Celeste & Co

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Index Representative works.............3 Authors Biography..................4 History.....................................6 Summary.................................7 Social Context..........................8 Historical Context....................9 Game.......................................10 Facts........................................11 Contacts................................13



Authors Biography: Grimm brothers. Wilhelm Grimm spent his childhood in the town of Steinau an der Strasse, where his father had been transferred as a civil servant, and went together with his brother Jacob to the Friedrichsgymnasium, a middle school in Kassel. He subsequently enrolled at the University of Marburg where he studied law with Friedrich Carl von Savigny. After finishing his studies he returned to live with his mother in Kassel. From 1806 on, together with his brother Jacob, he collected popular tales and stories known in German as Märchen, which they adapted and published. In 1809, he underwent treatment in Halle with the renowned physician Reil. Thanks to this, he had the opportunity to meet the German composer Johann Friedrich Reichardt, who received him hospitably. Together with Clemens Brentano he traveled to Berlin, where they lived in the home of Achim von Arnim. From 1814 to 1829, Wilhelm Grimm was secretary of the Kassel library. In 1825 he married Henrietta Dorothea Wild. In 1831 he became a librarian at the University of Göttingen, where four years later he obtained a professorship.


Due to his participation in the drafting of the letter of protest of the Göttingen Seven, he was removed from office and expelled from Hanover, along with his brother, by King Ernest Augustus I of Hanover in 1837. The King of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm IV He invited the Grimm brothers in 1842 to Berlin, where they settled. That same year they became members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm are the fathers of the studies of Germanic antiquity, Germanic linguistics, and German philology. Both are famous for their Kinder- und Hausmärchen collection published in two volumes between 1812 and 1815. In 1839, Wilhelm published the work of his friend Achim von Arnim; he also published old Danish songs, ballads and folk tales.


History: little Red Riding Hood. In 1729 Robert Samber quite faithfully translates the story of Perrault's Little Red Riding Hood into English (Little Red Riding-Hood), although he introduces some small variations such as giving our Little Red Riding Hood a christening name (Biddy) or dressing the wolf in a nightgown in the moment to share a bed with the protagonist. Samber suppresses the final moral, as the Grimm’s will later. Particularly in the latter country, Perrault's tales merged with the popular local substratum, which led to the collection, along with other tales, by the brothers Jaco Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm at the beginning of the 19th century, the popular German version of "Little Red Riding Hood. ”, (Rotkäppchen) which to date is the most widely known and widely read. In this curious theatrical adaptation of Tieck, Little Red Riding Hood represents the German youth, who are first attracted by the ideals of the French Revolution of 1789 - the Wolf - but then withdraw in horror at the barbarity of the revolution. The red hood would be a clear reference to the German fashion of donning the Phrygian cap in homage to the ideals of the Jacobin revolution. Tieck substantially modifies the story by introducing dialogue, descriptions, and detailed characterizations of the characters. The wolf is endowed with a complex psychological characterization and introduces the character of the dog as his confidant, to whom he tells his tragic story (he turns against the man when he ends up with his companion, a beautiful she-wolf).



Little Red Riding Hood receives from her mother the order to take a basket to her sick grandmother who lives in the forest, warning her not to talk to strangers, but on the way, she meets a wolf and stops to talk to him, giving her details of what is happening, will do. The wolf takes the opportunity to fool Little Red Riding Hood and get to Grandma's house earlier, who he eats, and then takes her place to fool Little Red Hood and eat her too. Then a woodcutter who was there discovers the wolf sleeping after his food, and rescues Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf ends up running away.


Social Context

What is reinforced in this moral, however, is the fact that the “elegant” riding hood Little Red wears is like the “the ones that fine ladies wear”. While Perrault may be referring to the fact that even the fine trappings of “pretty, nicely brought-up ladies” cannot protect them from being consumed by in discriminatory predators, what we should keep in mind is that Little Red is not identified as a “fine lady” in the tale. She is described as living “deep in the heart of the country” (33), with her family spread between villages. There is also the fact that the riding hood, or chaperon, is fashioned after those worn by sixteenth- and seventeenth aristocratic and middle-class women (Zips 75-6), with Little Red not included in that class category but as instead emulating that class category. As such, Little Red appears to be a member of the lower or rural peasant classes, whose social mobility, given her socioeconomic status, is limited to her reproduction of the fashion of those “fine ladies.” Contained within this emulation, however, is a disruption or blurring of class distinctions, in which the rural peasant assumes the marker of the more prosperous middle and upper classes in an overt manner. Little Red projects herself as something she is fundamentally and socioeconomically not: a “fine lady”. In doing so, there is the threat that within the immensely stratified environment of seventeenth-century France —of which was still operating within the Ancient Régime, a system which saw to the political and social division of pre-Revolution French society— markers of aristocracy or wealth and the sociocultural worth attached to those markers can be destabilized and reduced to their absolute artificiality. To examine this threat of transgressive social mobility further, we must turn to the red of the riding hood.


Historical Context The tale of the little girl and her adventure with the wolf has a lengthy oral tradition, not only in Europe, but also in other world regions, including Africa and East Asia. The folktale Little Red Riding Hood and its various motifs of pursuit, outrageous knowledge, and brutal and cruel ends were able to attract not only the passion of notable writers such as Charles Dickens, who declared his love for the little girl dressed in red in one of his articles, but also the interest of visual artists and painters intrigued by the image of the unsupervised girl wearing her red cape. It is undeniable that the girl in red has exerted an immense impact on popular imagination across time. According to Jack Zips, it is because the fundamental themes of this fairytale, rape and violence, found common roots in patriarchal cultures of the West, and this affinity has brought the tale great fame and fortune. Little Red Riding Hood is one of the few fairytales capable of moving “from the oral traditions of yore into the contemporary web of multimedia recreations”.


Complete the Crossword with the book little red ridding hood


1.a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.

2.the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub, used for fuel or timber

3.the organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this

4.To cause (someone) to be free from something; relieve or disencumber: He was finally able to rid himself of all financial worries

5.a container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire.

6.An old female family member 7.any of various bonelike structures set in the jaws of most vertebrates and modified, according to the species, for biting, tearing, or chewingRelated adjective: dental. 8.a wild carnivorous mammal of the dog family, living and hunting in packs. It is native to both Eurasia and North America, but has been widely exterminated.


Facts “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” was a publishing blockbuster. The Grimm’s collection of fairy tales was in its 7th edition when Wilhelm Grimm died in 1859. By that point, the collection had grown to 211 stories and included intricate illustrations

In a letter Jacob Grimm wrote: “Reviewers, who have a habit of praising idiotic things, ought to stop making such foolish statements about our collection of legends and fairy tales.”

The Grimm Brothers won the awards,

Academy Awards, USA (1963) Oscar [Winner] Best Costume Design, Color. Mary Wills American Cinema Editors, USA (1963) Eddie [Nominee] Best Edited Feature Film. Walter Thompson. Golden Globes, USA (1963) Golden Globe [Nominee] Best Motion Picture - Musical. ... Laurel Awards (1963) Golden Laurel [Winner] Special Award



Despite the fact that Jacob and Wilhelm are often associated with Snow White and Rapunzel, the brothers didn’t actually write any of those stories. In fact, the stories existed long before the two men were born in Germany in the mid-1780s. The fairy tales, in fact, were part of a rich oral tradition − passed down from generation to generation, often by women seeking to pass the time during household chores. The Grimms are also known for their work Deutsches Wörterbuch, a 33-volume dictionary with etymologies and usage examples from the German lexicon, which was not completed until 1960.


María José Torres María Celeste sobalbarro Juan José Porras Gabriel Solís

Grimm Brothers Contacts lilredriddinghood09@gmail.com 0-1-800-storyteller London, wood forest, honey street


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