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GEN CON 2024 148
Gen Con, the Gen Con logo, and The Best Four Days in Gaming! are trademarks of Gen Con LLC. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Most product names are trademarks owned by the companies publishing the products. Use of the names of any product without mention of its trademark status should not be construed as a challenge to such status. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice. ©2023
Every year while preparing for Gen Con I’m frequently overwhelmed with joy. I think about all the wonderful memories we will create together and reflect back on so many wonderful memories of Gen Con’s past.
My earliest memories of Gen Con weren’t memories of being at Gen Con, but of wishing I was at Gen Con. In those earliest years roleplaying games and trading card games hadn’t been invented yet. In those halcyon days Gen Con was almost entirely wargaming, with a pinch of board games thrown into the recipe.
I started playing wargames in 1973 and almost immediately subscribed to the “big magazine” of the day, Avalon Hill’s General. Old black & white photos of gamers playing at Gen Con regularly graced the cover and the 12-year-old me fantasized about attending someday.
When I discovered D&D in 1978, and Dragon Magazine shortly thereafter, I was delighted to learn that Gen Con’s taste had evolved like mine. It wasn’t just for wargames anymore, but had expanded to include Dungeons & Dragons and the rest of the roleplaying game category.
After nearly 20 years of wishing I could attend Gen Con, I finally made it—in 1992. I was so excited! And not just as an attendee – but as an exhibitor! My new company, Wizards of the Coast, exhibited at Gen Con for the first time that year, where we sold our roleplaying games, Talislanta and The Primal Order. In 1993 we came back and launched Magic: The Gathering, which ushered in another new category of tabletop games for Gen Con — trading card games.
For over 50 years, Gen Con has expanded and evolved to feature all the categories of tabletop gaming, and to some extent the gaming-adjacent activities that are common threads of geek culture, like fiction, art, cosplay, and anime.
Throughout the history of tabletop games, Gen Con has been at the heart of it. So many important moments in gaming history have happened here, as if those moments were the heartbeat of this amazing pastime.
Whether it’s your first Gen Con or your 50th Gen Con, I’m really thrilled to be here with you as we create more memories, more history, more games, and a stronger and more diverse and inclusive community.
Vice President, Sales, Marketing & Events
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives
Customer Service Manager
Customer Service Representative & Project Coordinator
Customer Service Representative
Director of Events
Event Managers
Event Reviewers
Financial Analyst
IT Manager
Senior Manager,
Business & Convention Operations
Assistant Manager of Operations
Exhibit Hall Manager
Senior Marketing Manager
Social Media Manager
Content Marketing Manager
Peter D. Adkison Chairperson of the Board Gen Con LLCSPECIAL THANKS TO OUR FRIENDS AND PARTNERS: Fern Exposition, Reaction AV, John Sutton, Stacia Kirby, Cathy Rundell, Alesia Clardy, Owen Seyler, Rita Milandri, and the Q-Rooms Team, Jason Lavengood, Roderick Robertson, Amber Sherman, all Gen Con Captains and Event Team, the staff of the Indianapolis Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium, Visit Indy, Downtown Indy.
And a BIG thank you to ALL who make Gen Con possible, including game manufacturers, gaming clubs, Event Organizers, and of course Gen Con attendees!
2023 Cover art by Lauren A Brown (LABIllustration)
GenCon would like to acknowledge that we are gathered on the ancestral lands of the Myaamia (Miami), Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo), and other Indigenous peoples.
What was your inspiration for this year’s Gen Con program book cover art?
I was inspired by the quiet, tucked away, undiscovered places in the middle of forests, where no one has traveled. I’ve always been in love with the forest and the number of mysteries it holds. What kind of magic is hidden within? I imagined a mythical grove where dragon goddesses have always overseen the birth of new generations of dragons. Even though the goddesses are long gone from the world, their statues still provide nourishment and magical energy to help the dragons grow up healthy and strong.
What are you most looking forward to at Gen Con 2023?
I’m looking forward to seeing my amazing friends at the Art Show again and meeting new people at my booth! The people I met at the Art Show are some of the most skilled, sweet, and knowledgeable people, and I made some lifelong friends there.
My favorite thing about Gen Con is that everyone is so kind and open; we’re all excited to be here in this environment and it’s obvious. This convention stuck out to me as my favorite even as an attendee, and the reception to my art made it even more so. I was pleasantly surprised that people really seemed to resonate so much with my personal work. I’m also looking forward to picking up a dice set or two, and a new board game!
Can you give some hints as to what attendees can look forward to seeing at your booth this year?
As always, you can look forward to my series of illustrious Plant Queens: The Avant Garden, which will have three new queens added to the lineup this year. I have new original ink works, as well as playmats and dice pouches that Gen Con has not seen before! I’m finally bringing my stickers back, as they were really popular the first year I sold them, and I’ll be adding more to the lineup: plant dice stickers, falling animals, and some witchy-themed ones!
My Trash Animals are making a return, which have been a favorite! I’ll also have the card game, Deck of Wonders, at my booth as well, which I created all the art for. It was a labor of love and I’m looking forward to bringing that to Gen Con for sale for the first time!
Find even more of Lauren’s amazing work at, and be sure to give her a follow on Instagram @labillustration.
*For onsite refunds or exchanges, please visit the Customer Service kiosks.
The last day to receive a badge refund was June 16, 2023. Badges are non-refundable and non-transferable after the deadline.
Everyone attending Gen Con (excluding children ages 10 and under) must wear a valid Gen Con badge at all times for identification while in the convention center and surrounding hotels and during gameplay/events. A badge will allow you admittance into the Exhibit Hall, Art Show, Anime events, seminars, and other events happening in public areas during the convention. It is also needed to purchase tickets for events. Badges must be visible at all times to assure staff and security of your eligibility to participate in the show. (Gen Con does not offer parent badges, shopper badges, or other types of limited-access, discounted badges).
Children ages 10 and under are admitted for free when accompanied by an attending adult and must be registered in the Gen Con children’s log for security purposes. They are not required to have a badge unless they will be participating in an event that requires an event ticket. Come to the Customer Service or Badge Registration kiosks to register your child and provide us with your contact information in case you and your child are separated. You will receive a wristband that must be attached to your child’s wrist while in the convention center and surrounding areas where you are participating in Gen Con events. All children must be accompanied at all times by a Parent or Guardian with a valid badge. Children ages 11 and above are subject to standard badge pricing.
Gen Con accepts cash or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) as payment. Checks and money orders are not accepted at any time. A 10% admissions tax will be charged on all badge purchases, in compliance with Marion County laws.
Event-specific ticket refunds/exchanges must be requested at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. All refunds will be managed at the Customer Service kiosks and will be refunded to the purchaser. All ticket refunds are subject to a 5% administrative fee for the total sum of tickets refunded. A valid government-issued photo ID and a Gen Con 2023 badge are required to process any type of ticket refund or exchange. All refunds will be credited back in the original form of payment. For ticket exchanges, please present the ticket for the event you would like to exchange and provide the Game ID number for the event you wish to purchase. If an event has been canceled, please see a nearby Event HQ for further instructions. No refunds will be given for canceled events without a stamp or signature from the area’s Event HQ. The last day to receive a ticket refund is 4 pm on the Sunday of the convention.
Generic tickets are only refunded to system credit. There is no cash or credit card refund for generic tickets. System credit is non-refundable, non-transferable, does not expire, and can be used to purchase badges or tickets for any future Gen Con. All ticket refunds are subject to a 5% administrative fee for the total sum of tickets refunded. Ticket refunds will be managed at the Customer Service kiosks and will only be refunded to the purchaser. A valid governmentissued photo ID and a Gen Con 2022 badge are required to process any type of ticket refund onsite. The last day to receive a generic ticket system credit refund is the Sunday of the convention, no later than 4 pm.
Gen Con cannot replace lost, stolen, or forgotten badges or event tickets. Lost, stolen, or forgotten items must be repurchased at full cost. It is recommended you check with the Gen Con Show Office in Room 112 of the convention center to see if your materials have been turned in to Lost & Found before buying new materials. Gen Con LLC assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or forgotten materials. To repurchase your items, go to the Customer Service kiosks in the Main Registration area.
If your shipment is confirmed to be lost by the USPS, Gen Con will replace your convention materials at no cost to you. Gen Con cannot replace items that have been delivered.
E-Tickets are purchased the same way as paper tickets, but they will not be shipped to you or picked up at Will Call. Instead, they are stored in your Gen Con account and associated with your Gen Con badge. Event Hosts will admit you by scanning your badge rather than taking a paper ticket. A receipt, confirmation email, or tickets that are paper are not e-tickets.
For 2023, we are only using e-ticketing with a select group of event organizers. Specific events will be designated as e-ticketed only. There will be no option to get paper tickets for these events.
Nope! As an attendee, all you need is your badge. Event organizers will use a smartphone or other device to scan your badge and redeem your e-tickets.
E-tickets are purchased the same way as paper tickets, but they will not be shipped to you or picked up at “Will Call.” Instead, they are stored in your Gen Con account and associated with your Gen Con badge. A receipt or confirmation email is not an e-ticket.
Registration covers all processes associated with attending the convention, obtaining badge credentials, and purchasing event tickets. Registration offers three services: Customer Service (Including Event/Badge Registration), Accessibility Services, and Will Call. The “Main Registration” kiosks are located near the Maryland Street entrance in the convention center’s Wabash-East Concourse. There is also a remote Event Registration site in Hall C. Each service area is clearly marked for your convenience.
Event tickets can be purchased onsite at the Customer Service kiosks located in the convention center’s Wabash-East Concourse near the Maryland Street entrance or at Event Registration kiosks in Hall C and the Stadium (Credit Card Only). See the Area Hotel Maps for specific locations. Gen Con accepts cash and all major credit cards (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa). Gen Con does not accept checks or money orders.
Refund and exchange requests, Badge and Event ticket purchases, or questions regarding the convention or show policies can be directed to Customer Service. These kiosks are located in the convention center’s Wabash-East Concourse near the Maryland Street entrance. Refunds or exchanges will only be processed at the Customer Service kiosks. Event-specific ticket refunds/ exchanges must be requested at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. All refunds will be issued back to the purchaser of the original ticket(s).
This kiosk is located next to the Customer Service kiosk. Disabled patrons may use this kiosk for their one-stop registration needs. Will Call pickup, badge and event ticket purchases, and refunds or exchanges can all be made at this location. Customer Service will also have special stickers to alert staff and event team members that the bearer may need additional assistance (i.e., limited waiting in line, etc.). A sticker is required in order to receive special assistance. The Special services kiosk is the only place to obtain a mask exception Parents may also use this kiosk if they have already purchased a badge but need to obtain a child wristband.
If you selected Will Call as your delivery method for your badge and/or event tickets, you may obtain your items at the Will Call kiosks, located in the convention center’s Wabash-East Concourse near the Maryland Street entrance. You will need to present a valid governmentissued photo ID to obtain your packet. Small children with no photo ID must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with a valid ID in order to pick up their packet. Please keep in mind that Will Call lines and wait times may vary.
Items purchased online during the convention have a mandatory 2 hour wait time until they are available for pick up. Please go to a registration kiosk onsite for faster service.
All children ages 10 and under must be registered at the Event/Badge Registration or Customer Service kiosks. Registering your child provides the Security Team with contact information in case you and your child become separated. Be sure to register your child and pick up a child wristband when you arrive at the show if you have not already done so.
Wednesday, noon – Thursday, 2 am
Opens: Thursday at 7 am
Closes: Sunday at 4 pm
Wednesday, noon – Thursday, 2 am
Thursday – Saturday, 7 am – 11 pm
Sunday, 7 am – 3 pm
Thursday – Saturday, 8 am – 8 pm
Sunday, 8 am – 2 pm
Credit Card Only.
Thursday – Saturday, 7 am – midnight
Sunday, 7 am – 3 pm
Thursday – Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm Sunday, 10 am – 4 pm
Wednesday, noon – 7 pm
Thursday – Saturday, 7 am – 7 pm Sunday, 7 am – 5 pm
Wednesday, noon – 9 pm
Thursday – Saturday, 7 am – 9 pm Sunday, 7 am – 5 pm
If you have any inquiries regarding Registration, Customer Service, Will Call, Policies, or Refunds, please come to the Customer Service kiosks in the Wabash-East Concourse near the Maryland Street entrance of the convention center. If you have any questions after the show, feel free to call (206) 385-1967 or email Regular Customer Service hours are Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 5 pm (Pacific).
All of the following constitute grounds for expulsion from the convention without refund:
• Violating any federal, state, or local laws, facility rules, or convention policies
• Failure to comply with the instructions of Gen Con Event Staff or security personnel
• Using anything in a threatening or destructive manner against a person or property
• Endangering the safety of oneself or others
• Threatening, stealing, cheating, or harassing others
• Failure to conduct oneself in a mature and responsible manner
If you experience or witness any of the above, please seek out Gen Con Event Staff or Gen Con Security to report the incident. If you can’t locate an Event Staff member, please report the incident to Show Management in the show office located in Room 112
Gen Con: The Best Four Days in Gaming! is dedicated to providing a harassmentfree event experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, or affiliation. Gen Con does not tolerate harassment of convention participants in any form. Convention participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled without refund at the discretion of show management.
Security is provided by a professional security firm and may include off-duty law enforcement personnel, security guards, and Gen Con Event Staff. All security personnel serve to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone. Please show them the respect they deserve. Failure to comply with the directives issued by uniformed security and staff may result in immediate expulsion without refund.
Please note that exceptions may be made to items in bold when you are participating in the cosplay contest, but only for the period in which you are on stage.
• Costumes, cosplays, and general attire must provide the same level of body coverage expected at an all-ages public beach, but no speedos or thongs.
• Footwear is required at all times.
• Costumes should not impede the movement of yourself or others around you. They must fit through a standard American doorway.
• Costumes should not have any functional sharp edges or points that could be a risk to yourself or others.
• Costumes may not include smoke, odors, or fog.
• Cosplay may not include:
° Words, images, or symbols conveying racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise prejudiced or bigoted messages or sentiments.
° Obscene or offensive language or images including uncensored profanities and pornographic content
• Costumes should not represent or incorporate the iconography, uniform, or appearance of persons or objects associated with prejudice or bigotry (e.g., Nazi imagery).
• 20th and 21st-century uniforms may not be worn as costumes. These include any uniform that can be construed as a military uniform from any country or a uniform worn in an official capacity, such as security guard, police officer, deputy, fire marshal, paramedic, etc. Active duty military personnel are permitted to wear their government-issued uniforms.
• Costumes and cosplays may incorporate audio or lighting elements of reasonable volume or intensity. Sounds and lights must be able to be turned off quickly if they become disruptive to nearby attendees or events.
Weapons and props:
• Costumes and cosplays cannot include historical or modern weapons, nor items that could be confused for them. This includes (but is not limited to): self-defense equipment like pepper spray or tasers; recreational weapons like Airsoft, paintball, water, cap, or BB guns; sharp-edged tools like knives or scissors; or martial-arts weaponry including wooden practice weapons.
• Fant asy or sci-fi/futuristic weapons are allowed so long as they do not resemble actual historical or modern weapons and are handled with respect for the safety and personal space of other attendees.
• No live steel or weapons that can fire projectiles.
• Weapons and props must not exceed the height of a standard American doorway.
Any weapon or prop that makes noise must be able to be turned off and must not be excessively loud.
Questionable items can be brought to the Information Desk in the convention center during operating hours to be checked for compliance with this policy. Some events may provide exceptions to this policy under strict circumstances defined by that event. Items purchased in the Exhibit Hall which violate this policy must be wrapped and immediately removed from the convention premises.
Gen Con Event Staff or security personnel may inspect any item or costume or request that an attendee remove a mask at any time during the convention. Failure to comply with these policies and/or the instructions of Gen Con Event Staff or security personnel may result in immediate removal from the convention without refund.
If you have any questions about these policies, please contact Gen Con Customer Service before the convention or visit the Information Desk in the convention center during operating hours.
There is no flyering, postering, or show billing of any kind in or around any of the convention grounds, including the hotels. If caught, you may be asked to leave the convention and have your badge revoked without a refund.
Gen Con reserves the right to clear each room after an event. Attendees will not be allowed to remain in the room for the next event.
Items cannot be stored in event spaces. If found, items may be moved or discarded.
The Gen Con Show Office (Room 112) will serve as the center for lost and found items during the convention. Unclaimed property will be turned over to the convention center security office at the close of the convention. You can help protect your belongings by including identification tags with mobile phone numbers in wallets, purses, backpacks, and other loose items. Labeling belongings helps Gen Con staff attempt to return recovered items to their rightful owners. Gen Con LLC assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or forgotten materials.
The purchase of a Gen Con badge admits one person to all basic activities and exhibits at Gen Con (the “Event”) during regularly scheduled hours for the day(s) it is purchased. Some designated activities require preregistration and/or payment of a separate, additional fee.
In accepting the badge and in consideration of being admitted to the Event, the holder of the badge hereby: (1) assumes full responsibility for his/her/their own safety, and accepts all known and unanticipated risks of loss, damage, and injury (including death or disability) to himself/herself/theirself and his/her/their property while attending, participating in, or becoming involved with the Event, regardless of whether or not such risks are attributable to the negligence of others; (2) releases and discharges Gen Con LLC and its employees, officers, directors, owners, sponsors, exhibitors, and contractors (collectively “Gen Con”) from any claims or liability for loss, damage, or injury (including death or disability) to his/her/their person and property arising out of or in any way connected to the Event, including but not limited to claims based on Gen Con’s own negligence; (3) consents to being recorded by audio and/or visual means, and authorizes and permits Gen Con to use and authorize the use of such recordings and his/her/their name, voice, likeness, and all reproductions thereof by any means and for any purposes, in all media now and hereafter known, worldwide in perpetuity; and (4) agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Event.
Gen Con reserves the right to deny entry, or remove from the Event, any person who Gen Con considers, in its sole and absolute discretion, as behaving or threatening to behave in a disruptive manner. The Gen Con badge is non-refundable for any reason. GEN CON, the Gen Con logo, and The Best Four Days in Gaming! are trademarks of Gen Con LLC. All rights Reserved.
Here at Gen Con, we’re in the business of having fun. After all, it wouldn’t be The Best Four Days in Gaming™ if we didn’t all have a great time together! And as every gamer knows, a thorough rulebook is the key to everyone having a good time, so here are our rules for a safe and fun Gen Con. If you have a question about a certain policy or guideline, be sure to read through all of our policies, but if that still doesn’t answer your question, email Game on!
• Follow all show policies, venue rules, and staff directions.
• No running, jumping, throwing, or other unsafe shenanigans.
• Support each other in maintaining a safe environment.
• Report concerns to Gen Con Captains (wearing black Event Team vests).
• Don’t harass other attendees, staff, or vendors.
• Respect everyone’s physical and social boundaries and their personal property.
• No stealing, cheating, trolling, or griefing.
• Remember to eat, sleep, and shower.
• Make a friend.
• Play some games.
• Explore the show.
The above is an abridged version of our policy. For the full version, please visit attend/policies
Everyone should observe common sense rules for behavior, personal interaction, courtesy, and respect. Harassing or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Gen Con reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the membership and badge of any participant not in compliance with this policy.
Harassment or unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, visual, or in any other form, is strictly prohibited.
Email us confidentially at if you have any questions or need to report an incident or concern.
Whether onsite or online, you can help build a Gen Con spirit of cultural integration and awareness in tabletop gaming. Start by supporting underrepresented exhibitors at the convention, adding pronouns to your badge, or spreading the word of our Gen Con Participation Grants program. Thank you for your efforts to make Gen Con a better place!
We encourage, nurture, and support the amazing people, ideas, and technologies that bring Gen Con to life, in all its creative forms.
We consciously build welcoming, safer spaces to gather, forge friendships, explore shared passions, and discover new ones. We value active listening and working with our community to shape a Gen Con that is anti-discrimination, anti-racist, and free of sexism, harassment, and hate.
We are always searching for new ways to play and celebrate games together. We practice selfawareness, remain humble, and hold ourselves accountable for the things we do to improve the industry ecosystem, grow as individuals and bring our unique experience to more people across the globe.
We acknowledge the history and traditions of Gen Con and its place in the world of gaming. We seek to honor the individuals and accomplishments of those who built our industry while actively working for systemic change. Gen Con is where the story of tabletop games is often written, and we accept the challenge of promoting change so that future Gen Con is grounded in equality, diversity, and borderless joy.
To create opportunities, experiences, and communities where people can share the joy of games together. We embrace progress while building on over 50 years of history to shape the spirit of Gen Con – a space where fun, empathy, play, and connection are always at the center — and carry it into the future.
Join us as members of the Gen Con Staff and DEI Advisory Committee talk about the work we’ve done and our goals for improvement. This is our report card to you in creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable Gen Con.
The health and safety of Gen Con participants remains a top priority for convention organizers. Gen Con will continue to monitor the guidance of the Marion County Department of Public Health and the CDC regarding appropriate safety measures as the convention date nears. As of January 2023, Gen Con will not require proof of vaccination or masks at the 2023 convention. While continuously monitoring the situation, organizers will reserve the right to change this policy if conditions warrant at any time, including up to the start date of the convention. Masks and vaccines are strongly encouraged at Gen Con but are not required at this time. We encourage everyone to respect the choices that individuals will make about their own masking.
Anyone who is not feeling well or begins to experience symptoms of COVID-19 or any other similarly communicable illness at any time during Gen Con should contact and follow the guidance of their physician. All participants are required to accept and comply with the below Health and Safety Acknowledgement in order to be granted entry to Gen Con.
If you have reason to believe you currently have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19, you must not attend Gen Con and should consult your physician, including if these conditions emerge while you are at the convention. Please review our Health and Safety Acknowledgement each day prior to attending Gen Con to ensure you can comply with all of the requirements therein. THANK YOU FOR KEEPING GEN
Please see our website for additional Health& Safety information
Genius Games 737
Exploding Kittens 809
Extra Life 2744
Factions: Battlegrounds 674
Fallen Dominion Studios 2831
Family Time Games 555
Fantasy Flight Games 1109
Fasa Games 1929, 2029
Fat Brain 2204
Fate of the Norns 456
Featherstone Games 165
Fernando’s Engravings 1442
Firelock Games 2953
Fireside Games 2434
First Fish Games 357
Flagbearer Games 1650
Flat River Group 1429, 1321, 1521
Flatout Games.....................................403
Floodgate Games................................439
Floral Frolic 1653
Flying Buffalo 601
Flying Frog Productions 729
Foam Brain Games 1731
Fogel Pens & Creations 162
Folded Space 2569
Forbidden Games 2901
Forged Foam 1201
Format Games see Asmodee
Forteller 2345
FoxMind Games 2002
Free League Publishing 2641
Funko Games 1807
Funnyfox 2329
Gale Force Nine 521
Galladoria Games 554
Gallant Knight Games 1929, 2029
Game Envy 3031
Game Theory Tables 3038
Game Trade Magazine 108
Game Trayz 1553
Gameboard 274
Gamelyn Games 2435
Gamer Concepts 1217
GamerMats 1629
Games and Gears................................940
Games Plus 1405 1931
Gamewright 1907
Gaming Honors 167
Gaming Paper, LLC 243 Magic & Minis.........1413
Gate Keeper Games & Dice 2349, 2557
Gatherers’ Tavern 2809
GCT Studios 2827
Geek & Muse Collection 2205
Geek Orthodox 360
Geeky Endeavors 2622
Gemhammer and Sons 467
Gen Con Mini Mart 1749
Genius Games 1039
Ghost Galaxy 2927
Ghostfire Gaming 2759
Gigamic 2329
Gila RPGs 468
Ginny Di 2635
Glass Cannon Network 174
Glass Cannon Unplugged 3033 105, 2715
Go On Board see Asmodee
Goliath 2727
Goliath Coins 1361 Good
The Block Party you know and love has moved from Georgia Street to a new location on South Street! Due to convention center expansion and hotel construction taking place at the Pan Am Plaza, Georgia Street will be unavailable for events for the foreseeable future. The new home of Block Party is just south of the convention center, on South Street, with convenient access from the ICC/LOS connector. Here you will enjoy music, food trucks, pizza and more, all in a much larger event space. With this move, the Gen Con Block Party will be bigger and better than ever!
For the past 12 years, Gen Con and Sun King Brewery have partnered to bring a signature beer to thirsty gamers at the annual Gen Con Block Party. Decades of great beers, fun games, and good times have been had over the years with Sun King as our Official Beer Sponsor. To celebrate, this Spring thousands of Gen Con and Sun King fans voted to select the official beer style of 2023. With nearly 5,000 votes cast, comprising a whopping 40% of all votes, the English-Style Honey Mild Ale was the winning selection!
Sun King Beer is excited to release Hive Mind on Wednesday, August 2 during the kick-off to the South Street Gen Con Block Party! This year’s official beer of Gen Con will be available during Sun King Beer Garden hours at the Block Party on South Street, at all Sun King tap room locations for carry-out, and at various eateries and bars throughout Indy for the duration of The Best Four Days in Gaming™
Wednesday Tapping Party: 5 pm – 10 pm
Thursday – Saturday: noon – 10 pm
Attendees 21+ can purchase beer to-go from the Sun King Brewery Beer Garden on South Street. Note: To-go purchases may not be consumed in the Beer Garden.
Join us on Wednesday evening at 5 pm on South Street for the release of Hive Mind, the official beer of Gen Con 2023! Hive Mind is an EnglishStyle Honey Mild Ale.
When hunger strikes, gamers know to hit the HotBox Pizza tent on South Street to refuel! Treat your taste buds with this year’s official Gen Con pizza – The Queen’s Hambit!
The Queen’s Hambit is the savory mashup of a classic Cubano sandwich and the timeless comfort of a cheesy pizza pie. It features BBQ pulled pork, ham, onion, pickle, mozzarella, and a mustard drizzle. Make your move to South Street and claim a winning slice of The Queen’s Hambit at the HotBox Pizza tent all weekend long!
This year’s official pizza was concocted by contest winner Preston T. from Big Rapids, Michigan and will be available exclusively from HotBox Pizza during Gen Con 2023.
Choose from dozens of rotating food trucks on South Street!
Wednesday: 5 pm – 10 pm
Visit the Daniel’s Vineyard tent to swirl, sip, and savor the Official Wine Sponsor of Gen Con 2023’s exclusive blends. Back by popular demand, Dragon Dew will be available in convenient chilled cans. This sweet white wine with notes of citrus, lime, and orange packs a punch of flavor and was a fan favorite in 2022. New for 2023, Code Red Rosé is a refreshing chilled sweet rosé with a bright flavor. And to round out this year’s selection, Daniel’s has crafted a daring Bold Red Blend called Dragon’s Blood exclusively for Gen Con. This unique wine, with its rich flavors and vibrant aromas, is a testament to the fiery spirit of adventure. The Dragon’s Blood wine label was voted the #1 choice by the fans, and this wine is a great collector’s item.
You can purchase wines online to pick up at Daniel’s Booth at Block Party, or ship directly to your house after the convention.
Thursday – Saturday: 9 am – 10 pm
Sunday: 9 am – 4 pm
Wild Bill’s Old Fashioned Soda Pop Co. is bringing the Wild West experience to South Street with their exclusive limited-edition stainless steel Gen Con souvenir mugs! Don’t miss a chance to level up your gaming experience with Wild Bill’s delicious and refreshing sodas and enjoy UNLIMITED craft soda refills throughout the event with the purchase of a mug. Sip in style while you explore the best in gaming culture, and make sure to snap a pic with their eye-catching Wild West saloon setup.
Don’t miss out on the epic tunes blasting from the DJ booth. Stop by to dance, let loose, and soak up some good vibes at Block Party! DJs spinning daily starting at noon.
Stop by the Harry & Izzy’s tent to feast on the Official Gen Con Burger, the Frito Baggins Burger! This tasty angus steakburger patty is seasoned with their signature St. Elmo Seasoning and topped with American cheese, bacon jam, Chili Cheese Fritos®, and served on a golden brioche bun.
Gen Con is excited to introduce Critical Hit Soda as our first-ever Official Mocktail Sponsor! Stop by the Critical Hit Soda truck during Block Party and try any one of their exotic concoctions. With 100 totally unique flavors to choose from, you will find that perfect alchemical combination to complete your victory.
Walking the convention floor all day can be tiring and you deserve a little treat. Stop by the first-ever Wizards of the Coast Food Truck, Wizards of the Cones, at Block Party to enjoy treats inspired by Chandra Nalaar, Vivien Reid, Tasha, and Drizzt Do’Urden.
GAME ON, FOODIES! Prime 47 is leveling up your Gen Con experience with their delectable creations. Fuel your gaming adventures with a specially curated menu, featuring gamer-inspired dishes like “Critical Hit Cheesesteak.” Trust us, you’ll want to taste every item on this gamerapproved menu!
Visit Prime 47 at Block Party, and you’ll enjoy:
• Foodie-friendly giveaways
• Exclusive dining offers
• A chance to win a deluxe steakhouse experience!
Also, check out the delicious grub from some of Indy’s favorite eateries – they’ll be serving up tasty bites all weekend long!
• Helm Coffee Roasters
• Island Noodles
• Jug’s
These extra-large dice bags comfortably hold 350 dice. The golden stitched Gen Con logo makes these a great souvenir.
$15 (or FREE with a $75 purchase) | Booth 2921
Due to the temporary effects of a special magic potion from a friendly wizard, Genevieve has turned Electric Blue this year! Genevieve will only be blue for a short amount of time, so grab your limited-edition collectible plush from My Little Demon now!
$25 | Booth 666
Limited Edition Commemorative Gen Con
Celebrate Gen Con by owning your own Limited Edition Commemorative Play Mat! This sleek, easy to use playmat features rubber on one side and a soft cloth material on the other. With a very limited production run, stop by the booth and get yours before they’re gone!
$30 | Booth 1501
For 2023, Baby Genevieve sleeps peacefully, happily cuddling her gingerbread Meeple. She’s 3” tall, hand-painted polyresin, with the signature Genevieve red and yellow, exclusive to O Christmas Geek.
$15 | Booth 118
Gen Con 2023 folding dice trays protect your gaming surface while controlling your rolls! Never worry about your gaming table or dice again. Our high-quality, velvet dice trays fold flat to fit into your folder or backpack, and easily snap into place when you’re ready to game. Free set of Gen Con 2023 mini dice with every purchase!
$20 | Booths 843, 2328, 2600
Gen Con 2023 Elixir liquid core dice are infused with glittery liquid cores that swirl when rolled. Only 250 limited edition sets made. Free set of Gen Con 2023 mini dice with every purchase!
$75 | Booths 843, 2328, 2600
This exclusive Gen Con 2023 mini dice set is only available as a gift with the purchase of any of our Gen Con 2023 exclusive products. The highest number of each side is a letter that spells out G-E-N C-O-N. FREE with any purchase of FanRoll Gen Con 2023 exclusive product | Booths 843, 2328, 2600
Gen Con 2023 sharp edge dice are infused with a Genevieve dragon head, and hand polished to keep their beautiful sharp edges. Because sharpedged dice are never tumbled, they are believed to be more precise than mass-produced plastic dice. Only 300 limited edition sets were made. Free set of Gen Con 2023 mini dice with every purchase!
$50 | Booths 843, 2328, 2600
Gradient Genevieve Limited Edition
500pc Jigsaw Puzzle
Introducing the limited-edition Gradient Genevieve jigsaw puzzle! Immerse yourself in a captivating experience as the legendary Genevieve dragon takes center stage against a vibrant gradient backdrop.
$24.99 | Booth 2001
Things are getting ever more dangerous for collectors of Gate Keeper Games’ annual Gen Con dice. Both 2023 dice sets are radioactive! Exclusive to Gen Con Indy and Gen Con Online. Now available in 7-die, 11-die, 16-bit, 12d6, and 10d10 sets!
7-die sets $17.95, 11-die sets $25.95, 16-die sets $35.95, 12d6 sets $24.95 | Booths 2349, 2557
This one-of-a-kind colorful 7-piece dice tin set matches their free Gen Con d6. An annual collector’s item!
$15 | Booths 329, 1103, 1829
Great American Gothic is proud to present the Official Gen Con Flask for 2023 and the return of the Official Gen Con Tankard and Goblet. These handmade items are available online at GenCon.GreatAmericanGothic. com and at the Great American Gothic booth in the Exhibit Hall in limited quantities.
Flask $45, Goblet $85, Tankard $100 | Booth 1141
Rollacrit is the official partner for Gen Con merchandise and apparel, providing all your exclusive convention merchandise needs. Founded by a group of former ThinkGeek ronin, Rollacrit is a place for those who explore dungeons, construct settlements, defeat monsters, and roll dice with friends. Shop tees, hoodies, drinkware, hats, bags, and more apparel and gear at the Gen Con Store in the Wabash Concourse, at the Gen Con Mini Mart in the Exhibit Hall (Booth 1749) and online all year long at
Arcanist’s Desire Tea
Desire is the driving force for many an Arcanist, pushing them to gather more knowledge and test more theories. Oftentimes they throw caution to the wind in their pursuits.
Bright blueberry and deep blackberry blend to create a black tea with as much thoughtfulness and joy as an Arcanist in their eternal search for knowledge.
$25 | Booth 1753
Embark on a thrilling gaming quest accompanied by the Dragon Antiquarian D20 Holder - Miniature by Adventurers and Adversaries! Fresh from the official Gen Con 2023 collection, this captivating companion is eager to join you on your adventure-filled journey through the perilous vendor hall, where treasures and loot await!
$15 | Booths 643, 2703
Gen Con 2023 Exclusive Stained Glass Window Film
Featuring an all-new illustration of Genevieve, our 2023 exclusive Gen Con window cling has the vibrance of our original stained glass work without the cost. And best yet, these can be easily applied, moved, removed and reapplied.
$22 | Booth 360
Each set is made of Zinc Alloy metal and is standard sizing 16-20mm. Each set includes a Norse Foundry Wolf tin with purchase. Smite all foes in your adventures at Gen Con with these officially licensed metal dice.
$50 | Booths 643, 2703
Discover the treasure trove of unique local vendors at our new Maker’s Market - a vibrant affair where gamers and makers unite to celebrate The Best Four Days in Gaming™. Our Maker’s Market is more than just a place to buy your trinkets; it’s a hub for building creativity, a haven for local artisans, and a place to foster spirited conversations. Engage with the knowledgeable vendors as they share their passions and peddle their wares. Come experience the magic of our Maker’s Market as you add to your hoard. Roll for charisma, unleash your inner barterer, and immerse yourself in the craftsman’s world as you browse the hall. Be on the lookout for roving entertainers, including jugglers, musicians, and perhaps even a magician will appear!
• Cloud Curio
• GrimSt ylesArt
• Literary Alterations
• Bearded Ar tist
• A Critical Hit (Green Stuff World and 3d Printing)
• Lore L ink
• Critic al Hit Collectibles
• Thor Custom DeSigns
• Tony S antiago Art
Thursday – Saturday 11 am – 7 pm
Sunday 11 am – 4 pm
In the hallway tunnel connecting the ICC and LOS
Thursday – Saturday 7 am – 2 am Sunday 7 am – 4 pm
Walk on the actual turf that the Indianapolis Colts and Indy Eleven play on at the Midfield Experience! Snap a picture with the Gen Con backdrop, post it with #gencon on Twitter or Instagram, and you could find yourself on the giant overhead displays!
Discover the treasure trove of unique local vendors at our new Maker’s Market. A vibrant affair where gamers and makers unite to celebrate the best four days of gaming. Our Maker’s Market is more than just a place to buy your trinkets; it’s a hub for building creativity, a haven for local artisans, and a place to foster spirited conversations. Engage with the knowledgeable vendors as they share their passions and peddle their wares. Come experience the magic of our Maker’s Market as you add to your hoard. Roll for charisma, unleash your inner barterer, and immerse yourself in the craftsman’s world as you browse the hall.Be on the lookout for roving entertainers, including jugglers, musicians, and perhaps even a magician will appear!
Thursday – Saturday, 11 am – 7 pm Sunday, 11 am – 4 pm
Gen Con continues to expand and fill up more of the Stadium as we take over both Club Lounges this year.
Last year, AEG’s famous Big Game Night filled up the Club Lounge East and in 2023 it is joined by the Everdell 5th Anniversary Championship Tournament and the NA-C Regional License Exam for My Hero Academia.
The Club Lounge West will be open all convention-long to host events from Game Base 7, running a wide variety of board, card, and roleplaying games.
Both Club Lounges are accessible along the Concourse at street level from the North Plaza entrance as well as from stairs on the Field up to the stadium seats. Come check out the new space!
Have you ever wanted to watch a football game from a private suite in a stadium? How about play an RPG from one, overlooking the Stadium Field with all of the board games filling it up? We’re experimenting with opening some suites up for individual RPG use this year and really want feedback from attendees about the experience!
Check out the dozen or so suites we’ve scheduled this year with RPGs (and other events that really benefit from private rooms) and let us know what you think. Would you like to play some games there? Would you like to run some games in them? Imagine what it might be like with more RPGs ringing the entire stadium.
To get to the Suites, take the elevator near Meeting Room 12 to the Lower Suite level and they’re just ahead down the hall.
The Event HQ is on the Stadium Field, and you can both purchase event tickets and get help from Customer Service, including returning event tickets, so you don’t need to head back to Main Registration in the Convention Center.
The HQ is open 7 am to midnight daily (4 pm on Sunday).
The Stadium hosts more events in 2023 than ever before and is home to many of your favorites this year.
• Able Kompanie
• Bandai Games
• Fight in the Skies Society
• Game Base 7
• Ghost Galaxy
• Goodman Games
• Jasco Games
• Magpie Games
• No Rails Adventure Team
• Rogue Judges
• Rising Phoenix
The Alexandria RPG Library is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that specializes in bringing a curated selection of RPG books and materials to conventions like Gen Con. Our goal is to share the rich history and tapestry of the hobby with as many people as possible, ensuring the legacy of RPGs is preserved and always available. We’ll have on hand hundreds of roleplaying game books from scores of classic, modern, and indie systems, and our Game Hosts will run RPG sessions all show long. Please come visit us on the Stadium Field and explore the obscure!
(Please check the Exhibit Hall Map on our website for updates.)
Looking for new exhibitors at Gen Con? Entrepreneurs’ Avenue is a dedicated spot in the Exhibit Hall for some of the companies who will be exhibiting with us for the first time.
Gen Con 2023 marks the 14-year anniversary of Entrepreneurs’ Avenue. Demo hot new games, discover up-and-coming publishers, and help us welcome the best and brightest newcomers to the tabletop gaming industry!
We award Marketing Fellowships to a select group of applicants from Entrepreneurs’ Avenue each year. These fellowships afford the selected companies highlighted exposure and expanded booth space.
Paverson Games is an indie board game publisher focusing on rich, thematic, and aesthetic game experiences rooted in medium-weight mechanics and strategy. They will have two games at Gen Con this year: Distilled and Luthier. In 2021, Distilled raised over half a million dollars on Kickstarter and was released this Spring. Their 2024 crowdfunding project, Luthier, is available for preview and demos. Using a combination of hidden bidding and worker placement, Luthier transports players to the height of classical music in Europe.
The Primal Trading Card Game (TCG) is a new fantasy trading card game that captivates players with its diverse range of characters, including fantasy beasts, dragons, beautiful anime girls, plague doctors, symbiotes, and rowdy pirates. Primal TCG combines these fascinating elements with an easyto-learn turn-based gameplay, making it accessible to both new and experienced players.
Bluencore is an indie game studio. Our journey started from a beautiful bungalow in Mumbai where we did experiential workshops around art and culture. The ultimate joy of creating magic led us to the world of board games.
Come see our Kickstarter-funded game, ‘War of Civilizations’ which marks our foray into the world of board games as an indie game studio, and our new game Biomes of Nilgiris, a card game that takes players on a journey to the Nilgiri biosphere, a surreal landscape filled with unique flora and fauna.
We are Future Lore Studios Inc.®, Creator and Publisher of Legions Realms at War® - The Trading Card Game, a collectible, strategic, fantasy trading card game with a low entry floor, but high skill ceiling.
Legions Realms at War® otherwise known as LRAW® has been designed and tested for more than 11 years and was launched in October of 2021 with the release of our Introductory Two Player Battledecks, and our Alpha Booster Set ‘Ravaged Lands’.
Treasure Falls Games is dedicated to making creative, thematic, and high-quality board games that kids love, and parents appreciate.
Our first game was The Quest Kids, a critically acclaimed dungeon crawler for kids 5+. In 2021 The Quest Kids received the Dice Tower Seal of Excellence, was named Tom Vasel’s “Best Gaming Experience of 2021”, and currently ranks in the Top 50 Children’s Games on BoardGameGeek.
Based out of Miami, Florida, Firelock Games is a publisher and producer of some of the most exciting miniature wargames, roleplaying games, and board games. Featuring titles such as Blood & Plunder, Oak & Iron, and War Stories. We also offer a variety of wargaming rules such as Blood & Valor and Blood & Steel. And finally, our pirate themed dice roller, Scurvy Dice.
is our online convention program featuring gaming, entertainment, and lots of other types of events, plus a packed schedule of livestreaming content on Twitch, a vibrant community on Discord, and more!
Badge registration for Gen Con Online is free and allows you to book Gen Con Online event tickets.
Hundreds of events — gaming, livestreaming, entertainment, and more!
Gen Con Online will feature chat and community on our Discord server. Join the server to join in the fun!
Gen Con Online features a packed schedule of livestreamed events on our Twitch channels. Check out our website for more info about our year-round streaming on Twitch and follow us on Twitch to get notified when we go live.
Gen Con Online is back for another year — invite your friends who couldn’t make it to Indy so they don’t miss out on The Best Four Days in Gaming™!
Express your inner artist by participating in the creation of a large-scale living fantasy painting! Join artist Kathleen Hardy, who has created this one-of-a- kind art piece, by painting the canvas.
The Collective Art Project is located in the Capital Concourse of the convention center.
Thursday – Saturday: noon – 7 pm
Sunday: 11 am – 2 pm
The LATINE LOUNGE returns in 2023 showcasing the amazing games created by the many talents of the Latine community. This space is open to everyone, intended to share TTRPGs and adventures in an environment of joy, representation, and inclusion, many of them inspired by the cultures and experiences of Latin America. Attendees can drop by to see the showcased books and creators, and join games in Spanish or English run by members of the community. Don’t miss it in the Indiana Convention Center (ICC) : Room 124!
Purchase this year’s reusable r.Cup, featuring the 2023 program book cover art from Lauren A Brown.
Gen Con is committed to sustainability and eliminating single-use waste through reuse. We’re excited that r.Cup is returning! Find this limited edition, collectible Gen Con r.Cup at concession stands throughout the convention center and Lucas Oil Stadium August 3-6 while supplies last. Buy the 32oz cup (reusable lid and straw included!) and refill it throughout the event. Drink, refill, repeat!
If you’ve arrived in town a bit early and you are looking to get some gaming in even before the convention officially starts, stop by the historic Union Station building. It hosts LARPs and special events like the Dance and the Ennies the rest of the weekend, but on Wednesday it’s entirely dedicated to free and “by fans, for fans” events to get the dice rolling just that much earlier. Events start at 10 am and run until around midnight - then you gotta go prep for the Big Day.
The live improvised RPG comedy sensation is back! Join your favorite gamers as they fight [TBD] on their epic quest to [your call]!! A Gen Con original since 2012!
Dance the night away on Saturday at 9 pm for the last night of Gen Con! A great mix of nerd classic and the latest pop hits, and cash bars too! Join us at the Union Station: Grand Hall
Kickoff the Best Four Days in Gaming™ with Gen Con and special guests as they share highlights for the weekend to come! Magic Sword concert and prize drawings for the audience. Don’t miss it!
The Gen Con BIPOC Lounge, in partnership with Rose Gauntlet Entertainment, is a dedicated space for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) attendees to connect, relax, network, and utilize for career focused endeavors. With the intention to build, assist, and provide resources for the growth of the community, we encourage BIPOC attendees to visit the lounge.
Attendees can find games and artwork created by BIPOC designers, a games library, scheduled events, refreshments, and a space to connect with fellow members of the BIPOC community. Professionals can utilize the room to meet with other industry professionals, obtain resources from companies seeking to work with and mentor BIPOC creators, sign up for one-on-one meetings, and recharge from working the show.
Thursday – Saturday: noon – 10 pm
Cardhalla is a free, convention-long event, and everyone can participate! Help build a city (or just about anything you want) out of cards — just grab a pile and start folding and stacking!
Then, on Saturday night, help and destroy everything for charity. Bring your pocket change to throw, with all money going to our 2023 Charity Partners. Closing festivities begin Saturday at 10 pm including the auction for the first throw. Total destruction occurs at 10:30 pm. Build. Donate. Destroy.
Thanks to Steven and his team for volunteering each year to host this amazing event.
Sunday: 11 am – 3 pm
Indiana Convention Center (ICC) : Room 240
The Tabletop Gaymers’ Gayme Room is back! Stop by, say hello, and sign-up for one of our dozens of games. Be sure to pick up our new Pin Bazaar enamel pin, and your Gaymer, Ally, & pride flags ribbons. Also, make sure you attend at least one of our “Gaymer Gatherings” events happening every night 6-8 pm (ZED23ND231899, ZED23ND231903, ZED23ND231904) to meet other Gaymers and Allies at the convention.
Thursday – Saturday: 8 am – 12 am | Sunday: 8 am – 3 pm
Indiana Convention Center (ICC) : Room 120
Twenty years ago, Legends of the Shining Jewel made its debut at Gen Con, making us the longest continuous running living campaign. We started with one module at that Gen Con and now have over 300 free modules in our library. We use the Pathfinder First Edition rules with unique races, spells, and feats.
All experience levels are welcome and pre-generated characters are available for quick play.
The BIPOC Social Mixer is back for 2023! Join us for drinks, snacks, games, FUN, and the opportunity to connect with fellow Gen Con POC attendees and industry folks, right in the BIPOC Lounge! Attendees will also have the chance to win AWESOME door prizes, which has been a big highlight in the past, so don’t miss it! (Must be present to win and receive prizes.) Join us on Thursday from 6:30 – 9:30 pm in the Indiana Convention Center (ICC): Room 240. Hosted by Aaron Trammell and Mandi Hutchinson.
Need to de-stress, decompress, and re-group? Our Quiet Room, located in room 211 of the convention center, is just the place. A low light, self-monitored space where you can get away from the high stimulation of the convention. Take a moment or linger, whatever you need.
Thursday – Saturday: 10 am – 6 pm
Sunday: 10 am – 3 pm
Join us on Friday from 6-8 pm in the Indiana Convention Center (ICC): room 144/145 for an opportunity for Black, Indegenios, and People of Color (BIPOC) individuals to connect with gaming industry professionals in an informal setting to discuss opportunities to support your career and interests.
Representatives from a variety of local community organizations, charities, conventions, and gaming groups are present to help you discover new gamer-friendly activities and promote awareness about all the awesome things they do outside of the four days of Gen Con! Tables are staffed during Exhibit Hall hours and attendees are welcome to stop by to learn more about all local gaming, volunteering, civic, and educational opportunities available year-round.
Located in the Sagamore Concourse on the 2nd floor of the Indiana Convention Center.
Join us as members of the Gen Con Staff and DEI Advisory Committee talk about the work we’ve done, and our goals for improvement. This is our report card to you in creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable Gen Con.
Sunday, 11 am
Westin: Grand Ballroom I–II
Gen Con is thrilled to once again partner with The Heinlein Society and Versiti Blood Center of Indiana for another record-breaking blood drive. By donating blood, you make a significant difference in the lives of others, and your donation helps people in need of blood transfusions due to surgery, cancer treatment, trauma and more.
The MAGIC SWORD calls unto you. Will you be the chosen one? The Immortals: The Keeper of the Magic Sword, The Seer of All Truths and The Weaver of Hearts and Minds will be putting on a legendary show for all to see. The Immortals will be joined by their companion Metavari Mage Armor.
You can sign up and check in at their desk in the North Terrace in the Stadium, and all the actual donation takes place above with a great view of the Stadium Field from the Blood Bud Light Terrace
Thursday – Saturday: 10 am until late in the evening
Sunday: 10 am – 2 pm
An interactive gameshow played with a massive 3D dungeonscape. Be amazed, entertained, charity, all while winning prizes!
Friday, 9 AM | Streaming Stage (ICC 101-103)
ENT23ND227290 & ENT23ND227291
The live improvised RPG comedy sensation is back! Join your favorite gamers as they fight [TBD] on their epic quest to [your call]!! A Gen Con original since 2012!
Friday, 2 PM & Saturday, 7 PM Main Stage (ICC 500 Ballroom)
The miscreants from the Glass Cannon Network are gathering to play out a Lovecraftian nightmare for the modern age where cosmic horror and inappropriate humor vie for control of your sanity!
Friday, 1 PM Streaming Stage (ICC 101-103)
A live playthrough of the hit party game featuring some of your favorite personalities in gaming, hosted by the legendary Mo Heart from RuPaul’s Drag Race and The Walk In (Amazon Music).
Saturday, 3 PM | Streaming Stage (ICC 101-103)
Join DM Jason Charles Miller w/ players Luke Gygax, Vivid Vivka, Adriana Cazador, Bee Zelda and Sarah Moore for a special one shot!
Saturday, 8 PM Streaming Stage (ICC 101-103)
GM Sarah Moore leads a wild table of shenanigans and chaos...and puppets... through a game of Adventure Skeletons by Grant Howitt featuring Mendarii, Robert Hartley, Chunk and Cucumber (Perception Studio).
Sunday, 10 AM Streaming Stage (ICC 101-103)
Zoinks, Jinkies, & Jeepers! Catch some livestreamed RPG comedy chaos as the team from Gamers Live dives into a 1-shot homebrew Scooby Doo RPG adventure rife with tricks, tropes, & special guest Peter Adkison!
Thursday, 4 PM | Streaming Stage (ICC 101-103)
Need to start your day with a fresh cup of Gen Con? How about a Gen Con nightcap to wind down? Catch our daily talk shows featuring Gen Con TV’s TableTakes hosts Javion Smith, The Noir Enigma, and Banzai Baby as they discuss all the happenings at Gen Con 2023! Check the Gen Con Online schedule for specific times each day.
Three heroes go out into the wild in search of a friend who has gone missing during a scouting mission. Evil dwarves, monsters, mirth and mayhem awaits in this exciting new adventure by award-winning actual play podcast Sweden Rolls.
Sunday, 11 AM | Twitch: GenConStudio
ENT23ND236012 & ENT23ND236074
DM Sarah Moore (Sarah’s Table) leads players Caito Aase (Tabula Sono), Bryce Bebop (ZOE) and AJ Winters (Winters Tales) through the Actoroke RPG as they try to retrieve a stolen soul from an evil wizard. Tinnel Lovitt provides live art of the impending shenanigans.
Thursday, 10 AM & Saturday, 6 PM | Streaming Stage (ICC 101-103)
Tabletop Live Network (TLN) is streaming throughout Gen Con! TLN is an international collaboration of Twitch tabletop streamers that shares a commitment to diversity, inclusion, and respect, and is dedicated to growing and promoting the board game hobby.
Grab those spell components and join us for the TTRPG talk show Morning Ritual. Hosts Pahnita and The Noir Enigma chat TTRPGs with special guests.
Saturday, 9 AM
Streaming Stage (ICC 101-103)
Celebrity Side Quest is a new initiative bringing influencers and industry professionals together to live-play Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop RPG’s on stage! Join GM’s Luke Gygax, Vince Caso and more in RPG-live mayhem with audience participation!
FOR THE 23RD YEAR IN A ROW, the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming celebrates everything that’s the best about gaming. That can mean a game system or supplement, a magazine, a company, a designer, an event or convention, or any other entity that shows gaming at its absolute zenith.
The announcement of the Diana Jones Award winner is one of the first events at Gen Con Indy. During the months before the show, the Diana Jones Award Committee — a group of gaming professionals from around the world — begins discussions about the best and brightest from adventure gaming in the previous year. After discussion and voting, the committee’s nominations are whittled down to a list of finalists, which is the cue for more discussion and voting for a single winner.
At a private event held the Wednesday before Gen Con begins, winners receive the traveling Diana Jones Award trophy. The original has been lost, but a new trophy made its debut last year.
Scan to learn more about the Diana Jones Award, including previous winners. ▶
The items on this year’s shortlist are:
• Linda Codega, a journalist focusing on tabletop gaming for io9 and Gizmodo.
• Coyote & Crow, a roleplaying game by Connor Alexander, published by Coyote & Crow.
• Journeys through the Radiant Citadel, a Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook written by Justice Ramin Arman, Dominique Dickey, Ajit A. George, Basheer Ghouse, Alastor Guzman, D. Fox Harrell, T.K. Johnson, Felice Tzehuei Kuan, Surena Marie, Mimi Mondal, Mario Ortegón, Miyuki Jane Pinckard, Pam Punzalan, Erin Roberts, Terry H. Romero, and Stephanie Yoon, published by Wizards of the Coast.
• Rosenstrasse, a roleplaying game by Moyra Turkington & Jessica Hammer, published by Unruly Designs.
• Cole Wehrle, a game designer, creative director at Leder Games and co-founder of Wehrlegig Games.
Key Sponsors: Azora Law, Kobold Press
Ceremony Sponsors: Peter Adkison, Anthony Gallela, Beach House Games, Clint & Jodi Black, Calliope Games, Cephalofair Games, The Corner of Story and Game, Gaming Paper, Gen Con, Gen Con TV, Jim Kitchen, Marvel Entertainment, Onyx Path Publishing, Pelgrane Press, and Renegade Game Studios.
We’d also like to thank our board members: Peter Adkison, Matt Forbeck, Michelle Nephew, and Camdon Wright.
To discover who has won the 23rd annual Diana Jones Award, stop by the Gen Con Info booth or visit after the convention!
The Diana Jones Award committee is excited to announce this year’s finalists and four winners for the Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program! The program is now in its third year.
Kayla Dice (Rat Wave Game House) has been publishing games since December 2020. Her games focus on themes of alienation and connection, with an emphasis on straightforward-to-grasp rules and evocative flavor in games like Transgender Deathmatch Legend (2022). Find out more at
Sen H.H.S. is a Taiwanese TTRPG writer who has lived in many different places over the course of her life. She has been a regular TTRPG contributor, sensitivity reader, and cultural consultant. Her work includes Paizo’s Pathfinder Bestiary 3, the upcoming Rage of Elements rulebook and Season of Ghosts Adventure Path, and she also contributed to both Tian Xia Guide Books
Anthony Joyce-Rivera is a Hispanic, two-time ENnie-nominated game designer, entertainment, and gaming military consultant, and an active-duty U.S. Army Strategist. He has self-published many adventures on the Dungeon Masters Guild and has freelanced for Wizards of the Coast, Critical Role, MCDM, Ghostfire Gaming, and other prominent companies. Follow Anthony’s work at
Erin Roberts is a writer of stories and games who enjoys bringing imagined worlds to life. Highlights of her recent work includes Journeys through the Radiant Citadel, Lost Omens: Travel Guide, and Hunter: The Reckoning Fifth Edition. Outside of her TTRPG writing, Erin is a published author of short stories, offers cultural consulting, and teaches creative writing at the University of Texas at Austin. Discover more at
The committee would also like to congratulate our excellent finalists:
• Alison Cybe
• Basheer Ghouse
• Mary Georgescu
• Seb Pines
For more information about all our finalists, visit
Key Sponsors: Bundle of Holding, Gen Con
Emerging Designer Program Sponsors: David Chart, Matt Forbeck, Pam Punzalan, Aaron Trammell, and Camdon Wright
Thursday 7 pm | ICC 500 Ballroom
The 16th Annual Dice Tower awards will be presented live at Gen Con 2023 by the Dice Tower team and friends! Join us for a live show and congratulate the winners of fifteen different awards. Which board games have the best art, the best production, best strategy, best expansion, and more? Tom Vasel and Eric Summerer along with the Dice Tower staff will be hosting and announcing the best games of 2022, as voted on by a myriad of board game reviewers and podcasters. Come join us for skits, hilarity, and a celebration of the best of 2022.
Thursday 6 pm | Union Station Grand Hall
The CRIT (Creator Recognition in TTRPGs) Awards is a peer-driven, community-based TTRPG Award show, that seeks to award talent, creatives, and artists in the industry via peer voting!
Friday 8 pm | Union Station Grand Hall
The ENNIE Awards (the “ENNIES”) are an annual fan-based celebration of excellence in tabletop roleplaying gaming.
In a Roleplaying Game (RPG), players portray characters in a fictional world of shared imagination, guided by a Game Master (GM) who devises the setting and presents the characters with challenges they must face to advance the story. The possibilities are as wide as the scope of the players’ imaginations; rules give the game structure and outcomes are resolved by chance, typically by the rolling of dice. This simple formula for shared, narrative gameplay — the GM describes a situation, the players decide how their characters will react, the outcome is decided by a structured test of chance — has been used to launch countless campaigns through an infinite variety of fictional worlds. Ask yourself where you want your imagination to take you and you can find a roleplaying game to take you there while bringing your friends along for the journey.
For a full schedule of RPG events happening this year, use our mobile app or go to and click “Gen Con Indy,” then “Get Event Tickets.” Use the filters to narrow down your search results.
Or, scan this QR code with the camera app on your smart phone f or the RPG event list, filtered for events that have tickets available and haven’t started yet!
AAW Games -
Stadium Meeting Room 3–4
• Dungeons & Dragons
AED Publishing - JW 314
• 5th Conspiracy
Baldman Games -
JW Griffin Hall, ICC Hall C
• Dungeons & Dragons
Catalyst Game Labs – ICC 122–123
• Shadowrun
Dire Wolf Digital - ICC 233
• Tales of Xadia: The Dragon Prince
Evil Genius Games -
JW White River Ballroom E
• Everyday Heroes
Free League Publishing - ICC 138
• Symbaroum
• Vaesen
• Dragonbane
• Alien
• Blade Runner
Game Base 7 -
Stadium Club Lounge West
• Dungeons & Dragons
• Star Wars
• Pathfinder
Goodman Games - Stadium Field
• Dungeon Crawl Classics
• Mutant Crawl Classics
Gooey Cube - ICC 232
• Dungeons & Dragons
Heroes of Rokugan -
JW Grand Ballroom 1–2
• Legend of the Five Rings
Indie Game Developer NetworkICC 127–128
• Subversion
Kobold Press -
JW White River Ballroom F
• Dungeons & Dragons
• Tales of the Valiant
Legends of the Shining Jewel -
JW Grand Ballroom 8
• Pathfinder
Magpie Games - Stadium Field
• Root: The RPG
• Avatar Legends
• Pasion de las Pasiones
MAMS Gaming -
JW White River Ballroom C & D
• Savage Worlds
Monte Cook Games - ICC 132—133
• Numenera
• Old Gods of Appalachia
• Stealing Stories for the Devil
Paizo - ICC Sagamore Ballroom 4—5
• Pathfinder
• Starfinder
Possum Creek Games - ICC 242
• Wanderhome
• Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast
R. Talsorian Games - ICC 134
• Cyberpunk
• The Witcher
Renegade Games - ICC 234
• Vampire: The Masquerade
TOG Events - JW 306
• Dungeons & Dragons
World of Game Design -
JW White River Ballroom H—J
• Dungeons & Dragons
• Marvel Multiverse
• Dune
• Fallout
WYRD Miniatures - ICC 242
• Through the Breach
You Too Can Cthulhu -
Stadium Suites LS8A–LS9B
• Call of Cthulhu
Zombie Orpheus Entertainment -
Stadium Meeting Room 7
• Fate Accelerated
Board Games (BGM) and card games — including Trading Card Games (TCG) and Non-Collectible Card Games (CGM) — span many themes, mechanics, and genres. Played on boards, with cards, or with other physical components, they feature gameplay structured by rules and typically focused on resolving quantifiable victory conditions — for example, the player with the most points wins! Board games and card games represent a huge array of tabletop gaming experiences, and different games emphasize different qualities and characteristics: some focus on competition, strategy, teamwork, manual dexterity, random chance, and the list goes on! With so many choices, it can be hard to know where to start.
Check out some of the awesome board and card game events happening this year to explore the possibilities — play your favorites, compete against worthy adversaries, or try something new!
For a full schedule of board games and card games happening this year, use our mobile app or go to and click “Gen Con Indy,” then “Get Event Tickets.” Use the filters to narrow down your search results.
Or, scan the QR code here with the camera app on your smartphone for the board and card games event list, filtered for events that have tickets available and haven’t started yet!
Journey to the AVALON HILL booth & check out RISE of the DREAD MOON quest pack, the latest exciting expansion in the HEROQUEST adventure series.
1First Games – Stadium : Field
• Apothecary
• Creature Creator
• Ice Cream Social
Avalon Hill - ICC : Hall E
• Betrayal at the House on the Hill
• Dungeons & Dragons: The Yawning Portal Board Game
• Inns & Outcasts
• The Boys: This is Going to Hurt
• HeroQuest
Bandai – ICC : Hall B, Stadium : Field
• Battle Spirits Saga
• Digimon Card Game
BoardCrunch – ICC : Hall B
• Dice Throne
• Fire Tower
• Keyforge
Darrington Press – ICC : Hall D
• Queen by Midnight
• Dragon Ball Super Card Game
• One Piece Card Game
• King of Tokyo
• Radlands
• Till the L ast Gasp
Game Base 7 – Stadium : Club Lounge West
• 7 Wonders
• Agricola
• Azul
• Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game
Ghost Galaxy – Stadium : Field
• Keyforge
• Pandemic
• Terraforming Mars
• Wingspan
Greater Than Games – ICC : 140—141
• Sentinels of the Multiverse
Pastimes – ICC : Hall B
• Magic: The Gathering
• Spirit Island
Ravensburger North America – ICC : 131, ICC : Hall B
• Disney Lorcana
Renegade Game Studios – ICC : Hall D
• G. I. JOE
Deck-Building Game
• My Little Pony Adventures in Equestria Deck-Building Game
Rogue Judges – Stadium : Field
• 7 Wonders
• Ark Nova
• Lords of Waterdeep
Slugfest Games – ICC : Hall B
• Battle for Greyport
• Dungeon Decorators
SRG Universe – ICC : Hall C
• Supershow
• Robo Rally
• Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals
• Smash Up
• Sushi Go Par ty
• The Red Dragon Inn
• Where’s My Ride
Stone Blade Entertainment – ICC : Hall B
• Ascension Tactics
• Ascension: Deckbuilding Game
• Shards of Infinit y
• Solforge Fusion
The Pokemon Company – ICC : Hall B
• Pokemon TCG
The Upper Deck Company – ICC : Hall B
• Dungeon Draft
• Legendary
• Vs. System 2PCG
Van Ryder Games – Stadium : Field
• Detective: City of Angels
• Final Girl
VR-Soft – ICC : Hall C
• Swords & Sails
Wise Wizard Games – ICC : Hall B
• Epic Card Game
• Hero Realms
XYZ Games – Stadium : Field
• ArchRavels
• Garden Guests
• Keepers
• Tali
• Robot Quest Arena
• Sorcerer
• Star Realms
• Bigfoot: Roll & Smash
This EPIC storage box looks like a REAL Spellbook and includes 22 Spellbook cards for every oversized Wizard in Epic Spell Wars: ANNIHILAGEDDON and ANNIHILAGEDDON 2 !! Plus 3 train tokens and bonus oversized Wizard, Familiar, and Spellbook!
And HOLY HELL, this box is roomy: It can store ALL the oversized Wizards, Familiars, and Spellbooks for the first two games in the series plus the upcoming ESW:ANNIHILAGEDDON 3–SatanicPanic!
Sessions start every two hours beginning at 8 am each day. Seats are FREE! Reserve your ticket through the event catalog to guarantee your spot, but standby players are welcome to join us onsite.
Prototypes will range in quality from index cards and pennies to full productionvalue prototypes. Your input is valuable at every stage!
3 Dog Studios
825 South Games
9 Kingdoms Publications
AB Games
Adventure Calls Entertainment
Adventure Together Games
All-Nighter Games
AS_Intended Games
Auhsum Games
Awkward Robot Gaming
Bardhouse Media
Barn Made Games
Battle for Justice ECG
Beadle & Grimm’s
Belong to us Gaming
BFH Games
Biplane Games
Black Suit Games
Blob World Games
Blurred Vision Entertainment
Bonka Games
Boosted Reality
Booster Box Games
Boson Studios
Braincast Games
Burgundian Games
Castle Clark Games
Central Michigan University
Change My Mind
Chonkyfire Games
Core Games, LLC
Crosscut Games, Inc.
Crossed Energies LLC
Danger Kit
Devil May Care Games
Dice Invasion LLC
Dicey Situation Gaming
Diecaster Games, LLC
Dr. Zero Presents
Dreamco Games
Driftwood Archives
Elevation Games
Enginuity Games
Ernst Games
Escape Plan Games
Evil Tome Games
Exit Games
Flip Turn Gaming
Forbidden Realm Simulations
Fourth Wall Games
Galen’s Games
Games Over Coffee
Gnomeski Games
Great Grunkle Games
Grindstone Games LLC
Haunted MTL
Hoot Owl Games
Hounded Games
Idonai Games
Ixion Gameworks
Jim Williams
JLK Games
Kings Never Die Games
Kinson Key Games
Lichenwood Games LLC
Littlest Lantern
Lucid Game Design
Mark Dos Santos Art
Meeple Mania Games
Minty Beans Games
Mobjack Games
Moonlit Moor Games LLC
Nimue Innovation Studios
OctoFire Studios
One Quick Round
Origami Whale, LLC
Paco Taco
Phase Shift LLC
Philosopher’s Stone Games
Pink Hawk Games
Plank Productions
Pushing Tin
Questionable Games
Radium 66
Robot Paper
Rocket Ball
Rule 1 Games, LLC
Sentient Games
Serpenthelm Studios LLC
SLA Play!
John Slott
Smirk & Raven Stabbyness
Stemsapien Games
Studio 58
Sunrise Tornado Game Studio
Swords Publishing
Tales of Sacadia
Ten Thousand Tales Games
The Citadel
The Streetlight Gang
Think Adventure Games
Time Infinite Games
Truly Bizarre Games
Tunnel Monster Collective
Turtle and Phoenix Entertertainment
Underdragon Games
Us Plus Games
Weathervane Games
What If Games
Wonderbow Games
Woodenfox Games
World Ghost Games LLC
Writers Room
Wrong Cauldron
Zoard Games
…and more to come!
take everything you love about your favorite RPG — interacting with a fictional world through a heroic character, collaborative storytelling, chance resolution of events — and bring it to life through immersive, live-action play! In a LARP, you physically portray your character, generally by moving around in real space, and usually with more direct player-to-player interaction than in a traditional tabletop RPG. LARPers often (but not always) enhance their roleplaying with costumes and props. LARP events are a great way to experience immersive roleplaying and improvisational storytelling — even if you don’t have any previous experience.
By Night Studios – Union Station
• Laws of then Night
BYOV – Union Station
Chicago ConLARP – JW
• Chicago ConLARP
City of Glass – Crowne Plaza, Union Station
• World of Darkness
• Mind’s Eye
Elder Entertainment – Union Station, Omni
• Cthulhu Live
Infinite Decision Gameworks – Omni, Hyatt
• Masque of the Red Death 2.0
• A Strange Case of Good and Evil
Monster Game Night – Union Station
• Litform Larp
WAG – Union Station
• Cthulhu Live
For a full schedule of LARPs happening this year, use our mobile app or go to gencon. com and click “Gen Con Indy,” then “Buy Event Tickets.” Use the filters to narrow down your search results.
Or, scan this QR code with the camera app on your smartphone for the LARP event list, filtered for events that have tickets available and haven’t started yet!
MEGAGAMES are just what they sound like — games, but make it mega! Combining aspects of board games and LARPs, megagames often involve dozens of players weaving interconnected storylines through multiple stages of play. Each player is assigned a role (sometimes with a backstory, personality, or a secret goal), and as they play through multiple subgames, the outcomes of their play drive the story of the larger game. Megagames can take the form of anything from large-scale government simulations of natural disasters, to preparing for a kaiju attack, to seeing how a real-world government would react to aliens arriving on Earth!
Mischief of Faction
Omni Severin Ballroom
City of GlassPanic! At the Fiasco! MegagameCrowne Plaza Illinois Street Ballroom West
National Security Decision Making (NSDM)
Near Future Science-Fiction Crisis
American Revolution Crisis
Doomsday Scenario
Cold War/1960s Sci-Fi Variant
The Game Theatre Dragon Thrones
Mega Vice City
Blood Feud
Le Meridien Latitude
Omni Jennings Ballroom
Pinch Yourself Games
Megagames Coalition
Northern Virginia Gamers (NOVAG)
Rising Tides Megagame
Gods of the Ancient World
Den of Wolves
ICC Wabash 1
Hyatt Cosmopolitan
The St. Mihiel Salient MegagameICC Hall B
For a full schedule of Megagame events happening this year, use our mobile app or go to and click “Gen Con Indy,” then “Get Event Tickets.” Use the filters to narrow down your search results. Or, scan the QR code below with the camera app on your smartphone for the Megagame event list, filtered for events that have tickets available and haven’t started yet!
Looking for something fun to do with the kids? No problem, we’ve got you covered!
Gen Con has family-friendly events for children of all ages. Meet other gaming families, try new games, get crafty, and inspire the next generation of gamers in the KID Zone, located in Wabash 2 and 3 in the convention center!
Most of the events in this area are ticketed. You’ll find kid friendly crafting events, appropriate introductory RPG events, wand making, and a variety of other activities. Search “KID” events in the online Event Catalog to see all events offered here.
Thursday – Saturday 10 am – 8 pm
Sunday 10 am – 3 pm
Wabash 2 & 3
This is the place to introduce younger kids to the gaming world and all its possibilities. This side of the room has some scheduled events, but primarily has many free form activities and a large inventory of ageappropriate board game and card game titles available for free play. Stop by any time to see what’s happening and join in the fun!
This area is most appropriate for kids ages 4-9 years old; please note that kids may not be left unattended in this, or any area.
A curtained off nursing space is available for use.
There is an adjacent crawling and toddler area. This area provides a clean, carpeted, quiet area where your little ones can spend some time during the convention.
Miniatures Games are some of the most visually impressive events at the convention — recreating the great battles of history, engaging in magical and fantastical combat, or waging never-ending war in the distant future — all on a tiny scale! Minis games bring the action to life with physical models, often assembled and painted in painstaking detail, and many players enhance tabletop play with modeled terrain pieces. At Gen Con, minis games depicting battles and conflicts from the real world are categorized as Historical Miniatures (HMN), while those played in fantasy or science fiction settings are called Non-Historical Miniatures (NMN).
For a full schedule of miniatures happening this year, use our mobile app or go to and click “Gen Con Indy,” then “Get Event Tickets.” Use the filters to narrow down your search results. Or, scan this QR code with the camera app on your smartphone for the Historical and NonHistorical Miniatures event list, filtered for events that have tickets available and haven’t started yet!
Able Kompanie – Stadium Field
• Flames of War
• Team Yankee
AerodromeACE – Stadium Field
• Aerodrome
Ares – Stadium Field
• Sails of Glory
• Wings of Glory
Atomic Mass Games – ICC Hall E
• Star Wars: X-Wing
• Star Wars: Legion
• Marvel Crisis Protocol
Catalyst Games – ICC Hall B
• Battletech
• Battletech Alpha Strike
• Leviathans
Cincinnati Arsenal Gaming – ICC Hall A
• Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
• Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms
• Space Hulk
• Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
Games Workshop – ICC Hall E
• Kill Team
• Blood Bowl
• Warhammer Underworlds
• WarCry
Lynnvander – Stadium Field
• Snap Ships Tactics
Northern Virginia Gamers (NOVAG) – ICC Hall A
• Ares Skirmish
• Wings of Glory
• Formula Waaaaagh!
• Starmada
R. Talsorian Games – ICC 134
• Cyberpunk RED Combat Zone
SmoreySwamp – ICC Hall C
• Axis & Allies War at Sea
The WitchBorn – ICC Hall B
• The WitchBorn
Wyrd Games – ICC Hall B
• Malifaux
• The Other Side
Thursday – Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm
Sunday, 10 am – 3 pm
A free, walk-up event — you’ll be given a miniature to keep, paints and brushes to use, and friendly instruction if you need help! Note that this event does not have tickets; it is first come, first served.
The beloved craft of miniatures. Painting, sculpting, and more! Featuring events for all skill levels. Try your hand at miniature painting for the first time, practice your skills, or compete against other painters!
MHE23ND242488 to MHE23ND242511
Battle against the clock to paint the best mini in the time limit! Event fee includes use of supplies, and you get to keep the mini you paint! Ticketed events are associated with different manufacturers, some of which have final rounds you can compete to get in. Be the best painter in your group and advance to a championship round on Sunday!
Watch professional speedpainters compete to paint the best mini; all competition minis are auctioned off for charity on Saturday night at the Gen Con Auction. No ticket required for this event.
Saturday, 7 pm
2nd Floor Serpentine
Saturday, 7pm
Thursday, noon – 5 pm
Friday, 10 am – 6 pm
Saturday, 7 pm – 9 pm
Sunday, 10 am – 3 pm
Featuring a $1000 cash prize for BEST IN SHOW, ribbons, and trophies! Check at the MHE HQ table for further competition information or scan the QR code below. Entry fee is two generic tickets.
Open Gaming has returned to the cozy-yet-spacious Grand Ballroom 5-6 in the JW! If you have a game already and just want a spot to set up and play with some new friends you made at the convention, come find an open table. Don’t forget to get an orange cone to indicate if your group is looking for more folks to join in the fun!
If you have any questions about open gaming or run into any issues, you can ask for help on Discord or at the JW HQ on the second floor of the JW hotel.
Ready to start your game now? Post in the #lfg-indy channel in the Gen Con Discord to let other attendees know, even if they aren’t wandering the open gaming space right now. Include what game you’re playing, how many more players you can fit, and where you are located in the hall, so folks can find you.
Looking for players? Borrow a cone from the HQ — just make sure to return them once your game starts up so others can use them!
Use an orange cone if you have a game to play but need more players!
Place one of these flags in your cone if you’re looking for someone who knows the game to join and teach you.
The Games Library returns to Lucas Oil in 2023! Come play the newest and hottest titles
Gen Con has to offer, as well as your old favorites. The library is the largest destination at Gen Con to chill out with your friends and have a great time. Event tickets grant you access to thousands of titles and unlimited plays during your session. Children with wristbands play for free with an accompanying ticketed adult. The library also hosts miniature painting classes and other game sessions (tickets available separately), pick-up games, and much more!
For a full schedule of puppet events happening this year, scan this QR code!
Puppetry is an ancient art form that has been used to educate, entertain, and inspire audiences of adults and children for centuries. Whether you’re already a puppeteer, interested in the art form, or you just want to be entertained, there’s puppetry programming at Gen Con that is sure to captivate you.
Kristin and Greg are a dynamic duo of puppetry from Los Angeles! After first meeting while building puppets on a friend’s patio over 25 years ago, they have been creating and performing puppets ever since! Working together and separately, they have built, performed, taught, and directed well over 100 projects involving puppets in Southern California and across the globe. Working in both the biggest of films and the smallest of theaters, they have gained a reputation as innovators and creative problem solvers, bringing their background in acting to the technical art of puppetry. Both have worked with companies such as the Jim Henson Company, Muppets, Disney, Netflix, Hulu, Paramount, Warner Media, LucasFilm, and Legacy Effects, to name a few. They are also experienced teaching artists, both inside and outside the classroom. Greg and Kristin have created their own boutique studio where they continue to build the highly praised Mr. World puppets for Eyeglass World, custom marionettes for shows such as Ratched, Fargo and others, as well as hand puppets and rod puppets for film, television and theater. Using techniques such as wood carving, foam and fabric patterning, cable and servo driven mechanisms, 3D printing and laser cutting, they continually strive to keep moving the artform of puppetry forward. Come learn from Kristin and Greg in this year’s Puppetry Program!
Hilarious and slightly naughty skits from some of the funniest puppets around.
Not for kids!
Friday 10 pm
Westin: Grand Ballroom V
Events run through the weekend! Check the event catalog on for the full schedule.
Marriott : Indiana Ballroom E
Hello adventurers! I am K2 Cosplay. I have been cosplaying for 10+ years now and I can’t wait to see the scene grow here at Gen Con! I hope you enjoy this year’s program and find inspiration all around you for your next build.
A little about me! I am an actress/performer from Chicago. I am an equestrian stunt woman in training (aka a real life Rohirrim)! I am a certified actor combatant…some would say a bard babe with a blade. Catch me this weekend at my own stage combat workshops and running around in my own cosplays. Be kind! Do no harm! And adventure hard! — K2 ��
Cosplay (COSTUME+PLAY) has been around as long as fans have! Cosplay is the art of dressing up to portray a character from any media source, be it video games, TTRPGs, TV shows, movies, etc. Anyone can cosplay! Look around you. Do you see any cool cosplays?
Cosplay programming is located in the Crowne Plaza Pennsylvania Station rooms. These spaces have cosplayrelated workshops and seminars running all weekend long. Stop by and check out the latest cosplay trends!
Cosplay is not consent! Always ask for mission before taking any pictures. ver touch a prop or a build of any sort without asking! player says no, understand it’s 100% not personal. They are probably hungry or tired or rushing to an event! No doubt you will see them again!
Our informal way of appreciating all the hard work you put into your awesome costumes! Our judges from the Cosplay Program will be wandering the halls of the convention all weekend to give out Hall Cosplay Contest ribbons!
Discover crafting with WORBLA and EVA foam via hands on workshops! Learn to incorporate lights and sound into your cosplay and make it that much brighter. Have photos taken by Distant Era and transform yourself into the character of your dreams. Learn how to not only dress but move and pose as your character as well while upgrading your makeup and SFX skills from incredible cosplay artists!
WKS23ND223848 Fine Art Costumed Photography and Posing Workshop
SEM23ND222046 The Art of Cutting Corners
ZED23ND240957 Dimension 20 Cosplay Meetup
WKS23ND229363 Propmaking 101
WKS23ND223849 Fine Art Costumed Photography and Posing Workshop
SEM23ND222047 Crafting Your Cosplay Story
ZED23ND239831 Critical Role Cosplay Meetup
WKS23ND229362 BodyPainting 101
WKS23ND223850 Fine Art Costumed Photography and Posing Workshop
WKS23ND221412 Cosplay Fabrication: Hands-On Working With Thermal Plastic (WORBLA)
Thursday, 10 am Penn Station C
Thursday, 1 pm Penn Station A
Thursday, 3 pm Union StationGrand Hall
Thursday, 3 pm Penn Station C
Friday, 10 am Penn Station B
Friday, 12 pm Penn Station A
Friday, 2 pm Union Station –Grand Hall
Friday, 3 pm Penn Station C
Saturday, 10 am Penn Station B
WKS23ND222048 Introduction to Character MovementSaturday, 1 pm Penn Station B
Scan to check out all things
Cosplay at Gen Con
DAY & TIME Saturday 4 pm – 6 pm
LOCATION Main Stage (ICC: 500 Ballroom)
Join us for Gen Con’s 37th annual Costume Contest! Whether you want to show off your cosplay skills and compete or be dazzled by the amazing creativity, the Costume Contest is a can’t-miss event at Gen Con!
You’ll find the Costume Contest on the Main Stage (ICC: 500 Ballroom) at 4 pm on Saturday. For spectators, the Costume Contest is a free, ticketed event. Attendees without tickets may be seated if space allows, but priority is given to those with tickets. A valid Gen Con 2023 badge is required for entry.
Can’t make it to the show? No worries! The Costume Contest will be livestreamed and made available by VOD on our Gen Con Live Twitch TWITCH.TV/GENCONLIVE.
9 am
Deadline to drop entries at the Information Booth.
9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Costume Contest Check-In
Wabash West Concourse between ICC 124 and 125
Contest entries will not be accepted after check-in has closed.
3:05 pm – 3:45 pm
Costume Parade
3:30 pm
Pre-Show Entertainment
3:45 pm
Contestants report to line up for the Costume Contest.
4 pm
Costume Contest begins!
Costume entries may be simple walk-on-and-pivot displays or may involve a short presentation.
Performances are limited to two minutes. You may perform your own speech, drama, song, or other skill, or you can simply model while our emcee narrates text that you provide. Either way, the emphasis of judging is on the costumes.
Registering in advance is highly recommended. The costume contest is limited to 70 entries. If any category receives 14 entries, that category will be closed. Entries will be accepted on a first come, first entered basis. When the contest reaches capacity, a waiting list will be created. Entries on the waiting list will be admitted to the contest if a registered entry drops out or does not appear at check-in.
To register, first read the rules, then print and fill out the form linked in the QR code below or ask for a form at the Information Booth. This form does not register you for Gen Con — only the costume contest. A valid Gen Con badge and two generic tickets will be required when you sign in at Costume Contest Check-In. An emcee introduction is REQUIRED! You must submit a short introduction for yourself that you would like the emcee to read as you appear on stage. Type or handwrite it (neatly) and attach it to your entry form. This is your chance to impress the judges; include a description of the construction of your costume. This description is limited to 100 words. Gen Con reserves the right to edit material.
On-site entries: If you register on site, fill out the entry form (your introduction for the emcee must be attached and typed or neatly written) and drop it in the “Costume Contest Entry” box located at the Information Booth by 9 am on Saturday. If you miss this deadline, come directly to Costume Contest Check-In (Wabash West Concourse between ICC 124 and 125) and staff will determine if there is room for you.
Contestant Check-In: All contestants must appear at Contest Check-In. Mailing or dropping an entry form reserves a space for you, but you are not officially registered until you appear at check-in. Contestants who do not appear at check-in (see Saturday timetable) are considered dropped. Check-in takes about 30 minutes. Your emcee introduction is required at check-in.
Choose a category for your costume and check it on the entry form. If your costume fits multiple categories, pick the category you prefer. We will review your costume at check-in to make sure you are in the right category. Categories may be closed depending on the number of entries.
• Fant asy / Historical: Wizards, barbarians, pixies, mermaids, warriors, Renaissance citizens, etc.
• Game Characters: Video games, board games, role-playing games, etc.
• Pop Culture: Robots, aliens, spaceship pilots, heroes, villains, etc.
• Professional: To keep the contest fair, you must enter the Professional category if you meet any of the following criteria, regardless of your age:
1. You are a past first-place winner of a Gen Con costume contest or other major costume contest within the past 5 years.
2. Your costume was constructed by a professional in the garment or costume industry, whether it was you or someone else.
3. Your costume was constructed by someone who earns the majority of their living in the construction of costumes or clothing.
• Child: A ges 0–13, all costume types
• Groups: Teams of two or more costumers.
• Potluck: Anything not mentioned above!
Awards and prizes will be presented for the following special categories:
• Best In Show
• St aff Favorite
• Golden Needle
• Wizards of the Coast: Awarded to the best cosplay featuring an iconic Dungeons & Dragons or Magic: The Gathering character/monster (ex: Tasha, Chandra Nalaar, Owlbear)
The parade is a great way to gather with fellow cosplayers and show off your cosplay creativity at Gen Con! Anyone in costume may join the parade anywhere along the route listed below. Parade participants will assemble outside Hall A at 3 pm.
Contestants: The parade is encouraged but optional; contest judging will not consider parade participation.
The parade begins outside Hall A.
Enters Hall A traveling through the length of the Event Hall.
The parade will then exit through Hall D
The parade continues north along the Crossroads Concourse, exiting outside the doors to the Westin.
A sharp right turn on Maryland Street through the Maryland Street Motor Lobby.
Another right turn at the corner of Capitol Avenue
The parade ends at the Georgia Street entrance
Deception Alley: Play your favorite social deduction games with your friends! This year’s confirmed games include Are You A Werewolf?, Ultimate Werewolf, Witch Hunt, and Blood on the Clocktower!
We have all kinds of games and events at Gen Con, including those that don’t fit into standard categories. When an event is so unique it can’t be defined by one of our regular categories, we place it here. We’ve listed just a sampling of ZED events on this page, but you’ll find all kinds of interesting events here, such as escape rooms, social deduction games, megagames, and unique events you won’t find anywhere else! Don’t overlook this category, as you never know what might turn up!
The National Security Decision Making (NSDM) Game is a fastpaced, challenging simulation of contemporary politics and eternal strategic principles. It is modeled after the simulations used by senior U.S. Government officials.
Two Rooms and a Boom: Social hidden role game where one team’s bomber attempts to find the other team’s president. Hostages are exchanged between two rooms.
Thursday – Saturday 6 pm – 2 am
New from Games Workshop: Laser tag + Warhammer 40,000! Kit up as either a Veteran Guardsman or Ork Kommando and play a mission from Kill Team!
Thursday – Saturday 9 am – midnight
Sunday 8 am – 4 pm
ICC Sagamore Ballroom 3
Here’s the game in a nutshell: “You players are the Legislature. You over there, you’re the Cabinet. You folks in the corner are the military leadership. This guy’s the President. The scenario is: it’s the world as you know it today. Fix it. Start now.”
NSDM will have events throughout the weekend.
Le Meridien Hotel
The Alexandria RPG Library is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that specializes in bringing a curated selection of RPG books and materials to conventions like Gen Con. Our goal is to share the rich history and tapestry of the hobby with as many people as possible, ensuring the legacy of RPGs is preserved and always available. We’ll have on hand hundreds of roleplaying game books from scores of classic, modern and indie systems, and our Game Hosts will run RPG sessions all show long. Please come visit us on the Stadium Field, and explore the obscure!
Thursday – Saturday 9 am – midnight
Sunday 10 am – 3 pm
Stadium : Field
Trade Day is designed to provide hands-on training, research sharing, networking, and professional development opportunities for educators, graduate students, librarians, and retailers.
Anyone with a Trade Day badge is eligible to attend all Trade Day events.
Wednesday, 10 am - 5 pm
JW : 1st Floor
An exciting new initiative for 2023, the Trade Day Marketplace is a great opportunity to view, demo, and talk to the publishers of exciting products that can help in the classroom, library, and retailer stores.
Alley Cat Games
Central Michigan University Press
Columbia Games
FanRoll by Metallic Dice Games
Featherstone Games
Games Workshop
Lucky Duck Games
* Companies subject to change/cancellation
Magpie Games
Pandasaurus Games
Race To Stupid Games
Rowan, Rook and Decard
Smart Toys and Games
StickTogether Products
9 am – 9:30 pm
JW – 1st & 2nd Floors
Wednesday 8 am – 4 pm
You must have a 2023 Trade Day badge in order to access the Trade Day Marketplace.
presented by Jamie Mathy
Wednesday, 9 am
JW: White River Ballroom E
Jamie Mathy of Red Raccoon Games discusses how his store works with both public libraries and schools in promoting Playful Learning. Learn how expectations can be set and met for all involved and how you can incorporate this into your own unique situation. Playful Learning is the use of cognitive abilities, language(s), and fine motor skills to engage in social interaction in primary education.
Wednesday, 7-9:30 pm JW: Grand Ballroom 5
Jamie Mathy is a lifelong geek, unsure if he got the D&D Red Box or Pong first. Jamie currently runs Red Raccoon Games, a 17-year-old game store in Bloomington, IL. He has also been on the Bloomington City Council, CTO of a computer services company, and a cook in the Army. Jamie lives with wife Kelly in a 117 year old house, reads tons of books, and enjoys bad 90’s action flicks.
All Trade Day events are free; you must have a 2023 Trade Day badge to attend.
A chance to demo games from some of your favorite Trade Day presenters, publishers, and exhibitors and socialize with your fellow Trade Day attendees!
Gen Con isn’t just about gaming; it’s also about giving! Gamers giving back to the community is a key part of The Best Four Days in Gaming™! This year Gen Con partnered with two incredible organizations in our charity efforts to support Indianapolis and the gaming community. Please welcome Indy Reads and Game Pathways as Gen Con’s official 2023 Charity Partners!
All proceeds from participating charity events will be split evenly between our two partners.
Indy Reads builds literacy, English language, and job readiness skills to empower adults and families to reach their full potential. For nearly 40 years, we’ve worked toward a vision of 100% literacy for all. Current statistics show that 1 in 6 adults in Indiana read at or below a fifth-grade level. Through its in person and virtual Community Classrooms and workforce certification programs, Indy Reads helps adult learners increase their literacy and English language proficiency, prepare for their High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma, and build the workforce skills to improve their employability and advancement potential. Indy Reads proudly serves adults of all literacy skills levels, including the most beginning-level.
Learn more at
Game Pathways seeks to improve representation and diversity in the tabletop gaming industry by increasing student awareness of career paths, introducing students to industry professionals, and working with game companies to engage under-represented groups. It is a nonprofit organization founded by industry professionals who care about inclusivity, creativity, and celebrating new voices!
Learn more at
The Auction returns for Gen Con Indy 2023, now in the 2nd floor Marriott ballrooms 5 & 6. This easy to access area is connected via tube walkway to the Indianapolis Convention Center. For those dropping off for the auction, there is a side entrance on South Missouri Street that allows for an easy and pain free drop-off process, complete with a ramp up to the building and an elevator up to the auction entrance. Please refrain from using the hotel turnaround driveway to unload, as this could cause issues for other attendees.
REGISTRATION: When you arrive at the auction, simply pay $1 to be issued a card with your unique bidder number good for the entire convention.
BIDDING: When you see an item you want, hold your card high in the air with your number facing the stage and KEEP IT UP for as long as you are interested. If you hold your card up for longer than other bidders, you win! It’s that easy!
PAYMENT: You can pay for each item as you win or open a daily tab by paying a $50 fee. This money will be credited towards any purchases you make. If you open a tab, your winnings will be stored until the end of that day’s session. We accept cash and major credit cards. There is a 3% Buyers Premium added to each transaction, which is waived for cash transactions.
CONSIGNMENT STORE: Not in the mood for a bidding war, but still looking for a good bargain? Peruse and discover hidden gems amongst the thousands of items available at the Consignment Store, now in a bigger space with wider aisles. This means more items, more room for browsing, and shorter wait times to get in. Anyone with a valid Gen Con badge can enter and purchase items without needing to register with the auction. New items are added throughout the show with some prices changing daily.
Saturday at 7 pm
Thursday 10 am – 10 pm
Friday 9 am – 10 pm
Saturday 9 am – 7 pm
Thursday 10 am – 11 pm
Friday 9 am – midnight
Saturday 9 am – midnight
PRE-REGISTRATION: All items must be registered on the auction’s website ( before the convention.
Pre-Registered Live Auction Items and Consignment Store items accepted.
Wednesday noon – 6 pm
Thursday 10 am – 8 pm
Consignment Store items only may be accepted depending on Auction inventory.
Friday 9 am – 5 pm
PAYOUTS: There are three options for receiving payment from your sold items: Any time after your item is sold through Saturday at 6 pm; On Sunday from 10 am – 2 pm, or if you don’t pick up your payout on site, we will automatically mail you a check.
UNSOLD ITEMS: Unsold items should be picked up on Sunday from 10 am – 2 pm. All unsold items not collected by 2 pm on Sunday will be donated to charity.
The most desirable items donated by exhibitors and collectors will be auctioned off, with all proceeds going directly to our Charity Partners –Game Pathways and Indy Reads!
Friday at 8 pm
The Collectibles Auction caters to rare and coveted items. Want a sneak peek? Look for Collectibles Auction items on display in the glass showcase near the auction stage.
The Entertainment category offers an amazing mix of concerts, live plays, comedy and more. Whether you’re seeking a break from the busy Exhibit Hall or looking to kick off your night with some fun, get ready for an unforgettable showcase of talent with Gen Con Entertainment.
Dan the Bard sings original songs about his experiences playing Dungeons and Dragons and general nerd culture. He sets his inventive lyrics to tunes from the Middle Ages, Renaissance, traditional music, and his own compositions. Visit Dan at his booth in the Entertainer Spotlight, or even better, see him at one of his amazing shows at Gen Con!
Whether it’s on Indy’s Monument Circle, a street corner in an often-overlooked neighborhood, or the produce aisle in your grocery store, Classical Music Indy’s #RandomActsofMusic performances create a new contemporary culture of classical music with spontaneous pop up performances anywhere and anytime.
Drummer Belly
Dancers (DDBD) combines geek, gaming, and belly dance to enchant, enthrall, and all around entertain Gen Con. You will see them roving in the hallways and dancing onstage. This year DDBD salutes Dungeons & Dragons in their showcase performance before the Costume Contest on Saturday. Come join us and celebrate your hips along with your gamer geek. Visit for the full dancing schedule. Come say hi and dance with us!
“Goater Mac’s Funhouse” is back with a whacky combination of Filk, Folk and Skiffle. Whether it’s turning seas shanties on their heads, singing about Dungeons & Dragons or Cthulhu or bringing back some of his favorite Celtic hits, each show is a truly unique musical journey.
TLDR; Nerdy songs, Skiffle and fun!
il Troubadore is Indy’s 16th Century Rock Band performing hits from all around the world as well as out of the world from galaxies far, far away. Everything from Klingon Opera to Wookiee dance tunes and Huttese anthems are sure to delight audiences of all ages.
Andrew McKee — The Irish Bard entertains with new and exciting arrangements of traditional Celtic & comedic folk music. So join the Irish Bard for Celtic folk, filk and fun!
Ivanovich has been performing venues across the country for over forty years. He performs smart magic for an intelligent audience — fun, funny, serious, but never solemn. He will read your mind, multiply your money, and protect you from the tyranny of flatware. And that’s just the first 10 minutes.
Ogham, featuring Amanda CarettaHull and T.J. Hull, is a duo performing pure drop traditional Irish music, as well as music from your favorite games and shows. T.J. plays the fiddle, and Amanda’s drum, the bodhran, is the heartbeat of Irish music. Come out to listen and dance if you like!
Ever watch those game shows on TV and think “I could do better than THAT!”? If that sounds like you, come join us at Instant Game Show! When we set up our game anywhere in the halls of Gen Con, stop and watch, and YOU could be pulled from the studio audience to win prizes, fame, glory, and maybe a FREE FOUR DAY PASS TO NEXT YEAR’S GEN CON!!!
Find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to follow where and when we will be hosting the next game.
Marc Gunn fuses Irish and Scottish music with pop culture. It’s rhythm & folk autoharp with rock personality packed with Geek fun. Laugh and sing along with Sci F’Irish music!
Performing for more than 20 years at festivals around the world, Paolo is thrilled to be returning to Gen Con with a new show and new co-conspirators! Prepare to be amazed by daring stunts at his juggling performance, and get pulled into the story during his comedic “Decide Your Endangerment! Adventure Show.”
Need a break from the crowds of the Exhibit Hall? Join filmmakers from around the world as they share their visions. The Gen Con Film Festival presents films that are inspiring, thrilling, suspenseful, and hilarious. Grab a seat and experience a different side of Gen Con.
Thursday, 10 am
Westin Capitol III
An amateur fan film based on the theme of Highlander. The story follows Immortal Matthew MacLeod in sword swinging action as he tries to get away from everything.
Thursday, 11:30 am
Westin Capitol III
Tragedy strikes and a backwoods cult rumored to have supernatural powers is enlisted to set things right. The cult’s bumbling ritual unleashes forces beyond their control.
Thursday, 3:30 pm
Westin Capitol III
Alone in her studio apartment, Narcissa Wright live streams every minute of her quest to become the world’s fastest Legend of Zelda player.
Many of the films participating in the GEN
are also available to stream for free during the dates of the convention online!
Thursday, 9 pm | Westin Capitol III
Gary Gygax was a down-on-his luck shoe repairman with five kids, but when he pursued his passion for fantasy games, it took him on a real-life adventure.
Thursday, 10:30 pm
Westin Capitol III
When four friends think a zombie apocalypse has begun, they go on a journey of survival and self-discovery.
Friday, 11 pm
Westin Capitol III
In 1970, Mikey & William both portrayed football cannibal Smash-Mouth in the influential cult hit, End Zone 2. Now, 50 years later, only one can wear the mask.
Friday, 3:30 pm
Westin Capitol III
A Pretty Good Movie exposes the creative process while exploring the complex and confusing methods the entertainment industry employs in order to bring their big screen stories to life.
Saturday, 9:30 pm
Westin Capitol III
Isolated and stalked, a band must attempt to escape the recording studio in which they’re trapped before they fall prey to a mysterious intruder in Josh Morris’s soon-to-be-classic Aussie slasher.
Saturday, 11 pm
Westin Capitol III
A death metal band inadvertently records an album so evil that anyone who hears it falls under a deadly curse.
Saturday, 7:30 pm
Westin Capitol III
Daryl Dumwoody is a down on his luck wannabe cowboy. He stumbles upon a mysterious old door, once entering he unintentionally sends himself to the old west!
Sunday, Noon | Westin Capitol III
An exciting feature-length documentary that explores the history, influence, and stories behind the artwork that helps create the worlds in which we all play.
Thursday, 5:30 pm
Westin Capitol III
A Real-Play Fantasy Flight Games’ series, with guest stars like Carlos Alazraqui. Now releasing it’s season 1.
Friday, 10 am | Westin Capitol III
Amaajii, the Mongolian shaman who discovered her powers in “Strowlers: The Box”, returns in a new adventure. Filmed in Mongolia, Australia, and the United States, this episode completes the first Strowlers story arc.
Saturday, 4 pm | Westin Capitol III
Fighting for Freedom, Justice, Freedom, and let’s say Truth. A sketch comedy series with a meta-narrative where the show’s creators play funhouse mirror versions of themselves producing their show.
Saturday, 3:30 pm | Westin Capitol III
Join Princess Rap Battle producer Steve Gossett as he unveils their latest epic rap battle based on the Genshin Impact game video.
Saturday, 12:30 pm | Westin Capitol III
Total Party Kill (TPK), thrilling Pathfinder RPG game show series hosted by GM Macleods. Players compete and face off against formidable monsters, all while impressing their powerful deity.
Friday, 2:30pm | Westin Capitol III
A Demon gives friendly advice for the betterment of humanity.
Sunday, 10:30 am Westin Capitol III
Experience the awardwinning superhero musical web series with the original cast singing the songs live!
Friday, 11 am
Westin Capitol III
Eternity In Their Hearts, Advanced Delvonics, Penguins in the Midnight Mansion Mystery, Garbage People: Death’s Wish (EXCLUSIVE), Bit Crush Bandits
Friday, 2 pm | Westin Capitol III
Firelight, Follow Me, Le Fay, Morning is Broken, Revenge of the Roman Sorceress, Spells Abound, Tales of Melee Island
Friday, 8 pm | Westin Capitol III
Demon for Hire Naptime Dearie, Past Your Eyes, Step Bro, High Stakes
Friday, 6 pm | Westin Capitol III
10:35, Good Morning Stonus, Human Error, Illuminagents The Musical Episode, Imaginary Friends, Last TrialA Star Wars Collateral Story, Passage, Power Day, Rogue Guardian
Thursday, 1:30 pm
Westin Capitol III
Crystal and Austin are trying to make their relationship work, but something is lurking beneath the surface, and soon the truth will be revealed
Saturday, 10 am
Westin Capitol III
Retro hardware enthusiast Cameron Bonde explores the community and culture of retro video gaming.
Thursday, 2:30 pm | Westin Capitol III
An 18th century frontiersman is hired by witch hunters to track down a runaway coven hiding in the wilderness.
Friday, 5:30 pm | Westin Capitol III
Three friends get stuck in an alternate dimension where they are forced to partake in playing out their favorite TV shows.
• Confront the forces of destruction, avarice, and greed ravaging the earth-mother.
• Includes an introductory story to guide new Werewolf players and veteran World of Darkness enthusiasts through their first game.
• Build your legend, vie for renown, and fight to take back what has been lost.
• Join one of eleven tribes, each unique and rich with narrative depth.
Friday, 9 pm | Westin Capitol III
The Closet,Ten Minutes, SURPRISE!, Splinter, Harvey & Linda: A Knives’ Tale, Greed & Gore, Closet Space, Back Country
Saturday, 11 am
Westin Capitol III
Dudes of Destiny, Halo: The Rebellion, Roll Check, Skill Shot, BABY! Pinball Epiphany, The Quest for Karma
Saturday, 6 pm
Westin Capitol III
A selection of amazing shorts that don’t fit in with our other short film blocks. A Lovely Death, Going Rogue, Justice for Batman: The Mark Racop Case, Limited Slip, Nostalgia, The Last Word
Saturday, 1:30 pm | Westin Capitol III
A student documentary crew follows the story of a hero wielding the power of friendship.
Saturday, 2 pm | Westin Capitol III
Ni’re and her genetically enhanced daughter Liz find themselves on the run from the Krag Empire Commander Ka’tis and her team. Ni’re will stop at nothing to protect her family. The Saga Continues.
Saturday, 3 pm | Westin Capitol III
Kaylee, an apprentice assassin for TAA Corp., has her vacation cut short as she is urgently summoned for a new mission.
Thursday, 7 pm | Westin Capitol III
Celebrate with our talented filmmakers! Awards for Best Feature, Ovid Award, Best Short, Best Web Series. Best Animated, Gamer, Documentary, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror, Fan Film, and Comedy films.
Looking to immerse yourself in otaku culture at a gaming convention? Well, this is the room for you! Check out anime-centric presentations geared towards all levels of fandom from those just learning about the genre to Crunchyroll addicts and those whose knowledge extends to the VHS era of “Japanimation”. Additionally, check out the occasional anime screening from our friends at NIS American and VIZ Media.
For over a decade now, Wasabi Anime has partnered with Gen Con to provide an authentic otaku experience for tabletop enthusiasts seeking some Asian pop culture goodness with their board games, dice, and analog gaming convention experience. This year we’re bringing back panels, new variations on some classic offerings, and even a super-kawaii maid cafe experience! Be sure to swing by the Westin to check out all of this year’s anime programming!
Konnichiwa! Maid Café Mikkusu (powered by Japanime Games) welcomes Gen Con attendees to experience an actual Akihabara-style maid cafe presentation similar to the ones in Japan. The MAID CAFE
GENERAL ADMISSION includes a small green tea drink, a taiyaki snack, a Maid Café Mikkusu hard enamel pin, a Maid Café Mikkusu lanyard, a kawaii meet and greet with the maids, a short stage performance, games, and other immersive elements. Want more? Get the MAID CAFE DELUXE ADMISSION which includes everything in the general admission plus a copy of Tanto Cuore: Doki Doki Beach Volleyball. Seating is limited!
Wasabi Anime started as an anime fan club in 2001 and is now the premier production group for designing and operating Japanese pop culture related programming for anime/comic/ gaming events in North America. Aside from their work with Gen Con and other conventions, they also run their own convention called WasabiCon with one in Jacksonville, Florida and the other in Portland, Oregon.
Manga are comics or graphic novels originating from Japan. The Manga Library at Gen Con is a quiet space located inside the Westin Indianapolis where attendees can take a break from the crowds and relax in a quiet room while reading popular titles new and old from Japanese manga-ka and the occasional American author, too!
Since the early 90s, the Gen Con Art Show has showcased some of the most talented and influential artists in the fantasy, sci-fi, comics, horror, and gaming genres.
At the Art Show, you can meet industry legends and upcoming new artists, find the perfect gift for the art enthusiast in your life, or just explore and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of art!
April Elizabeth
Fian Arroyo
Art of Goju
Joanna Barnum
Mark Behm
Blind Coyote
Bottling Sunshine
James Bousema
Bruce Brenneise
Allie Briggs
Alex Brock
Lindsey Burcar
Christopher Burdett
NEN Chang
Brent Chumley
Rain Delmar
Eric Deschamps
Meredith Dillman
Gerardo Dos Diaz
Jonathan Duncan
LIsa Falkenstern
Emily Fiegenschuh
Sarah Finnigan
Silas Goewey
Chuck Grieb
Sam Guay
Alexander Gustafson
Michael Hayes
Ben Hill
Thursday – Saturday 10 am – 6 pm
Sunday 10 am – 4 pm
Elaine Ho Hookie Duke
Ivy Alive
Savannah Jensen
Nick Jizba
Alison Johnstun
Sasha Jones
Genel Jumalon
Kris Kehasuk
Bryce Kho
Caitlyn Kurilich
Devin Kurtz
LAB Illustratio
Diesel LaForce
Jeszika Le Vye
Amelia Leonards
Jennifer Hrabota Lesser
Erik Ly
Khurrum Maqbool
Cait May
Jeff Menges
Carly Milligan
Christine Mitzuk
Allen Morris
Reiko Murakami
Scott Murphy
Amy Nagi
RJ Palmer
Mark Poole
rk post
Sean Price
Andrea Radeck
Omar Rayyan
Rthe Else Lands
Shawn Russell
Rebecca Scarborough
Faith Schaffer
Dan Scott
Jon Sideriadis
Kaysha Siemens
Andrea Sipl
Sketch Cartel
Jason Smith
John Stanko
Crystal Sully
Erika Taguchi
Andrew Thompson
Drew Tucker
Lauren Walsh
Babs Webb
Owen Weber
Jim Zaccaria
Check for updates to this list.
John Stanko is currently a freelance illustrator and teaches graphic design and illustration at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg. Some of his clients include TOR books, Nightshade books, TOPPs, Sony Online, Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Fantasy Flight Games, Blizzard, Upper Deck, and Star Wars.
Be sure to check out John’s portfolio website to see more of his work.
Jon is an award-winning illustrator, author, and professor whose clients include such names as Hasbro, Dwarven Forge, and Alchemy RPG. On March 14 he launched a 5e compatible RPG adventure called “Lair of the Spider Lord,” which is based on his ground-breaking new series, “Astromythos.”
See more of Jon’s work on his website, and give him a follow over on his Instagram @jonsideriadis
Andrew (@schmandrewart) is a fantasy pop illustrator based out of Columbus, Ohio. He and his work are hard to miss. They’re both bright, energetic, and full of emotion! Andrew first started his career as an independent artist after leaving a graphic design position at Reebok in 2015. Over the last 8 years, he’s built up quite the résumé, having worked for brands like Bethesda, BioWare, Supermassive Games, Mondo, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and Wizards of the Coast.
Speaking of which, he’s an avid Magic: The Gathering player, and swears he’ll do a card one of these days! In the meantime, however, he’s plenty busy designing custom apparel, creating new work, and writing and illustrating a graphic novel. In his downtime, you can find him with friends or relaxing at home with his pit-mix named Cadence. She’s the best and you should absolutely ask him to see a picture of her!
More of Andrew’s work can be found on his website, and don’t forget to give him a follow on his Instagram and Twitter.
Authors’ Avenue is a dedicated section of the Exhibit Hall for independent authors and small press publishers of fiction who work in the fantasy, sci-fi, horror, military, or anime genres. These chosen authors will be available to showcase and discuss their works in historical fantasy, urban fantasy, children’s adventure, LGBTQ+, steampunk, English novels, young adult, apocalyptic, and much, much more! Stop by to meet your favorite author or discover new literary worlds to explore!
Amy Allworden
Lynette Bacon-Nguyen
Christopher Bair
Doug Bedwell
Alexander Boehme-Mason
H. T. Brady
Elizabeth Corrigan
Isaac Crowe
Richard Fierce
Mackenzie Flohr
H.R. Green
Kimber Grey
Chris A. Jackson
Intisar Khanani
Law Firms and Librarians
Briana Lawrence and Jessica Walsh
Thursday – Saturday
10 am – 6 pm
Sunday 10 am – 4 pm
Exhibit Hall
R. Litfin
Little Guardians
Nathan Marchand
C S Marks
Virginia McClain
S.A. McClure
Read Write Books
Christopher D. Schmitz
Katika Schneider
The Sci-Fi Gals
Mike Shel
JW Troemner
Laura VanArendonk Baugh
M. L. Wang
Author Ray Wenck
Check for updates to this list.
3WS Publishing
Ben Wolf Inc.
Jay Erickson
Starving Writer Studio
Spin a Yarn with Ed Greenwood
Saturday 9 am
Worldbuilding in Roleplaying Games
Thursday 2 pm
ED GREENWOOD is the creator of the Forgotten Realms. He first began in 1967 at eight years old, writing fiction set in his imagined world. He created the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting for his own D&D games in 1975, and its popularity with other gamers through Dragon Magazine led to TSR’s purchase of the setting in 1986. One of Ed’s ambitions is to fully detail the entirety of the Forgotten Realms, fleshing out every place in full detail, but he admits that this is an unrealistic goal and is unlikely ever to be achieved. When not writing Realmslore or yet another book, Ed keeps himself busy online, attending conventions, and working as a library clerk in Canada where he lives at a farmhouse in Ontario.
From Twitter to YouTube: Building an Online TTRPG brand with Ed Greenwood
Friday 6 pm
Worldbuilding with Geography
Sunday 10 am
Q & A with Elminster
Sunday noon
In addition, Ed will be appearing in most of the Celebrity Side Quest events.
Celebrate Storytelling via games and more! Do you love to write, want to write, need to write, or simply wish to learn more about writing? Our events are open to all! Join us for panels, showcases, hands-on workshops, and special events like Live D&D, An Infernal Salon, Micro Fiction Party, and Write Club!
Don’t miss your chance to pick up a first-year, limitededition USB drive loaded with best-selling books, games, fun swag, and even original works. Stop by the sales window at the front of the Writers’ Symposium to learn more or purchase yours. When they sell out, that’s it!
Ajit George
Alexander Bevier
Anthony W. Eichenlaub
Bradley P. Beaulieu
Brady McReynolds
Brandon Crilly
Brandon O’Brien
Bryan Thao Worra
Bryan Young
C. S. E. Cooney
Carlos Her nandez
Cat Rambo
Chris A. Jackson
Dan Jolley
Daniel “Doc ” Myers
Dedren Snead
Derek Tyler Attico
* Diana M. Pho
Dr. Chesya Burke
E.D.E. Bell
Join writers of all your favorite genres to meet and discuss.
The 2nd Floor of the Downtown Marriott WHEN Thursday – Sunday
Full listing on the website and app WEBSITE
Erik Scott de Bie
Erin M. Evans
Gabrielle Harbowy
George Jreije
Gini Koch
Grace P. Fong
Gregory A. Wilson
Howard Andrew Jones
James Far ner
James Lowder
Jason Sizemore
Jennifer Allaway
Jennifer Brozek
Jeremy Ber nstein
Jerry Gordon
John Jackson Miller
* John Jennings
Jordan Jones-Brewster
K.B. Wagers
Karen Menzel
Katherine Monasterio
Kelli Fitzpatrick
LaShawn M. Wanak
* Latoya Peterson
Marie Bilodeau
Mary Fan
Matt Forbeck
Maurice Broaddus
Mostafa Haque
Patrick S. Tomlinson
R.R. Virdi
Richard Dansky
Richard Lee Byers
Sandra Tayler
Sarah Hans
Sean CW Korsgaard
* Sheree Renée Thomas
Toiya Kr isten Finley
Whitney “Strix” Beltrán
* Special Guest
We’d love to meet you! Join us in the convention center, Wabash 1, where you can say hello to our professional writers, ask for a signature, or pick up one of the books, gamebooks, or prints for sale - signed to you or for a gift. No ticket is required; just swing by.
Thursday, 6 pm - 9 pm
Free Event: ZED23ND228878
Writers love to write - and they love to play. Sit back and enjoy a host of fun, quirky professional authors as they play for you a live D&D adventure led by author, streamer, and legendary DM Gregory A. Wilson.
Friday, 7 pm - 11 pm
10 am Bryan Young and Sean CW Korsgaard
11 am Jeremy Bernstein and Dedren Snead
12 pm R.R. Virdi and Erin M. Evans
1 pm Bryan Thao Worra and Brandon O’Brien
2 pm Kelli Fitzpatrick and Derek Tyler Attico
3 pm Sarah Hans and Richard Dansky
4 pm Gregory A. Wilson and E.D.E. Bell
John Jennings is a professor, author, graphic novelist, curator, Harvard Fellow, New York Times Bestseller, 2018 Eisner Winner, and all-around champion of Black culture.
Latoya Peterson is cofounder and CXO at Glow Up Games, a creative studio focusing on telling beautifully crafted stories using mobile, AR/ VR, AI, and other emerging technologies.
Diana M. Pho is a Hugo Award-winning developmental editor, writer, podcast producer, and all-around nerd specializing in narrative, scripted, and sequential storytelling.
Sheree Renée Thomas is an award-winning writer, book editor, publisher, and contributor to many notable publications. In 2020, Thomas was named editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.
10 am Gregory A. Wilson and E.D.E. Bell
11 am Bryan Thao Worra and Jason Sizemore
12 pm John Jackson Miller and Derek Tyler Attico
1 pm K.B. Wagers
2 pm Special Guest John Jennings
3 pm Dr. Chesya Burke and Jennifer Brozek
4 pm Cat Rambo and Brandon O’Brien
10 am Special Guest Sheree Renée Thomas
12 pm Howard Andrew Jones and Erik Scott de Bie
1 pm Gini Koch and Bradley P. Beaulieu
2 pm Sarah Hans and Anthony W. Eichenlaub
3 pm George Jreije and Maurice Broaddus
4 pm Carlos Hernandez and C. S. E. Cooney
10 am Howard Andrew Jones and Brandon Crilly
11 am Patrick S. Tomlinson and John Jackson Miller
The Retro Arcade room is full of classic arcade games, multi-game systems, and a 10-player Killer Queen cabinet! All machines set to free play and event tickets are available for hourly play or the whole day! Daily arcade tournaments will run throughout Gen Con.
Thursday – Saturday 9 am – midnight
Sunday 9 am – 2 pm
ICC 126
Play more than 30 of the latest and greatest pinball machines from Stern, Jersey Jack and other modern pinball manufacturers. Daily limited edition pinball trophies given to the top players using Stern’s Insider Connected leaderboards. Pinball Alley is open all Gen Con for nonstop pinball action!
The Sci-fi Adventure where your crew commands the bridge of a Starship! Outfit your vessel with upgrades provided by your Quartermaster to make your ship even stronger on one of multiple missions in a continuing storyline.
Thursday – Saturday 9 am – 10 pm
Sunday 9 am – 2 pm
ICC: Sagamore 7
FREE MiniMasters each day!*
Commander Events
Commander Masters Release Events!
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Events!
Two Headed Giant & Team Trios (bring your friends)!
On Demand Drafts & More!
Join the Gen Con Championship Series!
*supplies and space are limited, first come first served
An escape room is an immersive experience in which you and a group of friends use clues, your wits, a little dexterity, and sometimes, a bit of luck, to solve the mystery and ESCAPE
Escape rooms come in all shapes and sizes; portable boxes, briefcases, and whole rooms; we’ve highlighted the larger room ones here, but you can find smaller escape rooms in a box in our regular event listings.
For room sized events, you’ll only have a brief period of time, usually one hour, to make your escape/ save the world/stop the bad guys/deactivate the bomb. You’ll have to work together quickly to solve the puzzles and riddles, so grab your squad and get ready for the adrenaline rush!
Running Critical Putt - A Miniature Golfing, Puzzle Solving, RPG Adventure. This 90-minute adventure combines minigolf with escape rooms and RPGs to create something you’ve never seen before! King Parthur has summoned heroes to defend the kingdom. Armed with … unconventional tools, your group sets out into the wild. Each hole is more than just a putting challenge. As your party journeys across the course, there are puzzles to solve and decisions to make, digitally tracked so choices affect you later in the game.
Experimental Gamer Studios returns to Gen Con with 5 Escape Rooms for this year: Secret Aboard Starship Astraeus - Escape Room Adventure; Discovery of Starship Astraeus - Escape Room Adventure; Detention - Escape from the Cursed High School; Cabin of the Cackling Man; and The Last Masquerade: Escape from the Red Death.
Running Nevermore: a POEtic Escape Room, and Curses! Trapped in Wonderland. Use your wits to solve an Edgar Allen Poe inspired puzzle, or break a series of curses to reopen a portal and escape Wonderland before you lose your heads.
This dedicated year-round multi room space will be hosting 7 different rooms running from early in the morning till late at night in their premium location 2 blocks from the convention center, Thursday to Sunday. In addition, they will also have remote rooms at Fishers and Westfield, with transportation, food, and drinks provided. Events include Dark Wyvern Mining, Jail Break, IU Time Warp, Art Gallery, Bank Heist, Contagion, and Space: 2112.
While Gen Con is The Home of Tabletop Gaming™, we also have hundreds of events that aren’t strictly gaming related. These events engage the creative and curious spirit that make the tabletop hobby special. Find them in the online Event Catalog by filtering by: Supplemental (SPA), Workshop (WKS), and Miscellaneous (ZED). These awesome events include crafting, exercise, dance, city tours, and more!
Get creative at Open Crafting! Now, with more CRAFTING GOODNESS!
Looking to try a new craft or be inspired? Stop by our Open Crafting room. It has plenty of space and lots of free supplies to make cool stuff! Crafty helpers and company representatives will be in the room periodically to help you level up your crafting skills.
FREE for anyone with a Gen Con 2023 badge.
Get out and explore Indy while you’re here! Brewery tours and haunted walking tours await you! Find these events by searching the SPA and ZED categories for “tour” in the Event Catalog.
After long days at gaming tables, it’s important to move and stretch out your body! Did you know that Gen Con has many events to get your blood moving? Whether you’re into running a 5k, practicing yoga, dancing, or learning sword fighting techniques, we’ve got you covered. Find these events in the SPA category in the Event Catalog.
ICC: 208/209
Thursday – Saturday 9 am – 9 pm
Sunday 9 am – 2 pm
The Gen Con Event Team is a mentorship program that allows behind-the-scenes access for our biggest fans. Start as an Apprentice and work your way up to Captain, helping run your favorite gaming convention! With positions available at Event HQs, in Will Call, managing Operations, setting up and troubleshooting Tech, and so much more, there’s a spot for you! All you need is a friendly smile and a willingness to learn. WANT
Join Cyra Benedict, Gen Con Senior Operations Manager, for an information session on Friday 11 am, ICC : 244 or Saturday 5 pm, ICC : 245 to get all the details.
Take your convention experience to the next level!
Tom Croom
Barbara Fisher CARDHALLA
Steven Wagner and team
Karissa Kosman
Anne Brown and team
Stacy Muth
Wes Carpenter, Jr.
Chuck Budreau
Lending Library Logistics,
Marissa Maile and team
Stacey Gordon
Bob Brinkman
Markus Maes, Elisa Melendez and team
Faith Felice and team
Alesia Clardy
Gen Con would like to thank its dedicated team of Captains, Deputies, and Program Coordinators. Your passion and expertise make Gen Con special, and the convention couldn’t happen without you!
Evan Albersmeyer
Kristina Arwood
Charles Bailey
Stephen Bandstra
Jessica Barnett
Duane Bellamy
David Benedict
Sylvain Bergeron
Kristin Bertrand-Glomski
Emily Birchmeier
Gary Bishop
David Blackwell
John Blankenship
Jonathan Bolte
Matt Brown
Megan Browning
James Buckhorn
Toby Carlyle
Wes Carpenter
Alesia Clardy
Chris Compton
Sindre Cools
Joe Corso
Scott Cramer
Madison Curry
Tracey Days
Liz Deahl
Steve DeHart
Ashley Dennis
Serenity Dennis
Maureen Dominguez
Rachel Dunlevy
Amanda Eisenberg
Krystin Eng
Ivan Erickson
Thank you!
Nicholas Eutsler
Lorena Ezeb
Eric Fair
John Fanzone
Eblyn Felix
Margaret Findley
Barbara Fisher
T.J. Flanigan
Justin Foerster
Pandaman Forest
Chris Fossum
Rachel Franklin
Darrell Gabbard
Bradley Gabriel
Michael Gallagher
Brian Gates
Misty Gates
Dr. Christopher Gay
Ken Girard
Jason Gish
Jeff Griesel
Lisa Griesel
Alicia Hansen
Aaron Harshman
Michael Haupt
Elizabeth Henricks
Dave Hensel
Lydia Herbison
Jeffrey Heringer
Cheney Hester
Suwada Hinds
Sarah Horton
Christopher Horton
Jermey Houg
Taylor Hutchinson
Katie Indoe
Andrea Kachelmeier
Brian Kinney
Sondra Kuras
Diesel LaForce
Joseph Lee
Les Leslie
Sean Linkous
Gelanie Lockhart
Samuel Lovejoy
Cleia Lovejoy
Matt Lovell
Todd Madison
Chandler Marshall
Tyler Mayer
Byron McCullough
Tiana McDaniel
Justyn McIntyre
Jonathan McIntyre
Timothy Migliore
Donna Millheim
Tony Missler
Anne Murry
Rue Neal
Benjamin Neau
Trond Nilsen
Joe O’Connor
Jamie O’Connor
Darren O’Donnell
Kelli OHeron
Mike Oheron
Robert O’Neal
Ryan Opalk
Claire Oslund
Art Otzenberger
Matt Overholser
Bryan Owen
Steven Parenteau
Melissa Parkinson
Madison Pasquale
Saagar Patel
Chris Patterson
Rhonda Peek
Chris Pellack
Brandon Peters
Steven T. Pfannes
Steven Pfannes
Aaron Pohle
Deja Rasmussen
Russell Reilly
Amanda Roberts
Natalie Roberts
Cody Roberts
Roderick Robertson
Denise Robinson
Julio Rodriguez
Mitchell Rohrbaugh
Austin Runkel
Carly Rutledge
K Sakai
William Sampson
Will Sampson
Amber Sampson
Tammy Sampson
Adam Sandler
Timothy Scola
Lani Sessoms
Lee Sessoms
Amber Sherman
Tanya Silvernagel
Amy Skaggs
Erik Skoog
Jeff Smith
Phyllis Smith
Tanya Stevens
Patrick Swift
Scott Tatum
Hector Torres
Greg Tuck
Kai Vasilyeva
Teresa Wagoner
Alex Wang
Ben Warmus
Alex Weitz
Trevor Whiton
William Whitson
David Wiggins
Kevin Wiley
Barbara Wilt
Susan Woodill
Desmond Wooten
Max Worth
Mitzi Young-Nicholson
Matthew Zemek
Charlene Britton
Dave Carlson
Brett Dennis
Ron Felice
David Gervais
Janice Greene
Rachael Groynom
Mark Modena
Christina Preece
Kevin Preece
David Spicer
Larry York
all of the unmentioned teammates without whom Gen Con just wouldn’t be the same...
We here at Above Board were going to spend a buttload of Corey’s money on a fancy ad for this space. Instead we blew it all on
Can you blame us?
Our sincerest apologies, Travis and Leif