Mayflower Sec - Yearbook 2021

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Our School Song

Every Mayflowerian has a zest for life, a curious mind and a generous spirit.

Mayflower Secondary School Song

Contents Principal’s Foreword 04 School Motto, Outcomes, Mission 06 Mayfower Family 08 Mayfower Memories 16 Mayfower Departments 35 Mayfower Committees 51 Mayfower CCA Groups 64 Mayfower Classes 90 Mayfower Graduates 101 3 YEARBOOK 2021 MAYFLOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL

Principal’s Foreword

Established in 1981, Mayflower Secondary School proudly celebrates its 40th anniversary this year!

Over the past four decades, Mayflower has been led by a total of eight Principals. Each principal has guided the school through key phases of Singapore’s education system, helping to establish strong values and sound processes that built the foundation for our school’s continuous growth and development.

During the 1980s, we went through the “efficiency driven education” system when “streaming” was introduced. We then progressed to the “ability driven education” in the 1990s, where the focus was to harness the talent and ability of each student. Today, we embark on “Values-Driven Education” which aims to allow our students opportunities to discover and develop their own strengths.

Within the last decade, there have been many key initiatives that have shaped Mayflower to what it is today. In 2010, Mayflower embarked on becoming a Professional Learning Community which fosters a culture of professional excellence among teachers to improve pedagogical practices. Three years later, in 2013, Mayflower partnered with the Ministry of Education Curriculum Policy Office in a whole school approach to adopt effective practices in Assessment Literacy that focus on developing self-directed learners who take responsibility for their own learning. More recently, in 2020, Mayflower became one of the twenty-eight pilot schools in Singapore to trial the Full Subject-Based Banding (FSBB) programme. FSBB is part of the broader educational shift to recognise the strengths and interests of all students, to help students build confidence and foster an intrinsic motivation to learn for life. As a result of this programme, our current cohort of Secondary One students are in mixed-stream Form Classes, fostering a diverse social environment where individual students are valued for who they are. This year, as part of the shift towards blended learning and to remain adaptable in a digital era, our students will be equipped with a Personal Learning Device (PLD). This device will enable students to be engaged through the medium of educational technology both within and out of the classroom. The roll out of the PLD in our school will truly transform our learning environment as our teachers harness e-pedagogy to design meaningful learning activities with the objective of developing self-directed and collaborative learners.

As we journey forward, Mayflower will stay true to our mission of achieving our Mayflower Promise to develop Future Ready Mayflowerians with a Zest for Life, a Curious Mind and a Generous Spirit. Our school motto - “Mighty in Thought and Deed” - will continue to serve as a beacon to guide our students through their journey of growth and self-discovery. Our Mayflower Promise reflects the confidence we have in our students’ abilities and our aim to develop our students into wholesome individuals who can make a difference in the lives of others.

The future will bring many changes that we cannot foresee today. With our strong team of capable, dedicated and inspiring teachers who go the extra mile to nurture our students’ strengths, interests and values, we are confident that our students will develop to be Future Ready Mayflowerians, ready to seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

From the Vice-Principals

2021 marks the 40th anniversary since the establishment of Mayflower Secondary School. Over the past 40 years, numerous cohorts of students have passed through our hands and the school has always endeavoured to provide each and every one of them with a holistic education that is anchored on strong values and a culture of care. Having joined the school in 2018, I have been very fortunate to work with a dedicated and caring team of staff to develop the next generation of Mayflowerians. With the strong partnership that we enjoy with our parents and stakeholders, we will continue relentlessly to develop our students to be future-ready citizens rooted in sound values. As we cross this important milestone, I want to encourage all Mayflowerians to be nimble, resilient and tenacious when facing up to challenges – qualities we need to excel in the future!


It is with much joy that I joined Mayflower Secondary School this year. Arriving in the school at the end of a pandemic year, I was very encouraged by the camaraderie, positive energy and inclusivity. One of my first impressions is that this is a school that is wellloved – by the teaching and non-teaching staff, students, alumni, and parents. Around the school, you can find highlights of student and staff achievements – both past and present – displayed proudly. The Enterprise Club’s, The Verdue, also inspired me, for it provided a platform for ideas to come alive. Indeed, the school’s 40 years of history and achievements have been built up by people who love the school and have found personal meaning in contributing to the school community. It is this spirit of care, innovation and excellence that has shaped the school’s journey.

As we forge ahead, I encourage you to give voice to the many things you are passionate about and to add value to the things we do. This is your school, and it is my hope that the collective voices of all of us will bring about much Zest, Curiosity and Gratitude for life. I also hope the school motto: “Mighty in Thought and Deed” will come to mean to all our Mayflowerians: “We think and act for things larger than ourselves”. Because your ideas, choices and actions will create a history for tomorrow! May you flourish through your commitment to do this better, and in the process, make the world a brighter place for all.

Mdm Lee Eet Fong
“Our Mayflower Promise reflects the confidence we have in our students’ abilities and our aim to develop our students into wholesome individuals who can make a difference in the lives of others.”

Motto, Mission, Values and Outcomes

Mayflower Motto

Mighty in Thought and Deed

Mayflower Mission

Every Mayflowerian - Mighty in Thought and Deed

Mayflower Values






Mayflower Outcomes




School Advisory Committee

Mr Sum Ah Lum 沈亚南先生感言

自从2003年我加入美华中学学校咨询委员会至今,已经过了18年的春 秋。回想当年,让我印象最深的是美华中学从旧校舍到新校舍的搬迁工 作。当年,在校长Ms Lo Sheu Ming先生、校委会员以及老师和家长的共同 努力下,美华中学搬迁到现在美丽的新校园,每当我看到美丽的校舍、听 到同学们琅琅的读书声,都让我有很深的感触。

今年我们迎来了美华建校四十周年校庆。借此机会,我衷心祝愿美华中 学能够继往开来,再创辉煌,为新加坡培养更多的优秀人才。十年树木, 百年树人,愿美华中学的老师同学们百尺竿头,更进一步,争取更好的成

To the many years spent with the Mayflower family, I would like to wish Mayflower a very wonderful, successful and rewarding 40th anniversary! I have seen so many generations of Mayflowerians over the years go through their youth in the Mayflower culture. The Mayflowerian is full of love for life, striving for achievement and always Mighty in Thought and Deed.

May Mayflower Secondary School continue to be the place for youths to find out who they want to be!

Happy 40th anniversary!

Mr Albert Lai

我和美华中学的缘分要从1991年算起,当时我的大女儿就读美华,我也 加入美华中学学校咨询委员会。连我自己都没有想到的是,我的四个孩子 都在美华中学就读。如今,他们都已大学毕业,事业有成,这和美华中学 的悉心培育是分不开的。

自从加入美华中学学校咨询委员会,我和美华的历任校长都保持着良好 的关系:历年的校庆、运动会、毕业典礼等我都有出席,见证了美华中学 从学校初建到如今桃李满天下的奋斗历程,见证了历任校长和教职员为学 校发展鞠躬尽瘁。这一路走来,可谓筚路蓝缕。

如今,美华中学已经成为宏茂桥区家喻户晓的中学,这不仅是因为学术 教育方面佳绩频传,更是因为学校向来重视学生的品德培养。美华中学校 风淳朴、学生热心参与社区活动。每次我都能看到学生参加植树节活动、 售旗活动、照顾老人等活动,这让我感到非常欣慰。

“美育栋梁,华润家园!”美华中学已经走过了四十个年头,展望未 来,祝愿美华中学的学生能在校董委员会、校领导及老师的支持指导下, 学业有成,再创辉煌,砥砺奋进,争取更好的成绩!

How you think in your life is shaped by your thoughts. People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron.

Keep on growing. Keep adding to the goodness and beauty in the world. Keep developing those unique dreams and talents that make you who you are.

Sending warmth thoughts, blessings and big congratulations to Mayflower Secondary School!

With love always, Mrs May Olivia Tay

To generations of Mayflowerians, the school is where life-long friendships were forged, strong character was built and knowledge foundation was laid.

Many went on to thrive and live a zestful life, thanks to what the school had prepared them for. All these are made possible by the dedication of teachers and staff of Mayflower – I benefited as a student, witnessed as a parent, and now supporting the course as a SAC member.

In the next 40 years and beyond, I am sure the school will continue to nurture and inspire every Mayflowerian with dedication and love!

Congratulations to the 40th Anniversary, Mayflower, my dearest school!

Mr Tay Swee Yuan

Success is definitely achievable if you are willing to work hard and dream big. You need to believe in yourself and with resilience, you will succeed.

I have fond and precious memories during my 10 years serving in the School Advisory Committee. The dedication of all Principals and teachers have brought Mayflower Secondary School to greater heights. The encouragement to strive towards success, the care and concern for a better tomorrow are values we hold firm.

Wishing Mayflower Secondary School a most wonderful 40th Anniversary this year, 2021.

With warm wishes and greater success.

With Love always, Mrs Florence Lee

Life is unpredictable and full of surprises.

As is said “Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re gonna get”

As you embark on your final few months in MF, take the time to enjoy the unforgettable journey with your schoolmates. We wish you success in your future endeavors and hope that you will continue the legacy of MF: “Mighty in Thought and Deed” and that you, and “Every Mayflowerian will Bloom”.

It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” — Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

It is heartening to see the school doing well! Credit must go to the principals, teachers, and staff, past and present.

May you continue to inculcate young minds with zest for life, curious minds and generous spirits for many more years to come!

There can be no greater honour to serve as a SAC member for an alumnus like me and I am proud to contribute to the school.

Mr Seow
Soon Hee 萧孙喜 先生感言

Our Partners

Secondary One parents being welcomed to the MF family at the Meet-Parents Session at the start of the school year, where they are informed of the school’s mission and vision, academic programme, and student development and management.

PSG Involvement

Breakfast session: Secondary One parents had the opportunity to dialogue with form teachers on their child’s progress in both academic and non-academic areas. Parents also had the opportunity to raise their concerns and clarify matters pertaining to assessment and school programs.

Alumni Engagement

Alumni Bursary Awards

Besides rendering financial support, the alumni has also shown its support for our school’s events such as conducting education and career guidance talks to inspire the students with their successes in diverse fields.

PSG publicising the school to parents of P6 students at the school’s Open House. Parents who made significant contributions to the school for two consecutive years receive the Friends of Mayflower Award. Parents Support Group actively recruiting new Sec 1 parents during the Secondary 1 Meet-Parents Session in January. PSG selling snacks to raise funds for the PSG Bursary Award during the commemoration of Racial Harmony Day. PSG Bursary Awards for 15 MF needy students who have shown improvement in their studies.

Alumni: Students

“In retrospect, my years in Mayflower were transformative. I was surrounded by peers and teachers who not only saw the value in each of us, but were instrumental in making us shine in our own individual ways. To current students, I say enjoy these years for they will often be those you think of fondly in the future and to always keep an open heart and mind. You are truly in the hands of the best moulders of our future! Thank you for the best memories and here is to the next 40 years!”

Happy 40th anniversary Mayflower! Can’t believe it’s been 11 years since I graduated from secondary school but the memories and friends have stayed with me as they were some of the best years of my life. I will never forget the beginning of my athletic career, the lifelong friends I made through my CCA [sailing] and the teachers who have turned to friends :) Thank you MF, for providing me with the mentors and environment to flourish and most importantly, to learn to embody the school motto of being mighty in thought and deed!

Audrey Yong [Class of 2010]

National Windsurfer. Competed at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games [Bronze] and 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics [25th place].

Happy 40th anniversary, Mayflower!

Mayflower is where I discovered my love for science and dance. It was also the place where I’ve had some of my invaluable experiences in life so far! One that is very close to my heart and value so much would be my time with the Indian Dance Club! Having had the chance to be exposed to this beautiful art form, I have since gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for Indian culture and art. We trained hard, and always gave our all during performances such as the SYF! I also had really caring and nurturing teachers who always looked out for us. I will never forget their words of wisdom!

Looking forward to another 40 years and more! May Mayflower continue to nurture students who are Mighty in Thought and Deed!

Toh Li Ping [Class of 2009]

LKY Awardee 2009

Top N Level STudent in SIngapore [2008]

Happy 40th Anniversary to Mayflower Secondary School! Thank you MFSS, for the amazing memories and opportunities given to me when I was a student! Looking back, it has been a really long and fruitful journey for me because of all the support and care from my teachers and seniors - for encouraging and believing in me. I have many fond memories of learning especially in my CCA, St Johns Singapore. I am glad to have been surrounded by positive peers and teachers, as well as to have been given time to take flight! Once again, congratulations to Mayflower Secondary School for reaching this significant milestone, and to all Mayflowerians for making a positive impact!

Alumni: Teachers

Well Wishes Mayflower Secondary School has taught me that sowing the seeds of hard work reaps success.

It is an honour to be able to come back as a teacher to contribute to my alma-mater in educating new generations of Mayflowerians.

As a teacher and alumni of the school, I hope Mayflower Secondary School will continue to inspire young minds to engage in lifelong learning and have a fruitful secondary school experience.

Happy 40th Anniversary!

I have fond memories of my secondary school days in Mayflower Secondary School. My strongest friendships were forged here. We still keep in close contact with each other and some of us are as close as family. I was a disciplined and diligent student. However, I was a little playful when I was in upper secondary. My friends and I liked to play block catching in school. We also played water bombs in school during the holidays. Thankfully, we were not caught by the teachers.

As a student, Mayflower is where I first dared to venture out of my comfort zone, made many mistakes and learnt invaluable lessons. I made long-lasting friendships that are irreplaceable and I grew in many ways I never thought possible. The spirit of mighty in thought and deed still burns within me and I am happy to see it still, a decade later as an educator. While the school still looks about the same on the outside, the ideas and energy radiating from the inside is ever evolving and my greatest hope is that Mayflowerians never stop evolving too. Happy Anniversary! Mayflowerians will always bloom, when the time is right.

My teachers provided great guidance and have left a positive impact in my life. Special thanks to Mr Ng Kok Wing, Mr Felix Low and Miss Tan Lee San. They captivated our attention with their passion for their subjects. We explored Physics and Mathematics concepts through experiments and the use of computer softwares. For English and Literature lessons, we were often engaged in active discussions, presentations and role plays. In particular, my class enjoyed putting up skits on Romeo and Juliet. I vividly remember the time we spent making the props, preparing our costumes and practising our lines. Though the teachers were very strict, they were approachable and sometimes, humorous.

Mayflower Secondary School played an important role in moulding my character and in building my confidence. I was given opportunities to participate in Mathematics competitions and was recognized for my academic achievements. In my CCA, I had the valuable experience of participating in numerous inter-school events. The interaction with students from other schools broadened my horizons. I took on a leadership position in my CCA and worked closely with other CCA leaders. In addition to organizing a orientation camp for new Secondary One students, we also had the golden opportunity of conducting a mass evacuation exercise with the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

I sincerely thank the school for the guidance and for creating the platform for me to grow. If I were to re-live my life, I would still choose to study in Mayflower Secondary School.



Our Former Principals

Mr Wan Hussin Zoohri

1st Principal 1981

When I became the first Principal of Mayflower Secondary School in 1981, I was 43 years old. Now, after 40 years and at 83 years old, my recollections of the school can only be sketchy. There is not much to tell as I was only with the school for one year.

Before the school started its academic year in January 1981, I had to finalise the routine preparations in December 1980. These included organising teachers’ meetings, preparing the teachers’ timetable and selecting the school uniform. I remember going to Sang Nila Utama Secondary School (I was teaching there from 1962 – 1973) to collect several palm trees to be planted in the old building of the school. I also fondly remember going to the Secondary 1 classes to welcome the students and to advise them on their studies.

Now, after four decades, the school has shown tremendous progress. Its success in academic performance is laudable. Its co-curricular achievements have also attained high standard.

I would like to congratulate the Principal and staff of Mayflower Secondary School for making this school one of the leading schools in Singapore. May the school achieve greater heights in the years ahead.

Mr Wan Hussin Zoohri

Mr Ibrahim Othman

In September 1981, I was posted to Mayflower Secondary School to replace Mr. Wan Hussein, the pioneering principal of the school. Mayflower Secondary School had only been around for nine months, with a small cohort of approximately 400 Secondary One students.

As a young man in my early thirties having been a Vice Principal for slightly over two years at Bartley Secondary, I felt the tremendous pressure to lead the school well, given that Mayflower was still in its infancy stage. Ang Mo Kio was a new town, with only 4 secondary schools present in its vicinity. My team of staff members and I worked hard to fulfil our aim of building an institution that would provide quality education. Looking back, I consider it a privilege to have performed this duty for Mayflower and to have worked with a highly dedicated team.

We faced many challenges along the way. For instance, we had to build the school’s identity, spirit and culture. Back then, the school motto was “Magnanimity and Modesty”, which I thought was apt for such a new school. The motto served us well as a beacon to guide us as we planned and ran programmes and events to build a school that would go on to serve the community well. It was during my tenure that the school was officially opened on 15 July 1983 by Mr. Lim Boon Heng, then Member of Parliament for Kebun Baru.

Over the years, Mayflower Secondary continued to build itself from strength to strength and is now one of the more established schools in Ang Mo Kio. I feel honoured to have played a significant role in shaping the school and it gives me great joy to congratulate the current staff and students as they celebrate Mayflower’s 40th anniversary this year. It is indeed testimony of all the good work done by the staff and students over the last four decades.

All the best Mayflowerians as you continue to scale greater heights and thrive to be “mighty in thought and deed!”

Ms Lo Sheu Ming

Principal 1999 - 2005

I treasure the seven memorable and fulfilling years I spent heading Mayflower Secondary as I witnessed the Mayflowerian Spirit grow ever stronger and brighter.

In this nurturing environment, Mayflowerian dreams are ignited and realised. These young adults mature into confident, multitalented, competent life-long learners, equipped with resilient yet flexible muscles that can take on the ever changing challenges ahead.

They are blessed to be under the care of a team of dedicated, passionate teachers and mentors who are fully committed to the total development of the intellect and capabilities of learners in the pursuit of their goals in life.

Mayflowerians are indeed mighty in thought and deed!

Mrs Doris Lim

Principal 2006 - 2012

During my stint at MF (2006 – 2012), Singapore hosted the one and only YOG (Youth Olympic Games) 2010. We had two entries from the school to the Games and Audrey Yong (sailor) clinched the Bronze medal for Team Singapore. We also celebrated an important commemoration of the school’s 30th Anniversary which had the former President of Singapore, Mr S R Nathan, gracing the occasion before he retired as President. It was a delightful event bringing photoworthy moments and joy to guests, staff and students.

Many of the important milestones in the school would not have been possible, if not for its people – the teachers, the Alumni and the ever supportive SAC and parent groups.

The community partnership was also very strong and I remember our MP, Mr Inderjit Singh (AMK GRC) as ever supportive of the school’s presence and services at community events and outreach as well as the assistance in the fundraising efforts to get the air-conditioned hall for the school. Let us keep the memories and stewardship of good values and kinship in all Mayfowerians.

In the year 2012, I penned a short foreword in the Mayflower magazine which still holds true in this day and age. The moments experienced in MF, as they keep moving and extending the boundaries of what they know, is possible because of the school’s belief in excellence: “as the quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” In this respect, I read in wonder at the many accomplishments of the school and wish them all the best as they build history and heritage for the future MF scholars and leaders.

Mr Loo Ming Yaw

Principal 2013 - 2017

Dear Mayflowerians,

was privileged to join the school after the 30th anniversary and led the school through its 35th anniversary and now it is time for the 40th anniversary celebration! The days I spent in Mayflower have been one of my best in my school leadership journey and it was such a privilege to work with Mayflowerians, past and present, as they showed what it means to have a zest for life, a curious mind and a generous spirit. May I wish Mayflower many more years of celebrations. Truly ‘Mayflower, why not you?’

Mr Loo Ming Yaw

Mr Loo celebrating a Mayflowerian Chinese New Year in 2017!

Ms Lo, Mr Wan and Mr Inderjit Singh at Mayflower’s 20th Anniversary Mr Ibrahim Othman

Memories: Teaching and Learning

Teaching: (verb) To impart, imbue and instill knowledge or work of a teacher. Learning: (verb) the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught.

If you were to travel back in time to Mayflower Secondary, in the 1980s, you might be surprised to find that the basic construct of the classroom is very similar to what you have today.

Are you able to identify the type of lesson that is taking place in the featured photos? Do you notice the gradual infusion of technology into the classroom?

The Classroom

A classroom in the 1980s would have desks and chairs like what you have today. Students relied on the humble blackboard and the venerable OHP (Overhead Projector) to copy their notes, usually by hand. And they did so very quickly!

The Early Years

During the 1980s and 1990s, the teachers used creative and innovative ways to make their lessons interesting for their students. Many of the teaching aids were handmade and customised for each lesson.


ICT and Present Day

Today, the use of ICT is so pervasive that we may not realise the convenience it has brought to teaching and learning. Here, students are attending a workshop hosted by an external vendor in the library.

Japan Exchange Programme (JEP)

Mayflowerians could also look forward to learning beyond the shores of Singapore. One such opportunity was the JEP, an annual overseas exchange programme with our sister schools in Japan.

Outside the Classroom

Teaching and learning were not just restricted to the classroom. Level camps and student leadership training were held at campsites not unlike what you have today, minus the many creature comforts!


Memories: People

(noun) The members of a particular community or group.

Mayflower Secondary School would not be where it is today if not for the dedicated staff, students and partners who have walked down its corridors since its founding years. This humble collage signifies our collective gratitude for their efforts in making our school Mighty in Thought and Deed. Are you able to recognise any one of them?

Who’s Featured?

Mr Selamat Alvie; Mr A. Rahman Arsat; School Staff (1985); AM/PM Prefectorial Board (1984); AM/PM Student Council (1985); Longest serving teachers (as of 2021) in Craft & Tech, English, Humanities, Mother Tongue, PE & Music and Science Departments; Longest serving support staff (as of 2021)); Parents’ Support Group (1999); MF Sailing (2013); Youth Olympians and LKY Award recipients.


Memories: Spaces

(noun)(plural) A continuous area or expanse which is available for use.

In 1981, a space in Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 was assigned to what would become Mayflower Secondary School. Fondly remembered as Campus 1, it was to remain the school’s primary campus until 2001, when the school was divided into two campuses. Campus 2 was established a short distance away from Campus 1 to house the Lower Secondary and Technical stream students.

In 2005, a single campus was built to house the entire school at a new site in Ang Mo Kio Street 21, where it remains to this day.

One school, Two campuses

Between 2001 and 2004, the school had two campuses due to space constraints. As school enrolment continued to increase, a new purposebuilt campus was completed in 2005. Even today, the expansion continues!


Memories: Aesthetics

(noun) a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty.

In 1984, Mayflower Secondary School was placed in the limelight when Mayflowerians performed a dance titled “Courtesy” at the Singapore Youth Festival. The performance, which involved 850 students and over a year of preparation, was also presented to the nation during National Day at the Padang.

Musical Night, an evening of artistic, cultural and musical expression, first took form during the principalship of Mrs Yap Hong Eng in 1997. It went on to become an annual feature showcasing the very best performances Mayflowerians had to offer.

Under the stewardship of Former Principal, Ms Lo Sheu Ming, herself an avid performing arts practitioner, the Aesthetics Committee was formally established in 2005 to cultivate an appreciation of the Arts in the school.

The Aesthetics Committee would subsequently be adopted as part of the school’s niche under the Life-long Learning Programme.


Memories: Celebrate!

(verb) To acknowledge a significant or happy event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.

The first decade was a time of rapid growth and expansion for Mayflower Secondary School (known then as MSS). Under the leadership of Principals Mr Wan Hussin Zoohri, Mr Ibrahim Bin Othman and Mr Tang Swee Chay, Mayflower Secondary quickly established itself as a school of choice in the newly gazetted Ang Mo Kio New Town.

During the 1990s, many of the programmes familiar to us today were implemented. Under the leadership of Principals, Mr Tang Swee Chay, Mrs Yap Hong Eng and Ms Lo Sheu Ming, the school established itself both locally and on the international stage. The system of Houses was also introduced, namely Griffin, Pegasus, Phoenix and Unicorn.

Mayflower Secondary School shifted to its current location in 2005 under the principalship of Ms Lo Sheu Ming, who also led the school’s previous twin campuses. Mrs Doris Lim would take over the reins the following year, overseeing much of the school’s expansion into the campus we are most familiar with today. This included the grand opening of the Indoor Sports Hall in 2011 with the late Former President Mr S R Nathan as Guest-of-Honour.

This was followed by Mr Loo Ming Yaw in 2013, who oversaw the codification of many aspects of the school culture we know today, including the unforgettable tag-line “MF Why Not You” and the name of our yearbook “The Mayflower Promise”.


Did you know?

The first edition of the yearbook was printed in 1984. It featured the old MSS school crest and motto “Magnanimity and Modesty”.

The lyrics to the school song was written by Mr Wan Hussin, with the music by Mr J. J. de Souza, and re-arrangement by Mr Ho Eng Kheng.

The school’s first School Advisory Committee (SAC) Chairman, Mr Ng Cher Eng, always wrote his school message in Chinese.

A detailed list of Speech Day prize-winners and National Exam results was printed every year.

The yearbook had a literary section showcasing the works of Mayflowerians.

Did you know?

Many of the illustrations in the yearbook had to be drawn by hand. Even the photographs had to be printed and cropped physically!

The 1991/1992 yearbook featured Staff weddings and baby births.

The criteria for the Mayflower Award first appeared in the 1991/1992 yearbook.

The yearbook was mostly printed in black and white till the 2000s. Only dedicated pages, such as the Annual Speech Day, were printed in colour.

Graduating classes were given a page of their own to illustrate their class creatively.


Did you know?

Newspaper clippings of the school were a common feature in the yearbook. This page featured the school’s victories in Sports.

The current school crest and motto debuted in the 1993/1994 edition of the yearbook.

The 1999 yearbook was the first to feature a full-page colour photo of the school campus as the cover. Advances in technology also meant that the yearbook’s design was fully digital.

The yearbook was published as an e-magazine from 2001 to 2005 as CDs (compact disks).

The yearbook was formally christened “The Mayflower Promise” in 2013.


Craft & Technology Art Unit

Department VISION:

Curious, creative and critical Individuals empowered to impact self and others meaningfully through making!

Design & Technology Unit

The Joy of Learning in a D & T Classroom

The advancement of 3D drawing tools has given the D&T curriculum an edge in getting students excited about designing and sketching.

Maker-STEM ProgrammeSolar Car Design

Students were immersed in a project that promotes responsible creations which are environmentally friendly.

AISS (2020)

Secondary 3 students learnt from renowned artist, Mr Ahmad Abu Bakar as part of the “Artist-In-School” Scheme. Students experimented with ways to create structures and forms in clay, then curated and exhibited their sculptures in the school art gallery. They were also treated to Mr Ahmad’s virtual tour of his studio that gave a glimpse into the artist’s work environment.

Black Out Poem (2021)

Words that Count is a programme launched by the National Gallery Singapore (NGS) that invites participants to create a blackout poem with words borrowed from a local artist. In the form of visual poetry derived from an existing text, students created an illustration from their blackout poems to express themselves - be it to offer words of encouragement to a friend, neighbour or community to support mental wellness in Singapore. Students’ works were published on the Inspiration Wall on NGS’ website (from end-July) so that they could be appreciated by everyone.

LFL Programme (2021)

Superhero Me! is a collaborative art project between students from Pathlight School and Mayflower Secondary. It involved students setting out to reflect on Singaporeans who have worked tirelessly to fight Covid-19. As a heartfelt tribute to these heroes, our artists created 4 life-sized tape sculptures to illustrate the tenacity and determination of our frontliners and essential workers.

SCN Ceramic Exhibition (2021)

ProjectSCN - Vessel is a group exhibition [held at Gillman Barracks] that was created to bring together a community of ceramicists with the intent to pass on this skill to the younger generation. Mr Jason Lim, a local ceramicist and performance artist, mentored our student-artists for this project.

Nutrition & Food Science Unit

My Bubble Tea is Better Than Yours! Students did a blind sensory evaluation of four different brands of bubble tea and tried their hand at creating their own bubble tea. The series of workshops ended with a visit to Koi Signature at ION, where they witnessed the detailed and precise back room operation that goes into making a cup of tea!

“My Home Based Food Business” project was conceptualised to honour the enterprising spirit of Singaporeans who dived into homebased food businesses to generate income.

Experiencing how to bend the bag hook on their own guided by the working drawing and effective questioning

Real-world learning in D&T classrooms

Learning becomes meaningful when it is authentic. In this photograph, students tinker with daily products like a bag-hook.

The Craft and Technology Team:

HOD: Mrs Angie Lee (NFS)

Lead Teacher: Mdm Ira Wati Bte Sukaimi (Art)

Senior Teacher: Mr Tan Kok Meng (Design & Technology)

Art Unit

Mdm Ira Wati Bte Sukaimi

Ms Nurulhuda Binte Mustafa

Mdm Noor Ezan Bte Khatib

Mr Marcus Ho

Design & Technology Unit

Mr Tan Kok Meng

Mdm Suhaila Bakar (SH SL)

Mr Tan Wee Tiong (AYH)

Mdm Liu Xuefang

Nutrition & Food Science Unit

Mrs Angie Leze

Mdm Sharon Goh

Ms Azmira Bte Zailan Support Officers

Grazing Platter Lesson

Our Sec 3 NFS students designed their own grazing platter - filled with a variety of food items such as cheeses, charcuterie, bread, crackers, dips, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Technical Support Officer: Mr Hussen

Technical Support Officer: Mr Shaharudin Bin Khairi

Operations Support Officer:

Mdm Chuo Chung Mee (Amy)


English Language and Literature

We have a tiered approach for Applied Learning Programme (ALP) broad-based programmes for all levels. The Applied Learning Programme’s vision is ‘Effective Speakers, Creative Writers and Critical Thinkers’. Students learn the importance of Purpose, Audience and Context in the real world context of language learning. During the ALP Tier 1 broad-based programmes such as Speech and Drama and Journalism and Broadcasting, students’ ability to build and tell personal stories that touch on family and peer relations, and report on social issues are truly enhanced. The Upper Secondary students are stretched in their critical thinking and public speaking activities both within and beyond school. The ALP Tier 2 students participate in school assemblies and external competitions to showcase their talent and sharp wit.

Our Literature programme provides students with ample opportunities for personal engagement and to share their thoughts on characterisation and important themes. As empathetic and discerning learners, they observe and learn to analyse and celebrate character strengths and distinguish character flaws. Through skits, freeze frames and character hot-seating, students learn that effective communication is about understanding the emotions and intentions of the person they are interacting with. Students learn to appreciate that the world is a diverse and richer place with individuals who have their idiosyncrasies and are unique in

All in all, the department teachers constantly endeavour to equip themselves with a wide repertoire of skills to inspire students to be confident communicators and critical thinkers within the English and Literature curriculum.

Department Programmes English Language Curriculum

Reading Programme: Author Meet and Greet Session

‘We got to work together and put up a short skit. It was totally fun to do something different and apply the skills we picked up during the programme!’

Equipping students with impactful speaking techniques that will enhance their effectiveness and clarity in communication.

The English & Literature Team:

HOD: Mdm Santhi A (EL)

Level Head: Mdm Suhailah Jasni

Senior Teacher: Mrs Evelyn Ng (EL)

Mrs Deborah Thomas

Miss Allycia Teo

Ms Germain Ng

Mdm Gina Ng

Mrs Janet Ong

Mr Jeremy Ong Zhen Wei

Mdm Patricia Kwek

Mdm Shagun Anand


Developing students’ curious minds through research and news reporting.


And the Winner takes it all! Our class representatives did a splendid job presenting their given topics via Zoom. It was definitely an authentic learning experience especially with our Alumnus who was a guest judge.

Miss Stella Lim

Miss Charissa Qiu

Mrs Jasmine Chan

Miss Jaime Ch’ng

Ms Su Haiyin

Courtroom comes to MF classes! Using a Mock-up Court Session to do Persuasive Speaking


It’s all about putting our students in the driver’s seat.

The MF Humanities VISION:

Humanities students and staff are life-long learners with a global perspective.

With our education landscape undergoing a massive transformation, the skills and knowledge that our students need, as they compete for jobs with peers from around the world, have risen to the highest levels in known history. As we strive to prepare our students for a global, digital and information economy, we aim to promote DEEPER LEARNING, the buzz phrase in our department. This entails not just mastery of core academic content but also, instilling in our students critical thinking & problem solving skills, collaborative and communication skills as well as the right mindset to take on self-directed learning and deepen metacognition

Geographical (GI) / Historical (HI) / Social Studies Issue Investigations (II)

With Inquiry Based Learning as the cornerstone, Geography students of all levels embark on GI involving fieldwork. History students work on historical sources to make sense and form conclusions relating to the history they are learning. For Social Studies, students investigate contemporary issues.


We’re constantly learning and improving ourselves to become better educators!


Authentic. Student-Centric. Real World Scenarios. The department aims to give students a VOICE in all that they do to develop the confidence and passion to take on what the future holds for them.


Students are always encouraged to take part in competitions that will take them beyond the syllabus. By doing so, the department hopes to instill in them a greater love in wanting to pursue the subject matter at the higher levels

Teachers share new apps with one another to better integrate technology into curriculums

The Humanities Team:

HOD: Mdm S Santhi (Humanities)

Subject Head: Mrs Eugenia Tan (History)

Senior Teacher: Mrs Frances Ess (Geography)

HOD: Mrs Tricia Lim Sze Ling (CCE)

HOD: Mr Raj Kanna Velayutham (Discipline)

Mdm Iswarya (Geography / Social Studies)

Ms Charissa Qiu (Social Studies)

Mr Jeremy Ong Zhen Wei (Geography)

Ms Alethea Goei (Geography / Social Studies)

Ms Su Haiyin (History / Social Studies)

Mr Chen Zhen (Geography / History)

Ms Sherrie Ng (Geography / Social Studies)

Typical Professional Development sessions via Zoom Geography is best outside the classroom! Our resilient seniors taking on the challenge of competing as a group virtually Sec 4 students celebrate getting into the final round in the MOE Geography Challenge


Department VISION:

Termly Challenge 1 – Tangram

The Tangram is an exciting competition that is part of our termly challenge, where Secondary 2 and 3 students work in groups to solve a set of puzzles. The group members need to communicate well and work together harmoniously in order to beat the clock and solve as many puzzles as they can. The winners are awarded points for their respective houses.

Mathematics is Everywhere

Mathematics comes alive and exists beyond textbooks and confines of the classroom. Students learn Mathematics by inquiry and collaboration in settings outside of the classroom and then present their findings to their friends. This inculcates their inquisitive nature, moulds them into a confident person and enriches their learning.

We learn together @MF!

At Mayflower we are lifelong learners who are in constant pursuit of self-improvement to stay relevant for our ever changing profile of students and needs of education!

The Mathematics Team:

HOD: Mr Narayanan Namasivayam

Level Head: Mr Chio Kah Leong [Lower secondary]

Senior Teacher: Mrs Quek Ai Jee

HOD: Mr Manekandan Gopalan Nair [ICT]

HOD: Mdm Rohayati Ismail [Year Head]

Subject Head: Mdm Suhaila Binte Bakar [Student Leadership]

Mr Cheow Chee Siang Gabriel

Mr Chan Jiahui Matthew

Mr Fam Tong Siang

Mdm Goh Poh Ling

Mdm Kalpana Balakrishnan

Mr Quek Wee Hee Nicholas

Ms Shen Sirui

Mr Tan Boon Yong

Mdm Yam Chaur Shin

Ms Yeo Lynn

Mr Ku Seow Wee [Principle of Accounts]

Mayflowerian a Future-ready Mathematical Thinker.

Physical Education & Music

Our Physical Education Curriculum is a student-centred one where students actively participate in activities that lead to them leading a healthy lifestyle and an appreciation for the outdoors. We do this through the various domains - Outdoor Education, Games and Physical Health and Fitness, as well as sporting activities like the School Cross Country and Sports Carnival. We also organize cohort camps and our Sec 3 students take part in the MOE-OBS Challenge Programme to develop resilience.

“In the PE Outdoor Education Module, we get to map out the school and have a treasure hunt in the school compound. I have learnt more about the school and it has truly become my second home!”

Gabrielle Carlisle Seah (1I)

“I like OE as we get to explore the school and familiarize ourselves with the surrounding. Map reading is important as it is an essential life skill.”

Mohammed Abu Bakar (1B)

“Interact with our classmates whom we’ve just met. It also exposes us to some new and exciting activities like kayaking! We faced a lot of difficulties but it was great getting to interact and communicate with my buddy to overcome the challenges at sea.” Jovell Ong (1F)

“The Camp is fun! We learn new skills and bond with our classmates.” Jerrod Neo (1F)

“BlazePod is a very enjoyable game. It’s competitive and many rounds can be played in a short period of time. It also helps me improve my stamina and reaction time.” Iqbal (5F)

“This new PE equipment makes me run, enables me to improve my reaction time and helps me lose extra weight. We have lots of fun playing with it and it allows us to have some friendly competition with our classmates.” Enqi (5F)

“LaserOps is totally enjoyable and we had a great time getting to know each other’s fun side!”

“Fun, exciting and adrenaline pumping missions that get all of us on our toes all the time!” Ms Bridget Ooi

“At the School Cross-Country Run, I get to explore Bishan Park, have lots of fun running with my friends and I even get to carry my House Flag!”

Sean Tan (4B)

“The faster you run, the harder your heart works and the stronger you become. Cross country running is one of the best forms of exercise we can take part in, to lose extra weight and to become fitter.”

Michelle Wong (4B)

The Music Curriculum strives to bring fun and joy to our students through music making with a variety of activities and instruments. Character and values development is also infused into the lessons.

“Inventing Games is interesting as we get to work with different types of equipment, spend time with our friends to discuss our ideas and create new games. I learn a lot about communication and teamwork, to respect others’ opinions and to make myself heard.”

Yusra Ahmed (1D)

“I learn how to communicate with others, to be inclusive, and I also gain confidence. I realise how important teamwork is, especially while working with classmates who are new to me.” Pramisan (1D)

“I like the ukulele lessons as we get to learn how to play the instrument from scratch and in the end, we could play a complete song!” Hao Yin (2F)

“It is a memorable experience as I get to play a stringed instrument for the first time. We learn chords and even compose a song as a group!”

Shan Ee (2A)

“I enjoy the Drum Module because I get to learn more about the use of Bandlab, and it helps me to be more skilful. I become more open to learning new instruments.”

Alanza Mary (1A)

“I keep practising and practising until I can play the instrument.”

Amber Wong (1F)

“I really enjoy the Hip Hop Dance Module as I love to dance. The module teaches me that practice makes perfect. This has to be my favourite music module!” Adawiaya (1A)

The Physical Education & Music Team:

PE Team

Mr Eric Wong Yih Chon (HOD PE & CCA)

Mrs Lucinda Leong (Subject Head CCA)

Mr Alvin Yap Chien Shen

Mr Edwin Goh Keng Lim

Mr Matthew Chan Jiahui

Mr Tan Jian Xun

Mr Lee Joen Yen

The Music Team

Subject Head: Dr Tang Suyun (Aesthetics)

Ms Bridget Ooi Ming Min


Mother Tongue

Department Vision: Effective Global Communicators rooted in Values with a Love for the Languages and Cultures Department Mission:

To nurture Active Learners, Proficient Users anchored in values who embrace their ethnic identities.

To develop Forward Thinkers with a global outlook and an appreciation for unity in diversity.

Chinese New Year [CNY] Celebrations

Mayflower students and staff celebrated a special Chinese 牛 Year on 11 Feb with the MF Runway Costume Design competition followed by a virtual e-concert in the classrooms. Staff and students rallied together for a donation drive to provide the AWWA elderly with daily necessities and new shopping trolleys.

MT Fortnight - Learning Journey to Tea Chapter

As part of the Chinese New Year celebrations, all Sec 1 students went to Tea Chapter in Feb 2021 . They learnt the traditional art of tea brewing, as well as Chinese New Year customs and folktales. Students also made their own New Year decoration handicraft and bought tea leaf eggs home for their family members.

National Secondary Schools Bilingual Debate Competition 2021

To strengthen students’ critical thinking skills and develop their interest in debate, they are trained to participate in the National Secondary Schools Bilingual Debate Competition. In the process of crafting their own arguments, they hone their critical thinking and rebuttal skills in the bilingual sense. Janessa Chua Weiting of Class 3E was awarded the “Most Charismatic Speaker” by the judges in the preliminary round. Our students were featured in the Chinese online news platform - 8视界新闻 for their commendable efforts.

Malay Vlogging Masterclass series

As part of our school’s Mother Tongue ALP programme, Sec 2 to 4 Malay students went through a 2 day Vlogging Masterclass. An experienced trainer, a popular SURIA artiste and now an influencer on social media platforms, Mr Sujimy Mohamad, helmed this Masterclass. Students learnt the basic skills of being a confident and an effective speaker as well as ICT skills like recording videos and creating creative content in short videos.

Learn for Life Programme – Emcee Masterclass

Our Malay teachers organised an Emcee Masterclass for our Learn for Life Programme. This Masterclass challenged our lower secondary participants to be quick thinkers on their feet and to also equip them with skills to widen their hosting repertoire.

After going through theory lessons and interactive activities for about a month, participants had to present a Talk Show on the last day to showcase their newly acquired skills.

Rakan Bahasa 2021 –Friends of the Language

The Mother Tongue Team:

HOD: Ms Eileen Chew

4th Text Recital Competition for Primary and Secondary Schools

Sec 1 & 2 Higher Chinese students attended the ALP Tier 2 training for recital skills. They learnt important skills that taught them about voice projection, expressing emotions, and using appropriate body language. It was indeed all about the language coming alive! Two teams in the Group Category and two students in the Individual Category took part in the 4th Text Recital Competition 2021.

Rakan Bahasa is an initiative helmed by Majlis Bahasa Melayu Singapura (MBMS) or the Malay Language Council, Singapore (MLCS), to encourage students who excel in the Malay Language to spread the love of bahasa Melayu to their peers, friends and families.

We are proud to introduce our two nominees: Nur Dylaila Aiqiesha binte Salleh of 2B and

Nasuha binte Salamat of 1D. They will be participating in numerous language activities, including a NewsMaker competition and attending the Malay Language Month later this year.

Lead Teacher: Mdm Wang Xueping

Level Head: Mdm Tan Lay Teng

Chinese Unit

Mr Kim Kin Seng

Mdm Whong Tung Geok

Mdm Wong Mui Lin

Mdm Su Xiaoling

Mr Tham Wen Xi

Mr Yang Peiqiang

Mr Qiao Cheng Yan (Flexi-adjunct)

Mdm Lee Low Eng (Flexi-adjunct)

Mdm Jiang Yuwei (Flexi-adjunct)

Malay Unit

Mr Mohamed Naguib Ngadnan

Mdm Siti Fatimah Muhammad

Mdm Norhidayah Mohamed Sis

Ms Nadia Sharin

Mdm Nur Shahirah Sha Hir

Learning Journey to Tea Chapter
Scan to find out more about the competition!


Department Vision: Excitement. Exploration. Experience. Excellence.

The Science department aims to enable students to see the relevance of Science to their daily lives, the society and the environment. The focus of the curriculum is to inculcate the spirit of scientific inquiry and to nurture in our students to be the inquirer through the 5 E Instructional model – Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate

Visit to NEWater (Since 2021)

Our Sec 1NT students having an enriching session at the NEWater centre. It was intended as an extension of their learning of water pollution in class. Students learnt about the Singapore National taps and the water purification technologies in the production of NEWater. They also had a walk through a replica of the Deep Tunnel Sewerage system to better understand the NEWater story and processes.

Biodiversity Programme (Since 2019)

The Biodiversity Programme provided our Secondary One Mayflowerians with an innovative way of learning about the importance of the sciences and their impacts on climate change. Through experiential learning, students were able to gather data and present their findings to their classmates with a logbook and an oral presentation.

Science Talks (Since 2019)

Our Biennial Science Talk aims to provide students the opportunity to understand science beyond the classroom. In the last instalment, we had the privilege of having Dr George J. Huffman, Lab Chief of Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Lab from NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre demonstrated the scientific way of thinking and doing through his field of work with our Sec 3 students.

iFly Singapore: Physics Education Programme (Since 2021)

The iFly experience was a novel experience for our 4NT students this year. The indoor skydiving was an exciting way for our students to apply the scientific principles learned in their science syllabus.

Crystal Growing Enrichment / Competition

(Since 2019)

The Crystal Growing Enrichment is conducted every year for Lower Secondary students as an introductory workshop. Students learn Chemistry in an authentic manner through the planning of experiments, documentation of their preparatory work and the presentation of their product.

The Science Team:

HOD (Science): Mdm Krishnan Malathi

School Staff Developer: Mr Ng Kok Wing

Year Head (Upper Secondary): Mr B Prem Anand


Subject Head: Mrs Marie Huang

Senior Teacher: Mr Ng Tze How Nigel

Mr Ng Jiesheng Timothy


Mr Mohamad Gaddafi Annuar (SH CCE/AYH)

Mdm Jarina Banu (AYH)

Mr Chen Yanhui Timothy (AYH)

Mr Pang Suo Kang David

Ms Jeevana Rani

Ms Lim Wei Li

Mdm Teh Swee Choo


Subject Head: Mr Tay Jang Shen Johnson

Ms Mok Pei Jiun

Mrs Neo Peck Hoon

Support Officers

Technical Support Officer: Mdm Wong Juat Ngiom

Technical Support Officer: Mdm Jenny Ong

Operations Support Officer: Mdm Nancy Yeo



Have a close look at the photos and see if you can find and identify your teachers, who used to be students here at Mayflower Secondary School. Answers: Top Left - Last row, th4 from left (Ms Nurul) Top Right - First row, th5 from left (Ms Shen Sirui) Bottom - Third row, rd3 from right (Mdm Tan Lay Teng)

Academic Information and Assessment

Aims of the Committee

This committee is the central body that manages student information and implements sound processes related to academic and assessment matters to achieve the primary objectives of

Info-Comm Technology

As Mayflower Secondary School celebrated forty years of existence, the Info-Comm Technology (ICT) Committee saw itself playing an even more pivotal role in supporting the use of digital technology in teaching and learning and facilitating a culture of evidence-based decision making augmented by valid and reliable data.

progression options

Key duties of the four units of the committee

1. The school-based assessment unit manages key assessment matters including the weighting structure, scheduling of assessments, and timely delivery of accurate assessment timetables and briefing information to students.

2. The National examination unit plans, trains and deploys staff for various duties including key appointments like presiding examiners and supervisors for e-examinations.

3. The subject-based banding unit oversees the process of offering Normal (Academic) and Normal (Technical) students the choice of taking subjects in the higher stream.

4. The Secondary 3 subject allocation team conduct pre-surveys with students to ascertain the popularity of subjects which the team feedbacks to the management team for planning purposes.


In Mayflower, the Discipline Committee (DC) aims to provide an environment where values can be taught and opportunities provided to our students to exercise good behavior.

Our GEAR-UP (Guiding & Empowering Students for Affiliation & Resilience to Unlock their Potential) Programme, which is in its 3rd year since its inception, will be seeing our 1st group of students graduating this year. The GEAR-UP has successfully managed to enhance student engagement through the various programmes and the student activity centre - SPARKs.

This year, it is also very encouraging to see more teachers coming on board to initiate and helm activities, one of which was a 6-week Baking and Cooking workshop, which drew much appeal.

This year the DC initiated the 40 Days Challenge to seek improvement in attendance related issues with identified classes. The emphasis on collective responsibility and achievable targets with exciting rewards, generated much enthusiasm amongst the classes. With such great response, this challenge will be rolled out to all secondary 1 classes in the 2nd semester to help enhance school affect.

The DC in Mayflower hope to positively affect our Mayflowerians in having a mind-set of doing the right thing even when no one is looking.

2021 was an exciting year for the committee. With the vista of the National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP) and the arrival of the students’ Personal Learning Devices (PLDs), the committee was instrumental in supporting the rollout of PLDs to students.

In a bid to strengthen digital literacy of both staff and students, the ICT Committee planned and conducted workshops at various levels to ensure that they are equipped with knowledge and readiness to use prevailing digital technology to its fullest affordance. This included ICT workshops on Google Workspace for students and staff, and department-based sharing and hands-on sessions on how to leverage technology to further accentuate learning intents within the classrooms.

In commemoration of FHBL in 2020 - when Singapore was in Circuit Breaker mode. Whole-school digital platforms needed to run operations on a daily basis like clockwork. Google Sites and G Suite (now known as Google Workspace) were the key mechanisms that helped teachers to key in lesson instructions so that students could retrieve them in an organised manner.

Secondary 1 ICT Workshop on Google Workspace products

Staff Development

Reflective and Innovative professionals who are life-long learners

01 Assessment Literacy

Since 2019, we deepened the assessment literacy of our teachers through a series of synchronous workshops and asynchronous micro learning units based on Dylan William’s formative assessment framework and John Hattie’s levels of feedback.

Staff Wellness

Staff Wellness Committee is made up of teacher representatives from all departments. The committee looks after the physical, intellectual, social and emotional aspects of the staff and synergise them through various activities which promote teamwork, open-mindedness and a caring culture.

01 Staff Awards

05 Staff-led Workshops

preparation for Blended Learning

02 Milestone Workshops: e-Pedagogy & Self-regulated learning

Our teacher-leaders regularly design Milestone workshops aimed at equipping and updating teachers with key skills and competencies to provide an engaging school experience and to nurture future-ready students. From 2019 to 2021, the school identified e-Pedagogy and Assessment Literacy as focus areas to bring about quality learning experiences for our students.

03 Department Joy of Learning –Coffee Workshop 2020

Our teachers were privileged to be able to spend an afternoon of experiencing the joy of learning on 20 Nov 2020 through various Department Learning activities in school. The in-house learning retreat rejuvenated the minds and perspectives of our staff to prepare them for a new academic year.

04 MF STP Mentoring 2021

Our school’s very own Skillful Teaching Programme (STP) was designed and conducted for teachers to familiarize them on the value and intent of how the different components of the Singapore Teaching Practice (the Singapore Curriculum Philosophy, Knowledge Bases, and the Pedagogical Practices) are inter-connected to support professional practice. Teacher Leaders also demonstrated and guided teachers in the experimentation of the various Teaching Actions through discussions, micro-teaching and mentoring sessions.

Staff awards recognise and give affirmation to staff who have gone the extra mile. Platforms are also provided for students, parents and even staff members to constantly affirm staff of their efforts in nurturing students in the school.

02 iClub Activities

The SWC takes care of staff’s physical and social well-being through several iClub Sessions each year. Different types of games, like Mario Kart, Darts, Jenga, etc., were organised to suit staff interests and allow people from different departments to get to know one another better in a relaxed mode. MasterChef Cooking Competitions give center-stage to those with other talents. Sport Challenge sessions also give staff an opportunity to sweat it out and fire up their competitive spirits.

03 Festival Celebrations

Festival Celebrations like Chinese New Year “Lo-Hei”, Hari Raya and Deepavali Makans are also organised yearly for staff to celebrate uniqueness and embrace racial and religious harmony. Staff can enjoy fun-filled sessions decked with sumptuous food, games and karaoke singing albeit the social distancing measures even during Covid19 times.

During the challenging Covid19 period, SWC also organised various workshops to promote life-long learning and selfcare amongst staff. sOnline financial workshops like “Managing CPF” were well-received, and Staff-led Yoga and Ukelele workshops offered relaxing physical and emotional outlets to staff who needed the time-off.

06 Farewells

Farewells in Mayflower are taken seriously – each farewell is a mini school event. The SWC organised a few farewells to key people in our Mayflower community. From our ever dedicated OSO Mr Wahid, to our insightful Vice-Principal Mr Lai, we made sure that our farewells are meaningful.

07 Newly renovated Staff Lounge during “Quiet Time”

The MFSS staff lounge was revamped in 2019 to upgrade the working space for staff and create a cafe style environment for staff to bond, chat and relax. The SWC also worked in a “Quiet Time” for staff to have a 15-minute lights-out session to have mindful reflection and rest after school. This decompressing session with beautiful zen music was very well-received and will be conducted regularly to uplift staff well-being.

08 The SWC - New Norms

Learning can be fun for teachers too

05 E-Pedagogy workshops

The context for learning has changed with blended learning as part of normalcy. E-Pedagogy Workshops were designed and conducted for the Academic Council members to review learning outcomes and reframe the pedagogical practices in the classroom. The use of the Student Learning Space Pedagogical Scaffold 2.0 as a learning design tool provided a set of considerations to guide design, provide feedback, and integrate learning processes to monitor the implementation of changed teaching and learning practices in a 1:1 PLD Blended Learning context.

04 Staff Learning Day Activities

Activities that stretch the minds and push the bodies a little bit more are included in Staff Learning Days. These activities allow staff to go beyond their usual thinking caps, strengthen teamwork and build a healthy school culture. The SWC also organizes Learning Journeys that brings staff to new and creative environments to provide valuable perspectives in order to encourage continuous growth, promote happiness and fulfilment to the individual, as well as camaraderie to the departments and the school as a whole.

Many discussions and meet-ups have moved into virtual mode. Even the highlight event of the year, Teachers’ Day Celebration, became a virtual affair. Without compromising the salute of every staff member in the teaching fraternity – whatever the magnitude or mode of celebration, and regardless of where they are – staff enjoyed a memorable and meaningful celebration using the Zoom platform in an exceptional year. The SWC has strived hard through the years to take care of staff welfare of the school and we will continue to reach out and support each and every staff member of Mayflower and build a healthy and happy working environment for all.

Designing lessons to experiment new teaching strategies Equipping our teachers with e-pedagogical skills in Workshop on e-Pedagogy for KPs and TLs Department (Joy of) Learning Day – Latte Art workshop


The Aesthetic Committee

Provides Mayflowerians with an encouraging and supportive environment to share their passion for the arts with peers.

Lunch Time Concerts provide the platform for students to showcase their different artistic skills. It allows students to gain experience and greater confidence in performing to a school wide audience.

Mayflower Got Talent – a platform for rising stars

MFGT provides those with more serious aspirations a progressive platform to external performing opportunities.

Sihathep Top Pongphon and Cera Gabrielle Arca De Vera received awards at a national level in 2019.

2018 Much Ado About Nothing

“A group of energetic, enthusiastic students of Normal Academic stream were challenged to showcase their hidden talent and potential in the MF biennial production Much Ado About Nothing. It was a year long journey of diligence and dedication. The thrill, laughter, dance, innovations, mystery, along the way enriched the lives of both the teachers and the students”.

2016 Bump(ed)

Performed at Capitol Theatre, students’ reflections indicated the benefits and learnings obtained.

“.... with the help of my teachers, i managed to pull off the play as one of the main characters. Since then, my confidence and speech has improved tremendously, which has hugely benefited me through my ITE and polytechnic journey; specifically presentations.”

Li Zhu (2016)

“The production taught me countless lessons. The values learnt have stayed with me till this day. I am able to manage my time and persevere no matter how tough the assignments are.. I will never forget these values that BUMP(ED) had taught me”.

Wan Ni (2016)

Jam Band

Our eye-catching logo designed by students.

Mayflower’s Biennial Production

An Aesthetic production where students learn not only to perform on stage but also the necessary backstage works to support the entire show. Through these experiences, students develop the values of resilience, team-spirit and time-management. Steadfast friendships are also formed through this platform.

Although we play mostly covers, we also have original songwriters.

Having fun during Jam Band practice. We learn to play different instruments from one another.

2020 The Enchanted Evening

Student’s reflection

At first, the production was more of an opportunity for us to get to know each other but as we got nearer to the initial performance date, it was more serious. Participation in the production taught us time management as there were different things going on at that time like exams. During production, many new friendship were formed between levels and class. However because of Covid the date was pushed back, it was sad as we worked for it and we could not perform…..”

Rosae Tan Yue S3E

After performances, must have group photos.

Having even more fun during live performances, where the mood is electrifying.

Performances all year round: CCA Exhibition, Lunchtime Concert, Open House, Graduation Nite.

Anytime is a good time for group photos... Wonderful friendships, beautiful memories.

Jam Band is an interest group formed in 2016. Practices were held in the Recording Studio with its signature green screen. Jam Band at SYF 2017 & 2019, big adrenaline rush performing for external audience. Jam Band at Graduation Nite, our favourite event.

Character & Citizenship Education

Character & Citizenship Education Committee aims to inculcate values and competencies in our students so that they grow to be Mayflowerians who are reflective thinkers and active contributors of society.

Students learn the values of responsibility, respect, integrity, care and harmony through different modes of engagement ranging from discussions, peer sharing, planning and enacting Values-in-Action projects, and other learning experiences.

National Education Commemoration & Learning Journeys

Building citizenship dispositions through National Education with a series of experiences, learning journeys, activities within school such as Assemblies, Games Booths, Cards of Appreciation and well-wishes, performances and competitions.

In commemorating Racial Harmony Day, students learn about Singapore’s Hawker Culture and participates in MF Masterchef Junior Competition! Students exercised their creativity in the use of ingredients to bring out the flavours of Singapore in their creation of a uniquely Singapore sandwich. They also come dressed in various ethnic costumes

Education and Career Guidance

Guiding students to explore the various types of postsecondary options through customised learning experiences that ranges from learning journeys, experiential learning to elective modules with post -secondary institutions.

“Our school brought in the Junior Colleges and Polytechnics to set up booths which was useful for my parents and I to find out more about my post-secondary education options. It was a good session, together with the Learning Journeys to the Polytechnics early in the year.”

National Day Celebration! Decked in red and white, students and staff celebrates the Nation’s birthday with in class and outdoor activities.

I have learnt to put myself in the shoes of others and realise not to take things for granted. This lesson makes me understand I need to learn to see things from other people’s perspective too.”

Students explored ASEAN through overseas valuesin-action programmes to Vietnam and Cambodia; and school-based activities such as playing with questions on jigsaw puzzles during recesses.

Expressions of gratitude and appreciation from students to frontline healthcare workers in the fight towards Covid-19 as part of Total Defence Commemoration.

Our birthday wishes for Singapore are conquering our challenges successfully and coming out stronger together!”

Learning beyond the curriculum and exploring interests that ranges from food science, media design, stem cells research allows the students to gain exposure and new knowledge.

Students deepen their understanding and learning about the country, its identity, cultures and importance of seaport through various learning journeys for eg, Fort Canning, Gardens by the Bay and the Maritime Trail, Singapore Discovery Centre etc.

The Maritime trail allowed me to understand the value and importance of our geographical position and how we have used it to strengthen our sea port.”

“I have learnt the mechanics of car design and enjoyed my experience of real kart driving experience!”

Learning journeys and talks by alumni on various industries allow our students to continue exploring their interests and passions beyond school.

Total Defence Day Commemoration Assembly and performance on importance of staying vigilant by school’s drama club

Student Development

Class bonding days are important platforms for teacher-student relationships and student-student relationships to thrive. Teachers and students plan for meaningful activities to bond together by learning particular skills together, playing games or hosting a class party.

Our special group of students – International student and Permanent Resident (ISPR) are never forgotten. Together with their Singapore Citizen buddies, we organise bonding activities for them, usually connected to a cultural celebration or a learning journey for buddies and ISPRs to develop a better understanding amongst them.

Our awardees. These awards celebrate students’ growth in their behaviour and academic ability. They look forward to these awards which are given out 3 times a year. During this trying Covid situation, SMM was observed and awards were given out in the classrooms instead of in the school hall as in previous years.

This marks the last day for our Secondary 4 and 5 students. A day set aside for them to remember and cherish the memories that they have with their friends, teachers and the school in general.

Mayflower is very fortunate to have a strong partnership with our stakeholders. It has been 9 years that they have supported our students financially through these bursaries. Thank you Rotary Club Changi, Alumni and PSG!

The inaugural MFSS Milestone celebration for Secondary 2 students marked the last day for them as a lower secondary student. It is a day where our students affirm and appreciate their classmates and form teachers who have been with them for 2 years. Each student pens down their thoughts on autograph books which are kept in a time capsule and will be given back to them when they graduate from MFSS.

As a student development team, we organise customised programmes for some classes to foster good teamwork among students or to teach them new skills. These customised programmes are aligned to our motto of Mighty in Thought and Deed, as our students will be equipped with collaborative skills and have a Growth mindset to tackle challenges ahead.

Each level has their unique programmes. We collaborate with a few departments to make the programmes happen. These programme serve to build robust individuals who are resilient and prepared for the future ahead.


Student Leadership

Every Mayflowerian is Mighty in Thought and Deed

The Student Leaders Board has experienced much transformation over the past decade to align ourselves to the changing education landscape. Yet, we do not lose sight in developing our Mayflowerians to have the values and skills to empower others positively, with the goal that Every Mayflowerian (is) Mighty in Thought and Deed”

The Student Leader Promise

Every year, during their Student Leader Investiture, a different batch of student leaders will pledge themselves to do their utmost best in service leadership to the school through teamwork, integrity, respect, compassion and dedication.

Joy of Learning

We believe in the joy of learning! Our curriculum is purposefully designed to maximize opportunities for our students to harness their 21CC skills to be future-ready in fun, engaging and meaningful ways.

Developing our Mayflowerians to be leaders who are effective communicators

Our student leaders are provided with opportunities to harness their communication skills to build their confidence in becoming leaders who are effective communicators.

Providing a platform for Mayflowerians’ voice to be heard

Since 2015, the President of the Student Leaders Board is chosen by vote. This allows Mayflowerians to learn about civic responsibility and exercise responsible decision making.

From this trip’s activities, I feel that I have learnt how to communicate with others, understand others, and adapt to different situations. Through this trip, I have learnt several values such as empathy, confidence and teamwork, to help me in future difficulties that I may face”


Representing the voice of Mayflowerians

Every year, our student leaders will meet representatives of the student population to hear them via a Student Leaders’ Dialogue. The findings are then communicated to the School Leaders.

Passing on the legacy

Culture is built on the legacy we pass on. In Student Leadership, we always get our student leaders to think about the legacy that they will want to leave behind.

I have demonstrated empathy in the training sessions by listening to everyone’s ideas attentively and with an open-mind. I also gave my feedback when needed.”

Cherryl Zhou

A message from Ms Wynn Chew, Subject Head Student Leadership, 2010

Wishing the current batch of our Student Leaders all the best in their leadership journey and may they continue to uphold the legacy left by their seniors which is -To Serve, To Lead and To Grow”

A caring and supportive culture where peers strengthen one another

Mayflower Student Leadership will be the engine to help every Mayflowerian bloom in their leadership skills and work together to create a caring and supportive culture where peers strengthen one another”

Widening our student leaders’ perspective by experiencing different world culture
Developing self awareness of our student leaders through meaningful reflections
Mr Timothy Ng – Student Leader Teacher (2010 to present)


The nature of work done by the Publicity Committee has evolved over the past two years. With the pandemic situation still requiring us to minimise physical face to face interactions, we’ve gone digital to publicise the school. In overseeing publicity processes and activities to promote Mayflower Secondary as the choice school for students and parents in the vicinity, the committee has had to actively seek ways to showcase the good work done by the school online. We continue to leverage on our online platforms like the school website as well as social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to regularly share good stories as well as to build a strong school spirit among Mayflowerians. Instead of actual visits to primary schools to showcase our school, we now coordinate Zoom sessions with the same schools to conduct informative talks and Q & A sessions. Short video clips about the various aspects of the schools have now become the way to disseminate information. Just like we did last year, we plan to have a digital Open House in November. Final plans will be made and adjusted based on the level of interaction allowed at that time.

One of the main projects this year was to commemorate our school’s 40th anniversary with the school magazine. This has required the group to source for pictures and to make sense of them. We now have a repository of photos beyond what is featured in this book that the school plans to digitalise in a way that would allow everyone to have access to Mayflowerian history.


“Work from home” takes on a whole new meaning due to the sheer volume of material being collated for drafting the year book. While most of them would eventually not make it to print, it was certainly an enriching experience to retrace the Mayflower Journey as a team.

A typical Zoom session with a primary school to publicise our school Team working on the Yearbook

Chinese Dance

SYF 2021 Rehearsal Practice

Mayflower Chinese Dance Club performed the dance item “Flowers in Spring” at the Singapore Youth Festival Arts Appreciation 2021 and received the Accomplishment Award.

Chinese Ensembles

Make Up Workshop

We have fun and relax as we learn makeup skills from the beautiful makeup artist, whilst enriching our cultural knowledge during the hectic period of SYF preparation.

Chinese New Year On-line Concert

With safe management measurements put in place within the choreography, we dance and celebrate Chinese New Year during the Coronavirus epidemic.

CCA Exhibition

All Mayflower newcomers, please dance your heart out with us.

MF Chinese Ensembles (MFCE) traces its humble beginnings to 1991 when it started as a Chinese Orchestra with 2 teachers-in-charge, 2 instructors and 33 students. Today, the CCA is fielded as two Mixed and Percussion ensembles at the Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation (SYF AP).

At the heart of the CCA are the next generation of Sec 1 members. The CCA is a healthy mix of members from DSA (Direct School Admission), students with stellar music credentials and those with no music background, all striving together to learn and make music. Here, prospective students from the Sec 1 cohort check out the MFCE booth during CCA Exhibition.

In the face of safety management measures enacted since last year, MFCE has embraced info communications technology as part of its repertoire of tools to hone the musicianship of its members. Small group coaching was also used to prepare for SYF.

Overseas and local exchange programmes are organised on a regular basis to expose members to the greater world of music, aesthetics and culture beyond Mayflower Secondary. MFCE members visited Taiwan in 2018 as part of the Student Exchange and Cultural Immersion Programme.

The MFCE Gold Teams: Members of the Percussion Ensemble (above) Members of the Mixed Ensemble consisting of the Cello, Plucking and Percussion sections (below)

Choir 2019 SYF Arts Presentation

The choir envisions to be a family that sings together, firm yet fun. It has been awarded the Certificates of Distinction since 2015 in the SYF Arts Presentation. By developing the skills, transforming any obstacle into opportunity, our members learn to be resilient when they are faced with challenges in life.

Stars at Library Inauguration Concert 2018

Presenting the Inauguration Concert is one of the signature programmes of the Choir. This is the first public performance for all new members. From learning news songs to decorating the venue, members learn to work together as a team and sing together with one voice to uplift and inspire listeners.

Concert Band

Limelight 2019

Performing at the Esplanade Concert Hall in the Limelight Series at the invitation of Esplanade is another signature programme. Members develop the ability to overcome anxiety and nervousness, to focus under pressure and on presentation without distraction and the ability to receive praise and celebrate accomplishments.

Choir Camp

Our annual Choir Camp is conducted at the end of the year. The camp is planned by the students for the students. In 2020, Safe Management Measures had to be followed. Yet, engaging and enjoyable team building activities were organized to build up the choir spirit and the value of resilience.


Values-in-Action Projects allow our members to plan and execute projects. They learn to be sensitive to the needs of our society. In 2019, the choir performed in “Bloom”, a concert in aid of VIVA Foundation for Children with Cancer. The choir has also volunteered in Willing Hearts to prepare meals for the charity’s beneficiaries.

Excellence through Enriching Experiences

Founded in 1981, the Concert Band nurtures musical, leadership, and life skills, as well as builds character through activities like training camps, public concerts, and student exchanges. Our members also gain pride and confidence through performances at school events such as Open House, Speech Day Parade, CCA Exhibition and Musical Production.

Community Outreach and Generous Spirit

The Concert Band contributes actively through various community performances and service learning projects. Within the Concert Band Family, members go the extra mile to guide and train their juniors, just as their seniors have given time and patience to them when they newly joined the team.

Lion Mums: Crash Landing on Schools

Our choir was featured in a television programme, Lion Mums: Crash Landing on Schools in 2020.

SYF Arts Presentation (AP)

Our members work relentlessly with our committed conductor and section tutors to up their performance standard for the SYF Arts Presentation held every two years. This year, we prepared and entered two teams in the SYF under a new format with appropriate Covid19 SMMs and sustained our good results in receiving the Certificate of Accomplishment.

Challenges in the face of COVID19

These two years have been challenging for everyone due to the Covid19 pandemic. Nonetheless, we carried on with our activities as far as possible through various means to facilitate continuous learning for members. We engaged the members in sharing their struggles and provided support during the difficult time via online platforms. The students also continued to hone their skills by practising with their instruments at home with the guidance from the instructors through eCCA sessions. Everyone displayed an enormous amount of positivity and determination to ensure all training and activities were conducted smoothly, effectively, and safely.


Drama Singapore Youth Festival 2021

Participating in the SYF is one of the highlights of being part of the Drama Club. From devising the play and writing the script to staging a performance and bringing the story in print to life, members learn to persevere and build a safe environment to express emotions and thoughts about events that happen around them in a meaningful manner.

Modern Dance

Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation

Being part of the Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation was the highlight of the CCA this year! Our dancers have learnt to sharpen their dance skills and build team spirits through the SYF AP. Through their hard work and efforts, they have earned the Certificate of Distinction.

2021 Training in Progress for non-SYF members

Assembly Performance

One of the platforms for members to showcase their acting chops is the school assembly. Opportunities like these give members the exposure to being on the stage; the development of confidence with each chance to explore the portrayal of various characters’ lives and emotions prepares them for larger stages that they will be on.


Community involvement projects are also part and parcel of the club’s learning activities. The planning and execution of the project develop the members’ sensitivity to community needs. It is also a platform for them to showcase their works in suitable adaptations that match the needs of the group that they are helping.

2021 CCA Exhibition

This year, our dancers were not able to have a live performance in school - however, they were able to plan and with their tech savvy skills to create a video for publicity!

2021 Lunch Time Concert

Our dancers performed at school events such as the lunchtime concert and Speech Day. These performances provided our students with a platform to showcase their dance skills and to strive for excellence.

2019 MF Speech Day Performance

Our dancers performed at school events such as lunchtime concerts and Speech Day. These performances provided our students with a platform to showcase their dance skills and to strive for excellence.

2019 Thailand Cultural and Immersion Programme

To experience and interact with people from a similar but foreign culture. This should enable our students to develop an awareness of the diversity, leading to a higher level of tolerance for cultural disparities.



Overseas Cultural Immersion Trip 2019

The Mayflower Bowlers went on an overseas cultural immersion trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2019. They learnt about the culture of our neighbouring country and also competed in friendly matches with fellow bowlers from the country. The exchange of skills and pointers was well appreciated with our bowlers exhibiting a growth mindset in their exchange with Malaysian bowlers. The trip fostered a sense of team spirit as the members looked out for one another and bonded over various activities overseas.


Bowling Release & Body Motion

Bowlers demonstrated a high level of commitment by putting in their best for every training during technical sharing and physical drills in and out of the bowling center.

Competition- National Age Group (Team Event - 3rd Placing)

Mayflower Bowlers demonstrated resilience and dedication in their quest for glory in the National Age Group (Team Events) as they overtook the other teams and finished 3rd in the Group Events. Our bowlers learnt that teamwork is important as they continuously encouraged and motivated one another to mount the comeback.


Bowlers planned and executed Values-in-Action programmes to give back to the society through contributions to various beneficiaries. Throughout these experiences, students displayed empathy by taking the time to converse with the beneficiaries before planning and executing various activities to meet their needs.

CompetitionNational Sports Game B Division 2021

Our bowlers learnt that teamwork is important as they continuously encouraged and motivated one another to mount the comeback.



2019 Post season buffet time! It was time to celebrate and reward ourselves after the hard work. It served as a great bonding opportunity for the team as they got to enjoy each other’s company over food. It also helped to change the pace and mood in the CCA after the competition season.

Table Tennis

Team Photo after C Division Nationals

finals 2019. We came in 4th place. This achievement would not be possible without the commitment and devotion of the coach, students and teachers.

2020 was an unpredictable year for everyone, including the Table Tennis team. Despite the uncertainties present throughout the year, the team pressed on. They made the most out of the virtual CCA training sessions, and gave their best in all competitions. Both the girls and boys teams demonstrated resilience and willingness to learn. They carried out team bonding activities virtually and were determined to make the best out of the unprecedented situation.

Goodie Bag packing for AWWA elderly in 2021 by Basketball Girls. The players were very glad to be able to team up with the MT department for this VIA. In Mayflower, we do as much as possible to develop our students holistically.

Basketball Girls Team Photo 2021. In the face of many uncertainties, the players still trained hard to prepare themselves for the National School Games. It is one of the main events the team looks forward to every year. Some girls from other CCAs who were interested in playing also joined us! While the NSG was cancelled, we would still like to thank all members from other CCAs who helped us out.


The team comprises an enrolment of about 50 students. The boys and girls compete in the B and C divisions under the coaching of Mr Tan Ten Siong and Mr Lim Wee Tiong respectively.

During each training session, the players put in great effort to perfect their individual skills as well as work on team tactics.

Our students are given opportunities to ponder and reflect on their progress be it during the regular training sessions or competitions. This feedback or survey is usually done online.

Team Photo after South Zone B Division Prize Giving Ceremony 2016. What an eventful year for the girls as the team finally got into the Zonals Top 4, achieving what seemed to be almost impossible.

We won a crucial match and qualified for the 2019 National B Division semi-finals. A big thank you to all the parents and student-supporters who travelled all the way to Jurong Secondary for this big match. It was such a wonderful feeling to know that we are fighting together as a big team and one family!

The B division Girls – 4th placing


The team’s best showing for 2021 was the B Division Girls where our girls retained 4th placing in the South Zone National School Division Games.



Taekwondo is a CCA that aims to build our members’ self-discipline with a high level of mental and physical strength training. In our push for students’ holistic development, we hope they also strive for enhancement in teamwork, leadership and resilience.

Despite the unprecedented Covid-19 safety measures, we were fortunate to be able to participate in the 2021 National School Games Taekwondo Championships (Poomsae). Twenty-two students took part on 30 April 2021 and while they held true to the spirit of competition, they also demonstrated the unifying mantra of: “Let’s fight Covid-19 in the most positive way by keeping fit and sharp.”

Outside of the CCA curriculum, our members are reminded to work on character development and uphold the spirit of Taekwondo. The Mayflower Taekwondo Club is strongly committed to our goals of having our members be disciplined and resilient first; before they ‘Kick High’ in the art of self-defence.



Growth from 2014 till 2021

In 2014, Mayflower Football made a comeback with just 11 students. To date, the team has grown in both strength and numbers, competing in the B and C divisions respectively. Having come full circle, our coach, Mr Richard Bok, is a proud Mayflower alumnus who also played for the school team when he was a student.


In 2018, after a hard fought Inter School Competition, we shared the glory as a team and school – “Mighty in Thought and Deed”.

We work hard and persevere. Each year, our members are encouraged to go for their upgrading tests. Here, our members are receiving their new belt from Coach Brian after passing the upgrading.

Mayflower Secondary Football Invitational Tournament: As part of the team’s VIA efforts, the footballers organised a futsal tournament in which they invited Primary 6 students from different schools to build camaraderie through a shared love for the game.

Camps and Farewell

Teamwork is the key to success in every team sport. Besides training, the Mayflower footballers bond as a team through camps and other ad hoc activities such as participating in Valuesin-Action projects. They also celebrate small successes and the juniors take the time to organize memorable farewells for seniors who have helped them throughout their time in the CCA.

National School Games

The different groups had to be seperated to maintain social distancing. Competitors could take part in one individual (Poomsae) and one team event (Poomsae) respectively. We may be physically apart but we are still one Mayflower Team!


During each training session, footballers put in great effort to perfect their individual skills as well as work on team tactics.

The team’s best showing in the Inter School National Football competition was in 2019 where the B division team qualified for league 5 and emerged first runner up. In the same year, the C division team made it to the quarter finals of the League 3 tournament.

We lined up and showcased our talents at the MF Open House 2019; in the presence of parents and students.


Unable to engage in external competitions during these Covid times, the players took matters into their own hands and organised the inaugural MF Netball Carnival. The effort from 6 months of planning by our Student Leaders paid off, and our first major event of 2021 was a huge success! We cannot wait to make this an annual tradition.

During our training sessions, the players work hard. But that does not mean it is all hard work and no play. The team enjoys taking group photographs, and believes that there does not always need to be a reason to gather for a group picture!

The scorching sun and humid air did not hinder us from doing our best in the 2019 Pesta Sukan Cup. We enjoyed the fast pace and electrifying atmosphere, where we played matches against teams from other schools. It was such a good way to spend a Saturday - interacting and competing with like-minded Netball lovers!

In another iconic VIA project, the team helped Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church during their yearly Fun Fair. Our players interacted with members of the community and tried their best to make them feel welcome and comfortable. Some of the players were initially shy and hesitant, but they all eventually managed to overcome this.


Our Coach, Coach Sue, may push us during our training sessions but once we are off court, we love goofing around with her! She is always game to pose in silly pictures with us, and we appreciate how candid she is.

Parting is such sweet sorrow! As per our tradition, our Seniors were presented with a handwritten card from their Juniors during the Secondary 4 Farewell Ceremony. These are our Seniors of 2021, proudly displaying these precious gifts.



National Cadet Corps

Weekly fitness training

The NCC (LAND) training curriculum at Mayflower Secondary is based on developing cadets with resilient minds, fit bodies and committed hearts. The cadet strong curriculum enhances the physical and mental capability of cadets so as to mould resourceful, resilient and loyal young men capable of serving Singapore as responsible adult citizens.

National Patrol Camp

The Biennial National Patrol Camp is the event that Mayflower Scouts are most excited about. Pitching their scouting skills against competing schools, they put their orienteering, backwoodsman and a myriad of skills to test. Though strenuous, MF scouts raced against time and left no man behind. They learn to depend on each other while doing their part for the team.


The scouts racked their brains to decide on the ingredients in order to design a menu and pull together a feast. They spent gruelling hours under the sun digging a hole, setting up a fire and ensuring that they did not burn their food. Through these experiences, they were equipped with food safety knowledge and learnt how to start a fire using nature’s resources.

Reflections from Girl Scouts:

Throughout my scout journey, I have learnt many life skills and forged precious friendships with the juniors and the alumni. Despite facing troubles, I made it through the toughest of times with the help of my CCA mates. I’m thankful for the many opportunities received to lead my CCA.”

As I dove into the jungle headfirst during the NPC, I had the opportunity to put myself through challenges that are uncommon in today’s age of technology. I went away from the camp with a completely different appreciation for the little things we usually take for granted. I also had a new found respect for my fellow scouts who went with me. These experiences cannot be summarised in words and are best understood by experiencing it yourself.

Scouts Area Field Day

A break from the usual scouting activities, the Mayflower scouts participated in the South Area Field Day where they competed in team sports against other friendly scouts groups. The scouts were in high spirits as they raced from one sporting venue to another to support their friends. It was heart-warming to see the students affirming each other with encouragement and their optimistic determination to play better in the next round.

Weekly fitness training

The NCC (LAND) training curriculum at Mayflower Secondary is based on developing cadets with resilient minds, fit bodies and committed hearts. The cadet strong curriculum enhances the physical and mental capability of cadets so as to mould resourceful, resilient and loyal young men capable of serving Singapore as responsible adult citizens.

PDS drills training

One of the key training programmes in the cadet strong curriculum is our Precision Drill Squad (PDS) team. Through PDS, our cadets are given the opportunity and exposure to public performance in order to build their confidence through skills and character development.

Scouts Investiture – Girls recruitment!

As a Venture aptly summarised during a Mayflower Scouting, - ‘In the depths of winter, I learned that within me lay an incredible summer.’

The CCA was reopened in 1997 by Mr Gananedran, a man who inspired many scouts and encouraged them to step out of their comfort zones. Our CCA has been blessed to have strong support from the community through the years. Most notably, our committed alumni Volunteer Adult Leaders (VALs), such as Jabez and YingJie, are some of the many former members who have returned to serve as Ventures and Rovers. They are instrumental in motivating and passing on valuable knowledge to the scouts.

In 2019, we welcomed Girl Scouts to our family and they proved to be as resilient as the boys!

Cadets carrying out urban operation training

In addition to the PDS programme, the character building programme is a milestone programme for mental and physical rigour of character building. This initiative imbues in all cadets the importance of personal responsibility through outdoor activities like sea kayaking, rock climbing and basic urban warfare induction.

My favourite part of CCA is being trained in the Precision Drill Squad (PDS), as I get to learn various precision drills and stunts, such as spinning the mark IV rifles. In these three years of training, I have tried to train my endurance and do my best during all training sessions. Along the way, I have learnt to overcome my weakness and become more resilient. I felt that the skills I have learnt in NCC is relevant because it helps me to understand the expectations of serving in the National Service” Chua Yi Xian from class 3F


National Police Cadet Corps

As the cadets could not visit the Neighbourhood police center due to Covid-19, the police came down to our school for a talk instead. From the talk, the cadets learned more about the life of a policeman, the career advancement in the police force and how to keep the school and community safe.

Yearly airsoft training for cadets to prepare for the annual marksmanship test in Home Team Academy. It is an interesting activity that the cadets look forward to every year.


Promotion ceremony. Our OC ASP(NPCC)

NG Tze How gave out ranks to the deserving cadets who have shown exemplary conduct and performance in the unit.

NPCC day celebration. The pandemic meant that the annual NPCC day parade in Home Team Academy could not go on as planned. But that did not dampen our spirit and we moved the celebrations into our own backyard. Thank you Mr Prashant for gracing the event as our Guest of Honour.

Anti-drug Poster

alternatives: causes:

- No peer support

- Overwhelming stress

- Want to run away from problems

SINGAPORE anti narcotics association badge project by the Sec 1 cadets with an anti drug abuse message.

- Find a new hobby

- Don't do things that are stress or anger inducing

- Get suport from people around you

As part of the annual CSSP project, Secondary 2 cadets designed posters to discourage cyberbullying and provide advice for victims. These posters were then put up around the school.



Enterprise Club

The Enterprise Club promotes life-skills, character building, and leadership qualities. Every student will be given an opportunity to experience a planning process. This student-directed initiative will allow students to be more involved in the brainstorming, planning, experimenting and execution process to give them a flavour on how to organise an event.

Students learn to manage funds wisely through events or selling of their own products during CCA duty. In Enterprise Club, we believe that our students will demonstrate creativity and initiative in every aspect and without fear to seize opportunities in future.

Workshop by student leaders

To ensure that students continually upgrade their skills, the student leaders put together a series of workshops for the members to learn various essential skills. Members were taught interpersonal skills necessary for a salesperson, how to make latte using the coffee machine as well as some basic accounting skills.

Infocomm Club

Young Trail Blazer 2020

During the pandemic, Young Trail Blazer took place online where Acorn Training conducted various workshops and hackathons. Students learned to write their problem statements as well as design thinking, and lastly, executing it through their prototypes. Pictured here are our students in action filming their presentation to be uploaded for the judges as well as a photo of the hackathon conducted via Zoom.

Elevator pitch

To help students communicate their thoughts as well as build their presentation skills. Students reviewed an episode of Shark Tank online and unpacked the different skills that were used.

School Event Duties

Infocomm Club serves the school throughout the year, documenting our Mayflower journey and highlights through photographs and videos. We also support the school by providing quality audiovisual support for the variety of events that we have.


With advancement in technology and AI, the use of robots have great potential to positively impact the world and meet the needs of communities around the world. Infocomm Club exposes our members to the basics of block-based and text-based coding to program robots to complete tasks and challenges them to incorporate the use of AI such as motion and light sensors.

Alumni sharing

Mr Aaron Yeoh, an alumni from 1995 recently opened his very own social enterprise. The enterprise club invited him back to share about his journey as well as support the students in improving their very own café.

Verdue (Enterprise Cafe) Grand opening

To help students communicate their thoughts as well as build their presentation skills. Students reviewed an episode of Shark Tank online and unpacked the different skills that were used.

Live Sound Workshop

Infocomm Club members attended a Live Sound workshop where they learned the ins and outs of controlling the mixer and audio equipment during a live show. As our club serves the school by providing audiovisual support, honing such technical skills is essential to providing quality service to those on stage - managing their volume, feedback, and clarity to ensure a seamless performance.

Photography Exhibition

Mayflower Secondary School is a second home to many of our students. Infocomm Club has decided to celebrate the beauty of our school compound with a photo exhibition on Patterns in Mayflower - featuring the flora, fauna and infrastructure that makes up our school.


Aerial photography and videography has grown in popularity in both personal and commercial productions. Infocomm Club members are trained in the basic drone maneuvers, aerial photography and videography angles as well as the legal applications of drone use in Singapore, equipping them with the confidence and creativity to capture events from alternative visual perspectives.


Literary & Orators Club

Group work on societal issues

Students worked in groups of 4 to create videos which took on sensitive topics in society, such as the Competing of Transgender Athletes in Sports, Cyberbullying and Sexism.

Digital-Art Workshop

Students were given a presentation by The Makeover company on Internet safety, where they were taught on how to use the app “Procreate” to create posters and GIFs. They unleashed their creative side to draw cute cartoon characters and animate them into GIFs. Students learnt multiple ways to create poses

Singing along and enjoying to the performance

Resilience Presentation

Mdm Siti gave a presentation, with movie clips from the movie “The Pursuit of Happiness”. Students learnt the values of optimism and never giving up. They learnt to always look on the bright side and persevere, as seen from the story of Chris Gardner, where he would starve himself just to save enough money to purchase food. The club members also coloured a page of the Mandala Design and spoke about their unique choice of colours that reflected their emotions. They related

Farewell Party for Secondary 4 and 5 Cohort (2021)

Secondary 1-3 students spent months in advance to prepare the activities for the seniors. The farewell party was well organized and allowed for seniors to fully appreciate the activities going on, complemented by the lively background music. The juniors also shared their appreciation for their seniors through heartfelt speeches and performances. The meaningful event ended with a personal speech from each senior, before the teachers too got up on the stage to deliver theirs. Seniors and juniors then exchanged farewell cards. The members thought the party was heartwarming and also heart-breaking as it was one of the last times the seniors would be attending CCA.


Can you identify the teachers in these photos?


Aiqiesha the budding digital artist (Jocelyn, Raphael and Liam) Farewell Song The Make Over - Digital arts” Top photo: First Row (Mrs Quek, Madam Rohayati)
Bottom Photo: Third Standing (Mr Ng Kok Wing)

CCA Refections

I love Modern Dance CCA in Mayflower Secondary School as the dance style is different to my normal dancing style. I also love how approachable the seniors and teachers are and I enjoy exercising by doing something that I like. I hope that I am able to be more flexible through my training.

Kayli-Jane Goh, 1I, Modern Dance

“I am very proud of myself for being able to participate in this year’s SYF. Despite all the difficulties we had to go through, like the tough training sessions and SMM Measures that we had to adhere to while performing because of covid, the team managed to push through. I believe we got to perform our best 5 minutes on stage so I’m very proud of how it turned out. It’s what I’ve put in my best effort for and I enjoyed the process.”

Carmen Loo, 3A, Modern Dance

“What an enriching experience to hear about other performers’ experiences backstage before and during a performance. I am excited now after listening to the hosts. They are inspiring as they have more experience in life and I feel driven to strive to improve my vocals and stage presence.”

Joanne Wong, Choir

“The VIA project we did was enriching as I’ve learnt to be empathetic, caring towards others and persevere through difficult times.”

Lim Min Hui, B Division Bowling Captain, 2021/22

“Mayflower bowling was the most memorable part of my 4 years in secondary school. Although we weren’t the best, we still had fun and enjoyed ourselves during training. On days when I could not make my shots, my teammates would always encourage me and lift my spirits.”

Kenneth Lee, B Division Bowler, 2021

“My friend and I had to plan a farewell session for the Sec 4 graduation where we had to coordinate various logistic issues. I learned how to properly manage our timeline to finish the event and in the future I can use this timeline planning method for future events and thus have better time management.”

Zach Wong, 3I, Enterprise Club

“To win and to achieve anything all starts with a dream. I am happy that I am with this team in this school. In 2019, I learnt the joy of fighting hard for our dreams, achieving our goals with my team-mates. It was a hard year to forget.”

Gerald Yeo, 4J, Basketball Boys

“Upon receiving this award, I was elated and honoured. During the first interview, it made me reflect on my journey from being a cadet to becoming leader. I have grown a lot and am extremely grateful to Mayflower for giving me this opportunity to develop myself.”

Station Inspector (NPCC) Sheya Tan

“To me, the most memorable CCA event I have participated in is my first CCA camp. I enjoyed bonding with others in the CCA, while learning new things through workshops and setting up a makeshift barbeque. Through these activities, I grew closer to both my seniors and juniors in time. Just like the camp, in Enterprise I am able to learn how to pitch my ideas, and turn them into reality.”

Lai Ying Xuan, 3E, Enterprise Club

“I’ve learnt that it’s more important to focus on my performance during our training sessions and competitions rather than only focusing on my scores.“

Naomi Ho, B Division Bowling Captain, 2020/21

“I learnt to be flexible in adjusting my setup according to bowling lane conditions. We must always be willing to adapt to the situation.“

Mavis Boey, B Division Bowler, 2021.

“One of my promises to the team is that we will work hard together. You can be sure that I will do whatever it takes to lead the team forward; as, in unity there is strength!”

Shermaine Tan Zhi En, 3I, Captain of Taekwondo

“Basketball is a fun sport and it is all the more fun when I’m playing the sport with friends. Training was tough and expectations were high but I had my friends with me and that helped me get through the tough times in 2020 and 2021.”

Celeste Tay, 4I, Basketball Girls

“Chinese Dance is always filled with warmth and everyone is very sincere and kind-hearted to one another. Everyone is very encouraging and that assures me that no matter what happens, we’ll all get through the challenges together as a team. The members are bonded and united; I can trust that we will have one another’s backs. I really love Chinese Dance.“

Ler Yining, 3I, Chinese Dance

“It has been an amazing 4-year journey with the Concert Band. Being leaders of the team has been a great experience and it is especially satisfying to see the team adapt to changes and strengthen. Through band, we learnt to appreciate resilience and self-directed learning. Our training and enrichment programmes taught us the value of independence and teamwork - with a good balance of these, the members can deliver performances of high standards and present beautiful music that touch our listeners. We have grown and matured into confident, thoughtful individuals with a love for lifelong learning, care for the people around us, and a determination to excellence.”

2020-2021 Band Majors

Padric Goh (4D), Marissa A S Hutagalung (4I) and Lim Xiang En (4F)

“I love chinese dance as I get to do what I love. Many of my closest friends are also from the MFCD family; I can relieve stress and forget my worries during the CCA sessions. The CCA has also provided me with many opportunities like participating in Chingay or NDP performances.”

Denise Lim, 3A, Chinese Dance

“The Concert Band equipped us with important life skills and instilled moral values in us. We were not just members of a band, we were a family that tackled obstacles together. Our band journey taught us teamwork, discipline and perseverance on top of training to be a competent musician and performing together. The times we spent managing events and working on projects and participating in fun, enriching activities will never be forgotten. It has been wonderful to have been given the opportunity to grow with the Concert Band family and lead the members through challenges to achieve excellence together.”

2021-2022 Band Majors

Clarisse Teo (3A), Kua Ze Yin (3J) and Kareender Kaur (3J)

“I am elated upon receiving the SPF award. From the two interviews, I learnt the importance of having self-confidence when attempting challenges faced, especially when it is your first try. It has also allowed me to learn many new things by observing how other selected cadets respond in an interview. Therefore, I am sincerely grateful for this fruitful journey.”

Staff Sergeant (NPCC) Tiffany Lim

“SYF 2021 has been a very fulfilling and joyous experience for me. This year being my last year in the CCA, I have learnt so much and have gotten much closer with my fellow teammates during the preparation for the showcase. Our trainer and Teachers have put in a lot of effort into ensuring we perform our best and our well- being as well. SYF 2021 has also allowed more people to gain experience in various areas such as backstage, lighting, sound etc. This year our script was based on the Holocaust; the sensitivity in which we approached the will to survive and the light amidst the darkness has been a very powerful and strong experience for all.”

Naamsi Jeslani, 4E, Drama

“Throughout this year in the Drama club, I found many new experiences as well as friends. The SYF competition was probably the most memorable. It was very enjoyable to rehearse alongside my friends as well as getting to know my Sec 1 juniors. It has been a great experience researching and learning about the history behind our script’s stories and I grew a lot as an actor.”

Aditya, 2A, Drama

Class 1A Class 1B CLASSES
Class 1F Class 1I Class
Class 1E
Class 2D Class 2E Class 2A Class 2B
Class 3A Class 3B Class 2F Class 2I
Class 3F Class 3I Class
Class 3E



“It’s not about the Goodbye, it’s about the times we’ve shared.”

Class 3J
It’s not the appearance, it’s the essence. It’s not the money, it’s the education. It’s not the clothes, it’s the class.
- Coco Chanel
I know that greatness lies in you, but remember from here on in, history has its eye on you.
- Hamilton

Class 4D



are each a unique being, but working together in teams allows for accomplishments not possible by any one of us.
Class 4E
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall.
- Nelson Mandela
WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT THIS YEAR Class 4F Teamwork makes the dream work.
- John C. Maxwell
We didn’t realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.
- A. A. Milne
a life you will remember.
- Ryan, 4J
WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT THIS YEAR Class 5F Never gonna give


It was with excitement and some trepidation that the publicity team took on the task of adding the commemorative element to celebrate 40 years of Mayflower in our annual school magazine. With a small team of teachers and just a few months to conceptualise and publish an entire magazine, we were naturally concerned about how we were going to put together 40 years of memories into a few pages while featuring, at the same time, the current school programme. Thankfully, with the support and help of many, we were able to obtain materials to capture some of the essence of the last 40 years as well as connect with people who have contributed significantly to the history of our school.

From the photo spread spanning our 40 years to the well-wishes of those who have played a part in shaping the school, this celebratory edition provides a glimpse into the life of a vibrant and dynamic school – past and present and our aspirations for the future.

We’d like to thank the following people without whom it would have been impossible to get this book printed in such a short period of time.

Our School Leaders, for their unwavering support and guidance

Our Former Principals, for their well-wishes and effort in vividly capturing the periods of our school

Our SAC and Alumni, for their well-wishes and support in all that we do

Mr Lee Joen Yen [former HOD/ST of PE/CCA Department], for his invaluable repository of photos and contacts

The Partnership Committee, for their contributions in helping to curate old photographs

Mdm Sylvian Tan [General Office], for relentlessly searching various sources to obtain the latest contact details of former staff of MF

All other Staff and Students who have helped in one way or another.

The Editorial Team:

Mdm S Santhi

Mrs Angie Lee

Ms Stella Lim

Mr David Pang

Ms Jaime Ch’ng

Ms Sherrie Ng

Mdm Wong ML

Mr Fong Kah Chun

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