October 19-20, 2020
Advance Program The World’s Premier Platform for Breakthrough Laser Solutions
Conference Chairs Congress General Aravinda Kar, Ph.D. - CREOL: University of Central Florida Frontiers in Laser Applications Robert Braunschweig - LASEA Eric Mottay - Amplitude Systems Laser Additive Manufacturing Milan Brandt - RMIT University Edward Reutzel, Ph.D. - Pennsylvania State University Laser Macroprocessing Verena Wippo - Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Masahiro Tsukamoto - Osaka University Laser Microprocessing Constantin Haefner - Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT) John Lopez - University of Bordeaux Laser Nanomanufacturing Ya Cheng - East China Normal University Koji Sugioka - RIKEN
Presented by:
For all applications
Put Your Confidence in TRUMPF With advancements that can’t be topped: control, diodes, and cooling equipment - everything in the disk laser is top of the line. Its intelligent inner workings include optimal hardware conditions for controlling the laser power in real time. Whether it’s for welding, cutting, or surface processing of metals, the TruDisk excels in all applications that demand high power with brilliant beam quality. Put your confidence in TRUMPF – Together we can build your success.
Table of Contents
General Chair Welcome
Special Thanks
ICALEO 2020 Partner List
Opening Plenary
LAM Track Summary
MACRO Track Summary
MICRO Track Summary
NANO Track Summary
FLA Track Summary
Closing Plenary
Sponsor Thanks
Welcome to our first ever virtual ICALEO conference!
GENERAL CHAIR WELCOME Dr. Aravinda Kar - CREOL University of Central Florida Dr. Kar is a professor of Optics and leads the Laser-Assisted Manufacturing and Materials Processing (LAMMP) laboratory in CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida. He has been working on various aspects of laser materials processing and manufacturing for more than 30 years, and published 119 technical journal papers, 183 conference papers and received 29 patents. He is a Fellow of the Laser Institute of America and a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He has co-authored a book entitled, Theory and Application of Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition, Plenum Press, New York, 1995.
As General Conference Program Chair, I would like to personally invite you to the 39th Annual International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) which will be a completely virtual experience for the first time ever. Our conference program committee is diligently collaborating with speakers from around the world to bring you the utmost in leading edge technical content from industry, research laboratories, and academic institutions within the laser materials community. ICALEO 2020 will bring together subject matter experts and students alike to share applications, results, and innovations through presentations and posters devoted to five (5) core technical tracks: • • • • •
Laser Additive Manufacturing Laser Macroprocessing Laser Microprocessing Laser Nanomanufacturing Frontiers in Laser Applications
In addition, our Opening and Closing Plenary sessions will include presentations from several highly respected industry luminaries. As we come together, virtually, in this annual endeavor to advance the laser materials industry, I also encourage you to have fun while participating with your peers! ICALEO offers an intellectually unique forum in which you can thrive with your quest for new knowledge. You can deepen your professional bonds and foster life-long friendships while exchanging ideas and becoming a champion for the causes of our field. Finally, YOUR participation, attendance, and engagement is integral to the success of ICALEO; we could not do this without YOU! We are striving to offer you a conference program of unparalleled quality and relevance that you can enjoy in the coming year! We are looking forward to experiencing ICALEO with you, virtually together!
General Information Laser industry professionals from academic and industrial settings will gather to discuss the latest in laser additive manufacturing (LAM), laser macroprocessing, laser microprocessing, and laser nanomanufacturing. The new Frontiers in Laser Applications track will cover additional topics like regional laser markets, industryspecific applications, and more Due to the ongoing uncertainty in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic, LIA has decided to transition ICALEO 2020 to a fully virtual conference experience in October for the first time in our conference’s 38-year history. The health and safety of our members, speakers, attendees, and staff is of paramount importance and we feel this is the safest path forward.
Registration is free to attendees thanks to support from our sponsor TRUMPF, Inc. Visit icaleo.org/attend to register today!
Special Thanks ICALEO 2020 International Advisory Board Milan Brandt, RMIT University - Melbourne, Victoria, Austrailia Robert Braunschweig, LASEA - Los Gatos, California, USA Ya Cheng, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics - Shanghai Shi, China Eliana Fu, Relativity Space - Inglewood, California, USA Constantin Häfner, Fraunhofer ILT - Aachen, Germany Jamie King, Lawerence Livermore National Lab Livermore, California, USA
Alexander Olowinsky, Fraunhofer ILT - Aachen, Germany Andreas Ostendorf, Ruhr-University Bochum - Bochum, Germany Hennrikki Pantsar, TRUMPF Inc. - Plymouth, Michigan, USA Kumar Patel, Pranalytica, Inc. - Los Angeles, California, USA Edward Reutzel, Pennsylvania State university University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Christoph Leyens, Fraunhofer IWS - Dresden, Germany
William Steen, Christ’s College, Cambridge University Cambridge, United Kingdom
Lin Li, The University of Manchester - Manchester, United Kingdom
Minlin Zhong, Tsinghua University - Beijing, China
Koji Sugioka, RIKEN - Wako, Saitama, Japan
Eric Mottay, Amplitude Systemes - Pessac, France
ICALEO Cooperating Societies and Media Partners
Conference Agenda Monday, October 19
Tuesday, October 20
8:00 AM EDT Welcome Remarks & Opening Plenary Session
8:00 AM EDT FLA 4: Space LAM 4: Directed Energy Deposition Materials Technology Macro 4: Cutting Micro 4: Laser Applications for e-Mobility Nano 4: Nanopatterning
10:20 AM EDT Break 10:30 AM EDT FLA 1: Biomedical Applications LAM 1: Directed Energy Deposition Process Technology Macro 1: Welding 1 Micro 1: Transparent Material Processing Nano 1: Basic Physics of Laser Nanoprocessing
9:30 AM EDT Break 9:45 AM EDT LAM 5: Specialized Materials and Applications Macro 5: Non-metal Processing Micro 5: High Power Ultrafast Laser Ablation Nano 5: Advanced Surface Nanostructuring
12:00 PM EDT Break 12:15 PM EDT Lunchtime Game - Around the World Virtual Scavenger Hunt
11:15 AM EDT Break
1:45 PM EDT FLA 2: Advanced Micro-Manufacturing LAM 2: Power Bed Fusion Process Technology Macro 2: Process Optimization and Modeling Micro 2: Beam Shaping Nano 2: Nanomaterial Characterization/Synthesis 3:15 PM EDT Break 3:30 PM EDT FLA 3: High Intensity Laser LAM 3: Sensing Technology 1 Macro 3: Visible Wavelength Micro 3: Laser Applications for Microelectronics and for Photovoltaic Industry Nano 3: Custom Nanomanufacturing 5:00 PM EDT Break 5:10 PM EDT Awards Ceremony
11:30 AM EDT Live Panel Session - Lasers in the Photonics Era: From Manufacturing Factory to Space Exploration 12:30 PM EDT Lunch Break 1:30 PM EDT LAM 6: Sensing Technology 2 Macro 6: Welding 2 Micro 6: Laser Applications for Medical Devices and for the Aircraft Industry Nano 6: Applications of Nanomanufacturing 3:00 PM EDT Break 3:15 PM EDT Closing Plenary Session & Remarks
Wednesday, October 21 On-Demand Library Available
Highlighted Sessions and Events LIA’S LASER RUNNING CLUB
The LIA Laser Running Club meets annually at LIA’s ICALEO conference. This year along with the experience of a virtual conference, ICALEO 2020 is hosting a virtual walk/run in Bill Shiner’s memory. In honoring the family’s wishes this event will raise money in support of the American Cancer Society.
Our virtual conference kicks off on Monday morning at 8:00am with our opening plenary session! Join us to hear engaging presentations from Dr. Ty Olmstead, Dr. Abdalla Nassar, and Prof. Kenichi L. Ishikawa.
The event will run prior to the ICALEO conference, starting August 1st, 2020.
The ICALEO Virtual Exhibiton will be the culmination of the entire Laser Materials Processing supply chain, from components to devices, and distributors to end users. Taking place simultaneously with the live sessions, be sure to drop into the exhibition any time, visit the virtual booths, discover some new products, and network with people from all over the industry!
Mingle with your colleagues in a fun and relaxed environment at ICALEO’s premier networking event. This year we are having a virtual scavenger hunt around the world! This event will send you off to explore the world’s best museums and historic locations—all via amazing websites. Your challenge: work with your teammates to follow our clues, find amazing objects, and answer tricky questions about them.
LIVE PANEL SESSION Join us for our LIVE panel session on Tuesday from 11:30AM 12:30PM.
Join us Monday when sessions conclude for the virtual presentation of this years annual awards ceremony. Be the first to congratulate the 2020 winners of the following awards:
Lasers in the Photonics Era: From Manufacturing Factory to Space Exploration - Moderated by William M. Steen
Arthur L. Schawlow Award William M. Steen Awards LIA Fellows JLA Paper Award
• Panelist: Dr. I. Salama (Vice President, Intel Corporation) • Panelist: Dr. Ty Olmstead (Director of Solutions Engineering, Ocean Insight) • Panelist: Dr. N. L. Lanza (Los Alamos National Laboratory) • Panelist: Dr. A. Kar (CREOL)
Join us as we close out our conference with two speakers giving us a look ahead to the future. First, Prof. Jyoti Mazumder discusses the past, present, and future of Metal Additive Manufacturing. Then, Dr. Nina Lanza shares her work in spcae exploration and how laser-based analysis techniques can be used on Mars. Also, don’t miss out on the annual student paper and poster awards being announced in this closing session!
Every attendee receives exclusive 12 months access to our ondemand streaming library with ALL ICALEO presentations PLUS bonus presentations – look for your email granting access on Wednesday, October 21, 2020!
Subscribe today! www.photonics.com/subscribe
Available in print and digital formats.
Awards AR T H U R L . S C HAW LOW AWA R D One o f L I A’s m os t pr e s t i gi o u s h o n o r s , the A rt hur L. Sc hawl ow A w a rd r ec og n izes o u ts ta n di n g, c a r e e r - l o n g c ont ri b ut i ons t o b asi c a n d ap p lied r es ea r c h i n l a s e r s c i e n c e a n d e ng i ne e ri ng , l e ad i ng t o fund am en t a l u n d e r s t a n di n g o f l a s e r ma t e ri al s i nt e rac t i on and /or tra n sf er of la s er t e c h n o l o gy f o r i n c r e a s e d ap p l i c at i on i n i nd ust ry, m ed i c in e a n d d a il y l i f e . T h e S c h a wlow h on o r e e w i l l be a c k n o w l e d g e d at t he LIA A ward s Cerem on y , d u r in g w h i c h th e r e c i pi e n t w i l l g i v e an ad d re ss. Elig ib ilit y : N om in a t i o n s a r e o pe n t o cand i d at e s who mad e ou tstan d in g c on t r i bu ti o n t o ba s i c a n d ap p l i e d re se arc h i n la ser s c ien ce a n d e n gi n e e r i n g. Th e r e ci p i e nt d oe s not hav e to b e a m em b e r o f L I A bu t s u s ta i n e d se rv i c e t o LIA c an b e o n e of t h e a ddi t i o n a l c o n t r i bu ti o ns t hat i s c onsi d e re d fo r th e a wa r d . No mi n a ti o n s a r e a c ti v e for t hre e ye ars.
W ILLIA M M. ST E EN AWA RDS Th e L a s e r Inst i t ut e of A me ri c a i s p l e ase d t o i nv i t e ap p l i c atio ns fo r the pr e s t i gi o u s Wi l l i am M. St e e n A ward for si g ni fi c ant d e v elo pm ents in l a s e r ma t e ri al p roc e ssi ng name d aft e r one of t he e arl y p i oneers in the s u bj e c t. L a se r Mat e ri al P roc e ssi ng i s one of t he g rowt h p oi nts in m o dern ma n u f a c t u ri ng . T o b ri ng foc us t o t he many d e v e l op me nt s tak ing place a n d to pr o m ot e t he d e v e l op me nt of ne w i d e as t he LIA i s making aw ards f o r th e to p t hre e i d e as of t he ye ar as ad jud i c at e d b y a prize giving pa n e l . I n o r de r to q ual i fy t he i nnov at i v e d e v e l op me nt shoul d hav e experim ental pr o o f o f c o nc e p t i n t he use of l ase rs or moni t ori ng of l aser pro cesses a n d s h o u l d fi t one of t he c ri t e ri a st at e d b e l ow: • O pe n a ne w are a of ap p l i c at i on for l ase rs. • B e o f b e ne fi t t o manufac t uri ng wi t h l ase rs. • S o l v e a p rob l e m e i t he r p art i c ul ar or g e ne ral b y t he use o f lasers. • S h o w some nov e l se nsi ng syst e m b y usi ng op t i c s or whe n m o nito ring l a s e r p roc e sse s. • A de v el op me nt i n p hot o c he mi st ry. • A de v el op me nt i n p hot o-t he rap i e s. • A de v el op me nt i n 3 D p ri nt i ng s wi t h l ase rs
F E LL OW S A WA R D The grade of Fellow is the highest level of membership in the LIA. It is awarded to recognize members of the institute who have: - Attained unusual professional distinction in the LIA mission areas of laser science and technology, laser applications and/or laser safety, and - Provided outstanding service to their field. Nominations are open to candidates who must have practiced the profession of la ser science and engineering in academia, medicine, industry or government for at least 10 years, and fellow membership for any individual shall not be instituted or remain in effect unless his/ her membership is current. For exceptional candidates, the Executive Committee may waive the eligibility requirements.
J L A B ES T PA P E R A WA R D The Journal of Laser Applications Best Paper Award is given annually in recognition of outstanding laser applications research to the primary author of a selected paper published in the journal in the preceding three years. Each Editor nominates a single paper in their topical area for consideration by the full Editorial team based on the quality and significance of the work. The winning author receives free registration to ICALEO and a Crystal Award.
Aw a rds: Th e followi ng a wa r ds wi l l be gi ve n fo r 1 s t, 2nd an d 3r d pla ce :
F u tu r e g e n e r a tio n s o f la se r in d u stry expert s h a ve b e e n c o n tr ib u tin g p a p e r s a t I CA LEO for 2 0 y e a r s. L I A o n c e a g a in w ill r e c o gni ze t he imp o r ta n c e o f stu d e n t c o n tr ib u tio ns wi t h t he 2 1 st An n u a l I C AL E O S tu d e n t P a p e r A wa rd. Not o n ly d o e s th e stu d e n t p a p e r c o n te st i l l umi na t e th e g r e a t w o r k o f u p - a n d - c o min g r es ea rc hers , b u t c a sh a w a r d s w ill b e p r e se n te d to t he fi rs t - , se c o n d - a n d th ir d - p la c e w in n e r s . W i nni ng p a p e r s a r e a lso g ive n th e o p p o r tu n ity t o s ubmi t to L I A’s J o u r n a l o f L a se r Ap p lic a t i ons ® for p u b lic a tio n ( p a p e r s w ill u n d e r g o a peer- revi ew p r o c e ss) .
F i rs t Place: C er ti fi c at e of M e ri t , $50 0 cas h S e c o nd P lace: C er ti f i cat e of M e ri t , $2 50 cas h T hi rd P lace: C er ti fi c at e of M e ri t , $10 0 cas h T he j udgin g will be conduct e d by a t e a m of 3 j ud g e s an d based o n t he fol l owi ng cr i t e r i a : O ri g in ality: A new p rob l e m i s s ol v e d w i t h n e w or old m ethods, or an ol d p rob l e m i s s ol v e d w it h a new m ethod.
S tu d e n t p a p e r s a c c e p te d f o r c o mpet i t i on wi l l b e j u d g e d b y a n in te r n a tio n a l p anel ba s ed o n o r ig in a lity o f to p ic /ma te r ia l pres ent ed, sc ie n tif ic a n d te c h n ic a l me r it, a n d p r es ent a t i on q u a lity . P r o f e sso r s w ill n o t j u d g e t hei r own stu d e n ts’ p a p e r s.
T ec hn ical A ppr oach: C l e ar t e ch n i cal ou t l ook , st a t ed objec ti ves, cl ari t y of i n f orm at i on an d co n clusi ons. Artis tic P r esen tation of M a t e r i a l s : A rt i s t ic ap p eal , ar t wor ks ( g rap h i cs an d f i g u re s ) w e l l org a ni zed, c ol or i ng an d l e t t e ri n g i n t h e t i t l e, h e a d er and text i s n e at l y d on e .
P r iz e w in n e r s w ill b e a n n o u n c e d duri ng t he I C AL E O 2 02 0 C lo sin g P le n a r y S e ssio n.
Accuracy & Precision
REDEFINE WHAT’S POSSIBLE Your research can shape the future
UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL Visit publishing.aip.org
Media Partner
Address: Brindley House, 66 Main Street, Rugby CV21 1HW United Kingdom
Address: 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Ste 300 Melville, NY 11747 USA
Phone Number: +44 1788 560960
Phone Number: +1 516-576-2200
Website: https://www.ailu.org.uk/
Media Partner
The Association of Industrial Laser Users (AILU) is an independent UK-based non-profit organization dedicated to helping manufacturing industry make the best use of laser technology. In particular, we seek to foster co-operation and collaboration on non-competitive technical matters and provide a forum and mechanisms for sharing experience and expertise. AILU members receive The Industrial Laser User, a leading magazine on the practice of industrial laser applications, free “hot-line” consultancy, member-only information on our website at www.ailu.org.uk, plus heavy discounts on attending workshops and other events in the UK and worldwide.
Website: https://publishing.aip.org/
Address: 201 S. Wallace Avenue, Ste. B2C Bozeman, Montana 59715 USA
Address: 11, avenue de Canteranne Cité de la Photonique, bât. Meropa 33600 Pessac, France
AIP Publishing exists to connect authors and readers to a living legacy of published science, accelerate discovery and advance the physical sciences. As a not-for-profit organization, we are committed to ensuring that all scientific work supporting our mission be presented, promoted, and made permanently available through our journals, books, and resources. Visit AIP Publishing booth and learn about all of AIP’s highly cited applied physics journals.
Phone Number: +1 (866) 658-5404
Email: sales@altosphotonics.com
Website: https://www.altosphotonics.com/
Phone Number: +33 (0)56464060 Email: info@amplitude-laser.com Website: https://amplitude-laser.com/
Altos Photonics offers femtosecond, mode locked, and Q-switched lasers and tunable systems for research and industrial customers. Additional products include nonlinear crystals (BBO, KTP, ZGP, KYW, KGW, etc), optical mounts, USB-controlled stages, and other related products. Altos Photonics sells and services products from EKSPLA, EKSMA Optics, Light Conversion & Standa.
Email: sales@aip.org
Created in 2001, Amplitude Laser Group manufactures and commercializes ultrafast lasers for scientific, medical and industrial applications. Leading the international market since its beginning, Amplitude offers a large range of products: diode-pumped ultrafast solid-state lasers, ultra-high energy Ti:Sapphire ultrafast lasers and a full line of high energy solid state laser products. Amplitude has three manufacturing locations and several commercial offices in Europe, Asia and North America.
Address: 74 Bonaventura Dr. San Jose, CA 95134-1907 USA
Address: 201 S Wallace Avenue, Suite B2C Bozeman, Montana 59715 USA
Phone Number: +1 (408) 321-8500
Phone Number: +1 (866) 658-5404
Email: info@directedlight.com
Email: sales@ekspla.com
Website: http://directedlight.com/
Website: https://ekspla.com/
As North America’s largest distributor of replacement components Directed Light provides high quality, cost-effective laser products, repair and service to the Industrial, Medical and Scientific Marketplace. Our Sales and Service group is committed to excellence in product quality, customer satisfaction and we offer an extensive stock of critical components.
Manufacturer of DPSS lasers, optoelectronics, and power supplies for industrial micromachining applications. Products include the Atlantic pico-second laser, a DPSS laser with up to 80W average power at 1064nm, with 532nm and 355nm harmonics options. These lasers are an excellent choice for high throughput material processing and black marking applications.
FRAUNHOFER ILT Address: Fraunhofer ILT, Steinbachstr. 15, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Address: 833 Featherstone Rd Rockford, IL 61107 USA
Media Partner
Phone Number: +49 241 8906-0
Website: https://alaw.fmanet.org/ The Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International® (FMA) is a professional organization with more than 2,300 members working together to improve the metal processing, forming and fabricating industry. Founded in 1970, FMA brings metal fabricators and fabricating equipment manufacturers together through technology councils, educational programs, networking events, and the FABTECH® tradeshow. The official publications of FMA include The FABRICATOR®, The Tube & Pipe Journal®, STAMPING Journal®, Practical Welding Today®, Canadian Metalworking, and Canadian Fabricating & Welding. FMA also has one technology affiliate, the Tube & Pipe Association, International® (TPA), which focuses on the unique needs of companies engaged in tube and pipe producing and fabricating.
Email: info@ilt.fraunhofer.de Website: http://www.ilt.fraunhofer.de
With 500 employees and more than 19,500 m² net floor space, the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, founded in 1985, is one of the most important contracting research and development institutes of its sector worldwide. Its experts develop and optimize laser beam sources and laser processes. In close cooperation with its clients, it uses laser technology to solve tasks for production, measurement technology, environment, energy, medical technology and biotechnology, all done in real life situations.
Address: 445 St-Jean-Baptiste, Suite 160 Quebec, QC G2E 5N7 Canada
Address: 37 Ironia Road Flanders, NJ 07836 USA
Phone Number: +1 (418) 651-8003
Phone Number: +1 (973) 598-1150
Email: info@gentec-eo.com
Email: sales@haaslti.com
Website: https://www.gentec-eo.com/
Website: http://www.haaslti.com/
Gentec Electro-Optics is specialized in laser beam and terahertz source measurement and analysis. With an outstanding 45-year track record of innovation, developing and providing state-of the-art technologies to the laser market, Gentec-EO has become The Expert of the laser beam measurement field.
Haas Laser Technologies, Inc. manufactures custom laser beam delivery components and laser beam diagnostic equipment for all facets of industrial laser applications at its facility in Flanders, New Jersey. The company is recognized as an innovator and technology leader, providing one of the largest selections of laser beam delivery components.
Address: 2220 O’Toole Avenue San Jose, California 95131 USA
Address: 5000 West Chandler Boulevard Chandler, Arizona 85226 USA
Phone Number: +1 (408) 774-9428
Phone Number: +1 (408) 765-8080
Website: https://www.hanslaser.net/
We are at the forefront of developing new technologies and new products as building blocks for an increasingly smart and connected world. These technologies and products are used as integrated solutions for a broad spectrum of markets. From processing to transferring, storing, and analyzing data, our broad product portfolio offers innovative solutions to a wide array of customers.
Han’s Laser, established in 1996, has now become the flagship of the Chinese national laser industry and a world famous laser equipment manufacturer. Han’s Laser has more than 200 machine models including Laser Engraving, Marking, Etching, Laser Welding, Laser Cutting, Sub-Surface Engraving, and Laser Display Series. These products have been widely used in various applications across a multitude of manufacturing processes.
Website: http://intel.com/
Address: 50 Old Webster Rd Oxford, MA 01540
Address: Liege Science Park, Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais 10 Angleur, Belgium 4031
Phone Number: +1 (508) 373-1100
Email: sales.us@ipgphotonics.com
Phone Number: +32 (0)4 365 02 43
Email: info@lasea.com
Website: https://www.ipgphotonics.com/en
Website: https://www.lasea.eu/en/
IPG Photonics is the leading developer and manufacturer of high-performance fiber lasers and amplifiers for wide-ranging applications & markets. IPG’s diverse lines of lasers and amplifiers are used in materials processing, communications, entertainment, medical, biotechnology, scientific and advanced applications. Our products are displacing traditional technologies & enabling new applications for lasers.
Media Partner
LASEA designs and manufactures workstations, laser machines and beam management modules for applications such as marking, engraving, cutting, drilling, texturing, thin film removal, welding and micromachining. With a strong team of experts in optics, mechanical engineering and automation, LASEA develops new technologies and processes for the most complex applications in most demanding industries.
Address: 4 Signet Court, Cambridge, CB5 8LA, UK
Address: Messepiazza 1, 70629 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone Number: +44 (0)1223 221047
Phone Number: +49-711-18560-0
Email: editor.lasersystems@europascience.com
Media Partner
Email: info@messe-stuttgart.de
Website: https://www.lasersystemseurope.com/
Website: http://www.lasys-fair.com/
Laser Systems Europe is an online, digital and print platform that delivers coverage on the many developments, technology trends and advances taking place in the industrial laser industry. Our audience consists of the manufactures, integrators, and users of industrial laser systems for materials processing, who serve markets such automotive/e-mobility, aerospace, ship building, metal additive manufacturing, medical; and energy production. Subscribe for free at https://www.lasersystemseurope. com/ to keep up to date with the latest industry news and features.
From 21 to 23 June 2022 LASYS, International Trade Fair for Laser Material Processing, will take place at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre (Germany). Are you looking for a universal tool? A tool that increases output during material processing and at the same time makes your production more efficient? Or do you provide systems like that? If so, LASYS, is “the place to beam” for you. Discover the variety of Laser Material Processing and be part of the LASYS community! .
Address: 201 S Wallace Avenue, Suite B2C Bozeman, Montana 59715 USA
Address: 1001 Ridder Park Drive San Jose, California 95131 USA
Phone Number: +1 (866) 658-5404
Phone Number: +1 (408) 546-5483
Email: sales@lightcon.com
Email: media@lumentum.com
Website: http://lightcon.com/
Website: https://www.lumentum.com/en
Light Conversion offers flexible industrial grade femto-second lasers, with high pulse energies, tunable pulse durations and leading harmonics technology. Our suite of femtosecond laser products offers compact and affordable platforms that meet the needs of both the consumer electronics market and medical device manufacturers.
Lumentum is a market-leading manufacturer of innovative optical and photonic products enabling optical networking and commercial laser customers worldwide. Lumentum’s optical components and subsystems are part of virtually every type of telecom, enterprise, and data center network. Lumentum’s lasers enable advanced manufacturing techniques and applications including next-generation 3D-sensing capabilities.
Media Partner
Address: 2 Shaker Road, Unit B104, Shirley, MA 01464 USA
Address: 100 West Street, 2nd Floor, Pittsfield, MA, 01201 USA
Phone Number:+1 (978) 425-0755
Phone Number: +1 (413) 499-0514
Website: https://www.oxfordlasers.com/
Media Partner
Email: info@photonics.com
Oxford Lasers operates advanced laser technology in IR, Visible, and UV, with nanosecond, picosecond, and femtosecond pulse widths. Our scientists and engineers have extensive experience with hundreds of applications, bringing decades of expertise to your specific project. Oxford Lasers’ Contract Services team provides prototyping, feasibility studies, and small to large volume manufacturing. a. Dissimilar materials welding (UltraWeld) b. Micro drilling, cutting, milling c. Ablation/thin film patterning Oxford Lasers designs and manufactures custom laser micromachining systems to meet your specific needs in volume production, prototyping and research & development.
Website: https://www.photonics.com/
Address: 2591 Wexford-Bayne Road, Building II, Suite 305, Sewickley, PA 15143 USA
Address: 44160 Plymouth Oaks Boulevard Plymouth, Michigan 48170 USA
Phone Number: +1 (724) 940-7555
Phone Number: +1 (734) 414-7912
Website: https://www.photonicsonline.com/
Photonics Media brings you the latest research, product information, and business news for the entire photonics industry. As the publisher of Photonics Spectra, Vision Spectra, BioPhotonics, and EuroPhotonics magazines, the Photonics Buyers’ Guide and Photonics.com we offer news, research and applications articles to help you succeed.
Email: brian.zaborny@plasmo-us.com
At Photonics Online, our goal is to keep our readers apprised of the various innovative applications of light. These applications range from high-level scientific endeavors — such as the detection of gravitational waves and the newest advancements in quantum systems — to more commercially applicable topics, such as advancement in solar cell technology, scientific cameras for research and development, and sensors for integration into automobiles and other platforms.
Website: https://www.plasmo-us.com/
Address: 28043 Center Oaks Court Wixom, Michigan 48393 USA
Address: 8495 Veterans Memorial Parkway O’Fallon, Missouri 63366 USA
Phone Number: +1 (248) 446-8100
Phone Number: +1 (636) 272-7227
Email: info@precitec.com
Plasmo Industrietechnik GmbH is the quality assurance market leader for automated metalworking production by delivering solutions that enable our customers to implement a secure, efficient and costoptimized production process. European coverage is supported by our headquarters in Austria and the North American territory is managed out of Plymouth, Michigan.
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Opening Plenaries DR. TY OLMSTEAD Dr. Ty Olmstead has been the Director of Technology at Ocean Insight (formerly Ocean Optics Inc.) since 2016 bringing with him over 20 years as a technology leader developing optic and photonic systems and integrating them into architectures for custom applications. As a senior member of the leadership team at Ocean Insight, Dr. Olmstead drives R&D, product development, and custom solutions using by balancing the fine edge of innovation and structured engineering and quality principles. With several publications on the subjects of femtosecond lasers, multispectral image analysis, and ophthalmic/biomedical optical systems achieved over his career, Dr. Olmstead’s offerings to the world of academia are as broad as his experience in industry with his development of biomedical optics systems, spectroscopic systems, and in-depth experience from proof of concept, through clinical implementation, to end of life PLM. Dr. Olmstead’s entrepreneurial nature has also been demonstrated as a founding engineer and Technical Director at LENSAR, where his team performed advanced R&D, clinical prototyping, and development of commercial systems. Additionally, Dr. Olmstead won a Halma Accelerate Convergence Trailblazer Award for his efforts in building convergence programs between Ocean Insight and its sister companies under Ocean’s parent company, Halma.
Biophotonics Success and Future: Where Have We Been and Where Do We Go Next? Since before the first studies of Endre Mester with the Ruby laser where he showed accelerated wound healing, biophotonics has demonstrated transformational solutions in Medicine. This talk will present a review of several successes biophotonics has had in Medicine and new opportunities. Devices including Laser Scribing, OCT, Refractive Lasers, and Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery have transformed the standard of care in Medicine. As we look back and to the future, what is next for biophotonics in Medicine? Transformation of aphakic IOLs? COVID-19 detection? Drug fabrication? Regenerative Medicine? The potential of biophotonics continues to solve many challenging problems in Medicine. This talk will address these and other relevant topics to biophotonics.
DR. ABDALLA R NASSAR Dr. Abdalla R Nassar is an Associate Research Professor and a department head within the Materials Science Division of the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) at Penn State. Dr. Nassar also has Graduate Faculty appointments with the Engineering Science and Mechanics Department, the Additive Manufacturing & Design Graduate Program, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Penn State. He has worked in the field laser processing of metals for over a decade and specifically focused on laser-based AM of metals over the past eight years. He has led and participated in numerous programs on powder bed fusion and directed energy additive manufacturing. In particular, he has developed software and algorithms related to direct integration of AM processes with computational models, implemented data acquisition and control systems on lab-scale and commercial additive manufacturing equipment, discovered defect-detection strategies, designed advanced thermal management systems utilizing PBFAM, and investigated novel strategies for microstructural control, part build-up, and post-processing methods for AM components. His work has led to over seven patent filings along with several dozen peer-reviewed publications.
Quality Assurance in Laser-Based, Metal Additive Manufacturing: Generation and Detection of Systematics and Stochastic Defects Laser-based powder bed fusion (PBF) and directed energy deposition (DED) additive manufacturing have been embraced by much of the aerospace and defense industry for part production and repair. Unfortunately, there still remains considerable uncertainty regarding the causes and effects of many defects types observed in PBF and DED components. Numerous conditions can lead to the formation of defects (i.e. internal discontinuities or undesirable microstructure) that can negatively affect build and part quality. Some of these defects are easily attributable to systematic errors (e.g. poor processing parameters or contamination). However, many others appear stochastic in nature, appearing randomly even under ideal processing conditions. Here, we detail recent work seeking to elucidate the mechanisms by which systemic and stochastic defects form and approaches to detecting both types insitu. We illustrate that naturally-occurring, stochastics flaws can be emulated via perturbation of processing conditions and can be sensed via illuminated melt pool imaging and observation of the vapor plume produced above the melt. Similar approaches can also be utilized to detect systematic variations in processing parameters. It is also possible to predict and use feed forward control to avoid many defect types. The presented analyses and methodologies present a path forward for mitigation and detection of both systematic and stochastic defects.
Opening Plenaries KENICHI ISHIKAWA Prof. Kenichi L. Ishikawa received the B.Eng. and M.Eng degrees in nuclear engineering from The University of Tokyo (Japan) in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and the Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) degree in physics from RWTH Aachen University (Germany) in 1998. He is currently a Professor at Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, Graduate School of Engineering, as well as Research Institute for Photon Science and Laser Technology, The University of Tokyo. He is concurrently Guest Professor at Osaka University since 2019. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at CEA-Saclay from 1998 to 2000, a Special Postdoctoral Researcher at RIKEN from 2000 to 2002, an Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo from 2002 to 2008, a Senior Researcher at RIKEN from 2008 to 2009, and a Project Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo from 2009 to 2014. He is internationally renowned for his contributions to numerical calculation and theoretical modeling of laser-matter interaction, ranging from strong-field physics, ultrafast laser science, attosecond science to laser processing. He is currently participating several national projects of Japan to promote smart laser manufacturing and, in particular, leading a nation-wide network project for proposing the optimal processing parameters using artificial intelligence and simulation in cyberspace. He is currently a member of The Engineering Academy of Japan (EAJ), The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), The Physical Society of Japan (JPS), The Laser Society of Japan (LSJ), Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ), OSA, APS, and SPIE among others.
Building Science and Theory for Smart Laser Manufacturing For a brighter future of the global society, Japan is committed to achieving sustainable growth and becoming a pioneer in the establishment of a new social model Society 5.0. Society 5.0 is defined as a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space, i.e., cyberphysical system (CPS). To promote smart production and eventually realize Society 5.0 and sustainable development goals, we develop CPS laser manufacturing capable of proposing the optimal processing parameters using artificial intelligence and numerical calculations based on the science and theory of laser processing combined with massive data of high quality. Understanding laser processing belongs to multiscale and multidisciplinary cutting-edge science. For example, how atoms, molecules, and materials behave under intense laser irradiation is at the forefront of atomic, molecular, optical, and condensedmatter physics, involving highly nonlinear, dynamical processes. One of our focuses is to understand and simulate such strong laser matter interaction by combining different techniques, even starting from the first principles of quantum mechanics. We are developing various new methods to accurately calculate the laser-driven electron dynamics and energy transfer from laser to electrons. Also, combining first-principles and molecular dynamics calculations, we start to quantitatively reproduce how atoms are ejected from a laser-irradiated surface. In the macroscopic scale, for instance, we study multiphysics modeling of complex thermal multiphase flows with phase change. We build a nation-wide collaboration network of theoreticians as well as experimentalists that develop, e.g., cutting-edge operando measurement techniques such as high-speed photography and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.
LAM Track Summary Track Co-Chairs MILAN BRANDT
RMIT University Melbourne, Australia
Milan Brandt is a professor in Advanced Manufacturing in the School of Engineering, Technical Director Advanced Manufacturing Precinct and Director RMIT Centre for Additive Manufacturing, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia. Professor Brandt has been involved with lasers and manufacturing technologies professionally for 36 years and is recognized nationally and internationally as the leading Australian researcher in the field. He is the recipient of several awards and is the author of over 200 publications, 5 book chapters and a book on laser additive manufacturing. He has also commercialized the results of his research through the companies he has helped establish. Professor Brandt is a Fellow and currently an executive member of LIA. In 2018 he was the president of LIA. He has had a 33 year association with LIA being involved on the organizing committees for ICALEO and LAM for many years, as well as serving on the LIA Board of Directors. He is also the Senior Editor of JLA in Additive Manufacturing.
Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. E.W. (Ted) Reutzel is Director of Penn State’s Center for Innovative Material Processing through Direct Digital Deposition (CIMP-3D), is an Associate Research Professor at Penn State’s Applied Research Laboratory, and serves as graduate faculty in Penn State’s Engineering Science & Mechanics Department and the Additive Manufacturing & Design Program. Dr. Reutzel has led numerous programs to investigate and implement metal AM, including support for the Navy’s first demonstration of a flight-critical part (Ti6Al4V AM link on the MV-22B Osprey). Current interests include process monitoring for AM process understanding, machine learning for quality control of metal-based AM processes, and process implementation.
“With new suppliers and devices entering the market daily, and a greater range of materials and material suppliers, Laser Additive Manufacturing is one of the highest growth areas within manufacturing globally. The Laser Additive Manufacturing track shines a spotlight on the latest techniques in additive manufacturing—from part design and process chain to finished product. Don’t miss out!”
Track Organizing Committee Milan Brandt - RMIT University Edward Reutzel - Pennsylvania State University Ehsan Toyserkani – University of Waterloo Claus Emmelmann - Fraunhofer IAPT Christoph Leyens - Fraunhofer IWS Johannes Schleifenbaum - Fraunhofer ILT
Dongdong Gu - Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Manyalibo Matthews - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Stefan Kaierle - Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Jyoti Mazumder – University of Michigan
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title L AM 1 : DIRECTED EN ER G Y D EP OSI T I ON P R OC E S S TE C H N O L O G Y
Tim e 1 0:3 0AM
1 . Ad d itive Manufact u rin g: F rom Scie n ce to A pp l i c ati o n ( L A M 1 01 ) Christ oph L eyens, Frau n h of e r I W S, D re s d e n , G e r ma n y 2. E ffect of Heat Accu m u lat ion on t h e Sin gle Tra c k Fo r m ati o n Du r i n g L a s e r Me ta l De p o s i ti o n a n d D evelopm ent of a F ra mewor k for A n alyzin g Advan ce d P roce ss Strate g i e s ( L A M 1 02 ) Markus Heilemann, Vishnuu Jothi Prakash, Claus Emmelmann, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Additive Manufacturing Technologies IAPT, Hamburg, Germany; Lorenz Beulting, Claus Emmelmann, Institute of Laser and System Technologies, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany
3 . Development of a High -Spe e d L ase r M ate rial De p o s i ti o n P ro ce ss fo r Ad d i ti ve Ma n u fa c tu r i n g ( L A M 103) Jonathan Schaible, Lennart Sayk, Thomas Schopphoven, Johannes Schleifenbaum, Constantin Häfner, Fraunhofer ILT Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany; Johannes Schleifenbaum, RWTH Aachen University Chair for Digital Additive Production DAP, Aachen, Germany
4. Development of SL M P roce ss U sin g 2 0 0 W Bl u e Di o d e L a s e r fo r P u re Co p p e r Ad d i ti ve M a n u fa c tu r i ng of High De n sity Str ucture ( L A M 10 4 ) Eiji Hori, Masahiro Tsukamoto, Yuji Sato, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title L AM 2 : P OWER BED F U SI ON P R OC ESS T EC HN O L O G Y
Chair TE D R E U TZ E L
Tim e 01 :45 PM
1 . L a ser - Induced Dro p Tran sfe r by t h e CYC L A M -Te c h n i q u e : Co m p a r i n g A l u m i n i u m Wi th Ste e l by H i g h Speed Ima g i ng ( LAM 201) Alexander Kapl an, A d ri e n d a Si l v a, Jörg V ol p p , L u le å Un ive r sity o f T e c h n o lo g y , L u le å , S w e d e n 2. E ffect of P re- HIP D e fe ct s, Part Posit ion , an d Powd e r Q u a l i ty o n th e Fati g u e Pe r fo r m a n ce o f Ad d i ti vely Ma n u factured Ti-6A l-4 V (L A M 2 02 ) Zackary Snow, Edward Reutzel, Abdalla Nassar, Applied Research Laboratory at The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA; Zackary Snow, Edward Reutzel, Abdalla Nassar, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA; Kyle Abbott, Paul Gu errier, Moog Inc., East Aurora, NY, USA; Shawn Kelly, Simon McKown, Oerlikon AM US Inc., Huntersville, NC, USA
3 . Tra ns ient Dy namics an d St abilit y of Keyh ole at Th re s h o l d i n L a s e r Powd e r B e d F u s i o n ( L P B F ) Re g i m e Inve st igated by Finite Ele me n t M ode lin g (L A M 2 03 ) Yaasin Yaasin Cnam, Michel
Mayi, Charlotte Metton, Clara Moriconi, Safran Additive Manufacturing, Magny-Les-Hameaux, France; Mayi, Morgan Dal, Patrice Peyre, Remy Fabbro, Laboratoire PIMM, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, CNRS, Hesam University, Paris, France; Bellet, CEMEF, UMR 7635 PSL Research University MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, France
4. Non- Intr us ive Estimat ion of Su b-Su rface G e o m e tr i c a l Attr i b u te s o f th e M e l t Po o l Th ro u g h th e S e n s ing of S u rfa ce Os cillations in L ase r Powde r Be d F u sio n ( L A M 2 04 ) Leonardo Caprio, Ali Demir, Barbara Previtali, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssio n Title S ENS ING TECHNOLOG Y I
Chair E H S A N TO Y S E R K A N I
Tim e 03 :3 0 PM
1 . H ig h -Speed Imaging of In te rn al F law Format io n D u r i n g Powd e r B e d F u s i o n Ad d i ti ve M a n u fa c tu r i n g ( LAM 301) D a v id C or bi n, A bdal l a Nas s ar, M i ch ae l K ran e , Pen n S ta te , S ta te C o lle g e , P A, US A; R y a n Over dor ff, 3D S ys t e m s , St at e C ol l e g e , PA , US A 2. Inve stigations on Opt ical Em ission s an d Th e ir Re l ati o n to P ro ce ss i n g Pa ra m e te r s a n d P ro ce ss i n g Regim es in th e L a s er Powder Be d F u sion P roce ss (L A M 3 02 ) Christopher Stutzman, Abdalla Nassar, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA
3 . Dig i talization of D ire cte d En e rgy D e posit ion P ro ce ss Th ro u g h a M u l ti - Di re c ti o n a l H e i g h t Mo n i to r i n g Sensor Syste m ( LAM 303) Vishnuu Jothi Prakash, Malte Buhr, Claus Emmelmann, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Additive Manufacturing Technologies IAPT, Hamburg, Germany
4. Th e Dy namic Relat ion sh ip Be t we e n L ase r A bs o r p ti o n a n d Key h o l e G e o m e tr y ( L A M 3 04 ) Brian Simonds, Jack Tanner, Alexandra Artusio-Glimpse, Paul Williams, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, USA; Niranjan Parab, Cang Zhao, Tao Sun, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, USA
T U ES D A Y , OC T O BER 20 S e ssio n Title Chair L AM 4: DIRECTED ENER G Y D EP OSI T I ON M A T ER I A L S TE C H N O L O G Y C H R I S TO P H L E Y E N S
Tim e 08 :00 AM
1 . In te gration of P ure Coppe r to Opt imize He at D i ss i p ati o n i n I n j e c ti o n M o u l d I n s e r ts U s i n g L a s e r M e ta l De p osi tion ( LAM 4 01) St e fa n Pol enz , El ena L óp e z , Fran k B ru e ckn e r, Ch r isto p h L e y e n s, F r a u n h o f e r I n stitu te f o r M a te r ia l a n d Bea m T e ch nol ogy, Dr esden , G e rm an y; Christ ian Kol be, F KT Form e n b au u n d K u n s t s t of fte c h n ik G mb H , T r ip tis, G e r ma n y ; Florian Bi ttner , Fr au n h of e r I n s t i t u t e f or M ach i n e T o o ls a n d F o r min g T e c h n o lo g y , Dr e sd e n , G e r ma n y ; Fran k Br uec kner , L ul e å U n i v e rs i t y of T e ch n ol og y , L u le å , S w e d e n ; Christ oph L eyens, Te ch n i s ch e U n i v e rs i t ät D re s de n , Dr e sd e n , G e r ma n y 2. L a ser Clading of N icke l Base Hardfacin g M ate r i a l : Mate r i a l A n a l ys e s a n d M a n u fa c tu r i n g P ro ce ss Evaluat ion on a S c a l e One Demonstrator (L A M 4 02 ) Pascal Aubry, Cécile Blanc, Fabien Rouillard, Laetitia Nicolas, Hicham Maskrot, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-surYvette, France; Gilles Rolland, Martine Blat-Yriex, EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing, France; Ibrahim Demirci, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, HESAM Université, Châlons en champagne, France; Thorsten Marlaud, FRAMATOME, Lyon, France
3 . Effe ct of Wire Feede r Force Con t rol on L ase r Me ta l De p o s i ti o n P ro ce ss U s i n g Co a x i a l L a s e r H e a d ( LAM 403) Erwin Teichmann, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC), Florianopolis, Brazil; Jana Kelbassa, Andres Gasser, Steffen Tarner, Johannes Schleifenbaum, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), Aachen, Germany
4. O CT Sens or for Laye r He igh t Con t rol in D ED U s i n g S i e m e n s M a c h i n e Co n tro l ( L A M 4 04 ) Markus Kogel-Hollacher, Christian Staudenmaier, Matthias Strebel, Precitec GmbH & Co. KG, Gaggenau, Germany; Heinz-Ingo Schneider, Siemens AG, Additive Manufacturing, Erlangen, Germany; Daniel Regulin, Siemens AG, Functional Materials & Manufacturing Processes, Munich, Germany
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title L AM 5: SP ECIALIZED M A T ER I A L S A N D A P P L I CA TI O N S
Chair S TE F A N K A I E R L E
Tim e 09:4 5 AM
1 . A S cience- Bas ed Paradigm En ablin g M icrost r u c tu re -Ta i l o re d Ad d i ti ve M a n u fa c tu r i n g o f Me ta l s ( L A M 5 01) M a ny al i bo Matthews, L aw re n ce L i v e rm ore Nat i o n a l L a b o r a to r y , L ive r mo r e , C A, US A 2. Fa br ication and Ch aracte rizat ion of Tran spare n t S p i n e l Ce ra m i c s P re p a re d by L a s e r Di re c t D e p o s i t ion ( LAM 502) John Pappas, Xiangyang Dong, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA; Edward Kinzel, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA
3 . O p tical Emiss ion Se n sin g For L ase r-Base d Ad d i ti ve Ma n u fa c tu r i n g – W h at A re We Ac tu a l l y Me a s u ring? ( LAM 503 ) Christopher Stutzman, Abdalla Nassar, Wesley Mitchell, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA
4. Effect of Inter -hatch Trave l Tim e on N e ar Su r fa ce Vo i d Fo r m ati o n i n L- P B FA M Ti - 6 A l - 4 V ( L A M 5 04) Brett Diehl, Zachary Snow, The Applied Research Laboratory, State College, PA, USA
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title L AM 6: SEN SING TE C HN OL OG Y I I
Chair DA V I D C O R B I N
Tim e 01 :3 0 PM
1 . Ad vancement in M on itorin g an d Qu alit y A ssura n ce Pa ra d i g m s fo r L a s e r Powd e r - B e d F u s i o n ( L A M 6 01) Kat a y oon Taher khani , E s m at Sh e yd ae i an A ran i , E h sa n T o y se r k a n i, Un ive r sity o f W a te r lo o , W a te r lo o , ON, Ca na da ; M a rt in Otto, Chr i sto p h e r E i s ch e r, E O S G m b H , Kr a illin g , G e r ma n y 2. CT Bas ed A nalys is of G e n e rat ion an d C h arac te r i z ati o n o f Pa ra m e te r - a n d P ro ce ss - i n d u ce d De fe c ts in Powder B e d F us ion Additive M an u fact u rin g (L A M 6 02 ) Brett Diehl, Abdalla Nassar, David Corbin, The Applied Resarch Laboratory, State College, PA, USA; Ryan Overdorff, Jared Bletcher, 3DSystems, Rock Hill, SC, USA; Anil Chaudhary, Applied Optimization, Fairborn, OH, USA; Peter Lee, Northrup Grumman, Falls Church, VA, USA
3. Pa rticle Velocity M e asu re me n t in Powde r G a s J e ts o f Co a x i a l Powd e r N oz z l e s fo r L a s e r M ate r i a l Deposit ion (L AM 604 ) Jonathan Schaible, Thomas Schopphoven, Johannes Schleifenbaum, Constantin Häfner, Fraunhofer ILT Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany; Luis Hau, David Weber, Johannes Schleifenbaum, RWTH Aachen University Chair for Digital Additive Production DAP, Aachen, Germany
Macro Track Summary Track Co-Chairs DR. MASAHIRO TSUKAMOTO
Osaka University Osaka, Japan
Masahiro Tsukamoto got his PhD from the Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering in 1994. His research field was nonlinear scattering of high intensity laser in expanding plasmas from fuel shell of laser nuclear fusion. Dr. Tsukamoto was assistant professor of Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University from 1994. From 1996 to 1998, he stayed in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA as a visiting scientist and was also postdoctral fellowship for research abroad of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He became associate professor at Osaka University in 2006 and then a professor in 2017. Dr. Tsukamoto was the project leader of “Research and development of the laser coating technology to realize high value-added design and fabrication” in “Innovative Design/Manufacturing Technologies” of Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (2014-2018). He was also the research and development manager of “Development of high intensity blue diode laser for next-generation additive manufacturing” in new energy and industrial technology development organization (NEDO) project “Research and development of next generation laser processing technology (2016-2020).
VERENA WIPPO Verena Wippo has been head of the Composite Group at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. in Germany since July 2019. Her main field of activity is the laser welding of unreinforced and fiber reinforced thermoplastics. Ms. Wippo has a diploma in Mechanical Engineering with the main focus on Machines, Systems and Automation in Production Engineering and Mechanisms and Robotics. Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Hannover, Germany
“The Macro processing conference will present new developments and applications for industrial lasers as for example high-power, high-brightness disk lasers and new diode lasers. The applications covered include welding, cutting and surface treatment. One of the focuses are new wavelengths and their application as well as their usage together with other wavelengths. Furthermore, advancements in process optimization and modeling for higher part qualities are addressed. Innovations in process monitoring and observation starting with optical coherence tomography and in-situ observation with X-ray at metal welding as well as new processing strategies of CFRP will be presented. All these innovations will be on full display at the ICALEO 2020 online and the on-demand library.”
Track Organizing Committee Verena Wippo - Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Masahiro Tsukamoto - Osaka University Lorraine Blais - Solutions Noviak Daniel Capostagno - SPI Lasers Florian Kiefer - TRUMPF Robert Mueller - Massiv Automated
Gwen Pallier - Cailabs Yuji Sato - Osaka University Brandon Shinn - IPG Photonics Jens Standfuss - Fraunhofer IWS Brian Victor - Nlight
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title MACR O 1: WELDIN G I
Chair M A S A H I R O TS U K A MO TO
Tim e 1 0:3 0AM
1 . L a ser Multi-Pass N arrow-G ap We ldin g of L arg e Ste e l Str u c tu re s w i th M o d e r n D i o d e L a s e r s ( M a c ro 1 01) D irk Di ttr i c h, Rober t St roh b ach , A x e l J ah n , Fri ed e r Z imme r ma n n , C h r isto p h L e y e n s, F r a u n h o f e r I n stit ut e for M a t erial and Beam T e ch n ol og y, D re s d e n , G e rm a n y ; Christ oph L eyens, T e ch n i cal U n i v e rs i t y of D re s d e n , Dr e sd e n , G e r ma n y o u n g K w o n - An d r itz P o w e r la se I nc 2. Un ique Las er App licat ion s Usin g Wash able Co ati n g s ( M a c ro 1 02 ) John Moore, Allison Gray, Daetec LLC, Camarillo, CA, USA; Basar Bolukbas, Erkan KOK, Adil Burak, Aselsan-R ehis Tesisleri, Ankara, Turkey; Alex Laymon, DPSS Lasers, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
3 . Th e Challenge of We ldin g M ixe d M ate rial. St rate g i e s fo r J o i n i n g Co p p e r a n d A l u m i n u m Wi th a S i n g le M ode L a se r ( Macro 104 ) Evangelos Papastathopoulos, Guenther Ambrosy, TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany; Elke Kaiser, Christian Jauch, Alexander Killi, TRUMPF Laser GmbH, Schramberg, Germany
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title MACR O 2 : P ROCESS OP T I M I Z A T I ON A N D M OD E L I N G
Chair J E N S S TA N DF U S S
Tim e 01 :45 PM
1 . Ap p ly ing Optical Coh e re n ce Tomography for We l d De p th Mo n i to r i n g i n Re m o te L a s e r We l d i n g o f Autom ot ive B atte r y Tab Connectors (M acro 2 01) M ik hai l Sokol ov, Pasq u al e Fran ci os a, T i an z h u S u n , Da r iu sz C e g la r e k , W a r w ic k M a n u f a c tu r in g G r o u p , Uni vers i t y of Warwi c k, C oventr y, U n i t e d K i n g d om ; V ince nz o Di m atteo, A l e s s an d ro A s cari , A l e s s and r o F o r tu n a to , Un ive r sity o f B o lo g n a , B o lo g n a , I ta ly ; N a g e l F al k, C oher en t (D e u t s ch l an d ) G m b H , H amb u r g , G e r ma n y 2. Nu m er ical Analysis of F ibe r L ase r We ldin g o f Low C a r b o n Ste e l a n d Sta i n l e ss Ste e l U n d e r Di f fe re n t Welding Con d itions ( Macro 2 02 ) University, Ministry of Education, China; School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Central South University, China, Changsha, China
3 . Nu mer ical Simulat ion of t h e I n flu e n ce of “∞” S h a p e d A l u m i n u m A l l oy L a s e r S c a n n i n g We l d i n g o n the Weld Po rosity ( Macro 203 ) Yuewei Ai, Long Yu, Xiaoying Liu, Yi Huang, Key Laboratory of Traffic Safety on Track, Central South University, Ministry of Education, China; School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Central South University, China, Changsha, China
4. J u st How ( In) Eff icie n t Is M y L ase r Syste m? Id e n ti f y i n g O p p o r tu n i ti e s fo r Th e o re ti c a l a n d Au x i l i a r y Energy O p timis ation ( Macro 2 0 4 ) Nicholas Goffin, Lewis Jones, John Tyrer, Elliot Woolley, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom
M ON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssi on Title MAC RO 3: VISIBLE W A V EL EN G T H
Tim e 03 :3 0 PM
1 . L atest Update of L ase r We ldin g A pplicat ion s U s i n g kW- C l a ss B e a m S o u rce s i n th e Vi s i b l e Wave l e ngt h Area (Ma c ro 301) T ra cey Ryba, Davi d H av ri l l a, T R U M PF L as e r T e c h n o lo g y C e n te r , P ly mo u th T o w n sh ip , M I , US A; S e b a s ti an Zaske, Ti m H e s s e , R u e d i g e r B rockm a n n , T R UM P F L a se r - u n d S y ste mte c h n ik G mb H , Ditz in g en, Germa ny 2. Development of H ybrid L ase r We ldin g Syste m Wi th B l u e D i o d e L a s e r a n d S i n g l e Mo d e F i b e r L a s e r ( M a c ro 302) Yuji Sato, Shunpei Fujio, Masahiro Tsukamoto, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
3 . Impact of Las er B e am Oscillat ion St rate gie s o n S u r fa ce Tre atm e n t o f M i c ro a l l oye d Ste e l ( M a c ro 3 04) Handika Sandra Dewi, Joerg Volpp, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden
T U E S DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssi on Title MAC RO 4: CUTTING
Tim e 08 :00 AM
1 . L a ser Dr illing of L arge C arbon F ibe r St ru ct u re s U s i n g M a c ro Tre p a n n i n g O p ti c s ( Ma c ro 4 01 ) O liv e r Meyer , L A SER on d e m an d , B u rg orf , G e rm a n y 2. F u ndamental Stud y on Re du ct ion of D ross in F i b e r L a s e r C u tti n g o f Ste e l by S h i f ti n g N oz z l e A x i s ( M a c ro 402) At s ushi Yagi , Sei go K ad on ag a, Y as u h i ro O kam o to , Ak ir a O k a d a , O k a y a ma Un ive r sity , O k a y a ma , J a p a n; Ak ih iko Sugi yam a, H i roaki I s h i g u ro, R yoh e i I t o, Y u y a M iz o g u c h i, H ir o sh i O k a w a , R io F u z ita , AM ADA CO. , LTD . , Ka nagawa, Japan 3 . An alys is of Polar izat ion M ain t ain in g Be h av io r i n H i g h l y M u l ti m o d e Ste p - I n d ex F i b e r s ( Ma c ro 4 03 ) Thomas Lehleiter, Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering, Stuttgart, Germany; Thomas Lehleiter, Lukas Höfflin, Tobias Häcker, TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG, Ditzingen, Germany; Thomas Graf, Marwan Abdou Ahmed, Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge, Stuttgart, Germany
4. Development of Cu t t in g for High Powe r L aser a n d B e a m Da m p e r Te c h n i c s ( Ma c ro 4 04 ) Hiroki Mori, Saneyuki Goya, Yasuyuki Fujiya, Takashi Akaba, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan; Inoue Takashi, Junro Nakagoshi, Kajima Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title MACR O 5: NON- MET A L P R OC ESSI N G
Tim e 09:4 5 AM
1 . Eva luation of the Join t Base d on D iffe re n t Su r fa ce Co n d i ti o n s fo r A l u m i n u m - Po l ya m i d e L a s e r We l ding ( M a c ro 502) M a hd i A m ne El ahi , P e t e r Pl ap p e r, U n i v e rs i t y of L u x e mb o u r g , L u x e mb o u r g , L u x e mb o u r g ; M a rcus Koc h, L ei bniz I n s t i t u t e f or Ne w M at e ri a ls, S a a r b r ü c k e n , G e r ma n y 2. In d ividualis ed and Con t rolle d L ase r Be am P re - tre atm e n t P ro ce ss fo r Ad h e s i ve B o n d i n g o f F i b re - Reinforced Pl a stics - Par t II ( Macro 5 03 ) Hagen Dittmar, Verena Wippo, Peter Jaeschke, Stefan Kaierle, Ludger Overmeyer, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany; Josef Weiland, Alexander Schiebahn, Uwe Reisgen, Welding and Joining Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
3. L a ser - Bas ed Weldin g for Re pair of Th e rmopl a sti c C F R P Co m p o n e n ts ( Ma c ro 5 04 ) Simon Hirt, Verena Wippo, Peter Jaeschke, Stefan Kaierle, Ludger Overmeyer, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title MACR O 6: WELDIN G I I
Chair B R I A N V I C TO R
Tim e 01 :3 0 PM
1 . Di o de Las er s - A Pe rfe ct Join in g Tool F rom Th i n to Th i c k ( Ma c ro 6 01 ) Joh a nnes Sc haefer , M arku s R u e t e ri n g , W ol f g ang T o d t, O le g R a y k is, L a se r lin e G mb H , M u e lh e im- K a e r li c h, Germa ny ; Wolfgang Todt, Ol eg R ayki s , L as e rl i n e I n c. , Pl y mo u th , M I , US A 2. Th e Instable Dy na mic Be h av iors of Keyh ole a n d M o l te n Po o l i n H i g h S p e e d L a s e r We l d i n g ( Ma c ro 6 02) Yuewei Ai, Xiaoying Liu, Yi Huang, Long Yu, Key Laboratory of Traffic Safety on Track, School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Central South University, China, Changsha, China
3. In -Situ Obs er vati on wit h X-R ay for Te n t at ive E x p l o rati o n o f L a s e r B e a m We l d i n g P ro ce ss e s fo r A l um inum Ba se d A lloys ( Macro 6 03 ) Stephan Boerner, Dirk Dittrich, Philipp Mohlau, Christoph Leyens, Fraunhofer IWS Dresden, Dresden, Germany; Christoph Leyens, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany; Francisco García-Moreno, Paul Kamm, Tillmann Neu, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fuer Materialien und Energie, Berlin, Germany; Francisco García-Moreno, Paul Kamm, Tillmann Neu, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Christian Schlepuetz, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland
80 W
800 µJ
290 fs – 10 ps
1030 nm
single shot – 2 MHz
BiBurst mode
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1 kHz – 2 MHz carrier frequency 190 fs – 20 ps tunable pulse duration
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MHz mode
1 ... 10 pulses in burst
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BiBurst ns
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16 ns burst separation WWW.LIGHTCON.COM
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Micro Track Summary Track Co-Chairs DR. CONSTANTIN HAEFNER
Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology Aachen, Germany
Dr. Constantin Haefner recently joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT) in Aachen, Germany, as the organization’s executive director. ILT is one of the premier laser R&D institutions in Europe. He oversees more than 500 employees focused on activities such as the development of new laser beam sources, components, and industrial laser processes. Prior, Haefner directed the Advanced Photon Technologies Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, where he led the development of high-energy cutting-edge laser systems relevant to scientific research and commercial applications. Haefner and his team pushed the frontiers in developing next generation high peak-power lasers – technologies that are now starting to revolutionize the field. Haefner received his Physics Diploma degree from the University of Constance (1999), and his Ph.D. from the University of Heidelberg, Germany (2003). In 2004 he became Research Assistant Professor and Chief Laser Scientist at the University of Nevada Reno’s Nevada Terawatt Facility. In 2006 he joined LLNL where he has since led the R&D of advanced laser technologies. Haefner won several awards and was elected 2017 to Fellow of OSA for his pioneering work in development of next-generation, high-average-power petawatt laser systems and sustained advancement of state-of-the art laser technologies.
University of Bordeaux Bordeaux, France
John Lopez was awarded from the French graduate school of Physics and Chemistry of Bordeaux in 1993. He got his PhD on laser ablation of polymers at the University of Bordeaux in 1997. He has a permanent position as a senior research engineer in the French CNRS since 2001 and he is currently working in a public institute in the UNIVERSITY OF BORDEAUX (CELIA laboratory). He is known worldwide as an expert in laser ablation and laser micro machining. His current research topics are metals and transparent material processing, GHz-burst material processing, beam shaping and laser-assisted eye surgery. John Lopez is the author of nearly 30 peerreviewed scientific papers and 90 proceedings. Furthermore, John Lopez is the President of the French association of industrial laser users called Club Lasers et Procédés since 2010 (CLP); as such he is the general chair of Laser Processing for industry conference (PLI). He is as well involved as an expert ALPhANOV technology center and on the board of PHOTONICS FRANCE. He was highly involved in the creation of ALPhANOV in 2007 and he used to be the Laser Material Processing Business Unit manager in ALPhANOV from 2007 to 2011. He is also a founding member of the French national committee for laser safety. Finally, John Lopez was a member of the LIA Board of Directors from 2017 to 2019.
“Laser microprocessing is at the heart of modern manufacturing. The ICALEO 2020 Micro-track conference will cover a wide field of applications such as e-mobility, microelectronics, photovoltaics, medical devices, and aircraft industries. The conference will offer an overview of the latest innovations in the areas of laser technologies, beam shaping and laser material micro processing. Sessions are organized by contributions and advances in processing with respect to wavelength (blue or green lasers), high power ultrafast laser ablation, GHz-burst ultrafast lasers, multibeam or non-diffractive beams, temporal pulse modulation, non-metal materials such as silicon, dielectrics, polymers or CMC composite materials, and hybrid approaches such as laser assisted electrospray deposition or flexible printing. Key contributions were recognized by an optional and voluntary peer-review process and are highlighted in the program. Unfortunately COVID19 forces this meeting in the virtual conference room and we are saddened not having the opportunity to meet in person. However, to keep scientific exchange and discourse going, the basis of innovation and technology advancement, it is of utmost importance to get together at least digitally and discuss the latest achievements. We have assembled a strong and interesting program in the ICALEO Micro-track. Discussions and Q&A after the presentations, as well as personal exchanges are of essence to this meeting. We are looking forward to meeting at the ICALEO digital venue.”
Track Organizing Committee Constantin Haefner - Fraunhofer ILT John Lopez - University of Bordeaux Jeff Allison - Abbot Jack Gabzdyl - SPI Lasers Arnold Gillner - Fraunhofer ILT Duncan Hand - Hariot Watt University
Carlos Molpeceres - University of Madrid Beat Neuenschwander - Bern University Stefan Nolte - Fraunhofer IOF Andreas Ostendorf - University of Bochum Razvan Stoian - Universite Jean Monnet Cliff Zhang - MKS Instruments
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title MIC RO 1: TRA N SP AREN T M A T ER I A L P R OC ESSI N G
Chair R A Z V A N S TO I A N
Tim e 1 0:3 0AM
1 .Ultrafast Las er Fabricat ion of Com pon e n t s fo r I n -Vi vo S e n s i n g a n d I m a g i n g ( MI C R O 1 01 ) R ob ert Thom son, Heri ot W at t U n i v e rs i t y, E d i n b u r g h , Un ite d Kin g d o m 2. New Poss ibilities in G lass: C u t t in g, We ldin g, I n te r p o s e r w i th U S P L a s e r - L ate st A p p l i c ati o n Re s u l ts ( M I CRO 1 02) Felix Zimmermann, Myriam Kaiser, Daniel Flamm, Jonas Kleiner, Tim Hesse, TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany; Heather George, David Havrilla, Bill Holtkamp, TRUMPF Inc. Laser Technology Center, Playmouth Township, MI, USA
3 . P u l s e Width Depen de n ce of A blat ion Th re sh o l d a n d A b l ati o n R ate ( MI C R O 1 03 ) Yasufumi Kawasuji, Yasuhiro Adachi, Akira Suwa, Junichi Fujimoto, Kouji Kakizaki, Gigaphoton Inc., Tochigi, Japan; Masakazu Washio, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
4. P u m p-P robe Imag in g of U lt rafast L ase r-M at te r I n te ra c ti o n s I n s i d e Tra n s p a re n t M ate r i a l s ( M I C R O 1 04) Matthew Ross, Craig Ungaro, Corning Research & Development, Painted Post, NY, USA
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title MIC RO 2 : BEAM SHAP I N G
Chair Stefan Nolte
Tim e 01 :4 5 PM
1 . Be a m Shaping for U lt rafast L ase r A pplicat ions ( M I C R O 2 01 ) And re as Br enner , Jo h an n e s Fi n g e r, Frau n h of e r I n stitu te f o r L a se r T e c h n o lo g y , Aa c h e n , G e r ma n y ; M a r t i n Kra t z, Chair for L aser Tec h n ol og y L L T , R W T H A ach e n Un ive r sity , Aa c h e n , G e r ma n y ; G eorg Köni g, Mar i o H e s ke r, C h ai r of O p t i cal Sy ste ms T e c h n o lo g ie s, R W T H Aa c h e n Un ive r sity , Aa c h e n, Germa ny 2. H ig h P recis ion Beam Sh apin g Syste m for Ultra - P ro d u c ti ve H i g h E n e rg y L a s e r ( MI C R O 2 02 ) Janis Sils, Dirk Hauschild, Limo GmbH, Dortmund, Germany
3 . Th er mal Res pons e of Be sse l Be am -He ate d M i c ro d ro p l e ts C a r r y i n g N a n o p a r ti c l e s fo r D e p o s i ti o n ( MI CRO 203) Me c á nica y Ciencias de la P rodu cción , C am pu s G u stavo G a l i n d o, K m 3 0. 5 V í a Pe r i m e tra l , G u aya q u i l , Ec ua dor; R a n g anathan Kumar, D e part me n t of M e ch an ica l a n d Ae ro s p a ce E n g i n e e r i n g , U n i ve r s i ty o f Ce n tra l F l orida , O rla n do, FL, USA; Arav i nda Kar, CREOL , Th e Colle ge of Opt ics an d P h o to n i c s , U n i ve r s i ty o f Ce n tra l F l o r i d a , O r l a n d o, F L, USA 4. Ed ge Microwelding of Ult ra-Th in A lu m in u m Fo i l s by S P I P u l s e d F i b e r L a s e r ( M I C R O 2 04 ) Yidong Zhou, Daniel Capostagno, Ken Dzurko, Jack Gabzdyl, SPI Lasers LLC, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Tim e 03 :3 0 PM
1 . Mu l tiphas e Simulat ion of High -Th rou gh pu t Vi a Dr i l l i n g i n L a s e r M i c ro m a c h i n i n g A p p l i c ati o n s ( MI C RO 301) Z hib in L i n, MKS Inst ru m e n t s , In c, Port l an d , O R , US A 2. C h aracter ization an d F u n ct ion alizat ion of F l exo g ra p h i c P r i n ti n g Fo r m s fo r a n Ad d i ti ve M a n u fa c tu r ing Process of Poly mer Optical Wave gu ide s (M IC R O 3 02 ) Alexander Wienke, Jürgen Koch, Peter Jäschke, Ludger Overmeyer, Stefan Kaierle, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany; Lukas Lorenz, Karlheinz Bock, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
3 . En hanced Heating by M icrodrople t Le n s in N a n o p a r ti c l e E l e c tro s p ray L a s e r De p o s i ti o n ( M I C R O 3 03) Tianyi Li, Ranganathan Kumar, Aravinda Kar, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
4. Effect of Las er Powe r on Con du ct iv it y an d M o r p h o l o g y o f S i l ve r N a n o p a r ti c l e Th i n F i l m s P re p a re d by a La ser Assi sted Electros pray D e posit ion M e t h od (M I C R O 3 04 ) Pawan Pathak, Eduardo Castillo, Ranganathan Kumar, Aravinda Kar, Hyoung Cho, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; Eduardo Castillo, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title MIC RO 4: LASER APP L I C A T I ON S F OR E-M OBI LI TY
Tim e 08 :00 AM
1 . L a ser Applications for e M obilit y (M I C R O 4 01 ) Hen rikki Pantsar , Da v i d H av ri l l a, T ru m p f , In c. , P ly mo u th , M I , US A; M a r c o H o lz e r , T r u mp f L a se r G mb H , Sc hra mberg, G ermany; M a rc K i r c hhoff, TRU M PF L as e r- u n d Sys t e m t e ch n ik G mb H , Ditz in g e n , G e r ma n y 2. Novel Developmen t s in High -Powe r Blu e D iod e L a s e r s S o u rce s a n d Th e i r A p p l i c ati o n s ( MI C R O 4 02 ) Simon Britten, Markus Rütering, Laurens Schmid, Thomas Molitor, Laserline GmbH, Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany
3. We lding Copper to A lu m in u m Wit h G re e n L a s e r Wave l e n g th o f 5 1 5 n m ( MI C R O 4 03 ) Karthik Mathivanan, Peter Plapper, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
4. Development of t h e Com bin e d Spat ial an d Te m p o ra l P u l s e M o d u l ati o n fo r th e L a s e r I m p u l s e Me ta l B onding Proce ss ( MICRO 4 04 ) Woo-Sik Chung, Lianzhi Wen, Alexander Olowinsky, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Aachen, Germany
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title MIC RO 5: HIGH P OW ER U L T R A F A ST L A SER A B L A TI O N
Tim e 09:4 5 AM
1 . E x p anding Per s pect ive s for G h z Bu rst Fe m to s e co n d L a s e r s ( MI C R O 5 01 ) G u illaum e Bonam i s, E ri c A u d ou ard , K on s t an t i n M ish c h ik , C le me n s H o e n n in g e r , E r ic M o tta y , Amp litu d e, Pes s a c , Fran ce; In ka Manek-Hönni nge r, Joh n L op e z , U n i v e rs i t y o f B o r d e a u x , T a le n c e , F r a n c e 2. Ul tra-Fast P uls ed L ase r High P re cision M icro m a c h i n i n g o f Ro tati o n a l Sy m m e tr i c Pa r ts ( M I C R O 5 02 ) Markus Gafner, Thorsten Kramer, Stefan Remund, Beat Neuenschwander, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Burgdorf, Switzerland; Ronald Holtz, Class 4 Laser Professionals AG, Lyss, Switzerland
3. Mi c romachining o f Tran spare n t Biocom pat ib l e Po l y m e r s U s i n g B u r sts o f Fe m to s e co n d L a s e r P u l s e s ( M I CRO 503 ) Simas Butkus, Evaldas Kazukauskas, Laser Research center, Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania; Simas Butkus, Light Conversion, UAB, Vilnius, Lithuania
4. P u ls e-To- P uls e Evolu t ion of Opt ical P rope rt i e s i n U l tra fa st L a s e r Mi c ro - P ro ce ss i n g o f Po l y m e r s ( M I CRO 5 04) Arifur Rahaman, Xinpeng Du, Boyang Zhou, Aravinda Kar, Xiaoming Yu, CREOL, The College of Optics & Photonics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
Chair DU N C A N H A N D
Tim e 01 :3 0 PM
1 . Ul tras hor t P uls e Lase r P roce ssin g of Silicon – F ro m I n s c r i p ti o n o f Wave g u i d e s to We l d i n g ( M I C R O 601) St e fa n Nol te, Nam i g A l as g arz ad e , A l e s s an d ro Alb e r u c c i, M a r k u s B lo th e , M a x ime C h a mb o n n e a u , C h a n drot h Ji s ha , Q ing feng L i , Gabor M at t h äu s , Fri e d ri ch Sch i l l e r Un ive r sity J e n a , J e n a , G e r ma n y ; St e fa n Nol te, F r aunh of e r In s t i t u t e f or A p p l i e d Op tic s a n d P r e c isio n E n g in e e r in g I O F , J e n a , G e r ma n y ; V la d im i r Fedor ov, St e l i os T z ort z aki s , T e x as A & M Un ive r sity a t Q a ta r , Do h a , Q a ta r ; V la d im i r Fedor ov, P. N. L e b e d e v Ph ys i cal In s t i t u te o f th e R u ssia n Ac a d e my o f S c ie n c e s, M o sc o w , R u ss i a n Fe d e rati on; St e lio s Tz or tz aki s, Fou n d at i on f or R e s e arch and T e c h n o lo g y — H e lla s ( F O R T H ) , H e r a k lio n , G r e e c e ; St e lio s Tz or tz aki s, U n i v e rs i t y of C re t e , H e rakl i o n , G r e e c e
4. Direct Las er Cuttin g of Ce ramic M at rix Comp o s i te s U s i n g S h o r t P u l s e H y b r i d A r F E xc i m e r L a s e r ( MI CRO 604) Takahi Onose, Yasuhiro Kamba, Hironori Igarashi, Yoshihiko Murakami, Hiroaki Oizumi, Kouji Kakizaki, Hakaru Mizoguhi, GIGAPHOTON INC., Oyama-shi, Japan
Nano Track Summary Track Co-Chairs YA CHENG
East China Normal University Shanghai, China
Ya Cheng received his BS degree from Fudan University in 1993 and PhD degree from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics in 1998. He is currently the Dean of School of Physics and Materials Science, East China Normal University and a Professor of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics. He is also the founder and director of XXL- The Extreme Optoelectromachanics Lab in China. His research focuses on ultrafast nonlinear photonics and femtosecond laser micromachining. He has co-authored more than 200 papers in peer reviewed journals which have been cited nearly 7,000 times (Database: Web of Science, H-index 42). He is a council member of Chinese Optics Society and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK.
Koji Sugioka is a Team Leader of Advanced Laser Processing Research Team at RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics. He received B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics from Waseda University in 1984, 1986 and 1993, respectively. He was awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from University of Szeged, Hungary in 2018. Sugioka joined RIKEN in 1986. At RIKEN, he has made important contributions to both fundamental researches on laser-matter interactions and diverse applications including practical use in the said area. He is internationally renowned for his works on laser doping, laser etching, laser surface modification, laser-induced selective metallization, microfabrication of transparent materials, VUV laser processing, laser surface nano-structuring, and 3D micro and nano fabrication. In particular, he is known as a leading scientist in the ultrafast laser processing technology. His current research interests include ultrafast laser processing for microfluidic, optofluidic, microelectronic and optoelectronic applications. Sugioka is currently a member of the board of directors of the Laser Institute of America (LIA), Japanese Laser Processing Society (JLPS) and The Japan Society of Laser Technology (JSTL), a council member of the Intl. Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering (IAPLE), and a Fellow of SPIE, OSA, LIA, and IAPLE. He is also an editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Laser Micro/Nanoengineering (JLMN) and an editor of Opto-Electronic Advances (OEA), Nanomaterials, Advanced Optical Technology (AOT), and Int. J. Extreme Manufacturing (IJEM).
“Owing to unprecedented advantages including environmental friendliness, decent fabrication efficiency, broad coverage of materials, versatility of processing types, and flexibility in terms of geometry, laser nanomanufacturing has emerged as an efficient tool for producing both nanostructures and nanomaterials as spurred by the inexhaustible new findings in the sophisticated interaction of light fields with matters. The Laser Nanomanufacturing Track of ICALEO 2020 is intended to provide deep insight of the latest achievements in the fields of laser nanofabrication and nanoengineering for creation of novel nanostructures and nanomaterials. The topics of the conference include fundamental physics of laser nanoprocessing, nanomaterial characterization/synthesis, 2D and 3D nanoprocessing, tailored nanomanufacturing, nanopatterning, advanced surface nanostructuring, applications of nanomanufacturing, etc. Some of the remarkable achievements in recent years from this vibrant field are highlighted as follows. The conference will begin with an invited presentation given by Dr. Shunsuke Inoue from Kyoto University, who will report measurements of fs-laser-induced plasma waves by laser-accelerated electron pulses. The spatial distribution of electric fields has been measured using electron pulses as the backlight at a temporal resolution of hundreds of femtosecond. Then Dr. Pengyu Yuan from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will present a new energy transport state resolved Raman technique for efficient and accurate characterizations of the thermal and electrical properties of 2D materials by constructing two steady heat conduction states with different laser spot sizes. Moving to 3D nanomanufacturing, Prof. Yongfeng Lu from University of Nebraska Lincoln will speak about the fabrication of low-density 3D millimeter-scale plasma lenses with submicron resolutions through two-photon polymerization processes. Prof. Godai Miyaji from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology will demonstrate the self-organization process of nanostructuring which can be regulated to fabricate a homogeneous nanograting on the target surface in air. Then an optical-field-assisted laser processing (OFLP) technique working as a flexible photo-thermal post-writing technology for mass-customization of dielectric metasurfaces will be introduced by Dr. Xiaolong Zhu from Technical University of Denmark. This technology can fabricate laser-printed dielectric color metasurfaces with a printing resolution up to 127,000 DPI. Laser nanomanufacturing can also be used for optical metasurfaces. Prof. Xinbin Cheng from Tongji University will discuss multilayer metasurfaces exhibiting abnormal reflection with an overview of potential applications for laser systems.”
Track Organizing Committee Ya Cheng - East China Normal University Koji Sugioka - RIKEN Yves Bellouard - EPFL Marti Duocastella - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Masaki Hashida - Kyoto University Yan Li - Peking University of China Masoud Mahjouri-Samani - Auburn University Daisuke Nakamura - Kyushu University
Aiko Narazaki - AIST Alberto Pique - Naval Research Laboratory Gediminas Račiukaitis - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology Mitsuhiro Terakawa - Keio University Xinwei Wang - Iowa State University Wei Xiong - Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology Xiaoming Yu - CREOL, University of Central Florida
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title NANO 1: BASICS P H YSI C S OF L A SER N A N OP R O C E S S I N G
Chair A L B E R TO P I Q U E
Tim e 1 0:3 0AM
1 . Di rect Obs er vation of Ele ct ric F ie lds of Fs-L a s e r - I n d u ce d P l a s m a Wave s Wi th a H u n d re d Fe m to s e co nd Ele c t ron P uls es ( NAN O 101) Sh un msuke Inoue, M as aki H as h i d a, Sh u ji Sakab e, K y o to Un ive r sity , Uj i, J a p a n 2. Ul trafast Las er P roce ssin g of Ce ram ics: Com p re h e n s i ve S u r vey o f L a s e r Pa ra m e te r s ( N A N O 1 02 ) Aiko Narazaki, Hideyuki Takada, Dai Yoshitomi, Kenji Torizuka, National Intstitute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan; Yohei Kobayashi, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan
3. Ne ar -Thres hold C h aracte rist ics of Ult rash ort L a s e r P u l s e s I n te ra c ti o n Wi th S o l i d s ( N A N O 1 03 ) Boyang Zhou, Arifur Rahaman, Xinpeng Du, Aravinda Kar, M.J. Soileau, Xiaoming Yu, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
4. F re quency-Depende n ce of t h e L ase r Excit at i o n o n S i l i co n ( N A N O 1 04 ) Tomohito Otobe, Kansai Photon Science Institute, QST, Kyoto, Japan
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title NANO 2 : NANOMATER I A L C HA R A C T ER I Z A T I ON
Chair Yongfeng Lu
Tim e 01 :4 5 PM
1 . E n e rgy Trans por t St ate Re solve d R aman for P ro b i n g Th e r m a l E n e rg y Tra n s p o r t i n Few- L aye re d M o S 2 ( NANO 201 ) X inw ei Wang, Iowa S t at e U n i v e rs i t y, A m e s , I A , US A; P e n g y u Y u a n , L a w r e n c e B e r k e le y N a tio n a l L a b o r a t ory , B erkel ey, CA , USA 2. Pre paration of Cu 2 Zn Sn S4 N an opart icle s by L a s e r A b l ati o n i n L i q u i d a n d C h a ra c te r i z ati o n ( N A N O 202) Kun Li, Hiroyuki Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
3 . L a ser Nanomanufact u rin g of 2 D Qu an t u m M ate r i a l s , H e te ro str u c tu re s , a n d Patte r n s ( N A N O 2 03 ) Ma soud Mahjour i-Sa man i, Zabih ollah A h madi, S a l a h E l a fa n d i , Pa r vi n Fath i - H a f s h e j a n i , N u r u l A z a m , D epa rt m ent of Ele c t rical and Comp u te r En gin e e rin g, Au bu rn U n i ve r s i ty, Au b u r n , A L , U SA 4. L a ser -A ss isted Syn t h e sis of M on olaye r 2 D Qu a n tu m Mate r i a l s ( N A N O 2 04 ) Nurul Azam, Salah Elafandi, Zabihollah Ahmadi, Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssio n Title NANO 3: CUSTOM NA N OM A N U F A C T U R I N G
Tim e 03 :3 0 PM
1 . Development and Fabricat ion of Th re e -D im e n s i o n a l P l a s m a Le n s Ta rg e ts vi a Two - P h o to n Po l y m e r i z at ion for Foc u s Control of Kilojou le -C lass L ase rs (N A N O 3 01 ) P e ixu n Fan, Yongfen g L u , U n i v e rs i t y of Ne b ras k a - L in c o ln , L in c o ln , N E , US A; Jessica L . Shaw, Dav i d R . H ard i n g , D ayn a W as i l e w sk i, S a r a h A. M u lle r , E . M ic h a e l C a mp b e ll, Un ive r sity of R ochester -L abor atory f or L as e r E n e rg e t i cs , R oc h e ste r , N Y , US A; Joh n H. Cam pbel l , M at e ri al Sci e n ce Sol u t i on s , L ive r mo r e , C A, US A 2. G e n eration of Besse l-Be am A rrays for Parallel Fa b r i c ati o n i n Two - P h o to n Po l y m e r i z ati o n ( N A N O 3 02) He Cheng, Chun Xia, Stephen Kuebler, Xiaoming Yu, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; Stephen Kuebler, Pooria Golvari, Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; Mingman Sun, Meng Zhang, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA
3. In c u bation Induce d L igh t Con ce n t rat ion Beyo n d th e Di f f ra c ti o n L i m i t fo r H i g h - Re s o l u ti o n G l a ss P r i nt ing ( NANO 303 ) H a isu Zhang, Wei Ch u , Jian pin g Yu , We n bo L i, J i a Q i , Ya C h e n g , E a st C h i n a N o r m a l U n i ve r s i ty, S h a n g ha i, China ; Pe n g Wang, Zhans han Wan g, Ton gji U n ive rsit y, S h a n g h a i , C h i n a ; Pe n g Wang, Jianping Yu , Jia Qi, Sh an gh ai In st itu te o f O p ti c s a n d F i n e Me c h a n i c s , S h a n g h a i , C h i n a ; Ya C h eng, Collaborat ive In n ovat ion Ce n te r of Ex tre m e O p ti c s , S h a n x i U n i ve r s i ty, Ta i y u a n , C h i n a 4. Te mporal Change in L ase r Pe n e t rat ion Le n gt h o f Ti ta n i u m a n d P l ati n u m fo r Do u b l e - P u l s e A b l ati o n Mea sured by a Novel P ump-and-P robe M e t h od (N A N O 3 0 4 ) Yuki Furukawa, Shunsuke Inoue, Masaki Hashida, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Japan; Yuki Furukawa, Shunsuke Inoue, Masaki Hashida, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
T U ES D A Y , OC T O BER 20 S e ssio n Title NANO 4: N A N OP A TTER N I N G
Chair X I A O MI N G Y U
Tim e 08 :00 AM
1 . Di re ct N anofabr icat ion on Solids Wit h P lasmo n i c N e a r - F i e l d A b l ati o n I n d u ce d by Fe m to s e co n d L a s er P ulses (NANO 4 01) G od ai Mi yaji , Tokyo Un i v e rs i t y of A g ri cu l t u re and T e c h n o lo g y , Ko g a n e i, T o k y o , J a p a n 2. Di re ct Patter ning P rope rt ie s of C u -N i A lloy U s i n g Fe m to s e co n d L a s e r Re d u c ti o n o f G l yoxy l i c Ac i d Cu/ Ni M ixed Comp l ex ( N A N O 4 02 ) Mizue Mizoshiri, Junya Narushima, Tomohide Hayashi, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan; Tomoji Ohishi, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
3. Fa b r ication of High -In dex-Con t rast Sin gle -M o d e L i th i u m N i o b ate O p ti c a l Wave g u i d e s by P h o to l i th o gra phy Assisted Chemo-Mech an ical Etch in g (N A N O 4 03) Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China; Min Wang, Zhiwei Fang, Junxia Zhou, Wei Chu, Ya Cheng, State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China; Min Wang, Zhiwei Fang, Junxia Zhou, Wei Chu, Ya Cheng, XXL—The Extreme Optoelectromechanics Laboratory, School of Physics and Materials Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
4. Ad vanced Las er -M ate rials-P roce ssin g Te ch n iq u e s fo r N a n o fa b r i c ati o n o f F u n c ti o n a l Mate r i a l s ( N A NO 404) SeungYeon Kang, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title NANO 5: ADVANCED SU R F A C E N A N OST R U C T U R I N G
Tim e 09:4 5 AM
1 . O p t ical Field A ss i ste d L ase r P rin t in g of D ie le c tr i c Me ta s u r fa ce s ( N A N O 5 01 ) X ia o long Zhu, Tec hn i cal U n i v e rs i t y of D e n m ark , Kg s. L y n g b y , De n ma r k 2. Na nostr uctured Tran sit ion M e t al Oxide s (N A N O 5 02 ) Nicholas Charipar, Heungsoo Kim, Raymond Auyeung, Kristin Charipar, Alberto Piqué, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA
3. L a ser -A ss isted Se le ct ive an d Localize d Su rfa ce Tra n s fo r m ati o n o f Ti ta n i u m to A n ata s e, R u ti l e, a n d M ixed Pha se Na n ostr uctures ( NAN O 5 03 ) Parvin Fathi-Hafshejani, Zabihollah Ahmadi, Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA; Haden ohnson, Michael Roach, The Department of Biomedical Materials Science, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA; Nima Shamsaei, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA; Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Nima Shamsaei, National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence (NCAME), Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
4. Pre cis e Micromach in in g an d D e pt h -con t rolled Mate r i a l Re m ova l o n P r i n te d C i rc u i t B o a rd s U s i n g A M ult it a sking Fe mtos econd Las er M ach in in g Ce n te r (N A N O 5 04 ) Timothy Carlson, Nan Li, Peixun Fan, Jerry Hudgins, Yongfeng Lu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA; Ambrose Wolf, Adam Ferguson, Kansas City National Security Campus, Kansas City, MO, USA
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title NANO 6: AP P LICATI ON S OF N A N OM A N U F A C TU R I N G
Chair M A R TI D U O C A S TE L L A
Tim e 01 :3 0 PM
1 . H ig h Eff icient Mult ilaye r-A ssiste d-M e t asu rface s fo r L a s e r A p p l i c ati o n s ( N A N O 6 01 ) X inb in Cheng, Zhansh an W an g , T on g ji U n i v e rs i ty , S h a n g h a i, C h in a 2. G l a ss Microf luidic Se rs C h ip Fabricate d by H y b r i d Fe m to s e co n d P ro ce ss i n g fo r Atto m o l a r S e n s i n g ( NANO 602) Shi Bai, Koji Sugioka, RIKEN, Wako, Japan
3. Polar iz ation- Ins ensit ive Etch in g in G lass En a b l e d by P i co s e co n d L a s e r I n d u ce d R a n d o m l y O r i e n te d Na noc ra c ks (NANO 603) Jian Xu, Xiaolong Li, Zijie Lin, Yunpeng Song, Ya Cheng, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
4. A Univer s al Strate gy En ablin g Ult rah igh Se ns i ti vi ty A m p l i f i c ati o n fo r F l ex i b l e P re ss u re S e n s o r s B a sed on Ul tra fast Las er Deposit ion – En grav in g Te ch n olo g y ( N A N O 6 04 ) Bin Fe ng, Lei Liu, Gu isheng Zou, Tsinghua univers ity, Beijing, China
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FLA Track Summary Track Co-Chairs ROBERT BRAUNSCHWEIG Robert Braunschweig received his MS in 1997 from the School of Advanced Processes in Electronics and Optics (ESPEO) in Orleans, France, with a Major in Lasers and Photonics and has been working in the laser industry since then. Robert has been working with ultrafast lasers and their applications for the past 17 years with positions held at High-Q Lasers (now part of MKS), Amplitude Laser and more recently B-Lasers and LASEA Inc., where he is the General Manager since 2016. Robert has co-authored several papers throughout the years, is a long time member of the LIA (as well as board member) and has co-chaired the 2017 ICALEO micro-processing conference. LASEA USA
ERIC MOTTAY Eric Mottay graduated from the Ecole Superieure d’Optique near Paris, the leading institution in France for Optical Engineering. He is the president of Amplitude Laser Group, a company he founded in 2001 and which is now a leading manufacturer of ultrafast lasers for industry and science. In doing so, he developed during the past ten years many scientific and industrial partnerships with research institutions, technology centers and industrial companies. He is passionate about laser technology and applications development and believes that sound engineering and collaborations are the key to success in photonics. Amplitude Laser Group USA
“The Frontier in Applications track explores cutting edge new applications of lasers, at the frontier of research and industry. From environment to medical, advanced instrumentation to extreme light sources, space to surgery, the Frontier in Application track brings a unique perspective.”
Track Organizing Committee Robert Braunschweig - LASEA Eric Mottay - Amplitude Laser Group
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title F L A 1 : BIOMEDICAL A P P L I C A T I ON S
Chair E R I C MO TTA Y
Tim e 1 0:3 0AM
1 . E x p lor ing the Biol ogical World wit h L ase rs (FL A 1 01 ) B en j am i n Hal l , L asers f or I n n ov at i v e Sol u t i on s ( L 4 iS ) , S ta te C o lle g e , P A, US A 2. Ul trafast Las er Surge ry of t h e C at aract by F u l l Le n s P H OTO e m u l s i f i c ati o n B a s e d o n L a s e r S p o t De mult iplic at ion a n d In- s itu Cavitatio n D e te ct ion Fe e dback (F L A 1 02 ) Cyril Mauclair, A. Bernard, E. Baubeau, F. Romano, Keranova, Saint-Etienne, France; Cyril Mauclair, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France
MON D A Y , OC T O BER 19 S e ssio n Title F L A 2: ADVANCED M I C R O-M A N U F A C T U R I N G
Tim e 01 :4 5 PM
1 . L a se r Technology : A n I n du st ry Tre n d an d a Su p p l y C h a i n Pe r s p e c ti ve fo r E n a b l i n g H e te ro g e n e o u s l y I ntegrated H i g h Per for mance Com pu t in g D ev ice s (F L A 2 01 ) Isla m Sal am a, Intel Corp orat i on , C h an d l e r, A Z, US A 2. L a ser Diss imilar We ldin g of Coppe r an d Ste e l Th i n S h e e ts fo r B atte r y P ro d u c ti o n ( F L A 2 02 ) Eriel Perez Zapico, Alessandro Ascari, Vincenzo Dimatteo, Alessandro Fortunato, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
3. H ig h Power Blue L ase r U t ilize d for En e rgy Sto ra g e a n d E - M o b i l i ty We l d i n g ( F L A 2 03 ) An d rew Dodd, Mathew F in u f, Eric Boe se, M ark Ze d i ke r, N u b u r u I n c , D e nve r, CO, U SA 4. ‘Au gmented Craftsm an sh ip’: Fe mtose con d L a s e r s Co u p l e d to Ad va n ce d H a p ti c Fe e d b a c k M e e t A r ti st ic E x p re ss ion ( FLA 204 ) Yves Bellouard, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
MON D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title F L A 3: HIGH INTEN SI T Y L A SER
Tim e 03 :3 0 PM
1 . 1 0 Hz , Petawatt Lase rs for A pplicat ion s in Sc i e n ti f i c D i s cove r y, I n d u str i a l N o n - D e str u c ti ve I n s p e c ti on, a nd S e c u rity Innovation (F L A 3 01) Ce ri Br enner , U KRI S ci e n ce an d T e ch n ol og y Fac ilitie s C o u n c il, S w in d o n , Un ite d K in g d o m 2. Ap plications of Ta ble top Ext re me -Ult rav iole t L a s e r S o u rce s i n N a n o te c h n o l o g y a n d Ad va n ce d Ma nufa c t uring (F L A 303) Henry Kapteyn, Clayton Bargsten, Seth Cousin, Daisy Raymondson, Matthew Harada, Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories Inc., Boulder, CO, USA; Henry Kapteyn, Michael Tanksalvala, Yuka Esashi, Nicholas Jenkins, Joshua Knobloch, Chen-Ting Liao, Margaret Murnane, JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado and NIST, Boulder, CO, USA; Kevin Dorney, Esben Larsen, Dhirendra Singh, Thierry Conard, Koen Dhave, Roberto Fallica, Janusz Bogdanowicz, Nicola Kissoon, Thomas Nuytten, Paul van der Heide, John Petersen, imec, Leuven, Belgium
T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 20 S e ssion Title F L A 4: SP ACE
Tim e 08 :00 AM
1 . Fe m tos econd Las er We ldin g as a Possible A lte r n ati ve to E p ox i e s i n S p a ce S c i e n ce I n str u m e n ts ( F LA 401) R ob er t L afon, NA SA , G re e n b e l t , M D , U SA 2. Pre cis ion Las er Su rface P roce ssin g of Ce ram i c s a n d B e r y l l i u m a n d De p l e te d U ra n i u m ( F L A 4 02 ) Andrew Forsman, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA
3. New P latfor ms Fo r High -Powe r Opt ically-P u m p e d S e m i co n d u c to r Di s k L a s e r s ( F L A 4 03 ) Mansoor Sheik-Bahae, Davide Priante, Alexander Albrecht, David Lidsky, Mingyang Zhang, University of New Mexico, Albequerque, NM, USA; Garrett Cole, Thorlabs Crystalline Solutions (TCS), Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Posters Th e rmal Conditions for 3 D P rin t in g M e t al St ru c tu re s by S e l e c ti ve L a s e r Me l ti n g ( L A M P 1 6 8) Jihun Noh, Jinhwan Lee, Dongsik Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Republic of Korea
E ffe c t of Input Energy on Hardn e ss an d Su rface Q u a l i ty i n Ti 6 4 by S p u tte r - Le ss S L M Wi th Mo d u l ate d P ulse ( LAM P1 70) Yuta Mizuguchi, Yuji Sato, Masahiro Tsukamoto, Osaka University, Suita, Japan
Th e H ot Cracking Susce pt ibilit y Su bje cte d t h e L a s e r B e a m O s c i l l ati o n We l d i n g o n 6 X X X A l u m i n u m Alloy wit h a Pa rtia l Penetration Join t an d t h e St re ss F ie ld An a l ys i s u s i n g F E M S i m u l ati o n ( MAC R O P 1 1 4 ) M in j u ng Kang, Jason C h e on , D on g H yu ck K am , C h e o lh e e K im, Ko r e a I n stitu te o f I n d u str ia l T e c h n o lo g y , I nc heon, R ep u bl i c of Kor ea; Cheolhee Ki m , Por tlan d St at e U n i v e rs i t y, Port l a n d , O R , US A P u re Copper Rod Format ion by M u lt i-Be am L m d M e th o d Wi th B l u e Di o d e L a s e r s ( MAC R O P 1 3 4 ) Kazuhi r o Ono, Kento M ori m ot o, G rad u at e Sch oo l o f E n g in e e r in g , O sa k a Un ive r sity , S u ita , J a p a n ; Yu j i S ato, Ri tsuko H i g as h i n o, Nob u yu ki A b e , M a sa h ir o T su k a mo to , J o in in g a n d W e ld in g R e se a r c h I n sti t ut e, Os a k a Univ e rsi ty, Sui ta, Jap an ; Yosh inor i F unada, In d u s t ri al R e s e arch I n s t i t u t e o f I sh ik a w a , Ka n a z a w a , J a p a n Mo le c ular Dy namics Sim u lat ion of L ase r A blat i o n U s i n g E l e c tro n i c -Te m p e ratu re D e p e n d e n t Fo rce - F i eld ( NANO P035) R y o KOBA YA SHI, Dep art m e n t of Ph ys i cal Sci e nc e a n d E n g in e e r in g , N a g o y a I n stitu te o f T e c h n o lo g y , Na goy a , Jap an R a p i d Femtos econd L ase r Two P h oton Polyme r i z ati o n o f A r b i tra r y 3 D M i c ro str u c tu re s w i th 3 D Fo c a l Field En g in eer ing ( NANO P 0 8 2 ) Lin y u Yan, Dong Yan g , Q i h u an g G on g , Y an L i , S ta te K e y L a b o r a to r y f o r M e so sc o p ic P h y sic s, C o lla b o r a t i ve In nov ati on C enter of Q u an t u m M at t e r, D e p art me n t o f P h y sic s, P e k in g Un ive r sity , B e ij in g , C h in a ; Lin y u Yan, Dong Yan g , Q i h u an g G on g , Y an L i , F r o n tie r s S c ie n c e C e n te r f o r N a n o - o p to e le c tr o n ic s, P e ki ng Univ e rsi ty, Bei ji ng, C h i n a; Q ihu a ng Gong, Yan L i , C ol l ab orat i v e I n n ov at i on C e n te r o f E x tr e me O p tic s, S h a n x i Un ive r sity , T a iy u a n, Chi na P u l se d- Las er Sinterin g of Silve r N an opart icle s o n F l ex i b l e S u b strate s ( N A N O P 1 7 1 ) Jihu n Noh, Dongsi k K i m , Poh an g U n i v e rs i t y of S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o lo g y ( P O S T E C H ) , P o h a n g , R e p u b lic of Korea Pa ra llel Depos ition of N an odot s by L ase r-In du ce d Fo r wa rd Tra n s fe r Te c h n i q u e W h i c h U s e s I n te r fe re nce Pat tern (NANO P 185) Yosh iki Nakata, Ei ki H ayas h i , K oji T s u b aki m ot o , O sa k a Un ive r sity , O sa k a , J a p a n ; N o r ia k i M iy a n a g a , I n st i t ut e for La s e r Tec hnol ogy, Os aka, J ap an ; Aik o Nar az aki , A IST , C h i b a, J ap an ; T a t su ya Shoji , Kanag aw a U n i v e rs i t y, K an ag aw a, J a p a n ; Ke n ta Ush ir o , Y a su y u k i T su b o i, O sa k a C ity Un i vers i t y , O sak a, Japan
Closing Plenaries JYOTI MAZUMDER Jyoti Mazumder is Robert H. Lurie Professor of Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, and Director of the Center for Laser Aided Intelligent Manufacturing at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is an elected member of National Academy of Engineering. He has published more than 400 papers, coauthored books on (i) Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition and (ii) Laser Materials Processing, edited/co-edited 10 books on topics related to Laser Materials Processing and Mechanical Engineering, holds 24 U.S patents and has 8 patents pending. Prof. Mazumder has received numerous awards including, Bruce Chalmers Award, M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal, Distinguished University Innovator Award, William T. Ennor Award, and the Arthur L. Schawlow Award. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society of Metals (ASM), International Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering, and Laser institute of America (LIA). He is also a former president of LIA.
Metallic Additive Manufacturing: Past, Present, and Future Economist Magazine hailed Additive Manufacturing (AM) as the “third industrial revolution”. AM also features prominently in Factory 4.0. It has been practiced in one form or other for more than 5000 years. A pyramid in Egypt was built at 2800 BC using layer-by-layer construction. Modern versions for this technology are around for almost three decades. The first patent on steriolithography was issued in 1986 to Charles Hull. In many ways it is “back to the future”. Presently, there are several 3-D printing machine manufacturers using a wide range of raw materials from wax to metals, using various techniques. They are also making products from food to fashion. Even AM machines capable of remote manufacturing are now possible. However, one of the critical needs is “certify as you build”. Due to relatively low volume production, conventional statistical quality control is difficult. In-situ diagnostics and quality assurance is needed and that is a relatively unexplored field. In-situ optical diagnostics and its capability to integrate with process control is a prudent alternative. New optical sensors are being developed to control product health and geometry using imaging, cooling rate by monitoring temperature, microstructure and composition using optical spectra. Ultimately these sensors will enable one to “certify as you build”. Recently the author and his group have developed a technique to analyze the plasma spectra to predict the solid-state phase transformation, which opens up a new horizon for materials processing and manufacturing. Mathematical model developed for the process includes most of the physics but needs substantial computing time. An effort needs to be made to develop surrogate models, which can converge within 10ms to enable the process control. Flexibility of the process is enormous and essentially it is an enabling technology to materialize many a design. Conceptually one can sit in Santa Fe and fabricate in Sheffield. This paper provides an overview of the past history, present status, and future needs and potential.
DR. NINA LOUISE LANZA Dr. Nina Louise Lanza is the Team Lead for Space and Planetary Exploration in Space and Remote Sensing (ISR-2) at Los Alamos National Laboratory. She is on the science teams for the ChemCam instrument onboard the NASA Curiosity rover and the SuperCam instrument onboard the Perseverance rover. Her current research focuses on understanding the origin and nature of manganese minerals on Mars and how they may serve as potential biosignatures. In addition to her research on Mars, Dr. Lanza spent the 2015-2016 austral summer in Antarctica recovering meteorites with the Antarctic Search for Meteorites project. She is also a regular contributor on the television series How the Universe Works (The Science Channel). She is thrilled to be living her childhood dream of working on a spaceship.
Using Laser-Based Analysis Techniques on Mars With The ChemCam and SuperCam Instruments The NASA Curiosity rover has been exploring the surface of Mars for the past eight years, carrying with it the ChemCam instrument as part of its scientific payload. ChemCam is a suite of instruments that includes a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument, which provides chemistry information about geologic materials at standoff distances of up to 7 m from the rover. The ChemCam LIBS instrument has produced over 800,000 individual spectra, an unprecedented number of observations from a single instrument on Mars. With these and other instrument data, we have learned that Curiosity’s landing site in Gale crater once hosted a long-lived freshwater lake that was habitable. As Curiosity continues to produce ever more data, a new NASA Mars rover was recently launched, with a landing date of February 18, 2021. Called Perseverance, this new rover has an all-new science instrument payload, including the SuperCam instrument suite. SuperCam uses a combined LIBS-Raman laser instrument to analyze geologic materials, which allows for direct measurement of both chemistry and mineralogy, thereby uniquely identifying geologic materials. SuperCam also includes a microphone that can record the sound of LIBS acoustic signals, which provides additional information about the material properties of martian rocks. In this talk, I will describe our two instruments, give an overview of current results from ChemCam and the Curiosity mission, and discuss the goals for the soon-to-land Perseverance mission.