleled joy.

A camp experience is one of the most powerful gifts you can give or receive. ®

Marijean “MJ” Parry is the executive director of Fleur de Lis Camp, an overnight camp for girls ages 8-17 located on the shores of Laurel Lake in Fitzwilliam. For more information, check out the website here (fleurdeliscamp.org).

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Photo courtesy New Hampshire Camp Directors Association

Finding the Fun

Which Camp is Right for My Child?

ptions abound as you look at choices for where your child should enroll this summer! Several factors go into picking a camp that your child will want to return to over and over again. Keep these things in mind as you deliberate on the right fit.

Style. Some camps are highly structured, while others are more free-flowing. At some camps, groups of similarly aged peers travel together to pre-arranged activities; at others, campers choose each activity they would like to do on a daily or weekly basis. Consider the type of learning and play environments where your child feels most comfortable, and look for a camp that matches your child’s vibe.

Interests. Beyond the way the day runs, the activities themselves vary widely across camps. Specialty camps tend to provide a focus on one area (for example, theater or STEM) for part of the day, in addition to “typical” camp activities. Skill camps (such as for a specific sport) focus most of the day on drills, practice and games. General or “traditional” camps offer a wide variety of options in creative arts, sports, nature exploration and water activities. Make

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sure to ask if swim lessons are provided, and if so, how often and how campers are grouped — according to age, skill level or both?

Specific Needs. You’ll want to share any information that you shared with your child’s classroom teacher, because that information is essential to set your child up for success. Additionally, if your child has extra needs, ask the camp how their staff are trained to support youth with those particular needs. Some camps specialize in serving only youth with special needs, while other camps have inclusion programs that are designed to support a certain number of campers with higher needs in any given session. Some camps may provide extra staff for youth with special needs, and other camps may require you to provide your own aide. It’s important to start these conversations early in the registration process to make sure the camp can meet your child’s needs and that it is a mutually good fit.

Standards & Reputation. In New Hampshire, recreation and skill camps (with the exception of programs run by Parks and Recreation) are required to be licensed through the state. This ensures the camp meets health and safety regulations, has safe staffing levels, does background checks and more. Any camp you plan to send your child to should be able to answer your detailed questions and ensure that you feel comfortable with their operational protocols. You should also read reviews (including online in parenting groups), and ask the director if you can reach out to one or two current camper families for a reference.

Budget. Camps range widely in price. Many agency camps (such as scouts, YMCAs, etc.) and private nonprofit camps offer financial aid (often called “camperships”). Some private for-profit camps may have tuition assistance, so definitely ask! Sibling discounts, multi-week discounts and other savings can also help the bottom line. In addition, be sure to check out the “Rekindling Curiosity” financial assistance program being offered this year by NH Camps, in partnership with the New Hampshire Department of Education. For information about which camps are participating, what the qualifications are and how to apply for this assistance program, click here (rekindlingcuriosityeducation.nh.gov).

There are camps across New Hampshire that cater to every interest, skill and child. Finding the right camp is all about matching your child’s needs and wants with what’s available. Enjoy your search and remember that doing some research now will mean an amazing summer for your child in just a few months! ®

Emily Golinsky is the founder/owner of Bright Moose, LLC (brightmoose training.com). She is a longtime camp professional and an education advocate for youth with special needs.

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An independent day school welcoming bright, motivated students in grades 6-12. Register Today! derryfield.org/summer-programs Are you ready for summer camp? Session One: July 8-19 Session
July 22-August 2 A full lunch, served in our new Dining Commons, will be included in the price of all registrations. Vegetarian and gluten-free options available. Spotlight Camp: Derryfield Repertory Theatre Additional Camps Include: LEtGO Your Mind College Essay Writing | Athletic Camps

Embracing a Screen-free Summer

Why camp? One reason is the opportunity for children to experience a screen-free summer.

A 2021 study of media use by teens found the average child received their first cellphone by 12 years old. In another survey in 2019, 42% of children aged 4 to 14 spent 30 hours on their phones each week. Most parents grew up in a very different world than their children, and technology seems to have developed faster than our ability to understand its longrange impact, especially on children. Even now as we begin to see links between excessive screen use and delays in cognitive and social/emotional development, screens are becoming more and more ubiquitous in everyday life.

I hope I don’t sound like Chicken Little; I acknowledge our devices have benefits, that they help us learn more and learn faster. But most parents seem

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to share some of the same concerns, and most households have their own systems for managing and monitoring screen time. But what happens during the summer, without the routine of school, when children are left to their own devices (literally)? We all know the answer: more time at home equals more time on the phone.

There is one last refuge in our chronically online world, a place still holding the line and keeping technology at bay: overnight summer camp. Most overnight camp directors have been saying the same thing for more than 30 years: leave your phone/iPod/electronic games at home, because too often they distract from the community and nature around us. Summertime is fleeting, so it’s important to cherish every minute of it. These programs have often made solemn vows to stand against the tide of “progress” to protect tradition from technology. Not every overnight camp enforces this rule, but the average camp experience tends to emphasize face-to-face connection over time spent on screens.

You’d think kids today would hate it, but they don’t. The last day of camp is always full of tearful goodbyes from children wishing camp would never end. “Something feels different here,” they say, but they struggle to explain to it to their family and to their friends. It may be that in the absence of technol-

ogy, people must rely on each other for entertainment and companionship. In that environment, friendships are easier to make, and a spirit of bonhomie pervades.

Returning campers invariably tell the same story: Once they get home, they realize how addicted they are to their phone. Some of them take the lesson to heart and become more intentional with their screen time, an insight they gain after the experience of a summer-long detox. Even camp staff members say that distance from their devices was freeing.

If you ask camp directors about their technology policy (and you should), you’re likely to get a thoughtful and considered response. Camp people care deeply about serving the needs of all children, and right now, all children could use a break from their devices (adults, too). Twenty years from now, the technology will be different; a new generation will have grown up with artificial intelligence and we’ll be concerned about new things, I’m sure. Hopefully, traditional camp programs will still be around, will remain true to their ideals and will provide us with the option of being less plugged-in. ®

Curtis Hines has spent more than 25 summers at Windsor Mountain Summer Camp in Windsor, first as a camper, then later joined the staff and eventually became assistant director. Curtis is a poet and writer, a mentor with the Inspiring Men Project, and works with Zebra Crossings, a nonprofit that creates camps for children with chronic illness.

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DAY CAMPS • Manchester • Hooksett • Goffstown • Londonderry • Derry • Windham • Concord • Rochester • G reenland • Newington OVERNIGHT CAMPS • YMCA Camp Foss located in Strafford, NH • YMCA Camp Mi-Te-Na located in
NH DISCOVER SUMMER! SCAN TO LEARN MORE & SIGN UP! The Granite YMCA • www.graniteymca.org/camps Experience the summer of a lifetime at YMCA summer camp! The Y provides highquality, affordable summer experiences including day camps, overnight camps, teen camps, and leadership camps.

What Does Going to Camp Feel Like?

The anticipation builds for weeks before opening day. Going over the supplies list again and again. Waves of excitement

ebb into nerves and flow back into excitement.

Finally, the first day arrives and the adventure begins.

Questions flood your child’s mind: Will I like the kids in my group? Will they like me? What are the counselors going to be like? Are the activities going to be fun? Whether you’re in a car or taking the bus, the drive leads farther into the woods and ends with the entrance

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courtesy Camp Merriwood

to camp. Counselors and staff are standing there waving, yelling, clanging pots and pans together, holding signs and most of all, smiling. This is the best welcome ever! No wonder the nervous feelings are subsiding.

Checked in, group assigned, now on to meeting lots of new people. It’s a whirlwind of names, hometowns, hobbies, interests, feelings. The nerves come back for a moment. How can I remember all of this new info? Then I walk toward the first all-camp meeting with my group. How can I not start smiling when all of these faces around me are lighting up and making me feel welcome?! The directors and counselors introduce themselves, discuss the camp rules, explain the plan for the rest of the day and send campers on their way. Waterfront, games, group time, ropes course, music, dodgeball ... this is amazing! And overwhelming. Every counselor and adult seems super friendly, so that’s a good sign.

Lunch time! Oh no, being a vegetarian will probably be a problem. Maybe there won’t be much to eat. Nerves again ... until ... wow, there are options! Not just for me, but for kids with lots of different food needs. The kitchen staff is as warm as their equipment, and the food choices are great. If only school could be like this.

After the meal, it’s group time. I’m already starting to get to know people, making connections and having LOTS of laughs. Why is it so much easier to make friends here than at school? Daily schedules are distributed, and we’re all comparing activities. You have arts and crafts second period? I have it third! We have horseback riding at the same time. Do you have basketball? I want to try that! Once we try the activities, we can change if we want to.

Lots of fun things to do. Helpful, friendly, caring, thoughtful, funny and smart counselors. A beautiful setting, with a hidden pocket of pine trees and wildflowers. Flowing water, melty ice pops, silly jokes, fun activities. Feelings that are often not present during the school year are here: feeling included, feeling heard, feeling safe, feeling adventurous, feeling creative, feeling free, feeling true friendship.

Summer camp allows you to be who you want to be. Most importantly, it allows you to be yourself. ®

Tory Cabot was a camper at Camp Birch Hill in New Durham for two years. She enjoyed it so much that she returned as a counselor for two years while in college. Years later, after teaching middle school for a few years outside Boston, she returned as a director and spent another wonderful two summers at CBH. She currently lives in Somerville , Mass., with her fiance and cat, and teaches sixth grade ELA.

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LEGO SUMMER PROGRAMS Scholarships and grants available. One week long, Monday through Friday, 9:00AM - 3:00PM. LEGO ROBOTICS, STOP MOTION, & MINECRAFT! 13 LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT NEW HAMPSHIRE REGISTER TODAY! www.LetGoYourMind.com Not in affiliation with LEGO Group.

The Opportunity of


What does the opportunity of camp mean?

Let’s highlight three areas.


The goal of camp is to keep kids active and engaged: either physically, mentally or both. Camps offer activities such as arts and crafts, horseback riding, hiking, dance, robotics or sports. There are camps that focus on a specific interest or skill; others offer a general selection of activities. Some camps are affiliated with religious or nonprofit organizations, or emphasize different lifestyle choices. Finding a camp that offers the right mix of activities is important, but not the only marker of a great experience.

As an example, say your child wants to go to a camp that offers wakeboarding. It rains every day during the first week of this two-week camp. Did your child wakeboard enough? It’s not the camp’s fault that it rained ... and hopefully, other activities were offered that sparked your child’s interest. Sometimes camp provides a setting for new skills — what a fantastic opportunity!

Personal Growth

This is definitely hard to guarantee, but the opportunity is there. The idea of learning to live with other personalities, sounds, smells and levels of cleanliness can be tough.

There are so many options for building confidence, whether it’s reaching the top of the climbing tower or enduring two weeks without a cellphone. Facing challenges is difficult, but camp can foster independence and allow children to grow and develop.

Making Friends

This is a tough one, too. The opportunity to make friends exists at every camp. Friendships are organic, whether it is summer-long or lifelong. Camp provides a common experience. My daughter says that she has friends and camp friends. Those camp friendships can be intense for the week, two weeks or even eight weeks of camp. Social connections are an important part of the camp experience.

Camp gives kids a world of opportunities in a safe, supportive environment. Parents should be excited by their child having the opportunity to do fun activities, challenge themselves and find someone they can connect with at camp. Campers can embrace the opportunity to explore and perhaps even discover their true selves. ®

Doug Sutherland is a diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) advocate, consultant and workshop facilitator who has been a part of the summer camp field for more than 20 years. Doug has served in a variety of roles, from group facilitation and high-ropes course instruction to administrative positions directing and running camps throughout New England. Doug Sutherland Consulting provides DEIB training, keynotes and group-dynamic facilitation programs.

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Photos courtesy Camp Merriwood
www.nhmagazine.com | SUMMER CAMPS GUIDE • 2024 13 YMCA of Greater Nashua Merrimack YMCA | Nashua YMCA | Westwood Park YMCA YMCA Camp Sargent on Lake Naticook SUMMERCAMP REGISTRATIONIS NOW OPEN ANDFAST!FILLING SUMMER CAMP YMCA DISCOVER SUMMER AT THE Y! Scan the QR Code to Download the 2024 Summer Camp Guide and To Register or Visit www.nmymca.org/summercamps 100TH ANNIVERSARY EST. 1924 YMCA AMP ARGENT C S SCAN FOR MORE INFO • CAMP SARGENT: Weekly Summer Fun, Acting, Archery, Farm, Pokémon, Science, Super Hero Training, Leaders in Training and more. • SPORTS: Weekly All Ball, Basketball, Flag Football, Ninja, Pickleball, Tennis, Volleyball and more. • CREATE: Weekly Arts of All Sorts, Art, Brixology, Circus, Dance, Fashion, Gymnastics, Music, Sculpting, S.T.E.A.M and more. DON’T MISS OUT ON THE SUMMER FUN! DON’T MISS OUT ON THE SUMMER FUN! CAMPS AVAILABLE FOR AGES 3 - GRADE 12

Role Model Magic at Camp

Campers get to have a wide range of experiences that can evoke joy, acceptance and excitement, as well as create challenges and even difficulties. Camp provides opportunities to do things you have never done before or explore different parts of your identity.

Going to camp can be life-altering, with great implications for success and growth. One example is the possibility of finding a role model. During staff training/orientation, camp administrators talk to staff about the importance of being a role model. They may define a role model as someone others can look up to. But the truth is that there’s no one definition of a “best” role model.

When I hire staff, I look for a diverse mix: some who are outgoing and highly energetic, others with a calm, steady demeanor. I also look for those who mirror the challenges their campers’ experience. For example, if a camp has campers of color or those from low-income communities, or who embody a non-heteronormative gender identity, it’s helpful to have staff members with similar backgrounds or identity. Campers need to see themselves in the camp staff faces and know their experiences are understood.

Of course, no experience of connection is guaranteed. But it helps when a camp provides the opportunity through a deliberate and well-thoughtout staff-hiring process. Then, a camp adds in so much more to ensure a great summer: fun activities, new experiences and a caring and supportive community. If there is a person a camper can connect with and look up to, that camper’s experience will be even more memorable, healthy and impactful. When that happens — when a camper meets an adult they can trust, who listens and works with them where they are — that connection can be truly magical. ®

14 www.nhmagazine.com | SUMMER CAMPS GUIDE • 2024
Doug Sutherland is a diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) advocate, consultant and workshop facilitator who has been a part of the summer camp field for more than 20 years. Photo courtesy Camp Merriwood
16 www.nhmagazine.com | SUMMER CAMPS GUIDE • 2024 Your child is unique. That’s why summer camp shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all option. 138 Spit Brook Road, Nashua, NH 03062 (603) 888-1982 WorldAcademyNH.com At World Academy, we offer choices to fit your child’s age, interests and summer schedule. Students from all schools are welcome. Learn more about our camp programs and weekly themes at WorldAcademyNH.com.
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Will My Child Be OK at Camp?

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Congratulations! You have made, or are about to make, one of the best decisions of your child’s life: sending them to overnight camp.

There are few places left on earth where children can experience independence away from adult family members, practice conflict-management skills, make new friends face-to-face and be without screens, social media and all of the concerns that come with living in the digital age. Camp is one of those few precious places. Get ready for a major boost in confidence for your child!

You’re nervous for them to be away. I get it. I’m a parent of two young children. It’s hard. The world we live in can be a scary place. We want to be able to give our kids a place where fun, friends, independence, healthy conflict and learning are the only things in front of them. A place that’s their world and only theirs. That place is overnight camp.

Aside from being a parent, I’m also a former overnight camp director and social worker, and I now consult with many different camps. I love to be able to view camp through these different lenses.

Trust should begin with the first conversation you have with your child’s camp. Ask good questions, and listen for well-thought-out answers. If camps don’t get back to you in a timely fashion, seem to downplay safety,

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and/or appear to be cavalier about issues that are important to you or your child, keep looking — there are so many camps eager to deliver a safe and great experience. Trust has to be a two-way street in order to be successful; make sure you have told the camp everything that will enable them to be your teammate and give your child the best experience possible. Of course, your child is going to struggle with some things. Every moment won’t be wonderful. For example, homesickness, or missing home, is a common occurrence. Camps are well aware how to handle these issues. It is difficult for many parents and guardians to see their children struggle. But we all know that some struggle is healthy, and it teaches us how to get through those moments in the future. Camp encourages going outside one’s comfort zone by taking safe risks. There aren’t a lot of places that are doing that with kids on a routine basis.

Once your child is at camp, it’s natural to wonder and worry. Some camps will routinely email parents and/or post photos, which can help. Or you can try writing an email once or twice a week to the camp director saying you just want to check in on your child and make sure all is well. Ask the director for a simple one- or two-sentence email back just to make you feel at ease. Please don’t ask the director to take a photo of your child and send it to you: It will inevitably be staged, will be disruptive and could cause your child to be singled out. The more time the director spends returning emails or phone calls that aren’t absolutely necessary, the more time they’re away from the program and campers.

Another tip is to reach out to longtime camp parents for guidance, since they’ve been there and can likely empathize with and help manage your worries. Of course, if anything is of specific, immediate concern, it is not only okay but expected that you will reach out to the camp.

Setting up short email check-ins with a director can ease your anxiety while setting healthy boundaries. In setting healthy boundaries and allowing your child to experience the magic of camp, you are not only instilling confidence and important life skills in your child, you are practicing letting go. ®

Nick Teich is an executive coach and consultant for camp directors across North America, helping them make their camps the best possible places for their campers and staff. He is the founder and was the longtime director of Harbor Camps in New Hampshire. He is also a social worker and wrote his doctoral dissertation on the effect of bullying in teenagers. He lives in the Boston area with his wife and two children.

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FOR GRADES 1 - 12 For more details, visit www.mcmusicschool.org
email Polly Towner at polly@mcmusicschool.org

Summer Camp Directory 2024

A guide to the members of the New Hampshire Camp Directors Association and the advertisers in this publication

Action Kids Summer Camp

112 Crawley Falls Road Brentwood, NH 603-642-7200



Barbara C. Harris Camp & Conference Center

108 Wally Slone Lane Greenfield, NH 603-547-3400


Beam Camp

55 Boy Scout Road Strafford, NH 603-269-2326


Daniel Webster Council, BSA – Camp Carpenter

300 Blondin Rd Manchester, NH

(603) 625-6431


Adventure awaits you at Camp Carpenter in the southeast area of Manchester. Our outdoor day camp offers shooting sports, swimming, nature exploration, archery, sports, and all things outdoors! Our year-round programs include day camps, family overnights, and day-long adventures.

Brantwood Camp

127 Brantwood Camp Road Greenfield, NH 603-924-3542


Camp Bernadette

83 Richards Road Wolfeboro, NH 603-931-5500


Camp Birch Hill

33C Birch Hill Road New Durham, NH 603-859-4525


Camp Birchmont

693 Governor John Wentworth Highway Wolfeboro, NH 603-569-1337


Camp Brookwoods

34 Camp Brookwoods Road Alton, NH 603-875-3600


Camp Calumet Lutheran

1090 Ossipee Lake Road Freedom, NH 603-539-3223


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Photo courtesy New Hampshire Camp Directors Association

Camp Carpenter - Daniel Webster Council BSA

40 Blondin Road Manchester, NH 603-623-5962


Camp CenterStage

295 Maple Lane

Livermore, ME (207) 627-4780


Camp CenterStage provides campers and staff an opportunity to explore what they love (the arts) all while participating in character-building experiences! A day at CCS is equal to three days anywhere else. Campers attend daily studios of their choice and rotate through singing, dancing and workshop sessions, which allow them to explore a variety of arts based as well as traditional camping experiences.

Camp Cody

9 Cody Road Freedom, NH 603-539-4997


Camp Deer Run

34 Camp Brookwoods Road Alton, NH 603-875-3600


Camp Deerwood

15 Deerwood Road Holderness, NH 603-279-4237


Camp Fatima

32 Fatima Road Gilmanton, NH 603-931-5500


Camp Glen Brook

35 Glen Brook Road Marlborough, NH 603-876-3342


Camp Hale

92 Millbridge Road Center Sandwich, NH 617-375-8173


Camp Hawkeye

165 Camp Good News Road Charlestown, NH 781-315-1297


Camp Kabeyun

43 Camp Kabeyun Road Alton Bay, NH 603-875-3060


Camp Marist

22 Abel Boulevard Effingham, NH 603-539-4552


Camp Merriwood

11 Camp Road Orford, NH 603-353-9882


Camp Merrowvista-AYF

147 Canaan Road Center Tuftonboro, NH 603-539-6607


Camp Moosilauke

55 Moosilauke Way Orford, NH (800) 353-4546


Moosilauke is one of the oldest residential summer camps in the U.S. Since our founding in 1904, our mission has been simple but powerful: creating confident, happy and resilient boys. Our continued success in achieving our goals is due to a number of factors: our positive and nurturing peer culture; our program of positive risk-taking that encompasses a high level of skill development in sports, waterfront and outdoor adventure; our emphasis on both structure and choice; and our extraordinary attention to the individual needs of each boy. Combine all of this with an enthusiastic and diverse group of 150 campers (from 18 states and seven countries), an experienced and caring staff, and an incredible campus (100 acres on a secluded mile-long lake in the White Mountains of New Hampshire), and you have all the makings for an amazing summer.

Camp Mowglis

4 Mowglis Drive Hebron, NH 603-744-8095


Camp Naticook

116 Naticook Road Merrimack, NH 603-882-1046


Camp Onaway

27 Camp Onaway Drive Hebron, NH 603-744-2180


Camp Pasquaney

19 Pasquaney Lane Hebron, NH 603-744-8043


Camp Pemigewassett

50 Camp Pemigewasset Road Wentworth, NH 603-764-5833


Camp Ponemah

50 Emerson Road Milford, NH 603-673-7123

https://hampshirehills.com/ camp-ponemah

Camp Quinebarge

100 Sibley Road Moultonborough, NH 603-253-6029


Camp Robin Hood

65 Robin Hood Lane Freedom, NH 603-539-4500


Camp Robindel

81 Geneva Point Road Moultonborough, NH 858-245-9625


20 www.nhmagazine.com | SUMMER CAMPS GUIDE • 2024
Photo courtesy New Hampshire Camp Directors Association

Camp Runels

82 Girl Scout Road Pelham, NH 603-635-2366

gsema.org/en/camp/our-camps/ runels.html

Camp Sentinel

29 Sentinel Lodge Road Center Tuftonboro, NH 603-539-4839


Camp Starfish

12 Camp Monomonac Road Rindge, NH 603-899-9590


Camp Sunapee / Camp RSM

210 Deer Hill Road Springfield, NH 603-763-4074


Camp Tasker

55 Emerson Street Haverhill, NH 978-374-6171 haverhillbgc.org

Camp Tel Noar

167 Main Street Hampstead, NH 781-489-2070 camptelnoar.org

Camp Wa-Klo for Girls

435 Page Road Dublin, NH 978-225-3292 campwaklo.com

Camp Walt Whitman

1000 Cape Moonshine Road Piermont, NH 800-657-8282


Camp Waukeela

23 Brownfield Road Madison, NH 603-447-2260 waukeela.com

Camp Wicosuta

21 Wicosuta Drive Hebron, NH 603-744-3301 campwicosuta.com

Camp Winaukee

432 Winaukee Road Moultonborough, NH 603-253-9272 winaukee.com

Camp Young Judaea

9 Camp Road Amherst, NH 603-673-3710 cyj.org

Circle Program

85 Main Street Plymouth, NH 603-536-4244


Copper Cannon Camp

231 Gale River Road Bethlehem, NH 603-823-8107


Daniel Webster Council BSA 300 Blondin Road Manchester, NH 603-625-6431


Day Camps at Orchard School

114 Old Settlers Road Alstead, NH 603-835-2495


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The Derryfield School

2108 River Rd.

Manchester, NH (603) 669-4524

www.derryfield.org/about/ summer-programs/

The Stage is Set! Derryfield Repertory Theatre (DRT) is a summer theatre day camp for rising 4th - 12th graders, that takes place at The Derryfield School. Campers spend their days rehearsing musicals in their casts, participating in performance-based workshops and fun-filled spirit days! Each twoweek session culminates in a final showcase production, where campers show-off their inner-star!

Downtown Summer Program

30 Mechanic Street

Manchester, NH 603-623-3558


Easter Seals Camp Sno-Mo

260 Griswold Lane Gilmanton, NH 603-364-5818


Fleur de Lis

120 Howeville Road Fitzwilliam, NH 603-585-7751


Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains

(888) 474-9686

www.girlscoutsgwm.org/en/ camp/our-camps.html

Girl Scouts invite girls in kindergarten through grade 8 to join us for summer camp! Day camp offers exciting experiences at Camp Kettleford in Bedford and Camp Seawood in Portsmouth. Girls who have finished grades 1-11 will love resident camp at Camp Farnsworth in Thetford, Vermont. Girl Scouts creates girls of courage, confidence and character. See www.girlscoutsgwm.org or call (888) 474-9686.

Harbor Camps

Address private New Hampshire 781-400-1617


Horton Center

Pine Mountain Horton Center Road Gorham, NH 603-545-9660


Kingswood Camp

949 Route 25C Piermont, NH 603-989-5556


Lantern Light Camps

292 Blake's Hill Road Northwood, NH 603 942 5233


Learning Networks Foundation

56 Whitehouse Road Loudon, NH 603-783-5159

learningnetworksfoundation.com/ cuddle-a-cow/summer-camp/

LetGoYourMind: STEM Programs

Multiple locations: Amherst, Bedford, Concord, Derry, Dover, Durham, Londonderry, Manchester, Nashua, New Boston, New London, Pelham, Portsmouth, Salem, Windham 603-731-8047

Maine Arts Camp

371 West Farm Road Bethlehem, NH 561-865-4330


Manchester Community Music School

2291 Elm St. Manchester, NH (603) 644-4548


Manchester Community Music School invites students of all ability and experience levels to come join us this summer for music exploration, string chamber ensemble, saxophone ensemble, choir, brass, and woodwind camps, and introductory programs for piano and guitar. Bring your friends and have fun making music!

Mayhew Program

292 West Shore Road Bristol, NH



22 www.nhmagazine.com | SUMMER CAMPS GUIDE • 2024
Photo courtesy Camp Merriwoo d

McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center

2 Institute Dr. Concord, NH (603) 271-7827


Join our weeklong STEM camps designed for ages 5 through 14 with an emphasis on hands-on activities and demonstrating learning! Topics include coding, astronomy, dinosaurs and weather.

McAuli e-Shepard Discovery Center

We bring the universe to you

Melody Pines Day Camp

510 Corning Road

Manchester, NH 603-669-9414


Metropolis of Boston Camp

329 Camp Merrimac Road

Hopkinton, NH (617) 651-1369

https://metropolisofbostoncamp. org/

NH Climbing & Fitness

10 Langdon Ave.

Concord, NH (603) 715-9171


We know that everyone has untapped potential inside of them — it’s only a matter of discovering it. Our camps provide the framework for kids of all ages and abilities to discover that potential through climbing-based activities in an encouraging, non-intimidating environment. Join us!

Night Eagle Wilderness Adventures

P.O. Box 479

Wallingford, VT 05773 (802) 855-8661


A unique, primitive camp for boys, ages 10-14, based on mutual responsibility and cooperation. Boys develop an authentic sense of accomplishment as they live in tipis, backpack, canoe, hike, carve bows and arrows, throw atlatls and tomahawks, track, stalk and much more! Through community living and group decision-making, campers learn to work and play together in a spirit of cooperation rather than competition.

North Woods Camp

144 Governor Wentworth Highway Mirror Lake, NH


bostonycamps.org/ north-woods-camp-for-boys/

Pleasant Valley Camp

144 Governor Wentworth Highway Mirror Lake, NH



Road's End Farm

Horsemanship Camp

149 Jackson Hill Road Chesterfield, NH 603-363-4900


Sandy Island Family Camp

1 Northwoods Camp Road Mirror Lake, NH



climbing & fitness

looking for an unforgettable summer camp experience for your son?

looking for an unforgettable summer camp experience for your son?

Schedule a zoom today with Moosilauke's directors at moosilauke.com!

Schedule a zoom today with Moosilauke's directors at moosilauke.com!

During the Zoom, you will learn about . . . Moosilauke’s program of positive risk taking, which builds character and well-being Moosilauke’s supportive and authentic boy peer culture Moosilauke’s work to ensure the safety and well-being of your s

During the Zoom, you will learn about . . . Moosilauke’s program of positive risk taking, which builds character and well-being Moosilauke’s supportive and authentic boy peer culture

SEE Science Center

200 Bedford St. Manchester, NH (603) 669-0400

www.see-sciencecenter.org/ see-camps-and-programs

Summer camps at SEE are filled with hands-on activities from start to finish. Our educators and partners encourage campers to build skills and confidence, be creative, and have fun while exploring science, technology, and engineering topics. In 2024, SEE will offer seven different summer camp experiences, and eleven camp sessions over five weeks. Learn more about each camp on our website.

Singing Eagle Lodge

15 Deerwood Road Holderness, NH 603-279-4237


Sky High Gymnastics/Jump Start Gymnastics LLC

185 Elm Street Milford, NH 603-554-1097


Squam Lakes Association

534 US Route 3 Holderness, NH 603-968-7336


Stonewall Farm Day Camp

242 Chesterfield Road Keene, NH 603-352-5577


The Granite YMCA

117 Market St. Manchester, NH www.graniteymca.org/camps

We provide affordable, quality summer experiences with convenient options such as extended camp hours and sibling discounts. Summer at the Y is filled with adventure, new friends, lifelong memories and so much more! With camp programs based on the Y values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, we provide children with a priceless experience in a safe and supportive environment.

Timbertop Camp / Hampshire Country School

28 Patey Circle Rindge, NH (603) 899-3325

hampshirecountryschool.org/academics/ timbertop-summer-program

Tin Mountain Conservation Center

1245 Bald Hill Road Albany, NH 603-447-6991



75 Upper New Hampton Road Meredith, NH 603-279-7950


Water Monkey Camp

298 Merrymeeting Road New Durham, NH 603-321-8327


WildQuest Camp at Prescott Farm

928 White Oaks Road Laconia, NH



Wildwood: A Mass Audubon Camp for Outdoor Exploration

462 Old New Ipswich Road Rindge, NH 603-899-5589


William Lawrence Camp

139 Federal Corner Road Center Tuftonboro, NH 603-569-3698


Windsor Mountain Summer Camp

1 World Way Windsor, NH



World Academy

138 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH


www.worldacademynh.com/ programs/camp#intro

World Academy is looking forward to welcoming campers for our 2024 Summer Camp! We believe that camp should be an informal educational experience, devoted to learning, and based on fun, play and action in a safe, yet stimulating environment. Our programs for all ages nurture each child’s natural wonder of the world by providing a catalyst for creativity, imagination and the freedom to explore and discover.

24 www.nhmagazine.com | SUMMER CAMPS GUIDE • 2024

YMCA Camp Belknap

11 Chase Point Road Mirror Lake, NH 603-569-3475 campbelknap.org

YMCA Camp Coney Pine

63 Lowell Street Rochester, NH 603-332-7334 graniteymca.org/camps

YMCA Camp Coniston

24 Camp Road Grantham, NH 603-863-1160 coniston.org

YMCA Camp Foss

242 Willey Pond Road Strafford, NH 603-269-3800 campfoss.org

YMCA Camp Gundalow

176 Tuttle Lane Greenland, NH 603-431-2334


YMCA Camp Halfmoon

166 Goffstown Back Road Goffstown, NH 603-497-4663 graniteymca.org/camps

YMCA Camp Huckins

17 Camp Huckins Road Freedom, NH 603-539-4710 camphuckins.org

YMCA Camp Lawrence Bear Island Laconia, NH 978-975-1330 camp.mvymca.org/

YMCA Camp Lincoln

67 Ball Road Kingston, NH 603-642-3361


YMCA Camp Mi-Te-Na

65 YMCA Road Alton, NH 603-776-3000 campmitena.org

YMCA Camp Mowkawogan

44 Warren St. Concord, NH 603-228-9622

https://graniteymca.org/camps/ day-camp/concord/

YMCA Camp Nokomis Bear Island Laconia, NH 978-975-1330 camp.mvymca.org/

YMCA Camp Otter

66 Hooker Farm Road Salem, NH 978-975-1330 camp.mvymca.org/

YMCA Camp Pa-Gon-Ki

206 Rockingham Road Londonderry, NH 603-437-9622


YMCA Camp Sargent

141 Camp Sargent Road Merrimack, NH 603-880-4845 campsargent.org

YMCA Camp Takodah

55 Fitzwilliam Road Richmond, NH 603-239-4781 camptakodah.org

YMCA Day Camp of Hooksett

5 Memorial Drive Hooksett, NH 603-623-3558


YMCA of Greater Boston Overnight Camps

North Woods YMCA

Camp for Boys

144 Gov. Wentworth Highway Tuftonboro, NH

(603) 569-2725


Your son needs the Northwoods Camp experience this summer! To just be a kid, to laugh, to have fun ... away from screens in the woods.

Pleasant Valley YMCA

Camp for Girls

144 Gov. Wentworth Highway Tuftonboro, NH

(603) 569-2725


Give your daughter the Pleasant Valley Camp experience this summer! To find herself, be accepted, have fun and thrive in our nurturing, yet challenging environment.

YMCA of Greater Nashua

10 Cotton Rd., Suite 1 Nashua, NH (603) 598-1533


Our summer camps are about discovery. Kids have the opportunity to explore nature, find new talents, try new activities, gain independence, build on sports skills, make lasting friendships and memories and, of course, have fun! We offer affordable and quality, traditional, sports and arts and humanities day camp options for age 3 to grade 12 at the Nashua Y, the Merrimack Y, the Westwood Park Y and YMCA Camp Sargent in Merrimack, New Hampshire.

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