Sofia & Co 9A

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Elena Umaña – Laila Rivera – Sofía Cordero

STARZINE The Fisherman and his Wife

- Representative Works - Author’s Biography - Summary - Games


I n d e x Author’s biography ………………………… page 3 Most representative works ……………….. page 4 The tale of the fisherman and his wife ……………. page 5 Story context …………………… page 6 Games……………………………. page 7 Games part 2………… page 8 Facts about the author and story………….. page 9 Sponsors ……………………….. page 10



Most representative literally works 1.Hansel and Gretel (1812). 2.Rumpelstiltskin (1812). 3. The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1842).


Death's Messenger (1840).

5. The King of the Golden Mountain (1815).

6. The Frog Prince (1812).

7. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

(1812). I

8. The Town Musicians of Bremen


The tale of the fisherman and his wife


this tale is about a fisherman who had a wife. One day the fisherman caught a big fish and it tried to fulfill one of the fisherman' s wishes but he declined. That same day, the fisherman told his wife about the fish and then she told him to go back so that she could have her wish fulfilled. Since that day onwards, his wife started asking him for more and more wishes to be fulfilled. Some of her wishes were: living in a castle, being the queen, and the ruler of the world. The fish fulfilled all of her wishes until one day, the fisherman asked the fish for another wish and then everything went back to normal. The fisherman and his wife no longer lived in a castle nor was his wife the queen, they were back to living a normal life, inside their messy cabin.


Social: An atmosphere of injustice is noted, which teaches us to be moderate

Historical: it is located at the beginning of the 19th century in Germany

Economic: The couple was not rich and lived in a very humble house. but still, the poor fisherman's wife was greedy and capricious.


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Facts about the authors The Grimm brothers were German philologists and folklorists and authors of a compilation of folk tales. They were the children of a lawyer and pastor of the Calvinist Church. Following in their father's footsteps, they studied law at the University of Marburg. Between 1812 and 1822, the Brothers Grimm published the Children's and Household Tales, a collection of stories collected from different traditions often known as The Brothers Grimm Tales. After that time, they followed separate paths, Wilhelm Grimm focused on the study of medieval tradition, while Jacob Grimm turned to philology with a very important work on the history of the language.

Facts about the story “The fisherman and his wife” It is about a husband who by faithfully fulfilling his wife's wishes ends up living in poverty, as he always did. It shows that ambition without measure or respect only leads to misfortune. The Brothers Grimm took this tale from the folklore of the Pomerania region (in Germany). An older version of the plot is the Indian fairy tale The Golden Fish.


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